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Reliability analysis of a glulam beam

Tomi Torattia, ,
, Simon Schnablb, and Goran Turkb,

VTT Technical Research centre of Finland, P.O. Box 1000, FI-02044 VTT, Finland
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Jamova 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Available online 11 September 2006.

The present case study is an example of the use of reliability analysis to asses the failure probability of a
tapered glulam beam. This beam is part of a true structure built for a super market in the town of Kokemäki in
Finland. The reliability analysis is carried out using the snow load statistics available from the site and on material
strength information available from previous experiments. The Eurocode 5 and the Finnish building code are
used as the deterministic methods to which the probabilistic method is compared to. The calculations show that
the effect of the strength variation is not significant, when the coefficient of variation of the strength is around
15% as usually assumed for glulam. The probability of failure resulting from a deterministic design based on
Eurocode 5 is low compared to the target values and lower sections are possible if applying a probabilistic design
method. In fire design, if a 60 min resistance is required, this is not the case according to Eurocode 5 design
procedures, a higher section would be required. However, a probabilistic based fire analysis results in bounds for
the yearly probability of failure which are comparable to the target value and to the values obtained from the
normal probabilistic based design.

Keywords: Reliability; Eurocode; Design; Glulam ; Fire

Article Outline

Statistical distributions of the variables
2.1. Glulam strength distribution
2.2. The snow load distribution
2.3. Statistical distributions of the variables used in this study
Load and strength parameters
Mechanical analysis
Reliability analysis for normal design
5.1. Reliability analysis using Gumbel distribution for yearly snow load
5.2. Reliability of the beam at different months of a year
5.3. Comparison to target reliability values
Reliability analysis of the beam under a fire situation
6.1. Failure probability in fire condition based on different month of the year
6.2. Failure probability considering a stochastic charring rate
6.3. Failure probability of the beam during a 60 min fire

1. Introduction
The structure of the Kokemäki K-Market is analysed in this case study. This is a timber
beam-column structure of glued laminated wood ( glulam). Glulam columns support 17 m
long beams which compose the roof structure (see Fig. 1).

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Fig. 1. Kokemäki K-Market and the geometry of the tapered glulam beam analysed in
this case study.

The reliability analysis will be carried out on the main glulam beam, which is tapered from
the bottom edge. The analysis will first be done in a normal design situation, during which
also the sensitivity of the beam strength variation will be assessed. The reliability in a fire
situation will also be carried out. Lateral torsional buckling of the beam was taken into
account according to Eurocode 5 [4]. The calculated probabilities are for a one year
reference period, unless otherwise stated.

2. Statistical distributions of the variables

For the present analysis, two main sources for input data are used. Namely, the probabilistic
model code [6] and[10], which is a Nordic study on the calibration of partial safety factors for
various building materials. Table 1summarises the input recommended in [10]. Extensive
reliability studies have also been carried out by Thelandersson et al. [12] and Ranta-
Maunus [8] and [9]. In Ranta-Maunus [9], the emphasis was on the precise description of the
strength lower tail distribution for wooden products and on the calibration of partial safety
factors for wooden structures. In Thelandersson et al. [12], the emphasis was on the long-
term load analysis and related calibration of the strength modification factors.
Table 1.

Statistical distributions and coefficients of variation recommended in [10]

Type of Distributio
Parameter Coefficient of variation
parameter n type

Concret Stee Glula

e l m

Actions Self-weight 0.06 0.02 0.06 Normal

Other 0.10 0.10 0.10 Normal

Variable 0.40 0.40 0.40 Gumbel

Imposed 0.20 0.20 0.20 Gumbel

Strength Concrete 0.10 Log-normal

0.04 Log-normal

0.05 Log-normal

Glulam 0.15 Log-normal

Geometry 0.02 Normal

Beam depth 0.02 0.01 0.01 Normal

Beam width 0.02 0.01 0.01 Normal

0.04 Normal

R-model 0.05 0.05 0.05 Normal

Some further background is given in the following to the distributions concerning the glulam
material strength and snow loads.
2.1. Glulam strength distribution
There exists few test data which could be used to describe the glulam strength distribution.
Much more is available for other wooden materials like structural timber, LVL or plywood. To
obtain the lower tail strength distribution with enough accuracy, a high number of tests are
required. The largest test sample available to the authors is summarised in Table 2. This
data was obtained in a joint Nordic project on the reliability of timber. The tests were carried
out in NTI Norway.
Table 2.

