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20% or more?

By Ryan
Following the success of the films Limitless (2011) and Lucy (2014), there has been
major research and demand into creating a drug which can raise the human brain
capacity from 20% to full capacity.

There is no such drug as NZT-48 or CPh4 which enabled the

films’ protagonists to unlock the full 100% capacity of the
human brain. Limitless saw Bradley Cooper’s character Edward
Morra, taking a clear pill (NZT-48) to help him to become a best-
selling author, make millions off the stock market and have
genius intellect while juggling the struggles of money, love and
addiction. Lucy, played by Scarlett Johannson, faces the problem
of addiction to the films own drug, CPh4. Both films tackle the
issue of people needing these drugs to survive. But are there Above: the life changing
examples of these in real life? Limitless pill, NZT-48.

An American company called Nootrobox offers a legal drug similar to those

mentioned above. It offers three types of pills; rise, sprint and yawn which costs
around a dollar per pill. These pills help you to think clearer and focus better on a
certain subject. Of course, there’s going to be some form of competitor. Natural
Stacks offers a few pills similar to Nootrobox, but the closest to those seen in the
films is a pill called CILTEP. This is made with artichoke extract and forskolin to boost
memory, concentration and improve your mood.

Another unknown way to help boost your brain’s capacity is to meditate. It has been
proven that those who concentrate consistently on meditation will be able to form
new connections in their brain, thus leading to an increase in capacity. An example of
someone who used meditation was the late Steve Jobs (1955-2011). Jobs was known
to practice in Zen Buddhism and Taoism. The Apple founder said that “you start to
see things more clearly and be in the present more. Your mind just slows down, and
you see a tremendous expanse in the moment. You see so much more than you
could see before.”

Whether or not these legal boosters have a positive long-term effect is still unknown,
but in the not too distant future our species will be able to unlock the full potential of
our amazing brains. Who knows what we’ll be capable of doing?

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