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Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project Number WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

August 2001

Prepared for
City of Phoenix
Phoenix, Arizona

LPWTP Project Team / Greeley and Hansen
Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Table of Contents

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001


1.1 Background .........................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Purpose................................................................................................................1-2
1.3 Relationship to the Conceptual Design...............................................................1-2


2.1 Raw Water Quality..............................................................................................2-1
2.1.1 Raw Water Supply ..................................................................................2-1
2.1.2 Summary of Parameters..........................................................................2-1 Turbidity......................................................................................2-2 Inorganic Water Quality Parameters...........................................2-2 Organic Water Quality Parameters .............................................2-2 Taste and Odor ............................................................................2-2
2.2 Water Quality Goals ............................................................................................2-2
2.3 Reliability Goals .................................................................................................2-3


3.1 General................................................................................................................3-1
3.2 Design Flows.......................................................................................................3-1
3.3 Plant Operational Modes.....................................................................................3-1
3.4 Unit Bypassing....................................................................................................3-2

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4.1 General................................................................................................................4-1
4.2 Project Sites…………………………………………………………………….4-1
4.3 Site Limitations ...................................................................................................4-3
4.3.1 Washes ....................................................................................................4-3
4.3.2 Existing Utilities .....................................................................................4-3 Lake Pleasant WTP Site..............................................................4-3 Raw Water Transmission Line Site ............................................4-4 Raw Water Pumping Station Sit e ...............................................4-4
4.3.3 Setbacks ..................................................................................................4-4
4.3.4 Geotechnical Limitations ........................................................................4-5 Lake Pleasant WTP Site..............................................................4-5 Raw Water Transmission Line Site. ...........................................4-5 Raw Water Facilities Site............................................................4-5
4.3.5 Archaeological Limitations.....................................................................4-6
4.3.6 Biological Assessment ............................................................................4-7
4.3.7 Environmental Site Assessment..............................................................4-7
4.4 Site Access ..........................................................................................................4-8
4.5 Other Site Considerations ...................................................................................4-8
4.5.1 Noise .......................................................................................................4-8
4.5.2 Building Height.......................................................................................4-8
4.6 Site Layout ..........................................................................................................4-8
4.6.1 Plant Site Layout .....................................................................................4-8
4.6.2 Raw Water Pumping Station Site Layout .............................................4-10
4.7 Stormwater Retention Basins............................................................................4-10


5.1 Raw Water Pumping Station...............................................................................5-1
5.2 Raw Water Transmission Line............................................................................5-3

6.1 General................................................................................................................6-1

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7.1 General................................................................................................................7-1
7.2 Raw Water Control Chamber..............................................................................7-1
7.3 Rapid Mix Pump Room ......................................................................................7-1

8.1 General................................................................................................................8-1
8.2 Flocculation Basins .............................................................................................8-1

9.1 General................................................................................................................9-1
9.2 Sedimentation Basins ..........................................................................................9-1

10.1 General..............................................................................................................10-1


11.1 DBP Goals and GAC System Design ...............................................................11-1
11.2 MIB/Geosmin Goals and GAC System Design................................................11-2
11.3 GAC Contactor Design .....................................................................................11-2
11.4 GAC Transfer and Storage System...................................................................11-4
11.5 GAC Multiple Hearth Furnace..........................................................................11-4


12.1 General..............................................................................................................12-1


13.1 General..............................................................................................................13-1
13.2 Sedimentation Basin Sludge Pumping..............................................................13-2
13.3 Filter/GAC-to-Waste Equalization Basin .........................................................13-2
13.4 Backwash Equalization Basins .........................................................................13-2
13.5 Sludge Splitter Box...........................................................................................13-3
13.6 Gravity Thickeners............................................................................................13-4
13.7 Thickened Sludge Storage Basins.....................................................................13-5
13.8 Solids Dewatering Building ..............................................................................13-5

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14.1 General..............................................................................................................14-1
14.2 Chlorine Dioxide...............................................................................................14-2
14.3 Ferric Chloride ..................................................................................................14-2
14.4 Coagulant Aid Polymer.....................................................................................14-3
14.5 Filter Aid Polymer ............................................................................................14-3
14.6 Sulfuric Acid .....................................................................................................14-3
14.7 Fluoride .............................................................................................................14-4
14.8 Chlorine.............................................................................................................14-4
14.9 Caustic...............................................................................................................14-4
14.10 Polymer for Sludge Thickening and Dewatering..............................................14-4
14.11 Chemical Storage Building ...............................................................................14-5
14.12 Chlorine Building..............................................................................................14-5


15.1 General..............................................................................................................15-1
15-2 High Pressure (Zone 6) System Head Curves...................................................15-2
15-3 Low Pressure System Head Curves ..................................................................15-3
15.4 Finished Water Reservoirs................................................................................15-4
15.5 Finished Water Pumping Station ......................................................................15-4
15.6 Company High Pressure Finished Water Transmission Line ...........................15-6


16.1 General..............................................................................................................16-1


17.1 Site Analysis .....................................................................................................17-1
17.2 Relation to Existing Site ...................................................................................17-1
17.3 Design Philosophy ............................................................................................17-2
17.4 Codes and Standards .........................................................................................17-2
17.5 Building Construction.......................................................................................17-2
17.6 Landscaping Site Analysis ................................................................................17-2
17.7 Native Plant Salvage .........................................................................................17-3
17.8 Native Top Soil Salvage ...................................................................................17-3
17.9 Site Planning .....................................................................................................17-4
17.10 Landscape Architecture.....................................................................................17-5
17.11 Irrigation............................................................................................................17-7

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18.1 General..............................................................................................................18-1
18.2 Applicable Codes and Standards ......................................................................18-1
18.3 Design Criteria ..................................................................................................18-2
18.3.1 Outdoor Temperatures ..........................................................................18-2
18.3.2 Interior Temperatures............................................................................18-2
18.4 General Ventilation Requirements....................................................................18-2
18.5 Basic Heating and Cooling System Types ........................................................18-3
18.5.1 Heating ..................................................................................................18-3
18.5.2 Cooling..................................................................................................18-3
18.6 HVAC Systems Operation................................................................................18-3
18.7 Plumbing Systems.............................................................................................18-4
18.8 Fire Protection Systems ....................................................................................18-4


19.1 General Considerations .....................................................................................19-1
19.2 Codes and Standards .........................................................................................19-1
19.3 Power Services ..................................................................................................19-2
19.4 Engine Driven Generators.................................................................................19-2
19.5 Medium Voltage Switchgear ............................................................................19-2
19.6 Pad-Mounted Transformers ..............................................................................19-3
19.7 Low Voltage Switchgear...................................................................................19-3
19.8 Electric Motors..................................................................................................19-4
19.9 Motor Control Centers ......................................................................................19-4
19.10 Medium Voltage Motor Starters .......................................................................19-5
19.11 Substation Transformer.....................................................................................19-6
19.12 Conduit, Wires and Grounding .........................................................................19-6
19.13 Lighting and Controls .......................................................................................19-7
19.14 Panelboards .......................................................................................................19-8
19.15 Dry Type Distribution Transformers ................................................................19-8
19.16 Communications ...............................................................................................19-8
19.17 Security .............................................................................................................19-8

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20.1 Operational Control Philosophy .......................................................................20-1
20.2 Control System Architecture.............................................................................20-1
20.3 System Design Criteria .....................................................................................20-2
20.4 Control System Reliability................................................................................20-3
20.5 Information Access System (IAS) ....................................................................20-3
20.6 Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) ............................20-4
20.7 Remote Monitoring and Control.......................................................................20-4
20.8 SCADA Communications.................................................................................20-4


21.1 General..............................................................................................................21-1
21.2 Construction Costs ............................................................................................21-2
21.3 Design and Engineering Related Costs .............................................................21-3
21.4 Value Engineering.............................................................................................21-3
21.5 Capital Costs .....................................................................................................21-3


A Lake Pleasant Benchmark Facility Capital Cost Estimates

Table of Estimated Monthly Expenditures

B Lake Pleasant Benchmark Facility Operations and Maintenance Cost Estimates

Lake Pleasant Benchmark Useful Life Costs
Table of Benchmark Facility Capital Replacement Costs


Table Following
No. Description Page No.

3-1 Planned Design Flows................................................................................................... 3-1

8-1 Flocculation Criteria ..................................................................................................... 8-1

9-1 Sedimentation Criteria .................................................................................................. 9-1

9-2 Sedimentation Basin Sludge Pumping Criteria ............................................................. 9-1

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LIST OF TABLES (continued)

Table Following
No. Description Page No.

10-1 Filter Air Scour ........................................................................................................... 10-1

13-1 Sludge Splitter Box Design Criteria ........................................................................... 13-4

14-1 LPWTP Benchmark Chemicals .................................................................................. 14-1

17-1 Master Landscape Palette............................................................................................ 17-6

17-2 Master Revegetation Seed Mix ................................................................................... 17-6

18-1 Outdoor Temperatures ................................................................................................ 18-2

18-2 Interior Temperature ................................................................................................... 18-2
18-3 Building Space Cooling System ................................................................................. 18-3

19-1 Lighting Illumination Levels ...................................................................................... 19-8

20-1 Key Process Variables ................................................................................................ 20-4

21-1 Raw Water Supply Facilities Capital Costs ................................................................ 21-3

21-2 Water Treatment Plant Capital Costs.......................................................................... 21-3
21-3 Service Lives for Capital Replacement Costs............................................................. 21-4


Figure Following
No. Description Page No.

1-1 Location of Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant Project..........................................1-1

3-1 Liquid Stream Process Schematic................................................................................3-1

4-1 General Survey Control Plan .......................................................................................4-1

4-2 Raw Water Pump Station Site Plan .............................................................................4-2
4-3 Water Treatment Pla nt 320- mgd Site Plan ................................................................4-11
4-4 Water Treatment Plant 80- mgd Site Plan ..................................................................4-11

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LIST OF FIGURES (continued)

Figure Following
No. Description Page No.

5-1 Raw Water Pump Station Intake Structure/Pump Station Plan (EL 1515.0)...............5-1
5-2 Raw Water Pump Station Intake Structure/Pump Station Sections .............................5-1
5-3 Raw Water Pump Station Intake Structure/Pump Station Plan (EL 1527.0)...............5-1
5-4 Water Treatment Plant Partial Site Plan (Northeast) ...................................................5-4

7-1 Water Treatment Plant Raw Water Control Chamber Plans and Sections ..................7-1

8-1 Flocculation, Sedimentation Basins and Filter Building Overall Lower Plan.............8-1
8-2 Flocculation Basins Plans and Sections .......................................................................8-1

9-1 Sedimentation Basins Plans .........................................................................................9-1

9-2 Sedimentation Basins Plans and Sections ....................................................................9-1

10-1 Filter Building Lower Plan and Section.....................................................................10-1

11-1 Carbon Facilities Process Schematic .........................................................................11-3

11-2 Carbon/UV Building Lower Plan .............................................................................11-3
11-3 Carbon/UV Building Upper Plan...............................................................................11-3
11-4 Carbon/UV Building Sections ...................................................................................11-3

13-1 Solids Stream Process Schematic ..............................................................................13-2

13-2 Backwash Equalization Basins/Filter-to-Waste Basin Plans, Section and Detail .....13-2
13-3 Splitter Box Plans and Sections .................................................................................13-3
13-4 Gravity Sludge Thickeners Plan, Section and Details ...............................................13-4
13-5 Thickened Sludge Pump Station Plans and Section ..................................................13-4
13-6 Thickened Sludge Storage Tanks Plans and Section.................................................13-5
13-7 Odor Control System Plan .........................................................................................13-5
13-8 Solids Dewatering Building Sections ........................................................................13-5

14-1 Sodium Chlorite and Chlorine Dioxide Schematics ..................................................14-2

14-2 Ferric Chloride Schematic .........................................................................................14-2
14-3 Filter Aid Polymer and Coagulant Aid Polymer Schematics ....................................14-3
14-4 Sulfuric Acid and Hydrofluosilicic Acid System Schematics ...................................14-3

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LIST OF FIGURES (continued)

Figure Following
No. Description Page No.

14-5 Chlorine Schematic ....................................................................................................14-4

14-6 Caustic Schematic ......................................................................................................14-4
14-7 Sludge Thickeners Sludge Polymer Process Flow Diagram......................................14-4
14-8 Chemical Feed and Storage Building Plan and Sections (EL 1651.0) ......................14-5
14-9 Chemical Feed and Storage Building Plan (EL 1660.0) ............................................14-5
14-10 Chlorination Building Plan and Sections ...................................................................14-5

15-1 System Head Curves High Pressure Finished Water Transmission Line ..................15-2
15-2 System Head Curves Low Pressure Finished Water Transmission Line...................15-3
15-3 Finished Water Reservoir/Pump Station Plan............................................................15-4
15-4 Finished Water Pumping Station Plan.......................................................................15-4
15-5 Finished Water Pumping Station Sections.................................................................15-4
15-6 Water Treatment Plant Partial Site Plan (East) ..........................................................15-6
15-7 Water Treatment Plant Partial Site Plan (South) .......................................................15-6

16-1 Operations Building Plan...........................................................................................16-1

17-1 Conceptual Landscape Plan.......................................................................................17-2

17-2 Conceptual Landscape Details ...................................................................................17-2

19-1 Raw Water Pump Station Overall One Line Diagram...............................................19-1

19-2 Water Treatment Plant Overall One Line Diagram ...................................................19-1
19-3 Water Treatment Plant Overall One Line Diagram ...................................................19-1
19-4 Generator/Electrical Building Plan............................................................................19-2
19-5 Generator/Electrical Building Section.......................................................................19-2

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Executive Summary

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001


ES.1.1 Background
The City of Phoenix Water Services Department (City) is planning to develop a new water
treatment plant in the northwest corner of the city, just southeast of Lake Pleasant, to meet the
water demands associated with future growth. The Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant
(LPWTP) will serve the City’s service areas north of the Central Arizona Project (CAP) canal.

The Facilities will have an initial capacity of 80 mgd and are expected to be expanded in 80-mgd
increments to an ultimate capacity of 320 mgd. The Plant will treat raw water from the Waddell
Canal, which is used to convey water from and to Lake Pleasant. The initial phase of the Project
will consist of the Intake Structure, the Raw Water Pumping Station, the Raw Water
Transmission Line, the Water Treatment Plant, and the Finished Water Pumping Station to be
delivered with the design-build-operate (DBO) approach.

The purpose of the study is to develop a preliminary design and a cost estimate for the
construction of the Project that the City would deliver with an enhanced design-bid-build (DBO)

ES.1.2 Raw Water Quality and Performance Goals

Raw water from the Waddell Canal is typically low in turbidity (< 3 NTU), with occasional
turbidity spikes. For design purposes 75 NTU was used as the maximum day turbidity, as
recorded in Spring 1995. The peak-sustained 10-day average turbidity (28.8 NTU) served as the
basis of design for the solids handling Facilities.

Raw water is typically well-buffered. Total dissolved solids (TDS) content of 700 ppm is
regularly observed. Total hardness is generally near 300 mg/L as CaCO3 . The bromide

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concentration generally near 100 ppb could promote the formation of brominated disinfection
by-products (DBPs) upon chlorination, and bromate upon ozonation. The iron and manganese
concentrations may generate color.

Organic material in the raw water has a typical and consistent TOC level of 2-4 mg/L, and is low
in humic content. Cities that use conventionally-treated CAP water receive taste and odor
(T&O) complaints from customers during seasonal algal growth events, even when powdered
activated carbon (PAC) is used.

The performance goals for the design are to achieve a very high level of finished water quality
complying with current and anticipated drinking water regulations, meeting customers’ water
quality expectations such as color and T&O and providing disinfection redundancy/reliability.

LPWTP will be a highly reliable source of potable water for the City system by providing:

• Redundant power supply to operate Facilities at full capacity.

• Standby generation capacity and finished water storage capable of delivering a

flow rate of 60 mgd over a 12-hour period in the event the raw water supply is
interrupted or that utility power fails.

• Ability to produce 80 mgd of treated water under peak-sustained raw water

turbidity conditions.


The LPWTP is designed to operate in a conventional treatment mode or as a direct filtration


The site uses a “common-wall” approach for construction of large treatment units to maximize
expandability. Disturbance of protected washes is limited to pipe and road crossings to reduce
permitting problems and to maintain the aesthetics of the site. The site has minimal interferences
from existing utilities and does not appear to have significant archaeological sites or biological
resources. Access to the site is from New River Road. By using a 35-foot limit for building
height, a 200-foot setback from the property boundary and a perimeter berm, the Facilities blend
with the surrounding land. The setback and berm will also reduce noise at the property line.
Stormwater retention basins are provided. The site design accommodates public tours.

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ES.4.1 Raw Water Intake

This Raw Water Intake is the portion of the Raw Water Facilities that is on the CAP Canal right-
of-way. The design is controlled by CAP standards. To eliminate the disruption associated with
the construction of future turnout structures on the canal for the Raw Water Pumping Station, the
Raw Water Intake structure is built to the ultimate Plant capacity of 320 mgd.

ES.4.2 Raw Water Pumping Station

The Benchmark Raw Water Pumping Station (RWPS) is designed to be unobtrusive as most of
the structure lies within a re-graded, depressed area. The initial mass excavation will
accommodate RWPS capacity of 160 mgd. Initial installed firm pumping capacity is 80 mgd.
Surge control is incorporated to minimize the effects of hydraulic transients in the Raw Water
Transmission Line.

Constant speed vertical turbine pumps are used and are not enclosed. There is provision to build
a superstructure in the future.

ES.4.3 Raw Water Transmission Line

The Raw Water Transmission Line (RWTL) has an initial capacity of 160 mgd. The 12,700
lineal feet of pipeline from the pump station to the Plant consists of a single 90-inch prestressed
concrete cylinder pipe in a preset corridor that has space for maintaining access to the pipeline
and for installing a future parallel pipeline.


ES.5.1 Pre-Oxidation
Pre-oxidation with chlorine dioxide may be used to oxidize soluble iron and manganese and
T&O-causing compounds. The feed point is located about 840 feet upstream of the raw water
control chamber, providing five-minute minimum contact time at 80 mgd. Access to the
injection point is through a manhole located beside the RWTL.

ES.5.2 Rapid Mixing

Raw water flows from the raw water control chamber and is then mixed with coagulating
chemicals and injected into the pipe prior to the flocculation basins. Pump mixing provides
mixing flexibility and constant mixing energy regardless of flow variations. The effective
mixing volume is approximately 250 cubic feet.

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ES.5.3 Flocculation
Each of the eleven flocculation basins is equipped with three vertical flocculators and each basin
has the ability to be isolated and drained within 24 hours to perform maintenance. Baffles within
each train prevent short-circuiting between flocculation stages. Variable frequency drives on the
flocculators allow for adjustment of energy input to each stage. From the flocculators, Plant
flow may be directed to the sedimentation basins (conventional treatment mode) or alternatively
to the filters (direct filtration mode).

ES.5.4 Sedimentation
The nine sedimentation tanks are rectangular to take advantage of common-wall design. Each of
the basins has its own sludge removal pump, with one duty pump removing sludge from two
basins by valve control, and the other pump acting as backup. It is expected that the
sedimentation basins will only be used during periods of high raw water turbidity.

ES.5.5 Filtration
Ten declining rate dual media (anthracite and sand) filters share common walls with the
flocculation and sedimentation basins. Control panels for the filters are covered and provide
unobstructed view of the filters they serve. A separate building is used to house the air backwash
blowers for noise isolation.


The carbon contactors, carbon regeneration system and ultraviolet disinfection system are housed
in a common building.

ES.6.1 Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Adsorption

The GAC system consists of six contactors operating in parallel with a blended effluent stream.
The GAC system has a 15-minute empty bed contact time and a 120-day reactivation interval to
significantly reduce organics that contribute to disinfection by-products and T&O-causing

The filtered water is pumped from an influent wet well to an inlet channel that distributes the
water to the six parallel GAC contactors. The contactor effluent is then conveyed to the
ultraviolet disinfection system. Contactor backwash pumps draw their suction from the influent
wet well.

Spent carbon is transported as slurry to one of three carbon storage bins. Piping is provided so
that there is flexibility on how the storage bins are used (makeup carbon, regenerated carbon or
spent carbon). Carbon is pumped from the storage bins to carbon furnace feed tanks.

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Two multiple-hearth furnaces provide redundancy and operational flexibility. The furnaces are
sized to meet the minimum GAC contactor reactivation interval of 90 days when operating
simultaneously. One furnace provides adequate capacity for normal operation. Regenerated
carbon is cooled in a quench tank and then is transported to either carbon storage or directly to a
carbon contactor. The exhaust gases from the furnace pass through a wet scrubber and
afterburner. The scrubber blowdown discharges to the backwash basins.

ES.6.2 Ultraviolet Disinfection

A system with medium pressure UV lamps is provided. The 40 mJ/cm2 transmitted design dose
for the system is based on a conservative estimate of dosage to achieve at least 1-log of
Cryptosporidium inactivation credit.

The UV system incorporates both physical and chemical lamp-cleaning capabilities to deal with
calcium carbonate scale on the lamps. There are eight medium pressure, high-intensity lamps in
each of the five parallel reactors, one reactor serving as a standby unit. The discharge from the
UV reactors flows into a seal well that ensures that carbon contactor underdrains remain
submerged at all times.


The solids handling processes are designed to process the solids produced by the design peak-
sustained turbidity event, equalize the liquid streams recycled to the head of the Plant (<10
percent of total influent flow), and remove 80 percent of the turbidity for recycle streams
containing significant solids.

ES.7.1 Sedimentation Sludge Pumping

Ten sedimentation basin sludge pumps (five standby) transmit sludge from the sedimentation
basin hoppers to the sludge splitter box, which controls residual stream feeds to the gravity
thickeners. Variable frequency drives accommodate the wide range of anticipated blowdown

ES.7.2 Filter/GAC-to-Waste Equalization Basin

Since the filter-to-waste and GAC-to-waste streams do not contain a significant amount of solids,
they do not require treatment prior to recycle to the head end of the Plant. An equalization basin
evens out these flows such that, when added to the recycle flow from the gravity thickeners, the
total of all waste streams recycled to the head of the Plant will not increase the total Plant
influent flow by more than 10 percent.

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ES.7.3 Backwash Equalization Basins
Two parallel backwash equalization basins equalize the filter backwash, GAC contactor
backwash, centrifuge centrate stream, and GAC furnace off-gas scrubber blowdown prior to
treatment by the gravity thickeners.

ES.7.4 Splitter Box

The splitter box allows the option of combining the sedimentation basin sludge with the
backwash equalization basin stream, or directing the sedimentation basin sludge to one thickener
and the backwash equalization basin stream to the other thickener. Feed points for non-ionic
polymer are provided on both lines upstream and downstream of the splitter box. The sludge
splitter box is designed to handle the maximum flows.

ES.7.5 Gravity Thickeners

Two gravity thickeners provide the option of thickening backwash equalization basin flows and
sedimentation blowdown flows together or separately, for flows associated with peak-sustained
turbidity conditions. Three (one standby) variable-speed, screw-centrifugal pumps pump
thickened sludge from the thickeners to the thickened sludge storage basins.

ES.7.6 Thickened Sludge Storage Basins

Thickened sludge storage basins equalize the feed rate to allow the centrifuges to operate on a
continuous basis. Two storage basins with conical bottoms are provided so that one may be
taken out of service for maintenance. Mixing pumps serving each storage basin ensures a
consistent sludge feed quality to the centrifuges to simplify polymer dosing and promote more
efficient dewatering. To minimize odors, the basins are covered and an odor control system is

ES.7.7 Centrifuges
Two centrifuges and two feed pumps handle flows associated with peak-sustained turbidity
conditions with either one centrifuge or one feed pump out of service. Either of the two feed
pumps can supply sludge to either of the two centrifuges. Maximum flows can be handled with
both centrifuges and both feed pumps in service. The centrifuge cake is directly discharged
through openings in the floor to rolling bins for transport to an off-site location.


ES.8.1 Chemicals
Chemicals for the Plant are listed below in the order that they appear within the process train.
Storage requirements for daily and 30-day supplies are based upon maximum Plant flows and
average chemical doses.

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Chemical Name Primary Purpose
Chlorine dioxide Pre-oxidant; back-up disinfectant
Ferric chloride Primary coagulant
Coagulation aid polymer Coagulant aid
Filter aid polymer Filter aid
GAC-treated water pH adjustment; coagulation pH
Sulfuric acid
Hydrofluosilicic acid Fluoride addition
Chlorine Primary disinfectant
Sodium hydroxide Treated water pH adjustment
Sludge thickening aid polymer Thickening aid
Sludge dewatering aid polymer Dewatering aid

ES.8.2 Chemical Storage Building

The chemical storage building houses systems that store and feed caustic (NaOH), ferric
chloride, coagulant and filter aids, sulfuric acid, hydrofluosilicic acid (H2 SiF 6 ), and chlorine
dioxide (ClO 2 ). Each chemical is isolated from others and has a minimum containment volume
of 110 percent of the total volume of the chemical stored plus 1500 gallons for fire flow. All
containment areas are epoxy coated to protect the concrete from any chemical spills. A catwalk
in the building is provided for rapid and easy access to the storage/feed areas. Ship ladders are
preferred to staircases because they occupy less space. Quick connects maximize operator safety
when filling the storage tanks.

ES.8.3 Chlorine Building

The chlorine building consists of a storage area for the truck tanks, a chlorinator room, an
electrical room to support the chlorine feed functions, and a scrubber system. The storage room
has motorized doors large enough for the truck tanks and has a sloped floor towards the chlorine
scrubber vents. Two evaporators for each truck tank transform liquid chlorine into gas before
going to the chlorinator room.


ES.9.1 Finished Water Reservoirs

Two contiguous finished water reservoirs store approximately 20 MG each of treated water to
meet the performance criteria of providing a flow rate of 60 mgd for 12 hours (30 MG) if the raw
water supply is interrupted plus storage (10 MG) for process variations. Sluice gates control and

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direct the flow into the reservoirs. Each reservoir has baffle walls which direct flow from the
finished water inlet structure to the pump suction wet well and provide for more effective
detention time for CT performance. The pre-cast concrete double tee roof structure has a
membrane cover for water proofing.

ES.9.2 Finished Water Pumping Station

The Finished Water Pumping Station (FWPS) provides 80 mgd of firm capacity to Zone 6, 31
mgd of installed capacity to Zone 4, transfers treated water from the Plant to the distribution
system, and provides process water for the Plant. The FWPS design is based on different
hydraulic conditions of the distribution system over the next 20 years. The constant-speed
horizontal split case pumps are not covered, but a superstructure can be added if noise
abatement, or other environmental concerns, need to be addressed in the future.

ES.9.3 Finished Water Transmission Line

The 78-inch PCCP Finished Water High Pressure Transmission Line leaves the RWPS, crosses
the 60-foot wide gas line right-of-way, and parallels New River Road to the southern boundary
of the property. A future 78-inch PCCP Low Pressure Finished Water Transmission Line will
connect to the low pressure pumps. In the future this line will be used for high pressure pumping
for the ultimate 320 mgd capacity.


ES.10.1 Architectural
Buildings and structures relate to the natural desert surroundings by using colors based on the
site-defined color palette and by using horizontal layering with vertical accents consistent with
the existing site. During construction, a nursery maintains the health of all salvaged plants that
will be re-used on the site. Topsoil will also be salvaged in order to recreate the “desert
pavement”. Landscape architecture causes the site to appear as if it were undisturbed by the
construction process.

ES.10.2 HVAC
Heat sensitive areas, such as electrical rooms and personnel areas, are air-conditioned. In
general, evaporative cooling is used for process areas. Ventilation, fire protection and plumbing
requirements follow all City of Phoenix prevailing codes.

The HVAC systems are designed to the following outdoor air temperatures:

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Dry Bulb Wet Bulb
Winter 31°F
Summer 110°F 71°F

Systems are sized to maintain the following temperatures (and relative humidities in air
conditioned spaces):

Dry Bulb Relative Humidity

Space Usage
Summer Winter Summer Winter
Offices 76°F 70°F 55% -- (*)
Laboratory 76°F 70°F 55% -- (*)
Control Rooms 78°F 70°F 55% -- (*)
Electrical Rooms
Mechanical Cooling 85°F 65°F 65%
Ambient Cooling OA+10°F 55°F
Process Areas
Evaporative Cooling WB+ 20°F 55°F 70%
Ambient Cooling OA+ 15°F 55°F

* Not planned at this time

ES.10.3 Electrical
Two independent utility distribution lines provide service to the RWPS and to the LPWTP. The
RWPS receives two services from Arizona Public Service (APS) at 12.47 KV. The LPWTP
receives two services from APS at 69 KV. Standby engine driven generators are provided at the
LPWTP to supply power to selected finished water pumps and essential LPWTP loads during
periods when the APS services are lost.

ES.10.4 Instrumentation and Control

The I&C system employs a Distributed Control System (DCS) concept, using computer
workstations to monitor, store, display and archive operating information and alarms, generate
reports and perform various process control functions. The I&C system is compatible with the
City’s design and operations standards, including:

• A central control room and area control rooms at key locations throughout the Plant
and at the RWPS.
• Minimal use of local control panels as practiced at other City-owned Plants.

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• A Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) compatible with the
City’s utility-wide system.
• A web-based Information Access System (IAS) maintained at the Plant.
• A connection to the City’s Wide Area Network (WAN).
• Transmission of real time information to the City’s existing SCADA system.


ES.11.1 Capital Costs

Capital costs for the Benchmark Facility are estimated at $212.3M, with $179.2M for
construction, and $33.1M for design, construction management, permitting, start-up, testing,
training, and O&M manuals. These costs include a 20% contingency and a 15% contractor
overhead, but do not include City oversight and support costs. All costs are based on December
2000 cost levels.

Raw Water Facilities Construction Costs

Costs ($M)
General Requirements/Sitework 5.2
Intake 0.9
Intake Inlet Structures 5.1
Raw Water Pumping Station (RWPS) 3.7
Raw Water Transmission Line (from RWPS to Plant) 10.1
TOTAL 25.4

Water Treatment Plant Construction Costs

Costs ($M)
General Requirements/Sitework 22.8
Electrical 17.4
Conventional Facilities (raw water control chamber, rapid mixing,
flocculation sedimentation basins, and filters)
Solids Handling Facilities (Filter-to-waste and backwash basins, thickeners,
odor control, thickened sludge basins, dewatering building)
Chemical Handling Facilities (Chemicals and chlorine buildings) 4.3
Granular Activated Carbon Facilities 34.9
Ultraviolet System 2.5
Finished Water Facilities (reservoirs, pump station, and pipeline) 25.8
Administration and Operations Building 3.1
TOTAL 153.8

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Section 1

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

The City of Phoenix Water Services Department (City) is planning to develop a new water
treatment plant northwest of the city, southeast of Lake Pleasant, to meet the water demands
associated with future growth. The proposed Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant (LPWTP)
will primarily serve the City’s water service areas north of the Central Arizona Project (CAP)
canal. These are also served by the City’s Union Hills Water Treatment Plant (UHWTP).
Figure 1-1 shows the geographic area intended to be served by LPWTP and UHWTP. The City
is planning to bring LPWTP on-line in 2007 with an initial capacity of 80 million gallons per day
(mgd). LPWTP will treat raw water from the Waddell Canal which is used to fill and drain Lake
Pleasant. The Plant is planned to be expanded in 80-mgd increments to an ultimate planned
capacity of 320 mgd.

The City is currently implementing a design-build-operate (DBO) delivery method for the initial
phase of the LPWTP Project. This initial phase will consist of the following elements:

• Intake and RWPS located at the Waddell Canal

• 90-inch diameter, 12,700-foot long RWTL from the RWPS to the proposed Plant
• 80-mgd Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant
• Finished Water Pumping Station

Finished Water Transmission Lines connecting LPWTP with the City’s distribution system are
planned to be built under separate contracts.

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Carefree Hwy






The purpose of the study is to develop a preliminary design and a cost estimate for the
construction of the Project that the City would deliver with an enhanced DBB approach. This
report documents that design and cost estimate, and builds upon the Lake Pleasant Benchmark
Facility Conceptual Design Report prepared by the LPWTP Project Team/Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
The conceptual design report was issued in August 2001.


The Lake Pleasant Benchmark Facility Conceptual Design Report provides detailed information
on raw water quality, performance goals for the LPWTP, treatment process alternatives, and the
Benchmark LPWTP conceptual design. The conceptual design includes schematic diagrams,
design criteria, and chemical system descriptions. The preliminary design closely conforms to
the conceptual design, but developed specific process layouts to provide the basis for
development of the Benchmark cost estimate. The preliminary design also addressed design
issues which were not included in the conceptual design. These design issues include:
architectural design, landscape architecture, mechanical (HVAC) design, electrical design,
instrumentation and control, site layouts and constraints, and costs development.

For the convenience of the reader, Chapters 1 through 3 and 5 through 15 of this report
summarize findings of the conceptual design report and highlight revisions to the conceptual
design which were incorporated into the preliminary design. In this case information presented
in this report builds upon information developed during the conceptual design.

Chapters 4, and 16 through 21 include design topics which were not specifically addressed in the
conceptual design report.

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Section 2
Performance Goals

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001


2.1.1 Raw Water Supply

The Facilities will draw raw water from the Waddell Canal, which is part of the CAP water
delivery system. The CAP transmits Colorado River Water (CRW) from Lake Havasu on the
western border of Arizona to Tucson in southern Arizona. The United States Bureau of
Reclamation (BOR) constructed the CAP system to convey water for irrigation and potable use
in central and southern Arizona. The Waddell Canal connects Lake Pleasant to the main CAP
canal. Lake Pleasant is a man-made reservoir originally constructed to provide a reliable source
of irrigation water along the Agua Fria River. However, by 1995, the BOR had increased the
capacity of Lake Pleasant through the creation of a larger “New Waddell” Dam located
downstream of the original Waddell Dam. This expansion also included the construction of a
pump and generator facility that allows BOR to pump CAP water into Lake Pleasant during low
demand months (typically October to March) and release Lake Pleasant water during high
demand months (typically April to September). Thus, the Plant will be treating CAP water
delivered from Lake Havasu during the winter months and will be treating CAP water stored and
mixed with Agua Fria River water during the summer months. At certain times, flows in the
Waddell Canal are minimal because BOR is neither filling Lake Pleasant nor releasing water
from Lake Pleasant.

2.1.2 Summary of Parameters

Table 2-1 from the Lake Pleasant Benchmark Facility Conceptual Design Report shows the
statistical distribution of key water quality variables used in the design of the Benchmark

J:\APPS\FILES\0426a\Task4\Report\Revised PDR 8 -29-01\section2.doc Turbidity
Raw water is typically low in turbidity (< 3 NTU average), but experiences periodic turbidity
spikes with a maximum daily average raw water turbidity of 75 NTU (Spring of 1995).
Turbidities as high as 200 to 300 NTU have occurred in the CAP system. For the purposes of the
preliminary design, 300 NTU was used as the maximum day turbidity. The peak-sustained 10-
day average turbidity (28.8 NTU) served as the basis of design for the solids handling Facilities. Inorganic Water Quality Parameters

The raw water is typically well-buffered at a pH near 8.0, but flooding events (especially in the
Bill Williams and Agua Fria watersheds) can reduce alkalinity to less than 80 mg/L. Total
dissolved solids (TDS) content of 700 ppm is regularly observed, with sulfate typically
accounting for 40 percent of TDS. The total hardness is moderate to high, generally near 300
mg/L as CaCO3 with a significant fraction coming from magnesium (35 to 40 percent). A
moderate to high level bromide (generally near 100 ppb) could promote the formation of
brominated disinfection by-products (DBPs) upon chlorination and bromate upon ozonation.
The iron and manganese concentrations may generate color-related complaints. Arsenic is
consistently in the 3 to 5 ppb range. There are no significant nitrate concerns. Organic Water Quality Parameters

The organic material has a typical and consistent TOC level of 2-4 mg/L, and is rather low in
humic content. This supports the observation at other Valley WTPs that TOC removal by
coagulation is limited. Taste and Odor

There are few measurements of taste and odor-causing compounds in the raw water. Cities that
use the CAP system typically have fewer taste and odor (T&O) problems than those using the
Salt River Project (SRP) canal system. Cities that use conventionally-treated CAP water receive
T&O complaints from customers during seasonal algal growth events, even when powdered
activated carbon (PAC) is used. Thus, treatment beyond conventional (with PAC) at the LPWTP
is necessary to significantly improve finished water T&O.


Because the City of Phoenix wants the Facilities to be a performance standard for future
upgrades of other surface water Plants in its system, the goals are to:

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• Achieve compliance with current regulations (e.g., Total Coliform Rule, Lead and
Copper Rule, Chlorine Residual), and anticipated future drinking water
regulations (e.g., Stage 2 D/DBP Rule, Filter Backwash Rule)

• Meet customers’ water quality expectations (e.g., control of finished water color
and T&O, fluoride level, disinfection redundancy/reliability)

Water quality/treatment goals of the LPWTP are summarized in Table 3-1 of the Lake Pleasant
Benchmark Facility Conceptual Design Report


The City’s desire for the Facilities to be a highly reliable source of potable water is reflected in
the following three criteria:

• Redundant power supply to operate the Plant at full capacity in the event of a
power failure.

• Standby generation capacity and finished water storage (30 mg) capable of
delivering a flow rate of 60 mgd over a 12-hour period in the event that utility
power fails or that the raw water supply is interrupted.

• Ability to produce 80 mgd of treated water under peak-sustained raw water

turbidity conditions (10-day average of 28.8 NTU). If the 10-day average raw
water turbidity exceeds 28.8 NTU, the LPWTP must meet the production curve
defined by Figure 3-1 in the Lake Pleasant Benchmark Facility Conceptual
Design Report.

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Section 3
Plant Hydraulic Capacity

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

This section of the Preliminary Design Report summarizes the preliminary Plant hydraulics. The
liquid stream process schematic is on Figure 3-1.


The design flows are summarized in Table 3-1.


Plant operational modes are summarized below:

• Conventional: Plant flow passes through treatment and pumping processes in the
following sequence (Figure 3-1):
? Raw Water Pumping
? Raw Water Control Chamber
? Flocculation
? Sedimentation
? Filtration
? Filtered Water Pumping
? GAC Contact
? Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfection
? Finished Water Reservoirs
? Finished Water Pumping

• Direct Filtration: Plant flow passes through the same sequence of processes as
conventional except that the sedimentation basins are bypassed.

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Table 3-1
Planned Design Flows

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

Flow Condition Phase I Phase II Phase III Phase IV

Minimum 20 20 20 20
Maximum Daily (Rated Capacity) 80 160 240 320
Hydraulic Capacity 120 240 360 480

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The following treatment and pumping processes are designed to operate at the rated capacity
with the largest unit not operating:

• Raw Water Pumping

• Filtration
• Filtered Water Pumping
• GAC Contact
• UV Disinfection
• Finished Water Pumping

Isolation valves and gates permit bypassing of these units.

Other treatment processes are equipped with valves and gates to permit isolation of the units
from Plant flow, but redundant Facilities are not provided. These processes include flocculation,
sedimentation, and the finished water reservoirs. If one or more units of the flocculation and
sedimentation processes are taken off line, the Plant may not operate at the rated capacity during
high raw water turbidity events. If one of the finished water reservoirs is removed from service,
the Plant may operate at the rated capacity, but will be unable to provide finished water storage
capacity to allow a finished water pumping rate of 60 mgd over a 12-hour period with the Plant
off line. The Raw Water Control Chamber is not designed to be bypassed.

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Section 4
Project Sites and Site Layout

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

Sites for the Intake and the Raw Water Pumping Station, the Raw Water Transmission Line, and
the Plant were identified and are located on undeveloped rural desert land northwest of the urban
Phoenix area near Lake Pleasant. The purpose of the section is to describe the project sites, the
characteristics, the access to the sites, and the site layout for the Project. Figure 4-1 illustrates
the project sites.


The Plant Site is mostly level and generally slopes from north to south. Higher elevations in the
northwest corner of the site exceed elevation 1670 feet while elevations in the south end of the
triangle are approximately elevation 1613 feet. Washes which are normally dry run north to
south through the site and result in elevations slightly lower than the surrounding land. The site
does not appear to include rock outcropping or other significant geological features.

The Plant Site is approximately 225 acres in size and is roughly triangular in shape. This site is
owned by the City and was acquired from the Arizona State Land Department in 1998. It is
located on the west side of New River Road approximately one mile north of the Carefree
Highway. The Plant Site is located in Maricopa County.