Available glulam test data [9]

f0.05 in Tail
Sam Fitting CO
Target f0.05(N/ test Explanatio fitte
ple distribu V
mm2) (N/m n of test d
size tion (%)
m2) (%)

Glula Edgewise
30 33.5 126 10 Normal 11
m bending


Glula Edgewise
37 39.9 109 10 Normal 14
m bending


Table 3.

Snow loads from location 35312 [2] modelled as normal distributions

Snow load water equivalent Snow load on the beam

(mm) (kN/m)

Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation

January 41.6 24.9 2.06 1.23

February 67.5 30.3 3.34 1.50

March 79.9 35.9 3.95 1.78

April 41.0 36.9 2.03 1.82

May 0 – 0 –

June 0 – 0 –

July 0 – 0 –

August 0 – 0 –

September 0 – 0 –

October 0 – 0 –
Snow load water equivalent Snow load on the beam
(mm) (kN/m)

Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation

November 0 – 0 –

December 18.7 14.8 0.93 0.73

In these test samples, the target characteristic values were achieved. The tail fitting of the
strength distribution resulted in a coefficient of variation of 13% and 19% when using the log-
normal distribution. It was concluded in the above reference, that until further evidence, a
log-normal distribution with a coefficient of variation of 15% may be recommended. More test
results on glulam are however needed.

2.2. The snow load distribution

In Ref. [2] Perälä and Reuna, the snow load values for different locations in Finland are
given for the period of 33 years. The example analysis here is done to a building in the city of
Kokemäki and a measurement sight with closest location is chosen. Fig. 2 shows the
Gumbel plot of the yearly maximum snow loads (water equivalents). ISO CW
4355 [1] recommends using the extreme value distribution (Gumbel) for the annual
maximum snow loads. The characteristic ground snow load V0.98 extrapolated from the figure
is 220 mm (water equivalent). The characteristic ground snow loads in Eurocode 5 for the
area give values of 2–2.5 kN/m2, which is in agreement with the measurements. The
measured value is used in the proceeding analysis.

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Fig. 2. The measured ground snow load close to Kokemäki [2].

2.3. Statistical distributions of the variables used in this study

In the present study, the distributions used for the loads and strengths are:
• permanent load: normal (VG = 0.05),
• snow load: Gumbel (VQ = 0.40),
• glulam strength (bending and shear): log-normal (VF = 0.15),
• dimensions (height and width): normal (Vh or b = 0.01),
• model uncertainty: normal (Vm = 0.05 or 0.10).

3. Load and strength parameters

The dead load, G, is normally distributed. The glulam beam self-weight is assumed to be
0.88 kN/m acting on the beam as a line-load and the roof self-weight 0.44 kN/m2 acting on
the whole roof area. Since the beams are 6.3 m apart the width of the roof loading lumped to
each beam is 6.3 m. It is assumed also that the coefficient of variation is VG = 5%. This is a
slightly lower value than presented in Table 1 for glulam self-weight, but it is a value of the
whole roof which is composed of different materials. This value has been widely used in
previous reliability studies for self-weight of structures. Therefore, the values used in analysis
snow load, Q, is distributed by Gumbel distribution. The 98th percentile of the distributed
load is q′ = 1.73 kN/m2 (characteristic ground snow load is 2.15 kN/m2).
The ground to roof snow load conversion factor has been assigned a constant value of 0.8 in
most calculations of this example. A sensitivity study is however performed in one example
where a stochastic normally distributed value with a COV of 10% and of 20% is considered
for this factor.
Thus the 98th percentile of the snow load Q is q = Q0.98 = 6.3 · 1.73 = 10.9 kN/m. The
coefficient of variation is assumed to be VQ = 0.40. The parameters u and α of Gumbel
distribution are determined from the following equations:

