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Is an coffee with internet shop. this shop will give the market a new local
No longer will convinience stores. Ice cream shops. Coffee stands, internet cafe,
Study place and relaxation, be offered separately, but will be combined at one
location for convenience and ease,
Regardless of the 5 minutes customer or the browser , evreryone will feel at ease,
At the perfect INTERNETSHOP&CAFE and return for the same level of
comfort , the INTERNETSHOP&CAFE will be a convenience store busy.
College students , highschool students, local business, employess and tourist, it
will soon rise to be the trendy Place to shop for quick needs and a little relaxation
to a busy day


To become the leading internet coffee in the region with a commitment to meet or
even exceedcustomers need and satisfaction like internet cafe aims to be tagged as
a trusted and well-likes INTERNETSHOP&CAFE in the phillipines.


 Educating the community on what the internet has to offer

 The formation of an environment that will bring people with diverse
interests and backgrounds together in a common forum.
 Good Coffee it has a reasonable price
 Affordable access to the resources of the internet and other online
 Grow total sales by 10% annually.
 Maintain a staff of enthusiastic employees excited to share their Internet

Target Market

 Students. The large student population will become an important part of

the JavaNet customer base. The student population continues to grow with
the success of the University. Evening entertainment, access to the
Internet, and the up-scale ambiance will attract,
 Workers and local residence.
 students, aged around 15~20, looking for an opportunity to go online
andexplore the World Wide Web.

Market definitaion and Segmitation:

Since our internet café is situated in phillipines, we expect the population to

increase and decrease with the same speed. Therefor we can state and use the
population pyramids to predict the amount of customers that would be suitable for
our market, by looking at the average growth and applying this to the market, we
can predict how many customers we will get.

Target market segment strategy

Our main intentions are to connect people to the internet, increase their
knowledge by having acces to sources from all over the world, and to increase
their social setting, by a new way of communicating. People will come to this
internet café to check their email, socialize with their friends, and gather
information not found elsewhere.

Target Market

students. Students without their own access to the internet may want to keep in

touch with friends via Skype, social media and email and download music and
videos to their own portable devices, as well as taking advantage of any other
services you offer.
Net shop & Cafe intends to cater both to people who want a guided tour of the
Internet and to experienced users eager to indulge their passion for computers in a
social setting.

Needs And Requirements

Net shop & Cafe foremost needs an internet café since there is a small amount of
internet café's present in the phillipines. So there is a high demand for an internet
café where people can come to, check their email and search the web for
information. Also, this café is designed to be an additional source of income for a
local school, which is a need for the school itself.
The customers at the internet café will also enjoy the freedom of accesing
different programs like Microsoft Word and other applications.

Factors such as current trends, addiction, and historical sales data ensure that the
high demand for coffee will remain constant over the next five years. The rapid
growth of the Internet and online services, that has been witnessed worldwide, is
only the tip of the iceberg. The potential growth of the Internet is enormous, to the
point where one day, a computer terminal with an online connection will be as
common and necessary as a telephone.

Distribuition Channels

The internet-café will be providing its customers with computers which will be
up to date with todays system requirements. The computers will be able to
provide the customers with a variety of application to serve their needs. These
applications will mainly be the mainly used ones which everyone will be
familiar with such as Microsoft Office.

Competitive force

Industry that are very competitive are branded by having high fixed costs for
entering and leaving, title products diversity and a lot of competitors . In order to
gain a competitive advantage over the competitors, companies should analyse
how they use thier assets as well as resources constantly. In the case of Net shop
cafe , we need to regularly evalute how many customers per day are we getting
so that we can compare as time goes onto determine wether we are growing. We
also need to keep an eye open for any new competitor’s if another internet cafe
in the area.
And Also The net shop cafe which will be located near the school and will not
be the first Net shop Cafe to settle in. We expect that there are more internet in
phillipine however we do not think many cafés will be present.


Social media can help you to reach out on our shop like facebook , instagram,
twitter, whatsapp and viber you can connect on our page using that social media.

Key to success

We believe that this internetshop&café will be a great succes because there are
very few internet cafés (exact number remains unknown) in the area and therefore
the school is convinient on our shop Also, because there are quite some villages in
the area, the potential demand will be high.

Great coffee and bakery items. This will be indicated by customer reviews as well
as inventory turnover. We need our inventory to turn over once a week or once
every 2 weeks. 

We want our community engaged and our sales and popularity will reflect we are
able to make our customers comfortable. 

Marketing Plan Strategy

intends on using a number of marketing strategies that will allow the Internet Cafe
to easily target men and women within the target market. Below is a description
of how the business intends to market its services to the general public. The
Company will maintain a sizable amount of print and traditional advertising
methods within local markets to promote the coffee products and internet access
services that the Company is selling. At the onset of operations, the Internet Café
will distribute an expansive number of coupons for low priced beverages and
desserts in order to drive traffic to the café.

