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Proceedings of 2004 ASME Turbo Expo

Power for Land Sea and Air

June 14–17 Vienna, Austria




Jesse Sewell, Pete Sobieski, Craig Beers

Calpine Turbine Maintenance Group, Pasadena, Texas USA
Tel: + 1-832-476-4413

ABSTRACT laboratory rigs. Published results on combustion

This paper presents results from continuous monitoring of instability tests from OEM’s full-scale test rigs are rare.
combustion dynamics and its application in determining Combustion dynamics monitoring has been traditionally
the health of combustion system hardware. A number of used in industrial gas turbines to tune engines for
180 MW class large industrial gas turbines operating on emissions, stability, output and even heat rate. Other
natural gas have been instrumented with a continuous considerations of combustion tuning include; ambient
Combustor Dynamics Monitoring (CDM) for each temperature, steam power augmentation, peak firing, inlet
combustion chamber. Tuning considerations for fogging and evaporative cooling, or even hydrogen
emissions, stability and extended combustion parts life is blending.
discussed. Physical inspection of engine hardware is Perhaps the most beneficial contribution of continuous
correlated with spectral and supervisory engine data to monitoring is recognizing the dynamic spectrum
determine signatures in the combustion chambers that signatures associated with combustion part failures. Fuel
represent damaged or failing hardware. This or air distribution problems left unchecked can lead to
methodology can also be used to identify potentially higher dynamics and early part failure. Cracking of
harmful operational profiles. Spectral examples of a pilot combustion parts and other component failures have
nozzle and transition piece failures are presented. been known to liberate pieces and introduce significant
Monitoring and recognizing the differences in spectral downstream damage.
signatures associated with stability and component Calpine started to continuously monitor combustion
failures suggests better understanding of combustion dynamics in the spring of 2001. It was early in the rapid
dynamics contribution to combustor parts wear and construction and commissioning of their 501F fleet.
reduction in downstream damage. Combustion systems were experiencing several different
types of failures including; broken swirler cup pins,
INTRODUCTION combustor by-pass valves and transitions pieces. Forced
Research on combustion instabilities for industrial gas outages were occurring every 3-4 weeks on some units.
turbines has increased substantially over the past few Benefits of CDM are not limited to Dry Low NOx (DLN)
years [1]. However, focus has been on design and the engines. DLN combustors need monitoring to prevent
results confined to either Computational Fluid Dynamics flameout, due to lean combustion for a wide range of
(CFD) analysis and small scale or single combustor ambient conditions and other operational influences

