Chemistry of PCM

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Received: 4 June 2018 Revised: 24 July 2018 Accepted: 24 July 2018

DOI: 10.1002/er.4196


Review on heat transfer analysis in thermal energy storage

using latent heat storage systems and phase change

Ioan Sarbu | Alexandru Dorca

Department of Building Services

Engineering, Polytechnic University of
Timisoara, Piata Victoriei 2A, 300006 Thermal energy storage (TES) is a technology that stocks thermal energy by
Timisoara, Romania heating or cooling a storage medium so that the stored energy can be used later
Correspondence for heating and cooling applications and for power generation. TES has
Ioan Sarbu, Department of Building recently attracted increasing interest to thermal applications such as space
Services Engineering, Polytechnic
and water heating, waste heat utilisation, cooling, and air conditioning. Phase
University of Timisoara, Piata Victoriei
2A, 300006 Timisoara, Romania. change materials (PCMs) used for the storage of thermal energy as latent heat
Email: are special types of advanced materials that substantially contribute to the
efficient use and conservation of waste heat and solar energy. This paper pro-
vides a comprehensive review on the development of latent heat storage
(LHS) systems focused on heat transfer and enhancement techniques
employed in PCMs to effectively charge and discharge latent heat energy,
and the formulation of the phase change problem. The main categories of
PCMs are classified and briefly described, and heat transfer enhancement tech-
nologies, namely dispersion of low‐density materials, use of porous materials,

Nomenclature: a, thermal diffusivity of PCM (m2/s); A, cross‐sectional area of the material (m2); Bi, Biot number; ck, specific heat of phase k in PCM
(J/(kg K)); cp, specific heat capacity at constant pressure (J/(kg·K)); d, diameter (m); f , melt fraction; Fo, Fourier number; g, gravitational acceleration
(m/s2); Gr, Grashof number; h, specific enthalpy (J/kg); h, sensible volumetric enthalpy of PCM (J/m3); hf, sensible volumetric enthalpy of container
material (J/m3); href, reference enthalpy (J/kg); H, total volumetric enthalpy of PCM (J/m3); k, heat transfer coefficient (W/(m2·K)); kp, permeability of
porous medium (m2); l, length in the flow direction (m); L, latent heat of fusion (J/kg); m, mass flow rate (kg/s); M, mass of PCM medium (kg); Mi,
molecular mass (kg/mol); Nu, Nusselt number; NTU, effectiveness of heat transfer; p, pressure (Pa); P, wetted perimeter (m); Pr, Prandtl number; Q,
energy (J); r, radius or radial coordinate (m); Ra, Rayleigh number; Re, Reynolds number; Ste, Stephan number; t, temperature (°C or K); tcr, critical
temperature (°C or K); tf, final temperature (°C or K); tHTF, temperature of HTF (°C or K); ti, initial temperature (°C or K); tl, liquid phase temperatures
(°C or K); tm, melting temperature (°C or K); ts, solid phase temperatures (°C or K); u, specific internal energy (J/kg); !u , velocity vector (m/s); U, heat
transfer coefficient between the HTF and PCM (W/(m2·K)); v, velocity (m/s); V, volume (m3); w, dimensionless geometric parameter defined by
1 + w = lA/V; x, y, z, axial coordinates (m)
Greek symbols: α, thermal diffusivity of PCM (m2/s); αf, thermal diffusivity of container material (m2/s); βt, thermal expansion coefficient (K−1); δ, fin
thickness (m); Δt, temperature difference (°C or K); ε, remittance; φ, porosity; ϕt, dimensionless temperature difference; λ, mixture thermal
conductivity (W/(m K)); λfr, friction factor; λk, thermal conductivity of phase k in PCM (W/(m ⋅K)); λl, thermal conductivities of the liquid PCM
(W/(m K)); λs, thermal conductivities of the solid PCM (W/(m K)); μ, dynamic viscosity of the liquid PCM, in kg/(m ⋅s); ν, kinematic viscosity (m2/
s); ω, admissible error; Ω, a constant introduced to avoid division by zero in the Carman‐Koseny equation; ρ, mixture density of PCM (kg/m3);
ρHTF, density of HTF (kg/m3); ρk, density of phase k in PCM (kg/m3); ρl, density of liquid PCM (kg/m3); ρref, reference density (kg/m3); τ, time (s);
θ, angular coordinate (°)
Abbreviations: CFD, computational fluid dynamics; DSC, differential scanning calorimetry; DTA, differential thermal analysis; EG, expanded
graphite; EPCM, encapsulated PCM; FEM, finite element method; GNF, graphite nanofiber; HP, heat pipe; HTF, heat transfer fluid; LHS, latent
heat storage; NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration; PCM, phase change material; SHS, sensible heat storage; TES, thermal
energy storage; TTHX, triplex‐tube heat exchanger; VFM, volume of fluid method; W, E, P, N, S, west, east, centre, north, and south node

Int J Energy Res. 2019;43:29–64. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 29

metal matrices and encapsulation, incorporation of extended surfaces and fins,

utilisation of heat pipes, cascaded storage, and direct heat transfer techniques,
are also discussed in detail. Additionally, a two‐dimensional heat transfer
simulation model of an LHS system is developed using the control volume
technique to solve the phase change problem. Furthermore, a three‐
dimensional numerical simulation model of an LHS is built to investigate the
quasi‐steady state and transient heat transfer in PCMs. Finally, several future
research directions are provided.

heat transfer enhancement, heat transfer simulation models, latent heat storage system, phase
change material

1 | INTRODUCTION material is transformed from one crystalline form to

another. These transitions generally have small latent
Energy storage has become an important part of renew- heats making such materials less desirable. LHS by
able energy technology systems. Solar energy, which is a solid‐liquid phase transition is a particularly attractive
major renewable energy source, is of intermittent nature, technique as it provides a high energy storage density.
and its effective utilisation is partly dependent on effi- Moreover, it has the capacity to store energy as latent
cient and effective energy storage systems. Thermal heat of fusion at a constant temperature corresponding
energy storage (TES) is a technology that stocks thermal to the phase transition temperature of the phase change
energy by heating or cooling a storage medium so that material (PCM). Hence, it can potentially lower the
the stored energy can be used later for heating and cost.4-7 The temperature of the PCM remains nearly con-
cooling applications and for power generation. TES has stant during melting (charging) and solidification
recently attracted increasing interest to thermal applica- (discharging), which is desirable.
tions such as space and water heating, waste heat Phase change materials used for the storage of thermal
utilisation, cooling, and air conditioning. Energy storage energy as latent heat are special types of advanced mate-
is essential whenever there is a mismatch between the rials, which substantially contribute to the efficient use
supply and consumption of energy.1,2 Various TES tech- and conservation of waste heat and solar energy. The
niques have been developed over the past four decades. solid‐liquid transition as applied to LHS applications is
Thermal energy storage can be achieved through more efficient compared with the other transformations
three distinct ways: sensible, latent, or thermo‐chemical and, hence, is the most widely used.8,9 Thermo‐chemical
heat storage. The classification of energy storage and the heat storage is more energetic than LHS; however, because
materials used are detailed in Sarbu and Sebarchievici.3 it relies on adsorption/desorption or other chemical reac-
An overview of major TES techniques is shown in tions, its actual performance is primarily determined by
Figure 1. In the sensible heat storage (SHS), the temper- the reaction kinetics and reactor design. In addition, it
ature of the storage material increases as the energy is requires distinct melting and solidification temperatures10
stored whereas the latent heat storage (LHS) makes (usually between 100°C and 300°C, depending on the reac-
use of the energy stored when a substance changes from tion) that have potential for inter‐seasonal storage applica-
one phase to another. The internal energy increases tions. The study of PCMs was pioneered by Telkes and
when energy in the form of heat is added to a sub- Raymond11; however, PCMs did not receive much atten-
stance. The well‐known consequence is an increase in tion until the energy crisis in the early 1980s, when they
temperature (sensible heating) or change in phase were extensively researched for use in different applica-
(latent heating). tions especially for solar heating systems.12-25 The LHS,
Latent heat storage may be classified based on the using PCMs, is in full development. By 2020, the specific
phase change process as solid‐solid, solid‐liquid, solid‐ investment cost for compact LHS should be below 50 €/
gas, and liquid‐gas. Solid‐gas and liquid‐gas transforma- kWh. Towards 2030, the intention is to have industrial
tions are generally not employed for energy storage process heat applications with TES.26
despite their high latent heats, because gases occupy large The use of PCMs is one of the novel methods that
volumes. In solid‐solid transitions, heat stored as the have been proposed to achieve the objective of high

FIGURE 1 Types of thermal energy


storage density with higher efficiency. PCMs have been 2 | LATENT H EAT THERMAL
widely used in LHS systems for heat pumps, solar EN ERG Y S TORA GE
engineering, and spacecraft thermal control applica-
tions. The use of PCMs for heating and cooling appli- Latent heat storage materials are known as PCMs
cations in buildings has been investigated in the past because of their property of releasing or absorbing energy
decade.27 There are many PCMs that melt and solidify with a change in physical state. The energy storage den-
at a wide range of temperatures, making them attrac- sity increases and, hence, the volume is reduced in the
tive for many applications. A proper design of TES case of LHS. Results from studies by Morrison and
systems using PCMs requires quantitative information Abdel‐Khalik28 and Ghoneim29 show that to store the
on the heat transfer and phase change processes in same amount of energy from a unit collector area, rock
the PCM. (SHS material) requires more than seven times the stor-
This paper provides a comprehensive review on the age mass of paraffin P116‐Wax, five times the storage
development of LHS systems focused on heat transfer mass of medicinal paraffin, and more than eight times
and enhancement techniques employed in PCMs to the storage mass of Na2SO4⋅10H2O.
effectively charge and discharge latent heat energy, The main advantage of LHS over SHS is the high stor-
and the formulation of the phase change problem. age density within a small temperature band. Figure 2
The main categories of PCMs are classified and briefly gives a comparison between a SHS system and a LHS sys-
described, including the main characteristic properties tem made of a single PCM. For the small temperature dif-
and selection criteria. The heat transfer enhancement ference covering the phase change, there is a factor of 3
technologies, namely dispersion of low‐density mate- between the heat stored in the LHS system and the SHS
rials, use of porous materials, metal matrices and system. For a large temperature difference, the advantage
encapsulation, incorporation of extended surfaces and of the LHS shrinks to 6:4 = 1.5.30
fins, utilisation of heat pipes (HPs), cascaded storage, The heat storage capacity Q, in J, of an LHS system is
and direct heat transfer techniques, are also discussed given by2,27,31
in detail. Additionally, a numerical simulation model
tm tf
of an LHS system is developed using the control Q ¼ ∫ti Mcp dt þ MfL þ ∫tm Mcp dt (1)
volume technique to solve the phase change problem.
Furthermore, a three‐dimensional heat transfer simula-
tion model of an LHS is built to investigate the quasi‐
steady state and transient heat transfer in PCMs and
several future research directions are provided. The
topics approached in present research are similar to
that of the other works with specific topic, but it
synthesises in a unitary manner and provides the use-
ful fundamental and practical information updated
and more extensive that can be used by engineers
working on theory, design, and/or application of FIGURE 2 Comparison of stored heat between SHS and LHS
LHS systems. with a single PCM30

where tm is the melting temperature, in °C; ti is the initial sections for three different types of LHS containers suitable
temperature, in °C; tf is the final temperature, in °C; M is to be integrated with heating systems. In compact LHS sys-
the mass of PCM medium, in kg; cp is the specific heat tems, the PCM is enclosed in a large container with an
capacity, in J/(kg·°C); f is the melt fraction; and L is embedded heat exchanger.35 The general configuration
the latent heat of fusion, in J/kg. used is the shell‐and‐tube type (Figure 4A). Compact LHS
In contrast to SHS in which the materials have a large systems are generally designed to integrate with water
temperature rise/drop when storing/releasing thermal heating systems.36 Encapsulated systems (Figure 4B,C) are
energy, LHS can work in a nearly isothermal way, owing those in which the PCM is contained in small containers,
to the phase change mechanism. This makes LHS over which the HTF flows, leading to a heat storage system
favourable for applications that require stringent working that contains a greater component of SHS than compact
temperature requirements. However, the main disadvan- LHS systems in the same temperature range.37 Such encap-
tage of LHS is its low thermal conductivity, which mostly sulated models have the versatility to be integrated with
fall in the range of 0.2 W/(m⋅K) to 0.7 W/(m⋅K); there- both air and water heating systems, owing to their shape
fore, effective heat transfer enhancement technologies versatility and leak proof construction.
must be adopted.32

