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Criminology Department
CRI 319
Final Examination
1st TERM, 1st SEM., S.Y. 2020-21

1. Which of the following is not a violation against the Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines?
A. Printing the flag on handkerchiefs
B. Displaying in public any foreign flag in embassies and other diplomatic establishments, and in
offices of international organizations
C. Using the flag to be part of any advertisement of infomercial
D. Displaying the flag in front of buildings or offices occupied by aliens
2. Executive Order Number 179 declared this period as the National Flag Day. Filipinos are to display
the Philippine flag in their homes and establishments.
A. May 28- June 12 C. June 12
B. November 30 D. December 30
3. When the National Anthem is played, as a sign of respect, all persons shall stand at attention and
face the Philippine flag, if there is one displayed. Where will Filipinos face when there is none
A. The most respected person in the vicinity.
B. The place where the flag pole is located.
C. The person conducting the singing.
D. No one shall sing when the flag is not around.
4. When the flag is hoisted, it shall never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, flood, water
or other objects.
A. This statement is true C. This statement is false
B. This statement has no basis D. This statement is partly true
5. The Philippines’ National Anthem is entitled?
A. Panatang Makabayan C. Lupang Hinirang
B. Bayang Magiliw D. Ang Watawat
6. He was the person who designed the Philippine flag as it looks today during his exile in Hong Kong
in 1897.
A. General Emilio Aguinaldo C. Apolinario Mabini
B. Emilio Jacinto D. Julian Felipe
7. Who among the following made the first ever Philippine flag in Hong Kong?
A. Marcela Agoncillo C. Juan Felipe
B. Emilio Aguinaldo D. Melchora Aquino
8. How is the Philippine flag hoisted and lowered when it is flown with another flag?
A. It shall be hoisted last and lowered first
B. It shall be hoisted first and lowered last
C. It shall be hoisted and lowered first
D. It shall be hoisted and lowered last
9. The 1987 Constitution if the Republic of the Philippines mandated the creation of the PNP, what
provision of the fundamental law prescribed that it would assume an identity of civilian in character
and national in scope?
A. Article VI, Section XVI C. Article III, Section IV
B. Article III, Section VI D. Article XVI, Section VI
10. An able-bodied reservist who is 55 years old shall be under the category of?
A. First category reserve C. Second category reserve
B. Third category reserve D. Fourth category reserve
11. It is that act establishing the National Service Training Program (NSTP) for tertiary level students
which made the ROTC program was optional and voluntary
A. Republic Act No. 9163 C. Republic Act No. 8491
B. Republic Act No. 7077 D. Republic Act No. 1075
12. Shanga has noticed that the flag in their school has been lowered to one-half the distance between
the top and bottom of the staff. It has been like that for 10 days. This would imply that someone
died. Who among the following died if this happened?
A. The President C. The Vice-President
B. The President of the Senate D. All of these
13. The Philippine National Anthem shall not be played and sung for mere recreation, amusement or
entertainment purposes except on the following occasions, EXCEPT:
A. International competitions where the Philippines is the host or has a representative.
B. Local competitions.
C. During “signing off” and “signing on” of radio broadcasting and television stations.
D. When the weather is inclement.
14. This is the most important form of military courtesy. It is executed by raising the right hand smartly
until the tip of the right forefinger touches.
A. Salute B. Hand shake C. Greetings D. Wink
15. Defined as faithfulness, consistency, devotion, allegiance, and fidelity to one’s superior or duty, cause,
or principle.
A. Discipline B. Courtesy C. Courage D. Loyalty
16. All government offices and educational institutions shall henceforth observe the flag-raising ceremony
every Monday morning and the flag lowering ceremony every what day of the week?
A. Sunday B. Friday C. Saturday D. Monday
17. The Philippines has an existing law which is known as the “Flag and Heraldic Code of the
Philippines,” which prescribes the proper display and usage of the Philippine flag and the proper
singing of the Philippine anthem.
