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Name: NELSON B. NISPEROS Position: MDO I Office: RRCY I

Submitted to:
Regional Director
LEAH MYLEN L. LUCERO, RSW Date Submitted: 27 November
SWO IV/Center Head 2019
CC Report to:
AO V/Concurrent Head- LDS
Title of Training/ Conference / Workshop/Activity: Date of Conduct:
Place and Venue of Training/ Conference /Workshop/Activity Sponsoring Entity:
EM Royale Hotel and Resort, San Juan, La Union DSWD- FO-1


 How and in what area of your responsibilities and tasks is the most relevant?
As the focal person?
 As the Manpower Development Officer attending and supervising the actual
skills training of clients, the KAS obtained in the training is very much relevant
especially since most of the trainings expose participants to considerable risks
and hazards that may take place.
 As an authorized alternate driver of ambulance, the training and certification is
required by the DOH in issuing accreditation and registration in the operation
and management of ambulance.

 Which part/topic of the activity is immediately applicable to your office/unit/section?

Perform basic life support, maintain life support equipment and resources,
implement safe access and extrication procedures in an emergency, manage
request for service, allocate ambulance service resources, coordinate
resources, deliver basic ambulance communication skills, supervise on-road
operations, manage the scene of an emergency, manage the scene of a
special event, manage routine scene, deliver pre-hospital patient care, deliver
intensive pre-hospital patient care, manage ambulance operations, and
transport emergency and non-emergency patients. Participants were also
oriented on the proper usage of various pre-hospital equipment and devices
that are incorporated in the ambulance such as the Spine Board, Scoop
Stretcher, Ambulance Stretcher, Kendrick Extrication Device, BP Apparatus,
Suction Device, Face Masks, Nasal Cannula, Stethoscope, Neck Brace,
Cervical Collar, Pulse Ox meter, Ear Thermometer, Glucometer, and other

 Which part/topic of the activity is immediately applicable for you personally as a

DSWD Staff?

Standard First Aid and Ambulance Operation like performing CPR, Bandaging,
Moving, Lifting and Carrying victims into a designated treatment area,
employing pre-hospital care using the instruments, equipment and devices.
 If there is any technology/system learned in the activity, how can this be transferred
or adapted in DSWD Field Office 1? Where/Which division /center /institution /unit
/section /program would be the best to utilize this technology?

The management and operation of ambulance requires a specific set of processes

which entails the proper and systematic response from receiving emergency calls,
dispatch, reporting, transfer and delivery, and ambulance care. This system is called
Emergency Medical Services System (EMS). This can be adapted in the Field Office
thru the Vehicle Management system that already exists. Just need minor
modifications to include the basic processes involved in responding to emergencies
as embodied in the “Star of Life” symbol. There are six points in the star where each
of the 'arms' to the star represent one of the six points, are used to represent the six
stages of high quality pre-hospital care, which are;

1. Early detection – members of the public, or another agency, find the incident and
understand the problem
2. Early reporting – the first persons on scene make a call to the emergency
medical services (911) and provide details to enable a response to be mounted
3. Early response – the first professional (EMS) rescuers are dispatched and arrive
on scene as quickly as possible, enabling care to begin
4. Good on-scene/ field care – the emergency medical service provides appropriate
and timely interventions to treat the patient at the scene of the incident without
doing further harm.
5. Care in transit -– the emergency medical service load the patient in to suitable
transport and continue to provide appropriate medical care throughout the journey
6. Transfer to definitive care – the patient is handed over to an appropriate care
setting, such as the emergency department at a hospital, in to the care of

 Implication of the learning from the training/conference/workshop to existing DSWD

policy (administrative/program etc.) and/or recommended policy as needed:

There are of course several implications that this training and system entails. The
operation and management of ambulance requires registration and accreditation from
the Department of Health in order to comply with the standards set in its operation.
Primarily, the main goal of ambulance operation is to provide Emergency Medical
Service in a pre-hospital care which treat illnesses and injuries that require an urgent
medical response, providing out-of-hospital treatment and transport to definitive care.
Training and qualification levels for members and employees of emergency medical
services is required because there are severe legal consequences facing the
responders and operators of the EMS if something out of the usual procedure
happened and life or limb of a victim or patient was affected. It is highly
recommended that a specific and specialized unit like the medical section should
carry out and secure all basic requirements including trainings and specialization of
emergency responders as Paramedics be initiated soonest.


 What are your comments or suggestions on the following:

a. Content of Activity?

Useful, informative, and uses actual return demonstration of the skill set learned to
determine level of understanding and absorption. However, there is a need to further
enhance the activities to inculcate deeper into the participants the principles and
procedures required in this training.
b. Facilitator/Resource Person/Speaker/Lecturer?

All LSPs have adequately demonstrated expertise in their respective topics

discussed and have used appropriate visual aids and audio devices to help
participants understand topics better.

c. Methodology?

The use of PowerPoint presentations, interactive discussions, demonstrations

and return demonstrations are effective methods.

d. Logistic?


e. Venue

The venue is acceptable but the food is needs improvement.

 Are there any other comments or insights about the

training/conference/workshop you attended?

The Highlight of the training is the actual return demonstration in performing MCI applying all
the combined learning on Standard First Aid and Ambulance Operation like performing CPR,
Bandaging, Moving, Lifting and Carrying victims into a designated treatment area, employing
pre-hospital care using the instruments, equipment and devices enumerated above. The
participants were instructed to form a group composing three (3) members whose two
members shall act as medics/responders and the other one will be the ambulance driver.
Each group were required to respond varying cases of emergencies while the Red Cross
Evaluator observes the performances until all groups have finished their turns. Awarding of
Certificates concluded the activity.




Provide emergency Awaiting directives From present onwards

medical services both and clear procedures
as First Aid responder to follow.
and ambulance driver

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