where γ = 0.577216 is the Euler constant. These equations can easily be solved

The bending strength is lognormally

distributed. The glulam material is of structural quality L40, thus it is assumed that the
characteristic value isfk = F0.05 = 39 N/mm2 (short term strength). The coefficient of
variation VF is assumed as 0.15, except in the first analysis, where the parameter is varied
from 0.05 to 0.40. The parameters of the lognormal distributions and σln F are evaluated
from the following equations:

where FU(·) denotes cumulative

distribution function of the standardised normal distribution. Thus, the relation between the
parameters and characteristic value and coefficient of variation is given as follows:

where is the inverse of the cumulative

distribution function of the standardised normal distribution. Sometimes it is more convenient
to describe the random variable by its moments instead of the distribution parameters. In the
case of lognormal distribution the relations between the parameters and moments are

The strength is reduced by the modification factor kmod, which

takes into account the effect of the duration of the load and the moisture content in the
structure on strength parameters. The cross-section dimensions are assumed normally
distributed, with a coefficient of variation of 1%.

4. Mechanical analysis
Since the beam is simply supported, the evaluation of internal forces is elementary. The
structural analysis was carried out on bending at the critical cross-section, bending at the
apex section and shear. The initial analysis showed that the critical cross-section is situated
where the bending stresses are the highest. The beam height at this point is 1060 mm.
Bending at the apex zone is not critical. Also the shear capacity resulted in much lower
probabilities of failure. Therefore in the following, only the critical cross-section in bending is
analysed. The strength reducing factor for torsional buckling is not required for normal
design, but it becomes necessary for the fire design where more slender sections are
analysed. Thus the strength reducing parameter kcrit is omitted from the design
Eqs. (1), (2), (3) and (4) for the normal design situation. In the fire design situation, this
parameter is included.
The stresses in the critical cross-section are calculated in two different ways:
(a) according to the Finnish building code on the design of timber structures B10
(b) according to Eurocode 5
The difference between the calculation methods of the glulam beam between these codes
is the following:
(a) According to B10, the normal stress σxx should not exceed the bending strength F taking
into consideration a height effect in the critical cross-section

where h is 1060 mm. Thus, the value of CF is 0.87.
The design equation according to B10 is then

where γm = 1.3 is
the material partial safety factor, kmod = 1.0 is the strength modification factor for load duration
and moisture conditions,CF = 0.87 is the height effect factor and the dead and snow loads
have been multiplied by the respective load safety factors.
(b) According to Eurocode 5, the normal stress σxx should not exceed the bending
strength F at the outermost fibre of the tapered edge

The angle
between the beam main axis and the fibre direction deviate in the compressive side of the
beam. In this case, the strength is reduced by the factor km,α, which takes into account the
influence of the taper in the compression side. fm,k, fv,k,fc,90,k, and α are the characteristic
values of the bending strength, the shear strength, the compression strength perpendicular
to the grain, and the angle of taper, respectively. The following values were taken (short-term
characteristic strengths): fm,k = 39.0 N/mm2, fv,k = 3.5 N/mm2, fc,90,k = 6 N/mm2, and α = 2.5°,
these values result in km,α = 0.95. The design equation according to Eurocode 5 is then

where γm = 1.3 is
the material partial safety factor, kmod = 1.0 is the strength modification factor for load duration
and moisture conditions,km,α = 0.95 is the reduction factor described above and the dead and
snow loads have been multiplied by the respective load safety factors.

