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My Perfect Summer

by Heather Alexander


I had been looking forward to this summer for almost a year I was to spend the three months of school
holidays with my Aunt Heather, who was my mother's sister.

The car pulled out of the driveway and I watched it drive away, I turned away form the window and
looked at my Aunt Heather, she smiled, "We've got a lot to do before we drive down to the country
tomorrow," she said. "Yes," I replied and walked out of the room and went up the stairs and into the

Five or so minutes later Heather knocked and entered the bedroom. I stood there naked and she looked
me over, "Very good," she said. "You've lost weight, you've been sticking to that diet and exercise
regime that I set you," she added and came over to me. Putting her hand on my face, "That night cream I
gave you has really done the trick your skin is so much softer and you've waxed your legs. Next stop will
be electrolysis but that's a couple of years off."

As she inspected me I felt giddy as her hands moved effortlessly over my body. "Your hair is long but not
long enough, I'll have to put extensions in, do you want me to dye your hair?" she asked.

"Yes, I though platinum blonde would go with my blue eyes," I replied.

"Your right it would," she said. Heather then set about adding the hair extensions and dyeing my hair
blonde, when it was finished my hair hung down below my shoulders it gave me a much more feminine
face, I smiled. She then did my make-up, mascara, eye shadow and bright red lipstick. When she was
finished I was looking at me but strangely not me a feminine me and I couldn't be happier.

She put her hands on my shoulders and looked at me in the mirror, "Your gorgeous, you have incredible
high cheekbones," she said. Then she cleans off the make up and we go through it again only this time
with me doing my own under her expert supervision. We try it again and again till I get it right.

I got dressed into a pink baby-doll nightgown and slipped into the bed. "Get a good night's sleep we've
got quite a journey tomorrow," she said as she turned off the lights and left the room.

In the morning I was woken up by the alarm clock, I opened my eyes and saw the clock it read 7.50am
and the sun was streaming through the window. I got out of bed, my head felt different with the added
weight of the hair extensions, walking through to the ensuite bathroom, I took off the baby-doll
nightgown and the panties and stepped into the shower then turned on the water. Standing there I let
the water wash all over my body. I picked up the shampoo bottle and poured out some of its contents
and washed my hair then followed it up with a conditioner both of these products were designed to be
used with the hair extensions. Then I washed my body, as I ran my hands over my smooth chest I could
feel a pair of immature breasts growing there, not as much as I would have liked I kept praying for real
breasts like the ones the real girls have.

I turned the water off and stepped out and wrapped myself in a towel, one around my chest which went
from the upper chest to the knees, then a smaller towel wrapped round my head, then I left the
bathroom and went back into the bedroom.

"Can I come in?" Heather said.

"Sure come in," I replied, the door opened and Aunt Heather entered she was carrying some items of
clothing on her arm. "Now lets get you dry, then I'll help you get dressed," Heather said and picked up
the hair drier and started to dry off my hair. "I'm going to turn you into the perfect little lady," she said
as she brushed my long blonde hair.

"Now lets get started on that make up now you do it and we'll see how well you've learned?" she said.

I started off with foundation a light base then followed it up with mascara and eyeliner. After doing my
eyes, I wanted to give myself a natural look, so I turned to my lips and outlined them in red and filled it
in with red lipstick putting down the lipstick onto the dressing table I turned and looked right at her.

"Very good, very natural just the kind of make up for a young lady," she said. "Now we need you get you
dressed," she added.

Standing up from the dressing table I removed the towel from around my waist and let it fall to the
floor. There I stood naked as the day I was born but I felt no embarrassment, as my Aunty looked me
over, with the skilled eye of the artist that she was. Instead I was filled with a sense of excitement at the
though of the transformation in front of me and the summer ahead, where I could bring my fantasies to
life and live as a woman.
"Spread your legs," she said, I knew what I had to do I had been taught this last summer and I had been
practising ever since. Spreading my legs wide apart I used my fingers to push my testicals back up into
the space from where they had descended then I flattened down my penis, which gave me the look of a
girls pubic area. Heather handed me a piece of clothing, which I stepped into and pulled up my legs and
onto my pubic area, the piece of clothing is called a gaff and is designed to hold the penis out of the
way. Next came the corset she laced me tightly into the white satin corset, I could hardly breathe but my
waist became tiny, Heather could almost get both of her hands round my waist, "Sit down and get your
breath back. It'll take time for you to get used to wearing a corset, just remember not overdo things,"
she said.

She then helped me on with the pair of matching panties then she handed me a pair of white silk
stockings and I pulled them up my smooth bare legs and attached them to one of the four suspenders
handing from the hem of the corset.

I stood up in the corset constricted my breathing while the stockings pulled at my legs, "Suffering is what
being a woman is all about," she said. I walked across the carpeted floor, making sure I put one foot in
front of the other and keeping my head high, "Very good, now for the dress," she said and picked up the
dress from the bed, I looked at it, the dress was very conservative plan black dress that buttoned up the
back it had a white Peter Pan collar. To me it looked like an overgrown baby's dress, however I walked
towards her stopping right in front of her, "Oh, we've forgotten to give you a bust," she said, she then
took a box out and extracted a couple of flesh coloured foam pads then she inserted them into the cups
of the corset, which gave me a very girly bust she stood back and looked, she then took me over to the
full-length mirror and I saw for myself. Looking at them I felt a little disappointed, "Their not that big," I

"I know, you want to look realistic and girls your age don't have great big knockers. I'm making you look
like a lady not a cheep tart," she said.

She then lifted the dress over my head and down my back, I slipped my arms into the sleeves and she
then I felt her button the top button then she brushed my hair over collar.

I went over and again looked at myself in the mirror, the hem of the dress touched my knee, I turned
and got a better look at the dress and how I looked, as I looked at myself I felt great, in fact I felt
fantastic I couldn't help myself I burst into a big wide smile. She walked over and put her hands on my
shoulders, "Do you like it," she said. I turned around and looked at her, "Oh Aunty Heather I love it I feel
like a princess," I replied.

"Sit down you've still got your shoes to put on," she said. I went over and down on the chair by the
dressing table, I then watched as Heather then went over and opened a wardrobe door and reached
down inside the wardrobe and removed a shoe box, she then walked over and kneeled down in front of
me, opening the box she took out a beautiful black patent leather low-heeled court shoes, "Lift your
right foot," she said, I did and she took my foot and slipped on the shoes, it was tight and it dug into my
heel but otherwise it was perfect, she then did the same with my left foot with the same result. Standing
up behind me I felt her grab my hair as I was looking at the shoes, "Awe," I said as she pulled my hair
into a ponytail then she tied it with a piece of black silk ribbon with a large bow.

I stood up and walked across the carpet, I felt even better now that my look was complete. Heather
walked out of the room, she came back a minute or so later she was carrying her digital camera, she
then took a number of pictures of me, I started to pose a bit like a model. I then looked at the pictures I
was amazed at how I looked.

We then left the house, I felt a little embarrassed as I stepped out of the door and looked around hoping
that no one was in the street, luckily for me the street was disserted although I doubt that even my own
parents would have been able to recognise me.

Heather looked up from packing some suitcases into the back of the car. "Now hurry up Rachel we've
got a lot of travelling to do and I want to be there before nightfall," she shouted over as I finally stepped
out of the house and walked over to the car. Rachel was the name that she had given me, she said it
would have been the name she would give her first daughter but since she didn't have a daughter I
would have to take her place and her name.

Opening the passenger side door I got in and closed the door, I fastened my seatbelt and waited for her
to make her final round of the house and locked up the house. She came out and got in the driver's side,
she turned and looked at me, "Ready for your adventure of a lifetime," she said. "Yes," is all I could
reply, my heart was humping and I rubbed my palms on the skirt of the dress to get rid of the sweat that
was accumulating on the surface.
She started the car and I nearly jumped out of my seat, the car pulled out of the driveway and we were
off, on a summer that for me would be filled with mystery.

My Aunty had a house in a small town, this town was different from most towns in that cross dressing
wasn't frowned upon in fact it was celebrated, the males wore dresses most of the time and the girls
acted butch and very dominate, think of it like a transvestite Stepford.

Last summer I spent a month with my Aunty that was where she discovered my liking of cross dressing
and where I spent a glorious last two weeks living as a young girl and where I first met Sophie, I met her
one day when I was walking down the street, I was feeling fantastic here I was walking down the street
on a Monday afternoon dressed in a tight white T-shirt and a blue denim mini skirt and white low heeled
court shoes, when this motorbike pulled up beside me and the driver got off and pulled off their helmet
and a young woman with cropped brunette hair and blue eyes, she looked me over I stopped and looked
at her.

"Your new round here," she said.

"Yes I'm spending part of the summer with my Aunty," I replied.

"If you don't mind my asking, who's your Aunty?" she said.

"It's really none of your business but my Aunt is Heather Mason and I'm Rachel Parker," I replied.

"Now Rachel isn't really your name and your not really a girl, I've lived here long enough to know that
however I like that about this town here the normal rules are reversed the boys act and look like girls
and we girls look and act like boys, I know your Aunty and she's very popular round here. So why don't
you clime aboard and I'll run you back to your Aunties house?" she said.

"Why should I, I don't even know your name," I said looking at her.
She smiled back at me, "My name is Sophie Ross," she said. I stuck my hand out, "Nice to meet you
Sophie Ross," I said. "Likewise Rachel Parker," she said. I stepped forward and climbed on the back of
the motorbike, she handed me a spare helmet and I put it on and she drove away with me hanging on
for dear life.

As she drove she went faster I had to tighten my grip round her waist and I let out a loud scream.

Eventually she pulled the motorbike into the driveway of my Aunties house and stopped, I got out of the
back and took off the helmet, "That was some ride," I said. "Do you think that you would want to do it
again?" she said. "Are you asking me out on a date?" I replied. "Depends upon your answer?" "Well if I
said yes then would you be asking me out on a date." "Yes I would," she said. "Then sure I'd love to do it
all again," I replied and turned to go into the house, I could feel her eyes watching me as I walked up the
path to the front door.

As I reached the door it opened and my Aunt Heather stood there, "Hello their Sophie, how are you
these days?" she asked. "I'm fine, looking forward to going to university this September," Sophie replied.

"I see you've meet my niece," Heather said.

"I spotted her in town and decided to give her a run home after I found out she was your niece," Sophie

"Well thank you and say hello to your mother for me," she said. "I will," Sophie, said as she started up
the bike and drove out of the driveway. We watched her go then I went inside, she looked at me and I
started to blush.

"So do you think that you'll see her again?" she said.

"I hope so," I replied and ran up the stairs and into my bedroom.
Later that night I was sitting on the sofa my legs tucked up watching some old romantic film a large box
of tissues on my lap and the tears rolling down my checks, when the phone went, "I'll get it," Heather
said as she left her study to answer it, "Rachel its for you," she said. I got up and padded through to the
study and she handed me the cordless phone, so that I could leave her in peace.

"Hello," I said once I was out of the study.

"Hi there Rachel," Sophie said.

"Sophie, you calling me already you should have waited as I'm now thinking that your keen on me," I
replied and smiled, inside I shouted 'yes'.

"Well I know that your only here for such a short time I can't afford to hang about, so I called you to see
if you would like to come out tomorrow," she said.

"Okay, when," I replied.

"I'll pick you up around 10am," she said.

"Okay see you then," I put the phone down and had to stop myself from jumping up and down in

"I couldn't sleep that night and was staring at my alarm clock when it rung at 8am. Throwing back the
covers I jumped out of bed and pulled off my white T-shirt that I wore to sleep in then the black shorts
and I jumped into the shower and switched it on the water which cascaded over my body from the holes
in the shower head, as I washed myself I tried to imagine where she would take me. Turning off the
water I hoped that I was ready for whatever came my way that day.

After drying off I started to look through my wardrobe, which was very limited for a girl. I took out a
peach coloured summer dress I took a long look at it but decided not and threw it onto the bed, "What
to wear," I though to myself, "Now if she had given me some sort of idea where she was taking me then
I would know what to wear or at least have a better idea but since not I just don't have a clue." I stood
there and started right at my open wardrobe.

I could go casual but what if it's either formal or perhaps dirty like a walk in the woods. This was driving
me nuts now I knew what it was truly like to be a girl and why no matter how big the wardrobe it was
never enough, after all any outfit could be appropriate or not it all depended on the situation. So finally I
decided upon my black denim miniskirt and a white sweater, I slipped my feet into a pair of black doc
martin shoes and laced them up, looking at myself in the mirror I wasn't sure but it should do for most
eventualities, the clock on my bedside table read 9.30am, time was moving fast.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, Aunt Heather was standing over at the table looking down
at the newspaper she looked up at me, "You look nice so where is Sophie taking you?" she asked.
"Honestly Aunty I don't know, so I wasn't sure what to wear so I finally decided upon this. What do you
think?" I asked and gave Aunt Heather a spin so that she could get a full view of my outfit.

"Very nice, it should do for most things," she said.

I was finishing breakfast, which was a bowl of cereal, when I heard the sounds of a motorbike drive into
the driveway I rushed over and looked out the window where I saw Sophie get off her bike and walk up
to the front door and then she rung the door bell which I could hear. I hesitated Aunt Heather looked at
me then she got up and walked over to the front door and opened it. I hung back, my stomach was full
of butterflies this was my first date as a girl, in fact it was my first date period either as a boy or a girl and
I was feeling very nervous, so nervous that it could be said to be bordering on terror.

"Is Rachel ready?" Sophie said, I was overhearing her from inside the living room.

"Let me go and check to see if she's ready," Aunt Heather said as she walked into the living room, "Are
you ready?" she asked me. "Yes," I replied as I looked into her confident blue eyes, which were a mirror
image of my own. "Don't worry I've known Sophie for most of her life you'll be fine," she said trying to
reassure me, I then joined her and we walked through to the lobby of the house, where Sophie was still
standing on the top step.
She looked me over and I saw her look startled, "Is this alright, I didn't know where you were taking me
so I didn't know what to wear. So I decided upon this," I said then I gave her a little spin so she could see
the whole outfit.

"Its fine," she replied, I let out a huge sigh of relief at that pronouncement.

"I think your niece wants to be a model with that spin," Sophie said.

"I think so too she gave me one in the kitchen I think she'd make a great model, what about you
Sophie?" Heather said.

"Oh yes a supermodel in the making," Sophie said and they both burst out laughing.

"Hay that's not funny," I said.

"Sorry darling," Aunt Heather said and stopped laughing.

"I'm sorry too," Sophie said then added, "We'd better be going."

Then I stepped out of the door and joined Sophie as soon as I stepped out I could feel the warmth of the
sun against the skin of my bare legs. "Now you two have a good time and Sophie take good care of my
niece," Aunt Heather said.

"Off course I will," Sophie replied as she got on the bike and handed me the spare helmet, "See you
tonight Aunt," I said as I climbed on the back of the bike and wrapped my arms tightly around her waist,
she turned around and looked at me, "Not so tight," she said. "Just making sure I've got a tight hold," I
She started the engine and we pulled out of the driveway and we were off, as she drove I started to
relax and started to take a look around as we whizzed past. Other cars and houses, "So where are you
taking me?" I shouted in her ear. "It's a surprise so don't sweat about it enjoy yourself for once," she
shouted back at me.

We turned into a driveway it was about half-a-mile long, as we drove up I could see a large mansion
style house.

"I though I'd introduce you to some of my friends. If you don't mind," she said.

"Suppose it's too late to say no," I replied as she stopped the bike in front of the house. I followed and
we then went up to the front door and she rang the buzzer. A few seconds later the front door was
opened by a uniformed maid, "Can I see Paula Johnson," she said. "If you'll wait here I'll go and see
where she is," the maid said, then he turned and walked away.

"So who's home is this?" I said as I scanned the inside of the lobby, which was well decorated.

"This Johnson's, Paula is their son and I've known him for most of my life," she said.

"So when did you two go out?" I asked.

"It's not like that we are simply friends. You know a woman can be friends with a man without sex being
an issue," she said.

Just then a figure came out of a door and approached us, looking at the figure I couldn't tell if it was
male or female but as the figure came closer the clothes told me that the figure was a male he was
dressed in black bikini and a short black sarong and flip flops. He had brunette hair cut into a pageboy
style he also had brown eyes.
"Hello Sophie nice to see you this must be Rachel," he said and held out his hand, I shook it, "Hello," I
said. "Call me Paula, come we're out the back by the pool," he said.

Sophie stepped into the lobby and I followed her, "I didn't know we'd be by a pool I haven't brought a
swimsuit," I said. Paula turned to me and looked me over, "We're about the same size you can borrow
one of my suits," he said. "Sophie why don't you go out the back with the others and I'll take Rachel up
to my room and help her pick out a suit. She'll be stunning when I'm finished with her," Paula said.

Paula took my hand and led me up the stairs and into his bedroom, which was perhaps the largest
bedroom I have ever been in, it had a large bed and several large wardrobes and two chests of drawers
and a dressing table. It also had a computer desk and a television and DVD, also an ensuit bathroom. I
stood there and looked around this room, Paula looked at me and smiled, "So how long have you been a
transvestite," he said.

"Really since I came here," I replied. "Its great here isn't it a place where we can be ourselves. See me
I've been this why since I can remember and I love it, being able to be myself, you see these," he said
pointing to his breasts. "These are real, what I mean is there saline implants I got them for my 18th
birthday, do you want to feel them?" he asked.

"No, I mean I couldn't…" I said. He then took off his bikini top and they just stayed there pointing at me, I
reached forward but I couldn't, then he grabbed my hands and put them onto his breasts, he held them

As my fingers felt there way around an amazing feeling enveloped me, "That's enough now," he said and
I let go. "Since you don't have these, I'll give you an old set of falsies, there waterproof but be careful if
you go into the water, now get undressed," he said as he put on his bikini top and went to get me a suit
and the false breasts. "Oh I forget one piece or a bikini," he said. "I don't know," I replied confused.
"Okay well try a few on and see which one suits the best," he said as he went over and opened a chest
of drawers and started to take some clothes.

While he sis that, I slowly undressed as I pulled off my sweater I started to feel embarrassed, I had never
been naked in front of another man or for that fact anyone other than members of my family. He turned
back to me and he stopped and looked at me, "Wow what a body," he said, I couldn't help but blush at
what he had just said. He handed me a black one-piece swimsuit, I took it and looked at it, the suit had a
high neck but a high cut leg. "The beauty of this suit is that it will show off your figure and those great
legs but it will hide those fake tits," he said. "Any others," I said. He pulled out another one-piece
swimsuit and a couple of two-piece outfits, the one-piece was too low cut at the neck for me, off the
two-piece suits one was a black two-piece version of the first swimsuit and the other was a white halter-
top bikini, it however was the sexist outfit on display.

"I'm not sure," I said as I held up the halter-top to see how it would look. "The black two-piece would be
the same as the black one-piece but its not as secure around the bottom of the bust however if your
thinking of swimming there the only two choices but if you only want to make an impact on Sophie then
you only have one choice the white halter neck bikini," he said. I knew he was right about that fact.

I was standing there trying to make a decision when there was a nock on the bedroom door. I froze
immediately and didn't know what to do, when Paula stood up and went over to the door and opened it
then he turned to me and said, "Don't worry." In came another young man, "Rachel let me introduce
you to my friend Ali," he said. "Hello Rachel," Ali said. "Hello Ali," I replied "excuse me for not shaking
hands I'm rather undressed," I added. "That's okay, I've been sent up to ask what's the hold up but now I
see what the trouble is, the old which swimsuit dilemma. Remember when we had to worry what suit to
wear before we had these," Ali said referring to his pert breast that seemed to point at me. I couldn't
help but look at him he was the same age as Paula but he had long blonde hair that came down to his
shoulders and deep blue eyes and a slightly upturned noise, like Paula he had a bust and I suspected
they were also implants. He was dressed in a turquoise string bikini that left very little to the
imagination. Paula then laid out the situation for him, "Then Rachel only has one choice that's the black
two-piece," Ali said. "Why that one and not the one-piece or the halter neck?" I replied.

"Well Rachel if I were Sophie and if I saw you in the halter neck then I would know that you weren't
planning on swimming after all she does now that your not like Paula and myself, are you," he said. I
nodded. "So by wearing that suit she'll know exactly what your after, it'll make you look desperate.
You'll be trying too hard, the one-piece is more appropriate if you want to swim but it also hides many
of your best assets so she'll think that your not interested or that your scared. Whereas the black two-
piece is a nice compromise between the two, you can still swim but it also make you look hot but not
too hot. So it keeps Sophie guessing and you always want to keep the women off guard. Never knowing
what your really thinking, cause if they know what you want then your playing to their rules and they'll
use and abuse you. Unfortunately I've been there and I didn't like it, neither would you. I know that
Sophie's a good girl and you want to keep her but since you new to this its better for you to begin the
right way," Ali said.
I looked at Paula and he nodded so I put on the black two-piece, it was quite tight to my body. Paula
helped me put the false breasts into the suit then he zipped me up. When I looked at myself in the
mirror, I had to admit that I looked good. "You look fantastic Rachel," Paula said. "Yes you do," added

We then walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs and out to the poolside. As we walked out,
they stepped in front of me and stopped, they were shielding me preparing to unveil me to the group of

"Ladies, we would like to unveil our latest creation," Paula said, then they stepped aside and something
came over me and I stepped between them and out into the full view of the three women, who were all
arranged around the perimeter of the pool, for some reason I can't quite explain I started to posse like a
model showing off the suit and my body. As I gave them a show they started to applaud and I heard
several wolf-whistles from them.

Looking over at Sophie I could see that she was smiling, "Well you've done it again Paula," one of the
women said. As we walked over to them Paula turned to me, "Let me introduce you to our better half's
Rachel," he said and he walked over and sat down on the lap of one of the girls. "This is my girlfriend
Simone and that is Margaret and she's Ali's girlfriend," he added, I turned and saw Ali sitting on the girls
lap, I walked over to where Sophie was sitting and she pulled up another chair and I sat down, Sophie
leaned over to me and said, "You look great." I smiled at that it was the reaction that I had been hoping

"Ah Rachel want to get that suit wet," Ali said, I turned around and he and Paul were already standing at
the water's edge. "Not right now," I replied, Ali shook his head and dived right in followed by Paula, they
made a splash, I got up off my chair and went over and watched them they were swimming laps. Paula
was coming back up the pool, I was watching him intensely he had an easy and fluid motion through the
water. Then suddenly I felt something and found myself falling into the water.

I hit the water with a loud splash throwing water everywhere, when I managed to right myself I was
standing up to my neck in water, I heard laughing and turned around to see Margaret standing over the
side laughing her head off, the other girls were also laughing, turning around I found that both Ali and
Paula were joining in the laughter at my expense. Suddenly I shot a glance down at my breasts hoping
that they were still there and hadn't fallen out from the top but they were still there and I suddenly
burst out laughing joining the others, I could see the funny side of the incident.
Turning back round I saw that Margaret was still killing herself laughing and she was still standing right
at the edge of the pool. I walked over to the side directly below her, she looked down at me," I'm sorry
but I couldn't help myself," she said. I looked up at he, "That's all right I hope you can forgive me," I said.
"For what," she said a little confused then I reached up and grabbed her leg and pushed her over and
she joined us in the pool, with a very large splash. At this the others burst out laughing again and I stood
laughing at her as she emerged from below the water. I could see that she wasn't very happy, "Why did
you do that?" she said. "I couldn't help myself you were just standing there and I couldn't resist it, I'm
sorry," I said almost mockingly. She walked over and stepped up the steps that led into the pool, Simone
threw her a towel and she wetn over to the chairs and sat down.

Ali swam over to me, "You go boy," he said as he stood up next to me. "Thank you," I said. "Margaret
likes things her own way and she doesn't like when people make a fool of her. She'll lighten up when I
tell her you didn't plan to humiliate her, just that you were fooling around but you're the first boy to
ever do something back to her," Ali said. Then he looked over to her as she sat there, she wasn't looking
too happy, Ali turned to back to me, "I'd better go and cheer her up," he said and walked over and went
up the steps out of the pool, I watched him climb up the steps, looking at him I was still finding it hard to
believe that this striking image is really a male. As he was far more beautiful and feminine than any of
girls that I knew at school, in fact both Ali and Paula gave me ideas and an example to follow, as I stood
there chest high in water looking down the end of the pool I could see Paula stop and stand up, he
waved at me and I waved back then I dived down under the water and sawm down to join him at that
end of the pool, I exited the water and stood next to Paula, "Good stroke," he said to me. "Thanks it's
been a long time since I've done any swimming," I replied. "Look over there, I think that Ali's having to
work some to soothe Margaret's bruised ego," Paula said. I turned around and cot the sight of Ali sitting
on Margaret's lap and he was cozening up to her, kissing and being all submissive to her.

"Good luck to he," I said and turned and dived into the water and swam back to the deep end of the
pool and then turned and swam back, I swam several more lengths then I stopped. Standing up I could
feel my arms and legs felt tired. As I walked over and stepped up the steps leading out of the pool,
reaching the top I found Sophie and she was holding out a large fluffy towel, she walked towards me and
wrapped it round my shoulders, I took hold of the towel and started to dry myself off.

We spent the rest of the day outside by the pool Paula had lunch served outside and even Margaret
calm down, although Paula did tell me to go over and apologise which I did and she accepted my
It was early evening and we were sitting outside when Paula smiled, "Why don't we all go out to a club
tonight?" he said. "Yea, why not we should take Rachel out and introduce her to the community here,"
Ali added. "Yea lets go what do you say Rachel?" Sophie said. "Sure but…" I tried to say but Paula
interjected, "I haven't got anything to wear," he said and we all burst out laughing. "You borrowed a
swimsuit you can borrow a dress," he added.

Paula led Ali and myself up the stairs and into his bedroom. "Okay if I use the shower?" Ali said, "Sure,
go right ahead," Paula replied. Ali walked through to the ensuit bathroom and closed the door I heard
the lock click shut. Paula turned and walked over to a wardrobe and opened it he then took a short
strapless black dress he held it up and hung it on the door. Paula turned and looked at me, "What dress
would suit you best?" he said. I walked over and looked into the wardrobe and went through its
contents and pulled out a short royal blue Chinese style dress with gold dragon design and a mandarin
collar and short sleeves, "What do you think?" I said holding it up in front of me.

He looked at it for a few seconds then he smiled, "Its perfect I knew you'd have a good eye," he said
then Paula reached into the wardrobe and took out a pair of royal blue open-toed 4in stiletto-heeled
shoes, "These will go nicely with the dress," he added.

We turned in unison as we heard the door of the bathroom opening and Ali stepped out, he was dressed
in a large fluffy white towel wrapped around his breasts and he was drying his hair with another towel.
He padded across the thickly carpeted floor and joined us, "Rachel you want to use the shower?" Paula
said. "Thanks," I replied and walked over and stepped into the bathroom and locked the door behind

I took off the two-piece swimsuit and threw it into the washing basket where it joined Ali's, then I
walked over and opened the door of the shower cubicle and stepped inside and closed the door, it was
still warm from when Ali was there, I turned off the water on and stood there as the water run all over
my body, it was still warm. Picking up the bar of soap I started to use it on my body as the lather spread
over my body I could smell its aroma it was a peachy smell and I did consider it very girly. Then I washed
my hair after that I switched the water off and stepped out of the shower. A picked up a large white
towel and dried off, I wrapped it round my chest and picked up another smaller one, there were several
others on a small metal trolley. I then unlocked the door and stepped out into the bedroom, Paula
walked past me into the bathroom.
I turned and looked at Ali who was now fully dressed, he was wearing a very short tight strapless shiny
red dress that hugged his body like a second skin, his long blonde hair hung freely over his bare
shoulder. His face was made up accentuating his high cheekbones and bright red lip gloss his shoes were
5in stiletto-heeled clear plastic open-toed mules and he had a gold ankle chain on his right ankle his nail
varnish on both his fingers and toes matched the lip gloss, "Okay you, I'll do your make up while Paula's
in the shower," Ali said patting the seat next to the dressing table I walked over and sat down at the
dressing table. Ali leaned over me and smiled then he started to work on me, he applied some creamy
foundation to my face, then came the eye shadow, then he outlined my lips with a dark red pencil then
filled it out with a bright red lipstick then a lip gloss to give my lips that shimmer. Then we painted my
toe and fingernails to match my lips, "I hope you don't mind but I've chosen your underwear?" Ali said.
"No not at all," I replied and he handed me this white satin body I took it and it felt so soft and delicate
in my hands. "First put this on," he said and handed me what I recognised as flesh coloured gaff, I stood
up and undid the towel from around my chest and it fell onto the floor and left me standing in front of a
complete stranger totally naked.

Ali turned his back on me to give me a little privacy I slipped on the gaff and pushed it into place, make
sure that my manhood was out of the way, then I picked up the body and stepped into it and gently
pulled it up my smooth legs and into place. The front and sides gripped onto my waist and sides and
pushed them in it was a nice restrictive feeling, "Ready," I said and Ali turned around and faced me,
"That looks fantastic," he said, when we heard the bathroom door open and Paula stepped out of the
bathroom he came through a haze of steam he was wearing a towel. He looked right at me, "He's
gorgeous," he said and I started to blush. "There's padding over there in the bottom drawer," he added
pointing to a chest of drawers and Ali walked over and opened the bottom drawer and took out a couple
of pads out and came back over to where I stood and then she placed them into the front of the body
giving me a small but realistic looking bust. Paula brought the dress over and handed it to me then he
helped me put the dress on by holding it up as I slipped it over my head and put my arms into the
sleeves, it then fell down over my body and came to a rest with the hem sitting on the middle of my
thigh. It was quite figure hugging I ran my hands down the sides o f the dress and it felt quite soft and
exotic then I placed my feet into the pair of matching stiletto-heeled shoes. Standing up I nearly fell
over, "woops," Paula said as both he and Ali grabbed me to make sure that I didn't fall over, "You'll have
to find your centre of balance again. High-heeled shoes tend to push you out of your natural balance
and stiletto-heeled even more so take your time," Ali said. I spent the next few minutes learning to walk
in these shoes, while Paula got dressed. He took off his towel and let it drop to the floor, I tried not to
stare but I couldn't help but look at his breasts, they were pert with erect nipples, "You know it's rude to
stare," Paula said looking right at me. I looked away and blushed, "I'm sorry I couldn't help it," I said

Paula and Ali burst out laughing and I started to blush, "Hay don't worry about it, we're only teasing. I
stared the first time I saw them out," Ali said and put his hand on my shoulder, Paula slipped on a white
lace thong over his gaff, then sat down at the dressing table and did his make up. Then Ali handed him
his dress and he slipped it on, like Ali's the dress was a black skintight short strapless dress that really
showed off Paula's figure. He sat back down and crossed his legs right over left he then took a silver
ankle chain and placed it round his right ankle, then he walked over and slipped his feet into a pair of
stiletto-heeled shoes which were the same as Ali's shoes. Paula smoothed down the sides of the dress
and then turned to us, "Okay let's go," he said and we left the bedroom and walked down the stairs.

There was a series of wolf-whistles coming from the girls who themselves have got changed into a short
shirts and trousers, we then paired off Paula with Simone, Ali with Margaret and Sophie and myself. We
left the house, we walked out to a MPV, which had a driver, and the car pulled out of the driveway and
onto the road.

The car pulled up outside a club and we got out, Paula talked to the driver then we followed Paula and
Simone into the club.

The club was jumping, the music was loud I couldn't even here myself think, I was holding hands with
Sophie as we entered the inner part of the club, we were walking down a flight of stairs that led to the
dance floor when someone pushed in and we were separated. I couldn't help it I started to feel anxious
as I felt the crowd gather round me and start to contract I was about to have a full blown panic attack
when a hand grabbed me and pulled me out of the scrum. Suddenly I stood face-to-face with Sophie I
was so pleased to see her that I threw my arms round her neck, "Ah, what was that for?" she said. "For
being my heroine," I said. "I liked that, we should do that more often," she said with a big smile, I looked
up into her eyes, they were kindly eyes and her smile was infectious and I started to smile. She took my
hand and she led me across the floor and over to a horseshoe shaped booth, the others were already

"Where did you two get too?" Simone said. "Nowhere we just got separated and I had to find Rachel,"
Sophie said. "Yea, I've heard that one before, you've been in some quite corner getting jiggy with it,"
Margaret said. "Margaret get your head out of the gutter," Sophie said as we sat down.

"Okay does everyone want a drink?" Simone said. "Yea, I'll have my usual," Paula said, "Me too," Ali said.
"I know what Margaret wants and Sophie but what do you want Rachel?" Simone asked. "I don't know
what to have. What are you having Paula?" I asked. "I'm having a vodka and Cranberry juice," Paula
replied. "I'll have the same," I said to Simone who then go up, "I'll come with you," Margaret said and
got up and followed Simone over to the bar, I watched them go as they did they walked past several
people some they greeted others they ignored.

"Hay you want to dance?" Paula said as she and Ali stood up, "I'm not sure, I'm not a great dancer," I
replied. "Oh come on just follow us its easy," Ali interjected and then they grabbed me and pulled me up
and out onto my feet and I followed them out of the booth and over to the dance floor which was large
but still packed primarily with boys. We found a small space and we then started to dance, I was
watching them and trying to imitate them rather than put any of myself into it, I still felt strange
dancing, I put it down to me still having my male brain switched on rather than the female one, which I
hoped I had as I looked around at all these gorgeous men dressed, acting and looking like women that I
was having real problems getting my head around it.

"Try and relax your still too stiff. Watch Ali, look how she moves it all flows together," Paula said as she
stood beside me I stood there transfixed as I watched Ali dance she, I mean he was amazing as he
moved in time to the music.

When the music was over and we were walking back to the booth, I got next to Ali, "Wow you are an
amazing dancer where did you learn to dance like that?" I said. "Ali's been dancing for most of her life
she plans on being a professional dancer," Paula said. "I prefer Latin and Ballroom dancing but because
of their stupid rules I can't compete in there completion's," Ali said, as we reached the booth and sat
back down, Margaret and Simone had returned with the drinks.

"You looked good out there," Sophie said as I sat down next to her in the booth. "Not as good as Ali,
she's amazing," I replied. "Yes she is but Ali's been dancing most of her life while your new to it so I have
to applaud your efforts I know hard it is," Sophie replied.

I was sitting and watching the people on the dance floor when I heard, "Ah Paula, good to see you its
been a while," a voice said, I turned round and saw this gorgeous looking woman, oh I mean boy
standing there, he was about my height with long jet black hair, he was dressed in a black long sleeved
cropped top that did little to hide his amazing breasts which were probably larger than either Paula's or
Ali's and a long black loose fitting skirt, between then though was this incredibly flat stomach, he was
well tanned then my attention was drawn to the ruby that was held in his navel, it matched his lip and
nail colour.
"Hay Andrea great tan, and I love that ruby," Paula replied. "Thanks just got back for a month in Greece
travelling around the Greece Islands. The ruby's a present from Michelle, she's just off to the little girls
room," Andrea replied.

"Why don't you join us till Michelle comes back?" Ali said. "Sure why not," Andrea said and sat down in
the middle of the booth, he then saw me and looked right at me, "Well how isn't this a pretty one," he
said. "This is Rachel," Sophie said. "Hello Rachel so how long have you been here?" he asked. "I've been
here a little over a week I'm staying with my Aunt for the remainder of the summer," I said.

"And how is your Aunt?" he asked.

"Heather Ross," I replied.

"Well hello and welcome to our little community Rachel," Andrea said and held out his hand, I shook it
and matched his smile.

"So Andrea how was Greece?" Paula said.

"Absolutely fantastic, great beeches fabulous people without many of the hang ups that we have seen
here. I used to sunbath topless almost everyday with out a word of complaint," Andrea said.

Just then we were joined by this woman she had to be over six-feet tall and wow was she handsome,
she had to be Michelle she was tanned and lean with close cropped black hair and piercing blue/grey
eyes. Andrea saw her and immediately stood up and went over and joined her. Michelle slipped her arm
round his waist and they kissed, when they parted Andrea turned back to us, "It was so nice seeing you
girls again and very nice to be introduced to you Rachel. Why don't we girls get together for lunch and
perhaps a little spot of shopping later in the week?" Andrea said. "That would be great, why don't I
arrange something I'll give you a call?" Paula replied. "Yes that would be great see you then," Andrea
said then they left the club.
The music was slower and Simone took Paula's hand and led him up onto the dance floor where they
started to dance they held each other close, "Want to join them?" Sophie said as she saw me looking at
them. "Yes," I said and we got up and walked onto the dance floor, she took me in here arms and we
started to move in time with the music I could feel her next to me, I rested my head on her chest and
closed my eyes for the first time in a very long rime I felt safe and secure here in Sophie's strong
embrace. The music stopped but I just staid there safe in her arms, I was brought back to reality by her,
"Rachel," she said softly. "Rachel the music's finished we need to go back to the booth." I opened my
eyes and stared up into her hers, "Sorry," I said then we walked back over to the booth joining Paula and
Simone and Ali and Margaret. "You two looked very comfortable out there" Ali said as we sat down, I
blushed a bright red.

We staid in the club for another couple of hours before we decided to go home, the MPV came and
collected is, as we drove through the city, Paula turned round, "Why don't we drop Rachel off first," he
said. "If you don't mind," I replied, "No, its on the way," Paula said then she turned and talked to the

A few minutes later the MPV stopped outside Aunt Heather's house, Sophie opened the door of the
MPV and she helped me out of the MPV and we walked up the driveway to the front door, we stopped
outside the front door. "Oh the dress," I said. "Don't worry you can drop the dress off tomorrow. Well its
been a great night and I would like to see you again," she said and put her arms on my shoulders we
leaned in and I parted my lips and we kissed it was the best kiss I had ever received for a very long time.
We were still embraced when I saw the front door open and Aunt Heather stood there, she gave a slight
caught but nothing happened till she coughed a lot louder then Sophie let me go and she turned to face
my Aunt with me beside her, I was red faced from embarrassment while Sophie looked sheepishly at
first my Aunt then me.

"Sophie you've finally decided to bring my niece back. Well I hope you've had a good night. Now you
Rachel get inside and get up to your room we'll talk about this in the morning," she said. I looked at her
then Sophie there was something in my Aunt's eyes that told me not to disobey her. I turned to Sophie,
"I'll see you," I said then stepped past her into the house, I wanted to hear what she would say to Sophie
but her gaze followed me to the bottom of the stairs I knew that they wouldn't speak till I was out of
earshot. So I climbed the stairs and entered my room, I collapsed onto the bed reaching over I picked up
the pillow and hugged it close pretending that it was Sophie but it was a poor substitute to her gorgeous
body and her warm lips as they kissed mine, they were the softest and warmest lips that I had ever
kissed and I wanted more. I heard the front door close and lock then I heard my Aunt came up the stairs
but they passed my door and entered her own room.
I took off the dress being careful not to damage it, then I took off the shoes and walked into the ensuit
bathroom and brushed my teeth then I walked back to my bed and got into bed, switching off the light I
closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep but all I could think off was the night with Sophie, I eventually
feel off to sleep.

Wakening up I saw the sun light stream through the window I looked over at the clock on the bedside
table it read 7.20am, my alarm was set for 8am. Throwing back the bed covers I slipped my legs out of
the bed and put my feet into a pair of fluffy bunny slippers and I stood up I picked u my robe and put it
on then I left the house and walked down the stairs.

I entered the kitchen and went over to the fridge and opened the door and took out the carton of milk
and took out a glass and filled in up to near the top, I returned the milk to the fridge and closed the
door. Picking up the milk I opened the back door and stepped out into the bright morning sunshine, the
sun however was not at its full height so it was a little cold but after last night I was far too happy to
notice the slight chill in the air.

After a while I turned and walked back into the house and I waited till my Aunt got up I started to
wonder what she will say to me. I sat at the dinning table and finished the glass of milk.

About 30 minutes later my Aunt came down the stairs and she entered the kitchen, she looked at me
then walked over and picked up the kettle and walked over and filled it up under the tap then she
switched it on. She went over and opened one of the cupboards and took out a cup and then she filled it
up with coffee from a jar on the counter, when the kettle boiled she picked up the kettle and took it over
and poured it into the cup. I watched her intensely as she crossed to the fridge and opened it and took
out the carton of milk and used it to fill up the coffee cup, after she returned the carton of milk to the
fridge she picked up the cup and carried it over to the dinning table and sat directly down across form
me, when she fixed me with those brown eyes of hers and I waited for her to speak about last night.

"Okay young lady about last night. I think I'd better set some ground rules for while your staying here
with me," she said. "What type of rules Aunt," I replied. "Well firstly if you're going out late then I want
you to give me a call," she said. "And," I said. "Also we'd better get you a better wardrobe if your going
out with Sophie," she said. "What, I though you were going to yell at me for being out too late last
night," I said.
"I'm your Aunt not your mother, I get to help you and any way Sophie's a great girls so I have no worries
about her taking advantage of you and anyway I think it was time that Rachel get to have some fun,
she's been held back for far too long," she said. I got up from the dinning table and rushed round and
hugged her, "Thank you," I said. She smiled as I put my arms round her neck. When we parted she
looked right at me, "I think its time we got you started, go get dressed and I'll take you into town and we
can take you shopping," she said.

I turned and left the dinning room and ran upstairs and into the bedroom and there he got dressed he
put on a white T-shirt with lilac trim and a short lilac skirt, then I slipped my feet into a pair of lilac flip-
flops. Then I left the bedroom and walked down the stairs and found Heather in the living room.

"Right young lady we'll get going you'd better go and get that dress that you borrowed from Paula and
we'll drop it off before we head off to town," Heather said. "Sure, I'll just go I and get it," I said and went
back to the bedroom and picked up the dress then I came back down the stairs and headed out of the

I got into the passenger seat of the car and Heather got into the drivers seat and then drove the car out
of the driveway and then we drove through the city till we came to Paula's Mansions. Heather drove the
car up the driveway and stopped outside of the house, we got out and walked up the steps and rung the

The door opened and a maid stood there, "Ah Ms Ross," the maid said. "Is Karen Johnson available?"
Heather said. "If you wait here I'll go and see if she's available," the maid replied. "Is Paula in?" I asked.
"I'll see about that as well," the maid replied.

"Rachel good to see you," a voice said from above I looked up and saw Paula walking down the stairs
towards us, Paula was wearing a black V-neck T-shirt, the V was quite deep exposing a large amount of
breast, tight kaki shorts and black mules. He came across to us, "I've come to give you this back," I said
holding out the dress and shoes. "I've got you clothes up in my room why don't you come up and get
them?" Pual said, I looked at Heather and she nodded and I flowed Paula.

We walked up the stairs and along the corridor to her bedroom. "Just lay them on the bed. So how did
you go last night after we dropped you off?" Paula asked. "My Aunt didn't say anything to me. What did
Sophie say about her conversation with my Aunt?" I asked.
"She came back to the MPV, she didn't say anything but she was silent for the rest of the journey," Paula
said. "Has she said anything about me at all?" I asked. Paula smiled, "She likes you," Paula said. "What,
she told you this," I said. "No she didn't have to remember I've known her for most of my life I can tell
when she's interested in a boy and I looked at her last night and saw how she was looking at you and I
could tell. She was very interested in you. However Sophie not like the other girls she's not that forward
in the way that other girls are your going to have to give her some encouragement if you want her to
come forward for you," Paula said. "Right, I see," I said smiling. "So do you want to go shopping with Ali,
Andrea and myself," Paula said. "Sure, Oh I'm going out shopping with my Aunt after we leave here," I
said. "Your still thinking like a boy, we love to go shopping and will take every opportunity to go so come
along we're going on Thursday," Paula said. "Sure, I'll come," I replied, Paula handed me my clothes
from yesterday and we walked out of the bedroom and back down the stairs and into the reception
lobby but my Aunt wasn't there, "She probably in with my mother, who's working from home today,"
Paula said and led me across the reception lobby and through to her mother's private office.

Sitting outside her private office was her personal secretary, he looked up and smiled when he saw
Paula and I enter the outer office, "Gwen is my mother in there with Ms Ross?" Paula said. "Yes, do you
want me to disturbe them?" Gwen replied. "No, don't do that I'll take Rachel through to the kitchen,"
Paula said.

As we turned to leave Gwen got up and stepped away form the desk, he was dressed in a dark green silk
blouse that suited his long red hair that was tied in a long ponytail that reached just below his shoulder
blades. He had green eyes that matched his blouse also he wore a simple knee length black pencil skirt
over black hose and black court shoes with 3in stiletto-heels, Gwen smiled at me as I turned and left the
office I was following Paula.

We went into the kitchen there were three staff members all dressed in white. One turned to us as we
entered," Would you like something to eat Paula?" he asked. "Sure I'll have a sandwich and an ice-tea.
What about you Rachel?" Paula said looking at me. "I'll have the same," I replied.

Paula opened the door and we went out onto the patio and sat down at the table, "So Paula what do
you do around here?" I asked. "Basically the same as anywhere else," Paula said. "The club you know
about but we have a couple of others there also the country club where we play tennis and use the gym.
Also there are a number of social engagements such as dances and charity events we recently held out
annual charity debutante ball and we have an up and coming charity fashion show, would you be willing
to be one of our models for the fashion show?" Paula added. "I would love to be a model for the fashion
show but I don't think I'll be around I've got to go back home and get ready for school," I replied. "Well
the fashion show is in a couple of weeks time its the last social event we have before we go back to
school it takes place on the Saturday night perhaps you could come down with your Aunt that day?"
Paula said. "I could talk to my Aunt and see if its possible would you it would be a good thing for me to
do," I replied then one of the maids appeared with our food and drink.

About half-an-hour later Aunt Heater and I finally left the Johnson's mansion we were sitting in the car
when she turned to me, "I was talking with Ms Johnson about some of the social events that go on
within our community when I realised that you were to late for the debutante ball this year, its where
the young ladies of the community are formally introduced to society. I was thinking how about next
year's if you come to stay with me for the who of next summer you would be able to live the whole
period as Rachel and to attend all the events as her?"

"I would love that Aunty," I replied. Then added, "When I was talking to Paula she told me about a
charity fashion show that they have."

"Yes I know all about it."

"Well Paula asked if I would like to be a model in the show but its after we go back and just before I have
to go back to school. What do you think Aunty?" I asked.

"It would be good for your confidence to attend it but your right it I remember correctly its on the
Saturday night before the start of school but I think I could persuade your mother to let you stay over at
my place that weekend and we could drive down either on Friday night or early on that Saturday
morning and we could drive back Sunday and get you back home in time for you to get ready for school
on the Monday morning," she said.

"That would be fantastic so I can tell Paula that I'm available for the show when I see them on
Thursday," I replied. Then I though about it, "Does Paula have something to do with the organising for
this event?"

"Yes, Paula's the chair of the social committee at the school and Ali's the deputy chair and is in charge of
the fashion show," Aunt Heather replied.
She drove the car into the centre of the town and found a parking space and stopped the car and we got
out. "So where too first?" I asked. "I think that we should go and get that hair seen too, I made you an
appointment at the beauty salon that comes highly recommended for young boys that are coming out
so to speak," she said and we set off for the salon.

The salon was a modern well-lit place with attractive décor and a welcoming atmosphere. Heather
opened the door and I followed her in with a growing sense of trepidation and dread of the unknown.

"Hello there," a voice said we turned round to be greeted by this sight of a boy no more than 18-year-
old with long light blonde hair cascading down around his shoulders, blue eyes outlined perfectly with
black eyeliner and eye shadow. He wore a black V-neck top that showed off an impressive bust a blue
denim mini skirt, bare legs and black ballet pumps. "I made an appointment with Stephanie for my niece
here," Heather said.

"Heather is that you darling," a voice said from behind us, we turned around and I could see my Aunt
smile and they hugged, Stephanie was tall about the height of my Aunt, he was wearing black 5in
stiletto-heeled shoes and a very tight short black dress he had long black hair that fell in ringlets down
around his shoulders at the end of his arms were long bright red fingertips that matched his lipstick.

When they released Stephanie turned and looked right at me and he smiled and came over to where I
was standing, "Well this must be you pretty young niece isn't she a picture but a little work and she'll be
really beautiful," Stephanie said. "I know that my niece will be in good hands you're a miracle worker
Stephanie," Aunt Heather said.

"I like to think of my team here as artists and a good artist can't work with bad materials but in this case
we have really good material. Do you want the works done to her?" Stephanie asked looking directly at
my Aunt. "Yes I'll leave my niece in your very capable hands," she said looking at Stephanie then she
turned and looked right at me. "Rachel enjoy yourself and let yourself be pampered," she said and gave
me a kiss on my check and then she turned and left the salon, I watched her go and then I turned and
faced Stephanie who was now joined by a couple of younger men dressed in the latest fashions.
"Now Rachel follow me and we'll get you started in your transformation," Stephanie said and he took
me by the hand and I couldn't resist and I followed him through to another part of the salon where I was
seated in a chair and covered with one of those covers and then Stephanie stood right behind me, "Well
your Aunt say we're to lengthen you hair but not to dye it anything other than your natural colour as
your going home soon, so we'll put in some hair extensions that will match you natural hair your new
hair will reach down to around your shoulders. First we'll wash and condition it," Stephanie said. Then
they got started working on me I just sat there and waited for the transformation to take place.

Stephanie weaved the hair extensions into the hair which gave me a strange feeling as I felt the effect of
the new hair on my head it was slightly heavier than normal I turned my head and I saw the hair flick to
the side, which was a strange experience for me as I had never had long hair before.

After the hair extension a young man came over and started to do my make-up. First he tweezed my
eyebrows into two thin crescent shapes above my eyes. Then he started to blend in foundation to even
out my skin tones. After that he started to outline my lips in a dark red then filled them filled it out with
a bright red colour. Then he did my eyes in a smoky grey. I looked at the person staring back at me in the
mirror and I couldn't recognise the person looking back at me; it took me a full minutes for me to realise
that I was looking at myself, I was looking at a very pretty teenage girl. Then he started to do my nails
and filed them down to a nice oval and then he put on the nail polish that was the same colour as my
lips; then he did my toenails.

My Aunt Heather came and collected me from the salon and she was amazed by the transformation that
took place. She was gushing in her praise for Stephanie and his team of artists. I also added my own
thanks to them for there efforts then we left the salon.

"Now lets go shopping," she said. I turned to her and smiled she smiled back at me.

We walked down the street I actually slipped my hand into the crock of her arm; in imitation to the girls
I used to see and worship walking in the street. My Aunt looked right at me and I though that I could see
a tear well up in her eye it was only momentarily then she was back to her normal smiling self.

Pushing open the door of the store we walked in and then we walked straight over to the elevator and
she stepped in and I followed her into the elevator; the doors closed then the elevator moved up. The
elevator stepped and the doors opened and we stepped out and we entered what I can only describe as
an Aldines cave of female clothing it was like I had been allowed into the place I had always been denied
access to.

"Where do you want to start?" she said looking at me; I think she saw that look of wonder that was
showing on my face. I started going one way then went another then I stopped and turned and loved at

She came over to me and smiled, "Okay I know where to start," she said. Then she put her arm round
my shoulder and we started to walk through the rows and rows of clothes, we stopped at the

"Lets start with the most basic necessities. Every girl needs some good underwear," she said and started
to pick up items such as panties bras and other item of underwear.

After that we moved onto the skirts tops and dressed I was having the best day of my life so far; I was
putting on a fashion show for my Aunt right there in the middle of the store; I was trying on many of the
items and she was because she could see that I was happy as I pretended to be a supermodel.

The last thing we bought in that store were a couple of very sexy bikini's that I could never have worn in
a million years but my Aunt just looked at me and smiled an enigmatic smile like she knew something I

As we were leaving the building she said: "First lets stop and get something to eat then I can take you for
your big surprise,"

"What surprise?" I said.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you know would it," she said.

"Suppose not," I replied.

She led the way and we entered a small coffee shop and found a table and sat down.

A young waiter came over he was dressed in a simple white blouse with a short black skirt with black
tights and low-heeled shoes. His long auburn hair was pulled back into a ponytail. "What can I get you,"
he said.

"Well I'll have a roast ham baguette and a coffee and my niece will have a chicken salad baguette and a
diet coke," she said.

He took a note of there order and then he walked away towards the kitchen.

I turned to my Aunt, "so your not going tell me what the surprise is?" I asked.

"No, I wont," she replied.

"Will I like it?" I asked.

"Oh I think you'll love it," she said again with the enigmatic smile plastered across her lips.

The waiter first brought over our drinks and put them down in front of us. He smiled at me he couldn't
have been much older than me.

"So how do you like your purchases?" she asked.

"Amazing, I used to never like going to shop for clothes but I really enjoyed that the clothes and fabrics
they were soft and sensual, boys clothes are just not that interesting," I said.
"You'll have to get used to the power of female clothes, unlike your male self Rachel needs to take great
care in her appearance. You need to decide wither you want to make people turn there heads or to
ignore you," she said.

"I know I need a lot of help in dressing I'm only really starting but I've only got a short time before I have
to return to my normal life," I said.

"I know Rachel, so you'll have to cram a lot in and you'll only get out what you put in. So I have to
apologise beforehand for what I'm going to do to you over the next few days," she said.

I gulped at what she had just said, it would mean a lot of hard work of that time to create what both of
us want to transform me into a proper teenage girl. She smiled and put a hand on mine in a measure to
reassure me but I knew that if I wanted my dream I would have to do a little suffering. I looked up into
her blue-grey eyes and I smiled. "I know that I'll have to suffer if I want to attain my dream," I said.

"Good girl I knew that you would see it my way," she said.

The waiter returned and placed our food down in front of us, "would you like anything else?" he said as
he stood at the front of out table.

"No were fine," she said. He turned and walked away leaving us to get on with our food.

After we finished our meals she paid then we left the coffee shop. Then we walked down the street and
she turned up a side street and I followed her, then she pushed open the door of a shop and we went in,
I looked around and I found myself in some kind of medical supply shop.

"Oh here she is," a voice said and I turned around and found myself staring at a large woman who was
talking to my Aunt they were both looking in my direction I stood and looked at then in return.
My Aunt called me over I walked over to where they were standing. The woman looked me over very
closely in fact it started to wired me out when she grabbed me around the chest.

"Don't worry Rachel this is your surprise. Okay Glenda show her," Aunt Heather said.

The other woman walked away and into the backroom, while I turned and looked at Aunt Heather, she

"I'm getting you a pair of breast forms, the best type they are given to women who have had there
breasts removed by surgery, they will respond to your body and will be very realistic," Aunt Heather

The woman returned carrying what looked like pieces of chicken with the one on the left looked bigger
than the one on the right. The woman stopped in front of us and I looked at them they both had nipples
and areoles they looked realistic.

"The one of the right is the correct size for a girl of your age and type. While the one on the left is one
that would be given if you had a breast augmentation surgery," the woman said.

"Why don't you try them on and see which one suits you best," Aunt Heather said.

She handed them over to me, "Why don't you go into the back room and put them on," she said.

I turned around to go back there when my Aunt said, "Try then with this," then she threw me something
I caught it and opened it up I found the black halter neck bikini; I looked at her she smiled and I smiled
back at her. Then I took the bikini and went into the back room.

I pulled off my T-shirt and unzipped the skirt and it fell to the floor, I took off my underwear and slipped
on the bikini bottomes, they were snug and they made my lover abdomen look smooth then I put on the
top and filled them up with the normal sized ones first then I walked out they were deep in

"So what do you think?" I said

They turned and looked at me, "Very good," my Aunt said. "Yes but they'll be better with there formally
attached to the skin," Glenda said.

I turned and went back into the back room and took out the smaller pair and put in the larger pair and I
immediately felt different, I could see them peaking out from the top I felt sexier and felt myself go hard
I started to smile. I felt great. I walked out and they both stopped talking gazed at me I walked over to
them and did my best runway model impressing, jutting out my new bust by arching my back and
placing my hands on my hips.

"I think we've found a winner," Glenda said.

"Oh yes," I said, "I love then I want them," I added pleading to my Aunt.

She though for a moment, "Okay why don't we take them both but those are for special occasions," she

"Okay," I replied.

She turned to Glenda, "Why don't you teach her to put on the smaller ones right now," she said.

"Sure," Glenda said and we went back into the temporary changing room. Then I took off my bikini and
put on my panties and skirt but didn't put on my T-shirt as I waited for my new breast forms to be put
on. Glenda taught me to use the spirit glue and place the breasts on in the right place and fix them in
place. Then she told me how to use the remover to get them off. We did it a few times tell she was
satisfied that I knew what I was doing; she watched as I attached the smaller pair of breast forms to my
chest and with them attached I could feel the added weight to my chest; I felt weird but I liked it. I
pulled on my T-shirt over my new breasts and I could see them pointing out from the material.

"You need a bra," Glenda said pointing out my erect nipples and areolas. "I'll go and get one," she said
then left, she returned with my Aunt.

"Take your top off," Glenda said. I did what she asked and pulled off my top. "There's something I need
to show you," Glenda said then she took the nipple of my right breasts between her thumb and
forefinger and started to rotate. I started to feel, "Wow," I said.

"It gives you limited feeling plus someone can touch it and if will feel like real skin. It means you could go
topless if you wanted," Glenda added.

I reached my hand up and she was right it felt like real skin warm and soft. Even my Aunt touched it and
smiled, "least you can take them off," she said and both she and Glenda laughed at that. She pulled out
a bra, it had some padding and she helped me on with it and then I pulled on my T-shirt, I looked down
and they were pointing outwards to too far, not like some girls but then if I had worn the larger pair
then I realised I would be exactly like them.

"Excuses me Glenda but do these came in a bigger size?" I asked.

They both looked at me, "Yes, they do but they would look ridicules on you at the moment. May be in a
few years though," she said.

Aunt Heather just looked at me then relaxed when she saw me smile; when Glenda told me that I would
need a few years before I would need a bigger pair of breast forms. After she paid for the breast forms
then we left the shop, I walked along with a new sense of confidence. I could see people looking at me,
especially the girls who were staring right at my new cleavage that gave me a sense of power.

"So where are we going new?" I asked.

"To do a lot more shopping," she said.

"Great," I said and we went into the nearest shop and up to the women's department.

I felt a lot more confident now so I went over to a rail and picked up a very sexy dress, it was blue and
white with a couple of spaghetti straps, I took it off the rail and took it over to my Aunt.

"Why don't you go and try it on?" she said.

I went over and entered the changing room and pulled he curtain across I took off my T-shirt and skirt
and slipped on the dress. The dress came to my mid thigh my new breasts did peak out the top. I looked
at my reflection in the changing room mirror I looked good, I turned and pulled open the curtain and
stepped out into the shop.

"Very nice, I think Sophie would be very pleased to see you in that dress," Aunt Heather said.

"I think your right, I'll take it," I said. As well as the blue and white one I took a peach coloured one and a
red one. Then I picked up a couple of black evening dress one was a black beaded halter neck the other
was strapless. I was looking at a short black skirt when my aunt came over she was carrying this
beautiful green silk dress it had spaghetti straps and the skirt was cut at an angle.

"This would look so go on you and you really should have something other than black in your wardrobe,"
she said and handed it to me and I went and tried it on. I felt incredibly sexy in it we bough it along with
a white halter neck and a red strapless number.

"Now for shoes," she said. We went down to the shoes section where we bought several pairs of shoes
and a couple of pairs of boots.

"Now isn't shopping great," Aunt Heather, said when we had returned home from the day shopping.
I took my packages up to my room and unpacked I had every item that a girl could want I put everything
away; underwear, bikinis and swimsuits in the drawers along with the T-shirts and shorts. Skirts, dresses
and tops into the wardrobe.

I walked into the living room; Aunt Heather was sitting on the sofa, she looked up when I entered the
living room.

"Aunt, I can't thank you enough for what you did today but it was too much," I said.

"Now who else is going to spoil my favourite niece it don't see you that often and I know that being a
teenage girls is high maintenance so forget about it," she said.

I went over and gave her a hug she wrapped her arms around me and I felt loved is the only way I can
describe the feeling that I got from her.

I was clearing up after dinner when the phone rang and Heather went and answered the phone. "Rachel
its for you," she said.

I walked out of the kitchen and she handed me the phone, "Hello," I said.

"Rachel, so what do you say we get together and you can show me what you bought today?" Paula said.

"Sure do you want to come over tomorrow and I can show you the new me," I replied.

"Great see you then," Paula said.

I put the phone down and went back into the kitchen and finished clearing up.
"So what did Paula want," Heather said as she entered the kitchen.

"She wanted to come over tomorrow and see what I get today. I said yes is that okay?" I said.

"Oh sure, I think she'll be pleased with what you get today don't you?" she said.

"I think she'll jump at those dresses and wait till she sees these," I said pointing to my breasts.

"Your right about that but she'll really jump if she sees you in the other pair," she said. We both burst
out laughing at that even though Paula had real breasts enhancement that were a little bigger than the
larger pair of breasts forms.

I went to sleep around 11.30pm (now a girl does need her beauty sleep).

The alarm woke me up and I slipped out of bed and went through to the bathroom and turned on the
shower I put on the clear plastic cap to protect my hair then I stepped into the shower and let the water
wash over me, I reached over and picked up the bar of scented soap and started to wash my body, I
shaved my body though I'm not very hairy then I switched off the hot water and stepped out and picked
up the towel and dried off and then wrapped it round my chest including my new breasts. Then I went
back into the bedroom.

Sitting down on the bed I decided what I'd wear today. Getting up I walked over to the full length mirror
that stood between tone of my wardrobes and the window and I undid the towel and let it fall to the
floor; I stood there naked in front of the mirror and looked at myself.

Reflected in the mirror was what looked like a teenage girl except for the small penis that hung limply
between her legs? I never wanted to be rid of it so much in all my life as I did then, I closed my eyes and
wished it would go away but when I opened them there it hung. I almost burst into tears but I managed
to regain my composure and started to get dressed first the gaff, I was starting to get used to the feel of
it. Then a pair of white panties and a matching bra; which lifted and pushed my breasts together giving
me quite an impressive cleavage then I pulled on a black v-necked top and a pair of kaki shorts and
slipped my feet into a pair of black mules. Then I went downstairs and into the kitchen.

Heather was already downstairs and sitting at the table; she was drinking her usual morning cup of
coffee while reading the paper. She looked up and saw me entering, "Good morning," she said.

"Good morning Aunt," I replied and went over and poured out a glass of orange juice and went and sat
down at the table.

"So when is Paula coming over?" she asked.

"I'm not sure but sometime this morning," I replied.

"You'll knock her spots off when she sees you in those new clothes that we picked up yesterday," she
said as she got up and left the table I just smiled at her and reached for the paper.

The doorbell rung, "I'll get it," I said and went down the stairs and opened the front door. Standing there
was Paula, she took one look at me and her jaw dropped I smiled, "come in," I said she entered and I
closed the door. "So do you like my new look?" I said.