2.1 | System components 2.2 | Phase change materials

An LHS system consists of the following three main Many PCMs are known to melt with a high heat of fusion
components: in any required temperature range. However, their use as
heat storage material depends on the desirable character-
(1) a PCM suitable for the desired temperature range; istics related to
(2) container for the PCM (encapsulation of PCM);
(3) heat exchange surface area for transferring heat • thermo‐physical properties (latent heat of transition
from the heat source to the PCM and from the and thermal conductivity should be high, and density
PCM to the heat sink. and volume variations during phase transition should
be, respectively, high and low in order to minimise
The integration of LHS containers into specific storage volume),
heating or cooling systems can be classified according to • kinetic and chemical properties (super‐cooling should
the heat transfer fluid (HTF) used, ie, air or liquid. The be limited to a few degrees, and materials should have
LHS containers could be integrated in conventional cen- long‐term chemical stability, compatibility with mate-
tral heating systems with water radiators when the HTF rials of construction, no toxicity, and no fire hazard), and
used is water; this is ideal to retrofit when changing a • economic advantages (low cost and large‐scale avail-
gas boiler to a heat pump33 (Figure 3A). The LHS con- ability of PCMs are also very important).
tainers can be integrated into centralised ventilation sys-
tems when the HTF used is air, typical in large office The main characteristics required for PCMs are indicated
areas and commercial buildings (Figure 3B).34 in Table 1.2,38,39
Most LHS containers can be classified into two groups: Phase change materials can be used for both short‐
compact and encapsulated. Figure 4 shows the cross term (daily) and long‐term (seasonal) energy storage,

FIGURE 3 Schematic of the integration of LHS into A, water space heating systems and B, centralised air space heating systems33 [Colour
figure can be viewed at]

FIGURE 4 Cross sections of A, a compact tube in tube; B, an encapsulated packed bed; and C, encapsulated staggered cylinders LHS

TABLE 1 Main desirable characteristics of PCMs

Thermal Properties Physical Properties Kinetic Properties Chemical Properties Economics

(1) Melting temperature in (1) Small vapour pressure at (1) Little or no super‐ (1) Chemical stability (1) Abundant
desired operating range operating temperatures cooling during freezing
(2) High latent heat of fusion (2) Small volume variation (2) High nucleation rate to (2) Complete reversible (2) Large‐scale
per unit volume on phase change avoid super‐cooling freezing/melting cycle availabilities
(3) High specific heat (3) High density (3) Adequate rate of (3) Compatibility with (3) Effective
crystallisation container materials cost
(4) High thermal (4) No toxic, no flammable
conductivity of both and no explosive material

using various techniques and materials. Possible applica- 2.2.1 | Classification

tions of PCMs are as follows:
Latent heat storage materials are broadly classified based
• installation in gypsum boards, plasters, concrete, or on their physical transformation for heat absorbing and
other wall covering materials that are part of the build- desorbing capabilities. Several authors have carried out
ing structure to enhance the TES capacity, with main investigations on a wide range of PCMs, subdividing
utilisation in peak‐load shifting (and shaving) and solar them into organic, inorganic, and eutectics.2 PCMs are
energy40 (in this application, the typical operating tem- classified into different groups depending on the material
perature range is 22°C to 25°C, but it can vary as a nature (paraffin, fatty acids, salt hydrates, etc.) (Figure 5).
function of climate and heating/cooling loads); A comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of dif-
• cold storage for cooling plants (operating temperature ferent categories of PCMs is presented in Table 2.4
range of 7°C‐15°C)41;
• warm storage for heating plants (40°C‐50°C)41; Organic PCMs
• hot storage for solar cooling and heating (80°C‐ Organic PCMs can melt and solidify many times without
90°C).41 phase segregation, and because of the degradation of their

FIGURE 5 Classification of phase

change materials (PCMs)2

TABLE 2 Comparison of different categories of PCMs

Classification Advantages Disadvantages

Organic PCMs Availability in a large temperature range Low thermal conductivity

High heat of fusion Relatively large volume change
No super‐cooling Flammability
Chemically stable and recyclable
Good compatibility with other materials
Inorganic PCMs High heat of fusion Super‐cooling
High thermal conductivity Corrosion
Low volume change
Availability in low cost
Eutectics Sharp melting temperature Lack of currently available
test data of thermo‐physical properties
High volumetric thermal storage density

latent melting heat, they crystallise with little or no 2. Non‐paraffin organic PCMs: they are the most
super‐cooling, and they are usually noncorrosive. The numerous of the PCMs with highly varied properties.
two main groups are as follows: A number of esters, fatty acids, alcohols, and glycols
suitable for energy storage have been identified.42
1. Paraffin waxes: they consist of a mixture of Some of the main features of these organic materials
mostly straight chain n‐alkenes CH3―(CH2) include high heat of fusion, inflammability, low
―CH3. The crystallisation of the (CH3)― chain thermal conductivity, low flash points, and instability
releases a large amount of latent heat. Both the at high temperatures.
melting point and latent heat of fusion increase
with chain length. Owing to cost consideration, Fatty acids have a high heat of fusion compared with
however, only technical grade paraffins could be paraffins, and they have reproducible melting and freez-
used as PCMs in LHS systems. Paraffin is ing behaviours with little or no super‐cooling. However,
safe, reliable, predictable, less expensive, noncorro- fatty acids are more expensive than technical grade paraf-
sive, and available in a large temperature range fins, and they are mildly corrosive and possess an
(5°C‐80°C).2 unpleasant odour.2

Inorganic PCMs 2. Metallic. Metallic PCMs include low‐melting point

Inorganic PCMs are used in high‐temperature solar appli- metals and their alloys. This category offers the
cations and one of their most reported challenges is main- potential for high‐density and high‐temperature
tenance. At low temperatures, they freeze, and at high TES.44 Metallic PCMs have high thermal conductiv-
temperatures, they are difficult to handle. These PCMs ity, which relate to high charging and discharging
do not super‐cool appreciably, and their melting rates in TES systems, and they can operate at temper-
enthalpies do not degrade with cycling. The two main atures exceeding 560°C. They also have high thermal
types are as follows: diffusivity, which eliminates the need for large heat
exchange surfaces.
1. Salt hydrate. Salt hydrates with the general formula
AB ⋅nH2O are alloys of inorganic salts (AB) contain- As noted by Kenisarin,45 the two most important material
ing n kmol of water of crystallisation. During phase properties of PCMs are the melting temperature and heat
transformation, dehydration of the salt occurs, of fusion. By plotting the melting temperature and heat of
forming either a salt hydrate that contains fewer fusion of each material on a chart (Figure 6), it is possible
water molecules: to select the PCM with the most favourable characteris-
tics for the design.
AB⋅nH2 O→AB⋅mH2 O þ ðn−mÞH2 O; (2) The largest phase transition heat, on a mass or vol-
ume basis, has been found for binary and ternary alloys
or to its anhydrous form: of the relatively plentiful elements Al, Cu, Mg, and Zn,
but not all of the potential materials are suitable for use
AB⋅nH2 O→AB þ nH2 O; (3) in TES systems.47 Compared with other LHS materials,
eutectic aluminium alloys were principally investigated
Salt hydrate melting is classified as congruent, incon- for use as PCMs in high temperature TES systems
gruent, and semi‐congruent31: because of their suitable phase change temperature, high
latent heat density, and good thermal stability.48 Huang
• congruent melting occurs when the salt is soluble in et al49 determined the specific heat of the liquid and solid
the hydration water at the melting temperature; forms and the latent heat of fusion of Al‐Si, Al‐Si‐Mg, and
• incongruent melting occurs when the salt is only par- Al‐Si‐Cu alloys. The thermal reliability and corrosion
tially soluble in the hydration water at the melting behaviour of Al‐Mg‐Zn alloy with respect to the number
temperature; of thermal cycles for TES systems were studied by Sun
• semi‐congruent melting occurs when the solid and et al.50 They found that the melting temperature changed
liquid phases that are in equilibrium have different by 3 to 5 K, and the latent heat of fusion decreased after
compositions during the melting process because of 1000 thermal cycles. Birchenall and Riechman51 identi-
the transformation of the salt hydrate to a salt hydrate fied the CuMgSi ternary as a leading candidate for con-
with a lesser amount of hydration water. centrated solar power storage, and synthesised
laboratory quantities after three attempts. In a study per-
Salt hydrates have been extensively studied in heat formed by Kotzé et al46 a eutectic aluminium‐silicon
storage applications43 because of their positive alloy, AlSi12 is identified as a good potential PCM. AlSi12
characteristics: high latent heat of fusion per unit has a heat of fusion of 560 J/g and a melting temperature
volume, relatively high thermal conductivity (almost of 577°C, which is above the working temperature of reg-
double that of paraffin), low corrosiveness, and ular HTFs. Li et al52 conducted a study on the suitability
compatibility with plastics. These materials dissociate of aluminium‐silicon alloys as PCMs. They found that
into anhydrous salts, release water vapour when aluminium‐silicon alloys are relatively stable through
subjected to a heat source, and store the energy sup- multiple heating and cooling cycles, and that having an
plied for dehydration upon heating. A numerical study accurate eutectic composition and controlling cooling
was conducted to investigate the performance of three rates may improve stability.
different salt hydrates, namely magnesium sulphate
(MgSO4·7H2O), cupric sulphate (CuSO4·5H2O), and gyp- Eutectics
sum (CaSO4·2H2O), to investigate their abilities to effi- Eutectic materials are combinations of two or more low
ciently store thermo‐chemical energy. It was shown melting point materials with similar (congruent) melting
that cupric sulphate had the highest efficiency and and freezing points; eutectics nearly always melt and
required the least heating time to initiate a chemical freeze without segregation and have high thermal con-
reaction. ductivities and densities. The weight percentage of each

FIGURE 6 Latent heats and melting temperatures of metallic PCMs46

material can be varied to obtain different melting points

of the resulting eutectic mixture.2 For this reason, they
are a promising type of PCM for the future, even if they
are actually less diffused than the other groups. However,
they have low latent and specific heat capacities.53
The temperature range is one of the main criteria for
the suitability of a PCM in any application. There are
numerous TES applications that use PCM, which all fit
a particular range suitable for their optimum thermal per-
formance.54 Figure 7 shows a brief classification system
based on melting temperatures, which can help in decid-
ing which PCM to use55 based on the desired application.

