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em Come woo Face KANSAS STANDARD OFFENSI EPORT ‘THIS PAGE IS AN OPEN PUBLIC RECORD an awricnen PRUCOFTENET resco ane ae JDER2Y POLICE DEPARTIMEXT ksca7e100 fnzrorate sem a0 ousacoct [enor wrens a CESEONEGAESTT cicerroan— &{] oasoromaeen af] Rescamionaca oC] SSNTINGERSD 5 Lawns oF] veruneusesroresiey ef) moe wocumoor ai renee © | 928 Rock RoAD DERBY ks 67037 is 20:04 rar roe] aoraar Tareareof worm comer oaenscr| fr courrereof] owseencr sath ~ soLiciranion} _soucrTanion = ror pare) foro nH rereree pre [Yael uf conmoms ef] aecaovon _fil'|mene Pao ssoocin} aro] [fat reewssiona +f oes scuactorlaty eel 2 3 Dan B formers eieeror ern ek Perantsodestenszes EE mrccere, | BC Seemsneu xP crvmanee BE mows fe L] sera yecen na > Taney trans arsonat wearon! © fa ] surncnecetn Tas eee ‘PERSONAL WEAPON atrinirun 1) we ra cavriwarsmee jf Bao Paso ef serosa Soeve SI oerrocane erase 12 (0) meron. ceitomen 2 fA} JEN GANG ARE /INCID EWC ‘pirtorr crupneny +} AVENE CAN Lincmbpectbginty OE seeyirroucres OL] ovens ‘vos ne, Jo) aegeymrouores®L] orerons osm ef] roseesa concen "A bistrot aoe Je Possess concen") toetienr a [$1090 WISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC ie ROWE, SEY serum of) covery nave Seemeieree wen cerca smase F[] roa worrmen Sf) seven irocve = FEST ce) Tao hunch OF sus enst oF L05, ar me ra a "HO¥8 ROCK ROAD omer © ‘oar rae EOF BRT ROBOT HETaT|Ha ees] =! resin I i eve s — 4 foutenaas SOUEENOVOLENSE frome Elegie ee te ies UT Nome []soweeo C)retanenayworm CC] reraneoavorncen (] netanensyevesnexnvenocnoy (] muermrroonn ancy ee pore wan posuere soto. RTOS Kerry M. Dexter, WiN65 of ‘a who Isa Bishop with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints at 1409 S, Rock Road, called on 4/18/21 and reported a group of approximately 30 to 60 people with proximately 26 cars were on the property, not being violent and were actually quite peaceliu, were refusing to leave the propery. Officers arrived and the group of people left without eny Issues, NARRATIVE poe Sgt. C. Skov #1500 Case Number: 02101214 Offense: Miscellaneous Report Date and Tine: 4/1621 s¢2004 houre Location: 1409, Rock Road, Deroy, KS 67087 iti: The Church of Jesus Grist of ator Day Saints, 1409 8. Rock Road, Derby, KS 67007 Reporting Party: Kerry McClaren Dexter, WIM/65, ‘of 3, Derby, KS 67037 {On Sunday April 18, 2021 at approximately 2004 hours, | was dispatched to 1409 S. Rock Road for a disturbance, Dispatch advised the calling party, Kerty Dexter, reported there was a group of approximately 30-80 people, wih Approximately 26 cars, atthe picnic paviion on the southwest part of the property and they won't loave, Dexter reported the ‘ouP was not being vient at all and they actually seemed quite peaceful. Dexter reported the group had been eokod to leave but no one was starting to leave, {hile waiting for the group to leave, another male hed some questions about trespassing, warings and property ‘uners asking them to leave. He said he would leave on our orders but asked i the actual property owner should be trove Berson who was in charge of the property right now was the one to make that Gocision. We discussed other options for them to go if they wanted to continue their gathering, (Another member of the group came up to us and she wanted to let us know they were all decent people and the police dkin' need to te brought out for this. She sald he could have came out and asked them to leave and thank them for Supporting there friend. She said he just needed to be a good Christ like person and talk to them. She sald they didnt wort {he Image of the police being involved yet. She seid it was a waste of our time and | told her thal's what were hove for, We het if we get called, we have to come. She thanked us for doing our duty in the mast ridiculous situation. | told hee thee ‘wasn't the most ridiculous thing we do. She thanked us and went to her car and left. {wont and contacted Dexter and he sald he wasnt directly involved with the meeting, He said the higher Bishop's Address has bean released and he wanted io know Ifthe Sheriffs Office could go to his house