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Nama : Suci Hardiana S.


Nim : 220110009

Class : A

Process Paragraph
“The way when going to aircraft”

The first thing to do is buy ticket in tour travel or in airport. What you bring is a very
important thing, when packing you need to think about what are the items that are
necessary and what is not. After that come to airport 3 hours before take of, because you
must chek-in first. Next after ceck in, get your bording pass and load baggage countinue
go to gate. Next if there is announcement what's on your ticket, directly go to aircraft.
While at the airport you will get an officer who will direct you and don't hesitate to ask
if you don't understand something. In aircraft there are many flight attendant around 6
Flight attendant and 2 pilot. Don’t bring many thing in cabin, the maximal you can put
there just 7kg, and don’t forget to always listen the announcement for get new or
important information.

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