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Name: Stephan Campbell



DR. Nova Bell-Gordon

Section A:

The news article, “Mottely Distances CARICOM From Holness, Others” focuses on

whether it is okay for members of CARICOM to meet with leaders of the United States. The

article contained themes such as Colonialism and Social and Economic Division. These themes

were identified through multiple instances described in the article and further helped the

audience to have a clear understanding on the issue.

Colonialism speaks about the partial political control a country seeks to gain from

another. Due to the United States usually being one to invade or force their opinions on

numerous countries, CARICOM Chairman and Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley tries to

warn members of CARICOM to be cautious about meeting alone with leaders of the United

States. In the article, she states her opinion saying, “As chairman of CARICOM, it is impossible

for me to agree that my foreign minister should attend a meeting with anyone to which members

of CARICOM are not invited. It is an attempt to divide this region”. In making this claim, she is

drawing attention to the fact that the United States might influence their views and political

agendas onto the Caribbean especially since other members aren't present to refute these

statements. This is typically how a first world county gains access to thus world countries thus

sparking colonialism.

Moreover, the theme Social and Economic Division is evident in the article where

Mottley states her opinion on the matter and separated herself from the other members of

CARICOM because of their actions. Social and Economic Division refers to the divide between

groups based on a social view and their economic differences. Mottley and Jamaica’s
Opposition Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs Lisa Hanna both agreed on the stance that meeting

with the United States leaders with only a few of the members of CARICOM present might stir

issues within our own region which will lead to a division. This social division between members

of CARICOM has already begun as Jamaica’s Prime Minister Andrew Holness has stuck to his

decision to meet with United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo where they will discuss

matters of the Caribbean. Additionally, Jamaica’s Affairs and Foreign Trade Minister, Kamina

Johnson Smith agrees with Holness’s stance saying this meeting is not to divide CARICOM

members or spark colonialism but instead, it is to strengthen the Caribbean’s bond with the

United States. These opposing views are the main cause of the social division within CARICOM.

It is addressed further in the article that Holness as well as leaders from other CARICOM

member states have once before met with former United States president Donald Trump without

other CARICOM members present. These meetings might also cause economic division as the

United States might seek to input their opinions on the economic running's of these Caribbean

Section B:

The movie, Third World Cop (1999) directed by Chris Browne deals with a police

officer who has returned to his childhood neighborhood to find that his long-time friend

is the leader of local gang and has been caught up in drug dealing. This movie perfectly

prtrays the struggles Jamaican citizens go through such as poverty, crime and family


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