2.2.2 | Thermo‐physical properties

Table 3 presents the thermo‐physical properties of
organic compounds identified based on quoted stability FIGURE 7 Category of PCM based on melting point55 [Colour
and enthalpy of phase change, whereas Table 4 summa- figure can be viewed at]
rises the thermo‐physical properties for a selection of salt
Table 5 presents the physical properties of selected and density (ρ), are presented in Equations (4) to (9),
eutectic compounds in the 0°C to 250°C range.7,33,56 which use available properties of the mixture and its con-
Owing to the lack of experimental data for some of the stituents, molar ratio (xi), molecular mass (Mi), mass ratio
thermo‐physical properties of eutectic mixtures, (wi), volumetric ratio (zi), and their melting point (tm) to
weighting methods have been used to predict missing predict the unknown values. A comparison of some
values.60,61 The weighting correlations used to obtain eutectic salts with available experimental data was made;
the thermo‐physical properties, namely melting enthalpy the difference between predictions and measurements
(h), specific heat capacity (cp), thermal conductivity (λ), was less than 10%.33

TABLE 3 Thermo‐physical properties of selected organic compounds

Melting Specific Heat, kJ/(kg⋅K) Thermal Conductivity, W/(m ⋅K)

Melting Enthalpy, Density,
Compound Point, °C kJ/kg Solid Liquid Solid Liquid kg/m3 Refs.
Formic acid 8 277 1 1.17 0.30 0.27 1227
Acetic acid 17 192 1.33 2.04 0.26 0.19 1214
Lauric acid 44 212 2.02 2.15 0.22 0.15 1007
Stearic acid 54 157 1.76 2.27 0.29 0.17 940
Palmitic acid 61 222 1.69 2.20 0.21 0.17 989
Parrafin wax 0‐90 150‐250 3.00 2.00 0.20 − 880‐950 56

Acetamide 82 260 2.00 3.00 0.40 0.25 1160
Erythritol 117 340 2.25 2.61 0.73 0.33 1450
HDPE 130 255 2.60 2.15 0.48 0.44 952
Urea 134 250 1.80 2.11 0.80 0.60 1320
Maleic acid 141 385 1.17 2.08 − − 1590 57

d‐Mannitol 165 300 1.31 2.36 0.19 0.11 1490
Hydroquinone 172 258 1.59 1.64 − − 1300 56

TABLE 4 Thermo‐physical properties of selected salt hydrates

Specific Heat, Thermal Conductivity,

Melting Melting
kJ/(kg⋅K) W/(m ⋅K)
Point, Enthalpy, Density,
Compound °C kJ/kg Solid Liquid Solid Liquid kg/m3 Refs.
Water 0 333 3.30 4.18 1.60 0.61 920
Calcium chloride hexahydrate 30 125 1.42 2.20 1.09 0.53 1710
Sodium sulphate decahydrate 32 180 1.93 2.80 0.56 0.45 1485
Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate 46 210 1.46 2.39 0.76 0.38 1666
Sodium acetate trihydrate 58 265 1.68 2.37 0.43 0.34 1450
Barium hydroxide octahydrate 78 280 1.34 2.44 1.26 0.66 2180
Magnesium nitrate hexahydrate 89 140 2.50 3.10 0.65 0.50 1640
Oxalic acid dihydrate 105 264 2.11 2.89 0.90 0.70 1653
Magnesium chloride hexahydrate 117 150 2.00 2.40 0.70 0.58 1570

λ eutectic ¼ ∏λzi i ; (8)
w i ¼ x i M i ∑x i M i ; (4) i

  heutectic ¼ tm;eutectic ∑
hi wi
wi wi −1 t m;i
zi ¼ ∑ ; (5) i
ρi i ρi

cp;eutectic ¼ ∑cp;i wi ; (6) 2.2.3 | Measurement of thermal proper-

ties of PCMs
The methods used for measuring the thermal properties
ρeutectic ¼ ∑ρi zi ; (7)
i of PCMs are very important. There are many existing

TABLE 5 Thermo‐physical properties of selected eutectic compounds

Specific Heat, Thermal Conductivity,

Melting Melting
kJ/(kg⋅K) W/(m ⋅K)
Mass Point, Enthalpy, Density,
Compound Ratio °C kJ/kg Solid Liquid Solid Liquid kg/m3 Refs.

CaCl2⋅(H2O)6MgCl2⋅(H2O)6 67‐33 25 127 1620 2270 0.930 0.550 1661 56

Urea CH3COONa⋅(H2O)3 60‐40 30 200 1750 2210 0.630 0.480 1370
Mg (NO3)2⋅(H2O)6NH4NO3 61‐39 52 125 2130 2670 0.590 0.500 1672 31

Urea‐acetamide 38‐62 53 224 1920 2660 0.510 0.340 1216
Mg (NO3)2⋅(H2O)6‐MgCl2⋅(H2O)6 59‐41 59 132 2290 2810 0.670 0.530 1610 56

Stearic acid ‐ acetamide 83‐17 65 213 1800 2400 0.300 0.180 972 33

LiNO3MgNO3⋅(H2O)6 14‐86 72 180 2380 2900 0.700 0.510 1713 33

Urea‐LiNO3 82‐18 76 218 1770 2020 0.850 0.600 1438
Urea‐NaNO3 71‐29 83 187 1600 2030 0.750 0.590 1502
Urea‐NH4Cl 85‐15 102 214 1770 2090 0.760 0.580 1348
Urea‐K2CO3 15‐85 102 206 1660 2020 0.780 0.580 1415
Urea‐KNO3 77‐23 109 195 1600 1910 0.810 0.580 1416
Urea‐NaCl 90‐10 112 230 1720 2020 0.820 0.600 1372
Urea‐KCl 89‐11 115 227 1690 1960 0.830 0.660 1370
KNO3‐NaNO2 56‐44 141 97 1180 1740 0.730 0.570 1994 59

KNO3‐NaNO3‐NaNO2 53‐6‐41 142 110 1170 1730 0.720 0.570 2006 59

KNO2‐NaNO3 48‐52 149 124 1050 1630 0.580 0.520 2080 59

LiNO3‐NaNO2 62‐38 156 233 1570 1910 1.120 0.660 2296 33

LiNO3‐KCl 58‐42 160 272 1260 1350 1.310 0.590 2196 56

LiNO3‐NaNO3‐KCl 45‐50‐5 160 266 1320 1690 0.880 0.590 2297 33

LiOH‐LiNO3 19‐81 183 352 1600 2000 1.330 0.690 2124
LiNO3‐NaNO3 49‐51 194 262 1350 1720 0.870 0.590 2317 59

LiNO3‐NaCl 87‐13 208 369 1540 1560 1.350 0.630 2350 56

KNO3‐KOH 80‐20 214 83 1030 1350 0.880 0.540 1905 56

KNO3‐NaNO3 55‐45 222 110 1010 1490 0.730 0.510 2028 33

LiBr‐LiNO3 27‐73 228 279 1340 1380 1.140 0.570 2603
LiOH‐NaNO3‐NaOH 6‐67‐27 230 184 1300 2000 0.780 0.670 2154 33

NaNO2‐NaNO3 55‐45 233 163 1310 2130 0.590 0.640 2210 33

CaCl2‐LiNO3 13‐87 238 317 1500 1530 1.370 0.690 2362 33

LiCl‐LiNO3 9‐91 244 342 1580 1610 1.370 0.640 2351
NaNO3‐NaOH 86‐14 250 160 1190 1860 0.660 0.600 2241 56

measurement techniques, among which, the differential temperature is estimated by the tangent at the point
scanning calorimetry (DSC) and differential thermal of greatest slope on the face portion of the peak.
analysis (DTA) are the most commonly used. In DSC The DSC method can also be used for analysing
and DTA techniques, a sample and a reference material the thermal properties of PCM wallboards. Through a
are heated at constant rate. The temperature difference DSC test, the melting temperature and heat of
between them is proportional to the difference in heat fusion of a PCM can be obtained. In addition, the dis-
flow between the two materials and is recorded as the tribution of PCM in the wallboard, heat storage capac-
DSC curve. The recommended reference material is ity of the PCM wallboard, and effect of multiple
alumina (Al2O3). The latent heat of fusion is calculated thermal cycling on the thermal properties of PCMs
using the area under the peak and the melting can be tested.

2.2.4 | Criteria for PCM selection carried out thermal cycling tests for some organic and
inorganic PCMs and their results showed that organic
When developing a TES system, the selection of a PCM is
PCMs tend to have better thermal stabilities than inor-
an important task, and the selected PCM must fit the
ganic PCMs.
requirements of the system. The melting temperature
and phase change enthalpy of existing PCMs are shown
in Figure 8.62 In building applications, as an example, 3 | HEAT TRANSFER
PCMs with a phase change temperature range of 18 to ENHA NC E M EN T T E C HNO L O GIE S
30°C are preferred to meet the requirements of thermal
comfort. From the point of melting temperature, it can There are several methods of enhancing the heat trans-
be observed that for LHS in building applications, the fer in a latent heat thermal storage: thermal conductiv-
potential PCMs are paraffin, fatty acids, salt hydrates, ity enhancement using low‐density materials such as
and eutectic mixtures. carbon fibres and paraffin composites,63 porous mate-
Zalba et al,4 Abhat,41 and Jegadheeswaran et al63 rials either as a metal foam (copper, steel, or alumin-
described the main criteria that govern the selection of ium) or as porous material like graphite,71-73 metal
a PCM. To be a suitable material for LHS systems, the fol- matrices,74 and encapsulation methods using graphite,50
lowing criteria, namely physical, kinetic, chemical, and polymers, or the nickel film coating of PCM copper
economic properties, need to be met (see Table 1). A spheres75; enhancement with fins (extended metal sur-
visual combination of important thermal properties face),76 HPs,77 and cascaded storage (multiple PCMs)63;
(Figure 9) of a few types of PCMs was produced by Li and direct heat transfer techniques.78 The most com-
et al.64 mon enhancement techniques involve the use of
extended surfaces such as fins and HPs or using multi-
ple PCMs of different melting points.79 The general
2.2.5 | Long‐term stability review of some these techniques was performed by
Ibrahim et al,79 which revealed that enhancement in
Insufficient long‐term stability of the storage materials heat transfer can be accomplished either by increasing
and containers is a problem that has limited the wide- the heat transfer area of the storage system or by
spread use of LHS. Long‐term stability of PCMs is increasing the thermal conductivity of the storage
required in practical applications of LHS; therefore, material. The reasons behind this selection are the
major changes in their thermal properties after undergo- result of the detailed assessment, which summarises
ing numerous thermal cycles should not occur. Thermal as given below.
cycling tests to check the stability of PCMs in LHS sys-
tems were carried out by many researchers for organics,
salt hydrates, and salt hydrate mixtures.65-69 Some poten- 3.1 | Low‐density materials
tial PCMs were identified to have good stability and
To enhance the heat transfer in TES systems, the inser-
thermo‐physical properties. Recently, Shukla et al70
tion of high thermal conductivity materials including
metal structures has been tested.80 Metal structures pos-
sess relatively high densities, and this usually leads to
their settlement at the bottom surface of the PCM con-
tainer. Hence, many researchers consider other alterna-
tives such as low‐density and high‐conductivity
additives for PCMs.
Carbon fibres can be better alternatives to enhance
the thermal performance of LHS systems as they have
relatively lower densities than metals, and the thermal
conductivities are almost equal to those of aluminium
and copper.63 Carbon fibres also exhibit a high corro-
sive resistance potential and hence are compatible with
most PCMs. Nakaso et al81 tested the use of carbon
fibres to enhance heat transfer in thermal storage
FIGURE 8 Melting temperature and phase change enthalpy for tanks, reporting a twofold rise in effective thermal con-
existing PCMs62 [Colour figure can be viewed at ductivities. Their carbon cloths and carbon brushes are] shown in Figure 10. They also found that carbon cloths

FIGURE 9 Thermal properties of

various PCMs63 [Colour figure can be
viewed at]

FIGURE 10 Use of carbon fibres to

enhance heat transfer: A, fibre cloth; B,
fibre brush; C, no carbon fibre30

had better thermal performance than carbon brushes brush/n‐octadecane composites enclosed in a shell‐and‐
because the cloth structure was more continuous than tube LHS. They discussed the effect of carbon fibre
the brush structure. Carbon fibres with high thermal brushes on the thermal conductivity of the composite
conductivity embedded into paraffin PCMs can PCM. The results revealed a satisfactory improvement of
enhance the overall thermal conductivities in heat stor- transient thermal responses in the entire composite.
age systems as confirmed by Fukai et al.82 Sanusi et al85 investigated the thermal performance
Frusteri et al83 randomly dispersed carbon fibres of of a paraffin/graphite nanofiber (GNF) composite PCM
different lengths into an inorganic PCM to increase its during the solidification period. They found that
thermal conductivity. Their results indicated that the impregnating GNF into paraffin‐based PCMs is an effec-
composite PCM fibre had enhanced heat diffusion. tive means for reducing its solidification time and
Hamada et al84 carried out experiments on carbon enhancing the TES.

