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Each state should make sure that healthcare is of paramount importance as the way

Switzerland has made sure every person is health taken care of. Unlike the United states where

one has to search for local medical care. The Swiss has the same healthcare as the Netherlands

that means a state that makes sure its citizen has the potential to walk in a hospital and be treated.

The Swiss had the opportunity of trying out for both the poor and the rich, providing financial

assistance to those who do not have (home, 2018). Just little income makes someone weak to

depend on the insurance package. The result appears to be high quality care for all, excellent

patient satisfaction would be found when humanity returns.

According with a survey done with OECD and WHO how Switzerland does its health

care operations and it has been toped best. There are goals that Switzerland’s health system

meets that makes something clear and well. Being compared with the United States of America,

Switzerland is far beyond on healthcare. Take an example of a country that spends its highest

GDP on healthcare compared to any other state in the EU. Statistics has it that the basic

healthcare has been made clear and compulsory and one has to choose any Swiss Health

company (Volume 9 - Issue 2, 2009 - Editorial). EU's latest statistics has justifiend Switzerland

was the only country to have kept settled EUR 4,500 per inhabitant on healthcare expenditure.

The system offers a high degree of choices and even access to all levels of care that does

not waste time. Although it has to include insurance plans for the gate keeping restrictions,

which are becoming the important issue. In the current Swiss healthcare system that to effect in

1996 with the effect of the new law (LAMal) of 18 March 1994, which was supposed introduce a

perfect managed competition scheme across Switzerland.


The main difference is that, the basic package is restricted to medical treatment deemed

appropriate, medically effective and cost effective. In Switzerland patients only seek treatment in

their canton of residency and may not be treated in hospitals that aren’t accredited to receive

reimbursement for providing basic treatment. On the other hand, the US health system is

complicated and just wants to cater for the Old. Medicare and Medicaid is the principle of

catering for the sick but one has to pay (Volume 9 - Issue 2, 2009 - Editorial). The US

government funds two kinds of health plans Medicare and Medicaid. They are especially

designed for the elderly, disabled, poor, and young. Although it helps less it is not the kind of

healthcare a state is supposed to be with.

If it is comparison between the healthcare in Swiss and the United States, take it as an

poor comparison. It is with sincerer comparison to say that all Swiss have the right to health care

but in United States it’s the chosen few who is young or elderly in matters that concern disease.

The situation is bad enough that if you do not have an insurance cover one cannot be taken care

of. On the other end Administrative inefficiency is an issue on healthcare. On the other hand in

Switzerland, law has been passed (home, 2018): The LAMal enlarged the package of services

previously covered by statutory health insurance and made a basic package defined by the Swiss

federal government and regulated by the Federal Office of Public Health compulsory across the

Swiss confederation.

Medicaid is a government and state funded program that is for the low income earners. it

is a pity that it has to cover only U.S. citizen or legal resident. In the case of seniors with limited

financial resources all is well because the healthcare insurance is all possible. There are services

that are not taken care of it is possible to be eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. Medicaid

extends coverage to services not covered by Medicare, the like of: nursing home care and

personal care services (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), 2010). Switzerland

spent 11.5% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on health in the year 2003, against the OECD

average of 8.8%. The economy has been increasing steadily in Switzerland, rising by 2.4% of

GDP between 1990 and 2004, that was way beyond the OECD average increase of 1.5%. The

high levels of health spending, compared with the US, reflect both the generous supply and the

high prices of the services provided (home, 2018).

There are basics cares that that are unique to healthcare that the U.S. does not have;

Hospital stay and outpatient care in any general ward of the canton of residency. In Switzerland

of up to 60 hours per week at home or in a nursing home Examination, treatment and nursing in a

patient’s home by a physician or chiropractor Rehabilitation ordered by a physician, including

health resorts; Physiotherapy and ergo therapy (max. 9 sessions) Nutritionist/ diabetic

consultation (max. 6 sessions Emergency treatment abroad Transportation and rescue costs (50%

of emergency transport costs up to CHF 5,000 per year and 50% of nonlife threatening transport

up to CHF 500 per year); Legal abortion Maternity costs, including 7 routine examinations,

postnatal examination, childbirth and 3 breastfeeding consultations. Serious and inevitable dental

treatment Contribution to spectacles and contact lenses of CHF180 per year for children and

CHF180 over 5 years for adults.

In conclusion, these reasons help explains why U.S. life expectancy has, for the first time

since the 1960s, recently gone down. It is all individuals whom have to purchase a basic package

insurance plan or face a penalty. In other words they cannot vary premiums based on the health

status of each consumer. The idea behind this new law was to define the level of health

care that patients may expect as given, but allow competition between insurers to drive up

standards and drive down the cost of the insurance premiums (Volume 9 - Issue 2, 2009 -

Editorial). In order to avoid discrimination insurers must accept all applicants (open enrolment’)

and cannot vary premiums based on the health of each consumer; nor can they make a

profit on basic package plans. Beyond the basic package individuals are still

allowed to purchase supplementary insurance to fund any additional health care, but the

same regulations do not apply with regards to open enrolment, for profit status and premium

variations. The Swiss system is highly decentralized that, means 26 Swiss cantons are largely

responsible for the provision of health care and insurance companies operate primarily on a

regional basis.


Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS. (2010). Medicare and Medicaid

programs; electronic health record incentive program. Final rule. Federal register,

75(144), 44313.

Home, Expatica. "Healthcare In Switzerland". Expatica.Com, 2018,

Accessed 10 Oct 2018.

Volume 9 - Issue 2, 2009 - Editorial.

prof-iain-mccall-2. Accessed 2018.

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