5. Reliability analysis for normal design

5.1. Reliability analysis using Gumbel distribution for yearly snow load
The reliability analysis was performed by the computer program Comrel [11]. Initially,
different reliability methods were tried. Since the problem is relatively simple, different
methods (FORM, SORM, crude Monte Carlo, adaptive sampling, etc.) gave almost identical
results. In adaptive sampling 20 000 repetitions of the calculation were performed, whereas
the number of simulations in crude Monte Carlo was 5 000 000. There were clearly
advantages with the other methods compared to crude Monte Carlo simulations: the
solutions were more stable and the calculation was faster. In the following, the adaptive
sampling procedure is used in the reliability analysis.
The limit state equation for the maximum bending stress case is

with variables
• G: permanent load (normal, VG = 0.05),
• Q: snow load (Gumbel, CQ = 0.40),
• F: glulam strength (log-normal, Vf = 0.15),
• b and h: section dimensions, height and width (normal, Vborh = 0.01),
• kmodel: model uncertainty (normal, mean = 1.0, Vm = 0.05 or 0.10) and constants.
kmod = 1/1.3 (B10) or 0.8 (Eurocode 5), CF = 0.87 (B10) or km,α = 0.95 (Eurocode
5), Nxp = 0.346 (kN per unit load kN/m) and Myp = 29.144 (kNm per unit load kN/m)
(Nxp and Myp are obtained by the mechanical analysis).
The probability of failure for the two different design codes as a function of the coefficient of
variation of strength is shown in Fig. 3. The relationship is not monotonic; instead it has a
maximum between 0.125 and 0.15. The failure probability increases for larger or smaller
coefficients of variation. From Fig. 3 we may notice that the probability of failure increases
over 10-fold as the coefficient of variation increases from 0.15 to 0.40.

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Fig. 3. Reliability index β as a function of strength coefficient of variation VF. The

comparison between EC5 and B10, the influence of model uncertainty COV (0.05 and
0.10), and the influence of random ground to roof snow load factor (COV 0.10 and 0.20).

The probability of failure Pf is close to a minimum at a strength variation of about 15%, a

value usually assumed for glulam, and it is not very sensitive to the strength variation in this
range. Considering the failure probability, there seems to be no reason for attempting to
decrease the strength variation, unless the material strength characteristic value is affected.
This low sensitivity of the strength variation is also an advantage considering the accuracy of
a reliability analysis of a glulam structure, since the variation of strength is not precisely
The sensitivity analysis also shows that there is some effect on increasing the model
uncertainty parameter COV to 10% and a very similar effect on treating the ground to roof
snow load conversion factor as a normally distributed random parameter with a COV of 10%.
These effects are however small. The effect is high for the case of COV of 20% on the
ground to roof snow load factor, comparable to the difference in the β-value that results
when using the two standards.
The calculation shows that for a glulam having a strength COV of 15%, according to B10
the β-value is 4.49 corresponding to a failure probability of Pf = 3.56 × 10−6 and according to
EC5 the β-value is 4.89 corresponding to a failure probability of Pf = 0.51 × 10−6. In all the
following calculations the glulam strength coefficient of variation is 15%, the model
uncertainty coefficient of variation is 5% and the ground to roof snow load factor is treated as
a constant deterministic parameter.

5.2. Reliability of the beam at different months of a year

In the following, the monthly measured snow load water equivalents were used in the
analysis. This was done in order to see the variation of the reliability during a year and to
compare the yearly maximum value with the code format calculated in the preceding
chapter. The monthly snow loads were evaluated for a given day of every month using data
of 33 years during the period between 1960 and 1993. These monthly snow load values
were analysed and found to be normally distributed (personal communication [13]). The
ground snow loads were transformed to roof loads using the conversion factor of 0.8.
The maximum probability of failure occurs during March in this case and the value
is Pf = 1.16 × 10−6 according to EC5 and Pf = 4.80 × 10−6 according to B10 (Fig. 4). The
simple bounds for yearly probability of failure are determined by

max(Pf,january,Pf,february,…,Pf,december) Pf,year 1-(1-Pf,january)(1-Pf,february) (1-Pf,december).As may be
observed fromTable 4, there is noticeable effect of the distribution model used for the snow
load on the probability of failure. The differences are not high when the β-values are
compared. The monthly normal distribution method gave a double failure probability, in the
case of B10, and triple, in the case of EC5.

Full-size image (47K)

Fig. 4. Probability of failure during one year (bending failure mode at maximum bending
stress location).

Table 4.