The RWTL site connects the Lake Pleasant WTP site and RWPS site. Approximately half the
distance of the RWTL lies on land owned by the Arizona State Land Department and about half
lies on land owned by the BOR. The RWTL site crosses Pleasant Harbor Road. The City has
acquired or is pursuing the acquisition of all necessary easements or other property interests for
the RWTL. The RWTL site is located within the City of Peoria, Arizona.

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Ground surface elevations at the RWPS currently vary from a maximum of elevation 1561 feet
to elevation 1503 feet approximately at the bottom of the Waddell Canal (Figure 4-2). Part of
the site was leveled for an abandoned airfield runway which runs north to south through the site
and onto land owned by others south of the site. Construction of the Waddell Canal had a
significant impact on the site topography. Due to a manmade excavation to install the canal, the
western side of the site slopes steeply from elevation 1561 feet to the CAP canal maintenance
road at elevation 1526 feet. The Waddell Canal is reported to have water level elevations shown

Canal Water Level Elevation (feet)

Maximum 1523
Average 1521
Minimum 1515

Construction of the Waddell Canal also resulted in placement of excavated material from the
canal in an old wash on the east side of the RWPS site. The fill also lies north and east of the site
on CAP property.

Both the WTP and RWPS sites are undeveloped and are primarily desert vegetation including
palo verde trees, creosote shrub and isolated saguaro, cholla, and barrel cacti. The land adjacent
to these sites is also currently undeveloped desert land with the nearest development being the
Lake Pleasant Recreational Area and marina approximately one and one-half miles northwest of
the WTP site. It is expected that properties adjacent to the WTP will be developed and that such
development may include residential development. The BOR controls property adjacent to the
RWPS site north and east of the site.

It is expected that this land will remain in federal government ownership, but could be developed
for other uses, such as recreational. Land south of the site is owned by the Arizona State Land
Department and could develop in the future along Route 74.

The RWTL site varies in its current development. From the WTP site to Pleasant Harbor Road,
the RWTL site is undeveloped and characterized by primarily desert vegetation. The site is
crossed by the Anthem RWTL and an APS right of way in this section. The Anthem easement is
currently cleared of vegetation, while an unpaved road is used to access the APS right of way.

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North of Pleasant Harbor Road, the RWTL site roughly follows an existing unpaved access road
used to access CAP Facilities and APS’s Humbug substation. There is little existing desert
vegetation in this portion of the site.


4.3.1 Washes
The City completed studies which identified washes which may be subject to a Section 404
United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) permit. Areas subject to permitting are
identified as preliminary jurisdictional delineation. The preliminary jurisdictional delineations
are for planning purposes only; the final jurisdictional delineations are determined by the
USACOE. Figure 4-1 shows areas identified as preliminary jurisdictional delineations areas.

Preliminary jurisdictional delineation areas were identified on both the Lake Pleasant WTP site
and the RWTL site. Construction in delineated areas should be avoided if possible. To
minimize the impacts, the preliminary design was based on the following approaches:

• No structures will be located in the washes

• Pipelines will be needed to cross the washes as a matter of practical necessity. To
the extent practical, pipelines crossing washes were clustered to reduce the area
• Plant access roads will also need to cross the washes. Only the minimum number
of crossings (2) will be made. These crossings will be made with bridges
spanning the entire width of the wash. No above grade embankments will be
placed within the delineated areas.

4.3.2 Existing Utilities

Information on existing utilities was obtained from local utility companies. The following
information was received on existing utilities (Figure 4-1). Lake Pleasant WTP Site

A 60-foot gas pipeline right of way lies on the east side of the Plant Site. The gas pipeline right
of way is roughly parallel to New River Road. An El Paso Natural Gas Company high pressure
gas Transmission Line is located in the right of way. Crossings of the pipeline by roads and by
new pipelines will require protection of the gas Transmission Line.

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No other existing utilities were identified on the site. Overhead power lines owned by APS are
located north and west of the site as follows:

• 69 kV overhead power north of the site supplying the APS Humbug substation
• 500kV overhead high voltage transmission power west of the Plant Site
• 12 kV overhead distribution power west of the Plant Site

The Plant Site is located at the western edge of the US West telephone service area. Service to
the site is expected to be a joint service by US West and the smaller local service provider,
Acciptur. Raw Water Transmission Line Site

The RWTL site includes the following known utilities:

• The 30-inch Anthem RWTL located in a 30-foot wide easement west of the
northwest corner of the Lake Pleasant WTP site
• A 330-foot wide easement for the 500 kV overhead high voltage transmission
power west of the Anthem easement
• 12 kV and 69 kV overhead electric power lines
• Three parallel 48-inch corrugated metal culvert pipes which convey surface
drainage under Pleasant Harbor Road near the intersection with Route 74
• Underground telephone lines within the Route 74 and old Route 74 rights-of-way Raw Water Pumping Station Site

Following below are known utilities at the RWPS site:

• 12.47 kV overhead electric power which terminates on the site. We understand

that this line formerly provided power to construction offices associated with the
Waddell Canal construction
• Small diameter culvert pipes which convey surface runoff from the ditch line east
of the Waddell Canal to the north

4.3.3 Setbacks
Setbacks from property lines are required by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
for wastewater treatment plants. Setback requirements have not been established for water
treatment plants.

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The City of Phoenix has chosen to build a best-in-class water treatment plant and chose to
require a 200 foot setback for above ground structures around the Lake Pleasant WTP site. This
limitation was incorporated into the preliminary design. On the eastern side of the Plant Site, the
western edge of the setback roughly coincided with the gas line right-of-way.

The RWPS site and the RWTL site do not have setback requirements.

4.3.4 Geotechnical Limitations

The City had limited, preliminary geotechnical investigations performed for the Lake Pleasant
WTP site and the RWPS site. Work was initiated in April 2000 and is summarized in a report
included in a document entitled “Geotechnical Engineering Report, Phase I Services, Lake
Pleasant Water Treatment Plant, New River Road Near SR 74, Peoria/Maricopa County, Arizona
R.A.M. Project No. G05059” and dated June 2000.

The City also has had a Phase II geotechnical investigation performed for the Lake Pleasant
WTP site, the RWPS site and the RWTL site. This work is summarized in the August 2000,
background document entitled “Geotechnical Engineering Report, Phase II Services, Lake
Pleasant Water Treatment Plant, New River Road near SR 74, Peoria/Maricopa County, Arizona
R.A.M. Project No. G05059.”

Results of these geotechnical investigations showed the following geotechnical limitations of the
project sites. Lake Pleasant WTP Site

Few geotechnical site limitations were noted, although cemented layers of soil and rock below
the surface will result in difficult excavation. The cemented solid is not expected to be suitable
for the use of septic wastewater disposal systems. Raw Water Transmission Line Site

Site limitations similar to the Lake Pleasant WTP Site, with layers of cemented soil and rock
below loose surface layers. Raw Water Facilities Site

Difficult site excavation is expected, particularly deeper excavations which will require
excavation by heavy machinery or blasting due to the presence of volcanic tuff and

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4.3.5 Archaeological Limitations
The City has had two archaeological surveys conducted for the Plant Site. An initial survey was
completed in November 1996; a second survey of an additional 33.3 acres was completed in
October 1997. The purpose of the surveys was to identify any existing archaeological sites and
artifact occurrences in the Plant Site. Each survey consisted of review of archaeological
literature and site file records followed by a pedestrian survey of the Plant Site. Both studies
indicated that no further archaeological investigation is necessary, and recommended that
archaeological clearance be granted for development of the Plant Site. The archaeological
studies conducted to date are summarized in the background documents entitled “Archaeological
Survey of the City of Phoenix Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant Site, Maricopa County,
Arizona”, August 1996, and “Archaeological Survey of an Additional 33.3 Acres for the City of
Phoenix Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant Site, Maricopa County, Arizona”, dated October

An initial archaeological survey was performed for the RWPS Site and RWTL Site in July 2000.
This initial study recorded a portion of one archaeological find within the RWTL Site, but
concluded that no further archaeological investigation was necessary at these sites. This work is
summarized in the background document dated September 2000 and entitled “Cultural Resource
Survey of the Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant and Transmission Main, Maricopa County,

Subsequently, the State Historic Preservation Office requested that a more comprehensive
archaeological survey be performed on the RWTL Site. This work was conducted in December
2000. Following this study, and in conjunction with other environmental concerns, the City
realigned a portion of the RWTL Site. An archaeological survey of this realignment was
performed in March 2001. This work is summarized in the background document dated June
2001 and entitled “A Cultural Resources Survey of the Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant and
Transmission Main, Maricopa County, Arizona”. This report documents one additional
archaeological site within the realignment. The report indicates that this additional site is not
considered eligible for the National Register of Historic Places; however, the initial site
identified in the July 2000 report is considered potentially eligible. As a result of the
realignment, the initial site is no longer within the RWTL Site but remains adjacent to it. The
study recommends that this initial site be avoided during construction activities.

Proposers are advised that although not anticipated, if significant subsurface cultural resources
are encountered during site test and/or construction activities on land owned by the BOR and
managed by the CAP, an archaeologist from the Phoenix Area Office of the BOR and the City

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Archaeologist should be notified. The Arizona State Museum should be notified immediately of
significant subsurface cultural resources on State land as per A.R.S. Section 41-865.

4.3.6 Biological Assessment

The City has had biological assessments conducted for the Plant Site, RWPS Site and RWTL
Site. This work was initiated in January 2000 and is summarized in the background documents
entitled “Biological Assessment of the Effects to Federally Endangered Species and Wildlife of
Special Concern in Arizona from Removal of Sonoran Desertscrub Habitat and Construction of a
Water Treatment Plant in Maricopa County, Arizona”, dated February 2000, and “Biological
Assessment of the Effects to Federally Endangered Species and Wildlife of Special Concern in
Arizona from Removal of Sonoran Desertscrub Habitat and Construction of a Raw Water Pump
Station and Associated Conveyance Pipeline in Maricopa County, Arizona”, dated July 2000.
The results reported in these documents indicate that there is no designated or proposed Critical
Habitat within the proposed Plant Site, RWPS Site, and RWTL Site.

A second Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy Owl survey for the Plant Site was conducted per U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Services recommendation. The work is summarized in a report entitled “Cactus
Ferruginous Pygmy Owl Survey LPWTP”, dated June 21, 2001. Results of the survey indicate
that there are no Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy owls at the Plant Site, and the consultants
recommended that because the Plant Site is not within the current range of this species, no
additional surveys be conducted. Proposers are advised that the Company may be required to
conduct additional pygmy owl surveys during the permitting process for the Plant.

The City also had a native plant survey conducted for the Plant Site, RWPS site and RWTL Site.
This work is summarized in the background document dated November 2000 and entitled
“Native Plant Inventory for the City of Phoenix, Lake Pleasant Raw Water Pump Station,
Conveyance Pipeline Corridor and Water Treatment Plant.”

4.3.7 Environmental Site Assessment

A Phase I environmental site assessment was conducted for the RWPS Site, RWTL Site and the
Plant Site. This work is summarized in the background documents entitled “Phase 1
Environmental Site Assessment for the Proposed Raw Water Pump Station and Transmission
Line Site Northeast of Waddell Canal and State Route 74”, dated August 2000, and “Phase I
Environmental Site Assessment, Proposed Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant, West of New
River Road and One Mile North of Carefree Highway, Maricopa County, Arizona”, dated March
2000. The results reported in these documents indicate that there is no evidence of
environmental concern within the proposed RWPS Site, RWTL Site, and Plant Site.

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The Lake Pleasant WTP and RWPS sites are accessible from Phoenix via I-17 (north) and the
Carefree Highway, which runs west from I-17. A rough dirt road currently exists from the
Pleasant Harbor Boulevard (Figure 4-1) to the proposed RWPS site. Access to the Lake
Pleasant WTP site is via its frontage on New River Road. This paved road runs northeast from
Carefree Highway (Figure 4-1).


4.5.1 Noise
A review of noise limitations which might apply to the Facilities was performed. It was agreed
that the Benchmark design would be based on meeting the limitation of 55 dB at the property
line. Both the RWPS and the Finished Water Pumping Station were considered to be the most
critical Facilities for control of noise. Both Facilities are designed with surrounding acoustical
walls which help to screen Facilities visually and which help meet the acoustical requirements.

4.5.2 Building Height

Maricopa County Planning and Development Department (MCPDD) does not appear to have a
specific limitation on building heights for water treatment plants. The City of Phoenix
recommended that maximum building heights be limited to 35 feet above surrounding grade to
help ensure that the Plant would be a good neighbor. After review of the proposed Plant
Facilities, the Benchmark Plant was designed so that all structures met the 35 feet limitation in
height. Exhaust stacks from the carbon building furnaces exceeded the 35 feet limitation, but the
design of these stacks ensured that the stacks were enclosed to be screened from view.

The City also limited the maximum elevation of the RWPS Facilities to elevation 1566 feet
because this site will be visible from the Waddell Dam overlooks. The Benchmark facility
design was based on excavating existing soil and rock for installation of the Benchmark raw
water intake and raw water pumping Facilities.


4.6.1 Plant Site Layout

The 80-mgd and 320-mgd layouts in the preliminary design utilize common wall construction for
reduced cost, and make maximum use of the site topography to move water through the Plant by
gravity. Raw water enters the Plant Site at the highest elevation (the north side of the Plant Site),

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and Finished Water leaves the Plant at the lowest elevation (the south side of the site). Most of
the process units are clustered in the northeast corner of the site, providing convenient access to
delivery truck traffic arriving via New River Road. This portion of the site has space for the
following processes at 320 mgd:

• Rapid Mix Chambers

• Flocculation
• Sedimentation
• Filtration
• Carbon Building
• Ultraviolet Disinfection

Certain other process structures were located in the northeast corner of the site. These include
the chemical building and the chlorination building, which will receive frequent deliveries by
truck. In addition, the backwash equalization basins and filter-to-waste basins were located in
this part of the site to minimize the length of large diameter connecting pipelines from the
sedimentation basins, filter building, and carbon contactors. Space was also available in this area
for the Operations Building, providing convenient access from New River Road and close
proximity to the major treatment process structures.

The middle section of the Plant Site was recommended for the solids handling Facilities in the
northern part and finished water reservoirs, and Finished Water Pumping Stations in the southern
part. Space near the Finished Water Pumping Stations was set aside for an APS substation and
for the standby generators. APS service can be provided from west of the site (proposed 69 kV
feeder) or from the north side of the site (existing 69 kV feeder). The middle section of the Plant
Site was also set aside for future membrane treatment and part of the 320 mgd finished water
reservoirs. The western part of the site was unused for the 80 mgd Plant, but is available for
future finished water reservoirs. In addition the City requested that the northwest corner of the
site be reserved for City purposes.

Roads were provided to access all structures. Road widths for main delivery routes were 32 feet
wide, and secondary access roads were designed to be 24 feet wide.

Parking spaces for 35 cars plus 14 visitors’ spaces were included in the Benchmark Plant design.
Both employee and public parking lots have handicapped spots.

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4.6.2 Raw Water Pumping Station Site Layout
The RWPS site is characterized by a high ridge (top elevation 1561) with a steep bank sloping to
the Waddell Canal. Only the northwest corner of the site has a more gentle slope from the ridge
to the canal. The RWTL site enters the pumping station site from the north and east.

Development of the northwest corner of the RWPS site was proposed for the following reasons:

• Construction of the Facilities will require excavation to the canal level.

Excavation requirements in the northwest corner were less than at other locations.
• Access from existing access roads will be convenient.
• This location will minimize the length of the RWTL.
• This location is more shielded from possible future development along Route 74.

Layout of the intake was closely coordinated with CAP to comply with their requirements. The
layout included a CAP control building and a continuation of the existing maintenance road on
the east side of the Waddell Canal.

Access to the site will be over the existing CAP access road.


Stormwater retention basins are incorporated in the site layout for those areas disturbed by
construction. The basins are designed to store runoff for a maximum of 36 hours and will not
discharge any flows greater that those seen from the site before construction. According to
Maricopa County Flood Control District (MCFCD), only those areas constructed, or disturbed
during construction, should be counted in the calculation of the stormwater runoff volume.
Other MCFCD design guidelines for retention basins include:

• 5:1 (L:H) basin slope

• Basin depth limited to 1.5 feet
• Basin lining is not required
• No more than 25 percent of the public parking onsite to be used as a retention

Retention basins are a minor feature in the overall aesthetics of the site (see Section 17,
Architectural Design).

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The Plant Site was divided into three areas for stormwater retention:

• Area 1: Northern portion of the area between the two washes (40,000 ft 2 )
• Area 2: Southern portion of the area between the two washes (124,000 ft 2 )
• Area 3: Area East of the eastern wash (124,000 ft 2 )

The areas west of the western wash and the middle portion of the area between the two washes
were not included because they are not disturbed during construction.

Figures 4-3 and 4-4 show the location and dimensions of these basins. The following formula
was used for designing the retention basins:

V = c⋅(P/12)⋅A

where V is the volume of stormwater to be retained (ft3 ), c is the runoff coefficient (equal to 0.35
for undeveloped desert and 0.65 for light industrial), P is the precipitation (in), which MCFCD
estimated at 2.7 inches, and A is the area (ft 2 ). It was assumed that thickeners, flocculation/
sedimentation basins and other similar open top construction act as precipitation collectors and
thereby decrease the size of the runoff area.

• Retention Basin “A”: Area 1 is estimated to be 30 percent light industrial and 70

percent undeveloped desert considering the buildings planned for the 80-mgd

• Retention Basins “B” and “C”: Area 3 is estimated to be 50 percent light

industrial and 50 percent undeveloped desert considering the buildings planned
for the 80-mgd phase.

• Retention Basin “D”: Area 2 is estimated to be 40 percent light industrial and 60

percent undeveloped desert considering the buildings planned for the 80-mgd

As the Plant expands, the required size of some of the retention basins will decrease because
some new Facilities (e.g., thickeners, flocculation/sedimentation basins) will capture
precipitation, reducing discharge into the washes. This is particularly pertinent to Area 3.

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The peak discharge for a 2-hour 100-year storm was estimated to be:

• 285 cfs for the western wash.

• 166 cfs for the eastern wash.

Calculations for the peak discharges and the related assumptions are based upon MCFCD’s
Hydrologic Design Manual.

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Section 5
Raw Water Facilities

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001


To limit disruptions associated with the construction of expansions of the turnout structure for
the raw water Facilities, the intake structure was initially designed for the ultimate Plant capacity
of 320 mgd (Figures 5-1, 5-2, and 5-3).

The intake design is based on CAP requirements and is similar to the design used at other CAP
intakes, including the Anthem intake south of the LPWTP. CAP requirements include intake bar
screens, stop logs, metering, and a CAP control building. Construction of the intake in the canal
will require temporary structures to isolate the intake construction from the canal which will
remain in service.

The intake design is based on the following water levels in the CAP canal. These levels were
provided by CAP:

• Maximum water surface level 1525 feet

• Minimum water surface level 1519 feet

CAP requires certain information to be continually monitored. This information includes:

• Pump station flow rate

• Pumps running indication
• Temperature of water
• pH
• Turbidity
• Alkalinity

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• Particle counts
• Canal water level
• Inlet water level

The RWPS will be built in two phases. The first phase is designed for an 80-mgd firm pumping
capacity with a 160 mgd structural capacity. The second phase increases the firm pumping
capacity to 160 mgd. Future expansions would provide an additional 160-mgd capacity for a
total of 320 mgd.

The RWPS has a cast-in-place concrete below-ground wet well structure, supported on a
reinforced concrete slab footing and covered with a concrete slab. Access is provided for
maintenance. Dividing walls between the pumps create favorable flow patterns. The flow enters
the RWPS through ½-in spaced mechanical bar screens via a 6-ft wide channel (see Figures 5-1
and 5-2). The bar screens are designed for a firm capacity of 80 mgd (2 screens each with
capacity of 80 mgd). A third screen will be added in Phase II to increase the firm capacity to 160
mgd. Each mechanical bar screen may be isolated for maintenance using sluice gates.

Vertical turbine pumps are used in the Benchmark design and can be staged as needed to meet
desired pressure requirements. The pumps operate in low NPSHA applications to provide flow
over a 20- to 80-mgd range with the largest pump out of service using the following combination
of constant speed vertical-turbine pumps:

• Phase I – Two at 10 mgd, three at 20 mgd and one at 40 mgd

• Phase II – Add two at 40 mgd

The LPWTP selected a pump combination that allows flow in 10 mgd increments between 20
mgd and 80 mgd. The recommended arrangement of the pumps is shown on Figure 5-3.
Constant speed drives are specified for the preliminary design.

Pumps are designed for a 170-foot head and the horsepower requirements for the pump motors

• Raw Water Pump (RWP) B01* and RWP B02 (10 mgd, Phase I) – 500 hp each
• RWP B03, RWP B04 and RWP B05 (20 mgd, Phase I) – 800 hp each

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• RWP B06 (40 mgd, Phase I) – 1750 hp
• Future RWP B07 and RWP B08 (40 mgd, Phase II) – 1750 hp each
*Pump numbers assigned in the preliminary design drawings.

Each pump discharges flow into one common header through individual discharge pipes. The
common header is a 90-inch diameter prestressed concrete cylinder pipe (PCCP) designed to
accommodate the Phase II expansion (160 mgd). The ultimate 320-mgd capacity will require
another 90-inch header/Transmission Line from the RWPS to the Plant.

An allowance for RWPS transient control Facilities was included in the Benchmark. CAP has
indicated that water pumped from the Waddell Canal will not be permitted to be returned to the
canal. Check valves were installed on each pump discharge to help prevent backflow of raw
water. Transient control is expected to be accomplished through the use of surge tanks.

The team recommended pumps not be enclosed in a building, primarily to reduce construction
costs. Provision was made in the design for the possible future addition of a structure housing
the raw water pumps.

The project team recommended that no chemicals (for prechlorination or pre-oxidation) be stored
or added at the RWPS. Major disadvantages of chemical additions at the station were considered
to be:

• Unimproved access road

• Proximity to CAP Facilities
• RWPS design is based on an unmanned facility
• Limited ability to dispose of wastes (e.g. runoff from chemical tanks)

An enclosed electrical building was provided at the RWPS. The enclosed building will house
electrical switchgear and starters. The building will also house a remote control station (PLC

No janitors closets, storage spaces, or offices were provided at the RWPS because the station is
designed to operate remotely with only short routine visits by Plant operators.


The RWTL is designed for an initial capacity of 160 mgd. The 12,700 lineal feet RWTL from
the RWPS to the water treatment plant consists of a single 90-inch PCCP. This line is installed

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in the 150 feet wide easement (see Figure 4-1). In the future, a second 90-inch line is planned to
parallel the first pipeline in the same easement. Much of the excavation includes hard
conglomerates and cement-like material. A future connection between the two Transmission
Lines will occur where the two lines intersect at the North side of the water treatment plant as
shown on Figure 5-4. A buried valve that uses a mobile electric operator will isolate these two
lines. The connection will provide operational flexibility.

There is a minimum 4-foot cover over the pipeline, except when crossing washes where the
minimum cover is 6 feet for erosion protection. Crossings of protected areas are restored to the
original conditions and should have minimal long-term impact on protected areas. Blowoffs are
provided at low points in the pipeline and air release valves are used at high points. Buried
access ports are provided to permit access to the pipeline for inspection and maintenance. The
RWTL corridor has adequate space for maintaining access to the RWPS site and for installing
the future pipeline.

The RWTL crosses Old State Route 74 and Pleasant Harbor Boulevard (see Figure 4-1) with the
crossings accomplished by open cut trenching rather than by tunneling. Three existing 48-inch
corrugated culverts will be removed and replaced at Pleasant Harbor Boulevard during the
installation of the Transmission Line. To permit development at the intersection of Pleasant
Harbor Boulevard and State Route 74, the easement for the Transmission Line also encroaches
onto State Route 74. By keeping the pipeline as close as possible to State Route 74, a more
marketable parcel of land for commercial development is preserved.

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Section 6

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

The need to occasionally remove iron and manganese was identified in the Lake Pleasant
Benchmark Facility Conceptual Design Report. These constituents will be removed by
oxidation followed by coagulation, sedimentation, and filtration. Pre-oxidation with chlorine
dioxide will oxidize soluble iron and manganese and also reduce taste/odor-causing compounds.
Refer to the Lake Pleasant Benchmark Facility Conceptual Design Report for the design criteria
for the pre-oxidation process.

The chlorine dioxide feed equipment is located in the Chemical Building at the Plant Site and is
designed to also serve as an emergency backup disinfectant in case of failure of the ultraviolet
system. Housing sodium chlorite and chlorine used to generate chlorine dioxide at the Plant Site
also avoids storage of hazardous chemicals at the RWPS. The feed point is located about 840
feet upstream of the raw water control chamber (pipeline STA 122+00) to provide five-minute
minimum contact time at 80 MGD for nearly complete pre-oxidation within the RWTL. Access
to the injection point is through a manhole adjacent to the RWTL. Chlorine dioxide piping
outside of containment structures is dual wall piping.

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Section 7
Rapid Mixing

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

Rapid mixing design criteria are based on Table 5-3 from the Lake Pleasant Benchmark Facility
Conceptual Design Report. This process occurs after the Raw Water Control Chamber and prior
to the flocculation basins (see Figure 7-1).


The raw water control chamber is designed to receive Plant flows up to 160 mgd from the
RWTL and to split the flow between the existing Stage I Facilities (80 mgd) and future Stage II
Facilities. The structure is poured-in-place concrete. An access grating is provided to access the
inlet chamber and the control weirs. In addition to splitting the flow, the control weirs establish
the design hydraulic grade line for the raw water pumps.

Gravity is used to move Plant flow through the Plant from the raw water control chamber to the
filtered water pumps. Recycle streams from the gravity thickeners are also returned to the Plant
flow at the raw water control chamber.


Rapid mix pumps are housed in a structure adjacent to the raw water control chamber. Water is
withdrawn from the raw water control chamber, mixed with the coagulant and then injected into
the pipe. Two 2000-gpm centrifugal pumps (one duty, one standby) are used for mixing the
solution. The pipe length to the flocculators provides adequate mixing time for the chemicals.
The effective mixing volume is approximately 250 cubic feet. Pump mixing provides constant
mixing energy regardless of flow variations. Because the pumps are below grade, access hatches
are placed above them for maintenance purposes

J:\APPS\FILES\0426a\Task4\Report\Revised PDR 8 -29-01\section7.doc

Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Section 8

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

The flocculation basins are shown on Figure 8-1. The Lake Pleasant Benchmark Facility
Conceptual Design Report proposed twelve basins which included one fully redundant basin.
The basis of design at that time assumed that LPWTP could be operated at 80 mgd all year.
More refined flow projections showed that Plant production is expected to diminish during low
demand winter months. The number of flocculation basins was reduced from twelve to eleven to
decrease estimated construction costs and because Plant production will decrease during winter
months, allowing basins to be removed from service for preventive maintenance. Table 8-1
shows in bold characters the design criteria modified from Table 5-4 of the Lake Pleasant
Benchmark Facility Conceptual Design Report.


Coagulant aid polymer is designed to be added to the raw water at the flocculation basin inlet
pipeline. Flow to the basins is distributed through a 12-foot wide influent channel with isolation
stop plates used to isolate individual flocculation basins from the remainder of the Plant flow.

The City has had good experience with vertical shaft flocculators. Control units for the variable
speed drives were placed in a climate controlled structure rather than to have individual control
cabinets at each mixer motor.

Baffles within each train prevent short-circuiting between flocculation stages (see Figure 8-2).
A total detention time of 26 minutes at maximum flow will provide floc particles of suitable size
for settling. Variable frequency drives allow adjustment of mixing intensity (G values). Exit
velocity from each train will not exceed 1 foot per second in order to keep the floc from breaking

J:\APPS\FILES\0426a\Task4\Report\Revised PDR 8 -29-01\section8.doc

Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Table 8-1
Flocculation Criteria

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

80-mgd Plant 320-mgd Plant

Parameter Units
Capacity Capacity
Gross Design Flow mgd 88 352
Number of parallel trains 11 44
Capacity (per train) mgd 8
Number of Stages (per train) 3
Mixer Type Vertical-shaft, Axial-Flow Down-
L x W for each Stage ft 20 x 20
Sidewater Depth ft 16
Detention time (total) minutes 26 (8.6 per stage)
Stage 1: Max. G (@ 50 F), Target Op. G 1/seconds 96, 90
Stage 2: Max. G (@ 50 F), Target Op. G 1/seconds 79, 60
Stage 3: Max. G (@ 50 F), Target Op. G 1/seconds 56, 30
Drive power (Stage 1) hp 3
Drive power (Stage 2) hp 2
Drive power (Stage 3) hp 1
Drive Type VFD
Impeller Diameter inches 108
Dewatering Design Flow (per Train) gpm 100
Number of Drains per Train 3 (one per cell)
Time to Drain hours 24

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apart. Each flocculation train has the ability to be isolated and drained within 24 hours to
perform maintenance.

Flow from the basins is collected in the 10 foot wide effluent channel. The flow may be directed
to the sedimentation basins during high raw water turbidity events or to the filter influent channel
when raw water conditions or low Plant flows allow the use of the direct filtration operational

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Section 9

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

Layout of the sedimentation basins is shown on Figure 8-1. Rectangular sedimentation basins
were used to allow common-wall construction and minimize the basin footprint. The number of
sedimentation basins was reduced from the 10 basins shown in the Lake Pleasant Benchmark
Facility Conceptual Design Report to 9 to decrease estimated construction costs and because
Plant production is expected to decrease during winter months (see discussion on the basis of
design in Section 8 of this report).

Tables 9-1 and 9-2 show in bold characters the design criteria modified from Table 5-5 of the
Lake Pleasant Benchmark Facility Conceptual Design Report.


Flow from the flocculation basins is distributed to the nine sedimentation basins through the
sedimentation influent channel (Figures 9-1 and 9-2). Flow passes into each basin through four
sluice gates. Sluice gates are also used to isolate the effluent end of the basin from the settled
water channel.

Velocities in the influent channel and in the sluice gates are kept low to avoid breaking apart
floc. Basins were arranged in pairs with sludge blowdown pumps housed between pairs of
basins. Longitudinal solids collectors drag settled solids from the basins’ floors to the cross
collector channel at the influent end of each basin. The 25–foot wide cross collector
recommended in the Lake Pleasant Benchmark Facility Conceptual Design Report was
considered excessive for non-metallic chain and flights and the cross collector width was
reduced to 5 feet.

J:\APPS\FILES\0426a\Task4\Report\Revised PDR 8 -29-01\section9.doc

Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Table 9-1
Sedimentation Criteria

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

80 mgd Plant 320 mgd Plant

Parameter Units
Capacity Capacity
Gross Design Flow mgd 88 352
# of Parallel Basins 9 36
Capacity (each basin) mgd 9.8
Length by Width (each basin) feet 225 x 45
Length/Width Ratio 5 to 1
Surface Area (each basin) sf 10,125
Sidewater Depth feet 15
Overflow Rate (all in service) gpd/sf 970
Overflow Rate (1 basin out-of-service) gpd/sf 1086
Detention Time hours 2.8
Horizontal Velocity (all in-service) fpm 1.3
Horizontal Velocity (1 basin out-of-service) fpm 1.5
Weir Loading Rate gpd/lf 20,000
Type of Sludge Collectors Chain & Flight (non-metallic)
# of Longitudinal Collectors per basin 2 (22’W x 200’L)
# Cross Collectors per basin 1 (5’ W x 45’ L)
Collector power requirements (each) hp 1.0 (dual head for long. coll.)
0.5 (single head for cross coll.)
Basin Dewatering Design Flow gpm 790
# Drains per Basin 2
Time to Drain hours 24
Type of Sludge Removal Direct Pump Suction

J:\APPS\FILES\0426a\Task4\Report\Revised PDR 8 -29-01\section9.doc

Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Table 9-2
Sedimentation Basin Sludge Pumping Criteria

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

Value @ 80 Value @ 320

Parameter Units
mgd mgd
Average Blowdown at Maximum Solids
mgd 2.3
Average Blowdown at Peak-Sustained Loading mgd 1.1
Average Blowdown at Average Solids Loading mgd 0.12
# of Sludge Pumps 10 (5 stand-by) 40 (20 stand-by)
Type Horizontal end suction
Capacity (each) gpm 250
Type of Drive VFD
Operating Time per Day (For 8 Basins)
Peak-sustained Conditions – 2 pumps @
hours 9
Maximum Conditions – 2 pumps @ capacity hours 19
Average Conditions - 1 pump @ capacity hours 1
Operating Time per Day (For 9 Basins)
Peak-sustained Conditions – 2 pumps @
hours 8
Maximum Conditions – 2 pumps @ capacity hours 17
Average Conditions - 1 pump @ capacity hours 0.88

J:\APPS\FILES\0426a\Task4\Report\Revised PDR 8 -29-01\section9.doc

Longitudinal and cross collector velocities can be adjusted to properly remove sludge from the
system. Each basin has its own sludge removal pump, with one duty pump removing sludge
from each basin. The pump from the adjacent basin may be used as the standby pump. Basin
No. 1 was provided with both a duty and a standby pump.

As noted in Section 3, of this report the sedimentation basins will be in service when the Plant is
operating in the conventional mode. During low Plant flows or low raw water turbidity periods,
the Plant is designed to bypass the sedimentation basins (direct filtration mode).

J:\APPS\FILES\0426a\Task4\Report\Revised PDR 8 -29-01\section9.doc 9-2

Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Section 10

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

Layout of the filters is shown on Figure 8-1. Plan and section views of the filters are presented
on Figure 10-1. The dual media declining rate filters operate as described in the Lake Pleasant
Benchmark Facility Conceptual Design Report. Table 10-1 shows in bold characters the design
criteria modified from Table 5-6 of the Lake Pleasant Benchmark Facility Conceptual Design

The filter arrangement proposed for the Benchmark design is to use two sets of five side-by-side
filters with a central piping gallery. Influent to the filters is through the outboard filter influent
channels fed from a single channel at the north end of the filter building. Filtered water is routed
to a finished water conduit, which is under the piping gallery floor. Backwash waste is collected
in outboard channels under the filter influent channels. Backwash flows by gravity to the
backwash equalization basins. Filtered water for backwashing is pumped from the backwash
pump wet well under the south gallery floor. Filtered water pumping is addressed in Section

Filters and the filter operating floor are open, although a canopy covers the filter operating floors
for the protection of operators using the filter control panels. Each filter control panel provides
an unobstructed view of each filter.

A separate building houses blowers for the air backwash.

J:\APPS\FILES\0426a\Task4\Report\Revised PDR 8 -29-01\section10.doc

Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Table 10-1
Filter Air Scour

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

Equipment Units Value @ 80 mgd Value @ 320 mgd

Maximum Rate cfm/sf 4
Number of Blowers 2 8
Blower Capacity (each) cfm 4,416
Blower Type Rotary lobe

J:\APPS\FILES\0426a\Task4\Report\Revised PDR 8 -29-01\section10.doc

Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Section 11
Granular Activated Carbon Adsorption

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001


Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) is included in the LPWTP to reduce organics that contribute
to disinfection by-products (DBP) and taste and odor.

The achievement of simulated distribution system (SDS) goals for DBPs such as total
trihaolmethanes and haloacetic acids (SDS-TTHM and SDS-HAA5) is directly related to the
amount of total organic carbon (TOC) removed. Since TOC can also be removed by
coagulation, the amount of TOC to be removed by each process was determined. To assist in
this determination, TOC removal by each process and resulting DBP formation was estimated
using USEPA’s Water Treatment Plant Model (WTP Model). The WTP Model contains
empirical equations that produce “central-tendency” estimates of treated water quality.
However, prior to using the WTP Model for predictive purposes, algorithms for TOC removal
and pH changes by coagulation were calibrated using Information Collection Rule (ICR)
database information for several Phoenix-area CAP Plants. A GAC system configuration
consisting of multiple contactors operating in parallel with a blended effluent stream was
selected for the WTP. This configuration allows the adsorption capacity of the carbon in
individual contactors to be utilized efficiently (to minimize reactivation frequency) while
maintaining a relatively stable effluent water quality. A large-scale (175 mgd) GAC adsorption
facility for drinking water treatment in Cincinnati, Ohio has operated successfully in this mode
for approximately ten years.

With the CAP-water calibrated WTP Model predictions as a basis, a preliminary cost analysis
was performed to compare different combinations of coagulant dose, GAC contactor empty bed
contact time (EBCT), and GAC reactivation interval (RI) for removing TOC and achieving DBP
goals. The analysis considered capital and O&M costs for the GAC process, coagulant feed

J:\APPS\FILES\0426a\Task4\Report\Revised PDR 8 -29-01\section11.doc

system, and caustic feed system (needed to off-set pH depression by coagulant addition). The
option of including a GAC adsorption system design with a 15-minute EBCT and a 120-day
reactivation interval in conjunction with a 10-mg/L average ferric chloride dose for coagulation
was selected because it represented a cost-competitive option that also minimized chemical
addition, residual handling cost and carbon reactivation frequency.

To establish the capacity of the reactivation Facilities, two additional modeling analyses were
performed using the 90th and 99th percentile raw water quality conditions. These analyses

• With 90th percentile raw water quality, the average ferric chloride dose and GAC
adsorption system operating conditions will likely meet the 80-ppb SDS-TTHM
performance goal (with a detention time of 72 hours and no safety factor)

• With 99th percentile raw water quality, the ferric chloride dose would need to be
increased to 15 mg/L and the GAC adsorption system RI would need to be
decreased to 90 days to meet the 80-ppb SDS-TTHM performance goal (with a
detention time of 72 hours and no safety factor)

Thus, a minimum RI of 90 days was established for the GAC adsorption system on the basis of
meeting a limit of 80-ppb of TTHMs at a 72-hour detention time with the 99th percentile raw
water quality.


The removal of taste and odor causing compounds, like MIB and Geosmin, by GAC cannot be
modeled or predicted with certainty. Bench- and/or pilot-scale testing is required to establish the
expected removal of such compounds for different design and operating conditions. However, it
is expected that a GAC system with a 15-minute EBCT and a 120-day RI should meet the MIB
and Geosmin performance goals of 5 ng/L or 90 percent removal under the anticipated raw water


Key design variables include GAC depth (11 feet) and surface loading (5.5 gpm/sf with one
contactor out of service). The initial required charge of GAC (3.87 million lbs) is based on the
gross design flow (85.7 mgd), EBCT (15 minutes), and typical carbon density (27 dry lbs/cu. ft.).
Six contactors are provided since this is the minimum number that will produce quasi-steady
effluent water quality as contactors are taken in and out of service for reactivation. The reader is

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referred to the Benchmark Facility Conceptual Design Report for further information about the
design criteria.

The carbon Facilities adsorption process and Facilities are shown on Figures 11-1 through 11-4.

• Figure 11-1 – Carbon Facilities process schematic

• Figure 11-2 – Carbon/UV building, lower level
• Figure 11-3 – Carbon/UV building, upper (operating) level
• Figure 11-4 – Carbon/UV building, sections

The carbon contactors, carbon regeneration system and ultraviolet disinfection system are housed
in a common building. Filtered water is treated by granular activated carbon contained in six
parallel contactors each 40 feet by 54 feet with an effective carbon depth of 11 feet. The
contactors provide 15 minutes of contact time at flows of 85.7 mgd (59,400 gpm). The
contactors each contain about 644,000 pounds of 12 x 40 mesh coal-based activated carbon. The
filtered water is pumped (4-20,000 gpm variable speed pumps) from a carbon contactor influent
wet well to an inlet channel that will distribute the water to the contactors. The estimated
average carbon usage rate is 313 pounds per million gallons treated, with a maximum rate of 418
pounds per million gallons treated. The anticipated average carbon contactor influent Total
Organic Carbon concentration is 2.0 mg/L with a target carbon contactor effluent concentration
of 1.1 mg/L.

Carbon-treated water is collected in each contactor through a series of 8-inch diameter 316
stainless steel vee-wire wrapped underdrain laterals, very similar to well screens in appearance.
The 8-inch laterals feed into a 30-inch diameter header within contactors. The carbon effluent is
discharged from this internal header to an external pipe header in the contactor pipe gallery and
conveyed to the ultraviolet disinfection system. The effluent flow rate is controlled by a rate
control meter and valve. Contactor operating valves are electrically actuated butterfly valves.
Contactor effluent flow can be diverted to waste to the wash water recovery system. Headloss
and flow rate is monitored for each contactor.

Two contactor backwash pumps, each with a capacity of 26,500 gpm are provided. The pumps
draw their suction from the carbon contactor influent pumping station wet well.

