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This spoilers was sorted

and organized by myself,so atleast appreciate my hardwork and efforts of compiling this
spoilers..credits to ochuchuchan and the rest member of 2moons forum.
-Faith Jonathan @faithjonathanl -

Q: How come Pha cannot recognize Wayo?

A:He doesn't recognize him because he "changed" to be "more handsome" (aka doesn't wear
glasses - at least at school he doesn't, doesn't wear braces etc...) I saw an interview were one
of the actors was explaining that he wanted to be on the "same level" so he decided to study a
lot to be in the same university and slightly changed his appearance.
Q: i heard there’s a famous actor who got rejected by the producer?
A:yes he’s Newyear,a gay actor..the producer refused to cast him because he didn’t want gay
actor to participate in this series.
Q:How many episode for this series?
A: 12 episode per season and there will be 3 season.season 1 Phana and Wayo love story,S2
MingKit,S3 Forth Beam..36 episodes in total.

so there are 3 kisses

1st is where Pha kiss on Yo's nose. 2nd is where during the Moon & Star competition Yo was
nervous, Pha tells him not to be nervous, he kiss on Yo's cheek.
3rd is after the competition Pha ask for kiss from Yo on his cheek because Pha gave him 99
roses, after they get in the car Yo leans to give kiss to Pha's cheek but Pha turns his face to Yo,
well they kiss on the lips (somebody already gave this spoiler) Yo wins like 3 awards; one of
them was popular because Yo gets so many roses plus 99 roses from Pha.The faculty of
science's president picks Yo not because of his answer, its because Yo whisper into the
president ear that "actually my love is just walking out from the Gym (episode and the faculty of
science's president tells this to Pha what Yo said to him. during the Moon & Star competition
(well when Yo was playing the piano) LOL

Did you all NOTICED that when Wayo was going to meet Phana to give him a bracelet and a
yellow card he overheard the conversation of the three friends in that classroom, right... and
then Wayo ran away totally upset...? ​Did you notice that Wayo lost the yellow card... and
that it felt on the floor, just next to that classroom door...? ​Well...guess who picked that
card up...? It was Phana...!! And P Kit and P Beam know about too But the best part: That very
moment, Phana ran looking for Wayo, but couldn't find him. That day was the last day of the P's
in high school... so they never got the chance to meet again until now...!! But it gets better:
Phana keeps that yellow note in his pocket... ​and that note is going to be the prove to Wayo
that Phana has a crush on him since Junior High School...!!
Previous year : Pha (Champion), Forth (Second in position)

Present year: Ming (Champion), Wayo (TOP 5 + lots of other titles... especially the title of MR
Popular --> being able to get it because of Pha with 99 roses as the votes... the banner is still
being presented to wayo by Pha, it'll be the last or 2nd last episode i think


Q:Who’s P’Pha ‘s Girlfriend? Is it Pring?
A: The truth is He doesnt have any girlfriend! lol. He is just being nice to everyone. he is single
since he enter university and he waited for wayo, he knows wayo like him. pring likes phana but
phana just like her as a friend ONLY. but seems like pring misunderstood phana's behaviour.
when he started to recognise wayo, he started to make a move. but there will always be a third
wheeler aka pring

Ch 5 and 6. Ch 6 is told from the perspective of Kit​. Kit recognises Yo because Pha had
asked him and Beam to accompany/help him to spy on Yo when they were in high school. Kit is
the only one who recognises and confirmed that Yo was the Wayo which Pha has a crush on
apparently besides wearing specs, Yo was full of pimples in high school, hence the obsession
with facial). Kit always find unbelievable that Pha being so intelligent failed to recognise Yo e).
Kit told Pha he managed to get Yo's number through a friend's friend, but Pha was hesistant to
copy the number as he was unsure if Yo had changed (but he called Yo anyway later when he
was drunk as seen in ep 2 e) ​After Pha scored almost full marks for the test, Kit and Beam
noticed that Pha was unusually happy eventhough it was normal for Pha to top the class.
Kit guessed that Pha had a date with Yo then teases him that is it because Ya looks like
Wayo with the intention to trigger Pha to realise they are same person, But backfired,
think Pha felt guilty then asked them to tell another person that he wanted to eat sushi
and to go with him so he have an excuse to break his date with Yo which explains why
Pring knew that he wanted to eat sushi and Pha just willingly went along.

Chapter 9​: After Wayo went out with Forth (the one we see in ep4 preview), Pha sort of
complaint to Kit, and now Kit has to babysit this jealous doctor.
Chapter 10​: Pha stops calling Wayo shorty? And there's this cute conversation, so that's a plus.
Pha "You still didn't answer my question." Wayo "What question" Pha "Am I handsome?" Wayo
"You look at the mirror every day, how can you not know?" Pha "I know but want to hear it from
Chapter 11​: Mingkit starts! And... Wayo gets carsick (or exhausted or something)? But it ends
with the typical Wayo sleeps in the car resting on Pha’s lap

note, it seems that Forth’s heart is broken before this, since the confession start with Pha asking
Wayo what does he think about Forth liking him
Chapter 18​: Pha enters Wayo's room and discovers the Pha shrine'. Pha finally gets the
bracelet (after 2 years lol)
Ming stole a kiss from Kit, and Kit refuses to talk to him for a while, until Ming stole his heart.
Wayo's answer to "what is love?" is "love without any hope of reward", and he will say that on
the stage when he performed for the moon contest. The scene when Kit visits Ming when he's
boxing is ​chapter 22​. And l think Ming asks Kit to cheer for him? Pha stays with Yo the night
before the contest. At ​chapter 20​ there's a friendly' rivalry between Pha and Forth (in front of
Yo, of course). And think PhaYo kissed in this chapter? But no, Forth wasn't there when they
Chapter 24​: Pha tells Prink to fuck off she has been in the friendzone since forever. (Yay!!!)
Also, this is when the moon of the campus contest is held. Kit will have the usual homosexual
isn't normal problem when he starts dating Ming, and problem with his family because of their
relationship. Oh, and he will meet his ex girlfriend too. And Kit is afraid that people will see them
when they kiss... But Ming will never give up until they got their happy ending!
Chapter 27​, PhaYo was kissing when Forth interrupted!!! With a phone call. But Pha doesn't
stop doing Yo! So you can imagine how Yo sounds on the phone lol. That'll be interesting
Chapter 28​, Forth asked Yo about the phone call!!! Then Pha & Forth fight and Kit break them
up and give them a good scolding. I'm sure at the end Kit says to Forth to hold himself because
PhaYo is already dating.) Then there's nothing related between ​chapter 29-32​,
by chapter 33 Forth is already broken- hearted... So l guess he just gives up?
In ​chapter 33​, Forth is drinking his broken heart away, and Beam is with him. And theyre
holding hands (I think Forth is getting clingy), and the atmosphere is romantic, and there is this
one sentence: "The atmosphere makes me unleash all my instinct, and the most effective
instinct is the one below ol Then they kiss. On the side note, Beam's behind is hurt after the sex
(I mean, what do you expect from a drunk sex). What a great 'below instinct' Forth has!
ForthBeam one night stand is between ​chapter 43-44​. There will be a scene where Forth
arrange candles to form "F heart B", then give him flowers. Pha is the type that can never get
enough of Yo Con bed, I mean). And Wayo is super rich.
Well, there isn't much besides Ming just getting smitten right at the beginning and starts chasing
Kit. They officially" meet at ​Chapter 11​, then in ​Chapter 15​ we see more interaction (Ming
buying Kit ice cream which Kit doesn't want because it makes him fat?). In ​Chapter 21​ Kit finds
Ming practicing, and their locker is next to each other (we saw this in one of the trailers). Then
they somehow eat together (like, Kit's car isn't working or something). Overall, it's just plain old
flirting, nothing eventful…
Kit and Ming's lockers were next to each other in gym, and their cars also were parked next to
each other LOL Ming really likes to eat Kit-Kat chocolate (Kit see it when he sit in Ming's car)
how cute is that Ming say to Kit if he wins the Moon contest, Kit has to go on date with
him (I have to win this game so I can have another chance dinner with you") this what
author wrote from all of them(yes Ming is THE MOON OF THE COLLEGE thats why Kit
start dating wit Him Lol)​ Ming is the only one ...Funny character
Spoiler before chapter 25
Ok, so it's their date after Ming wins the moon contest. The thing is... imo there isn't a lot of cute
stuff in this chapter; Kit is grumpy all the time because a certain someone is slowly creeping into
his heart (tsundere much?). But here's some highlight:

At first, Kit tries to escape from his date with Ming, but of course he fails.

