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Indian J Plant Physiol., Vol. 6, No.4, (N.S.) pp. 355-360 (Oct.-Dec.

, 2001)



Plant Hormones Laboratory 1.2, Fruit Culture Laboratory 3.4, Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Hessaraghatta Lake Post,
Bangalore 560 089

Received on 9 Jan., 2001

Cumulative effects of three annual soil drenching treatments ofpaclobutrazol (5 and 10 a.i. g/tree) given
to the mango cv. Alphonso during months of Aug-Sept revealed reductioQ in tree height, mean shoot length and
number of dormant shoots, and enhancement in flowering. Between the treatments, 109/tree paclobutrazol
treatment was more effective in altering the vigour determining morphological characters. Flowering intensity
did not differ much between the two treatments. The anatomical features under paclobutrazol treatment (lOg
a.i.ltree) revealed higher phloem to xylem ratio; more so in the shoots of current year flush than the previous
year ones. Xylem sap volume declined with the paclobutrazol treatment. The paclobutrazol treated trees
responded with an enhancement in the levels of abscisic acid (ABA) and cytokinin-zeatin riboside (t-ZR) and
dihydtozeatin riboside (DHZR) in the xylem sap and leaves, and phenols in leaves concomitant with the decline
in leaCindole acetic acid (IAA) content; changes being greater under higher dose ofpaclobutrazol. These results
show that the paclobutrazol induced inhibition in tree vigour and promotion of flowering in mango is not only
associated with the gibberellin biosynthesis inhibiting character ofpaclobutrazol but also with its influence on
other hormones such as ABA, cytokinins and IAA and as also on phenol.

Key words: ABA, cytokinins, IAA, mango, paclobutrazol, phenols, stem anatomical features, xylem sap

INTRODUCTION response of paclobutrazol has been revealed as the

consequence of inhibition in the biosynthesis of elongation
In the high density plantation offruitcrops, controlling growth promoting hormone gibberellins, known to be
tree vigour and canopy size are important for enhancing synthesized following isoprenoid pathway. The isoprenoid
the orchard efficiency and productivity. Out of the several pathway besides synthesizing gibberellins, also partially
strategies suggested, use of dwarfing rootstocks (Turkey regulates the synthesis of other important endogenous
1964) and growth retardants (Davies and Curry 1991, hormones such as abscisic acid (ABA) and cytokinins.
Fletcher et ai., 2000) have been found to modify growth Considering that the plant growth is regulated by
and development and to increase yield in a numberoffruit interaction among endogenous hormones and the levels
crops including mango. Amongthe growth retardants, the of one ~ormone influence the level of others, the growth
soil drenching with triazole compound - paclobutrazol, inhibitory response of paclobutrazol could better be
prior to flower bud differentiation has been reported to explained by changes in the levels of different hormones
inhibit vegetative growth and enhance flowering in mango rather than single hormone. There are limited evidences
(Kulkarni 1988, Burondkar and Gunjate 1993, Kurian that endogenous hormonal levels mediate the tree vigour
and Iyer 1993, Murti and Upreti 2000). This inhibitory regulation in mango by paclobutrazol application.

• Corresponding author, E-mail address:

IndianJ. Plant Physiol., Vol. 6, No.4, (N.S.) pp. 355-360 (Oct.-Dec., 2001) 355
G.S.R. MURTI et al.