3.2 | Porous materials

Incorporation of porous materials to PCMs increases their

thermal conductivity and hence improves the thermal
performance of LHS systems.71-73 This is primarily due
to the higher thermal conductivity of porous materials
compared with pure PCMs.86
Paraffin/expanded graphite (EG) composites were
introduced, and they can be made to incorporate even
more carbon. Sari and Karaipekli87 compared two sam-
ples: the first made from pure paraffin and the second
from a paraffin/EG composite. They found that the paraf-
fin/EG composites with mass fractions of 2%, 4%, 7%, and
10% EG had increased their effective thermal conductivi-
ties by 81.2%, 136.3%, 209.1%, and 272.7%, respectively.
However, the main disadvantage of EG is its structural FIGURE 11 Temperature differences (Δt) between metal foams
discontinuity, which means that heat cannot be trans- and EG89
ferred very smoothly and efficiently.
Lopez et al88 studied the behaviour of graphite with foam significantly increased the heat transfer during both
closed and open pores, made with salt as a PCM. A melting and solidification in terms of the overall heat
pore‐thermo‐elastic analysis was performed from which transfer coefficient.
was concluded that variations in expansion volumes of
the salt due to fusion were limited by the matrix of graph-
3.3 | Metal matrices
ite, which causes an increase of pressure in the pores.
Higher pressure causes a progressive increase in the melt- A metal matrix, such as a porous matrix, has been used to
ing temperature of the salt and a gradual decrease of the enhance the heat transfer rate in TES. A porous matrix is
latent heat. This implies that a significant part of the characterised by two parameters, ie, the porosity and the
energy supplied to the material is used to heat it (sensible cell size which refer, respectively, to the percentage of
heat instead of latent heat). Zhou and Zhao89 investigated volume that will be occupied by PCM and the size of
the heat transfer enhancement of PCMs by using EG and the pore expressed in pores per inch. For the first param-
metal foams. They found that both increased the heat eter, Mesalhy et al94 indicated that the performance
transfer rate significantly, but metal foams showed a bet- improvement depends on both the porosity of the matrix
ter performance than EG, which is shown in Figure 11. and its conductivity. Low values of porosity lead to a
The reason is that the structures inside the EG are sparse, higher effective thermal conductivity, resulting in an
whereas metal foams have a much more continuous increased performance enhancement. However, a
matrix than EG, which means that heat can be easily decrease in the porosity has the opposite effect because
transferred to PCMs. the low porosity of the matrix hampers the movement
Lafdi et al90 studied experimentally the heat transfer of the liquid PCM and the natural convection. For the
characteristics of a paraffin wax/aluminium foam com- second parameter, Elgafy et al95 showed how the mean
posite PCM and investigated the effect of the foam poros- pore size of the additives could be of critical importance
ity and pore size on the melting rate of the PCM. The on the system performance. If it is too small, the PCM
results indicated that the higher porosity aluminium molecular motion will be hindered, thereby it will be very
foam accelerates the attainment of a steady‐state temper- difficult to impregnate the porous media with the PCM,
ature as compared with the foams with lower porosity. which will adversely affect the LHS capacity.
Sedeh and Khodadadi91 reported that highly conductive Metals with the highest thermal conductivities are
graphite foam has good potential for improving the ther- silver, copper, gold and aluminium,96 which turns
mal conductivity and heat transfer of PCMs. A numerical them into a desirable option for metal matrix
investigation on the thermal behaviour of sodium nitrate production to LHS systems. Their characteristics are
(NaNO3) as a PCM was conducted using the commercial given in Table 6.97 Due to their lower prices in compari-
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software, Fluent.92 son with gold and silver, copper and aluminium are most
Fleming et al93 compared the thermal performance of commonly used. Steel wool is more feasible for improving
two shell‐and‐tube LHS units, with one composed of alu- the thermal conductivity of PCMs compared with EG.
minium foam. The experimental results showed that the However, it is not as compactable as graphite. Figure 12

TABLE 6 Metals with high thermal conductivities

Metal Melting Point, °C Specific Heat, J/(kg⋅K) Thermal Conductivity, W/(m⋅K) Density, kg/m3

Silver 961.9 237 429.0 10 490

Copper 1084.6 381 387.6 8978
Gold 1064.4 129 401.0 19 300
Aluminium 660.2 910 237.0 2800
Nickel 1450.0 440 90.3 8910

in which they are incorporated. Besides these advantages,

macro‐capsules improves the thermal performance of the
PCM and material compatibility with the surrounding,
creating a barrier and containing the external volume
change of PCMs.99
The geometries used vary significantly with the appli-
cation, but they commonly have cylindrical or spherically
shaped capsules, which can be inserted into off the shelf
storage containers. Encapsulating a PCM into spherical
capsules provides closer packing within the storage sys-
tem.100 This approach benefits from higher mixing of
FIGURE 12 A, Stainless steel and B, aluminium lessing rings7
the HTF and consequently better convective heat transfer
[Colour figure can be viewed at]
coefficients than in the vertical cylinders.
Direct space cooling applications in which the melting
shows two approaches used to effectively enhance the
of the store occurs during the night and solidification
heat transfer within a PCM.7
occurs during the day to cool office areas have been stud-
ied by Jiao and Xu.101 Air was used as the HTF with the
3.4 | Encapsulation PCM encapsulated in rectangular cross section slabs with
CaCl2⋅6H2O as PCM. Another possible application for an
The encapsulation method for heat transfer enhancement encapsulated LHS system was studied in.102 Heat from
consists of confining the PCM as a core covered by a shell solar thermal collectors is stored in an array of cylinders
of another type of material. The classification of encapsu- filled with paraffin wax and air is used as the HTF. Due
lation techniques is dependent on the size of the capsules: to the poor convective heat transfer obtained to the outer
macro‐encapsulation (1‐10 mm), micro‐encapsulation (1‐ shell of the capsules, aluminium strips were used to
1000 μm), and nano‐encapsulation (<1 μm).98 increase the effective heat transfer area of the cylinders,
providing a substantial increase in the LHS system's effec-
tiveness and the global solar collector system efficiency.
3.4.1 | Macro‐encapsulation
Zhao et al103 investigated the transport phenomena in
The most common type of PCM containment is macro‐ a large‐scale TES module as applicable for a solar power
encapsulation in which a significant quantity of PCM is and other industrial thermal systems. The encapsulated
encapsulated in a discrete unit. The macro‐encapsulation PCM studied is a NaNO3 encapsulated by a stainless steel.
of PCMs can (1) avoid large phase separations; (2) Transient two‐dimensional heat transfer analysis is per-
increase the rate of heat transfer; and (3) provide a self‐ formed using the front‐tracking and the enthalpy‐poros-
supporting structure for the PCM. The most cost‐effective ity methods. It has been shown that the interface
containers are plastic (high density and low‐density poly- dynamics, the temperature distribution and the time of
ethylene, polypropylene) bottles, tin‐plated metal cans, energy storage and retrieval predicted by the front‐track-
and mild steel cans. These containers can serve directly ing and the enthalpy‐porosity methods agree very well.
as heat exchangers and can be incorporated into building Elmozughi et al104 performed a heat transfer analysis
construction solutions. of the melting and solidification of a NaNO3‐stainless steel
The macro‐encapsulation method allows accommo- encapsulated phase change material (EPCM) capsules
dating large PCM quantities and the macro‐capsules can using the enthalpy‐porosity and volume of fluid methods
have different shapes according to the building element (VFMs) in Fluent software. Two‐dimensional simulations

of a 25.4 and 76.2‐mm cylindrical EPCM capsules with an occur by conduction. This can reduce seriously the heat
internal air void were conducted using two different HTFs, transfer rates, especially in the melting process.
air and therminol/VP‐1. The shape of the solid/liquid Currently, micro‐encapsulated PCMs have been used
interface is determined by the rate of heat transfer. The in TES of buildings. For the use of PCMs in building com-
higher rate of heat transfer achieved with VP‐1 as the ponents, the encapsulation of PCMs is an advantage
HTF increases natural convection within the molten salt, because, if not encapsulated, they could interact with
thus reducing the total melting time. Additionally, the the building structure and change the properties of the
presence of the air void at the top of the capsule reduces matrix materials. Additionally, encapsulation has the
the heat transfer at the top of the capsule. benefit of increasing the surface area for heat transfer,
Ying et al105 designed and built a pilot‐scale test sec- thereby increasing the thermal conductivity of the LHS,
tion to demonstrate latent heat‐based TES using EPCM enhancing the compatibility of the PCMs with storage
in the temperature range of 250°C to 386°C for the bot- materials, reducing the risk of corrosion, and minimising
tom capsule. NaNO3 was selected as the storage medium the effect of volume change during phase change.
and was encapsulated in stainless steel. A numerical Phase change material microcapsules are composed of
model was developed to investigate the dynamic perfor- microscopic capsules, commonly a polymer, with a diam-
mance of the charging and discharging of the test section eter of some micrometres.108 These capsules have a spher-
with phase change in the NaNO3 capsule. The experi- ical shape, and the PCM is enclosed inside the
mental and the numerical investigations indicated that microcapsule. There are many techniques available to
the latent heat of phase change of the NaNO3 contributed successfully encapsulate PCMs, such as coacervation,
significantly to approximately 42% of the energy stored in suspension, emulsion, condensation, polyaddition poly-
the capsules, providing high storage density. merisation, or spray drying,109,110 which can be coupled
Solomon et al106 examined experimentally and numer- to the process. Considering the studies already reported,
ically the capability of an EPCM‐based TES system to store urea‐formaldehyde resin, melamine‐formaldehyde resin,
a large fraction of latent energy at high temperatures. The urea‐melamine‐formaldehyde resin,111 polyurethanes,
results show that the use of metal deflectors yields a nearly and poly (methyl methacrylate)112 are usually selected as
constant heat transfer coefficient over the capsule's sur- the microcapsule shell material.42,109
face. Despite this, the presence of the void in the capsule Polymeric shells bring some disadvantages such as
and natural convection within the molten PCM influenced flammability, poor thermal and chemical stability, and
the storage characteristics of the system affecting the low heat conductivity. Thus, recent studies have focused
shape of the isotherms and melting front. A total of on developing inorganic shell materials with high thermal
14.5 MJ of energy was stored by the 17.7 kg of NaNO3, of conductivity, chemical and thermal stability, and flame
which 20% is attributed to the latent heat. retardancy.113 However, these approaches have lower
encapsulation efficiency compared with organic shells.
The early studies mentioned the use of silica as a shell
material prepared by oil‐in‐water emulsion and via a sol‐
3.4.2 | Micro‐ and nano‐encapsulation
gel process.114,115 Fan et al116 and Li et al117 reported the
Micro‐encapsulation is defined as a process in which tiny preparation and energy storage properties of PCM micro-
particles or droplets are surrounded by a coating, or capsules based on paraffin cores and a silica shell mate-
embedded in a homogeneous or heterogeneous matrix, rial via in situ polycondensation. Figure 13 shows the
to produce small capsules with many useful properties.107 steps involved in the preparation of a paraffin micro‐
Unless the matrix encapsulating the PCM has a high ther- encapsulated SiO2 PCM.75
mal conductivity, the micro‐encapsulation system suffers Li118 studied the improvement in thermal conductiv-
from low heat transfer rate. The rigidity of the matrix pre- ity of PCMs (paraffin) with nano‐graphite. It was demon-
vents convection currents and all heat transfer needs to strated that nano‐graphite can be prepared easily from

FIGURE 13 Schematic formation of the silica‐microencapsulated PCM75


exfoliated graphite and EG. Results showed that the ther- increasing their thickness and height. Selection of the
mal conductivity of the composite PCMs with 1% and 10% fin material depends on its thermal conductivity,
nano‐graphite is 2.89 times and 7.41 times of that of par- density, cost, and corrosion potential. Some relevant
affin, respectively. The phase change temperature of the properties and cost of common fin materials are given in
nano‐graphite/paraffin composite PCM was slightly less Table 7.123 Graphite foil appears to have the advantage of
than that of pure paraffin. As the nano‐graphite content low density, whereas aluminium has the advantage of rel-
increased, the thermal conductivity of the nano‐graph- atively high thermal conductivity, low cost, and medium
ite/paraffin composite increased while the latent heat density compared with other materials.
gradually decreased. Various studies have been performed on modelling
Recent studies by Cao et al119 reported the micro‐ the phase change process with different fin geometries.76
encapsulation of paraffin and fatty acid with TiO2 by Erek et al124 numerically and experimentally investigated
the sol‐gel method. Moreover, hybrid (organic and inor- latent heat TES with phase change around a radially
ganic) materials have been an issue of interest owing to finned tube. The results showed that the stored energy
the potential of combining distinct properties of these increases with increasing fin radius and decreasing fin
materials. Pan et al120 reported an encapsulation method space. A study conducted by Agyenim et al34 tested a
for palmitic acid with aluminium hydroxide shell. compact horizontal tube in a container using erythritol
Caprylic acid as PCM was encapsulated in different shell as the PCM and axial fins for enhancing heat transfer.
materials by opting for simple and complex coacervation They found the melting/solidification properties for this
techniques. It was concluded that emulsion temperature system, which could provide a suitable heat source for
and stirring time were the major factors affecting the driving an absorption cooling system. Figure 14 illustrates
micro‐encapsulation efficiency.121 two common fin geometries widely used in the literature.
Zhao and Tan125 reported that an increase in the HTF
(water) inlet temperature, mass flow rate, and fin height
3.5 | Extended metal surface and fins
can provide a higher PCM heat charging rate and a
One of the most widely used heat transfer enhancement shorter total charging time. Jmal and Baccar126 investi-
technique is to increase the heat transfer area by adding gated the thermal performance of a PCM‐air heat
extended metal surfaces (fins). They can be axial or radial exchanger system using internally and externally finned
and are usually attached to tubes. Depending on their tubes. Their results showed a faster energy extraction
shape and their configuration inside the storage tank from the PCM to the air as well as an increase in the out-
with the storage media, this mechanism has different let air temperature.
results. For example, according to Zhang and Faghri,122 Yang et al127 reported that fins improve the energy
for internally finned tubes, the melting fraction volume storage and release in an LHS unit and that smaller fin
can be significantly increased by adding more fins and pitches lead to a shorter melting/solidification period