Then in the car, when they get to the restaurant, Ming take off his ribbon [you know, that big
sash they give you when you win a contest] and pull out his shirt (which was inserted into his
pants). Kit is staring at him the whole time and Ming was like, “Do you want it?” (‘it’ means the
ribbon). Then I think Kit misunderstands him, and was like “Want what!?”. [Honestly not quite
sure on this one though]

Then at the restaurant, Ming said to him, “Let’s eat something nice… nice like you.”

Then the topic about Ming’s ex-girlfriend comes up, and Kit asks why did they break up. Ming
said it’s because he likes someone else. Then they talk about it for a while, before Ming ask,
“Why are you so mad? Are you worried that I still have something for her?”

Instead of answering, Kit stabs his chopstick in his noodle. So Ming promises him he won’t talk
to his ex again.

But then, when Ming drives Kit back home, his ex calls him. So Kit gets grumpy again and want
to quickly gets down, but Ming holds him back. His ex asks him why he doesn’t pick up his
phone, and Ming said “because I was eating with my boyfriend.”.

At that time, Kit wants to protest, but Ming covers Kit’s mouth. And his ex won’t believe him, but
Ming keeps insisting until the call ends.

Then, Kit says “I feel sorry for her.”

Ming says “Me too. But I’m only interested in you. What do I have to do to show it?”

Then Kit is loss for word… “What’s so good about me?”

“Nothing. I just like you.”

Finally, before Kit gets down from the car, he congratulates Ming for his win. Ming then gives
him the sash, “Thanks to you”. Obviously, Kit doesn’t want it, “You still need it for photoshoot.”

“Keep it for me. So then I’ll see you again when I need it.”

When Kit goes home to celebrate his dad's birthday, Ming offers to drive him to Kit's home,
which he does, also Ming meets Kit's Ex-girlfriend... she tell Kit that he is in love with Ming LOL

when they reach home Ming ask for Goodbye kiss and they kiss. Kit's brother see them kissing
and he ask Kit who's this guy. Ming says his name and "I am Kit's BOYFRIEND" and Kit gets
angry because Ming dose not use P'Kit... from then he calls him Kit!

and in the end Ming ask Kit to be his Boyfriend at Kits home lol (Ming had his eyes on Kit since
high school)


Beam doesn't dare to approach Kit Kat as Kit has always been straight and had girlfriends.
When he starts to realise that Ming is seriously after Kit Kat he starts to get uncomfortable.
When Ming finally get Kit Kat, Beam will be heartbroken (even Pha knew long ago from his
observation that Beam like Kit Kat all along however Kit Kat has no idea of it at all). However,
that's how the ONS between heartbroken Beam and heartbroken Forth after the union of Pha x
Wayo & Ming x Kit managed to make Beam x Forth possible.

● Pha getting jealous

● Pha asking Kit for advice
● Kit spying on Ming on Pha's behalf Kit Ming starting! (to flirt)
● Pha Yo cute moments a's confession (aka "l was in love with you for longer than you
were in love with me"
● Pha Yo's kiss

well it starts with a guy ask Yo how much dose he worth? (something like selling yo's body?)
Park post photo of Yo with his phone number, and Yo starts getting calls... it take place between
some where ​chapter 40 to 50​ l not sure! after that Yo's dad take him back to his home Yo feels
guilty and he stops taking Pha calls (he locks himself not wanting to see Pha) but Pha doesn't
give up, he stand out side of Yo's house until Yo's dad lets him in (but after standing for hours
Yo's bedroom door was locked Yo's dad gives key to Pha. lol and Dr Pha make sure Yo nothing
will change in their relationship well this what i got from google translation lol
Chapter 28​, Park meets Yo and we learn that Park already has Yo's phone number. Since then
they'll interact a few times. In ​Chapter 45​, Pha realized something weird with Yo (red mark on
his neck, and soon after pictures of naked Ya starts to circulate. Then Pha ran to Park and
immediately smashed his head (go Pha!!!), and then Forth and Beam come and beat Park again
(on the side note, Forth says "Yo is my brother", so he has completely and efficiently moved on.
Good job Beam!).​ Chapter 46​, Pha is coming to Wayo’s house.
***so park likes yo and yo is already in a relationship with PPha. Park Still wants to Chase Yo.
By now whatever chapter this is at, Pring knows that Pha likes Yo too. think there are rumors on
the school's website, but PhaYo's relationship is not public. I think only their friends know. Then
a picture of Yo shows up on like maybe craiglist or some equivalent, as an ad selling himself. So
Yo starts getting a bunch of phone calls from perverts. So rumor around the school is that he's
selling himself. Some believe it, some dont. It's stressful for Yo but his friends are there and so
is Pha for support. Yo changes his number but he's still getting calls By now, Pha and Yo have
gotten physical. LOL. Pha is totally horny for Yo. After their first night, Pha doesn't pay as much
attention to Yo, making him worry about their relationship. He also sees Pha with Pring, so he's
jealous. Yo decides to show Pha that he doesn't have to be the only one who's jealous. He asks
Park to go to the movies, Park agrees. Pha overheard so he dragged Pring to the movies too.
The four of them are sitting together. Some time during the movie, Pha drags Yo out. Yo tells
Pha of his frustration about their relationship. Pha tells Yo he's been working to find out who's
behind Yo's and it was Pring.They make up,Yo's nice so he decides to finish the movie with
Park and tell Pha to go back with Pring.Pha and Yo had sex.Afterwards,Pha’s just studying
While Yo’s sleeping. Pha gets a phone call. It's Pring at a club wanting Pha to pick her up. He's
like no thanx, call Beam or Kit and hangs up. Pring calls again, Pha won't go, but Yo wakes up,
tells him to go because Pring's a girl. Pha goes and brings along Beam and Kit. All three of them
find Pring and brings her back to the dorms. Pha sees Park coming out of the dorm and chased
after him, asking wth is he doing here. Park said he was visiting a friend. Pha goes back to Yo's
room, the door was unlocked. So he checks sleeping Yo out. Yo looks normal except for some
redness on his neck, which Pha attributes to his handling of Yo during their lovemaking. Next
day, after Pha's exam, he's gettingwarried because Yo's not answering his calls or texts He
goes over to Yo's faculty with Beam and Kit. They see pictures everywhere of naked Yo and a
guy, that's not Pha. So Pha tells Kit and Beam to get all the papers and burn them. He knows
who did it. He ran to Park's faculty and jumps him and starts beating Park up. He friends pull
him away but are there to support him when he wants to beat Park some mare. Forth is there
too because he considers Yo his bro.Yo finally comes out but just to say that he's not involved
with Pha. Then Yo’s dad comes and takes him back home Pha, Ming, and Kit drives to Yo's
house. They have security guards who won't let them in. Pha tells Kit and Ming to go back to
campus. Pha stays there all day waiting for Yo to let him in. Yo won't let him in. Pha just suffers
sitting outside. Yo's dad comes home and ignores Pha. Pha's afraid of the dad. Later, the dad
comes out and talks to Pha. The dad knows they're dating and wants to hear how Pha feels
about Yo. The dad is satisfied and lets Pha into the house. Pha goes and talks to Yo. Yo is sad
and blames himself for what happened. Thinks that he's impure, is not sure what happened, but
doesn't think anything did happen. Pha thinks about how Park was around when Yo was alone
when Pha went to pick up Pring, so she must be in on it with Park. In the end, Pha doesn't care
and loves Yo no matter what…
After Pork, the final big problem will be about Pha's parents divorcing and as a result, he has to
go with America. Surprise, surprise, he doesn't go (well, he went, but come back as a
not-so-surprise gift for Yo's birthday).
EP 7 and the rest of the episodes
So they’re sharing a room at the beach retreat.There’s this chick named Gukgai that’s hitting on
Pha but he just ignores her. Pha asks Yo what kind of song will he be playing for the
competition. They re just discussing what songs, lol, all 3 of the songs that Pha picked are about
unrequited love. Yo's like, I must see the unrequited love meaning because of the feelings for
the guy right besides me. So cute. Then Pha asks if Yo s hungry, Yo is. So Pha said he'll go get
Yo something. Yo said he'll go with Pha. So they go to a 7-11 to get food. There they meet
Gukgai and her roommate, Sai. They are in the room right in front of Yo's room. Sai talks to Yo
about how Gukgai said that Pha likes Gukgai and they're probably gonna be sharing a room
tonight so Sai will probably be with Yo in his room. Yo gets all sad and mopey and
brokenhearted. Pha comes back and Yo's all surprised why he's not with Gukgai. He doesn't
know what's the truth. That's when that conversation starts about how Pha will never lie to Yo
and Yo should believe in Pha. Chapter 14 ends with them finishing dinner then going to sleep.
Pha ends the chapter with "sweet dreams, Nong Yo" (For some of the titles, l understand the
chinese but I'm not sure about the Thai equivalent, so I went with Nong. The Chinese says
junior brother).
Lol Yo has such a low self esteem,he doesn't believe that Pha is interested in him at all..poor
So Pha and Yo spends the night in the same room.Yo wakes up and Pha is already dressed
and ready for the day, just sitting on the bed beside Yo, reading on his ipad.Pha told Yo to go
shower and get dressed and he'll get Yo something to eat.Yo goes to the restroom and is
stunned, thinking that Pha is getting him something to eat, giving him hope again.He thinks Pha
is just being nice, taking care of others again.Yo tells himself not to think too much into it.Once
Yo finishes the shower and gets out, Ming and Forth are there.Pha did bring Yo a meal.Later on
Ming interrogates Yo about the food.Pha got Yo food without chili.Ming suspects that they like
each other.Yo is in's Yo's turn to get his picture taken by the Photographer.Pha just
stands to the side and watches.Yo's nervous and so the photographer asks Pha to show Yo
how to pose?m not sure) Pha looks great and Yo wants to jump him, I think.So Yo said he
wanted to drink some coke.Pha offered to go get some coke for him.After Pha leaves, Yo looks
after him and the photographer said that his expression was perfect.the photograper was
looking for a falling in love expressions.
After the pictures, Ming wanted Yo to help him to take some pictures by the beach,Yo
helps.after he’s done, he’s just sitting by the beach taking some pictures.Lol he forgot about
P’Pha and the coke. P’Pha comes with the coke.sees that Yo is taking some pictures and wants
to help Yo take the pictures.Yo said no need.
Then he ask Yo if he finds Pha terrible?Yo’s like no...Pha just think so bcs he was teasing
Yo.Yo was doing the same though.

