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Everett Community College

Tim Langley, Instructor

Syllabus for TS 060 Basic Math Skills 2

Class Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:10 to 8:20 p.m.

Location: Classroom: Lake Tye Building, room 303

Teacher: Tim Langley

E-mail: (it’s best to email me)

Phone: 425-388-9291 (leave a message stating you are my student)

Textbook: Number Power, Book 2, by Jerry Howett, Available in college bookstore.

Materials: Bring the textbook mentioned above, notebook paper, pencils and a folder or 3-
ring binder to each class.


Level 2 (060) Student Learning Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

1. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and decimals and solve applications
involving these operations.
2. Solve ratio problems and use them in applications.
3. Evaluate algebraic expressions for assigned variables using whole numbers.
4. Simplify algebraic expressions to include groupings and combining like terms
using whole numbers.
5. Solve simple algebraic equations in one unknown using whole numbers.

Attendance Policy

Students need to attend class regularly and do the work assigned. Students must arrive
promptly and remain until the end of class. Those students with special challenges regarding
promptness or class ending time must speak with the instructor to arrive late or leave early. 70%
attendance is necessary to pass the class.

If you are unable to attend class, please email me at the address above, or call the office at
425-388-9291 and leave a message that you are my student and why you will be absent. If a stu-
dent is absent for a week and does not contact the instructor, he/she may be dropped from the
course. It is the student’s responsibility to request make-up work from the instructor following
absences. If there is a question about class being in session due to weather or power outage is-
sues, check with or you local TV or radio stations.

Electronics Usage Policy

All cell phones and laptops must be turned off in the classroom. Text messaging in class
is not allowed. Students may listen to music on their own headphones in class, provided
the instructor and other students cannot hear it. However, headphones may not be used
during class lecture or discussions. Internet use is for assignments only, and is not for
personal use. If a student uses the internet for personal use, they will be asked to leave the
Lab, as per college policy.

Food and Beverage Policy: Food is not allowed in our classrooms (except from instruc-
tor for math lessons). Beverages in closed containers are permitted.

Visitor Policy Friends, family and children are not allowed to attend class sessions.

Student Responsibilities

Students are expected to participate. Instruction will include lessons, activities and occa-
sional games. Subject matter will be taught in large groups, small groups, and individually, based
on the needs of the class. Students ill or excessively tired should not attend class. It is the stu-
dent’s responsibility to request make-up work following an absence. Students should expect
homework some nights. Students must complete assignments on time. They must check their as-
signments and record their score at the top of each page. Students are to rework any errors. Stu-
dents may not attend class under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If any students are suspected
of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, security will be called. Students having
weapons or ammunition will be suspended from school.

Standards of Progress Policy

Grading: 90-100 =A 80-89=B 70-79=C 60-69=D below 60=F

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