"Yes, you look fantastic," Paula, said when she finally lifted her jaw off the floor.

"Thank you," I said. "Why don't we go up to my room and can show you what we bought," I added and
then we went up stairs and entered the bedroom.

I took off my top and Paula couldn't take her eyes off my breasts just like I couldn't take my eyes off her
breasts when I first saw them. "You know it's rude to stare," I said.

"I'm sorry but I'm just so shocked. Are they brest forms?"
"Yes, Aunt Heather bought me two pairs these and a larger size?" I said and opened the drawer and took
the larger ones out and handed then to her.

"Wow these are great I've heard about them I almost got them but decided for the real thing I know you
can't get that yet so these are the next best thing. I could only imagine Sophie's reaction if you wore
these she'd go nuts," Paula said.

"I know I can't wait to see her, with me wearing them. Paula don't tell her I want to be a surprise okay," I

"Wouldn't dream of it I want to see her reaction when she sees those puppies. I forget to say love the
hair it really suits you," Paula said.

"Well thank you but just wait to you see tehe clothes tha we bought," I said and opened the wardrobes
and she came over and took a look round them, she immediately picked out the green silk dress. "This is
amazing," she said.

"I know, couldn't keep my hands off it when my Aunt brought it over to me its gorgeous. It looks better
on than off," I said and put it on and modelled it for her then she put it on.

"I love the dress," Paula said as she stood there wearing the dress, we spent most of the day trying on
different items that had been bought. Paula really loved the black halter neck bikini.

"I know, I'm going to throw a pool party on Saturday and your going to be the star wearing this bikini
and those large breast forms see its also Sophie's birthday and you've going to be her big present. What
do you say Rachel?" Paula said.

"Absolutely I can't wait to see Sophie's reaction when she sees those puppies in this bikini," I said as I
struck a pose in the mirror.
"Right but will make it a surprise party for her and then you'll jump out and won't she be surprised at
how hot you look," Paula said.

"Yea, I bet she'll be pleased too," I replied.

"Oh you can be sure that she'll be pleased at the way you look. You know I wish I had asked Ali to come
over now she would be knocked out. Or even a camera just so she thinks I'm not lying," Paula replied.

"I've got a camera," I said and went over and took my camera out of the bottom drawer after checking
that there was film in the camera I handed it over to Paula and she started to take pictures and I started
to really get into the role of supermodel.


It was the Saturday of the party my Aunt dropped me off early at Paula's place. She showed me up to
her room and I put my bags down and we went downstairs the staff was already busy making
preparations for the party making food and blowing up balloons.

"You still okay with this?" Paula said.

"Sure, I think so," I replied as I paced up and down the bedroom floor. Just then I heard the front
doorbell go, "Ah reinforcements," Paula said and walked out of the room; I almost followed her out but
something stopped me it was a growing sense of dread that was creeping over me about this whole
idea, it had sounded fine a couple of days ago in my bedroom but new it seemed a crazy thing to do;
what if Sophie hated it and she broke up with me.

Then the door opened and Paula came in with Ali following her," Hay their Rachel. Looking forward to
your big day?" Ali asked.

"No," I replied.

"Your just nervous that's all she worried about how she looks Paula said as she sat down next to me on
the bed.

"Look Rach, you'll knock her dead Paula showed me the pic's that you took in your bedroom and she's
right you look fantastic. Just be confident and you'll be there and anyway we'll both be there okay," Ali
said looking at me with those big eyes of hers.

I smiled up at her, "Okay, I'll be fine just nerves I guess," I said.

They helped me put on the breast forms and they were a lot heavier that the other ones and I had to
spend some time getting used to them, I put on the bikini and a short matching sarong.

Paula and Ali also got dressed both put on bikini's Ali wore a white strapless number and Paula went for
a royal blue one.

"Okay the guests will start to arrive soon. Now Sophie's not due to arrive till 3pm Margaret is bringing
her. I'll come and get you when its your time," Paula said.

"Right," I replied and sat down on the bed and waited for the time for my big entrance. I walked over
and looked out the window that overlooked the pool area where the party would be held.
The place was starting to fill up with maybe ten to twenty people their equal numbers male and female.
Though it was still hard to remember that here it was the men in the bikini's and swimsuits with the
really long hair. While the women were dressed in short and jeans and had the short haircuts and were
far more muscular than the males looking down at them; they were seemly having fun and I felt a little
left out of the whole thing deep down I knew that I would probably play a really big part but I wanted to
be down there right now, enjoying myself.

I was startled back to reality by the door opening looking up I saw Paula entered she was smiling.

"Your on, come with me," she said.

I got up and walked out of the bedroom and I followed Paula down the stairs. As we neared the
backdoor I could see Sophie, she was talking to Margaret and another woman I didn't know, Ali
appeared at the door and waved at me. I waved back to her.

Paula turned to me, "Okay wait here and I'll go and introduce you," she said then walked out of the door
again leaving me standing alone and I started to feel the nerves well up inside me, I suddenly feel the
need to vomit.

But before anything could happen Paula announced ma and opened the door I fixed my best smile and
stepped out onto the patio. To the applause of the crowd; which gave me a confidence boost and I
walked straight over to Sophie and gave her a big kiss; when I let her go she looked at me and her jaw
dropped I smiled and pushed her jaw back up when I let her jaw go she broke out in a huge smile,
"you're the best present I could have wished for," she said then she scooped me up in her arms.

"Happy birthday; Sophie," I said slipping my arms round her neck.

"Okay put her down; its time to cut your cake," Paula said and she beckoned over two maids who were
pushing a tray with a three laired cake on it. Sophie put me down but took hold of my hand and we went
over and she looked at me, "Won't you help me put the candles out?" she asked, I nodded my head and
we both leaned our heads down and blew out the candles that covered the cake nineteen in all. The
crowd burst out in applause, Paula handed her a knife and she cut the cake.
Later the party was in full swing, we were dancing I had my arms round her neck; her arms were round
my waist as she held me to her body.

She kissed me and I felt a jolt of electricity flow through my body. Something happened to me I couldn't
really describe it but I wanted, no needed to make love to her.

"Take me to your room," I whispered into her ear.

She looked at me for a moment then let go, I let got for a moment then took her hand in mine as she
turned and led me through the packed dance floor and into the house and went up the stairs and along
the landing she stopped outside a door, she turned and looked right at me.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

I hesitated I was scared my stomach was moving around like a bad case of sea sickness I looked up into
her eyes and I knew that it was the right thing to do, I nodded my head and she smiled and led me into
the bedroom.

The sun was streaming through the window s, I lay awake I could feel that she was asleep her breathing
was soft and shallow as I rested my head against her chest. I felt her stir beneath me.

"So how do you feel now?"

Rising up on my elbow and I looked at her, I could feel the smile spread across my lips.

"Fantastic," I said then kissed her, I felt her arms envelope me and I returned my head to its place on her
"I could stay here for ever."

"I know."

"It won't be long till I have to go back to my home but how can I go back after what I've seen and
experienced here?"

She reached down and kissed me on the top of my head, I knew there was nothing that she could say to
me at that moment that would make me feel any better. I had come here a shy confused virgin and I
now knew how I was sure I was different but didn't care I was in love and was no longer a virgin.

My Aunt was sitting in the kitchen when I got home that day. She looked at me, "How was the party?"

"Great." I tried to get away and head up to my bedroom but she called me back into the kitchen.

I stood there trying not to look at my Aunt as she looked at me.

"There's something different about you…"

Did she know how could she know? I started shaking with fear what would she say? Then I realised that
she had stopped talking and was again looking at me.

"I think I know what's wrong with you its that your time here is coming to an end and you'll have to go
back to living that lie you call a life but don't be too downhearted you can come back here with me next
year and it will be for the whole of the summer holidays and know that I know everything you can spend
the weekend with me, you can spend them as Rachel."

"Your right I will miss this when I go home its been a reveation that I'm not a freak, its nothing to be
ashamed off, but going back to that life where I can't be the person I truly am."

She smiled and walked out of the kitchen I flowed her out and went up the stairs to my room. I flung
myself down on the bed, I could remember the feeling myself down on the bed, I could remember the
feeling of her fingers as they moved over my body her breath on my skin as she took my virginity.

Closing my eyes I slid my hands over my body retracing last night as if it was a map of my body.

The rest of my holiday flow past as the clock run down on the last full night of my stay there was a party
where everyone I had met over the last few weeks came.
"We'll miss you," Ali said as he grabbed me and gave me a hug.

"I'll miss you too but I will be back next year and we can be together for the whole of the summer

"I can't wait for you to return."

"Neither can I."

"Here we got you a present something to remind you of us," Paula said handing me over a package.

I unwrapped it and it was a framed picture of us all taken by the pool at Paula's house, I was dressed in a
bikini, as were Paula and Ali.

"Thanks I really like it I'll remember the good times when I look at it though I'll have to leave it with my
Aunty Heather as I wouldn't want it found it at home."

I saw Sophie heading my way, "excuse me I'm going over to speak to Sophie," I said and walked over to


"Can we take a walk?"


We turned and walked out of the house and into the back garden we went over and sat down on the
bench. She took my hand in hers and she looked right at me.

"This has been the best few weeks of my life I've started to feel things for you that I never though that I
would feel for anyone.."

I wanted to say the same thing to her but as I started to speak she placed a finger on my lips.

"No let me speak please this is important. I think, no am in love with you."

I was speechless when she took her finger away from my lips I was sitting there in a state of shook as she
looked at me.

"Well what do you say?"

I couldn't think of anything to say so I flung my arms around her and kissed her.

"I love you too."

We kissed again then we got up and walked back into the house hand in hand everyone stopped and
looked at us as we entered but now I didn't care who knew that we were together. Then I saw Paula and
Ali burst into applause and start clapping. I turned and looked for my Aunt she was smiling at us I
nodded and turned to Sophie and we kissed right in front of them.

Early the next morning Aunt Heather took me into the town and I went to the hairdressers and got my
hair returned to normal. Then we came home and packed for the return to home. I took one last look
around this home where I had been at my happiest and then we left to travel home…

"We're nearly there," said Aunt Heather, which pulled me back to reality I looked around and saw that
we were nearly here. I turned to her and smiled.

I was looking forward to the future and this holiday for the first time in my life.

The End


© 2004 by Heather Alexander. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all
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these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available
without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.

Mary Mary Quite Contrary by Janet L. Stickney

Mary Hanover was not a woman to mess with, or so she thought. As the highest rated student in school,
head Cheerleader, and a true to life Goddess, she had it all, and a rich father that spoiled her just made
it worse. She was spoiled to her core and we all knew it, but there wasn't much we could do about it.
Until I came up with an idea. My name is Jason Grant, I'm a junior in high school, 16 years old, I'm 5' 7"
tall, weigh about 140, I have brown hair and green eyes. I live with my mother, just the two of us now
that my sister got married and moved away. My idea? Get a girl to challenge Mary in everything,
including grades and cheerleading. The problem was that there weren't any girls that could even come
close to her. I was the highest rated male student in the school, short and skinny, and poor. I was her
direct opposite in every way. Since Mary often talked down to even the teachers, most of them wanted
to take her down a notch or two but didn't have a way either.
I was talking about this with Kelly, Janet, Mike, and Steve when Mrs. Brown must have overheard us. I
saw her walk away smiling, but she said nothing to us and I forgot about it. We were close to the
summer break when Mrs. Brown called the five of us that were talking into an office. "Close the door
please Jason." When we were all seated she got right to the point. "I know that you all want to take
Mary down a peg, but she earned all of her grades and had to try out for the squad like everyone else.
But if you were to continue to try and find a way, knowing we don't have any girls that can take her
down, then that leaves only the boys. If you picked someone who was smart as she was, and willing to
try out for the squad, and could talk him into dressing as a girl, I'm confident that he could be enrolled
as a girl for the Senior year. But he would have to be as smart as she is." I watched as they all looked at

"Not me!…why me!…NO!" Janet looked at Kelly and then back at me.

"Yes! Of course! Jason is the only one that could upset her from her throne! And besides that, only
Seniors are able to be Queen of the Prom! It's perfect!" "Janet… no!" "Yes! Jason, we have all summer to
change you into a girl! Kelly and I will help you…" She turned to Mike and Steve, and added, "if you guys
say one word about this…" "Not a chance of that Janet, Mary ruined all of my books once and I had to
pay for them myself. Steve nodded his head in agreement. "Okay then! Jason, you're it!" I'm still not
sure how it happened, but I was elected to become a girl, and one that would topple Mary! I gave a half
hearted "No" one more time, but it was done as far as they were concerned!

I somehow forgot to tell my mother about all of this, and on the last day of school I went home just like
always, walking with Janet the four blocks home. "I'll be over in a few hours Jason." "Okay Janet, see you
then." I walked in the house and saw my mother with Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Roth, two of my teachers!
"Jason, they tell me that you are going to become a girl for the summer and all of the next year. Why
didn't you tell me this?" "I was afraid mom, and I was hoping it would just go away." "Your father
worked for Mr. Hanover for years, and when your father was killed on the job he didn't even send a
card! If you can take his daughter down a peg I want you to do it!" It was more anger out of my mother
than I had ever heard before! "The teachers took up a collection Jason. We know that you'll have to buy
some things." She handed me an envelope filled with cash! It's $3000 and should be enough to get you
enough clothes to manage." They stood up, shook mom's hand, and then left!

"Heather left a lot of her things behind Jason, maybe we can find some things you can use." "Mom!" Just
then the doorbell rang and Kelly and Janet walked in, both of them carrying a small bag. "Ready to begin
Jason?" With everyone pushing me, I was done for, so I reluctantly nodded my head yes and the four of
us went to my room. Janet began laying things on the bed. This is a complete outfit from the skin out
and should fit you." Then Kelly started to pour our makeup and shoes, and a bag of rollers and a curling
iron. "I think I can handle it from here girls; why don't you come back in two hours?" Janet and Kelly said
okay and left me alone in my room with my mother. "I know that this seems a little strange Jason but it
would be a very good way to get back at the Hanover family. His daughter has been a spoiled brat her
entire life and he's a tyrant. The only one in the family with and grace at all is his wife and she's scared of
him." Mom sat on the bed and looked at me with a gleam in her eye that I had rarely seen. "I'll tell you
that if you insist, I will not make you do this. It will be hard for you to be something you're not and I
know you think it cannot be done, but I think you can do it, and more, I think you'll begin to like it. For
today however, I want you to let us make you over into a girl. If it's a disaster we'll stop and go no
further. The final decision will be yours, but make it after we make you up."

Those twinkling blue eyes of hers got to me, and I agreed to let her make me into a girl that one time,
just to see how I looked. As soon as I said okay she told me to strip and began by smearing a cream all
over me, as far as my briefs. At her direction I went in the bath and did the rest, waited for a time and
stepped into the shower. I didn't have a lot of hair anyway, but what I did have washed down the drain
in a swirl leaving my skin smooth and hairless. I washed my hair and shaved before I put on a robe and
went back into my bedroom. With no preamble at all, mom gave me a pair of panties to put on. Once I
was covered she used a measuring tape on me, just noting it on a pad before she gave me a bra to wear.
I slipped it on and she adjusted the straps, filling the cups with socks. "These are pantyhose, let me show
you how to put them on." As the slick nylon slid up my legs I felt an electric charge as they whispered up
to my waist. A slip was held out and I stepped into it and a short dress was slipped over my head and
zipped up. The shoes were my sisters, a pair of red heels only two inches high. My feet slid into them
and to my surprise they fit! "Let's go into my room and I'll do your hair and makeup." I knew how mom
did hair, my sister complained about it all of the time, so I asked her if Janet could do it instead. "After all
mom, she's my age, and has a better handle on the current styles." With a nod of her head I called Janet
and within minutes she was at my house.

She took one look at me, smiled, and went right to work. Within a half an hour I had pink hair, from the
rollers, and she started in on my face. "I'll show you how and after this you'll have to do it yourself,
okay?" "Okay Janet, if there is a next time." All she did was snort in disbelief and begin by covering my
face with foundation. "You have that same clear, pale skin your mother and sister have Jason, this will
be easy!" After the foundation came the powder, which she let set and then brushed away the excess.
On my eyes she used earth tones and a brown eyeliner on the upper lids, and a brown pencil on the
lower. As I watched her in the mirror I was astounded that she was able to make what I thought was a
typical male face and make it into a very feminine face! On my cheeks she used a soft peach blusher,
which she drew out with a sponge. "I'll do your hair now Jason." A towel went around my neck and she
took out the rollers, leaving my hair a mass of small curls. As she brushed my hair out she used scissors
to trim here and there, and when she was finished I had a curly cascade of curls down the back with a
higher, fuller top and bangs that swept to one side. Mom gave her two barrettes which she put in,
holding my hair back on the sides exposing my ears. Red and gold button earrings were put in place of
the studs I usually wore and then she handed me a soft red lipstick. I traced my lips and looked in the
mirror in shock.

"Stand over here Jason." Mom pulled me to the full length mirror and I saw her for the first time. She
was beautiful! She had long legs perched in red heels that accented the short hem of the dress, a
modest bust with a face like an angel! "I told you that you would be beautiful Jason!" I simply could not
take my eyes away from the mirror to respond! "This is going to be so easy Jason! Your biggest problem
is going to be how to keep the guys away from you!" "Right! Like I'm going to date or something!" Janet
changed tactics and asked me about a name for our new creation. "I never gave it any thought Janet, I
don't know!" "If you had been born a girl we were going to name you Megan. How about that?" "We
already have three Megan's in school now Mrs. Grant, how about… Carolyn?" "Carol" I said, not willing
to lose what little control I did have over what was happening to me. "Okay, Carol…Michelle" my mother
said, and it was over. I now had a name. Carol Michelle Grant.

"Let's go over to my house Carol, I'll call Kelly and the three of us can do something!" "But your mother
knows me!" "As Jason sure, but I already told her what we are doing and she agrees. Hanover passed
over my dad for a promotion and made his son the Production manager. Believe me, there is no love
lost in our house for Mary Hanover." I looked at mom and she told me to go ahead and go with Janet,
"because sooner or later you'll have to leave the house and now is as good a time as any." But… But I…"
"I'll get you a purse Carol." My mother found the red purse and put my wallet in it along with the lipstick
and gave me a peck on the cheek. "Be back by dinner time or call me, okay?" "I will mom."

Walking out of the house was the hardest thing I have ever done! Being dressed in my own room was
one thing, being outside was another altogether, but with Janet holding my hand, I stepped outside. As
we walked I felt the skirt swaying back and forth, the swish of the nylons as my legs rubbed together,
and the taste of the lipstick. "See, nobody is looking at you in any way funny Carol. You're doing fine!
Relax and enjoy it!" We made it to her house without incident, but when she introduced me to her
mother, who had known me since birth, all she did was give me a hug! "You're very pretty Carol, Janet
might have to be careful!" "Mom!" "Well she is very pretty!" I was embarrassed and Janet quickly took
me to her bedroom.

I walked into a room that was all pink and white, with dolls everywhere and smelled of perfume and
makeup. "Mary is smart Carol, and she'll find out where you live within a day or so. We have to say that
Jason went to live with his Aunt and you came to live at Jason's house. That explains your being new,
why you look like your mother and sister, and why she can't find out anything else about you." It
sounded realistic and I agreed. "But I haven't decided to do this yet Janet." "Right. The way you look will
make her eat crow and you know it!" I wasn't so sure. "Your mom says that you wear a size eight and I
have a lot of clothes that are that size that I can't get into anymore. Want to try them on?" In for a
penny they say, so I nodded my head yes.

Kelly came over about two hours later. I had on a mini skirt and a see through top, spike heels and
wicked makeup when she stepped into the room. "Goddamn! You look terrific!" "Kelly, this is Carol
Grant." "I knew that you could look good, but I never figured on this!" Still unsure of the impact I was
having on them, and not sure if they were just being kind, I had no response. Janet filled her in on the
'legend' she had created for me, and then Kelly picked up the phone and called Mike! I heard only her
side of the conversation, but it was enough to make me nervous. "Mike, she's gorgeous! Call Steve and
meet us at the Burger Bin in half an hour….yes, she'll be there. Her name is Carol. Bye!" "You better
change into something a little less… sexy Carol. Wear what you wore over here." Janet helped me get
undressed and I quickly had the red dress on again, washed my face, and with Kelly and Janet watching,
did my own makeup for the first time. When they said it was fine I was propelled out the door and soon
found myself in front of the local hangout, the Burger Bin. Kelly opened the door and we went in
together and sat at a table by the window.

Ten minutes later Mike and Steve walked in with Peter, Kelly's boyfriend. When they sat in the booth I
found myself sitting next to Mike, Janet next to Steve. Both Steve and Mike knew who I really was
they're reaction was worth it. Pete didn't know, and when I was introduced to him as Carol he actually
hit on me, drawing an elbow from Kelly. "You look fantastic Carol!" "Thank you. I try." "The first summer
dance of the year is tomorrow, why don't we all go?" Peter, since he did not know about me, had
assumed that three boys…. three girls, why not? Before I could answer Janet said okay, and then she
added, "Mike, can you pick Carol up at her house? We'll all meet at the dance." "Okay Janet. Okay
Carol?" What could I say? "Of course Mike, I'd like that." I had to be polite just to protect myself didn't I?
"Great! We better be going if we want to be ready on time. Dressy?" "Of course my dear, I'll wear a suit
if you like!" Peter set the tone and after we left Janet told me that she had the perfect dress for me to
borrow, "with all of the right undergarments of course. You can take them home and get ready, your
mother can help you get dressed." It was a done deal, and I was crawling further out on the limb.

When I left Janet's house I had a bag over my arm, my purse, and a small bag of other things. When I
told mom what had happened she was excited! "This is a good way for the other kids to meet you Carol!
Show me what you brought home." In my room I showed her the dress, and she was unimpressed. "I
think Heather still has that black dress here, let's look." I knew which one she meant, and if it was still in
the closet, and I wore it, I would certainly make a splash at this dance! Mom found it, and I started to
take it to my room when mom told me that I might want to move into Heather's old room. "It does have
the vanity, a private bath and a lot of clothes you will be wearing, and it is decorated for a girl." I nodded
my head yes and drove even deeper into becoming a girl, which after this dance, would be a foregone
conclusion and I knew it. Now was the time to say no, yet I couldn't! During the day I felt the clothes,
tasted the makeup, and saw the way people treated me, and I liked it! All at once I knew that I would be
Carol for the coming school year, and like it at the same time. Why I could not figure out. I had never
dressed as a girl before, yet now I liked it! After mom unzipped me I stripped and looked in the mirror.
As a male I was unimpressive, but as Carol I had a beauty that drew me into her clutches, and decided
right then to be as feminine as possible that night.

My skin was still smooth, so I washed off the makeup and shaved again and looked in the bag Janet had
sent over. The waist nipper was big on me and I asked mom to help me. She came up with something a
lot worse, a corselet! I didn't know it at the time, but when she wrapped it around me and tightened the
laces I felt as if I was being cut in two! "Raise your arms dear, and take a deep breath." I did and when
she pulled my waist shrunk to a svelte 20 inches, down from my normal 25! When I lowered my arms all
of my now compressed flesh fell into the bra cups creating a bustline! I pulled the skin up and filled the
cups even more, and mom gave me two small foam pads. "Put them under your breasts Carol, they will
fill out the cups and lift you a bit more." She was right, and all of a sudden I had an hourglass figure, and
boobs! "Heather used this all of the time because she was so flat chested for so long; now you can use
it." Her giggle did not humor me, as I could hardly breathe. "You'll get used to it, we all do. In a few days
you'll feel naked without it." Mom left and I sat at the vanity to do my makeup, alone, for the first time.

With careful attention to detail I created a softly feminine look that was perfect for me. Not overtly sexy
nor to young, but that of a girl on the cusp of becoming a woman. With my green eyes I used the earth
tone eyeshadow with a softer gray over that, deep black eyeliner and a black pencil to outline my eyes,
making them wider. Black mascara just a bit though, to add fullness. On my cheeks I used a silk rose
blusher that gave me higher cheekbones and a wider smile. My hair was still just like it had been done
that morning and I saw no reason to change it. I pulled on the pantyhose and snugged them to my waist
and took the dress out of the closet. The shapeless black satin dress was in my arms when mother came
back into the room, and she helped me get it over my head. As she pulled it down and zipped it up I felt
the material close around me in a delightful way. The twin shoulder straps held up the square cut
neckline exposing a modest amount of my breasts, tapering down the bodice tightly, then flaring out at
the hips. The crinoline petticoats held the skirt out a bit and crinkled with every move I made. I stepped
into the black heels and looked in the mirror. The hem was a good two inches above my knees, my waist
tiny with a nicely full bust. My skin, like my mothers was porcelain clear, my makeup accenting the
natural beauty I never knew I had. Mom went into her room, returning with black and gold chandelier
earrings with a matching choker style necklace. It slipped the earrings on as she fastened the thin gold
chain around my neck, leaving the small pendant between my breasts. On my left wrist I wore her gold
watch, on the right, a small bracelet. "Any more jewelry than that you would look like a tart Carol. Use
this." In her hand was her bottle of Obsession perfume. I dabbed some on my elbows, wrists, and in the
crook of my neck, and stood in front of the vanity and put on my lipstick.
When Mike arrived mom answered the door and called for me. I walked down the stairs just like she had
me do twice before, with a saucy feminine step that made the skirt sway. His eyes never once left me as
I walked over to him. "Hello Mike." "God Carol, you're gorgeous!" "Thank you." "You have her home by
one Michael!" "I will Mrs. Grant." Then he surprised me by taking my hand as we walked to his car. On
the way over he kept looking at me, which was hard not to notice. "What!?" I was just thinking how
lucky I am to have the prettiest girl there with me!" "But…" "You're my date right?" "Yes," "and you
know I don't date boys?" "yes," "well I'm not. I'm taking a beautiful girl to a dance, so relax and enjoy it."
When we pulled up I stayed seated until he opened the door for me and we walked in together.

Mike introduced me all around, to kids I had known for years and not one of them knew who I was. To
them I was the foxy chick with Mike and that's all. Mary saw us of course and made an effort to meet me
but Mike always managed to head her off by asking me to dance or something. Janet and Kelly had
expected me to be wearing something else and they were shocked when they saw that I now had boobs,
just like them, but did not take me too far from Mike. On the way home we stopped for a snack and
later, in front of my house, when he opened the door for me I stepped out, right into his arms! We
looked at each other for what seemed forever, then his lips touched mine, not once, but twice! "Carol,
you are just what I said you were. The prettiest girl in the school, can I call you tomorrow?" "Sure." Over
run with emotions exploding inside I ran into the house and slammed the door. "Have a nice time dear?"
"He kissed me mother! On the lips!" "And why not? you're a very pretty girl!" I ran to my room and
undressed, trying to figure out why I liked Mike kissing me!

In the morning, after breakfast I went to my room and slipped on some shorts and my gym shoes and
looked in the mirror. Carol was still there in the traces of unwashed makeup and a slightly messed up
hairdo, and I sat at the vanity and brushed my hair out, putting it into a ponytail and redid my makeup,
just like the night before. I wore a bra with socks in the cups again, slipped on a Tee shirt and went to
rejoin mother. Together we cleaned the house until Janet came over at 11. "Girl, you were a smash in
the dress!, and look at you! Sexy even in a tee shirt and shorts!" Just then Mike called and wanted to
come over, which Janet picked up on right away. "I'll call later Carol, bye!"

Mike came over an hour later and we went out on the patio. "All my life I thought I liked girls Carol, and
then you came along!" "Mike, didn't you tell me I am a girl?" Before he could answer I added, "well, I am
a girl now. I found out that I like being a girl and IÉ liked it when you kissed me." "Good." He leaned over
and kissed me again, but this time my arms went around his neck and held him as his tongue probed my
mouth. Gasping I let go, afraid to continue. "Now that we have that settled, would you wear this?" He
handed me his class ring! "But Mike!" No buts Carol. Wear it for me." He slipped it on my finger and
smiled at me. "I know what Janet and Kelly will say, but I don't care Carol. You turn me on every time I
see you, and I want you to be my girl." I was flabbergasted that he felt this way, but I kept his ring tightly
in my hand. I said one word, "yes", and he kissed me again, just as mom walked out on the patio. She
said nothing and put the tray on the table and left us alone again.

Over the week Mike and I saw each other every day, except on Thursday when I stayed home to try on
some things I bought from the Internet. I showed mom and agreed to let me use her credit card. When
they arrived I went to my room and after carefully reading the instruction sheet, put everything on.
When mom saw me for the first time I thought she was going to faint. I had perfectly crafted
breastforms that attached to my chest with a special glue and were undetectable even up close, and the
vaginal panty hid my small manhood easily while at the same time padded my hips out. I would now
have to sit for all bodily functions, and I could, if it happened, have sex with a male! When I got dressed
this time I was a lot more confident now, and asked mom if it wasn't time we expanded my wardrobe.

I wore shorts and a top shopping because mom said that I would have to try on a lot of things, and she
was right. We bought four bras in 34 'A', slips, skirts, blouses, a dozen panties, slacks in three colors, two
suits, five pairs of shoes, all sorts of earrings, bracelets, a watch, necklaces, sweaters, two 'good' dresses,
and lastly, a bikini. I tried it on and mom had a heart attack when I stepped out of the booth, but I liked
it and added it to the pile. After we took it all to the car mom drove me to a salon and I had my hair and
nails done for the first time. Mom told the girl what she wanted her to do, and I sat back and let her do
it. Three hours later I left the salon with richly auburn hair, my eyebrows tweezed into a high feminine
arch, my nails now longer and painted a soft pink. From there we went to a store that specialized in
makeup and when I had my makeup done by a pro, we bought plenty of everything she used.

Janet came over later that afternoon, took one look at me in my bikini and flopped on the floor! "Carol!
You got tits!" "And more Janet. See how the bikini fits?" The cleft of my sex was clearly defined, and she
saw it; then I slipped the bottoms off and walked to my dresser and slipped on some panties. "I would
say that we are now equal, wouldn't you?" She didn't say a thing as I took off the top and put on one of
the new bras, the lacy low cut one and pulled a blouse on. Then she saw the ring on a chain around my
neck. "That's Mike's!" "I confess, he fell to my charms and he is mine. "Carol, not only do you look
stunning with your hair that way and that magnificent body, but you have Mike too!" I stepped into a
denim skirt and sat on the floor next to her. "I'm going to stay living as Carol, even after we graduate
Janet." "If I looked like you do I would too!

Mary Hanover tried everything to get to me. She hit on Mike, asked questions about me all over and
generally became frustrated, and it got better. When we started school in the fall I tried out for the
Cheerleaders and won a place, then I was elected the lead Cheerleader by the other girls. Later, when
our grades were released, I scored higher than she did, and she almost had a fit, right in the school. Mike
and I became well known as a couple and she quit trying to get to him. By Christmas I was as much a
female as I could be, and began taking hormones. In the spring I was named the Class Valedictorian for
graduation, and shortly after that came the Senior Prom. I now longer need the breastforms, and the
night of the Prom was memorable for Mike and I. I suggested that he might want to get a room, and
after the dance he and I made love many times. My special panty was worth every cent, but my lips
made him quiver in delight and I tasted him as often as I could. At the Prom I was named the Queen of
the school, which made me chuckle inside because they were exactly right.

And Mary? Well she turned bitter and no amount of money her father spent could make it better. She
had it all and let it slip away to a crossdresser because she was so snobbish. I hear she's in Switzerland
now, at a finishing school. I hope she learns something about people there, she didn't learn it here.

(the end)

© 1998

The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must
contact the author for permission.

At the request of the author, this story is presented in 12 point, Times New Roman.

Inconsistent by Janet L. Stickney

Discontent is the first step to change, all you have to do is act on it


Inconsistent, inaccurate, and inept. That's how I feel about my dressing. I can never seem to do it the
same way twice. I usually wear the wrong things or do my makeup badly, and of course, trying to do
anything but a ponytail is out of the question. So far, every time I tried to do my best, I felt like a clown. I
was disheartened and disillusioned because I wanted to be able to dress, look, and live as a girl. Of
course the odds were against me ever succeeding. I'm 17, not too tall and a bit but pudgy. I have reddish
brown hair with blue eyes. My name is Andy Grant. I have an older sister, but she's away at school,
leaving just my parents and I. Because of my inability to have anything I would call success when I tried
dressing up, I fell into a depression. The vision in my mind simply could not be realized, and the more I
tried the worse it got. I became moody and sloppy, which drove my parents nuts, but I didn't know how
to get myself out of the never ending cycle of desire vs. ugly reality.

As school drew to a close, my grade point average started to collapse, which only drove me further into
my depression. Mom tried to find out why, but how could I tell her? My inner desire to be more
feminine in every way ran counter to everything she knew about males and our role in society. She was
not unaware of the phenomenon of course, but it was "those people over there who do that". How
could I tell her that "over there" was alive and well in her own house? And what about my dad? He
would freak out. Three weeks before the end of the year, everything came to a head, erupting in a burst
of tears and angry, ugly words.

"Andrew, I want you to tell me why your grades have fallen so much! You've been an absolute terror
since the first of the year, moody, sloppy, curt, even nasty at times! Tell me what's going on. Maybe we
can help."

I was sitting at my computer desk as mom looked at me, her normally beautiful face screwed into one of
bewilderment and anger.

"You wouldn't understand."

"This cannot go on young man. You tell me what's bothering you, and I mean right now!" Her red tipped
finger was pointed at me, her other hand clenched in an unfamiliar fist, her beautiful blues eyes, now a
stormy gray, had narrowed and her mouth became a mere slit, red in her anger, tight with frustration. I
had seen her this way only once before, when Beth got pregnant in high school.

"Yes!" She grabbed my arm and spun me around, coming face to face with me, our noses just inches
apart, her eyes glaring and stern. "I'm not giving you a choice Andrew, I'm telling you!"

Her anger and my frustration clashed and grew hot, yet I remained silent.

As her hand grew tighter on my arm I also grew angry. My secret was mine and mine alone, and by her
insisting that I tell her, she provoked my long held anger at my failures. Her slap wasn't all that hard, but
it sent the message that she was serious. In a fit of anger and stupidity I blurted it out.

"Okay! You want to know? Well I want to be a girl!"

Those few words shocked her so much that she flopped down on the bed, her eyes widening as she
stared at me. Silence reigned as we glared at each other, both of us lost in the implications of what I had
said. My self imposed silence was broken, shattering my self esteem even as I held my head up in
prideful anger. Mom sat there silent as she stared at me, her face still showing the shock of what I had
said. For what seemed like hours all we did was look at each other, until she suddenly stood up.

"We'll talk about this after I think about it some more Andrew, but in the mean time I want this crabby
attitude of yours to stop. Understand?"

I nodded my head yes and she went to the door, opened it, started to walk out, then stopped and
turned to face me.

"I'll bet you would be quite pretty all fixed up right Andrew", then she left! On that note I sank deeper
into the chair, my foolish, angry outburst had let her in on my secret, leaving me open to ridicule and
possibly worse from my father. The tears started to swell in my eyes, dripping down my cheeks until at
last the flood gates opened and I started sobbing. I was unable to face the truth, scared that my desire,
so well hidden for so long was now in the open. I could only guess what would happen next.

I lay on my bed for a long time trying to reconcile myself to a sure and certain punishment of some kind.
Dad was a man that while unbending in so many ways, was not an intolerant man about minorities, but
this was in his own house, his own son this time. I knew what his view of what I wanted would be. He
would never understand me, and probably not even try. My best hope was that he would stay silent
about my revelation, a kind of tacit approval. Just before he came home mom came to my room and sat
on the bed next to me.

"It's been hard to hide a secret like this hasn't it?"

I nodded my head as I felt her hand on my back, gently rubbing back and forth. "I'll bet that you never
get it right. Would you like to try again? I'll help you."

I stayed silent while my mind tried to absorb and make sense of what she had said.

"Well, do you?"

My mind screamed 'Yes' while I stayed silent.

"I do have some experience you know."

Of course she did. I started to giggle, a nervous giggle that turned into another round of sobbing.
Embarrassed at my lack of control I said nothing. "I'll take that as a yes. We'll see what we can do to
make you into a girl."

Her weight left the bed, then her footsteps sounded as she walked out, closing the door behind herself.

Nothing was said at dinner that night, all seemed normal, and afterwards I went to my room. I tried to
sleep, but visions of my mother laughing at me kept haunting my dreams. By the morning I was still tired
after a restless night, yet also, excited. Mom came in and told me that Saturday would be the day. The
bigger question was how would this all end? I could only hope for the best.

My name is Audrey Grant. I'm Andy's mother. His revelation yesterday shocked me right to the core,
making me lay awake that night as I went over every single day of his life, trying to figure out what I did
wrong. I grew up in the seventies so I knew about people that wore the clothes of the other sex of
course, and I had even met a few. But this was my son! Not once, not even at Halloween did he ever
express any desire to dress as a girl, so why now? Had he managed to keep his secret even back then?
I'm 37, not so old that I don't understand Gays and so on; I went to school with a boy that said he was
Gay. Benny seemed okay and I accepted him, so why do I feel so ashamed that Andy told me he wants
to be a girl? I mean, it's only clothing, right? He was right about his father though, Bill won't have a clue,
and won't try to get one either. As a plumber he works with his hands in a good profession, but he grew
up poor and never had the chance to meet anyone that wasn't just like him. He had hoped that Andy
would follow him into the trade, but it has been obvious for quite a while that Andy had no inclination
that way. He wants to be a writer.

I slept badly that night as I wondered how I could get Andy to open up to me, maybe let me help him,
but the specter of his father in a rage loomed when my mind drifted to a vision of Andy all dressed up.
Andy is like his sister Beth in many ways, same eye color, same pudgy body, about the same height,
Andy even has hair that went down his back, just like Beth. I had to find a way to tell Bill, and make him
understand what had to be done. Andy is on the verge of some kind of breakdown, and if dressing as a
girl even once relieves the stress on him, then I have to find a way to help Andy, and get his fathers


I'm Bill, Andy's dad. When Audrey told me what Andy wanted to do, I'll admit that my first reaction was
to beat my son until he couldn't stand up, before I calmed down that is. Audrey has a way of making me
pay attention to her without raising her voice. When she told me that she had known for almost a week,
I was irate because she and I never keep secrets from each other. Her voice, that same soft contralto of
hers, quavered only once as she told me what she wanted to do. She said that Andy needed to try it at
least once, just to see himself as a girl, and if it went well, maybe a bit more, like a trip outside of the
house. That scared me because of the neighbors. They might see my son, all dressed up as a girl. I could
only imagine what he would look like! A clown in a dress! Audrey said this is important to him, very
important. She also pointed out that I accepted the situation when Beth was pregnant and this is no
different! I was angry at Beth of course, a baby at her age! But as she grew larger I became protective of
her, like a...grandfather. When she gave the baby away I was saddened I guess. I had gotten used to the
idea that she was going to be a mother. Now Andy. According to Audrey, if I said no he'll just graduate,
move away, and do it on his own. This way at least we'll have some control. I hated the idea of my son
dressing as a girl, but letting him do this on his own and possibly get into trouble was worse. I gave in,
but with serious concerns. Audrey told me what she wanted me to do and when, then she told me not
to be there. It sounded like I was hiding from my own son!

"On Saturday morning you and I are going to make you over into the girl of your dreams Andrew. Don't
make any plans for this weekend. Okay?"

"Su...sure mom."


I had to wait three very long days for Saturday to arrive. Tense does not describe how I felt when the
fateful day arrived. As soon as dad went to work, mom took me to her room, insisting that this was a "do
it right or not at all session", and had me strip to my briefs. After she rubbed in a cream, I had to wait a
bit, then in the shower, all of my sparse body hair washed down the drain! With my hair squeaky clean,
a fresh shave, and a hairless body, I wrapped a towel around myself and rejoined mom. In a swirl of
compressed time, I was wearing panties with my hair in rollers. She took the time to carefully get me
dressed, and the results were worth the effort. My nervousness left me as soon as she began to put in
the rollers, and from then on I was a more than willing subject, but said nothing about how I felt.

"This is foundation. I'm going to show you how to do it on myself, then you do yourself."

Under her watchful eye I covered my whole face evenly. I had never used the powder, but as I brushed
away the excess I could see how it made my skin look softer and smoother. The eyeshadow was a lot
harder. I used a thin line of soft green, then a plum color over that. Using the liquid eyeliner was the
worst! It took me two tries to get it even close! In the end I rested my elbow on the table and managed
to draw the thin black line on each eye with a single stroke. Under my eyes I used a black pencil. When I
looked in the mirror, I was simply shocked. I had never managed to do this!

"Now we'll get some clothes on you Andy."

While I watched her, mom opened a bag and put some clothes on the bed.

"Beth wore this when she was in high school. I guess it's your turn."

I took it in my hand, felt the rods built into it and looked at mom.

"It's called a waist nipper Andrew. Wrap it around yourself and fasten the hooks in the front, the tag to
the top."

As soon as I had it hooked and zipped up, my waist was at least a few inches smaller while my upper
chest seemed to swell up! The bra was one of Beth's, a 34A. It was peach in color with lace trimmed
cups that didn't look like much, but mom said it would be fine. As soon as I had it on I saw why. The cups
had some pads in them that pushed up my flabby chest creating what looked like breasts!

"Push these in under yourself Andrew."

The small oval shaped pads lifted my flesh while filling out the cups of the bra, making it look like I had
boobs! I sat on the bed and pulled on the pantyhose, the nylon slicking across my now hairless skin
making me shiver, and sent the wrong message to my manhood. Embarrassed, I turned away from mom
and hid things. She said nothing about it, but smiled at me.

"I think these will fit Andrew" mom said as she handed me the skirt. It was short, green and white
checked, pleated all of the way around. I stepped into it and fastened the button and zipped it up. It fell
about mid thigh on me. The blouse was white with short sleeves and a round collar. I quickly put it on
and tucked it into the skirt, then pulled the soft tan sweater over my head, being careful of the rollers.

The shoes were black with short heels, and new.

"I bought them for you the other day. I hope they fit."

They did. It was my first time in heels, yet I had no trouble walking or standing in them at all!

"Now we do your hair and finish your makeup."

I sat as mom began to take the rollers out. My hair is quite long, so mom did it like Beth wears her hair.
She cut my bangs, brushing out the top in a curly mass, then brushed it out and let it hang down my
back and used barrettes to hold up, and back, some of the hair she had brushed out. When she was
done, she handed me a blusher, then a soft red lipstick.

Gold clip on earrings, a gold bracelet and necklace.

"I think you can see the whole girl now Andrew. Stand over here.

Allowed at last to look in the full mirror, I was shocked. From the top of my head down to my pointy
heels, there was no sign that I was male. Two hours it had taken. From the hair removal to makeup and
hair, then, the clothes. Peach panties and bra, the pantyhose that made my legs look so long and sexy,
the short skirt. Earrings in shiny gold swung from my earlobes, a pendant between my breasts, pushing
down, accenting the swelling twin mounds of my breasts.

In all of the times that I have been secretly dressing up, at last I had the chance to go all of the way, not
just hair, makeup, or the occasional effort to slip on a dress. Everything I have on is Beth's, but all of the
clothes fit me reasonably well.

"I was right. You do make a pretty girl Andrew!"

It was all I could do to tear myself away from the mirror and look at her.
I'm 5'7" with soft reddish hair that sweeps well past my shoulders, the curls held back on the sides with
barrettes, bangs that fall to my eyebrows. My face is small, oval in shape with eyes now almond shaped,
accented by the black eyeliner. I let my hands run down my body, starting at my breasts. They swelled
out to a full A cup, small but nice, then down a tapering bodice to the flaring skirt. Whenever I spin
around the skirt flares out revealing long, nylon clad legs. All at once I felt the relief I always wanted. The
girl in the mirror was the girl I always wanted to be. She was, to me anyway, beautiful beyond words.
Not a clown in any sense, this girl was the proverbial girl next door, and I was the girl. I was unable to
stop looking in the mirror, my grin plastered on my face like a child with a new toy, my excitement clear.
All at once I wanted to leave the house, go shopping for another outfit, walk the mall and sit and have a
soft drink while letting everyone see and admire me; but I lacked the courage. I was more than content
to be dressed, stand at the mirror, and simply look at her. Abbie. It's the name I picked for her. Abigail
Elizabeth Grant. Lost in the vision I was seeing, I realized that mom was talking to me. "How about some
lunch?" She took my hand and we walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, made a sandwich and
poured some iced tea. Sitting at the table, I slowly ate my lunch slowly, savoring the feeling of such
openness, enjoying each minute. We washed up the dishes and I went in the small bath, retracing my
lips with fire engine red lipstick, two coats. I was in absolute heaven as I looked at my reflection.

Lost in my euphoria at the sight of myself in the mirror, I did not hear the door slowly open. As I stood
there admiring the way I looked, mom asked me if I had selected a name for the girl standing there.
More than slightly nervous at admitting that I had gone so far as to pick out a name for myself, I
hesitated for the barest moment.

"Tell me Andrew".


"That's a very pretty name. Abigail Elizabeth. I like that!" she said smiling. "I know that you said you had
never been out of the house, so why not now? Come with me. I have a few errands to run anyway, and
you can see what it's like."

My euphoria evaporated instantly with the thought of leaving the house, but mom merely looked at me,
waiting for an answer.

"Are you afraid to talk, even to me?"


I croaked, my long practiced, softly feminine voice, deserting me, just when I needed it the most.

"Since you can't seem to find a way to say anything I'll take that as a yes."

My eyes still wide at the thought of leaving the house, she asked,

"Do you have a purse?"

"Yes" came the squeaky answer.

"Go get it, and put your wallet and lipstick in it, then come back here. I'll be waiting." I tried, but I was
stuck. I simply could not make myself move. "Well?"

"I'm scared."

"Don't be afraid dear. Go get your purse and I'll wait here."

It was a command, and like a little child, I did what she told me to do, just like I always did.

The moment I returned she took my arm.

"I think it's time the world got a chance to see just how pretty you are.
Don't you?"

No matter how hard I tried, I was unable to say no. I was fighting my impulse to run and hide, against my
desire to experience being a female, at least once, outside of the house.

"Let me straighten my hair a bit and we'll go."

In moments she was done, then, with no struggle, I let her walk me to the car. As mom drove along, she
said nothing more until she drove into the lot and parked the car.

"I won't force you to go in Abbie, but we both know that this is exactly what you want to do, but are
afraid. Am I right?"

I had sweat running down my back, my forehead was damp and my hands were shaking even as I said

"I'll be with you the whole time, and I think that unless you do this now you will always regret it, and you
will never find the nerve to be the girl you want to be or do anything else even remotely daring."

She took my chin in her hand and looked at me.

"Are you coming?" My voice was squeaky, filled with dread, but I croaked out another yes. She stood
outside the car waiting as I unfolded myself and also stood outside the car. With a click of her remote,
she locked the doors. I was committed now, right or wrong.

I walked next to her the whole time, trying to match her step and arm movements. My only fault, which
she corrected me on immediately, was that I hung my head.

"Don't hang your head Abbie. People will think you have something to hide."
I did have something to hide, but held my head up anyway, then we walked in. The grocery was packed
with people, and after I had the cart mom went about putting things into it. For over an hour we went
up and down the aisles as she selected the groceries for the week while I pushed the cart. I saw two girls
from my class with their mothers, and I know they saw me, but neither of them gave any sign that they
knew who I was, and went on as if nothing was wrong. I was a wreck inside, waiting for the inevitable
shout, and while it never came, I did not relax until mom and I were safely back in the car.

"I told you that you would have no trouble and I was right, wasn't I Abigail?"

"I saw two girls I know from school" I blurted it out, expecting some sympathy, all she did was smile at
me and said nothing.

We put the groceries away, almost finishing when mom told me that she and I were going to make
dinner together that night.

"I picked up some nice steaks. I'll start while you set the table...for four."

I stopped cold in my tracks and stared at her.

"Beth and your father, you and I of course!"

"I'll go change then." I started to leave when she said

"No. I want you just as you are. Your father knows..."

"You mean dad knows about this!?"

My heart leapt into my throat again as a vision of my dying a slow, agonizing death came to mind.

"Of course he knows. I told him, we talked about it, and decided that you were headed for a nervous
breakdown if you didn't find some kind of relief."

All I could mutter was, "dad agreed to this?"

"Yes, but to be honest about it, your father is at a loss. He doesn't understand why you, or any male,
would want to be a woman. He's convinced that you'll still look like a boy in a dress, which is absurd of
course. But, he loves you, and together, we have decided to give you that chance. It's up to you. As far
as Beth goes, your father is talking to her about it today. How she'll accept it, I don't know, but I'm sure
she will try."

When mom first saw me I wanted to die on the spot, crawl into the smallest hole I could find, and stay
there. Now, she was giving me the chance I always dreamed of and wondered about. If I said no, I would
always wonder if I made the right choice. If I said yes, I would have no choice but to live the truth, no
matter what it was. I would have to admit that I liked to dress as a girl, a young woman, and be strong
enough to stay the course and be sure it was right, or wrong, for me. If I said no, I would condemn
myself to a life of turmoil and doubt. It was extremely hard, yet somehow easy at the same time.

"Dad knows? Really?"

She nodded her head yes and took my hand in hers, closing it around mine.

"If you can't do this now, with your family, how can you possibly think that you can do it later? I will not
force you, but it would be a mistake not to at least try."

With my minds eye picturing dad's rage at me, it was hard to see him accepting me this way, but mom
said he would, so I slowly nodded my head yes.
"Okay then. Finish setting the table and start on the salad while I work on the meat."

Half an hour before Beth and Dad were to be there I went with mom to her room where I touched up
my lipstick, then she added some perfume to my wrists and neck. If I had one I would have used a
magnifying glass on myself. I spent plenty of time looking at myself to make sure I looked as good as
possible. When we heard the door open she told me to stay there and not to come down until she called
for me. Nervous does not do justice to the way I felt. It seemed like an eon passed before mom called
out my name.

"Okay Abigail, you can come down now."

I could shoot myself too. It might be the same thing, but it was now or never. Now was the only option.

My heels clicked on the hardwood floors as I stepped down and walked into the familyroom. Beth saw
me first, her mouth opened but no sound came out. Dad also stood up, the look on his face one of
stunned disbelief. His vision of me was clownish, kind of like my own, the reality totally different.

"Damn! I think I'll just go back to school!"

Her eyes wide, a smile creasing her face, Beth held out her hand to me and I took it. Dad stared at me,
his eyes roving from my head to my feet and back.


"Your father is in shock for the moment Abigail."

"No, I'm...well, yes. I am in shock! I never thought that Andy could look so...or be know what I
The disbelief on his face was still there even as his eyes never left me. I sat next to Beth on the couch,
just as demurely as I could, my knees locked firmly together. It was correct, but it also helped keep me
from shaking so much.

We all sat looking at each other, until mom broke the silence.

"Do you want to become a female? Or do you just like to dress up once in a while?"

In my dreams I had wondered what it was like to be a female, to hold a man in my arms, let him take me
to his bed, be a mother, get pregnant, then raise children. The lure of everything feminine drew me in
like a moth to the flame, yet, I didn't know the answer to her question. If I did, it was hidden, deep in my
mind, unwilling to tell even me.


"I don't know."

Her hand touched my arm, gentle, yet caring. Then she dropped her bombshell.

"Maybe you should find out. Maybe you should experience what it means to be a young woman. I mean
live, work, date, all as a young woman. Truly bring Abigail to life."

My heart was swelling with the very thought of what she suggested. I could live out my fantasy! I could
be the girl I wanted to be, the one I had dreamed of for so long! Then the crashing reality of it came
down on me. Visions of laughter and pointed fingers, taunts and hatred rose up and squeezed my heart.
Before I could even put words to it, dad spoke up.

"You all know how I feel about this. I had hoped that you would follow me into the trades Andy...Abigail,
but I've known for a long time that isn't for you. Maybe this is, I don't know. Women nowadays can have
good careers I guess, and I have to admit that you look very nice. Not at all what I expected. If we agree
to let you dress as a girl it has to be all or none. That means there will be no exceptions... Abigail. Family
outings, work, day or night. Are you willing to do that?"

With no exceptions, dressing as a girl would be very hard on all of us, especially dad and I. It was time to
pay the Piper so to speak. I looked at dad who sat there staring at me, no expression on his face. I
wished he would give me a sign, something to go by. Finally, I said "Yes".

His face never changed, yet I felt his disappointment anyway.

Dinner was pleasant after all. Dad never mentioned how I was dressed, what he expected of me or
anything else. I knew, and he knew that I already knew, so why bother? Beth however was acting so
antsy that she could hardly keep it in. Mom, Beth, and I did the dishes, then we all watched television
until it was time to go to bed. That night I slept in a nightgown for the first time. I had, in a single day,
opened up and admitted my secret to my family, shown them how I looked, and hurt my father. Did I
win anything? His love was important to me because without it I was half a person. And what about
Beth? She was all smiles and friendly, but she could be a real bitch when she wanted to be. Smiles aside,
she was quite capable of hurting me big time. Keep in mind that I had worn her clothes that day. I'm
sure she didn't mind, but...

In the morning I tried doing my makeup and hair, then put on clean panties, that padded pantybrief and
bra. The bra I had was the new Pushemup brand. They pushed my chest up and into the cups, which I
padded with small bits of foam. My breasts were small, but almost all me and I was proud of them. I
pulled on my own white shorts and a tee, then white ankle socks and my gym shoes. A dash of lipstick,
then I went to the kitchen. Mom was there with dad. They both looked at me, neither of them smiled,
but then, they didn't frown either.

"You look very nice this morning."

His voice sounded like a truck on a bad gravel road, making me scared again. Then he smiled at me.

"I thought about this a lot last night. When I saw you for the first time yesterday, everything I expected
to see was wrong. Maybe I'm wrong about a lot of other things as well. I can't say I'm happy about you
wearing girls clothes, but we'll try it and see how it goes. Okay?"
My emotions were still at the surface and I went to him and hugged him as tight as I could. I felt his tears
on my face as my own fell on his shirt. Mom waited, then we all ate breakfast. Later, when Beth showed
up, she ate a quick bite then helped me clean the house.

When we were done mom said, "since you have decided to be a girl, let's have another fun day and get
you a few more things to expand your wardrobe."

I nodded my head yes while Beth said she was going to come along. On the way out of the house to go
shopping again, Beth gave Dad a kiss on the cheek. He looked at me, wondering I know, if I would do the
same. I did, then ran out to join Beth and mom, leaving him with two different lipstick prints on his

The first place she took me was Sares, where she bought a dozen panties in assorted colors, two bras in
34A, a tan padded pantybrief, and a waist nipper in white. From there, we bought two dresses, two
skirts, two blouses, a sundress and a suit, then shoes. White and black heels, taupe and white flats. Then
I had my ears pierced. We stopped for lunch, then we went home.

"Hang up or put away the clothes Abbie. You have two weeks left in school yet. Maybe between now
and then you would like to repaint your bedroom. You and I can get some different drapes and bed
spread as well."

Before I could answer her, dad walked in.

"I've given this a lot of thought, and made some decisions. Since you think you want to be a female, no
later than the day after you are out of school for the summer, you are to get your hair styled with a
permanent. You can't wear any of your male clothes at all, at any time, no matter what, and slacks are
out. Also, you have to have a job by the end of the month. Any questions?"

Beth's well known bitchiness came to mind, so I mentioned it.

"Beth said she thought it was okay, but she thinks you're weird anyway. When I reminded her that she
was the only girl in her class to have a baby, she shut right up. I'll take her back to school tomorrow, and
remind her how it is. If she doesn't like it she can pay for her own school. Is that good enough?"

I nodded my head yes and dad left the room.

"I told you he would come around didn't I?"

"Ya but he hates it mom. I'm going against everything he believes in about men."

"He'll get over that too Abbie, be patient."

During the two weeks I had left in school, mom and I picked out a color for my room, which was a light
green by the way, and I painted while mom altered the new drapes. Mom and I talked about my
impending change every day. I didn't think I was ready, but she insisted that the only way to get ready is
to do it. I mentioned the other kids in the neighborhood, and all she did was tell me I had to cross that
bridge alone.

I wondered how I was going to keep from getting killed, but the die was cast. I was about to become a
girl, for the entire summer. The day before school let out, dad brought home a small vanity. He and I set
it up in my room, then, after he left, I emptied my shoebox of cosmetics into it. On the day school let out
I went home and changed clothes, did my best as I put on my makeup, brushed out my hair and put it in
a ponytail. Mom asked me, "How about getting your hair cut and styled today Abbie? We can surprise
your dad."

"Okay mom."

By the time I left the salon, my hair had been cut, shaped and styled into a shorter pageboy, curly down
the back, wavy on the top with bangs swept to one side, but no perm. Mom said I should learn how to
do my hair without a perm. My makeup had been redone by a pro, my eyebrows tweezed and my nails
filed and redone in a softer red polish. I never looked, or felt, so feminine before. I was on cloud nine as I
saw myself for the first time when they were done. Every trace of my old male self had been taken
away, and if any of the women that worked on me knew, or figured out I was really a male, they said
nothing. Mom waited for me, and when we were done she and I went home.

She followed me to my room, watching as I hung up the clothes, then put things in my dresser.

"Lets talk Abbie."

While not a command, I let her lead me to the den.

"This dressing up of yours was a shock to both of us. Why didn't you tell us before now? We would have
made an effort to understand. Both your father and I thought this was just some kind of
experimentation, but now of course, we know that it's a lot more than that."

Mom looked at me, her soft blue eyes showing concern, but not hate.

"I couldn't tell you mom. I wasn't that sure myself."

She nodded her head, then told me we were going out to dinner that night.

"I won't make you go Abigail, but we're going, and we want you to be with us. Maybe you can help your
father find a way for both of you to get what you both want and need."

The memory of how I looked in the salon came to me but I hesitated.

"Does Dad know about this dinner tonight?"

"No, but he hasn't seen you all dressed up and out in public either."

"He's not going to like this at all mom!"

"He has no choice Abbie. Sooner or later he'll be out with you, so we might as well start now. Now, why
don't you change and let's go have a nice dinner."

"Okay mom".

"Wear that new black dress we bought, and if you need any help, call me."

In my room I took off the red skirt and my blouse, careful about my hair, then put on the padded
pantybrief and waist nipper. The black dress was a sheath, that I could see fit like it was made for me. It
had a round neck with no sleeves, the hem a good three inches higher than my knees. It was shorter
than I imagined, but really looked good on me. The new black heels went on my feet, I clipped on the
gold earrings, and then the thin gold watch mom gave me. I touched up my lipstick, and went to mom's

"Oh my! You look spectacular! I wish I could wear something like that!"

She spritzed me with perfume, then gave me a black handbag.

"I'll be ready in a few minutes Abbie."


To say I was shocked at how pretty my son is when he's dressed up as a girl would be an
understatement. He makes his sister look frumpy in a lot of ways. The first time I helped him get dressed
I watched his reaction. He never said anything, but I knew without any doubt he was thrilled beyond
words. I had to help him a bit with makeup, but he's a quick learner, and today he did it by himself, and
did it quite well. I half thought he wouldn't set one foot in a salon, which was the test of course. His
father and I told him it would be a perm to see just how serious he was about this. Abigail never said a
word and boldly walked into the salon with me. I did not let him get a perm of course, just a cut and
style, but I had his nails and makeup done. Now he's no longer simply beautiful, he's gorgeous. Abigail
still has some doubts, but they all center on his father. To say he adores his father does not put it
strongly enough, and now that he has admitted he wants to be a girl, he's worried we'll stop loving him.
That's nonsense of course. Do we understand what drives our son to do this? No. Will we try? Yes, but
we are going to push him to the limit to see how he reacts. When I told him he would have to cope with
the neighbors, he didn't like it, but he didn't change clothes either. I let my hand slide down, and I
touched myself, wondering what the allure was for my son.


I sat on the sofa, waiting in the familyroom when dad got home. Mom told him we were going out to
dinner, and he went to change. Unlike mom and I, he was ready in twenty minutes.

Dinner was at a fine restaurant, and we talked about many things. I went in expecting the worse, but I
was accepted for what I seemed to be, a young lady. "We're not going to turn you into anything you
don't want to be, but we are certain that living as a girl is the only way for you to find out what you
really want in life. Looking at you over the last few days hasn't changed my mind, just my perception.
You look very pretty, maybe better than Beth in some ways, and I'll admit that you have changed my
idea of a male dressed as a female in a lot of ways already. Maybe I was wrong."

For my father to say he was wrong is a statement of such enormity that I was speechless!

"That's why" said mom, "we bought those clothes for you today. We wanted you to have enough clothes
to get by on for a while. If this is what you want, I'll show you everything you need to know to be a
woman, from how to dress, sit, walk, or even hem a skirt or dress if you want. Everything a girl should
know to become a lady."

After that, they said nothing more about it and we finished dinner and went home.
The next day mom and I went shopping again, added blouses and some tops, then more and better
makeup. Those were just a few of the things we picked up. I got some more earrings and so on of my
own, shorts and some jeans for girls. On the way home mom let me drive, telling me where to turn and
so on, ending up at a small shop. Instantly I knew why we were there. Inside, I had to endure being fitted
for the new partial breastforms, but once they were molded and attached to my chest, and I felt the
weight of them, I instantly loved them. They looked great, and made it seem as if I had breasts of my
own! Mom paid the bill and we went home.

"You're fortunate Abbie. The fitter told me that unlike the old ones, these are made of the new latex and
can stay on for months at a time! When I saw them for the first time they looked so real that I can't
imagine you taking them off for any reason!"

Smiling, I thought, 'neither can I'.

That night I scanned most of my ID into the computer, then used a picture from the digital camera to
recreate everything with the name Abigail Elizabeth Grant on them. Mom told me that she would take
me to get a new license the next day. I was on pins and needles all morning, waiting for mom to take
me. I had on the pleated tan skirt with a white blouse and white flats. My makeup was as perfect as I
could make it. Mom had helped me with my hair and looked almost as good as I did in the salon. I
smelled of perfume, tasted the soft pink lipstick and not only looked, but felt more like a girl than ever.

"It will be fine Abbie. Just relax."

She was right. The woman at the counter never even asked me what sex I was. She simply marked the
box for female, and I had a new license! As I started to leave, a classmate, Valerie, walked up to me.

"I know you from somewhere. My name is Valerie."

"Abigail Grant" I said, then, as mom and I watched, her eyes grew wider.

"Her name is Abigail Grant Valerie." Mom was a bit forceful and Val stayed silent.

"Can I come over this afternoon Abigail?"

I wasn't sure I wanted to discuss this change of mine with Valerie, but looked at mom who nodded her
head yes.

"Okay Valerie. See you then!"

I got in on the drivers side and sagged against the wheel. "I'm dead for sure mom!"