A. Republic Act No. 9262 C. Republic Act No. 7077
B. Republic Act No. 9165 D. Republic Act No. 8491
18. What does the blue color on the Philippine flag mean?
A. Peace, truth, and justice C. Unity
B. Equality and fraternity D. Patriotism and valor
19. Remsi was tasked to replace the flag in the school since it has been worn out. What should he do
to the worn-out flag?
A. Throw it away C. Burn it solemnly
B. Keep it in a safe place D. Give it to the leader of the school
20. The flag may be used to cover the caskets of the honored dead of the following individuals, EXCEPT:
A. Military C. Veterans of previous wars
B. National artists D. All of them
21. They are those who compose the reserve force, are those reservists of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines who are incorporated into the reserve force.
A. Citizen Soldiers C. Advance ROTC
B. Reservists D. Both A and B
22. The mission of the Citizen Armed Force, alternately referred to as the Reserve Force, is to provide
the base for the expansion of the Armed Forces of the Philippines in the event of, EXCEPT:
A. War, invasion or rebellion C. Disasters or calamities
B. Socioeconomic development D. None of these
23. What are the two most used languages in the Philippines?
A. Filipino and Spanish C. Filipino and English
B. Filipino and Tagalog D. Filipino and French
24. How many Islands are in the Philippines?
A. 158 B. 3 C. 7641 D. 9413
25. Who was the Philippines named after?
A. English King Phillip II C. Japanese Emperor Phillip II
B. American President Phillip Two D. Spanish King Phillip II
26. Which of the following best explains why the Philippine Flag Days start on May 28?
A. It was the day that the Philippine flag was first unfurled after the Philippine Revolutionary Army
won over the Spanish forces in the Battle at Alapan in Imus, Cavite.
B. It was the day that Jose Rizal died in Bagumbayan.
C. It was the day that the Filipinos started fighting for their independence.
D. It was the day when Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo and his associates during their exile in Hongkong
recognized the need to have a unifying Filipino flag.
27. Which of the following is NOT a prohibited act under Republic Act 8491?
A. Red used the flag as a cover for their dining table.
B. White used the flag as a cover for his head while raining during the flag retreat.
C. Blue used the flag to cover the statue of Rizal before unveiling it to the public.
D. Yellow used the flag as a cover to the casket of a military officer.
28. It is a mental quality which recognized fear but enables the individual to meet danger of opposition
with calmness and firmness.
A. Loyalty B. Discipline C. Courtesy D. Courage
29. Rendering proper salute to all commissioned officers of the AFP is an act of?
A. Loyalty B. Discipline C. Courtesy D. Courage
30. The attitude that ensures prompt obedience to orders and the initiation of appropriate action in the
absence of orders.
A. Loyalty B. Discipline C. Courtesy D. Courage
31. This means to give more importance to unity by way of a cultural background, including language
and heritage.
A. Nationalism B. Patriotism C. National Identity D. Nation
32. It is an attachment whereby the people believe that being included in a group would allow one to
meet his own need and interest.
A. Sentimental B. Instrumental C. Sympathetic D. Patriotic
33. Who is likely to say this: “I am going to discourage any discussion and debate about anything I feel
is against my country”?
A. Nationalism B. Patriotism C. Patriot D. Nationalist
34. An advocate of this gives greater weight to the interests of one's country and compatriots than to
those of other countries and their inhabitants whenever these interests come into conflict.
A. Extreme patriotism C. Ethical patriotism
B. Moderate patriotism D. Simple Patriotism
35. It is that self that wishes to pursue worthwhile and noble goals.
A. Higher self B. Lower self C. Positive freedom D. Negative freedom
36. What type of freedom is restricted if the state prevents Anggong from going on strike by making
such actions illegal, even if he doesn't have anything to strike about, and even if he don't ever
intend to strike, his freedom is still curtailed?
A. Higher self C. Lower self
B. Positive freedom D. Negative freedom
37. This refers to a collective feeling that is based on the belief of belonging to the same nation or the
sharing of qualities that separate them from other nations.