Attempts have thus been made to elucidate the role of determined employing a calibrated microscope (x 100
endogenous hormones such as ABA, cytokinins-zeatin and x 60 magnification for current and previous year
riboside (t-ZR) and dihydrozeatin riboside (DHZR) and shoots, respectively). For hormonal estimations, the leaf
indole acetic acid (IAA), and phenols in relation to samples (5g) were extracted in chilled 80% (v/v) aqueous
paclobutrazol-induced reduction in tree vigour and canopy methanol. After filtration ofmethanolic extract, the filtrate
size in mango cv. Alphonso. was concentrated in vacuo at 35°C, residue dissolved in
water and pH adjusted to 3.0. The acidic extract (2g
MATERIALS AND METHODS equivalent) was partitioned thrice with chilled diethyl
ether, and the ether phase evaporated. The residue was
The experiment was conducted at the mango orchard taken in 1.0 ml of 20 mM tris buffer pH 7.5 containing
of the Ind ian Institute of Horticu Itural Research, 5mM MgCI2 and 20mM NaN) for ABA and IAA
Hessaraghatta. The J 7 yearold mango trees ofcv. Alphonso estimation. The remaining 3.0 g equivalent extract was
were given three annual soil drenching treatments of used for analyzing cytokinins (t-ZRand DHZR). Forthis,
paclobutrazol at 5 and 109 a.i. per tree during the months acidic extract (3.0 g equivalent) was partitioned thrice
of August-September (period before flower bud against water saturated n-butanol after adjusting the pH to
differentiation) in the years J 996, J 997 and J 998. After 8.2. The butanol phase collected was evaporated in vacuo
each treatment, the trees were irrigated sufficiently for at 35°C and the residue was taken up in above tris buffer
dispersion of the growth regulator into the soil. (1.5 ml). The xylem sap was used as such forthe estimation
of different endogenous hormones. The estimations of
Observations on morphological attributes such as
ABA (Weiler 1982), cytokinins- t-ZR and DHZR(Barthe
tree height, tree volume, trunk girth, shoot length and
and Stewart, 1985) and IAA (Weiler et al., 1981) in the
percentage of flowering, vegetative and dormant shoots
leaves and xylem sap were performed by the ELISA
were recorded in 1999. Simultaneously, uniformly
technique employing the laboratory raised polyclonal
growing vegetative shoots of current and previous year of
antibodies. Total phenol content in tht< leaves was
growth, and leaves from previous year flushes were
determined according to Cole (1984) using chlorogenic
collected both from paclobutrazol- treated and untreated
acid (Sigma) as the standard.
trees. Stem anatomical features were recorded in both
types of shoots, while shoots of previous year were used
for xylem sap extraction. The xylem sap and leaves were RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
used fordetermining the changes in endogenous hormones.
Morphological characters: Paclobutrazol treatments
Total phenol content was estimated on Iy in leaves. Xylem
considerably altered the tree height, tree volume, shoot
sap was extracted under reduced pressure in the vacuum
length, num bel' of dormant shoots and flowering in mango
flask and its volume was recorded. For stem anatomy,
cv. Alphonso (Table 1). The 109 a.i/tree treatment
stem segment (5mm thickness) from four shoots each
resulted in reduction in tree height (21.2%), tree volume
from treated and untreated trees were cut. The stem
(33.1 %)and mean shoot length (48.2%). The shoots from
segments were fixed in the fixative solution comprising
offormalin: acetic acid: ethyl alcohol: water (J 0:5 :50:35 paclobutrazol treated trees flowered profusely (76.2%)
v/v). These were then dehydrated in various alcohol with marked reduction in the number of dormant shoots
dilutions (70 to 100%), treated further with xylene and (J 8 fold) under 5g a.i/tree treatment. However, the
embedded in paraffin wax according to Jensen (1962). differences between the two paclobutrazol treatments
The serial sections of shoot segments (15 ~m) were with respect to these attributes were small (Table 1). The
mounted on 1% (w/v) gelatin-precoated sl ides. The xylem percentage of vegetative shoots was unaltered under 10g/
and phloem tissues were observed after staining with tree paclobutrazol treatment as compared to lower level
safranine (0.5%, w/v) in 50% (v/v) alcohol, and radial of paclobutrazol. Thus paclobutrazol increased the
width of primary xylem from inner edge of vascular percentage oftlowering shoots and also inh ibited extension
bundles to cambial ring and of primary phloem from growth of vegetative shoots and tree spread. This response
cambial ring to outer periphery of vascular bundles was ofpaclobutrazol is attributed to GA-inhibiting activity of

356 Indian J. Plant Physiol.. Vol. 6, No.4, (N.S.) pp. 355-360 (OCI.-DeC., 2001)

Table 1. Effect ofPaclobutrazol on tree vigour and flowering in mango cv. Alphonso