TABLE 7 Properties of common fin materials

Property Graphite Foil Aluminium Stainless steel Carbon Steel Copper

Thermal conductivity (W/(m ⋅K)) 150 200 20 30 350

Density (kg/m ) 1000 2700 7800 7800 8800
Estimated volume 10 000 7000 20 000 15 000 40 000
specific cost ($/m3)

FIGURE 14 Schematic of a tube‐in‐

tube heat storage unit with A, longitudinal
fins and B, annular fins33

mainly due to the smaller PCM volume and larger heat The triplex‐tube heat exchanger (TTHX) as a design
transfer surface area. Rahimi et al128 studied the effects having three concentric tubes provides a larger heat‐
of fin geometry and operational parameters on PCM exchange area compared with the conventional double‐
melting and solidification processes in a finned tube heat pipe heat exchanger. Research on the acceleration of
exchanger. melting and solidification in the LHS system has impor-
Al‐Abidi et al129 investigated numerically the rate of tant applications (eg, PCM heat exchanger used by
PCM melting in a triplex finned tube heat exchanger National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA]
using a two‐dimensional numerical model applying as a cooling device for satellites and spaceships for mis-
CFD. They considered pure conduction and natural con- sions in low lunar orbit). Acceleration of PCM melting
vection modes of heat transfer. The results showed that and solidification can be achieved through employing
the fin length and number of fins strongly affect the melt- heat transfer enhancement techniques. Numerical simu-
ing rate whereas an increment in the fin thickness lation of the PCM melting process in a TTHX in the pres-
slightly affects the melting rate. Shatikian et al130 carried ence of fins was performed by Mahdi et al134 to study the
out two‐ and three‐dimensional transient simulations of a effects of using a wide variety of fin configurations at dif-
PCM melting process in a heat sink with a constant tem- ferent regions of heat exchanger. This study proposes an
perature horizontal base, vertical internal fins, and a top efficient alternative to the use of nano‐particles. Results
open to air. The results showed that the transient melting show that using a relatively small number of medium
process of the PCM depends on the thermal and geomet- sized fins at the upper half of the annulus sufficiently
rical parameters of the system. Fan et al131 reported that enhances the convection heat transfer into the PCM so
the presence of internal fins in a PCM‐based heat sink that faster melting of PCM can be achieved.
system results in a better performance regardless of the
type of PCM.
Recent numerical investigations of heat transfer
3.6 | Heat pipes
enhancement in LHS systems were performed.132-134
Standard Galerkin finite element method (FEM) has been Heat pipes are considered to be thermal super conductors
employed by Sheikholeslami et al132 to provide numerical due to the high heat rates they transfer across small tem-
analysis of heat transfer enhancement during solidifica- perature gradients. On their simplest form HPs are called
tion process. The efficiency of nano‐particle dispersion thermo‐siphons, and their operation relies on gravity,
in PCM and adding fin with different structures on LHS whereas the heat is transferred only from the lower to
performance has been examined from the viewpoint of the upper end of the pipe. A HP which allows the bi‐
either discharging expedition or maximum energy storage directional transfer of heat is called wickless. The main
capacity. Results indicate that adding simple longitudinal structure of HPs is an evacuated tube partially filled with
and snowflake shaped fin to LHS makes solidification a working fluid that exists in both liquid and vapour
process 4.5 and 7.8 times faster in comparison with LHS phase.
without fin, respectively. Adding nano‐particles with vol- Heat pipes act as thermal carriers between the HTF
ume fractions of 0.025 and 0.05 makes the process rate 1.1 and PCM through the evaporation and condensation pro-
and 1.2 times faster in comparison with LHS containing cesses of its working fluid occurring in the evaporator and
pure PCM without fin, respectively. Lohrasbi et al133 condenser respectively. HPs are made in variety of shapes
investigated solidification simulation in LHS systems by and operate at specific temperature ranges.135 Generally,
standard Galerkin FEM. Adaptive grid refinement strat- there are two types of HPs, namely wickless or gravity‐
egy was used in the solution procedure. An innovative assisted HP and wick‐assisted or screen mesh HP, and
fin configuration is optimised by multi‐objective response both operate with various working fluids.77
surface method and then is employed as a heat transfer One common configuration of storage systems that
enhancement technique of LHS system. In the optimisa- suit HPs for heat transfer enhancement is the shell‐and‐
tion procedure, full solidification time minimisation and tube. In this configuration, the HTF passes through or
energy storage capacity maximisation have been consid- over the tubes within the shell containing the PCM. Berg-
ered as the two objectives. It is indicated that considering man et al136 reported a numerical study on a high‐tem-
the parameter of energy storage capacity as one of the perature shell‐and‐tube LHS system integrated with HPs
objectives of response surface method optimisation leads for a solar thermal power plant. Both charging and
to efficient design of LHS system shape. Other major discharging modes were considered during the simula-
results indicated that immersing fin in LHS enhances tion and the results showed a significant increase in the
solidification rate significantly higher than nano‐particles charging and discharging rates owing to the presence of
dispersion. HPs for two cases of HTF flow patterns.

The optimum arrangement of HPs in two HP‐assisted significantly increased the rate of energy extraction from
LHS configurations was identified by Nithyanandam and the PCM by 86% and the HP effectiveness by 24%.
Pitchumani.137 The configurations were (1) a PCM Tiari and Qiu143 reported three‐dimensional simula-
housed inside tubes exposed to a cross flow of HTF and tion of high temperature LHS system assisted by finned
(2) a PCM surrounding the HTF tubes. In another HPs. They used a eutectic mixture of sodium nitrate and
study,138 they investigated the dynamic performance potassium nitrate with melting temperature of 220°C
behaviours of an HP‐assisted LHS system subjected to enclosed by a vertical cylindrical container as the PCM.
cyclic charging (melting) and discharging (solidification) The results showed that increasing the number of HPs
processes. A simplified two‐dimensional configuration decreases the thermal resistance within the system, lead-
was analysed by Shabgard et al139 based on a physically ing to the faster melting process. Khalifa et al144 investi-
reasonable geometric arrangement. The researchers stud- gated the thermal performance of a LHTES unit
ied three modes of operation for a typical daily cycle, composed with finned‐HP during solidification. They
namely (1) melting only, (2) simultaneous melting and showed the effectiveness of the 12‐HP configuration lead
solidification, and (3) solidification only, and investigated to increase in the energy stored by 140% as compared
systems with various geometrical configurations. They with the baseline configuration.
identified that HP spacing is the key parameter that con- Table 8 summarises the various studies on HP‐
trols the dynamic response of the system. Recently, novel enhanced LHS systems. The results indicate that the
gravity‐assisted HP thermal storage units are reported,140 effects of the number and orientation of HPs on the ther-
and the authors concluded that the units have promising mal performance of the LHS system are not considered in
potential for industrial applications. most of the reported studies, although consideration of
Jung and Boo141 developed an analytical model to pre- these effects is important for system optimisation.
dict the transient thermal behaviour of an LHS system
with circular fins attached to HPs within the system.
3.7 | Cascaded storage
They used row‐by‐row heat transfer analysis to assist in
predicting the required number of row for the entire For a larger temperature difference, the advantage of the
LHS system. Increasing the pitch from 4 mm to 16 mm LHS system with a single PCM compared with an SHS
led to an increase in the heat transfer rate by 18.4%. system reduces to 6:4 = 1.5 (Figure 2) as previously men-
Khalifa et al142 investigated the thermal performance tioned. Mehling and Cabeza99 suggested that the use of a
of LHS systems using a bare HP and on an identical HP cascaded arrangement of multiple PCMs with different
with four axial fins. They showed that fining the HPs melting temperatures can solve the above problem.

TABLE 8 Heat pipe assisted LHS systems

HP Material/
Fluid System
Geometry Nature of Study Main Results Refs.

Stainless steel/mercury Shell‐and‐tube Numerical The energy stored within the PCM during 136
melting near a single HP is about 13%
of the energy stored next to the HTF tube
Stainless steel/mercury Rectangular Numerical Increase in the length of condenser, 137
shell‐and‐tube evaporator sections, and the vapour
core radius enhanced the
system effectiveness
Stainless steel/water Rectangular Numerical A cycle ratio of 1 is preferred for a stable 138
shell‐and‐tube operation of the unit, and this presents
a favourable energy transfer rate within the PCM
Stainless steel/potassium Rectangular Numerical The melting rates increases by increasing 145
the condenser length or diameter of the HP
Stainless steel/biphenyl Rectangular channel Numerical The cascade LHS yields about 10% more 146
exergy during a 24‐h charging‐discharging cycle
Stainless steel/sodium Rectangular channel Numerical Longer HP condenser length is needed due to 140
the increase in surface area available for
melting and solidification of the PCM

Figure 15 shows a typical three‐stage cascaded storage Adine and El Qarnia149 numerically investigated the
system: PCM 1 with the lowest melting temperature is thermal behaviour and performance of LHS units using
heated from t1 to t2, PCM 2 with a medium melting tem- a single PCM and two PCMs of different melting points.
perature is heated from t2 to t3, and PCM 3 with the The results showed that approximately, an average of
highest melting temperature is heated from t3 to the max- 57% increment in the heat transfer rate was obtained
imum temperature. By using such a cascaded storage sys- using multiple PCMs. Mosaffa et al150 reported energy
tem, the difference between the stored energy of the and exergy analyses for an LHS unit composed of multi-
cascaded LHS and the single SHS increases to 10:4 = 2.5. ple PCMs as a free cooling system for air conditioning
The purpose of using multiple PCMs is to maintain a applications.
nearly constant temperature difference between the HTF Hu et al151 studied a frustum‐shaped LHS unit and
and the PCMs during the melting and solidification investigated numerically the effects of the multiple
cycles, thereby increasing the thermal performance of PCMs arrangement, multiple PCMs' melting tempera-
the LHS system. If multiple PCMs with different melting ture distribution, and type on the melting behaviour
temperatures are packed in a typical shell‐and‐tube LHS and heat transfer on its performance. Their results indi-
system, in a decreasing order of their melting points cated that the unit performed more effective when the
(Figure 16), nearly a constant temperature difference multiple PCMs were arranged in increasing order of
can be maintained during the melting process, even the melting temperature from top to bottom of the unit.
though the temperature of HTF decreases along the flow The results also revealed about 5.1% and 21.5% reduc-
direction. This arrangement leads to an almost constant tion in the total melting time for three and five multiple
heat flux to the PCM. During solidification, if the HTF PCMs, respectively. Chinnapandian et al152 presented a
flow direction is reversed, the PCMs remain in the comparison of performance of a cascaded LHS system
increasing order of their melting points and a nearly con- over the single storage tank system for heat recovery
stant heat flux from the PCM to the HTF can be from a diesel engine. The energy and exergy saved and
obtained.63 efficiencies during the melting process are evaluated
The effects of different multiple PCMs on the perfor- and reported using actual system data. The solidification
mance of an LHS unit has been studied numerically by process is analysed with a case study, and it is con-
Fang and Chen.147 They reported that the difference in cluded that it is possible to improve both the energy
the melting temperature between the multiple PCMs is and exergy efficiencies appreciably using the cascaded
very important for the performance enhancement of the LHS system.
LHS; hence, it should be taken into account. Wang There is limited number of experimental works on the
et al148 reported a new concept of a homogeneous phase use of multiple PCMs in LHS systems in the literature. An
change process using multiple PCMs. They indicated that example of experimental multiple PCMs is shown by
compared with conventional phase change processes, the Kuravi et al153; the shell side is loaded with different
phase change time of homogeneous PCMs can be PCMs, and synthetic oil is allowed to flow through the
decreased significantly. inner tube, all PCMs being arranged in the flow direction

