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1. Ratio of two spindle speeds is constant in _________ progression

a) Arithmetic

b) Geometric

c) Harmonic

2. Range Ratio for gearbox having maximum spindle speed 1000 RPM and minimum spindle
speed 100 RPM is

a) 0.1

b) 10

c) 20

3. Which of the following is structural formula is optimum for Z= 12

a) 2(6) 2(1) 3(2)

b) 2(1) 2(2) 3(4)

c) 2(2) 2(1) 3(4)

4. Economic cutting speed is minimum if geometric ratio is _________

a) Minimum

b) Maximum

c) Equal to economic speed

5. A machine tool has minimum speed of 60 r.p.m. How many speed steps are required by it
to achieve speed of 2800 rpm? (Geometric progression ratio = 1.6)

a) 9

b) 12

c) 6

6. Which of the following statements is true for structure/speed diagrams?

a) Structure diagrams give range ratio of spindle speeds

b) Speed diagrams consider motor speed

c) Both a and b

7. List laws of stepped regulation in multispeed gearbox

8. Write 4 applications of gearbox

1. Frequency polygon is
(a) A set of rectangles
(b) A line graph of class frequency plotted against class marks
(c) A bell shaped smooth curve

2. Standard deviation is
(a) Square of standard variable
(b) Arithmetic mean
(c) Root mean square deviation from the mean

3. Standard variable is
(a) Square of standard deviation
(b) Root mean square deviation from the mean
(c) Deviation from mean in units of standard deviation

4. The run scored in a cricket match by 11 players as follows

7,16,121,51,101,81,1,16,9,11,16 Mean mode and median is given by

a) 33.45, 51

b) 35.54,16

c) 38.56, 9

5. The area below normal curve from (Z = - ∞) to (Z = + ∞) is where Z is standard variable

(a) 1
(b) 0.6827
(c) 0.9545

6. Define Population

7. Define Random Variable


1. Diameter of triple ply conveyor pulley is _______If Material factor for plies is 2 and Arc of
contact factor is 80
a) 440 mm
b) 480 mm
c) 500 mm

2. Belt inclination of a conveyor to transport through a distance of 1000 m and height of 300
is ______

a) 15.7 Deg
b) 17.7 Deg
c) 16.7 Deg

3. Belt take-up device is used in belt conveyors to maintain adequate _________ in belt
a) Torque
b) Tension
c) Stress

4. Speed of belt conveyor is depends on

a) Lump size and nature of the material
b) Belt width
C) All of the above

5. Which of the following is NOT hoisting equipment?

a) Cranes
b) Screw conveyor
c) Elevator

6. Which of the following is NOT example of bulk load

a) Stone
b) Clay
c) Machines

7. Define containerisation

8. State any 2 objectives of material handling system

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