Pha: “im sorry!” scratching his head,”this is fucking hard!”

Yo:”what’s hard?” asking because PPha seems to be nervous and worried.
Pha: “Forth said he likes you!”
Yo is thinking that hearing from Pha’s mouth is different than hearing it from Ming.
Yo: “so?”
Pha:” i just wanted to know how you think about it ?”
Yo:”you want to help him chase me?”
Pha:”No,that’s his business,do you feel ok?”
Yo:”Not ok,everyone went back”
Pha:”what are you upset about?”
Yo:”because of you!”
Yo: “You!” at this moment i wanted to throw some sand in P’Pha’s face,but i don’t dare to…
When Yo wanted to run away,P’Pha grabbed his arm “What’s wrong?’
Yo : “let Me Go!”
Pha:”are you angry with me?”
Yo:”yes i’m very angry with you!”
Yo:”you’ve never known...Look into my eyes then think about what i wanted to tell you!...”
Pha let’s go of Yo’s arm and Yo runs away.that’s was his way of confessing

Pha calls Kit

K: What's up Pha, where did you go? Let's pack up and get ready to head back.
P: Where's Yo?
K: He should be riding in Forth's car. What's with your face, did you guys fight?
P: probably!
K: Pha, what's wrong?
P: I…..
K: What's wrong?
P: I'm happy?
K: Huh?'
P: He's the same as before, he still likes me like before
K: Fuck!!! If you know, then go confess to him, then start dating! Jeez!
P: I don't know. I’m shy
K: Ok, be shy, be careful or else Forth will take him.

P: Where’s your phone

K: What?
P: Nong's phone number...
Yo's in Forth's car with Ming. His phone vibrates, someone just sent him a messages on Line.
Phana.. Phana...Doctor Phana P Pha! Then … Yo didn't know why PPha sent a picture, it looks
like a picture of a card. Card...Card lt was his card that lost, that came with the present that he
was going to give to P" at that time... “ I don't know how many years it's been”... The thing I has unexpectedly been with PPha! P Pha knows!

To P’Pha

You are the best for me

always and forever

From: Wayo

How long has he known!!!!!

Then why pretend not to know me? He actually has the face to send this news....
P: You can call me PPha, Nong Yo off class 105
Yo: Fuck (Yo has such a potty mouth, LOL I can't say how frightened and shy l am right now. I'm
st--un--ned!!!! "Yo, what's wrong?" Ming waved his hands in front of my eyes.
***l slapped my hand to my head I'm so ashamed, I just want to jumped out of the car then
disappear into the broad landscape of China. (LOL)
P: Let's go eat dinner together tonight!
P: It's mandatory, so you definitely have to go!
I was anxious so i did not type anything
Y: Damn P'Pha!! Damn
P: 5555555 (Hahahahahaha)
Y: It's not funny at all.
P: I'm sorry, I knew before but I pretended not to know.
Y: Don't say it
P: What can l do for you to cool off?

P: i won’t let you go again
Y: (I'm stunned). (This shows...)
P: That time.. where did you go, you left that card
P: l waited for you..waited a long time.P: Why did you disappear and didn't reappear
Y: (D ammit**P’Phaa. He knows, he knows everything...But the most important thing is...He has
the same feeling as me!
Y: Because PPha said to the others that you like girls.
P: Yo called me PPha, ..blush..
Y: Don't change the subject!
P: l was afraid Beam would joke. But now I'm not afraid..
Y: didn't know how to respond to P, l could just write..) So freaking embarrassing.
P: I'm also embarrassed, I'm still embarrassed
Both of us suddenly smiled, P’Pha suddenly smiled Even Beam who was driving right now
noticed his smile. "Yo returned my message... so cute ah!"
"So you guys have already defined the relationship? Did you want to tell everyone in your circle
of friends?" Kit asked.
Crazy... We have not…”
"Then what are you waiting for?"
"He he, you guys slowly wait and see... "Ai Ya then what are you waiting for?
"I still haven't seriously pursue Nong..This matter takes steps." Now that know that Nong and l
are on the same page, the next part shouldn't be hard I won't be like before and waste time,
every minute, every second will all be grasped by me Calm down, I won't let Yo be single for