FIGURE 15 Comparison of stored heat

between SHS and LHS with cascaded
latent heat storage30

FIGURE 16 Schematic of multiple

PCMs in shell‐and‐tube LHS unit63
[Colour figure can be viewed at]

(axial direction) in contact with the HTF. Michels and during the melting process because the convective nature
Pitz‐Paal154 reported experimental and numerical results of the HTF would act directly on the solid PCM phase.78
from the investigation of cascaded LHSs with alkali To overcome the initial blocking of the fluid flow path
nitrate salts like NaNO3, KNO3, and others more. The when the PCM is in the solid state, Guo et al157 studied
experiments were conducted with vertical shell and tube the insertion of electric heaters (Figure 18) and concluded
type heat exchanger devices under realistic operation that the overall energy consumed on melting the initial
parameters and were used for a numerical model to sim- flow pathways was 5% of the total thermal energy stored.
ulate different cascaded storage configurations. Recently,
Peiro et al155 performed an experimental evaluation of
4 | H E A T T R A N S F E R A N A LY S I S
the advantages of using the cascaded PCM configuration
with melting temperature in the range of 150°C to
4.1 | Theory and correlations for the
200°C instead of the single PCM configuration in TES sys-
analysis of phase change problems
tems. The results showed that the cascaded PCM configu-
ration led to a 19.36% improvement in efficiency. The study on the heat transfer characteristics of the melt-
Another important configuration similar to the cas- ing and solidification processes is one of the most inter-
caded storage system is the PCM‐HP heat exchanger.156 esting areas in contemporary heat transfer research.
In this case, the PCM is positioned at the middle section Based on both experimental and numerical investigations
of the HP, and two HTF channels are in thermal contact conducted to examine the thermal characteristics of LHS
with the condenser and evaporator sections of the HP as systems, various correlations have been developed relat-
shown in Figure 17.79 The PCM undergoes simultaneous ing thermal performance and dimensionless numbers in
melting and solidification, thereby providing cooling at given parametric domains. Among the thermal perfor-
the evaporator section and heating at the condenser mance parameters for which correlations have been
section. developed are melted volume fraction, temperature pro-
One important consideration when employing multi- file, melting time, and melting rate. Table 9 provides the
ple PCMs in LHS is the selection of appropriate PCM mathematical definitions of the common dimensionless
pairs in terms of melting temperatures, which are suitable numbers used in the study of LHS systems and their sig-
for the target application. nificances to the phase change process. Table 10 presents
references to some of the correlations derived using
dimensionless numbers.
3.8 | Direct heat transfer techniques
The following notations are used in Tables 9 and 10: k
Another technique to increase heat transfer would be to —heat transfer coefficient (W/(m2·K)); λ—thermal con-
allow direct contact between the HTF and the PCM. This ductivity (W/(m K)); l—length (m); d—diameter (m);
would provide an effective increase in heat transfer τ—time (s); ρ—density (kg/m3); cp—specific heat capac-
ity (J/(kg·K)); Δt—temperature difference (K); L—latent

FIGURE 18 Schematic of the locations of electric heaters in the

FIGURE 17 PCM‐HP heat exchanger with two HTF flow inlet pipes157 [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.
channels79 [Colour figure can be viewed at] com]

TABLE 9 Definition of the common dimensionless parameters used in the analysis of phase change problems

Number Formula Significance Refs.

Biot, Bi kl Ratio of conductive to convective heat transfers resistance
Bi ¼
λ (determines uniformity of temperature in solid)
Nusselt, Nu kd Ratio of the conductive thermal resistance to convective thermal
Nu ¼
λ resistance. (determines the ratio of actual heat transferred by a
moving fluid to the heat transfer that would occur by conduction)
Fourier, Fo λτ Characterises heat flux into a body or system 159
Fo ¼
ρcp l2
Stephan, Ste cp;l Δt Ratio of thermal capacity of the melted solid to the latent heat 160
Ste ¼
Rayleigh, Ra gβt Δtl3 Determines the onset of convection. Below a critical value,
Ra ¼
aυ heat transfer is primarily conduction
Prandtl, Pr a Approximates the ratio of momentum diffusivity to thermal 160
Pr ¼
υ diffusivity (Low Pr means effective heat conduction with
dominant thermal diffusivity. High Pr means effective heat
convection with dominant momentum diffusivity)
Reynolds, Re vd Ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces (determines whether flow
Re ¼
υ is laminar or turbulent)
Grashof, Gr gβt Δtl3 Approximates the ratio of buoyancy force to the viscous force
Gr ¼

TABLE 10 List of some correlations derived using dimensionless numbers

Correlation Interpretation of Correlation Refs.

V Melted volume fraction for the entire duration of test runs in
¼ 4:73Fo0:906 Ste1:538 Ra0:002
V0 terms of Fo, Ste and Ra
h Time averaged Nusselt number for the entire melting process
Nu ¼ 0:219Ra0:387 Pr0:019
l2 Duration of the melting process
τm ¼ ½1 þ ð0:25 þ 0:17w0:7 ÞSte
2að1 þ wÞSte
dðτÞ 1=4 Equivalent thermal conductivity and dimensionless
λeq ðτÞ ¼ 0:228ϕt RaðτÞ1=4 1− melting rate [1 − A(τ)]
AðτÞ½1− lnAðτÞ ¼ 1−4∫0 λ eq ðτÞdτ
Q Radial temperature gradient in the unfinned and finned
¼ 2:39×10−2 Fo0:765 Ste0:528 Re0:195
Qmax tube PCM (MgCl2⋅6H2O) system
¼ 2:23×10−3 Fo0:781 Ste0:616 Re0:503

heat of fusion (J/kg); g—gravitational acceleration (m/s2); (1) Hamada et al159 employed an equation from
βt—coefficient of volumetric expansion (K−1); a—ther- Gnielinski167:
mal diffusivity of PCM (m2/s); ν—kinematic viscosity
(m2/s); v—velocity (m/s); V—volume (m3); h—specific ðλ fr =2Þð Re−1000Þ Pr
Nu ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi  (10)
enthalpy (J/kg); δ—fin thickness (m); A—area (m2); w 1 þ 12:7 λfr =2 Pr2=3 −1
—dimensionless geometric parameter defined by  
3000 < Re < 106 ; 0:5 < Pr < 2000 ;
1 + w = lA/V; ϕt—dimensionless temperature difference;
and Q—energy (J).
The difficulty in comparing the data was illustrated by where λfr is the friction factor.
Agyenim et al7 by comparing the dependence of the
Nusselt number on Reynolds number for four indepen- (2) Zhang and Faghri168 employed an empirical correla-
dent researchers: tion proposed by Edwards and Jensen169:

0:023ðl=di Þ0:2 temperature or the enthalpy and determines the position

Nu ¼ Re0:8 Pr0:4 ; (11) of the phase boundary.
1:35 − 0:35l=di
The problem of predicting the behavior of phase
change systems is difficult due to its inherent nonlinear
with l/di calculated as 0.50408.
nature at moving interfaces, for which displacement rate
is controlled by the latent heat lost or absorbed at the
(3) Sexana et al170 calculated the Nusselt number using
boundary. The following energy equation, known as the
the following equation for turbulent flow:
Stephan condition, describes this transition process2,75,172:

Nu ¼ 0:026 Re0:8 Pr0:33 ; (12)

dsðτÞ δt s δt l
ρL ¼ λ s −λ l (14)
dτ δτ δτ
(4) Esen et al employed the Dittus‐Boelter equation
for turbulent flow: where ρ is the density of PCM (it is not specified if it is solid
or liquid); L is the latent heat of fusion of PCM; s(τ) is the
Nu ¼ 0:023 Re0:8 Pr0:4 ð Re>2200Þ (13) surface position; λs and λl are the thermal conductivities of
the solid and liquid PCM, respectively; ts and tl are the
All correlations showed the same general trend with solid and liquid phase temperatures respectively; and τ is
small differences in values recorded for the lower Reyn- the time.
olds numbers in the turbulent regime. The major devia- Boundary integral methods are very convenient to use
tions increased with the increase in Nusselt and for the solution of Stephan condition. In these methods,
Reynolds numbers. nodal points are located only on the boundaries and
move together with the phase change interface. This
means that there is no need for any mesh adjustment.174
4.2 | Phase change problem formulation For multidimensional problems, mesh adjustment is nec-
essary but much easier to perform than in standard
4.2.1 | Moving boundary condition
domain methods. The solution of Stefan condition based
In addition to the fixed boundaries of the PCM domain, on boundary integral methods started in the early 1970s
the phase change process of PCMs involves moving the with papers by Chuang and Szekely.175 Other applica-
boundary between phases and is generally known as the tions include those of Wrobel,176 Heinlein et al,177 Hsieh
Stefan or moving boundary condition. Melting and solid- et al,178 and Ahmed and Meshrif.179
ification are the two thermal processes for LHS systems. Shamsundar and Sparrow180 demonstrated the equiv-
Melting occurs when a solid PCM receives and absorbs alence between the energy conservation equation applied
heat energy, which represents the actual storage. Recov- in three zones (solid, liquid, and solid/liquid) and the
ery of the latent heat energy from the PCM is accom- enthalpy formulation method. These are solved through
plished through solidification (freezing) of the liquid.13 a finite difference method and the solidification is
The PCM phase transition proceeds from a solid to a analysed in a square plate cooled by convection. This
mushy state and then to a liquid state during the melting method is applicable for both phase change in a single
process and vice versa during the solidification process. temperature and phase change in a range of temperatures
The heat transfer mechanisms associated with the melt- (mixtures or alloys). Later, they evaluated the effects of
ing and solidification processes can be either conduc- density change.181 In their conclusions, the relation
tion‐controlled or convection‐controlled (natural between the heat transfer speed and the Biot number,
convection in most situations) or simultaneous conduc- linked with convection of the HTF, was presented.
tion/convection‐controlled. Meyer182 studied the problem of phase change con-
The main difficulty in solving liquid‐solid phase duction, establishing that the classic Stefan problem
change problems lies in the Stephan condition.172 The implies the resolution of the temperature range and car-
numerical treatment of the moving boundary condition rying out a review and comparison of explicit and implicit
can be used to classify numerical methods for melting methods. Hunter183 confirmed that the enthalpy formula-
problems into deforming and fixed grid schemes.173 In tion method is the most suitable for real substances on
deforming grid schemes, the position of the interface is the condition that there is no alteration to the numerical
determined by rearranging the mesh, whereas in fixed scheme in the boundary. Fewer works treated convection
grid schemes the phase boundary is not explicitly tracked. and conduction at different stages and concluded that the
Instead, an additional variable called the phase fraction is phase transition stage determines whether conduction or
introduced. It is expressed as a function of the convection controls the heat transfer.165,184-186

4.2.2 | Energy conservation equation Solid phase of PCM:

The analysis of heat transfer problems in phase change ∂u λs ∂2 t s UP
¼ þ ðt HTF −t s Þ; (19)
processes is complex because the solid‐liquid boundary ∂τ ρs ∂x 2 ρs A
moves depending on the speed at which the latent heat
where u, ts, λs, and ρs are the specific internal energy,
is absorbed or lost at the boundary. Solutions to phase
temperature, thermal conductivity, and density of PCM
change problems include analytical, experimental, and
respectively; tHTF, U, and P are the HTF temperature,
numerical using one‐dimensional, two‐dimensional, or
overall heat transfer coefficient between the fluid and
three‐dimensional models to solve the energy conserva-
PCM, and wetted perimeter respectively.
tion equation, which is formulated in various ways with
Heat transfer fluid:
the phase change being considered in different represen-
tations. Examples of some formulations by various ∂t HTF m ∂tHTF UP
þ ¼ ðt s −t HTF Þ;
researchers are given below: ∂τ ρHTF AHTF ∂x ρHTF AHTF cp;HTF
• Solomon164:
where m, ρHTF, AHTF, and cp,HTF are the mass flow rate,
  density, flow area, and specific heat of fluid, respectively.
∂t a ∂ w ∂t
¼ r ; r ðτÞ ≤ r ≤ l; t ¼ t cr ; r ≤ r ðτÞ; (15) It has been shown that axial conduction during flow is
∂τ r w ∂r ∂r
negligible and if the fluid capacitance is small, Equa-
in which 1 + w = lA/V with tions (19) and (20) become189:
< 0 for a PCM slab insulated at one end ∂u ∂t HTF
w ¼ 1 for a PCM cylinder .where r is ¼ NTU ðt s −t HTF Þ; ¼ NTU ðt HTF −t s Þ; (21)
> ∂Θ ∂ðx=lÞ
2 for a PCM sphere
the radius, in m and tcr is the critical temperature, in °C with ratio Θ = τmcp,HTF/ρsAl and effectiveness
or K. NTU = UPl/(mcp,HTF), where A is the cross‐sectional area
of the material, in m2 and l is the length in the flow
• Lacroix187: direction, in m.