1 Copyright © 2004 by ASME

introduced to improve engine output and efficiency [2,3]. The sensor is a fast response piezo-electric crystal type
Conventional combustors are also capable of part failures dynamic pressure transducer. The sensor is hermetically
and should be monitored and studied to improve sealed, electrically isolated and vibration compensated.
combustion parts life and outage intervals. The analyzer is configured to trigger an alarm in the
Digital Control System (DCS) and save data for pre-
The System programmed thresholds. Spectrum amplitudes in this
A 3/8 ID waveguide or tube is mounted flush to the paper are presented 0-peak.
combustion liner providing acoustic access to a sampling
point in the primary zone of the combustor (see figure 1). Plant Historian and Data
Combustor dynamics are commonly analyzed in the
Waveguide frequency domain by applying a Fast-Fourier Transform
Acoustic Access Point (FFT) to the time domain pressure signal of each
combustor. This technique decomposes the time signal
into a collection of sine waves, which correspond to what
is commonly known as “spectral bins” or “spectral lines”.
It is not practical to save all frequency and amplitude data
of the entire spectrum for every combustor. Philosophies
vary when it comes to the best method to capture
historical data and events. Some users prefer to divide
the spectrum up into discrete frequency bands where
peak amplitudes can be recorded and averaged. While
Combustor this does keep track of overall noise levels, waveform
Top Hat information is limited to either peak amplitude or
averaged in the frequency band chosen. Changes in the
spectrum could go undetected. All that is really know
from this type of data is large amplitudes are damaging
and low amplitudes are less damaging. This is an area
where further study and research is needed. In an
attempt to further understand the impact or contribution of
Figure 1. Acoustic access to primary zone of the combustor combustor dynamics to parts life, data analysis is divided
up between values brought into the plant historian and
The waveguide passes through a pressure seal in the identification techniques of the spectra in the analyzer
engine casing at the combustor top hat, through an software.
isolation valve and to the dynamic pressure sensor. The Frequency, amplitude and energy are brought into the
waveguide extends to an attenuation tube that consists of historian where it can be reviewed with engine
a ¾ inch tube filled with 1/16-inch capillary tubes that supervisory instruments. Typical resolution for plant
dampens the signal. For condensation in the tubing, it is historical data is every second. The live data can be
periodically purged with dry nitrogen. Figure 2 shows a monitored continuously or can be reviewed periodically.
general description and layout of the system. Statistical data is compiled to learn typical operational
profiles for alarm indication when levels are out of the
normal. Post outage analysis is performed to determine if
Attenuation Tube there is any connection between combustor dynamics
and individual combustor component damage or
excessive wear.
The analyzer has several analytical functions that can be
programmed for discrete frequency bands, or the entire
Piezoelectric spectrum. Statistical functions include; standard
transducer deviation, mean, crest factor, K-factor, skewness and
kurtosis. Other useful functions include but are not
Charge limited to; time threshold, auto and cross correlation and
Converter Nitrogen spectral envelope. For example; spectral envelope is
Combustor Top Purge
very useful in characterizing the signature or envelope
each combustor so that changes in frequency and
Analyzer amplitude are readily detected. Alarm threshold levels
are set to warn operations of harmful or abnormal
conditions. While each method has it’s own advantages
Figure 2. General System Layout and disadvantages; this paper will only present
frequency, amplitude and energy.

2 Copyright © 2004 by ASME

Energy is defined as: combustors have been observed as ambient temperature
u drops and the engine output increases.
Elu = ∑a
i =l
2 Fuel blending is potentially a very harmful type of DLN or
diffusion operation, depending on the type of fuel. For
pure hydrogen, the flammability of the fuel is increased so
Where: the potential for flashback increases. To off set this,
Elu = the energy in the spectral band steam can be introduced in the turbine shell, downstream
ai = amplitude of the ith spectral bin of the compressor and before the combustors to control
l = lower frequency boundary
u = upper frequency boundary
flame position and local metal temperature.
Continuous monitoring and recording are instrumental in
An “energy band” is defined as the square root of the identifying ambient conditions or special operations that
summation of the squared magnitudes of the each become potentially harmful. Combustor tuning or
spectral bin contained with in the energy region. Energy operational adjustments can be made on a moments
in discrete frequency bands can detect changes in the notice. Keeping the engine tuned to meet the changes in
spectrum that are not evident in peak amplitudes or data ambient and special operations suggest extended parts
averaging. For example, a spectrum could display a life and significantly improve maintenance cycles [2,5].
Gaussian distribution or spike around a dominant During forced and scheduled outages it is possible to
frequency or mode of a combustor. If the distribution is a routinely examine the combustor hardware and review
narrow spike it may not have as much energy as a energy, amplitude levels and spectral signatures
spectra with lower amplitude but broader or flatter associated with any damage. If there is a connection
distribution. The authors make no argument as to the between spectral information and damaged components
best method to monitor, record or analyze data. then the signature is characterized. When the abnormal
spectra or reading is observed during operations it is
Considerations of Tuning sometimes possible to distinguish between tuning and a
Traditionally dynamics monitoring has been used for localized hardware problem. Tuning issues can be
engine tuning. Typically, the OEM will put instruments in addressed immediately, otherwise an outage or economic
place, tune for stability, emissions and contractual shutdown can be scheduled.
guarantees and then remove the instruments. A diligent
tuner will map out engine stability by varying the fuel Matching Spectral Data to Other Engine Parameters -
splits and airflow to develop an optimum set of fractions Example
or stage splits for that engine. The OEM rarely provides The unit was experiencing low frequency combustor
the user with reports or insight to engine health and dynamics at about 25 Hz as it approached base load and
stability from the tuning. would periodically get an alarm while at steady state.
In addition, the tuner is not necessarily able to tune for Figure 3 shows the combustor exhibiting the low
upcoming ambient changes such as temperature and frequency dynamics (0.837 psi @23.75Hz). The solid
humidity. Without continuous monitoring, the only way lines depict the amplitude threshold value programmed in
operators know if there is a tuning issue, is when the software. Alarm threshold in the low frequency zone
dynamics become audible and the engine begins to (10-50 Hz) was set for 0.5 psi (0-peak). The lower line is
rumble or trips [4]. Other indications of tuning troubles showing a live trace while the upper line is peak hold.
include excessive emissions and unstable operation such
as load swings. In any case, the operation is potentially
Alarm Threshold
harmful to combustor components. Further, it could be Green line
days before a tuner is available to come back and re-tune
the engine. In most cases the engine will be load limited
to prevent harmful operation in the range of instability. Upper (Purple) line is peak hold
Historical engine data together with dynamics data can
identify the onset of a tuning issue before it becomes
critical and limits the operation of the unit.
Operations like inlet fogging, evaporative cooling and Lower line (Blue) is live trace
inlet chilling allow plants to run more efficient at increased
output when ambient temperatures or plant
location/elevation limit maximum load and efficiency.
Depending on how the unit is dispatched, it could
experience extremes in temperature and humidity through
various load ranges several times a day. The threat is
not isolated to DLN engines [4]. Excessive combustor Figure 3. Dynamic Spectrum with 23.75 Hz spike in Alarm,
dynamics (~1.5 to 2X increase) on conventional amplitude is psi (0-pk)

