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Product or Performance Task

Student Activity: Research and Presentation on A Specific Issue on Justice


Students will research on the Catholic teaching about a specific violation or issue related to promoting
justice (e.g. graft and corruption, environmental destruction, among others) and present their research
and suggestions through a 10 - minute video presentation (note this is the maximum number of
minutes)/slide presentation.


Students will form groups with four to five members. Each group will have a leader and members
assigned to work on the following: researching content, enriching content (e.g. with interviews, films
clips, statistics), and editing the video/presentation output.


The students may also do it individually if they want to.

Audience (CLE)

The rest of the class will be the primary audience for the online presentation of the students’ research.
The presentation should, thus consider the context of today’s Filipino youth. The CLE Teacher will view
the presentations and give feedback to the students.


In a Catholic Youth Conference on Life, Love, Justice and Truth, your group has been tasked to present
the Church’s teaching on a specific issue related to the value of Justice, Life, Love, and Truth. Filipino
high school students from all over the country will attend this event. Its goal is to educate the Filipino
youth about the moral issues and to inspire them to stand up for Justice, Peace, Life, Love, Truth and
Unity and uphold the Catholic social teachings. Your presentation should include concrete ways for the
Filipino youth to more firmly live out the Church teaching about these issues.


Students are able to explain in their own words why the call to follow Jesus Christ demands a genuine
concern for society and for the least, the last, and the lost.


Students are able to express the importance and relevance of discussing and upholding the Catholic
teaching on Justice and Christian social responsibility, especially in our context as a society and as a


Students can give concrete examples of how to realistically uphold the value of justice and social
responsibility given their context as maturing young women.

Students are able to critically express the different points of view on various issues related to promoting


Students are able to imagine how the least, the last, and the lost in society feel toward different social

Self – knowledge

Students are able to reflect on and evaluate their interior hindrances to growing in their call and
commitment to act justly and to be genuinely concerned about others in society.

Performance Task

Your task is to come up with creative and engaging 10 – minute video presentation/slide
presentation on your chosen/assigned topic.


1. Students are free to choose whether they want to do the task by group (4-5 members
only) or individually.

2. The output is a 10 – minute video(maximum number of minutes)/slide

presentation with accurate content and a great positive impact on the audience (Today’s
Filipino youth) moving them toward action and commitment.

3. Video/slide presentation flow:

a. Establish background or give an overview of the topic (present facts/ research
about the issue)
b. Discuss Catholic teaching about a specific violation or issue related to
promoting justice.
c. Provide Three to four (3-4) concrete and realistic suggestions on how today’s
Filipino youth can live out the Catholic teaching about the issue.

4. English: Relevant factual researches or related literature should be integrated in

the video/slide presentation. Cite sources following APA format.
5. CLE: Catholic teachings should be integrated in the output.
Students will present output in class. After each presentation, group members/student
should be able to answer the teachers’ questions about their assigned moral issue.
Standards (next page)

Rubric: (total: 20 points)

Criteria  5  4  3  2 
Content/Impact  The presentation has a great The presentation has The presenter The presentatio
(CLE) impact to their present a great impact to the is 60% n is not
condition.  students but needs ready/confident.  interesting and
  deepening.    not convincing. 
The presenter is 100% ready,   The presentation of  
very confident.  The presenter is 90% the CST is not that The presenter
  ready and not that informative and a is zero % not
The presentation of the CST is confident.  little misleading.  ready  
very rich and very informative       
  The presentation of the The presentation is The presentatio
  CST is informative but not that interesting n of the CST is
  needs deep conviction.  and lacks very confusing.
confidence  It is misleading. 
Relevance and All of Most of the evidences At least one of Examples and
evidence of a well the points/sources, evidences and examples are the information evidences are
prepared and examples are specific specific and relevant.  or evidences and not relevant. 
research/ Citation and relevant.    examples is  
of sources/   The research is not that relevant.  Explanation is
Church The explanations given are a deep and the moral   not clear. It is
documents  fruit of a deep and well issues is not 100%  supp The promotion of confusing and
(English) prepared research. The topic orted by moral laws and the fundamental not supported
is very relevant to their the promotion of Christian/human by Church
present situation as Filipino Fundamental Christian/ values is not that teachings/
youth of the 21st century. It is human values.  evident.  moral laws. 
well supported    
with Church encyclicals/docu The explanation is There is no
ments, Life and teachings of not supported by evidence of
Jesus and moral laws.  Church teachings, research and
  moral laws.  preparedness. 
Minimal evidence
Critical Thinking/ Rich in content; insightful Substantial information; Information is thin; Rudimentary
Creativity  analysis, synthesis, and evidence of analysis, analysis, synthesis, and superficial;
(English) evaluation;   synthesis, and and evaluation; little analysis,
  evaluation; general connections are synthesis, and
The video is excellently connections are made, limited; vague evaluation;  
prepared. It is very clear and but lacking in clarity.  generalizations.  No evidence of
informative.      critical thinking
The video is excellently The video is not and creativity
prepared.  well prepared. It is e.g. the
blurred and video and other
confusing/ sources. 
It is off the
Synthesis/ Reflecti Excellent reflection or The presentation of the There is a little There is a lack of
on/ Connection  synthesis. It is relevant to the CST connects ideas and evidence connection
(CLE) students’ situation/ thoughts to students’ of students’ to students’
experience. The connection of life’s situation.   context.  context or life
the CST and the moral or   The connection is situation. 
social issues is relevant to the The synthesis and not well presented.   
present situation of the youth. connection to moral or   The synthesis or
The principles or themes of social issue is not well The synthesis and reflection is
the CST are excellently dealt explained and reflection is misleading and
with.   presented.  confusing and not very confusing. 
    that convincing. It  
    needs further No evidence of
explanation or synthesis/
justification.  reflection. 

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