Water jet eductors are used for removing carbon. The eductor discharges to carbon transport
pumps with filtered water used for carbon slurry. Variable speed, recessed impeller pumps are

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used to transport carbon. Carbon is transferred into and out of the contactors at a rate of 800


The design of the GAC transfer and storage Facilities is key to minimizing the GAC operational
costs. The system includes features to minimize the carbon attrition rate and corrosion problems.
Many of the design criteria for the transfer and storage Facilities are adopted from those used at
the Cincinnati GAC facility in which the carbon attrition rate has been held to about 5 percent
per year.

Figures 11-1 through 11-4 show the carbon transfer, storage and regeneration system.

Spent carbon is transported as a slurry to one of three carbon storage bins, each with a capacity
of 966,300 pounds of carbon. Each GAC storage bin capacity is 1.5 times that of a contactor to
hold carbon and carriage water. Although it is anticipated that each bin will primarily be used for
storage of one type of carbon (makeup carbon, regenerated carbon or spent carbon), piping is
provided so that there is flexibility on how the storage bins are used. Carbon is pumped from the
storage bins to carbon furnace feed tanks. Constant speed dewatering screws feed the carbon
from these tanks to the furnaces. A maximum moisture content of 50 percent is anticipated for
the carbon fed to the furnace.


Multiple-hearth furnaces were selected because they are the most demonstrated technology for
reactivating GAC in drinking water treatment. Two furnaces are used to provide redundancy and
operational flexibility. The furnaces are sized so that when both are operating, they meet the
minimum GAC contactor RI of 90 days. Given the total mass of carbon of 3,865,200 lbs, this
requires reactivation capacity of approximately 43,000 lbs of GAC per day. The required
capacity of each furnace is 21,500 lbs/day. The design GAC loading rate of 32 lbs. GAC per
square foot per day was calculated as:

Furnace Capacity
Loading Rate =

Other furnace design and operating criteria, which can be found in the Benchmark Facility
Conceptual Design Report, were adopted from the design and operational experiences relative to
the Cincinnati GAC facility, as well as optimum values cited in GAC references.

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The furnaces operate at temperatures of 1700-1900 degrees F in the reactivation zones. Steam is
added to the furnaces at a rate of 0.5 pounds per pound of carbon to improve regeneration.
Regenerated carbon is cooled in a quench tank and then is transported to either carbon storage or
directly to a carbon contactor. One furnace will be in continual operation for normal carbon
exhaustion rates with the second furnace operating periodically, providing backup capacity and
providing added capacity when greater than normal regeneration frequency may be required. The
exhaust gases from the furnace pass through an afterburner and Venturi-type wet scrubber with a
second-stage tray scrubber. The afterburners have a minimum retention time at maximum air
flow of 2 seconds with a minimum operating temperature of 2000 degrees F. The scrubbing
system maintains the temperature of air leaving the exhaust gas system to less than 120
degrees F. The wet scrubber blowdown, estimated at 0.027 mgd, is discharged into the sanitary
sewer system.

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Section 12
Ultraviolet Disinfection

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

The primary goal of the UV disinfection system is to inactivate Cryptosporidium.
Recommended design criteria for the UV system can be found in the Benchmark Facility
Conceptual Design Report. A system with medium pressure UV lamps is used based on the
broad experience with this technology worldwide, the number of manufacturers available, and its
disinfection effectiveness. The 40 mJ/cm2 transmitted design dose for the system is based on a
conservative estimate of dosage to achieve at least 1-log of Cryptosporidium inactivation credit.
While the UV dose to inactivate viruses is higher than that required for Cryptosporidium, the
Benchmark LPWTP provides filtration and free chlorine for virus control. For increased
reliability and operational flexibility, the system was designed with four operating units and one
standby unit. Due to the potential for lamp fouling by deposition of calcium carbonate scale, the
UV system incorporates both physical and chemical lamp-cleaning capabilities. An alarm alerts
operators of a broken lamp.

Figure 11-2 shows the location and layout of the UV system. A manifold in the carbon column
effluent header contains five parallel 30-inch ultraviolet, flow-through (in-pipe) stainless steel
reactors. One of the five serves as a standby unit. There are eight medium pressure, high-
intensity lamps in each reactor delivering a dose of 40 mJ/cm2 . High temperature and UV
intensity sensors are provided for each reactor. The discharge from the UV reactors flows into a
seal well that insures that the carbon contactor underdrains remain submerged at all times.

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Section 13
Solids Handling Facilities

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

Six residual streams are handled by this system:

• Filter-to-waste
• GAC-to-waste
• Filter backwash
• GAC contactor backwash
• GAC furnace off-gas scrubber blowdown
• Sedimentation sludge blowdown

The solids handling processes are designed to accomplish the following goals:

• Effectively process the solids produced by the design peak-sustained turbidity

• Equalize liquid streams recycled to the head of the Plant so that the total recycle
flow will not increase the Plant influent flow by more than 10 percent
• Remove 80 percent turbidity from recycle streams containing significant solids

To meet the above goals, the Benchmark design incorporates solids handling processes similar to
those utilized at several City surface water Plants. The backwash equalization/treatment and
sludge thickening processes are configured to be similar to those demonstrated to be effective at
the City of Scottsdale CAP WTP. Sedimentation sludge blowdown, filter backwash water, GAC
contactor backwash water, GAC furnace off-gas scrubber blowdown, and recycled centrate are
equalized and treated by gravity thickening and centrifugation. The equalized overflow stream
from the gravity thickeners is recycled to the head of the Plant, prior to coagulation. Filter-to-

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waste and GAC-to-waste streams are equalized and recycled without treatment. Figure 13-1 is
the process schematic of the solids stream. Design criteria and sizing of the solids handling
Facilities and the solids stream schematics are given in the Benchmark Facility Conceptual
Design Report.


The sedimentation basin sludge pumps transmit sludge from the sedimentation basin hoppers to
the sludge splitter box, which controls residual stream feeds to the gravity thickeners. Table 9-2
summarizes the sedimentation basin sludge pumping. Ten 250-gpm pumps provide sludge
withdrawal capacity to meet peak-sustained conditions with five pumps in-service and five on
standby. With five pumps in-service, sludge volumes associated with the maximum conditions
can be handled. Under average sludge production conditions, one pump draws sludge from two
basins for a period of 2 hours at capacity. Automated valving allows a single pump to draw
sludge from two basins. Variable frequency drives on the sludge pumps accommodate the wide
range of expected blowdown flows. The arrangement of the sludge blowdown pumps minimizes
the distance from the sludge hopper in the sedimentation basin to the pump itself.


Since the filter-to-waste and GAC-to-waste streams do not contain a significant amount of solids,
they do not require treatment prior to recycle to the head end of the Plant. An equalization basin
is provided for these residual flows so that, when added to the recycle flow from the gravity
thickeners, the total of all waste streams recycled to the head of the Plant will not increase the
total Plant influent flow at any time by more than 10 percent. The capacity of the basins is
773,500 gallons, which provides sufficient storage at maximum flow. Two (one duty, one
standby) variable-speed 800-gpm submersible pumps handle the maximum recycle flow of 1.0
mgd with one pump out of service. The 36-inch diameter feed pipe to this basin is sized for
ultimate buildout (see Figure 13-2).

The basin is an open top reinforced concrete structure approximately 45 feet by 100 feet and has
a maximum water depth of 23 feet. The basin floor drains to a sump where the dual submersible
pumps are located. The pumps are rail-mounted for convenient removal through access hatches.
The basin shares a common wall construction with the backwash equalization basins (Section


Two backwash equalization basins equalize the filter backwash, GAC contactor backwash,
centrate streams, and GAC furnace off-gas scrubber blowdown streams prior to treatment by the

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gravity thickeners. Equalization of these flows minimizes hydraulic upsets of the thickeners due
to high flow and maintains high particle removal in the thickeners to achieve 80 percent or
greater removal of turbidity. Equalization also maintains total recycle return to less than 10
percent of Plant influent flow.

Two basins operate in parallel so that a basin may be taken out of service for maintenance. As
shown on Figure 13-2, each basin is 100 feet by 50 feet in plan and has a maximum water depth
of about 23 feet, to provide a capacity of 852,000 gallons each.

The following GAC contactor backwashing and wasting schemes achieve an acceptable effluent
quality before a contactor is returned to service following carbon reactivation:

• 60 minutes of backwashing at 11 gpm/sf, which produces a GAC backwash

volume of 1.43 MG

• 60 minutes of effluent wasting of 5.5 gpm/sf, which produces a GAC-to-waste

volume of 0.715 MG

During periods of the maximum GAC reactivation frequency of once every 90 days, one of the
six GAC contactors will be backwashed every 15 days. In sizing the equalization basins, it was
assumed that two filters could be backwashed within the two-hour period prior to backwashing a
GAC contactor. It was also assumed that the Plant would be operating under average conditions,
limiting the flow to the equalization basins during filter backwash to 2.4 mgd. At the average
recycle rate, the full basins will empty at a rate that will provide capacity for another filter to be
backwashed as soon as 2.3 hours after a GAC contactor backwash. One submersible, variable-
speed, 1800-gpm pump is installed for each basin, with a common redundant pump, to handle the
wide range of flows. At maximum speed, the two pumps have capacity to handle the 5.1 mgd
that occurs at maximum conditions.

The equalization basins are open top reinforced concrete. A separate area is provided for the
backwash pump sump. Backwash pumps are rail-mounted submersibles with access hatches.
Each equalization basin is provided with submersible mixers, which will help keep the basin
solids in suspension before they are pumped to the thickeners.


A proposed layout of the sludge splitter box is shown on Figure 13-3. The purpose of the sludge
splitter box is to increase the operating flexibility and performance of the two gravity thickeners.

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The splitter box allows the option of combining the sludge from the sedimentation basins with
the residual streams from the backwash equalization basins prior to the thickeners, or of directing
sludge from the sedimentation basins to one thickener and the residual streams from the
backwash equalization basins to the other thickener. The piping configuration also allows the
splitter box to be bypassed. Feed points for non-ionic polymer are provided on both lines
upstream and downstream of the splitter. The sludge splitter box is designed to handle the
maximum flows. The flows through the splitter box at various conditions are shown in Table

The splitter box is centrally located to serve the two proposed thickeners and two future
thickeners each box will serve. The elevation of the weir trough is designed to allow gravity
flow to the thickeners. The thickener elevation allows gravity flow of the thickener supernatant
to the raw water control chamber. The sludge splitter box and thickeners are located on the
relatively high elevation ground in the north side of the Plant Site.


Two gravity thickeners are provided so that one can be taken out of service for maintenance.
The two thickeners also provide the option of thickening backwash equalization basin flows and
sedimentation blowdown flows separately for flows up to peak-sustained conditions.

As shown on Figure 13-4 each thickener has a diameter of 106 feet and a sidewater depth of 12
feet. At peak-sustained conditions, the hydraulic loading rate is approximately 374 gpd/sf for the
thickener treating flow from the backwash equalization basins. This loading is within the
maximum range of 288 to 432 gpd/sf recommended by AWWA for effective removal (>90
percent) of cyst-size particles from spent backwash water when treated by non-ionic polymers
and gravity separation. With both thickeners in operation, the proposed design accommodates
the total flow of 7.4 mgd associated with maximum conditions at a loading rate of 419 gpd/sf,
still within the recommended hydraulic loading range. Under average conditions, one thickener
can be taken off-line, and the 283 gpd/sf hydraulic load on the remaining thickener will not
exceed the recommended maximum loading while treating the combined flow of 2.5 mgd. To
treat the total flow of 4.4 mgd under peak-sustained conditions, both thickeners must be in
operation. At this condition the hydraulic loading is 249 gpd/sf.

Three (two duty, one standby) variable-speed, screw-centrifugal thickened sludge pumps transfer
thickened sludge from the thickeners to the thickened sludge storage basins (see Figure 13-5).
The pumps are sized with an operating range of 20 to 125 gpm to handle peak-sustained sludge
volumes with one pump out of service. All three pumps are needed to handle flows at maximum

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Table 13-1
Sludge Splitter Box Design Criteria

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

Parameter Flow, mgd

Average Flows through splitter box

Sedimentation basin blowdown 0.12
Backwash equalization basin 2.4
Total 2.5
Peak-Sustained Flows through splitter box
Sedimentation basin blowdown 1.1
Backwash equalization basin 3.3
Total 4.4
Maximum Flows* through splitter box
Sedimentation basin blowdown 2.3
Backwash equalization basin 5.1
Total 7.4
*Splitter box to be sized for handling maximum flows.

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conditions. The pumps are housed in a low lying vault to permit gravity flow of thickened
sludge to the pumps.

The Thickened Sludge Pumps may also be used to dewater the gravity thickeners. Sludge from
the thickeners is conveyed to the thickened sludge storage basins and thickener supernatant is
conveyed to the Raw Water Control Chamber. Piping is configured to allow simultaneous
dewatering of one thickener and normal sludge transport from the other thickener.


Thickened sludge storage allows the centrifuges to operate on a continuous basis. As shown on
Figure 13-6, two storage basins with pyramidal bottoms are provided so that one may be taken
out of service for maintenance. Mixers (mixing pumps) in each storage basin insure a consistent
sludge feed quality to the centrifuges to simplify polymer dosing and promote more efficient
dewatering. The basins are 40 feet by 40 feet in area and have a sidewater depth of 20 feet to
provide storage of thickened sludge under peak-sustained conditions. To minimize odors, the
basins are covered and an odor control system provided.

Thickened sludge storage tanks were designed to be located near the solids dewatering building.
This location shortens the length of the suction line piping from the storage tanks to the mixer
pumps and also to the centrifuge feed pumps, which were located in the lower level of the solids
dewatering building. Location of the pumps in this building eliminated the need for an
additional building. The basins will also be periodically accessed by chemical trucks delivering
scrubber chemicals and removing spent reagent from the spent reagent tank. The solids
dewatering building area is designed for convenient truck access.

The odor control system, shown on Figure 13-7, is a three-stage system where the last stage
consists of a mist eliminator. The packaged system treats 19,550 cfm of foul air. An additional
unit can be added for the Stage II Plant expansion. The area containing the scrubbers and
chemical storage tanks has a 12-foot high wall for visual screening. Spent reagent from the
scrubbers is stored in an above grade tank. Spent reagent will be treated in an off-site facility
prior to disposal.


Two dewatering centrifuges and two feed pumps are provided, as shown on Figure 13-8. The
centrifuge operating range is based on expected thickened sludge loadings and the need to handle
peak-sustained conditions with one centrifuge or one feed pump out of service. Either of the two
feed pumps can supply sludge to either of the two centrifuges. Maximum flows can be handled

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with both centrifuges and both feed pumps in service. The centrifuge cake is discharged through
openings in the floor directly to roll-off bins for transport to an off-site location.

The solids dewatering building is in a central location in the solids handling complex of the
Plant. Solids handling Facilities were located in the north-central part of the Plant Site. The
building itself is approximately 54’X90’-4” and consists of three operating floors. The lower
level (elevation 1648.50) is 54’X36’-3” and houses the thickened sludge storage basins mixing
pumps, the centrifuge feed pumps, and HVAC equipment serving the building. The middle level
(elevation 1661.0) is above outside grade solids cake roll-offs, solids handling polymer storage
and feed room, and the facility electrical room. A 10’X90’-4” loading dock is located on the east
side of the building. The upper floor (elevation 1673.0) houses the centrifuges, bathrooms, and
an office. The building is designed for the installation of a future 3rd centrifuge. An overhead
crane is used for removal of the centrifuges.

Design of the building was modified to conform to the City’s preference that building heights be
limited to 35 feet. To accomplish this, roll-offs were preferred compared with discharge directly
to trucks or to conveyor belts. Conveying winches were installed for moving roll-offs into
position under the centrifuges or at the loading dock for transport off-site.

The solids handling building is designed for future expansion by additions to the southern side of
the building.

Truck access to the building is convenient with a major loop road serving the dewatering
Facilities and connecting to the north side main Plant road. Trucks accessing the solids area are
expected to use the north Plant entrance.

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Section 14
Chemicals Handling Facilities

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

Chemicals in Table 14-1 are listed in the order that they appear within the process train.

For stock chemical data, application points, design doses, usage rates and storage requirements
for all chemicals, the reader is referred to Table 5-21 of the Benchmark Facility Conceptual
Design Report. Storage requirements for daily and 30-day supplies are based upon maximum
Plant flows and average chemical doses.

Most bulk chemicals are stored in the Chemical Feed and Storage Building. This building is
approximately 49’X125’-3” and includes a series of truck unloading stations on the east side of
the building. The Chemical Feed and Storage Building will be accessed by chemical delivery
trucks and is located near the north Plant access road which is expected to be utilized by delivery
trucks bringing bulk chemicals to the site.

An enclosed chemical storage building was used for the chemical storage area because of the
difficulty of disposal of rain water from the storage tank containment areas. The City’s
Wastewater Management Division indicated that this rain water, which could be potentially
contaminated by chemicals, will not be allowed into the City’s sewer system. The enclosed
building is expected to comply with air requirements for storage of chemicals.

A separate building was used for bulk storage of chlorine because it is a hazardous chemical and
has specific requirements for containment and for control of spills. In the Benchmark design the
Chlorine Building was located near the Chemical Feed and Storage Building because of the
similar access needs for both buildings. Bulk storage tanks associated with the chlorine scrubber
were covered by a canopy to minimize rain intrusion in the containment area. The building size

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Table 14-1
LPWTP Benchmark Chemicals

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

Chemical Name Primary Purpose

Chlorine dioxide Pre-oxidant; back-up disinfectant
Ferric chloride Primary coagulant
Coagulation aid polymer Coagulant aid
Filter aid polymer Filter aid
Sulfuric acid GAC-treated water pH adjustment; coagulation pH
Hydrofluosilicic acid Fluoride addition
Chlorine Primary disinfectant
Sodium hydroxide Finished water pH adjustment
Sludge thickening aid polymer Thickening aid
Sludge dewatering aid polymer Dewatering aid

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(including the scrubber area) is about 58’-6”X119’-6”. The building is at grade to permit
convenient access by chlorine delivery trucks.

The team specified the use of bulk trailers for chlorine deliveries to avoid storage and handling
difficulties of ton cylinders. The proposed facility is similar to existing chlorine buildings at the
City’s other water treatment Plants.

In addition to these Facilities, chemical storage Facilities were provided at alternative locations
for the Thickened Sludge Storage Basins odor control system (see Section 13.7) and for the
Sludge Thickening Aid Polymer and Sludge Dewatering Aid Polymer. The odor control system
chemicals are stored at the basins while the sludge polymers will be stored in the Solids
Dewatering Building. Usage of the chemicals is expected to be much less than for chemicals
used in the process stream.


Chlorine dioxide is fed in the RWTL prior to coagulant addition for iron/manganese oxidation
and taste/odor removal (Section 6 of this report). A chlorine dioxide feed point is also located
upstream of the finished water reservoir for back-up Cryptosporidium inactivation.

A schematic for the chlorine dioxide generation and feed system is shown on Figure 14-1. A
two-chemical (chlorine gas and liquid sodium chlorite) chlorine dioxide generation system
continuously generates a chlorine dioxide solution. To accommodate 30-day chlorine dioxide
generation requirements, two 8,400-gallon XLPE sodium chlorite storage tanks with sloped
bottoms are provided. These liquid storage tanks can accommodate bulk delivery. Transfer
pumps (three duty, one standby) supply sodium chlorite to the chlorine dioxide generator housed
in the chemical feed and storage building. The chlorine supply (11,100 pounds required for 30
days) for chlorine dioxide generation operates as described in Section 14.8.


Ferric chloride is fed as the primary coagulant to remove turbidity and TOC. Ferric chloride is
currently used successfully at the Union Hills WTP on similar water. Based on coagulant feed
rates at other conventional Plants treating CAP water in Arizona, an average dose of 10 mg/L is
anticipated for turbidity removal. Ferric chloride is fed at the pump injection mixer upstream of
the flocculation basins with a maximum dosing rate of 50 mg/L to meet peak turbidity events and
peak TOC removal needs. Figure 14-2 shows four 10,700-gallon XLPE storage tanks with
sloped bottoms, which provide a 30-day supply of the 40 percent ferric chloride solution and

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accommodate bulk delivery. Eight transfer/metering pumps (six duty, two standby) feed the
product to the pump injection mixer.


A feed system for cationic polymer as a coagulant aid is provided. Design dosages of 0.5 mg/L
(average) and 1.0 mg/L (maximum) are based on wet weight and assume that the product will
contain 20 percent active ingredient, a common commercial strength. Coagulant aid polymer is
fed immediately downstream of the pump injection mixer to assist in the coagulation/flocculation
process. Figure 14-3 illustrates the coagulant aid polymer system schematic. Two 610-gallon
XLPE storage tanks with conical bottoms provide a 30-day supply. Polymer is transferred by
one of two transfer pumps (one duty, one standby) to a 610-gallon XLPE dilution tank, where the
bulk chemical is mixed with service water to promote better mixing and dissolution at the
application point. Two metering pumps deliver cationic polymer solution from the dilution tanks
(one duty, one standby) to the flocculation influent feed point.


A filter aid polymer feed system adds a nonionic polymer to the filter influent. A filter aid
polymer feed point located in the filter backwash supply line allows polymer addition at the end
of the backwash cycle to improve filter ripening and minimize filter-to-waste times. Two 70-
gallon XLPE storage tanks with conical bottoms provide a 30-day supply of nonionic filter-aid
polymer. Two transfer pumps (one duty, one standby) deliver polymer to a 70-gallon XLPE
dilution tank with conical bottom, as shown on Figure 14-3. Two metering pumps deliver
polymer through static mixers (where the chemical is further diluted with service water) to each
of the two feed points.


Sulfuric acid is fed to reduce the pH of carbon-contacted water when a contactor is brought on-
line following reactivation. An increase in pH of up to 2 units in the water passing through a
newly reactivated contactor has been observed at other locations. Controlling pH in carbon-
contacted water is especially important because of the increased fouling potential at higher pH of
the downstream UV lamps. Average and maximum sulfuric acid doses of 2 and 6 mg/L,
respectively, are anticipated. Two 1,600-gallon CPVC-lined storage tanks with conical bottoms
collectively provide a 30-day supply of sulfuric acid, as shown on Figure 14-4. Four metering
pumps (three duty, one standby) feed chemical to the pump injection mixer and the GAC

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The target finished water fluoride concentration is 0.65 mg/L to 0.75 mg/L. To meet this target,
hydrofluosilicic acid is applied to the GAC effluent. Acid addition upstream of the UV
contactors may help reduce the potential for scale formation on the lamps. Figure 14-4 shows
that two 3,000-gallon XLPE storage tanks with sloped bottoms provide a 30-day supply and
accommodate bulk delivery. Two metering pumps (one duty, one standby) deliver the chemical
to the feed point.

A gaseous chlorine feed system achieves primary and secondary disinfection and controls
biological growth in the Plant and the distribution system, as needed. The system also provides
gaseous chlorine used in the chlorine dioxide generation system. The system is sized to operate
normally with a chlorine dose of 2 mg/L applied at the influent to the finished water reservoir(s)
to achieve both 0.5-log Giardia inactivation CT and a 1 mg/L residual leaving the Plant. To
control biological growth as needed, the capability to feed at a maximum dosage rate of 10 mg/L
is provided. The chlorine gas is transferred to the point of use under vacuum for safety purposes.
Additional chlorine feed points include raw water, filter influent, filter backwash supply water,
Reservoirs #1 and #2, and Plant discharge. Truck tanks provide the 55,000-lb (includes the
chlorine needed for generation of chlorine dioxide) 30-day bulk storage supply. Liquid chlorine
is transferred to two evaporators. Figure 14-5 shows eight chlorinators (one for chlorine dioxide
generation, five for chlorine feed, and two standby), which meter the chlorine gas to the injectors
where chlorine solution is produced.

Caustic soda is utilized to adjust finished water pH to 7.8 prior to delivery to the distribution
system. Average (2 mg/L) and maximum (20 mg/L) doses are based upon requirements imposed
by average and maximum ferric chloride doses. A caustic feed point is provided prior to each
finished water reservoir. Figure 14-6 shows that two 8,400-gallon XLPE storage tanks with
sloped bottoms collectively provide a 30-day supply of sodium hydroxide and accommodate
bulk delivery. Four metering pumps (three duty, one standby) feed chemical to the influents of
Reservoirs #1 and #2.


The same nonionic polymer is used as a conditioner for both sludge thickening and sludge
dewatering. Figure 14-7 shows the proposed polymer feed system for these applications. Two
1300-gallon XLPE storage tanks with 30o conical bottoms provide a common 30-day supply of
product for both applications. Two transfer gear pumps (one duty, one standby) deliver polymer

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to a single 100-gallon XLPE day tank with 60o conical bottom for daily chemical usage
monitoring. Six metering pumps deliver neat polymer to four dilution-blenders (three duty, one
standby) where the chemical is mixed with service water to promote better mixing and
dissolution at the application points. From the dilution-blenders the diluted polymer is delivered
to the feed points. The system provides the flexibility to feed polymer to the settled water sludge
and backwash equalization streams separately or after they are combined. Nonionic polymer is
added to gravity thickened sludge prior to the centrifuges and after the sludge storage tanks. The
polymer conditions the thickened sludge and aids in the sludge dewatering process.


The chemical storage building houses systems that store and feed caustic (NaOH), ferric
chloride, coagulant and filter aids, sulfuric acid, hydrofluosilicic acid (H2 SiF 6 ), and chlorine
dioxide(ClO 2 ), as shown on Figure 14-8. Each chemical is isolated from others and has a
minimum containment volume of 110 percent of the total volume of the chemical stored plus
1500 gallons for fire flow. All containment areas are epoxy coated to protect the concrete from
any chemical spills. The building also houses the required electrical and HVAC systems.

Figure 14-9 shows a catwalk in the building for rapid and easy access to the storage/feed areas.
Ship ladders are preferred to staircases because they occupy less space. Windows of the
electrical, HVAC and ClO 2 generation rooms overlook the storage areas. Quick connects
maximize operator safety when filling the storage tanks.


The chlorine building consists of a storage area for the truck tanks, a chlorinator room, an
electrical room to support the chlorine feed functions, and a scrubber system, as shown on
Figure 14-10. The storage room has motorized doors large enough for the truck tanks and has a
floor sloped towards the chlorine scrubber vents. Two evaporators for each truck tank transform
liquid chlorine into gas before going to the chlorinator room.

Truck tanks were selected instead of ton containers because they minimize the handling and the
frequency of switching from old to new tanks, thereby increasing operator safety. Truck tanks
also minimize operating costs. The emergency scrubber system controls the equivalent of a
truck tank leak and is activated automatically by chlorine gas detectors. The scrubber is in a
depressed area that provides containment for leaks of scrubber system sodium hydroxide.

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Section 15
Finished Water Facilities

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

The Finished Water Pumping Station (FWPS) transfers finished water from the reservoirs to the
City’s water distribution system, and also provides process water for the Plant. The 1998 Water
Master Plan proposed that Finished Water from the Plant would be pumped into the City’s Zone 6.
Pressure reducing valves then allow water to flow from Zone 6 to Zone 5 and from Zone 5 into
Zone 4. In the initial years demands in Zone 6 are expected to be small, so most of the Plant flow
will be used in Zone 4.

The 1998 Water Master Plan also proposed a new 78-inch pipeline routed along Carefree Highway
to connect the City’s distribution system with LPWTP. The size and route of this pipeline was
subject to review.

During development of the Benchmark LPWTP, concern was expressed about the high cost of
pumping Finished Water from the Plant. As a result of the North Phoenix Capacity Study, the
City selected a second Finished Water Transmission Line from the Plant, operating at low
pressure, that would connect directly to the City’s Zone 4. Analysis of this alternative
demonstrated significant life cycle cost savings. The Benchmark Plant design was modified to
accommodate these revisions:

• FWPS pumping capacity to Zone 6 will have a firm capacity of 80 mgd. These
high pressure Finished Water pumps will be designed to operate from 10 mgd to 80
mgd in 10 mgd increments.

• The FWPS is designed with a structural capacity to accommodate Finished Water

pumps with a firm pumping capacity to Zone 6 of 160 mgd.

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• Low pressure Finished Water pumps with capacities of 10 mgd and 21 mgd will be
installed in pump spaces reserved for the future pumps.

• An isolation valve separates the low pressure side of the discharge header from the
high pressure side.

• Provision was made to install a second 78-inch pipeline, operating at low pressure,
from the low pressure side of the FWPS to the Zone 4 distribution system.

• Low pressure pumps are expected to be removed and replaced with higher pressure
pumps in the future.

• The Low Pressure Finished Water Transmission Line is designed to operate as a

Zone 6 pipeline in the future.


System head curves for the High Pressure Finished Water Transmission Line (Figure 15-1) were
developed based on the alignment of the Finished Water pipeline recommended by Stanley
Consultants in the Lake Pleasant Waterline Route Study. The study recommended that the city
develop Route Alternate 3. Two different hydraulic conditions were considered when developing
the high pressure system head curves:

• Flow variation of 10 to 160mgd with a hydraulic grade line of 1795 feet at the
connection to the 54-inch pipeline in Parkway A at the intersection with Carefree
Highway, currently being constructed by the City. Flow is discharged through one
78-inch pipeline. The hydraulic grade line of 1795 feet was used in the report by
Stanley Consultants. This system head curve is identified as the minimum head

• Flow variation of 10 to 160mgd with a hydraulic grade of 1840 feet at the

connection to the 54-inch pipeline in Parkway A. Flow is discharged through one
78-inch pipeline. The hydraulic grade line of 1840 feet is the overflow elevation of
a future Zone 6 reservoir at 7th Avenue and Cloud Road. This system head curve is
identified as the Design Curve for the High Pressure Finished Water Transmission

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Maximum and minimum pressures during hydraulic transient events in the High Pressure Finished
Water Transmission Line were developed based on normal pipeline pressures, the downstream
pipeline profile, and allowable distribution system pressures. The maximum and minimum
allowable pressures, expressed in terms of hydraulic grade line in the High Pressure Finished
Water Transmission Line were determined to be 2035 feet and 1680 feet, respectively. An
allowance for transient control equipment to achieve these pressures was made in the Benchmark


System head curves for the Low Pressure Finished Water Transmission Line (Figure 15-2) were
developed based on the alignment of the High Pressure Finished Water Transmission Line
recommended by Stanley Consultants as far as 51st Avenue. The new pipeline then follows the
alignment of 51st Avenue until it connects with the City’s distribution system about 6000 feet from
Deems Hill Reservoir. Two different hydraulic conditions were modeled when developing the
low pressure system head curves:

• Flow variation of 10 to 35 mgd with the Deems Hill Reservoir at low level
(elevation 1580). Flow is discharged through one 78-inch pipeline to 51st Avenue
and Carefree Highway, then through a 42-inch pipeline to the distribution system
connection point.

• Flow variation of 10 to 35 mgd with the Deems Hill Reservoir at overflow level
(elevation 1629). Flow is discharged through piping as noted above.

The system head curves for the Low Pressure Finished Water Transmission Line do not have
classical shapes because the curves do not parallel each other. In flows up to about 10 mgd, the
system head is controlled by the high point of the 78-inch transmission pipeline. As flows
continue to increase, dynamic losses from the 42-inch pipeline become significant and submerge
the topographically determined high point, allowing the curves to exhibit the classical parallel

Maximum and minimum pressures during hydraulic transient events in the Low Pressure Finished
Water Transmission Line were developed based on normal pipeline pressures, the downstream
pipeline profile, and allowable distribution system pressures. The maximum and minimum
pressures, expressed in terms of hydraulic grade line in the Low Pressure Finished Water
Transmission Line, were determined to be 1800 feet and 1625 feet, respectively. An allowance for
transient control equipment was made in the preliminary design.

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Two contiguous 400 foot × 400 foot × 25foot (L×W×D) Finished Water reservoirs store
approximately 20 MG each of finished water, as shown on Figure 15-3. If the raw water supply is
interrupted, the reservoirs will enable a Finished Water pumping rate of 60 mgd to be sustained for
12 hours (30mg), leaving a reserve operating volume of 10 MG for process variation.

Sluice gates control and direct the flow into the reservoirs. Each reservoir has baffle walls to
direct the flow from the Finished Water inlet structure to the pump suction wet well and to
improve the effective detention time of the reservoir for disinfection. The entire structure is
concrete. The floor and sloping walls are slab on grade that are 12-inches thick and wire-mesh
reinforced. The slab on grade includes a liner for protection against leakage. Columns and walls
are cast-in-place reinforced concrete, and the pre-cast concrete double tee roof structure has a
membrane cover for water proofing. The reservoirs operate in the elevation range of 1615 feet to
1635 feet.

The reservoirs are designed to allow each basin to be removed from service. The flow
arrangement permits reservoirs to be operated in series or parallel.

The selected reservoir type has reasonable annual costs and has been extensively used for water
storage in the City’s distribution system.


The pump station is a below ground cast-in-place concrete structure supported on a reinforced
concrete slab footing. Figure 15-4 shows the plan view of the Finished Water Pumping Station.
The bottom of the wet-well is 10 feet below the bottom grade of the Finished Water Reservoir so
that the reservoir can be emptied for maintenance purposes (see Figure 15-5). The pump gallery
is 31 feet below grade. The pumps are not enclosed in the preliminary design, but the station is
designed so that a cover may be added in the future.

The following combination of constant speed horizontal split case pumps are provided for the
High Pressure Finished Water Pumping Station:

• Phase I – Two pumps at 10 mgd, three pumps at 20 mgd and one pump at 40 mgd
• Phase II – Add two pumps at 40 mgd (currently spaces will be occupied by low
pressure pumps)

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With the largest pump out of service, the High Pressure Finished Water Pumping Station provides
80 mgd of firm pumping capacity for Phase I, and 160 mgd capacity for Phase II.

High pressure pumps are designated as follows:

• Finished Water Pump (FWP) 101* and FWP 102 (10 mgd, Phase I) – 700 hp each
• FWP 103, FWP 104 and FWP 105 (20 mgd, Phase I) – 1200 hp each
• FWP 106 (40 mgd, Phase I) – 2500 hp
• FWP 107 and FWP 108 (40 mgd, Phase II) – 2500 hp each
*Pump designations shown in the preliminary design drawings.

The Benchmark design proposes to install Low Pressure Finished Water Pumps in spaces reserved
for future high pressure pumps. Low Pressure Finished Water Pumps are constant speed
horizontal split case and not designed on the basis of firm capacity. If a low pressure pump is out
of service, the City has the option of increasing the transfer of flow from Zone 6 to the lower
pressure zones served by the Low Pressure Finished Water Pumps. The following pumps are

• Phase I – One pump at 10mgd, one pump at 21mgd.

This combination provides 31mgd of installed pump capacity. It is currently expected these
pumps will be replaced in a later phase of Plant development.

Low Pressure Finished Water Pumps are designated as follows:

• Low Pressure Finished Water Pump LPFWP 107 (10mgd) – 150hp

• Low Pressure Finished Water Pump LPFWP 108 (21mgd) – 300hp.

Each pump discharges flow through individual discharge pipes into one common 78-inch diameter
pipe that has capacity for the Phase II expansion. The pipe will initially be divided into a low
pressure side and a high pressure side. The high pressure side will connect through the Company
High Pressure Finished Water Transmission Line to a pipeline installed by others near the south
boundary of the site. The low pressure side currently terminates 10 feet outside of the FWPS
where the future Company Low Pressure Finished Water Transmission Line will connect. For the
ultimate capacity of 320 mgd, both 78-inch pipe lines are required.

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The specified pump combination allows high pressure flow in 10mgd increments between 10mgd
and 80mgd. Only limited flow options are available for the low pressure pumps (10mgd, 21mgd,
31mgd), but these pumps are expected to run continuously to supplement delivery of treated water
to Zone 4.

Constant speed pumps were recommended because the City currently plans to construct the Zone
6 reservoir prior to operation of Lake Pleasant WTP. If construction of this reservoir is delayed,
one or more variable speed pumps are recommended to help maintain Zone 6 pressures within
acceptable ranges.

The team recommended open finished water pumps to reduce construction costs.


The 78-inch PCCP Transmission Line leaves the Finished Water Pumping Station, crosses the 60-
foot wide gas line right-of-way, and parallels New River Road to the southern boundary of the
property, as shown on Figures 15-6 and 15-7. The length of the Transmission Line under the
landscaped berm was minimized in the event future excavation is needed.

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Section 16
Operations Building

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

The Operations Building houses operations, maintenance, and support functions. The Operations
Building will accommodate groups visiting the Plant at the invitation of the Phoenix Water
Services Department.

Facilities which are provided at the Operations Building include the following, as shown on
Figure 16-1:

• Lobby. A lobby area is provided where group tours can start. The lobby will be
decorated with pictures of the facility and other exhibits of general interest in the
water treatment process. The lobby is sized to comfortably accommodate up to
40 people.

• Operator Room. The Operator Room houses centralized Plant controls for remote
operation of much of the Plant’s equipment and monitoring of instrumentation
readings, equipment status, and alarm conditions. Security monitoring signals
and pictures are transmitted to the Operator Room.

• Conference Room. The conference room is sized and furnished for up to 20

people with a screen for video/slide projection.

• Multipurpose Room. The multipurpose room is sized and furnished for up to 40

people with a screen for video/slide projection. The room can be used for
presentations for group tours and for a variety of other purposes.

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• Library. The library houses and stores catalogs, plans, specifications, operations
manuals and other materials related to the Plant. The room may also be used for
storage of office and other supplies.

• Lunch Room. The lunch room is a separate area for Plant personnel use and
includes counters, cabinets, sinks, a refrigerator, and a microwave.

• Instrumentation Room. This room houses DCS equipment. The room has its
own climate controls.

• Electrical Room. This room houses electrical equipment servicing the building
and telephone and other communications lines and equipment.

• Operator’s Laboratory. The laboratory provides for daily and routine process
testing necessary to maintain and support operation of the water treatment plant.
Complex microbiological and chemical analyses are expected to be performed

• Men’s and Women’s Toilets/Locker Rooms. Men’s and Women’s Toilets and
Locker Rooms are provided. The men’s and women’s toilets are available as
restroom Facilities for Plant tours.

• Janitor’s Closet. Storage for janitorial supplies is provided.

• Maintenance Shops. Separate shops for repair and storage of instrumentation

and control equipment and for electrical equipment are provided.

• Lube Room. Storage for oils and lubricants is provided.

• Paint Storage. Storage for paints is provided.

• Hazardous Materials Storage, Compressed Gas Storage. Storage rooms for

hazardous materials (if required) and for compressed gases (if required) are

• Indoor Storage Area. Indoor storage for a variety of materials and equipment is

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• Outdoor Maneuvering Area. Outdoor storage is screened and walled from the
rest of the Plant Site.

The Operations Building has a pleasing appearance that blends into the natural desert landscape
of the site. More detailed discussion of the architectural design of the building is provided in
Section 17.

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Section 17
Architectural Design

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001


The color palette of the existing natural site consists of varying shades of warm earth tones in
horizontal layers against a cool backdrop provided by the sky. Vegetation provides accents of
varying low intensity greens. Forms of the existing context are predominantly composed of
horizontal forms producing various layers of density. The system of horizontal layering is
balanced by the sprinkling of vertical accents, provided by the cacti.

There are a variety of scales prevalent on the existing site. Horizontal elements are large-scale
elements that relate more to the site’s civil scale as well as the horizon and sky. Natural
vegetation provides a scale that is more associated to the human body. The site includes non-
geometric, asymmetrical topography and boundaries balanced with seemingly random placement
of natural vegetation accents.


Color, form, scale, and ordering are the essential principles that define the abstract properties of
the site. The architectural design is based on these properties. The color used for the architecture
is based on the site-defined palette. The walls are composed of concrete and concrete masonry
using colored aggregate to produce varying shades of the earth tones prevalent in the existing
site. The aluminum window frames and trim are anodized with a bronze tone to respect the same

The forms of the architecture relate to the existing site forms. The walls have separate layers of
horizontal elements. Each element has separate shades of color to produce a visual layering
effect. The breakdown of layering is produced by fenestration, articulation of protruding
canopies and changes in texture and color. The texture is provided with split-faced and fractured

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fin concrete masonry that is manufactured with colored aggregate as well as concrete placed in
forms with various form liners. The areas of the Operations Building are arranged in a non-
geometric pattern based on the local contours of the existing site topography.

The scales of the existing site are respected in the proposed architectural design. The process
buildings provide a large scale element that can be utilized to maintain the civic scale present on
the current site while the variations of the layering as well as the architectural treatment break
down the scale for human relationship. The landscaping approach also reinforces the existing
scale produced by the vegetation that will be protected and/or replanted.