"Not necessarily Abbie. Valerie seemed to be a nice girl. She'll understand."

"She's also one of the most popular girls in school mom. You saw her. She's gorgeous, has that smile of
hers, and boys chase after her all the time. I should be so lucky to be like her!"

"You might be. Just be patient."

I was on pins and needles as I waited for Valerie to show up, which mom thought was funny. I checked
and rechecked my makeup and hair, added perfume and lipstick, and paced the kitchen. Finally, Valerie
showed up.


When I saw Andy, er, Abbie, I was shocked to say the least. Oh, I had seen boys dressed as girls before,
my brother even did it a few times at Halloween. But this isn't Halloween, and Abigail looks spectacular
to say the least. I never knew that Andy wanted to dress like a girl, and I've known him since grade
school! The fact that she was getting a new drivers license, dressed that way, can only mean one thing,
and that is she intends be here a while, and with her mother there, it's obvious that her parents are
letting her do this, even helping her in a lot of ways. I know what kind of person Andy is, and I can't
imagine Abigail being any different, but I had to find out, so I asked if I could come over to her house. I
have no idea how this will work out, but I'll give her a chance to tell me before I make up my mind.


I let Valerie into the house, and at mom's urging, we went out on the patio. Compared to her I was still
just a boy in a skirt, and as she let her eyes roam over me I felt like a butterfly stuck on a board.

"Damn! I never would have guessed this about you! You look terrific!

No, better than that, you're gorgeous!"

She took my hand in hers and demanded that I tell her all. My secret was out now anyway wasn't it?, so
what did I have to lose? She listened to me, then, when I was done she sat back.

"Not very many kids are going to understand this Abbie, you know that don't you?"

I nodded my head yes.

"Some, maybe even most of the guys certainly won't, and might even get violent about it if they hit on
you and then find out. Myself, I don't care, but trust me on this, you'll have to be very careful, or so
damn good at it that nobody would ever know, or figure it out."
The despair that had plagued me for so long once again rose in my throat, swelling until I felt myself
wanting to cry.

"Looking at you Abbie, I'd say that you have the looking good part down pretty good. Now all you have
to do is master the rest and get on with your life." Valerie turned out to be a lot more open minded than
I had thought.

I sat and looked at her, so scared of the future that I hardly spoke at all.

"What you need is a coach!"


"Sure. Somebody to show you how to be a teenage girl, and who better than me?" Valerie represented
everything I liked in a girl. She has that smile, those beautiful green eyes of hers, and of course, when
she walked, it was like watching fluid in motion. She's smart and pretty, popular, never without a date if
she wanted one, and almost always cheerful. As an example of the perfect girl, she is my idol. As an
example of what I will never be, I hate her.

"Will you let me help you Abbie?"

As a tear rolled down my cheek I nodded my head yes, and I saw her smile at me. "I think we should
make sure you're seen, and the best way to do that is to walk around the mall, Game?"

That familiar lump appeared in my throat again, and my first instinct was to say no, but I swallowed
hard, and slowly nodded my head yes.

"I have to tell mom."

"I'll wait here then Abbie."

Mom gave me some money and told me to buy a new wallet, and to have fun. Fun. I was walking
straight into the executioners axe, or nothing would happen. Either way I would be in deeper than I ever
imagined I would be just three weeks ago. Valerie and I walked across the yard, then down the street to
the mall. It's a four block walk. By the time we reached the first corner Valerie wanted to know how I
managed to look so nice, and all I could tell her was that this is the way I turned out.

"Trust me Abbie, as long as you don't do anything stupid you'll be fine.

Hell, you look better than some of my friends!"

I thought she was being nice, then she asked me to think about Melissa. That brought a smile to my lips.
Melissa is very nice, and some would say pretty, but she is way overweight, and doesn't have a clue
when it comes to makeup or hair. I suppressed my smile and tried to keep in step with her.

I told Valerie I needed a new wallet, so we went into a store and I found one on sale. I bought it, then
transferred my things to the new wallet. Valerie saw my temporary license and snatched it away.

"It says your name is Abigail Elizabeth Grant, a female aged 17!"

I smiled as I put it in the wallet, and then in my purse.

"This is great!"


"Because you have legal identification that says you are a girl silly!"
I still didn't get it.

"Listen Abbie, if someone questions you, you'll be able to prove you are who you say you are, and who's
going to argue with the state and your mother?"

That simple statement brought me to life when I realized she was right, and compared to Melissa and
maybe a few others, I did look okay, and now that I could prove I was a girl, I felt myself relaxing, and
smiled at Valerie. We went into all of the shoe stores, a fancy lingerie shop, then into a perfume shop.
So far I had only used mom's scent, so Valerie and I decided that I needed one of my own. I smelled a
few, then I came to one I liked, and bought a very small bottle. It almost broke me, and Valerie just

"It's the price we pay to smell better than the guys do Abbie."

Just as we walked out of the shop we ran smack into the horde. That's what most of the kids call these


When Abbie told me about how she felt, and the fear she always tasted when she dressed up in the past
I understood. No matter what she was under the clothes, she looked great, but she doesn't believe it
yet. Her mother and I see it, but Abbie is still scared to death in a lot of ways. I think that as long as she is
with someone she trusts, she's okay, but the minute she's alone she lapses into this funky I can't do it
routine. That's why I asked her to come to the mall with me. It's crowded, a lot of our friends are usually
there, and if she survives there, she'll feel better about herself. Besides that, she's my friend.


The horde is made up of a bunch of losers that are actually proud of the fact that all of them have
flunked at least one grade. They all tried to grow beards or moustaches, usually wore tight jeans and
blue Hawaiian shirts under leather jackets with clunky boots. Their so called leader is Rancid, real name
Raymond, a slob if there ever was one. I was sure their collective IQ was somewhat less than our cat,
who at least kept herself clean. I couldn't say the same for the horde. Valerie and I tried to walk around
them but an arm snaked out and grabbed me, spun me around and held me there.

"Looky here! A new chick, and she's a real looker too!"

"Let her go you big ape!"

Valerie was pounding on his arm, which he ignored, and slipped his hand to my right breast and
squeezed. Some of my breast was me, some was silicone, so it didn't hurt as much as it could have, but I
mashed down on his foot trying to get away. It didn't even phase him. Rancid is head taller than I am
and outweighs me by 50 pounds, so it was no contest really. Valerie kicked him and was yanked back by
one of his goons, then, as she tried to scream he clamped a hand over her mouth. I saw a finger tapping
Rancid on the shoulder, then a fist as it sailed past my ear and connected. I heard the bone in his nose
break, and as he let go of me so he could face our hero, he pulled a knife.

With blood streaming down his face Rancid wasn't afraid to return the favor, and looked very angry.

"Come on pal, let's see if you can beat this!"

Rancid lunged, and the guy stepped aside, letting Rancid go by, then he kicked him hard, right in the
underwear. We all heard the groan, and watched as Rancid fell to the floor in a tight ball, moaning in
pain. Mall security came running, and the goons let Valerie go, running down the concourse, leaving
their leader to face the music all alone. I was shaking, afraid for a variety of reasons. Lets start with the
fact that I am a boy in a skirt and blouse. I was scared to death when Rancid grabbed me, and now, I'm
standing here waiting for security to take our names and so on. That's when I learned the name of our
hero. He's tall and husky with blond hair cut short and brown eyes. He stood there easily, sure of
himself, unafraid of anything. His name is Stanley. I must have been staring because Valerie nudged me,
then smiled at me. A female officer asked us if we were okay, then we had to give her our ID. I handed
her my temporary license and waited. None of us were hurt at all, just scared. Rancid had to be hauled
away in an ambulance.
"Thank you for helping us!"

"My pleasure. I'm Stan Wood by the way."

"Hi. I'm Valerie, and this is Abigail."

Stan didn't seem the least excited by what he had just done, his face was calm, a smile on his face wide,
and more, he was staring at me! Valerie was grinning, I was trying.

"Let me buy you ladies a soda. To make up for this."

Before I could say a word,

"We'd like that Stan."

Without a word Valerie took one arm, so I took the other, walking along together until we reached the
cafŽ area. Stan went to get our drinks, and Valerie was almost jumping out of her chair.

"Girl, he's got eyes for you! Lucky girl."


"Oh yes. You saw the way he was staring at you, that can only mean one thing." Just then Stan returned.

I was sipping on my drink, trying to be very feminine, just in case Valerie was right, when Stan asked if
he could call me! I almost choked on my drink. "I'm new here, and I don't know anybody, except you
two of course."
Trying to steer away from the issue of his calling me, I told him he looked pretty cool when he took out

"It's all a matter of leverage and timing. He didn't have a clue how to use a knife, so it was easy to bait
him, and he fell for it."

He saw the question on my face and he laughed.

"You never toss a knife from one hand to the other. You lose control that way. He was all mouth
anyway. It was nothing."

I was impressed as hell, because I couldn't take Rancid on my best day, as compared to Stan's worst, and
Stan merely shook it off like it was nothing!

"Let me walk you girls home."


Valerie was at it again, but there wasn't any gracious way to say no, so, with Val on one side and me on
the other, we headed back home. Valerie's house was first, so we dropped her off, and I said I could
make it from there, but he wasn't having any of that, took my hand in his and asked me to lead the way.
We walked the other two blocks hand in hand, then, as we turned the corner I saw that dads truck was
in the driveway. This might not be good, but he had agreed, insisted in fact, that I dress as a girl, and
now I was stuck holding Stan's hand We walked up the driveway together. Dad saw us, then came over.

"Daddy, this is Stan Wood. He saved Valerie and I today. We were attacked in the mall and Stan
flattened him!"
I didn't want to sound like I was in awe, but I was, and it came out that way. "It was Rancid dad."

"That's the puke that thinks he's tough?"

I nodded my head yes.

"He wouldn't like to have me see him trying that!"

That statement was true. Dad would turn Rancid into plumbers putty in a hot minute, but Rancid knows
when to be cool and when not. He would never try anything around my dad or any other male he
thought could take him. That's what happened with Stan, but Rancid made a mistake.

"He had a knife dad, but Stan broke his nose, and kicked him in the...underwear, then took it away from

Dad looked at Stan and smiled.

"I owe you son. Thanks for watching out for Abbie."

"It was nothing sir. But sir, can I call on Abbie in the future sir?"

"Of course! Here's my card, our number is right there."

Stan kissed my hand, shook dad's and walked down the street.

"How could you do that to me!"


Dad didn't get it and I stormed in the house, my skirt flaring as I turned and ran. I was in my room when
mom came in and shut the door. She was smiling at me I noticed.

"Had a nice afternoon I see!"

"Dad said Stan could call me!"

"Why shouldn't he call you?"

I told her what happened, even about Rancid grabbing my breast, and everything Stan had done.

"It sounds like he is attracted to you Abbie. I saw him, and he's very cute.

You make a cute couple."


"Don't mom me young lady! I'll bet that you even thought of something like this happening. This might
be exactly what you need."

I sat on the bed while she sat at the vanity.

"This is what I told you about. I said there would be a boy out there who would be attracted to you, and
now that you're dressing as a girl, you would have to cope with it. This boy sounds like he's very nice
Abigail, and you should think about it before you say no if he asks you out."
She was right. I had thought about something like this happening to me. What made me nervous was
that I was hoping it would, but I couldn't admit that out loud. I could hardly admit it to myself! Stan is
everything my dad wanted in a son. Tall, good looking, strong as an ox, smart and polite. I'm short,
pudgy in a few places, and not nearly as strong as most boys my age. I'm smart and polite, which ends
our similarities, other than we are both males. Now I knew that I was attractive enough to have a boy
want to be with me, but exactly how do I manage to keep him from finding out about me? We ate on
the patio that night, and dad was grinning at me all through dinner, but didn't say anything about Stan,
or myself.


As a father, we all want our children to do well. I had hoped that Andy would join me and become a
plumber. He became a girl instead, which scares me in a lot of ways. One, Abigail is actually very cute,
something I never expected, two, she seems to have jumped into this with both feet, never looking
back. Then of course there's three. Stan. To see them walking along holding hands shook me to the core,
then I heard what Stan had done to Rancid. I'll admit that Stan is everything a father could want in a boy
his daughter would date. But Abigail is my son! I didn't see one sign that Abbie was the least bit afraid
for me to see them together, then, when she described what had happened, she sounded like an awe
struck little girl! The fact that this Rancid character, who has terrorized the school for years, was
stomped to the ground by Stan, only reinforced that there was no way Andy could have beat them off.
He is simply too small. Valerie might be a good influence on Abigail, certainly better than her sister Beth.
All I can do at this point is go along with this...change, and hope for the best, but she and her mother are
repainting her bedroom and redecorating it to look more like a girls room! I hope she learns a lot. Three
months is long enough for Abigail to find herself, but when she goes back to school, it will be Andy that


Abigail is confused right now. First she had to struggle, then admit to first me, then her father, that she
wants to be a girl. She didn't say it, but I know that she doesn't want to be a boy in a dress, but a real
girl. We set up a test to call her on it, but she had her hair and nails done as if it were the most natural
thing in the world. Then she wanted to repaint her bedroom, and now, there is Stan. She's set high goals
for herself, but she's scared to death that she will be discovered. Abbie tries to cover her fear with a
smile, but I know. Her father doesn't. I'm willing to bet that it was circumstance rather than an invitation
that led Stan to walk her home, but when she showed up hand in hand with him, she looked as if it was
the most normal thing in the world, and I'm beginning to wonder if we did the right thing. Letting her
dress all the time I mean. Abbie is becoming more and more feminine each day, and that's scaring her
father. I am very concerned.


Over the next few days I rearranged my bedroom, then mom let me pick out some pictures from the
ones she had stored away. All of them were of small bears prancing in the woods. This was definitely
going farther than I planned, but I picked out the colors and the paintings, so I did not object, and the
next day I had a bedspread to match the paintings, frilly pillows and all! I usually wore jeans or shorts,
sometimes no makeup, sometimes a lot, yet mom said nothing. Valerie came over once and helped us
decorate my room. We talked about Stan, her boyfriend Greg, and generally goofed off. I showed her
some of the Internet sites I had found that catered to boys like me, and she was stunned to see how
many of them actually looked good. Some had impressive cleavage, a nice figure, and absolutely
beautiful faces, some were less convincing of course, but on average, most of them could walk into a
crowded mall and nobody could pick them out of the crowd. Valerie went home, and I did some more
searching. Then I stumbled across a site that sold everything I would need to convince most people that
I was a girl. I quickly clicked through the various pages, stopping on the one that detailed what I saw,
and how to order it. I read it twice, and had bookmarked the page when mom walked into my room, and
saw what I was looking at.

"Oh my God! That looks real!"

"It's a full panty mom. It's especially made for guys like me. It has a built in sheath for my... well, if I had
one these panties I would be sitting down in the bathroom, just like you and Beth."

I clicked through all of the pictures again, then I printed out the instructions on how to order one to
match my skin tone. Mom grabbed it, read it, then sat back, staring at me.

"If we let you buy one of these panties, you and I will have to have a serious talk about boys and girls!"

"That's what your sister said and she ended up pregnant!"

"Mom, that's ridiculous! I can't get pregnant, now matter what I do!"

"That's true, but it says right here that sex is possible, and that makes you just as susceptible as any
other girl."

"Mom, I'm not Beth, I'm me."

That brought her up short. Beth was a little wild, and went out with some guys that dad really didn't like,
some of them secretly. That's how she ended up pregnant. I'm not sure she learned a lesson from it, but
it's her life, not mine, and I refused to be lumped into the same group as Beth. I identify with mom or
Valerie. They are the kind of girl I want to be.

"Your right Abbie, I'm sorry. This panty isn't that expensive, but we'll have to tell your father about it."

"Do we have to tell him I could have sex? He'll go ballistic if he finds out."

"No, I guess we don't have to tell him that. Show me that site again Abbie."

I went back to it, and as we flipped through the pages, she saw the other girls that wore one, and looked
perfectly real to us.

"That would complete the picture wouldn't it?"

If she bought it for me I would be able to solve a number of other problems. I'd like to have it of course.
"Print the instructions for that page as well Abbie."

I did as she asked, then I shut down and we went to fix dinner. Mom was the one to show dad the
pictures, and insisted that I needed it, if only for my own protection, and he finally agreed. He also hated

The next morning told me we were going shopping. I did my makeup, slipped on my gym shoes, and we
went to an art supply store where we determined the exact skin tone I had in my groin. On the way
home mom didn't say a word, but when we got home she and I went to my room where I stripped so
she could apply the gel mold to my lower body. It took almost an hour to set, then she carefully
removed the mold. When we looked at it, there was a perfect replica of my lower body imbedded in the
gel. Then she took my natural waist and hip measurements, wrote them down and we decided together
what the ideal figure would be for me. Beth wears a 36, just like mom, so mom thought that I should be
the same size. When we were done, we had decided that I should be 34-25-35.

"I'll pack these up and send them. You get dressed."

I don't know how he managed it, but Stan found my number and called that night. Dad answered the
phone and handed it to me. Stan wanted to take me to a show on Friday night. In my heart I was sure he
would call me. Now all I had to do was respond, and I did. I agreed, then he said he would be over at
seven to get me. Friday is three days away. I told mom but not dad. I didn't think he was ready for me to
be dating a boy. All I had to do was convince him, and I had three days to manage it. I was more than
surprised when I heard the doorbell ring Thursday afternoon, then I saw the delivery truck. I signed for
the box, saw it was addressed to me, and quickly went to my room so I could open it in private. Inside I
found the panty mom and I had ordered. I went to find mom, then she and I went back to my room.
After reading the instructions twice, she used the included adhesive to attach the panty. It was hard to
get on, but we managed. The upper edge, at my waist, was glued in place, then, when we were done, I
stood in front of the mirror and looked. The skin color on the panty were a perfect match for my own
skin, and even up close it was very hard to tell if it was me, or latex, silicone and glue!

"I think we can convince your father now Abbie, if you want to do a little shopping that is."
I did, and I quickly dressed. This time the panties fit me like they are supposed to, the bra held me in just
right. I slipped on my shorts, and saw that they now fit me like they would any girl. I have a clearly
defined groin area that tapers to a wedge between my legs, breasts that bounced a little when I walked.
Between the partial breastforms, which made it look as if I actually had breasts, and the panty, there no
sign that I was a male anywhere. Mom saw me grinning, and simply told me to get in the car. What mom
had in mind was a powder blue babydoll set that was so sheer it would be like wearing a vaporous cloud
around myself. If I wore the panties, my groin would be hidden of course, but as soon as we bought it I
knew that I wasn't going to wear them. I 3was getting to be as sneaky as mom! The minute we got home
I called Valerie and told her I wanted to come over, so I left for her house on foot.

Her mother, who knew me, didn't say a word as Valerie introduced me, then I told her I had something
to show her, and could we go up to her bedroom. Valerie led the way, then, as soon as the door was
closed, I told her I had something to show her, then I unbuttoned my blouse, took it off, and unhooked
my bra, letting my breasts free. I heard her gasp even as I slipped my shorts off and yanked down my
panties. The look on her face was priceless, and I quickly got dressed again while she groped for
something to say.

"That is a really cool trick Abbie! Care to tell me how you did it?"

"No, and this has to be our secret. Only me, you, and mom know, and I

want to keep it that way. Okay"

She smiled and agreed, then I told her that Stan had asked me out, and I accepted his invitation to go to
the show with him on Friday. Valerie visibly relaxed after I showed her my new attributes, and we both
knew that we were going to have a fun summer together.


When Abbie showed me her...assets, I was shocked at how much she looked like me! You would never
know unless you were up close, or she told you. I was standing just a few feet away and I couldn't tell!
Abbie was grinning as she got dressed, and I was now sure she was very serious about this. That
afternoon we stayed in my room talking, mostly about what she was going to do in the future. She said
she didn't know, but she doesn't want to give up Abigail under any circumstance, and I'm beginning to
wonder if I want her to stay as well.


That night after dinner, when mom winked at me, I went to my room and slipped on the babydoll and
robe set. I wore Beth's old bunny slippers, slipped the robe on, but didn't fasten the sash, and went
down the stairs and into the familyroom. Dad looked up, his eyes growing wide when he saw my breasts
clearly defined by the wisp of thin material. I watched as his eyes moved down, and the tapering hair on
my groin stood out, the thin slit that defined my new reality not seen, but evidently there. His mouth
opened, then closed, then opened again. Before he could say anything mom told him that she and I had
made a few changes in order to make it easier for me to fit in, and be more comfortable in public. Of
course, he knew about the panty, we had told him, but he didn't see what he thought of as a panty, and
that's what disturbed him. We had not told him about the breastforms, so of course, he was shocked to
see that I now had breasts. After he quit staring at me, I casually mentioned that Stan was taking me to
the show tomorrow. I expected something, but all I got was a shrug. He gave up I think, or he was still so
shaken that he couldn't say anything.

I started getting ready at 4 by taking a long bubblebath, shaving my arms and legs to remove the thin
stubble that had grown back, then shaved my face as close as possible. I was out of the tub, with a towel
around myself when mom walked in on me. In her hand was what looked like a bundle of car tie downs,
but thinner.

"Before you get dressed, I want you to wear this tonight."

"What is it?"

"It's a sanitary belt. It'll hold your sanitary pad in place for you."

"Mom! I don't need a sanitary belt!"

"Yes dear, I know that, but this is part of being a female, and you might as well get used to it since you'll
wear one for five days a month, just like the rest of us."

She handed me the bundle, but I could not make out just how it went on, so she showed me, clipping
the tabs to the pad and making it tight against me. I felt like I was back where I started, with a lump
between my legs.

"Now you can get dressed."

She left me standing there wearing that stupid belt with a huge pad between my legs! I slipped on my
panties, then went to the vanity to do my makeup, and put in a few rollers. When I had the bra on I
pulled out what I had decided to wear. The blouse is gray with short sleeves, the skirt red, pleated all the
way around, and short. On me it comes to mid thigh, and showed off my legs just right, especially with
the pantyhose.

As I sat there waiting for the curling iron to heat up it came to me. Mom has me wearing this sanitary
pad, not because all the other girls do, it's because I have a date tonight! Most boys won't go near a girl
that has one on, so I can only conclude that it's her way of making sure he and I don't do the nasty
tonight! I finished my hair, slipped some earrings on with a necklace, and slipped my feet into the black
flats. Some perfume, my new stuff, then bright red lipstick. I checked my purse, then joined mom to
make dinner.

"How does it feel?"


She gave me one of her looks.

"Bulky. It feels like I did before."

"You'll get used to it Abbie, we all do, and after a little while it shapes itself to you and gets less

I said nothing more about it, and when dad got home we ate dinner, then I helped mom clean the table.
Stan was right on time, and dad surprised me by being so friendly with Stan. Stan's face broke out in a
wide grin when he saw me, which made me feel warm all over, then he took my hand and we left. He
drove us to the show, which was an action movie, then we stopped at Big Ben's for a soda and a burger.
The place was crowded with kids I went to school with, and we found ourselves sitting across from a
table full of girls that I knew. It was all I could do to stop from jumping up and running out. Not one
person recognized me, and I knew two of those girls extremely well! When we left I expected him to
stop somewhere and try to ravage me, but he took me straight home instead. He did kiss me however,
and in a moment of passion I let his tongue slip into my mouth. As we kissed I could feel myself heating
up, especially when he put his hand on my leg. Now I knew why mom made me wear this stupid pad. I
broke free, thanked him, and ran in the house panting.

That night as I lay in bed my hand drifted to my panty, I pushed the pad aside, and let my finger slip into
the panty. It was hopeless. I never wanted to be a boy again. Every fiber in me was screaming at me,
telling me I was a girl, in big, bold type. I loved everything about it, including wearing the sanitary pad. I
would never admit that either.

Mom wanted to know how it went, I said fine, then she asked me how I felt when he kissed me. Without
a thought I said,

"He made me tingle all over."

She said nothing, and I went about my chores, then she told me that dad wanted to see me at the shop,
so I drove over alone. He was waiting in his office, papers piled all over the place as usual.

"No more lounging around Abbie. You need a job and I need someone to straighten this mess out and
get my records in order, and you're it. I'll pay you of course, and I expect you to answer the phones, take
orders and also, dress professionally. No shorts or jeans, okay?"

"Okay dad."
He moved out of the chair and I sat down. Dad told me he had a few jobs to do, and for me to lock up at
five. I looked around and saw paperwork piled everywhere. Dad is a great plumber, but his skill at
paperwork lacked a bunch. It was obvious that I had to sort through it all, so I started on the desk, which
took almost three hours. I had piles all over the place. Then I started sorting those piles. His computer
system is a dinosaur, but I managed to find all of his records, printed them all out, then saved the files to
disk. Using the printouts, I found several thousand dollars worth of work that had not been billed! That
night, when I told him that, he started grinning, until I told him he needed to upgrade his computer and
donate the one he has to a museum. Since the money I needed to spend for a new system, was less than
what was due, he reluctantly agreed, and gave me his credit card.

With the new system, I set up the files to make the office work easier. Dressing as a girl became a non
issue as I worked out how to manage the billing, payables, wages and so on. It took a week just to do the
current billing! Dad's system of billing wasn't the best, but all of his bills were paid. I was putting in 12
hour days trying to set it up and clear up the paperwork. His edict of no jeans went out the window the
second day. Kneeling on the floor sorting paper is hard on nylons. Stan did not call for two days, then,
when he did, mom told him I was at work, so he called me here at the office. He asked me out for
Saturday night. Dad stopped in a few times to check on me, and I could tell he was still uncomfortable
with me dressing as a girl, but he never said a word about it. Stan and I went out to the show again, but
this time he parked down the street from the house. When his lips touched mine, I turned into a blob of
quivering nerve endings that he sent to the edge when he touched my leg. As much as I felt like a girl, I
wasn't, and stopped him before he gained momentum and I did something I wanted to do but shouldn't.

Valerie came to the office, and in private we talked about what was happening. So far, I have enjoyed
dressing as a girl, and done more than I thought possible, especially dating Stan, or even kissing another
male, but I knew in my heart that going to school as a girl was out of the question. In schools all over the
country kids were being shot for being different, and this certainly qualified as different. I have no
ambition to die because I like to dress this way, so I would have to be myself when school started in the
fall. The problem is the growing attraction Stan and I have. Valerie had nothing to offer in the way of a
solution, and all I could do was hope for the best. Mom was no help when I mentioned it to her, simply
telling me that I would have to work it out myself. That's the dilemma. I don't want to give up what I've
discovered about myself, yet the more I thought about it, the clearer it got. In a month, maybe a bit
more, I would have to put Abigail back in the closet. Complicating all of this was Stan. Just how does
Abbie disappear and Andy show up, without Stan finding out? Sure, I looked like a girl, acted like a girl,
at least most of the time, and felt like a girl all of the time, but...
It was a month before I had finally managed to get all of dad's files in proper order, the due bills sent out
and the files in order before I even thought about anything else. I knew that twice in the last four years
Dad had been nailed for having "Unaccounted for assets" in the shop proper. He used the axiom that
junk expands to fill all available space I think. He had stuff stacked everywhere, and while he might be
able to find it, nobody else had a clue! I suggested that we head off the IRS by straightening out the
mess, toss all of the junk and sort out what was left. He hated the idea, but was forced by the facts to
admit it was a good idea, and without asking me, he hired Stan to help sort it all out! Dad said Stan
would do the sorting work, and I would create a catalog so we would know what we had on hand. Stan
showed up the next day.

Working side by side with Stan was both good and bad. When I was there by myself, I could relax and
not worry so much about feminine gestures and just do the work. With Stan there, I had to be as
feminine as he expected me to be, plus the added complication of his attraction to me. The first day he
showed up I did what mom told me to do, I set the ground rules. I told him that we did not have time for
anything but the job, and that I would be in the office until he sorted out the good stuff from the junk.
Once in a while Dad would stop by and help, and as the collection of old pipe, used fixtures and so on
grew, it was obvious that we would need a huge scrap tub, so I ordered one. Stan started to take his
shirt off as it was so hot, and as he worked, I saw his muscles as they rippled when he moved. I had
never been attracted to boys in any way, but Stan was different, and I felt myself wanting to be near
him. I stayed in the office more often after that.


At one time I had hoped Andy would be a plumber like me, now it was obvious that wasn't going to
happen. When I got tired of spending money on this... hobby, I decided to put her to work. I told her to
straighten out the office. I figured that all that would happen is a little filing. But Abbie took the job like
it was a mission, and has managed to computerize everything! She even found bills that showed money
due us! Maybe she'll be a part of the company anyway! This thing with Stan has me confused, because
Andy never once showed any inclination towards other boys, yet I saw her kiss Stan the other night. I
wanted to run out there and shake some sense into her, but Audrey told me no. She told me that Andy
is no longer our son. She said he is now our daughter, and I might as well get used to it. After seeing her
the other night in that wisp of nothing she had on, I saw her breasts, and what seemed to be.. well, she
looks like her mother now. I knew that Abbie was very serious about this right then. That night Audrey
told me it's a special kind of panty made for boys that want to be girls, but damn! It looked real! I saw
Abbie watching Stan the other day when he had his shirt off. He's a good looking kid, but it seems so
unnatural for my son to be watching Stan that way. At least to me.

Stan had the shop cleaned out, the bins emptied, and piles of stuff on the floor. Dad decided to spend
the day helping, and as they started putting things back in the bins I wrote down what and how many of
each we had. It took all day before they had it done, then it was my turn to finish the job. Dad took Stan
to finish a job while I stayed in the office. It took me three days to catalog all of the items, then I started
to look around. The office really needed a new coat of paint, and that night I asked if Stan could do it for
us. Within a week I had everything set up again, and now spent my days answering the phones while
Stan was with my dad. He and I went out a few more times, usually to the show, then, one Saturday
night it happened. Instead of taking me home he went to the park. As he pulled me to him, I knew that
our relationship was growing stronger, and let him hold me tight. His hand found my breast, and as he
massaged me I began to tingle all over. I felt his hand when it touched my leg, then, without thought, I
opened my legs and his hand found me. In a flurry of panting and struggle, I had my panties on the floor
and he was on top of me. My hand found him, and guided him to me, then, after just a little push, he slid
into the panty. I could feel him through the thin membrane as he stroked back and forth, then, all at
once he expended and collapsed on me. Ten minutes later we were both dressed again, panting, staring
at each other. I had definitely crossed the line this time. I went to my room as soon as I got home,
stripped, and went in the bath to clean myself. Stuff ran down my leg, which I washed off, but I could
not wash away the fact that I had just given myself to a man, something I said I would not do. I was like
Beth, and I hated myself for it. I was going to be a lady, like mom, now I was just another girl with hot

I held in my shame for two days. I was at work when mom stopped in, and saw me crying. Before I could
think about it, I grabbed her, hugged her to me, then told her what I had done. She listened until I was
done, not saying a thing, then, "You're not the first girl to give in to a boy Abbie, and you're certainly not
going to be the last. Think about it this way. You can't get pregnant, and you don't have to do it again."

I hugged her until she pushed me away and sat down.

"Abbie, we have to talk about the future. Do you plan on attending school as a girl?"


"Can you give up on yourself so easily?"

"The other kids won't understand so easily mom."

"That assumes they know. What if we see to it they don't know?"


"Your father and I talked about this a few days ago. We don't think there is any way that you can quit
being a girl, so we have decided to change your name to Abigail Elizabeth legally, and get your school
records changed. That way you can be the person you really are, and we can all quit this charade,
wondering how long this will last. We all know it's permanent, don't we?"

Mom was right. I couldn't give up on myself now.

"If you enroll in the Co-op program, you can attend half days and work here in the office. Your father is
very impressed by the way you managed to straighten things out, and wants you to keep working here."

I couldn't find the words to say what I felt, and started to bawl again. Then mom and I had a mother
daughter talk about men and women. No, that's not right, she talked and I listened.

My parents took care of the name change, and true to what she told me, I started school that fall as
Abigail. Valerie was surprised, but not very much I think, and she kept my secret to herself. Since I
started in Co-op virtually from the first day, my contact with many of the kids was minimal, and in any
case they never once questioned my real sex. To them I was just another girl. Stan also started that fall,
and like myself, he was also in Co-op. He was my dad's apprentice.

Stan and dad grew closer while mom and I began to share things mothers and daughters should share. I
was seeing Stan every weekend now, and I could not imagine life without him. But after a few weeks he
began to become a little more distant, which bothered me because he wasn't usually like that. Like
women everywhere, I waited for him to make his move rather than ask him what was wrong. This lasted
for almost a month before I found out, and I was devastated when I did.

Bill is smart, and I'm learning a lot from him. Being a plumber is a good profession, and I'm trying to
learn all I can from him. He told me it takes a minimum of three years before I can get a license, so it's a
long haul, but worth it. He and I were on a job on day when Abbie came up in conversation, which is
when he let it drop that Abbie is actually his son! I was stunned because she and I had sex together, and
I was sure he was wrong, but just how would I tell him we had sex? From the minute I saw her in the
mall I wanted to be with her. Abbie is bright and funny, beautiful beyond words and I love her. Now her
father says she is a male! He should certainly know the sex of his children, but she and I had sex, and if
Abbie is a male, how did we manage that? The minute I heard that I wanted to go to the shop and ask
her directly, but what if he was pulling my leg? Bill didn't sound like he was saying it as a joke, so I'm half
ready to believe him. If Abbie is a male, what does that make me?


I really screwed up! I mentioned that Abbie is a boy. Stan was of course in disbelief, but he never
challenged me on it. He has been avoiding the shop, and hasn't talked to Abbie in a week.


When Bill told me what he had done I was furious with him. Abbie has poured her heart out to us, done
her best to become the daughter she always wanted to be, and worked hard to not show her fear to
anyone but us. Stan represents her acceptance as a female, and she is in love with him to the point that
they had sex already. I'll have to tell Abbie, but I'll wait until she is at the office, or here at home, when
we can be alone.


Mom told me what dad had done, and I knew it was over. I was angry with dad because I trusted him,
and he blew it. Now I'll be lucky if Stan only tells everyone in school. Mom sat there looking mad, not at
me, but at dad. I was so angry that I wanted to call him and let him have it right there and then! I sank to
the bed sure that my new life, the one I had carefully crafted out of my fear was going to be in shambles.
We were at home when she told me. It was Friday, so I had all weekend to try and figure out what to do.
I am enrolled at school as Abigail, and couldn't just stop dressing as a girl now, even if I wanted to, which
I don't. Stan. He is the key to this, and we have to talk about it, but how? He's avoiding me.


I've never seen Audrey this angry at me before, and trust me, it's not a pretty sight. She told me in very
clear terms what we, she and I would have to do. I asked Stan to come over for dinner that night. I hope
Audrey is right about this. It could ruin all of us.


Mom told me that Stan was coming over for dinner, and the four of us would work it out. She sounded
very firm about this, and I'm sure that dad is in for it, but it's Stan and I that are the centerpiece of this
little show. Mom told me to clean up, then left me so I could change. If I was going to get torn apart
because of what dad had done, I thought I might as well confuse the issue as much as I could, so I pulled
out the sundress. It's very feminine looking, and better, allows me to show off some cleavage. I stripped
and went to the shower, shaved and checked for stray hairs, then started to get dressed. I was scared at
what might happen tonight, so in order to make myself feel as feminine as possible, and because I could,
I didn't wear a pantybrief or panties or pantyhose. Just my corselet, which gives me a smaller waist and
hikes up my boobs. I did my makeup in muted tones of green and gray with black eyeliner and mascara. I
did my hair in a flip and slipped the dress over my head, zipped it up, and stepped into my white heels. I
put on some white button earrings with a necklace to match, dabbed on some perfume, did my lipstick,
and opened the bedroom door. Mom was standing there, reaching for the doorknob.

"Stay up here until I call you Abbie, okay?"

"Okay mom."

I shut the door to wait. Looking in the mirror all I saw was girl. The twin mounds of my breasts swelled
out of the dress a little, my waist, now a trim 24 inches was accented by the flaring of the skirt, which
had a hemline just above my knees. There was nothing else I could do except wait. About ten minutes
later I heard mom call my name. I opened the door to the room and stepped out. The carpeting hid the
sound of my heels until I stepped into the foyer. Stan, mom, and dad were all in the familyroom waiting.
I drew in a breathe and went in, sitting next to mom on the small sofa.

"We all know why we are here. Stan, you and Abbie have dated for quite a while now, and I know that
you two have had sex, so tell me, is she any less a woman that any other girl you've dated?"

"No Ma'am."

"Bill, has Abbie been anything less than a wonderful daughter in the last few months?"

"No, but..."

"Stan, Bill told you Abbie is his son, and that is true, but look at her and tell me she is any less a woman
than I am."

Stan looked at me, shock on his face, but there was no way he could deny the way I looked.

"I can't."

"Then what's the problem here? Abbie loves you and you know it, and I think you love her as well. It's
true that she can never have children, but there are other ways to have a family, if you two are adult
enough to face it together. Abbie is scared that you might hate her, now that you have found out her
secret, and you're mad that you weren't sharp enough to discover it on your own, or that having sex
with her makes you something your not."

Mom sat back and said nothing for a minute.

"Tell me Stanley, do you love Abbie?"

He nodded his head yes, but mom told him to say it.

"Yes Ma'am."

"Does she seem any different than any other time you've seen her?"

"No Ma'am."

"Then we can assume that you still love her?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Bill, we have a few things to discuss, lets go out on the patio."

It wasn't anything less than an order, so dad left with mom, leaving Stan and I looking at each other.

He was staring at me, unable I know, to say anything, which left it to me. "Stan, I wanted to tell you, I
really did, but I had fallen for you, and didn't want to take the chance that you would either hurt me, or
worse, let me worry forever."

He sat there, not moving at all, and I felt my eyes filling with tears. Dabbing with a tissue I waited, then
he was standing there in front of me, no smile, his hands at his side. Not wanting to be looked down on,
I stood up. Meanwhile, out on the patio...

"You're telling me that Abbie can have sex! How? Never mind I don't want to know!"
"Bill, you brought this all on yourself, but this might turn out to be the best thing that's happened to her
so far. And, to answer your question, Abbie can have sex the same way we do. That panty she wears is
made in a way that allows her to function as a woman."

"You never told me that!"

"You had no reason to know Bill. Abbie is, in many ways a better daughter than Beth ever was and you
know it. Look how she has transformed your office. Beth could never do that. Think about how she acts
around you and I. She has always been ready to help out around here, and she loves herself now,
something she never did before. We both see it in the way she walks and talks, her smile and the way
she is so confident. Can you say that was the way it was before?

"No, I guess not, but..."

"Bill, the only question here is do you love her, and will you support her."

"Of course!"


I looked up as Stan reached out for me, and fell against him. I felt his lips on my cheek, then on my lips, a
gentle caress, yet I shivered.

"Your mother is quite a bundle when she's mad isn't she?"

I did not answer him.

"I'd hate to be in your fathers shoes right about now!"

That made me smile, because he was right.

"Abbie, can we go back a month and start over?"

"Do you mean that? What about..."

I never got the rest out because his lips were on mine, his hands holding me tightly against him.

Dad looked very sheepish when he and mom came back in. They found Stan and I in a lip lock, which we
broke off right away. I helped mom make the dinner, and later, Stan and I sat on the patio alone.

"You're going to become a real woman someday, how long does that take?"

"Two years, maybe a bit less, but it'll be worth it."

"I hope so Abbie, two years is a long time to wait."

"I can take care of things, you already know that, and there are other ways."

Just about then he grabbed me and kissed me, his hand roamed up my leg and I let him, then his hand
was on my naked sex. I put my hand on his member, stroked it once or twice, then moved away.

"Abbie I..."

"Not here silly! My parents are..."

"Very busy right now."

The lights in their bedroom went off just then, and we were all alone in our private patio. Stan came to
me and held me again, then, as he began to stroke my back, whispered in my ear that he loved me. I
reached out and touched him again, and watched as his eyes grew wider. I unbuckled his pants and let
them fall, pushed him back to the chair and sat on his lap, facing him as he entered me. It was wonderful
to be in control and watch him as his eyes closed in ecstasy. He didn't last very long this time either. He
and I stayed out there for another two hours, then he left for home. I went to my room to clean up, then
went to bed. In the morning Dad was gone already, so mom and I had another talk.

"Your father knows he screwed up, and is willing to try and make amends. I told him that we might as
well get you into some kind of program, and he has agreed to pay for everything. After coffee I'll call the
doctor while you get dressed."

About two hours later the doctor, after a quick examination, agreed with mom, and gave me a shot. He
did say that the hormones might take forever to kick in, but for me to be patient. I went to the office
while mom went home. Stan and I never again had vaginal sex, but I did find another way to make him
happy that he really liked, and about the time Christmas arrived I had developed enough that I no longer
needed the breastforms. Valerie and I got real close, and I told her what had happened between Stan
and I. When I told her my boobs were all my own she almost clapped! She was my best girlfriend, and it
showed on her face. We were almost to the Christmas break when Rancid and the rest of the horde
caught me again. He was very angry with me, and the look on his face made me shake a little.

"I know where you work bitch. Be careful!"

He stomped off one way while I ran to my car. I went straight to the office and called dad. I told him
what Rancid said, and he promised to be there each night before five. Two days later, with dad and Stan
in the shop, Rancid showed up as I was on the way to my car. I was almost there when he grabbed me,
which lasted maybe ten nanoseconds. Dad yanked him away from me, and as Rancid raised his fist, dad
hit him as hard as he could, right in the mouth. Dad was panting in anger, Stan standing by, and Rancid
quickly got up and faced my dad. A very serious mistake. Rancid ducked and swung, dad stepped back,
and hit on the point of the chin, which drove him to the ground again. As he was just getting up, dad
kicked him, right in the ribs. I could hear snapping bones from where I was!
"I think we have had enough of you around here. Abbie, go call the cops!" I did. The cops were well
aware of Rancid, and when they took our statements, they showed no sympathy towards him. Because
he was over 18, dad was in the clear. He was protecting his daughter, me, which is fully justified. The
cops dragged Rancid away, and I hugged dad as hard as I could.

Stan and I went to the prom of course, and we both stayed working at the shop. It was a very long two
years and four months, but I did have my surgery. Six months later Stan took his plumbers test and
passed of course. When we celebrated, it was just he and I, and I showed him just how a woman can
love a man..


Abigail is a wonderful daughter. After Beth went back to school, she stayed there a while then left with
her boyfriend for parts unknown, and to this day we do not know where she is. Abbie has blossomed in
the last few years, but even while she was still in school she was every bit as much a girl as any other.
Stan was a bit wobbly when he found out about her, but they managed to work it out, and now it looks
like Bill will have someone to leave the business to. Me? I am happy that Abbie found herself and had
the courage to see it through.


I have to say that I now understand that Abbie has always been my daughter, even when she was a boy.
Sure, I was angry at first, sad that it was my son that wanted to be a woman, then I discovered just how
vibrant a woman she is. I love her, and wouldn't trade her for anything. Besides, without her, how is
Stan going to be part of the family?


Abbie is my best friend. I never thought that would happen, especially at first, when she told me, then I
watched her as she became a real woman. From head to toe, in her heart and mind she is as much a
woman as I am. She has asked me to be her Maid of Honor at her wedding. As close as we are, how can I


I can't imagine life without Abbie. From the first time I saw her to this moment she has excited me, deep
down where it counts. Sure I was shaken when I found out the truth, but not one time has she ever been
less than the woman I know her to be. I asked her to marry me, and she said she would, so we set a date
for next June. God I love that girl!


Stan has made this all worth it. From the beginning, when I first blurted out what I wanted to be, I tried
not to look back. That's not to say I wasn't scared most of the time, I was. But I never could have done
this without my parents, and Valerie of course. Stan brought all of my senses to life, and now that I am a
woman, I intend to raise every one of his in return, right after the wedding. Thanks for listening to my
tale of discovery and longing, fear and love.

(the end)

© 1999

The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must
contact the author for permission.

At the request of the author, this story is presented in 12 point, Times New Roman.
My Sister's Crazy Idea by: Janet Stickney

My sister had come up with some really crazy ideas over the years, but when she told me about this
one, my first reaction was to tell her that her hobbyhorse had broken a rail. But like so many times
before, I sat and listened to her, waiting until she was done before I told her what I thought. But she
persisted, explaining in greater detail, and against my better judgement, I agreed that she had a point,
but wanted to know why me?

My name is Tim Grant, I'm 18 years old, 5'7" tall with brown hair and blue eyes, I weigh about 140. My
sister Gretchen is 19, 5'7" tall with brown hair and blue eyes, weighing in at 125 pounds. We lived with
our parents in a suburban home much like any other, our dad worked as a plumber and mom was a
registered nurse. Gretchen had been mauled by one of her dates and wanted to get even, or more
politely, more than even. She wanted the guy destroyed if possible. She had escaped being raped
because someone had heard her screams and saved her. When dad found out he was all hell bent on a
more direct approach to justice, but mom had said no, "We can find a better way". I think it was mom
and Gretchen that came up with the idea together, but Gretchen always said it was her idea. The idea?
They wanted me to dress as a girl, get close to this fellow, and ruin his day in a most public way. The
problem is, I would be destroying myself as well. All four of us were at the kitchen table talking about it,
and when I mentioned my dilemma, dad, who was not real keen about my dressing as a girl anyway,
asked why it had to be in a public place.

Mom said, "Why not in a private place, but put it on film? That way Tim wouldn't have to be exposed,
and as a motivating factor the film would serve nicely."

When he thought about it for a moment, he added, "I still don't like having Tim dress as a girl, so I'll say
no until I am convinced he can do it easily and get away with it without being found out."

That was all my mother and sister needed to hear.

I was unsure about doing this, even though I had dressed as a girl several times over the years at
Halloween. But this time I wasn't a little boy, I was an adult, and if I failed I would be the one to suffer
the failure, nobody else. But when mom and Gretchen looked at me, I did what I always did when mom
wanted me to do something, I nodded my head yes.

"Good! We'll start right now. Go to your room Tim, and I'll be up in a minute."

Mom made it clear that Gretchen and dad were not invited to help in any way, and in fact asked them to
leave the house.

"Come back at 5 and the four of us will go out to dinner."

As soon as dad and Gretchen left mom came to my room with an armload of things. Under her direction
I was introduced to cream hair removal, eyebrow tweezing, and having my hair in rollers. After I had
showered off the cream and shaved as close as possible, mom did the rest. My eyebrows were thinner
and had a higher arch, my hair was set in rollers with some kind of gel. I was starting to look like

Using my sister's clothes, mom helped me get dressed, or at least she tried to. I asked her to leave the

"I can handle it from here mom."

Once she had left the room I pulled the panties on, then the pantyhose. Mom had also put out a padded
pantybrief that Gretchen had used when she was younger. When I had that on it gave me hips and a
rounder shape. Then I found the waist nipper, and after I wrapped it around myself my waist shrank to a
nice 25 inches. The bra was 36B, with what I now know had a demicup. I used some socks to pad it out,
and pulled the dress over my head without zipping it up, and called to my mother. She returned, zipped
up the dress, and had me come into Gretchen's room. I sat at the vanity as mom put a towel around my
neck and I got my first lesson in makeup. Foundation, then a loose powder, which I brushed off after it
had dried. Eyeshadow, green and plum, black eyeliner and pencil to outline my eyes, and just a bit of
black mascara. Then mom took out the rollers and styled my hair. When she was done I was stunned at
how I looked. I was handed a lipstick, which I traced on my lips, the hot pink making my face seem to
come alive.

"Now all you need is some jewelry."

I had long ago pierced my ears in an effort to fit in at school, so when mom gave me the gold hoop
earrings, I merely slipped them into my earlobes. A gold necklace and a thin bracelet along with two
rings she gave me completed the jewelry.

"Now some perfume."

She handed me the small bottle. I dabbed some on my wrists, elbows, and neck as directed, and stepped
into a pair of mom's shoes. They were black to match the dress. I stood in front of the mirror and looked
at the girl standing there, and she did not look at all like Tim! It was like I was my own sister in a way. I
looked more like mom, but definitely a girl rather than a boy in a dress.

"Now all you need is a name. Have you picked one out yet?"

"A name? No, of course not!"

"Well you'll need one now… how about… Kelly?"

I did not want the name Kelly, it was the name of a girl that had dumped me. That's when I suggested
Janet. Mom loved it, and added a middle name, Lynn.

It seemed to me that some of the more feminine movements came naturally to me, like walking in
heels. I was forced to take shorter steps, which made my butt sway more, and to keep my balance it was
easier to hold my arms bent at the elbows. Mom gave me some tips on how to sit, what to do with my
hands, and so on. The dress was short on me, the hem was mid thigh, and my nylon clad legs were quite
shapely if I do say so myself. It was seeing so much leg showing that threw me a little. The dress was a
sheath that had the skirt portion flaring at the waist, a round neckline, and was sleeveless, and it fit me
pretty good. Mom was ecstatic at how I looked, which bothered me just a little. I was her son, but she
was acting as if I was her daughter! I was sitting in the familyroom when dad and Gretchen came home,
and their reactions were worth it. Gretchen squealed and smiled a lot while dad just harrumphed a few
times before he finally nodded his okay.

Dinner was uneventful, just a couple with their two daughters having dinner. I was surprised that I
passed as a female so easily, especially since I was so acutely aware of my circumstance. By the time the
dessert was served dad wanted to know what the plan was exactly, as I did.

"Well, I thought that we could set things up so that Janet would meet Mike at a party or something.
Knowing how he likes to conquer, he'll go after Janet and then we'll get the film we want."

"There's a lot of holes in that plan, and Janet would be at serious risk the entire time. It seems to me
that you should take the time to introduce Janet around and gather some friends before you spring this
plan of yours. See just how she is accepted by some of your friends."

Dad was already starting to use the feminine pronouns when he was talking about me, which was okay I
guess. Based on how I looked, it seemed almost natural. Meeting Gretchen's friends would definitely be
scary because most of them knew me, but when I mentioned it both mom and Gretchen just smiled and
told me not to worry about it!

That night Gretchen and I went to her room and talked about what she wanted me to do. I told her that
no matter how nice they thought I looked, making Mike come on to me would mean that I would have
to let him touch me, even kiss me. I wasn't prepared for that, and wondered how we would get around

"Play it by ear Janet, and don't do anything you can't handle. This is going to take a while anyway, maybe
a month or more, and by then you'll be so used to being a girl that it might seem different by then."

A month! Or more? I thought this would only take a few days, but she said no.
"You have to become known, and he has to see you at least a few times. It'll be okay, really."

The next day Gretchen spent the whole morning teaching me how to do makeup, and after the fifth time
she said I could do it. Hair was harder, but I managed to learn how to put my hair in a ponytail, braid it,
and also brush it out into a modest pageboy. She had me put my hair in a ponytail and gave me some
shorts and a top and told me to go change.

"It's time you met a few friends of mine."

I was in my room and had just taken my shirt off when mom came in.

"I went over to see your Grandfather this morning, and when I told him what you were doing for
Gretchen he gave me these." She handed me two small pink and white boxes. "These were your
Grandma's. He kept them after she died because he didn't know what to do with them."

I opened the boxes and saw a pair of breastforms! They were very realistic in shape and color, and when
I picked one of them up I was ashamed at myself for what I was thinking. They felt like the real thing!

"I'll help you put them on Janet, but as soon as I do they'll stay on for at least ten days or so. By the way,
they're a B cup and should be perfect for you."

Then she attached them to my chest using a medical adhesive. Within minutes they felt warm to the
touch and I could feel the weight of them whenever I moved. I looked in the mirror and it was as if I had
grown boobs overnight! As soon as mom left the room I put on clean panties, 'tucking' myself before I
pulled the padded pantybrief on. When I put the shorts on I had the tapered look in front that most girls
have. I put the bra on and instantly saw that I now had cleavage. I pulled the top on, put the gold
earrings back on as well as the rings and watch, the ankle socks Gretchen had given me and my own
tennis shoes. Then I joined Gretchen in her room.
"You look very nice Janet! Take this." Mom handed me some money. "You need to buy some panties
and a few bras of your own, so you girls go to the mall and buy what you need. Gretchen will help you.
Get a few skirts and dresses of your own as well, and maybe a few blouses and at least two pair of

Before I could say anything Gretchen took my hand and we left. The purse hanging on my shoulder felt
strange, but walking into the mall was worse. My only consolation was that I now looked better than the
day before, and with the breastforms I was a lot more confidant. We went into a department store, and
then the lingerie department. I bought a dozen panties, three bras, and a new waist nipper and padded
pantybrief. In the dresses, Gretchen and I picked out several dresses and I tried them all on, buying
three of them. I got four blouses, three skirts, and at her suggestion, or rather her demand, I tried on a
few suits, buying a tailored pink suit. I also got a swimsuit.

"You know, since you're going to be Janet for a while, maybe several months, you should have you hair
styled and your nails done. We have enough money, so why not?"

I knew what that would mean of course, but I was getting over being afraid of it, and more into this
being a girl, so, without a thought, I agreed.

They had an opening at the salon, and I soon found myself in a chair. The girl wanted to dye my hair
blond but that was too much of a change for me and only agreed to let them add auburn highlights.
Gretchen had suggested a light perm to make it easy for me to take care of and not knowing exactly
what that meant I said yes. The girl cut, trimmed, tinted and put my hair in rollers and I was soon under
the dryer. While I was there another girl came over and started on my nails. By the time I left the salon
my hair was done in a pageboy that had curls cascading down the back and sides, framing my face, with
bangs swept to one side. My nails were now longer and painted a soft red; the longer nails made my
fingers look longer and thinner! When I looked in the mirror all traces of my boy self were gone!

"Let's go home Janet, put all of this stuff away and I'll make a few calls."

Dad was home when we returned, and when he saw me I thought he was going to swallow his tongue,
but Gretchen and I breezed right by him and went to my room. When we went in I saw that someone
had made me a small vanity, complete with mirror! I hung up the clothes and put the rest in my dresser
and was about to leave when Gretchen told me to change into one of my new skirts. She went to her
room and I began to undress. I changed into the new padded pantybrief, added pantyhose, and then
pulled on the dark green pleated skirt and a white blouse and wore the new black flats. With my hair
and makeup still okay, I went to Gretchen's room and went in without knocking. She was standing there
in her bra and panties brushing her hair out. I started to leave but she insisted that I stay.

"Might as well get used to seeing other girls partially dressed Janet, after all, you're a girl now and they
won't think anything of it if you're in the room."

I sat on the bed and watched as she also put on a skirt and blouse. When we walked into the familyroom
together dad once again started to sputter. I pulled his chain a little by posing and asking him if he liked
my new hairstyle.

"It's… nice… but you look so…"

"Feminine?" Gretchen said.

"Well, yes as a matter of fact!"

"That's the idea dad. Janet has to be perfect and you know it. You even said it yourself."

"I know, but I never thought… I mean…"

"Dad" I interrupted, "We all agreed on this, and I have to admit that I was worried a lot, but we were at
the mall all morning and nobody even gave us a second glance. Besides, I kind of like it now."


"I said I'm beginning to like being dressed as a girl."

Mom walked in right then and heard me say that and told dad that was exactly I needed to feel if this
was going to work. Then she looked at my hair and nails, the new skirt and the way I looked in general.

"I see you had your hair done! I like it! It fits you."

"We're going over to Pamela's house. We'll be back later, okay?"

Our parents nodded their heads yes and Gretchen and I left. This time I drove. Pamela had known me for
years, yet she did not give any indication that she recognized me, and accepted me as just another
female friend of my sister's. When we were alone with her in her bedroom we told her the truth. Her
reaction at first was denial, then shocked acceptance. Gretchen told her why I was doing this and we
asked her to keep our little secret. Of course she agreed right away.

"Jill is having a party tomorrow night, why don't I call her and ask if you two can come over. Maybe she
can ask Mike to be there as well." I sat there while Pam called, nervous about what was going to

Needless to say we were invited, and Gretchen and I went home to change.

"Pam said it's supposed to be dressy tonight. I guess Jill's birthday is the day after and she wanted to
really go all out, and I have the perfect dress for you to wear."

I went to my room and stripped, grabbed the hair remover and covered every part I could reach, washed
it off after a 30 minute wait, and shaved as close as possible. A plastic cap protected my hair while I was
in the shower. When I was in my room I used a skin lotion, and then dusted my body with a flower
scented powder. I had done some searching on the Internet and found a few helpful hints that I wanted
to try. I cut a small triangle of pink material and made a slit in it, then using medical tape I secured my
penis between my legs. Then I pulled on clean panties, the padded pantybrief and added a single foam
pad right at the waistline in front. The pantyhose were next, and after that I sat at my new vanity. In the
top right hand drawer I found some makeup and began. Foundation, a loose powder to soften the skin
tone, and then the eyes. I used earth tones with a bit of gray, using a deep black eyeliner and mascara
with a brown pencil to define my eyebrows a bit more. On my cheeks I used a soft silk rose blusher.
Gretchen came in and gave me the dress, and for the first time saw the breastforms attached to my

"God! I thought those were real at first Janet! Now I know that this is the perfect dress for you to wear!
But let me get you something else to wear with it."

What that something else turned out to be was a corselet.

I took the pantybrief off and wrapped it around myself and fastened the hooks in the front. Once the
zipper was pulled closed I tightened the laces until I could just bear it and looked in the mirror. My waist
was now down to about 24 inches and my boobs had been pushed up into the cups of the built in bra
and held together. Reaching in I settled them a bit and it scared me just how sexy I looked. My nipples
were just barely in the cups of the bra! I went into her room and this time she was naked! She pulled on
her panties and then I watched as she also wrapped a corselet around herself.

"Can't let you be the only one showing off!"

Gretchen had a nice figure, and the corselet made it even more so. Then she went to her closet and
pulled out two dresses and gave me my choice. Both were sheath dresses, both low cut, both sequined.
But one dress was a light green and the other one red. I took the green one, and she helped me get it
over my head and zipped up. It had a low back and a single strap that went from one side, around my
neck and down to the other. While she slipped her dress on I looked in the mirror and saw just how
short it was. A bit higher than mid thigh, form fitting, and the material just covered my corselet, leaving
a lot of breast showing. I zipped up her dress and saw that hers was just as short and revealing as mine

She gave me the jewelry that went with the dress and I went back to my room. Black heels and purse,
the white rhinestone and green chandelier earrings and a small choker style necklace with a matching
stone in the center, perfume, and lastly I removed the plastic cap and used a brush on my hair. It fell
right into place because of the soft perm. I went back into Gretchen's room just as she finished dressing.
Once again we went into the familyroom together. Mom was the first one to see us and stood up.
"Janet! I never imagined that you could… You look ravaging!"

Dad's mouth popped open and nothing came out, so I went to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Like it daddy?"

"You look very nice… Janet."

Mom and Gretchen both knew I was pulling his chain a little and giggled. Then we left for the party.

By now I really liked the way I looked and had begun to wonder if I had to give this up after Mike had
been taken care of, but kept that to myself. We walked up to the door and Jill let us in. I was introduced
to her and she showed us in. Mike was in the corner working on a girl named Stephanie. He never even
looked up. Jill and Pam introduced me to a lot of people that I have known since grade school, and not
one of them gave the slightest indication that they knew me. But all of the guys, 100% of them looked
me over from the ground up and stopped at my boobs every time. Now I knew how the girls felt about
that. It was like being raped with an eyeball. When Mike saw me he smiled but stayed with Stephanie,
while Pam's brother Dave began to talk to me. When the music started he took my hand and I found
myself in his arms as Rod Stewart sang. He was a lot taller than I was even in heels, and I had to look up
a bit to talk to him. I did that one time to many and found his lips pressed firmly against mine! All night
he stayed close to me while continued to ignore me, and when it was time to leave he asked me of he
could take me home. I wanted to say yes, I mean no, but "yes, I'd like that" came out of my mouth. I told
Gretchen and all she did was smile at me.

Dave wasn't forceful about it, but when he drove up in front of the house he pulled me close to him and
kissed me. I didn't pull away and he kissed me several more times before I opened the door.

"Can I call you Janet?"

I gave him the number and went in the house even more confused than ever. In my room I undressed
and went to bed, but I dreamed of Dave kissing me. In the morning Gretchen was kind enough not to
ask, but when Dave called and dad answered the phone it was all I could do not to run to the phone. He
asked me out to the show and I said yes. Dad isn't stupid by any stretch, and knew right away that I had
accepted a date with someone named Dave, and he wanted to know what was going on.

"For all intents I'm a girl now dad, and Dave asked me to the show, and I can't see any reason to say no."

He merely shook his head in disbelief and I went to help Gretchen and mom clean the house.

I wore a skirt and blouse for my date with Dave. I had known him for years, but now he thought I was a
girl and I wanted to keep it that way, so I was as feminine as I could be all night. When he drove me
home he stopped at the park, which I knew meant that he wanted to stop and make out. I wanted to say
no, but my newfound feminine self said yes, and I was quickly in his arms as his tongue probed my ears
and mouth. I felt his hand on my leg, and then as it crept up to hold my breast. As soon as I felt his hand
on my breast I broke away, but he held my hand on his leg, and then, in a single move, he put my hand
on his manhood. I was in a trance like state by then, overcome with feelings of femininity and strangely,
lust, and did not move my hand away like I probably should have. Quicker than I imagined, he had his
member out and my hand was wrapped around it as he was kissing me. Unbidden my hand began to
stroke him, the velvet hardness so different it seemed from my own. He lay back and all at once I had a
handful of little proteins. He gave me his hanky and I wiped my hand as he kissed me again. Soon after
that he took me home.

As soon as I was in my room I knew for sure that I did not want to go back to being my old male self. I
felt no shame at what I had done for David, rather I was elated that he found me sexy enough to ask out
and then try to have sex with. All I had to do was tell my family. I think they all knew except dad, and he
would take it the hardest. On my bed was a nightgown, which I put on and went to bed. In the morning I
wore it to breakfast, my breasts and homemade fake vagina clearly visible through the thin blue
material, which was my objective. Mom chided me about it, but when I told them I was done being a
boy all she did was say she already knew that. Dad however was angry at me.

"You're a male and damn it should stay a male!"

"But I can't dad, not any more, not after what Dave and I did."
I left it vague so that his imagination would make it worse than it was.

"Just what did you and Dave do!"

"We went out to the show, and I let him kiss me!"

By that point I could not take it any more and started to cry as I ran to my room.

I slammed the door shut, but mom came in right after me and closed it. Just like she did when I was a
child she held me to her breast and waited until I stopped crying.

"Janet, it was obvious that you liked dressing as a girl, especially when I saw you in that green dress.
Your father however is having a very hard time accepting the fact that his only son wants to be a girl
after only a few days. And what you did down there was cruel and you know it. I know a little about men
that want to become women, and I'm having trouble understanding how you decided to become a girl
after so short a time, care to tell me?"

