Activity 1 - Vere Babylou M.

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Section Code: E328

Lesson 1: Introduction to Philippine Popular Culture

Popular Culture in Philippines

Activity1. Share Your Thoughts!

1. How did Becky and Betsey describe the Philippine Popular Culture?

2. What makes Philippine Popular Culture unique?

3. Why is it important to study Philippine Popular Culture?


1. What are the best ways to study Philippine Popular Culture?

2. Why is it hard to define Philippine Popular Culture?
3. What’s your own Definition of Popular Culture?

Culturally Nurtured Filipino Cultures

Swish. Swish. Swish.

Hearing that while walking down the streets of Manila boulevard, rushing
people and traffic roads make me sway. I look up and see the big screen on my
left side, fronting the big building where I'm standing. The siren of the train makes
myself back in reality and turns my senses alert and active. I realized, I'm in the
middle of nowhere. Everything is pretty new to me, gushing out the thousands of
questions bombarded within. Where am I? How did I get here and what are
these buildings for and busy people?

Mabuhay! I am a bit startled by the two people at my back screaming that

word on the camera in front of them. Wondering why what they are doing and
what is happening. The two keep talking with camera on where I can hear they
are featuring Philippine culture. Well apparently, I'm in the land of beauty, the
beautiful Philippines I see. Fond by how their conversation turns filled with
wonderful information coming from the amazing country. Ecstatic for the
modernization this place made to be and the transpired civilization, I would say,
they are talking about the Filipino television, Filipinos abroad, music, sports, and
international pop culture. I walk closer to them and ask what they are doing, "Hi
I'm Betsey and I'm Becky. We are talking about the Philippines and this is what
we called vlogging."
Smiling from what i am hearing and contemplating the things I learned,
made my realization that I am in the new era of living and high end generation.
Through blogging, Philippine culture is being featured and known because of
this kind of strategy that describes to the public what they need to learn and
know about the country. Many artists excel even abroad for the talents they
have most especially in singing where Filipinos recognized as great talented
individuals in this field. Philippines also embraces international cultures, say the
food, stores and clothes. Name it and this country will make you desire for more
and let you come back for unforgettable memories. These are just few
examples of Philippine popular culture's uniqueness and rare junctures.

Moreover, recalling from my history class during my secondary education,

why do we need to have a museum in the country or even in the world? What
are their importance to our society and their purpose to many people? Well,
these questions are also applicable to the different cultures we have and still
practice until these days. Building museum aims to preserve artifacts and make
ancient and antic things recognizable for the future generations. Just like our
Philippine popular culture, studying them and letting ourselves involve showcase
our preservation to our cultures and bring recognition to our country's pride.
Even we say it is the current trends but then we are still grateful for the
undeniable support of the people despite the changes and modification of our
old beliefs. The influence of the various conquests of Philippine history made our
cultures now an adaptable and new to embrace the globalization.

However, the great mean to inquest the Philippine popular culture is to

solely experience the said culture for the reason it should be better to witness on
hand so it inculcates to the mind and hearts of people. It has been said that the
best teaching came from experiences of life. Therefore, it is indeed in its most
well to study the way how Philippine popular culture would be and to fully grasp
its importance to Filipinos. Furthermore, maybe because of the colonization,
multitudinous cultures revealed and practiced the reason why it is difficult to
determine the popular culture of the Philippines. Way back before these trends,
the country Philippines had colonized multiple times and redeemed its freedom.
But after the independence, Filipinos adapted the cultures they had
experienced especially from the Spanish and American regime.

In the book, the meaning "popular culture" is about the mass which is
applied to the Philippines and its peoples, the trends in our country which
includes our lifestyle, arts and literature, media and technology. After all, this is
best describes the Philippine popular culture but for my own, popular culture is
the current trends our country holds. This serves as our new identity to be known
internationally and globally. Our passport to foreign economy that helps us to
get up from being still one of the developing country in the world. Now, I'm
awake from this dream of modernize generation. I'm currently in the Philippines,
this is my home and culture and I am proud to be a Filipino. Inarguably, busy
street is now normal, lofty buildings are normal too, it's just we need to normalize
things that happened, happens and will happening because that is part of our
changing time in this transforming mankind.

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