3 Copyright © 2004 by ASME

Location of
Figure 4 illustrates that all combustors have the same
Flashback Th ermocouple
shaped spectra or ‘envelope’ and the amplitudes are very
similar, with the exception of position 8. At this instant a
relay triggers an alarm in the control room to alert
operators and the analyzer saves a time-waveform
recording. This is essential for post-event analysis.

Figure 5. Typical flashback thermocouple location

Typical alarm limit set points for these engines are about
200 deg F. Also the indication has to stay above
threshold for 30 seconds before the engine will auto
unload. If the Flashback temperature is high enough it
can initiate an instantaneous trip. Low level flashbacks,
as shown in the example are not detected by this type of
control system engine protection. In this example, there
was not any changes in emissions, exhaust or blade path
Figure 6 shows combustor temperatures and dynamic
Figure 4. Several spectra showing similar signatures with the energy as the engine is loaded, holding base load and
exception of position 8, which is in alarm. Amplitude and subsequently unloaded on operator control. As the
frequency of cursor is shown in lower left of respective spectrum
engine is loaded the energy value is slightly increased in
Further investigation of the incidents using the plant the low frequency band. Figure 7 shows dynamic activity,
as the engine is a steady state base load. Without the
historian showed at the same instant that the dynamics
combustor dynamics alarm, there would not have been
spiked, a flashback thermocouple in the same combustor
any control indication that something was wrong.
showed an increase in temperature of about 20 to 60 deg
F. Flashback temperature (Tf b) is defined as:
Energy Correlation to Combustor Temperature as Engine is Loaded
T fb = Tc − Ts 850 850 1.5 DEG F
Combustor 8 Flashback Temperatures DEG F
800 psi
Tc = combustor temperature 750

Ts = compressor discharge temperature

700 Combustor 8 Energy (0-50Hz)

The Flashback thermocouple (Tc ) is located in a high

velocity region of the combustor, down stream of the
premixers and before the primary zone of the combustor, 600 600 0
which is in the same plane as the combustor dynamics -6 -5 -4 Hour(s) -2 -1
access point (figure 5). The compressor discharge COMBUSTOR #8 TEMP #2
temperature (Ts ) is located downstream of the RMSct1_10-50Hz_c8

compressor and before the head end of the combustor. Figure 6. Energy Correlation to Low Level Flashback as Engine is

