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News & Social Media Assignment



This article takes a look at the history of the Confederate flag and how it has taken on a

meaning of racism over the years. Semiotics theory also focuses on symbols and states that

meaning lies within a person rather than the word or object itself. The debate discussed in this

article is between those who, on one side, believe the Confederate flag only symbolizes Southern

values and the Lost Cause of the Civil War. The other side argues that the flag is a symbol of

racism and hate since the Confederacy was fighting to keep slavery during the war. As Semiotics

theory suggested, although the symbol is the same, the meaning is different depending on the

person you ask.

Understanding semiotics theory can help to understand why this difference in opinion may

occur, and potentially help to determine the most prominent meaning of the flag. Semiotics

theory also suggests that meaning can vary depending on the time period and culture that is

perceiving the symbol, which in this case would be modern day America. Knowing this

information about semiotics theory helps me to understand the article and the issue being

discussed better because I know the importance of looking at factors such as the history and

culture surrounding the symbol before determining the ‘correct’ meaning of it.


The next news artifact I looked at analyzed the semiotics used in apologies by public

figures. Once again, semiotics states that the meaning of a word or object varies depending on

the person, and that applies to the word “sorry” as well. The article explains that just saying sorry

is not enough and lists aspects a person should incorporate into their apology to portray the

desired message to the audience.

Understanding semiotics helps not only to understand what the article is saying but also

how to apply the recommendations it provides. Since meaning varies depending on the person

perceiving it, it is important to consider the audience that the apology will be received by. By

looking at the culture, demographics, and attitude of the audience, you can use semiotics theory

to find the best solution to portray to them the desired meaning of your apology.



This article discusses the recent controversy surrounding celebrity chef Pete Evans, who

posted a Nazi symbol on his Instagram page. After posting the offensive symbol, he made

comments insinuating that he wasn’t aware of the symbols meaning and saying that symbols can

have dozens of different meanings. Semiotics theory agrees with the statement that symbols can

have a variety of meanings depending on the person, but it also says that considering the person

that is perceiving the symbol is the most important part. While the Nazi symbol may have more

than one meaning, considering the modern day audience, of which most are aware of the horrific

events of the Holocaust, one can assume that this meaning is the most likely to be interpreted by

the audience.

My understanding of semiotics theory lets me understand why this event became a

controversy in the first place, and why Pete Evans’ excuse that symbols have more than one

meaning doesn’t justify his use of it. Understanding semiotics theory lets me understand where

Evans is coming from when he gives these excuses, but it also explains the anger that many feel

towards his post because of the meaning the symbol holds for them.

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