The philosophy of the architectural design is driven by the preceding descriptions of the site and
architectural principles that relate to the site. The existing natural dessert is treated as an
invaluable asset to the City and the philosophy of the architectural design is to preserve that
asset. The architecture relates directly to the surroundings, recognizing that a new water Plant
will have a visual impact on the surroundings. This philosophy is a proactive approach to setting
an aesthetic standard that relates to the natural desert, as well as for the future developments.


The following codes and standards are used to determine minimum building standards:

• Uniform Building Code with amendments

• Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations
• Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)


Process buildings and the Operations Building are primarily constructed with concrete. Exterior
architecture is based on architectural concrete with masonry and natural stone accents. Exterior
glass is non-reflective and blends with desert colors.


The site analysis is made from the perspective of site lines existing from outside the site to inside
the site. A Landscape Inventory Plan following the City’s Landscape Inventory Plan Checklist
is used to identify existing features such as topography, washes, rock formations and plant
materials. The plan incorporates these existing features and utilizes site topography and existing
vegetation to minimize the impact of the development as viewed from outside the site (Figures
17-1 and 17-2). Development and improvements avoid as many native plants as possible,

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especially saguaro cacti. The predominant species of native plant on the site is Creosote Bush. A
variable-sized loose rock desert pavement further characterizes the site.


Native plant salvage goes beyond the minimum requirements of the City’s Landscape-
Conservation and Salvage Plan Checklist. Native plants are salvaged through boxing
methodology. Once boxed, these plants are moved into an on-site nursery and maintained with
proper watering and fertilization programs throughout construction. As soon as practical with
construction schedules, the boxed materials are replanted and connected to a permanent
irrigation system. All saguaro cacti requiring relocation which exceed 8 feet in height, especially
those with multiple arms, are relocated one time to an area outside the construction limits. Those
saguaro cacti that are 8 feet and less in height are moved into an on-site nursery for replanting
during the landscaping operation. All salvageable Ocotillo are bare rooted into boxes. This
methodology greatly increases the survival rate of salvaged Ocotillo for replanting. These boxed
Ocotillo are then planted as boxed material during installation, not bare rooted from the box back
into the ground.

All salvageable plants found on the site are salvaged and re-used on the site. The requirements of
the City’s Landscape-Conservation and Salvage Checklist pertaining to the replacement of
protected material that dies or is damaged before, during or after completion of the salvage
operation are met. Boxed plants are replanted within one year after salvage.


This project is intended to impact the desert as little as possible. To ensure disturbed areas are
blended with undisturbed areas, the loose rock “desert pavement” indigenous to the site is
replicated in all disturbed areas receiving revegetation plantings. This is achieved through the
collection, stockpiling and redistribution of existing, native “desert pavement”. The top 12
inches of native topsoil from developed areas is collected and placed in a staging area for future
use. This stockpiled material is not used in trench back filling, foundation back filling or any
other fill. Most importantly, the stockpiled material is not contaminated with construction debris
such as ABC, concrete, sand or other refuse.

This stockpiled material is run through a series of screens to produce several discrete piles of
different sized materials that match those found on the undisturbed desert floor. These screened
materials are then hand-distributed in all revegetated areas in patterns that replicate densities and
gradients found occurring naturally in undisturbed areas of the site. Hydroseeded areas have this

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“desert pavement” placed prior to the seeding operation. The use of commercial decomposed
granite is limited to areas of “enhanced” plantings only and is ½” minus “Madison Gold”.


The development concept minimizes the disturbance of the site (Figure 17-1). All possible
native terrain is left undisturbed, including the 200-foot setback, unless berms for screening are
necessary. Key site-planning elements are:

• The Operations Building is located so that upon entering the site, visitors are
immediately oriented and understand that this building is their destination.
Attention is given to the vehicular circulation for arriving visitors, as well as for
the facility. The entry drive meanders to the Operations Building visitor parking
area. Hardscape and landscape elements are used along the entry drive to frame
views of the more desirable parts of the development, especially the Operations
Building. The entry drive terminates with a large radial with an enhanced
landscaped island in the center. Larger grade “desert pavement” embedded in
concrete provides visitors with an additional sense of arrival. A separate service
entrance segregates the visitor area from the service areas and has an automated,
rolling type gate.

The site has an entry feature that provides an inviting feeling, not one of security.
Although the entry feature has an automated, rolling-type gate, the gate will
remain open during normal business hours. Another automated, rolling type
gated entry is provided beyond the visitor parking area. This secured entrance
will remain closed at all times and utilizes block masonry and wrought iron
fencing in its design. By locating the actual, full-time secured entrance to the site
beyond the Operations Building, visitors will not feel that they have entered a

• APS will require access to the proposed substation which was located near the
Electrical Building north of the Finished Water Reservoirs. APS prefers a
separate gate and entrance to their substations. In the Benchmark design, APS
will use Plant access roads provided. Lock boxes accessible at all times to APS
personnel are located near entry gates.

• The site is fully enclosed with an eight-foot high combination wrought iron fence
and solid masonry wall. This barrier ties ni to the gated entry feature thus securing

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the entrance to the site after hours. The barrier is designed to segregate as much of
the site development from the natural gas pipeline easement as possible. This
allows the pipeline to be serviced without accessing the development. The barrier
is placed behind berms designed for screening. This reduces the visual impact of
the barrier and the length of barrier needed to secure the perimeter. The
horizontal layout of the barrier is irregular, not linear and is located outside of the
200’ setback to allow for the creation of future berms if necessary.

• Since the site must be developed with as little disturbance as possible, placement
of excavated materials for berming is selective and utilized only when necessary
to provide additional screening from roads and surrounding properties with
potential residential development. Placing excavation around the entire perimeter
would destroy unnecessarily large amounts of existing vegetation and would give
the appearance of a landfill. Selective and artistic placement of berms is more
compatible with residential and commercial development. Berms are naturalistic
in appearance and avoid the “burial mound” look. They meander and embrace
one another. Openings between berms, when they occur, are punctuated with
solid masonry walls. If the berms occur in natural areas, they are revegetated and
receive “desert pavement” top dressing. No trees or large cacti are silhouetted
against the horizon by being placed on the top of the berm. Large plantings are
placed on the military crest of berms. No berms are placed on top of the natural
gas easement.


The landscaping approach minimizes landscape maintenance and utilizes plants with low water
requirements. The salvage and replanting of on-site native species goes far to achieve these
goals. The City’s Landscape Plan Checklist and Landscape-Supplement Checklist stipulations
on parking lot, right-of-way, planting plan and irrigation plan design and requirements are met.

The landscape plan meets the following objectives:

• All transitions between disturbed areas and undisturbed areas are hand graded.
• Landscape forms and materials that will give the site a natural appearance are
• Planting materials for revegetation that are naturally found in undisturbed areas of
the site are used. Revegetation of all disturbed areas is done with plantings at
densities similar to those occurring naturally on the site (1 plant per 20 square feet

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minimum) using 1 gallon, 5 gallon and 15 gallon plants. The plan also includes,
at a minimum, one (1) 24” box or larger Creosote bush per 400 square foot of
disturbed, revegetated area.
• Revegetation plants are blended with the existing plants along the limit of
disturbance to ensure a seamless transition. The plan avoids delineating the limit
of disturbance line with a noticeable row of plantings.
• All erosion prone areas are stabilized using “desert pavement” in the form of
• Trees are used to frame views and soften building facades where applicable.
• Enhanced, and desert specimen plants are used around the Operations Building.
• Disturbed areas are hydroseeded in addition to receiving supplemental
revegetation plantings.
• Hydroseed mixture has a tackifier admixture to ensure seed is properly held to
surface of soil to allow germination.
• Future development areas that are used as staging areas are cleaned of
construction debris, graded and hydroseeded at the completion of the project.
• All plants are watered by an automatic drip irrigation system.
• Boulders are surface select granite hand picked to match the color of the rock
occurring naturally in the area. All boulders are buried at a depth equivalent to
1/3 of the height of the rock for a more natural appearance
• Trees are a minimum of 5 (five) feet from the back of curbs as measured from the
back of the curb to the trunk of the tree. Trees having a large mature canopy have
greater setbacks.
• Shrubs are setback from the curb a distance of 3 (three) feet as measured to the
dripline of the shrub at its mature size.
• No turf areas are provided.
• All exposed rock cut slopes are treated with Eonite or equivalent to stain exposed
cut to a color that closely matches it surroundings.

The landscape palette uses plants that naturally occur on the site with the exception of those
enhanced plantings, which are non-indigenous, but drought tolerant. No species of tree or shrub
whose mature height may reasonably be expected to exceed 20 feet, with the exception of those
found naturally occurring on the site, are used. Only indigenous plants are used in the
revegetated areas. Table 17-1 shows the master landscape palette. The revegetation seed mix
palette uses plants that naturally occur on the site as shown in Table 17-2.

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Table 17-1
Master Landscape Palette

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

Botanical Name Common Name H' x W'

Cercidium floridum Blue Palo Verde 30’x30'
Cercidium microphylla Foothill Palo Verde 30' x 30'
Prosopis velutina Native Mesquite 30' x 30'
Pithecellobium flexicaule Texas Ebony 15' x 15'
Larrea tridentata Creosote Bush 5' x 5'
Simmondsia chinensis Jojoba 4' x 4'
Dalea pulchra Pea Bush 4' x 4'
Dalea bicolor Monterrey Blue 4' x 4'
Hyptis emoryi Desert Lavender 5' x 5'
Justica californica Chuparosa 3' x 4'
Justica ovata Red Justica 3' x 4'
Dasylirion wheeleri Grey Desert Spoon 3'x3'
Leucophyllum zygophyllum "Cimmaron" Sage 3'x3'
Leucophyllum candidum "Thundercloud" sage 5'x5'
Leucophyllum frutescens “Greencloud” sage 6’x6’
Nolina microcarpa Bear Grass 4'x4'
Eromophila species Valentine 5'x5'
Salvia leucantha Mexican Sage 3' x 4'
Acacia greggii Catclaw Acacia 12'x12'
Ephedra viridis Mormon Tea 5'x5'
Calliandra eriophylla Fairy Duster 4'x4'
Salvia clevelandii Chaparral Sage 3' x 3'
Salvia chamaeryoides Mexican Blue Sage 1' x 2'
Viguiera deltoidea Golden Eye 3' x 3'
Psilistrophe cooperi Paper Flower 1' x 2'
Sphaeralcea ambigua Globe Mallow 3' x 3'
Ambrosia deltoides Triangle Bursage 3' x 3'
Baileya multiradiata Desert Marigold 1' x 1'
Verbena goodingii Prairie Verbena 1' x 2'

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Table 17-1
Master Landscape Palette

Botanical Name Common Name H' x W'

Verbena rigida Sandpaper Verbena 1' x 2'
Asclepias subulata Desert Milkweed 3' x 2'
Salvia greggii Red Autumn Sage 3' x 3'
Opuntia englemannii Native Prickly Pear 4' x 5'
Opuntia aganthocappa Buckhorn Cholla 4' x 4'
Ferocactus wislizennii Native Barrel 4' x 2'
Echinocactus englemannii Hedge Hog 1' x 2'
Agave weberi Blue Agave 3' x 4'
Agave desmentiana Red Tip Agave 3' x 4'

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Table 17-2
Master Revegetation Seed Mix

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

Botanical Name Common Name

Acacia greggii Catclaw Acacia
Ambrosia deltoidea Bursage
Aritida glabra Desert Three Awn
Baileya multiradiata Desert Marigold
Babbia juncea Sweet Shrub
Celtis pallida Desert Hackberry
Cercidium floridum Blue Palo Verde
Cercidium microphylum Foothills Palo Verde
Dyssodia pentachaeta Golden Dyssodia
Ephedra trifurca Mormon Tea
Eschscholtzia mexicana Mexican Poppy
Kallstroemia grandiflora Arizona Poppy
Larrea tridentata Creosote Bush
Lepidium campestre Pepper Grass
Lotus rigidus Deer Vetch
Lupinus sparsiflorus Desert Lupine
Lycium exsertum Thornbush
Oenothera deltoides Birdcage Primrose
Orthocarpus purpurascens Owl Clover
Penstamon eatonii Firecracker Penstemon
Penstemon parryi Parry Penstemon
Penstemon pseudospectabilis Canyon Penstemon
Phacelia campanularia Desert Bluebells
Phacelia crenulata Scalloped Phacelia
Plantago insularis Indian Wheat
Prosopis velutina Velvet Mesquite
Psilostrophe cooperi Paperflower
Salvia columbariae Chia

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Table 17-2
Master Revegetation Seed Mix Palette

Botanical Name Common Name

Senecio douglasii Threadleaf Groundsel
Simmondsia chinensis Jojoba
Sphaeralcea ambigua Desert Mallow
Tridens pulchellus Fluffgrass
Trixus californica Trixis
Verbena goodingii Goodding's Verbena
Zizyphus obtusifolia Gray Thorn

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To continue the City’s goal of minimizing maintenance, the irrigation system uses rigid PVC
pipe with multi-port emitters with specific zones to segregate revegetation plants, boxed
material, trees, enhanced color and replanted saguaro cacti. The revegetation plants are
separated on the system so those valves can be turned off once the plants have become
established. Nursery trees and boxed salvage material are separated on the system to ensure the
water supply is continued in perpetuity. The enhanced color must be separated on the system to
ensure the water supply is also continued in perpetuity. Replanted saguaro cacti are also
separated on the system to enable discreet control of water days and duration until they become
established. The irrigation plan meets the following objectives:

• All sleeves extend at least 12” beyond structures with a minimum of 4”-6” from
the end of all sleeves to the first fitting. All sleeves are 24” below grade.
• All irrigation mainlines and laterals are PVC CL 200.
• All valve boxes are at grade in planting areas.
• Emitter points are on uphill side of plants on sloped planting areas.
• All drip tubes are cut 1” above grade.
• All plants that require more than one drip emitter have emitters distributed evenly
around the edge of the rootball.
• Only drip irrigation is used.
• All irrigation runoff is directed away from sidewalks and curbs.
• All drip systems are cleaned through flush end caps that are located in 10” round
economy boxes.

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Section 18
Mechanical (HVAC) Design

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

This section of the report outlines the basis of design for heating, ventilating and air conditioning
(HVAC), plumbing and fire protection systems for the LPWTP, and addresses:

• Applicable codes and standards

• Design criteria
• General Ventilation Requirements
• Basic Heating and Cooling System Types and Operation
• Plumbing Systems
• Fire Protection Systems


The following standards and recommended practices govern the design, construction,
installation, inspection and testing of mechanical systems.

• City of Phoenix Uniform Building Code (Adopted by Ordinance G-3967) based

on the 1997 Edition of the Uniform Building Code
• Uniform Mechanical Code, 1994 with any applicable modifications by the city of
Phoenix Mechanical Construction Code, Ordinance No. G-3906
• ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals
• City of Phoenix 1994 Uniform Plumbing Code, Ordinance G-4024
• Uniform Fire Protection Code including applicable provisions of the City of
Phoenix Fire Codes

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• Other Applicable Local County or City Codes (e.g., Peoria) which may be more
• Applicable ADA and other Accessibility requirements


18.3.1 Outdoor Temperatures

The HVAC systems are designed to the outdoor air temperatures as shown in Table 18-1.

18.3.2 Interior Temperatures

Systems are sized to maintain the temperatures (and relative humidities in air conditioned
spaces) as shown in Table 18-2.


The following quantities are provided:

• Outdoor Air (OA):

? Personnel (shop, office, other regularly occupied) Areas: 15 CFM (Cubic
Feet per Minute) per occupant
? Non-hazardous equipment areas: NR (No Requirement). Evaporative
cooled areas require 100% OA
? Electrical Rooms: NR
? Toilets, Lockers, Showers: 4 ACH (Air Changes per Hour)
? Laboratories: 10 to 12 ACH
? Chlorine and Chlorination: 6 ACH normal, >=20 ACH emergency
? Chemical Feed and Storage: Varies or not prescribed. Recommend 1

• Total Supply Air:

? Personnel (shop, office, other regularly occupied) Areas: as required for
? Non-hazardous equipment areas: NR (No Requirement). Evaporatively
cooled areas typically require in excess of 20 ACH. Ambient cooled areas
typically require in excess of 12 ACH.
? Electrical Rooms: as required for cooling
? Toilets, Lockers, Showers: 4 ACH (Air Changes per Hour) minimum.

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Table 18-1
Outdoor Temperatures

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

Dry Bulb Wet Bulb

Winter 310 F
Summer 1100 F 710 F

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Table 18-2
Interior Temperatures

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

Dry Bulb Relative Humidity

Space Usage
Summer Winter Summer Winter
Offices 76°F 70°F 55% -- (*)
Laboratory 76°F 70°F 55% -- (*)
Control Rooms 78°F 70°F 55% -- (*)
Electrical Rooms
Mechanical Cooling 85°F 65°F 65%
Ambient Cooling OA+10°F 55°F
Process Areas
Evaporative Cooling WB+ 20°F 55°F 70%
Ambient Cooling OA+ 15°F 55°F

( )
* Humidification systems are not planned at this time. Humidification
in the Laboratory may be dictated by Lab equipment environmental

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? Laboratories: 10 to 12 ACH to meet OA requirements. More if fume
hood CFM is greater than 12 ACH.
? Chlorine and Chlorination: 6 ACH normal, >=20 ACH emergency
? Chemical Feed and Storage: Varies or not specifically prescribed.
Recommend 1 CFM/SF or 6 ACH to match OA and more if cooling of
area is crucial to chemical safety or efficacy


18.5.1 Heating
• Process heating loads (carbon furnaces) are served by natural gas.
• Electric unit heaters provide space heating in hazardous or corrosive areas.
• Heating in personnel areas is electric or gas-fired.

18.5.2 Cooling
• Personnel areas are cooled using electric driven, direct expansion systems.

• Electrical rooms are cooled using electric driven, direct expansion systems.
Where there are significant installations of computer based equipment such as
servers, PLCs, etc., or VFDs, computer room cooling units are provided.

• Process areas containing equipment with high heat gains, e.g., pump rooms, or
areas requiring reduced ambient for safety are evaporatively cooled.

• Back up (redundant) cooling units are provided for areas that must continue to
operate under all ambient conditions.

Table 18-3 shows a list of the cooling system types applied for the spaces in the Benchmark


HVAC systems are designed in accordance with applicable codes and compliance with
applicable provisions of regulatory agencies. Systems provide offices, control rooms, lavatories,
locker rooms, laboratory, visitor and shop areas with separately zoned, thermostatically
controlled heating and cooling.

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Table 18-3
Building Space Cooling System

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

Cooling Type Back up? Duct Type

Operations Center
Lobby/Operator Mechanical No Stl
Conference/Multipurpose Mechanical No Stl
Lunch Room Mechanical No Stl
Instrumentation Mechanical No Stl
Electrical Room Mechanical No Stl
Laboratory Mechanical No Corrosion Resistant
Toilets Mechanical No Stl
Showers Mechanical No Stl
I & C Shop Mechanical No Stl
Electrical Shop Mechanical No Stl
Hazardous Storage Evaporative No Corrosion Resistant
Raw Water Pumping Station
Electrical Room Mechanical Yes Stl
Pump Operating Floor (outside) -- -- --
Floc/Sed and Filter
Blower Evaporative Yes Al
Electrical Mechanical Yes Stl
Galleries Evaporative No Al
Carbon Building
Offices/Control Room Mechanical No Stl
Lunchroom Mechanical No Stl
Pipe Galleries Evaporative No Al
Furnaces Rooms Evaporative Yes Al
Boiler Room Evaporative Yes Al
Carbon Storage Evaporative No Al
Filtered Water Well -- --

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Table 18-3
Building Space Cooling System

Cooling Type Back up? Duct Type

Finished Water Pumping Station
Electrical Room Mechanical Yes Stl
Pump Operating Floor (outside) -- -- --
Sludge Thickening
Thickened Sludge Pump Room Evaporative Yes Al
Chemical Storage Evaporative Yes Al
Scrubber Room Evaporative No Al
Solids Dewatering Building
Lower Area Evaporative No Al
Upper Area Evaporative No Al
Chlorination Building
Bulk Storage 1 and 2 Evaporative Yes Corrosion Resistant
Chlorinators Evaporative Yes Corrosion Resistant
Electrical Room Mechanical Yes Stl
Chemical Feed and Storage Building
Electrical Room Mechanical Yes Stl
HVAC Room If enclosed: If enclosed: Corrosion Resistant
ClO2 Evaporative Yes Corrosion Resistant
NaOCl2 Evaporative Yes Corrosion Resistant
H2SiF6 Evaporative Yes Corrosion Resistant
H2SO4 Evaporative Yes Corrosion Resistant
Coagulant Aid Evaporative Yes Corrosion Resistant
FeCl3 Evaporative Yes Corrosion Resistant
NaOH Evaporative Yes Corrosion Resistant
Electrical Building
Electrical Room Mechanical Yes Stl
Storage Evaporative No Al

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Critical HVAC functions including cooling fans statuses, cooling failure alarms, space high
temperature alarms and low temperature alarms, HVAC smoke detectors smoke and trouble
alarms in accordance with ASHRAE standards, etc., are monitored and connected to the central
fire panel, SCADA system or both.


Plumbing for the new Facilities consist of storm drainage, sanitary drainage, water supply and
plumbing fixtures.

• Storm drainage consists of roof drains and cast iron collector piping which
discharge to grade or to the underground stormwater system, as required by the

• Sanitary drainage consists of cast iron drain and vent piping for Toilet Room
plumbing fixtures and floor drains, which are connected to the sanitary sewer and
special sanitary waste pumping station. Chemical area drainage is in compliance
with City, Code and Regulatory specifications that require special sumps and
drainage provisions.

• Water supply consists of copper pipe, fittings and valves connected to the site
water main. All equipment connections are through back flow preventors or
break tanks as required by applicable codes and regulations.

• Plumbing fixtures are vitreous china and ADA compliant. The water closets are
low consumption, floor mounted tank-type units. Electric water heaters provide
hot water for isolated toilet Facilities. Hot water for personnel areas, labs, etc., is
provided by natural gas fired water heaters.

• Barrier free combination emergency shower-eyewash (safety station) units are

provided near all chemical storage and chemical handling areas, including
laboratories. Provision is made to temper or cool the water used by safety


• Fire water and suppression systems sized and designed based on the materials and
design of the Plant structures and meeting the local agency and code requirements
are provided. These systems are separate from other water supply systems and

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are fed directly from the Finished Water Reservoirs through utility water and/or
dedicated fire water supply pumps.

• Plant access for fire fighting and the number and location of fire hydrants comply
with the requirements of the jurisdiction having authority.

• All fire flow and tamper switches are wired back to a central fire alarm panel.

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Section 19
Electrical Design

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001


The Facilities’ electrical system design ensures a reliable installation suitable for operation by
on-site Plant Personnel. Power distribution systems (including Utility and on-site generation) are
redundant. Switchgear and Motor Control Centers have Main-Tie-Main service arrangements.

The overall electrical distribution system will serve the current Phase I and future Phase II
expansion. The present design does not incorporate the future Phase III and Phase IV expansions
since they are expected to occur over 30 years from now. At that time, the Phase I and II system
will near the end of its useful life and it is anticipated that a complete rehabilitation of the
electrical distribution system will be done in the Phase III expansion.

See Figure 19-1 for the electrical distribution system for the RWPS. See Figures 19-2 and 19-3
for the electrical distribution system proposed for the Plant.


The electrical system complies with the applicable provisions of the Phoenix and National
Electrical Codes. The design is in accordance with the IEEE/ANSI Recommended Practice’s
#141 Electrical Power Distribution for Industrial Plants, #142 Grounding of Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems and #446 Emergency and Standby Power Systems for Industrial and
Commercial Applications.

Electrical equipment will be manufactured and tested in accordance with the standards and
recommended practices of the IEEE, ANSI and NEMA. Where applicable the electrical
equipment will be “labeled” to indicate compliance with Underwriters Laboratories (UL)

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Two independent utility distribution lines provide medium voltage services at the RWPS and at
the WTP service locations. The RWPS will receive two services from Arizona Public Service
(APS) at 12.47 KV. The WTP will receive two services from APS at 69 KV.

Standby engine driven generators (see Figures 19-4 and 19-5) are provided at the WTP to supply
power to selected Finished Water Pumps and essential Plant loads during those periods when the
APS services are lost.


Diesel fueled engine driven generators at the FWPS are sized to accommodate the three (3)
largest finished water pumps and essential Plant loads. These units are designed to provide
power at 4160Y, 2400 volt and are resistor grounded to limit the available ground fault current.
Isolated single generator installations are low voltage 480Y, 277 volt, 60 Hz type and are solidly

The units start automatically when both APS services to the building are lost. Generators
automatically parallel and share the load. Return to the APS source will be manual to minimize
the interruption to the WTP.

Engines in multiple generator installations are equipped with compressed air starting systems.
Isolated installations are battery started. All engines have critical grade level silencers on the


The 15 kV and the 5 kV medium voltage (MV) switchgear are in compliance with ANSI
Standard C-37. Switchgear is circuit breaker type of the metal clad design where power bus,
metering/control and cable compartments are isolated from each other by metal barriers. Hinged
doors are provided for rear cable compartment access.

Breakers are vacuum interrupter type of the horizontal draw-out design. All busses are copper
and insulated. Provision was made for future extension of the main bus. All main and feeder
metering is of the microprocessor type.

The 15 kV switchgear and the 5 kV switchgear are of the service entrance type. Service entrance
switchgear has station battery support for the lights, trips and microprocessors. Additionally the

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5 kV standby switchgear located in the electrical building includes equipment for automatic
paralleling of the engine driven generators.


Pad mounted transformers are utilized for those applications where the secondary voltage is 480
volts. A load interrupter switch with a current limiting fuse is the high voltage termination. The
low voltage terminations are low voltage circuit breakers.

All pad mounted transformers are outdoor type, compartmentalized, liquid filled and self cooled.
Transformers are tamper resistant and water resistant. The enclosure is suitable for the outdoor
environment and protects untrained persons from contacting live parts.

Transformers are rated at 55 degrees C temperature rise, with provision for an additional 12
percent capacity if operated at 65 degrees C temperature rise without loss of life. Transformers
have copper windings and are of the two winding (isolated) type. HV winding taps are supplied
to adjust for utility voltage conditions.


The 480 volt AC low voltage (LV) switchgear is constructed in compliance with ANSI Standard
C-37. Switchgear is circuit breaker type of the metal enclosed design where power bus, breaker
and cable compartments are isolated from each other by metal barriers. Each vertical structure is
isolated from the adjacent structure with a full height metal barrier. Hinged doors are provided
for rear cable compartment access.

The low voltage switchgear is service entrance rated in accordance with ANSI C37.20, NEMA
SG and UL Standards. The low voltage switchgear consists of metal enclosed switchgear
structures that house a stack of low voltage power air circuit breakers, associated metering and
devices. The main and vertical bus are copper bars. All bus work is braced to withstand a
minimum of 65,000 rms amperes symmetrical. Uninsulated copper grounding bus with cable
lugs are located in the bottom of the structure.

Each breaker is of the draw out type and is equipped with a digital solid state trip unit. The trip
unit provides short circuit, overload and ground fault protection as well as communication
capabilities. Breakers that control transfer or isolation of load are electrically operated.

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Electric motors for fans, pumps and process equipment are energy efficient and capable of high
power factor operation. Motors are designed to have suitable output torque and speed
characteristics to operate continuously over the entire load range of the driven equipment without
loading motor in excess of nameplate rating.

In general, motors over 400 HP output are three (3) phase and supplied from the 4160 volt
distribution system. Motors ½ HP to 400 HP are three (3) phase and supplied from the 480 volt
distribution system. Motors under ½ HP output are single phase and supplied from the 208 Y
120 volt system.

Induction motors are NEMA Design B. Motor insulation is Class F moisture resistant type.
Motor rating is based on Class B insulation temperature rise. Motors are totally enclosed fan
cooled (TEFC).

Induction Motors of ½ HP or larger are squirrel cage design and suitable for 3-phase, 60-Hertz,
460 volts operation. Motors smaller than ½ HP are designed for single-phase, 115 volts, 60-
Hertz operation. Motors rated 75 HP and above, not served by an Adjustable Frequency Drive
(AFD), have power correction capacitors. Capacitors are sized for 100 percent power factor
correction at no load. Motors operated through an AFD are rated for such service.

Motors furnished with a 1.0 service factor have been selected with at least 15 percent greater
capacity than required to drive the load.

Motors in non-conditioned spaces and corrosive areas are mill and chemical duty motors. Motor
windings are copper and frames and end bells are cast iron.


Low voltage motor control centers (MCCs) are provided to serve 3-Phase loads from the 480-
volt distribution system. They consist of combination NEMA rated starters and individual motor
circuit protectors, controls and instrumentation, when serving motor loads. The minimum starter
size is NEMA 1. They serve package loads or panelboards from individual thermal magnetic
circuit breakers.

MCCs are constructed in accordance with NEMA ICS-3-1 and UL 845 Standards. Each motor
control center also has a UL label for the entire structure and for each vertical section. The

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construction consists of totally enclosed, dead front, rigid, NEMA 12, self-supporting and
freestanding structures.

The main, vertical and ground buses are copper bars rated and sized as required. All bus work is
suitably braced against a fault current of 65,000 amps symmetrical.

The motor control center wiring is NEMA Class II, Type B. Control power is 120 volt to ground
derived from control power transformers in each starter.

Vertical busses are covered by shutters when the buckets are removed. The bucket is prevented
from installation or removal whenever the disconnecting device is in the ON position.

Where motors rated at greater than 10 percent of the supply transformer rating are applied,
reduced voltage starters of the solid state or autotransformer design are used. Circuit breakers
are 3-pole heavy-duty industrial type, e-frame minimum, with an interrupting rating of 65,000
rms symmetrical amperes at 480 volts ac.


All 5 kV medium voltage (MV) motor starters consist of metal enclosed dead front freestanding
NEMA 12 enclosures designed for operation on a 4.16 kV three (3) phase 60 Hz Distribution
system. Medium and low voltage equipment is located in separate compartments with barriers
isolating them from each other. Access to the MV compartment is prevented unless the voltage
has been removed and the MV equipment grounded. MV starters meet ANSI C-37, NEMA
ICS3 and UL 347.

Multiple MV starters, grouped into assemblies, have a horizontal main bus connecting adjacent
enclosures and vertical bus connecting adjacent starters in the same enclosure. All busses and
details are silver plated copper bars.

MV motor controllers are protected with current limiting fuses and disconnects. Disconnect
switches are load break or of the type that disconnect the load before they may be opened. The
contactor is the vacuum type. The contactor/current limiting fuse combination protects the
contactor from opening currents in excess of its rating. The assembly carries a rating equal to the
maximum short circuit available from the supply source.

All MV starters are solid state reduced voltage that by-pass the solid state power components
with a contactor once the motor is up to speed. Failure of the by-pass contactor to close when

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the motor has come up to speed shuts down the motor. A microprocessor provides the control
logic for the power electronics.

Motor monitoring and protection is furnished by microprocessor-based solid-state devices.

Control power is supplied by instrument transformers at 120 volts. All door mounted (user
accessible) controls operate at 120 volts or less.


Primary substation transformers are utilized for those applications where the secondary voltage is
4.16kV. They are outdoor type, liquid filled and self cooled. A metal enclosed load interrupter
switch with a current limiting fuse provides the high voltage termination. Low voltage
terminations are wall mounted spade lugs.

Transformers are rated at 55 degree C temperature rise with provision for an additional 12
percent capacity, if operated at 65 degrees C temperature rise without loss of life. Transformers
have copper windings and are of the two winding (isolated) type. HV winding taps are supplied
to adjust for APS voltage conditions.


Exposed conduit in non-corrosive areas is galvanized rigid steel heavywall conduit. Exposed
raceways in corrosive areas are PVC coated galvanized rigid steel heavywall conduits.
Raceways above suspended ceilings, or in partition walls of the Administration Building are
EMT type steel conduits. Underground raceways are encased in concrete and are Schedule 40
PVC type. Flexible liquid tight metallic conduit is used only in short lengths for final connection
to equipment subject to vibration or adjustment (motors, transformers, etc.). All fittings are of
similar material as the raceway.

Minimum conduit size is ¾ inch except for underground where the minimum size is 2 inches.

Boxes are cast metal with gasketed covers and threaded hubs. Boxes in areas with full time
conditioned air supplies are common pressed steel type. Conduit bodies may be used for all
raceways under 2 inches where there are no splices.

All 600 volts wire for power, control, grounding and lighting conductors are copper conductor.
All wires are stranded except Solid No. 12 and No. 10 AWG is used in lighting fixture and
convenience outlet wiring.

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The minimum size of conductor for power and lighting is No. 12 AWG. All control wiring
external to panels is No. 14. Insulation for 600 volt copper conductors is cross-linked
polyethylene compound, type RHW-RHH-USE for wire size No. 8 AWG and larger or XHHW
for wire size Nos. 14, 12 and 10 AWG.

All medium voltage cable is 1/c copper type with insulation rated at 15 kV and of the shielded
and jacketed type. Insulation is EPR type applied at the 133 percent level. Cable termination at
equipment is stress cone type. Cables are designed for a maximum copper temperature at full
load that will not exceed the “normal” condition designation of the applicable IPCEA Standard.

Site distribution is underground in duct banks consisting of multiple raceways separated and
surrounded by reinforced concrete. Manholes are located at pulling and junction points as
required by allowable pulling tensions on cable conductors and jackets. In any duct bank, one
empty raceway is run for each raceway filled with medium voltage cable. Raceways for medium
voltage cables are sloped to drain away from buildings.

Two-conductor and multi-pair twisted and shielded cables for instrumentation are AWG No. 16
stranded, 600 volt insulated copper wire. Conductor insulation is polyethylene with metalized
tape and tinned copper drain wire. Cable outer jacketing is polyvinyl chloride.

The grounding system is provided in accordance with NEC and applicable ANSI and IEEE
Standards. A ground conductor is run in all conduits. All wiring for the power system is color
coded to permit rapid identification.


The main indoor lighting consists of fluorescent and metal halide (HID) lighting fixtures. HID
lamps are installed in high ceiling areas (12 foot clear and over), when frequent switching is not
required. Indoor HID fixtures are served at 277 volts. All fluorescent fixtures are equipped with
low distortion energy-efficient ballasts and lamps.

Emergency lights are installed to permit safe worker egress from the building upon loss of
normal power. Battery equipped exit signs are provided. In indoor areas where HID lights are
used for emergency fixtures, they are equipped with a quartz auxiliary lamp to supply
illumination during arc strike or re-strike time.

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Lighting controls are provided in all areas, indoor and outdoor. Small indoor spaces have
individual switches, indoor HID has local controls and outdoor HID has photocell controls. In
large unsecured areas that are normally unoccupied, security lighting is provided.

Outdoor lighting is high pressure sodium type and is located over access doors to enhance
security and on exterior walls to light adjacent areas and walks. Pole mounted fixtures illuminate
streets and remote areas. Lighting provides the levels of illumination as shown in Table 19-1.

Panelboards are provided to supply branch circuits for lighting, small 3-phase package loads,
power and convenience outlets and small miscellaneous single and three phase loads. 480Y277
volt panels serve HID lighting at 277 volts. Three phase motors for package loads are served at
480 volts. 208Y120 volt panels serve fluorescent lights, small power and process loads and
convenience outlets. 240/120 volt panels serve laboratory areas with small single phase loads.

In general, panelboards have copper bus and incorporate heavy duty industrial type bolt-in e-
frame minimum circuit breakers. Enclosures are NEMA 12 in all areas except those with full
time conditioned and filtered air supplies, where NEMA 1 enclosures are used, or in corrosive
environments where either Hot Dipped Galvanized after fabrication or stainless steel executions
of NEMA 12 enclosures are required.


Small dry-type distribution transformers supply the 480Y277, 208Y120 and 240/120 volt
separately derived systems. They are fed from the 480 volt distribution system and serve loads
at utilization voltages. They are copper conductor, two winding type. They are insulated with
220 degree C material and achieve the rated output at a temperature rise of 115 degrees C. They
have voltage-adjusting taps on the primary windings.

Telephones are provided at all operator stations through-out the complex. In addition, they are
provided at all PLC controlled machine locations. All wiring is Cat. 5.

Intrusion alarms are installed at all building and site access points. Critical locations are
monitored with video cameras and monitors. Both systems report to a central control and
reporting location in the Operations Building.

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Table 19-1
Lighting Illumination Levels

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

Location Footcandles
Blower Room 30
Chemical Room 20
Control Room 75
Corridors 10
Electrical Room 50
Garage (maintenance) 50
Laboratory 75
Lobby 30
Locker Room 20
Lunch Room 50
Machine Shop 50
Mechanical Room 30
Offices 70
Pump Room 30
Process Equipment Areas 30
Filter Area 20
Stairs 10
Toilets 20
Tunnels, Galleries 10
Parking Lots 5
Tankage 5
Site Roadways 1
Walkways 0.5

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Section 20
Instrumentation and Control

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001


The design provides an easy to use, reliable and maintainable Instrumentation and Control (I&C)
System at the treatment Plant for effective monitoring and control of all treatment operations.
The I&C system is configured to include the necessary process monitoring and control, including
system redundancy, to continuously meet the LPWTP performance criteria.

The I&C system employs a Distributed Control System (DCS) concept, using computer
workstations to monitor, store, display and archive operating information and alarms, generate
reports and perform various process control functions. Configuration of the system maximizes
the efficiency of treatment Plant operations to support the staffing and operations plan.

The I&C system is compatible with the City’s design and operations standards, including:

• A central control room and area control rooms at key locations throughout the
Plant and at the RWPS.
• Minimal use of local control panels as practiced at other City-owned Plants.
• A Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) compatible with the
City’s utility-wide system.
• A web-based Information Access System (IAS) maintained at the Plant.
• A connection to the City’s Wide Area Network (WAN).
• Transmission of real time information to the City’s existing SCADA system.


The control system architecture is distributed. Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) located
throughout the Plant perform the monitoring and control functions. All field input and output

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signals are connected to the PLCs. The PLCs are connected to each other and to the PC-based
operator workstations using local area network (LAN) connections within the Plant. The PC
workstations have Human Machine Interface (HMI) software applications.

The control system utilizes open system architecture. An open system is industry standard
hardware that allows components supplied by multiple vendors to be used in future additions or
expansions, and industry standard software that runs on the Microsoft Windows NT platform.

All administrative network (PC workstation to workstation and servers) LAN topology are based
on Windows NT running over TCP/IP Ethernet. Ethernet provides system uniformity.


The I&C system includes all necessary field instrumentation, panel instrumentation and DCS
equipment and software to allow effective manual and automatic facility control and monitoring

• Minimal but sufficient local manual control, indication and alarming to allow safe
operation of the equipment and to keep the Plant running in the event of a PLC or
DCS failure. To improve the efficiency or effectiveness of manual operation,
additional controls in the form of local control panels, local controllers, etc., are
not added to the local hard-wired control systems. Prime operation is through the
distributed I&C system.

• “Smart” type local to allow the use of portable calibrator setup via connection to
the 4-20 mA dc output loop wiring.

• The ability to operate equipment and processes automatically or manually through

the DCS.

• Connection of all field signal input/output (I/O) connections to the DCS via an
Interface Terminal Block (ITB) panel that conforms to City standards. It is the
defined interface between all field I/O and the DCS to allow for the replacement
or upgrade of PLC/DCS equipment without the complete disconnection of field
wiring and conduit.

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• Complete control, monitoring, alarm processing, trending, data archival and
report generation. Data archival is provided to a separate data storage file server
on the LAN.


The failure of any single subsystem will not disable the entire treatment Plant operation.
Reliability and redundancy in the I&C system will prevent equipment failure from causing the
failure of critical unit processes. Where any single point of failure exists, sufficient spare
components are provided to allow quick replacement of the failed subsystem or component,
including transmitters, controllers or PLCs, DCS processors, PC workstations, power supplies,
network adapters, hubs and switches.

Where backup manual operation of equipment or critical unit process is unacceptable, the I&C
system includes redundancy in the form of dual, hot-standby components as automatic backup in
the event of failure.

Network communications between distributed system component utilizes dual, fault tolerant
media and communication controllers for communications between controllers or PLCs, DCS
servers, centrally and remotely located PC workstations.


A web-based IAS maintained at the Plant provides access to City of Phoenix personnel. The IAS
includes the following components:

• All vendor O&M manuals for the treatment Plant equipment, as well as the O&M
specifications that document the requirements for vendor O&M manuals in the
Adobe “.pdf” format.

• All CAD files for the treatment Plant in Autocad “.dwg” format.

• All Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the treatment Plant

• A dashboard, in the form of a web page that extracts data from the DCS database
for viewing by City personnel.

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A CMMS system is provided and will be maintained at the treatment Plant. The CMMS is
Windows-based and compatible with the City's current CMMS.


