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Juvan L.

Fuentes BSN 1-I

Activity #1
Finding history, Giving relevance:

1. live birth certificate

2. baptismal certificate

3. photos
2. Develop a history a particular item in the above stated sources of

I was born on September 7, 2002, and I am the second eldest son of Victor
and Alma Fe Fuentes. I am a Filipino and I live in Sara, Iloilo together with
my grandmother and my aunt.

3. Connection this history (consequences) that you which to believe that it

is significant of who you are today (interpretation).

Ever since I was on my childhood years I’ve been living together with my
grandma she’s the one who got my back, however my childhood years was
the most fun and enjoyable life I’ve ever been on. It’s also the reason
behind my smiles. My childhood memories is the reason of what I am
today, strong and patient Man. In my teenage life which is my recent life I
learned a lot of things and experiences that I encountered in my teenage

4. Develop a statement of fact (conclusion) from the history that you have

In conclusion, I live my life to the fullest because we cannot predict the

future. Give your worries to God and He will be the one that will guide us
till the end.

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