Working With Dialog Controls in Libreo Ce Calc Using Macro - Part 1

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Working with Dialog Controls in

LibreO ce Calc using Macro – Part 1
U P DAT E D ON JUNE 20, 2020

This tutorial will cover on how to create a basic LibreO ce Dialog and
adding various controls such as TextBox. Also it covers on how to read the
control values using Calc Macros.

Adding a Dialog
To add a Dialog in LibreO ce Calc, select from menu: Tools -> Macros ->
Organize Dialogs…

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Create a New Dialog

On the New Dialog pop-up , give a name to your dialog. For this tutorial, lets
keep it as default Dialog1. Press OK.

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New Dialog

You can see the Dialog1 is come up under My Dialogs -> Standard -> Dialog1.

Adding a TextBox Control

On the same LO Basic Macro Organizer, click EDIT while Dialog1 is

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Create Dialog from Menu

Once above options is chosen, below LO Basic Macro Organizer would

open. On the Dialog Tab, click New button.

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Edit Dialog

Entire Dialog editor would open inside LO Calc. Now its time to add some
controls. For simplicity, I would add a textbox and a button.

The controls are placed at the bottom of the screen. Select a control and
drag your mouse inside the Dialog to place your desired control. For this
tutorial, add a textbox and a button. If you are unable to see the toolbox at
the bottom of the screen, select from menu: View -> Toolbars -> Toolbox.

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The Dialog should look like this now.

The Dialog

To set the properties of each controls, click/select the control, then you can
see the properties window opened on the bottom-le side of the editor. On
the properties window, the ‘name’ value of the General tab would be used to
identify the objects inside Macro.
For textbox the default name is: TextField1, for the button it is:

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Dialog with Properties

Now, we are all set with the Dialog, for now. Lets write the macro.

The Macro
Using a LO Calc macro, I will show how to open the dialog, read the contents
of the textbox and some content from Calc cell from sheet1. Then show the
content of the textbox and contents from Cell as a message box prompt
while the button is clicked.

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Go to the macro editor (click the Module1 tab) and create two functions as
Tip: Read the tutorial on how to create a Macro

Dim oDialog1 As Object

Sub StartDialog1()
' Code for initiating and showing the dialog
End Sub

Sub readDialog1()
' Read the content
End Sub

Declare an object oDialog1 as Object type outside of the functions scope.

Because we need to access the Dialog in a di erence function.

In StartDialog1() function we will load the “Tools” library. As per current

design of OpenO ce/LibreO ce, the libraries are implemented as UNO
interfaces, NOT as UNO Services. When OpenO ce/ LibreO ce is
initiated, not all the basic libraries are loaded to save time. Thus if you have
created your own library say, Library1, you need to load the library explicitly
inside basic to identify the user de ned functions. To load any library, use
the built-in properties BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary.

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SEE ALSO:   Use Open File Dialog using Macro in
LibreO ce/OpenO ce

For this tutorial, we will use the OpenO ce/LibreO ce prede ned library
“Tools” with below code. LoadLibrary property will load the Tools library
and then using LoadDialog() function and Execute function we will show the
created Dialog.

Sub StartDialog1()
oDialog1 = LoadDialog("Standard", "Dialog1")
End Sub

Alternate Code
Using below snippets also, a dialog can be opened.

oDialog = CreateUnoDialog(DialogLibraries.Standard.Dialog1)

Now its time to read the content of TextBox and 1st cell of Sheet1 of Calc i.e.
A1. To get a hold of a control, use GetControl( controlName ) function of the
dialog object. Once the object is ready, you can use various properties
available. To get the text entered in the textbox, use control’s Text() property.

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Sub readDialog1()
Dim cell_val
oT1 = oDialog1.GetControl("TextField1")
cell_val = ThisComponent.Sheets(0).getCellByPosition(0,0)
msgbox cell_val.String & chr(13) & "Value from controls: " & oT1
End Sub

Before we run the macro, we need to assign the readDialog1() function to

button click event. To do that, go back to Dialog Editor and select the
commandbutton. In the properties window, select Events tab. Assign the
readDialog1() function by clicking the Execute Action button and choosing
the macro.

Tip: Click here to learn more on how to assign a macro to a form control /

Put any text in Calc sheet1’s cell A1 – for this tutorial, I have put “Hello

Open the Macro editor and run the function StartDialog1(). The dialog
would execute and popup. Now, put some text on the text box and click the

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button. You should see the text from the textbox from the dialog as well as
from the Calc sheet1’s A1 cell.

Running the Macro

This way, you can work with dialogs and controls via basic Macro in
OpenO ce/ LibreO ce Calc.

Watch the video of this tutorial.

Working with Dialog Controls in LibreO ce…

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Function References – Used in this article

var = Dialog.GetControl(“ControlName”) : Returns handle to the control
TextBoxControl.Text() : Returns Textbox value [String]
var = LoadDialog(“LibraryName“, “DialogName“) : Returns handle to the

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Complete Macro
To run, Copy and paste this entire code block below in Macro Editor of
LibreO ce.

