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Only Fun English Online Level 4: Unit 1-

Class 1 – Breakfast Time

Lesson Goals:
● Introduce vocabulary and language structure.
● Encourage students to engage in conversation, both asking and answering questions.
● Help students improve, grammar, pronunciation, and spoken English.

Lesson Guide
Page Name Do Say
Title Page (2 minute) ● Introduce yourself to the Questions Answers
● If your first class with the How are you? I’m good.
How are
students, ask the students
their names and get to know
them by asking questions Say “Hello, Hello,
about their interests. (e.g., Teacher.” Teacher!
“How old are you?” “What
do you like to eat?”) [Point to Eric] This is Eric.
● Ask concept questions to Who is this?
build confidence.
● Establish gestures for Listen,
Say Hi to Eric! Hi Eric!
Speak and Don’t Speak.
Hello Song (1 minute) ● Sing the hello song with the  Now it’s time for our
students. hello song, let’s say
● If it is the first time singing hello to teacher Alex. I
the song with the students, want to see you singing
teach the words and actions and dancing along with
line by line. the video.
Warm Up (3 minute) ● Practice the example Example
Say: “What time do you eat
● Model the question and breakfast?”
answer with the strongest
student before the other 2 Say: “Great! Now you ask
● Correct ANY pronunciation If students don’t understand
mistakes immediately. the phrase “you ask me” then
you can say “you say: what
time do you eat breakfast?”.

New Words (5 minutes) ● Review with picture and ● Now it’s time to practice
text. the new words.
● Have each student say each ● Everyone say “congee”.
word. ● Repeat for the
● Correct ANY pronunciation remaining words.
mistakes immediately. ● “Now let’s make a
● Have students make sentence”.
sentences with the target ● Have students take
words. turns in making
Story Time (4 minutes) ● Play the audio for the ● “Now it’s story time.
students to listen. Firstly, let’s listen to the
● Have students read the text. audio”.
● Ask comprehension checking ● “Now, you can read,
questions about the content student 1 can you read
to test. students for me”.
understanding. ● “Student 2 can you
● Repeat over all pages of the read”.
story time. ● “Great job! What does
Eric do in the morning?”
(circle Eric using the
annotate function)
Sentence Structure (2 minutes) ● Have students practice the ● “Now it’s time to
sentence structure. practice making
● You can ask each student a sentences with our
question and have the grammar for today”
students answer using the ● “Student 1 (use name),
given sentence structure. do you like cereal or
● Use the domino effect to let congee?”
students practice asking and ● You can write the
answering questions. question on the screen
using the annotate

Sentence Structure Review (3 minutes) ● Have students make ● “Do you like A or B, let’s
sentences using the example make another
structure. sentence.”
● Use the annotate function to
write a list of things students
say they do in the morning.

Alphabet (4 minutes) ● Practice the target phoneme ● “Now let’s look at our
with the students. letter for the day. Today
● Play the audio for each we are studying t. What
word. sound does t make? “
● Have students take turns in ● “Great job, let’s say
saying the words. together, t”
● You can incorporate some ● “Let’s say together, t t t”
rhythm exercises into ● “Great! Now let’s
studying the alphabet. For practice the words, b-u-
example clapping before and tt-er, butter”.
in between each word. ● Repeat for the
● For the second phonics remaining words letting
coconut tree template you each student practice.
can firstly click on the ● “Now it’s time for the
coconut tree and a coconut phonics tree, student
will fall off. Have one one (use name) what
student say the sound the word can we make?”
letter makes followed by the
whole word.

End Page (1 minute) ● Summarize the class and tell ● Say: “Thank you for
the students how they did coming to my class
as well as what they may today! I liked having you
need to work on. in class! See you next
● Say “Goodbye” to the time!
students and end the
meeting for all.

Ninja Adventure (Time Permitting) ● This game is optional at the ● “Are you ready to play a
end of the class if time game? Everyone say
permits. ‘ready’, 1, 2, 3, ready!”.
● Press the start button. Get
the students excited about
the game.
● Label the images 1, 2, 3, and
● Play the audio. Ask students
to choose the correct label
of the image.
● If time does not permit
finishing the game then you
can end it early.
Total Physical Response (TPR)
Gesture Meaning

Don’t Speak


Hi and Hello

TIP: You can alternate hands for “Hi” and “Hello.” For example, use
your right hand to wave “Hi” and your left hand to wave “Hello.”




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