The treatment Plant is connected to the City's Wide Area Network (WAN) via fiber optic data
link to allow City access to the Plant's IAS and to Plant operational data. A PC workstation with
the DCS HMI software is installed at a City facility. Access to the Plant DCS database is
protected by a firewall router at the Plant, which is defeatable during emergency periods to allow
remote monitoring and control from the City facility.


A Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) is installed at the Plant to allow the City to monitor key process
variables in real-time through the City's existing HSQ-supplied water department SCADA
system. Key process variables are wired to an ITB panel adjacent to the City's RTU. Table 20-1
summarizes the key process variables.

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Table 20-1
Key Process Variables

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001


• Flow rate
• Identification of pumps in operation
• Temperature
• PH
• Turbidity
• Alkalinity
• Particle count
• Security devices and cameras
• Electrical usage


• Chemical dose (for all chemicals and feed locations)
• Chemical metering pumps on and off (for all chemicals and feed locations)
• Water quality analyses for temperature, pH, turbidity, alkalinity, and particle
count (after all chemical addition points where the chemical added changes the
specified parameter)
• Chlorine gas alarms at 1 ppm and 15 ppm
• Identification of chlorine gas scrubbers in operation
• Electric meters: kWh of pumps, UV
• All mechanical equipment on/off
• Speed of rapid mixers
• Blanket levels in sedimentation basins
• Individual filter effluent turbidity of every filter at 15 minute intervals
• Flow into each filter
• Combined filter effluent turbidity
• Combined filter effluent chlorine residual
• Other monitoring required by interim enhanced water treatment rule
• All flow metes (including total filter backwash and total water recycled)
• Percentage solids leaving thickener, prior to dewatering
• Chlorine residual at locations necessary to calculate CT

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Table 20-1


• Depth of water in each Finished Water Reservoir
• Volume of water in each Finished Water Reservoir
• Alarm set points (low, high, and high-high levels)
• Overflow
• Flow switches
• Discharge pressure
• Flow rate
• Identification of pumps in operation
• Temperature
• Chlorine residual
• pH
• Alkalinity

J:\APPS\FILES\0426a\Task4\Report\Revised PDR 8 -29-01\section20.doc

Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Section 21
Cost Estimates

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

The purpose of the study is to develop a preliminary design and a cost estimate for the
construction of the Project that the City would deliver with an enhanced design-bid-build (DBB)

Operation and maintenance costs are addressed in the Benchmark Facility Cost Report.

The methodology used to develop the cost estimate for the Benchmark may be summarized as

• Complete 30% design of the Benchmark Facilities.

• Based on the 30% design, develop quantities of cost items for each construction
component of the Plant. Twenty five construction components were identified.

• Compute extended total for each cost item.

• Multiply each item by reasonable values for contractor overhead and profit, and
for project contingency.

• Develop design and engineering costs based on the construction cost estimate.

• Submit the preliminary cost estimate for the Benchmark facility to an independent
value engineering (VE) team and to the LPWTP project team for review and

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• Adjust cost estimate based on comments received from the value engineering
team and the LPWTP project team.

Although construction costs were based on a 30% design, the methodology employed was
similar to that utilized in developing final construction cost estimates.


Construction costs were determined from previous experience and from discussions with
contractors and suppliers. Costs of major equipment were obtained from the equipment
manufacturers. Other costs were obtained from Means (Construction Guide) Catalog and
adjusted to the Phoenix environment. Equipment installation costs were estimated as a
percentage of the purchase price of the item. This percentage varied on the complexity of the
item. For example, installation of a chain and flight system for the sedimentation basins is more
labor intensive than installation of sludge blowdown pumps, resulting in a higher percentage for
installation cost.

It was not practical to develop the specific details and relevant costs for every piece of
equipment. For example, the cost for typical chemical metering pumps was used instead of
developing design criteria for each pump and then estimating each pumps’ cost. Certain items,
such as HVAC, were determined as a typical dollar amount for a given volume. Other costs,
such as I&C, were based on previous experience at similar water treatment plants.

Reasonable attempts were made to develop realistic costs for specific site conditions. For
instance, the RWPS is more than at the main Plant Site due to specific geotechnical and elevation
conditions. Therefore, the unit cost of excavation at the RWPS is higher. Specialists in different
areas, such as HVAC, I&C, and electrical, were consulted when developing cost estimates for
their disciplines.

The cost estimate provides an idea of the cost of construction for the Plant if it were to be
constructed in December 2000. There are factors that affect the estimated costs of some
components. For example, there is currently only one supplier of pre-stressed concrete cylinder
pipe in Arizona. The costs for items with only one supplier are dependent on the supplier and
may change substantially in the future. Some costs are impacted by the site constraints such as
the 35-ft building height limitation and the 200-foot setback. Height restrictions resulted in either
larger footprints or more excavation, and setbacks decreased available building area. Similarly,

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consideration of future electrical deregulation led to the inclusion of a City-owned substation that
affects the construction cost estimate.

Construction costs include 15% for contractor overhead and profit. The costs also include a 20%
contingency, which is standard for forecasting construction costs based on a preliminary design.


Design and engineering related costs are based on the City’s recent design-bid-build experience.
The costs may be summarized as follows:

Design engineering/permitting 8.77%

Construction administration/inspection/ 9.68%
Startup testing/training ______
Total 18.45%


The preliminary construction cost estimate and operation and maintenance cost estimate was
submitted to an independent team for review. The VE team was briefed on the project and on
factors which may impact construction and operational costs. Following the briefing, the VE
compared the preliminary cost estimate with the generalized data from several sources. VE team
recommendations were reviewed and many of the team’s recommendations were incorporated
into the updated cost estimate.


Detailed construction costs are shown in Appendix A, and summarized below.

Capital costs for the Facilities are estimated to be $212.3M, with $179.2M for construction (see
Tables 21-1 and 21-2) and $33.1M for design, construction management, construction
inspection, permitting, start-up, testing, training, and O&M manuals. These costs include a 20%
contingency and a 15% contractor overhead, but do not include City administrative and oversight
costs. All costs are based on December 2000 cost levels.

To determine an estimate of the replacement costs the City would incur during the life of the
Plant, construction costs were categorized based on the estimated useful life of the major
components. Major components were separated into useful lives of 0, 10, 20, 30, and more than
30 years. A useful life of 0 years concerns initial construction costs that are non-replaceable.
Examples of these costs are APS funds-in-aid of construction, the initial cost for carbon for the

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Table 21-1
Raw Water Supply Facilities Capital Costs

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

Costs ($M)
General Requirements/Sitework 5.2
Raw Water Intake 0.9
Raw Water Inlet Structures 5.1
Raw Water Pumping Station (RWPS) 3.7
Raw Water Transmission Line (from RWPS to Plant) 10.5
TOTAL 25.4

J:\APPS\FILES\0426a\Task4\Report\Revised PDR 8 -29-01\section21.doc

Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Table 21-2
Water Treatment Plant Capital Costs

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

Costs ($M)
General Requirements/Sitework 22.8
Electrical 17.4
Conventional Facilities (raw water control chamber, rapid 32.9
mixing, flocculation sedimentation basins, and filters)
Solids Handling Facilities (filter-to-waste and backwash 10.1
basins, thickeners, odor control, thickened sludge basins,
dewatering building)
Chemical Handling Facilities (chemicals and chlorine
Granular Activated Carbon Facilities 34.9
Ultraviolet System 2.5
Finished Water Facilities (reservoirs, pump station, and
Operations Building 3.1
TOTAL 153.8

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carbon adsorption units, the initial cost for UV lamps, and temporary Facilities to aid in
construction of the new Plant.

A summary of typical service lives is shown in Table 21-3. Estimated capital replacement costs
for Plant construction items are include in Appendix B.

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Phoenix, Arizona

Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant DBO Project

Project No. WS85350004

Preliminary Design Report

Table 21-3
Service Lives for Capital Replacement Costs

LPWTP Project Team

August 2001

Cost Component Service Life,
Engineering, Temporary Construction (mobilization, temporary Facilities and
similar items), Initial Carbon Fill, Initial UV Lamps
Instrumentation and Control, Laboratory Equipment, VFDs, Conveyors, 10
Sludge Pumps
Electrical Equipment, Mechanical Equipment, HVAC Equipment 20
Site Work, Electrical Distribution Systems, Plumbing, Sluice Gates, Large 30
Pumps, and Large Isolation Valves
Piping, Handrail, Structural Components 50

J:\APPS\FILES\0426a\Task4\Report\Revised PDR 8 -29-01\section21.doc


Lake Pleasant Benchmark Facility Capital

Cost Estimates
City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Total Total Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Total Cost
Material Cost Labor Cost Material & Labor Profit 15% 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $
Project Summary - Capital Costs

Design Engineering/Construction Administration $0 $0 $13,393,659 $2,009,049 $3,080,542 $18,483,249

Permitting $0 $0 $127,559 $19,134 $29,338 $176,031
Construction of Facilities $0 $0 $127,558,656 $19,132,673 $29,327,869 $179,199,199
Start-Up/Testing $0 $0 $637,793 $95,669 $146,692 $880,155
Training $0 $0 $637,793 $95,669 $146,692 $880,155
Operation & Maintenance (O & M) Manuals $0 $0 $637,793 $95,669 $146,692 $880,155
Construction Inspection $0 $0 $8,526,606 $1,278,991 $1,961,119 $11,766,716

Subtotals: $0 $0 $151,519,859 $22,726,854 $34,838,946 $212,265,659

Total - Capital Costs $212,266,000

1 of 3 Greeley and Hansen,9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Total Total Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Total Cost
Material Cost Labor Cost Material & Labor Profit 15% 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $

Summary - Raw Water Facilities

General Requirements/Sitework $3,688,538 $553,281 $848,364 $5,240,182
Raw Water Intake $653,290 $97,994 $150,257 $901,540
Raw Water Inlet Structures $3,697,094 $554,564 $850,332 $5,101,990
Raw Water Pumping Station (RWPS) $2,671,674 $400,751 $614,485 $3,686,910
Raw Water Transmission Line (RWPS - LPWTP) $7,570,300 $1,135,545 $1,741,169 $10,447,014

Subtotals: $18,280,896 $2,742,134 $4,204,606 $25,377,636

Total - Raw Water Facilities $25,378,000

2 of 3 Greeley and Hansen,9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Total Total Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Total Cost
Material Cost Labor Cost Material & Labor Profit 15% 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $

Summary - Lake Pleasant WTP

General Requirements/Sitework $15,795,600 $2,369,340 $3,632,988 $22,797,928
Electrical $11,034,100 $1,655,115 $2,537,843 $17,427,058
Rapid Mix Chambers $141,500 $20,100 $49,924 $211,524
Raw Water Control Chamber $565,503 $84,825 $130,066 $780,393
Flocculation & Sedimentation Chambers $12,683,300 $1,902,495 $2,917,159 $17,502,954
Filter Building $10,455,397 $1,568,310 $2,404,741 $14,428,448
Filter to Waste Equalization Basin $555,375 $83,306 $127,736 $766,418
Finished Water Pump Station $6,142,546 $921,382 $1,412,785 $8,476,713
Finished Water Storage Reservoir $11,292,939 $1,693,941 $2,597,376 $15,584,255
Residuals Thickening $1,619,320 $242,898 $372,444 $2,234,662
Odor Control - TS Pump Station $341,705 $51,256 $78,592 $441,553
Thickened Sludge Storage Basin $365,595 $54,839 $84,087 $504,521
Dewatering Building $2,893,590 $434,039 $665,526 $3,993,154
Back Wash Equalization Basin $1,595,085 $239,263 $366,870 $2,201,217
Operations Building $2,358,729 $353,809 $514,508 $3,087,046
Chlorine Building $1,403,962 $210,594 $322,911 $1,937,468
Chemical Feed & Storage Building $1,694,003 $254,100 $389,621 $2,337,723
Finished Water Pipeline 78" $1,258,935 $188,840 $289,555 $1,737,330
Carbon Adsorption & Regeneration System $25,283,878 $3,792,582 $5,815,292 $34,891,752
U V Disinfection System $1,796,700 $269,505 $413,241 $2,479,446

Subtotals: $109,277,760 $16,390,539 $25,123,263 $153,821,562

Totals - Summary - Lake Pleasant WTP $153,822,000

J:\APPS\FILES\0426a\Task4\Report\Revised PDR 8-29-01\[capital costs (fin).xls]COST SUM

3 of 3 Greeley and Hansen,9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

General Requirements/Sitework - RWF

General Requirements
Mobilization 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $0 $0 $250,000 $37,500 $57,500 $345,000
Temporary facilities 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 $7,500 $11,500 $69,000
Temporary utilities 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $0 $0 $85,000 $12,750 $19,550 $117,300
Site Excavation 110,000 cu yd $0 $0 $6.75 $742,500 $742,500 $111,375 $170,775 $1,024,650
Embankments & fill 300 cu yd $8 $2,400 $3 $900 $3,300 $495 $759 $4,554
Wasting (off site)
Site 105,000 cu yd $0 $0 $3 $315,000 $315,000 $47,250 $72,450 $434,700
Structures (Site Wall, etc.) 780 lin ft $65 $50,700 $0 $50,700 $7,605 $11,661 $69,966
Finish Grading 42,000 sq yd $0 $14,700 $0 $14,700 $29,400 $4,410 $6,762 $40,572
Asphalt pavement 3,500 sq yd $20 $70,000 $5 $17,500 $87,500 $13,125 $20,125 $120,750
Concrete walks 4,800 sq ft* $4 $19,200 $0 $19,200 $2,880 $4,416 $26,496
Marking & signage 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $500 $75 $115 $690
Storm drainage 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $5,000 $750 $1,150 $6,900
Potable water
6-inch ductile iron 800 lin ft $100 $80,000 $10 $8,000 $88,000 $13,200 $20,240 $121,440
Fire hydrant & valve 5 each* $2,000 $10,000 $0 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800
Yard hydrant, 1-1/2" 10 each* $1,200 $12,000 $0 $12,000 $1,800 $2,760 $16,560
Box hydrant, 3/4" 6 each* $350 $2,100 $0 $2,100 $315 $483 $2,898
Underground 1 Lump sum $19,400 $7,600 $27,000 $4,050 $6,210 $37,260
Pad Mount Transformers 1 Lump sum $82,300 $28,600 $110,900 $16,635 $25,507 $153,042
Transformer sec. Feeders 1 Lump sum $21,800 $206,600 $228,400 $34,260 $52,532 $315,192
4.16KV MSGR-2 1 Lump sum $583,200 $33,800 $617,000 $92,550 $141,910 $851,460
MSGR-2 feeders 1 Lump sum $16,100 $18,100 $34,200 $5,130 $7,866 $47,196
Large starters 1 Lump sum $381,900 $20,300 $402,200 $60,330 $92,506 $555,036
12.47kV Substation Transformers 1 Lump sum $466,000 $52,638 $518,638 $77,796 $119,287 $715,720
APS Contribution in AOC 1 Lump sum $150,000

Subtotals: $1,831,800 $1,466,238 $3,688,538 $553,281 $848,364 $5,240,182

Total - General Requirements/Sitework - RWSF $5,240,000

* Includes Labor

1 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Raw Water Intake

Remove exist. Canal conc. Liner 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800
Sheeting, shoring & dewatering 60 days 4000 sq ft* $50 $200,000 $0 $200,000 $30,000 $46,000 $276,000
Structural excavation 4,500 cu yd $0 $0 $8.00 $36,000 $36,000 $5,400 $8,280 $49,680
Compacted fill 600 cu yd $8 $4,800 $8 $4,800 $9,600 $1,440 $2,208 $13,248
Mud slab 40 cu yd $90 $3,600 $60 $2,400 $6,000 $900 $1,380 $8,280
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 151 cu yd* $300 $45,300 $0 $45,300 $6,795 $10,419 $62,514
Walls 101 cu yd* $400 $40,400 $0 $40,400 $6,060 $9,292 $55,752
Suspended 25 cu yd* $500 $12,500 $0 $12,500 $1,875 $2,875 $17,250
Replace damaged channel liner 5400 sq ft $5 $27,000 $1 $2,700 $29,700 $4,455 $6,831 $40,986
Embedded accessories 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $2,000 $300 $460 $2,760
Handrail 225 lin ft $50 $11,250 $10 $2,250 $13,500 $2,025 $3,105 $18,630
Trashrack,stainless steel (32' x 34') 2 each $36,000 $72,000 $10,800 $21,600 $93,600 $14,040 $21,528 $129,168
Grating 100 sq ft $19 $1,900 $5 $500 $2,400 $360 $552 $3,312
Ladders, fixed aluminum w/cage 2 each $5,000 $10,000 $1,000 $2,000 $12,000 $1,800 $2,760 $16,560
Guard post 25 each $400 $10,000 $100 $2,500 $12,500 $1,875 $2,875 $17,250
Guard rail 60 lin ft $50 $3,000 $30 $1,800 $4,800 $720 $1,104 $6,624
Miscellaneous 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $1,000 $150 $230 $1,380
Thermal & moisture protection
Caulking, flashing, etc. 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $750 $113 $173 $1,035
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $2,000 $300 $460 $2,760
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $61,100 $9,165 $14,053 $84,318
Process piping
Wall fittings
Stop logs & grooves 945 sq ft $50 $47,250 $2 $1,890 $49,140 $7,371 $11,302 $67,813
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $9,000 $1,350 $2,070 $12,420

Subtotals: $489,000 $78,440 $653,290 $97,994 $150,257 $901,540

Total - Raw Water Intake $902,000

* Labor Included

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City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Raw Water Inlet Structures

Structural excavation 15,200 cu yd $0 $0 $8 $121,600 $121,600 $18,240 $27,968 $167,808
Compacted fill 1,190 cu yd $8 $9,520 $3 $3,570 $13,090 $1,964 $3,011 $18,064
Granular fill 1,050 cu yd $35 $36,750 $3 $3,150 $39,900 $5,985 $9,177 $55,062
Sheeting, shoring 34,200 sq ft $15 $513,000 $5 $171,000 $684,000 $102,600 $157,320 $943,920
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 487 cu yd* $300 $146,100 $0 $146,100 $21,915 $33,603 $201,618
Walls 1,287 cu yd* $400 $514,800 $0 $514,800 $77,220 $118,404 $710,424
Suspended 166 cu yd* $500 $83,000 $0 $83,000 $12,450 $19,090 $114,540
Equipment pads/pipe supports 14 cu yd* $300 $4,200 $0 $4,200 $630 $966 $5,796
Embedded accessories 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $1,000 $150 $230 $1,380
Handrail 412 lin ft $50 $20,600 $10 $4,120 $24,720 $3,708 $5,686 $34,114
Grating 1016 sq ft $19 $19,304 $5 $5,080 $24,384 $3,658 $5,608 $33,650
Ladders, fixed aluminum w/cage 4 each $5,000 $20,000 $500 $2,000 $22,000 $3,300 $5,060 $30,360
Miscellaneous 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $800 $120 $184 $1,104
Thermal & moisture protection
Caulking, flashing, etc. 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $500 $75 $115 $690
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $5,000 $750 $1,150 $6,900
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $18,100 $2,715 $4,163 $24,978
Metering equipment 2 each $18,000 $36,000 $5,400 $10,800 $46,800 $7,020 $10,764 $64,584
Sump pump 4 each $3,000 $12,000 $900 $3,600 $15,600 $2,340 $3,588 $21,528
Bar Screens 2 each $280,000 $560,000 $84,000 $168,000 $728,000 $109,200 $167,440 $1,004,640
Sluice gates
180" 2 each $265,000 $530,000 $80,000 $160,000 $690,000 $103,500 $158,700 $952,200
96" 6 each $50,000 $300,000 $17,500 $105,000 $405,000 $60,750 $93,150 $558,900
Conveyors 1 each $50,000 $50,000 $25,000 $25,000 $75,000 $11,250 $17,250 $103,500
Dumpster 1 each $15,000 $15,000 $1,000 $1,000 $16,000 $2,400 $3,680 $22,080
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $17,500 $2,625 $4,025 $24,150

Subtotals: $2,870,274 $783,920 $3,697,094 $554,564 $850,332 $5,101,990

Total - Raw Water Inlet Structures $5,102,000

* Includes Labor

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City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Raw Water Pumping Station (RWPS)

Structural excavation 6,500 cu yd $0 $0 $8 $52,000 $52,000 $7,800 $11,960 $71,760
Compacted fill 1,900 cu yd $8 $15,200 $3 $5,700 $20,900 $3,135 $4,807 $28,842
Granular fill 650 cu yd $35 $22,750 $3 $1,950 $24,700 $3,705 $5,681 $34,086
Sheeting, shoring & dewatering 8,760 sq ft $25 $219,000 $8 $70,080 $289,080 $43,362 $66,488 $398,930
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 260 cu yd* $300 $78,000 $0 $78,000 $11,700 $17,940 $107,640
Walls 500 cu yd* $400 $200,000 $0 $200,000 $30,000 $46,000 $276,000
Suspended 225 cu yd* $500 $112,500 $0 $112,500 $16,875 $25,875 $155,250
Columns 250 cu yd* $400 $100,000 $0 $100,000 $15,000 $23,000 $138,000
Equipment pads/pipe supports 20 cu yd* $300 $6,000 $0 $6,000 $900 $1,380 $8,280
Fill 50 cu yd* $200 $10,000 $0 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800
Embedded accessories 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $5,000 $750 $1,150 $6,900
Concrete block
12" Split face 2,272 sq ft $15 $34,080 $5 $11,360 $45,440 $6,816 $10,451 $62,707
Bond beam 284 lin ft $16 $4,544 $2 $568 $5,112 $767 $1,176 $7,055
Open web joists & supports 10 each $260 $2,600 $80 $800 $3,400 $510 $782 $4,692
Metal decking 1,050 sq ft $3 $3,150 $5 $5,250 $8,400 $1,260 $1,932 $11,592
Lintels 120 pounds $3 $300 $0 $30 $330 $50 $76 $455
Checker plate 100 sq ft $30 $3,000 $2 $150 $3,150 $473 $725 $4,347
Ladders,fixed aluminum w/cage 4 each $5,000 $20,000 $500 $2,000 $22,000 $3,300 $5,060 $30,360
Access hatch 4 each $2,500 $10,000 $1,000 $4,000 $14,000 $2,100 $3,220 $19,320
Grating 50 sq ft $19 $950 $5 $250 $1,200 $180 $276 $1,656
Guard post 20 each $200 $4,000 $100 $2,000 $6,000 $900 $1,380 $8,280
Guard rail 120 lin ft $50 $6,000 $30 $3,600 $9,600 $1,440 $2,208 $13,248
Miscellaneous 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $5,000 $750 $1,150 $6,900
Thermal & moisture protection
Single-ply roofing 1,100 sq ft $3 $3,300 $1 $1,100 $4,400 $660 $1,012 $6,072
Metal coping 142 lin ft $10 $1,420 $2 $284 $1,704 $256 $392 $2,352
Rigid roof 1,100 sq ft $3 $2,750 $1 $1,100 $3,850 $578 $886 $5,313
Caulking, flashing, etc. 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $2,200 $330 $506 $3,036
Hollow metal 156 sq ft $40 $6,240 $3 $468 $6,708 $1,006 $1,543 $9,257
Overhead sectional, 12' x 16' 1 each $3,500 $3,500 $500 $500 $4,000 $600 $920 $5,520
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $20,000 $3,000 $4,600 $27,600
Misellaneous specialties
Louvers 10' x 10' 2 each $3,000 $6,000 $300 $600 $6,600 $990 $1,518 $9,108

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City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Pumping units
7500 GPM Pumps 2 each $42,000 $84,000 $12,600 $25,200 $109,200 $16,380 $25,116 $150,696
15,000 GPM Pumps 3 each $80,000 $240,000 $24,000 $72,000 $312,000 $46,800 $71,760 $430,560
30,000 GPM Pumps 1 each $190,000 $190,000 $57,000 $57,000 $247,000 $37,050 $56,810 $340,860
Surge tank, piping, & supports 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $80,000 $12,000 $18,400 $110,400
Air compressor system 1 each $25,000 $25,000 $3,000 $3,000 $28,000 $4,200 $6,440 $38,640
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $40,700 $6,105 $9,361 $56,166
HVAC 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $15,000 $2,250 $3,450 $20,700
Plumbing 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $4,200 $630 $966 $5,796
Process piping
Ductile iron pipe 35,000 pounds $3 $87,500 $0.50 $17,500 $105,000 $15,750 $24,150 $144,900
Misc. pipe & valves 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $5,000 $750 $1,150 $6,900
Harness mech. Couplings, 48" 1 each $3,000 $3,000 $1,200 $1,200 $4,200 $630 $966 $5,796
Harness mech. Couplings, 36" 3 each $1,800 $5,400 $1,000 $3,000 $8,400 $1,260 $1,932 $11,592
Harness mech. Couplings, 30" 2 each $1,500 $3,000 $900 $1,800 $4,800 $720 $1,104 $6,624
48" Butterfly, handwheel 3 each $25,000 $75,000 $5,000 $15,000 $90,000 $13,500 $20,700 $124,200
48" Check valve, air-oil 1 each $40,000 $40,000 $5,500 $5,500 $45,500 $6,825 $10,465 $62,790
36" Butterfly, handwheel 3 each $16,800 $50,400 $2,500 $7,500 $57,900 $8,685 $13,317 $79,902
36" Check valve, air-oil 3 each $22,000 $66,000 $3,000 $9,000 $75,000 $11,250 $17,250 $103,500
30" Butterfly, handwheel 2 each $12,000 $24,000 $2,000 $4,000 $28,000 $4,200 $6,440 $38,640
30" Check valve, air-oil 2 each $18,000 $36,000 $2,500 $5,000 $41,000 $6,150 $9,430 $56,580
Pipe supports 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $289,500 $43,425 $66,585 $399,510

Subtotals: $1,804,584 $390,490 $2,671,674 $400,751 $614,485 $3,686,910

Total - Raw Water Pumping Station (RWPS) $3,687,000

* Includes Labor

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City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Raw Water Transmission Line (RWPS - LPWTP)

90" Pipeline (Trench depth 12')
Transmission main 12,700 lin ft $300 $3,810,000 $100 $1,270,000 $5,080,000 $762,000 $1,168,400 $7,010,400
Restrained joints 1,270 lin ft $300 $381,000 $30 $38,100 $419,100 $62,865 $96,393 $578,358
Excavation 68,800 cu yd $0 $0 $8.00 $550,400 $550,400 $82,560 $126,592 $759,552
Compact fill 32,500 cu yd $8 $260,000 $3 $97,500 $357,500 $53,625 $82,225 $493,350
Granular fill 15,500 cu yd $35 $542,500 $3 $46,500 $589,000 $88,350 $135,470 $812,820
Concrete, cast in place
Butterfly 90" 2 each $65,000 $130,000 $10,000 $20,000 $150,000 $22,500 $34,500 $207,000
Access manways flanged, 24" dia 6 each $6,000 $36,000 $1,000 $6,000 $42,000 $6,300 $9,660 $57,960
Air/vac and manhole 7 each $12,000 $84,000 $2,000 $14,000 $98,000 $14,700 $22,540 $135,240
Blowoffs 5 each $6,000 $30,000 $600 $3,000 $33,000 $4,950 $7,590 $45,540
Road crossings 1 Lump sum $20,000 $20,000 $0 $20,000 $3,000 $4,600 $27,600
Road crossings 1 Lump sum $7,000 $7,000 $0 $7,000 $1,050 $1,610 $9,660
Cathodic protection system 12,700 lin ft $5 $63,500 $1 $12,700 $76,200 $11,430 $17,526 $105,156
Pressure & leakage test & disinfection 12,700 lin ft $2 $25,400 $1 $12,700 $38,100 $5,715 $8,763 $52,578
Meter vault and flow meter 1 Lump sum $80,000 $80,000 $30,000 $30,000 $110,000 $16,500 $25,300 $151,800

Subtotals: $5,469,400 $2,100,900 $7,570,300 $1,135,545 $1,741,169 $10,447,014

Total - Raw Water Transmission Line (RWPS - LPWTP) $10,447,000

* Includes Labor

6 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

General Requirements & Sitework LPWTP

General Requirements
Mobilization 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $1,000,000 $150,000 $230,000 $1,380,000
Temporary facilities 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $750,000 $112,500 $172,500 $1,035,000
Temporary utilities 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $600,000 $90,000 $138,000 $828,000
Includes, Site excavation, embankment
& fill, borrow, finish grading, storm water 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $1,037,000 $155,550 $238,510 $1,431,060
Waste Material to Berm 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000
Bridges 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $200,000 $30,000 $46,000 $276,000
Includes, Asphalt pavement, concrete
curb & gutter,concrete walks, marking &
signage. 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $1,239,000 $185,850 $284,970 $1,709,820
Landscaping at plant site
Includes, Seeding, irrigation, trees, shrubs 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $350,000 $52,500 $80,500 $483,000
Storm water system
Includes, Inlets,manholes, connections 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $247,000 $37,050 $56,810 $340,860
Includes, solid walls, gates 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $845,000 $126,750 $194,350 $1,166,100
Yard pipe
Includes, Pipelines, valves, fire hydrants 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $5,940,000 $891,000 $1,366,200 $8,197,200
Sanitary system
Includes, sanitary lift station, sample station, flow meter 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $45,000 $6,750 $10,350 $62,100
Sanitary system instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $30,000 $4,500 $6,900 $41,400
Electrical Yard Accessories
Electrical Distribution 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $2,712,600 $406,890 $623,898 $3,743,388
Site Lighting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $200,000 $30,000 $46,000 $276,000
Communications system 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $600,000 $90,000 $138,000 $828,000

Subtotals: $0 $0 $15,795,600 $2,369,340 $3,632,988 $22,797,928

Total - General Requirements & Sitework LPWTP $22,798,000

7 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Service Entrance
69kV Substation 1 lump sum $779,500 $334,100 $1,113,600 $167,040 $256,128 $1,536,768
APS Contribution in AOC* 1 lump sum $0 $0 0 $0 $0 $1,200,000
Plant Electrical
12.47 KV switchgear 1 lump sum $805,200 $40,500 $845,700 $126,855 $194,511 $1,167,066
12.47 KV feeders 1 lump sum $287,900 $221,900 $509,800 $76,470 $117,254 $703,524
Substation transformers 1 lump sum $1,871,400 $510,200 $2,381,600 $357,240 $547,768 $3,286,608
Pad mount transformers 1 lump sum $147,300 $21,200 $168,500 $25,275 $38,755 $232,530
Transformer secondary feeders 1 lump sum $121,500 $299,400 $420,900 $63,135 $96,807 $580,842
4.16 KV switchgear - 2 1 lump sum $744,400 $40,500 $784,900 $117,735 $180,527 $1,083,162
SGR-2 Feeders 1 lump sum $17,400 $18,500 $35,900 $5,385 $8,257 $49,542
4.16 KV switchgear - 3 1 lump sum $669,100 $43,900 $713,000 $106,950 $163,990 $983,940
Standby generators 1 lump sum $2,940,500 $177,800 $3,118,300 $467,745 $717,209 $4,303,254
Generator enclosure/electrical building 1 lump sum $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000
Electrical building HVAC 1 lump sum $0 $0 $20,000 $3,000 $4,600 $27,600
Electrical building Plumbing 1 lump sum $0 $0 $8,000 $1,200 $1,840 $11,040
Diesel fuel tanks & accessories 1 lump sum $0 $0 $400,000 $60,000 $92,000 $552,000
Large starters 1 lump sum $432,700 $20,300 $453,000 $67,950 $104,190 $625,140
Fire Alarms 1 lump sum $50,000 $10,900 $60,900 $9,135 $14,007 $84,042

Subtotals: $8,866,900 $1,739,200 $11,034,100 $1,655,115 $2,537,843 $17,427,058

Total - Electrical $17,427,000

* Allowance

8 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Rapid Mix Chambers

Structural excavation 500 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $2,750 $2,750 $413 $1,100 $4,263
Compacted fill 200 cu yd $8 $1,600 $3 $600 $2,200 $330 $880 $3,410
Granular fill 25 cu yd $35 $875 $3 $75 $950 $143 $380 $1,473
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 25 cu yd* $300 $7,500 $0 $7,500 $1,125 $3,000 $11,625
Walls 45 cu yd* $400 $18,000 $0 $18,000 $2,700 $7,200 $27,900
Suspended Slab 25 cu yd* $500 $12,500 $0 $12,500 $1,875 $5,000 $19,375
Embedded accessories 1 Lump Sum $0 $0 $450 $68 $104 $621
Access hatch 2 each $1,500 $3,000 $100 $200 $3,200 $480 $1,280 $4,960
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $5,000 $0 $1,000 $6,000
Pumps (20 HP) 2 each $12,225 $24,450 $3,700 $7,400 $31,850 $4,778 $12,740 $49,368
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $12,000 $1,800 $2,760 $16,560
10 inch pipe 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $2,500 $0 $500 $3,000
10 inch valve (electrical) 2 each $12,000 $24,000 $300 $600 $24,600 $3,690 $9,840 $38,130
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $18,000 $2,700 $4,140 $24,840

Subtotals: $91,925 $11,625 $141,500 $20,100 $49,924 $211,524

Total - Rapid Mix Chambers $212,000

* Includes Labor

9 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Raw Water Control Chamber

Structural excavation 2,415 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $13,283 $13,283 $1,992 $3,055 $18,330
Compacted fill 650 cu yd $8 $5,200 $3 $1,950 $7,150 $1,073 $1,645 $9,867
Granular fill 155 cu yd $35 $5,425 $3 $465 $5,890 $884 $1,355 $8,128
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 160 cu yd* $300 $48,000 $0 $48,000 $7,200 $11,040 $66,240
Walls 505 cu yd* $400 $202,000 $0 $202,000 $30,300 $46,460 $278,760
Suspended 160 cu yd* $500 $80,000 $0 $80,000 $12,000 $18,400 $110,400
Fillets 6 cu yd* $300 $1,800 $0 $1,800 $270 $414 $2,484
Handrail 275 lin ft $50 $13,750 $10 $2,750 $16,500 $2,475 $3,795 $22,770
Grating 670 sq ft $19 $12,730 $5 $3,350 $16,080 $2,412 $3,698 $22,190
Stainless steel weir plates 1.5' x 26' 2 each $8,000 $16,000 $3,000 $6,000 $22,000 $3,300 $5,060 $30,360
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $2,000 $300 $460 $2,760
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $15,800 $2,370 $3,634 $21,804
72" Sluice Gate 2 each $35,000 $70,000 $12,500 $25,000 $95,000 $14,250 $21,850 $131,100
Process piping
72" PCCP Stub 12 lin ft $250 $3,000 $250 $3,000 $6,000 $900 $1,380 $8,280
Wall sleeves, 90" 1 each $0 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $600 $920 $5,520
Wall sleeves, 72" 2 each $0 $3,000 $6,000 $6,000 $900 $1,380 $8,280
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $24,000 $3,600 $5,520 $33,120

Subtotals: $457,905 $65,798 $565,503 $84,825 $130,066 $780,393

Total - Raw Water Control Chamber $780,000

* Includes Labor

10 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Flocculation and Sedimentation Chambers

Structural excavation 45,000 cu yd $0 $0 $7.00 $315,000 $315,000 $47,250 $72,450 $434,700
Compacted fill 2,300 cu yd $8 $18,400 $3 $6,900 $25,300 $3,795 $5,819 $34,914
Granular fill 8,000 cu yd $35 $280,000 $3 $24,000 $304,000 $45,600 $69,920 $419,520
Foundation drain 2,270 lin ft $7 $15,890 $2 $4,540 $20,430 $3,065 $4,699 $28,193
Concrete, cast in place
Slabs on grade/footings 8,150 cu yd* $300 $2,445,000 $0 $2,445,000 $366,750 $562,350 $3,374,100
Walls 5,500 cu yd* $400 $2,200,000 $0 $2,200,000 $330,000 $506,000 $3,036,000
Suspended 1,925 cu yd* $500 $962,500 $0 $962,500 $144,375 $221,375 $1,328,250
Embedded accessories 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $450 $68 $104 $621
Structural aluminum framing 12,000 pounds $4 $51,600 $3 $30,000 $81,600 $12,240 $18,768 $112,608
Aluminum handrail 6,000 lin ft $50 $300,000 $10 $60,000 $360,000 $54,000 $82,800 $496,800
Aluminum grating 2,200 sq ft $19 $41,800 $5 $11,000 $52,800 $7,920 $12,144 $72,864
Stainless steel baffle framing 25,000 pounds $5 $132,500 $1 $25,000 $157,500 $23,625 $36,225 $217,350
Ladder 5 each $450 $2,250 $100 $500 $2,750 $413 $633 $3,795
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $40,000 $6,000 $9,200 $55,200
Access hatch 5 each $2,500 $12,500 $1,000 $5,000 $17,500 $2,625 $4,025 $24,150
Vertical flocculators(1 HP) 1 each $169,730 $169,730 $67,000 $67,000 $236,730 $35,510 $54,448 $326,687
Vertical flocculators(2 HP) 1 each $173,470 $173,470 $68,800 $68,800 $242,270 $36,341 $55,722 $334,333
Vertical flocculators(3 HP) 1 each $179,520 $179,520 $71,200 $71,200 $250,720 $37,608 $57,666 $345,994
Chain & flight sludge scraper 1 Lump sum $1,125,000 $1,125,000 $450,000 $450,000 $1,575,000 $236,250 $362,250 $2,173,500
Energy dissipater 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $60,000 $9,000 $13,800 $82,800
Launder trough incl. Weir 9 each $50,000 $450,000 $15,000 $135,000 $585,000 $87,750 $134,550 $807,300
Sludge pumps 10 each $8,500 $85,000 $1,275 $12,750 $97,750 $14,663 $22,483 $134,895
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $120,000 $18,000 $27,600 $165,600
Process piping & valves 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $800,000 $120,000 $184,000 $1,104,000
Aluminum stop gates 80 each $700 $56,000 $100 $8,000 $64,000 $9,600 $14,720 $88,320
Aluminum slide gates 4 each $65,000 $260,000 $4,000 $16,000 $276,000 $41,400 $63,480 $380,880
Sluice gates 12 each $15,000 $180,000 $3,750 $45,000 $225,000 $33,750 $51,750 $310,500
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $1,166,000 $174,900 $268,180 $1,609,080

Subtotals: $9,141,160 $1,355,690 $12,683,300 $1,902,495 $2,917,159 $17,502,954

Total - Flocculation & Sedimentation Chambers $17,503,000

* Includes Labor

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City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Filter Building
Structural excavation 8,250 cu yd $0 $0 $7.00 $57,750 $57,750 $8,663 $13,283 $79,695
Compacted fill 2,000 cu yd $8 $16,000 $3 $6,000 $22,000 $3,300 $5,060 $30,360
Granular fill 1,900 cu yd $35 $66,500 $3 $5,700 $72,200 $10,830 $16,606 $99,636
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 2,300 cu yd* $300 $690,000 $0 $0 $690,000 $103,500 $158,700 $952,200
Walls 3,200 cu yd* $400 $1,280,000 $0 $0 $1,280,000 $192,000 $294,400 $1,766,400
Suspended 2,200 cu yd* $500 $1,100,000 $0 $0 $1,100,000 $165,000 $253,000 $1,518,000
Equipment pads 15 cu yd* $300 $4,500 $0 $4,500 $675 $1,035 $6,210
Encasement 400 cu yd* $300 $120,000 $0 $0 $120,000 $18,000 $27,600 $165,600
Embedded accessories 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $3,000 $450 $690 $4,140
Canopy 20,000 sq ft $15 $300,000 $5 $100,000 $400,000 $60,000 $92,000 $552,000
Aluminum handrail 800 lin ft $50 $40,000 $10 $8,000 $48,000 $7,200 $11,040 $66,240
Aluminum grating 100 sq ft $19 $1,900 $5 $500 $2,400 $360 $552 $3,312
Structural steel 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $0 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800
Access hatch 10 each $1,500 $15,000 $500 $5,000 $20,000 $3,000 $4,600 $27,600
Ladder 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $1,500 $225 $345 $2,070
Thermal & Moisture Protection
Single-ply roofing 2244 sq ft $3 $6,732 $1 $2,244 $8,976 $1,346 $2,064 $12,387
Rigid insulation 2244 sq ft $2 $4,488 $1 $2,244 $6,732 $1,010 $1,548 $9,290
Hollow metal 84 sq ft $60 $5,040 $5 $399 $5,439 $816 $1,251 $7,506
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $40,000 $6,000 $9,200 $55,200
Louvers 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $2,000 $300 $460 $2,760
Air supply blowers 200 hp 2 each $26,300 $52,600 $10,000 $20,000 $72,600 $10,890 $16,698 $100,188
Backwash pumps 3 each $53,000 $159,000 $20,000 $60,000 $219,000 $32,850 $50,370 $302,220
Backwash valves 3 each* $18,000 $54,000 $54,000 $8,100 $12,420 $74,520
Underdrain syst., media, washwater troughs 1 Lump sum $1,990,200 $1,990,200 $796,100 $796,100 $2,786,300 $417,945 $640,849 $3,845,094
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $400,000 $60,000 $92,000 $552,000