Treatments Tree height Tree volume Trunk girth Mean shoot % Shoots
(m) m3 (em) length (em) Flowering Vegetative Dormant

Control 5.90 210.2 112.5 22.6 52.5 2.5 45.0

Paclobutrazol 5.50 195.9 111.5 15.9 92.5 5.0 2.5

(5g a.i/tree)

(10g a.i/tree 4.65 140.6 103.5 11.7 95.0 2.5 2.5

Data represent mean of replications

paclobufrazol as gibberellins are known to promote paclobutrazol induced decline in xylem tissues and increase
elongation growth and Inhibit flowering in mango (Tomer in phloem tissues is in line with the observations of
1984). Aguirre and Blanco (1992). Also the findings of Kurian
and Iyer (1992) that the higher ratio of radial width of
Anatomical features: Stem anatomical features phloem to xylem tissues is associated with dwarfing
between the paclobutrazol-treated and untreated trees nature in mango trees further lend support to our results.
showed marked differences in the differentiation pattern
in the shoot tissues (Table 2). There was reduction in Xylem sap: Xylem sap volume from the shoots of
xylem radial width and increase in that of phloem in the paclobutrazol-treated trees was lower than that from
shoots from both current and previous year flush under untreated ones (Table 3). The 109 a.i/tree paclobutrazol
paclobutrazol treatment. The reduction in xylem radial treatment resulted in 37.0% decline in sap volume over
width was greater in the shoots of current year flushes untreated trees. This reduction in xylem sap volume in the
(37.0%) than the previous year ones (4.7%), while increase paclobutrazol treated shoots could be the result of
in phloem radial width was greater in the shoots of thickening of xylem vessels as evident from anatomical
previous year flush (27.6%) than the current year ones changes. Also the xylem sap is an effective carrier fluid
(9.0%). The ratio of radial widths of ph loem to xylem also for essential soil nutrients and other root produced growth
varied significantly in both the types of shoots, with the hormones to different plant organs. Thus the lowering of
ratio being high in the current year shoots (Table 2). The sap yield in the shoots by paclobutrazoI would be important

Table 2. Effect ofpaclobutrazol on stem anatomy in mango cv. Alphonso

Treatments Radial length (j.1m)

xylem Phleom Phleom/xylem ratio

Control Current year 50.67 36.37 0.72

(±2.05) (±1.09)
Previous year 161.29 43.81 0.27
(±6.16) (±2.18)

Paclobutrazol Current year 31.92 39.65 1.24

( 109 a.iltree) (±1.47) (±0.95)
Previous year 153.65 55.88 0.36
(±4.27) (±2.85)

Values in the parentheses are standard error of mean

Indian J. Plant Phy,iol .• Vol. 6, No.4, (N.S.) pp. 355-360 (Oct.-Dec., 2001) 357
G.S.R. MURTI et al.

