Green Oils

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SIPP’able Green Oil investment with projected returns of 20%

Invest in a 45 year green oil lease with a leading producer / Fixed returns in year one
and two, with buy back from year 5

Minimum investment just £6,250

Invest in two hectares of ‘green oil’ producing plantation and receive a fixed return of 5%
in year one, and 12% in year two. With the projected return thereafter at 20% - investors
should expect to receive a total return of £40,000 over the life of the investment.

This is a great way to learn about Green Oil investments while at the same time
maximising the returns from your pension by investing through a SIPP.

Investors are protected by the fact the land is held in trust, and returns are linked to
rising oil prices. At present the demand for ‘green oil’ outstrips supply.

Our client is a London based PLC founded in 2006 and now has plantations in multiple
countries and employs approximately 800 people around the world. They have at their
disposal 1.2m hectares of plantation in south east Asia and Africa where they work with
the local farmers to grow energy crops. The ‘green oil’ they produce represents a
renewable, sustainable source of fuel and a genuine alternative to conventional fossil

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+44 1974 299055 / + 44 7791 890 445
Information – Full PDF on Request

From £6,250 with exit strategy


Agroforestry Leases are a development on the Green Oil Lease in that the new
oil and energy crops for which we have the genetics and supporting research can
be applied in exactly the same format as the Green Oil Lease into a defined area
to produce more oil and energy produce which results in better returns.


Agroforestry Leases are areas of land which are based on a volume of jatropha
planted on them in broadacre format (plantation). The trees are planted at 2,500
equivalent trees per hectare as standard with the tree volume driving the lease
size, not the land area (topography for instance will affect tree spacing as will
water courses). However, CCF or appointed plantation managers will utilise
sweet sorghum, pongamia, oil palm (ethically and sustainably farmed) or other oil
bearing crops which will have a better return for the Agroforestry Lease owner.

Land title security is through Citadel Trustees or fund appointed land trustees
acting for the fund custodians.

Seed and genetics source

Although based on jatropha curcas linn, the sweet sorghum, and oil palm
genetics which come through our clients structured research and development
programme in Thailand, Cambodia and the Philippines. Pongamia comes
through a commercial partner and cloning experts in Australia. The seeds are
matured through our Nursery operations in country which include inoculation,
quality controls and strict fertilisation regimes.

Life cycle and yields

Jatropha has a three to four month nursery period before planting out. Depending
on the season, flowers can begin to be seen at month seven with fruit beginning
very shortly afterwards. Within 12 months of being in the ground, the jatropha
tree can be in commercial production with good yields by year three and
maturing yields by year four to five. The tree can grow on average for 50 years or
more with exceptional cases being over 100 years old.

+44 1974 299055 / + 44 7791 890 445
Sweet sorghum initially has a four month growth period when it is ‘topped’ for the
grain harvest. One month later, the main cane is harvested for jaggery (high
glucose liquid) and biomass. The crop will grow again two more times without
replanting when it should be rotated with a nitrate fixing crop. Yields include 10
tonnes of grain, 10 tonnes of jaggery and 30 tonnes of biomass per hectare per
year annualised over a two year growing cycle with three harvests.

Pongamia takes approximately eight months in the nursery phase before planting
out. The tree quickly establishes with the main root system developing as much
as 10 metres. By year five oil production begins with consistent tree production
annually being 32 kg per tree with 200 trees per hectare.

This equates to about 6.4 tonnes of oil per year.

Oil palm takes about 36 months to get to yields which steadily increase over the
next two years to a mature and consistent volume of about 6.5 tonnes of oil per
hectare based on 137 trees per hectare. A large volume of biomass is also

Note: Oil palm is not a cause of deforestation, the farmers and companies behind
them are. Oil palm has a significant role for energy and food within the new
global green oil economy if done ethically and sustainably.

Financial information

Volume of trees 2,500

(Based on jatropha as a baseline crop)

Cost per hectare Green Oil Lease £3,125

Lease term 45 years

Forecasted revenues net to Green Oil Lease owner annually

Year 1 (assured) 5% £312.50

Year 2 (assured) 12% £750
Year 3 onwards (variable) around 20% £1250

*dependent on operator chosen

* Returns and guarantees do vary between rental and management companies.

+44 1974 299055 / + 44 7791 890 445

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