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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education,
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of Zamboanga City
Mercedes District
Taluksangay, Zamboanga City
Directions: Read and understand each question carefully.

1.________ is a social science discipline that studies the state and the government.
a. Political Science c. Government
b. State d. Governance
2. What are the four important element of a state?
a. people, government, community, barangay
b. people, territory, sovereignty, and government
c. people, community, barangay, school
d. people. Family, community, barangay
3. This serves as bridge that connects people and the state.
a. Governance c. Government
b. State d. Governance
4. It is the exercise of power or authority by political leaders for the well-being of their
country’s citizens or subject
a. Governance c. Government
b. State d. Governance
5. ______is the exercise of power, the science of government, the making of collective decisions, the
allocation of scarce resources and the practice of deception and manipulation.
a. Politics c. Territory
b. State d. Governance
6. A political ideology that believes in individualism which underscores the importance of the
human individual compared to any other group.
a. Liberalism b. Conservatism
c. Marxism d. Socialism
7. Political ideology that advocates the preservation of tradition.
a. Conservatism b. Socialism
c. Liberalism d. Marxism
8. The political ideology that advocates common ownership as central to socialist thought.
a. Socialism b. Marxism
c. Social Democracy d. Liberalism
9. Which of the following has the ability to influence another, the way one thinks or behaves in
a manner not on his or her own choosing.
a. power b. legitimacy
c. authority d. sovereignty
10. The following are the political power concept. except?
A. power C. authority B. legitimacy D. sovereignty
11. This refers to the people’s perception that their government rules rightfully, and thus must
be obeyed.
A. authority C. legitimacy B. power D. sovereignty
12. The authority is seen as the political leader’s ability to command, respect and exercise
A. authority C. sovereignty B. power D. legitimacy
13. This refers as the influence on the content of decisions. Who decides, what to be made,
and how to execute such decision all involve power.
A. power as decision-making C. power as a thought control B. power as agenda settings D.
power and authority
14. What is one of the elements of state that include not only the land over which the
jurisdiction of the State extends, but also the rivers and lakes therein, a certain area of the sea
which abuts upon its coasts and the air space above it?
A. people c. government
b. territory d. Sovereignty
15. It refers to the agency through which the will of the State is formulated, expressed, and
carried out.
A. people c. government
b. territory d. Sovereignty
16. It is defined as the supreme power of the State to command and enforce obedience to its
will from people within its jurisdiction and corollary, to have freedom from foreign control.
A. people c. government
b. territory d. Sovereignty
17. What is the most important elements of the state?
A. people c. government
b. territory d. Sovereignty
18. _______is the spread of products, technology, information, and jobs across national
borders and cultures. In economic terms, it describes an interdependence of nations
around the globe fostered through free trade
A. nation-state. C. state
B. globalization D. nation
19. What is the system of government that is already present in the Philippines prior to the
arrival of the Spaniard in 1521?
A. trial by order C. military power
B. barangay D. none of the above
20. Most of the Laws during pre-Spanish period where unwritten, what do you think is the
reason why the people adhered to a system of government which most laws were not written.
A. Because there exists a system of stratification B. People trust wholeheartedly their leaders.
C. Founded on elders’ customs D. People believed on the Divine Practice pa more!
21. During Spanish period, why is it necessary to consolidate the independent barangays?
A. for the purpose of administrative efficiency. B. To prepare them for war.
C. To gain loyalty and administration D. For peaceful administration
22. The reason why the Filipinos in Spain like Jose Rizal, established the Propaganda
A. To advocate reforms such as the same rights and freedom.
B. To advocate independence
C. Demand Free Study
D. All of the above
23. What motivated the revolutionists to call for a convention in Tejeros, Known as the Tejeros
A. A unified leadership is deemed necessary
B. They need an intellectual leader.
C. Andres Bonifacio had war fails
D. none of the above
24. Why did the American did not automatically give the Philippines its independence?
A. Because they have the right to
C. Filipinos are not united occupy under a treaty
B. Filipinos do not know how to
D. They want to be sure that democratic How to govern themselves system of governance is
25. The Second Republic is commonly referred to as “Puppet Government” why it was so?
A. Because the Japanese still
C. Because Japanese Love Puppet Shows Dictates how the country is run.
B. Because the Filipinos are to D. All of the above weak to rule.
26. The system of government in the Philippine is bicameral which mean there two chambers
the senate and the house of representatives in the enactment of laws. Why do you think the
Filipinos preferred two chambers rather than one?
27. What is the purpose really why President Marcos declared Martial Law?
A. To save the republic from this turmoil
C. To extend his rule (Worsening Peace and Order)
B. To reform the society
D. to solve rebellion
28. Corazon Aquino ordered the framing of a constitution when she ascented to presidency,
why is a constitution important?
A. Because it is inherent in every
C. It limits and defined the powers of government B. It gives the president powers.
D. none of the above
29. Why is the 1987 Constitution called the Freedom Constitution?
A. Because all constitutions have names. C. Malolos Constitution B. Because it emphasizes
protection D. None of the Above
30. Who

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