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A Projected Presented to the

Faculty of STI College – San Pablo

In Partial Fulfilment

of the Requirements for the

Great Books

Great Books


Mendoza, Benedict

Normalyn Hernandez

Project Adviser

June 2021
Benedict Mendoza

 Reading is a complex productive way of performing, because it is a mental activity. It is a mental

mechanism that is cognitive in the way that it is of the mind.
 Phonological comprehension, letter recognition in print, and oral language are emergent literacy
abilities that anticipate the acquisition of reading skills.
 The reader must understand how comprehension works, use phonetic resources, comprehend the
context and order of words, and keep track of the reader-author interaction in order to
comprehend and recall what is read.
The main characteristics of Batman are "wealth, athletic prowess, deductive skills, and obsession."
Thanks to various creative teams, the specifics and sound of Batman comic books have changed over
We learn reading strategies early in life without ever knowing it. As children, we would open our fairytale
books and, to our surprise, remember some of the words we've heard repeatedly read to us. Before we
knew it, we were jumping to the exciting parts of the books. Growing up, we learn different techniques on
how to read better. I think the best reading style or technique for reading great books depends on how a
person wants it. There are some people who gets bored while reading so they’ll just scan or take a look at
it, sometimes not understanding one thing. There are also people who enjoys and love to read books
especially novels and series of books like Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and the books of Nicholas
Sparks. They will read every bit of it, read it intensively and attentively, detail by detail, line per line, not
leaving the page when it’s not yet done. For me, the best reading technique that suits me is scanning.
Scanning is a reading technique used where you actually run your eyes over a text, typically to find what
you're searching for, or to find something that your eyes caught. I say so because I’m always doing it in
my studies. When there are handouts available, I highlight the important words and start scanning the
documents because I’m not fond of reading and I easily get bored.
Cinderella is the main character of the story. The other characters are the prince that Cinderella
fell in love with; her two step-sister and its mother who treats her roughly; the Fairy godmother who
makes her wishes come true. The setting of the story is in a kingdom where he meets the prince.
The theme of Cinderella is kindness, working hard and being lucky to have a magical fairy
Godmother. When there is a chance, take it because not every day there is. As what I’ve observed in
reading and watching stories, this theme is always encountered in fairytale stories like Snow white and
other magical books and movies.
Cinderella as we know and love, can be traced back to Charles Perrault's French novel
Cendrillon, first published in 1697. The protagonist is a young woman living in miserable situation who is
thrown into extraordinary wealth when she marries the king and ascends to the throne. There doesn't seem
to be any evidence of a real-life Cinderella who married a prince to escape her life's circumstances. The
tale of class struggles, on the other hand, is firmly grounded in reality.
Both of the story is all about the life of Cinderella, they both tackled the hardships and love story
of the girl. They both have magical powers but different sources. In the first video, there is a fairy God
mother who grants her wish to have a dress for her to wear to the party but on the second video, there is
no fairy and just the tree and the birds grant her wishes. Also, the first seems so magical and romantic but
the second video is just plain and just narrating the story in cartoon. The event in the first video only
lasted in one night but in the second video, the party is held for 3 consecutive nights. Each story has the
wickedness of her stepsisters and stepmother and ended up in marrying the prince by fitting the shoes.
Authors Background.
Cinderella has two written parents in English: Charles Perrault's Cendrillon, published in 1697 in
his Tales of Mother Goose, and the Grimm Brothers' Aschenputtel, published in their fairytale
compendium in 1812.
- Cinderella is a young orphan with medium-length blonde hair, blue eyes and fair
complexion.Lady Tremaine
- Lady Tremaine (also known as the Wicked Stepmother or Cinderella's stepmother) is the main
Anastasia Tremaine
- Anastasia Tremaine is the redheaded younger daughter of Lady Tremaine.
Drizella Tremaine
- Drizella Tremaine is the brown-haired older daughter of Lady Tremaine
Prince Charming
- Prince Charming is Cinderella's love interest.
This is a story about a girl whose father is wealthy and her mother is sick. The mother dies and the girl
visits her grave. Often the father remarries a woman who has two daughters, all of which treat the girl
poorly. They force the grow to Cook and clean and even sweet near the fireplace and in the cinders,
which is why they call her Cinderella. The father goes to a fair one day and, upon request brings back to
Cinderella, a Hazel twig, which she plants at her mother's grave. The Hazel tree grows and produces birds
that grants Cinderella wishes. Meanwhile, the King holds a three-day festival so that the King's son, the
Prince, can select a Bride from among all of the young girls of the land. The two stepdaughters prepare
for the festival and laugh at the notion that Cinderella would even think about going, since she is so dirty
from the housework. The stepmother says that Cinderella can attend a festival if she can pick lentils from
a pile of Ashes. Cinderella calls on the birds to help her and a succeed. However, the stepmother rejects
the Cinderella act and go at festival without her, Cinderella makes a wish at her Hazel tree, and birds
bring her a beautiful gold and silver dress. She attends the festival, and the Prince enjoys her company by
only dancing with her. However, at the end of the evening, Cinderella runs away from the Prince. The
next night, Cinderella asked the Hazel tree for another dress. And again, birds appear with another
beautiful dress. After a night of dancing with the Prince, Cinderella runs away from the Prince again. On
the third day, Cinderella asked the Hazel tree for another dress, and again birds arrive with a beautiful
dress. The Prince and Cinderella dance again. But at the end of the night, Cinderella again runs away.
However, the Prince covers the stairs with tar and one of Cinderella's shoes get stuck. The Prince is not
with one shoe, so just for the woman whose foot fits, the first stepdaughter fits the shoe. After cutting off
her toe and the Prince takes her away. However, the Prince realizes that the shoe doesn't really fit and
returns her home. The second step daughter fits the shoe after cutting off part of her heel and the Prince
takes her away. But again, he returns after seeing that the shoe doesn't really fit. When Cinderella tries the
shoe, it fits and they decide to get married. In the end, the Prince and Cinderella get married.