to make sure the group Sasn't going there, We went inside and another male said the higher Bishop wasn't atthe house and they stayed Fomenhere ese, | told Dexter | would send a message tothe supervisor on duty for the Sheri’ Office and give them 2 heads up on whats going on, Dexter gave me the Bishop's address so I could give it the Sheriffa Office. I toll Dexter we ‘would be on scene unt everyone was gone before we left fe NARRATIVE moe 4 Og went back outside end saw one vehicl stil in the parking ol. After a short time | contacted them and mentioned they needed to leave and one female said she was walting on a phone call and another female seid she neadad a moment {ogpeak with her God because th’s was emotional. | told her | understood and mentoned they could goto another parking Tot to wail for their phone call, They said they would leave short. Left the call to go assist ofcers on a difference incident. Officer Mumma remained on scene. About 10 minutes afer telling the fomales to loave, | tld Officer Mumma to tel them again they needed to leave since we couldn't remain on Scone all ght walling, About 10 minutes after Officer Mumma told them again to leave, they left the parking lot and Officer ‘Mumma cleared the cal “This is all the information this offigsr has to report at this time. Sot. ©. Skov #1509 ‘Second Shift Patrol 27/24, 1727 hours Officer Ryan Mumma #1906 202101214 Supplemental Narrative (On April 18th, 2021 1, Officer Ryan Mummawas dispatched to assist Sgt. Skov and Officer Crosby at 1409 $ Rock Ri fora disturbance call. Prior fo my shift beginning | was informed of church would be getting fid of one its members and we would possible be needed to help them with a crovrd that would be forming there. When | arrived on scene | noticed a large group of people a the picnic area on the propery of the ‘church. They appeared to be peaceful and were lust standing around talking with each other, Sgt. Skov spoke wih @ representative of the church, who stated that the event was over, and they would lke all of the people that were outside needed to leave. Sgt Skov, Officer Crosby and I spoke with a man who appeared to be leading the group of people, and informed him, they needed to leave the property. The man we spoke to informed us he understood and that he would spread the world to the rest of the people inthe crowd. We sat back and waiched as the group of people slowly left the area, | have no further information to report on this case at this time. My body worn camera was on duting this event Officer Ryan Mumma #1906 2nd Shitt Patrol 04/27/2021 22:48 Hours. NARRATIVE ‘SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT CASE 202101214 LOCATION: 1409 S, ROCK On April 18th, 2021 at approximately 20:04 hours, | was dispatched to the Church of Latter Day Saints located al 1409 S. Rook for a disturbance, ‘The calling party told dispatchers a group of people who gathered there for an event involving a church member had overstayed their weloome and was requesting to have them removed, | arrived at approximately 20:06 hours. | saw several dozen people in the parking lot and under @ pavlion on the southwest comer ofthe property | was approached my a middie aged male in a suit. He stated he was with the group of people in the parking lot. He was aware the Church Pastor wanted them to leave, He was working on finding a new destination for his group of people. ‘A second man with long hair approached me. He sald the group had gathered in support of a church member who was about to be removed from the Church. Church leadership canceled on them at the last moment. The group had not accounted for the sudden change in plans. Members of the group also indicated the pastor had not come out to speak with them of offer an explanation but simply calod the police to have the group removed. {eft at 20:28 hours to tend to another call. Officer Mumma and Sgt. Skov stayed behind. My body camera was activated during this call, | have nothing further to report et this time. Officer C. Crosby #2005 2nd Watch / Patrol Division (04/30/2021 45:15 hours

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