A. Nationalism B. Patriotism C. National Identity D. Nation
38. Which of the following implies nationalism?
A. People belonging to one’s own country should be considered one’s equal but not that of other
B. Tolerates criticism and tries to learn something new from it.
C. Tend to believe in friendly relations with other countries.
D. Values responsibilities rather than just valuing loyalty towards one’s own country.
39. In what way can an individual achieve ‘true’ positive freedom?
A. His higher self must have control over the impulses of the lower self.
B. To be the master of his own choice.
C. His choices must not be restricted by anyone.
D. None of these
40. How is the term “Nation” generally defined?
A. It’s a color area of a political map.
B. It's another word for state.
C. A group of people who share particular characteristics like culture.
D. A group of people who like to hang together near a bus stop.
41. This type of patriotism is composed of individuals who does not feel great pride in their country's
worldly merits and achievements but would only be proud of the country's moral record, when it
inspires pride.
A. Extreme patriotism C. Ethical patriotism
B. Moderate patriotism D. Simple Patriotism
42. The following are the attitudes that elaborates patriotism, EXCEPT:
A. A special affection of another’s country.
B. A sense of personal identification with one’s country.
C. A special concern for the well-being of one’s country.
D. A willingness to sacrifice in order to help to promote a country’s good.
43. Nationalism and patriotism differ in many things but have one thing in common. Which of these
statements best explain their common characteristics?
A. The relationship of an individual towards his nation.
B. The feeling of affection towards the leader of a nation.
C. The love of an individual towards the inhabitants of a nation.
D. None of these
44. The different approaches and techniques used in the data gathering method in Sikolohiyang Pilipino
is as follows, EXCEPT:
A. Pagkapa-kapa (groping) C. Pagtatanong-tanong (asking questions)
B. Lakas ng loob (guts) D. Pakikipagkwentuhan
45. It means acting right towards your parents, people older than you and your superiors.
A. Pakikitungo (transaction with) C. Pakikisalamuha (interaction with)
B. Pakikilahok (joining or participating) D. Pakikibagay (in conformity with)
46. It implies the renunciation of one’s former nationality and the fact of entrance into a similar relation
towards a new body politic.
A. Filipino by birth C. Jus soli
B. Jus sanguinis D. Filipino by naturalization
47. Which of the following statements would MOST likely describe Bahala Na attitude of Filipinos
according to Sikolohiyang Pilipino?
A. It means fatalism
B. It is a Filipino attitude that makes him accept sufferings and problems, leaving everything to God
C. It is a fatalistic resignation or withdrawal from an engagement or crisis or a shirking from
personal responsibility
D. It means determination and risk-taking
48. Which of the following Filipino Values is considered as an ingredient in why Filipinos overspend
during fiestas in order to please their visitors, even to the extent of going into debt?
A. Utang na loob C. Karangalan
B. Hiya D. Pakikipagkapwa
49. He was considered "The Brain of the Katipunan" due to his big contribution in drafting the kartilya
and the Malolos Constitution despite of his polio illness.
A. Jose Rizal C. Diego Silang
B. Andres Bonifacio D. Apolinario Mabini
50. This happened when after a duel in which the revolutionary’s brother died, the local parish priest
refused to give his brother a proper Christian burial, since dueling is a mortal sin. The refusal of the
priest to give his brother a proper Christian burial eventually led to the longest revolt ever held in
Philippine history: 85 years.
A. Magalat Revolt C. Dagohoy Revolt
B. Conspiracy of the Maharlikas D. Pampangos Revolt
51. This was a plot against Spanish colonial rule by the kin-related noblemen, or "datus", of Manila and
some towns of Bulacan and Pampanga, in the Philippines. The datus swore to rise up in arms by
anointing their necks with a split egg.
A. Magalat Revolt C. Dagohoy Revolt
B. Conspiracy of the Maharlikas D. Pampangos Revolt
52. Filipino landowners rose in arms over the land-grabbing of Spanish friars, with native landowners
demanding that Spanish priests return their lands on the basis of ancestral domain. The refusal of
the Spanish priests resulted in much rioting, resulting in massive looting of convents and arson of
churches and ranches.