A wealthy man's wife dies, leaving behind the young widow and their daughter. The mother
advises her daughter on her deathbed, "If you are good and faithfully say your prayers. I shall
look down from heaven and always be with you." The next year, the widower marries a widow
with two daughters who resent the house's daughter. They dress her in an old smock and wooden
shoes, make her their servant, and compel her to sleep in the ashes of the hearth every night. The
daughter soon becomes so dirty that her stepmother and stepsisters begin to refer to her as
Cinderella's father marries a new wife. However, the wife has two children. The prince places
molasses on the staircase in the hopes of catching Cinderella, but she loses her shoe and flees.
The prince searches for Cinderella and discovers her house.
The theme of Cinderella is kindness, working hard and being lucky to have a magical tree and birds
Application in real life and to self.
It depicts the truth about people's greed and what can be done for property. Kindness is the only thing that
anyone, including myself, can apply on our daily lives because kindness will never fade in the minds and
hearts of all people, while all other properties can fade as time passes.

Benedict Mendoza
Generating questions helps me to improve my reading efficiency and knowledge because I can easily find
the essential details since this technique I love to use is scanning. It is very useful to get the important
details and get those relevant ones, and with the help of generating questions, it makes the scanning
technique more useful and way more interesting.
Cinderella: Questions

1) Who are the antagonist in the story?

- Anastasia, Drizella, Lady Tremaine and Lucifer.

2) Who is the protagonist in the story?

- Cinderella or ella.

3) What is the name of the prince in the story?

- Prince Charming
4) What did Cinderella's hair look like when she woke up?
- When she woke up her hair was in pig tails, with blue bows tied at the
bottom of them.

5) What did Cinderella supposedly put under one of her step sister's cups?
- He had Gus, a mouse, trapped underneath the cup.

6) What were the mice using Cinderella's shoes for in the very beginning
of the movie?
- Boats

7) What is the important part of the story?