• Verlaj et al190:
∂h 1 ∂ ∂k ∂ ∂k ∂f    
¼ ar þ a −ρL ; (16) ∂H 1 ∂ ∂t 1 ∂ λ ∂t
∂τ r ∂r ∂r ∂z ∂z ∂τ ρ ¼ λr þ (22)
∂τ r ∂r ∂r r ∂θ r ∂θ

with phase change: H (t) = h (t) + ρl f (t) L, where with phase change formula:
hðt Þ ¼ ∫tm ρcp dt, f (t) is the liquid fraction of melted
PCM, tm is the melting temperature, in K, and r, z are • solid region (t ≤ tm −ε): H = cpt,
the radial and axial coordinates, in m, respectively. • interface (tm −ε ≤ t ≤ tm + ε): H = cpt + (L/2ε)t −tm + ε,
• and liquid region (t ≥ tm + ε): H = cpt + L,
• Gong and Mujumdar188:
where r is the radial coordinate, θ is the angular coordi-
∂t HTF ∂t HTF 4k ∂2 t HTF nate, and ε is the remittance.
ρHTF cp;HTF þυ ¼ ðt PCM −t HTF Þ þ λHTF ;
∂τ ∂x d ∂x 2
• Faden et al191:
∂t   λ ∂f  
cp þ cp ∇ !
u t −∇⋅ ∇t ¼ −L þ∇ !
u f ; (23)
and ∂τ ρ ∂t
∂hPCM 1 ∂ ∂t PCM ∂ ∂t PCM
¼ λ PCM r þ λ PCM ; (18) where: cp is the mixture heat capacity, in J/(kg K); t is the
∂τ r ∂r ∂r ∂x ∂x
temperature, in K; τ is the time, in s; !
u is the velocity vec-
where x and r are the axial and radial coordinates. tor, in m/s; λis the mixture thermal conductivity, in W/
(m K); ρ is the mixture density, in kg/m3; L is the latent
• Morrison and Abdel‐Khalik28: heat of fusion, in J/kg; and f is the phase fraction.

4.2.3 | Numerical methods to simulate the migration,203 source and sink method,204 perturbation
phase change process method,205 and periodic solution206 are used. A common
drawback of these approximate techniques is that they
Phase change processes exhibit a transient and nonlinear
are limited to one‐dimensional analysis and they become
phenomenon and involve flow problems associated with
very complicated when applied to multidimensional
HTF. Therefore, numerical methods are widely used to
problems. Numerical methods, such as finite differ-
model the phase change process through either enthalpy
ence,207 finite element,192,208 and control volume,209
formulation method or effective heat capacity
appear more powerful in solving the simulation models.
method.192-195 In addition to these approaches, a temper-
Since the introduction of finite element and finite volume
ature‐transforming model is used to simulate the phase
methods in the 1970s, they are mostly preferred over
change process.196,197
finite difference methods. The use of CFD, which is based
For enthalpy formulation method, the enthalpy is
on the finite volume approach, has the highest prospect
considered as a dependent variable, and the flow of latent
in contemporary research in this area.79
heat is expressed in terms of the volumetric enthalpy H as
Numerical formulation focuses on resolving specific
a function of the PCM temperature t, which is the only
PCM problems and studying the characteristics of pro-
unknown variable2,4,133,198,199:
posed or new materials.
¼ ∇ðλð∇t ÞÞ (24)
∂τ 4.3 | Mathematical modelling and
numerical simulation of LHS systems
By introducing an enthalpy method, the phase change
problem becomes much simpler since the governing Generally, the heat transfer analysis of phase change
equation is the same for the two phases; interface condi- problems is much more complex than single‐phase prob-
tions are automatically achieved and create a mushy zone lems owing to (1) nonlinearity of the problem due to the
between the two phases. This zone avoids sharp disconti- motion of the solid‐liquid interface during phase change,
nuities that may create some numerical instability. In (2) inadequate knowledge of the heat transfer process at
consequence, the thickness and the quality of the the solid‐liquid interface because of buoyancy‐driven nat-
discretisation of this mushy zone are critical to the model ural convection in the liquid, (3) uncertainty of the inter-
performance. face thermal resistance between the container and the
The main advantages of this procedure are as fol- solid PCM, (4) volume change with change in phase,
lows4,27: (1) the governing equation is similar to the sin- and (5) the presence and configuration of holes in a solid.
gle‐phase equation; (2) there is no condition to be The enthalpy formulation method is the most suitable
satisfied at the solid‐liquid interface as it automatically for typical applications under the restriction that there is
complies with the interface condition; and (3) the no alteration to the numerical scheme at the interface.
enthalpy formulation allows a mushy zone between the This method is one of the most popular fixed‐domain
two phases. methods for solving the phase change problem. The
For the effective heat capacity method, the latent heat major advantage is that the method does not require
capacity of the PCM during the phase change process is explicit treatment of the moving boundary.
approximated over a phase change temperature inter-
val.194,200 The effective heat capacity is directly propor-
4.3.1 | Two‐dimensional heat transfer
tional to the energy gained/released during the phase
simulation model
change process but inversely proportional to the melting
or solidification temperature range. Enthalpy formulation. Enthalpy function h, defined
The temperature‐transforming model is considered as as a function of temperature, is given by Voller.209 For a
a combination of the apparent heat capacity method and phase change process, the energy conservation can be
the enthalpy formulation method.196 expressed mathematically in terms of the total volumetric
enthalpy and temperature for constant thermo‐physical
properties, as follows133,198,199:
4.2.4 | Techniques for solving the simula-
tion models ∂H
¼ ∇ðλk ð∇t ÞÞ; (25)
The available methods for solving the simulation models
include analytical and numerical methods.79 Many where H is the total volumetric enthalpy, in J/m3; τ is the
approximate analytical techniques such as the heat bal- time, in s; λk is the thermal conductivity of phase k in
ance integral,201 variation technique,202 isothermal PCM, in W/(m⋅K); and t is the temperature, in K.

The total volumetric enthalpy is the sum of the sensi- where τis the time, in s; x and y are the space coordinates,
ble and latent heat of PCM2: in m; α is the thermal diffusivity of PCM, in m2/s; αf is the
thermal diffusivity of container material, in m2/s; and hf
H ðt Þ ¼ hðt Þ þ ρl f ðtÞL; (26) is the sensible volumetric enthalpy of container material,
in J/m3.
where h is the sensible volumetric enthalpy, in J/m3; ρl is Numerical solution. The control volume
the density of liquid PCM, in kg/m3; f is the melt frac-
discretisation technique developed by Voller209 has been
tion; and L is the latent heat of fusion, in J/kg.
used to solve the energy conservation equation. The
The sensible volumetric enthalpy is expressed as199
domain is divided into elementary control volumes, and
t then the equation is integrated in these control volumes.
h ¼ ∫tm ρk ck dt; (27)
Equation (35) is solved using a fully implicit finite dif-
ference method. The finite difference equation for PCM is
where ρk is the density of phase k in PCM, in kg/m3; ck
obtained by integrating Equation (30) over each control
is the specific heat of phase k in PCM, in J/(kg K); t
volume. The discretisation of Equation (30) for Δx = Δy
is the temperature, in K; and tm is the melting
leads to the following scheme (Figure 19):
temperature, in K.
In the case of isothermal phase change, the liquid  
hP ¼ hoP þ αRðhE −4hP þ hW þ hN þ hS Þ þ ρl L f oP −f kP ;
fraction of melt is given by198
< 0; if t< t m ðsolidÞ
f ¼ 0−1; if t ¼ tm ðmushyÞ : (28) aE hE þ aW hW þ aP hP þ aN hN þ aS hS ¼ Q; (38)
1; if t > t m ðliquidÞ
Using Equations (26) and (27), the enthalpy of PCM is
aE ¼ aW ¼ aN ¼ aS ¼ −αR

∫tm ρs cs dt; t < tm ðsolidÞ; (29) aP ¼ 1−aE −aW −aP −aN −aS ;

H ¼ ρl fL; t ¼ t m ðmeltingÞ; (30) Q ¼ hoP þ ρl L f oP −f kP ; R¼ ; (40)
ðdx Þ2
H ¼ ∫tm ρl cl dt þ ρl L; t > t m ðliquidÞ: (31) where hoP , f oP refer to the enthalpy and the melt fraction,
respectively, from the previous time step and W, E, P,
Solving Equations (29) to (31) for the PCM temperature, N, S are the west, east, centre, north, and south nodes,
we obtain respectively.
Equation (38) can be solved using a three‐diagonal
H ¼ ∫tm ρl cl dt þ ρl L; t > t m ðliquidÞ; (32) matrix algorithm. The basis feature of the present fixed
grid enthalpy method is the source term Q, which keeps
track of the latent heat evolution, and its driving element
t ¼ tm ; 0 ≤ H ≤ ρl L ðinterfaceÞ; (33)
is the melt fraction. Its value is determined iteratively
from the solution of the enthalpy equation. Hence, after
t m þ ðH−ρl LÞ the (k + 1) th numerical solution of the enthalpy equation
t¼ ; H > ρl L ðliquidÞ: (34)
ρl cl of the Pth node, Equation (38) could be rearranged as

Using Equations (26) and (27), an alternative form of  

aP hP ¼ −aE hE −aW hW −aN hN −aS hS þ hoP þ ρl L f oP −f kP :
Equation (25) for a two‐dimensional heat transfer in
PCM can be obtained as
    If phase change occurs about the Pth node (ie, 0 ≤ f ≤1),
∂h ∂ ∂h ∂ ∂h ∂f
¼ α þ α −ρl L ; (35) the (k + 1) th estimate of the melt fraction needs to be
∂τ ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y ∂τ
updated such that the left side of Equation (41) is zero, ie,
and for the heat exchanger container material, it is  
0 ¼ −aE hE −aW hW −aN hN −aS hS þ hoP þ ρl L f oP −f kP :
∂hf ∂ ∂hf ∂ ∂hf
¼ αf þ αf ; (36)
∂τ ∂x ∂x ∂y ∂y Equation (42) could be rearranged as

temperature and is subjected to constant convective

boundary conditions of free air stream based on a specific
ventilation airflow rate. The numerical solution is con-
ducted using the Fluent software.211 The numerical simu-
lation results using paraffin RT20 are compared with
available experimental data for cooling and heating of
A numerical technique is employed to simulate the
PCM heat transfer within a certain range of phase change
temperature, which typically uses the enthalpy‐porosity
theory to deal with solid‐liquid interface. In this method,
a mixed solid‐liquid phase region is present during the
phase change. The region is described using a parameter
called liquid fraction with a value which varies from 0 to
1. The porosity effect is found to be similar to that of the
liquid volume fraction of the porous media at the mushy
region.212 Based on multiphase flow models such as the
VFM, mixture, and Euler model, only the VFM and solid-
FIGURE 19 Two‐dimensional domain2 ification/melting model can be applied simultaneously.
For simplicity, the following assumptions are