Beam car was a little faster than the school bus. All of the lower underclassmen got off the bus,
but i didn't waste any time before going to find my "cutie Yo" (l've always loved given him that
nickname in my heart), because I knew that he wasn't on the bus How come l suddenly began
to tense up, when i see him, what should I say!
"P Pha, you still haven't returned?" Nong Gukgai smiled and came to ask me. So that I can chat
With her more easily, Beam and Kit especially moved out of her way. I really wanted to kick the
both of them!
"Did you want to go eat together?" "Aren't you going to eat with Nong Sai?" l dryly said,
continually looking for Forth's car, they still haven't arrived. "Uh.." She didn't expect that kind of
answer, “can’ i eat together with you?”...i looked at my friends, hoping they would help me out,
but they love me, so they pretended to read and discuss the material. It's really sinful. When it
comes to matters concerning Yo,don't even mention being careful, but why are they not willing
to help? Thank heavens! At that time, Forth's car finally arrived. "I'm sorry, l have a date l
temporarily hid my shy self away, I must see my beloved Yo! Forth got out of the car and saw
my stupid face. Ming got out from my side and also had a dull face. "Where's Yo?" "Yo..he.."
Ming pointed to behind the car, Yo already got off the car earlier, "Hey, d a m n Yo!”
"Where did you want to run to?" l hurriedly chased after him, it didn't take a long time to get him
His entire body from his face to his neck was red.... I couldn't help it, lt was really funny "Ha ha
ha ha ha!" "Don't talk to me!" He said with his hard face. So funny, took his bag. "Calm down." "I
already said don't talk to me." Are you still mad at me?" "Of course I'm angry!" He shouted at
me. Looking at his face, he wasn't really angry, lt shouldn’ be too hard ro coax him.(it should be,i
wasn’t really sure about myself)”since you know ,why you didn’t talk to me earlier,you knew so
much!you really ****
"Hey! What can l do? I didn't know that you still liked me!" "D a m n you!" After he said that, he
kicked my leg. "******hurts! You seem thin but you have a lot of strength!" "It hurts!" I'm not
kidding, it really hurts. used my hands to rub my leg, no need to say, it's definitely blue.
"You deserve it!"
"Ok, I'm sorry, I was wrong!" l raised my hands in surrender.
"You really... don't understand anything... Why did you make me say...waste of expression “ he
said in a low voice,somewhat incoherently...i smiled slightly,”you smiled easily know!” he pointed
to my face as if i was weird animal
"I also don't know l shrugged my shoulders
"Fuck!" Yo didn't have a sense of what to do
Calm down a bit."
"I can't calm down, give me back my bag!"
"No." I took the bag and tried to hide it, "eat with me." put my hand on his shoulder and said Yo
was trying to get away, but he couldn't, "No!" "A certain person is still my slave right now!" That
fellow didn't know how to refute, standing there sulking (But why is his face red?), How can he
be so cute. He had a particularly angry look but also a trace of shyness. What should I do? I
gave him a poor look "I'll treat.." hoping that Yo would accept this… or not? I was unsure looking
at his angry and shy face,i cannot guess his mind.

“i want to go to MK to eat duck!” said Yo.

“En!” there should be no problem since the madame wife has spoken.what cannot be done?

Yo seemed to be hungry,not just eating one but two big dishes of duck! This I don't know where
this shit all goes... "Aren't you eating?" Yo asked me while eating with a big mouth... "I'm full."
Don't say that I'm nauseating, just watching him eat and I'm full, really, I feel really blessed. "You
definitely want to tease me!" Yo worriedly said, "Whatever, eat first then we'll talk!”
"You look better now than compared to high school, it's all due to taking care of yourself?"
"Who do you think it was for?"
He startled me
"So it was for me huh?"
"Of course!" He said while stuffing his mouth. I smiled again... "You've been smiling a lot lately."
"I usually don't smile so easily!"
“ I know” Yo said..”recently you’ve been smiling too much”..
“who do you think it was for?”
l returned the hit, Yo suddenly stopped eating. He then looked at the me who was looking at
him. "Aya!" A depressed look, Are you teasing me?" "Ha?" "Nothing "I will only tease you..." "Are
you sure?" Yo took the chopsticks and pointed at me, "Don't make me mention your romantic
history!" "You treat everybody so well!" "Don't you feel it, compare to others, you are better? Yo
was silent... it seems like he was thinking, afterwards, an expression of agreement appeared
"Believe in me The more he tried to avoid my eyes, the more l stared at his eyes
“are you pursuing me?” yo pocked the corn kernels in contemplation and said.
I smiled before saying the sentence outloud..
“is there still a need to ask?”....
When did I start to like Yo…Frankly speaking, I don’t know myself.

When I realized it…I had already searched the entire world for that kid.

At that time, I was only an immature third year middle school brat, who liked to play basketball,
who liked to play guitar, who spoke directly. At that time, everybody liked me that way, no matter
what grade, lower or higher, there was even the female college students, I would often eat
together with them (even play around), every night I would eat for free, using them, knowing I
would meet Yo.

The first time I saw him…I only remember.. that time when I was preparing to go home, I had
just fought with a group of people, and had received some injuries, I was just standing there,
and saw a not that outstanding of a kid, wearing a school uniform. He was really lean, and also
wearing glasses. In fact, there was really nothing that was attractive.

But perhaps it was because he was carrying a small kitten, there was a stab in the soft ground
of my heart that I began to have a good impression of him.

Ai Ya..He was so cute!!!

“Are you lost…Where’s your mom?”

D a m n, did you think the kitten could answer you?

“What should I do? I can’t take you home to raise, the Siberian husky at my house will bite you.”

It seems like he was from a rich family with a good upbringing, since they could go as far as
raise a Siberian husky. That little boy glanced left and right (I hurriedly hid away), until he
decided to take the cat home to raise. This is what a generally good kid would subconsciously
do, it wasn’t a big deal.
But do you believe it? That was the first time Yo came into my line of sight. After that, I started to
slowly pay attention to him.

Afterwards, I found out, he was in one level lower than me, a clumsy bookworm. When at
school, Yo always did not dare look at me directly, or it seems at anybody else. No matter in
school matters or fighting, I was first class. I also had an unapproachable aura of respectability
from the entire student body.

I saw him many times after that, but it was depressing. Why would he have a frightened look
each time he saw me? I am obviously super handsome, I just can’t believe I was scary?

“ I almost forgot!” Kit suddenly said one day, “That Nong that you like, he’s called…”

***..I don’t like him! “At that time, you could beat me to death and I still wouldn’t admit it, “He’s
not big breasted.”

“Haven’t you been paying close attention to him for almost two weeks now?” Beam interjected.

“I just thought he was weird.” I shrugged my shoulders. “That skinny person, you don’t know if
one day, the wind will come and blow him over.”

“So you don’t have any interest in him, it’s just because you think he’s weird?” Beam asked.

Haven’t you been praising him here and there…You saw him help an old lady cross the road,
you saw him give to beggars. Each time you saw him doing something good, didn’t you run over
to tell us. Even when he went to 7-11 to buy something, he didn’t even do anything, you still
came over to boast.

“And you still dare to not say like, Pha?”

Each time, my friends made me speechless….

“I don’t know, I just have some interest in him.”

“Then I reckon you don’t want to know what he’s called, right? Beam, Let’s go out and eat!”

Bang…I used my foot to block their way.

“Before thinking about eating, wait a bit, I’ll treat you guys.” I cleared my throat, “So what’s his

Beam exposed a trace of a sinister smile, “He’s called Wayo.”

The meaning of Wayo was wind right?

Maybe someday, he’ll be blown away by the wind.

“Wayo Phanichayasawat.”

****! Beam exclaimed, “Phanichayasawat..isn’t that the name of one of the nation’s top ten
richest man?!”

“His family imports, buys and sells cars.” Kit shrugged his shoulders.

I couldn’t say anything for a moment.

That brat, is suddenly the son of richest man in the country.

Damm**..Am I reaching for the stars?

Wait wait, He’s a guy, it should be said that I’m reaching for the moon!

Anyways…Did I truly want to pursue him..