Emphasize Creativity, Service and speed To Market

Since our Business is all about of INTERNET SHOP&CAFE .Firstly the

internet-café will grant the customers access to the internet and world wide
web. Besides that, the internet-café will provide the opportunity to use the
scanner, printer and will provide basic computer classes.

Emphasize Product sourcing

The main goal of any business is to make a profit by providing services, that
usually are not present in the designated area that can benefit greatly from
international contacts and acces to the World Wide Web. To achieve this
however, certain requirements have to be met, what is the average price, how
can a profit be achieved, and what does the market want?

The internet shop & cafe which will be realized will offer the community in
easy and affordable access to the internet.
The internet-café will appeal to individuals of all ages and backgrounds. The
instructional internet classes, and the staff that the internet-café provides, will
appeal to the audience that does not associate themselves with the computer age.
This educational aspect will attract younger and elderly members of the
community who are rapidly gaining interest in the unique resources that online
communications have to offer.

Expense budget summary

Marketing budget is generally part of a marketing plan and crucial part of the
marketing process. It includes all promotional costs like advertising and public
relations, employing staff, office costs and other expenses included for
marketing. This budget is created to estimate the costs that are necessary for

22 computer 13,590 each 300,000.00

6 printer,3200 each 19,200.00

6 scanner 3500 21,000.00

22 chairs 2,425.11each 53,000.00

22 computer stands 1,500 each 35,156.00

1 air-conditioner 4,000.00

10 Toner Boxes 970.05 each 9,700.45

10 Reams of paper 485.02 each 4,850.23

Labor for fixing the computers and furniture 24,251.13

Electricity 145,506.79/Yearly

Internet + router3 8,245.38/Yearly

Water 25,502.26/Yearly

Total 4,795,730.96

Start-up Summary Start-up

Expense Details
Personnel plan

The internet-café requires just a handful of employees in order to function.

In total the internet-café will count a staff of a least four persons. These four can
be divided in two groups. At first there are two teachers which will be spending
their time teaching customers and children how to manage handling a computer.
Besides these two teaching employees there is another group of two employers.
Those two employers will fulfill the role of supporting staff. Their job is mainly
to support customers with any problems and next to that they will appoint
customers computers.

Employee Monthly salary

Cashier 1 9700.45.-

Cashier 2 9700.45.-

Supporting staff member 2 7275.34.-

Supporting staff member 3 7275.34.-

Total 33,951.58.-

Financial plan

Financial Plan

The following sections lay out the details of the financial plan for the future
Start-up funding

The internet-café will not have the pleasent condition of a start-up fund. Thereby
the internet-café should be self providing and also earn back the made costs.

Projected profit and loss

Profit and Loss Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Estimated customers* 5000 5088 5178
Hourly fee 72.75 72.75 72.75

Total Sales 9,000 10,000

- Cashier 9,700.45 9,700.45 9,700.45
- Supporting staff 7,275.34 7,275.34 7,275.34

- Posters 1,697.58 1,697.58 0

-Chairs 53,000 0 0
- Computer stands 35,156 0 0
- Toner Boxes 9,700.41 0 0

- Scanner 21,000/6 0 0
- Computers 300,000/22 Pc 0 0
- Printer 19,000/6 0 0

Other expenses
- Computer Electricity** 50,000.67 49,000.67 52,000.67
- Internet 19,206.9 19,206.9 19,206.9
- Additional unexpected 3,000 3,000 3,000

Total Expenses 4,795.730.96 70,000 70,000

Total Sales 2,920.000 2,9200.000 2,9200.000
Total Expenses 50,000 22,896 23,301
Profit 30,063.67 11,093.67 11,058.67
7,599.67 11,802.33 12,242.33

more than 19 customers a day

10 computers running 3 hours on a daily basis and 7 hours stand-by

Break-even analysis

According to our calculations the expected break-even date will after 235 days of
the second year.

Daily Profit Daily 8,000 per day times 365 days

2,920.000/ 365
Total Loss 1st year 4,795.730.96

Loss divided by daily profit 599.466 days

Conclusion After 365 days in the second year

break-even will be accomplished.

The improvement of service however could be made possible by providing

the customer with additional services. A drink- and/or snack machine could
be purchased for satisfying the customer, which would attract more customers
and which could make the current customers stay longerAn internet-café itself
does not require a lot of employees. Therefore the organizational structure
isn't to complicated. In this section the intended future organizational
structure is further explained.
Marketing Organization

Internet cafés offer the use of computers with high bandwidth internet access
on the payment of a fee. Usage is generally charged by the minute or part of
hour. An internet cafe will generally also offer refreshments or other services
such as phone repair. Internet cafes are often hosted within a shop or other
establishment. They are located worldwide, and many people use them when
traveling to access webmail and instant messaging services to keep in touch
with family and friends. 

Potential Estimated
Customers Growth per Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Kids (15- 2% 2500 2550 2601 2653 2706


Adolescents 1,50% 1500 1523 1546 1569 1593


Adults 1,60% 750 762 774 787 799


Other 1,30% 250 253 257 260 263

Total 1,60% 5000 5088 5178 5269 5361


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