Dim oDialog1 As Object

Sub StartDialog1()
oDialog1 = LoadDialog("Standard", "Dialog1")
End Sub

Sub readDialog1()
Dim cell_val
oT1 = oDialog1.GetControl("TextField1")
cell_val = ThisComponent.Sheets(0).getCellByPosition(0,0)
msgbox cell_val.String & chr(13) & "Value from controls: " & oT1
End Sub

Looking for Something Else?

If you are looking for something else in LibreO ce macro tutorials, Or,
wants to learn more about it, please follow below link for complete Macro
Tutorials Index:

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LibreO ce Macro Tutorial Index

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15 COMMENTS   Newest 

Arthur Szász
 4 years ago

Thank you for this compilation… it was useful.

it is worth mentioning that when I copy-pasted the bellow code and got a message with
sintax error

Sub StartDialog1()
oDialog1 = LoadDialog(“Standard”, “Dialog1”)
End Sub

because of the quotation marks arround the word “Tools”

(they are opening and closing quotation marks, notice the di erence against “Standard”
and “Dialog1”)

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Arindam Giri
 Reply to  Arthur Szász  4 years ago

That’s a good catch. The article is updated. Thanks.

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Uroš Grum
 5 years ago

I cant run this code … im really frustrated with libre o ce as i have been trying since
friday to do something that would take me litteraly 10 minutes in excel. But back to my
problem :

“oT1 = Dialog.GetControl(“TextField1″)”

at the upper part of code i get object variable not set, error i have everything the same,
i even tried to change the name of said control but no di erence. Anny sugestions ?

0 Reply

Arindam Giri
 Reply to  Uroš Grum  5 years ago

I am assuming that you are using the same example I had here.

In my example the dialog object name is “oDialog1”. In your statement you have
mentioned “Dialog”. You should be using the dialog object name that you de ned in

oT1 = oDialog1.GetControl(“TextField1”)

0 Reply

Uroš Grum
 Reply to  Arindam Giri  5 years ago

Thank you for reply, the code is corect, i just changed that when i was trying to
get rid of error and then i forgot to change that back … its not the problem

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Arindam Giri
 Reply to  Uroš Grum  5 years ago

Maybe. But make sure you have the latest LibreO ce build and updates
are applied as well. Glad to know it worked!

0 Reply

Ricardo Gunawan
 6 years ago

Hi, I would ask a question.

If the Dialog1 and Module1 as you create above is in Untitled1 branch, why show this
error ??

0 Reply

Arindam Giri
 Reply to  Ricardo Gunawan  6 years ago

I am really not sure why you get that error, I didn’t get. Did you execute the
StartDialog() function? This working example tested in Ubuntu/Linux only. It seems
you are using Windows which may cause this issue. Why don’t you try the alternate
method of creating the dialog as mentioned in the article also below. Keep me

oDialog1 = CreateUnoDialog(DialogLibraries.Standard.Dialog1)

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becouse at the time i had de ned it as Dialog … here is my entire code :

Dim oDialog As Object

Sub StartDialogA()


oDialog = CreateUnoDialog(DialogLibraries.Standard.TesniDialog)


End Sub

Sub ReadDialogA()

Dim cellValue

oT1 = oDialog.GetControl(“TextField1”)

cellValue = ThisComponent.Sheets(0).getCellByPosition(0,0)

oT1.Text = “This”

End Sub

ps. The start dialog works ne

0 Reply

Uroš Grum
 Reply to  Arindam Giri  5 years ago

I have no clue why …. but suddenly it started to work … iddnt change anny code
….. the libre o ce crashes a lot and even crashes every single time i close the
program , maybe becouse of windows ?
ah well at least now works , thanks 🙂

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Ricardo Gunawan
 Reply to  Arindam Giri  6 years ago

Ah yes…. perfect!! Problem solved with the alternate method.


0 Reply

 Reply to  Ricardo Gunawan  4 years ago

I have done to show diaglog page on Calc. Please look at below code to help your
oDialog1 = CreateUnoDialog(DialogLibraries.VBAProject.Dialog1)

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Arindam Giri
 Reply to  Hüseyin  4 years ago

Did you get any error?

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Robin Hahn
 6 years ago

Good start, indeed. I’m glad someone is doing this. BTW, the process creating an object
out of scope, then instantiating and the reading reminds me a bit of Gambas. Going to
have a look at your other tutorials. Then, I’m going to try and start converting some of
my VBA stu .

0 Reply

Arindam Giri
 Reply to  Robin Hahn  6 years ago

@disqus_nivOZz4jZT:disqus Thanks. The tutorials is the result of my own trial-and-

error method of working content. There are not much content available in the web
today, to make things as standard. But still, every article I publish is an ongoing
process and I would update if I nd a better way to do any macro problem.

0 Reply

Christoph S
 Reply to  Arindam Giri  6 years ago

Thanks a lot for this great tutorials, this is exactly what I was searching for!

0 Reply

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