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MATH 4 Quarter 4 Week 2

NAME: ________________________________ GR. & SEC:______________

Solves routine and non-routine problems involving squares, rectangles,
triangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids. M4MEM-IIIi-52.

To the Learners:
Solving word problems does seem to be difficult but if you will have discipline
in doing your work diligently, it will become easy. Before going through this
module, I want you to focus your attention on the tasks that you are needed to
complete. Read the instructions below to successfully attain what is expected
from you at the end of the module.
1. Read and follow all the instructions indicated in every page of this module.
2. Write on your notebook the important notes that you need to remember.
3. Answer all the provided activities.
4. Let your parents/guardians or teacher help you if there are things you do
not understand.
5. Enjoy learning at home!

This module was designed to help and guide you on how to solve routine
and non-routine problems involving squares, rectangles, triangles,
parallelograms, and trapezoids.
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. Solve routine and non-routine problems involving squares,
rectangles, triangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids; and
2. Develop problem solving skills, analysis, creativity, and decision-
making skills.

Pre- Test

Directions: Read and solve each problem. Choose the letter of the correct
1. A school flower garden plot is 26 units long and 8 units wide. What is its
A. 203 sq. units C. 206 sq. units
B. 205 sq. units D. 208 sq. units

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2. The area of a triangular landscape is 216cm2. Its base is 24cm. What is its
A. h= 14cm B. h= 18cm C. h = 20cm D. h= 24cm
3. The isolation place for a Covid-19 patient is 35 meters long and 25 meters
wide. What is the area?
A. 871m2 B. 873m2 C. 875m2 D. 877m2
4. The classroom is 14 m by 14m. What is the operation to be used to find the
A. Addition C. Multiplication
B. Subtraction D. Division
5. The upper base length of a trapezoid is 3cm, the lower base length is 7cm,
and its area is 45 What is its height?
A. 6cm B. 7cm C. 8cm D. 9cm

Looking Back!
In your previous lesson, you have learned how to find the area of a
triangle, parallelograms and trapezoid using and sq. m. We know that area
is the number of square units a plane figure contains. The unit is always
expressed in square units.
The following are the formulas for finding the area of different plane

Triangle: A= ½ ( b x h ) Parallelogram: A = b x h

Trapezoid: A= ½ ( b1 + b2) h Rectangle: A= l x w

Square: A = s x s or A= s2

Directions: Solve for the area of the following figures.

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Introduction of the Topic

There are two basic types of solving word problems. You can categorize them
as routine and non-routine problems. The purpose and strategies used for
solving problems is different from each type.

A. Routine Problem Solving

A Routine Problem involves using at least one of the four arithmetic
operations and/or ratios to solve problems that are practical in nature.
Example 1:

Mr. Cruz donated a rectangular lot to their Barangay Health Center. It is 10

meters long and 8 meters wide. What is the area of the lot?

a. Know what is asked for in the problem.

1. Understand ● The area of the rectangular lot donated by
Mr. Cruz.
b. Find the given. Create a visual representation
of the word problem through illustration.
● 10 meters long
● 8 meters wide 10 m


Since you are looking for the area of the rectangular

2. Plan lot, use the formula in finding the area of a
rectangle. Formula in finding the area of a rectangle:
A= l x w
a. Determine the operation to be used.
● Multiplication
b. What is the number sentence?
● A= l x w
● A= 10 m x 8 m
Apply the formula to solve. 10
3. Solve ● A= lxw x 8
● A = 10 m x 8 m
● A = 80 ㎡
The area of the rectangular lot donated by Mr. Cruz
4. Complete
is 80 ㎡.

Example 2:

Mr. Reyes wants to buy a vacant lot nearby. It is a square lot

which is 12 meters on one side. What is the area of the lot?

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a. Know what is asked for in the problem.
1. Understand ● The area of the square vacant lot.
b. Find the givens. Create a visual representation of
the word problem through illustration.
● 12 meters 12 m

12 m 12 m
It is a square lot. All its sides have the
same measurements which is 12 m.
12 m

Since you are looking for the area of the square lot,
2. Plan use the formula in finding the area of a square.
Formula in finding the area of a square: A = s x s or
A= s2
Determine the operation to be used.
● Multiplication
a. What is the number sentence?
● A= s x s A= 12 m x 12 m
Apply the formula to solve.
3. Solve ● A= sxs
x 12
● A = 12 m x 12 m 144
● A = 144 ㎡

4. Complete
The area of the vacant lot is 144 ㎡.

B. Non-routine Problem Solving

A Non-routine problem solving is mostly concerned with developing
a person’s mathematical reasoning power and fostering the understanding
that mathematics is a creative endeavor. It typically does not have an
immediate apparent strategy for solving them. Often, these problems can
be solved in multiple ways.

What is the area of a square cardboard which has 15 cm on all

sides? What will happen to the area if you double the side?

1. Analyze.
2. Know the facts:
What are you asked to find?
Answer: What happened to the area of the square cardboard if you doubled
the side?
What facts do you need?
Area of the square cardboard whose side is 15cm
Area of the square cardboard whose side is being doubled

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3. Plan the solution.
Illustrate the problem.
Square whose side is 15cm Square whose side is being

1. Get the area of the smaller square.

2. Get the area of the bigger square.
3. Compare their area.
4. Solve:
Area of the Square = 𝑠 𝑥 𝑠 𝑜𝑟 𝑠 2
Area of the Square whose side is Area of the Square whose side
15cm is being doubled
A= sxs A= sxs
A = 15 cm x 15 cm A = 30 cm x 30 cm
A = 225 𝑐𝑚 2
A = 900 𝑐𝑚2

From 30cm by 30cm square, you can make four squares with side
15cm by 15cm.