Probability of failure during a year, the comparison between the values obtained using the
yearly Gumbel distribution and the monthly normal distributions for the snow load
and Pf,year from Fig. 3, Bounds for β-value and Pf,year from
based on yearly Eq. (4), based on normally
maximum Gumbel distributed monthly snow loads
distributed snow load

EC5 4.885 (5.18 × 10−7) 4.654 (1.63 × 10−6) 4.724 (1.16 × 10−6)

B10 4.489 (3.58 × 10−6) 4.344 (7.05 × 10−6) 4.426 (4.80 × 10−6)

5.3. Comparison to target reliability values

The calculated reliabilities may be compared to the target values given in Table 5 for
reliability class 2 (moderate consequences of failure). The probabilistic model code gives a
value of 4.2, and prEN 1990 [3] gives a β-value of 4.7. The calculated reliabilities are higher
than the target levels given in the probabilistic model code [6].
Table 5.

Recommended target β-values in ultimate limit state for a one year period according to
the probabilistic model code [6] and prEN 1990 [3]

Relative cost of safety

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

Minor Moderate Large

consequenc consequenc consequence
es of failure es of failure s of failure

β Pf β Pf β Pf

Probab. model Large 3. ≈9.7 × 10 3. ≈4.8 × 10 3. ≈1.1 × 10−

code (A) 1 −4 3 −4 7 4

Normal 3. ≈1.1 × 10 4. ≈1.3 × 10 4. ≈5.4 × 10−

(B) 7 −4 2 −5 4 6

Small 4. ≈1.3 × 10 4. ≈5.4 × 10 4. ≈1.3 × 10−

(C) 2 −5 4 −6 7 6

4. ≈1.3 × 10 4. ≈1.3 × 10 5.
prEN 1990 ≈10−7
2 −5 7 −6 2

Table 6.

Ratios of the failure probability between deterministic and stochastic (COV = 0.2) charring
rates at different fire duration times
15 min 30 min 45 min 60 min

Deterministic 1 1 1 1

Stochastic, independent 1.2 2.0 3.5 0.9

Stochastic, dependent 1.4 4.3 6.8 0.8

Yearly max. snow load Gumbel distributed.

Dimensioning this beam using the deterministic design code method results in a β-value of
4.5 using the B10 code and in a β-value of 4.9 using the EC5 code design procedures (for
yearly snow load the maximum Gumbel distribution is used). These values are rather close
to the target values. However, it would be possible to reduce the section height especially in
the case of EC5, if the target reliabilities defined above are applied instead (Fig. 5).

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Fig. 5. Required beam section heights based on design codes B10 (Finnish timber design
code) (Eq. (2)) and EC5 (Eurocode 5) (Eq. (4)). The β-values resulting from a
deterministic dimensioning, based on these design codes, are also given. If target β-
values of Table 6 are applied, the required heights are shown.

6. Reliability analysis of the beam under a fire situation

In the following, several reliability analyses are carried out for the same beam under a fire
condition. The analyses are done based on the methods given in prEN 1995-1-2 [5] on
loading conditions under fire and on the charring rate of the wood section. Based on the
previous example, only the most critical section is analysed for bending stresses, since this
will be the determining section also in a fire condition. It is here assumed that the secondary
structure spaced to 2.4 m on the top of the beam will be functional during the fire duration
and this will support the top edge of the beam from buckling at these points.

6.1. Failure probability in fire condition based on different month of the year
In the first analysis, the charring rate is regarded as deterministic with the fixed value given
in the design codes. Both design codes EC5 and B10 are compared in this analysis. The
limit state equation for the maximum bending stress in a fire condition case is

