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Regis University

Loretto Heights School of Nursing

Ignatian Pedagogy Guided Reflection Weekly Clinical Log

STUDENT NOTES: Use the Ignatian Pedagogy Conceptual Model as a guide. Reflect upon
your clinical experience. This reflection is more than a recounting of your activities such as the
date, time, and description of what occurred. Rather, it is an in-depth analysis of personal
experiences and the meaning (reflection) of those experiences. Your analysis should include:
your beliefs, thoughts, discoveries, decisions, actions and conclusion. Please see questions below
for guidance.

Context/Meaning: Personal Growth Lens: Describe the experience objectively.

 When & where did this activity take place?
 Who was there and what did you do? What did you say? What did others say and do?
What did you hear, taste, see, smell, or feel?
 What is the lens I use to look at this?
 What assumptions or expectations did you bring to this situation? Did they prove to be
true? If not, why was there a discrepancy?
 What did you learn today about yourself, your biases, and/or your assumptions?
 Did you gather the information necessary for you to provide appropriate patient care?
Experience Interpretation:
 Critique something about your day.
 Compare your approach to the facility protocols or what you learned in class.
 Based on concepts from readings, class discussions, skills learned in the classroom or any
other recent experiences, what is your new understanding of the learning event, issue or
Action: Analyze your actions performed throughout the clinical experience.
 Again write using the lens you used above to look at your experience(s). This time look
at your experiences from a civic perspective.
 What were you trying to accomplish and why? What role did you play? Did you act
unilaterally or collaboratively and why? Should you have worked with others differently
and why?
 How did leadership emerge in this situation on yours or other’s part?
 What did you learn about the role of the RN on the unit you had clinical on?
 My clinical experience has transformed my nursing practice by ...
 The clinical experience and the learning that occurred matters because.....
 The nursing intervention/action that is required of me is...
 How will you approach the same or similar event, issue or situation in the future?
 What nursing practice wisdom have I derived from this clinical experience?
 In light of this learning, in the future, I will... (Set goals)
 What is your “take-away” for today’s clinical experience
 From this experience- “How ought I to live…”
Student Name______________________ Date_____________ 3
Guided Reflection – Clinical Log


I was in the NICU last clinical and it was very informative to see the different interactions that
parents had with their babies. My lens through which I have viewed childbirth has been very
narrow because of the lack of experience I have had with being around
labor/delivery/postpartum. I learned that my assumptions are textbook based and not real world

Experience Interpretation:

 Critique something about your day.

 Compare your approach to the facility protocols or what you learned in class.
 Based on concepts from readings, class discussions, skills learned in the classroom or any
other recent experiences, what is your new understanding of the learning event, issue or
Skill wise, my day was slow; however, I did observe/learn a lot about parent-baby interaction. It
can be easy to get caught up in determining for yourself how you believe a parent’s interaction
with their baby should be handled. It is important to take a few steps back and remove yourself
form that situation and those thoughts. It is the nurse’s role to provide care, not the judge the
familial interactions of your patient.



Comments on progress in clinical/strategies to improve student clinical performance.

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