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Training material:

Cost tracking 2 (CT2)

for suppliers

© Allocation Network GmbH


This training manual gives an overview for new users of the ASTRAS solution. The supplier’s part in the Cost tracking
2 activity is detailed on the following pages.
Glossary of system-specific words that might be used in this manual:

The first page you see when logging in. A user can have one or more dashboards with widgets displaying information.

An item on the dashboard that allows you to perform a task or view specific information.

A collection of working steps within a production site. The joining DENSO user and external user of an activity performing a defined work

An entity which is equal to DENSO Part numbers, to collect data on products.
They have links to to suppliers, customer projects and activities. This data is fed in from DENSO ERP systems.

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Chapter 1:
Viewing the CT2

© Allocation Network GmbH

Viewing the CT2 activity
- Viewing the CT2 activity -

The CT2 process usually runs along another activity, e.g. an escalation. To see a cost tracking 2 activity, visit the
activities list and open the respective activity.

The status “Cost overview sent to

supplier” shows that DENSO submitted
Click on the name or
the final cost overview to you
number of an activity
to open it

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Viewing the CT2 activity
- Viewing the CT2 activity -

In the tab “Relations” you can check which other activities this cost tracking is linked to so you know which process
these costs belong to.

The activity you’re

currently in is shown
in yellow.

This is an escalation activity that’s

linked to this cost tracking. You can
open and view the linked activity by
clicking on its name here.

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Viewing the CT2 activity
- Viewing the CT2 activity -

There is only one sheet with a cost overview available. You can check it anytime after DENSO has created the activity,
even if the overview hasn’t “officially” been submitted to you yet.

The cost tracking shows the occurred

costs which might be invoiced to you –
this overview is only final as soon as
the activity reaches the status “Cost
overview sent to supplier”.

In the red line you see the

total costs in EURO and
possibly in another currency.

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Chapter 2:
Responding to the
cost overview

© Allocation Network GmbH

Responding to the cost overview
- Accepting/rejecting -

As soon as the activity reaches the status “Cost overview sent to supplier” you will be informed by e-mail.

You will have 30 days to respond to

the costs that have been sent to you
– in case you do not react it will be
assumed that you agree to these

At the bottom you can choose to either accept or

reject the costs. If you accept, the activity will be
sent to finance members of DENSO and you will
receive an invoice. If you reject, you will have to
give a reason and discuss the costs with the
responsible SQE.

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Responding to the cost overview
- Accepting/rejecting -

If you reject the costs you will be asked to give a reason for the rejection.

Enter a detailed reason for your

rejection here…

…and save your entry


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Responding to the cost overview
- Accepting/rejecting -

When you save your entries (both after rejecting or accepting the costs), a window pops up and shows you the status
change after this save. The activity will be assigned to the DENSO SQE (in case of a rejection) or DENSO finance
member (in case of an acceptance).

Rejection: Acceptance:
What happens afterwards:

After rejecting the cost overview the

DENSO SQE will be notified and check
your reasons. They will be in contact
with you directly to discuss the costs
and adjust them, if appropriate.

After adjusting the cost overview (or

in case you accepted the costs), it
will be processed at DENSO
internally, there is no input asked
from you in this activity anymore.

Confirm the change

with OK

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Any questions?
Please contact your DENSO SQE in case
of any questions regarding the system or
the content of this manual.

© Allocation Network GmbH

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