My family also has standing in society, but it’s not up to par with his.
From that day on, I would regularly watch Yo from afar. He was the same as before. Each time
he saw me, he would avoid my eyes. I don’t know if he was scared enough of me to pee in his
pants, but I can be sure that no matter how many times in the past, if I looked in his direction, he
would avoid my line of sight.

From middle school to high school, in my subconscious, he was the only person in my eye.

I had no lack of girls chasing me, scandals flying everywhere, one moment dating a girl from this
school, another moment dating a girl from this grade. But none of that was true, I was just
playing. None of them were real, I just didn’t want to give up my youth.

As for Yo…He always had someone come looking for him, a tall guy, it seems like his friend, I
don’t remember his name. I just remember that that guy was not ordinarily handsome.

I continuously did not dare to pursue him, one of the reason was because he was a guy. If I was
to chase him, it would be ironic. And, it seems like he already had an owner, that tall guy who
was always sticking to him (At that time, Ming was really sticky with Yo, of course, even now,
he’s still sticking to Yo).

Over time, even though I was still interested in him, except for stealing a few glances, nothing
was done.

When I discovered the card that Yo wrote, I really wanted to beat my head against a block of
tofu. At that time, I was in my 3rd year of high school, and it was my last day at school. In spite
of Beam and Kit’s questions, I alone ran outside to find my short squash (this is his nickname in
my heart) [It’s supposed to describe a fat and short person]. I search for the whole day. I even
coerced all of the 2nd years to tell me about Yo. They were all afraid of their own heads, and
even explained that they didn’t know that much about Yo. Even though he had good friends, his
whereabouts were secretive. The one who knew him best was the inseparable Ming. But even
now, Ming was the same as Yo, his shadow could not be seen.

The events of that day, I wanted to forget. I never thought, the more you wanted to forget, the
more of an obsession it became. I’ve come to realize, I’ve already loved him so deeply, I tested
into the medical school of the top university. Afterwards I began to pray that Nong would follow
me to the school to study…I didn’t realize that it became reality.

Nong really followed me!

In college, the first time I greeted him, I disliked him. Perhaps it was because that brat looked
like Yo (I couldn’t believe it, it was unexpectedly Yo). Especially with how he was a second
generation rich kid, I disliked him. Generally speaking, to strangers, I’m very polite. At that time,
my heart felt quite bad. That was the first time I disliked a stranger. He probably reckoned that it
was a total loss. But what can I do? I have to make the one who wastes my time pay.

But afterwards when Kit told me the truth, I really was…choked up and couldn’t say anything.

I was scared that I would lose him again, but, I couldn’t drum up the courage. I was afraid he
had changed his mind. I was afraid he already had a boyfriend, or he was still with that guy (It
seems that he and Ming were as close as before, I don’t know if anything had happened). I
didn’t dare do anything to him, but I secretly took care of him, kept a distance from him…each
time anyone came close to him, I was very angry…angry and depressed (Forth was especially
hateful, but I couldn’t say that he was not a handsome guy). Because I felt that I didn’t do
anything, but in fact, I have done, but it was just subtle, but I could only do it to that extent. I
didn’t have enough confidence to pursue him, I was afraid he would break my heart…

…but, I couldn’t give him up, …really, I didn’t want to give up hope.

So tired, so tired, l obviously should be excited, but I also can't exert any effort. My head should
sleep at this point. Even knowing the big matter that P Pha also had a crush on me, don't have
any strength to call and tell Ming, forget it...I'll let him find out for himself. I really wanted to give
myself a slap.i am sure that i am dreaming. Then, am l already waking up from this dream right
now? Surprisingly, he likes me too! P Pha likes me! Surprisingly he liked me when l was still not
attractive! Hum-hum-hum The phone vibrated, it stopped me from jumping on the idea of
calming down. An unknown number came in the early morning. Who is this, I was a little angry
having to get up from bed to answer it.
Open the door!"
Hearing this overbearingly presidential tone is certain to be only one person, and now this
person is right in front of my door.
P Pha
"Hurry and open the door!"
l open my eyes and stare at the door as if l saw a ghost. No no no, this is even more horrific. It's
not because he came knocking on my door, but because he suddenly wanted to come calling at
this time. "If you don't open the door, l'Il kick the door in!" Ok...I'm scared of you, l don't care if
it's not appropriate, l walk half asleep and half-awake to open the door. For The moment that the
door opens, the image of Pha's handsomeness brilliantly shined straight to my retinas. I am
uncertain if he’s white and clean T-shirt is too bright on him.or if the person handsomeness that
he brought along woke me up.
Under the blessing of perfume, I feel like I already got it right. Contrary to me with my stupid
look, it simply cannot be compared.

“Let me in.”

He pushes my shoulder and comes into the room.

I continue to stand there, still asleep…P’Pha seems as if he already glanced around my entire
my room, that’s to say….

…He sees the pictures that I put on the table!....

The problem is that there is more than one. That’s because they are from the beginning of my
crush, when I collected any pictures related to him. There are like ten of them!
“What is that?”

I am not afraid of him, but this time, my scared a s s sat down in front of his line of sight.

“Nothing, just some pictures of a Korean movie star.”

“What Korean movie star, that’s obviously me!”

“No! That’s crazy! It’s not!” I anxiously shout, he got up wanting to get around me and go
straight to see: “F***! I can’t see, let me have a look!”

“You can’t look!”

“Don’t make me use force!” P’Pha stops moving, he threatens me!

“Hey, what I said is true!”

While I am speaking, I don’t know where this guy got the strength, a moment ago he could not
dodge me, he suddenly rushes over and pushes me onto the bed…..

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I was wrong!”

The me that is pressed down by him, tightly close my eyes.

I know clearly… I should not provoke others. Ultimately who is the one who suffers? It is actually
Ah.” He lightly hums, and then lets me go. I don’t know if he doesn’t have the guts or if he's
avoiding me (I feel it should be the latter, but as I am the male lead of this book, it should be the

Simultaneously when he lets me go, meaning that he also gains his freedom, he freely did as he
wanted and goes to the front of the table where I place the pictures, looking at each in detail. I
sit up and down, and take a pillow to hammer my head. You can’t guard against such a cunning

“When was this taken?” He points to a picture and asks me. In the picture, he had short hair and
was eating. The lens was very close, the texture of the face was clearly visible. Of course I was
not the one who took it. It was his fan club fans who took it. I just spent some money to buy it.
(That’s right, when I was in school, this was really a thing). “You are really obsessed with me,

He read through the past. In fact, not a few, but there was one in every stage of his photos.

I turn my face to the pillow and didn’t want to say anything….

“What is this?”

P’Pha picks up a black jewelry box, “The color of this band is the same as that of the card.”

“…Originally I wanted to give it to you at that time…” I stuttered and said.

“In the end you did not give it?”

“Because I heard you say…that you like girls…”

“Now give it back to me!” He said in a way as if it had already been in his possession. Looking
at him opening the box, and then putting on the bracelet, I really wanted to take this scene

I take my half-buried face and turn into the pillow, feeling shy and happy, both of these feelings
mixed together. So I don’t know what to do…my spirit returned when I feel a big hand, he is
touching my head.

“Thank you.” I lift up my head, P’Pha lowers his head and stares at me, “but, I don’t have
anything to give you.”

“No need.” As long as you have this idea,that is enough to make me happy behind closed doors
for several days.

“I really like it, you chose well.” Although it’s not trendy, but it looks like he is especially happy.
All of a sudden, he sits down besides me, his wrist already wearing that string bracelet.

I smile and look at the gift that I gave P’Pha..Yay! I completed my mission (from two years ago).
“You can go shower.”


“Go and quickly wash.”

“I still want to sleep.” I cry, waiting for this uninvited guest to leave. I will continue to sleep in.

“If you sleep, who will accompany me to breakfast!”


“Wash your face and brush your teeth is fine. Let’s go to the shop to eat porridge, my treat.”