"It was like a light turned on after my trip to the salon mother. I knew right then that this is the way I
should have looked all along and wanted to stay this way. The way all of the guys looked at me, like I
was sexy, made me wonder why I ever wanted to be anything but female. Now David wants me, and I
want him! He kissed me and my brain went numb mother. I… I gave him a hand job! Do most males do
that to another male? No! Only a girl does that, and I'm a girl!"

I was crying when dad came into the room.

"I do not understand why you would want to give up being a male, but you're old enough to make that
choice, so I'll go along with it. But you will have to follow the same rules Gretchen does. From now on
you are not to wear any clothing that can be considered male, and in fact after we return from church I
want you to clean out your closet and remove all of your male clothing. We'll give it to a local charity on
Monday. Do we all understand the rules?"
I jumped up and hugged him as hard as I could, and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you dad."

"Get ready for church, we almost enough time to get there."

He left the room with me looking at mom.

"Did he mean that?"

"I don't think this is the time to question it, just do it if this is what you want, but by the tone in his voice
I would say that your about to suffer some cultural shock. Get ready for church dear, we'll wait for you."

I wore the pink suit with white heels and blouse and a minimum of jewelry. David was there with his
family as was Mike. He looked at me and smiled, but David and I sat together with my family. He was
showing everyone that I was his woman I think. I introduced him to everyone, with dad smiling widely at
the time. The service was the usual hour long, and as we walked out the police went up and arrested
Mike for rape! I myself heard the officer say that Stephanie had pressed the charges! As they took him
away David walked me to the car.

"You're Gretchen's brother aren't you?"

I knew that sooner or later everyone would he to know, but I never expected it to be so soon. If I had to
tell anyone it would have to be David, he deserved it.

"I was, now I'm her sister in almost every way David. I'm sorry I deceived you, and I'll understand if you
don't want to be seen with me."
"It's not that Janet. You're a beautiful woman by any standard and I like being with you. I'm just
confused right now because I'm still attracted to you even though I know that you're not a female."

"Don't worry David, I like me this way too."

He and I were both confused by our relationship because of our mutual attraction. I was about to say
something when dad walked up and asked if he could talk to David a moment, and I was left standing
there alone.

I watched as dad and David talked, more dad talking and David listening I think. Mom came up and took
my arm and pulled me back into the church.

"Your father wanted to talk to David. Man talk he said, which by definition leaves us out, but you are
certainly what they are talking about. This afternoon I want you to talk to a friend of mine, and if she
agrees you'll be put into the transsexual program at the hospital. Is that what you want?"

I nodded my head and watched as dad and David shook hands and walked over to us.

"Can I steal Janet for the afternoon Mrs. Grant?"

"She has an appointment at 4, so as long as you get her there on time, of course."

He took my hand and almost dragged me to the car, and then drove me to his house.

"I wanted you to meet my parents Janet."

This was a very big step and told me he wasn't very worried about me.
His mother was a darling woman, his father was polite and both of them looked at me like I was going to
steal their son away right then. But we all managed to get along and before we left, I had his dad eating
out of my hand so to speak. His mother was smiling, so I assumed that I had passed the test, whatever
that was. He drove us back to the park, and once again he kissed me, often and hard, which I did not
resist. Then he took me to the lab, and when I asked him, he joined me. The doctor and I talked, then
she gave me a prescription. When I told David what it was for, he smiled and told me that he could not
wait that long, and to my surprise he stopped at a motel!

I stood in front of him and slowly took my jacket off, then his shirt. My skirt followed by his pants, his
socks and my pantyhose. When I was down to my bra and panties he could not stand it any more and
swept me off my feet and put me on the bed. In a fevered lust I yanked his briefs down and his manhood
jumped out and hit me in the face as he pulled my panties down. My small triangle of pink was holding
me in, and strangely I was not erect or even felt like I wanted to be. He was kissing me all over and I
pushed him on his back and started to nibble on his ears and worked my way down, knowing full well
what I was going to do.

"You're a vixen Janet Grant! But you're my vixen, and I want it to stay that way."

I showed him one more time that I wanted that too.

Four months later I removed the breastforms because I no longer needed them, and the padded
pantybrief was a thing of the past. By the end of the year my breasts had grown to a full C cup and I
wore a size 12. What started as a favor to my sister became a reality for me, something I discovered and
have come to love. In less than a year I will be a complete woman and David will finally be able to make
love to me like a normal woman. I think I can guarantee that he will walk funny afterwards because I am
going to do my best to sap him of all of his strength.

Mike? Well, he was convicted and sent to prison where he himself was raped and contracted AIDS. They
say he has a few more months to live.
© 2000

The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must
contact the author for permission.

At the request of the author, this story is presented in a 12 point, Times New Roman font

The Fourth Sister

by Jennifer White

I had it made now. Carina was the hottest babe I had ever been dating, in all my 23 years. She was so fun
to be with! We enjoyed each other's company, liked doing the same things, and all that. And oh by the
way, she was blond, with long wavy hair, long smooth legs, curves to die for, and a very generous bust
which she liked to show off in the sexy clothes she wore when we went out.

We hadn't reached the point of having sex yet, but that was good. When a chick would go to bed with
you right away, it never turned into a long-term thing. But if she made you wait, led you on, and only
gradually let you get closer and closer, then you had a chance.

Carina was like that. Our first date was wonderful, but a peck on the cheek was all I got. Each time, we
moved one small step closer together. Like holding hands, then a quick kiss, then a hug, then a longer
kiss, and so on. We were getting to the point where physical contact was becoming more frequent, and
it wouldn't be long now before we got to something heavier.
But she was worth waiting for. As much as I wanted to jump her from the moment I saw her, I would be
willing to wait until after we got married to have sex, if that's what it took. But silly me, here I am after
ten dates, and I'm thinking of marriage already!

But like I was saying, I had it made now. Her father had a 38 foot boat at the marina, and we were going
out for a cruise on Saturday. And her two sisters, April and Margaret were going out with us. Neither of
them had boyfriends (according to Carina), and I had never met either of them. I figured that this was
some sort of test for me. If I could pass the 'sister test', then she'd be willing to show me off to the rest
of the family, and things would go forward from there. So I vowed to be on my best behavior. If here
sisters were anything like her, I would be careful to keep my eyes off them. Or if they were nasty, I'd still
be nice to them. I had to make a good impression. This was important!

So Friday, before my date with Carina, I went shopping and gathered some provisions for the trip. Then I
went dancing with her at a club downtown. She let me slow dance with her for the first time, and I could
feel her breasts rubbing up against me. It made me get real hard.

"I can feel you down there" she whispered in my ear.

"You've got me all wound up" I said.

"Soon my love. Soon I'll pay you some attention down there."

That drove me crazy! Her first hint of sex talk. Perhaps after we got through with the boat trip? Either
way, I couldn't wait!

I met Carina at the docks at 8:30am, right on time. I brought my clothes bag with me, along with a cooler
full of sandwiches, chilled white wine, hard lemonade, iced tea, and snacks. All of the types of drinks she
had ordered when we had gone out to eat. She smiled when she saw my selections.

"You've been paying attention!" she cooed.

We packed everything into the refrigerator below decks. The boat was plush! There was a big deck area,
and in the cabin, there was a bedroom, a bathroom (with a shower!), a kitchenette, table, built in chairs,
and all sorts of stuff. You could live absurd something like this!

We were heading back up above decks, when her two sisters arrived. I had to make sure my mouth
wasn't agape. They were every bit as pretty as Carina, but in different ways. April was a redhead, with
long flowing hair. Her face shone with a dark tan, speaking of hours lazing at the beach. Her breasts
were bigger than Carina's, and her curves! Her legs! Wow! She looked like a model.

Margaret on the other hand, had jet black hair, a lighter complexion than her sisters, but she just oozed
sex in the way she moved, the way she spoke, even in the way she held the cigarette.

"Hello Leo, I'm Margaret" she said in her deep raspy voice.

"Nice to meet you" I said, extending my hand. I tried very hard to look her in the eyes, not in the breasts.
That was going to be hard not to do!

"And you must be April. Carina has told me so much about you!" I said, turning to her redheaded sister.

"Hi Leo" she said, surprising me by giving me a hug. I thought that it was rather forward of her! I quickly
moved to Carina's side, and held her hand. I wanted to show them that as lovely as they might be, it was
their sister who I was interested in. Carina seemed to like this gesture, and she smiled her glowing smile
at me. We looked into each other's eyes.
"Oh get a room you two!" scolded April, teasingly.


Taking a big boat out of its slip, and navigating through the harbor is no easy task. But I was amazed at
Margaret's skill at the helm. She guided the boat out, while April and Carina worked the ropes at the
dock, and used long poles with hooks to make sure the boat didn't bump the one in the next slip. It
wasn't needed though, Margaret was very good.

We backed up, made the 90 degree turn, and headed out. We went super slow at first, to not leave a
wake and disturb the other boats. Soon, we were heading towards the breakwater. Then we cleared it,
and went out onto Lake Michigan. The engines roared as Margaret applied full power, the nose of the
boat lifted up, and we took off at what felt like a high rate of speed. We bounced a bit off the big waves,
but the boat was large enough to really ride nicely.

I looked up to the helm, on the upper level, where Margaret was. You could see under her skirt! She
wasn't wearing any panties. I quickly turned away, and looked at the impressive Chicago skyline instead.
I couldn't afford to get caught looking up her skirt! I didn't want any trouble today.

"Why don't you change into your bathing suit?" said Carina.

"Good idea. I'll go change down below" I said. I went into the bedroom, got my suit out of my clothes
bag, and put it on. I went to the kitchen to get myself a drink of water. It was a hot summer day, and I
didn't want to get dehydrated. I was closing the door to the fridge, when I looked up and saw April.
She was standing there with her bikini top on, but nothing below! I could see everything! She was so
sexy, so gorgeous! It look all of my willpower, but I turned my back to her.

"Oh sorry, I didn't see you there" I said. Margaret walked in the door at that moment, and pulled off her
skirt, showing off herself too.

"What's the matter, never seen a pussy before?" she said, as I tried to turn away from her too. "I saw
you scoping me out when I was up above."

"That was an accident. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry. I'll leave you dress here, and go find Carina."

"She's busy steering the boat. No, you'll stay with us for a while" said April, shutting the door, trapping
me with just the two of them.

"Carina wanted us to test you. You want to pass our inspection, don't you?"

I certainly did. I would do whatever I had to in order to make these two girls like me. So I had no choice
now but to play along with their game, whatever it was.

Margaret picked up a duffle bag, dug through it, and pulled out a bright yellow string bikini.

"Here" she said, handing it to me.

"Am I supposed to put this on you?" I asked.

The sisters looked at each other and laughed.

"No," said April, still giggling. "You're going to wear it."

"No way!" I said. I wasn't going to wear a bikini, not in front of these girls, and certainly not in front of
my Carina!

"I guess we'll tell her you're a dirty guy, who was chasing after us, making passes" said Margaret.

"No! That's not true! You know it!"

"But we can tell her that. Now quit your whining, and put on your bikini like a good little girl."

I fumed at them, but what choice did I have. I started to head to the bedroom so I could put the damn
thing on. But April put her arm out, and kept the door closed.

"No. Here. In front of us."

"But you'll see me naked" I said.

"So? We're all girls here" said Margaret, laughing again.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked. "I'm interested in your sister, not you. Please put some clothes on, so
you're not going around naked. It makes me uncomfortable."

"She still thinks she's a guy" said April.

"Don't worry honey" said Margaret to me, as she grabbed herself in the crotch. "You'll have a pussy of
your own soon. We all have one here."

"And you'll have big boobs too" added April, cupping her hands over her massive breasts. "You're going
to be stacked! I can't wait to see you once you've filled out your bra."

"This is crazy!" I said.

"Is it?"


"Oh silly, you forgot the suntan lotion!" said April.

"Oh, that's it" replied her sister. She then turned to me. "Now take off all your clothes this minute, or I'll
scream so loud right now that you're attacking me!"

I was trapped. What could I do? I took my clothes off, and felt ashamed as I stood there in front of them,

"Now hold still. Let me put some suntan lotion on you. Its very sunny today, and you don't want to get
burned!" said April, as she began to rub a white cream all over my body. Margaret worked on the back,
while April concentrated on the front. I thought they were getting a little too friendly. I didn't need
suntan lotion on my butt, but there she was rubbing it in. And I didn't need it on my genitals, but April
put a thick application there too.

"Close your eyes" she said, as she put it all over my face.

"There, all done! Now you can put on your bikini."

These two girls were clearly insane. But I had to follow along with their little game. Perhaps they wanted
to see how far I was willing to go for Carina? I would put the stupid thing on, but that was as far as I
would go. If they tried anything else, I would just push past them, go upstairs, and tell Carina everything.
Let them lie. I would tell her the truth.

Maybe I should just do that now. But I was naked, and I needed to put something on. It wouldn't be a
very good sight if I came out of the cabin naked. I looked down, but they had moved my clothes. All that
was around was the bikini. I stared at it for a moment.

It was funny. I loved how a bikini looked on a pretty girl at the beach. I loved how the triangles seemed
to just barely cover all of her sexy spots, and how they would lay just right over the breasts, drawing
attention to them, making them look even more exciting. But I had never considered wearing one

But looking at the little yellow one in my hands, it seemed so...practical. It would let me get a really good
tan, it would let me stay cool, yet it would cover the parts of my body I didn't want anyone to see. I
pulled the bottom on, and let it go with a snap of the elastic around the waist.

I looked in the mirror on the wall, and admired how it looked.

"Its too bad you have that unsightly bulge in the front" said Margaret shaking her head.

"Yes, it just doesn't lie right with that thing you have. Don't you wish you had a pussy like us, so your
bikini would look better on you?"

As I stared in the mirror, I realized that she was right. It would look so much better if I had one, like they
did. Wait! No! I don't want a pussy! Then I'd be a girl! What was I thinking? Where did that come from?
As I struggled with that thought, Margaret took the bikini top from me, and started to put it on me. I just
stared as she pulled it on, and tied up the strap in the back. I now had two little yellow triangles of
material covering my breasts. The thin yellow straps going over my shoulders held it up.

"Its too bad she doesn't have big boobs. Its going to ride up on her a bit."

"Yes, if she was stacked, the weight would keep it in place."

I turned to my side, and looked in the mirror. They were right. If I was stacked, the weight would keep it
from riding up. And it would look so much better on me too. It looked kind of sad, laying there limp, with
nothing to fill out the cups. If I only was more like the other girls...

Wait! No! I don't want breasts! I'm a man! And I wasn't one of the girls! I don't want to be like them!

"What's happening to me?" I asked. I was scared.

"She's starting to come around" said Margaret.

Come around to what? As I looked in the mirror, another thought struck me. I looked absolutely
ridiculous in a bikini. I mean, with all this ugly body hair, it looked so silly.

"I forgot to shave my legs today" I said aloud, surprising myself. Why would I say that? What was wrong
with me?

The sisters looked at each other and giggled.

"Oh Jillian, you're so silly! Come on, the boats stopping. Lets go for a swim."
Why were the calling me Jillian? My name was Leo! Jillian was a girl's name too. I was very upset. I was
confused! I didn't know what to do. But they just smiled at me, and my troubles were forgotten for the
moment. The boat was stopping. You could feel the nose coming down, and leveling out. I followed
them up onto the deck of the boat, into the bright sunshine. I was glad I was wearing sunscreen, it was
really hot!

Carina came down to greet us. She had just anchored the boat in 20 feet of water.

"I'll got put on my swimsuit, and meet you in the water" she said. She didn't even blink or say anything
at all about me wearing a bikini. Perhaps her sisters did this to other guys she went out with. I guessed
that I had better keep playing along if she wasn't bothered by it.

The three sisters stood close together. Carina whispered something I couldn't hear, and all three
erupted in giggles. I smiled. Seeing them smile and laugh was just infectious.

"Come in on, the water's fine!" said April, as she dove off the end of the boat into the cool blue water.
Margaret followed her in, then me. A few minutes later, Carina emerged, wearing a one-piece Speedo

"Prude!" said April.

"Come on, show off your boobs" teased Margaret.

"Even Jillian here has her bikini on!"

"Maybe later" said Carina.

I thought that Carina looked wonderful in her one-piece. I felt sad that her sisters would tease her about
it. So what if she didn't like to wear a bikini? I liked having one on, but that didn't mean that every other
girl had to wear one too!

We swam, splashed each other, and cooled off. One by one, we went back on deck, toweled off, and
moved to the nose of the boat where we laid out in the sun. I put on some sunglasses, laid on my back,
and soaked in the rays.

"You need some more suntan lotion. You don't want to burn that pretty skin of yours" said April, as she
began to apply it to my back.

"Roll over Jillian" said Carina, who began to apply it to my face, and to my front. I was surprised when
she put a handful on to each of my breasts, under the bikini. And after she applied it to my feet and legs,
she pulled back my bikini bottom, and put a big glob of it down there too. It felt wonderful as she
rubbed it in.

"Your skin is so soft and smooth" she cooed.

I felt the skin of my leg, and it was true. It was funny how all of the hair had come off while I was in the
water, and it was now pure and smooth. I didn't care though; at least that took care of my forgetting to
shave my legs in the morning. I was going on a boat, and I forgot to shave my legs! What was wrong with
me? What had I been thinking? Duh!

We laid out for another half hour, not saying much. I just stared at the clouds in the sky, and think I
dozed off for a while.

"Come on, lets cool off" said Carina. I was hot from all that sun, so I joined the other girls in the water.
We swam a bit, and splashed each other. Carina dunked April, who got a mouth full of water. We were
all laughing as we went back onto the boat. This was so much fun, just a girl's day out on the water.
We toweled off, and went below deck to get some lunch. As I sipped my water, I looked at myself in the
mirror on the wall again. My skin looked so much nicer with the sun. I was getting a bit of a tan line
though, so perhaps we could head out further where I could get some sun with my top off.

I adjusted my straps, because they were feeling too tight. With the weight of my breasts pulling down,
the thin strap was beginning to dig into my shoulder. I turned to see myself in profile. My breasts were
nice, but nothing compared to those of the other girls.

"what's the matter?" asked Carina. "You look sad."

"Its just that I feel...inadequate when I look at you three" I said. "Your boobs are so nice and full, but
mine seem so small."

"Don't worry" she said in a comforting tone, "just wait. You'll be big like we are."

"Just look at how your bulge is almost gone!" said April encouragingly.

It was true. Down below, I was almost like them now. It had smoothed out, and there was only a small
spot poking out, where it had been a large bulge just a while ago. I thought I remembered something
about it bothering me. Oh yeah, it bothered me that I wasn't just like the other girls. That was it.

After we ate, we all took turns taking a shower. April went first, while chatted with Carina and Margaret.
We talked about all sorts of things; clothes, makeup, movies, know, girl talk. Margaret went
next, then myself. It felt great to let the warm water rush over my body. I washed off the smell of the
lake water, using the pink soap all over myself. As I washed my breasts, it felt so wonderful! They were
so sensitive today, and just touching them was making me feel all hot. I had to stop before I got myself

I took a towel, dried off, then put it around myself just above the level of my breasts, tucking in the end.
Between the tuck and my breasts to support it, it acted like a robe. I could walk out, and the towel stood
in place. Just one more good thing about having breasts! If only mine were as big as the other girls! Oh
how I longed to be like them.

I exited the bathroom, as Carina went in for her shower. She gave me a warm sisterly smile.

"Jillian, take that towel off" said April, so I did. She and Margaret applied something else to me.

"What's that?" I asked. It wasn't the same suntan lotion as before.

"Oil, with coco butter. It will help bronze you when you get some more sun. And the oil is good for your
skin, to keep it from drying out."

"And how about that cream?" I asked, as April put a white cream on my breasts, and down below
between my legs.

"Oh, you're going to like this. Its a finishing cream. Just wait an hour, and we'll check on the results."

"OK, that sounds nice" I said. These two girls were so kind to me, treating me like their sister!

We were all three naked, and somehow we ended up getting into a pillow fight, with the cushions from
the couch.

"Cut that out girls! Someone might get hurt!" scolded Carina, as she emerged naked from the shower.
"Yes *mother*!" said April, sticking her tongue out.

Carina handed me my outfit, which I put on. First the white cotton panties, which felt comfortable
against my sensitive skin. I liked how they laid so flat in the front. Then my bra. It felt good to get some
support for my breasts. I looked at myself in the mirror. I really wasn't too much smaller than the other
girls. Why was I so jealous of them?

Then I put on the little yellow floral sun dress. I loved how it looked on me. I pulled my long hair tight
into a ponytail, and used a scrunchie to hold it. It was hot today, and all this hair was making my neck
wet. It felt a lot cooler once I had it up. I played with it a bit, holding it as if I had it in a bun.

"I like your hair better when it's down" said Margaret.

"Yes, its so long and flowing, it just looks better when its down" agreed Carina.

"But I'm so hot today!" I protested, as they took off my scrunchie.

"Just remember, guys like girls with long hair. You'll do better this afternoon if you wear it down."

"Really?" I asked. I didn't know that. How was I supposed to know what guys liked?

"Lets go over the plan again" said Carina. "I don't want any mistakes. This is important to me!"

"But we've already talked about it twice!" protested April.

"One more time couldn't hurt" I said supportively. Carina smiled at me.

"OK now, here we go. We'll meet the guys up at the point at 4pm. April, you go after the blond guy.
Margaret, you know Dave, and he's yours. Jillian, I'll introduce Mark to you, and he's yours. That will
leave me alone with Tom, and I can do my thing."

"Tom, Tom, Tom! Always Tom!" said Margaret.

"Hey, I've tried everything else. I want him! What else is there to do? I even tried your suggestion, and
dated that guy Leo to make him jealous, and that didn't work!"

Leo? That name rung a bell. Leo. Why did I remember that name? He was...

"Oh no, I told you not to mention his name!" said April.

"He's remembering!" said Margaret.

I did remember Leo! Me! I was Leo. *Was*. I looked down at myself. I wasn't Leo anymore. I was a girl!
A real girl, just like Carina and her sisters! I had big boobs, just like they did. I felt down below, between
my legs. Oh my god!

"See, I told you you'd have a pussy soon" said Margaret.

"Don't you just love being a girl?" asked April.

"I'm a girl!" I said, stunned to realized that it was true! Somehow, they had transformed me completely!
I had been in some kind of trance for the last few hours, and hadn't even really noticed the gradual
changes! In fact, I had somehow *wanted* the changes! I remembered wanting to have breasts as big as
Aprils. Now mine might even be bigger!

"You're so pretty" said April.

"Carina! You date me just to make this guy Tom jealous? I thought you cared for me!"

"I did Jillian. But it would never work between us. That's why I decided to let my sisters work their magic
on you. I wanted to love you, because you were so wonderful. So now, you're my sister! You are part of
the family now! We can love each other, and be together. You're my sister now!"

"But I'm a girl!"

"Isn't that the best part?" asked Carina. "I felt your thoughts. I know you wanted to get into my pants.
Now you can, literally!"

"No! Please! Why did you do this? I don't want to be a girl!"

"You're just saying that because you haven't had sex yet. Once you get laid this afternoon, your mind
will change. Once you get your female orgasm, it will rearrange your brain permanently. You'll be a girl
in mind as well as body."

"Never! I'll never be a woman!" I said, but my high pitched voice made that statement sound pathetic. It
caused all three of them to laugh.
"This coming from the guy who was afraid to look at my pussy" said April, shaking her head. "Such a
poor mind in a man's body. But don't worry, we'll fix it. We'll give you the girl's mind that you deserve."

I turned to Carina.

"I still don't understand! Why are you doing this to me?"

"You failed the sister test" she said, in disgust.

"What? I behaved well!"

"First, you looked up my sister's skirt when she was up there piloting the boat."

"I didn't mean to! Then I looked away, and didn't try for another peek!"

"True. But when you were changing, and they showed you their pussies, I had bet that you would run
right out to me. If you had done that, I would have let you be the father of my baby. But you failed, so I
decided to go back to Tom. He has better genes than you do, anyway."

"But I looked away when they showed me! They forced me to stay down there. They said that they'd tell
you I attacked them."

"You could have run out of there, but you didn't. Which means that you *wanted* to stay down there
with them. Admit it; seeing two semi-naked women turned you on. Your male hormones overrode your
mind. I thought you were a nice guy, but you're just like the rest."

"That's not true. Carina! Remember all that we did together?"

"Yes, and remember how I told you I could feel your thoughts that you wanted to get into my pants?"

"But I didn't act on it. I held myself in check. I let my brain decide what to do, not my hormones."

"It doesn't much matter now, does it? You don't have male hormones anymore. You just have estrogen
coursing through your veins. Face it Jillian; you're a girl now."

"I don't want to be a girl! Change me back!"

"I can't. We made the potion to change you to a girl, but we didn't make an antidote. You've been
soaking it in with the suntan lotion that you let them rub all over you. You didn't seem to mind when
they caressed your body with their hands. And it was in the soap you used. And in the coco butter oil
that I applied."

"What about my mind? What did you do to me that I didn't notice anymore?"

"That was a very simple trick. You know how water runs down hill, and it will follow the same path until
it carves out a stream? It will then keep running down the same stream bed. Your mind is kind of like
that. We built a dam, to bottle up your male thought patterns. As a result, you started to flow down the
female path instead. Once we got it going, you sunk in deeper and deeper into it, just like water carving
out a new path into the dirt. If my sister hadn't been so careless and startled your thoughts back into
their old patters, you would have soon been incapable of ever thinking like a man again."

I was stunned. It was true; I had fallen into a female thought pattern all day. It was so easy! I felt like if I
didn't use all my concentration now, it I would slip right back into it. And I knew she was right, once I fell
in again, I'd never get out of it. I'd be a girl in mind as well as in body, forever.
"Don't you want to think like a girl?" said Margaret, seductively.

"And be one of us? Be our sister again?" added April.

"Don't be afraid!" said Carina. "It was so fun before, wasn't it? Just let go! Let your mind think like a girl
again. Its what you really want now, isn't it?"

Inside, I felt like I was being pushed off the side of a cliff. I gritted my teeth, and used all of my strength,
ever fiber of my being to resist.

"Be a girl. Come on, for me?" Carina whispered sweetly.

"No!" I said. I would never be a girl!

"Use her pussy" said Margaret.

"Good idea" nodded April.

"Yes Jillian, your pussy. You have one now, don't you?"

I felt myself, and it was true. I had completely transformed. I was a girl now. The thing I had chased after
all my life since I had become sexually mature, was now a part of *my* body. As a young boy, I had
wanted so much to see one, feel one, taste one. Now I *had* one.

"You want to explore it, don't you? You want to feel what its like. To be a woman. To make love to a

"You want him inside you. Once you come, your mind will completely change. You're be reborn, a girl in
spirit, body, and soul."

"No! Please stop!"

"You're getting wet! Look at you! Just thinking of a guy has made you wet inside. You're lubricating
because you're ready to receive him, to lay on your back and let him in. He'll penetrate into your vagina,
and you'll start your orgasm right away. You want it so bad!"

As much as I hated to admit it, she was right. I was really wet now. My new body craved sex, in a way I
had never imagined that a girl could feel. I touched myself with my hand, and it was so sensitive down
there! But the touch felt good. I wanted to keep going, keep the good feeling flowing.

But I had to stop! If I brought myself to orgasm, I would transform inside! I couldn't let that happen.

"You're a girl Jillian. Let yourself go!"

"You're one of us! You're a woman now!"

"You're female! You have a pussy!"

"Just think like a girl! That's all you have to do, my sister!"

"You're our sister, Jillian."

I was reeling. I was breathing hard, trying to fight it off, but they were slowly overpowering me.

"Look at your boobs! Feel them fill your bra! They're so big!"

I couldn't help but think it when she said it. It *was* true. And it was a feminine thought. I slipped just a
bit down the slippery slope.

"Your dress is so pretty. Look how it shows off the curve of your hips! You're such a pretty girl."

I *was* a pretty girl, even if I didn't want to be. Again, I felt myself pulled down another notch.

"Oh Jillian, you have such a pretty face. Your long hair! Your soft skin! What a beautiful woman!"

It was like trying to swim with lead weights tied to your feet. I was thrashing in the water, but I would
soon be dragged under, into the sea of femininity.

I was on the edge, not sure if I could keep myself together any longer. I was weakening. Just one little
slip, and I'd be gone. I'd be Jillian, and I'd never regain myself again.

"You're a woman!"

I was a woman. It was true.

"You're a girl!"

Yes, I was a girl.

"You're female!"

Again, true.

"You are pretty!"

I did feel pretty. I felt proud to be such a beautiful woman.

"You have such lovely breasts!"

I liked how the filled out the cups of my bra. I was so happy that they had become as big as those of my
sisters. I hated it when I was the smallest of us in the chest.

"You have a pussy!"

"Of course I do, I'm a girl!" I said. Why was April telling me something so obvious?

"She's back!" said Carina.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You weren't yourself for a minute there. We were worried about you."

"I'm fine, thank you very much" I said. My sisters could be so weird sometimes.

The other boat emerged in our view, and slowed as it pulled up. I could already see the guys on the bow,
trying to get a peak at us from afar. We had all changed back into our bikinis, to look more seductive.
Our tans all looked awesome, and we had quickly put on some makeup and perfume. We all wanted to
look our most seductive.

"Why don't you just put a spell on Tom? Why do we have to do this?" I asked Carina as she put the
waterproof mascara on my eyelashes.

"You can't force love. It has to be real. Otherwise, I won't have a baby. He has to *love* me, not just lust
after me. I think I have him now though. We just need the right situation. He's too shy to put the moves
on me, so we'll use peer pressure. You three will each seduce your guy, find a spot, and screw them.
He'll feel left out, and he'll give in to me this time. Then I'll get pregnant, and can finally have my baby."

"I'll do anything to help you sis" I said. She smiled, and gave me a hug.

"You're as good of a sister as a girl could have" she said.

The guys pulled their boat along side ours. They tied on, and put up some foam bumpers so the boats
didn't bang against each other. It wasn't the boats that would be banging today!

At first we made small talk. As planned, we each went after one of the guys. My guy was Mark. He was
pretty nice, well built, and I could have done a lot worse! We sat together at first, girls and guys. But
over time, as we talked, we broke off into smaller groups. At long last, I had him alone to myself.
Carina gave me a wink as she put her arm around Tom. April and Margaret were taking their guys below
decks, into the rooms on the guy's boat. The guys were just beaming. They were going to get what they

"Why don't we leave these two alone, so they can get some privacy?" I said to Mark, as I took his hand,
and led him below deck on our boat. He willingly grabbed my hand, and I could feel his fright. He was a
nice guy, and a woman being this sexual and forward was something new to him. I was surprised how
well I could read his thoughts and feelings. Carina had explained that since I was her sister, I had the
same powers as they all did, and I would discover the extent of them in time.

We went into the bedroom, and I closed the door.

"It's hot in here. Do you mind if I take this off?" I said. He nodded, and I took my bikini off. I danced a bit
as I did it, swinging my hips. I could see from his body's reaction that he was excited, and the thoughts in
his mind! Oh those men!

"Your turn love" I said, pulling down his shorts on him. He was surprised that I did something like that,
and he sort of took a step back. But when I ran my hands down his hairy chest, he relaxed.

"Ooh, you've got me all wet" I said.

He knew what to do from there. After we embraced, we kissed. Then he started to touch me all over.
That really did get me all wet. He caressed my breasts, and I suddenly wanted him so much!

"Take me!" I whispered in his ear, as I laid on my back, and spread my legs wide. He mounted me, and I
used my hand to guide him in. He plunged deep into my vagina, and my eyes rolled back in my head.
What a feeling!

I felt a sensation starting to build within me, from my center. It started as a tingling, then grew and
grew. I sensed that I was about to have an orgasm! A female orgasm!
I had a moment of panic when I realized that I never felt a female orgasm before! But I had sex
before....I suddenly remembered being on top of a woman. Why would I have done that? I was a girl! I
couldn't have made love to another woman! I wasn't lesbian! Then I remember something else,
something fuzzy, like on the edge of memory. I remember what it felt like to ejaculate.

Wait! How could I have done that? I was a girl! I didn't have penis! That would be gross! I wanted one in
me, like what Mark was doing to me now. Why did I remember having one? I was confused! I didn't
understand why I would have a memory like that.

But then I exploded! He touched me in just the right way, and my orgasm hit me, sending a shock wave
and a shiver all up and down my spine.

"Yes! Yes!!!" I screamed out. "More! Deeper! Keep going!"

I was in the throes of ecstasy from the orgasm. A few moments later, I had another one! Then another
one! It was unbelievable!

The strange thing though, was that the first orgasm was different than the others. Not that it was more
powerful, but it had seemed to effect me somehow. I couldn't put my finger on it though. Maybe it had
something to do with those strange memories I had....but as I searched my mind, I couldn't find them
anymore. I remembered growing up as a little girl, with my three sisters. I always remembered being a
girl, but that strange though of having a penis was nowhere to be found. It must have been a scene from
a movie I had seen or something. That must be it.

I felt the warm splash of Mark's ejaculation, and felt his body sag as he collapsed into me, exhausted. I
wished he would have lasted longer. It was so good, but it wasn't for long enough! But at least I had four
orgasms. Those poor guys, they only got to have one. I wished they could feel what it was like for us
girls. I was so lucky to be a girl! I was so glad I had been born female.

Some day, I would find the right man, make him mine, and start a family. I couldn't wait to be a mother,
and have a baby of my own. A little helpless thing that loved me unconditionally. I would love her,
nurture her, and teach her everything I knew. I pictured myself holding her close, as she nursed from my
breast. I had dreamed of that ever since I was a young girl.

There was a knock on the cabin door.

"Are you two done yet? We're having drinks out here!" said April.

We put our clothes back on after cleaning up a bit, and headed back out to join the others. I looked at
Carina, and gave her a wink and a knowing smile. She smiled back. She had him! I sat by April and
Margaret, who were giggling. I couldn't wait until we ditched these guys so they could tell all, and we
could compare notes on who was the best in bed.

Carina was so happy! She was going to have her baby. I was jealous of her! But she was my sister, and
my happiness for her was more important. We would get to the girl talk later. For now, we would just sit
back, look at the stars, and enjoy the company of the guys. We made them give us back rubs, foot rubs
and other little things we enjoyed. It was so easy for a girl to manipulate a guy, if you knew what to do
to him.

It must be awful to be a guy, and have to jump through so many hoops just to please your woman. I was
so happy that I had been born a girl!

© 2003 by Jennifer White. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all
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without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.

Chicks Ahoy

by Jennifer White

Taylor looked sadly at his boat. It wasn't all that much. Just 12 feet long, while so many of the other
boats tied to the docks were 20 feet, 30 feet, or longer. His was kind if inadequate by comparison. His
was also older, and really needed a paint job, while the other boats all seemed newer and shiny.

But none of the boats was more attractive than the one across the way from his. Not because it was the
biggest boat in the marina (it wasn't). Not because it was the newest (not that either). But because of
the occupants. The babes.

While most of the other boats were owned by guys or couples, this boat was owned by a young
attractive woman, who liked to invite her girlfriends out with her. They would get on the boat, go below
to change into bikinis, and go out for the day to party and work on their tans. Taylor looked on, ogling
them as they rubbed sunscreen on each other, preparing for their day out on the water.

"What they need" he said to himself, "is a guy to go out with them. Me."
He thought himself to be very well built, and very sexy. True, he didn't have a girlfriend (and hadn't for
quite a while), but being unattached should make him that much more of a good catch for them. They
were *lucky* that he was going to grace them with his presence. He picked up his cooler full of beers,
and walked over to the next dock, so he could introduce himself and invite himself out with them.

"Nice day" he said to the girls, as they prepared to leave the dock.

"Yes it is" said one of them, the cute blonde that he had been eying from afar.

"How would you girls like some company today? You look so lonely out there by yourselves."

The women all looked at each other and giggled.

"No, we're fine" said the redhead.

"You could use someone to help you out there. What if the engine dies?"

"Then we'll use this" said the brunette, holing up her cell phone.

"What if you run out of beer?" said Taylor, holding up his cooler.

"We're drinking margaritas" said the fourth girl, the tall blonde.

"You need someone to rub sunscreen on your back" he said next.

"We can do that ourselves" said the cute blonde, as she continued to apply the SPF 30 to the redhead's
back and shoulders. Seeing the girls touching each other like that sent chills up and down Taylor's spine.

"How about foot massages?" he said. "I could do that. Or I could steer the boat, so you can concentrate
on having a good time."

"What if 'the girls' as you call us, want to have some time alone with just female companionship?" asked
the redhead.

Taylor smiled his best smile, and stuck out his chest.

"I'm sure you'd love to have a man with you" he said.

The girls all looked at each other and giggled.

"You're not going to give up, are you?" asked the brunette.

"No" said Taylor. "I'll bug you, until you let me come aboard."

"I'm the captain of this vessel" said the cute blonde. "If you board you have to follow my orders."

"Aye-aye captain!" said Taylor. "Permission to come aboard?"

"Okay sailor. Come on" said the blonde.

Taylor smiled. They wanted him. He could tell. He stepped aboard the boat, and took a seat as they
pushed off, and headed into the deep water of the lake. The wind blew in his face as the motor roared,
and the boat moved across the smooth placid water. After ten minutes, they reached the sandbar, and
put down anchor.

"I'm Taylor" he said. "Nice to meet you."

"Jeanne" said the blond, extending her hand with it's delicate fingers, and perfectly painted nails.

"Hi, I'm Laurel" said the redhead. "Nice to meet you Taylor."

"My name is Victoria" said the brunette.

"Rachel" said the tall blonde.

"It's nice to meet you all" said Taylor. "Now who wants a beer?"

"We're drinking margaritas, remember?" said Laurel. "Why don't you have one of those with us. They
are very powerful drinks."

"Sure" said Taylor, taking the glass full of green liquid from her. The girls all giggled as he took it, and
downed it in one bug gulp.

"Here, have another" said Rachel, pouring him a second glass.

Between the hot sun, the strong drink, and the wonderful beauty of the ladies, Taylor's head was
already swimming. He had to sit down. The gentle rocking of the boat was making him dizzy.
"Taylor, can you put sunscreen on my back?" said Victoria.

"Sure!" he replied, eager to touch her perfect tan skin.

Victoria put a towel over the long bench on the side of the boat, then took a seat on it. She reached
behind her, and untied her bikini. She held it in place with her hands over her breasts, and laid down on
her front. Taylor took the tube of sunscreen that Laurel handed him, and began rubbing it all over
Victoria. Her legs, her back, her arms, her shoulders, her neck.

"Ooh, that feels good" she said as he continued to rub it in.

"Your turn" said Rachel. "With all the reflections off the water, you don't want to get burnt. Take your
shirt off, and we'll put some on you!"

"Sounds good to me" said Taylor.

"On your back first" said Jeanne.

Taylor laid down on his back, on the towel where Victoria had been. He was very pleased that when
Victoria got up, she didn't put her bikini top back on. Instead, she rubbed some of the sunscreen into her
large firm breasts, then started rubbing it on Taylor's chest too! He was looking up, as her long kinky hair
cascaded down, lightly touching him. Her bare breasts were almost in his face as she started on the top,
and worked her way down his body. The other girls were doing his legs. He could feel their gentle touch.
He was turned on, hard as a rock, and now positively giddy from the excitement. He was really feeling
the drinks now. What did they have in there? They were strong!

"Okay, now roll over so we can get your back" said Jeanne.
Taylor rolled onto his stomach, and the girls went to work on his back, his legs, and his shoulders. He
was so relaxed from being rubbed, and so excited about what they were doing to him, that he didn't
notice as Jeanne worked the loops of the bikini top over his arms, and tied it up in the back. When they
were done and he sat up, he was too mesmerized watching them take off their tops too. They were all
topless now, except him. All he could see was boobs everywhere. He smiled. He was in heaven.

"Have another drink" said Rachel, handing him another full glass.

After basking in the sun for half an hour, Taylor felt drops of sweat all over his body. The girls were all
hot too.

"Time for a swim to cool off!" said Laurel.

"Last one in is a rotten egg!" said Jeanne.

Although he felt somewhat dizzy from the drinks, Taylor got up and jumped in too. Hey, if he had
problems swimming, they could rescue him! Maybe they'd give him mouth to mouth. He smiled at the

They swam around, and played, splashing each other and giggling. After they were cooled down, they
swam back to the boat, so they could climb the ladder back in. Jeanne went first. Then Taylor went to
climb in the boat. But just as he got a good grip on the ladder, and started to pull himself in, one of the
girls grabbed his swimsuit. When he pulled himself up, it came right off, and he found himself standing
on the boat wearing nothing but a bikini top.

When a guy gets out of cold water, his manhood tends to shrink down as small as it can get, and pull
back in a bit. So he was very embarrassed when he looked down and saw how small he was between his
"Here, better put this on" said Jeanne, handing him bright yellow bikini bottom.

"Um, do you have anything bigger than this?" he said.

"Sorry. I only take girls out on the boat, so all I have is spares for girls. Just put it on. It won't bite you."

Taylor quickly pulled up the skimpy bikini bottom, so that the other girls wouldn't see just how small he
looked from the cold water. He was small enough in fact, that the bottom of his bikini looked smooth,
with hardly a bulge showing at all.

"What happened to my chest hair?" said Taylor in a sudden panic, as he looked down to see himself.

"Victoria, you used the hair removal sunscreen!" said Jeanne. "You got rid of all of Taylor's body hair."

"Oops" said Victoria. "We're all girls, so I never thought about using it on a guy. I'm sorry."

"No worries" said Laurel. "You'd look silly with body hair *and* a bikini anyway."

"I think he looks cute like that" said Jeanne.

That was enough to make Taylor now want to complain. If he looked cute to *her*, then it was cool with

"How about another drink?" offered Rachel.

They all got a cup full of the cold green liquid, and they all made a toast, and drank up.
Taylor felt silly wearing a bikini, but with four hotties like this, all topless and glistening from the water, it
was worth it. And now he got to put more sunscreen on them all! That was fun. And after they put more
sunscreen on him, he gave them all foot massages, like he had promised them.

"Let me do *you* now" said Victoria.

Taylor quickly agreed, and laid back, letting her massage his feet. Between all the excitement, the drinks,
and the hot sun, he felt very tired. He relaxed more as she continued to rub his feet, and he drifted into
a gentle sleep.


Taylor woke up, and sat up. His head hurt a bit. Must be from the margaritas.

"Look who's up!" said Jeanne excitedly.

"Did you have a good nappy-nap?" asked Laurel.

Taylor stretched. He felt funny. Kind of tight or something. As he stretched his hands forward out in
front of him, he noticed something: his nails. They weren't as they were when he fell asleep; they had
been painted a bright shade of red. He looked down at his toes, and they too were painted the same red
"You looked so cute, we just had to do it" said Victoria.

"That's the same color *I* use" said Jeanne. "It looks really cute on you."

Taylor felt a strange tightness between his legs, as if seeing the nailpolish on his hands and feet made
him somehow less of a man. It was intimidating in a strange way, and it made him feel even more
inadequate than he had felt when the girls had seen him looking so small after getting out of the water.
He felt like he needed to be alone, so he made up an excuse.

"I need to go pee" he said.

"Sure honey. Downstairs, on the right. You can't miss it" said Victoria.

Taylor hurried down the stairs, almost bumping his head against the cabin. He went into the bathroom,
and locked the door. The fact that he was going around wearing a bikini, with no body hair, and with the
painted nails was really freaking him out all of a sudden. Why had he let them do all this to him? He was
feeling a strong need suddenly to get away from them.

He pulled down his bikini bottom, so he could pee. He reached down between his legs, so he could aim
for the middle of the toilet. But when he reached down between his legs, it didn't feel familiar at all. He
looked down, and discovered that he still looked very small, like when he had come out of the water.
Only now, it was a lot smaller than it was before. It was almost as if his genitals were starting to pull
back up, inside of himself. Only the very tip of his shrunken manhood now protruded out. And the sacks
behind it seemed tiny, hard, and pulled tight to his body.

It was trying to pull back up inside him! Taylor turned around, and looked at himself in the mirror. What
he saw wasn't right either. His face looked like it was changing! The hard chiseled chin was getting
pointier. His nose looked smaller. The shape of his eyes were different. But that wasn't all.

When he looked at his body in the mirror, he realized it was changing too. His hips were wider now, his
tummy narrower. It was just a bit, but it made it look like he had curves. And then there were the
changes on his chest. Not only was his chest smooth and hairless now, but his shoulders seemed to be
much less broad than before, his arms thinner, his wrists and hands much smaller than before as well.
How could he have missed that?

And how could he have not noticed the swelling in his chest? Behind the triangles of fabric of the bikini
top, you could clearly see the outline of a large nipple protruding. And the triangle covered a soft gentle
rise on each side of his chest. He was growing breasts!

Taylor's mind was in complete shock, and he freaked out. He pulled up his bottom, and ran out of the
little bathroom. He had to get off the boat! He had to get away from these women! They had done
something to him, and he was being turned into a girl! He ran up the steps, and back into the bright
sunlight. He had to close his eyes, to let them adjust to the brilliant glare off the water.

"She's back already" said Jeanne.

"By now" said Laurel, "you're noticing the changes starting, aren't you?"

"We told you not to come with us. We told you that this trip was for girls only" said Rachel.

"But you insisted on coming with us. So now, you are becoming one of us" added Jeanne.

"What have you done to me!" shrieked Taylor, his voice higher in pitch than he could stand to hear.
Even *that* was changing now.

"We didn't do it to you. In a way, you did it to yourself" said Jeanne.

"We discovered a magic place" said Victoria. "When we anchored here, somehow we all became more
and more beautiful."
"I was overweight, ugly, and flat chested" said Laurel. "Until I started to go out on the boat with my
friends, that is."

"No way! You're a babe!" said Taylor.

"And so are you!" said Rachel, causing another round of giggles from the girls.

"Look how cute you're getting! I love your hair. You make a great blonde" said Jeanne.

"My hair?" asked Taylor, putting his hand up, and running it through. His hair was now blonde, and
getting longer by the moment. Already, it was down to his shoulders.

"I don't think we should call *her* Taylor anymore" said Rachel. "I think that *she* is more of a 'Mandy'
than a 'Taylor'."

"I agree" said Jeanne. "Hi Mandy. Welcome on board. You're a chick now."

"No!" said Taylor, in a voice that sounded like that of a young woman. "I'm not a girl!"

"No, you're a woman" said Victoria. "A beautiful, sexy young woman named Mandy."

"Hi Mandy!" said Rachel.

"Hi Mandy!" said the others.

"Hi" said Taylor sheepishly. It was rude not to answer them. And how could he argue with them? He
could feel what was going on with his body. The tightness between his legs was gone. That was because
he had pulled up inside all the way. He wasn't a man anymore. He was a *woman*. He couldn't argue.
Not with the large boobs he now had spilling out of his bikini top, causing the thin straps to dig into his

His head reeled. He was a girl now. Female. Him! He was no longer Taylor. Instead, *she* was Mandy.

"I'm a woman" she said, in sad resignation.

"Well, duh!" said Laurel.

The others all giggled loudly.

"Please!" said *Mandy*. "Please go. Get away from this place! I've got to get away from here!"

"That's not going to change you back" said Jeanne.

"Your changes are permanent" added Victoria.

"Don't you want to stay here longer?" asked Rachel. "Your body has changed, but you still have the mind
of a man. If you'll just stick around for a while, your mind will become female too."

"Don't you want to think and feel like a woman?" asked Laurel. "Don't you want to be exactly like us?"

"No! Get me out of here" shrieked Mandy.

"All right" signed Jeanne. "Don't come crying to me later, and don't say I didn't warn you."
Taylor might have become a woman named Mandy now, but there was no way that he wanted his mind
to be changed too. It was bad enough having a female body. Inside, he had no intention of having his
mind altered too!

Laurel pulled up the anchor, and Jeanne started the engine. Soon, they were speeding along away from
their secret place. Mandy felt some relief, but her female body wasn't changing back to its original form,
just as Victoria had said. She shuddered to think that she would be in this body for the rest of her life. A
woman for life. It was a chilling thought.

After fifteen minutes, the boat slowed down. Mandy looked and saw that they were approaching
another boat. Jeanne maneuvered along side the other boat, and told Laurel to drop in the anchor. She
got her boat right in close with the other one, and the girls quickly used ropes to tie up to it. Now the
two boats were "rafted" together, and passengers from either boat could board the other.

"Hi girls" said a handsome young man, his blond hair fluttering in the breeze. Drops of sweat covered his
bare chest, with its perfectly tanned skin. The girls all stared at his rippling muscles.

"I see you have a new friend today" said the guy. "My name is Chip. Who are you?"

"Mandy" was the quiet shy reply.

"Nice to meet you Mandy" said Chip. "You are really something to look at! Sorry to be so forward. I'm
sure guys hit on you all the time. But, wow! You're a real babe!"

The girls were all hysterical with laughter, as Mandy turned beet red. She had hardly been a woman for
a few minutes, and already she had a guy hitting on her.

"Hey guys, the girls are here!" yelled Chip.

Three other equally handsome guys emerged from the cabin of the boat. They were all young, and fit.
The one with the dark hair wore just a tiny, tight fitting Speedo, that left nothing to the imagination. He
walked up to Mandy, and started flirting with her right away.

For Mandy, it was just about the worst feeling possible, to having guys swarming around flirting. But
there was something even more sinister: as the guy made small talk and smiled, she caught a glimpse of
the bulge in his tight swimsuit, and it was hard to look away from. And worse yet than that, was the fact
that between her legs, up inside, she felt herself get wet. Her new body was being turned on, even if her
mind was completely revolted.

It was a stunning revelation. Her body wanted this guy. Her body felt the attraction, and the need to be
with a man. She wondered if her new female hormones would beset her brain, and eventually make her
*want* to do it too.

Mandy's train of thought was interrupted as the guy put his arm around her suddenly. Her heart beat
faster, and she felt giddy and dizzy. No! Don't react like this to him! But she couldn't help it. Her body
*needed* him.

"I think they want a little privacy" said Jeanne. "Why don't you two lovebirds go down below deck, while
we party up here?"

And so Mandy found herself being taken below by a hot young stud, even as her brain screamed out
'No!!!'. Now she wished she had stayed in the magic spot as Jeanne had wanted her to, so she wouldn't
have to feel like this. She was about to be taken by a man, and it was the worst feeling in the world.

Her body was betraying her already. She felt weak, and he was easily able to guide her down onto the
bed, and get her to spread her legs wide, as he started kissing her all over. She couldn't even resist as he
pulled off her bikini. And all she could do was to moan with pleasure as he took off his own suit, and
penetrated her.

She was having sex. She was enjoying it. And then, she had *it*. Her first female orgasm.

"I think something's wrong with Mandy" said Chip, his demeanor showing panic for the first time.

"Why, what's going on?" asked Jeanne.

"We were, um, getting it on. Then something happened to her. She is mumbling incoherently. You had
better speak to her. She's snapped or something."

Chip's face showed a certain disgust. He didn't want to get it on with a girl who was insane! She had
seemed so normal, but now she was acting crazy.

Jeanne went down into the cabin to speak to Mandy herself. Victoria accompanied her.

"Mandy, what's wrong dear?" she asked.

"A man. Inside me. Can't believe it. I did it. No! Oh how got that feels! Must have baby. Need to...NO!
Cannot make it stop."
Mandy was shaking all over, as if having a convulsion. Her mind was in total chaos, her world having
fallen apart and collapsed upon itself. Thoughts could not form correctly inside her head.

"What do you think?" asked Victoria.

"I think that the sensation of having sex as a woman was too much for her male mind to take, and it
really messed her up. It looks like her mind was just blasted apart by the experience. She just couldn't
handle it."

"What do we do then?"

"We only have one option. Ditch the guys, and head back to our secret spot. Let it work on her mind,
and turn *it* into a woman's mind. Then she will come around."

"Sounds like a good plan. I'll get rid of them, and we can take off."

Five minutes later, the disappointed guys were back in their boat, waving to the hot babes in bikinis who
were heading back out on the lake, as fast as their boat could go.

"I wonder where they're off to in such a hurry?" said one guy.

"I'd like to know" said Chip. "Why don't you follow them, but keep a distance so they don't notice."

"Good idea dude" was the reply.

The motor started, and they began to follow the girl's boat, keeping a long way back so they would not
be noticed.


"Well, here we are" said Jeanne.

They had reached their secret spot. Now all it would take was some time for the spot to work it's magic
on Mandy, and convert her mind.

"Give her a drink. That might calm her down."

Mandy held the glass with both hands, and gulped the whole thing down. She motioned to indicate that
she wanted another. Laurel obliged her, and gave her another glass full of the cold green intoxicating

It was about twenty minutes later, when all of a sudden, Mandy sat up straight, and the look on her face
changed to a smile.

"Hello girls" she said.

'Mandy, now do you feel?" asked a concerned Jeanne.

The others had all come down into the cabin as well, concerned about Mandy's well being. They had
been watching over her for an hour.

"Wonderful! Wow, I just feel good all over, like a little girl at Christmas."

"Why the good mood?" asked Victoria.

"Chip. What a hunk! He made me come, twice!"

"Wow" said the girls.

"He's so hot. What a stud. I'm in love" said Mandy.

"How was he in bed?" asked a curious Rachel.

"He was a *great* kisser. He took it slowly and calmly, and really turned me on. I was already wet when
we went down to the cabin. But by the time he was inside me, wow, I was ready to go."

The girls all giggled, and so did Mandy this time.

"You little tramp! On the first date, you bag him!" said Rachel.

"Oh yeah" said Mandy, smiling.

She was all woman now. The thought of being with a man was no longer scary or mind-blowing. Now it
was *welcomed*. She was a woman, and that was what women did when they were horny: they
hooked up with a guy.

"Hey, anyone home!" yelled a voice on deck, startling the girls.

"Who's there?" yelled Jeanne, upset that someone would board her boat without permission.

"Its me, Chip" said the voice.

The girls all looked at each other. The guys had trailed them to their secret magical spot!

"How long have you been here?" asked Laurel.

"Almost an hour. We were starting to wonder what you were all doing down there, so I came over to
check it out" he replied.

"Oh no!" said Rachel. "If they've been here for an hour...."

"...then they're already changing" said Victoria.

"They're doomed to be women now" said Jeanne, shaking her head in disbelief.
"Come down here" she yelled to Chip.

Chip sauntered down the stairs, and the girls all gasped. Inside his tight little Speedo suit, there was no
longer any bulge to be seen. He was already far along in his progression. And on his bare chest, he
already had little boobs forming. His nipples were enlarged, and very soon he would start developing

It was too late already. He was as much woman as man now. Jeanne thought it was a real shame to
loose a hunk like him. But he would make a very cute babe too. She could tell. His hair was sandy
blonde, and curly. Once it grew out a little more, he would be a real hottie.

"Tell the guys to come aboard for drinks" she said, trying to make the best of the situation. "Tell them
the girls will give them all back massages."

"Cool" he said, heading back upstairs.

"Back massages?" asked Mandy.

"Yes. If they're lying face down, they won't notice as much that they are changing. We can't let them
leave now. If they return half man, half woman, their lives will be screwed up forever. But if we keep
them here a little longer, then they'll be all woman, and they will be happy."

"I'm glad I'm a woman" said Mandy. "I couldn't even imagine being a man. That would be gross."

The girls all laughed.

"Come on babe. We have some backs to rub, and some new girls to break in."
The ladies all took their tops off, and went upstairs to greet what was left of the boys. Soon, there would
be *two* boats full of hot chicks returning to shore.


© 2004 by Jennifer White. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all
articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of
these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available
without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.

Second Skin

by Jennifer White

Shelley looked around her and sighed. The other girls in her class always seemed better than her. She
was still a little chunky, not having shed her 'baby fat' yet like they did. Her boobs were slower to fill out
than the other girls, particularly the popular ones.

Her parents told her that everyone matures at a different rate, and she too would be a pretty girl one
day. But she felt very down on herself. She hated her body. She hated her ugly skin. She hated how
slowly she developed.
She didn't look good in fashionable clothes like the popular girls did, so it wasn't any use wearing those.
She was so jealous of Sarah, with her perfect hair, her perfect face, her nice figure, and the way a skirt
looked so good on her. If only she could be like that!


One day, while surfing the internet, Shelley found a product that sounded like it would solve all her
problems. It wasn't cheap, so she would need more money. So to her parents surprise and delight, she
took a job after work at the local fast food restaurant, where she earned a few extra dollars a week. She
didn't spend it like her classmates did on clothes and makeup; she kept it squirreled away until she had
amassed enough money to make her purchase, several months later.

Shelley went on the web, and found the site for Second Skin. It was like a body suit which a girl could
step into. It would attach itself to you, and nobody would ever know that it wasn't your real skin. What it
would do in short, was to make you look beautiful. Perfect skin, perfect figure, perfect everything. Your
hair was still up to you, but hey, if everything else was perfect, then you could deal with that.

She sent in her money, and had to wait three weeks for it to arrive. While serving customers and
mopping the floor at work, it was hard to keep her mind focused. All she could think of was how
wonderful her life would be in a few days, when it finally arrived. She looked every day when she got
home, but she was disappointed that it wasn't there yet.
Finally, after almost 4 weeks of waiting, Shelley got home to find a package for herself! Her stupid
brother Jake had brought the package in days ago, and 'forgot' to give it to her. He was always doing
stupid mean things like that. Little brothers were such a pain!

She tried not to act too excited, but she couldn't hid it. This was going to solve all her problems. She
went into her bedroom, opened the box, read the instructions, and striped down to put it on.

First, she slid her feet into the legs. It was hard to pull it up at first, and it seemed so heavy. How would
this fool anyone? But she could feel the suction inside take effect, as it pulled itself taught to her legs.
From then on, it was almost easy to put on. It was like the Second Skin *wanted* to be worn.

It attached itself over her, until it covered every inch of skin on her. She stared at herself in the mirror
and gasped. It still looked like her, but a beautiful version of herself, perhaps a few years older. She had
curves! She had boobs! She had perfect skin! Her face was free of acne! Her legs looked perfect and
muscular! It seemed to have reshaped her body fat so that it now worked to her advantage, giving her a
perfect hourglass figure, like she had always wanted.

Shelley ran to the closet to get dressed in something nice for the first time in a long time. But nothing in
her closet looked appealing to her. She was too pretty now to wear those frumpy clothes. She needed
something fashionable, something hot. She gathered the money she had amassed over the past three
weeks, and headed out to the mall.


When Shelley returned from the mall, she looked completely different than she had just a few hours
before. Gone were the modest clothes and the drab colors. Now she exuded sexiness, wearing a short
white miniskirt with little red polka dots, and a tight little top which showed off how much larger she
was on top, since stepping into her second skin.

Also, she had worn just a bare minimum of makeup before, but now, she wore heavy makeup with
vibrant colors, heavy mascara, and the works. She strutted into the house in her new high heel shoes,
with a fashionable purse slung over her shoulder. She had transformed from an average girl, to one of
the hottest girls in her class.

The next day at school, Shelley was suddenly popular. With her stunning looks, her fashionable clothes,
her newfound poise, grace and confidence, she suddenly found herself surrounded by the most popular
girls in her class.

"Hey Shelley, looking cool" said Amber.

"Nice outfit babe" said Sarah.

"You really fit in with our group now" added Heather.

But hanging with the popular girls meant that her attitude towards her former friends changed too.

"Wow, look at you today" said Amy, one of her close friends.

"Can't talk now" said Shelley, completely blowing her off. Amy stood there hurt that her friend had
ditched her, now that she was beautiful and popular.
Shelley was invited over to Amber's house after school. So she called work, and told them that she quit.
Who needed a job when you're a popular girl? She wasn't going to go do some job *now*. Now that she
was a popular girl, that kind of work was below her.

She looked at her new friends, and felt jealous. She wanted more clothes like they had. She wanted to
get her hair done like Heather's. She wanted earrings like Sarah had. If she was going to be one of the
popular girls, she needed to dress the part.

Plus, now she'd get boys. They had all ignored her before, so now they would pay. They would all want
her, and she would toy with them, as she had seen Amber and Heather do in the past. She'd break their
hearts, and that would make them want her all the more. She would be beautiful and unapproachable.

The unpopular boys would die just to get a chance to be with her. And the popular ones? She'd use
them up, one by one. Make them buy things for her to please her, only to watch her flit to the next one,
like a butterfly going from flower to flower. Or maybe like a bee, because she would sting if they did
anything wrong.

Shelley smiled. She would be in control. She plotted out all the wonderful things she would do to them


Shelley found it hard to take off her Second Skin, even to take a bath. You could keep it on, but she felt
like she needed to clean herself. She felt dirty all over. So on Sunday night, reluctantly, she started to
peel it off. It was very difficult to get it off of her. It was like the Second Skin wanted to stay on!
With great difficulty, she wrestled with it. Finally, out of breath, she got out of its grip. There were red
patches on her skin, where it had attached itself. The last few were painful, as if the Second Skin was
starting to fuse to her, trying to become permanent.

As soon as she got it off, Shelley was overcome with a strange feeling: remorse. She had been so mean
to people over the course of the week! She had hurt her friend's feelings. She had been rude and
impolite, even to her manager at work, leaving him hanging with nobody to fill in at the last moment.

In the mean time, she had been going crazy buying things, using others, and taking without giving. She
started to cry. She had been so mean! Why had she done that?

She looked down at the Second Skin and realized: it was only because of this *thing*. She had changed
the moment that she put it on. It was all from her Second Skin!

Shelley gasped. She realized that she would never wear it again. Yes, she wanted to be pretty and
popular. But she wanted to be *herself*. Not some glamour girl slavishly devoted to fashion and flirting,
at the cost of friendship and love. She hadn't even been studying at school anymore! She had expected
her stunning looks to earn her a good grade.

She put the Second Skin into a bag, and threw it into the back of her closet. With all she had paid for it,
she couldn't bear to just throw it out. She took a long bath, then dressed in her normal clothes, as she
laid on the bed and called Amy for a long talk...

Shelley and Amy had things patched up, so on Friday she went over to Amy's for a sleepover. Just the
two of them, a movie, a bowl of popcorn, and a whole night to themselves, without bratty little brothers
to get in the way, like she had at home.

Once Shelley was gone, and their parents left to have dinner and a movie, Jake was finally able to go on
the prowl. His sister's room was always a place where he could have fun. He would find her diary, read
it, and tease her about it. He would find money she had hidden away, and take some of it so he could
buy candy at the store.

He went into his sister's room, and smirked at the stupid posters of stupid bands she listened to, and
movie hunks. All icky love stories and junk, no action, no explosions. Yuck.

He looked through her desk, but couldn't find her diary. She must have hidden it in the closet. He looked
in the closet, and noticed something new since last time he snooped: a big box in the back. He was
curious about what might be in there. It looked like the package that had been mailed to her, which he
had hidden, and got her all mad. He smiled. That had really gotten her, something good. She had been
mad for days at him.