with variables
• G: permanent load (normal, VG = 0.05),
• Q: snow load (as given in
Table 3
for the different months),
• F: glulam strength (log-normal, Vf = 0.15),
• kcrit is the strength reduction factor for torsional buckling of the beam (as given in EC5),
considering it is supported at 2.4 m spacing from the top edge. This had no effect in normal
design, but in fire design with reduced cross-sections this becomes highly significant,
• bred and hred: reduced section dimensions for height and width depending on fire exposure
(normal,Vborh = 0.01) using a charring rate,
EC5: def = βnt + Kodo (with βn = 0.7 mm/min, Ko = 1 and do = 7 mm),
B10: def = βnt (with βn = 0.7 mm/min),
• kmodel: Model uncertainty (normal, mean = 1.0, Vm = 0.05),
and constants
EC5: kmod,fi = 1.0, km,α = 0.95 or
B10: CF = 1 (B10),
Nxp = 0.346 (kN per unit load (kN/m)),
Myp = 29.144 (kNm per unit load (kN/m)) (Nxp and Myp result from the mechanical analysis).
The winter months have the highest probability of failure due to snow loads and March is
most critical in this sense. The fire design according to EC5 is more conservative than
according to B10.

6.2. Failure probability considering a stochastic charring rate

It has been observed from previous charring experiments that charring rates are variable
between test pieces. Variabilities in the order of COV = 20% have been observed for
glulam, but higher and lower variabilities have also been observed [13]. The limit state
equation for the maximum bending stress in a fire condition in this case is


The variables are the same as in Eq. (7), except here the charring rate is a normally

distributed variable. The charring depths for the three different sides, , and are
normally distributed with a coefficient of variation of 0.1, 0.2 or 0.3 and with a mean value as
given in the EC5 design code. These are also compared to a deterministic charring depth
corresponding to the EC5 code value. The 3 different charring depths of the different sides of
the beam, may or may not be independent, therefore two separate calculations were done,
one assuming these are independent and the other dependent.
Comparing the results obtained with the deterministic charring rate to the stochastic rate with
a variability of COV = 0.2, the following may be observed. The effect of the charring rate
being a stochastic variable is significant only after a fire duration of about 15–30 minutes, for
shorter fire duration the failure probabilities are small and the differences negligible. At a fire
duration approaching 60 min, the effect of stochastic charring decreases again. This is true
for high loads (Fig. 7), for low loads (Fig. 6 summer period) there is a high difference also at
a 60 min fire duration time. Also whether the charring rates between the sides are dependent
or independent is of significance. This is a characteristic not well known, that is, whether the
variability is more pronounced between different glulam beams (dependent or fully
correlated) or within a glulam beam (independent or non-correlated).

Full-size image (69K)

Fig. 7. Effect of charring variability on the probability of failure.

Full-size image (78K)

Fig. 6. Results of the reliability analysis during a fire situation at different months of a year.
This figure also includes results using stochastic charring (COV = 0.2), which are
calculated based on the following section.

6.3. Failure probability of the beam during a 60 min fire

In the following calculations the following assumptions are taken: (1) the charring rate is
taken deterministic as given in the codes, (2) the upper supporting structure is assumed to
function during the fire in prevention of lateral buckling at the 2.4 m spacing points, (3) the
snow load is modelled as monthly normal distribution, (4) failure is defined as structural
failure, that is bending stresses exceeding the capacity.
Based on the probabilistic model code [6], the annual target probability of failure level is
recommended asPf,year = 1.3 × 10−5. Based on the probabilistic model code [6] the following
probabilities for a dangerous fire scenario are given: Pi(ignition) = 10−6/year/m2 or
0.083 × 10−6/month/m2 (value for shops/offices, area: 1768 m2), Pf(flashover ignition) = 0.1 (in
the case of a public fire brigade).
Based on the above information, the bounds for yearly probability of failure of the structure
can be calculated as

max(PiPfPf,fire,january,PiPfPf,fire,february,…,PiPfPf,fire,december) Pf,fire,year 1-((1-PiPfPf,fire,january)(1-
PiPfPf,fire,february) (1-PiPfPf,fire,december)).The following results are obtained using the two different
code methods:
The yearly probability values above are comparable to the target level of the probabilistic
model code (see Table 7).
Table 7.

