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Magna Global Quality Standard

MQS 10 – Error Proofing and Detection Device Verification

1 Purpose
This global standard establishes the base requirements for the Error Proofing / Detection Device Verification
process in MAGNA manufacturing facilities. The purpose of Error Proofing / Detection Device Verification process
is to assure Error Proofing/Detection Devices are working as intended to prevent nonconforming product from
being made or transferred to the next process step.
2 Scope
This standard is valid for all MAGNA manufacturing and assembly sites and shall be implemented locally at each
site. This standard is applicable to all Error Proofing / Detection Devices .
3 Responsibilities

Activity Responsible Support

Ensure infrastructure and resources exist to General Manager

execute this standard.

Clearly define Error Proofing/Detection Device Production Process Cross Functional Team
implementation and verification process Engineering Manager or
requirements. comparable designated

Execute and document Error Proofing/Error Team Leader/Group

Detection Device verification. Leader/Supervisor Production Process

Plant Quality

Maintain master list of error proofing devices Quality Engineer or Process

and its related masters. Engineer

Plan and execute periodical calibration of Quality Engineer or Process

master samples (where applicable). Engineer

Request for deviation approval in case of error Team Leader/Group Plant Quality
proofing device is bypassed. Leader/Supervisor
and customer if

Author Approved & Released Revision / Date

Rafael Adamczyk - 27.11.2020 Lina Bucci; Wolfgang Geyer; Amalia Ma - 27.11.2020 01 / 27.11.2020

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Magna Global Quality Standard
MQS 10 – Error Proofing and Detection Device Verification

4 Requirements
4.1 A documented local procedure shall exist which covers the minimum requirements of MQS10.
4.2 Evidence of persons which are responsible for development, verification and using of Error Proofing/Error
Detection Devices and persons/functions listed in responsibility section being trained to procedure exists.
4.3 The design of the master and the Error Proofing/Detection Device shall represent the most restrictive
condition based on production part specifications.
4.4 Masters or other documented verification methods (e.g. electronic software program verification) must
verify all conditions (e.g., too many, too little, missing, upside-down, not seated, etc.) that the Error
Proofing or Error Detection Device was made to prevent or detect, respectively.
4.4.1 Multiple masters may be required to ensure effectiveness of Error Proofing and/or Error Detection
4.4.2 One Master may be used for validating of multiple features.
4.5 Masters shall be part of the plant’s calibration process for measurement equipment including any
electronic software program verification.
4.6 Masters shall be clearly identified, e.g. painted, tagged or physically marked to prevent unintended use or
shipment as productive material.
4.7 All Error Detection (variable and attribute gages, end of line tests, leak tests) and Error Proofing Devices
shall be verified and documented:
4.7.1 Once per shift, at minimum. This verification may be triggered by the PLC (where applicable).
4.7.2 Additionally, after line/model changeover, all Error Proofing/Detection Devices changed for current
model must be verified.
4.7.3 When process changes occur, all Error Proofing/Detection Devices for all models must be verified at
the station(s) affected by the change.
4.7.4 After production interruption of >8h
4.8 Before Error Proofing/Detection Devices/software solutions are released for production, each device shall
be validated according to a local trial run process. The trial run shall be conducted in agreement with the
plant cross functional team, documented, evaluated, and approved by Production Process Engineering,
Operations and Quality.
4.8.1 External produced Error proofing devices/software solutions should have a trial run conducted in
agreement with the plant cross functional team and a cross functional team from the supplier
before receiving. The results shall be documented, evaluated, and approved by Production Process
Engineering, Operations and Quality.
4.9 A verification method shall be defined for each Error Proofing/Detection Device in the Process Control Plan
and alternative devices/solutions in case of missing availability or defect of the devices shall be
documented. A reference to these documents shall be mentioned in the PCP.
4.10 The detailed steps of the device verification process must be documented or ensured by an electronic
verification (PLC).

Author Approved & Released Revision / Date

Rafael Adamczyk - 27.11.2020 Lina Bucci; Wolfgang Geyer; Amalia Ma - 27.11.2020 01 / 27.11.2020

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Magna Global Quality Standard
MQS 10 – Error Proofing and Detection Device Verification

4.11 The process owner shall maintain a master list of all Error Proofing/Detection Devices and related masters
that contains, at minimum:
4.11.1 Device and device master identification.
4.11.2 Location (department and operation number) of all Error Proofing/Detection Devices.
4.11.3 A description of each Error Proofing/Detection Devices.
4.12 Wherever possible, when a part gets rejected by the Error Detection Device, this part shall be interlocked
and/or further processing of the part shall be automatically stopped.
4.13 Error Proofing/Detection masters shall be stored in a controlled manner that protects them from wear,
damage, contamination, unintended use or shipment as productive material, etc.
4.14 A reaction plan shall be developed for each error proofing device and available at the workstation in the
event the Error Proofing / Detection Device fails or is bypassed. When the error proofing devices needs to
be replaced due to fail or unavailability, the production shall be stopped until a bypass process is followed
as described in the local procedure and reaction plan.
4.14.1 The reaction plan shall be understood by the team member and contain: the communication
process, containment, corrective actions, the defined temporary checks during the malfunction of
the error proofing device.
4.14.2 Before bypassing an Error Proofing/Error Detection Device, a process deviation shall be approved
by GM/AGM or an authorized function.

5 Records
5.1 Records shall be maintained according to local Magna manufacturing site procedures.

6 Required templates & document examples

Link to the templates/examples on MagNET:

Author Approved & Released Revision / Date

Rafael Adamczyk - 27.11.2020 Lina Bucci; Wolfgang Geyer; Amalia Ma - 27.11.2020 01 / 27.11.2020

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Magna Global Quality Standard
MQS 10 – Error Proofing and Detection Device Verification

7 Definitions
7.1 Error Proofing Device:
(CAN NOT MAKE) Devices which prevent the manufacture or assembly of non-conforming product.
7.2 Error Detection Device:
(CAN NOT PASS or CAN NOT ACCEPT) Devices which prevent the transfer of non-conforming product (e.g.
100% in-line inspection equipment).
7.3 Gage:
A device that determines whether or not a part feature is within specified limits.
7.4 Masters:
OK/NOK Parts (e.g.: red rabbits) intentionally built to fail or pass inspection as part of verification of error
proofing/error detection devices.
7.5 PLC:
A programmable logic controller (PLC) or programmable controller is an industrial digital computer which
has been ruggedized and adapted for the control of manufacturing processes, s uch as assembly lines, or
robotic devices, or any activity that requires high reliability, ease of programming and process fault

8 References

8.1 Magna PDP

9 Change History

Revision Revision Date Description of Change

01 27.11.2020 Initial Release

Author Approved & Released Revision / Date

Rafael Adamczyk - 27.11.2020 Lina Bucci; Wolfgang Geyer; Amalia Ma - 27.11.2020 01 / 27.11.2020

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