(B) Questionnaire: Patient Id No

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(B) Questionnaire

Patient id no:

Sl no Question Response

1. Gender Male

2. Area of living Urban

 Rural

3. Educational status  Unable to read and write

 Read and write only
 Primary school
 Secondary school
 Collage/ University

4. Occupation Indoor-

 Garment worker
 Other(specify)-


 Construction workers
 Day laborer
Security guards
 Others(specify)-

5. Presenting complaints:
● Fleshy mass
 No

● Foreign body sensation
 No

● Blurring of vision
 No

● Others(specify)
6. Eye involve Right

 Light


7. Have you exposed to dust Yes

 No

8. Have you exposed to wind Yes

 No

9. For how many times do you exposed to hr/day

sunlight per day?

For how many periods do you spend your hr/day

10. time on outdoor activities?

11. Do you have any family history of Yes

pterygium (among the first-degree No

12. Dry eye questionnaire-

a) Do your eyes ever feel dry?  Yes
b) Do you feel gritty sensation in your  No

13. Past history: 

Any other ocular disease-  No

If yes, name & duration of the disease-

Any ocular therapy or surgery- No

If yes, name & duration -

Any ocular injury- Yes


If yes, name & duration of the disease-

14. Drug history:

Use of any systemic or topical drug- Yes

History of drug allergy- Yes

15. 
Personal history-

Smoking Yes

Betal nut

16. Monthly income


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