The original square has an area of 225 𝑐𝑚2 . The square whose side is
being doubled has an area of 900 𝑐𝑚2 . As you can see, the larger
square is four times the smaller square. Thus, its area is also four times
the smaller square.

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5. State your complete answer:
Answer: The area is four times the original square if the side is being
doubled. It becomes 900


Activity 1.1 Let’s Think! Draw! And Solve!

A. Directions: Read and analyze the problem below and solve for the correct
answer. Complete the graphic organizer below.
1. Monique’s flower garden is 15 m long and 3 m wide. What is the area of the

2. What are given?

1. What is asked?

6. Complete 3. What is the

answer. operation to be used?

5. Solution.

4. Write the
number sentence.

B.Directions: Illustrate the word problem then solve for the answer. Draw
and write your solution inside the box.

1. Romel needs to buy a carpet for his living room which is 6 meters at one
side. What will be the area of the carpet to fit the whole living room?

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2. Our school Science Garden is 10 m long and 5 m wide. What is the area of
the Science Garden?

3. Laarni made a triangular lantern with a base of 25 cm and height of 10 cm.

What is the area of the lantern?

4. Mrs. Pascual bought a lot that has the shape of a parallelogram. Its base is
60 meters and its height is 40 meters. What is the area of the lot?

Activity 1.2 Let’s Choose Wisely!

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. The area of the floor carpet is 1 500 square centimeters. If the width is 30 cm,
what is the length?
A. 30cm B. 40cm C. 50cm D. 60cm
2. A triangular piece of cartolina has an area of 600 square centimeters. If the
base is 30 cm. What is the height?
A. 40cm B. 45cm C. 50cm D. 55cm
3. The area of a trapezoid is 390 cm. If its height is 15 cm and one of the bases
is 20 cm, what is the length of the other base?
A. 30cm B. 32cm C. 34cm D. 36cm
4. The area of the triangular girl scout handkerchief is 330 square centimeters.
Its height is 15 cm. What is the base?
A. 38cm B. 40cm C. 42cm D. 44cm
5. Briana won a parallelogram-shaped trophy. She knows the area of a
parallelogram is 735 square centimeters and that its base is 35 cm. What is the
trophy’s height?
A. 21cm B. 23cm C. 25cm D. 27cm

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6. The area of Mr. Dela Cruz’s lot is 180 square meters. Mr. Gesmundo’s lot is
twice as big as Mr. Dela Cruz. What is the area of Mr. Gesmundo’s lot?
A. 160 sq. meters C. 360 sq. meters
B. 260 sq. meters D. 460 sq. meters
7. What is the area of a handkerchief which has 48 cm on all sides? What will
happen to the area if you double the side?
A. 9, 216 sq. cm C. 9, 316 sq. cm
B. 9, 236 sq. cm D. 9, 426 sq. cm
8. A piece of land was converted into residential lots which are in the shape of
parallelogram, each measuring 15 m by 8 m. If there are 120 lots, what is the
area of the land?
A. 14 400 sq. m C. 14, 600 sq. m
B. 14, 500 sq. m D. 14, 700 sq. m
9. Mr. Gomez owns an orchard which is 28 m long and 24 m wide. He also owns
a rice field which is an area of 500 meters. What is the difference between the
areas of the orchard and the rice field in square meters?
A. 170 sq. m C. 174 sq. m
B. 172 sq. m D. 176 sq. m
10. Rhea has a triangle shaped piece of paper with an area of 135 meters. If the
base is 18 meters, what is the height?
A. 11m B. 13m C. 14m D. 15m


The steps in solving routine problems are:

Understand - Know what is asked, what are given.
Plan- Know the operation. Write the number sentence.
Solve- Write the correct units/ label your answer.
Check and look back- Check your answer and state
your complete answer.
To solve non-routine problems:
Read and analyze the problem carefully.
Tell what is asked and what are given.
Use other strategies like act out the problem, listing/table
method, guess, and test, drawing/ making a diagram, using
patterns, working backwards, etc. to solve.

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Check Your Understanding

Directions: Read and solve each problem.

1. Teresa's chess board is 12 cm on one side. What is the area of the chess
2. The triangular scarf base is 22 cm and the height is 15 cm. What is the area
of the scarf?
3. Mother made a crochet covering for her cabinet which is parallelogram in
shape. Its base is 60 cm and the height is 20 cm. What is the area of the
4. The area of the garden is a shape of a trapezoid is 30 sq. meter. Its height is
4m and the length of its lower base is 9m. What is the length of its upper
5. The area of a triangular -shaped rug is 12 square yards and its height is 3
yards. Find its base.

Post- Test

Directions: Read and solve each problem. Choose the letter of the correct
1. A school flower garden plot is 26 units long and 8 units wide. What is its
A. 203 sq. units C. 206 sq. units
B. 205 sq. units D. 208 sq. units
2. The area of a triangular landscape is 216cm2. Its base is 24cm. What is its
A. 14cm B. 18cm C. 20cm D. 24cm
3. The isolation place for a Covid-19 patient is 35 meters long and 25 meters
wide. What is the area?
A. 871m2 B. 873m2 C. 875m2 D. 877m2
4. The classroom is 14 m by 14m. What is the operation to be used to find the
A. Addition C. Multiplication
B. Subtraction D. Division
5. The upper base length of a trapezoid is 3cm, the lower base length is 7cm, and
its area is 45 What is its height?
A. h= 6cm B. h= 7cm C. h= 8cm D. h= 9cm

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Additional Activities
To better understand the lesson about solving routine and nonroutine
problems involving squares, rectangles, triangles, parallelograms, and
trapezoids, watch the video lesson here:


In this lesson, I have learned about


Because of this lesson, I can now


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