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City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
HVAC 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $65,000 $9,750 $14,950 $89,700
Plumbing 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $17,000 $2,550 $3,910 $23,460
Fire suppression system 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $60,000 $9,000 $13,800 $82,800
Process piping 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $728,000 $109,200 $167,440 $1,004,640
Butterfly, electric
36" Influent 10 each* $25,000 $250,000 $0 $250,000 $37,500 $57,500 $345,000
42" Drain 10 each* $30,000 $300,000 $0 $300,000 $45,000 $69,000 $414,000
24" Washwater supply 10 each* $18,000 $180,000 $0 $180,000 $27,000 $41,400 $248,400
20" Air wash 10 each* $15,000 $150,000 $0 $150,000 $22,500 $34,500 $207,000
24" Filter to waste 10 each* $18,000 $180,000 $0 $180,000 $27,000 $41,400 $248,400
20" Filter control 10 each* $15,000 $150,000 $0 $150,000 $22,500 $34,500 $207,000
24" Filter process 10 each* $18,000 $180,000 $0 $180,000 $27,000 $41,400 $248,400
48" Butterfly, manual 2 each* $28,000 $56,000 $0 $56,000 $8,400 $12,880 $77,280
Miscellaneous valves & piping 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $25,000 $3,750 $5,750 $34,500
Supports 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $678,000 $101,700 $155,940 $935,640

Subtotals: $7,351,960 $1,063,937 $10,455,397 $1,568,310 $2,404,741 $14,428,448

Total - Filter Building $14,428,000

* Includes Labor

13 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Filter To Waste Equalization Basin

Structural excavation 8,450 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $46,475 $46,475 $6,971 $10,689 $64,136
Compacted fill 1,800 cu yd $8 $14,400 $3 $5,400 $19,800 $2,970 $4,554 $27,324
Granular fill 600 cu yd $35 $21,000 $3 $1,800 $22,800 $3,420 $5,244 $31,464
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 275 cu yd* $300 $82,500 $0 $82,500 $12,375 $18,975 $113,850
Walls 275 cu yd* $400 $110,000 $0 $110,000 $16,500 $25,300 $151,800
Suspended 10 cu yd* $500 $5,000 $0 $5,000 $750 $1,150 $6,900
Embedded accessories 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $2,000 $300 $460 $2,760
Handrail 320 lin ft $50 $16,000 $10 $3,200 $19,200 $2,880 $4,416 $26,496
Access hatch 2 each $6,000 $12,000 $1,600 $3,200 $15,200 $2,280 $3,496 $20,976
Miscellaneous 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $4,000 $600 $920 $5,520
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $8,000 $1,200 $1,840 $11,040
Submersible pumps, guide rail, 700gpm 2 each $10,000 $20,000 $4,000 $8,000 $28,000 $4,200 $6,440 $38,640
VFD/Control Panel 2 each $3,000 $6,000 $500 $1,000 $7,000 $1,050 $1,610 $9,660
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $20,000 $3,000 $4,600 $27,600
Ductile iron piping 7,000 pounds $2 $15,750 $2 $10,500 $26,250 $3,938 $6,038 $36,225
36" Plug valve 2 each $30,000 $60,000 $5,000 $10,000 $70,000 $10,500 $16,100 $96,600
8" Butterfly 5 each $1,300 $6,500 $100 $500 $7,000 $1,050 $1,610 $9,660
8" Check 3 each $1,250 $3,750 $100 $300 $4,050 $608 $932 $5,589
Wall fittings
30" 1 each $4,000 $4,000 $2,000 $2,000 $6,000 $900 $1,380 $8,280
24" 1 each $3,200 $3,200 $2,000 $2,000 $5,200 $780 $1,196 $7,176
8" 3 each $800 $2,400 $500 $1,500 $3,900 $585 $897 $5,382
Harness mech. Joints, 8" 40 each $100 $4,000 $150 $6,000 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800
Pipe supports 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $8,000 $1,200 $1,840 $11,040
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $25,000 $3,750 $5,750 $34,500

Subtotals: $386,500 $101,875 $555,375 $83,306 $127,736 $766,418

Total - Filter To Waste Equalization Basin $766,000

* Includes Labor

14 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Finished Water Pump Station

Structural excavation 17,750 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $97,625 $97,625 $14,644 $22,454 $134,723
Compacted fill 700 cu yd $8 $5,600 $3 $2,100 $7,700 $1,155 $1,771 $10,626
Granular fill 1,050 cu yd $35 $36,750 $3 $3,150 $39,900 $5,985 $9,177 $55,062
6" Drain 620 lin ft $7 $4,340 $2 $1,240 $5,580 $837 $1,283 $7,700
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 1,700 cu yd* $300 $510,000 $0 $510,000 $76,500 $117,300 $703,800
Walls 1,850 cu yd* $400 $740,000 $0 $740,000 $111,000 $170,200 $1,021,200
Suspended 175 cu yd* $500 $87,500 $0 $87,500 $13,125 $20,125 $120,750
Columns 350 cu yd* $400 $140,000 $0 $140,000 $21,000 $32,200 $193,200
Stairs/landings 25 cu yd* $600 $15,000 $0 $15,000 $2,250 $3,450 $20,700
Equipment pads/pipe supports 20 cu yd* $300 $6,000 $0 $6,000 $900 $1,380 $8,280
Fill 50 cu yd* $200 $10,000 $0 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800
Embedded accessories 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $5,000 $750 $1,150 $6,900
12" Split Face 3200 sq ft $15 $48,000 $5 $16,000 $64,000 $9,600 $14,720 $88,320
Bond Beam 396 lin ft $16 $6,336 $2 $792 $7,128 $1,069 $1,639 $9,837
Open web joists & supports 4,600 pounds* $2 $9,200 $0 $9,200 $1,380 $2,116 $12,696
Metal decking 2,500 sq ft $4 $10,000 $5 $12,500 $22,500 $3,375 $5,175 $31,050
Ladders, fixed aluminum w/cage 4 each $900 $3,600 $150 $600 $4,200 $630 $966 $5,796
Miscellaneous 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $9,000 $1,350 $2,070 $12,420
Railing 1000 lin ft $50 $50,000 $10 $10,000 $60,000 $9,000 $13,800 $82,800
Thermal & moisture protection
Single-ply roofing 2,500 sq ft $3 $7,500 $1 $2,500 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800
Metal coping 200 lin ft $10 $2,000 $2 $400 $2,400 $360 $552 $3,312
Rigid, roof 2,500 sq ft $3 $6,250 $1 $2,500 $8,750 $1,313 $2,013 $12,075
Caulking, flashing, etc. 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $2,500 $375 $575 $3,450
Hollow metal 350 sq ft $40 $14,000 $5 $1,663 $15,663 $2,349 $3,602 $21,614
Overhead sectional, 12' x16' 2 each $2,500 $5,000 $500 $1,000 $6,000 $900 $1,380 $8,280
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $25,000 $3,750 $5,750 $34,500
Louvers 10' x 10' 2 each $3,000 $6,000 $300 $600 $6,600 $990 $1,518 $9,108

15 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Pumping Units
6950 GPM pumps 2 each $80,000 $160,000 $24,000 $48,000 $208,000 $31,200 $47,840 $287,040
13,900 GPM pumps 3 each $100,000 $300,000 $30,000 $90,000 $390,000 $58,500 $89,700 $538,200
27,800 GPM pumps 1 each $250,000 $250,000 $75,000 $75,000 $325,000 $48,750 $74,750 $448,500
Air Compressor system 1 each $25,000 $25,000 $7,500 $7,500 $32,500 $4,875 $7,475 $44,850
Surge tank, piping & supports 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $250,000 $37,500 $57,500 $345,000
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $60,000 $9,000 $13,800 $82,800
HVAC 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $20,000 $3,000 $4,600 $27,600
Plumbing 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $68,000 $10,200 $15,640 $93,840
Process piping 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $720,000 $108,000 $165,600 $993,600
18" Ball 2 each $25,000 $50,000 $4,000 $8,000 $58,000 $8,700 $13,340 $80,040
24" Butterfly 4 each $5,200 $20,800 $1,500 $6,000 $26,800 $4,020 $6,164 $36,984
24" Ball 3 each $35,000 $105,000 $6,000 $18,000 $123,000 $18,450 $28,290 $169,740
30" Butterfly 6 each $12,000 $72,000 $2,000 $12,000 $84,000 $12,600 $19,320 $115,920
30" Ball 1 each $45,000 $45,000 $8,000 $8,000 $53,000 $7,950 $12,190 $73,140
48" Butterfly 4 each $25,000 $100,000 $5,000 $20,000 $120,000 $18,000 $27,600 $165,600
78" Butterfly 5 each $50,000 $250,000 $10,000 $50,000 $300,000 $45,000 $69,000 $414,000
Pipe supports 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $200,000 $30,000 $46,000 $276,000
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $1,187,000 $178,050 $273,010 $1,638,060

Subtotals: $3,100,876 $495,170 $6,142,546 $921,382 $1,412,785 $8,476,713

Total - Finished Water Pump Station $8,477,000

* Includes Labor

16 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Finished Water Reservoir

Structural excavation 277,680 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $1,527,240 $1,527,240 $229,086 $351,265 $2,107,591
Sand layer 5,025 sq yd $7 $35,175 $3 $15,075 $50,250 $7,538 $11,558 $69,345
Compacted fill 28,690 cu yd $8 $229,520 $3 $86,070 $315,590 $47,339 $72,586 $435,514
Granular fill 8,100 cu yd $35 $283,500 $3 $24,300 $307,800 $46,170 $70,794 $424,764
Pipe 2,500 lin ft $7 $17,500 $2 $3,750 $21,250 $3,188 $4,888 $29,325
Concrete, cast in place
Footings 2,125 cu yd* $300 $637,500 $0 $637,500 $95,625 $146,625 $879,750
Slab on grade 4,150 cu yd* $300 $1,245,000 $0 $1,245,000 $186,750 $286,350 $1,718,100
Walls and columns 5,000 cu yd* $400 $2,000,000 $0 $2,000,000 $300,000 $460,000 $2,760,000
Suspended 500 cu yd* $500 $250,000 $0 $250,000 $37,500 $57,500 $345,000
Encasement 200 cu yd* $300 $60,000 $0 $60,000 $9,000 $13,800 $82,800
Concrete Baffle wall 515 cu yd* $400 $206,000 $0 $206,000 $30,900 $47,380 $284,280
Embedded accessories 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $25,000 $3,750 $5,750 $34,500
Precast double tee roof 271225 sf $7.66 $2,077,584 $0 $2,077,584 $311,638 $477,844 $2,867,065
Access hatch 8 each $910 $7,280 $100 $800 $8,080 $1,212 $1,858 $11,150
Miscellaneous 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $8,000 $1,200 $1,840 $11,040
Thermal & moisture protection
Hypalon liner, 45mil 397,810 sq ft $2 $696,168 $0.25 $99,453 $795,620 $119,343 $182,993 $1,097,956
PVC Roof w/rock Ballast 2,715 sf $100 $271,500 $35 $95,025 $366,525 $54,979 $84,301 $505,805
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $19,000 $2,850 $4,370 $26,220
Sluice gates, 96" 12 each $45,000 $540,000 $15,000 $180,000 $720,000 $108,000 $165,600 $993,600
Sluice gates, 72" 8 each $35,000 $280,000 $12,500 $100,000 $380,000 $57,000 $87,400 $524,400
Butterfly valve, 72" 4 each $40,000 $160,000 $15,000 $60,000 $220,000 $33,000 $50,600 $303,600
Wall fittings 4 Lump sum $0 $0 $25,000 $3,750 $5,750 $34,500
Miscellaneous piping 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $15,000 $2,250 $3,450 $20,700
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $12,500 $1,875 $2,875 $17,250

Subtotals: $8,996,726 $2,191,713 $11,292,939 $1,693,941 $2,597,376 $15,584,255

Total - Finished Water Reservoir $15,584,000

* Includes Labor

17 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Residual Thickening
Splitter Box
Structural excavation 3 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $17 $17 $2 $4 $23
Granular fill (bedding) 2.5 cu yd $35 $88 $3 $8 $95 $14 $22 $131
Concrete, cast in place
Columns 4 cu yd* $400 $1,600 $0 $1,600 $240 $368 $2,208
Walls 100 cu yd* $400 $40,000 $0 $40,000 $6,000 $9,200 $55,200
Suspended 30 cu yd* $500 $15,000 $0 $15,000 $2,250 $3,450 $20,700
Checkered plate 60 sq ft $30 $1,800 $2 $120 $1,920 $288 $442 $2,650
Aluminum grating 60 sq ft $19 $1,140 $5 $300 $1,440 $216 $331 $1,987
Stainless Steel weir plates 64 lin ft $60 $3,840 $15 $960 $4,800 $720 $1,104 $6,624
Ladder and cage 1 each $5,000 $5,000 $1,000 $1,000 $6,000 $900 $1,380 $8,280
FRP Troughs 70 lin ft $1,000 $70,000 $250 $17,500 $87,500 $13,125 $20,125 $120,750
Louvers 5'x7' 4 each $2,000 $8,000 $200 $800 $8,800 $1,320 $2,024 $12,144
Slide gates (small) 4 each $400 $1,600 $100 $400 $2,000 $300 $460 $2,760
Slide gate (large) 1 each $1,000 $1,000 $250 $250 $1,250 $188 $288 $1,725
Misc. pipe and valves 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $30,000 $4,500 $6,900 $41,400
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $18,000 $2,700 $4,140 $24,840
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $21,000 $3,150 $4,830 $28,980
Sludge Thickeners
Structural excavation 4,475 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $24,613 $24,613 $3,692 $5,661 $33,965
Compacted fill 290 cu yd $8 $2,320 $3 $870 $3,190 $479 $734 $4,402
Granular fill (bedding) 330 cu yd $35 $11,550 $3 $990 $12,540 $1,881 $2,884 $17,305
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade footing 290 cu yd* $300 $87,000 $0 $87,000 $13,050 $20,010 $120,060
Walls 335 cu yd* $400 $134,000 $0 $134,000 $20,100 $30,820 $184,920
Aluminum handrail 115 lin ft $30 $3,450 $10 $1,150 $4,600 $690 $1,058 $6,348
Aluminum grating 210 sq ft $19 $3,990 $5 $1,050 $5,040 $756 $1,159 $6,955
Structural Steel 3 tons $2,500 $7,500 $0 $7,500 $1,125 $1,725 $10,350
Sludge collector mechanical 2 each $250,000 $500,000 $65,000 $130,000 $630,000 $94,500 $144,900 $869,400
Thickened sludge pumps 3 each $4,000 $12,000 $800 $2,400 $14,400 $2,160 $3,312 $19,872
VFD/Control panel 3 each $3,000 $9,000 $500 $1,500 $10,500 $1,575 $2,415 $14,490
Process piping & valves 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $300,000 $45,000 $69,000 $414,000

18 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Yard Piping
(Includes excavation & backfill)
6-inch 400 lin ft $8 $3,280 $6 $2,400 $5,680 $852 $1,306 $7,838
8-inch 400 lin ft $11 $4,300 $7 $2,708 $7,008 $1,051 $1,612 $9,671
16-inch 200 lin ft $30 $6,000 $28 $5,600 $11,600 $1,740 $2,668 $16,008
20-inch 200 lin ft $35 $7,000 $31 $6,228 $13,228 $1,984 $3,042 $18,255
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $25,000 $3,750 $5,750 $34,500
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $84,000 $12,600 $19,320 $115,920

Subtotals: $940,458 $200,863 $1,619,320 $242,898 $372,444 $2,234,662

Total - Residual Thickening $2,235,000

* Includes Labor

19 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Odor Control
Structural excavation 450 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $2,475 $2,475 $371 $569 $3,416
Compacted fill 335 cu yd $8 $2,680 $3 $1,005 $3,685 $553 $848 $5,085
Granular fill 40 cu yd $35 $1,400 $3 $120 $1,520 $228 $350 $2,098
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 55 cu yd* $300 $16,500 $0 $16,500 $2,475 $3,795 $22,770
Walls 10 cu yd* $400 $4,000 $0 $4,000 $600 $920 $5,520
Scrubber System 1 each $89,000 $89,000 $5,500 $5,500 $94,500 $14,175 $21,735 $130,410
Storage Tank 1 each $55,000 $55,000 $5,500 $5,500 $60,500 $9,075 $13,915 $83,490
Plumbing 1 lump sum $3,500 $525 $805 $1,330
Sump pump 1 lump sum $15,000 $2,250 $3,450 $5,700

Subtotals: $168,580 $14,600 $201,680 $30,252 $46,386 $259,818

Thickened Sludge Pump Station

Structural excavation 1,500 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $8,250 $8,250 $1,238 $1,898 $11,385
Compacted fill 1,105 cu yd $8 $8,840 $3 $3,315 $12,155 $1,823 $2,796 $16,774
Granular fill 25 cu yd $35 $875 $3 $75 $950 $143 $219 $1,311
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 25 cu yd* $300 $7,500 $0 $7,500 $1,125 $1,725 $10,350
Walls 55 cu yd* $400 $22,000 $0 $22,000 $3,300 $5,060 $30,360
Suspended 20 cu yd* $500 $10,000 $0 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800
Structural Steel Stairs 1.5 tons $2,500 $3,750 $0 $3,750 $563 $863 $5,175
Aluminum handrail 60 lin ft $50 $3,000 $0 $3,000 $450 $690 $4,140
Access hatch 44 sq ft $30 $1,320 $0 $1,320 $198 $304 $1,822
Thickened Sludge Pumps 3 each $10,000 $30,000 $3,200 $9,600 $39,600 $5,940 $9,108 $54,648
Misc. pipe and valves 1 lump sum $20,000 $3,000 $4,600 $27,600
HVAC 1 lump sum $8,000 $1,200 $1,840 $3,040
Plumbing 1 lump sum $3,500 $525 $805 $1,330

Subtotals: $87,285 $21,240 $140,025 $21,004 $32,206 $181,735

Total - Odor Control and Thickened Sludge Pump Station $442,000

* Includes Labor

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City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Thickened Sludge Storage Basin

Structural excavation 1,090 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $5,995 $5,995 $899 $1,379 $8,273
Compacted fill 260 cu yd $8 $2,080 $3 $780 $2,860 $429 $658 $3,947
Granular fill 170 cu yd $35 $5,950 $3 $510 $6,460 $969 $1,486 $8,915
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 290 cu yd* $300 $87,000 $0 $87,000 $13,050 $20,010 $120,060
Walls 480 cu yd* $400 $192,000 $0 $192,000 $28,800 $44,160 $264,960
Suspended slabs 140 cu yd* $500 $70,000 $0 $70,000 $10,500 $16,100 $96,600
Aluminum hatches 32 sq ft $30 $960 $10 $320 $1,280 $192 $294 $1,766

Subtotals: $357,990 $7,605 $365,595 $54,839 $84,087 $504,521

Total - Thickened Sludge Storage Basin $505,000

* Includes Labor

21 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Dewatering Building
Structural excavation 3,000 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $16,500 $16,500 $2,475 $3,795 $22,770
Compacted fill 1,700 cu yd $8 $13,600 $3 $5,100 $18,700 $2,805 $4,301 $25,806
Granular fill 205 cu yd $35 $7,175 $3 $615 $7,790 $1,169 $1,792 $10,750
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 315 cu yd* $300 $94,500 $0 $94,500 $14,175 $21,735 $130,410
Walls and Columns 190 cu yd* $400 $76,000 $0 $76,000 $11,400 $17,480 $104,880
Suspended 440 cu yd* $500 $220,000 $0 $220,000 $33,000 $50,600 $303,600

Architectural 12000 sq ft $50 $600,000 $0 $600,000 $90,000 $138,000 $828,000

Structural Steel Stairs 5 tons $2,500 $12,500 $0 $12,500 $1,875 $2,875 $17,250
Centrifuges 2 each $350,000 $700,000 $7,000 $14,000 $714,000 $107,100 $164,220 $985,320
Overhead Crane 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $20,000 $3,000 $4,600 $27,600
Centrifuge Feed Pumps 2 each $14,500 $29,000 $4,000 $8,000 $37,000 $5,550 $8,510 $51,060
Thickened Sludge Mixing Pumps 3 each $10,000 $30,000 $3,200 $9,600 $39,600 $5,940 $9,108 $54,648
Roll-off Containers 2 each $38,000 $76,000 $5,000 $10,000 $86,000 $12,900 $19,780 $118,680
Process piping 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $260,000 $39,000 $59,800 $358,800
HVAC 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $70,000 $10,500 $16,100 $96,600
Plumbing 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $41,000 $6,150 $9,430 $56,580
Polymer feed system 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $40,000 $6,000 $9,200 $55,200
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $20,000 $3,000 $4,600 $27,600
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $520,000 $78,000 $119,600 $717,600

Subtotals: $1,858,775 $63,815 $2,893,590 $434,039 $665,526 $3,993,154

Total - Dewatering Building $3,993,000

22 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Backwash Equalization Basin

Structural excavation 28,250 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $155,375 $155,375 $23,306 $35,736 $214,418
Compacted fill 13,550 cu yd $8 $108,400 $3 $40,650 $149,050 $22,358 $34,282 $205,689
Granular fill 1420 cu yd $35 $49,700 $3 $4,260 $53,960 $8,094 $12,411 $74,465
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 1020 cu yd* $300 $306,000 $0 $306,000 $45,900 $70,380 $422,280
Walls 1,625 cu yd* $400 $650,000 $0 $650,000 $97,500 $149,500 $897,000
Aluminum handrail 470 lin ft $50 $23,500 $10 $4,700 $28,200 $4,230 $6,486 $38,916
Aluminum grating 40 sq ft $30 $1,200 $5 $200 $1,400 $210 $322 $1,932
Spent backwash pumps 3 each $14,000 $42,000 $1,200 $3,600 $45,600 $6,840 $10,488 $62,928
VFD/Control Panel 3 each $3,000 $9,000 $500 $1,500 $10,500 $1,575 $2,415 $14,490
Sluice gates & elect. Actuator 2 each $16,000 $32,000 $6,500 $13,000 $45,000 $6,750 $10,350 $62,100
Mixers 4 each $3,000 $12,000 $1,000 $4,000 $16,000 $2,400 $3,680 $22,080

Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $30,000 $4,500 $6,900 $41,400

Process piping & valves 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $60,000 $9,000 $13,800 $82,800
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $44,000 $6,600 $10,120 $60,720

Subtotals: $1,233,800 $227,285 $1,595,085 $239,263 $366,870 $2,201,217

Total -Backwash Equalization Basin $2,201,000

* Includes Labor

23 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Operations Building
Structural excavation 850 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $4,675 $4,675 $701 $1,075 $6,452
Compacted fill 305 cu yd $8 $2,440 $3 $915 $3,355 $503 $772 $4,630
Granular fill 330 cu yd $35 $11,550 $3 $990 $12,540 $1,881 $2,884 $17,305
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 550 cu yd* $300 $165,000 $0 $165,000 $24,750 $37,950 $227,700
Walls(outer) 461 cu yd* $400 $184,400 $0 $184,400 $27,660 $42,412 $254,472
Walls(inner) 96 cu yd* $400 $38,400 $0 $38,400 $5,760 $8,832 $52,992
Metal structure 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $320,000 $48,000 $73,600 $441,600
Carpentry, wood blocking 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $50,000 $7,500 $11,500 $69,000
Thermal & moisture protection
Roof single ply 6000 sq ft $10 $60,000 $3.00 $18,000 $78,000 $11,700 $17,940 $107,640
Canopy 595 sq ft $100 $59,500 $100 $59,500 $119,000 $17,850 $27,370 $164,220
Single door (23 doors) 483 sq ft $60 $28,980 $3 $1,449 $30,429 $4,564 $6,999 $41,992
Double door (5 doors) 210 sq ft $60 $12,600 $3 $630 $13,230 $1,985 $3,043 $18,257
Sliding gate 1 each $3,000 $3,000 $800 $800 $3,800 $570 $874 $5,244
Windows including glazing 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $150,000 $22,500 $34,500 $207,000
Finishes $0 $0 $0
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $35,000 $5,250 $8,050 $48,300
Floors 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $44,500 $6,675 $10,235 $61,410
Drywall construction 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $34,200 $5,130 $7,866 $47,196
Ceilings 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $34,000 $5,100 $7,820 $46,920
Restroom partitions, lockers & accessories 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $17,200 $2,580 $3,956 $23,736
Louvers 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $25,000 $3,750 $5,750 $34,500
Miscellaneous 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $22,000 $3,300 $5,060 $30,360
Chemical transfer pumps 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $3,000 $450 $690 $4,140
Sump pumps 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $11,000 $1,650 $2,530 $15,180
Laboratory furniture 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $140,000 $21,000 $4,200 $25,200
Laboratory equipment 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $200,000 $30,000 $46,000 $276,000
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $200,000 $30,000 $46,000 $276,000
HVAC 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $80,000 $12,000 $18,400 $110,400
Plumbing 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $60,000 $9,000 $13,800 $82,800
Fire Protection 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $5,000 $750 $1,150 $6,900
Mechanical Systems Monitoring, Control, &
SCADA Interface 1 Lump sum $0 $75,000 $11,250 $17,250 $103,500
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $200,000 $30,000 $46,000 $276,000

Subtotals: $565,870 $86,959 $2,358,729 $353,809 $514,508 $3,087,046

Total - Operations Building $3,087,000

* Includes Labor

24 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

25 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Chlorine Building
Structural excavation 850 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $4,675 $4,675 $701 $1,075 $6,452
Compacted fill 400 cu yd $8 $3,200 $3 $1,200 $4,400 $660 $1,012 $6,072
Granular fill 450 cu yd $35 $15,750 $3 $1,350 $17,100 $2,565 $3,933 $23,598
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 450 cu yd* $300 $135,000 $0 $135,000 $20,250 $31,050 $186,300
Walls 310 cu yd* $400 $124,000 $0 $124,000 $18,600 $28,520 $171,120
Equipment pads/pipe supports 2 cu yd* $300 $600 $0 $600 $90 $138 $828
staircase 3 cu yd* $600 $1,800 $0 $1,800 $270 $414 $2,484
Structural steel 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $15,000 $2,250 $3,450 $20,700
Metal decking 360 sq ft $3 $1,080 $5 $1,800 $2,880 $432 $662 $3,974
Ladders/Stairs 2 each $1,500 $3,000 $200 $400 $3,400 $510 $782 $4,692
Guard post 10 each $400 $4,000 $70 $700 $4,700 $705 $1,081 $6,486
Thermal & moisture protection
Single ply roofing 5800 sq ft $3 $17,400 $1 $4,350 $21,750 $3,263 $5,003 $30,015
Rigid roof 5800 sq ft $3 $14,500 $1 $3,480 $17,980 $2,697 $4,135 $24,812
Hollow metal (3'x7') x 9ea. 189 sq ft $300 $56,700 $5 $945 $57,645 $8,647 $13,258 $79,550
Roll-up doors 2 each $4,000 $8,000 $1,000 $2,000 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $12,000 $1,800 $2,760 $16,560
Louvers - w/2 position motorized dampers 48 sq ft $47 $2,256 $12 $576 $2,832 $425 $651 $3,908
Chlorine gas scrubber 1 each $350,000 $350,000 $50,000 $50,000 $400,000 $60,000 $92,000 $552,000
Chemical feed systems
Chlorinator 2,000 ppd 4 each $4,300 $17,200 $500 $2,000 $19,200 $2,880 $4,416 $26,496
Chlorinator 500 ppd 4 each $3,700 $14,800 $500 $2,000 $16,800 $2,520 $3,864 $23,184
Vacuum regulator 8 each $6,700 $53,600 $500 $4,000 $57,600 $8,640 $13,248 $79,488
Injector 8 each $2,900 $23,200 $500 $4,000 $27,200 $4,080 $6,256 $37,536
Evaporator 4 each $19,000 $76,000 $500 $2,000 $78,000 $11,700 $17,940 $107,640
Leak detector 4 each $1,600 $6,400 $500 $2,000 $8,400 $1,260 $1,932 $11,592
Changeover system 1 each $11,000 $11,000 $500 $500 $11,500 $1,725 $2,645 $15,870
Flow paced controler 1 each $4,500 $4,500 $1,000 $1,000 $5,500 $825 $1,265 $7,590
Gas flow transmitter 2 each $3,200 $6,400 $500 $1,000 $7,400 $1,110 $1,702 $10,212
Chlorine Residual analyzer 2 each $7,800 $15,600 $500 $1,000 $16,600 $2,490 $3,818 $22,908
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $50,000 $7,500 $11,500 $69,000

26 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
HVAC 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $34,000 $5,100 $7,820 $46,920
Plumbing 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $30,000 $4,500 $6,900 $41,400
Fire Protection 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $14,000 $2,100 $3,220 $19,320
Process piping
PVC and carbon steel piping 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $50,000 $7,500 $11,500 $69,000
Misc. piping & valves 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $3,000 $450 $690 $4,140
Pipe supports 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $1,000 $150 $230 $1,380
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $138,000 $20,700 $31,740 $190,440

Subtotals: $965,986 $90,976 $1,403,962 $210,594 $322,911 $1,937,468

Total - Chlorine Building $1,937,000

* Includes Labor

27 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Chemical Feed & Storage Building

Structural excavation 2250 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $12,375 $12,375 $1,856 $2,846 $17,078
Compacted fill 155 cu yd $8 $1,240 $3 $465 $1,705 $256 $392 $2,353
Granular fill 290 cu yd $35 $10,150 $3 $870 $11,020 $1,653 $2,535 $15,208
Concrete, cast in place
Slabs on grade/footings 500 cu yd* $300 $150,000 $0 $150,000 $22,500 $34,500 $207,000
Walls 325 cu yd* $400 $130,000 $0 $130,000 $19,500 $29,900 $179,400
Concrete pads 40 cu yd* $300 $12,000 $0 $12,000 $1,800 $2,760 $16,560
Thermal & moisture protection
Single-ply roofing 6150 sq ft $3 $16,913 $1 $4,613 $21,525 $3,229 $4,951 $29,705
Rigid 6150 sq ft $2 $13,838 $1 $3,690 $17,528 $2,629 $4,031 $24,188
Hollow metal (3' x7') x 8 ea 168 sq ft $300 $50,400 $5 $840 $51,240 $7,686 $11,785 $70,711
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $30,000 $4,500 $6,900 $41,400
Walkway supports 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $35,000 $5,250 $8,050 $48,300
Railing 280 lf $50 $14,000 $10 $2,800 $16,800 $2,520 $3,864 $23,184
Floor sealer 9600 sq ft $1 $4,800 $0.10 $960 $5,760 $864 $1,325 $7,949
Louvers 300 sq ft $47 $14,100 $12 $3,600 $17,700 $2,655 $4,071 $24,426
Lapeyre stairs 6 ea $1,300 $7,800 $400 $2,400 $10,200 $1,530 $2,346 $14,076
Chemical feed system
NaOH pumps, incl. Accessories 4 each $7,000 $28,000 $3,500 $14,000 $42,000 $6,300 $9,660 $57,960
FeCL3 Pumps, incl. Accessories 8 each $7,000 $56,000 $3,500 $28,000 $84,000 $12,600 $19,320 $115,920
H2SiF6 pumps, incl. Accessories 4 each $7,000 $28,000 $3,500 $14,000 $42,000 $6,300 $9,660 $57,960
C.A. metering pumps, incl. Accessories 2 each $7,000 $14,000 $3,500 $7,000 $21,000 $3,150 $4,830 $28,980
F.A. metering pumps, incl. Accessories 2 each $7,000 $14,000 $3,500 $7,000 $21,000 $3,150 $4,830 $28,980
C.A. transfer pumps, incl. Accessories 2 each $7,000 $14,000 $3,500 $7,000 $21,000 $3,150 $4,830 $28,980
F.A. transfer pumps, incl. Accessories 2 each $7,000 $14,000 $3,500 $7,000 $21,000 $3,150 $4,830 $28,980
NaCLO pumps, incl. Accessories 4 each $7,000 $28,000 $3,500 $14,000 $42,000 $6,300 $9,660 $57,960
H2SO4 pumps, incl. Accessories 4 each $7,000 $28,000 $3,500 $14,000 $42,000 $6,300 $9,660 $57,960
ClO2 pumps, incl. Accessories 3 each $7,000 $21,000 $3,500 $10,500 $31,500 $4,725 $7,245 $43,470
Chlorine dioxide generator 2 each $40,000 $80,000 $6,000 $12,000 $92,000 $13,800 $21,160 $126,960
H2SO4 Tank(1650gal) 2 each $25,000 $50,000 $3,500 $7,000 $57,000 $8,550 $13,110 $78,660
NaCLO Tank(8400gal) 2 each $10,000 $20,000 $2,000 $4,000 $24,000 $3,600 $5,520 $33,120
F.A. Tank(70gal) 3 each $150 $450 $100 $300 $750 $113 $173 $1,035
C.A. Tank(600gal) 3 each $1,500 $4,500 $1,000 $3,000 $7,500 $1,125 $1,725 $10,350
H2SiF6 Tank(3000gal) 2 each $5,000 $10,000 $1,000 $2,000 $12,000 $1,800 $2,760 $16,560
FeCL3 Tank(10,700gal) 4 each $12,500 $50,000 $1,000 $4,000 $54,000 $8,100 $12,420 $74,520
NaOH tank(8400gal) 2 each $10,000 $20,000 $3,000 $6,000 $26,000 $3,900 $5,980 $35,880
sodium chlorite day tank (1300gal) 1 each $2,300 $2,300 $1,000 $1,000 $3,300 $495 $759 $4,554
Thick./Dewat. Polymer (1300gal) storage 2 each $2,300 $4,600 $1,000 $2,000 $6,600 $990 $1,518 $9,108
Thick./Dewat.Polymer (100gal) day tank 1 each $400 $400 $100 $100 $500 $75 $115 $690
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $80,000 $12,000 $18,400 $110,400

28 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
HVAC 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $53,000 $7,950 $12,190 $73,140
Plumbing 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $31,000 $4,650 $7,130 $42,780
Fire Protection 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $22,000 $3,300 $5,060 $30,360
Chemical air extraction 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $110,000 $16,500 $25,300 $151,800
Roof drainage
Drains & leader pipe 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $20,000 $3,000 $4,600 $27,600
Supply piping 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $194,000 $29,100 $44,620 $267,720

Subtotals: $912,490 $196,513 $1,694,003 $254,100 $389,621 $2,337,723

Total - Chemical Feed and Storage Building $2,338,000

* Includes Labor

29 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

78" High Pressure Finished Water Transmission Line

78" Pipeline (Trench depth, 12')
Transmission main 2,210 lin ft $250 $552,500 $90 $198,900 $751,400 $112,710 $172,822 $1,036,932
Restrained joints 221 lin ft $100 $22,100 $30 $6,630 $28,730 $4,310 $6,608 $39,647
Excavation 11,810 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $64,955 $64,955 $9,743 $14,940 $89,638
Compacted fill 7,300 cu yd $8 $58,400 $3 $21,900 $80,300 $12,045 $18,469 $110,814
Granular fill 1,800 cu yd $35 $63,000 $3 $5,400 $68,400 $10,260 $15,732 $94,392
78" Butterfly 1 each $45,000 $45,000 $5,000 $5,000 $50,000 $7,500 $11,500 $69,000
Access manways flanged, 24" dia 2 each $6,000 $12,000 $1,000 $2,000 $14,000 $2,100 $3,220 $19,320
Air/vac and manhole 1 each $12,000 $12,000 $1,000 $1,000 $13,000 $1,950 $2,990 $17,940
Blowoffs 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $6,000 $900 $1,380 $8,280
Gas main crossings 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $42,000 $6,300 $9,660 $57,960
Cathodic protection system 3,350 lin ft $5 $16,750 $1 $3,350 $20,100 $3,015 $4,623 $27,738
Pressure & leakage test & disinfection 3,350 lin ft $2 $6,700 $1 $3,350 $10,050 $1,508 $2,312 $13,869
Meter vault and flow meter 1 Lump sum $80,000 $80,000 $30,000 $30,000 $110,000 $16,500 $25,300 $151,800

Subtotals: $868,450 $342,485 $1,258,935 $188,840 $289,555 $1,737,330

Total - 78" High Pressure Finished Water Transmission Line $1,737,000

30 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Carbon Adsorption & Regeneration System

Structural Excavation 95,000 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $522,500 $522,500 $78,375 $120,175 $721,050
Compacted fill 8,000 cu yd $8 $64,000 $3 $24,000 $88,000 $13,200 $20,240 $121,440
Granular fill 3,500 cu yd $35 $122,500 $3 $10,500 $133,000 $19,950 $30,590 $183,540
Structural concrete
Slab on grade 7,000 cu yd* $300 $2,100,000 $0 $2,100,000 $315,000 $483,000 $2,898,000
Walls 8,000 cu yd* $400 $3,200,000 $0 $3,200,000 $480,000 $736,000 $4,416,000
Suspended slabs 2,043 cu yd* $500 $1,021,500 $0 $1,021,500 $153,225 $234,945 $1,409,670
Hollow-core roof 48,600 sq ft $3 $145,800 $1 $48,600 $194,400 $29,160 $44,712 $268,272
Elevator 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $100,000 $15,000 $23,000 $138,000
Granular activated carbon
Initial fill of contactors 3,856,200 pounds* $1 $3,470,580 $0 $3,470,580 $520,587 $798,233 $4,789,400
One contactor equivalent to refill
first contactor regenerated 644,200 pounds* $1 $579,780 $0 $579,780 $86,967 $133,349 $800,096
Make-up carbon, 3 months @ 10 %
loss, 313pounds/MG carbon use
and initial flow rate of 60 mgd 169,020 pounds* $1 $152,118 $0 $152,118 $22,818 $34,987 $209,923
Backwash/influent pumping
Equipment 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $604,000 $90,600 $138,920 $833,520
Piping, valving 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $358,000 $53,700 $82,340 $494,040
Electrical, instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $176,000 $26,400 $40,480 $242,880
Contactor system piping, valving 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $3,511,000 $526,650 $807,530 $4,845,180
Contactor system electric, I & C 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $735,000 $110,250 $169,050 $1,014,300
Carbon regeneration system
Equipment 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $7,330,000 $1,099,500 $1,685,900 $10,115,400
Electrical, instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $600,000 $90,000 $138,000 $828,000
Ads/Regen building HVAC 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $214,000 $32,100 $49,220 $295,320
Plumbing 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $85,000 $12,750 $19,550 $117,300
Fire Protection 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $49,000 $7,350 $11,270 $67,620
Carbon regeneration steam boilers 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $60,000 $9,000 $13,800 $82,800

Subtotals: $10,856,278 $605,600 $25,283,878 $3,792,582 $5,815,292 $34,891,752

Total - Carbon Adsorption & Regeneration System $34,892,000

* Includes Labor

31 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20%
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

UV Disinfection System
UV Reactors, lamps 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $1,000,000 $150,000 $230,000 $1,380,000
Installation of reactors 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $500,000 $75,000 $115,000 $690,000
Slab on grade 185 cu yd* $300 $55,500 $0 $55,500 $8,325 $12,765 $76,590
Walls 33 cu yd* $400 $13,200 $0 $13,200 $1,980 $3,036 $18,216
Suspended slab (roof) 92 cu yd* $500 $46,000 $0 $46,000 $6,900 $10,580 $63,480
Electrical, I &C 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $150,000 $22,500 $34,500 $207,000
Plumbing 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $12,000 $1,800 $2,760 $16,560
Fire Protection 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $20,000 $3,000 $4,600 $27,600

Subtotals: $114,700 $0 $1,796,700 $269,505 $413,241 $2,479,446

Total - UV Disinfection System $2,479,000

* Includes Labor

J:\APPS\FILES\0426a\Task4\Report\Revised PDR 8-29-01\[capital costs (fin).xls]COST SUM

32 of 32 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01


Table of Benchmark Facility Capital

Replacement Costs

Lake Pleasant Benchmark Useful Life Costs

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Total Total Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Total Cost
Material Cost Labor Cost Material & Labor Profit 15% 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $

Project Summary - Capital Costs

Design Engineering/Construction Administration $0 $0 $13,393,658.88 $2,009,049 $3,080,542 $18,483,249 0