in imparting the tree growth suppression. However, this out as ABA shares isoprenoid pathway similar to
aspect needs further investigation on sap flow. gibberellins for ABA synthesis. Hauser et al. (1990) on
the other hand suggested that increase in ABA levels by
Endogenous hormones: Paclobutrazol treatments
triazole compounds is due to prevention of its catabolism
distinctly influenced the levels of endogenous hormones
to phaesic acid.
both in the xylem sap as well as leaves (Table 3). The
general trends with respect to hormonal changes were There was increase in the content of cytokinins- t-ZR
however, similar both in xylem sap and leaves. The ABA by 25.7 and 53.0% in the leaves and 10.3 and 70.3 in the
content increased by 55.5 and 114.5% in the leaves and xylem sap and in DHZRcontent by 38.1 and 96.3 % inthe
132 and 214.5% in the sap, respectively, under 5 and 10 leaves and 32.3 and 54.6% in the sap, respectively, under
g a.i/tree paclobutrazol treatments. Jindal et at. (1974) 5 and 10 g a.i.Itree paclobutrazol treatments (Table 3).
reported that the shoot growth retardation in apple is The t-ZR and DHZR are important translocational forms
accompanied with enhanced levels of ABA. Kurian et al. of growth promoting cytokinins. The increase in these
(1991) reported sl ightly lower levels of ABA in a dwarf ribosyl derived cytokinins is reported to act positively in
cultivar as compared to vigorous cultivar and also in flower bud formation (Izumi et al. 1988). Chen (1987)
paclobutrazol treated plants as compared to untreated. and Agrawal et al. (1985) suggested that the increased
They had, however, observed a three-fold increase in cytokinins are assodated with flower bud induction in
ABA in dormant buds as compared to active ones. The mango. Also similarto this, the exogenous applications of
present study differs in the tissue analyzed, the levels and cytokinin-BA have been found to accelerate flower bud
number of applications employed, season of drawing formation in mango (Chen 1985) and apple (Bruinsma
samples and the quantification technique. Murti and 1979). However, it seems unreasonable to account for
Upreti (1999) in their studies on two cultivars of mango such physiological effect of paclobutrazol solely to
differing in tree vigour reported higher ABA and lower enhancement in cytokinins as decline in gibberellins also
IAA levels during active shoot growth responsible for favours flowering. The changes in cytokinins as observed
vigour restriction in mango. The enhancement in ABA in the present study are at variance with that reported by
levels under paclobutrazol treatments could be the result Kurian etal. (1992). Using bioassay techn ique employing
of alteration in its metabolism. There are no evidences in soybean cotyledon callus hypocotyl, they reported higher
support of modification of metabolism under triazole levels ofZR/DHZR, Z/DHZ and cytokinin glucoside like
compounds treatment. However, possibi Iity of changes in compounds in the leaves ofpaclobutrazol-untreated trees
ABA levels via alteration in metabolism cannot be ruled than the treated ones. This discrepancy could be due to the

Table 3. Changes in xylem sap volume and endogenous hormones in h. '-ition to paclobutrazol treatment in mango
,cv. Alphonso

Treatment Sap Voi/tO ABA t-ZR DHZR fAA Phenolic

Shoots (ml) leaf (ng/g) sap (ng/ml) leaf (nglg) sap (nglml) leaf (ng/g) sap (ng/ml) leaf (nglg) (ng/g)

0.73 23.5 30.4 44.0 63.0 59.0 104.0 48.9 7.9
(±0.17) (±1.18) (± 1.35) (±2.36) (±2.86) (±3.57) (±3.97) (±2.21) (±0.13)

(5g a. i/tree) 0.72 36.6 70.7 55.3 69.5 95.3 137.5 25.2 10.6
(±0.04) (±1.73) (±3.08) (±2.82) (± 1.98) (±1.06) (±1.84) (±1.08) (±0.61)

(lOg a.i/tree) 0.46 50.4 95.6 67.3 107.2 115.8 160.8 19.1 12.9
(±O.02) (± 1.52) (±2.73) (±1.56) (3.29) (±5.18) (±5.18) ( 1.63) (0.48)

Values in the parentheses are standard error of mean

358 Indian J Plant Physiol., Vol. 6. No.4, (N.S.) pp. 355-360 (Oct.-Dec., 2001)

differences in the methodology for estimation of together with leaf phenol content. However, it needs to be
cytokinins. The separation methods and the quantification further explored whether the changes in above parameters
based on bioassay are no longer considered precise. The are the consequence of inhibition in gibberellin
bioassays lack specificity and are much less sensitive as biosynthesis or are the direct influence of paclobutrazol.
compared to the recent techniques such as ELISA.
The IAA could be detected in the leaves only. Its
content showed a decline of 48.5% under 5g a.i/tree The authors are thankful to the Director ofthe institute
treatment and 60.9% under 109 a.i/tree treatment (Table for providing necessary facilities and toNr. H.L. Jayaram
and Mr. K.R. Earanna for technical assistance.
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to IAA biosynthesis (Law 1987). The lowering ofIAA by REFERENCES
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