Jake pulled out the box, opened the lid, and dumped it onto the floor. It was this skin colored thing,
shaped like a person. There were arms, legs, and a body. Some kind of costume? He wasn't sure.

He held it up to get a better look. It felt soft and warm where he was holding it. He was overcome with
an urge to try it on. So Jake put one foot into the hole for the left leg, then put his right foot into the
other. It was hard to pull it up at first, and it seemed so heavy. But he could feel the suction inside take
effect, as it pulled itself taught to his legs. From then on, it was almost easy to put on. It was like it
*wanted* to be worn.

It attached itself over him, until it covered every inch of skin of him. He stared at himself in the mirror
and gasped. It still looked like him in the face, but a beautiful *female* version of him, perhaps a few
years older. He had curves! He had boobs! He had perfect feminine skin! His legs looked perfect, for a
woman! It seemed to have reshaped his body fat, giving him a perfect hourglass figure.
Jake looked like a girl now. Even between his legs, he looked like his sister did. Like a *girl*.

Jake was overcome with emotions. He had find something cool to wear. He dug through Shelley's
drawers, and found a sexy bra and panty set, which he quickly put on. Having a bra to support his large
boobs made him feel better.

Then he went to the closet, where he found the polka dot miniskirt. Perfect! He put it on, and found a
tight little top that showed off his boobs. And shoes! He needed cute shoes. He found a pair with heels.

He went to the vanity, and began putting on makeup. Lots of it. He looked pretty without any, but he
wanted, no he *needed* to look as beautiful as possible. He put it on thick, transforming his pretty face.

His hair seemed longer now too. He brushed it and used hair spray to make it just so. Then he put on
jewelry, and did his nails. Finally satisfied, he looked in the mirror and smiled. He would be the cutest
girl around now.

He found one of Shelley's purses, the fashionable new one, and put it over his shoulder. He was going
out to the mall, and how could a girl go around without a purse?

Jake was overwhelmed with an urge to go out and shop, to buy more new clothes. A black leather
miniskirt would be awesome. And a halter top dress. And pantyhose. And more shoes. And makeup. And
perfume. And a black dress for dancing in. Oh, how he *needed* them all!

Half an hour later, Jake was strutting through the mall. Almost immediately, some of the popular girls
had rushed over to say hello. He would be a popular girl, looking like he did. The recognized one of their

"Hello, I'm Amber" said the pretty blonde.

The new girl smiled. The name 'Jake' just seemed so silly of a nickname for a girl. How could she use that
name anymore?

"Hello Amber. I'm Lauren" she replied. "Nice to meet you."

Amber introduced Lauren to her friends Sarah and Heather. In no time, they were up to their tricks.
Lauren flirted with a boy, until she got him to go into a store and buy the black leather miniskirt for her.
She had him eating out of her hand in no time.

She joked and laughed with the other popular girls. She was glad that she was one of *them*. Not some
frumpy girl like her older sister Shelley. She joined the popular girls, as they teased the ugly loners,
flirted with the boys, and amassed more clothes and shoes to add to their collections at home.

"Oh look, there's that loser Amy" said Heather, pointing down the aisle way.

"We should trick her" said Amber. "Lauren, go tell her that she's invited to a party at my house next
Friday. Tell her to dress up, and bring a date."
"Sure. But why invite her to your party?"

"There is no party. She'll show up, and find that must my brother is home, with his loser friends. She'll
die from embarrassment."

"Cool" said Lauren, rubbing her hands. How easy it would be to dupe this overweight nerdy girl. She
would teach her a lesson.

"Hello Amy" said Lauren.

"Hi" replied Amy, as she browsed through the clothes on the rack. She was embarrassed that the pretty
girl who had just approached her was slender and athletic, while she was overweight, because of a
glandular problem.

Lauren was about to tell her about the fake party, but she stopped for a second. This girl looked familiar.

"Aren't you my sister's friend?" said Lauren.

"I don't think so" said Amy. "I've never seen you before."

At that moment, Shelley caught up with Amy, returning from the customer service line, where she had
been returning some of the clothes she had bought while "under the influence" of the Second Skin.

"Hey Shel, this girl says she knows you" said Amy.
"Who are you?" said Shelley. "I don't remember meeting you before."

"Oh, come on sis. You know me. We only live together. Duh!"

"What kind of joke is this?" said Amy. "I've been to Shelley's house. She doesn't have a sister. Just her
bratty brother."

"Watch out who you're calling bratty" responded Lauren, defensively. How dare this *unpopular* girl
insult her like that?"

"Jake?" said Shelley.

"Lauren" she replied. Duh! Jake was a boy's name. Her sister was sure messed up.

"Did you find something in my closet, and put it on?" said Shelley.

Lauren nodded.

"Oh my god. It's gotten ahold of you" said Shelley. "We've got to get you home, and get you out of that

"What thing?" said Lauren.

"No time to lose. Come with me. *Now*."

It was hard not to listen to her older sister, so reluctantly, Lauren went with Shelley and nerdy Amy out
to the parking lot, and drove over to Amy's house.

"Mom and dad will be home any minute, and I can't let them see you like this" said Shelley.

"Like what?" said Lauren, twirling her long hair with her hand.

"Like a *girl*" replied Shelley.

"What's wrong with you sis?" said Lauren. "What do you mean 'like a girl'? I've always been a girl. What
else am I supposed to be?"

"See?" said Shelley. "Its effecting your mind. You're a boy named Jake. You're not a girl!"

"Amy, will you talk some sense into my sister? She says I'm not a girl! What's wrong with her? Of course
I'm a girl!"

"Jake, you're a boy" said Amy. "You were a boy today when I saw you before. You're wearing something
that's messing with your mind."

Lauren shook her pretty head.

"You are *so* wrong" she said. "I am a girl, and I have always been a girl. I don't know why I'm hanging
out with losers like you. I should be back at the mall with the popular girls. Plus, I need some new
clothes. What do you think about vinyl boots with six inch heels? Wouldn't those be cool?"

"If you're a hooker" smirked Amy.

"Lay off of her, I mean him!" said Shelley. "This is all my fault. I should have thrown that thing out. Now
look at him. He even thinks he's a girl."

"I *am* a girl" corrected Lauren, in a huff.

"I told you what it did to my mind" said Shelley. "It brought out all the worst behaviors a girl could have.
It's doing the same to him now. And I think he's much weaker, being a boy and all. I was able to get
myself out of that thing before it became permanent. We've got to help him. What if he gets stuck like

Lauren was fixing her makeup in the rearview mirror, as they approached Amy's house. She was talking
like a girl, acting like a girl, thinking like a girl, and as they walked in, Shelley realized that she was even
moving like a girl.

"Were you flirting with the boys at the mall?" she asked.

"Until you interrupted me" said Lauren, with a hurt tone of voice.

"So you're interested in boys now?" said Amy.

"Of course. What girl isn't?" replied Lauren.

"You want to kiss a boy?" asked Shelley.

"If he'd cute."

"Do you like girls? Do you want to be with a girl?" said Amy.

"Ew! I don't go *that* way. You're sick."

Amy nodded at Shelley. Jake really thought he was a girl now. In every way. Even the thought of being
with a boy didn't scare him. He *wanted* that now. Shelley *had* to get that thing off of him.

She went to his back, and pulled on the nape of the neck, where it sealed.

"Ow!" said Lauren. "What are you doing?"

"Getting you out of this thing" said Shelley.

"What thing?" was the reply.

Shelley searched, but she couldn't find the opening. How had it sealed over him like that? She tried to
pull again, but it was as if she was pulling on his real skin. The Second Skin had attached itself to him so
well that he would never get out of it.

Shelley was in a panic.

"Come on, think!" she said to herself. She wondered to what extent it had effected her brother. He had
boobs now. What else had it changed?

"Take off my skirt!" she ordered.

"Why?" said Lauren, who used to be her brother Jake.

"Just do it!" screamed Shelley.

Lauren didn't take it off, but she lifted it up. Shelley could see her panties clearly. There was no bulge in
front. No indication that it was a boy's body, or had ever been one. He *was* a girl now.

"Why don't you call them?" said Amy.


"The company that sold you that contraption."

"Good idea" responded Shelley. She got out her cell phone, and dialed.

"Hello, Second Skin Industries, how may I help you?"

"I need to speak to someone in customer support, right away!" said Shelley.

"Hold on. I'm transferring you" said the receptionist. Shelley wondered if *she* was wearing a Second
Skin as she did her job at work. And if she had been a man before she put it on. Had this happened to
anyone else?

"Customer support, how can I help you?" said a friendly voice.

"Hello. I purchased your product, and I have a problem with it" said Shelley.

"What's the problem? Aren't you happy at what it did to improve your looks? Don't you want to just run
out and buy a new outfit?" said the woman.

"Well, that's why I stopped using it" said Shelley. "It changed me, and made me do things like that which
I normally wouldn't. I hurt my friends, and started acting like a b*%$h, so I had to stop using it."

"Oh" said the woman on the phone, surprised to hear that a customer had stopped use of the Second
Skin. After getting into it for the first time, it was hard to make yourself get out of. In fact, nobody had
ever called her with this particular problem before.

"But that's not all" continued Shelley. "My little brother found it, and put it on. And now...."

"The product is not intended for use by males" said the woman, trying to sound official.

"But it changed him, and now he looks and acts like a girl. How do I get him back?"

"Can you take it off of him?" said the woman.

"No. Its stuck. That's the problem."

"Once dermal bonding has formed, you cannot ever remove the Second Skin. It integrates with you at a
biological level. I'm afraid that there is nothing we can do. Sorry."

She hung up on Shelley, who stood there stunned.

"What's up?" said Amy.

"He's stuck that way now, forever" responded Shelley.

"Quit calling me 'he'!!!" said Lauren angrily. "I'm a girl! How would you like it if I went around accusing
*you* of being a boy."

"Because I was never a boy. *You* were, until today that is. You're a boy. You're Jake. Snap out of it! Use
your mind! Don't let that thing control you Jake. Listen to me!!!"

But it was no use. Jake was Lauren now, and she was too busy twirling her hair in her finger, and
thinking about what outfit to wear tomorrow to school.

"I can't believe I'm hanging out with losers like you. You're not even popular or anything! Don't
embarrass me tomorrow at school by trying to talk to me or anything. Just pretend you don't know me,
because I'm not going to stoop to your level, and talk to you."

Shelly and Amy were stunned at this outburst. She was acting just like the popular girls at school. It sent
a shiver down Shelley's spine, that she had just thought of her brother as *she*.

"Now you losers go back to doing whatever it is that ugly pathetic unpopular girls like you do when
you're alone. I'm going back to see my friends."

She snatched the car keys, and before Shelley could react, she was out the door, heading back to the
"Dad's going to kill me when he finds out that Jake's a girl now" said Shelley, sitting on the edge of the
bed, trembling. "How am I going to tell him that his son is a girl now, and that she wants to date boys?
Its going to kill him."

"At least your mom will have another daughter" said Amy, trying to be helpful.

"Oh yeah, she's going to love it too. Hi mom, how was your day? I accidentally turned Jake into a chick,
and he's out wearing a miniskirt now. That will go over big time."

"Yeah, I guess you're pretty much screwed" said Amy.

"Thanks a lot!" said Shelley, angrily.

"Hey, its the truth" said Amy. "If the kick you out or something, you can stay here with me."

"You're a true friend" said Shelley, squeezing her hand. "At least I have you. Jake and I never got along
all that great. And now he's become the queen b*$%h, so I doubt we'll be very friendly."

"Don't worry. Most bratty girls like that grow out of it. Maybe by the time he becomes a *woman*, you
two will get along better."

"Yeah, I guess I can always hope for that" said Shelley. "I guess I better walk home. Mom and dad will
get pissed if I'm out too late. I'll be in enough trouble as it is."

"Good luck" said Amy, as her friend walked out the door...

Shelley took a deep breath, then walked in the door. She had rehearsed a million times what she was
going to say. But she was shocked to find that Lauren was sitting on the couch, talking to her parents,
and they didn't seem upset!

"Shelley, there you are. Why didn't you call? You have a cell phone. We were worried sick about you"
said her mom.

"Well, you see...its about Jake, and..."

"Yes, we know that Jake is Lauren now. We're not upset at you" said her father.

"You're not?"

"On the contrary. We're very pleased" said her mom. "Jake was a problem child. He was a handful. But
Lauren is a wonderful girl. In fact, I think that you should be more like her."

"How's that?"

"Well, look how pretty she dresses. You always wear such ugly baggy clothes. And look how nice her hair
is. You should be more like your sister."
"I don't want to be like that!"

"Well, you're going to be. When we found out that it was the Second Skin that did this to her, we went
to the store and bought one for you. And now, you're going to put it on."

"No!" said Shelley. She wasn't going to wear that thing again!

"This is for your own good" said her father, who grabbed her by the arm. "You are going to wear this,
and become just like your sister Lauren."

"No! Help me!" said Shelley, as her mother undressed her. Lauren smiled as she unpacked the Second
skin, and slid Shelley's left leg into it.

"You're going to be just like me sis" said Lauren. "I can't wait."


The Second Skin was sealing itself around Shelley, and she felt an electric surge go up and down her
neck. She looked down at herself in the Second Skin. Wow, she looked good. But she'd look better if she
had something cool to wear like Lauren did. She couldn't go to school looking like some slob or
something, like that loser Amy did.

No, she needed to get into some fashionable clothes. She ran into her room, and returned a few
minutes later in a little black dress.

"There, that's much better" said her mom.

"Yes, you're like me now" said Lauren.

"And I have the two prettiest girls in the whole town" said her father, proudly.

"I love you sis" said Shelley, giving Lauren a hug, as the kissed each other on the cheeks, so as not to ruin
each other's makeup.

"I love you too" said Lauren.

"There, all one big happy family" said her mother, who was never more proud of her daughters, as at
that moment.


© 2004 by Jennifer White. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all
articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of
these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available
without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.

The Calling
by Jennifer White

It was 7:30pm on a Tuesday, when my cell phone rang. I walked over and picked it up, but I didn't
recognize the number.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello" said a man's voice.

"Who is this?" I said, not recognizing him.

"Listen to me" he replied. His voice was deep and melodic, like a news anchor. I can't say that I can really
remember the actual words he was saying; it was just a smooth constant flow of words. I guess I had
been listening to him for a few minutes; I don't really know.

"I want you to stand up" he said.

I got on my feet. I don't know why.

"Across the hall is apartment 3G. I want you to walk across the hall, and go into that apartment."
I started to walk to the door. I wasn't really thinking about it, I just did it. His request to me seemed like
what *I* wanted to do. It was as if it was my idea, and he just said the same thing to me that was
already in my mind. And so I found myself walking across the hall into apartment 3G.

"Lock the door behind you" said the man.

The words were barely out of his mouth, when I locked the door. Then I stood there, not knowing what
to do. Like I was waiting for him to tell me. My mind was somehow frozen, as if I could not act on my
own. But somehow, this didn't seem odd or anything. It all seemed normal somehow.

"Go into the bedroom, and remove all of your clothes" said the man.

Suddenly, I had an idea. I would go into the bedroom, and remove all of my clothes. It seemed like such
a good thing to do. I went in there, and quickly took everything off. When they were thrown in a pile on
the floor, I picked up the cell phone.

"Are you naked now?" said the man.

"Yes I am" I replied.

"Good" he said. "I am too."

For some reason, that sent chills through me. It was gross for a man to tell me that, but somehow it
made me tingle.

"You'd look better in lipstick" he said. "Go into the bathroom. You'll find a tube of lipstick on the counter
by the sink."

I walked into the bathroom, and found the lipstick, right where he said it would be. I applied it to my
lips, then picked up the phone.

Now I'm sure you're thinking "why would a man put on lipstick?". Good question. I shouldn't have done
that. I should have felt revolted, and disgusted. But somehow, the request seemed so natural, so regular
for me. It was as if someone said to you "take a breath". You do it almost without thinking. And so I put
on the lipstick, because it seemed like a regular daily part of my routine. I was doing it automatically, the
way you take a step or sit up, without really thinking about *what* you're doing.

"Put me on speakerphone" he said.

I wanted to hear the man on my speakerphone feature, so I pressed the button for "speaker", and
placed the phone down on the counter.

"Don't you hate all that hair on your chest? And your legs? You want to get rid of that, don't you."
"Oh yes" I replied, feeling revolted to see myself covered with all that body hair. How could I be covered
with so much of it? It was icky and creepy. I wanted it gone!

"Good" he replied. "I like girls who are smooth and soft. There is a jar of hair removal cream on the
counter. Put it on, all over yourself."

I took the jar of cream, and put it on, over my legs, my chest and under my arms. Everywhere I had all
that terrible body hair. It smelled bad, but I rubbed all over. Again, I'm sure you're wondering how I
could have heard him imply that I was a girl, but I didn't recoil. I can't explain what was happening to
me. He said it, I heard it, but it was if it didn't register with me. It was as if I had been called a girl all my
life, and therefore hearing it didn't cause me any shock. It was *normal* for me to be called a girl.

"Don't forget your shoulders and your back" said the man, as I rubbed it over my shoulders and my back.

"You can go wash it off in a few minutes" said the man. "But first it needs to work on you for a while.
Now would be a good time to paint your toenails."

"I think it would be a good time to paint my toenails now" I said.

I noticed a bottle of bright red nailpolish on the counter, and started to apply it to my toenails. It dried
quickly, so I applied a second coat.
"Now you can run through the shower" said the man, "to wash off all your body hair."

I went into the shower (after the water got hot enough), and rinsed off all the cream. All of my hair came
off with it. I got out of the shower, and dried off with the pink towel.

"You want to smell good when you meet me, don't you?" asked the man.

"Yes, I do" I replied.

"There is a bottle of perfume on the counter. Put it on, all over yourself."

I did as he asked, spraying the sweet smelling perfume all over myself.

Suddenly, a thought struck me. Why am I doing all of this? I didn't want to get rid of my body hair! What
had made me think I had wanted to? Why was I wearing lipstick? Why was I in a strange house? I
suddenly panicked. Why was I naked? What was going on?

"You don't like being naked, do you?" said a man's voice, coming from my cell phone. Why was I talking
to a man on speakerphone?

"No!" I said. "Where's my clothes?"

"In the bedroom" he said. "Take the phone with you, and you can get dressed."

I grabbed the phone, and hurried to the bedroom. I wanted to get dress.

"Your bra is in the top drawer on the left" he said.

I opened the dresser, and found a bra. My bra! Yes, it was my bra, and I wanted to put it on. I picked it
up ,and put it on. But then I saw myself in the mirror, and got ahold of myself again. I was scared. I was a
guy! I didn't wear bras! Why did I have it on?

"Put your panties on now" said the man's voice. "They are in the drawer too. You feel cold, and want to
get dressed, don't you?"

"Yes" I said, as I reached for my panties. I took them, and pulled them on.

"Your nylons are in the drawer too, for you nice long smooth legs" said the man.

I reached in, and found two dark nylons. The kind with the three inch wide elastic at the top, so they
stay in place without garter belts. I pulled them onto my long smooth legs.

"Now lay down on the bed" said the man's voice.

I felt like I needed to lay down. I got onto the bed.

"I like girls who are stacked" said the man. "But your bra is so empty. You want to be stacked for me,
don't you?"

"Oh yes" I said, although immediately I wanted to scream "No!!!". But I couldn't help it; the man's voice
seemed to control my thoughts! I had just told him I wanted to be stacked!

"Feel yourself changing" he said. "Feel your body conforming to my desires. Feel your breasts forming
on your chest. At first, they are just two small mounds. But your nipples are getting bigger and bigger.
The rings of color around them are spreading out wider. Now with each breath you take, feel as your
breasts start to become larger and larger. Yes. Now they are starting to fill out your bra. Tell me about
your breasts Kaylee."

"Oh, they're so nice" I said. I put my hands on my chest, and felt my growing breasts. "Each mound on
my chest is full and firm. They're getting bigger and bigger for you. They are round and wide. My nipples
are so hard. They're filling up my bra now. I can feel the fabric stretching, trying to hold them in."

"Very good Kaylee" said the man.

Why was he calling me Kaylee? Oh yes, that was my name! Of course. I remembered now.

"And now, in between your legs, I can't wait to explore your sweet pussy."

I reached down there, an touched myself. I was all hard, and my panties were like a tent, supported by a

"Feel yourself changing" said the man. "Your penis is getting smaller and smaller by the moment. With
each breath you take, with each beat of your heart, it is shrinking, until it pulls up completely inside of
you. Your balls were getting smaller and smaller too. Soon they will also be gone. Once you've lost them
too, you *will* be a real girl. Now tell me about what you have between your legs."

I started to tell him what I felt.

"I don't have much of a tent pole anymore" I said. "I can feel it getting softer and smaller. In fact, its
almost gone now. I can feel it pulling back up inside of me. Mmmm, that feels good. Yes, I'm completely
flat between my legs. I feel a little slit there. As I rub it, I feel a tingle when I touch it at the top."

"Very good Kaylee" he said. "How does your chest feel now?"
"My bra is so tight, it hurts" I said.

"Release your pretty breasts from it then" he replied. "Take your bra off. And your panties."

I sat up, reached behind me, and took off my bra. Then I pulled off my panties. I only wore my stockings

"Reach under your pillow Kaylee. You'll find something there" he said.

I did. It was a pink dld, very realistic looking. It even had balls at the end, which you could hold onto.

"Now put the phone to your ear" he said. "I want to whisper to you."

I put the phone in my ear, and listened as he continued to talk.

"That pleasant tingle you felt between your legs, you want to feel more of that now. You want to feel it
more and more. You ache now to feel something between your legs."
I did. I *wanted* to take the dld in my hand, and put it in between my legs, into my slit.

"Mmmm, you're getting wet" I said, as I felt myself lubricating down there.

"Good" he replied. "You want the dld, don't you?"

"Oh yes!" I said.

"You can't have it yet. I want you to lay it in between your big beautiful breasts, so that the tip is
pointing towards you. You can still hang on to it."

I did as he asked, laying it between the gap in my breasts. The tip of it was pointing right towards me

"The dld represents me, your man" he said. "Look at it. It isn't just an object, it is *me*. As I tell you
what to do with your dld, it won't be a *thing* going inside of you, it will be *me*."

"Yes" I said. "I want you inside me."

"NO!!!!" I thought. I didn't want him! He had turned me.... into a girl! No!!!!! He had altered my body,
and he was trying to alter my mind, making me want him. NO!!!!
"Start by gently running your finger along the shaft. My shaft" he said. "You need to get me hard before I
can go inside you."

My finger started to gently rub back and forth, along the shaft of the dld. I didn't want it to, but I
couldn't help it.

"You're so big" I said. "I want you!"

"Soon" he said. "Now I want you to make sure I'm harder. Stroke me more. Make a circle with your
finger and thumb, and run it along my shaft."

I started to do that, like I was jerking off the dildo.

"You're really hard now" I said.

"Good" he replied. "It is your sexy body that's getting me hard. You're such a pretty girl. How do you feel

"Ooh, I want you" was all I could say. "I'm aching to feel you inside me! I want you so much."

"Now you need to get me lubricated too" he said. "Put me into your mouth. Just a little at first, then put
more and more of your sweet red lips over me."
I moved the dld towards my mouth, and started to let it in.

"Lick the tip with your tongue" he instructed.

As I did so, again I was crying out inside to stop this, but I was powerless. The man had me totally in his
power now.

"All right Kaylee, you're ready for me now" he said. "I want to go inside you too. Spread your legs open
for me."

I moved my legs wide open.

"Now take me, and put just the very tip into your vagina."

I moved the dld down to the slit between my legs. I moved it around, until I found the entry to my
vagina. I worked it in, just a little bit.

"I want you baby!" I said. "Harder! I want you all the way inside me!"

"Now you can put me in deeper" he said. "Deeper. More and more. Put me inside you."

I did, and my body shook all over, as the dld filled me up inside.
"Put the phone back on speaker" he said.

I quickly pushed the button, and put the phone down.

"With your left hand, pinch your nipple" he said. "How does that feel?"

"My breasts are so big!" I said. "My nipples are so sensitive! I want to feel *you* touch them!"

"Now start to slide me in and out of you. In and out. Slowly my love. You're such a beautiful girl, I want
to last, and make you feel like a woman, over and over."

I started to slide the dld in and out of my wet pussy. It felt so good!

"Now with your left hand, find the special spot right at the top of your slit again. Where you rubbed
before. Put your finger inside of yourself, and feel for the little bump. That is your clit."

"Ooh!!!" I screamed as I found it. It felt so good!

"Put me in and out. In and out. Now start rubbing your clit with your finger."

I did as he asked, and it was heavenly! I came once. Then twice. Then a third time. My head was
spinning! I was moaning with pleasure. I couldn't help it! These noises just came out of my mouth. My
voice sounded like a woman's voice now, but I didn't even seem to notice. As with everything else, in my
mind at that moment, this was *normal* for me. My mind was a blur, and all I could focus on was the
unbelievable pleasure I was receiving at that moment.

"You like feeling me inside you, don't you?" said the man's voice.

"Oh yes!" I said. "Yes!!!!!!!"

"Tell me you want me. Tell me you want me there with you."

"I *want* you" I said. "I want you here with me."

I felt a need inside for him. I *had* to have him. I *had* to.

I looked up, and saw that I was no longer alone in the room. It wasn't just me on the bed, inserting a dld
into my wet pussy. No, I had a man with me. A tall muscular man with blonde hair.
"Oh baby" I said. "I want you. Take me."

He smiled as he undid his belt, and dropped his pants.

"Take out your dld baby" he said. "Get ready to feel a real man."

I pulled it out, and tossed it aside. I spread my legs wide open, and started to suck on my finger as I
waited for him. He lowered himself onto me, and started to push himself into my receptive slit. My eyes
rolled back into my head as I was overwhelmed with pleasure. It wasn't a cold empty plastic thing going
into me now; it was warm. It was big. And it set off fireworks in my head.

He reached down and touched my sensitive breast with his hand, making me shiver all over, and hit a
new height of arousal. He pinched my erect nipple, and I exploded inside all over again. I was yelling out
now, as the overwhelming pleasure increased again and again.

"Harder baby, harder!!!" I called out.

He responded by thrusting deeper and harder. I was in such a state of bliss! I was in heaven! He started
to talk to me, and his words resonated in my head.

"Your name is Kaylee now" he said. "You are my woman."

I don't know why he told me that. Of course I was a woman! I had always been a woman. My name had
been Kaylee for all of my life. Why would he tell me that?

"I'm yours baby" I replied.

"Oh yes, you are mine" he said. "You will do anything I ask. You are completely mine, in every way."

"I'm yours" I said.

I loved him so much! I would do *anything* for him. All he had to do was to ask, and I'd do it. More than
anything in the world, I just wanted to please him.

"Get ready now" he said. "When I come inside you, your soul is mine."

I felt him give one more thrust, the deepest and hardest yet. I felt *such* an intense pleasure at the
moment when he started to throb inside me. I can't describe it. All I can say, is at that moment, I knew
that I would die for him. I wanted to have his babies. I wanted to be at his side for all my life. My life
didn't matter now, only he did. My love was as intense and as overwhelming as was the pleasure he had
made me feel.

I laid there in his arms, my head on his chest. I felt safe and warm. We dozed off for a while. When we
woke up, I went to take a shower and clean myself up. I dressed up in a sexy sort dress, so I could look
good for him. I put on full makeup, and jewelry. I put on heels. I wanted to look as good as I possibility
could, for him.

I went back to his side, and he was awake.

"Mmmm" I said. "You were *great* in bed."

"I know" he replied. "I'm hungry now."

"I'll go cook dinner for you" I said, smiling. I was *so* happy that I could do something for him! This was
my calling in life, to serve him. Somehow, I already knew what foods he liked, and what he liked to drink.
My taste in food didn't matter now; only his. I happily prepared his meal, and served it to him at the

"That was good" he said when he was done. "Now you can clean up the kitchen."

"Oh *thank* you!" I said, so overjoyed that he was allowing me to do something else for him! He made
me feel like such a happy woman.


© 2005 by Jennifer White. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all
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Summertime Girls

by Jennifer White

"I'm bored" I told my mom.

Here it was in the middle of July, and there was nothing to do. I didn't have a baseball game until
tomorrow night. I was in a fight with Ken from across the street, so our moms wouldn't let us play,
because we got too rough with each other. I was out of money, because the weather was so hot and dry
that nobody's lawn was growing, and that meant there weren't any for me to cut. What's a boy with no
money and no access to friends supposed to do? I was bored.

"Tomorrow, after your teams last game, I've decided that we'll take a little trip up north. You're going to
stay with your Aunt Grace and your cousin Lisa for two weeks."

I was immediately excited. Up north with my tomboy cousin mean hiking in the woods, fishing, running
around, throwing the football, playing basketball, chopping wood for the fire, and lots of other fun stuff
like swimming in the lake, and paddling around in the canoe. Lisa and I had been pretty close, and had
done so much together over the years. Now we were both teenagers, and we still emailed each other
regularly, although I hadn't been up there to visit them for about a year.

I packed my bags. This was going to be great! A vacation from my summer vacation.

The hardest part about going up north to visit my Aunt Grace and cousin Lisa, was that it took about five
hours of riding in the car. When we first left the city, traffic was so slow, and we just crept along. I
*hated* that. I tried to read a book or play my handheld video game, but I was too wound up with
excitement to concentrate.

At last we left the city behind. As we got further and further north, the traffic got lighter. Now we were
flying along the highway, getting closer and closer. We stopped once for gas, and to have some burgers
for lunch. Well, burgers for me. Mom had a salad.

Now it was the last stretch, just another hour and half to go! The farmer's fields started to become
fewer, as we reached an area that was hillier, with more trees. I always knew we were getting close
when the trees got so big and so thick. Just a few more miles to go! Over the big hill, then left. Down
through the valley, then right. Over the stream, 3rd dirt road on the left. And there we were. 1959 Cedar
Creek Road. We had arrived at last!

As we pulled up, mom beeped the horn. I could see Lisa and Aunt Grace sitting on the big front porch,
drinking iced tea, waiting for us. I got out of the car, and ran up to greet them. Aunt Grace looked the
same as always, with her long hair done up, wearing a house dress. But I was shocked to see my cousin

Lisa had always been a tomboy. She had always worn her hair short, along with scruffy clothes, like the
kind I wore. Cut off jeans, and a T-shirt for me today. But the Lisa I saw wasn't what I remembered. She
had become a *girl*.
I mean, she was always a girl of course. But now her hair was shoulder length, and styled with pretty
curls. She was wearing makeup! She had lipstick on and mascara. She had developed two very
noticeable mounds on her chest. And for the first time since I had ever known her, she was wearing a
skirt. She had become a girl!

I stood there with my mouth gaping open, I guess. She came over, hugged me, and gave me a kiss on the
cheek. She had never kissed me before! I could smell *perfume* on her. How could this be the girl that I
used to have so much fun with? What had happened to her?

Luckily though, while her outward appearance had changed, she *was* still my cousin Lisa. She took me
inside to show me a fish she had caught a few months ago, and had mounted. We talked just like old
times. It was just weird to have her voice coming out of the body of a girlie-girl. I kept noticing things,
like how her nails were painted, even on her toes! Or how her ears were pierced now. I just could not
get over how she had changed.

Aunt Grace was a wonderful cook, and as usual, she made a big meal for us. I would eat well the two
weeks I was up north with them! Aunt Grace was my mom's older sister. Both her and my mom had
married early, and both were divorced now. They were close, and always kept in touch. We just didn't
get to see them very often, because of the distance between us.

We all talked and laughed as we ate, and it was like old times. But I couldn't take my eyes off of the, um,
"developments" on Lisa's chest, as well as how the rest of her had changed. I could see the outline of a
bra under her shirt, and it sent shivers through me.

I guess at this point, I ought to tell you something about myself. You see, for just about as long as I can
remember, I was always fascinated with girl's clothes and things. When mom was at work, and I was
alone, I had gone through her things more times than I could count. I'd "borrow" one of her bras for
example, and wear it until I felt too guilty, then I'd put it back in place.

Over the years, I had tried on her panties, her blouses, her dresses, stuffed her bras full, worn her
pantyhose, and more. I think that a part of me had always wished that I was a girl. And so when I saw
these changes in my cousin Lisa, I guess that part of me had to be really jealous. Why couldn't *that*
have happened to me?

And so, what happened next put me right in the path of temptation. You see, it was time for me to
unpack, after we finished dinner, and my mom kissed me good-bye, and drove back home. I took my
suitcase, and I was going to carry it down to the basement, where I'd sleep on the old couch.

"No!" said Lisa. "You're not sleeping down there. I am."

"I don't mind" I said.

"Well I do. You're company. *You* are going to sleep upstairs in my room. *I* will sleep on the cough. I
don't mind. I sleep down there half the time in the summer anyway."

"But..." I said.

"Don't argue!" she replied. "No go upstairs. I've cleared out the top drawer of my dress for you. Go!"

I went upstairs, and unpacked my things into Lisa's dresser. And then I couldn't help it. I shut the door to
her room so nobody could see, and I opened up one of her drawers to see what was in it. Bras and
panties! Then I looked in the next one: and there were her nylons! One was full of fluffy sweaters.
Another had her socks, which were mostly anklets, with pink trim.

I went to hang up a couple of my shirts in her closet. There I saw skirts, dresses, girl's jeans, blouses,
camis, and all sorts of frilly things. I knew that over the next two weeks, I was going to have to check
some of these things out for myself! I might even have to take a thing or two back home with me.
I looked her bed now. It had a pink and white comforter on it, and pillows with lacy trim. On her night
stand were copies of Cosmo and Glamour. I'd have some reading to do too! I felt shivers all over. I
wished that this *was* my room. If I had been a girl, this was the room I would have wanted, right down
to the lace curtains.

I put my suitcase on the shelf of the closet, and went downstairs to talk to Lisa and to Aunt Grace. We
had a lot of catching up to do. And speaking of catching, I didn't want to get caught going through Lisa's
things! Now wasn't the time; it would be suspicious if it took me over and hour to unpack! So I sadly left
all of her exciting girlie things behind, and went downstairs.


The first full day there was fun. We went for a long walk on the hiking trail. But it seemed weird for Lisa
to be wearing cropped jeans with a very girlish cut, instead of shorts. And she was wearing a skimpy tank
top, that seemed to empathize her "assets". Her long blonde hair swung to and fro as she walked. Even
her walking motion seemed different now, in that she swung her hips instead of walking like a boy.

But we talked about everything, and that part of our relationship seemed unchanged. When we got back
to the house, I chopped firewood for a while, as she helped her mom cook (something she *never* used
to do!).

"Why is there so much wood to chop?" I asked.

"Oh, I don't do that anymore. Too hard on my hands and my nails. We have someone come by every few
months to haul firewood, chop it up, and other odd jobs.

It was disappointing; she didn't do those things anymore. Just like a girl.

That night after dinner, I told her and Aunt Grace that I was feeling tired from doing so much outside all
day, and that I was going to be early. In fact, I was going upstairs to put on one of Lisa's bra and panty
sets, then to wear one of her skirts, and to lay on her bed, reading her magazines, and dreaming of
myself as a girl.

I tried on three of her skirts before I found one I really liked. It was navy, and came down to my knees.
Then I found a nice white blouse, and put that on. I laid on my stomach, and curled my legs up behind
me, as I read articles on makeup, clothes, fashions, accessories, as well as relationships, and gossip
about movie stars.

I slept in her pink silky nightie that night, which was *so* awesome feeling. I had a great night's sleep,
and woke very rested in the morning. After I dressed up, I went downstairs. Aunt Grace made us waffles
for breakfast, which was a real treat. After we ate, Lisa went up to her room to get dressed, and then we
were going out to walk in the meadow.

We headed out, carrying our picnic lunch for the afternoon. It was so nice and peaceful out there, and
you'd get to see wildlife like deer if you were quiet. We found a nice spot on the hillside, and laid down
the blanket, and set things up. As we talked, her tone suddenly turned serious as she looked at me.
"I need to ask you something important" she said.

"Sure" I replied. "Ask away."

"Now I don't mean this in a bad way" she said. "And I hope you don't take offense."

I shrugged. I didn't know what she meant.

"When I got dressed up this morning" she said, "I couldn't help but to notice that several of my things
weren't in the right spot. One of my skirts wasn't hung up properly. My panty drawer was open, just a
little, and it looked like someone had gone through it."

I immediately started to blush. I looked down at the ground. I felt so stupid! I had been caught red-
handed. I was so excited that I hadn't been as careful as I should have. Stupid!!!

"Tell me" said Lisa, gently. "It was you, wasn't it?"

"Yes" I whispered as I nodded. "I'm sorry."

"You've got an interest in my things, don't you?" she said.

"Yes!" I said again. "And I'm sorry!! I won't do it again."

She was a girl now, so she would probably start crying, or tell me that she hated me. Or she'd tell her
mom, who would tell my mom, and I'd be in huge trouble. I was *so* scared. I didn't know what to do!
So I was really surprised when she just shrugged her shoulders and smiled at me.

"That's okay" she said. "I'm not mad at you or anything. Come on, lets go for a walk!"

I followed her, almost feeling stunned that she had just shrugged it off like it was nothing. I was *so*
thankful that she was letting me off the hook. I had so many warm feelings towards her at that moment.
I loved her. We spent the rest of the day together having fun, and she never said another word about
me being into her things.

We had a great time, as always, then came back home. I chopped some wood, while she helped get
dinner ready. We ate our meal, then played cards for hours as we told and retold old stories from our
family. I loved when Aunt Grace told me about her adventures with my mom when they were young
girls. I learned a lot about my mom I never would have guessed at!

It was time for bed now. I said goodnight, then went and brushed my teeth. I went into my bedroom
(Lisa's bedroom really, but mine for the duration of my stay!). I turned on the lights, and got a real shock
as I saw something on the bed. There was a bra and panty set there, along with a note! I hurried to shut
the door, and then dashed over to read what it had to say.

The note was in the pretty handwriting of a girl, in red ink. It said "Please wear these tomorrow. For
me." It was signed with just the letter "L". Needless to say, I was stunned. Lisa *wanted* me to wear a
bra and panties tomorrow? I immediately got fully aroused. She *wanted* me to dress up in her things!
I was so excited that I could hardly sleep. Tomorrow, I was going to wear a bra and panties, and it was
going to be *all right* to do it! This was something I had dreamed of doing all my life, but had always
been ashamed of. Now it was okay to do it! I was so happy that night, and I had the sweetest dreams.


In the morning, I got up and showered. As usual. But now, when I got back to 'my' room, I put on a bra
and panties, before putting on my cut-off jeans and T-shirt that I'd be wearing all day. I was *so* aware
of my girlie underwear as I walked around! I wondered if Lisa or Aunt Grace could noticed it. I was
scared that Aunt Grace would find out what Lisa and I were up to!

We ate breakfast, and they both acted like everything was normal. I was relieved. So Aunt Grace
*didn't* know. And Lisa wasn't making a big deal of it. We went for a bike ride after breakfast, and still
she didn't say anything. I noted that I was riding a *girl's* bike. Of course, with just the two of them
living there, they wouldn't have a boy's bike. But it excited me further to think I had on girl's
underthings, and I was riding a girl's bike!

Still Lisa didn't say anything to me about it, and *I* wasn't about to bring up the subject. It wasn't until
after lunch, when we were walking down the hiking path side by side, that she finally said something to

"Tell me cous" she said, "are you wearing those things I put on the bed for you?"
"Yes" I said, in almost a whisper. We were alone in the woods. Nobody would hear us except the
squirrels. But still, it was hard for me to say it out loud!

Lisa smiled at me.

"It took a lot of courage for you to do that" she said. "Now tell me. How does it *feel* to wear them all

"I have to say, it feels wonderful" I replied. "Like I have a newfound freedom to do something I've always
wanted! It makes me tingle all over to think that I've got them on."

"So you really like it, don't you?" she asked.

"Yes" I said. "I really do."

"Lets be serious for a minute" she said, stopping, and turning to face me. "I want to know something. Do
you like to dress up because you're interested in boys?"

"No!!!!" I said. "No way. I like girls. Just girls. Only I like to wear their clothes."

"Okay, I get it!" she said. "I just wanted to know."

"Well, now you do" I said, defensively. I didn't want to be with a *boy*. That was gross! I loved girls, as I
told her. But sometimes, I wanted to *be* one.
"Okay, so you only like girls" she reiterated. "But you like how it feels to dress up in girl's clothes, right?"

"Exactly" I said, as we started walking again.

"Do you want to keep on exploring, while you're up here?" she asked, in that gentle tone of voice.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"I mean, do you want to go further with this? Wear more than just a bra and panties? You can wear *all*
girl's clothes. You can try on makeup. I can help teach you about being a girl. You'll be safe. Nobody will
have to find out about it. There won't be any shame or anything. Just a chance for you to keep exploring
this side of yourself."

I was of course surprised by this offer! And of course, there was no way I would do anything but to
accept it.

"That would be so wonderful" I said. "Yes, I want to keep exploring. With your help."

Lisa reached for my hand, and gave it a squeeze. I tingled all over from feeling her touch. I had friends
who were girls, but no *girlfriends*. Her hand felt so warm and so soft. Just like her. She made me feel
so special!
"Don't be afraid" she said. "I'm your cousin, and you've always been a good friend. I would never hurt
you. This is going to be fun for us!"

I smiled and squeezed her hand back. I tingled all over inside. She was going to help me feel like a girl.

When I went to bed later than night, there were some clothes laid out on the bed for me, along with a
pink shaver, and a note. It read:

"Please wear me tomorrow. But first, shave your body and your legs! L."

I looked at what she had chosen for me. There was a white tank top (with scalloped lace trim on the
straps over the shoulders and around the neckline), along with a pair of girl's cropped jeans, and a fresh
pair of white cotton panties. There was also a pair of the anklet socks, with the pink trip at the top. I
couldn't wait to put it all on tomorrow!

I fell asleep with visions of girlish things dancing in my head.

In the morning, I got up and took my shower as usual. But this time, I used my pink shaver to get rid of
all the hair on my legs, my chest and under my arms. There wasn't too much there, but enough that it
wouldn't look right on a *girl*. I felt *so* excited as I dried off, then started to put on the clothes!

The bra wasn't as big of a deal this second day; I had worn it all day yesterday, and I felt more used to it.
Same with the panties, although I loved how soft the felt on me! Then I picked up the tank top. I slipped
it on over my head, and looked at myself in the mirror. The straps going over my shoulders were wide
enough to hide the straps of my bra. But the scalloped edging was so frilly and girlie, that you'd never
mistake this top for one of mine!

Now I took the jeans. They were cropped, so they would come down just to my knees. They were cut for
a girl though, so when I pulled them on, I noticed a few things right away. First of all, they were a little
loose on my hips, but very tight above them! Lisa was thinner at her waist then at her hips. I wasn't. So
they were hard to button up!

Perhaps more alarming though, was the fact that there was no room in the crotch. With my jeans, they
were cut so that there was plenty of room for me down there. Not these. They were really tight in the
crotch, and it took some getting used to! I looked at myself in the mirror. I was dressed like a girl!

But I didn't look like a girl. I looked like a boy in girl's clothing. As I was admiring myself, there was a
knock at the door.

"Yes?" I said.

"Hi" said Lisa. "Can I come in?"

"Sure!" I said.
She walked in and smiled at me.

"Look at you!" she said. "You're so cute! Turn around!"

I turned in a full circle, so she could see me from all sides. She smiled so warmly, to reassure me that
everything was all right.

"Very good" she said. "Now lets get a little makeup on you. Have a seat here, and I'll explain what I'm
doing. Then tomorrow, you can start to put it on for yourself."

I was thrilled. I had dreamed of wearing makeup, but I had never done it before. She started with my
eyes. She applied a little bit of eyeliner around them, which she explained would make my eyes look
more prominent. Then she put on a little bit of peach color on my eyelids and eye sockets, with a little
bit of pink. She said that would make my eyes look bigger and softer. She told me to be sure to use the
lighter shade on the eyelids, and the darker shade in the outer corners.

Next, she pulled out a tube. She unscrewed the top, and I could see that it was a wand with a brush. She
had me close my left eye, as she ran the brush through my eyelashes. They immediately became darker
and for more noticeable.

"This is mascara" she instructed. "You can see what it does for your eyes!"

"Oh yes" I said, watching as my eyelashes suddenly made the whole look of my face change.
"Now it is very important that you cover your lashes from the root, all the way to the tip. You can kind of
wiggle the wand like this to lay down some color, then pull through your lashes like this to spread it out
evenly. Make sure you use full strokes. It's trickier with the lashes below your eyes though. Try not to
poke your eye!"

"I'll try to remember that" I replied.

"You have very pretty eyes" she told me.

"That you" I said, feeling a chill all over. Pretty. Me!

Next, she put just a hint of color on my cheeks, followed by a soft pink lipstick, which had a shimmery
color. She sprayed me with a puff of perfume, and my face was all done. Now she turned to my hair.

My hair was a little long for a guy, but not really long enough for a girl. She pulled the hair on my left
side back first, and used a bobby-pin to keep it up. Then she did the same on the other side. Lastly, she
gathered it in back, and used an elastic band to pull it into a tight ponytail.

"Look at you! You look so good as a girl" she said.

"Thank you" I replied, gaping at myself in the mirror. The clothes had done a little to change my look;
the makeup had done a *lot*. Now I almost looked like I *was* a girl.
"Are you ready for breakfast?" she asked.

"Yeah" I replied. "I'm hungry!"

Just then it hit me though. I had a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. If I went to breakfast looking
like *this*, like a girl, then Aunt Grace would see me! I couldn't let her see me like this! I had to hide
from her! I heard footsteps in the hallway.

"You've got to hide me! She's coming!" I said.

Lisa looked so calm. How could she be calm, when I was about to get caught like this? I felt a panic
sweep over me, and my mind was paralyzed.

"Girls, your breakfast is ready!!!" called out Aunt Grace.

Girls? She knew already! She *knew*!

"Lisa?" I said.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you already" she replied. "My mom knows everything about what we're doing.
Actually, dressing you up was all *her* idea in the first place. She understands, and she wants to help
you as much as I do. You don't have any reason to fear anything from her. She is going to be supportive.
In fact, she's going to treat you like you *are* a girl, for the rest of the time you're here."

"She is?" I said.

"Yes. She will behave exactly like she did when cousin Mindy visited last month. As far as she's
concerned, for the remainder of your stay, you *are* a girl. You are a *neice* to her now."

"Wow" I said.

Lisa nodded.

"Now come on, I'm hungry too!"

She took me by the hand, and pulled me out the door. We walked up to the table, where our breakfast
was waiting for us. Aunt Grace was seated at the table already, pouring out fresh squeezed orange juice
for us.

"Come on girls, it's getting cold" she said.

It felt so weird, but so wonderful to be called a girl!

"Sarah" she said, "Can you please pass me a napkin?"

"Sure Aunt Grace" I said, handing her one.

Sarah! She was calling me by a girl's name!

"Thank you Sarah. You look very pretty today. You have your mother's eyes, you know."

I smiled and blushed. I didn't know how to take a compliment like that!

After breakfast, Aunt Grace told us that she needed to go into town to do some shopping. That left Lisa
and I alone all day. We cleaned up the kitchen, then went out for a long walk in the woods, as usual. But
now, I looked pretty, like she did. I was dressed in girl's clothes. She treated me like a *female* cousin,
calling me 'Sarah'. I was *so* happy.

"Sarah, how does it feel to be a girl?" she asked.

"It feels wonderful!" I said. "I mean, I feel so free, like this is *me*. The way you've treated me, and the
way your mom has treated me, it's just so cool. The more I feel like a girl, the better I feel inside."

She took me by the hand as we continued to walk together. She told me about how girls relied on their
emotions more, and how talking was more important to them than it was to guys. She said that if I was
to be a girl, I would need to really get in touch with emotions, and become able to express them better.
She said she'd help me, and she'd teach me.

And so we spent hours talking about how girls think, and about feelings. Lisa told me about her
relationship with her mother, then asked me to talk about mine. I had to admit that I felt jealous; she
was obviously much closer with her mom than I was. But in all, it was a wonderful day; my first fill day
"as a girl".

We got back home, and Lisa had me help her prepare for dinner. We peeled the potatoes, washed up
the lettuce for the salad, chopped up green peppers and cucumbers, then tossed them in the salad
along with cherry tomatoes. We were just about done, when Aunt Grace returned home.

"Hi Lisa, Sarah" she said. "Thanks for helping with dinner."

"No problem mom" said Lisa.

"Oh Sarah, can you come here for a moment? I bought a few things for you while I was out shopping."

"Sure" I said, drying my hands off on the towel, then walking over to see what she had for me. We went
to 'my' bedroom, where she had several shopping bags waiting for me on the bed. I eagerly opened
them up, to see what she had bought me.

First of all, there were several bras, and two different three-packs of panties, in different colors.

"Now you don't have to borrow Lisa's anymore. You can wear your own" she said. "I can't believe that a
girl your age would forget to pack her own underwear! You're a silly girl sometimes, Sarah."

I now looked in the next bag. There were three shoe boxes. I opened up the first one. It had white tennis
shoes, with pink trim.

"Go ahead, try them on for size" said Aunt Grace.

I tried them on, and they fit perfectly! I wondered how she knew my exact shoe size, but I didn't think
about it much, because there were two more boxes to open. The next one had brown casual boots. They
had heels and pointy toes. They were really cool. They fit perfectly too.

The last box had a pair of shoes, also with heels. I tried them on, and felt giddy as I buckled up the
straps. I was wearing heels! I decided I'd wear these around the house all the time, and wear my boots
when we went out. I wanted to be in heels *all* the time!

The next bag had clothes in it. A frilly tank top, not too different from the one I had on now, except that
this one was pink with white trim. There was a frilly blouse, with ruffles going down the middle, and on
the cuffs of the sleeves. She had also bought me a denim skirt which I could wait to try on, pantyhose,
and a yellow sun dress. Lastly, there was a pink cami, which was made from a shiny silky fabric, with
glittery sequins around the top.

"You open that last bag, and try them on, while I go get something from the basement" said Aunt Grace.

"Thank you so much for all my new clothes!" I said.

I came over and kissed her on the cheek, like I had seen Lisa to do my mom when we had arrived.

"You're quite welcome Sarah" she said. "A pretty girl should have pretty things to wear. I'll be right back
with something else for you in a few minutes."
I looked in the last bag, and gasped. There was a box there, which I pulled out. There was a picture of
the contents inside: a pair of silicone breast forms. They looked just like real breasts, including a big
nipple, and a dark ring of color around it! I opened the box and looked at them. They seemed so

I had worn bras before and stuffed them, but never with anything that looked like these. I carefully took
them out of the box, and placed them into my bra now, one after the other. Then I stared at myself in
the mirror. It looked like I had two big mounds on my chest. Just like Lisa. Just like Aunt Grace. Just like a

I felt myself, down between my legs, trying to get really hard. Seeing myself with breasts was a huge
turn-on! I loved how I felt! I felt like a girl! I was so happy!

I read the paper that came with the box. It explained how to care for my new forms, how to wash them
and treat them. It also explained how they could be glued on, to help keep them in place, or to wear
them with something strapless. I put the paper in the box, and slid it under the bed. These would be my
most treasured possessions.

I cupped my hands over them. They seemed so huge to me! They were so realistic. I liked how it felt to
have breasts on my chest. I loved it!

A few moments later, Aunt Grace returned with some more things for me from the basement. One was
an old girdle of hers, which she said would help with my figure. Another was a corset, which I could also
wear to help pinch in my waist, and give me curves. She also had an old flannel nightgown for me, since
it got chilly there at night, being up north.
I went back out to the dinner table with her, feeling all proud of my new breasts. But Lisa didn't say
anything. She didn't even seem to notice them.

"What do you think of them?" I asked her.

"Of what?" she replied.

"These!" I said, putting my hands over them.

"Oh. Your boobs. Yeah, girls have them. Big deal. I mean, when I first started to develop, I felt so excited,
because I thought that once I had boobs, I'd be a *woman*, instead of just a girl. And I felt jealous of the
girls at school with bigger boobs then mine. But then I came to realize they didn't mean anything.
They're just boobs. The size of your chest has nothing to do with who and what you are. Being stacked
doesn't make you a woman, any more than having a flat chest doesn't make a girl masculine."

She took a bite of her salad.

I hadn't ever thought of that. I guess girls were just used to always having breasts, or boobs as she called
them. Just like the bra I was wearing. It was a big deal to me, because I normally didn't wear one. But to
the girls, it was just a piece of clothing.

I had so much to learn about being a girl! I was so glad that I had two wonderful relatives like this to help

The next day was exciting for me. After I showered, I put on my bra, with my new breast forms. Then I
put on the girdle that Aunt Grace gave me, followed by my new denim skirt, and the white blouse with
the frilly cuffs. I did my hair the way that Lisa had showed me yesterday, and I put on my own makeup
for the first time. Not as good as she had done it, but not too bad considering. As a finishing touch, I put
on my new boots, with the heels. They came up to just below my knees, and fit perfectly.

We ate breakfast together, but it was so cloudy outside that it seemed like early in the morning. As Lisa
and I started to do the dishes, it started to drizzle outside.

"Oh no" I said. "We won't be able to go out and do anything!"

"That's all right Sarah" she said. "We'll find something to do indoors today."

We started out by watching a movie, all three of us together on the couch. We ate popcorn and talked
as we watched it. It was about two girlfriends who had grown up together, then drifted apart. Now, they
were both divorced, and they were getting together for the first time in twenty years.

It was a very emotional movie to watch. Quite different from the action films or comedies I usually liked
to see. I figured that Lisa had selected this one for me to learn something from, about female
friendships. So made sure I plaid close attention to it.

After it was done, all three of us discussed it.

"What do you think she was feeling when she found out that Roger had left her for a younger woman?"
asked Lisa for example. She wanted me to feel what the women in the film had felt. I had never thought
much about *feelings*. I had just liked to dress up in girl's clothes. There was more to being a girl then
just wearing a skirt, I could see.

During this time, they both helped me with my 'manners'. For example, Aunt Grace was appalled at how
I was sitting.

"Young lady!" she said, "You're wearing a skirt, and sitting with your knees apart? Not in my house!"

I had to work on my posture, how I sat, how I crossed me legs, and many other things. Things that girls
like Lisa did effortlessly, I had to work at. But then, she had a whole lifetime to learn these things, and
they were all new to me. Aunt Grace might have sounded harsh to me, but she was treating me like she
would her daughter. And I appreciated it.

After lunch, the girls had me go into the kitchen with them.

"It is time you learn how to cook, Sarah" said Aunt Grace. "Today, we're making a pie. Lets start with the
I had *eaten* pies a zillion times. I had never *made* one though. I didn't realize how much work it
was! First, we made the crust, while Lisa peeled and sliced up the apples. Aunt Grace showed me how to
use the rolling pin to flatten it out. We cut a circle of it, and laid it into the pie tin (after coating it so the
crust wouldn't stick). Then she had me take the scraps, mush them into a ball, then roll it all flat again.
Good thing I had an apron on, with all the flour you use!

Now she had me cut the flattened dough into strips. She showed me how to arrange them on top of the
pie to make a lattice crust, after Lisa put in the apples and spices. Then as a final touch, Aunt Grace
showed me how to crimp the edges, where the upper lattice crust met the lower crust. The oven was
preheated. Now all we had to do was to wait.

Next, we did some chores.

"Do you do the wash at home?" asked Aunt Grace.

"No" I replied. "Mom does that."

"Well, it is time for you to learn how" she told me.

We went to the laundry room, where there was a large hamper full of dirty clothes. She had me
separate out the darks and whites. Then I had to take out from the white pile the ones that couldn't be
bleached. She explained that the bleach would fade the colors, so you had to use dried bleach on them.

It was pretty easy then: set the washing machine for the load size, and the temperature. Hot for white,
cold for dark (so the colors wouldn't run). Put in the detergent, and the fabric softener. Then let it run.
"That's so easy" I said. "What's the big problem?"

"You'll see" she said.

We did some dusting around the house, when I heard the washer buzz to indicate it was done. Now I
had to go back, take out the clothes, unball them, and throw them in the dryer. Except that some of the
clothes couldn't take the heat from the dryer, so they had to be hung up to dry. Then start the dryer.
Then put in the next load of wash.

Now back to the dusting and cleaning... until the dryer was done. Take the clothes out, and put them in
a laundry basket. Take the clothes out of the washer, and put them in the dryer, except the ones that
needed to be hung up. Fold the clothes in the laundry basket. Put them away. Then get ready for the
next load.

"And then we'll have to iron a few things" said Aunt Grace. "And you're lucky, we're not washing sheets
and pillowcases today, so you don't have to make and unmake all the beds in the house."

Meanwhile, the timer went off for the pie, which needed to be take out to cool. You couldn't just do one
thing when you were doing this "woman's work". You had to wait on one thing, so you did another. But
then something you did earlier needed you to go back to it, so you were always juggling three things at a

I told Lisa I was impressed.

"I never realized it was so hard to do all of this. I always thought of housework as being easy."

"If you think this is hard" said Aunt Grace, "just imagine doing this when you're pregnant. Or when you
have a young child who needs constant supervision. I don't know how my mother did it, with two girls
and four boys!"

"Wow" I said, feeling a new appreciation for my own mother, and for my grandmother.

We went through old family photo albums, and talked about my grandmother some more, along with
my mom. I had known what male bonding was, but I had never appreciated that women had close
female relationships in the same way. I was excited. I was learning so much.


The next day was fun for me, because I got to go outside in a skirt for the first time. Lisa and I went out
to the meadow, and picked bunches of wildflowers, and long grasses with the seeds at the top. We went
out to the lake next, and found a couple of pieces of good driftwood. We took it all back to the house,
and arranged the flowers with the grasses, gluing them onto the driftwood. When the flowers dried up,
we'd spray them with a coating, so they'd last.

"You can hang yours on the wall in your room" she said, "so you'll always remember your vacation."

"I'll do that" I said.

I didn't care that people might think it funny for a boy to have a dried floral arrangement on the wall; it
would always remind me of when I was a girl.

I helped cook dinner that night, peeling the potatoes, and helping to make the roast. We had a great
dinner, and ate the last of the apple pie for desert. After Lisa and I cleaned up the kitchen together, we
lit a fire in the fireplace, then sat on the couch together.

"I'm going to teach you something cool tonight" she said.

"What?" I asked.

"Cross-stitch" she said.

She showed me the pillow on the arm of the couch. It had a pattern stitched onto it, with her name.

"I made that" she said. "And I'll teach you how."

"That looks so good!" I said. "I thought that was store bought."

"Nope. That was me. Now lets get started."

First, we went through several patterns, until we found a nice one that said "Home Sweet Home". Then
we prepared a piece of fabric with the pattern. She showed me how to stretch the fabric tight using a
pair of hoops that interlocked. Now the sewing could begin.

It was painstaking work, making sure you put the needle into the right hole, in just the right spot. At
first, I kept losing the thread out of the eye of my needle. But over time, I got better at that. You had to
manage the different colors, and put the right stitch into the right place, making a small X (the cross in
cross-stitch!). After an hour, I looked at my hoop, seeing how very little I had done. I realized that it
would take a lot of work to complete!

"Now you have a nice hobby you can work on at night, or rainy days" she said.

"Thanks for teaching me" I replied.


The next day was a big day for me. Lisa told me to wear the yellow sun dress, which I did. She spent
some time with my hair, using some stuff she put in it, before blow-drying it, teasing it with a brush.
When she was happy with it, she used hairspray to keep it in place.

Next, she did my makeup, doing a far better job than I could at this point. And this time, she did the
works. Foundation. Blush. Everything. When she was done, I looked so pretty! With the way she had my
hair, I looked even more like a girl. In fact, with my smooth legs, my fake boobs, and now my pretty face,
I *did* look like a girl. Someone who didn't know me would think I *was* a girl.

I put on my high heel shoes, as she put on hers.

"These are too fancy to walk outside in" I said. "What are we doing today?"

"We're going to walk outside" she replied, "But not in the woods. We're going into town."

I felt that knot in my stomach again. I was going into town, dressed up as a girl? I froze for a second, but
then I realized that I looked so convincing, that nobody would notice! And to help things out more, Lisa
gave me some jewelry to wear. She clipped earrings onto my ear lobes, followed by a pretty necklace.
Then she had me put a couple of rings on my fingers, as well as a bracelet.

"Here's your purse" she said, handing over an old one of hers. "Hold it like this, over your shoulder.
Never let it out of your reach."

I thought of my mother always carrying a purse. She would clutch it with her arm when we were in a
crowd. I'd have to e sure to do the same. I was so nervous as we rode in the car, almost in a daze. I was
going into town, as a girl.
After the long drive, we took a little while to stretch our legs. We window shopped, looking at all of the
pretty clothes. Whereas my denim skirt was very stiff, this sun dress had a skirt that was very soft. It
fluttered in the breeze, and brushed against my smooth leg.

It felt so weird! But I loved every sensation, from the click of my heels on the sidewalk, to the way I
could see my pretty reflection in the store windows. What a thrill to know that I could walk right in to
any of these stores, look through the girl's clothes, and nobody would blink!

I clutched my purse between my arm and my side, as the others were doing, as we walked over to an
outdoor cafe, where was sat down for lunch.

"Hello ladies, what would you like today?" asked the waiter, a young man of 22 or so. I felt
uncomfortable the way he was looking me up, and smiling at me. But then I realized: he was accepting
me as being a girl! I knew how guys looked at girls. I had done that a zillion times. So I couldn't fault him
for it, although it did make me feel uncomfortable to know a guy was scoping me out *that* way!

All the people walked by us as we at. Women would smile at us. Guys would stare at us. By the time we
were done eating, I wasn't freaking out so much anymore. Nobody knew that I was really a boy. They all
thought I was a girl. And that made me feel *so* much better.

But then, Lisa and Aunt Grace would never have put me in danger of being discovered. They only did this
with me, because they knew I'd pass the test. That gave me a huge boost in my confidence. Even *they*
thought I'd pass as a girl. And that made me feel even more feminine.

We went shopping next, and I was able to buy myself a few more things. I would have loved to buy a ton
of clothes for myself, but I couldn't believe how much more expensive girl's clothes were than boys!
Those fashion designers really ripped you off! I found one *really* cute skirt, but they wanted $180 for
it! Just for a skirt! Needless to say, I didn't buy anything from *that* clothing rack. Now I could see why
my mom got so excited about sales.

And then came the best part of the day. Aunt Grace took us to a salon, where we all had our nails done.
First they did my toenails. They soaked my feet in water, and I got a massage on my feet, ankles, and
lower legs.