Hearing a free meal, I immediately do as P’Pha suggested.

Next..I feel a bit not good..from the beginning I regret listening to this guy’s false words. How is
it ok to just wash your face and brush your teeth and come down. Tell me, walking with this
extremely handsome campus moon, who will the girls who got up early stare at, huh?

“Are you whispering in your heart about me again?”

Really…he has a strong six sense. “Huh?”

“Your face does not look serious.”

“Where!” I hurriedly shake my head in defense.

“Ah, you better not let me know!”

“Now what?”

“I will..” P’Pha raises his palm and waves in front of my eyes.

“Ok ok ok, I’m afraid of you.”

I hurriedly lift my hands in surrender, teasing P’Pha with a big smile.

I’m sorry, I am still cursing him in my heart…Now I can really laugh…I did not see you smile
often before…
“Ah,” there came a sound, “you’re up early today,” P’ came in the door, the porridge shop auntie
gave a greeting.

“I couldn’t sleep.” P’replied with a wai. It seems he comes here often.

“What, why couldn’t you sleep, be careful or else you’ll become less handsome!”

“Auntie, do you feel that I am not handsome?”

What what what what…I lose! Is it not enough that I lost! So shameless, I have never seen
anyone so shameless! But I don’t have any way, because the facts are like this, who can
dispute it…

“The same as before, please put a bit more egg and pork liver.”

“Ok, how about you, child?”

Shoot…Is she talking to me… “Me?”

“Yes, child, what did you want to order, the same as your senior?”

I stupidly stared…Auntie, you’re calling someone tall like me at 178 cm a “child”?!

“The same as him is fine, Auntie.”

I scratched my head, finally sat down at a table with P’Pha. I feel that he is smiling secretly to
himself because of Auntie’s “child” comment. But he’s holding it in.

“What!” I directly said.

“’s funny…Child Yo!”

When I hear those words coming out of P’Pha’s mouth, I almost vomit…

“You better not call me that again, it doesn’t fit me..”

“She called you that first.”

“You’re not allowed to call me that!”

P’Pha lightly nods his head, I am not sure if I should believe him. After all, he’s the tallest guy at
my side.

“Did you just get to college? Child.” Auntie asked me when she brings the porridge. I nod my
Forget being called that…”Yes, Auntie.”

“You should come here often, together with Dr. Pha would be best, so Auntie’s business can
become busy.”

“Why is that, Auntie?”

“Nothing..It’s just that when Doctor Pha comes to eat…a lot of girls will come and patronize
Auntie’s business.”

I dryly smile, the fellow sitting in front of me does not make a sound, he raises his eyebrows at
me, seeming to obtain his own adoration.

“Child, you should come together in the future, you both look good!”

“Ah..” Is she considering hiring me as a spokesperson? I’m not expensive, ha ha ha!

“He’s over here!” I still did not say a few beautiful words before I am interrupted by a group of
girls. When they saw P’Pha, they repeat themselves. They only see P’Pha. A rush comes into
the porridge shop. Four to five girls allowed Auntie to make a penny.

Perhaps it is this reason, so Auntie gives me and P’Pha an especially full bowl of porridge…..

“You’re on fire!” I spit out.

“It’s only a bit…”

“Poo!” Quit while you’re ahead!

“Hurry up and eat, it doesn’t taste good cold.”

“It’s still hot, hot to the mouth.”

“Blowing on it is good, or, did you want me to help you blow?” saying this, P’Pha wants to take
my spoon. You really want to help me blow? I tightly held my spoon!

“No need!”

“Aren’t you a little kid?”

“Where’s the compliment in that?”

Seeing that I can eat by myself, P’Pha did what, he took my napkin and wiped my mouth like I
was an aristocratic young master?

It’s also strange, this small porridge shop only has the two of us sitting at this table, after a
while, it begins to fill with people. A majority are girls, and it seems to me that they are looking at
P’Pha. There were some people privately discussing who I was, and why I am with him. P’Pha
doesn’t care, just engrossed in eating his porridge. Only I am looking at those people, nothing
done naturally.

“Come on,” P’Pha gives some from his bowl to mine, “I generally don’t share the things I like
with others.”

Then why should I not be grateful! “Thank you.”

“Eating so much, look at your dryness, how are you going to win against Ming?”

I am stubborn, “I will definitely win against him!”

“Hope so.” P’Pha is not serious with me.

“Pha”, a voice sounds, it’s a girl. It’s Pring Jae, with her touching beauty. Heaven really spoils
her. Given her beauty and temperament, where she goes, even girls could not help but glance a
few times.

“En.” P’Pha responds.

“You got up early today.” She smiles at me and P’Pha. I don’t know why, but I suddenly no
longer have any appetite, “Can I sit here?”


I respond at the same time as P’Pha, but she chooses to sit on P’Pha’s side. “Auntie, please
give me a portion.” She said to Auntie, it looks like she comes here to eat often.

That’s to say…they came here to eat together often?!

Why did I unconsciously clench my spoon tightly…

“What’s up with you, coming back from the beach but I don’t see you being too tan.” Pring Jae
speaks to me radiating with health.

“It was because I did not go out much.”

“How unfortunate that we did not go together. But it’s ok, so that there is more time to do
papers, so a certain person can make up.” She said sideways with a satirical tone facing P’Pha.

“It’s not too much, I may or may not be deducted points.” P’Pha takes a glass of water and

“Who made you want to go to the beach.”

“Wait a bit and give me the papers.”

“You can take it yourself, when would be a good time?”

“Then forget it, I’m too lazy to see, you read it to me.”

“Make an appointment first!”

From the start of the conversation, it is about medical matters, so I listen and half understand. I
don’t know from when it began, I seem redundant. Listening to them talk about medicine, all I
can do as a junior is lick the bowl of porridge.
“Yo…..look at you eat.” When I hear someone call me, I immediately look up, I didn’t realize that
P’Pha suddenly had taken a napkin and wipe my mouth.

Jae Pring smiles at me and says: “You are super cute.”

“Don’t compliment him, or else he’ll get inflated.”

“It seems kind of weird, before you were teasing Nong, but why now are you two suddenly so

“You…don’t see it,” P’Pha at this moment does not seem like the type to treat his juniors to a
meal as well as shoulder the burden to wipe the mouth of his juniors. I feel that I am a big baby.

“If Nong Suthee sees you taking care of another faculty’s moon, he will definitely be deeply
hurt.” Mentioning Suthee, he was their faculty junior. Jae Pring suddenly smile, but P’Pha
reaction is indifference.

“Then let him be hurt.” P’Pha’s main concern seems to be the problem of my sloppy eating. “Yo,
this side, Pring, Sorry but can you move.”

Jae Pring seems to not have the spirit, but she nicely move to a chair, giving this tall guy some
room, P’Pha stands up and moves to my side to sit down. “How can you be so much like a kid.”

Hey, my mouth is small, I can’t help it!

Because of wanting to do a good job of wiping my mouth, P’Pha held on to my face….Please,

Jae Pring is right here!!

‘Ok..” I could not bear it anymore, “how is it so dirty…”

“Each time you eat, there's a new stain.”

“How can that be!” Honestly speaking, having P’Pha staring at me, it’s really making me
embarrassed. But I cannot bear it anymore, because of all the people surrounding us.

“Oh, then you try to eat!” Not only is he wiping my mouth, he is already trying to spoon feed


“Pha.” Jae Pring coldly said, P’Pha and I turn our gazes towards her, “Be a bit more quick, class
is starting soon.”

“Oh, there’s still time, I’ll drive my car.” After finish speaking, he turns back to my side, I’m not
really so sloppy!

“Then take me since we’re going the same way.”

My hand that is hold the spoon instantly froze. P’Pha gazes towards the campus star and said,
“Pring, where’s your car?”
“I had to send it in for maintenance, I’ll get it back in two weeks.”