Permitting $0 $0 $127,559 $19,134 $29,338 $176,031 0
Construction of Facilities $0 $0 $127,558,656 $19,132,673 $29,327,869 $179,199,199
Start-Up/Testing $0 $0 $637,793 $95,669 $146,692 $880,155 0
Training $0 $0 $637,793 $95,669 $146,692 $880,155 0
Operation & Maintenance (O & M) Manuals $0 $0 $637,793 $95,669 $146,692 $880,155 0
Construction Inspection $0 $0 $8,526,606 $1,278,991 $1,961,119 $11,766,716

Subtotals: $0 $0 $151,519,859 $22,726,854 $34,838,946 $212,265,659

Total - Capital Costs $212,266,000

Useful Life Costs

0 years $33,066,461
10 years
20 years
30 years
50 years

1 of 3 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Total Total Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Total Cost
Material Cost Labor Cost Material & Labor Profit 15% 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $

Summary - Raw Water Facilities

General Requirements/Sitework $3,688,538 $553,281 $848,364 $5,240,182
Raw Water Intake $653,290 $97,994 $150,257 $901,540
Raw Water Inlet Structures $3,697,094 $554,564 $850,332 $5,101,990
Raw Water Pumping Station (RWPS) $2,671,674 $400,751 $614,485 $3,686,910
Raw Water Transmission Line (RWPS - LPWTP) $7,570,300 $1,135,545 $1,741,169 $10,447,014

Subtotals: $18,280,896 $2,742,134 $4,204,606 $25,377,636

Total - Raw Water Facilities $25,378,000

Useful Life Costs

0 years $1,994,342
10 years $417,726
20 years $4,494,580
30 years $3,194,424
50 years $15,276,564

2 of 3 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Total Total Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Total Cost
Material Cost Labor Cost Material & Labor Profit 15% 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $

Summary - Lake Pleasant WTP

General Requirements/Sitework $15,795,600 $2,369,340 $3,632,988 $22,797,928
Electrical $11,034,100 $1,655,115 $2,537,843 $17,427,058
Rapid Mix Chambers $141,500 $20,100 $49,924 $211,524
Raw Water Control Chamber $565,503 $84,825 $130,066 $780,393
Flocculation & Sedimentation Chambers $12,683,300 $1,902,495 $2,917,159 $17,502,954
Filter Building $10,455,397 $1,568,310 $2,404,741 $14,428,448
Filter to Waste Equalization Basin $555,375 $83,306 $127,736 $766,418
Finished Water Pump Station $6,142,546 $921,382 $1,412,785 $8,476,713
Finished Water Storage Reservoir $11,292,939 $1,693,941 $2,597,376 $15,584,255
Residuals Thickening $1,619,320 $242,898 $372,444 $2,234,662
Odor Control and Thickened Sludge Pump Station $341,705 $51,256 $78,592 $441,553
Thickened Sludge Storage Basin $365,595 $54,839 $84,087 $504,521
Dewatering Building $2,893,590 $434,039 $665,526 $3,993,154
Back Wash Equalization Basin $1,595,085 $239,263 $366,870 $2,201,217
Operations Building $2,358,729 $353,809 $514,508 $3,087,046
Chlorine Building $1,403,962 $210,594 $322,911 $1,937,468
Chemical Feed & Storage Building $1,694,003 $254,100 $389,621 $2,337,723
Finished Water Pipiline 78" $1,258,935 $188,840 $289,555 $1,737,330
Carbon Adsorption & Regeneration System $25,283,878 $3,792,582 $5,815,292 $34,891,752
U V Disinfection System $1,796,700 $269,505 $413,241 $2,479,446

Subtotals: $109,277,760 $16,390,539 $25,123,263 $153,821,562

Totals - Summary - Lake Pleasant WTP $153,822,000

Useful Life Costs

0 years $11,636,289
10 years $4,283,769
20 years $46,243,303
30 years $20,082,046
50 years $71,696,905

J:\APPS\FILES\0426a\Task4\Report\Revised PDR 8-29-01\[ccost01b-r.xls]UNIT

3 of 3 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

General Requirements/Sitework - RWF

General Requirements
Mobilization 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $250,000 $37,500 $57,500 $345,000 0
Temporary facilities 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $50,000 $7,500 $11,500 $69,000 0
Temporary utilities 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $85,000 $12,750 $19,550 $117,300 0
Site Excavation 110,000 cu yd $0 $0 $6.75 $742,500 $742,500 $111,375 $170,775 $1,024,650 50
Embankments & fill 300 cu yd $8 $2,400 $3 $900 $3,300 $495 $759 $4,554 50
Wasting (off site)
Site 105,000 cu yd $0 $0 $3 $315,000 $315,000 $47,250 $72,450 $434,700 0
Structures (Site Wall, etc.) 780 lin ft $65 $50,700 $0 $0 $50,700 $7,605 $11,661 $69,966 0
Finish Grading 42,000 sq yd $0 $14,700 $0 $14,700 $29,400 $4,410 $6,762 $40,572 0
Asphalt pavement 3,500 sq yd $20 $70,000 $5 $17,500 $87,500 $13,125 $20,125 $120,750 50
Concrete walks 4,800 sq ft* $4 $19,200 $0 $0 $19,200 $2,880 $4,416 $26,496 0
Marking & signage 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $500 $75 $115 $690 50
Storm drainage 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $5,000 $750 $1,150 $6,900 50
Potable water
6-inch ductile iron 800 lin ft $100 $80,000 $10 $8,000 $88,000 $13,200 $20,240 $121,440 50
Fire hydrant & valve 5 each* $2,000 $10,000 $0 $0 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800 50
Yard hydrant, 1-1/2" 10 each* $1,200 $12,000 $0 $0 $12,000 $1,800 $2,760 $16,560 50
Box hydrant, 3/4" 6 each* $350 $2,100 $0 $0 $2,100 $315 $483 $2,898 50
Underground 1 Lump sum $19,400 $7,600 $27,000 $4,050 $6,210 $37,260 30
Pad Mount Transformers 1 Lump sum $82,300 $28,600 $110,900 $16,635 $25,507 $153,042 20
Transformer sec. Feeders 1 Lump sum $21,800 $206,600 $228,400 $34,260 $52,532 $315,192 20
4.16KV MSGR-2 1 Lump sum $583,200 $33,800 $617,000 $92,550 $141,910 $851,460 20
MSGR-2 feeders 1 Lump sum $16,100 $18,100 $34,200 $5,130 $7,866 $47,196 20
Large starters 1 Lump sum $381,900 $20,300 $402,200 $60,330 $92,506 $555,036 20
12.47kV Substation Transformers 1 Lump sum $466,000 $52,638 $518,638 $77,796 $119,287 $715,720 20
APS Contribution in AOC 1 Lump sum $150,000 0

Subtotals: $1,831,800 $1,466,238 $3,688,538 $553,281 $848,364 $5,240,182

Total - General Requirements/Sitework - RWF $5,240,000

* Includes Labor

Useful Life Costs

0 years $1,253,034 23.9%
10 years 0.0%
20 years $2,637,646 50.3%
30 years $37,260 0.7%
50 years $1,312,242 25.0%

1 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Raw Water Intake

Remove exist. Canal conc. Liner 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800 0
Sheeting, shoring & dewatering 60 days 4,000 sq ft* $50 $200,000 $0 $0 $200,000 $30,000 $46,000 $276,000 0
Structural excavation 4,500 cu yd $0 $0 $8 $36,000 $36,000 $5,400 $8,280 $49,680 50
Compacted fill 600 cu yd $8 $4,800 $8 $4,800 $9,600 $1,440 $2,208 $13,248 50
Mud slab 40 cu yd $90 $3,600 $60 $2,400 $6,000 $900 $1,380 $8,280 50
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 151 cu yd* $300 $45,300 $0 $0 $45,300 $6,795 $10,419 $62,514 50
Walls 101 cu yd* $400 $40,400 $0 $0 $40,400 $6,060 $9,292 $55,752 50
Suspended 25 cu yd* $500 $12,500 $0 $0 $12,500 $1,875 $2,875 $17,250 50
Replace damaged channel liner 5,400 sq ft $5 $27,000 $1 $2,700 $29,700 $4,455 $6,831 $40,986 50
Embedded accessories 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $2,000 $300 $460 $2,760 50
Handrail 225 lin ft $50 $11,250 $10 $2,250 $13,500 $2,025 $3,105 $18,630 50
Trashrack,stainless steel (32' x 34') 2 each $36,000 $72,000 $10,800 $21,600 $93,600 $14,040 $21,528 $129,168 50
Grating 100 sq ft $19 $1,900 $5 $500 $2,400 $360 $552 $3,312 50
Ladders, fixed aluminum w/cage 2 each $5,000 $10,000 $1,000 $2,000 $12,000 $1,800 $2,760 $16,560 50
Guard post 25 each $400 $10,000 $100 $2,500 $12,500 $1,875 $2,875 $17,250 50
Guard rail 60 lin ft $50 $3,000 $30 $1,800 $4,800 $720 $1,104 $6,624 30
Miscellaneous 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $1,000 $150 $230 $1,380 50
Thermal & moisture protection
Caulking, flashing, etc. 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $750 $113 $173 $1,035 20
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $2,000 $300 $460 $2,760 20
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $61,100 $9,165 $14,053 $84,318 10
Process piping
Wall fittings
Stop logs & grooves 945 sq ft $50 $47,250 $2 $1,890 $49,140 $7,371 $11,302 $67,813 50
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $9,000 $1,350 $2,070 $12,420 30

Subtotals: $489,000 $78,440 $653,290 $97,994 $150,257 $901,540

Total - Raw Water Intake $902,000

* Labor Included

Useful Life Costs

0 years $289,800 32.1%
10 years $84,318 9.4%
20 years $3,795 0.4%
30 years $19,044 2.1%
50 years $504,583 56.0%

2 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Raw Water Inlet Structures

Structural excavation 15,200 cu yd $0 $0 $8 $121,600 $121,600 $18,240 $27,968 $167,808 50
Compacted fill 1,190 cu yd $8 $9,520 $3 $3,570 $13,090 $1,964 $3,011 $18,064 50
Granular fill 1,050 cu yd $35 $36,750 $3 $3,150 $39,900 $5,985 $9,177 $55,062 50
Sheeting, shoring 34,200 sq ft $15 $513,000 $5 $171,000 $684,000 $102,600 $157,320 $943,920 50
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 487 cu yd* $300 $146,100 $0 $0 $146,100 $21,915 $33,603 $201,618 50
Walls 1,287 cu yd* $400 $514,800 $0 $0 $514,800 $77,220 $118,404 $710,424 50
Suspended 166 cu yd* $500 $83,000 $0 $0 $83,000 $12,450 $19,090 $114,540 50
Equipment pads/pipe supports 14 cu yd* $300 $4,200 $0 $0 $4,200 $630 $966 $5,796 50
Embedded accessories 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $1,000 $150 $230 $1,380 50
Handrail 412 lin ft $50 $20,600 $10 $4,120 $24,720 $3,708 $5,686 $34,114 50
Grating 1,016 sq ft $19 $19,304 $5 $5,080 $24,384 $3,658 $5,608 $33,650 50
Ladders, fixed aluminum w/cage 4 each $5,000 $20,000 $500 $2,000 $22,000 $3,300 $5,060 $30,360 50
Miscellaneous 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $0 $0 $800 $120 $184 $1,104 50
Thermal & moisture protection
Caulking, flashing, etc. 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $500 $75 $115 $690 20
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $5,000 $750 $1,150 $6,900 20
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $18,100 $2,715 $4,163 $24,978 10
Metering equipment 2 each $18,000 $36,000 $5,400 $10,800 $46,800 $7,020 $10,764 $64,584 20
Sump pump 4 each $3,000 $12,000 $900 $3,600 $15,600 $2,340 $3,588 $21,528 10
Bar Screens 2 each $280,000 $560,000 $84,000 $168,000 $728,000 $109,200 $167,440 $1,004,640 20
Sluice gates
180" 2 each $265,000 $530,000 $80,000 $160,000 $690,000 $103,500 $158,700 $952,200 30
96" 6 each $50,000 $300,000 $17,500 $105,000 $405,000 $60,750 $93,150 $558,900 30
Conveyors 1 each $50,000 $50,000 $25,000 $25,000 $75,000 $11,250 $17,250 $103,500 10
Dumpster 1 each $15,000 $15,000 $1,000 $1,000 $16,000 $2,400 $3,680 $22,080 10
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $17,500 $2,625 $4,025 $24,150 30

Subtotals: $2,870,274 $783,920 $3,697,094 $554,564 $850,332 $5,101,990

Total - Raw Water Inlet Structures $5,102,000

* Includes Labor

Useful Life Costs

0 years 0.0%
10 years $172,086 3.4%
20 years $1,076,814 21.1%
30 years $1,535,250 30.1%
50 years $2,317,840 45.4%

3 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Raw Water Pumping Station (RWPS)

Structural excavation 6,500 cu yd $0 $0 $8 $52,000 $52,000 $7,800 $11,960 $71,760 50
Compacted fill 1,900 cu yd $8 $15,200 $3 $5,700 $20,900 $3,135 $4,807 $28,842 50
Granular fill 650 cu yd $35 $22,750 $3 $1,950 $24,700 $3,705 $5,681 $34,086 50
Sheeting, shoring & dewatering 8,760 sq ft $25 $219,000 $8 $70,080 $289,080 $43,362 $66,488 $398,930 0
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 260 cu yd* $300 $78,000 $0 $0 $78,000 $11,700 $17,940 $107,640 50
Walls 500 cu yd* $400 $200,000 $0 $0 $200,000 $30,000 $46,000 $276,000 50
Suspended 225 cu yd* $500 $112,500 $0 $0 $112,500 $16,875 $25,875 $155,250 50
Columns 250 cu yd* $400 $100,000 $0 $0 $100,000 $15,000 $23,000 $138,000 50
Equipment pads/pipe supports 20 cu yd* $300 $6,000 $0 $0 $6,000 $900 $1,380 $8,280 50
Fill 50 cu yd* $200 $10,000 $0 $0 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800 50
Embedded accessories 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $5,000 $750 $1,150 $6,900 50
Concrete block
12" Split face 2,272 sq ft $15 $34,080 $5 $11,360 $45,440 $6,816 $10,451 $62,707 50
Bond beam 284 lin ft $16 $4,544 $2 $568 $5,112 $767 $1,176 $7,055 50
Open web joists & supports 10 each $260 $2,600 $80 $800 $3,400 $510 $782 $4,692 50
Metal decking 1,050 sq ft $3 $3,150 $5 $5,250 $8,400 $1,260 $1,932 $11,592 50
Lintels 120 pounds $3 $300 $0 $30 $330 $50 $76 $455 50
Checker plate 100 sq ft $30 $3,000 $2 $150 $3,150 $473 $725 $4,347 50
Ladders,fixed aluminum w/cage 4 each $5,000 $20,000 $500 $2,000 $22,000 $3,300 $5,060 $30,360 50
Access hatch 4 each $2,500 $10,000 $1,000 $4,000 $14,000 $2,100 $3,220 $19,320 50
Grating 50 sq ft $19 $950 $5 $250 $1,200 $180 $276 $1,656 50
Guard post 20 each $200 $4,000 $100 $2,000 $6,000 $900 $1,380 $8,280 50
Guard rail 120 lin ft $50 $6,000 $30 $3,600 $9,600 $1,440 $2,208 $13,248 30
Miscellaneous 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $5,000 $750 $1,150 $6,900 50
Thermal & moisture protection
Single-ply roofing 1,100 sq ft $3 $3,300 $1 $1,100 $4,400 $660 $1,012 $6,072 20
Metal coping 142 lin ft $10 $1,420 $2 $284 $1,704 $256 $392 $2,352 20
Rigid roof 1,100 sq ft $3 $2,750 $1 $1,100 $3,850 $578 $886 $5,313 20
Caulking, flashing, etc. 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $2,200 $330 $506 $3,036 20
Hollow metal 156 sq ft $40 $6,240 $3 $468 $6,708 $1,006 $1,543 $9,257 50
Overhead sectional, 12' x 16' 1 each $3,500 $3,500 $500 $500 $4,000 $600 $920 $5,520 50
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $20,000 $3,000 $4,600 $27,600 20
Misellaneous specialties
Louvers 10' x 10' 2 each $3,000 $6,000 $300 $600 $6,600 $990 $1,518 $9,108 50
Pumping units
7500 GPM Pumps 2 each $42,000 $84,000 $12,600 $25,200 $109,200 $16,380 $25,116 $150,696 30
15,000 GPM Pumps 3 each $80,000 $240,000 $24,000 $72,000 $312,000 $46,800 $71,760 $430,560 30
30,000 GPM Pumps 1 each $190,000 $190,000 $57,000 $57,000 $247,000 $37,050 $56,810 $340,860 30
Surge tank, piping, & supports 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $80,000 $12,000 $18,400 $110,400 30
Air compressor system 1 each $25,000 $25,000 $3,000 $3,000 $28,000 $4,200 $6,440 $38,640 20
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $40,700 $6,105 $9,361 $56,166 10

4 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
HVAC 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $15,000 $2,250 $3,450 $20,700 20
Plumbing 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $4,200 $630 $966 $5,796 30
Process piping
Ductile iron pipe 35,000 pounds $3 $87,500 $0.50 $17,500 $105,000 $15,750 $24,150 $144,900 50
Misc. pipe & valves 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $5,000 $750 $1,150 $6,900 50
Harness mech. Couplings, 48" 1 each $3,000 $3,000 $1,200 $1,200 $4,200 $630 $966 $5,796 50
Harness mech. Couplings, 36" 3 each $1,800 $5,400 $1,000 $3,000 $8,400 $1,260 $1,932 $11,592 50
Harness mech. Couplings, 30" 2 each $1,500 $3,000 $900 $1,800 $4,800 $720 $1,104 $6,624 50
48" Butterfly, handwheel 3 each $25,000 $75,000 $5,000 $15,000 $90,000 $13,500 $20,700 $124,200 20
48" Check valve, air-oil 1 each $40,000 $40,000 $5,500 $5,500 $45,500 $6,825 $10,465 $62,790 20
36" Butterfly, handwheel 3 each $16,800 $50,400 $2,500 $7,500 $57,900 $8,685 $13,317 $79,902 20
36" Check valve, air-oil 3 each $22,000 $66,000 $3,000 $9,000 $75,000 $11,250 $17,250 $103,500 20
30" Butterfly, handwheel 2 each $12,000 $24,000 $2,000 $4,000 $28,000 $4,200 $6,440 $38,640 20
30" Check valve, air-oil 2 each $18,000 $36,000 $2,500 $5,000 $41,000 $6,150 $9,430 $56,580 20
Pipe supports 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800 50
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $289,500 $43,425 $66,585 $399,510 30

Subtotals: $1,804,584 $390,490 $2,671,674 $400,751 $614,485 $3,686,910

Total - Raw Water Pumping Station (RWPS) $3,687,000

* Includes Labor

Useful Life Costs

0 years $398,930 10.8%
10 years $56,166 1.5%
20 years $569,325 15.4%
30 years $1,451,070 39.4%
50 years $1,211,419 32.9%

5 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Raw Water Transmission Line (RWPS - LPWTP)

90" Pipeline (Trench depth 12')
Transmission main 12,700 lin ft $300 $3,810,000 $100 $1,270,000 $5,080,000 $762,000 $1,168,400 $7,010,400 50
Restrained joints 1,270 lin ft $300 $381,000 $30 $38,100 $419,100 $62,865 $96,393 $578,358 50
Excavation 68,800 cu yd $0 $0 $8 $550,400 $550,400 $82,560 $126,592 $759,552 50
Compact fill 32,500 cu yd $8 $260,000 $3 $97,500 $357,500 $53,625 $82,225 $493,350 50
Granular fill 15,500 cu yd $35 $542,500 $3 $46,500 $589,000 $88,350 $135,470 $812,820 50
Concrete, cast in place
Butterfly 90" 2 each $65,000 $130,000 $10,000 $20,000 $150,000 $22,500 $34,500 $207,000 20
Access manways flanged, 24" dia 6 each $6,000 $36,000 $1,000 $6,000 $42,000 $6,300 $9,660 $57,960 50
Air/vac and manhole 7 each $12,000 $84,000 $2,000 $14,000 $98,000 $14,700 $22,540 $135,240 50
Blowoffs 5 each $6,000 $30,000 $600 $3,000 $33,000 $4,950 $7,590 $45,540 50
Road crossings 1 Lump sum $20,000 $20,000 $0 $0 $20,000 $3,000 $4,600 $27,600 50
Road crossings 1 Lump sum $7,000 $7,000 $0 $0 $7,000 $1,050 $1,610 $9,660 50
Cathodic protection system 12,700 lin ft $5 $63,500 $1 $12,700 $76,200 $11,430 $17,526 $105,156 10
Pressure & leakage test & disinfection 12,700 lin ft $2 $25,400 $1 $12,700 $38,100 $5,715 $8,763 $52,578 0
Meter vault and flow meter 1 Lump sum $80,000 $80,000 $30,000 $30,000 $110,000 $16,500 $25,300 $151,800 30

Subtotals: $5,469,400 $2,100,900 $7,570,300 $1,135,545 $1,741,169 $10,447,014

Total - Raw Water Transmission Line (RWPS - LPWTP) $10,447,000

* Includes Labor

Useful Life Costs

0 years $52,578 0.5%
10 years $105,156 1.0%
20 years $207,000 2.0%
30 years $151,800 1.5%
50 years $9,930,480 95.1%

6 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

General Requirements & Sitework LPWTP

General Requirements
Mobilization 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $1,000,000 $150,000 $230,000 $1,380,000 0
Temporary facilities 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $750,000 $112,500 $172,500 $1,035,000 0
Temporary utilities 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $600,000 $90,000 $138,000 $828,000 0
Includes, Site excavation, embankment
& fill, borrow, finish grading, storm water 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $1,037,000 $155,550 $238,510 $1,431,060 50
Waste Material to Berm 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000 50
Bridges 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $200,000 $30,000 $46,000 $276,000 30
Includes, Asphalt pavement, concrete
curb & gutter,concrete walks, marking &
signage. 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $1,239,000 $185,850 $284,970 $1,709,820 30
Landscaping at plant site
Includes, Seeding, irrigation, trees, shrubs 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $350,000 $52,500 $80,500 $483,000 30
Storm water system
Includes, Inlets,manholes, connections 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $247,000 $37,050 $56,810 $340,860 50
Includes, solid walls, gates 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $845,000 $126,750 $194,350 $1,166,100 30
Yard pipe
Includes, Pipelines, valves, fire hydrants 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $5,940,000 $891,000 $1,366,200 $8,197,200 50
Sanitary system
Includes, sanitary lift station, sample station, flow meter 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $45,000 $6,750 $10,350 $62,100 20
Sanitary system instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $30,000 $4,500 $6,900 $41,400 10
Electrical Yard Accessories
Electrical Distribution 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $2,712,600 $406,890 $623,898 $3,743,388 30
Site Lighting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $200,000 $30,000 $46,000 $276,000 30
Communications system 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $600,000 $90,000 $138,000 $828,000 20

Subtotals: $0 $0 $15,795,600 $2,369,340 $3,632,988 $22,797,928

Total - General Requirements & Sitework LPWTP $22,798,000

Useful Life Costs

0 years $3,243,000 14.2%
10 years $41,400 0.2%
20 years $890,100 3.9%
30 years $7,654,308 33.6%
50 years $10,969,120 48.1%

7 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Service Entrance
69kV Substation 1 lump sum $779,500 $334,100 $1,113,600 $167,040 $256,128 $1,536,768 20
APS Contribution in AOC* 1 lump sum $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,200,000 0
Plant Electrical
12.47 KV switchgear 1 lump sum $805,200 $40,500 $845,700 $126,855 $194,511 $1,167,066 20
12.47 KV feeders 1 lump sum $287,900 $221,900 $509,800 $76,470 $117,254 $703,524 20
Substation transformers 1 lump sum $1,871,400 $510,200 $2,381,600 $357,240 $547,768 $3,286,608 20
Pad mount transformers 1 lump sum $147,300 $21,200 $168,500 $25,275 $38,755 $232,530 20
Transformer secondary feeders 1 lump sum $121,500 $299,400 $420,900 $63,135 $96,807 $580,842 20
4.16 KV switchgear - 2 1 lump sum $744,400 $40,500 $784,900 $117,735 $180,527 $1,083,162 20
SGR-2 Feeders 1 lump sum $17,400 $18,500 $35,900 $5,385 $8,257 $49,542 20
4.16 KV switchgear - 3 1 lump sum $669,100 $43,900 $713,000 $106,950 $163,990 $983,940 20
Standby generators 1 lump sum $2,940,500 $177,800 $3,118,300 $467,745 $717,209 $4,303,254 20
Generator enclosure/electrical building 1 lump sum $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,000,000 50
Electrical building HVAC 1 lump sum $0 $0 $20,000 $3,000 $4,600 $27,600 20
Electrical building Plumbing 1 lump sum $0 $0 $8,000 $1,200 $1,840 $11,040 30
Diesel fuel tanks & accessories 1 lump sum $0 $0 $400,000 $60,000 $92,000 $552,000 20
Large starters 1 lump sum $432,700 $20,300 $453,000 $67,950 $104,190 $625,140 20
Fire Alarms 1 lump sum $50,000 $10,900 $60,900 $9,135 $14,007 $84,042 20

Subtotals: $8,866,900 $1,739,200 $11,034,100 $1,655,115 $2,537,843 $17,427,058

Total - Electrical $17,427,000

* Allowance

Useful Life Costs

0 years $1,200,000 6.9%
10 years 0.0%
20 years $15,216,018 87.3%
30 years $11,040 0.1%
50 years $1,000,000 5.7%

8 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Rapid Mix Chambers

Structural excavation 500 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $2,750 $2,750 $413 $1,100 $4,263 50
Compacted fill 200 cu yd $8 $1,600 $3 $600 $2,200 $330 $880 $3,410 50
Granular fill 25 cu yd $35 $875 $3 $75 $950 $143 $380 $1,473 50
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 25 cu yd* $300 $7,500 $0 $0 $7,500 $1,125 $3,000 $11,625 50
Walls 45 cu yd* $400 $18,000 $0 $0 $18,000 $2,700 $7,200 $27,900 50
Suspended Slab 25 cu yd* $500 $12,500 $0 $0 $12,500 $1,875 $5,000 $19,375 50
Embedded accessories 1 Lump Sum $0 $0 $450 $68 $104 $621 50
Access hatch 2 each $1,500 $3,000 $100 $200 $3,200 $480 $1,280 $4,960 50
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $5,000 $0 $1,000 $6,000 20
Pumps (20 HP) 2 each $12,225 $24,450 $3,700 $7,400 $31,850 $4,778 $12,740 $49,368 20
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $12,000 $1,800 $2,760 $16,560 10
10 inch pipe 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $2,500 $0 $500 $3,000 50
10 inch valve (electrical) 2 each $12,000 $24,000 $300 $600 $24,600 $3,690 $9,840 $38,130 20
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $18,000 $2,700 $4,140 $24,840 30

Subtotals: $91,925 $11,625 $141,500 $20,100 $49,924 $211,524

Total - Rapid Mix Chambers $212,000

* Includes Labor

Useful Life Costs

0 years 0.0%
10 years $16,560 7.8%
20 years $93,498 44.2%
30 years $24,840 11.7%
50 years $76,626 36.2%

9 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Raw Water Control Chamber

Structural excavation 2,415 cu yd $0 $0 $6 $13,283 $13,283 $1,992 $3,055 $18,330 50
Compacted fill 650 cu yd $8 $5,200 $3 $1,950 $7,150 $1,073 $1,645 $9,867 50
Granular fill 155 cu yd $35 $5,425 $3 $465 $5,890 $884 $1,355 $8,128 50
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 160 cu yd* $300 $48,000 $0 $0 $48,000 $7,200 $11,040 $66,240 50
Walls 505 cu yd* $400 $202,000 $0 $0 $202,000 $30,300 $46,460 $278,760 50
Suspended 160 cu yd* $500 $80,000 $0 $0 $80,000 $12,000 $18,400 $110,400 50
Fillets 6 cu yd* $300 $1,800 $0 $0 $1,800 $270 $414 $2,484 50
Handrail 275 lin ft $50 $13,750 $10 $2,750 $16,500 $2,475 $3,795 $22,770 50
Grating 670 sq ft $19 $12,730 $5 $3,350 $16,080 $2,412 $3,698 $22,190 50
Stainless steel weir plates 1.5' x 26' 2 each $8,000 $16,000 $3,000 $6,000 $22,000 $3,300 $5,060 $30,360 50
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $2,000 $300 $460 $2,760 20
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $15,800 $2,370 $3,634 $21,804 10
72" Sluice Gate 2 each $35,000 $70,000 $12,500 $25,000 $95,000 $14,250 $21,850 $131,100 30
Process piping
72" PCCP Stub 12 lin ft $250 $3,000 $250 $3,000 $6,000 $900 $1,380 $8,280 50
Wall sleeves, 90" 1 each $0 $0 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $600 $920 $5,520 50
Wall sleeves, 72" 2 each $0 $0 $3,000 $6,000 $6,000 $900 $1,380 $8,280 50
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $24,000 $3,600 $5,520 $33,120 30

Subtotals: $457,905 $65,798 $565,503 $84,825 $130,066 $780,393

Total - Raw Water Control Chamber $780,000

* Includes Labor

Useful Life Costs

0 years 0.0%
10 years $21,804 2.8%
20 years $2,760 0.4%
30 years $164,220 21.0%
50 years $591,609 75.8%

10 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Flocculation and Sedimentation Chambers

Structural excavation 45,000 cu yd $0 $0 $7 $315,000 $315,000 $47,250 $72,450 $434,700 50
Compacted fill 2,300 cu yd $8 $18,400 $3 $6,900 $25,300 $3,795 $5,819 $34,914 50
Granular fill 8,000 cu yd $35 $280,000 $3 $24,000 $304,000 $45,600 $69,920 $419,520 50
Foundation drain 2,270 lin ft $7 $15,890 $2 $4,540 $20,430 $3,065 $4,699 $28,193 50
Concrete, cast in place
Slabs on grade/footings 8,150 cu yd* $300 $2,445,000 $0 $0 $2,445,000 $366,750 $562,350 $3,374,100 50
Walls 5,500 cu yd* $400 $2,200,000 $0 $0 $2,200,000 $330,000 $506,000 $3,036,000 50
Suspended 1,925 cu yd* $500 $962,500 $0 $0 $962,500 $144,375 $221,375 $1,328,250 50
Embedded accessories 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $450 $68 $104 $621 50
Structural aluminum framing 12,000 pounds $4 $51,600 $3 $30,000 $81,600 $12,240 $18,768 $112,608 50
Aluminum handrail 6,000 lin ft $50 $300,000 $10 $60,000 $360,000 $54,000 $82,800 $496,800 50
Aluminum grating 2,200 sq ft $19 $41,800 $5 $11,000 $52,800 $7,920 $12,144 $72,864 50
Stainless steel baffle framing 25,000 pounds $5 $132,500 $1 $25,000 $157,500 $23,625 $36,225 $217,350 50
Ladder 5 each $450 $2,250 $100 $500 $2,750 $413 $633 $3,795 50
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $40,000 $6,000 $9,200 $55,200 20
Access hatch 5 each $2,500 $12,500 $1,000 $5,000 $17,500 $2,625 $4,025 $24,150 50
Vertical flocculators(1 HP) 1 each $169,730 $169,730 $67,000 $67,000 $236,730 $35,510 $54,448 $326,687 20
Vertical flocculators(2 HP) 1 each $173,470 $173,470 $68,800 $68,800 $242,270 $36,341 $55,722 $334,333 20
Vertical flocculators(3 HP) 1 each $179,520 $179,520 $71,200 $71,200 $250,720 $37,608 $57,666 $345,994 20
Chain & flight sludge scraper 1 Lump sum $1,125,000 $1,125,000 $450,000 $450,000 $1,575,000 $236,250 $362,250 $2,173,500 20
Energy dissipater 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $60,000 $9,000 $13,800 $82,800 20
Launder trough incl. Weir 9 each $50,000 $450,000 $15,000 $135,000 $585,000 $87,750 $134,550 $807,300 20
Sludge pumps 10 each $8,500 $85,000 $1,275 $12,750 $97,750 $14,663 $22,483 $134,895 10
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $120,000 $18,000 $27,600 $165,600 10
Process piping & valves 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $800,000 $120,000 $184,000 $1,104,000 50
Aluminum stop gates 80 each $700 $56,000 $100 $8,000 $64,000 $9,600 $14,720 $88,320 30
Aluminum slide gates 4 each $65,000 $260,000 $4,000 $16,000 $276,000 $41,400 $63,480 $380,880 30
Sluice gates 12 each $15,000 $180,000 $3,750 $45,000 $225,000 $33,750 $51,750 $310,500 30
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $1,166,000 $174,900 $268,180 $1,609,080 30

Subtotals: $9,141,160 $1,355,690 $12,683,300 $1,902,495 $2,917,159 $17,502,954

Total - Flocculation & Sedimentation Chambers $17,503,000

* Includes Labor

Useful Life Costs

0 years 0.0%
10 years $300,495 1.7%
20 years $4,125,814 23.6%
30 years $2,388,780 13.6%
50 years $10,687,865 61.1%

11 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Filter Building
Structural excavation 8,250 cu yd $0 $0 $7 $57,750 $57,750 $8,663 $13,283 $79,695 50
Compacted fill 2,000 cu yd $8 $16,000 $3 $6,000 $22,000 $3,300 $5,060 $30,360 50
Granular fill 1,900 cu yd $35 $66,500 $3 $5,700 $72,200 $10,830 $16,606 $99,636 50
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 2,300 cu yd* $300 $690,000 $0 $0 $690,000 $103,500 $158,700 $952,200 50
Walls 3,200 cu yd* $400 $1,280,000 $0 $0 $1,280,000 $192,000 $294,400 $1,766,400 50
Suspended 2,200 cu yd* $500 $1,100,000 $0 $0 $1,100,000 $165,000 $253,000 $1,518,000 50
Equipment pads 15 cu yd* $300 $4,500 $0 $0 $4,500 $675 $1,035 $6,210 50
Encasement 400 cu yd* $300 $120,000 $0 $0 $120,000 $18,000 $27,600 $165,600 50
Embedded accessories 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $3,000 $450 $690 $4,140 50
Canopy 20,000 sq ft $15 $300,000 $5 $100,000 $400,000 $60,000 $92,000 $552,000 20
Aluminum handrail 800 lin ft $50 $40,000 $10 $8,000 $48,000 $7,200 $11,040 $66,240 50
Aluminum grating 100 sq ft $19 $1,900 $5 $500 $2,400 $360 $552 $3,312 50
Structural steel 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800 50
Access hatch 10 each $1,500 $15,000 $500 $5,000 $20,000 $3,000 $4,600 $27,600 50
Ladder 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $1,500 $225 $345 $2,070 50
Thermal & Moisture Protection
Single-ply roofing 2,244 sq ft $3 $6,732 $1 $2,244 $8,976 $1,346 $2,064 $12,387 20
Rigid insulation 2,244 sq ft $2 $4,488 $1 $2,244 $6,732 $1,010 $1,548 $9,290 20
Hollow metal 84 sq ft $60 $5,040 $5 $399 $5,439 $816 $1,251 $7,506 50
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $40,000 $6,000 $9,200 $55,200 20
Louvers 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $2,000 $300 $460 $2,760 30
Air supply blowers 200 hp 2 each $26,300 $52,600 $10,000 $20,000 $72,600 $10,890 $16,698 $100,188 30
Backwash pumps 3 each $53,000 $159,000 $20,000 $60,000 $219,000 $32,850 $50,370 $302,220 20
Backwash valves 3 each* $18,000 $54,000 $0 $0 $54,000 $8,100 $12,420 $74,520 20
Underdrain syst., media, washwater troughs 1 Lump sum $1,990,200 $1,990,200 $796,100 $796,100 $2,786,300 $417,945 $640,849 $3,845,094 20
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $400,000 $60,000 $92,000 $552,000 10
HVAC 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $65,000 $9,750 $14,950 $89,700 20
Plumbing 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $17,000 $2,550 $3,910 $23,460 30
Fire suppression system 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $60,000 $9,000 $13,800 $82,800 30
Process piping 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $728,000 $109,200 $167,440 $1,004,640 50

12 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Butterfly, electric
36" Influent 10 each* $25,000 $250,000 $0 $0 $250,000 $37,500 $57,500 $345,000 20
42" Drain 10 each* $30,000 $300,000 $0 $0 $300,000 $45,000 $69,000 $414,000 20
24" Washwater supply 10 each* $18,000 $180,000 $0 $0 $180,000 $27,000 $41,400 $248,400 20
20" Air wash 10 each* $15,000 $150,000 $0 $0 $150,000 $22,500 $34,500 $207,000 20
24" Filter to waste 10 each* $18,000 $180,000 $0 $0 $180,000 $27,000 $41,400 $248,400 20
20" Filter control 10 each* $15,000 $150,000 $0 $0 $150,000 $22,500 $34,500 $207,000 20
24" Filter process 10 each* $18,000 $180,000 $0 $0 $180,000 $27,000 $41,400 $248,400 20
48" Butterfly, manual 2 each* $28,000 $56,000 $0 $0 $56,000 $8,400 $12,880 $77,280 20
Miscellaneous valves & piping 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $25,000 $3,750 $5,750 $34,500 30
Supports 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800 50
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $678,000 $101,700 $155,940 $935,640 30

Subtotals: $7,351,960 $1,063,937 $10,455,397 $1,568,310 $2,404,741 $14,428,448

Total - Filter Building $14,428,000

* Includes Labor

Useful Life Costs

0 years 0.0%
10 years $552,000 3.8%
20 years $6,935,891 48.1%
30 years $1,179,348 8.2%
50 years $5,761,209 39.9%

13 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Filter To Waste Equalization Basin

Structural excavation 8,450 cu yd $0 $0 $6 $46,475 $46,475 $6,971 $10,689 $64,136 50
Compacted fill 1,800 cu yd $8 $14,400 $3 $5,400 $19,800 $2,970 $4,554 $27,324 50
Granular fill 600 cu yd $35 $21,000 $3 $1,800 $22,800 $3,420 $5,244 $31,464 50
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 275 cu yd* $300 $82,500 $0 $0 $82,500 $12,375 $18,975 $113,850 50
Walls 275 cu yd* $400 $110,000 $0 $0 $110,000 $16,500 $25,300 $151,800 50
Suspended 10 cu yd* $500 $5,000 $0 $0 $5,000 $750 $1,150 $6,900 50
Embedded accessories 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $2,000 $300 $460 $2,760 50
Handrail 320 lin ft $50 $16,000 $10 $3,200 $19,200 $2,880 $4,416 $26,496 50
Access hatch 2 each $6,000 $12,000 $1,600 $3,200 $15,200 $2,280 $3,496 $20,976 50
Miscellaneous 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $4,000 $600 $920 $5,520 50
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $8,000 $1,200 $1,840 $11,040 20
Submersible pumps, guide rail, 700gpm 2 each $10,000 $20,000 $4,000 $8,000 $28,000 $4,200 $6,440 $38,640 20
VFD/Control Panel 2 each $3,000 $6,000 $500 $1,000 $7,000 $1,050 $1,610 $9,660 10
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $20,000 $3,000 $4,600 $27,600 10
Ductile iron piping 7,000 pounds $2 $15,750 $2 $10,500 $26,250 $3,938 $6,038 $36,225 50
36" Plug valve 2 each $30,000 $60,000 $5,000 $10,000 $70,000 $10,500 $16,100 $96,600 30
8" Butterfly 5 each $1,300 $6,500 $100 $500 $7,000 $1,050 $1,610 $9,660 20
8" Check 3 each $1,250 $3,750 $100 $300 $4,050 $608 $932 $5,589 20
Wall fittings
30" 1 each $4,000 $4,000 $2,000 $2,000 $6,000 $900 $1,380 $8,280 50
24" 1 each $3,200 $3,200 $2,000 $2,000 $5,200 $780 $1,196 $7,176 50
8" 3 each $800 $2,400 $500 $1,500 $3,900 $585 $897 $5,382 50
Harness mech. Joints, 8" 40 each $100 $4,000 $150 $6,000 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800 50
Pipe supports 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $8,000 $1,200 $1,840 $11,040 50
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $25,000 $3,750 $5,750 $34,500 30

Subtotals: $386,500 $101,875 $555,375 $83,306 $127,736 $766,418

Total - Filter To Waste Equalization Basin $766,000

* Includes Labor

Useful Life Costs

0 years 0.0%
10 years $37,260 4.9%
20 years $64,929 8.5%
30 years $131,100 17.1%
50 years $533,129 69.6%