A. Basi Revolt C. Agrarian Revolt
B. Maniago Revolt D. Igorot Revolt
53. Bayanihan is a spirit of communal unity where people help each other in finishing tasks. This is that
participation of the entire community to help a person.
A. Pakikisalamuha B. Pakikilahok C. Pakikibagay D. Pakikisama
54. Which of the following statements would be LEAST likely true about Pakikipagkapwa?
A. It is the core of the Filipino Value
B. This means treating the other person fellow human being
C. It is used to maintaining smooth interpersonal relationships
D. It means treating others as yourself
55. This refers to the psychology born out of the experience, thought and orientation of the Filipinos,
based on the full use of Filipino culture and language.
A. Sikolohiyang Pilipino C. Both A and B
B. Filipino Psychology D. Nationalism and Patriotism
56. This is the legal principle that a person’s nationality at birth is determined by the place of one’s
A. Filipino by birth C. Jus soli
B. Jus sanguinis D. Filipino by naturalization
57. What act is also known as the "Martial Law" act?
A. Proclamation 1081
B. Kautusang Tagapagpaganap blg. 25 S. 1974
C. Proclamation 274
D. Article 6 Section 14 of the 1973 Constitution
58. He officially proclaimed the Philippine independence in Malolos, Bulacan, on January 23, 1899, with
him as the first president
A. Emilio Jacinto C. Graciano Lopez Jaena
B. Gregorio Del Pilar D. Emilio Aguinaldo
59. As an investigator, it is important that you have good inter-personal relationship with the interrogee,
which of the following would be MOST likely important in establishing such relationship?
A. Pakikisama C. Pakikitungo
B. Pakikipagpalagayang-loob D. Pagkikibagay
60. Which of the following statements would be MOST likely true about Utang na Loob?
A. debt of gratitude
B. the principle of reciprocity incurred when an individual helps another
C. to show gratitude properly by returning the favor with interest
D. it actually means gratitude or solidarity
61. This is centered on the freedom from interference.
A. Higher self C. Lower self
B. Positive freedom D. Negative freedom
62. It refers to a person who supports and acts in defense of his country or referred to as national
A. Patriotic B. Nationalist C. Patriotism D. Nationalism
63. This actually refers to what other people see in a person and how they use that information to
make a stand or judge that person’s worth.
A. Katarungan B. Kalayaan C. Karangalan D. Kasaringlan
64. He was the person who laid down his life and stood against the Marcos regime when the village of
Bugnay in Tinglayan, Kalinga was about to be destroyed in exchange of the Chico dam project of
the Marcos government.
A. Apo Kabunian C. Datu Kajogjog
B. Macli-ing Dulag D. None of these
65. Who is likely to say this: “I am going to understand your point of view regarding my country, even if
it clashes with mine”?
A. Nationalism B. Patriotism C. Patriot D. Nationalist
66. This type of patriotism is composed of individuals who does not feel great pride in their country's
worldly merits and achievements but would only be proud of the country's moral record, when it
inspires pride.
A. Extreme patriotism C. Ethical patriotism
B. Moderate patriotism D. Simple Patriotism
67. What freedom is hindered if even though Karang is free to study, since no one is preventing him
from doing it, no one has locked away his books, or hidden his pen and paper or chained him to
his armchair in front of the television but he has the tendency to be sidetracked?
A. Higher self C. Lower self
B. Positive freedom D. Negative freedom
68. This is characterized by special concern for one’s country and compatriots and also shows concern
for other countries and its inhabitants.
A. Extreme patriotism C. Moderate patriotism
Ethical patriotism D. None of these
69. This attachment is based on the perception that the group represents personal identity.
A. Sentimental B. Instrumental C. Sympathetic D. Patriotic
70. Which of the following refers to the ability of the Filipino to undertake revolutions and uprising
against a common enemy?
A. Lakas ng loob B. Bahala na C. Kalayaan D. Pakikibaka

Prepared by: Checked and Verified by:

Instructor BSCrim – Program Head

Approved by:


UMBC – Dean/Director

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