Bounds for the yearly probability of failure due to fire

Pf,fire,year EC5 method B10 method

Stochastic Stochastic
Deterministi Deterministi
dependent independent
c charring c charring
charring charring

9.04 7.77 3.27 5.00

Fire duration 8.55 × − 5.52 × − 2.82 × − 4.81 ×
× 10 × 10 × 10 × 10−1
30 min 10−13 13 10−10 10 10−11 11 10−14 4

1.74 4.91 3.82

Fire duration 7.17 × − 7.30 × − 7.27 × 2.33 × 4.18
× 10 × 10 × 10−
60 min 10−6 5 10 −6
5 10 −6
5 10−6 × 10−6
Considering the limit state equation for fire, the kcrit term, which reduces the strength due to
lateral torsional buckling, becomes critical. This reduces the beam capacity at a fast rate as
the charring progresses and the cross-section becomes more slender. The fire design
according to EC5 is conservative (compared to B10). Stochastic charring rates have an
influence on the failure probabilities.

7. Summary
In this case study, an example reliability analysis is carried out for a glued laminated beam.
The analysis is done under normal loading conditions, considering the measured snow load
during the period of 30 years and under a fire condition. The following conclusions can be
drawn from the present analysis:
The coefficient of variation of the glued laminated timber is not very precisely known, its
value is around 15% based on the available test results. Values of this order have also been
used in earlier studies. Based on a sensitivity analysis, it seems that the reliability is not very
sensitive for this parameter and thus for practical reasons it does not matter if this is not
precisely known.
The probability of failure resulting from a deterministic design based on Eurocode 5 is low
compared to the target values and smaller beam cross-sections are possible if applying a
probabilistic design method with the assigned target reliability.
If a 60 min fire resistance is required, the deterministic fire design based on Eurocode 5
requires higher cross-sections than normal design and it is determining. The fire design
according to Eurocode 5 is more conservative than of the Finnish building codes due to
differences in the charring rates and the modelling of lateral torsional buckling.
A probabilistic based fire analysis however results in bounds for the yearly probabilities of
failure which indicate that the estimated reliability is in accordance with the target value and
the values obtained from the normal probabilistic based design. In this case the probability of
ignition and flashover occurring are taken as given in the probabilistic model code [6].
Applying stochastic charring rates has an increasing influence on the probability of failure for
a fire duration of approximately 30 min or more. In the case of shorter fire duration the
influence is relatively small.
It should be emphasized that this example calculation involves a number of parameters and
wood characteristics with distribution properties which are not fully known. The results
should be considered as first estimates and the conclusions as indicative.

This work was partially supported by bilateral Finish–Slovenian project (BI-FI/04-05-006).
The support is gratefully acknowledged.


[1] ISO CW 4355, Basis for design of structures – determination of snow loads on roofs;

[2] Perälä J, Reuna R. (Regional and temporal variability of snow loads in Finland [in finnish])
Lumen vesiarvon alueellinen ja ajallinen vaihtelu Suomessa. Vesi ja ympäristöhallitus.
Julkaisuja-sarja A 56. Helsinki 1990.

[3] PrEN 1990 Eurocode – Basis of structural design – final draft July 2001. Document
CEN/TC 250/SC 5:N 159.
[4] prEN 1995-1-1, Eurocode 5, Design of timber structures, Part 1-1, General rules, General
rules and rules for buildings, Final draft, 2002-10-09.

[5] prEN 1995-1-2, Eurocode 5, Design of timber structures, Part 1-2, General – Struct fire
design, Final draft, 2003-08-12.

[6] Probabilistic Model Code. Joint Committee of Structural Safety, JCSS; 2001. Available

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[10] SAKO 1999. Basis of design of structures – proposals for modification of partial safety
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[11] Strurel, A structural reliability analysis program system, COMREL & SYSREL Users
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[13] Personal communication with Jukka Hietaniemi VTT, Finland.


The required section height of the studied beam at the critical cross-section based on
Eurocode 5 and the Finnish building code B10 is as shown below. The beam was actually
designed according to the Finnish building code and the actual height is 1060 mm. The
building does not actually have a 60 min resistance requirement, but if this was the case, it
would be fulfilled by the Finnish code but not by the Eurocode (see Fig. 8).

Full-size image (35K)

Fig. 8. Required beams section heights based on deterministic code design.

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