Further, the energy value of the dynamics in this

frequency band depicts an increased sensitivity to the

4 Copyright © 2004 by ASME

condition that traditional plant supervisory instruments did runs to the access point, sensor calibration, sensitivity,
not detect. Notice the energy spike in both Figures 6 and fuel delivery etc [2]. Over all, each combustor will have
7 where the low level flashback was not detected. In this the same envelope. The natural or dominant frequency
combustion system there are two flashback of the combustion system is fixed by the geometry of
thermocouples in each combustor located 180 degrees design [1,3,4,6]. This characteristic is used to identify
apart, monitoring the temperature in the high velocity problems.
region of the main stage nozzles. There are 8 main stage The following examples illustrate how part failures can be
fuel nozzles, so it is possible to have a damaging identified in the spectrum. Unfortunately, it is not always
flashback in one main nozzle that does not have a possible to determine which part has failed until after an
thermocouple. inspection. However, there is a signature or detection
Any flashback detection should be taken seriously. This that something is wrong. Using combustor dynamics data
signature has been seen several times in our fleet and is along with plant supervisory data, the objective for
an indication of either lean blow out or a flow disturbance operations is to quickly determine if the unit should be
in the combustor. Findings from inspections include; lock shut down or if it can be safely operated at reduced load
wire and other debris lodged in the swirlers, broken until parts, manpower and equipment can be brought to
swirler pins and holes burned in the side of the site. This can significantly reduce engine and operations
combustors. It is important to note that the indication is down time.
not always a real flashback. In the case above, it was The following spectrums were observed on a Siemens-
caused by a localized disturbance or recirculation due to Westinghouse Power Corp. (SWPC) 501FC, Gas Only
an obstruction in the airflow at the pre-mixers. In one combustion system with internal combustor by-pass
case a linkage assembly for a combustor by-pass valve valves and 2L panel transition. The first indication that
had been installed one spline off, 15% more open as the operator received was an alarm in the 100 to 500 Hz
compared to the other valves. In this particular case the band (see figure 8) on combustor number 16. As in the
airflow in the subject combustor was reduced, slowing example above, the lower line is showing the live trace
down the air velocity and the conditions were favorable while the upper line is showing peak hold. The typical
for true flashback. dominant frequency of the combustor is 120 to 135 Hz.
The alarm indication showed a distinct spike at 156.25
Hz. While the other combustors show very similar
Energy Correlation to Low Level Flashback at Steady Conditions signatures of frequency and amplitude, combustors 15
850 850 1.5 DEG F and 16 show slightly higher than normal spectra. Position
800 Combustor 8 Flashback Temperatures psi
16 exhibits a 156 Hz spike over 2.0 psi which is slightly
outside the normal 125 to 135 Hz frequency range of the

Combustor 8 Energy (0-50Hz)


600 600 0
-25 -20 Min(s) -10 -5

Figure 7. Energy Correlation to Low Level Flashback at Steady


These examples shows the importance of live recording

as compared to data averaging, and synchronizing time
between plant data and dynamics.

Recognizing spectrums
Signatures of the spectrums can vary throughout the load
range depending on fuel splits. However, signatures of
all combustors should be fairly uniform from basket to
basket regardless of fuel splits or load. There will be Figure 8. Combustor 16 in alarm with a 156.25 Hz spike above the
alarm threshold out side of the normal spectrum envelope
some variations in amplitudes due to attenuation in tubing (peak hold on)

5 Copyright © 2004 by ASME

Looking closer, there is some of 156 Hz contribution in
combustor 15, see figure 9. However, the 156 Hz is not Th = Highest Blade Path temperature
visible in combustors 11 thru 14. For this example, only Ta v e = Average Blade path temperature
combustors 11-16 are shown in an attempt to provide
better detail on the signatures. The 156 Hz component
was also observed in combustor 1 (which is adjacent to However, blade path variance was still below alarm levels
position 16). Significance of this detail is that combustors and could have gone undetected until further damage
are acoustically coupled via cross flame tubes and noise was caused. Using blade path thermocouple data to
can be heard and detected in the adjoining baskets. This diagnose a problem combustor does not always pinpoint
is a very important observation in any part failure the exact position. This is caused by the swirl of flow
signature to distinguish a localized event rather than through the turbine section. For example, at base load
instrumentation or tuning. A local event such as a part and fully open IGV position, the rule of thumb is to go
failure or flow disturbance will be isolated to the subject back 2-3 positions to correlate the blade path
combustor and the adjoining positions. A tuning issue will thermocouple to the combustor. To be thorough, it is
be visible in the majority if not all combustors and can be prudent to inspect a combustor on either side of the target
further isolated by using plant supervisory data. (as a minimum). However, in this case it was possible to
pin point exactly which combustor was experiencing the
problem with CDM. Because this was the first experience
with such an indication, positions 1, 16 and 15 were
boroscoped to make sure that nothing was missed. The
spectrum and alarm was an indication of a broken pilot
nozzle on position 16. Additional fuel was introduced into
the combustor through a crack on the weld at the flange,
causing a localized disturbance that was identified as a
change in the spectrum. Had the condition been allowed
to continue, there is a possibility that the broken part
could go down stream and cause catastrophic damage.