"You have some bad calluses on your feet" said JoAnne, the girl who was doing my nails.

"She's a bit of a tomboy" said Lisa defensively.

"Just like you used to be. Runs in the family, huh?"

"How did you know I'm related to her?" I asked.

"Oh, you have the same nose, the same eyes, and the same smile."

Girls noticed so many different things than guys did! I couldn't tell you who my nose looked like. I didn't
notice that kind of stuff!

JoAnne clipped and filed my toenails, and then applied a dark red polish in two coats, followed by a clear
sealer. And now it was time to work on my hands. Again, I got a massage on my hands and wrists, which
felt wonderful. Then she clipped and filed my nails, which were pretty short. She then applied the nail
polish, and the sealer. She had me hold my hands in this dryer thing to speed everything up.
When I was done, I couldn't stop staring at my fingers, with all the color on my nails! And down at my
feet, my open toes showed off my painted toenails. I felt even more like a girl now.

"You should let your fingernails grow out longer" said JoAnne. "They'd look pretty. Or come see me, and
I'll put on some extensions."

"Okay" I said. "Thanks!"

I admired Lisa's nails. She had on the same color as me, but her nails were long ovals, instead of mine
being so short. Hers were much prettier. I wanted my hands to look like hers.

Now for the rest of the day, I was paranoid that whenever I did something, I might chip my nice new
nails. It would take a lot of getting used to, with the nail polish! But I loved it all.

The next day, I wore my new white ruffle skirt and red cami top I had bought from the store, along with
pantyhose for the first time. The felt divine as the skirt brushed against my legs. Aunt Grace went
through her jewelry box, and donated several things for my growing collection, including a faux-pearl

She also gave me a bottle of expensive perfume which she had received as a gift.

"The scent doesn't work well for me" she said. "Why don't you keep it?"

"Thank you *so* much!" I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek. I could see traces of lipstick where I had
just kissed her. My lips. leaving lipstick stains behind! I felt almost woozy, I was so happy.

After doing some housework with Lisa, and working for a couple of hours on my cross-stitch project, Lisa
and I decided to watch a movie. It was a romance, and I tried to focus on the feelings of the main female
character, so I could learn from her.

"Don't you think he's cute?" said Lisa, as the male love interest kissed the woman for the first time.

"I guess" I said.

"Wouldn't you like to date a guy like that?" she asked.

"I'm not interested in guys" I said. "I told you."

"You're a girl now Sarah. You don't have to be afraid anymore. You don't have to hide your feelings. Not
from me. You can tell me anything, and it's okay."
"I'll tell you what I feel" I said. "I think he looks okay, but I'd rather date *her*. I just like girls."

"But you don't have a girlfriend at home. Why not?"

"Because" I said, "There aren't any girls there who I've met, who are like you."

At that moment, I wanted to kiss her *so* much. I wished I could be with her! But she was my cousin
and you just couldn't do that. I wanted to cry. In fact, a tear did form in my eye. Soon, this would all be
over, and I'd have to go back to being a guy again. I didn't want this to end! This was heaven.

"I love you" I said.

"And I love you" she replied.

We held hands, and sat there watching the movie together


I had the cutest outfit on the next day. I was wearing Lisa's jeans to start with, along with my high heel
boots. I had the corset on this time, so it really forced my waist in, making the jeans fit perfectly to my
'curves'. I was used to having the tight crotch now, and just wearing girl's clothes wasn't enough alone to
get me aroused anymore. I was used to them now.

Next, I had glued my breast forms in place, then I wore a white cami over them. And over that, I wore
the new white blouse I had bought. It was so sheer that you could clearly see the cami through it. The
front was covered with thin ruffles, and it buttoned up the middle. The arms were long, ending in five
inch wide cuffs, made out of a lace pattern. At the bottom, the same lace trim was used. And at the top,
it had a two inch high lace collar. Very feminine. Very poofy.

I wore full makeup, and my jewelry. I had even plucked my eyebrows a bit, with help from Lisa. That
morning, she had shown me how to using a curling iron on my hair, which made it look so pretty. I
wanted a perm, so I could always have curls! The look was very much like one we had scoped out in
Cosmo. We had spent a lot of time discussing the latest fall fashions.

After breakfast, I did some more work on my cross-stitch project. I was making great progress! Aunt
Grace had been showing me how to use her Singer sewing machine. I had sewn myself a new apron, to
learn the right techniques. Now I was going to make a pillow out of my stitch work, once it was done.

I sat there on the couch, my legs crossed, just like my stitches. Lisa was working on one herself, and we
talked as we worked along. I could hear Aunt Grace's voice outside. I thought she was talking to
someone on the phone, until I heard another voice that chilled me to the bone. My mom's.

My mother was here! She'd see me all dressed up as a girl! I was in such a panic, that I just froze, unable
to move! I felt helpless as I looked at her, as she walked in the room.
"Sarah!" she said. "How's my little girl? Come give your mother a kiss!"

I stood up, and walked over to her. She hugged me, and kissed me on the cheek. I kissed her back. I was
in total shock. She was treating me as if I was a girl too! She knew all about what had been going on

"And Lisa, look at you. You look so much more mature every time I see you."

She gave my mother a hug and a kiss too.

"Mmmm" said my mom. "Dinner smells good. Grace tells me that you've become quite the little cook
Sarah. I'm glad to hear that our family recipes will live on through another generation. Some day, you
can teach them to *your* daughter. I'm so proud of you."

She was proud of me? I felt that tingle all over again. I loved being a girl, and it was the best thing in the
world for me. But to hear my own mother say that she was proud of me for it? You can't imagine how
overwhelmed with emotion I was at that moment! My own mother liked me as a girl!

All through dinner, she treated me as if I was her daughter. I was just stunned. She called me Sarah. She
asked about what I had been doing, and didn't bat if I told her I had been shopping for skirts, got my
nails done, learned cross stitching, cooking, and so on.
As Lisa and I were clearing the plates after dinner, I finally had a moment alone with her.

"How did mom know about all this?" I asked.

Lisa smiled warmly.

"Who's idea do you think this all was?"

"My mothers?"

"Yes" she said.

"But you told me that Aunt Grace had come to you with the idea."

"She did. After getting it from her sister. Your mom set this all up for you. She told me that she had
noticed some tendencies in you and she wanted to let you explore that side of yourself. She said you
never seemed fully happy, and that she wanted to let you do this. How do you feel?"

"Being a girl is the best thing in the world" I said. "It makes me feel good all over to be a girl. It makes me
feel special. *This* is what I want to be."

"I can tell" said Lisa. "Your mother must really love you, to have gone through all this trouble just for
Now it made sense how Aunt Grace knew my shoe size. My mom had told her about this. She had
planned it all out in advance.

Tears welled up in my eyes. I ran out to my mom, hugged her, and told her that I loved her so much!

"Why are you crying Sarah?" she said.

"Because, I'm so happy!" I replied.


The next day, I wore my sun dress, so I could show my mom how good I looked in it. All four of us went
into town, and had our nails done together. With all the work I had been doing, my nails had been
chipped, and really needed at least a polish change.

"Have you thought about those nail extensions?" asked JoAnne.

I looked over at my mom. She nodded her head.

"Yes!" I said. "Lets do it."

And so, when we got back home, I had long fingernails. They would take some getting used to, but they
would be well worth it. They made me look even *more* like a girl. I was so happy. But one thing did
weigh on my mind: I was going to have to return home soon, and all of this would end. I was so happy
here! I didn't want to go back to being a boy!

I would be so lonely at home. I felt so close to Lisa. I really did love her. If she wasn't my cousin, I'd have
asked her to start dating me. I wanted to be with her, and I wanted to still be a girl. My mom noticed
how my face was showing my inner emotions. She asked me about it.

Back before I came up here, when I was just a guy, I would have shrugged it off, and not talked about it.
But I felt like a girl now. And girls talked about things. Like how they were feeling. So I told my mom

"I love you" I said. "And I don't want this to sound wrong, but I don't want to go back home with you. I
want to stay here. I want to be Sarah. I want to be a girl. I don't want for this to end!"

"Sarah, I know that. But I can tell, there's something else you haven't told me yet."

I nodded.

"Its Lisa. Mom, I love her! But she's my cousin, and so...."

In the middle of my dramatic speech, my mom laughed out loud.

"Mom!" I said. "I'm trying to tell you how I feel!"

"Sarah, I understand" she said. "But there is something that *you* don't seem to understand. You're too
young to remember, but back when your Aunt Grace first got married to your Uncle Joe, she got
pregnant right away. But she got sick, and lost the baby. To make matters worse, they had to operate on
her, to save her life. They had to remove some things. And she could never have another baby after

"That's so terrible!" I said, as the tears welled up in my eyes. "I never knew that!"

"You've heard it before, you just don't remember. But do you realize what that means?"

The wheels were spinning in my head. If Aunt Grace couldn't have babies, then it meant....

"Lisa was adopted?" I asked.

"Yes" said mom. "She's your cousin by adoption only. Not by family bloodlines. If she loves you, as you
love her, then there is no reason you can't be together."

This was too good to be true. I could be with Lisa! I ran out to find her, and asked her to take a long walk
with me. I explained to her my feelings.

"I love you so much" I said. "But I was afraid to let myself feel that, because I didn't know you weren't
my blood relative. I love you, and I want to be with you."
"And I love you Sarah" she said. "I want you too, but I held back, because I didn't think you liked me in
that way. When you told me you loved me, I thought it was in a family way, not in a romantic way."

"I love you *both* ways" I said.

She moved closer to me, and I moved closer to her. Our lips met in the most romantic kiss imaginable.
Her soft body, touching mine. I pulled her closer. I was in total bliss. I was a girl, kissing a girl.

"How can we make this work?" I said.

"You're going to move up here, full time" she said. "Your mom has made the arrangements. You'll go to
school up here, as Sarah. And we can be together."

"But don't you want a man?" I asked. "You told me that girls wanted to have a man."

"I want *you*" she said. "All the guys I've dated haven't been like you. They were all into themselves.
They weren't sensitive. I can't imagine any of them letting me teach them how to cross-stitch, let alone
letting me put makeup on them, or having them wear a skirt for me. All my life, I've wanted someone
like *you*."

"You want me too?"

"Yes" she said. "You're exactly what I want. A boyfriend who can be so much more. We can be best
friends. We can share *everything* together, even our clothes. You think like I do. You feel emotions like
I do. On the inside, you're a girl. It's just on the outside where you're a guy."

"I don't want to be a guy" I said. "I want to be a girl, forever."

"You can be" she replied. "You can get implants. You can go on female hormones. Just hold off on having
your surgery until we're married, so I can get pregnant. Once your little guy has done his job, we won't
need him anymore, and you can have him removed, so that you're all girl. To me, you're a girl already."

I was so happy that I almost felt dizzy. In a flash, I went feeling completely down, to feeling completely
up. It had looked like the summer of my dreams was coming to a close. Going back to my old life would
have felt like going from a 3-D work in color, to one in 2-D, in black and white. This was so much more,
being a girl!

And now *all* of my dreams were coming true, all at once! A had a beautiful girl who loved me, and
wanted to marry me. I was able to *be* a girl, with her, and she loved it! She wanted to have my baby!
And she wanted me to then have the operation, so I could be a real girl too. It was everything I had ever
dreamed of, and more.

"I know we have to wait a few years" I said, dropping to one knee, "but Lisa, will you marry me?"

"Yes Sarah. I will marry you" she replied. "You might have to put on a tux, and pretend to be a guy for
that one day, but you can always be my girl after that."

"I'll wear lingerie under my tux, to match yours" I said.

"Perfect" she replied.

We fell into another kiss, as we fell deeper and deeper in love.


Those days in my summer of love seem so distant now. My life was turned upside down, as I moved in
with Aunt Grace full time, and became Sarah. She home-schooled us girls, so I didn't have to deal with
being teased at school, for being a boy who dressed up as a girl.
When we were old enough, Lisa and I got married. We made love every night on our two week
honeymoon to Jamaica, and sure enough, she missed her next period. When it was confirmed that she
was going to have a baby, we were both overjoyed.

As soon as she gave birth, she suggested that I go get my operation scheduled. She pointed between my

"You won't be needing that anymore" she said.

I felt that chill go through me. I was going to have my own pussy!

Now little Gracie is almost 8 years old. She asked once why she has two mommies, instead of one. We
told her that her daddy loved her so much, that he wanted to be a girl, just like her. Lisa and I share all of
the household responsibilities equally. We are equals in bed, financially, emotionally, and in
responsibilities. We are the perfect partners. We are two women in love. I could never even imagine
being a man again. Being a woman has brought me the greatest joy, happiness and love that you could
ever imagine. I *am* a woman. Now, and forever.

The End


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.The Girls of Summer

by: Victoria Silk

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It was the start of the summer of 1999.

Bobby’s parents had divorced ages ago; he was never sure quite why they had parted. He thought there
had been another woman involved.

He was just fifteen, and lived with his mother in LA.

His Father lived somewhere upstate. Bobby hadn’t seen him for about three years, though every
birthday and Christmas presents would always arrive.

Last birthday it had been a top class mountain bike.

Now his Mom had got a new job as a lab technician at some cosmetics plant in Nowheresville.

He took one last look around, his friends waving from the sidewalk, the house where he had grown up.
He got into the station wagon.

It all was just running away. In a couple of days he would be in a new house and over six hundred miles
from anything he knew.

Bobby was what was politely called a late developer; his voice still had shown no sign of breaking and
shaving seemed years away. He had always been slim and a little shorter than average. People said he
took after his Mom.

It was the first week of summer break, his mom had said that it would be best to get used to his new
surroundings before the new term started. Maybe he could find some new guys to pal around with.
From the first time their station wagon passed the town sign, he knew the place was going to be a drag.

Welcome to Choata Springs: Population 270.

It was small and faded.

Right next to it, much larger and far brighter was a billboard.

Summer Cosmetics, keeping America beautiful.

Bobby groaned.

The town was set high in the mountains, surrounded by Indian pine; it had taken over an hour to get
here just from the off ramp on the highway. On the way they had passed through a larger town called
India Flats,

Your new school will be here, said his mom.

They drove into Chota.

Originally a logging town, its main street contained only a few shops, and a diner seemingly unchanged
from the 1960’s when the dam had been built and most of the valley had disappeared under the lake.

There wasn’t even a Mc Donald’s.

The moving van came and went, Bobby and his mom moved what they needed straight away into the
house, the rest of their belonging piled in the garage, to be sorted through.
On the third day Bobby’s mom had to go up to work, so after moving a bit more of his stuff into the
house he had decided to get out his bike and cycle round the town, just to give it a look.

The town seemed very quiet; the only people around were the storeowners and the occasional truck
driver. He hadn’t seen anyone under about twenty-five.

On his forth lap of the town he came across a girl around his own age. She was riding a purple mountain
bike. He rode up behind her slowly, enjoying the view of her behind in tight cut off jeans. She wore a red
shirt tied at the waist and her long black hair was held in a ponytail.

He put on an extra burst of speed, and shouted.

Hi as he raced past.

He was stunned as moments later she overtook him. Well if she wants a race, he thought and put more
effort into his pedalling. They were neck and neck when the traffic lights ahead changed to stop.

That was some good riding, he said.

Thanks she replied not so bad yourself. I don’t know about you but I could sure use a Coke about now.

She pointed at a store across the road; a soda cooler stood on the porch.

Sure said Bobby.

The paid the clerk and stood in the shade,

You’re new in town. She said.

Your moms renting a house on Green Spring Drive.

That’s right. Said Bobby.

How did you know? Oh my names Bobby Walker by the way.

I’m River; she pulled a face,

Yeah I know, its all a bit eighties isn’t it. River Summers. My moms the senior partner up at the factory.
Your moms just got a job there hasn’t she?

Yeah. Replied Bobby. Now I’m stuck here for the next couple of years. This town sucks.

Hey it’s not so bad, said River.

I’m having a pool party tomorrow, why don’t you come?

My mom will be at work. She added with a smile.

Bobby woke to the doorbell ringing. He glanced at the clock propped up on the pile of boxes next to his
bed. 11.30 am

He crashed down stairs in his sweat pants and an old T-shirt. His Mom must have left for work hours
Opening the door he was greeted with bright sunshine, River stood on the steps.

Aren’t we Mr stay in bed!" she said.

Are you coming swimming or are you hibernating or something?

River sat in the kitchen surrounded by boxes as Bobby struggled to find his jeans upstairs.

Still unpacking then. She shouted up to him.

His reply was muffled by the Guns & Roses T-shirt over his head.

Yeah it’s like the world exploded or something.

Bobby opened the garage door; most of their stuff was still in crates piled on the concrete floor.

My moms at work and I don’t know were my costume is, they looked at the huge mass of boxes.

No sweat. Said River.

There’s bound to be something at home you can borrow.

They sun was red hot as they cycled across town, it turned out Rivers family owned a big wood and
stone villa just outside. From the drive you could just see the lake though the trees.

There was already a pile of bicycles in the front yard when the arrived.
It turned out the bikes belonged to eleven of the cutest girls Bobby had seen.

Maybe things are going to pick up after all he though.

River introduced him to her friends.

Ok bobby." Said River.

Take a seat and I’ll go and find you something to wear.

He watched the girls disappear into the pool house and return in all manner of skimpy swim wear.

Rising from the poolside lounger Bobby took the proffered bundle, and unrolled it. Wrapped in the
green beach towel was a twist of shiny black fabric, he held it up, it was a one piece Lycra swim suit.

I can’t wear this, he spluttered.

It’s a girls costume!

What did you expect? Laughed River.

Why would I have a boys costume? Of course if you prefer this one we can probably swap." She wiggled
like an eastern dancer causing disturbingly erotic movement in the top of the hot pink bikini she now
The other girls giggled at Bobby’s obvious embarrassment. He blushed a deep pink, hoping desperately
that they hadn’t noticed the bulge in his jeans caused by River’s impromptu shimmy.

Come on Bobby, don’t be such a pecker, it’s only us here. No ones going to call you a sissy. It’s only like
those unitards those Olympic runners use.

He though hard for a moment, she was right, it was only a swimming costume after all, it’s not as if he
was being asked to wear a dress or something. He grinned, knowing that back in LA he had tried on his
mother’s things a couple of times when he had been alone in the house.

Three of the girls were already in the pool; one of them pulled a face and splashed water in his direction.

Hey cut it out! He said and half-turned away. He found himself looking straight into River’s large brown

So are you swimming or going? River asked.

Bobby looked around, around the pool and in the water were the eleven girls that seemed to make up
the total sum of people his own age group in this weird little town. If he blew this he was condemning
himself to riding his bike alone and solo games on his console at home for the rest of the summer.
Anyway next time he would have his own costume, it was just a matter of finding it in the pile of boxes
in the garage.

Ok! But you have to promise not to laugh. He said.

Several of the girls made hurt expressions.

Bobby walked into the pool house and stripped off his jeans and sneakers. His T-shirt and shorts joined
the pile on the floor, for a moment he stood naked. Just around the corner were eleven attractive girls
and here he was nude is a strange house.
The unfamiliar swimsuit gave him some trouble, as he first pulled it on back to front, he quickly turned it
round. It clung like a second skin. A large mirror made up the rear wall of the pool house, as he bent to
pull off his sweat socks he caught sight of his reflection.

The suit covered him from chest to thigh, the cut of it seemed to taper his torso to a point between his
legs. It held him in tightly and he was glad that there was no obvious bulge. The two straps gave him a
moments problem before he realised they were supposed to tie at the back of his neck.

With his fair skin and small frame he could almost have passed for a flat chested girl.

He jokingly pouted at his reflection, the walked slowly out to the pool.

The girls were pouring themselves sodas, wet footprints already drying in the sun. They turned at his

Hey, aren’t we quite the beach babe said a red haired girl. He remembered she was called Cindy. With
her long hair slicked and wet and the shiny green cropped swimsuit showing off her waist she could
easily be one of those plastic dolls.

We shall have to call you Bobbi now!

Quit fooling. Replied Bobby and was just about to deliver stunning come back when River dived into the

Last one ins a rotten egg!

Everyone ran to the pool and jumped in. Bobby was the forth one in.
Soon he had forgotten that he wasn’t wearing his own costume and swam and splashed with the others.

To a casual observer it looked for all the world like a dozen teenage girls having a great time in and
around the pool on a glorious sunny afternoon.

By two-o clock Bobby was on first names with everyone. There was Cindy who was still insisting on
calling him Bobbi, Beth who was probably the quietest one of the group, then Amber and Jade who
were sisters, they were both blonde and blue eyed with only a year between them. Sue whose mom ran
the diner. Majorie, who everyone called Maz, Julia, Ally, Shelly and Mary. Then of course there was
River. When they had stopped for sodas and ice cream it had been like a debriefing. The questions had
come thick and fast. Now they were all lying on loungers or towels spread on the poolside. They’re Ok
for a bunch of girls, he thought, maybe it won’t be so bad here after all.

It turned out that all of the girl’s moms except Sue’s worked at the same place as his. For one reason or
another no ones father seemed to live with them.

It’s like the single parent capital of the world. Shelly had told him.

Most everyone in town has something to do with the factory, it’s the only reason that this town keeps
going, and there are hardly any men who work there. You’re the only boy your age in the whole place
you know.

Then it happened, out of the cool water, and surrounded by hot girls, he had got a woody that showed
through the black Lycra. He tried to sit so that no one would notice, but too late. River had seen it. With
a sly smile she had reached into a bag under her lounger and produced a sort of large filmy scarf.

I think you had better put this round you, if your little pal’s going to make himself present.

She loosely tied it round his waist.

Looks like Bobbi likes being a girl someone laughed.

Get a picture!

Shelly pulled out a camera.

OK girl! Smile for the camera.

Bobby was reluctant to pose in a girl’s swimsuit; But River pulled him to his feet. Leading him to the
poolside she held his hand and posed sexily.

Come on Bobby, it’s only a bit of fun.

Her hand was warm; oh boy she was cute. Bobby smiled nervously and decided to make the best of it.

He moved closer to her.


Well that was it; soon everyone had had their photo taken, posing by the pool like fashion models or just
larking around. When Shelly ran out of film Bobby had appeared in at least five of the shots. Bobby
would have never have believed that he could have had so much fun with a bunch of girls, and he hadn’t
even tried to hit on any of them.

It was now getting close to Five O clock and everyone was starting to drift off home.
Bobby had changed back into his normal clothes, strangely the girls attitudes had changed when he
reappeared, still friendly, just not the same.

Gee Bobby. I’d almost forgotten you were a boy. Beth had said.

It’s a pity you’re not really a girl, you could come to slumber parties and everything.

That was it, while they had been swimming, he had been like one of the girls, one of the gang. Now he
was just some boy again.

Only River had treated him just the same, when everyone else had gone they rode back across town

Bobby told her what Beth had said. She had laughed.

Don’t worry about a thing, you can borrow my swimsuit any time you like. She paused. Bobbi!

Maybe I should just wear a skirt next time. He said, then laughed at the thought of it.

My mom would go nuts!

River just grinned.

You would make a cute girl, nice legs, shame about the face. Bobby put on a squeaky Minnie mouse

Ooh you’re so cruel!

They laughed and teased each other all the way home.

The next day was Sunday. River and Shelly had called round and his Mom had fussed around making an
early lunch for everyone.

She said it was great that he was making new friends.

They had helped him sort out his room, and he had even managed to find his swimming costume in one
of the boxes.

They were laughing about it when Bobby’s Mom came in with cookies and soda.

What’s all the noise about then?

The whole story soon came out.

Shelly had even told her how cute Bobby had looked.

He blushed bright red.

His Mom had laughed, but he thought he caught a strange look on her face.

Hey. Said Shelly. The photos are in my bag.

She rushed downstairs.

Bobby’s Mom looked through the pictures, asking about the other girls.

He watched her closely as she came to the ones of him.

You do look kind of cute Bobby. What did Mrs Summers say about you borrowing River’s costume?

Umm, she was at work. He murmured.

Any way I’ve got mine now. He waved his trunks.

They finished the cookies.

Why don’t you all go out and play, I can finish up here.

When they had gone down the road on their bikes, Bobby’s Mom looked through the photos again.

Oh Bobby. She said.

They cycled down to the lake; River and Shelly wanted to show him the old logging mill. It was kinda
cool, in a creepy Friday the thirteenth kinda way.

It was right on the shore of the lake and they sat on a crumbling loading dock watching the water. A
rusting truck sagged slowly into the long grass.

I’m sorry about telling your Mom about the swimsuit. Said Shelly
It just kinda came out. You did look cute though.

River agreed.

Any way, she seemed Ok about it. Your Mom seems pretty cool.

Back home Bobby’s Mom was on the telephone listening to Mrs Summers.

So you’ve seen the photos too. No I don’t think it’s a problem.

River has told me all about it, I shouldn’t worry.

In fact I have a rather strange request.

About half an hour later Bobby’s Mom put down the phone.

Mrs Summers was her new boss and when she had told her what she had in mind she had been loath to

Well it would really have to be Bobby’s decision. She had said

If he wants to then I suppose it would be Ok.

After all there was no way that Bobby would say yes.
She had always made sure that he had a normal boy’s upbringing. Baseball, football and camping trips. It
hadn’t been easy since she had parted from his father.

Bobby’s Mom looked at the photos yet again, and then going to the closet took down the album of
family pictures.

She slipped the most recent one of Bobby from its sleeve and compered it to the swimming pool photos.
After a moment she turned to the front of the album.

Bobby’s baby pictures. One of them showed a tall dark woman holding him.

One day she thought, she was going to have to tell him.

Not yet though.

Yes, she was pretty sure Bobby would dismiss idea as crazy.

River, Shelly and Bobby sat in Bobby’s kitchen.

Mrs Summers has asked us over for coffee. Said Bobby’s mom.

You too Shelly, can you ask your mom to come as well.

The three looked at each other.

Now what? They wondered.

Shelly and River had cycled home, and Bobby wanted to know what was going on.

We aren’t in trouble are we? He asked.

We haven’t done anything!

No. His mom said.

It’s a surprise. Mrs Summers has something planned for all the girls and wants to see if you would like to
be involved.

The drive of River’s house was full of cars.

All the girls were already there with their moms; it took a few minuets for everyone to say their hellos to
Bobby and his Mom. Photos of the girls were spread across the table.

Ok. Said Mrs Summers.

Now we are all here, I have some very exciting news for you all.

She addressed the women, as Bobby and the girls waited to see what would happen next.

As most of you know Summer Cosmetics is launching a new range for teenagers, its going to be called
Teen Angel. We have already had a massive response from our existing customers, and there is also
huge interest from a major teen clothing chain that want to carry the complete range.

This is going to be a big deal, which will give us a larger stake in the market in the new millennium.
Now for the really good part.

As this is all aimed at teenage girls, I thought rather than get in the usual people from modelling
agencies we would see if you girls wanted to model for us.

There will be photo shoots and possibly a trip down the catwalk to show the range to our customers.
What’s more, it’s not just the make up. That clothing chain I was telling you about is called New York-
New York, and they are launching a new millennium collection aimed at the same age range. So we will
be working with them on this.

The girls had stopped chatting and just looked at Mrs Summers.

Cindy spoke first.

This is so cool; we really get to be models?

All the girls joined in, totally excited, it was bedlam.

Bobby looked at his Mom; she had a strange look on her face.

The girls were all hugging one another; they seemed to have forgotten he was even there.

Mrs Summers. He said.

Why am I here?
Oh yes, Bobby.

Now I have something special in mind for you. It seemed such a shame to have all the others involved
just as you are getting to know everyone.

Now don’t be shocked. Mrs Summers took a picture from the pile on the table; it was one of him in
River’s swimsuit at the pool party.

When I saw this. She said.

It gave me an idea.

If you were willing, I would like you to model for us too.

Everyone was suddenly quiet; they all looked at him.

But I’m a boy. He stammered.

I know, it would be a real coo for us if we could make you as attractive as I know the girls are going to

Bobby was at a loss.

Mom? He said.

Well dear, I must admit, I was surprised when Mrs Summers told me her idea, but it’s up to you.
If you want to try it, it’s up to you.

His photo was being passed around.

Go on Bobby. Said River.

She grinned at him.

It would be so cool, like all girls together.

I know you would look great.

Now everyone joined in.

Then Cindy spoke up.

You are all crazy; Bobby can’t be a model.

No one would ever really believe he was a girl, and it would make us all look stupid

In the ensuing argument Bobby found himself defending his right to do it.

Everyone was saying he should go for it, except Cindy and her Mom.

That’s when she bet him he wouldn’t do it any way.

He couldn’t stop himself.

Right then, I will!

The other girls had gone wild; he had been nearly hugged to death.

It was agreed that he would go up to the factory tomorrow and visit the make up studio. Just to see. If
he didn’t want to go through with it, he didn’t have to.

On the journey home, his Mom was very quiet.

What was he doing? He was going to look an idiot!

Bobby pushed open the door, The salon was empty.

Well, no one here. I can just go home; at least they can’t say I didn’t try.

He was just turning to go when someone came in through the door at the other end of the salon.

Hi! You must be Bobby. Call me Yvonne.

The woman was tall and blonde; she had that almost sprayed on look of a professional beautician. Her
white uniform jacket had the Summer Cosmetics logo above one breast pocket. Underneath she wore a
knee length white dress, she looked a little like a glamorous lady doctor.

Mrs Summers has told me all about you, I think it’s great that you agreed to do this,
I wasn’t sure you would even show up.

I know all the girls are really excited.

She had him sit in one of the pink leather chairs.

Ok then, lets take a close look shall we.

Hmm, good skin, good hair, a bit short but not for what I have in mind, its nice and thick. Good bone
structure too.

You know I think that we can really do something great here.

Yvonne wanted to know all about how he cared for his hair, if he had ever used any beauty products
before and whether he had any allergies.

Bobby was at a loss, after all he was a boy, and as far as he was concerned the bathroom was just for a
quick wash and go. No wonder his mom spent so much time in there.

Yvonne waked to the other end of the salon. Bobby could hear her heels clicking across the tiled floor.

She returned with a whole armful of hanks of hair in different colours.

One by one, she compared them to his hair.

Well, we don’t have an exact match, how would you feel about a little colouring?
Bobby shrugged.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to turn you into a clown. If you want to change your mind, now is the time to

Bobby thought about the others, no way was he going to let Cindy win. Backing out would be like
admitting defeat.

He swallowed.

He couldn’t back out of it now.

He looked through the coloured strands.

This ones just like my moms colour.

Great choice. Said Yvonne.

After all, you know what they say; blondes always have more fun!

Right take off your jacket and we can get started.

Bobby looked at himself in the mirror, there wasn’t much of him exposed, between the pink cape and
the plastic cap he had been reduced to just a face. Even that was covered in a white cream, only his eyes
looked familiar.
Ok Bobbi said Yvonne; it’s time to see how we are doing.

With his head over the sink, he stared at the ceiling as warm water ran through his hair; Yvonne
carefully making sure all of the solution was removed. She sponged the cream from his face.

Right, it’s the dryer for you now my boy.

She untied the cape and he sat under the drier in his white T-shirt. After what seemed like an age
Yvonne was satisfied and released him from it’s clutches.

Wow! Bobbi, that looks great. She held one of the hanks of false hair to his head.

Perfect match!

He tied to see himself in the mirror, but Yvonne stood in the way.

No, wait till I’m Finished, then you can look.

Bobby was surprised at just how much he was starting to enjoy himself.

She fussed around him, brushing in steady strokes, he watched her expression, obviously she was
pleased with the result.

For the next three hours he was made to turn his head this way and that as the pile of blonde extensions
got smaller and smaller.

He read the magazines she had given him, enduring the sharp pulls in silence.
Yvonne, cut, clipped and sprayed. She had even plucked at his eyebrows with little tweezers. It had hurt
like hell.

Us girls have to suffer for beauty, you know.

Ok! She said, giving his hair a final brush.

You can look now. She stepped aside.

Oh man! Like no way!

In the mirror was a slim figure with long honey blonde hair, could this really be him. Hair flowed in
waves over his shoulders, framing his face. Shining in the salon’s lights, It lay like liquid Gold over the
white of his T-shirt. He turned around slowly, watching his reflection.

No going back now! He thought.

You know, if you are still willing to go the distance then there’s two more things you need. Said Yvonne.

Beauty’s not just hair and make up you know, it’s the whole image.

You have to feel totally at ease with yourself or all the powder in the worlds just not going to help.

She opened a drawer in the workstation; it was full of women’s breasts.

Bobby’s jaw dropped.

These, explained Yvonne are one of the companies other lines.

Do you know what a mastectomy is?

Bobby nodded, open-mouthed.

These are top of the line, they have a special gel inside so that they move just like the real thing.

He hadn’t expected this!

She saw his expression.

They only glue on. She laughed.

It’s not permanent.

The relief showed on Bobby’s face.

Yvonne caught up his hair under a net cap and had him remove his T-shirt.

Now these are really for older women, so we shall have to use the smallest size.

She cleaned his chest with a blue solution then using clear glue fixed the first false breast in place.
It felt really odd, and bobby’s mind reeled.

Every boy had at some time fantasised about breasts, but normally they didn’t get a pair of their own.

It only took a moment to stick and Yvonne soon had both of them in place.

They were heavier than he had expected. Was this how real breasts felt?

He had spent a lot of time running around bare chested, but now he felt very exposed. Every time he
moved they bounced gently.

He had breasts! He was no longer just a boy with girls hair, it was as if he really was becoming a girl.

Strangely this didn’t bother him as much as he thought it should.

Pulling his T-shirt back on proved more difficult too.

Yvonne produced a tape.

Hmm, they make you about a 34B, that’s just about right for a girl your age.

She looked at him again; the transformation really was amazing. She had expected a lot more resistance
from him.

Bobby was still staring at himself in the mirror.

I really do look like a girl! He said grinning.


Yes and a very cute one too. You are going to need a brassier to support those you know.

She was right, every movement caused them to move under his shirt.

Ok, what’s next?

Yvonne beamed and wheeled over a trolley stacked with make up.

This is all from our new Teen Angel range. We might as well start out as we mean to go on.

She pulled his hair back from his face and slipped a wide pink band over it.

Yvonne had him sit with fingers splayed as his nails dried, she had added acrylic extensions and now
they were long and a rosy pink.

Bobby watched fascinated as his face changed. Yvonne had spent a few minuets choosing colours to suit
his colouring.

She explained everything as she went along.

Bobby found himself wanting to know all about it, he even asked to try putting a little on himself.
Well if you are really that interested maybe we can find time to show you a few tricks later on.

His boyish features were slowly redefined under the barrage of paint and powder.

Nearly done.

He followed her lead, moving his mouth around like a stunned fish as the lipstick was applied.
Apparently it was called Morning Sky and was a light translucent pink.

Nearly done.

Yvonne removed the hair band and flicked his hair back into place with an experienced hand.

Just a little spray to hold the style and;

All finished.

She stood back to admire her work.

Oh Bobby! You look wonderful, that’s definitely one for the scrapbook.

If Bobby had been surprised before. Now he was in total shock.

Large dark eyes with long lashes sparkled from a flawless face; a smoky blue on the lids made them
seem much larger and just a touch of light blush gave him killer cheekbones. Though it was the mouth
that clinched it. Full lips glowed with a soft pink sheen.
The girls would be amazed, and his mom was going to just die.

Yvonne returned with a camera.

Walk up and down for me.

The camera clicked as he paraded around the bright salon.

I can’t wait to see you on the shoot with all the others. She said

I don’t suppose you have any girl’s clothes with you? It seems such a shame to see you in those jeans
and sneakers.

It had not even crossed his mind how strange his normal clothing would look with a girl’s head on his
shoulders, then again he would never have guessed that he would end up looking like he did now.

Yvonne went into the back again.

Here try these, they should be close to your size. This is the uniform our beauty students wear when
they come for in for training.

She handed him a short pink dress and jacket; there was a packet of opaque white pantyhose and a
matching hair band.

There are boxes of shoes in the back storeroom. See if any will fit.

Bobby had almost run into the back.

There were bench seats in a kind of lunchroom. Beyond were the stores.

He opened a couple of shoeboxes and sat down. The shoes were like aerobic slippers in white leather.
After a couple of tries he found a pair that fitted really well over the thin pantyhose.

Bobby pulled the dress over his head, it mussed up his hair and he realised that he should have put on
the band first.

A rack of brushes stood near a mirror so he tried to repair the damage as best he could. Pushed into the
mirror frame were lots of photos showing various young women in outfits identical to the one he now
wore, they were laughing, eating pizza and looking like they were having a great time. He scrutinised
himself in the mirror and realised that he could easily be mistaken for one of them. The women in the
pictures all had their hair in tidy ponytails. Using the hair band he did the same.

Bobby walked back into the salon, the dress clung round his thighs and he found that he had to take
much smaller steps than normal.

The flash of a camera greeted him.

You look just perfect. Said Yvonne.

Maybe we should have you join the classes when the students come back after their summer break.

Bobby giggled, and looked at his feet.

Oh Boy! He thought now I’m even starting to act like a girl.

Right your Mom will be finishing work soon, she said that she would call in to see how you were doing.
Though I doubt she would recognise her son now.

Bobby looked in one of the salon mirrors. He didn’t even recognise himself.

In the mean time you can help me tidy the salon, it will give you the chance to see how hard us girls
have to work in here.

Whilst Yvonne sorted out the make up trolley, he swept under the chairs.

There seemed to be masses of golden hair to clean up.

He was rinsing the sink when the door opened.

Hi Yvonne. His Mom walked in.

I’m looking for my Bobby. Did he show up here?

There was a student working at one of the sinks, she hadn’t expected anyone else to be here.

Yvonne led her past the blonde girl and into the back room. The girl had smiled at her as they passed.

Yes Bobby came all right, but he’s not here any more. Yvonne laughed!

She held up Bobby’s sneakers, and his Mom suddenly realised who the young girl cleaning the salon

She was stunned, was this attractive young girl really her son?

She had expected him to run a mile when he had actually met Yvonne, but no!

Not only had he gone through with it, he was beautiful. Any mother would be proud to have a daughter
like this.

Hi Mom.

My God, Bobby. I can’t believe it.

You look fantastic.

I shall have to come in for a make over myself if that’s how good Yvonne can make you look.

She touched his hair.

Jesus. That’s not a wig!

Bobby’s Mom was flustered. It took Yvonne some time to explain what she had done; they all sat in the

It felt weird to sit drinking coffee with his Mom whilst dressed as a girl. Worse still his Mom had kept
looking over at him with a strange expression on her face.
Bobby started to wonder if he had let things get out of hand.

So you decided to really see if you could play the part?

I’m not sure what to do; you can’t just go around normally with your hair like that.

She thought for a while.

Ok! The photo shoot is still two weeks away.

I think you will just have to stay as a girl until it’s all over.

Bobby blanched.

Two weeks!

Watching himself change in the salon mirror had been fun but he had only expected to play a girl for the

Two weeks!

He couldn’t bear to stay inside for two weeks, but that would mean going out in public as a girl.

He fingered the hem of his dress. But Mom! I can’t, I mean…

His Mom interrupted.

Of course we shall have to get you some new clothes to go out in.

Oh God, she was getting into the idea.

Bobby knew that look. Once his Mom made up her mind that was it.

He looked to Yvonne.

No help there.

Sitting there with his long hair, all made up and wearing a pink salon assistant’s outfit he really was in no
position to argue.

He was sunk. For the next two weeks he was going to be a girl.

Don’t worry Bobby, it’s going to be fun, I’ve always wanted a daughter to take out shopping.

Yvonne stood in the doorway of the salon as mother and daughter got into the station wagon.

She had insisted that Bobby keep the uniform.

Now he could come by the salon and help out until the photo shoot was over. She said.

He had been loaded down with brushes, skin care products and more make up than he thought was
necessary. His boy’s clothes were stuffed into a plastic bag.

Two weeks, there’s enough stuff here for two years he thought.

© 2001

The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must
contact the author for permission.

The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must
contact the author for permission.

Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror.
Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this?
Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech
and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to
understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn from bad experiences.

All constructive comments are welcome. Please e-mail to me: or

Finally, this is a piece of adult fiction. If you are underage, or if you find it offensive, please go elsewhere.

College Bound by: Samantha Michelle © 2001

In early August, the economy collapsed where we had lived all our lives, thanks to President Clinton. It
was, to most, just another round of military base closings. But in our little part of the world, it was a
death knell. So Mom and Dad added two and two, got a negative one, and took a government buyout on
our home.

Three weeks from the day we knew they were shutting down the base, we had said hurried good-byes
to all our childhood acquaintances, and were on the road, looking for a place to replant ourselves.
Everything, and I mean just that, was in storage. We carried only the essentials, like our cats and their
litter box, in the motor home. Priority one was finding Mom a new job. Which was not easy for a middle-
aged woman with a family.

Dad could not survive in an urban area. Mom did not want to live out in the sticks. My sister Stacey and I
just wanted to get on with our lives. Six weeks later, it was with great trepidation that we greeted the
announcement that both Mom and Dad had gotten really good job offers way out in New England. After
five days travel, we arrived at a small town near the Vermont-New York border. The mountains were
beautiful, and the area seemed nice, but really conservative: Laura Ashley girls, and guys in cardigan
sweaters. We found a nearby motor home park, and were told to visit the local high school while the
parents went for interviews.

Stacey, the organized one, grabbed copies of our transcripts and school testing, and I grabbed our
backpacks. A quick check of the net (via land line at the RV park) said great weather. So I put on my best
knee-length cutoffs, tennis shoes, and Roadkill Café T-shirt. Stacey opted for her hand-decorated Carhart
coveralls, a tank-top, and combat boots. Exactly what we would wear on a normal school day.

The six-mile walk was refreshing, and people were actually pretty friendly. We were both surprised
when a village cop pulled up to us, and asked nicely why we were not in school. Stacey pulled out her ID
and driver's license, and explained that our parents were in town for a job interview, and we were hiking
to the high school to see what it looked like. He offered us a ride, but we said after a couple of weeks on
the road, the walk was fine. As he drove off, I heard him call in that the two girls were visiting town.

Stacey and I looked at each other. She giggled, and I frowned. Why was it that just because I was skinny
and had long hair everyone thought I was a girl? But the weather was too good to spend the day
annoyed, so we headed for the school using a map I had printed out. When we found it, we stopped and

Stacey's "God, it's awesome!" was an understatement. It was three stories of ivy-covered brick and
granite, and looked like some sort of big-time university. I gawked, and got worried.

"I hope they don't mind a couple of country bumpkins like us tarnishing their hallowed halls."

"Country bumpkins in the top tenth of a percent, you mean." She giggled. "And besides, I think my
bumpkins are pretty good." She posed, and I would have hit her if she had not turned and trotted for the
entrance. Once inside, there was no mistaking where the principal's office was. Even if they called it
something different. The bronze plaque said "Headmaster's Offices." Quaint, I thought.

Stacey introduced us to the secretary/receptionist, who looked at us like we needed baths. Or flea
powder. She made a couple of calls, and we were invited to wait a few minutes. She said the assistant
headmaster would be happy to meet us, and give us a tour. I almost turned and ran when a dour-looking
woman with a military air introduced herself as Headmistress Rothveldt, and invited us to her office.
It was like entering a time-warp. All real wood, straight, high-backed chairs, and oil paintings adorning
the walls. Her voice was much more pleasant than her appearance. "Celia tells me that you two have
accompanied your parents on a job-hunting expedition, and want to know about our school." We both
nodded. "Well, Hanover Academy, although a small public school, has been a leading college
preparatory school for nearly one-hundred years. We take great pride in the caliber of our programs and
students. So we strive to give our students the best possible background for entering top business and
financial curricula at ivy league institutions."

She frowned. "Coming into a new school in the middle of the semester is difficult for many students.
Because of our exceptionally high standards, most transfer students find themselves woefully
unprepared. Almost all must repeat one or two complete grades before they are ready to progress and
matriculate." I snickered, and she gave me a withering look.

"Young lady, proper respect for one's superiors is highly emphasized here. I hope your previous
academic achievements are significantly more suitable than your bearing and attitude."

Now I was upset. "Pardon my faux-pas, madam, but first I am a young man, not a young woman. And
second, it is my hope that your academic standards are, as you put it, significantly more suitable than
your hospitality." I could, when I wanted to, speak relatively formal English. And she was stepping on my

She stared at my hair, and at my sister. "She, well, he, is a boy under that unmanaged mop?" Stacey
almost fell off her chair laughing.

"That is the best description of his hair I've heard in ages. And yes, I'm afraid I must acknowledge this
pest is my younger brother." She looked at the woman. "But in all fairness to him, we are unused to your
formalities. And his concern for your academic standards is justified." Stacey opened her folder, and
handed the woman copies of both our transcripts, and our test scores.

The shocked look on her face was a missed Kodak moment. She read everything twice. "These cannot be
real. This says you are a Junior and have completed over fifty semester hours of university courses with
honors?" Stacey smiled. "And this ragamuffin is starting as a high school freshman, but has completed
calculus one, and two university science classes with straight A's?"

"Hey, like if I didn't have to drop all my plans and move, I would be in calculus two. If I have to spend
much more time on the road, I'll have the darn text finished out of boredom by October."

She looked at us, and I swear I could see the aura of a migraine forming around her head. A dirge
beeping from Stacey's pocket signaled a cellphone call. That really upset the woman. Stacey answered,
and mumbled several "Yes, Mom's" before ending the conversation. She looked at me, and the woman,
and shrugged. "Well, I guess we better start the paperwork to attend." I stared at her "Mom and Dad
both took the positions offered, and said we would be able to start school once we find a place to live." I
gave her a high-five and a hug. I wanted to have friends again. Inside I cringed, because I'd had so few
before. The woman, shaking her head, excused herself. I could hear raised voices from out front.

When she came back, she asked us to accompany her to meet the headmaster. So we dutifully got up,
and I wondered if Mom and Dad should have asked us before accepting their new jobs. The headmaster
looked like a retired politician. But there was no mistaking his sharp, careful appraisal of each of us as
we entered. He was introduced as Doctor Hamilton. The woman handed him our transcripts, and
excused herself. Once she was gone, he smiled.

"I see you have both impressed and appalled Mrs. Rothveldt. She seems to disbelieve these transcripts.
You are certain they are accurate?" We nodded. He looked them over. Pulling our a pad of paper, he
scribbled on two separate sheets, and handed one to each of us. "Here is a quick test. If you know the
material, it should take you no time at all. If you don't, it will be obvious."

We handed them back to him in about five minutes. I had to really think about one question, and was
glad I was working on the calculus two book. Stacey seemed unfazed. He looked each one over, and

"You've proved your point. You are both academically superior students, with exceptional potential. You
will find the classes here to be well within your abilities." He looked at us again. "Now, for what is
probably more important to you, what do you want from our institution?"
That was totally unexpected. Stacey was far faster than me at replying. "I am a performing arts and
history major. I play several instruments, act, and am planning to become a teacher. I'm also interested
in almost everything, and want to take another foreign language, and spend my first real college year
studying history and music in the British Isles."

He chuckled. "We place a high value on the arts. And offer several languages." Then he really grinned. "I
completed my second masters degree, in Mediaeval Literature, at Cambridge. If you do well here, I can
almost guarantee you admission to any of the better universities in England or Scotland." Stacey was all

He looked at me. "And what about you, young er, man. What are your goals?

"I want to make friends, have fun, and study math and science and engineering. And to swim and run
track." I looked at him. "And I want people to quit telling me who or what I am supposed to be, or what I
should look like. I am fine with who I am, and with my long hair. For some reason most adults find a
fourteen-year-old who is sufficiently self-actualized to make that statement intimidating. I just want to
enjoy being me." His expression was inscrutable. But I could hear the gears spinning. He was no dummy.

"You may find that there is a dichotomy between being yourself and making friends, especially among
the students here. There is little question that you and your sister are going to run afoul of the
Academy's dress code. How well you fit in with the other students will be a test of your ability to adapt
to a far different environment than you have previously experienced. I see no reason to mislead you.
The atmosphere here is highly competitive in all venues. Academics is but one area where you will have
to swim among the sharks."

I stared at him and I wondered what new quirk fate had tossed into my already rocky path through life.
We heard a bell ring, a real bell, and he looked at a clock. "Since you are guests at this point, I will invite
you to partake of lunch, on the school." Stacey, starving as usual, agreed for both of us.

We got a lot of strange looks from the students. Who looked strange to us. All the girls wore skirts or
dresses. The guys wore slacks and dress or polo shirts. The longest hair I saw on any guy barely touched
his collar. And he looked like a musician. The lunchroom looked more like a dining room. The
atmosphere was subdued; none of the ruckus we were used to hearing. And the food was real. Dr.
Hamilton was watching us. "Quite different from the other schools you have attended?" Stacey nodded.
I was just staring.

"I've been to weddings that were less formal." She shook her head. "I might have one outfit that would
fit in." She looked at me. "Sam doesn't even own a pair of slacks." Suddenly she giggled. "Do the parents
look even more formal?" He nodded.

"Wait till you meet my Dad. His idea of formal is to put on a pair of Levi's without holes." Dr. Hamilton

"So what do your Mother and Father do?"

"Mom is an office manager and executive secretary. Dad is retired from the military, and when he can,
he teaches at a university or does engineering and consulting. Or gives the local government
hemorrhoids." Stacey giggled. "Our last school district had a policy that when he arrived for a
conference, they were to call in reinforcements." Dr. Hamilton looked a bit green.

We heard another bell. "That is the cleanup warning. Please place your trays on the conveyor next to
the serving area, and meet me back at my office." We nodded, and waited until the rush was over
before moving.

"Stacey, I don't think I like this place. Everyone is so formal and stiff." I gave her a hug, and she held me
for a minute.

"Sam, I don't think we've got any choice. Mom seemed really happy when she called, and you know we
have to settle down soon. And we both know this is a better school than our last one." I nodded. Schools
attached to military bases were not bad. But they were not great, either. "With the move, Mom and Dad
won't be able to afford a private school, and I have an awful feeling that any private school around here
is even worse than this."
I wanted to be back in the midwest. But wanting was not getting me anywhere. So I held Stacey's hand
as we made our way back to Dr. Hamilton's office. He and the first lady we met, Ms. Roth-something,
were waiting for us. "Mrs. Rothveldt is in charge of registration. Because school is already in session, I
recommend that you attend as many classes as possible while you and your family are getting settled
into the area. You can go to classes on an audit basis until you are able to attend full-time.

Here are the school information packets, and other information about the district and our programs."
He handed Stacey two large folders. "Unless you have any questions for me, I will turn you over to Mrs.
Rothveldt for the rest of your orientation. Welcome to our school." We shook his hand, and he ushered
us out of his office. We followed Mrs. Rothveldt to a conference room, where someone had spread
forms and other papers in two rows.

"Can I please have your transcripts and test scores?" Stacey handed her the copies, and she matched
them to individual elements of each row. "Do you have current school physicals, and hopefully copies of
your immunization records?" Stacey dug further in her pack. Like I said, she is the organized one. Mrs.
Rothveldt looked extremely pleased. "Excellent, you have almost everything needed." She motioned for
us both to sit, and she handed each of us a listing of classes.

"Normally class selection here is made by the parents. It is obvious from your transcripts that your
parents let you make your own choices. Since you are unfamiliar with what we cover in each class,
please select the classes you wish to take, and I can describe what is covered. Some classes are full, and
of course the classes must not conflict."

We stared at the lists. "Do you have some scratch paper?" She handed us several sheets each, and
pencils. Stacey finished first.

"Is there a local college or university where I can take some advanced classes?" Stacey was looking at
Mrs. Rothveldt, who nodded. "The nearest school is twelve miles away, but is primarily a religious
seminary." Stacey and I both cringed. "Stacey, I am aware of your advanced work in mathematics and
several other areas. I would recommend that here you concentrate on the social and political sciences,
language, music and the arts, and classes in personal grooming and deportment. They will help balance
your skills, and provide you an excellent background for the international studies Dr. Hamilton says are
your goal." Stacey nodded, and went back to the list.
I handed Mrs. Rothveldt my list. I had checked the times, and it looked it would work. She scanned it,
and crossed off two courses. "Chemistry two is filled. And you must be sixteen to take fencing." She
checked the other entries. "How is your formal writing ability?" I looked at the floor, and Stacey

"He can't tell a participle from a parsnip." I glared at Stacey.

"Then Samuel, I recommend that you begin with an introductory grammar and exposition course. Our
school places a very high emphasis on effective writing skills." I groaned. I hated English. She looked at
me. "You will find the advanced physics course a bit simplistic because of your mathematical skills, but
enjoyable. The American History course is required by the State, but ours is much more in depth than
most, and many students test out of equivalent college courses as soon as they complete our offering.

We require that each student complete at least two years of a foreign language. However, starting in the
middle of a semester is not recommended. So I will not approve your selection of Russian at this time." I
nodded. I had expected that to bounce. "Let me go through and show you what I recommend."

She handed me her recommendations, and checked and approved Stacey's courses. Her ideas were
actually pretty good, especially with her notes about what would follow for next year. I wanted to argue
the "personal grooming and deportment" entry, but it was obvious that I would have to take those
classes, and soon. "What is this physical education class about?"

"All students must take physical education unless excused for medical reasons. Individual sports such as
weight lifting are available as electives, but don't count. Because of your other classes, the only boy's
class available is a series of competitive sports. Football in the fall, basketball over the winter, and
baseball in the spring."

"I hate football, basketball, and baseball." I looked at the class list. "What about this one?"

She actually giggled. "Aerobics? Only girls take advanced aerobics."

"A lot of guys who swim and run track do aerobics in the off-season to stay limber and in shape." Stacey
nodded. "So that is the class I want."

"There is a specific exercise uniform requirement..."

"I suspect there is a specific clothing requirement for breathing." Mrs. Rothveldt gave me a withering

We agreed to disagree, and she was chuckling as I was signed up for aerobics. She collected some
papers from each row, and placed them in an envelope. "These are for your parents. Please have them
complete the marked areas, and bring them in when they are ready to formally register both of you."
She smiled at us. At least it looked like a smile. "I suspect it will be an interesting year."

We headed for the hall, clutching our information packets. Stacey looked stressed. "Well, Sis, what do
you think?"

"I want to go back home." I gave her a hug.

"Me too." We left and started our hike back to the motorhome.

When we got back Mom and Dad were waiting. They took one look at our faces, and their smiles
disappeared. "Okay, what's wrong?"

"We want to go home." Mom and Dad looked pained. "Everyone here is stuffy and formal and no fun.

"Your mother and I have both signed three-year contracts, in positions we really like." Dad paused. "So it
looks like you two will have to do your best to adapt to the local school. Your mother and I are looking
forward to settling here."
"Stacey, Sam, please, we know that moving to a new area is hard, and we didn't want to move, but we
really had no choice." Mom gave each of us a hug. "We'll work with the school to try and make the
transition easier." Mom cooked up dinner, and after showering, Stacey and I curled up together and fell
asleep. For once I was glad of the cramped quarters in the motorhome; I needed the snuggle.

By the weekend we had looked at several dozen houses, and surprisingly found THE house. It needed
some repairs, the type mom and dad liked to do, and was much bigger than our old place. Because the
house was empty, and we were going to pay much of the cost in cash, dad was able to get a really good
deal, and an agreement for immediate occupancy. So on Monday we started to move in, and wired up a
connection for the motorhome. Tuesday Stacey and I sat down with Mom and Dad, and went over the
paperwork from the school.

We were sick. Boys were expected to wear slacks, dress or sports-shirts or polo shirts, and dress shoes
unless the weather required additional protection, when galoshes and rain coats or winter coats were
recommended. Girls were to wear conservative skirts, below the knee, and blouses, or an equivalent
dress. Low-heel pumps were the approved shoes, although conservative heels were acceptable.

Then there were the grooming requirements. No gaudy jewelry, no unnatural hair coloring, no
outlandish hair styles such as cornrows, mohicans, or spiked hair. When we reached the part about
length, I screamed "No Way!" Boy's hair was to be maintained no longer than collar length, and for boys,
ponytails, braids, and ducktails were forbidden. So were earrings other than small plain studs.

"Sam, when we grew up most schools had regulations like these." Dad was trying to calm me down, and
I was not cooperating.

"I will not cut my hair for any stupid fascist school." I was hopping mad. "I will tear their damn school
down brick by brick, and break each brick into little pieces. I'll..."

"You will watch your language, young man, or have soap for lunch." Mom looked at me. "Don and I will
talk to the school." Dad nodded. "So what else do we need to know about your new school?" We went
over the remaining paperwork. Suddenly Stacey started to giggle.
"Um, Sam, I think that your hair is going to be the least of your problems." She handed me a sheet
marked "Aerobics Class Uniform-Advanced". When I saw what was making her giggle, I turned green.
"Opaque tights, and a conservative, long-sleeved leotard will be worn by all students, as will supportive
undergarments to maintain a modest appearance. Leather dance slippers, not ballet slippers, are
required. Leg warmers, sweat bands, and hair bands may be worn if desired, and of suitable coloration
and design."

When Mom saw the list, she snickered, and Dad looked upset. "Sam, this list is for a girl's aerobics class."

"They don't have a boy's class, and the only other gym class was competition sports, like football and
basketball." They knew I hated those sports. I was not physically aggressive, and had been roughed up
too many times.

"I bet Sam will look really cute in a leotard and tights." Stacey was grinning at me.

"It's not funny. How would you feel if you had to wear only a jock strap and trunks to gym?" She
grimaced, and covered her chest. "So don't make fun of me. I'm certain everyone else will."

"I will take you both to school tomorrow, and speak with the principal about these requirements." He
looked carefully at me. "However, Samuel, I suspect that the tights and leotard requirement is
legitimate." He looked at Mom, who nodded. "Nancy, I want you to take them shopping this afternoon,
and get them both a couple of school outfits. And get Sam one set of whatever is required for the
aerobics class."

"But Dad..."

"Samuel, altering your body, which includes cutting your hair, is one thing. Requiring you to wear
specific clothing is quite different. So if they require slacks and a dress shirt, that is what you will wear."

"Maybe he should go for a skirt and blouse, then he won't have to worry about his hair, except to keep it
neat." Mom gurgled, Dad sputtered, and I sat there with my mouth open. Stacey quickly blurted out.
"Hey, I was just joking!" I got up and ran out to the motorhome, and curled up on the couch. That was
where Stacey found me.

"Sam, I was just kidding."

"You know how much trouble I've had because people thought I was a girl. I can't help the way I look, or
sound." She curled up around me and we snuggled. "Maybe I should just run away."

"Like you would get very far around here?" I nodded sadly. I was still upset when Mom came and got us,
saying we would eat lunch while we were out shopping.

I was surprised to find that the village had a wide variety of nice shops. There was also a shopping
center, which Mom wanted to avoid. Stacey quickly found three really nice skirt-and-blouse
combinations on sale, and then matching shoes. I wound up with two pairs of slacks and four shirts that
Mom assured me would be somewhat comfortable once they were washed several times. Shoes were a
problem, until I found a pair of walking shoes that looked dressy. Lunch was at a small bakery. It put
McDonald's on my avoid list. Their food was wonderful.

When we visited a dance and theatrical supply to get me the tights and leotards, it got ugly. The sales
lady first addressed me, in a strong French accent, as "miss", and then stared, and finally chuckled when
she was told by Mom I was her son. "He's so precious. Does he have a gaff to go with his new leotards?"
We looked at her. "A gaff is a special type of underwear that keeps his private parts hidden, so he will
look proper on stage." I almost died of embarrassment when the sales-lady had to measure me for the
leotard and tights, and instruct me how to put on and adjust the gaff. She added a matching sweatband
to the outfit to keep my hair out of my eyes.

When I came out of the dressing room to look at myself in a full-length mirror, Stacey gasped out "Oh
My God!" Mom stared at me like I was painted green. When I looked at myself in the mirror, and saw
the teenage girl staring back at me, I froze in shock.

"I told you he was precious. So few boys look that feminine, that natural, without far too much makeup
and assistance." We all looked at the sales lady like she was daft. "Only one thing is missing." She went
to the back of the shop, and returned a minute later carrying a small box. Treating me like a statue, she
pulled the top of my leotard out, and careful stuck two cool, wiggly objects on my chest, then
repositioned the leotard. "Ah, that is so much better."

I now had small, prominent breasts, and looked almost as old as my sister. I stood up straight, turned
slowly, and stared at the girl looking back at me from the mirror. The resemblance to my sister was
incredible. My lower body, lean and well muscled from years of swimming and track, gave me the figure
of a young female athlete. "Sam, are you okay?" Mom came over and hugged me. I wasn't sure what I

"She is so pretty, much more poised and graceful than most of the young women her age that come
here for exercise clothes."

"I am not a girl!" I managed to find my voice.

"No, Mon Cheri, you are a young woman. I can see it in your eyes. You are still too young and naïve to
understand." She turned to Mom, who was still holding me. "I will sell you the breast-forms at cost.
Consider them an investment in her future."

"Mom! I'm a boy. B O Y. Boy!" I started to jump up and down, and my chest jiggled, so I crossed my arms
under "my" breasts, and glowered at them. Stacey was having trouble staying composed.

"Sam makes a much better looking sister than she does a younger brother." Stacey snickered, then
added "I wish my legs looked that good."

"Stacey, leave your sister, I mean your brother, alone!"

"MOM!" Stacey pinched my bottom, hard. "Ouch!"

"And she's got a cute butt." She giggled, and dashed out the front door. Not thinking, I ran after her,
threatening assorted mayhem, starting with strangling her with her ponytail. I caught up with her near
the end of the block, and was going for her when an older woman grabbed me from behind.

"Young lady, this is a public street, and you should be ashamed, acting like a ruffian, and running around
indecently dressed." She wrapped her sweater around me. "Where are your parents?!" Stacey, who by
now was thoroughly confused, pointed up the sidewalk, where mom was rapidly heading our direction.
The woman kept a firm grip on me until mom arrived.

"Your daughter seems to have forgotten about behaving and dressing appropriately in public" Mom
stared at her, then at me.

"Sam's no..." Stacey kicked mom. "Ouch!"

"SAMANTHA, my little SISTER, the nice lady is right, you really should be wearing at least a bra with that
outfit." I gurgled and turned red. Stacey turned to Mom, who was rubbing her shin, and trying to
comprehend what Stacey was saying. "Sam is just so impulsive, she chased me without thinking. I'll take
her back to the theater shop." I had my mouth wide open, as Stacey grabbed my arm, and steered me
back towards the store.

I whispered as loudly as I could "You called me Samantha! I'm not a damn girl..."

"Unless you want to explain why you are a boy with tits, I suggest you shut up and play along. That
woman looks and acts like she owns this place."

"I..." I shut up. She was right and, well, it was all too weird. When she hauled me in the door, the sales
lady was waiting, and smiling.