“En.” P’ has a trace of hesitation, I can feel him trembling somewhat….he whispers in my ear..
“Can I..?”

What can or cannot….


“I’m asking you if it’s ok, to give Pring a ride”

F u c k…ah….Why are you asking me?

You see, you see! I can feel her not so friendly eyes….I couldn’t speak, I don’t know what to do
with my hands so I scratch my head.

“So how about it?”

P’Pha does not take Jae Pring’s feelings into consideration…


I guiltily answer…my heart thumping and thumping, not sure if my decision will affect P’Pha.

“Are you sure?” What the heck are you doing asking again!

I bow my head. “En.”

P’Pha gently knock my head, then he continues to eat his bowl of porridge (which by now
should be cold), then do you guys know what happened!!!

P’s hand actually touches the back of my hand…of course my hand is on my thigh.

He clutches my hand this way and refuses to let go…

I am afraid someone would see so moved my hand, but P’Pha would not let go.

I don’t know if Jae Pring could see or not…

“I’ll wait for you by the car.”

Jae used the most peaceful tone to say, and then put the money on the table, got up and left,
but only ate about half of the porridge…
“P’Pha, let go!” I moved my hand.


“F*** you!”

“I know you are overthinking this.”

“You’re crazy! I’m not!”

“Between Pring and I, there’s has never been anything all along.”

“Let go!”



“Tell me that you’re not overthinking this,” P’Pha got closer to me. He did not care a bit about
the people around us…Or about his dignified campus moon image.

“First tell me!”

“I’m not!!”

“Are you certain?”

“I really am!”

“From the dorms to the school is only 5 minutes, nothing will happen, you know that, right?”

When P’Pha said these words to me, my mad jumping heart does not stop. Finally, he at last let
go of my hand, and I lower my head. I did not want to be embarrassed, I am just worried and
being conscious of the people around….

In fact, these words that he already said is obvious, he does not care about anybody’s looks.

“I have already waited so long for you, I don’t want to waste time on a misunderstanding.”

P’Pha murmured…As for me, I already did not know what to say.

The only thing I know is that…This person indeed deserves my sincere heart.

I will always, always, guard him…

“Are you thinking about me in your heart?” P’ put down the spoon and said to me, “What can I
do to make you believe me?”

He appears to be reflecting hard, and then suddenly realized. He opens the wallet that had the
card that I wrote to him in high school and put it on the table. When I know that he always
carries the card on his person, saving it all this time, my heart felt an unspeakable sweetness.

“Using your method is good.”

Using what..I look at P’Pha pulling out a piece of paper from his wallet, and writing something
on the front. Then he opens my wallet, and puts the paper inside. This series of action happen
very quickly. So that I do not notice the content of what he wrote.

“Wait until I go to class then you can open it. If you lose it, I will be very angry!” P’Pha sincerely
said, “Auntie, bill please!”

Arriving at the time that he should go to class, he and I walk side by side to the parking place.
Jae Pring is already standing there waiting. The way she looks at me is already different than
before. This I have a feeling, I feel that this road will receive the baptism of various eyes.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s almost too late.” She reproaches P’Pha a bit.

“Return my phone call, ok.” P’Pha didn’t care, he turns around and touches my head, “If you
want to return to sleep, remember to not sleep too much, be careful or your face might swell.”

Saying it like that, now I don’t dare to sleep…

“I’m kidding,” his face exposed a smile, I suddenly feel a bit more at ease… “Go!”

I nod my head, P’Pha got into the car, “We’re leaving.”

Jae Pring at last gives me a glance, then gets into the car with P’Pha.

This image, if it was a few days ago, I would feel a prickly feeling in my heart…

After P’Pha drives a far distance away, I return to my room, wanting to know what P’Pha wrote
on the yellow color paper.

How exciting!

I rush to the bed a bit, and take out the piece of paper from my wallet to see.

The present me, is already unable to compress my own smile….

Nevertheless, the love drawn on this can be the world’s greatest state of disorder…
To N’Yo:

You always have my heart.

From P’Pha

Beam saves the Engineering Freshmen's from Forth's hazing them,

Beam's professor ask him to take some documents to School of Engineering, and he takes Pha
with him. But Pha say no to Beam and Beam threatens Pha by if he doesn't go with him, Beam
will tell Yo that, Pha helped Pring with personal revising?

Forth was hazing the freshmen's, Beam see the Freshmen's faces looked terrified and scared of

Forth was hazing them because one of their Professor gave zero point to a class? and one kid
is so unhappy and was on planning to beat up the Professor... LOL (if you watched SOTUS then
you will know how hazing work. Thank god we don't have this kind of system here hehehe)

Forth's friend Lam tried to to stop him but he doesn't.

Forth make the freshmen's to greet Beam

"Freshmen... Say Sawasdee to P'Beam now."

Forth was teasing Beam and Beam gets embarrassed front of hundreds of Engineering

when Beam tried to leave freshman grabs his leg. Then following with a couple more of kids
doing the same later. they make sad face and says

if he leave... Forth will be mad at them again.

The only one way to help those kids from Forth is by pulling their dad away from them. And
Beam dragged Forth out of that place. Freshmen's cheering and screaming loudly behind
them... LOL

Vibrate Vibrate Vibrate
My phone is ringing. I push P'Pha away to take the call, but he doesn't let me go. Not
even let my lips
"Stop..." I say "Enough."
"Here." P'Pha uses his long arms to grab my phone from the desk and passes it to me,
then keeps on
kissing me. Are you kidding me? "Take the call." Yep. He's not stoping.
"Ah!" I cry when he starts to kiss my ear, so I can talk to the phone.
"Hel...Hello." I hit P'Pha's shoulder because he looks like he's eating me and not stopping
to do that. I feel
like I'm so melted.
"What's up?"
Sounds familiar "P'Forth?"
P'Pha stops right away. I don't know that I
should be confused because of the call from
P'Pha or because he stops kissing me.
"Yes, it's me. How's the frist day at school?"
"It's..." Somebody is try to stop me from making the conversation by locking my lips.
This time he uses his
tongue into my mouth, and, of course, I cannot speak anything anymore. I hit him hard
this time, but he's
still not stoping.
"Hello... Hello... What are you doing?"
After P'Pha is being satisfied, he stops, gives me one eyebrows, and lets me make a
conversation. He's
not really stop, because he's still playing with my nose, cheeks, and everywhere.
I cannot do anything here.
"Err...r.. I'm going to bed.d.. krubb.b.b."
I'm trying to answer.
"Oh. Wrong timing then. Sorry na krub."
Yes. So Wrong. Hang up, richard simmons. P'Pha moves his lips speaking silently.

"I'm really sorry krub. P'Forth. Gotta go krub." I hang up real fast. "Why were you doing
that? I couldn't
answer him."
"Telling him that we are making out might hurt his feeling, so I should show him what we
are doing."
P'Pha shrugs his shoulder. richard simmons! I hate that Jerk pose.
"Satisfied?" I ask.
"of what?"
"of..." what you did to me.
"ah... never." He rubs my nose. "I planed to leave actually, but somebody has been to hot
anf famous, so I
have to restate my status. Because that hot guy might forget who we are."
P'Pha is coming closer again, but this time I grab him.

"Restate? Enough already. I cannot breath."

"Tell me who's your boyfriend?"
"What?" What is he doing?
"Tell me now. Who's your boyfriend? Saying it or I'll keep playing with you all night."
I know that he's doing as he say, if I play a game with him. Just answer him, then. I'm
such an underdog
right now.
"Tell me now."
"Why do you have to ask?"
"I just want to hear it."
I sigh then smile "I'm P'Pha's boyfriend krubbbbbbbb... Happy now?"

"Good" He messes my hair before standing up.

Wait a minute… I can see something poking his pants. He has a boner!!!
It's clearly hard and not small at all.

