People Analytics - Descriptive Statistics

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Descriptive statistics use formulas to help us summarized describe in better understand the

characteristics of a set of data different statistics and formulas are applicable for different types of data
depending on what we're looking for associate look at the spread sheet here if you look down in the
blue section in blue we are doing using some formulas on those 20 head count to the different countries
for example we can use the men formula to see the minimum of this set of numbers the Max formula to
see them at the largest number the large and small formulas will let us see say the second largest or
third small us some additional flexibility there. The count formula tells us how many numbers are in the
range of cells that we've highlighted. The average of formula gives you the meaning of the numbers the
median formula gives you the median of the numbers which is the number in the middle of the set of
numbers and then the mood gives you the most frequently occurring or most repetitive value in a range
of numbers these are just some of the many statistics and formulas they're available in excel to help you
understand your data.

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