"Sam, I mean my little sister SAMANTHA here, was grabbed by a really stuffy old lady and told that it was
indecent to be in public dressed this way. So do you have a skirt and bra that will fit her, so she can go
back out without creating a ruckus?" My system went into overload, and I was unable to say anything
intelligent as I was re-measured, and fitted with a lightly padded bra and a thin wrap skirt. Stacey looked
out the door, and announced that Mom and the woman that had grabbed me were having a long and
animated discussion as they headed this way. I wanted to crawl in a hole and pull the dirt over me.

The worst was yet to come. The sales-lady sat me in a chair, and pulled out a set of shoes with high,
blocky heels from under a counter. "Someone left these here a long time ago, and they were too nice to
throw away. I think they are the right size..." When Mom and the older woman finally returned to the
store, there I was, in a total daze, being tutored in how to manage heels.

They both stared at me. So the sales lady made an announcement. "She really is a striking young
woman, your daughter, and high spirited. I am certain she will prove quite a challenge when the young
men come flocking to your door." Stacey broke out in giggles. I just barely managed to make it to a chair
before I fell.

"It's been a great pleasure talking with you; I never expected to meet my husband's new office manager
and her lovely daughters out shopping. I must tell William about our conversation." The older woman
gave Mom a hug, then kissed each of us on the cheek. "Bridgett, put whatever these delightful young
ladies desire on my account, and make sure they are instructed in proper manners and attire before
they depart." The sales lady curtsied deferentially to her.

"I will be honored, Lady McWorter". The older woman smiled, and departed.

Mom barely made it to a chair herself. "I see you and your daughters have met and impressed THE Lady
McWorter." Mom stared numbly at the sales lady. "Angeline McWorter is a legend in this area. She and
her husband are fabulously wealthy, and Lady McWorter is the driving force behind the return of old-
fashioned courtesy and institutions here. She can make, or break, any business or organization with a
wave of her hand.

"I'm dead meat. When she finds out I'm not a girl she will have me tarred and feathered, and burned at
the stake, and..."

"I told her you were a boy, and she seemed absolutely entranced by the idea you could be so
convincing." I goggled at mom. "When I told her you were willing to dress in the leotard and tights
because it was the only way you could take aerobics instead of football, she said she wished more boys
were gentler. But now I don't know what to do. She invited the three of us to tea on Saturday, and
emphasized that Samantha, not Sam, was invited. And her husband owns the business where I will start
work on Monday."

The sales lady spoke up "Well then, I would recommend that you find your daughters suitable outfits for
the tea, and not worry. Now, since she has said that she will pay for whatever you desire..."

When we finally headed home, I wondered if I was trapped in a soap opera. Or a horror movie. We had
spent almost an hour at the theatrical shop being drilled on proper posture, grace, and attitude. I think I
had it easier than Stacey. It was all new to me. She had to unlearn bad habits. Then we went dress

Stacey was all enthusiastic about her new clothes, and Mom was muttering about the cost of having to
get me both boys and girls clothes, and on top of it, having to buy both of us formal dresses for
Saturday. Even if the exercise stuff, of which Stacey and I now had plenty, was free. Stacey said my dress
was killer. I told her if anyone from school saw me I was gonna get killed. She told me they'd be asking
me for dates. I said they would be bringing their dates to the hanging.

"Both of you listen up. Before Saturday we will have to get Sam's hair and nails done, and we need to
talk to your father about whether Sam is going to school as your brother or sister."


"You are shouting. Angeline seems to think you would do better in school, especially with your hair and
feminine appearance, as a girl. I can take the pants, shirts and dress shoes back before the weekend,
and can get my money back. What do you think, Stacey?" I sat with my mouth open. This could not be

"Sam will make a great weird little sister. She's been kind of a pain as a brother, so..."
"You can't do this to me, I'm not a girl, it's against the law, it's unconstitutional, it's..."

"It's time you looked in a mirror." I stared at Mom in horror as she handed me the mirror from her
purse. And stared even harder at the girl in the mirror staring back at me. I was silent the rest of the way

When Dad got home, Mom collared him and told Stacey to go out to the motorhome and make dinner. I
simply found a quiet corner where I could contemplate what was happening. I was still wondering what I
had done to deserve being tortured when Dad came out and collected me. When I saw he was frowning,
I wanted to run. "You mother and I need to talk with you about tomorrow".

"I AM NOT GOING TO SCHOOL AS A GIRL!" I jumped up and down, with my fists clenched at my sides.
Just like me sister used to. And I was wearing a skirt, leotard, and a bra. He frowned again.

"I talked to the school after you three went shopping." I shut up fast. When we collected on the floor of
the dining room to eat, I noticed Stacey was very subdued. Dinner was simple and good. Stacey could
cook well. So could I, but refused to, saying it was women's work. I thought I felt the ground quake. My
world was getting shakier and shakier.

After dinner we all helped clean up, and went back to the motorhome. "Sam, your father and I have
discussed you school situation, and frankly, we don't know what to do. According to the school, they will
not waive their dress regulations for anything other than medical or religious reasons. And you have
neither. If you were a senior, they would have considered a temporary waiver, but as a freshman, they
were adamant. And they have legal opinions supporting them." I sat and looked at my skirt.

"Apparently Angeline McWorter called them after she met you, and also checked on the regulations.
She was rather emphatic, and they apparently agreed that if you registered as a girl, they would not
argue, and you could keep you hair long. For some reason she seems very interested in your attending
the school as a girl."

"Don't I have any say in this?" I was afraid I already knew their answer.
"You can choose to cut your hair and join in with the rest of the male students in sports. Or you can
dress and act like a cultured young woman at school, and dress the way you want after school. Sort of
like wearing a uniform. Neither of us like the idea, but your mother did point out you do make a rather
attractive girl."

"MOM!" She smiled. Stacey's smile read: "Told you."

"You have until ten tonight to decide. Your father recommends a scissors. I'm not so sure. You have
never been comfortable with the aggressiveness of most boys. And spending some time as a teenage girl
might teach you more respect for women." They got up and left me with Stacey. The look on her face
had turned to one of sympathy.

"Sam, you know you have always tried to be macho, and failed miserably. My friends have always
thought you were gay, the way you look, move and act." I stared at her in shock, and she nodded. "I
didn't want to tell you, because I knew how much it would hurt. And I do love you, little brother. But I
meant it, you look a lot better as my sister than my brother. And I think you would find being a girl a lot

'I'M NOT GAY!" It came out squeaking. "I like girls. I can't help it if I look and sound a little like one." I
started to sniffle. "And here everyone is telling me I should be a girl, and..."

"No, you don't have to become a girl. We're not going to cut your thing off." I doubled over at the
thought. "But there is nothing wrong with acting like a girl. We're a lot more fun than a bunch of stuffy
boys whose whole purpose in life is trying to get into our underwear. And I can guarantee you a soft
dress is a lot more comfortable than slacks and a dress shirt."

"Oh My God, you mean that boys would be hitting on me and..." She giggled.

"You'll need a stick to beat them off, as cute as you are." I wanted to die right there.
We argued the pros and cons of by going to school as either a boy or a girl until almost ten. Talk about a
no-win situation. With short hair I could be Samuel. A little kid who would get buried in the pecking
order. Especially because I was both non-aggressive and so far ahead academically. Visions of ivy-league
school hazings made me tremble. As Samantha I could keep my hair, and most kids would avoid me,
figuring I was weird. But people would think I was gay. My stomach churned as I realized they
apparently did anyway. And girls would never date me. The problem was, they wouldn't date me now. It
was almost ten when Stacey asked me what I had decided.

I pulled out a quarter. "Heads I'm Samantha. Tails I'm Samuel. You flip it." She gave me a scared look.

"That bad?" I nodded. "Okay." She gave it a mighty flip, and when it quit bouncing, she looked at the
coin. "Well, little sister, we better go tell Mom and Dad they have a second daughter." I quietly fainted.

When I woke up, I was snuggled against Stacey on the motorhome couch. The clock was beeping softly.
"Time to get up, Stacey". She tried to pull her pillow over her head. I tickled her, and she screeched. I
made it into the house ahead of her. When I reached the kids bathroom, I realized I was wearing a
nightgown. It wound up in a heap, and after necessaries, I started the shower, then heard the door
open. "Hey, like some privacy, please!"

"Sorry Sis, but you need my help this morning. The shower door opened a bit, and she handed me a
razor and shaving cream. "Do your legs and pits. And don't argue or I'll do it for you. Then put on the
clothes I brought for you. And don't throw your nightgown on the floor." I wondered if I should try to
drown myself. I decided it would take too long, and with my luck, I would just wind up barfing soapy

When I got out of the shower Stacey inspected me, and after making disgusted noises re-did my pits.
While I stood there beet red and naked. Even though she was also naked. I had not seen her completely
without clothes in a long time, and it caused a very embarrassing reaction. Which made her giggle. I
dressed while she showered. She insisted on brushing and braiding my hair, and did something to my
face with makeup. When she added lipstick, I whimpered. I really whimpered when she put the lipstick
in the purse mom had bought me. Along with tissues and a bunch of other stuff.

Mom and dad met us when we came downstairs. There was a look of concern on their faces, and a tear
in mom's eye. "Don and I will take you to school this morning. Breakfast is ready." She looked carefully
at me, and shook her head. "I know you are my son, and I can't tell you weren't born a girl." Dad was
nodding. In the two-inch blocky heels, I swayed when I walked.

I used a napkin, under threats, at breakfast. My aerobics stuff was in a gym bag. Stacey and I wound up
in the back seat. She was looking at me with concern. "Sam, are you going to be okay?"

I shook my head. "Just play it by ear. And act the way I always have, but nicer." I stuck my tongue out at
her. "Careful, someone may take you up on that." When it finally sank in, I turned red.

We got there early, and I found myself comparing Stacey and myself to the other girls. We looked just
like them. And no one seemed to give either of us a strange look, other than that reserved for "new
kids". When we entered the headmaster's offices, the secretary gave me a weird look, but said nothing.
We wound up in their conference room with Ms Rothveldt and Dr. Hamilton. Apparently I was expected.
As a girl.

"I see that Angeline was right. She looks better than most of the freshman girls." I stared at Ms
Rothsveldt. "Angeline called both Dr. Hamilton and me last night, and told us what you were going to
do." She and Dr. Hamilton waved us into our seats.

Dr. Hamilton began "This is a small village. By tonight most everyone will know Sam's story. I don't envy
her the next four years. But I respect her choice. I'm not sure I could do what she is doing." And I will do
my best to make her stay at this school as pleasant as possible." He looked at me. "Have you decided on
a name?" I nodded.

"Samantha Michelle McNeil. Or Sam. That way I won't get confused when I'm being Samuel when I'm
not in school." He nodded.

"We have arranged for you to have a key to the handicap washrooms. They are all individual, so you will
have appropriate privacy. For aerobics class, the instructor will show you where a semi-private dressing
area is located. We will expect you to respect the other girls' privacy as well."
I stared at him. He was addressing me as she. "Um, Dr. Hamilton, I am still a boy, despite the clothes..."

"For this to work, when you are at school, you are a young lady. You will use only the feminine pronouns
when describing yourself. I see no reason to deceive you, this is going to cause quite a stir in these stuffy
halls. How much you tell the other students is up to you, but remember that this is a small community,
and most of our students are very intelligent."

Ms. Rothsveldt got up and handed us our official schedules. And sheets showing our lockers and
combinations. "The first bell is in ten minutes. I recommend you find your lockers, and get ready for
class. You will find the books you need in your lockers." She turned to me. "Samantha, I wish you the
best of luck. You are going to need it." Stacey and I excused ourselves. At least our lockers were

By noon I had learned that the local students were as competitive as gladiators, and that my dress was
more comfortable than dress slacks. And that most of the students were actually smart enough to hold
intelligent discussions. I mused as I headed for the lunchroom that if I could just be my male self, I could
maybe enjoy the school. I met Stacey and several other girls at the lunch table where she was holding
me a spot.

"Samantha, meet Angie, Ruth, Tabitha, and Wanda" Angie and Wanda were, well, girls. Ruth was a big,
athletic girl with short dark hair. Tabitha was an attractive, pale girl about my size, who had beautiful,
long, silver-white hair. "Girls, meet my younger sister Sam." They looked at me like I was fresh off a
banana boat.

Angie piped up "at least you have a younger sister. I'm stuck with a stupid younger brother, and he is
such a pest..." I choked on a piece of lettuce.

'Um, don't they ..." Stacey was pale as she shook her head. "I think I better go..."

"No!" Stacey grabbed me. And took a deep breath. "You are going to find it hard to believe, but my
sister Samantha here is really my brother, Samuel, who was given a choice of coming to school as a girl
or cutting her hair." Their looked changed to one of skepticism. So don't make fun of her. Everyone will
soon know the story." She hugged me to her as they looked me over.
"No way. Not a chance." Tabitha was studying me intently. The others simply shook their heads. "How
old are you?"

"Fourteen. How old are you?"

"Fourteen, and a freshman. And if you are a boy, I'm a duck."

"Start quacking."

We stared at each other. Then the bell rang. That ended any discussion. It was obvious that being late
was not a good idea.

I finally arrived at the ballet studio for aerobics, my final class. When I found the teacher, she gave me a
really strange look, then directed me to a small dressing room at one side of the studio. Inside there was
a common area, and individual changing cubicles. I tried not to stare at the partly dressed girls as I
dashed for an empty cubicle, and changed. When I joined the rest of the class in the studio, I discovered
Tabitha was already there. She came over and examined me from head to toe. "I win!" I shrugged and
shook my head.

"Prepare to quack." She gave me a funny look.

"Class, attention please!" The instructor, a Ms. Kormanski according to my schedule, got everyone's
attention. "We have a new student with us today. Samantha McNeil. Please come over here, Samantha."
I started to shake, and carefully worked my way over to her. "Samantha is a special student here." She
looked me over, and seemed confused. "I have been advised by Dr. Hamilton that Samantha is really a
boy, who has chosen to attend school here as a girl so she will not have to cut her hair..." she looked at
me again.

"I am a boy, Ms. Korminski. Please do not make fun of me." Tabitha came over, and started to flap her
arms and quack loudly. That totally confused everyone.
I tried to escape, but Ms. Korminski grabbed me, and whispered in my ear "are you sure you are really a
boy?" I gave her a disgusted look, and nodded. "What do you want to be called?"

"Sam" She nodded.

"Class, attention please!" it got quiet. "Please treat Sam like one of you while she is in our class. I will not
tolerate any harassment or improper behavior. Now line up, and we will go through our warm-up
exercises." She worked us like we were training for the decathlon. I knew I would be sore in the
morning. But it also meant that everyone was too busy to bother me.

The moment I entered the dressing room after class I was grabbed by several older girls. "Okay sister, no
one is going to pretend to be a boy for special privileges, and get away with it." I tried to struggle, but
they were bigger and stronger than me. So I quit fighting. As they carefully peeled me out of my soggy
exercise clothes, I wished for a quick and painless end. There were a lot of giggles when they found the
padded bra with the silicone inserts. When they finally pulled off the gaff, there was dead silence.
Followed by a mass exodus.

In ten seconds there were only three of us left in the dressing room. Tabitha, me, and the girl who was
holding my gaff like it was alive. I reached out and grabbed it, and she ran out the door. I quietly pulled it
back on, and ignoring Tabitha entirely, got everything back into position. In the cubicle I re-dressed, and
came out to find Tabitha waiting for me. "Please, forgive my not believing you, I..."

"You were not one of the people stripping off my clothes either. So go away and leave me to my

"Is there anyway I can apologize?" I looked at her.

"Yes. Kill me so I don't have to face another day like this." I waved at my dress. She hung her head and
sat on a bench, crying. I wanted to tell her she deserved whatever she was feeling, but it just wouldn't
come out. So I sat next to her and gave her a hug. She hugged me back, and I started to cry.
That was how Stacey found us. She had heard a little about what happened when she got on the bus,
and was afraid I had been hurt or would run away. So she was searching madly for me for quite a while. I
filled Stacey in on what had actually happened while Tabitha changed. "And they just went silent and
ran away." She held me while I shook again. Together they escorted me to the Headmaster's office,
where Stacey used language I had rarely heard even from Dad to get someone's attention. The three of
us wound up in Dr. Hamilton's office.

When I finished describing what happened, he looked sick. "I never expected any of the students here to
act in such a criminal manner. The girls who participated will be identified and expelled. I wish I could do
more, but that will be up to you if you or your parents want to press criminal charges."

"No. Please do not expel them." Everyone stared at me. "They did not injure me. And something like this
was bound to happen." I looked at Dr. Hamilton. "I am an intruder into their space. What they did is
wrong, but if they are expelled, everyone will blame me, and no one will win. Can they just be just be
put on some kind of suspended sentence, and then maybe this can all blow over?"

"But they stripped your clothes and underwear off and..."

"Stacey, I was scared silly and embarrassed. Not injured. Now everyone will know that I'm really a boy,
and will just leave me alone." I paused. "And no one had better complain if I use the girls washrooms or
lockers after this." That made Tabitha giggle.

"Samantha, if that is what you want, I will place them on sixty days probation, and have their parents
provide a written apology." I shook my head.

"The apology won't change anything. Just make sure they understand that what they did was unkind."
He looked at me strangely.

"I can tell you the names of those that took part." We all looked at Tabitha. She pulled out a notebook,
and started writing. When Dr. Hamilton looked at the list, he scratched off one name.
"Tabitha, you were the only one brave enough to stick around. Unless Samantha insists, you can
consider your participation in the event and the punishment closed." I nodded. He looked again at the
list. "There are going to be some mightily upset parents this evening." He looked thoughtful. "Since you
three missed your busses, can I drive you home?" We all nodded.

It turned out Tabitha lived about a half-mile from our new house. Or was it new cabin. Her house was
three times the size of ours, and her front lawn was big enough for a football field. When we got to our
house, the car was not there, so we thanked Dr. Hamilton, and headed inside. On the door was a note
saying mom and dad would be home late, and to fix ourselves dinner and do our homework. Stacey
grabbed me as I headed for my new room.

"Sam, are you sure you are going to be okay?" I shook my head.

"No, I'm going to be miserable, and lonely, and hate life. But right now I am going to take a long, warm
shower, eat, and try to manage my homework. And see if I can find a reason not to just kill myself." I
grabbed clean panties and a nightgown from the piles of clothes in my room, and headed for the

I was still mulling my future when I headed downstairs and found Stacey had cooked up a frozen pizza
with lots of extra hamburger and stuff, and put out sodas for us. "Feeling better? I nodded, and tried to
figure a good way to sit on the floor in a nightgown. "Lift the skirt, and when you are seated, let if fall
free." It worked. "And if the floor is cold, find something to sit on." I looked at her, and then realized
how thin the panties were. Her warning made sense.

By the time mom and dad got home, we were finished with our homework, and I was curled up against
Stacey on our bed in the motorhome, sound asleep.

In the morning, Stacey almost had to use a fork to get me moving, and I dreaded what I would find when
I got to school. It didn't help when Mom said we both had appointments at a beauty salon after school,
and she would be picking us up. Stacey whispered in my ear that she had not told them about yesterday.
I did not want to bring the subject up. As bad as the butterflies were in my stomach, it wouldn't be the
only thing.
We were one of the earlier bus pickups. When Tabitha got on the bus, she came dashing back to where
we sat. Several other kids had given us funny looks when they got on, so I knew that most everyone had
heard about yesterday. "Samantha, I was afraid you wouldn't be coming to school and..."

"I might as well face the firing squad now." She and Stacey gave me concerned looks. "And I would have
to tell mom and dad why I wouldn't go to school, which would probably be worse." Stacey nodded.

Tabitha pushed me over against Stacey, and they tried to make a hug sandwich out of me all the way to
school. Stacey was my sister, but I didn't know anything about Tabitha, and yet she was treating me like
her friend. I started to get a headache, and decided to close my eyes and quit thinking. It almost worked.
I started to shake when the bus pulled into the parking lot. I almost peed myself when I saw Dr.
Hamilton head for me. He told Stacey to go to her classes, and asked me to follow him to the conference
room by his office.

When we entered, I tried to turn and run. Inside were the girls who had stripped me after aerobics. And
each was accompanied by at least one very upset adult. Dr. Hamilton blocked my escape, and steered
me towards the podium. I saw Tabitha being escorted in by Ms Rothsveldt.

"I am going to keep this short and to the point. I spoke with each of you, and your parents, last night.
Based on what happened, school rules allow me to immediately expel each of you for a year, and turn
the matter over to the police for further actions." Several of the girls moaned and cried on their parents,
who looked distressed. "And I was planning on taking exactly those actions, but someone interceded on
your behalf." That caused a lot of staring and mumbling.

"Samantha, the student that was assaulted, has requested that no one be expelled or suspended, and
that the police not be involved." He motioned to me, and I managed to nod despite my nervousness.
"She, and I am using the feminine pronoun intentionally, has been brave enough to take on the role of a
girl at school to keep from cutting her hair. Last night she pointed out that expelling the girls who
assaulted her would not solve anything. She does not want vengeance, which sometimes seems to be a
way of life in this community." A lot of parents looked at the floor.
"So I am placing every student involved on sixty days probation, which will be removed from their
records if they stay out of trouble." There were gasps throughout the room. "And I expect that from now
on every one of the students involved will treat Samantha with significantly more respect and courtesy
than they normally give their fellow students. That is all I have to say on the subject. Now head for your
classes. You can apologize to Samantha at aerobics class this afternoon." Dr. Hamilton took my hand,
and escorted me to his office.

"You did a lot of people a great service by deciding not to press charges or demand expulsion. With an
offense like that on their records, it would be socially devastating, and would probably prevent them
from entering any of the better universities. You have impressed some important people. I hope that
you have made the correct choice for yourself." He got up and shook my hand. "Good luck. If you need
help, or need someone to talk to, my door is always open." The second bell rang. "Now get to class."

I was the last one seated, and everyone was staring at me. Before anyone started harassing me, the
teacher got the class's attention. "What you have heard is probably correct. Samantha" she walked over
and had me stand "is actually a boy, who had chosen to attend school as a girl rather than cut her er his,
hair." There was a lot of mumbling. "So simply treat her as another girl in the class, and you won't wind
up visiting the headmaster."

She smiled weakly at me. "Besides, Samantha is already well ahead of most of you in academics, even
though she is only fourteen." That got a lot of discussion, as this was a class of sophomores and juniors.
Finally she decided to take control again, and started on yesterday's homework. It got quiet fast.

A similar pattern followed in my second class, which was an all-girls class on grooming and deportment.
Tabitha was in the class, and it soon became obvious that I was in deep trouble. At least academically.
When they started on the day's lesson, which had to do with proper responses to a young man's
advances, I wound up with my head in my hands, whimpering. This caused the teacher to intervene.

"Samantha, please pay attention." I looked up. "Even though you are gay, when dressed as a young lady
you a will be expected to manage appropriately in social situations." Everyone looked at me as I goggled
at the teacher. I tried to respond, but all that came out were squeaks. Finally Tabitha goosed me, which
got out an "AWK!" followed by my going into a coughing fit. Several of the others pounded me on the
back, and one girl got me some water. When I was back to breathing again, I managed to get up and
face the teacher.
"I'm not gay. I know you don't understand, but I really like girls, even if I have to dress like one." I was
ready to run from the room when Tabitha gave me a hug. The teacher looked skeptical.

"Look, get off her case, please?" She hugged me tighter. "Just think of her as a really quiet lesbian who
grew up a tomboy." I think my eyebrows went into low orbit. She gave me a kiss. Everyone started
encouraging noises.

"Hey, I've got a really cool idea!" I managed to pry my lips away from Tabitha and stare at one of the
Laura Ashley types. "We're supposed to pick a class project, right?" I had no clue, but there was verbal
agreement from many of the others. "Why don't we make turning Samantha into a real girl our
project?" That got conversations flying.

I looked in horror at Tabitha, who whispered in my ear "Don't argue. With all the girls working together,
you'll learn real fast, and anyone interfering with their project will be lucky to get away alive."

"But I'm not a lesbian!" She gave me another, longer, more involved kiss that made things really fuzzy.

As I came up for air, the room was silent. The teacher was staring at us with amusement. "One of the
first lessons Samantha will need is on what forms and displays of affection between young women are
considered in good taste. And I think making her the class project is a wonderful idea." I tried to object,
but Tabitha got close and personal with her next kiss, and I overloaded. When she finally released me, all
I could manage was a smile.

At lunch Tabitha and I sat with Stacey and several girls I had not seem before. Stacey went into a giggle
fit when Tabitha told them what had happened in our last class. "Any boy stupid enough to mess with
her now will wind up as guacamole. The other girls, who apparently already knew about me, agreed.

Calculus 2 was the first afternoon class. I was the only student that was not at least a junior, and looked
like a little kid compared to the rest. So I got bombarded with comments, especially of the "go home
little weirdo" type from some of the guys, until the teacher decided it was time to act. "Class, it appears
you have a problem with Samantha's appearance. Get over it. She is here to stay." I cringed. She paused,
and then put a really nasty partial differential on the board. I recognized it immediately as a minor
variation of the examples that seemed to be in all the books. "Anyone want to chance solving this
equation?" There was dead silence. "Samantha, will you come up to the board please."

I managed to get there without screaming. "Please show the class how to solve this equation, and
explain each step." I managed a quiet "I'll try, ma'am."

A few minutes later I was completing the last steps, and got ready to sit down. The teacher kept me at
the board. I noticed that everyone had been taking notes. "Anyone wish to challenge Samantha's
analysis of the problem?" There were a lot of very sheepish looks. "Perhaps I should start grading on a
curve?" She paused as several kids grimaced. "No? Well then, it is time to quit playing games and get
back to studies." She turned to me. "Thank you, Samantha, for a good analysis of that equation. You may
take your seat." I almost flew to my desk. The rest of the class went quickly. No one gave me any strange
looks when I groaned loudly at the mention of weekend homework. I was just one of many with the
same sentiments.

As I got up to leave for my last class, a huge guy, one of those that had been giving me some grief, came
over and blocked my path. I started to panic, but he introduced himself as Howard, and asked if I
tutored calculus. "I know that I made a fool of myself earlier, and I'm sorry. At least let me buy you a
snack after school."

I stared at him. "Um, I'm not a girl, and..."

"And you are undoubtedly the best math student in the class and I need help or I'll get booted our of
sports." He looked carefully at me. "Darn it, you're really cute. If you were a girl I'd get arrested for
cradle robbing. At least think about tutoring. There are several others who need help, but are probably
too embarrassed to ask." He glanced at his watch. "Oops, gotta get to class." He dashed off, leaving me
staring at him.

I almost jumped out of my skin when someone tapped me on the shoulder. It turned out to be the
teacher. "Samantha, I hope you are not mad at me, but I figured they needed a kick in their egos." I
nodded. "And you really are one of the best math students I have seen in many years. Please do not let
the attitudes of a few interfere with your studies." I managed to nod as the bell rang. She scribbled a
note "This will take care of your being late. Good luck."
I dashed for the ballet studio as fast as the heels would allow. When I got there, everyone was waiting
for me. The teacher simply told me to "Get dressed, and meet us in the studio." I nodded, and with great
apprehension headed into the dressing room. Which was empty. So I hurried, and when I came into the
studio, I was called to the front of the class by the teacher. "Class, I believe there are some of you that
need to say something to Samantha."

The entire contingent that had accosted me the day before came forward. I was trembling, and the
teacher held me tightly.

"Samantha, the other girls have, well, elected me to speak for them, since I'm the one that came up with
the stupid idea to prove you were really a girl trying for favors." She swallowed and several others could
be heard mumbling "keep going, bonehead".

"Anyway, we all learned a lot from you. Dr. Hamilton was right, we were expecting to get what we
would have wanted: revenge. Which doesn't say much that is good about any of us." There was a
general assent. Only a couple of girls seemed to disagree. "So you have my, and most of our, apologies.
Which for most of us are real and come from the heart. And most of our sincerest thanks. I can't say that
for everyone. But I, for one, will do my best to help you become one of us. And if anyone here tries to
give you trouble, any trouble, let me know. Because there are a lot more of us than of them." There was
general assent. She came over and gave me a hug.

"That is from me. Thank you." Most of the other girls followed her lead. Two obviously didn't agree, and
barely shook my hand. Ms. Kormansky was eyeing them like a juicy steak. I got a feeling they were in for
an unpleasant semester.

When the last girl finished, Ms. Kormansky announced it was time to get started. And had the two
dissenting students join her up front. By the end of class I had resolved to stay on her good side. I
wondered if she had ancestors who helped run the inquisition. Unpleasant would be tranquillity
compared to what she was putting them through.

After class I met up with Stacey, who wanted a detailed account of my day. I claimed exhaustion, but
had enough awareness to mention Howard's strange request. She almost tripped, and stared at me.
"Howard, as in Howard Adkins, captain of the JV football team, the most eligible boy in the school?" I
nodded. "And he wants you to tutor him?" I nodded again.

"He started to ask me for a date, until I reminded him I was really a boy."

"Oh My God, this is getting so weird..." I wondered if it was going to get any weirder.

Mom picked us up after school. She was hopping mad that we had not told her about what had
happened the day before, as she heard about it at work. Stacey took the wind out of her sails fast.
"Mom, Samantha handled it better than you could have. If you or Dad had gotten involved, everyone
would be upset and an angry. Now she has the respect of a lot of the other students, and some of their
parents. Which will get her a lot further than revenge any day."

She snuggled me. "Besides, The captain of the football team has asked her for a date." Mom almost ran
into a parked car. I was too busy trying to pound on Stacey to deny what she said. Finally, Stacey said it
was a joke, and mentioned the request for tutoring. Mom calmed down a bit, but her driving still made
me nervous.

I had not been to a beauty salon since I was about seven, when mom had dragged me along with her.
Apparently I was expected, as I got checked out by every woman there. Soon I was getting what Mom
described as "a complete makeover," which I quickly equated with some form of ancient ritual torture.
Especially when the woman doing my face shaped my eyebrows with a tweezers. When the started on
my nails I tried to protest, and was advised to sit and take it like a young lady. They even did my toenails.
Mom had brought along the dresses we were to wear to the tea, and Stacey had to help me change in
one of the dressing rooms. While wearing a head full of huge curlers.

After brushing out my hair, and, to my great disgust, adding makeup and lipstick, the beautician paraded
me and Stacey to a large set of mirrors. Stacey took one look at herself and started to preen. She really
looked beautiful, kind of like those girls in the movies on prom night. Then it was my turn. Mom caught
me before I hit the floor.
Gone was any trace of Samuel. I looked like another of the girls from the same movie. "Your daughters
will be the talk of the tea." Mom was helping me to a chair as a tall, older women came over to inspect
us. I had not seen her before. "Your youngest seems a bit pale, is it her time of month?"

Stacey tried to hold back, but finally exploded in laughter. Mom just stood there with her mouth open.

I managed to stand up. "Mom, it's not funny!" I started for Stacey, who easily skipped away. I saw one of
the women who had done my hair whispering to the woman who made the comment. She looked
startled, and then mortified.

"Young lady, I am so sorry, I..." She came over and carefully looked at me. "I mean young..." She was
shaking her head, then turned to Mom. "I am at a loss. Should I address her as he or she, I mean..."
Stacey had finally recovered enough to intercede.

"This is my former younger brother Samuel, who has, for now, decided to become my younger sister
Samantha. And "she" is the proper pronoun, right, Samantha?" I was too upset to reply. Mom finally
managed to find her voice.

"Samantha, please be civil. And Stacey, if you say anything more to upset Samantha you will be doing all
the dishes and laundry until you are eighteen." She turned to the woman. "You had no way of knowing. I
have trouble remembering Samantha is really a boy, and she has worn girls clothes for all of two days."
She gave me a hug. "But we have not been introduced. I'm their mother, Nancy McNeil, and these are
my, er, daughters Stacey and Samantha." We nodded.

"So very pleased to meet you. Angeline told me about meeting you, and inviting you to our tea
tomorrow. She neglected to tell me about Samantha, which I suspect was intentional." She paused. "I
am Virginia Adkins, and your daughters are probably classmates of my son, Howard, who will be at the
tea tomorrow." Panic started to build inside. She looked at my sister and me. "I will have to warn him to
watch his manners. He, like my husband, has an eye for the ladies." She again paused, and looked at me.
"You are certain Samantha is really a boy?" I looked at the floor, and felt Mom nod.
One of the people from the shop warned us that it was almost closing time. Mrs. Adkins told Mom she
was looking forward to the tea, and gave Stacey and me soft kisses on our cheeks. I wanted to die, but
was too stressed out to run. Before we left, Mom made us change back into our school clothes.

When we got home, Dad almost threw a fit. "Nancy, done up like that there is no way Sam will be able
to look like a boy when he's not in school!" He stared at me with disgust, and I finally broke and ran for
the motorhome with Stacey in hot pursuit. I could hear Mom and Dad arguing as I ran.

I grabbed my covers and tried to disappear, but I could not run away from myself. Stacey silently held
me as it all came out, and I cried myself to sleep in her arms.

Mom came out and woke both of us at about ten, saying we needed to eat. When she saw my face, I
wound up in the bathroom while she carefully removed the smeared makeup, and brushed out my hair.
I tried to do some of it myself, but the long nails they had glued to my fingers made every move a
challenge. Mom said very little, and I was not feeling talkative.

Inside the house Dad and Stacey were sitting on the floor, eating pizza. Dad cringed when he saw me,
then looked mad, but said nothing. Stacey got up, gave me a hug, and pulled me down against her. As
she fed me a piece of still-warm pizza, Dad stood up and began.

"Samanth..." he looked at me, and shook his head. "Samuel, this has gotten out of hand." He paced back
and forth. "I figured that you would quickly come to your senses about going to school as a girl, and
decide to get a haircut. Instead, all of the women around me seem determined to make a girl out of you.
And you are going along with it like it is not a big deal."

I tried to say something, but he motioned to me to be silent. "Now your mother brings you home
looking like a ditzy teenager getting ready for a big date, dolled up so that you can't possibly look
masculine for weeks." He grabbed a piece of pizza and swallowed a bite, barely chewing it. "I raised you
to be my son, not some female impersonator. And now I don't know what to do." He gestured at Mom.
"Your mother says that you fit in better as a girl. I want my son back, but..." He slowly sat down. "But I
also want what is best for you. And I'm at a loss for what that is." He looked in pain. "I guess if you are
gay, then this might be the best I can hope for. But I wish we had never come here..." There were tears
in his eyes.
We all sat there, occasionally eating, afraid to say anything. I wondered if Dad was right. Yet I had
already found a girl, Tabitha, who didn't treat me like a fungus. And despite the problems, I had a feeling
that this high school was what I really needed. I might be a considered a weirdo because I was wearing
girls clothes, but at least here I was not a total outcast because I was smart.

Then there was the fact that Mom and Dad had already said they loved their new jobs, which was
something they never could say about the ones back in the Midwest. I thought about what had
happened the day before in Aerobics. And how well I was treated today. Sure, there were some forced
apologies. But most were sincere.

Mom and Stacey were right, I did look a lot better as a girl than a boy. What was a boy, anyway? I was
the same person regardless of how I was dressed. It was not like I had an image to maintain. Then there
was Howard. No one had ever asked me for anything except my lunch money before. Here was a
superstud jock who put how I looked aside and asked me to help him with something I was better at.
Even though I had a nagging feeling that he still though of me as a girl.

I tallied my choices. I really didn't care about the clothes. Dresses were comfortable. And I was already
beginning to like the tights and leotards. The gaff was not much worse than a jock strap. And the girls
were far less likely than some macho meathead to try to use it as a sling-shot for my private parts.
Makeup and the long nails I could do without. But I liked the way my hair felt, and it was much easier to
brush. I opened my eyes and saw everyone staring at me.

"Sam, are you okay?" Stacey pulled me against her and gave me a long hug. She glowered at Mom and
Dad, who seemed pensive. "Are you both finished blaming Sam for everything?"

Before they could respond I pulled away from her and stood up. "I think it's my turn." I reached down
and picked up my soda. "First, and hopefully this is the last time I'll have to say it, I'm not gay. I like girls.
And for the first time in my life a girl has indicated she likes me." That got Mom and Dad's attention.
"Second, although I don't really understand it, I don't change into a different person when I put on a a
dress. I guess this means I'm weird, but even dressed as a girl I've been treated more like a person here
than I ever was back in the Midwest.

Third, you two, and I think Stacey too, really do like it here." I watched as they nodded. "So I'll stay as
Samantha, until I find another way to be myself without messing up everyone else's lives."

I went over to Dad. "Please, I'm still the same person. And you're still my father and I love you..." My
voice broke as I started to cry. Moments later I was being held by Dad, who was trying hard not to sob,
and failing. When we finally separated, Mom handed out badly needed tissues.

"Does this mean you are going to be Samantha full time?" Mom was looking at me.

"Dad is right, I'd look silly trying to pretend I'm boy, at least while I look like this." I fluffed my hair.
Stacey grabbed me.

"Hey, that means we get to go shopping again!" Mom and Dad groaned. "I'll bet Tabitha will want to
come along, and..."

"And it's late, and we have to get up early to get ready for the tea." Mom steered the conversation back
to practical matters. "Please, go to bed and get some sleep. Your father and I have a lot to talk about."
Dad nodded, and Stacey dragged me out to the motorhome.

"You really do mean it, you are going to stay Samantha?" I nodded We talked as we changed for bed.
She tossed me a nightgown. She made a cocoon of the covers around us, and massaged the tension out
of my neck till I dropped off to sleep.

How does one describe a setting and social event transplanted from history? The McWorter estate was
awesome. Hedged gardens and lots of classic statues and other weird things. A huge ballroom with
servants. And formal looking people acting formal all over the place. I recognized several kids from our
school, each accompanying at least one parent through the amenities. I was glad I was wearing a dress,
as the stiff shirts and suits the boys were wearing looked really uncomfortable.

After the formal introductions, during which I was examined like a piece of furniture at auction, the
adults seemed to congregate in small groups to discuss business, and all of the kids made a beeline for
the large buffet that was stocked with tiny, incredibly delicious little pastries. A couple of the older boys
politely avoided me like I was contagious, but the rest seemed fascinated with my appearance. Howard's
rumbling "Stunning outfit, Samantha." from behind almost caused an accident.

I spun around clumsily on the short heels I was wearing, and managed to fall directly into his arms.
Where he held me closely for a moment, causing all sorts of weird and conflicting feelings to play tag in
my head. He sort-of released me, and held me at arms length. I suddenly realized how tall he really was.
Even with the heels I was eye-level with his chest. I actually managed a reply. "Wow. You're big!"

He seemed at ease despite the formal wear. "Sorry for startling you, but that outfit really does
complement your natural beauty." I stared bug-eyed at him, and suddenly he changed colors and looked
like someone had just told him there was a hole in his pants. "Oops, I forgot you're not really a..." Then
he stared at me again, like there was something else he wanted to say.

I managed to quell the panic, and keep from having an embarrassing accident. "Um, it's okay, I think,
because, well..." Now it was my turn to play thermometer. He released me and we stared at each other
for several moments. He was the first to regain his composure. He carefully steered me away from
several other kids who were giving us the evil eye, and towards a small bench by one of the hedges. En
route he snagged a plate full of pastries.

I wound up sitting next to him, and we stared at each other trying to say something intelligent. He
paused, and gently fed me a pastry. I was nibbling at it when I realized he was still treating me like a girl.
And what was worse, I was responding like one. I slid away from him. "Howard, like I'm not a real girl..."
He blinked, and looked sheepish.

"I know that, but it's just that you're so, so...something, that I just want to hold you close and..."
Emotions flashed across his face, and he suddenly jumped up and almost ran towards the main group.
When what he said hit home, I pulled myself into a little ball on the bench and started to shake. Because
that was what my emotions were telling me was right. That he was big and strong and warm and... I
shrieked when someone tapped me on the shoulder, and fell off the bench in a disarray of hair and

"Sam, what happened, are you hurt or..." Stacey was pulling me to my feet, and hugged me tightly. "Did
he do something, or..."

"He held me like I was a girl and it felt so right and I wanted more and he got scared and.. and I want to
die and..." I buried my face against her shoulder and started to bawl. That is how Mom found us
sometime later. With her help, Stacey managed to fix my makeup and they both escorted me back into
the mainstream of things. I tried to panic when I saw Howard carefully watching me, but they held me
till the feeling passed.

I managed to make it through the rest of the tea without screaming. We were just getting ready to leave
when Mrs. Adkins, dragging Howard behind her, headed to intercept us. "Nancy, what's going on?" She
pointed at Howard, then at me. "My son is acting like he is possessed, and keeps staring at, at her, or
whatever she is." She pointed to me. "It's like she did something to him and now he's afraid to come
near her." Her tone was accusatory.

Mom, who's even less aggressive than me, looked like she wanted to run. Stacey came out fighting.
"What do you mean, 'she'?" Stacey got in Mrs. Adkins' face, and pointed at Howard. "He came on like a
Romeo and held her and got poor Samantha got all scared and flustered and..."

I managed to get to Howard and whisper something in his ear. "We've got to talk after they stop

He nodded, and immediately got between his mother and Stacey. "Nobody did anything to anyone, so
please quit arguing." His mother seemed startled that he would contradict her. "Samantha and I had,
well, an unexpected reaction to each other, and we both responded without thinking." He was bright
red, but kept his composure.
"So Mom, Stacey, please don't make a scene." I moved over and gave Howard hug, which almost caused
the other three to blow gaskets. "Howard and I will get together and talk after the tea, and see if we can
figure out what happened. Between us. Okay?" Stacey gaped at me.

Mom and Mrs. Adkins conferred for a moment, and when they separated, I heard a comment about
their needing to talk this evening. Stacey managed to interject that she and I were supposed to go
shopping this afternoon.

"Mom, after I change, why don't I meet Samantha and Stacey at the shopping center?" Howard was a
fast thinker. Mom looked at me, and Mrs. Adkins, who nodded.

"See you about" Howard looked at his watch "about three?" I looked at Mom, and nodded. He almost
dragged his mother off towards their car.

As we were leaving, Mom tried to find out what happened, but I refused to divulge anything. It took
both Stacey and me to convince her I would be okay at the mall. I borrowed Mom's cell phone and
called Tabitha, who sounded happy to be able to get out of the house, and asked if we could give her

I heard Mom and Dad discussing me as Stacey helped me change. All I had were school clothes. No, all I
had in girls stuff was school clothes, so I would up in a long skirt and sweater, and despite my arguing,
the tall heels. It happened again when I looked in the mirror. With my hair done up, and even a small
amount of makeup, there was only Samantha looking back. I didn't know if I should complain or not. I
always tried to do things really well. But here I wasn't trying.

Dad was nowhere to be seen when we left. Tabitha was dressed almost like me, and looked so good I
had to fight the urge to get too cuddly. At least while Mom was around. As planned, Howard was at the
North entrance when we pulled up. His mother was with him, and instead of leaving, Mom parked her
car and went somewhere with her.

Tabitha gently poked Howard's bulging muscles. "Wow, U.S. grade A prime beef here..." Howard
sputtered, and Stacey sat on the floor to deal with an attack of the terminal giggles. I made sure Mom
was gone, and pulled Tabitha into a much-needed embrace.
When we finally separated to breathe, Howard and Stacey were making "follow us" motions. We would
up at an ice cream place called Mort's. Howard pulled out a wad of money. "Mom said she wanted to
pay for everything, so..."

They didn't have ice cream like this back in podunkville. Yummm. Howard ordered their biggest
concoction, with everything possible added, and Stacey picked a banana split that would have split me in
two. At Tabitha's suggestion, we split something called a "jungle delight". We spent the first few minutes
eating in silent devotion. And trying to play naughty with the cherries and grapes. Finally Stacey
interrupted us.

"Will you two knock it off!" I managed to keep my half of the grape we were jointly trying to suck dry as I
pulled back quickly. "And get the whipped cream off your faces."

Tabitha made lots of squeaky noises when I leaned over and licked the white stuff off her face. She
returned the favor, and we smiled at our companions, who were shaking their heads.

"Any more of that and we'll get charged for public indecency!" I stuck my tongue out at Stacey, and
Tabitha tried valiantly to grab it with her lips. "Ahem!" We quickly separated again.

"Let's head out into the food court, and let them have their table back." Soon were seated on a bench
away from the crowd. I recognized several kids from school, but no one bothered us. Howard suddenly
looked really stressed. "Samantha, what happened between us back at the tea...My mom thinks you are
gay and are coming on to me and that I'm screwed up in the head and..." He paused, trying to get back
his usual calm. "And she thinks that your dressing as a girl has nothing to do with your hair and that it's
all some sort of weird plot."

Stacey started to sputter, but it was Tabitha who managed to speak. "She's not gay, no way, no how, no
chance." She licked my ear, and I quivered. "Unh Unh, I can tell." Then she started to giggle. "Well, on
second thought, maybe -SHE- really is a lesbian..."

"Phffttt..." I almost blew ice cream remains all over everyone. "It's not like I'm trying to be a girl..."
"Trying has nothing to do with it." We all stared at Howard. "I may be a jock, but I'm not a dumb jock."
He paused. "And I think I know what happened." We stared at him. "I've exactly no interest in guys, and
way to much interest in girls for my own good. My mom even sent me to a shrink once because I was
spending too much time chasing girls to keep up my grades." He looked at Stacey, who snickered. "So
I'm more than just a casual observer."

"Samantha doesn't just look like a girl. She moves and acts like one." I stared at him in horror. "And I'll
bet that regularly, no matter how she's dressed, she is mistake for your sister." Stacey gave him a bug-
eyed nod.

"But I'm not..." I didn't know what I was, except confused. "But I'm not gay, I mean, I like girls" I looked
at Tabitha "I like them a lot" She giggled and licked her lips "But you're saying that..."

"That maybe you are one of those people that isn't really a boy or a girl." I felt dizzy, and grabbed
Tabitha for support. We stared at Howard. "For a debating competition last year I was given the topic of
gay and lesbian student organizations in high schools. Because the clubs were usually described by an
acronym, GBLT, which stood for gay, bisexual, lesbian, and transgendered, I had to look up a lot of
definitions." He stared at me.

"Bisexual means that an individual is sexually attracted to members of both sexes. Transgendered means
that a person who is genetically of one sex is psychologically of the opposite sex." He looked at me, and I
started to shake. "And transgendered people could be either straight, bisexual, or gay." Stacey was
looking at him with awe.

"I really didn't understand what they meant at the time, but now..."

"You mean I, I, you think I really want to be a girl..." I held onto Tabitha for dear life. "But I don't want..."

"I think that there are some who are chameleons, who are whatever they need to be. And I think you
are one of them." Howard came over and easily gave both Tabitha and me a hug. I tried to shake free,
but I found myself crying on his shoulder, being held by all three of them. And I didn't want to let go.
Stacey quietly pointed out that we were being eyed by mall security, and I reluctantly unwrapped myself
from Howard and Tabitha. "Come on, Sis, lets freshen up your makeup and then do some shopping.
Stacey and Tabitha dragged me into the nearest ladies' room, as Howard tried to suppress a snicker. He
was waiting when we returned. I was almost pink with embarrassment.

"A lady was nursing her baby in there, and poor little Samantha almost hurt herself trying not to stare at
her breasts." Stacey misjudged her escape, and bounced off Howard, which gave me a chance to swat
her. That broke the tension, but my head was still spinning. Yet it made some sense. But what did it

We all agreed that the clothes available at the shopping center stores were awful. Or not worth the
price. And Howard was acting really nervous, like there was something bothering him that he didn't
want to bring up. Tabitha suggested that we walk to a nearby charity shop, where she said she found a
lot of "really neat stuff".

Thirty minutes later we were having a blast. Howard found a plaid shirt, some overalls, and a hat that
turned him into a hayseed of the seediest order. Stacey had squeezed herself into a beautiful set of well-
worn motorcycle leathers that left little to the imagination. One set of jack-boots, and a bandanna, and
she looked straight out of a B movie. She kept sniffing the old leather and -- I would swear -- purring.

But it was Tabitha that really got everyone's attention. She had found a long black silk gothic outfit with
a built-in corset, and some ridiculously high heeled boots that it took me five minutes to lace on. But
with her silver-white hair and pale complexion, she looked like a fairy queen or a witch out of some
fantasy movie.

Tabitha had to change back to her original clothes before I would quit drooling. "Now what about you?"
I looked at myself, and shrugged. She held up a slinky little black dress and curled her finger at me. I
tried to escape, but Stacey blocked my path.

They had to find me underwear that matched the dress, since any movement caused something else to
show. I minced out of the dressing room wearing a pair of too-tight stiletto heels, and trying to keep the
tiny skirt pulled down below the garters they had made me wear. Both Howard and Tabitha looked like
cats, with me as the mouse du jour. Everything wiggled and wobbled as I moved, and the elastic panties
they had found me were rubbing me in a very distracting way. When Howard pulled me against him, and
held me close while softly squeezing my butt, I got an incredible rush, and lost it.

He had to kiss me to keep the volume down. I bucked and moaned and ground myself against him. And
kissed him with every bit of passion I could muster. When I finally came back to my senses, I was locked
in Howard's embrace, and was being watched carefully by Stacey and Tabitha, who looked jealous. I
stared to panic, but Howard whispered in my ear "it's okay" and then nibbled my earlobe. It almost
happened again, but I managed to keep in touch with what was happening.

They made me buy the outfit, saying it needed cleaning. Howard would not let me go. After I struggled
briefly, I decided he was warm and safe so I quit fighting and enjoyed the weird sensations zinging
through my system. Stacey and Tabitha collected a whole cart full of girls' clothes for me, and I was
surprised when Howard insisted on buying the outfit I was wearing. Stacey paid for the rest, including
the leather outfit, with Dad's credit card.

I managed to get their attention. "Um, if either of our parents finds me dressed like this, none of us will
live through the evening." So back to the dressing room with some of the new clothes.

Stacey was going to pay dearly for her part in this. I was dressed in what they called a jumper, with frilly
white ankle socks, and a pair of funny looking shoes. Tabitha brushed out my hair and then braided it
into pigtails. When I looked in a mirror, I screeched. "I look like a teenybopper wannabee!" All three of
them were having trouble keeping a straight face.

"Bet we can get you into the theater at half-price."

""Nope, she's to young for anything but G rated stuff."

"You can't do this to me!" Howard came over and patted me on the head. "Stacey, your little sister is
getting cranky. Is it time for her nap? OUCH!"
He hopped around holding his shin. Stacey snickered, then looked at her watch.

"Hey, we're supposed to have been meeting parents half an hour ago!" I had to ignore how I was
dressed as we quickly packed up and headed back to the shopping center.

"I feel ridiculous dressed like this!"

"But you make such a cute little kid."

"I want to be her baby-sitter." I almost tripped when Tabitha spoke up. "That way I can spank her when
she's naughty." Howard grabbed me before I ran into a parking meter. The expression on Tabitha's face
was indecipherable. I had the strange feeling she actually meant what she said.

We slowed down and made sure that there was no really incriminating evidence visible before we
approached the meeting place. The two mothers were there, looking highly peeved. Tabitha whispered
something in my ear, and I giggled. "Time to confuse the issue." Stacey and Howard just looked at me.
"Play it by ear."

I ran ahead, then skipped up to mom like I looked, a pre-teen airhead. "Mommy, I had so much fun
shopping with my friends." Unfortunately the high voice came out all to realistic. "I got this groovy
outfit" I swirled around and hugged myself. "It makes me feel so pretty. All the other girls will be

I bounced up and down like I had seen a lot of little girls do. The effect was incredible. Their prepared
lectures disappeared in an instant. Mrs. Adkins stood there in shock, and Mom looked like she was
seeing things. I hugged Mom just like my sister used to when she was little.

"See, I told you she would make a great little sister." Stacey gave us both a hug. Tabitha finally broke
down in giggles, and Howard held onto a planter, laughing himself silly.
Finally Mrs. Adkins started to sputter. "How-WARD, what is going on here..." She was trying to be stern,
but her voice cracked. We looked at each other.

"Buy us some dinner and we'll explain." Mom looked at my grin.

"Did you plan this...?" She pointed at me, and I shook my head. "StaCEY!"

"Not me?"

Everyone looked at Tabitha. "Hey, it got everyone laughing again. Besides, it was Howard that found the
outfit for her." He looked sheepish.

Mrs. Adkins spoke up. "Okay, You win. Before they come to collect us all with a net, let's get some food.
Is Harvey's okay with everyone?" Stacey, Mom and I had never heard of the place, but were assured the
food was good and there were private booths. I rode with Howard and his mom. She kept looking at me
like I was possessed, but didn't say anything. Even when Howard snuggled me.

After ordering, there was an ominous silence. I dropped the little kid routine, which seemed to be
driving both adults crazy, and stood up. "Mom, Mrs. Adkins, a lot has happened today, and much of it
none of us really understand." Tabitha got up and hugged me. "I'm not gay, and there is no plot or
anything involving Howard." Mrs. Adkins looked skeptical.

"Howard thinks I'm some sort of strange chameleon, that I take whatever role, boy or girl, that best fits
the situation. And that I do it unconsciously." I let that sink in. "He also thinks, based on some research
he did for a debate, that I'm maybe something they call a transsexual, a person who is biologically male
with a female personality. I'm not sure, but it would explain why, regardless of how I'm dressed, many
people have always mistaken me for a girl."

Mom looked horrified. "Mom, it's not something you or Dad did." I looked at Mrs. Adkins "And it's not
contagious." She seemed unimpressed. "But if Howard's right, and both Stacey and Tabitha think he is,
then I've got a lot to learn about myself and what I want to become." I hugged Tabitha, and then went
and hugged Howard. "But now I've got both a girlfriend and a boyfriend who care about me, and a goofy
sister who would rather have a sister than a brother."

Stacey pulled me back into my seat and gave me a hug. "So please, don't fight about me. Just let me be
me, okay?" Mom started to cry and displaced Stacey as she held me. Mrs. Adkins was holding her son.
We got some weird looks when the waitress appeared with our food.

We ate quietly for a while. "Samantha, Howard is my son, a boy, and soon to be a man." Mrs. Adkins
was staring at me. "You may look like a girl, and act like one, but you aren't built for..., I mean you
can't..." She turned red.

"No, I am all boy where it's important." Tabitha gave me a thumbs-up, which got a startled look from
Mom. "And I have no intention of changing that." Mom looked relieved, and Howard stopped eating and
took on a greenish tinge for a moment. I looked at Mom.

"In your lectures on growing up, you pointed out that there is far more to a relationship than just
jumping into bed. Heck, I'm not even fifteen, and if I have sex with anyone before I'm sixteen Dad will
strangle me." Stacey giggled, and I would swear I heard Tabitha mumble, "Drat".

"So quit worrying. Please? My life is confused enough without everyone worrying that I'm corrupting--" I
looked at Mrs. Adkins "-- or being corrupted by --" I looked at Mom "my friends." I sat down and started
to shake. Tabitha and Howard moved in and gave me a joint snuggle. And Howard snitched most of my

Before we left, Howard begged for his mom to let me tutor him in calculus and physics on Sunday, and
offered me help with my English assignments in trade. This I liked. It was finally agreed that I would be
dropped off at Howard's house early in the day, and one of his parents would bring me home after
dinner. Before we left, I gave both Tabitha and Howard hugs and kisses. Real ones. And didn't hold back.
My brain was warm and fuzzy the whole way home.

Mom made me promise not to pull the little girl routine on Dad, but the outfit caused quite a stir
anyway. Mom and Dad disappeared after sending Stacey and me to bed. I donned the now familiar
nightgown, and let the feeling of it's softness surround me. Soon I was snuggled up with Stacey on the
motorhome couch, and slipped quietly to sleep.

In the morning Stacey helped me dress, after making me shower and remove all excess hair. This time I
looked pretty much like a local teenager. Sort of Laura Ashley with an attitude. And she made me do
some of my own makeup. Dad looked really unhappy, and Mom told me not to ask. So I just gave him a
kiss on the cheek, and told him I loved him. It didn't help. I felt bad about all the trouble I was causing.

Howard's house was almost as big as Tabitha's. He was waiting in the drive for me, and said his father
wanted to meet me before we started. He looked nervous. "Um, does he know?" He nodded.

"Mom and Dad were up half the night talking. Dad doesn't believe her, and thinks my hormones are
doing my thinking for me." He paused, and gave me a hug. "Dad is a girl-watcher of the worst order. I
guess I sort of take after him." He sounded unhappy. "And he can't believe that I could have an
emotional attraction to a, to quote him, female impersonator. But he's not dumb either, and wants to
meet you before he decides I've lost my marbles."

I stopped in my tracks. "Um, I'm not going to get pounded by him or anything like that..." Pictures of my
bloodied remains ran through my head.

Howard snickered. "No. He's not like that. If anything, he would decide we are both nut cases and offer
to pay for our psychiatric care. He comes on strong, but he's really just a big teddy bear in wolf's
clothing." He paused again. "Unless it a business deal. Then he goes for the jugular." We headed inside.

Mr. Adkins was impressive. Make that scary. He was an older, and bigger, Howard. He did a doubletake
when he saw me, then looked me over carefully, shaking his head. "Dad, meet Samantha McNeil.
Samantha, meet my father, Harold Adkins, founder and president of Adkins Industries." We carefully
shook hands. Or should I say I shook his paw. There were creepies crawling around in my stomach. He
looked like he could use me for a toothpick.

"Howard, please bring us some refreshments." Howard hurried off, and Mr. Adkins escorted me into
what looked like a library. He offered me a seat in a big leather chair, and occupied a bigger one himself.
Howard appeared with coffee for him, and a diet Pepsi for me. His father thanked him, and waved him
out of the room.

I got real nervous, and started to squirm, and look for a way out. "Please, I don't bite." I froze. "But I am
very concerned about what my wife has told me about the, well, relationship between you and
Howard." I felt like a prisoner being interrogated. "Despite your appearance, my wife assures me that
you are really a boy..." His voice was questioning.

"My real name is Samuel, and yes, I'm a boy." I paused "At least genetically." He arched his eyebrows.

"She also says that you claim not to be gay, yet according to both Howard and her you are emotionally,
and physically, attracted to Howard." His stare hardened. "And Howard says he shares the same
attraction to you." He got up and paced. "I may be from the old school, where boys were boys and only
dated girls, but even with today's so-called liberal ideas about sex, what is going on between you and my
son seems rather, well, odd?"

"Would it make any difference if I was gay?" He stopped pacing, and looked at me. "Howard likes girls,
not boys. So please quit worrying about him on that score." I got up, and swirled slowly around.

"What do you see?"

"You look like most of the teenage girls today, perhaps a bit more conservatively dressed."

"Do I move and act and sound like a boy or girl." He frowned.

"I'm still not certain that you really are a boy." He coughed. "I've studied women all my life, and you look
and act just like any other girl, but..."

"So if Howard is like you, would it surprise you to find that he is attracted to a girl like me who is at least
as bright as he is, and who likes him?"
I could watch the wheels skidding as he thought. "But he knows you are not a girl..."

I slowly sat back down. "Several days ago I would have agreed with you. But I'm getting a really fast
lesson in reality. WHAT I am is a boy. But WHO I am is subject to argument." He sat down, hard. "Did
your wife tell you about Howard's chameleon theory?" He nodded. "Did she tell you I also have a
girlfriend?" He nodded.

"She says she's not a lesbian, and is not attracted at all to other girls, but I make her tingle all over." He
looked confused. "And I'm not trying to act like a girl, or anything. All I wanted when this whole thing
began was to be left alone, and keep my hair, and be treated like a person."

I stood up again. My frustration was finally getting to me, and I raised my voice. "Look, Howard is my
friend, and I'm beginning to think that if I have anything to say about it, my boyfriend. If you think I am
going to harm him, tell me to leave. But I have done nothing wrong, and neither has he. What we feel
for each other is between us." I drew myself up to all five feet of me. "Maybe someday I will know who,
or what, I am. But I am not going to stop living because I'm different."

We stared at each other. Mr. Adkins got up and, without a word, went out of the room.

I felt my bravado evaporate, and as I sank into the chair I curled up into a ball. It was not fair. All I
wanted was to be me. And have friends like Tabitha and Howard who cared. I missed hearing the door
open or anyone come in.

"Samantha, are you okay?" There was fear in Howard's voice as he picked me up and held me. I wrapped
my arms around him and buried my face against his neck. He held me softly until I quit crying.

Someone handed me a box of tissues, and I managed to remove what little makeup remained. Mr. and
Mrs. Adkins were staring at the two of us.
"Howard, take your friend to your room, and study. And stay out of each other's underwear. Your
mother and I have agreed that we don't understand this at all, so we are bringing in a specialist on
Monday. " They hugged each other, and looking concerned, left the room. Howard wasted no time
dragging me up to his.

"A specialist?" Howard looked disgusted.

"Prepare to have your head shrunk. If I know Dad, there will be a small army of psychiatrists waiting for
us when we get out of school on Monday. Probably carrying straight jackets and nets."

"You're kidding."

"Only about the nets..."

A knock on the door signaled his mother bringing up my backpack and books, and a tray of snacks and
sodas. When she left, I carefully picked up the tray and studied it. Howard gave mw a quizzical look.
"Checking for bugs."

After Howard quit laughing, we started munching and homework. Several hours later I was feeling really
okay for the first time. "Ahh... calculus and physics. Subjects that finally make some sense!" Howard
gave me a haggard look.

"Now I agree with my parents, you seriously need help. What about English?" It was my turn to groan.
"Let's see that paper you were trying to write." It got deep fast.

Howard finally leaned back, and shook his head. "You are sure they taught English at your last school,
not Chinese?" I nodded sadly. He had finally found a paragraph he liked. On the third page. "Well, with
the corrections it should get you a passing grade. You don't need a psychiatrist, you need an English
I stuck my tongue out at him. And found it between his lips. Every nerve ending I had left went into
overload, and I pounced on him and snuggled. That was how his mother found us when she came to tell
us it was dinner time. I was asleep in his arms with my face buried against his neck. He was snoring
through my hair. After she freaked, and we woke up, we assured her that nothing inappropriate had
happened. She held her head as she left.

Dinner was quietly stressful. Howard and I wanted to hold hands, and his parents wanted to put us in
separate cages. So we wound up seated on opposite sides of the table. Grr.... But the steak was
wonderful, and I wanted the recipe for the carrots. I was too full for dessert, and Mrs Adkins reminded
both of us that we had school tomorrow. "Howard, you have practice all week." He smiled.

"Samantha and I are going to study together this coming weekend. Probably with Tabitha, Steve, and a
couple of other kids."

"I know Steve, but who is Tabitha?"

"Samantha's girlfriend." I could almost hear the gears clashing.

"But I thought she, you..." there was a pause "Harold!"

Her husband gave her a hug. "I know, add another person to the list of loonies." I looked at Howard for
help. All he could do was shake his head.