14 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Finished Water Pump Station

Structural excavation 17,750 cu yd $0 $0 $6 $97,625 $97,625 $14,644 $22,454 $134,723 50
Compacted fill 700 cu yd $8 $5,600 $3 $2,100 $7,700 $1,155 $1,771 $10,626 50
Granular fill 1,050 cu yd $35 $36,750 $3 $3,150 $39,900 $5,985 $9,177 $55,062 50
6" Drain 620 lin ft $7 $4,340 $2 $1,240 $5,580 $837 $1,283 $7,700 50
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 1,700 cu yd* $300 $510,000 $0 $0 $510,000 $76,500 $117,300 $703,800 50
Walls 1,850 cu yd* $400 $740,000 $0 $0 $740,000 $111,000 $170,200 $1,021,200 50
Suspended 175 cu yd* $500 $87,500 $0 $0 $87,500 $13,125 $20,125 $120,750 50
Columns 350 cu yd* $400 $140,000 $0 $0 $140,000 $21,000 $32,200 $193,200 50
Stairs/landings 25 cu yd* $600 $15,000 $0 $0 $15,000 $2,250 $3,450 $20,700 50
Equipment pads/pipe supports 20 cu yd* $300 $6,000 $0 $0 $6,000 $900 $1,380 $8,280 50
Fill 50 cu yd* $200 $10,000 $0 $0 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800 50
Embedded accessories 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $5,000 $750 $1,150 $6,900 50
12" Split Face 3,200 sq ft $15 $48,000 $5 $16,000 $64,000 $9,600 $14,720 $88,320 50
Bond Beam 396 lin ft $16 $6,336 $2 $792 $7,128 $1,069 $1,639 $9,837 50
Open web joists & supports 4,600 pounds* $2 $9,200 $0 $0 $9,200 $1,380 $2,116 $12,696 50
Metal decking 2,500 sq ft $4 $10,000 $5 $12,500 $22,500 $3,375 $5,175 $31,050 50
Ladders, fixed aluminum w/cage 4 each $900 $3,600 $150 $600 $4,200 $630 $966 $5,796 50
Miscellaneous 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $9,000 $1,350 $2,070 $12,420 50
Railing 1,000 lin ft $50 $50,000 $10 $10,000 $60,000 $9,000 $13,800 $82,800 50
Thermal & moisture protection
Single-ply roofing 2,500 sq ft $3 $7,500 $1 $2,500 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800 20
Metal coping 200 lin ft $10 $2,000 $2 $400 $2,400 $360 $552 $3,312 20
Rigid, roof 2,500 sq ft $3 $6,250 $1 $2,500 $8,750 $1,313 $2,013 $12,075 20
Caulking, flashing, etc. 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $2,500 $375 $575 $3,450 20
Hollow metal 350 sq ft $40 $14,000 $5 $1,663 $15,663 $2,349 $3,602 $21,614 50
Overhead sectional, 12' x16' 2 each $2,500 $5,000 $500 $1,000 $6,000 $900 $1,380 $8,280 50
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $25,000 $3,750 $5,750 $34,500 20
Louvers 10' x 10' 2 each $3,000 $6,000 $300 $600 $6,600 $990 $1,518 $9,108 50
Pumping Units
6950 GPM pumps 2 each $80,000 $160,000 $24,000 $48,000 $208,000 $31,200 $47,840 $287,040 30
13,900 GPM pumps 3 each $100,000 $300,000 $30,000 $90,000 $390,000 $58,500 $89,700 $538,200 30
27,800 GPM pumps 1 each $250,000 $250,000 $75,000 $75,000 $325,000 $48,750 $74,750 $448,500 30
Air Compressor system 1 each $25,000 $25,000 $7,500 $7,500 $32,500 $4,875 $7,475 $44,850 20
Surge tank, piping & supports 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $250,000 $37,500 $57,500 $345,000 30
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $60,000 $9,000 $13,800 $82,800 10

15 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
HVAC 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $20,000 $3,000 $4,600 $27,600 20
Plumbing 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $68,000 $10,200 $15,640 $93,840 30
Process piping 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $720,000 $108,000 $165,600 $993,600 50
18" Ball 2 each $25,000 $50,000 $4,000 $8,000 $58,000 $8,700 $13,340 $80,040 30
24" Butterfly 4 each $5,200 $20,800 $1,500 $6,000 $26,800 $4,020 $6,164 $36,984 20
24" Ball 3 each $35,000 $105,000 $6,000 $18,000 $123,000 $18,450 $28,290 $169,740 30
30" Butterfly 6 each $12,000 $72,000 $2,000 $12,000 $84,000 $12,600 $19,320 $115,920 20
30" Ball 1 each $45,000 $45,000 $8,000 $8,000 $53,000 $7,950 $12,190 $73,140 30
48" Butterfly 4 each $25,000 $100,000 $5,000 $20,000 $120,000 $18,000 $27,600 $165,600 30
78" Butterfly 5 each $50,000 $250,000 $10,000 $50,000 $300,000 $45,000 $69,000 $414,000 30
Pipe supports 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $200,000 $30,000 $46,000 $276,000 50
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $1,187,000 $178,050 $273,010 $1,638,060 30

Subtotals: $3,100,876 $495,170 $6,142,546 $921,382 $1,412,785 $8,476,713

Total - Finished Water Pump Station $8,477,000

* Includes Labor

Useful Life Costs

0 years 0.0%
10 years $82,800 1.0%
20 years $292,491 3.5%
30 years $4,253,160 50.2%
50 years $3,848,262 45.4%

16 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Finished Water Reservoir

Structural excavation 277,680 cu yd $0 $0 $6 $1,527,240 $1,527,240 $229,086 $351,265 $2,107,591 50
Sand layer 5,025 sq yd $7 $35,175 $3 $15,075 $50,250 $7,538 $11,558 $69,345 50
Compacted fill 28,690 cu yd $8 $229,520 $3 $86,070 $315,590 $47,339 $72,586 $435,514 50
Granular fill 8,100 cu yd $35 $283,500 $3 $24,300 $307,800 $46,170 $70,794 $424,764 50
Pipe 2,500 lin ft $7 $17,500 $2 $3,750 $21,250 $3,188 $4,888 $29,325 50
Concrete, cast in place
Footings 2,125 cu yd* $300 $637,500 $0 $0 $637,500 $95,625 $146,625 $879,750 50
Slab on grade 4,150 cu yd* $300 $1,245,000 $0 $0 $1,245,000 $186,750 $286,350 $1,718,100 50
Walls and columns 5,000 cu yd* $400 $2,000,000 $0 $0 $2,000,000 $300,000 $460,000 $2,760,000 50
Suspended 500 cu yd* $500 $250,000 $0 $0 $250,000 $37,500 $57,500 $345,000 50
Encasement 200 cu yd* $300 $60,000 $0 $0 $60,000 $9,000 $13,800 $82,800 50
Concrete Baffle wall 515 cu yd* $400 $206,000 $0 $0 $206,000 $30,900 $47,380 $284,280 50
Embedded accessories 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $25,000 $3,750 $5,750 $34,500 50
Precast double tee roof 271,225 sf $8 $2,077,584 $0 $0 $2,077,584 $311,638 $477,844 $2,867,065 50
Access hatch 8 each $910 $7,280 $100 $800 $8,080 $1,212 $1,858 $11,150 30
Miscellaneous 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $8,000 $1,200 $1,840 $11,040 50
Thermal & moisture protection
Hypalon liner, 45mil 397,810 sq ft $2 $696,168 $0 $99,453 $795,620 $119,343 $182,993 $1,097,956 50
PVC Roof w/rock Ballast 2,715 sf $100 $271,500 $35 $95,025 $366,525 $54,979 $84,301 $505,805 20
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $19,000 $2,850 $4,370 $26,220 10
Sluice gates, 96" 12 each $45,000 $540,000 $15,000 $180,000 $720,000 $108,000 $165,600 $993,600 30
Sluice gates, 72" 8 each $35,000 $280,000 $12,500 $100,000 $380,000 $57,000 $87,400 $524,400 30
Butterfly valve, 72" 4 each $40,000 $160,000 $15,000 $60,000 $220,000 $33,000 $50,600 $303,600 30
Wall fittings 4 Lump sum $0 $0 $25,000 $3,750 $5,750 $34,500 50
Miscellaneous piping 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $15,000 $2,250 $3,450 $20,700 50
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $12,500 $1,875 $2,875 $17,250 30

Subtotals: $8,996,726 $2,191,713 $11,292,939 $1,693,941 $2,597,376 $15,584,255

Total - Finished Water Reservoir $15,584,000

* Includes Labor

Useful Life Costs

0 years 0.0%
10 years $26,220 0.2%
20 years $505,805 3.2%
30 years $1,850,000 11.9%
50 years $13,202,230 84.7%

17 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Residual Thickening

Splitter Box
Structural excavation 3 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $17 $17 $2 $4 $23 50
Granular fill (bedding) 2.5 cu yd $35 $88 $3 $8 $95 $14 $22 $131 50
Concrete, cast in place
Columns 4 cu yd* $400 $1,600 $0 $0 $1,600 $240 $368 $2,208 50
Walls 100 cu yd* $400 $40,000 $0 $0 $40,000 $6,000 $9,200 $55,200 50
Suspended 30 cu yd* $500 $15,000 $0 $0 $15,000 $2,250 $3,450 $20,700 50
Checkered plate 60 sq ft $30 $1,800 $2 $120 $1,920 $288 $442 $2,650 50
Aluminum grating 60 sq ft $19 $1,140 $5 $300 $1,440 $216 $331 $1,987 50
Stainless Steel weir plates 64 lin ft $60 $3,840 $15 $960 $4,800 $720 $1,104 $6,624 50
Ladder and cage 1 each $5,000 $5,000 $1,000 $1,000 $6,000 $900 $1,380 $8,280 50
FRP Troughs 70 lin ft $1,000 $70,000 $250 $17,500 $87,500 $13,125 $20,125 $120,750 30
Louvers 5'x7' 4 each $2,000 $8,000 $200 $800 $8,800 $1,320 $2,024 $12,144 50
Slide gates (small) 4 each $400 $1,600 $100 $400 $2,000 $300 $460 $2,760 50
Slide gate (large) 1 each $1,000 $1,000 $250 $250 $1,250 $188 $288 $1,725 50
Misc. pipe and valves 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $30,000 $4,500 $6,900 $41,400 30
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $18,000 $2,700 $4,140 $24,840 10
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $21,000 $3,150 $4,830 $28,980 30
Sludge Thickeners
Structural excavation 4,475 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $24,613 $24,613 $3,692 $5,661 $33,965 50
Compacted fill 290 cu yd $8 $2,320 $3 $870 $3,190 $479 $734 $4,402 50
Granular fill (bedding) 330 cu yd $35 $11,550 $3 $990 $12,540 $1,881 $2,884 $17,305 50
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade footing 290 cu yd* $300 $87,000 $0 $0 $87,000 $13,050 $20,010 $120,060 50
Walls 335 cu yd* $400 $134,000 $0 $0 $134,000 $20,100 $30,820 $184,920 50
Aluminum handrail 115 lin ft $30 $3,450 $10 $1,150 $4,600 $690 $1,058 $6,348 50
Aluminum grating 210 sq ft $19 $3,990 $5 $1,050 $5,040 $756 $1,159 $6,955 50
Structural Steel 3 tons $2,500 $7,500 $0 $0 $7,500 $1,125 $1,725 $10,350 50
Sludge collector mechanical 2 each $250,000 $500,000 $65,000 $130,000 $630,000 $94,500 $144,900 $869,400 20
Thickened sludge pumps 3 each $4,000 $12,000 $800 $2,400 $14,400 $2,160 $3,312 $19,872 10
VFD/Control panel 3 each $3,000 $9,000 $500 $1,500 $10,500 $1,575 $2,415 $14,490 10
Process piping & valves 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $300,000 $45,000 $69,000 $414,000 50
Yard Piping
(Includes excavation & backfill)
6-inch 400 lin ft $8 $3,280 $6 $2,400 $5,680 $852 $1,306 $7,838 50
8-inch 400 lin ft $11 $4,300 $7 $2,708 $7,008 $1,051 $1,612 $9,671 50
16-inch 200 lin ft $30 $6,000 $28 $5,600 $11,600 $1,740 $2,668 $16,008 50
20-inch 200 lin ft $35 $7,000 $31 $6,228 $13,228 $1,984 $3,042 $18,255 50

18 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $25,000 $3,750 $5,750 $34,500 10
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $84,000 $12,600 $19,320 $115,920 30

Subtotals: $940,458 $200,863 $1,619,320 $242,898 $372,444 $2,234,662

Total - Residual Thickening $2,235,000

* Includes Labor

Useful Life Costs

0 years 0.0%
10 years $93,702 4.2%
20 years $869,400 38.9%
30 years $307,050 13.7%
50 years $1,085,260 48.6%

19 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Odor Control
Structural excavation 450 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $2,475 $2,475 $371 $569 $3,416 50
Compacted fill 335 cu yd $8 $2,680 $3 $1,005 $3,685 $553 $848 $5,085 50
Granular fill 40 cu yd $35 $1,400 $3 $120 $1,520 $228 $350 $2,098 50
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 55 cu yd* $300 $16,500 $0 $0 $16,500 $2,475 $3,795 $22,770 50
Walls 10 cu yd* $400 $4,000 $0 $0 $4,000 $600 $920 $5,520 50
Scrubber System 1 each $89,000 $89,000 $5,500 $5,500 $94,500 $14,175 $21,735 $130,410 10
Storage Tank 1 each $55,000 $55,000 $5,500 $5,500 $60,500 $9,075 $13,915 $83,490 20
Plumbing 1 lump sum $0 $0 $3,500 $525 $805 $1,330 30
Sump pump 1 lump sum $0 $0 $15,000 $2,250 $3,450 $5,700 10

Subtotals: $168,580 $14,600 $201,680 $30,252 $46,386 $259,818

Thickened Sludge Pump Station

Structural excavation 1,500 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $8,250 $8,250 $1,238 $1,898 $11,385 50
Compacted fill 1,105 cu yd $8 $8,840 $3 $3,315 $12,155 $1,823 $2,796 $16,774 50
Granular fill 25 cu yd $35 $875 $3 $75 $950 $143 $219 $1,311 50
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 25 cu yd* $300 $7,500 $0 $0 $7,500 $1,125 $1,725 $10,350 50
Walls 55 cu yd* $400 $22,000 $0 $0 $22,000 $3,300 $5,060 $30,360 50
Suspended 20 cu yd* $500 $10,000 $0 $0 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800 50
Structural Steel Stairs 2 tons $2,500 $3,750 $0 $0 $3,750 $563 $863 $5,175 50
Aluminum handrail 60 lin ft $50 $3,000 $0 $0 $3,000 $450 $690 $4,140 50
Access hatch 44 sq ft $30 $1,320 $0 $0 $1,320 $198 $304 $1,822 50
Thickened Sludge Pumps 3 each $10,000 $30,000 $3,200 $9,600 $39,600 $5,940 $9,108 $54,648 10
Misc. pipe and valves 1 lump sum $0 $0 $20,000 $3,000 $4,600 $27,600 20
HVAC 1 lump sum $0 $0 $8,000 $1,200 $1,840 $3,040 20
Plumbing 1 lump sum $0 $0 $3,500 $525 $805 $1,330 30

Subtotals: $87,285 $21,240 $140,025 $21,004 $32,206 $181,735

Total - Odor Control and Thickened Sludge Pump Station $442,000

* Includes Labor

Useful Life Costs

0 years 0.0%
10 years $190,758 43.2%
20 years $114,130 25.8%
30 years $2,660 0.6%

20 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
50 years $134,005 30.3%

21 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Thickened Sludge Storage Basin

Structural excavation 1,090 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $5,995 $5,995 $899 $1,379 $8,273 50
Compacted fill 260 cu yd $8 $2,080 $3 $780 $2,860 $429 $658 $3,947 50
Granular fill 170 cu yd $35 $5,950 $3 $510 $6,460 $969 $1,486 $8,915 50
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 290 cu yd* $300 $87,000 $0 $0 $87,000 $13,050 $20,010 $120,060 50
Walls 480 cu yd* $400 $192,000 $0 $0 $192,000 $28,800 $44,160 $264,960 50
Suspended slabs 140 cu yd* $500 $70,000 $0 $0 $70,000 $10,500 $16,100 $96,600 50
Aluminum hatches 32 sq ft $30 $960 $10 $320 $1,280 $192 $294 $1,766 50

Subtotals: $357,990 $7,605 $365,595 $54,839 $84,087 $504,521

Total - Thickened Sludge Storage Basin $505,000

* Includes Labor

Useful Life Costs

0 years 0.0%
10 years 0.0%
20 years 0.0%
30 years 0.0%
50 years $504,521 100.0%

22 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Dewatering Building
Structural excavation 3,000 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $16,500 $16,500 $2,475 $3,795 $22,770 50
Compacted fill 1,700 cu yd $8 $13,600 $3 $5,100 $18,700 $2,805 $4,301 $25,806 50
Granular fill 205 cu yd $35 $7,175 $3 $615 $7,790 $1,169 $1,792 $10,750 50
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 315 cu yd* $300 $94,500 $0 $0 $94,500 $14,175 $21,735 $130,410 50
Walls and Columns 190 cu yd* $400 $76,000 $0 $0 $76,000 $11,400 $17,480 $104,880 50
Suspended 440 cu yd* $500 $220,000 $0 $0 $220,000 $33,000 $50,600 $303,600 50

Architectural 12,000 sq ft $50 $600,000 $0 $0 $600,000 $90,000 $138,000 $828,000 50

Structural Steel Stairs 5 tons $2,500 $12,500 $0 $0 $12,500 $1,875 $2,875 $17,250 50
Centrifuges 2 each $350,000 $700,000 $7,000 $14,000 $714,000 $107,100 $164,220 $985,320 20
Overhead Crane 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $20,000 $3,000 $4,600 $27,600 50
Centrifuge Feed Pumps 2 each $14,500 $29,000 $4,000 $8,000 $37,000 $5,550 $8,510 $51,060 10
Thickened Sludge Mixing Pumps 3 each $10,000 $30,000 $3,200 $9,600 $39,600 $5,940 $9,108 $54,648 10
Roll-off Containers 2 each $38,000 $76,000 $5,000 $10,000 $86,000 $12,900 $19,780 $118,680 10
Process piping 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $260,000 $39,000 $59,800 $358,800 50
HVAC 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $70,000 $10,500 $16,100 $96,600 20
Plumbing 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $41,000 $6,150 $9,430 $56,580 50
Polymer feed system 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $40,000 $6,000 $9,200 $55,200 20
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $20,000 $3,000 $4,600 $27,600 10
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $520,000 $78,000 $119,600 $717,600 30

Subtotals: $1,858,775 $63,815 $2,893,590 $434,039 $665,526 $3,993,154

Total - Dewatering Building $3,993,000

Useful Life Costs

0 years 0.0%
10 years $251,988 6.3%
20 years $1,137,120 28.5%
30 years $717,600 18.0%
50 years $1,886,446 47.2%

23 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Backwash Equalization Basin

Structural excavation 28,250 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $155,375 $155,375 $23,306 $35,736 $214,418 50
Compacted fill 13,550 cu yd $8 $108,400 $3 $40,650 $149,050 $22,358 $34,282 $205,689 50
Granular fill 1,420 cu yd $35 $49,700 $3 $4,260 $53,960 $8,094 $12,411 $74,465 50
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 1,020 cu yd* $300 $306,000 $0 $0 $306,000 $45,900 $70,380 $422,280 50
Walls 1,625 cu yd* $400 $650,000 $0 $0 $650,000 $97,500 $149,500 $897,000 50
Aluminum handrail 470 lin ft $50 $23,500 $10 $4,700 $28,200 $4,230 $6,486 $38,916 50
Aluminum grating 40 sq ft $30 $1,200 $5 $200 $1,400 $210 $322 $1,932 50
Spent backwash pumps 3 each $14,000 $42,000 $1,200 $3,600 $45,600 $6,840 $10,488 $62,928 10
VFD/Control Panel 3 each $3,000 $9,000 $500 $1,500 $10,500 $1,575 $2,415 $14,490 10
Sluice gates & elect. Actuator 2 each $16,000 $32,000 $6,500 $13,000 $45,000 $6,750 $10,350 $62,100 30
Mixers 4 each $3,000 $12,000 $1,000 $4,000 $16,000 $2,400 $3,680 $22,080 10

Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $30,000 $4,500 $6,900 $41,400 10

Process piping & valves 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $60,000 $9,000 $13,800 $82,800 50
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $44,000 $6,600 $10,120 $60,720 30

Subtotals: $1,233,800 $227,285 $1,595,085 $239,263 $366,870 $2,201,217

Total -Backwash Equalization Basin $2,201,000

* Includes Labor

Useful Life Costs

0 years 0.0%
10 years $140,898 6.4%
20 years 0.0%
30 years $122,820 5.6%
50 years $1,937,499 88.0%

24 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Operations Building
Structural excavation 850 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $4,675 $4,675 $701 $1,075 $6,452 50
Compacted fill 305 cu yd $8 $2,440 $3 $915 $3,355 $503 $772 $4,630 50
Granular fill 330 cu yd $35 $11,550 $3 $990 $12,540 $1,881 $2,884 $17,305 50
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 550 cu yd* $300 $165,000 $0 $0 $165,000 $24,750 $37,950 $227,700 50
Walls(outer) 461 cu yd* $400 $184,400 $0 $0 $184,400 $27,660 $42,412 $254,472 50
Walls(inner) 96 cu yd* $400 $38,400 $0 $0 $38,400 $5,760 $8,832 $52,992 50
Metal structure 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $320,000 $48,000 $73,600 $441,600 50
Carpentry, wood blocking 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $50,000 $7,500 $11,500 $69,000 50
Thermal & moisture protection
Roof single ply 6,000 sq ft $10 $60,000 $3 $18,000 $78,000 $11,700 $17,940 $107,640 20
Canopy 595 sq ft $100 $59,500 $100 $59,500 $119,000 $17,850 $27,370 $164,220 20
Single door (23 doors) 483 sq ft $60 $28,980 $3 $1,449 $30,429 $4,564 $6,999 $41,992 50
Double door (5 doors) 210 sq ft $60 $12,600 $3 $630 $13,230 $1,985 $3,043 $18,257 50
Sliding gate 1 each $3,000 $3,000 $800 $800 $3,800 $570 $874 $5,244 50
Windows including glazing 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $150,000 $22,500 $34,500 $207,000 20
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $35,000 $5,250 $8,050 $48,300 20
Floors 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $44,500 $6,675 $10,235 $61,410 50
Drywall construction 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $34,200 $5,130 $7,866 $47,196 50
Ceilings 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $34,000 $5,100 $7,820 $46,920 50
Restroom partitions, lockers & accessories 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $17,200 $2,580 $3,956 $23,736 50
Louvers 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $25,000 $3,750 $5,750 $34,500 50
Miscellaneous 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $22,000 $3,300 $5,060 $30,360 50
Chemical transfer pumps 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $3,000 $450 $690 $4,140 20
Sump pumps 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $11,000 $1,650 $2,530 $15,180 20
Laboratory furniture 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $140,000 $21,000 $4,200 $25,200 50
Laboratory equipment 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $200,000 $30,000 $46,000 $276,000 20
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $200,000 $30,000 $46,000 $276,000 10
HVAC 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $80,000 $12,000 $18,400 $110,400 20
Plumbing 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $60,000 $9,000 $13,800 $82,800 50
Fire Protection 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $5,000 $750 $1,150 $6,900 50
Mechanical Systems Monitoring, Control, &
SCADA Interface 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $75,000 $11,250 $17,250 $103,500 10

25 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $200,000 $30,000 $46,000 $276,000 30

Subtotals: $565,870 $86,959 $2,358,729 $353,809 $514,508 $3,087,046

Total - Operations Building $3,087,000

* Includes Labor

Useful Life Costs

0 years 0.0%
10 years $379,500 12.3%
20 years $932,880 30.2%
30 years $276,000 8.9%
50 years $1,498,666 48.5%

26 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Chlorine Building
Structural excavation 850 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $4,675 $4,675 $701 $1,075 $6,452 50
Compacted fill 400 cu yd $8 $3,200 $3 $1,200 $4,400 $660 $1,012 $6,072 50
Granular fill 450 cu yd $35 $15,750 $3 $1,350 $17,100 $2,565 $3,933 $23,598 50
Concrete, cast in place
Slab on grade/footings 450 cu yd* $300 $135,000 $0 $0 $135,000 $20,250 $31,050 $186,300 50
Walls 310 cu yd* $400 $124,000 $0 $0 $124,000 $18,600 $28,520 $171,120 50
Equipment pads/pipe supports 2 cu yd* $300 $600 $0 $0 $600 $90 $138 $828 50
staircase 3 cu yd* $600 $1,800 $0 $0 $1,800 $270 $414 $2,484 50
Structural steel 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $15,000 $2,250 $3,450 $20,700 50
Metal decking 360 sq ft $3 $1,080 $5 $1,800 $2,880 $432 $662 $3,974 50
Ladders/Stairs 2 each $1,500 $3,000 $200 $400 $3,400 $510 $782 $4,692 50
Guard post 10 each $400 $4,000 $70 $700 $4,700 $705 $1,081 $6,486 50
Thermal & moisture protection
Single ply roofing 5,800 sq ft $3 $17,400 $1 $4,350 $21,750 $3,263 $5,003 $30,015 20
Rigid roof 5,800 sq ft $3 $14,500 $1 $3,480 $17,980 $2,697 $4,135 $24,812 20
Hollow metal (3'x7') x 9ea. 189 sq ft $300 $56,700 $5 $945 $57,645 $8,647 $13,258 $79,550 50
Roll-up doors 2 each $4,000 $8,000 $1,000 $2,000 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800 20
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $12,000 $1,800 $2,760 $16,560 20
Louvers - w/2 position motorized dampers 48 sq ft $47 $2,256 $12 $576 $2,832 $425 $651 $3,908 50
Chlorine gas scrubber 1 each $350,000 $350,000 $50,000 $50,000 $400,000 $60,000 $92,000 $552,000 20
Chemical feed systems
Chlorinator 2,000 ppd 4 each $4,300 $17,200 $500 $2,000 $19,200 $2,880 $4,416 $26,496 20
Chlorinator 500 ppd 4 each $3,700 $14,800 $500 $2,000 $16,800 $2,520 $3,864 $23,184 20
Vacuum regulator 8 each $6,700 $53,600 $500 $4,000 $57,600 $8,640 $13,248 $79,488 10
Injector 8 each $2,900 $23,200 $500 $4,000 $27,200 $4,080 $6,256 $37,536 10
Evaporator 4 each $19,000 $76,000 $500 $2,000 $78,000 $11,700 $17,940 $107,640 10
Leak detector 4 each $1,600 $6,400 $500 $2,000 $8,400 $1,260 $1,932 $11,592 10
Changeover system 1 each $11,000 $11,000 $500 $500 $11,500 $1,725 $2,645 $15,870 10
Flow paced controler 1 each $4,500 $4,500 $1,000 $1,000 $5,500 $825 $1,265 $7,590 10
Gas flow transmitter 2 each $3,200 $6,400 $500 $1,000 $7,400 $1,110 $1,702 $10,212 10
Chlorine Residual analyzer 2 each $7,800 $15,600 $500 $1,000 $16,600 $2,490 $3,818 $22,908 10
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $50,000 $7,500 $11,500 $69,000 10
HVAC 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $34,000 $5,100 $7,820 $46,920 20
Plumbing 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $30,000 $4,500 $6,900 $41,400 30
Fire Protection 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $14,000 $2,100 $3,220 $19,320 30
Process piping
PVC and carbon steel piping 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $50,000 $7,500 $11,500 $69,000 50
Misc. piping & valves 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $3,000 $450 $690 $4,140 50
Pipe supports 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $1,000 $150 $230 $1,380 50

27 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $138,000 $20,700 $31,740 $190,440 30

Subtotals: $965,986 $90,976 $1,403,962 $210,594 $322,911 $1,937,468

Total - Chlorine Building $1,937,000

* Includes Labor

Useful Life Costs

0 years 0.0%
10 years $361,836 18.7%
20 years $733,787 37.9%
30 years $251,160 13.0%
50 years $590,684 30.5%

28 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Chemical Feed & Storage Building

Structural excavation 2,250 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $12,375 $12,375 $1,856 $2,846 $17,078 50
Compacted fill 155 cu yd $8 $1,240 $3 $465 $1,705 $256 $392 $2,353 50
Granular fill 290 cu yd $35 $10,150 $3 $870 $11,020 $1,653 $2,535 $15,208 50
Concrete, cast in place
Slabs on grade/footings 500 cu yd* $300 $150,000 $0 $0 $150,000 $22,500 $34,500 $207,000 50
Walls 325 cu yd* $400 $130,000 $0 $0 $130,000 $19,500 $29,900 $179,400 50
Concrete pads 40 cu yd* $300 $12,000 $0 $0 $12,000 $1,800 $2,760 $16,560 50
Thermal & moisture protection
Single-ply roofing 6,150 sq ft $3 $16,913 $1 $4,613 $21,525 $3,229 $4,951 $29,705 20
Rigid 6,150 sq ft $2 $13,838 $1 $3,690 $17,528 $2,629 $4,031 $24,188 20
Hollow metal (3' x7') x 8 ea 168 sq ft $300 $50,400 $5 $840 $51,240 $7,686 $11,785 $70,711 50
Painting 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $30,000 $4,500 $6,900 $41,400 20
Walkway supports 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $35,000 $5,250 $8,050 $48,300 50
Railing 280 lf $50 $14,000 $10 $2,800 $16,800 $2,520 $3,864 $23,184 50
Floor sealer 9,600 sq ft $1 $4,800 $0 $960 $5,760 $864 $1,325 $7,949 50
Louvers 300 sq ft $47 $14,100 $12 $3,600 $17,700 $2,655 $4,071 $24,426 50
Lapeyre stairs 6 ea $1,300 $7,800 $400 $2,400 $10,200 $1,530 $2,346 $14,076 50
Chemical feed system
NaOH pumps, incl. Accessories 4 each $7,000 $28,000 $3,500 $14,000 $42,000 $6,300 $9,660 $57,960 10
FeCL3 Pumps, incl. Accessories 8 each $7,000 $56,000 $3,500 $28,000 $84,000 $12,600 $19,320 $115,920 10
H2SiF6 pumps, incl. Accessories 4 each $7,000 $28,000 $3,500 $14,000 $42,000 $6,300 $9,660 $57,960 10
C.A. metering pumps, incl. Accessories 2 each $7,000 $14,000 $3,500 $7,000 $21,000 $3,150 $4,830 $28,980 10
F.A. metering pumps, incl. Accessories 2 each $7,000 $14,000 $3,500 $7,000 $21,000 $3,150 $4,830 $28,980 10
C.A. transfer pumps, incl. Accessories 2 each $7,000 $14,000 $3,500 $7,000 $21,000 $3,150 $4,830 $28,980 10
F.A. transfer pumps, incl. Accessories 2 each $7,000 $14,000 $3,500 $7,000 $21,000 $3,150 $4,830 $28,980 10
NaCLO pumps, incl. Accessories 4 each $7,000 $28,000 $3,500 $14,000 $42,000 $6,300 $9,660 $57,960 10
H2SO4 pumps, incl. Accessories 4 each $7,000 $28,000 $3,500 $14,000 $42,000 $6,300 $9,660 $57,960 10
ClO2 pumps, incl. Accessories 3 each $7,000 $21,000 $3,500 $10,500 $31,500 $4,725 $7,245 $43,470 10
Chlorine dioxide generator 2 each $40,000 $80,000 $6,000 $12,000 $92,000 $13,800 $21,160 $126,960 10
H2SO4 Tank(1650gal) 2 each $25,000 $50,000 $3,500 $7,000 $57,000 $8,550 $13,110 $78,660 20
NaCLO Tank(8400gal) 2 each $10,000 $20,000 $2,000 $4,000 $24,000 $3,600 $5,520 $33,120 20
F.A. Tank(70gal) 3 each $150 $450 $100 $300 $750 $113 $173 $1,035 20
C.A. Tank(600gal) 3 each $1,500 $4,500 $1,000 $3,000 $7,500 $1,125 $1,725 $10,350 20
H2SiF6 Tank(3000gal) 2 each $5,000 $10,000 $1,000 $2,000 $12,000 $1,800 $2,760 $16,560 20
FeCL3 Tank(10,700gal) 4 each $12,500 $50,000 $1,000 $4,000 $54,000 $8,100 $12,420 $74,520 20
NaOH tank(8400gal) 2 each $10,000 $20,000 $3,000 $6,000 $26,000 $3,900 $5,980 $35,880 20
sodium chlorite day tank (1300gal) 1 each $2,300 $2,300 $1,000 $1,000 $3,300 $495 $759 $4,554 20
Thick./Dewat. Polymer (1300gal) storage 2 each $2,300 $4,600 $1,000 $2,000 $6,600 $990 $1,518 $9,108 20
Thick./Dewat.Polymer (100gal) day tank 1 each $400 $400 $100 $100 $500 $75 $115 $690 20
Instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $80,000 $12,000 $18,400 $110,400 10

29 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
HVAC 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $53,000 $7,950 $12,190 $73,140 20
Plumbing 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $31,000 $4,650 $7,130 $42,780 20
Fire Protection 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $22,000 $3,300 $5,060 $30,360 30
Chemical air extraction 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $110,000 $16,500 $25,300 $151,800 20
Roof drainage
Drains & leader pipe 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $20,000 $3,000 $4,600 $27,600 50
Supply piping 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $10,000 $1,500 $2,300 $13,800 50
Electrical 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $194,000 $29,100 $44,620 $267,720 30

Subtotals: $912,490 $196,513 $1,694,003 $254,100 $389,621 $2,337,723

Total - Chemical Feed and Storage Building $2,338,000

* Includes Labor

Useful Life Costs

0 years 0.0%
10 years $744,510 31.8%
20 years $627,489 26.8%
30 years $298,080 12.8%
50 years $667,644 28.6%

30 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

78" High Pressure Finished Water Transmission Line

78" Pipeline (Trench depth, 12')
Transmission main 2,210 lin ft $250 $552,500 $90 $198,900 $751,400 $112,710 $172,822 $1,036,932 50
Restrained joints 221 lin ft $100 $22,100 $30 $6,630 $28,730 $4,310 $6,608 $39,647 50
Excavation 11,810 cu yd $0 $0 $6 $64,955 $64,955 $9,743 $14,940 $89,638 50
Compacted fill 7,300 cu yd $8 $58,400 $3 $21,900 $80,300 $12,045 $18,469 $110,814 50
Granular fill 1,800 cu yd $35 $63,000 $3 $5,400 $68,400 $10,260 $15,732 $94,392 50
78" Butterfly 1 each $45,000 $45,000 $5,000 $5,000 $50,000 $7,500 $11,500 $69,000 30
Access manways flanged, 24" dia 2 each $6,000 $12,000 $1,000 $2,000 $14,000 $2,100 $3,220 $19,320 50
Air/vac and manhole 1 each $12,000 $12,000 $1,000 $1,000 $13,000 $1,950 $2,990 $17,940 50
Blowoffs 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $6,000 $900 $1,380 $8,280 50
Gas main crossings 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $42,000 $6,300 $9,660 $57,960 50
Cathodic protection system 3,350 lin ft $5 $16,750 $1 $3,350 $20,100 $3,015 $4,623 $27,738 10
Pressure & leakage test & disinfection 3,350 lin ft $2 $6,700 $1 $3,350 $10,050 $1,508 $2,312 $13,869 0
Meter vault and flow meter 1 Lump sum $80,000 $80,000 $30,000 $30,000 $110,000 $16,500 $25,300 $151,800 30

Subtotals: $868,450 $342,485 $1,258,935 $188,840 $289,555 $1,737,330

Total - 78" High Pressure Finished Water Transmission Line $1,737,000

Useful Life Costs

0 years $13,869 0.8%
10 years $27,738 1.6%
20 years 0.0%
30 years $220,800 12.7%
50 years $1,474,923 84.9%

31 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Carbon Adsorption & Regeneration System

Structural Excavation 95,000 cu yd $0 $0 $5.50 $522,500 $522,500 $78,375 $120,175 $721,050 50
Compacted fill 8,000 cu yd $8 $64,000 $3 $24,000 $88,000 $13,200 $20,240 $121,440 50
Granular fill 3,500 cu yd $35 $122,500 $3 $10,500 $133,000 $19,950 $30,590 $183,540 50
Structural concrete
Slab on grade 7,000 cu yd* $300 $2,100,000 $0 $0 $2,100,000 $315,000 $483,000 $2,898,000 50
Walls 8,000 cu yd* $400 $3,200,000 $0 $0 $3,200,000 $480,000 $736,000 $4,416,000 50
Suspended slabs 2,043 cu yd* $500 $1,021,500 $0 $0 $1,021,500 $153,225 $234,945 $1,409,670 50
Hollow-core roof 48,600 sq ft $3 $145,800 $1 $48,600 $194,400 $29,160 $44,712 $268,272 20
Elevator 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $100,000 $15,000 $23,000 $138,000 20
Granular activated carbon
Initial fill of contactors 3,856,200 pounds* $1 $3,470,580 $0 $0 $3,470,580 $520,587 $798,233 $4,789,400 0
One contactor equivalent to refill
first contactor regenerated 644,200 pounds* $1 $579,780 $0 $0 $579,780 $86,967 $133,349 $800,096 0
Make-up carbon, 3 months @ 10 %
loss, 313pounds/MG carbon use
and initial flow rate of 60 mgd 169,020 pounds* $1 $152,118 $0 $0 $152,118 $22,818 $34,987 $209,923 0
Backwash/influent pumping
Equipment 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $604,000 $90,600 $138,920 $833,520 20
Piping, valving 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $358,000 $53,700 $82,340 $494,040 50
Electrical, instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $176,000 $26,400 $40,480 $242,880 20
Contactor system piping, valving 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $3,511,000 $526,650 $807,530 $4,845,180 50
Contactor system electric, I & C 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $735,000 $110,250 $169,050 $1,014,300 10
Carbon regeneration system
Equipment 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $7,330,000 $1,099,500 $1,685,900 $10,115,400 20
Electrical, instrumentation 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $600,000 $90,000 $138,000 $828,000 20
Ads/Regen building HVAC 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $214,000 $32,100 $49,220 $295,320 20
Plumbing 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $85,000 $12,750 $19,550 $117,300 30
Fire Protection 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $49,000 $7,350 $11,270 $67,620 30
Carbon regeneration steam boilers 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $60,000 $9,000 $13,800 $82,800 20

Subtotals: $10,856,278 $605,600 $25,283,878 $3,792,582 $5,815,292 $34,891,752

Total - Carbon Adsorption & Regeneration System $34,892,000

* Includes Labor

Useful Life Costs

0 years $5,799,420 16.6%
10 years $1,014,300 2.9%
20 years $12,804,192 36.7%
30 years $184,920 0.5%
50 years $15,088,920 43.2%

32 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

City of Phoenix
Water Services Department
Lake Pleasant Water Treatment Plant

Benchmark Plant
"Engineer's Opinion of Construction Cost"

Material Labor Total Overhead & Contingency Useful Life

Item Description Quantity Unit Total Cost
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total Material & Labor Profit 15 % 20% (Years)
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

UV Disinfection System
UV Reactors, lamps 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $1,000,000 $150,000 $230,000 $1,380,000 0
Installation of reactors 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $500,000 $75,000 $115,000 $690,000 20
Slab on grade 185 cu yd* $300 $55,500 $0 $0 $55,500 $8,325 $12,765 $76,590 50
Walls 33 cu yd* $400 $13,200 $0 $0 $13,200 $1,980 $3,036 $18,216 50
Suspended slab (roof) 92 cu yd* $500 $46,000 $0 $0 $46,000 $6,900 $10,580 $63,480 50
Electrical, I &C 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $150,000 $22,500 $34,500 $207,000 20
Plumbing 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $12,000 $1,800 $2,760 $16,560 30
Fire Protection 1 Lump sum $0 $0 $20,000 $3,000 $4,600 $27,600 30

Subtotals: $114,700 $0 $1,796,700 $269,505 $413,241 $2,479,446

Total - UV Disinfection System $2,479,000

* Includes Labor

Useful Life Costs

0 years $1,380,000 55.7%
10 years 0.0%
20 years $897,000 36.2%
30 years $44,160 1.8%
50 years $158,286 6.4%

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33 of 33 Greeley and Hansen, 9/4/01

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