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Name and Surname:

Technical English

 The work must be in computer.

 Check spelling.

1. Make a conversation. The topic must be referred to a scene in the hospital.
(Not less than 2 sheets). You must use ALL the topics studied and use the
specific vocabulary.

 Numbers.
 Greetings and farewells.
 Colors.
 Articles
 Pronouns
 Verb to be.
 There is / There are.
 Much/Many.
 Some, Every, Any and No.
 Adjetives.
 Posesive.
 Demonstrative.
 Qualifying.
 Cognate.
 Present Simple.
 Present Continuous.
 Past Simple.
 Past Continuous.
 Comparative and Superlative.
 Modal Verbs.
 Linking Words.
 Future Simple.
 Future Continuous.
 Future Going to.
 Question Words.
 Pasive Voice.
 Present Perfect Simple.
 Present Perfect Continuous.
 Past Perfect Simple.
 Past Perfect Continuous.
 Future Perfect Simple.
 Conditionals.
 Reported Speech.
MONDAY, 8:50 am.

Laura: Good morning Doctor.

Doctor: Good morning.

Doctor: How are you, Miss Laura?

Laura : Not very good. I have a terrible headache.

Doctor: How old have you been?

Laura: Since yesterday.

Doctor: And do you have headaches often?

Laura: A couple of times a month.

Doctor: Do they always last that long?

Laura: Yes, generally two days or so.

Doctor: How long has this been going on?

Laura: For about a year.

Doctor: Have you seen other doctors about this?

Laura: No, I haven't. I just moved here from Cordoba and have not been

to the doctor before.

Doctor: Okay, I'll give you a prescription for a migraine medicine, and

then you'll have to come in the second day for some tests.
Laura: Thank you, doctor. Goodbye!

Two days later…

Laura: Good morning doctor.

Doctor: Good morning. Please sit.

Laura : Thank you.

Doctor: Tell me, how are you?

Laura: I'm still the same doctor, my head hurts and I'm dizzy. Also, I

have a very strong and can't sleep at night. I'm exhausted!

Doctor: Does your throat hurt?

Laura: Yes. And I can't breathe well.

Doctor: Open your mouth, please. Your throat is very swollen. You

have a fever?

Laura: I think so. I took an aspirin this morning.

Doctor: Are you allergic to any medications?

Laura: No, but I don't usually take medicine.

Doctor: Do you smoke?

Laura: Yes, but when I'm not feeling well, I usually don't smoke.
Doctor: Well, don't smoke. You have a very bad cold. Take these pills

and a syrup three times a day. They are not very strong drugs. For the

throat, take hot lemon juice with honey. Above all, drink lots of water,

juices or infusions. Don't go outside, stay home today and tomorrow. Do

not catch cold and rest.

Laura: Thank you, doctor.

Doctor: You're welcome. Get better!

Laura: Goodbye doctor.!

Doctor: Goodbye Laura..

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