Location of failure

156 Hz component also seen

in adjacent combustor

Figure 9. Initial pilot nozzle failure spectrum without peak hold, Figure 10. Location of pilot nozzle cracked at the bolt flange
amplitude in position 16 is above threshold and the adjacent
combustor is exhibiting same frequency

Total outage time for this case was about 12 hours. The
After further review of engine data, there was a 3-5 ppm pilot nozzle was replaced and engine returned to service.
increase in NOx emissions and a gradual 45-degree 12 days later, the same signature was observed on the
increase in blade path variance. The blade path variance same engine. However, this time there was only a 4 to 5
is defined as: deg F increase in blade path variance and no increase in
NOx emissions. The engine was immediately shut down,
Variance = Th − Tave pilot nozzle replaced and the engine was returned to

6 Copyright © 2004 by ASME

service. Total outage time from base load to base load
was about 4 hours. Blade path spread is defined as:

BPspread = Tave − Tl


Ta v e = Average Blade Path Temperature

Tl = Lowest Blade Path Temperature

As the crack propagates on the transition panel, it allows

compressor discharge air to bypass the head end of the
combustor, thus cooling the exit of the damaged
combustor and showing up in the exhaust as a cold
thermocouple or high blade path spread. It is difficult to
say how big the crack has to be before it shows up as a
change in blade path temperatures.
The typical dominant frequency for these combustors is
about 135 to 145 Hz, which is present in all combustors
as well as the combustor with a damaged transition
(combustor #5). Figure 12 A & B shows the spectrum as
the 225 Hz spike in combustors 4,5 and 6 became
discernable. The signature becomes distinct with highest
amplitudes in position 5 and somewhat lower in amplitude
Figure 11. Second pilot nozzle failure, cursors show the in adjoining combustors, but clearly more obvious than
contribution of 156.25 Hz noise present in adjacent combustor but the pilot nozzle failure example.
not in all combustors

In Figure 11 (live trace only) the cursor shows 156 Hz

component in alarm for basket 16, about 0.5 psi on
basket 15 and insignificant contribution for other Typical spectrum distribution,
combustors, illustrating the acoustic coupling of the 135 to 145 Hz

combustors via cross flame tubes.

Transition Piece Failure

Recognizing dominant frequencies and envelopes of
combustion systems is one of the most important pieces
of information in the spectrum for determining part
failures. There are distinct differences in spectrums and
dominant frequencies between 501F-DLN and 501F-
conventional (diffusion) combustors. On a DLN the
dominant frequency is around 125 to 140 Hz. For
conventional combustors with steam injection, the
dominant frequency is around 165 to 180 Hz. Likewise
there are distinct differences between various classes
and frame size designation. However, as expected the
spectrums are very similar with similar hardware from unit
to unit in the same engine class. Once the spectrum is 225 Hz contribution from
combustor 5
identified then changes or anomalies can sometimes be
readily detected [5].
The following example is a spectral signature of a
transition failure. This is a 501FD, heated gas with
external combustor by -pass valves and 2L fin panel
transitions. In this case, amplitudes never reached OEM
allowables limits. Engine supervisory did not provide any
indication of the condition until the engine tripped on high Figure 12a. Combustors 1 thru 4, early indication of transition
and very rapidly increasing blade path spread. piece failure (combustor 5), red line is peak hold and blue line is
live trace

