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This document meant for rev I and newer versions and describes how to use the tracker.
The default settings are stored in non volatile memory and are over written when the new
configuration is saved. The unit will transmit using the defaults if powered up in normal mode
before doing a configuration. They are:
frequency=10149700, call=N0CALL-16, delay=20, symbol=>, tail text=DDS FreeTrak16
Power supplied should be relatively clean DC at about 12 volts, 8 volts will work if the
amplifier option isn't used. The tracker and GPS module will use between 50 and 125 mA of
current, depending on mode of operation. The amplifier power circuit only turns on after the
GPS is done and shut down to reduce the maximum current. I recommend a 1A regulator.
Configuration is done serially using a computer running a terminal program like Hypertrm.
The tracker uses 9600,8,1 TTL RS232. If your computer doesn't have a RS232 serial port, use
a Keyspan USB adapter dongle to talk to it.
The DTR/DTE connections should have DB9 pin #2 to data in and pin #3 to data out.
SW1 and JP7 are both closed, pulling them low, prior to power up.
When you apply power, you should see something close to this on the computer screen:
Stored freq call> symbol :delay
10149700 MYCALL-16>>:20
DDS FreeTrak16
Enter Freq in Hz <CR> to store
Below is the rest of my 40m configuration session.
Enter new call-16 <CR> to store
Enter delay (3 - 99)
Enter symbol
Edit Tail Text?
> DDS APRS Tracker
Done, Remove jumper and cycle power
Frequency entry is digits only, 6-8 numerals in length. Press enter.
Call sign is entered next, it can consist of any string up to 9 characters. Press enter.
Delay is next. The number entered is multiplied by 12 for seconds (i.e 25=300 seconds). Press
Symbol comes next. Pressing only enter gives the default “>” for car.
Else enter the letter representing the symbol from the APRS symbol table. Press enter.
Lastly is tail text. Pressing any other key than y or Y will exit with it unchanged.
Backspace to edit displayed string, enter to save. Max length is 20 characters.
The new data is written to EE memory at the end of the routine when you see the “Done,
remove jumper...” message. If you quit beforehand, the old data is retained.

Calibration of the timebase multiplier can be done on any frequency between 1-30 MHz.
After the unit has been configured for it's desired operating frequency, it's usually desirable to
calibrate for the DDS module's frequency error.
With the unit off, close JP7 only, SW1 must be open. Serial tx and rx must be connected to a
computer running a terminal program. If you were configuring you'll still be set up.
Turn on the tracker, the LED should be on steady and it should be transmitting near your
desired frequency. The waterfall display of APRS Messenger works well for this. See APRS
Messenger setup in the operation section. Otherwise, a frequency counter connected directly to
the DDS module output works too.
While observing the transmitter output, pressing the left bracket key “[“ will lower the
frequency and pressing the right bracket key “]” raises it. When you are satisfied close SW1,
the LED should go dark.
Turn off power, open SW1 and turn the power on again. The freq should be right where you
left it. You're done. Open JP7. Cycle power.

This document assumes the unit will be used with a GPS module directly connected to the
GPS port.
It's also assumed the tracker configuration and frequency calibration have been completed.
The 2 position module/DB9 data in serial connection should be to the module. The data out can
be open or remain connected to DB9. Since we don't talk to the GPS, it's unneeded.
JP7 should be open. SW1 can be open or closed, open for Mic-e compressed output and closed
for uncompressed, readable output.
APRS Messenger should be set for center frequency of 1118 Hz. That puts the lowest tone at
1000 Hz. With a little math you can set it anywhere, but this is less confusing to me :)
The SSB receiver should be in USB mode tuned 1 Khz below the transmitter frequency. This is
how we get tones from a device that produces carriers.
When powered on, the tracker enables the GPS, and attempts to get a fix.
The LED will go on solid while waiting for a good fix. Once a valid sentence is seen, the LED
cycles off and on each second as good sentences arrive until we've had 15 in a row.
If a bad sentence is seen, the process stops and begins anew when a good one arrives. The
LED can either stay lit or off during this time, depending on what state it was in when the bad
sentence was seen.
Once the 15 good sentences are seen, the GPS is put to sleep. The amp switch and DDS turn on
a few milliseconds before the tracker begins sending the MFSK16 APRS Messenger packet.
There are two types of APRS packets sent by this device and SW1 determines which one.
Standard coordinates (SW1 closed):
Mic-e compressed (SW1 open):
N0QBH-16>T5QS8Q:'{Y;l #y/
When using Mic-e you will occasionally notice it sending standard coordinates instead. This
happens when the Mic-e algorithm produces a tilde (~), which is used as the packet edge
symbol by APRS Messenger program. In those cases, the GPS is reread and a standard
coordinate packet is built and sent.
After the packet has been sent the tracker goes to sleep for the delay period. It will wake every
couple seconds flashing the LED indicating life. When the delay is over the PIC and the GPS
wake up and the process begins anew.

Micro - PIC16F690 @ 4 MHz
DDS - Chinese DDS-9850 module 20 pin
GPS - GP-635T from Spark Fun Electronics
Power - 12 volts DC under 150mA w/o amplifier

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