Educ 5324-Article Review Template

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North American University

Education Department
M.Ed. in Educational Leadership
EDUC 5324 Integrating Technology into Education

Name: Roslen Davis Date: June 3, 2021

Cite the reviewed article in APA format:

Waxman, H.C., Boriack, A.W., Lee, Y., & Macneil, A. (2013). Principals’ Perceptions
of the Importance of the Technology in Schools. Contemporary Educational
Technology, 4(3), 187-196.


Research Questions (if research questions are not specifically mentioned, what
is the theoretical background or overarching theme): What are public school
principal’s perceptions related to the major functions of technology in the schools?
Do principals’ perceptions of technology differ by years of experience and gender?

Purpose of the research:

Present research/study builds on prior research and includes an open-ended, cognitive
interview that allows for the examination of principal’s perspectives and orientations
towards technology. Furthermore, this present research/study focuses on principal’s
characteristics such as years of experience and gender.


What is the methodology for the research or approach used to understand the
issue? Provide information regarding the following:

Participants: 310 principals from a large metropolitan area in the southwest regions
of the United States-126 were males, 184 were females; 104 participants had 0-3 years
of experience, 82 participants had 4-7 years of experience, 55 participants had 8-11
years of experience, 32 participants had 12-15 years of experience, and 31 participants
had greater than 15 years of experience.

Procedures: Cognitive interview questionnaire were administered by graduate

students in the Educational Leadership program at a major, urban doctoral-granting
university. Analysis of the interview data began with a process of data reduction. The
participants’ responses were read several times to become familiar with the data. The
data was then coded into meaningful categories, and once the categories were
established, another researcher independently coded a 10% sample of responses to
determine the consistency of the coding.

Data Collection Methods/Data Source:

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