Materials Used in Construction

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Various types of building materials have been in use since days immemorial. These
materials are classified into two types based on its specific features which include
natural and synthetic materials.

Natural constructing materials such as clay and mud have been in use since many
years. Even today, it is widely used to build roofs and walls of homes. Mud is also
a natural material which is used in between bricks for strength.

Another type of material which is used regularly includes bricks. There are special
types of bricks which are used for construction purposes. The use of glazed bricks
for decorative purpose is quite common.

Wood is another material which is used for construction purposes. Various types of
wood are used to build homes and commercial settings these days. Wood is known
to enhance the beauty and elegance of a structure.

Concrete is a synthetic building material which is used widely these days. Concrete
is an ideal choice for extra strength and durability. It is often used with steel rods
and cement. It is used to build homes, bridges and buildings.

Rock is another material which is used to construct homes and buildings even
today. It is one of the strongest materials used for construction purposes. However,
it has several drawbacks compared to other types of materials.

Plastic is one of the most common types of materials used for construction
purposes. It is used in the form of sanitary fixtures, pipes and so forth. PVC pipes
are durable, hard and heat resistant.

Glass, another material which is used in most of the structures these days, is quite a
versatile product. It can be used in different ways to enhance the appearance of
homes and office spaces.

Apart from these materials, various other types of materials are used for
construction purposes. Different types of metals such as silver, chrome and steel
are also used as construction materials these days.
did you watch my recent video which was all about phrasal verbs and introduction
to phrasal verbs and for tips on how to improve your phrasal verbs well if you
haven't watched it yet I suggest you watch it now today's video is a request from
Hassan Rubbia who wanted a video all about phrasal verbs for civil engineers so
this one is for you and anyone else who works or who would like to work in a
similar field hi my name is Cara and I'm an English teacher not a civil engineer I
have a new lesson every Sunday on grammar vocabulary reading writing speaking
listening pronunciation and today's lesson is a grammar lesson phrasal verbs for
civil engineers it's really important to learn vocabulary including phrasal verbs in
context so if there's somewhere that you go something that you do every day or
every week and you would like to know the vocabulary or the phrasal verb for this
situation please let me know by writing in the comments below now most of the
phrasal verbs today are for civil engineers but the first few are useful for any
workplace carry out this means to do particular work or research for example we
need to carry out some additional work draw up listen how the two words come
together draw up this means to prepare something in writing the contract has been
drawn up knock off this means to stop work let's knock off at five o'clock run by
this means to tell someone about your idea or plan to get their opinion you'll need
to run it by the boss first take on this means to accept work do you have enough
time to take on another project call off this means to cancel they've caught off the
project all right now let's be more specific with some phrasal verbs verse civil
engineers branch off branch off this means to separate or diverge from the main
roots to form another root for example this word branches off from the main
highway here build in this means to incorporate as an integral an important part of
something out for example we can build in this feature if you want check over to
inspect for any faults or errors or defects make sure you check it over before you
leave today cone off this means to restrict access using cones like this for example
I'll need you to cone off this area drain away this means to remove or channel
liquid away from something for example rainwater causes flooding when it can't
drain away drive into this means to force something into something else by hitting
it for example these stakes will be driven into the ground eat away this means to
erode or corrode for example this harsh environment is going to eat away at this
concrete overtime fence off this means to restrict access using some kind of barrier
for example can you fence off this area here heap up this means to make an untidy
or unorganized pile of something for example you can heap up the scraps here jack
up this means to raise using some kind of hydraulic or mechanical device for
example I had to jack up the car to change the tire knock up means to build quickly
it's only going to take a couple of days to knock it up pull down means to demolish
or destroy something quite big we'll have to pull it down before they start work and
last one sure up this means to strengthen by adding support for example we need to
shore up these foundations well I hope all of you civil engineers or nearly civil
engineers can start to use some of these phrasal verbs at work or in your study if
you want to practice if you want to test yourself and see if you can answer my
questions about these phrasal verbs go over to this website and there's plenty of
exercises and flashcards there for you to practice thanks very much for watching
and please don't forget to subscribe to put a lack and to say hello in the comments
below I'll see you again next Sunday for another lesson bye [Music]

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