7 Copyright © 2004 by ASME

225 signature of combustor
with cracked transition

225 Hz contribution from

combustor 5

Contribution in
adjacent combustor
not as well defined

Figure 13a. Spectrum of Combustors 1 thru 4 prior to engine trip

Figure 12B. Combustors 5 thru 8 early indication of transition on blade path spread
piece failure (combustor 5), red line is peak hold and blue line is
live trace
225 Hz spike in peak
hold and dominant
Further showing the importance of the acoustic coupling
between combustors to verify a localized problem as
compared to tuning or instrumentation. The spectrum
shows the dominant frequency unchanged other than a
distinct spike at around 225 Hz on basket 5. It is difficult
Contribution in
to say how big the crack in the transition was at this time. adjacent combustor
The contributions of this noise in adjacent combustors are not as well defined

As time progresses the spike becomes more distinct and
growing in amplitude, even when the load was reduced
from 100% power. Figure 13 shows the spectrum at 27
hrs later (than figure 12). Unit load was at 90.5% power
(166 MW). Overall amplitudes of the combustors are
lower as compared to the higher load point. The
dominant frequency is unchanged. Notice that even
when the energy or amplitude of the 225 Hz spike
becomes dominant, the natural frequency is still present,
unchanged in frequency but perhaps lower in amplitude
and not as well defined as the other combustors 1,2,3, 7
and 8.

Figure 13b. Spectrum of Combustors 5 thru 8 prior to engine trip

on blade path spread

8 Copyright © 2004 by ASME

As the crack propagated, the spike has become larger in better instrumentation and spectral analysis to fully
amplitude and more defined. The spike is intermittent, understand the relationship between combustor dynamics
not a standing wave. Contributions to adjacent and part interaction.
combustors are not as pronounced but still obvious.
When watching live data, the contributions in the adjacent
baskets would come in or spike at the same time. Shortly
after this spectral snap shot the engine tripped on high REFERENCES
blade path spread (alarm level). Figure 14 shows the as 1. Lieuwen, T., Torres, H., Johnson, C., and Zinn, B.T.,
found condition of the transition. The trip occurred only 2001 ‘A Mechanism for Combustion Instabilities in
80 hours after the unit was put into service following a Premixed Gas Turbine Combustors’, ASME Journal
combustor inspection. of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol 123,
Fortunately there was not any down stream damage, pp. 182-189.
which is common for this type of transition failure. 2. Stuttaford, P., Martling, V., Green, A., Lieuwen, T,.
Spectral information from this event was reviewed and “Combustion Noise Measurement System for Low
characterized so that when this signature is detected the Emissions Combustor Performance Optimization and
engine could be safely shut down and parts, manpower Health Monitoring”, ASME Paper # GT2003-38255
and equipment can be dispatched to the site before it 3. Richards, G., Straub, D., ‘Passive Control of
becomes a forced outage. Combustion Dynamics in Stationary Gas Turbines’
Journal of Propulsion and Power Vol. 19 No.5, 2003,
pp. 795-810
4. Mongia, C., Held, T., Hsiao, G., Pandalai, R.,
‘Challenges and Progress in Controlling Dynamics in
Gas Turbine Combustors’, Journal of Propulsion and
Power Vol. 19 No. 5, 2003, pp. 822-829

5. Hobson, D., Fackrell, J., Hewitt, G., 2000

‘Combustion Instabilities in Industrial Gas Turbines-
Measurements on Operating Plant and
Thermoacoustic Modeling’ ASME Journal of
Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol 122,
pp. 420-428.
6. McManus, K., Lieuwen, T., ‘That Elusive Hum’,
Mechanical Engineering Power, June, 2002.

Figure 14. As Found Condition of Damaged Transition Piece

Combustor pulsations are a measurement of the health
and stability of the combustion system. Continuous
monitoring is necessary to keep engine properly tuned
through a wide range of operational conditions. A well-
tuned engine suggests longer parts life and extended
outage intervals. Changes in the spectrum have proven
to identify problems in combustion systems from
anomalies in airflow and fuel delivery to damaged
components. It is not the final word or divining rod of
broken parts. When used in conjunction with other
engine supervisory instruments it can help operations
make key decisions to keep running at reduced loads
while manpower and materials can be found, or to
immediately shut the engine off to prevent major damage.
More research and understanding is needed to develop

9 Copyright © 2004 by ASME

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