Chapter 50​ – Our 6 boys went together for a triple-date-slash-camping-sort-of-trip

Forth’s PoV

Back to 10 minutes ago.

I take a deep breath, rubbing my hands that get hit by the candle wax for the tenth time [you
know when you burn a candle sometimes the wax drop on your hand and it hurts]. I don’t know
how much time that I need to gather the courage for myself. Now Beam is in the room with Ming
& Kit; the latter two should be asleep already. So this should be the time!

I slip through the glass door and quietly walk to Beam and nudge him.

Forth: Hi.

Beam: Yeah?

Forth: Get up.

Beam: Can’t
He turns around. Well, he must get up.

Forth: Get up for a while. I have something to show you.

Beam: No, I’m tired.

Forth: Just 10 minutes.

Beam: …

Forth: Please Beam, for Forth.

Beam opens his eyes a little, finally get up and giving in to my pull.

Forth: Close your eyes.

Beam: What is it?

Forth: Just close your eyes first.

He acts like he’s irritated, but I believe he actually isn’t. When he has closed his eyes, I quietly
guide him to the beach area that I have secretly prepared.

It’s candles that don’t take much area, arranged together to form…

F :heart: B

Even though it seems small, it takes a lot of dedication. I had to secretly carry the candles from

I release Beam, which is still closing his eyes, then I move right in front of him, kneel and
present a bouquet.

Forth: you can open your eyes.

Beam opens his eyes. At first, he was squinting because I just drag him from bed. As soon as
he sees me, he laughs a little before moving to look around and make a shocked face.

Beam: You did this alone?

Forth: (I smile proudly) Yes.

Beam: You really are something.

My smile falters a little.

Forth: I saw it in a movie (I made an excuse). Can you take the flower? My knee hurts already.

Beam: I don’t want to.

Forth: You can’t not want to.

Beam sway in front of me softly before taking the bouquet. I then stand up and brush the sand
from my knee.

Beam: Your hands are completely red.

Beam notices the candle wax.

Forth: Yeah, when I arrange the candles, they just keep dying.

Beam makes a sad face before pulling my hand to examine it thoroughly.

Beam: You’re crazy.

Forth: Do you like it?

Beam: I don’t know. It’s funny, I guess.

Forth: It’s funny?

Beam then laughs. Seeing him smile makes me happy already.

[Then they take photo, put it in IG, nothing memorable… let’s jump ahead]

When we get back to the accommodation, it seems I’m not the only one preparing a surprise.
There is a sign glued carelessly to the door...

From Ming: Can you sleep outside tonight? Don’t disturb me with Kit.


Park's first appearance in the novel (at least from Yo's perspective since the novel is written in
his point of view) is in Chapter 25. He first approaches Yo when he's in his faculty's canteen
asking Yo for his phone number, under the pretense of asking it for a friend who is interested in
Yo. But Yo rejects him saying he is already dating someone.
The next time Yo bumps into Park is still in the same chapter. Yo, Pha and Ming were at the
mall eating curry, Yo goes to the toilet and Park suddenly appears behind him, asking to be
friends with Yo, while grabbing onto Yo's shoulders. Yo, in shock, pushes him away and ran out
of the toilet and met with Pha who saw the entire exchange between Park. Pha asks Yo who
that guy is and Yo told him what happened in the day and also in the toilet.

Pha: Did you give it to him? (phone number)

Yo: I didn't...

Pha: How did you reject him then?

Yo shakes his head and tries to escape from Pha's questioning, but Pha grabs onto Yo's wrist
and demands an answer.

Yo: I told him... I can't give it to him... It's because I'm already dating someone...

Pha: But he's still not letting you off even after you told him that?!?

Yo: I don't know... Let him be... P'Pha, lets go back to Ming, if not he's going to complain again..

Pha: Yo... I know that what you're telling me, its the truth. But I can't help but be jealous, you
understand me? If I've vent my anger out on you, I apologise.

Yo: It's alright. As long as you believe in my words... I'm content.

Chaper 26 is written in Kit's perspective., and since I'm already giving spoilers, why not. Kit and
Beam went to the mall to get stationery as Kit had lost his stationery case. Ming appears (he
ditched PhaYo to look for Kit once Pha told him Kit and Beam are together buying stationery)
and pesters Kit on why he did not reply any of his messages. But Kit avoids answering Ming and
says that he was busy. He looks around for Beam to save him from Ming but Beam is nowhere
in sight. Ming drags Kit to Starbucks after paying for the stationery, Ming pesters Kit to tell him
the reason why he has been avoiding him while acting cute. And somehow he manages to get
Kit to confess that he is feeling insecure that if he dates Ming, Ming is going to leave him for
another person like how he left his ex for him. Beam appears and drags Kit back to the dorms.
(He's been hiding listening to the entire conversation). Kit somehow senses that Beam is mad
and asks why. Beam just said that because he is worried for him, that he will get hurt by Ming.
This moment, the dorm's doorbell rings and enters Pha, with Ming tagging along behind him.
Pha says that he saw Ming standing awkwardly downstairs and so he brought him up to Kit's
dorm. But then Pha looks between the three of them and realises the awkward atmosphere.
That's when Beam suddenly exclaims to Pha that he appeared at the right timing, and has
something to announce to him. Beam, in front of Ming, and Pha and Kit, announces that him
and Kit are now dating and they started just before PhaMing barged in, and that he wants to
inform Pha so that he would not feel awkward that his two best friends are suddenly lovers. And
also to tell Ming to stay away and stop bothering Kit now that Kit is his. Ming left the room
immediately, enraged. Beam went back to his room after some bickering with Kit while Pha
stands there and watch. Pha then tells Kit that he's been wanting to tell Kit for some time
already that he has the suspicions that Beam has been secretly harbouring a crush on Kit.

In Chpater 27 Ming went to find Yo after witnessing the scene in chapter 26, and left when Pha
appeared. They discussed about MingKitBeam for a while and then advance to the kissing part
where Forth calls Yo that has been previously posted. Pha left the room without realising he left
his phone there. Yo took that chance to look through the messages in Pha's phone, and sees
many girls contacting Pha asking if it is true that he is already dating someone and tells him not
to lie. But Pha's reply to all these messages is that he is already dating someone, so stop
contacting him. Yo feeling happy, changed the wallpaper on Pha's phone, with Pha's original
wallpaper of himself, but photoshopped with the words "WAYO'S" on it. Pha comes back in later
in the night to retrieve his phone, Yo pretends to be asleep. Pha caressed his hair and kissed
his forehead before leaving the room.

Chapter 28 (the one being updated today). Ming went to look for Yo in school, while moping
around. At that time, Park appears jeering at Yo saying he seduces the two Moons. He (finally)
introduces himself to Yo, and that he is studying Biology, and that he has already gotten Yo's
phone number, and be sure to pick up when he calls... And that is when Ming's ex (Muwaan)
suddenly appears. Ming has to go for a photoshoot and Muwaan tags along. At the studio, Yo
met Forth and Forth asks what the phone call the previous night was about. He confess that he
knew that Yo and Pha are already together, and said that if he was there last night, he would be
like Pha eating him (direct translation, sorry D:) because Yo is sexy af. Pha heard the last part
and tries to start a fight with Forth but Kit appears miraculously out of nowhere and stopped the
fight. And that was when Ming has finished his photoshoot and seeing Kit there, he stunned.
And Muwaan appears calling Ming "darling" and tries to feed him water. Pha drags Yo out as he
does not want to get involved in the whole MingKitBeam shebang.

MingKit comes out and PhaYo hides behind a wall to eavesdrop on their conversation. Kit tries
to escape from Ming.

Kit: I have something to attend to!

Ming: Is that something P'Beam?

Kit: yes...
Ming: Is it true...? What P'Beam said... about you agreed to date him... Is it true..?

Kit: Yes... And since you know it now... Stop bothering me anymore. Go back to that girlfriend of

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