−aE hE −aW hW −aN hN −aS hS þ hoP 1) The axial conduction and viscous dissipation in the
f Pkþ1 ¼ : (43)
ρl L þ f oP fluid are negligible and are ignored.
2) The PCM and porous matrix material are considered
The melt fraction update Equation (43) is applied at every homogeneous and isotropic.
node after the (k + 1) th solution of Equation (38) for 3) The thermo‐physical properties of the PCM and HTF
sensible volumetric enthalpy h, along with under/over are independent of temperature; however, the prop-
correction, ie, erties of the PCM could be different in the solid and
( liquid phases.
0; if ð f Þkþ1 ≤ 0 4) The PCM is considered at a single mean melting tem-
f ¼ : (44)
1; if ð f Þkþ1 ≥ 1 perature tm.
5) The effect of radiation heat transfer is negligible.
Convergence at a given time step is declared when the
difference in the total enthalpy fields falls below an
admissible error, ie, Governing equations
 kþ1  The density and dynamic viscosity of the liquid PCM depend
H −H k  on its temperature. The density ρof PCM, in kg/m3, is
≤ω: (45)
ρk c k approximated by210

The typically value ω=10−4 of admissible error was used. ρref

ρ¼ ; (46)
βt ðt−t m Þ þ 1

4.3.2 | Three‐dimensional heat transfer where ρref is the reference density of PCM at the melting
simulation model temperature tm, and βt is the expansion factor. The value
Centralised LHS systems offer potential benefits in energy of βt = 0.001 K−1 can be selected.
efficiency, load shifting, and emergency heating/cooling The dynamic viscosity μ of the liquid PCM, in kg/
load systems. This section reports the development of a (m⋅s), can be calculated using the following equation:
mathematical model of a centralised finned LHS for  
analysing the thermal performance of the melting process 1790
μ ¼ exp −4:25 þ ; (47)
for both quasi‐steady state and transient conjugate heat t
transfer problems.210 The model utilises a PCM technol-
ogy that stores and retrieves energy at almost a constant where t is the temperature of PCM, in K.

The energy equation is written in terms of the sensible Cð1−φÞ2

enthalpy as follows198: A0 ¼ ; (56)
φ3 þ Ω
h ¼ ∫tref cp dt; (48) where C is a constant of 1.6 ×105 accounting for the
mushy‐region morphology, φ is the porosity between 0
or and 1, and Ω= 10−3 is a constant introduced to avoid divi-
  sion by zero.
∂ρ h λ
þ divðρu hÞ ¼ div grad h þ Qh ; (49) Assuming the Boussinesq approximation, the gravity
∂x cp source term, Qg can be written as212
where h is the sensible enthalpy, in J/kg; u ¼ ðu; v; wÞ is ρref βt ðh−href Þ
the velocity, in m/s; λ is the thermal conductivity, in W/ Qg ¼ ; (57)
(m⋅K); cp is the specific heat at constant pressure, in J/
(kg ⋅K); and Qh is the latent heat source term. To describe where βt is the thermal expansion coefficient, in K−1; cp is
the fluid flow in the full liquid and mushy regions, the the liquid specific heat, in J/(kg·K); href and ρref are refer-
conservation equations of momentum and mass are ence values of enthalpy, in J/kg and density, in kg/m3,
required. In the enthalpy‐porosity approach, the energy respectively. Darcy's law is used to describe the flow of
equation source term, Qh, which accounts for the latent fluid through the porous medium as
heat term, could be written in the following form210:
∂ðρ ΔH Þ u¼− grad p; (58)
Qh ¼ þ divðρ u ΔH Þ; (50) μ
where kp is the permeability, which is considered as a
where ΔH = F (t) is the latent heat content, in J/kg, and function of porosity.
is recognised as a function F of temperature t. The value The total enthalpy H of the PCM is the sum of the
of F (t) can be generalised as follows: sensible heat, h = cpt, and latent heat ΔH:
< L; t ≥ tl H ¼ h þ ΔH: (59)
F ðt Þ ¼ Lð1−f s Þ; tl ≥ t ≥ ts ; (51)
: The liquid fraction f can be expressed as
0; t < ts
> 0 t<t l
where L is the latent heat of phase change, in J/kg; f s is >
the local solid fraction; tl is the liquid phase temperatures,
in K; and ts is the solid phase temperatures, in K. f ¼ 1 t>t l : (60)
> t−t s
Assuming a Newtonian laminar flow, the continuity and >
: ts <t<t l
momentum equations are tl −t s

∂ρ The latent heat content of the PCM can be written in the

þ divðρ uÞ ¼ 0; (52) following form:

ΔH ¼ fL: (61)
∂ðρ uÞ ∂p
þ divðρu uÞ ¼ divðμ grad uÞ − þ A0 u; (53)
∂τ ∂x In the enthalpy‐porosity technique, the mushy region is
treated as a porous medium. For the purpose of method-
∂ðρ vÞ ∂p ology development, it is worthwhile to consider the entire
þ divðρu vÞ ¼ divðμ grad vÞ− þ A0 v þ Qg ; (54)
∂τ ∂y cavity as a porous medium. In fully solidified regions, the
porosity (φ) is set as zero and takes the value φ = 1 in
fully liquid regions, whereas in mushy regions, φ lies
∂ðρ wÞ ∂p
þ divðρuwÞ ¼ divðμ grad wÞ − þ A0 w; (55) between 0 and 1. Accordingly, the flow velocity is linked
∂τ ∂z
to the porosity state and is defined as u = φui, where ui is
where u ¼ ðu; v; wÞis the velocity, p is the effective pres- the flow velocity.
sure, and μ is the viscosity.
The parameter A0 in Equations (53) to (55) is defined Physical model
so that the momentum equations are forced to mimic the A schematic of the three‐dimensional physical model of
Carman‐Koseny equation213: a centralised storage unit filled with PCM is shown in

Figure 20. Two different fins made of aluminium are energy transfers from the air to fin and then from the
used to increase the thermal performance of the stor- fin to PCM. Owing to the symmetrical structure of the
age unit. They are connected to the metal box from considered unit, the computational domain is simplified
both sides of the lower and upper faces. The same to only one symmetry unit cell in which the planes of
fin structure that is outside the box is extended in to symmetry are in the middle of the fin and are in the
the PCM. The fins on the external side of the box middle between two subsequent fins, as illustrated in
are aimed at increasing the exposed area for convective Figure 20.
heat flux whereas fins inside the box are for boosting
the thermal conduction heat flux. The box is filled with Model validation
paraffin RT20 with a melting point of 22°C, heat stor- To verify the model, the numerical simulation of the
age capacity of 172 kJ/kg within an operating tempera- evolution of fraction of melted phase was compared
ture range of 11 to 26°C, and specific heat capacity of with the experiment of Gua et al,216 who measured
1.8 and 2.4 kJ/(kg·K) for solid and liquid, the performance of a physical model in a rectangular
respectively.214 cavity with a length of 88.9 mm and a height of
Paraffin RT20 is chemically stable and commercially 63.5 mm filled with another PCM (gallium). The melt-
available compared with the other materials. In addition, ing temperature of gallium was assumed to be 29.8°C.
the phase change temperature range of paraffin RT20 is At the initial time, the left wall temperature suddenly
suitable for regulating the indoor air temperature within increased to 38°C and remained constant while the
the range of comfort condition inside the building.215 temperature at the right wall was maintained constant
The centralised LHS system is integrated into a mechan- at 28.3°C. Table 11 provides the properties of paraffin,
ical ventilation system with an advanced control unit gallium, air, and aluminium. The model employed a
through suitable air supply ducts for free cooling of a single precision, unsteady solver to solve the
low‐energy building. Thus, the swing of indoor air tem- implicit scheme of second order; the time step was set
perature is stabilised during daytime. as 0.2 seconds. The numerical solution was performed
using Fluent. The computational domain of the two‐
Model description dimensional physical model was meshed to 44 × 32
The three‐dimensional computational domain storage using the Gambit software. Figure 21 shows the solid‐
unit filled with PCM with aluminium fins are arranged liquid interface positions for 2, 6, 10, and 17 minutes
orthogonal to the axis of the unit. The HTF flows in the of melting process.
vicinity of such unit. The model has three zones: (1) air The numerical simulation results are in good agree-
box with airflow around the fins and system, (2) PCM ment with the experimental results as shown in
box (fluid/solid), and (3) fin box (solid). Figure 21. Thus, the numerical model demonstrates great
All boxes are coupled to each other as one geometri- potential to predict the fluid flow and heat transfer per-
cal body. The air and PCM are coupled so that the formance of a centralised LHS system.

FIGURE 20 Geometrical configuration

of LHS: A, schematic of LHS system; B,
three‐dimensional computational domain;
C, cross‐section of computational
domain210 [Colour figure can be viewed at]

TABLE 11 Properties of paraffin, gallium, air, and aluminium used for calculation

Materials ρ, kg/m3 λ, W/(m K) cp, J/(kg K) tPCM, °C L, J/kg μ, kg/(m s)

Paraffin 740/(0.001×(t−293.15) + 1) 0.15 RT20(DSC) 20−22 172.000 0.001×exp(−4.25 + 1970/t)

Gallium 6093 32 381.5 29.78 80.160 1.81×10−3
Air 1.2×10−5t2−0.01134 t + 3.498 0.0242 1006.43 − − 1.7894×10−5
Aluminium 2719 2024 871 − − −

encapsulation and nano‐encapsulation of PCMs with

inorganic and organic shells can increase the heat trans-
fer surface area and solve the phase segregation in salt
hydrates. The use of other approaches, such as metallic
foam‐HPs, metallic foam‐fins, or fins‐multiple PCMs,
are relatively new and, therefore, could be potential
research areas for future studies.
Heat transfer is considered mainly from a theoretical
point of view, considering different simulation tech-
niques. Numerical methods appear to be a suitable
approach to solving phase change problems although
most of the available solutions to such problems apply
only to one‐ or two‐dimensional systems owing to the
FIGURE 21 Comparison between experimental and numerical
complexity of the equations involved in the phase
change. A common approach observed in the solution
of phase change problems has been the use of an
5 | C O N C L U S I O N S AN D F UT U R E enthalpy formulation that facilitates the implementation
RESEARCH DIRECTIONS of a numerical algorithm. The presented numerical sim-
ulation models are of real use to researchers in their
The use of TES systems based on the latent heat capacity future work.
of PCMs is an efficient method for storing thermal The use of CFD for thermal conductivity enhance-
energy. This has been the topic of extensive research for ment of PCMs involving porous, high conductivity,
few decades and many strategies have been considered and low‐density materials is recommended. Encapsulat-
to overcome the drawbacks linked to the use of PCMs ing materials that offer a strong and durable shell
to widen the potential of this technology. around the PCM and provide good bonding with the
Phase change materials enable a target‐oriented solid- construction material, ie, concrete, need to be investi-
ification temperature that is set by the constant tempera- gated. Additionally, the application of micro‐encapsu-
ture of the phase change. Melting temperature, latent lated PCMs is not widely tested in various climatic
heat of fusion, and PCM thermo‐physical issues are three conditions with various heat loads to determine their
basic factors influencing the selection of PCMs in any long‐term thermal stability, which is a potential area
application. Two primary requirements in the selection of future research.
approach are high heat of fusion and precise melting/ Majority of the studies on HP are numerical, and,
solidification temperature. therefore, experimental works on the use of HP for heat
This study showed that enhancement in heat transfer transfer enhancement in LHS systems require more
can be accomplished by either increasing the heat trans- attention for future studies in this area. Additionally,
fer area of the storage system or increasing the thermal the use of extended surfaces (fins, HP) together with addi-
conductivity of the PCM. From the literature review, it tion of high conductivity materials for heat transfer
is clear that the phase change rate (melting/solidification) enhancement of LHS systems is also recommended for
can be increased considerably by adding porous, high future researches.
conductivity, and low‐density materials. Additionally, Life cycle analysis, both economical and energetic,
the most common enhancement techniques involve the should be performed on systems to determine into which
use of extended surfaces such as fins and HPs or using conditions energy storage systems involving PCMs should
multiple PCMs of different melting points. The micro‐ be used.

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