8) What challenge/s does the protagonist encounter in the story?
Answer for both 7 & 8 is in the video
Tradition provides a sense of belonging and comfort. In a sense of connection, it brings together families
and friends. Nevertheless, we must balance our own thoughts with tradition. There are also traditions that
have been adjusted through decades to preserve them. For me, maybe there are chances that I have tried
to break with traditions that I’m not aware of. I barely socialize outside our house because I’m busy
taking care of my siblings. When there is a family gathering that will occur, I always participate and just
following their lead so I must say that I’m not really sure if there is a chance that I tried to break a family
or society traditions. My actions affect the people around me by the choices I made. Sometimes, there are
choices that I need to make that I don’t want to do or choices that I think is wrong but I must do. They are
affected by these simple actions especially when they’re close to me or they are family.
1. Why do you think people like to reinvent and try new things away from tradition?
- I believe that people like reinventing new things that deviate from tradition because they desire to
explore or find new things as part of their natural curiosity, even if it deviates from tradition as long as it
helps them improve.

2. How do you think being unconventional nowadays is somehow good or bad?

- Making unconventional or hard choices is the most difficult task. We must conquer several challenges
and obstacles in order to overcome the feelings of contempt held by others around us. However, this
makes us a better and much stronger person from the inside, one who understands how to navigate any
difficult route.

The little price – Outlining

I. Little prince planet problems
A. Very small
B. Bad seed
C. The prince's vanity and expectations
become too much.

II. Little Prince encountered

A. A planet with a king
B. The Man who desires flattery
C. Drunkard,
D. Businessman
E. Lamplighter
F. Geographer

The little Prince – Outlining method of Note Taking

The narrator and the prince

They meet at a dessert once the narrator has an emergency landing and
wake up with a little prince asking him to draw a sheep for his planet.
The special flower of the prince.
One day on the planet, an anthropomorphic rose bloom, and the prince falls
head over heels in love with her. However, the prince's vanity and expectations
become too much for him, and he departs..

The Adventure of little price

A planet with a king
The first is a king who demands submission but has no subjects until the
prince arrives.

The Man who desires flattery.

The sole occupant of the next planet is a conceited man who desires nothing
more than flattery from the prince.

The prince later meets a drunkard, who explains that he must drink in order
to forget about his shame over drinking

The fourth planet introduces the prince to a businessman who claims
ownership of the stars, making it critical for him to understand precisely how many
stars there are.

The prince then meets a lamplighter, who is bound by orders to light a lamp
each evening and extinguish it each morning, despite the fact that his planet spins
so quickly that dusk and dawn occur once every minute.
The geographer advises the little prince to pay a visit to Earth.

The Little Prince – Summarizing

The narrator introduces himself as a man who discovered as a child that
adults are devoid of imagination and comprehension. He is now a pilot who
has made an emergency landing in the desert. He meets a small child who
requests a drawing of a sheep, which the narrator obliges. The narrator, who
refers to the child as the little prince, discovers that the boy is from a very
small planet, which he believes is asteroid B-612. The little prince recounts
his life to the narrator over the next few days. The prince spends his time on
his asteroid-planet, which is no bigger than a house, pulling up baobab
seedlings, fearful that they will grow large enough to engulf the tiny planet.
One day on the planet, an anthropomorphic rose blooms, and the prince falls
head over heels in love with her. However, the prince's vanity and
expectations become too much for him, and he departs. The prince journeys
to a series of asteroids, each of which contains an adult reduced to a function.
The first is a king who demands submission but has no subjects until the
prince arrives. The sole occupant of the next planet is a conceited man who
desires nothing more than flattery from the prince. The prince later meets a
drunkard, who explains that he must drink in order to forget about his shame
over drinking. The fourth planet introduces the prince to a businessman who
claims ownership of the stars, making it critical for him to understand
precisely how many stars there are. The prince then meets a lamplighter, who
is bound by orders to light a lamp each evening and extinguish it each
morning, despite the fact that his planet spins so quickly that dusk and dawn
occur once every minute. The prince eventually arrives on a planet inhabited
by a geographer. The geographer, on the other hand, knows nothing about his
own planet, as his sole responsibility is to record what he learns from
explorers. He requests that the prince describe his home planet, but when the
prince mentions the flower, the geographer states that flowers are not
recorded due to their ephemeral nature. The geographer advises the little
prince to pay a visit to Earth.

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