Mrs. Adkins dropped me off at home, and spent several minutes conferring with Mom and Dad. Stacey
dragged me out to the motorhome and, pestered me until I gave her a kiss-by-kiss account of what had
transpired. "Ahh, so that is what all those telephone calls were about. Mom and Dad were playing secret
agent over the telephone, and kept chasing me off all afternoon."

When I told her about Howard's comments concerning shrinks and straight-jackets, she giggled. "Nope,
you won't get locked up that easily. Dad got a call from the movers, and our stuff will be here by the
weekend. So forget studying."
"If I don't, Howard won't pass, and they will throw me out of English."

"Try to tell Mom and Dad that." I decided on a shower and going to bed early.

Monday was a Monday. I found I was the discussion topic of the week, along with upcoming mid-terms
and plans for the Christmas dance. Mostly I got stared at. Howard, Stacey, Tabitha, and another huge
guy, who turned out to be Howard's friend Steve, insulated me from the crowd at lunch. When I
informed Howard that I would be spending my weekend helping move furniture, Steve snickered.

"Right, like one chair at a time. What you need is a real man to do the work." He flexed a bicep larger
than Howard's, and Stacey giggled. Tabitha saw the sad look on my face and gave me a hug.

"Don't tease Sam. Not everyone has more muscle than brains." Steve looked sheepish.

"Sorry, I wasn't making fun of what you are, it's just that..." Howard silenced him with a look.

"Samantha, Steve didn't mean any harm, but he's right. Which gives me an idea. What if we show up at
your place early on Saturday? I might be able to get a few more guys from the team to join in. We can
move more in an hour than your whole family could in two days." I thought for a moment. "Then maybe,
please, you could help us with our homework?"

I looked at Stacey, who was nodding furiously. "Well, if my Mom and Dad agree, and Tabitha can keep
me company while you muscle-bound types get all hot and sweaty..." Tabitha stuck her tongue in my ear
for an answer. I would swear that Stacey looked jealous.

Tabitha and I managed to stagger out of the changing together room after aerobics. I didn't even bother
to change clothes, just shoes. Celia, one of the older girls who had so badly scared me that first day
came staggering over. "Um, Samantha?" I looked at her and tried to get nervous, but was too tired.
"Your chest?"
I tried to look down, but Tabitha's "OOPS!" startled me. Together they dragged me back into the
changing room. I cringed when I looked in the mirror. One of the breast forms had slipped out of the
bra, and I now had a nipple in the vicinity of my navel. I turned red when Tabitha reached down inside
the leotard, retrieved the errant blob, and put everything back where it belonged.

Celia stayed with us as we headed back in the direction of the busses. "Um, I was sort of a late bloomer,
and well, my mom bought me a really fancy pair of those, which you can glue on, and if you'd like I'll give
them to you, cause I don't need them any more." I stared at her. "I mean, they feel almost real, and
work great till yours grow..." She stopped when I froze, looking startled. "Well, I know you're really a
boy, but the older people like you I saw on TV all had real breasts, and I figured..." Tabitha held me as I
slowly sank to the floor in shock.

"It's okay, Celia, I don't think Sam was thinking about growing breasts, and she's had a really rough
weekend." They both helped me to my feet. Celia looked really upset.

"I'll be okay in a moment." They urged me towards the busses. "What older ones like me?"

"I saw them on some talk shows. Something called trans... transvestites, I think. Like in the 'Rocky Horror
Picture Show'." She detoured to her bus, and Tabitha managed to get me to ours without incident.

I wound up holding Tabitha and crying. Stacey got up and joined us, and helped hold me till we reached
Tabitha's bus stop. We wound up getting off together. "Why is everyone making my life so hard?" I
whimpered at them.

"Mostly you are making it hard on yourself." I stared at Tabitha. "Look, you knew that you would be the
center of a lot of controversy when you decided to show up as a girl. And a lot has happened to make it
more difficult. But you're assuming that everyone else knows what you are thinking. And what you are."
She gave me a hug. "But you don't even know what you are. So don't expect others to magically
Her comments hurt. I looked to Stacey for support. Bad move. She was nodding in agreement. They
dragged me towards Tabitha's house as I tried to digest this latest revelation.

We were met by an older woman who Tabitha introduced as her housekeeper and conscience, Anne.
"Mom and Dad are overseas doing something for the government, so Anne keeps track of me." She
looked sad. "They were supposed to be home for Christmas, but now it looks like they won't be back
until spring." Stacey hugged her. She suddenly started to run, and we chased her upstairs to her room.

There were tears in her eyes, and her fists were clenched. Tabitha's façade crumbled. Stacey and I
wound up putting Tabitha on her bed, and holding her between us as the floodgates opened. While we
lay there, I pondered my situation.

I had a family, and now friends. Everyone seemed to think I was crazy or sick, but unless I thought about
it, I really felt good about myself. I squeezed closer to Tabitha. I wondered how long it had been since
she was able to let herself go. I suddenly realized how much it meant to have Stacey as my sister. Even if
she liked me better as Samantha.

Finally Tabitha stopped crying and managed to make "need tissues" motions. I got up and found a box,
which she used repeatedly. She looked at us through red eyes. "I'm sorry, it gets all built up and then..."

"That's what friends are for." She wrapped her arms around me and held me while she shook. Stacey
hugged the both of us.

Stacey remembered to call home and leave a message that we were at Tabitha's house. Tabitha tried to
convince us she was okay and that we should just leave her alone. We weren't buying it. And when we
refused to leave she grabbed me and had another crying spell. We were finally interrupted by an
intercom, which announced that dinner would be ready in five minutes. A flurry of face washing and
straightening, and none of us looked too scary when we went downstairs.

Dinner was sort-of formal, but simple. Anne was a decent cook, but Mom was much better. After dinner
we returned to Tabitha's room to study. And found out that we were only in her bedroom. A door led to
another room, sort of like a small library, with a fancy computer and all sorts of other neat toys. "Mom
and Dad thought this would help make things better while they were gone." She sounded bitter. I
wondered if they ever gave her hugs.

The computer looked interesting. She saw me staring, and asked if I wanted to give it a try. "They got me
a really fast connection." Fast was an understatement. I was quickly lost in surfing the web. On a whim, I
typed in "Transgendered", what Howard had thought I was, into a search engine.

Stacey and Tabitha came over to see why I was crying. And stared at the screen. I wound up back in
Tabitha's arms while Stacey looked over what I had found. Finally she shut down the computer, and
looked at me. "Mom and Dad need to know." She paused. "So does Howard."

"I'm some sort of weird freak. They'll put me in a cage and throw me peanuts, or take me apart to see
what went wrong, or... " "Eeyahaa!" I went almost straight up when Tabitha reached up under my skirt
and goosed me.

"You WILL quit feeling sorry for yourself." I carefully checked to make sure my private parts were still
intact. "I don't care if you are a transistor. And I'll bet that Howard doesn't either." Everything was still
there, and I tried to ignore their snickers as I re-arranged things.

"But, but..." I found myself over Tabitha's lap. With my skirt up and her hand resting maddeningly on my
barely-covered bottom.

"One more complaint and your butt will belong to me." All I could manage was a whimper. I didn't want
to get spanked like a little kid, but her hand felt so... good. "Now be a good little girl and lets figure out
what we are going to do, okay?" She patted my bottom and I quivered, which made her giggle. "Naughty

Stacey was having trouble staying on her chair, or breathing. "Okay, you two, knock it off." Tabitha let
me up, and I quickly got my skirt down and managed to get the gaff painfully back into place again.
"Tabitha, do you have a phone I can use?" One appeared almost magically from under a pile of stuffed
animals. Stacey dialed home. "Hi Mom." She pulled the telephone away from her ear. We could hear the
shouting. She put her hand over the mouthpiece. "Howard's parents psychiatrist called them and..."
"Yes Mom, Samantha's fine. No, she hasn't threatened to hurt herself. No, she doesn't carry a knife. No,
there are no pills she can take." It sounded like Mom had been reading the same materials I found.

"Mom, she's fine. We've had dinner and are getting ready to do some studying. You want to have her
WHAT!" Tabitha and I jumped at the emphasis in her voice. "No way, I'm not letting you do that to her."
I started to panic, but Tabitha grabbed me. "She's not a danger to herself or others." Mom had been
reading the same stuff. "Mom, please, quit worrying. If she starts acting funny we will tie her up and call
for help, okay?" I made a crazy face and circling motions near my ear, and Tabitha giggled. Stacey held
the phone like it was contaminated. "Mom, can I talk to Daddy for a moment? I promise not to hang up
while you get him."

"Mom's gone off the deep end. She's the one who needs a padded room and a shrink." Stacey and I
were all to familiar with Mom's sudden attacks of paranoia. Stacey looked at me. "Samantha, relax,
Mom will calm down in a day or two, she always does.

"Remember the botulism scare? She threw out almost every can in the house. And then there was
kidnapping scare, and the..." She waived at me to be quiet.

"Hi Daddy. Yes, Samantha is fine. Mom is having another of her bouts of being over-protective? No duh.
WHAT?!!!. No way. A straight-jacket?" We stared at Stacey. "You want to know if we can safely keep
Samantha away from the house until you can get Mom calmed down?" Stacey looked at Tabitha, who
was nodding furiously. "Sure, I'll ask."

She covered the telephone. "Dad wants to know if Sam could stay here tonight, and maybe for a couple
of days until Mom has returned to her senses. Apparently she's already had a medical place send her a
straight-jacket for Sam, and Dad's been on the phone with the shrink that Howard's parents called,
hoping to get Mom some tranquilizers." I looked at the ceiling and shook my head in disgust.

"I'll go ask Anne, but she'll be happy I have another girl over for a sleep-over, even it it's for a couple of
nights. And Samantha can wear some of my clothes for school tomorrow, 'cause we're about the same
size." She headed out of the room at a run, with a big grin on her face.
"Dad, Tabitha is checking, but thinks it's okay. Is it safe for me to come home? Good. You'll have a cab
pick me up? Oh, you don't want Mom to know where Sam is. You don't want to leave her alone? Oh,
you are going to take the phone away. Just a moment." Tabitha was running back into the room.

"Anne says she can stay as long as she needs. I told her that Samantha's mom was having a stress type
medical emergency, and that her dad wanted to keep Samantha out of the line of fire." I gave Tabitha a
sort-of high-five, and a hug.

"Dad, Tabitha says Sam can stay as long as she needs to. Yes, she. No, she doesn't, and we're not going
to tell her. Yes, I'll warn Sam to stay out of her bed." Tabitha stuck her tongue out at Stacey. "Mom is
getting ready to what? I'll call the cab and you can pay them when they get there. 'Bye."

Stacey put the phone down and rubbed her ear. "Mom was trying to get the car keys he had taken
away. Something about going searching for her daughter who desperately needed her help. And she
was carrying the straight-jacket." She shook her head. "If anyone winds up in a straight-jacket it's going
to be Mom. And Dad needs the tranquilizers. Is there a decent cab company? 'Cause I need to get home
and help Dad."

Fifteen minutes later we watched as a cab sped away with my sister. Anne was being really sympathetic,
even though she had no clue what was happening. Tabitha and I headed back up to her room. "About
that warning to stay out of my bed..." She licked my ear, and I quivered.

But I managed to pull away before I gave in. "We have a lot of homework to do first." She gave me a
raspberry, but backed off and said she would go get some refreshments.

It was almost ten-thirty when we finally closed the last book. "Michener is BORING!"

I looked at her. "Did he say anything important in the last fifty pages?" She shook her head.
"If I wanted a travel guide, I would buy one. And we have to finish that thing by the end of next week?" I
managed to nod. And sniffed myself.

"Um, I need a shower, and to rinse out my exercise stuff..." She grew a Cheshire-cat grin.

It was the biggest bathtub I had ever seen. Tabitha brought in four big towels, two pairs of panties, and
two silky nightgowns. "Um, some privacy please?" she snickered, and took off her clothes. While I was
busy staring greedily, she peeled me out of mine.

"If we don't get out of the water we'll be prunes for days." Tabitha was resting her head on my chest,
which was just under the water. She gave me a contented look, and nodded.

"Rinse my back?" I was more than happy to oblige.

"You're sure you won't..." She rubbed a very soft and naked body against me. I shook my head.

"We're only fourteen, and I promised my Mom and Dad I wouldn't until I was at least sixteen. Besides,
it's got to recover. She looked down, and giggled. Everything was shriveled up so small that I almost
looked like a girl. She tossed me a pair of the panties.

We wound up entwined under her covers. I knew I wasn't supposed to be sleeping with her, but it felt so
right. Kinda like sleeping with my sister, but better.

I woke up to Tabitha laughing her head off. I was tangled up in a pile of sheets and blankets, trying to
find who put the police siren in her room. "Oops, forgot to warn you about my alarm clock." She
reached over and shut off something. "Anne got it for me after I kept oversleeping." She stretched as I
untangled myself. There was no question that I was awake. I made a mad dash to the bathroom.

We caught the bus t together. We were so close in size that I got to search her vast collection for what I
wanted to wear. The long skirt and soft sweater felt great, and Tabitha had put the breast forms in
padded bra that gave me quite a figure. For some reason I was really relaxed and calm. And smiled as I
remembered our games in the tub. Mom would not approve. So what.

I thought about Howard, and nothing tingled, at least not in the same way. I hoped he would be at
school today so I could find out what happened yesterday.

Howard and Stacey met us at the school, and looked relieved when I got off the bus. "Samantha, your

I nodded. "I stayed at Tabitha's last night. So what happened?" He stared at both of us, and we both
grinned. He looked pained.

"You two, I mean...." We grinned more.

"Aarrgghhhh!" He looked really frustrated. We headed into the school as he brought us up to date.
"Anyway, the psychiatrist told them that kids like you are usually really disturbed and unhappy, and
most try to kill themselves unless they get a lot of professional help, so my mom called your mom,
and..." The warning bell rang.

"Finish the story at lunch. Okay?" I nodded, and Tabitha and I headed for class. The few unpleasant
comments did absolutely nothing to diminish the warm glow I was carrying.

We all met up at lunch. The school nurse had pulled me out of my second class to check on me, and
when I explained about Mom's paranoid episodes, she told me it was not that uncommon. I agreed to
tell her if I got stressed out or really upset. She agreed to try to deflect my mother if she showed up.

Stacey looked really tired. "Mom and Dad were up late arguing, and I had to help Dad keep her calmed
down. He finally got her to bed about two." We nodded in sympathy. And this morning he is taking her
to see someone to try and get her something to calm her down." She looked beat. We all gave her a
Howard picked up where he left off. "... Dad finally got Mom to shut up, and they wanted to know what I
thought, so I told them that you were really stressed, mostly because other people were bugging you,
but that you had made no threats or anything like that And I pointed out that I was plenty big to keep
Samantha from doing anything to herself when I was present." We all nodded. "That's about it. They
have offered to pay for you to get counseling because we are, as they put it, close friends." I went over
and sat on his lap, and gave him a soft kiss.

Stacey finally pulled us apart. "Hey, I'm the one without a steady boyfriend." She tried to look jealous,
then giggled. "Or girlfriend. So quit making out in front of me, okay?" We collectively gave her a hug.

"Samantha, what do you want to do?" Howard was looking at me. "The psychiatrist said that there was
way too little information to make a real diagnosis, but that even he was unaware of someone your age
that was, well, so obviously neither. Or is it both?" I sat and thought quietly.

"Nothing." Howard almost choked on his drink. "I don't know why, but I'm mostly okay with whatever I
am right now." I nibbled on a cookie. "The only problems I'm having are because other people don't
understand me. So I get all upset trying to be what others want me to be. Kinda like my hair. Or kissing

"To them it's wrong because they don't understand, or they're afraid. But all they want to do is make me
what they think I should be. Which is not what is going to work for me."

Everyone was staring at me. "So, does that make sense?" Howard picked me up and set me on his lap,
then gave me a far-from-neutral kiss. As I tingled all the way to my toes, he set me next to Tabitha, who
repeated the process. The bell rang, and I had to be propelled towards my next class. I wanted to go
home and snuggle. Who cared about physics, anyway?

During aerobics, a messenger from the office gave me a note saying I could should stay at Tabitha's
again tonight. Tabitha and I were playing kissing games in the changing room when Celia interrupted us.
"Hey, like quit making everyone else jealous." We looked around and realized we were the object of
everyone's attention. We quickly separated. "And here is what I promised you, plus some others things
that might help you that I don't need anymore." She handed me a rather large bag.
I was thanking her when she advised that if we didn't hurry, we would miss the bus. At Tabitha's, Anne
told us that dinner would be early, so we headed upstairs, and despite my protestations that snuggles
were more important, started on our homework.

We were quietly digesting dinner, while reading the latest English assignment when Tabitha's phone
rang. "Hello? Oh, hi Stacey. Sure, just a moment." She handed me the phone.

"Hi sis. WHAT?" Tabitha looked at me in alarm. "Oh, not that kind of evaluation. Tomorrow evening at
Howard's?" I looked at Tabitha, who didn't look happy. "Mom and Dad won't be there. He wants to
meet with Tabitha also? Let me check."

"The psychiatrist that Howard's parents found wants to talk to me, and you, and Howard tomorrow
evening. My dad has already given his permission, and they've got Mom on some really cool
tranquilizers. Stacey says it sounds safe enough, and Howard has promised that no one will do anything
without his agreement."

"Why me?"

"Because you're emotionally involved with me." I stroked her hair. "And they are all worried about me."
She got a wet look in her eyes.

"Okay, but only if they agree to let me bring you home with me."

"Stacey, Tabitha will come but only if I can go home with her. Okay, I'll wait." I covered the receiver.
"She's checking with Dad." "It's okay? Then we'll go there after school. Hey, doesn't Howard have
practice? Oh, he's going to skip one so he can be there. Sounds good. And tell Dad that I'm not stressed,
and am feeling fine. Love you. 'Bye."

I crossed my eyes when I got off the phone. "Did you ever get the feeling that the monkeys were on the
outside looking in? She nodded, and closed up our books. I did not object at all when she said it was
time to bathe and go to bed.
Wednesday was dull, except for the class on deportment. We collected in groups of three, and each girl
was required to record what the others did right and wrong through a series of scenarios. When
everyone was finished, and the scores tallied, the teacher was shaking her head.

"Samantha, this is, well, unbelievable." She held up my score card. "You scored better than average, yet
you claim that you have never tried to be a girl." She paused. "How much time have you been spending

"Um, ma'am, what do you mean practicing? I'm learning how to do my own makeup and hair..." Her
eyebrows went up.

"I mean in acting and responding like a girl your age. This is what I would expect from someone born a
girl, and raised in polite society." I wondered what was happening, when Tabitha spoke up.

"Ma'am, I know what happened." Everyone looked at her. She stood up and came over to me.
"Samantha is sort of like a chameleon, she becomes a part of her surroundings. I bet she moves and acts
just like me." The teacher pulled out Tabitha's score card, stared, and walked slowly to the chalk board.
When she finished writing, there were a lot of mumbles.

Our sheets were almost identical. I hugged Tabitha. "Well, so much for using her for the class project."
We looked at the teacher, and I smiled. Suddenly a startled look crossed her face. "Um, does this mean
that when a boy walks by you...?" Every girl in the class stared at her. She realized what she said and
turned red. For some reason it didn't bother me.

"Hey, if he's cute, I look." That got a lot of giggles, and a few snickers from the other girls. "And I do have
a weekend date with Howard and Steve from the football team." That was the end of the class. Our
teacher simply went back to her desk and sat there. The comments ranged from "God, They're hunks!"
to "You mean they're gay?"

I answered that comment by getting up on a stool and shouting to get their attention. "If Howard
hugged you, and treated you nice, and you were the only one able to tutor both of them in calculus and
physics, would you say they were gay?" There was silence. Besides, how many of you think of me as a

One of the hecklers spoke up. "Oh shoot... she's right."

"And they're not getting into my undies, so don't get upset. A girl like me has to maintain her
reputation." I tried a vamp, and fell off the stool. The teacher slid off her chair trying to stifle a laugh.
Tabitha hugged me, and gave me a very un-lady-like kiss. I came up for air, and announced "Besides, I'm
a lesbian, remember?" Any semblance of sanity departed the class at that point.

At lunch I had to fight to save a place for Howard, who was late. He looked dazed. "My parents are going
to drive me nuts. I just got a call that Mom is blaming Dad for not providing a proper father image, and
Dad wants to talk business with Samantha while she is waiting to talk to that psychiatrist." He pulled a
sandwich out of his lunch bag and tried to take a bite without unwrapping it. "Yeech, this tastes like..."
He looked at the teeth marks in the baggy. "Er, plastic?"

Everyone at the table was snickering. He carefully extracted the sandwich and started eating.
"Business?" Howard nodded.

"I don't have a clue. But that's what Mom said. And she wants to talk to Tabitha." I looked at Tabitha,
and she shrugged.

Ms. Kormansky, must have been a drill sergeant in a previous life. For the French Foreign Legion. I was
soaked in sweat. Celia and another girl needed help changing, and when it registered that I was the one
helping them, they blushed, but were too pooped to panic. Celia was right, she didn't need any padding
for her bra. "Thup" Something landed near me. "Quit staring." Tabitha had tried to throw a shoe, but
missed. But she was smiling.

At the bus, Howard took one look at us, and then a sniff, and decided to sit across the aisle. At his house
he directed us to his bathroom, and tossed in several towels. "You two are not fit for human company.
My dirty sweats smell better after a game." I would have hit him, but I needed to hold on to Tabitha for
support. "I'll tell Mom you two are getting cleaned up." He held his nose and closed the door.
Tabitha started to giggle. "Wait till his mom realizes we're in here together." I managed a laugh. It hurt.

We decided, mainly because we were exhausted, to make the shower fast. Tabitha rolled up our
exercise gear, and stuffed it in the plastic bag she carried in her pack. "We can brush our hair

"You can lift a brush?" We looked really innocent, no makeup or anything, as we came out of the
bathroom and ran straight into Mrs. Adkins, who tried to say something, but it seemed to get stuck in
her throat.

Tabitha hugged me, which almost knocked me over. "What's wrong with two girls taking a shower
together?" That caused Mrs. Adkins to mumble something about a migraine, and invite us downstairs to
meet the psychiatrist.

We were expecting a bearded old man with thick glasses and a notepad. The fairly young woman, who
was introduced as a Dr. Hardwick, came as a complete surprise. Howard was sitting there with his
father, and Mrs. Adkins told us that we would have dinner after everyone was finished. The woman
looked Tabitha and me over carefully, and smiling, asked Howard into his father's study. Mrs. Adkins
almost dragged Tabitha in the direction of what I surmised was the kitchen, leaving me nervously with
Mr. Adkins.

He seemed calm, which didn't help at all. He motioned me to a couch, and pulled up a chair facing me.
"Samantha, neither my wife or I understand this at all. But Dr. Hardwick says that you are not sick or
demented, and that the only danger to Howard would be if you were stringing him along." He took a
deep breath. "Which I don't think you are doing." He looked at me expectantly.

"I wouldn't hurt Howard that way." He seemed to relax. A little. "He said you wanted to discuss
business? I don't even know what your company does, and I'm like way too young to get a job..."

He chuckled. "My company designs and manages the construction of small factories from the ground up,
and delivers them to clients ready to operate. When I mentioned to my chief design engineer that a
freshman girl was tutoring my honors student son in calculus and physics, and I was afraid she was
weird, I got a lecture pointing that, if the she was a he, I would be recruiting him for future
employment." I stared at him.

"And it made me realize that I was letting my emotions and prejudices govern my response to you. So I
owe you an apology." I got up and gave him a hug.

He seemed embarrassed, but continued after I sat back down. "Regardless of my fears that you might be
a wolf in girl's clothing, the fact that you are so far ahead of your peers in math and science intrigues
me. Have you thought about what you want to do after you graduate from high school?"

This was a subject free of emotional baggage, and one I had been pondering before the current crisis hit.
"Well, I really like math, and I like to build things, so I had considered engineering, but Mom and Dad
probably won't have the money to send me to that type of school, so I was going to see what kind of
scholarships I could get, and follow them." I pulled my brush out and began trying to make sense of my
hair. "Where we lived before, there really wasn't much except farmers and ranchers, and the air base.
And there was no way I was going to join the military. So I asked my teachers, and they kept saying I was
too young to make a decision."

I looked at my feet. "Most of them also said I was too wimpy to be an engineer, and some made jokes
about my becoming a hairdresser or going into banking or something where I would not have to
compete with the big boys." I looked at him. "So let me guess, you are about to tell me I should be a
secretary, or something like that." It came out nasty, and I regretted it immediately. "I'm sorry, it's just

"Don't apologize. I used to think that way too, until I met my chief design engineer. Whose name is
Amelia." I stared at him, and he smiled. "After she made a complete fool of me, gave me a bunch of
lessons in how not to be a chauvinist idiot, and then helped one of my competitors outbid me on several
million dollars in contracts, I hired her. One of the best business decisions I have ever made." He got up
and paced around. "She wants to meet you. At first I was dead against it, because you are, well...." He
looked uncomfortable.
"But good business is based on intelligent decisions, not prejudices. So if you have no objections, I will
have her get in touch with you. This is not a favor because of Howard. If you are as capable as it appears,
you could have a very bright future ahead of you." He sat back down.

"You really want me to talk with her, don't you?" He nodded. I sat and thought. I was living day-to-day,
and had forgotten about my future. "Okay, but not until this..." I waved all around me "This whole thing
has been settled." He wholeheartedly agreed to that. We sat and discussed the various fields of
engineering until Howard, looking like he was in a fog, was escorted out of the study by the psychiatrist.
He went and got Tabitha, who looked ragged to be the next victim, and then disappeared without a
word upstairs. Mr. Adkins excused himself, and suggested that I might want to do homework while I was
waiting. It sounded like a good idea.

It was not too much later that Tabitha came out with the same foggy look, and motioned me into the
study. I wondered for a moment if the straight-jacket Mom had ordered for me, along with a net, was
waiting. And headed inside.

I was so drained by the time we were finished that Dr. Hardwick had to help me out of my chair and
through the door. I managed to get to Howard and Tabitha, and collapse sobbing in their arms.

"Samantha are you okay?" I managed to both shake my head and nod at the same time.

"Just hold me, please..." He picked me up like a doll, and with Tabitha holding my hand, strode past his
parents and carried me up to his room.

"Samantha, what's..." I managed to silence him with my hand

""No, no questions, no more questions, just hold me, please?" He held me as he stretched out on the
bed, and Tabitha quickly joined us. I didn't want to think anymore. It was wrong. I was wrong. My life
was wrong. Even what felt right was wrong.
I needed to get away from everyone. I was hurting my friends, my family. When Howard relaxed his grip,
I jumped away from them and tried to get out of the room. I had the door open when something
grabbed my ankle and I slammed into the carpet as I fell. So I started to scream and kick and fight to

Howard landed on me, and pinned me so I couldn't move. He shouted something and I heard footsteps
on the stairs. The "Oh My God" from his mother was mixed with him telling me everything would be all
right. I heard the psychiatrist's voice, and in a moment felt a sharp stinging in my arm. Which was
replaced by a weird, tingling rush, and everything faded out.

I felt someone stroking my face, and memories started to return. But they felt detached, and not
threatening. Soon I became conscious of my being wrapped in something warm and snug, and I realized
I had been given a shot of something to make me relax. I tried to move, and found I was firmly secured
in whatever they had wrapped me in. "Hea, leb mea goo." It came out funny, and that made it really
funny, and I started to giggle and wound up drooling on myself, and I just couldn't seem to get upset
about anything.

"She's waking up, go get doctor Hardwick." I managed to open my eyes and look at Howard.

"Hiya. Kiff me." I think I made a funny face. "I meem giff meb a kiff." He started to chuckle, and gave me
a kiss on the cheek. I tried to kiss him back, and wound up licking his face like a puppy. A very giggly

Dr. Hardwick came into view. "Don't try to talk Samantha, the medication will wear off shortly."

"Mefdicafun?" Then I remembered the shot and why I was feeling so goofy. "Iff Babiphfa hea?"

I felt someone snuggle up against me. "I've been here the whole time." Her face popped into view
inches from mine. She leaned her head on my shoulder, which felt nice and warm. I closed my eyes and
let the smell of her hair surround my mind.
I woke up again, this time to Tabitha whispering softly in my ear. The fog was gone, and my eyes popped
open. "Have a good nap?" She stroked my face. When I tried to reach for her I found I was still secured.
"You are going nowhere until we are all sure you are going to be okay." Dr. Hardwick and Dad came into

"Samantha, Dr. Hardwick called me and said that you had an emotional overload, and she had to give
you a shot to calm you down." He looked really concerned. "She also gave you another medication she
says will help keep you from getting upset easily." No wonder I felt pretty good. "Stacey is at home,
keeping an eye on your mother. She said to send you a hug." I smiled.

"Your friends are very protective of you." Dr. Hardwick came back into view. She looked tired. "so, do
you want to talk about what happened?"

It came pouring out, but without the pain I had felt before. My feelings of being a freak, of thinking I
should not have been born, of being afraid I was hurting those I loved, and wanting to end the hurting.
And I cried a lot and was snuggled by Tabitha and held by Howard. Both who refused to leave me while I
let all my fears out.

I finally looked around for Dad. "You want a son, not someone who needs to be a girl."

"I have a child whom I love. Regardless of who she needs to be." That started another flood. After
Howard helped me with some tissues, I looked at Dr. Hardwick.

"So you are going to have me locked up in a padded room somewhere, so I can't hurt myself?"

She shook her head. "I'm going to put you on some medication that will help keep you calm and
collected. And you will be under someone's watchful eyes at all times for the next couple of weeks. But I
really meant it earlier when I said you are one of the most emotionally together young people I have
ever seen with problems similar to yours." She paused and looked at Dad. "Your daughter, for that is
who she always has been, even if she didn't know it, is almost unique in my experience. Most young
people whose gender does not match their biological sex are severely traumatized, and often clinically
unstable. Samantha is neither."
"And she is not gay, or straight. I think Howard is correct. She is whatever her emotions tell her to be. So
when she is with Tabitha, she becomes a sort of her mirror image. When she is with Howard, she reacts
exactly like a girl experiencing young love." I turned red, and Howard kissed me.

"So I will try to locate for you a mental health professional in this area with expertise in gender identity
disorders. Samantha will need help in learning about herself, and in deciding what she wants to be her
future. Everyone who is close to her should get counseling to help them understand her, and to help
them help her as she works to find herself."

She looked at me. "So are you ready to be unwrapped?" I nodded.

No wonder I couldn't move. I had been tightly wrapped in several sheets, then a blanket, with the whole
package secured with a wrapping of elastic bandages, apparently from Howard's collection. Movement
reminded me of another need, and I grabbed Tabitha for escort as I ran for the bathroom.

There, after taking care of very pressing business, I found it was almost five in the morning. "Tabitha,
Anne must be worried sick..." She shook her head.

"Mrs. Adkins called her and explained what was happening. So I'm not in any trouble." We headed back
to Howard's room. Dad seemed to be a bit more relaxed.

"Dr. Hardwick has given me a prescription for some medicine that I will have filled as soon as things
open up this morning. She has also written an excuse for you, Howard, and Tabitha, covering school
today." He paused. "She says that Howard and Tabitha are the best people to keep an eye on you, and I
agree." I gave Howard a hug. "So until I hear otherwise, you belong to them. Mrs. Adkins says you both
can stay with Howard as long as necessary." That got a three-way hug started. "I am going home to get
some sleep."

Dad pried me loose from the others, and held me close. "Whatever, or whoever, you decide to be, I love
you." There were tears in his eyes as he pulled away and slowly made his way out the door.
Dr. Hardwick decided to give me another shot before she left, and advised the others that I would act a
bit goofy for a while. Tabitha's "How would we tell?" got all of us laughing. Howard remade his bed
while I got pincushioned. The shot worked fast, and I turned into the India rubber girl. Someone had
found both Tabitha and me nightgowns, I wound up between them. I think I giggled myself to sleep with
my head on Howard's chest.

It was late afternoon when my bladder woke me up, and Howard did escort duty. Then my stomach
growled. Tabitha decided to keep an eye on me, and shoed Howard off to his football practice. Mrs.
Adkins seemed embarrassed when she found us locked lip to lip in a very close embrace. After many
apologies, Tabitha volunteered us to help with the housecleaning. I was still a bit silly, and didn't have
the sense to complain.

I was going to clobber Howard. He had complained about us after aerobics. We found he had a hamper
full of football stuff that we both were sure could move on its own. We washed everything twice. With
added disinfectant. Everything was folded, and we had even changed the bed and washed the sheets by
the time Howard's dad brought him home. He wanted food. We made him shower and change first.

We decided to see if I was capable of thinking, and tried to do yesterday's homework. And it worked.
Howard had been tackled hard, and was getting twinges in his back. Tabitha gave me an evil grin.

He was trying to study while I, wearing only a thin nightgown, sat on his butt and kneaded his back. And
coached him on his math. Every time I rubbed myself against him, he moaned. I wasn't sure who was
hornier. Probably Tabitha, who was working on her math, and muttering something about beefcake and
her promises to stay a virgin.

When everyone was finally finished, Howard tried to chase us out so he could have some privacy. Fat
chance. Apparently Tabitha had access to reading material Mom would not let in our house. We played
with Howard for all of five minutes before he started to tremble, and I wound up with a face full of
warm, sticky stuff. I almost went crazy when Tabitha insisted on doing the cleanup with her tongue.
Howard seemed mortally embarrassed.
Howard politely declined to assist me as I played touchy-feelie with Tabitha's nerve endings. She lasted
for about ten minutes. And crooned and quivered for at least five more while I teased the soft fur
between her legs. Howard looked jealous, but I thought I understood why he was holding back.

Between Tabitha and Howard's ministrations I fell asleep with a smile.

In the morning we were rousted by Mrs. Adkins, and managed to get to school on time. Howard seemed
reserved, and I had the feeling that he was having difficulty with what happened last night. Tabitha,
however, was all smiles and snuggles with me. Dad met us at school, and gave me two pills. He seemed
much better, and told me that Mom was almost back to normal. Stacey hugged me and asked for an
update at lunch.

The school nurse checked on me in the afternoon -- apparently doctor's orders.

Howard suggested that Tabitha and I spend the night at her house. He tried to use the excuse that we
needed clothes, which we did. I gave him a hug. And he seemed to shrink back. "I need to think about
what happened..." I felt sad. Tabitha held me.

"Howard, whatever is bothering you, last night was wonderful. I know what's wrong. As long as
Samantha has her clothes on, she is a cute, loving girl. But when she undresses, it spoils the illusion." He
looked at us and nodded. "But that doesn't mean she can't be your friend."

"I just feel bad that it bothers me, and..." We both hugged him.

"So let's stay friends, and I'll handle Samantha when she takes off her clothes." Howard suddenly
snickered, and when Tabitha realized what she had said, she blushed scarlet. I licked her ear, and she
dropped her books.

When Howard headed for his bus, he seemed more relaxed. Tabitha and I took the bus to her house.
Dinner was quick and quiet. We did our homework, and snuggled each other to sleep, as friends.
Whatever the medicine Dr. Hardwick gave me was, it worked almost too well. I was so spacey most of
the time that I started to get blonde comments.

On Saturday Dad picked me up at Tabitha's house. I had borrowed some girl's jeans from her, and she
had worked to make us mismatched twins. We looked a bit silly, but it was comfortable. And washable.
Tabitha and I had stayed up later than we should, discussing how we would handle separate sleeping
arrangements when Dr. Hardwick took me off my leash. Since the games in her tub, we were acting
more and more like sisters, not hormone-saturated teenagers. And for some reason it felt right to both
of us.

Dad gawked at the house when we arrived. There was a small army of big guys, led by Howard, that
were rapidly emptying the big storage van into the house. "What...? Where...?"

"Wow, Howard wasn't kidding, was he?" I looked at Tabitha, who was staring at the activity. "Um, Dad, I
think we better head for the store..."

By noon the van was completely empty, and a good part of the football team was full of pizza and pop.
Steve and Howard stuck around after the others had left. "Um, now about that study session Sunday..."
Mom and Dad managed to agree without argument.

Early Sunday morning, everyone got together at Howard's place. Howard, Steve, Stacey, Tabitha, and
me. We took over their basement recreation room, and Mrs. Adkins, showing intimate knowledge of
teenager's needs, took several trips downstairs to deliver us a car-load of food and sodas. Soon we were
sprawled all over the place, working on each other's weak areas.

By late afternoon the mental capacity of the entire group had deteriorated so far that Stacey and Steve
were having a pretzel tossing contest. Tabitha and I were snuggled up together, using Howard as a
pillow. Howard was snoring. When Mrs. Adkins came in to check on us, she giggled, and we stared at

"Harold and I used to wind up in study sessions at college like this." She nudged Howard with a toe and
he mumbled something and rolled over, dumping Tabitha and me on the floor. "Dinner will be in about
an hour." She looked at Stacey, Tabitha and me. "Would you girls like to help with the preparations?"
We groaned, but agreed. Suddenly she stopped. "Um, Samantha, I..."

I hugged her. "It's okay, it doesn't bother me, I think." Stacey had to drag Tabitha off me so we could
head for the kitchen. There we got so busy I didn't have time to worry about it. When dinner was ready
we went to get Steve and Howard. They were both out cold.

Mrs. Adkins didn't even blink. "Okay, dinner is READY!" No movement.

"Eyahhh!" Howard woke up really fast when his mother calmly poured the glass of cold water she had
obtained from the bathroom on his head. The scream woke Steve. When Howard got oriented, he
glared at his mother, then saw us giggling and looked sheepish. "Mom..." She simply smiled.

"Dinner is ready." Howard snagged a towel on his way upstairs.

Steve's Dad came by to pick him up after dinner. Howard gave me a hug, and didn't cringe when I
snuggled against him. "Friends?" He had to find some tissues, as my tears were soaking his shirt. But by
the time Mrs. Adkins drove Tabitha and me back to Tabitha's house, I felt all calm and happy again.

The school week went quickly. I wound up getting pulled out of school on Tuesday for an appointment
with a doctor for a complete physical. Mom, who was still on happy pills, had listed me as her daughter,
and the people at the clinic must have been the only ones in town who didn't know I was really a boy. So
when the nurse told me to get ready for a pelvic exam, I gave her a "what?" look. "A pelvic exam. You've
never had one?" I shook my head. She mumbled something about proper medical care, and instructed
me on how to use the stirrups on the exam table, and what I was supposed to do. So I dropped the skirt
and panties I was wearing, then the gaff, and climbed onto the exam table.

She ran out of the room with a screech. I pulled the sheet over me, and wondered what was wrong. The
stirrups felt really weird. Talk about hanging in the breeze. The doctor, an older woman, came in with
the nurse. "Her chart says she's a girl but she's a boy and..."
"Um, is something wrong?" I looked at them. The doctor took one look under the sheet, and went and
got Mom. Explanations took a while. Then they took enough blood that I asked for a refill. Rectal exams
are embarrassing. And what happened when she massaged what she called my prostate during the
exam was downright mortifying. Especially when the nurse collected the result in a little jar.

I walked sort of funny when I left the clinic, and Mom seemed strangely unsympathetic. I took it really
easy in Aerobics. When Ms. Kormansky asked why, I mentioned a physical and pelvic exam. She nodded,
then gave me a really strange look. But didn't ask further questions.

Friday there were no classes, and I had my first appointment with the psychiatrist that Dr. Hardwick had
recommended to my parents. Tabitha came with me, and I really needed her hugs when the session
ended. She changed my medicine to a lower dose, and added two more medicines to the list. And gave
me couple of shots in my bottom. She was unable to stifle a laugh when I commented that medical care
was a pain in the butt. I was warned that the shots might make me have some rather strange emotional
swings, and she briefed Mom and Tabitha on what to watch for. She also continued my escort
requirements for another two weeks, which seemed to bother Mom, and made Tabitha grin.

Howard called me at Tabitha's just before dinner to set up another weekend study session. I called
Stacey, and she agreed to meet us at Howard's early on Saturday morning. Howard told me that Steve
would be there, and suggested that I plan for a two-day session. "Mom is setting up the guest room for
you and Tabitha and Stacey." I snickered. "And she has promised to play warden. But she is also renting
us a bunch of movies for Saturday evening." It sounded like fun.

Anne drove us to Howard's place, with Tabitha's computer in the trunk, and a suitcase full of clothes and
supplies. Steve hauled everything inside, and we found that Stacey had arrived earlier. I was startled to
find two other girls, who looked about the same age as Stacey and Howard, curled up on a couch in the
recreation room. "Samantha, Tabitha, meet Diane and Margaret" I had seen both of them at school, but
they were not in any of my classes.

Steve picked up Diane and hugged her. "Mine!" She giggled, and snuggled against him. All eyes turned to
Margaret. She turned red.
Howard went over and gave her a kiss. "Margie was my girlfriend until I did something really stupid." We
stared at him. "Steve and Diane know the whole story. They were there." The two of them nodded.
Margie looked really nervous.

"Are you sure you want to..." Howard nodded.

"These two lesbians better not have any complaints." He came over and patted Tabitha and me on the
head." Stacey snickered.

"Wait a minute, I thought Samantha was really a boy..." Howard carefully planted her in a chair.

"Well, that's another story..." Twenty minutes later she was giving me a hug and apologizing for things
she had never done. And I was crying on her shoulder for no reason.

Stacey broke in "Sam, remember what Dr. Allen said about the shots? And weird emotion swings?" It
sort of made sense.

"Now for our story..." Steve and Diane were quietly making out in a corner while Howard talked.

"...When I came looking for Margie, and found her making out with another girl, well, I said a lot of nasty
things, and refused to talk to her for weeks." Margie, who was now on his lap, nodded. "So much for our
relationship. She tried to explain that it was not an affront on my manliness, but I was letting my
underwear think for me, and called Margie a dyke in front of a lot of people." She nodded again.

"Which caused me a lot of trouble because my parents are really conservative. So I refused to talk to
Howard for almost a year. When he called me on Monday I almost hung up on him, but he begged and
pleaded" she patted him on the head "and did his lost-puppy imitation so well that I gave him a chance."
"I told her about Samantha, and about what had happened between Samantha and me, and that I now
knew what a jerk I had been." He paused, and looked at the concern on my face. "And no, I did not
include any incriminating details." I relaxed a bit.

"And I asked her to forgive me and give me a second chance." He hugged her, and she snuggled closer.

"See," Margie grinned, "we really do like each other." She chewed on his earlobe, and he quivered. "But
we both needed to grow up a lot. My parents are not okay with my being Bi, but they know it's not
something they can change, and as long as I don't rub their faces in it, we get along fine. And they do
love me, they just grew up in a different world."

She looked at me. "So, as of Thursday, Howard and I are officially back together again."

I felt a surge of jealousy, and started to say something when Tabitha goosed me. "Eep!" I glared at her.
"What was that for?"

"So you think before you put your foot in your mouth." I stared at her. "Besides, you belong to me, not
Howard." Her kiss made me forget what I was going to say.

"I think it's cool!" We looked at Stacey. "But it looks like I'm the only one here without a date." She was
trying to be upbeat, but there was an undercurrent that made me flinch. We all got up and gave her a
group hug.

"Sis" I held her. "You've been doing too much for me, and not enough for yourself." She nodded. "So
quit worrying about me, and spend some time on yourself." There were a lot of seconds to that.

After everyone had dealt with the angst, we started studying. I woke up with my head on Tabitha's
shoulder, and found we were on a couch, and covered with a blanket. She offered me a sip of soda. "You
look so peaceful when you are asleep." I felt peaceful. And she felt warm. I looked around the room.
Steve and Diane were both face-down at the table, sleeping. Howard was apparently the large
comforter-covered lump on the floor. Margie was massaging Stacey's neck. Stacey saw me staring.
"Cramp, and she gives a wonderful massage..." My eyebrows went up a centimeter.

I closed my eyes and turned off my brain. Tabitha was what I wanted... I was gently awakened by Mrs.
Adkins, who smiled at me. Howard was stretching, and Steve and Diane were awake. I didn't see Margie
or Stacey. "Dinner in about five minutes." I nodded. "Please wake Tabitha." She headed upstairs.

Tabitha was slow to return to consciousness, but was smiling when we headed up for dinner. Stacey and
Margie had been recruited for kitchen help. Mr. Adkins was there, and so was Anne, who looked really
happy to be out and about. After dinner, those of us who had slept through preparations wound up
doing dishes. Anne headed home around nine, and we were told to clean up the recreation room and go
to sleep early. As full as we were, it sounded good. We were too tired for movies.

The guest room was big, but not big enough for all five girls. Diane whined, in jest, about not being able
to sleep with Steve and instead being stuck with the girls. Tabitha and I went searching for extra covers.
There are some advantages to being small. We took over a corner, and built a nest using extra blankets
and pillows. That left the king-size bed for the others. Stacey's "No mating games, Okay?" made us both
giggle. They were still discussing who would get the middle as we fell asleep.

Sunday morning we were rousted by Mrs. Adkins, and after breakfast hit the books again. Around one,
everyone agreed that any further effort would be wasted. But we had covered a lot of ground. And it
was less than four weeks till finals. After a major cleanup, we checked the weather, and decided to head
out for some fresh air. Diane suggested we head for the shopping center and some ice cream. No one
argued. It felt wonderful to be out in the world with friends who didn't care what I was.

Tabitha and I split another jungle delight. And this time no one pestered us about our antics. We were in
the process of cleaning up the last of the whipped cream when Margie asked about people's plans for
Thanksgiving. I said I didn't have a clue, which was seconded by Stacey. Tabitha suddenly coverd her
face and tried to run away, but Steve snagged her.

"Tabitha, what's wrong?" Stacey and I held her.

"You're going to spent the holidays with your families and I won't even get to see my parents until some
time in the spring and..." She started to cry. We jointly got up and headed out of the shopping center.
Howard simply picked her up and carried her. She clung to him, and Margie didn't seem to mind. The
weather had gotten much cooler while we were inside, so we sought shelter at the resale shop while
parents were called for transportation.

I suggested to Stacey that we see if Tabitha could spend the holidays with us. Tabitha grabbed me and
said it would be wonderful. Howard looked unhappy.

"My family is flying out to the coast for a week to visit Mom's sister. So I won't be back until the
following Wednesday."

Margie's not to well restrained "Shit" got our attention. She was shaking her head. "My parents are
driving to Maine to visit my grandparents, but none of the grandchildren are coming because there is no
place for them to stay." She hugged Howard. "I was going to ask if I could join you for thanksgiving, but if
you're going out of town..."

"Steve and I are going with my parents to a family thanksgiving get-together, so we can't help." Diane
sounded unhappy.

I looked at Stacey. "Maybe Mom and Dad will let us bring two guests." Margie gave me a hug. "Please, it
gets so lonely when everyone is gone." The beeping of a horn signaled the arrival of Mrs. Adkins. Shortly
only Tabitha, Stacey and I were left.

Suddenly Tabitha, who had been really down, seemed to perk up. "I just realized that if I can spend the
whole holidays with you two, then Anne can go and join her family at Thanksgiving." Stacey thought it
was a great idea, but I was afraid Mom and Dad might object to Tabitha and I sleeping together. Stacey
seemed to agree.

"They don't want to admit that you two share the same bed at Tabitha's, and try to ignore the obvious."
Tabitha looked miserable. "Tabitha could stay with me, but I don't think it would be the same." Both
Tabitha and I grimaced. We saw out little car pull up, and Dad waved at us to get in.
As he drove off, Stacey broached the question of guests over the holidays. "Dad, we were talking with
our friends, and, well, two of them are going to be without family over the holidays, and..."

"Of course you can invite them for dinner." There was dead silence.

"We want them to stay with us over the holidays." Dad was silent for a moment.

"Um..." he seemed to be having trouble phrasing his words.

"Tabitha would stay with Samantha, and Margie, who is Howard's old, and now current girlfriend, would
stay with me." He drove quietly for a bit, and change directions toward our house.

"Your mother needs to be in on the decision. She worries a lot about Sam, and is scared that if Sam and
Tabitha get too intimate she might..., well..."

"Dad, Tabitha and I have been sleeping together for several weeks. And we are not doing anything that
could get either of us pregnant." It didn't come out quite right, and Stacey went into giggle fits. Even
Dad managed to laugh.

Mom was really surprised when the four of us came tromping inside. After a very short greeting, Dad
waved us towards the family room, and sat Mom down at the table to talk.

Tabitha was really stressed, but when she saw our library she managed to shake the blues and started
searching the shelves. Stacey headed for her room, came back with a blanket, and curled up on the

Tabitha had a large pile of books sitting on a table in alphabetical order when Mom and Dad came to
find us. She clung to me, like they were going to throw her out.
"Sam, you father and I, well, we still don't understand what is turning you into our daughter. But Dr.
Allen says that you are doing well, and that your relationship with Tabitha is very important." They
looked at each other. "So we called Anne, and asked what she thought."

Tabitha clung tighter. "Neither of you two told her that Sam was really a boy, did you?" The look on their
faces said too much.

"Oh God, you told her..." She started to shake and sob, and Stacey jumped up and wrapped both of us in
her blanket.

"She is a good friend of the woman that runs the theater shop, and put two and two together a couple
of weeks ago."

Tabitha managed to gasp out "And she didn't..."

"She said that when a girl like Tabitha is in love, all that chasing off the boy will do is drive them to do
things in secret. So she figured that if Sam was really a girl, nothing would happen, and if not, then at
least they wouldn't be risking their safety sneaking off at night." We all stared at them.

"Tabitha's parents didn't hire Anne because she is dumb. She has been keeping them informed about
what has been happening with their daughter. They, too, are concerned, but agreed with Anne. And
after a lot of soul searching, so do we."

Tabitha pounced on me. "You mean that I can..." They nodded. She let go of me and tried to hug Mom
and Dad to death.

Stacey gave me a hug, and took back her blanket.

Tabitha stayed for dinner, and after the dishes were done, Dad drove us to Howard's house to collect
Stacey's and our stuff. We were startled when he headed back to the house. "Um, don't we need to go
to Tabitha's..."

"Anne suggested that you stay at our house tonight." We didn't argue. She wound up staying all week,
with a trip to her house on Tuesday for clothes. The fact that my bed was small didn't bother her. Close
was better.

The Tuesday evening before Thanksgiving we saw Howard and his parents off at the airport, and we
brought Margie back home with us. She seemed worried about something, so when our parents went to
bed early, we all collected in Stacey's room. It took quite a bit of effort to get her to open up.

"Okay, you really want to know what's wrong. I'm lonely. And I'm so horny I could scream. And I'm going
to share a small bed with a really nice female type person, and it's not fair!"

Stacey looked at her. "You mean you're afraid..." She nodded.

"You are a friend, and I'm scared I might do something wrong, and you'll hate me, and..."

She broke down in sobs and we all held her till she got her control back. "Maybe I should just call a cab
and go home."

"Maybe you should ask me if I want to do more than sleep." I let go of Tabitha so quickly she landed on
the floor. This was my sister?!

Margie's eyes were wide open. Stacey was blushing brightly. "I mean, well, I've never done anything
with..., but the idea doesn't scare me, and well, I'm getting really tired of watching my little sister have
all the fun. And I'm probably hornier than you..."
I grabbed Tabitha, and dragged her towards the door. "Don't do anything we wouldn't do, Sis." They
both stared at us as Tabitha giggled her way out the door.

It was a very, very enjoyable evening. In the morning, Mom was surprised to find two pairs of girls, all
snoring, entwined with their bed-mates. At least that is what she told us when she got home after work,
and found that we had done all of the preparation for Thanksgiving dinner ourselves. She was eyeing
Margie warily, but Stacey's "Relax, Mom, she can't get me pregnant" caused Mom to pound her head on
the table. She did seem better when she stopped.

Dinner was cold sandwiches and, for us, movies. We collected large piles of blankets and pillows, and
made two nests in the family room. That is where Mom found us when she got up early to start the
turkey. I didn't remember falling asleep. In fact, all that I could remember was laughing my way through
the third or fourth coyote and roadrunner tape.

It was a quiet, relaxed Thanksgiving. Mom and Margie, after cautiously circling each other like fighting
cats, discovered they had similar interests, and the tension level between them dropped to nearly zero.
Dad was just happy to have the whole family together. And Stacey seemed lots less fidgety...

We repeated the previous evening's movie madness, this time with some old Rogers and Hammerstien
musicals. Mom had selected them, and I expected to get bored. Instead, I was fascinated by the acting.
So much for special effects.

Speaking of special effects, I was glad that the family room was far away from the master bedroom.
Margie gets really loud when improperly stimulated. Stacey just chews on a pillow. They claimed we
sounded like mating chipmunks. I can't argue, 'cause I was too busy having fun to listen.

Friday we inherited cleanup detail. Mom and Dad had to work, so we had the place to ourselves. Tabitha
took over cleaning my room, and when I finished vacuuming downstairs and checked on her, every piece
of my male clothing was neatly bagged up in the hall. "Hey, I need some of those!" I went and tried to
retrieve some underwear, and she blocked me.
"Sam, you can't go back." I stared at her, and everything got fuzzy. I managed to sit on the bed. "Let it
go. You are as much a girl as I am. Except where it's important." I looked at my clothes. The bra was
clearly visible under the T shirt. And my crotch looked flat.

"But I don't want to be a girl..." She hugged me.

"Samantha, you are a girl. Quit trying to pretend otherwise. Please. It hurts so much to watch you try
and act like a boy. It's you I love. Not what's in your underwear."

I was pretty much back to feeling human when Stacey and Margie came up with a load of clean laundry.
One look at my face and they descended upon Tabitha for information.

They agreed with her, and I watched with tears in my eyes as my last attachment to Samuel was packed
up into Margie's car and hauled to the charity shop. I spent the rest of the day curled up with Tabitha on
my bed, holding on to her tightly for warmth and security.

I wasn't hungry, but Tabitha made me come down for dinner anyway. Mom and Dad got worried, but I
told them I was just having some mood swings, and they let the subject drop. Tabitha and I closed up

By Monday I was mostly feeling good about myself again. And was too busy studying to notice much. If
getting ready for college finals was anything like this, I would have to consider a career as a gardener.

It was a long two weeks. We, meaning everyone that could fit, got together at Howard's for a marathon
weekend study session. Sleeping arrangements were based on wherever someone ran out of energy. I
woke up with Howard, Stacey, Margie, and several times with Tabitha. I doubt if anyone could have
managed anything "improper". No enthusiasm.

Friday, after the last final, we all got together and raided a local pizza shop to celebrate. Tabitha and I
got into a cheese-pulling contest trying to share the same piece of pizza. Which led to faces full of pizza
sauce and a lot of very intimate tongue wars during the ensuing cleanup. "Disgusting" was the comment
from one of the other groups watching us. But several girls were trying the same thing with their
boyfriends. And there were no complaints I could hear.

Stacey went home with Margie and Howard, mumbling something about it being party time. Tabitha
and I called Anne for a ride back to her house. "You two are planning on spending the holidays
together?" We smiled, and hugged each other in the back seat. Ann changed course. "Good, then we
need to do some shopping."

I had not expected to be going dress shopping. Especially for a formal period ball-gown that required a
corset and custom fittings. Tabitha seemed as surprised as me. Anne was smiling, and refused to provide
any details. We were told to return on Tuesday for a second fitting.

Saturday I was hauled to a jeweler's, and Tabitha ogled Anne as they selected a formal necklace and
earrings for me. When they added bracelets and rings, her "Oh my God, those are just like the ones..."
She looked at Anne. Who grinned.

"Just like the ones you parents bought you last year for the Grand Ball."

"But they won't be..." Here eyes got really wide.

"They called me yesterday. They are flying home next week." Tabitha launched herself at Anne and
hugged her, crying and shaking. I finally had to pry her loose so Anne could breathe, and Tabitha
attached her self to me.

"It's been so long and I've missed them so much and..." I kissed her to keep her from disturbing
everyone in the store. When she finally regained her composure, she suddenly looked concerned.
"Anne, the ball-gown and.."

"They are greatly looking forward to meeting Samantha, and are planning to take both of you to the
Grand Ball at Angeline McWorter's." Tabitha and I stared at each other. "And they want to meet her
parents. Something about certain formalities covering engagements..."
Anne had to forcibly pry us apart so she could drag us back to her car. "Behave yourselves, at least until
we get home." We re-attached when we got in the back seat.

Anne sent us to Tabitha's room, muttering something about our not paying attention to her. We
managed to get upstairs without tripping. "Tabitha, does this mean..."

"Mom and Dad are a bit old fashioned." She suddenly sat up, which dumped me off the edge of the bed.
"Oh My God, I'll bet that..." She ran out of the room hollering for Anne. When she came back, she was
giggling. "Didn't you say you father hated formal anything?" I nodded. "Well, apparently your parents
and sister are also invited, by Angeline, to the ball."

I flopped onto the bed. A vision of Dad wearing a Tuxedo caused me to go into a laughing fit. He would
look like a formally dressed walrus. I bet Mom was having the time of her life trying to get him ready.

Dinner was ordered-in Chinese. Tabitha warned me that I was going to get a crash course in formality,
beginning on Saturday. "Can't let my future wife embarrass me." I tried to swat her, after the impact of
her statement sank in.

Tuesday, after picking up the jewelry, we visited the dress shop again. I had talked to Stacey and Mom
over the weekend. They were to be fitted on Monday. Dad was throwing a tantrum, and Mom had
threatened to slip him a tranquilizer unless he quit complaining. He was to get fitted for a tuxedo on
Wednesday. Anne and the seamstress started getting us into our gowns.

Tabitha and I were trying to breathe and stand still without fainting. Now I understood why breakfast
was so light. Anne seemed to enjoy our distress. "What we of the fairer sex must endure in the name of
fashion." I would have complained, but that would take air, which was in short supply.

We were told to live in the corsets until the day of the ball. There were two styles. Tight and tighter. And
a lot of other strange undergarments that looked like someone had raided a museum. Tabitha had been
raised in formal surroundings, and drilled me unmercifully in movement and manners. "Hey, like this is
just a Christmas ball."
"This is one of Angeline's balls. Everyone who is anyone will be there. Last year there were several
ambassadors and, I think, two congressmen. Plus the mayor, the governor, and..." I stared at her. "So
you WILL not embarrass me. Right?" I managed a nod.

"Besides, the food, what we can manage laced into this armour, will be incredible. And Mom and Dad
love events like this. So you better get used to them." I wondered what she meant by that.

The ball was scheduled for Sunday. Friday afternoon Anne drove to the city to pick up Tabitha's parents.
We were told to prepare dinner, and expect them to be exhausted after their long flights. Tabitha was
vibrating with excitement. I was shaking with trepidation. And trying to keep enough oxygen in my blood
to stay upright. Tabitha had taken to her corset like she had worn one all her life. And she looked

At Tabitha's suggestion, we had raided her closet, and were both dressed in long, belted skirts, fitted
tops, and heels when we greeted her parents at the door. I maintained a respectful distance as they haf
a tear-filled and very emotional reunion. Finally they separated, and Tabitha made the introductions.

"Mom, Dad, meet Samantha Michelle McNeil. Samantha, meet my parents, Theodora Van Dhorer
Schoolcroft and Frederick Allen Schoolcroft." It was clear where Tabitha got her hair. He mother was
beautiful. Her father looked like a statesman, even in his traveling clothes.

I managed to do a curtsey, and extended my hand to them. Mrs. Schoolcroft shook it gently, and gave
me a hug. A real hug. Her father did the same. "We have been looking forward to meeting you. Anne has
been telling us many interesting stories of my daughter's and your antics." I managed not to scream, but
turned red. Tabitha was a similar color.

"Please don't be worried, neither Fred or I is as much of a fuddy-duddy as Tabitha has probably
convinced you we are." He mother was chuckling softly. "And over the many years in the Diplomatic
Corps we have learned there are far more lifestyles than they teach about here in America." She hugged
her daughter, who almost melted against her. "So let's continue on inside, where we can relax. Even in
first class, sitting for fifteen hours is unpleasant." Tabitha's father took my hand and escorted me inside.
He was treating me like a young woman, which startled me.
Both adults begged for some time to clean up and get out of their traveling clothes. Anne came in and
suggested we help her set the table.

"Tabitha, your father held my hand like..." she nodded.

"I don't know what to make of it. But count your fingers. If they are all still there, it's a good sign." Her
humor didn't help. Then I wondered if it was a joke.

The table was set for a fine dinner, and we were preparing to set out the appetizers when Tabitha's
parents came into the dining room. I almost dropped a tray, and Tabitha giggled. Her mother and father
were wearing big, old, fluffy robes and bunny slippers. Make that her mother was wearing bunny
slippers. Her dad's looked like cats. Complete with whiskers.

"We refuse to wear anything formal until the ball." They sat at the table, and stretched. "Well, what are
you waiting for? Service, children, service. The master and mistress of the house are hungry!"

Tabitha gave me an "I dunno" look, so we played along. It was kinda fun. We all sat down for the main
meal, which I had spent far too much time preparing for the oven. But the lamb roast was perfect, and I
got showered with complements. Desert was politely declined by everyone.

"Samantha, Tabitha, I know you have a lot of questions, and we owe Tabitha some personal time, but
not until after we have caught up on our sleep." Her mom hugged her dad. "So, if you please, excuse our
departure,. We have a good night's sleep calling us." We each got a hug before they headed upstairs.

Anne had us clear the table, and then shooed us off to bed. Soon, showered, and changed into the
corsets we had been sleeping in all week, we snuggled together under the covers. "Tabitha, do you think
your parents have forgotten that I'm a boy, or don't they care, or..."

"They never forget anything, and they wouldn't be here if they weren't concerned about something."
She sounded worried. "I don't have a clue what's happening, but whatever it is, it's big." She snuggled
closer. "And I have a sneaky suspicion that Angeline McWorter has her fingers in it up to her elbows."
We lay there quietly, thinking, until we fell asleep.

Saturday morning we were the first up, and decided that there was no reason to be formal. So we stuck
to long skirts and sweaters, and heels. And the overly-tight, at least in my opinion, corsets. It was almost
noon before her parents came downstairs. Tabitha wanted hugs, lots of them, so I quietly excused
myself and headed for her room. I figured how to support myself on several pillows, and started to catch
up on my reading.

I was almost finished with my novel when Tabitha came up to get me. She was all smiles. "Thank you."
She hugged me. "It has been so long, and..."

"And you don't need to explain." I stretched. "So did they say why they came back?" She shook her

"Only that they really wanted to be with me for the holidays." She looked pensive. "I'm almost tempted
to believe them, but they seemed to be hiding something. And I didn't want to spoil anything by getting
too inquisitive." She pulled me to my feet. "Besides, I'm glad they came, and I know they are too. Ready
for some lunch?" We headed downstairs.

Much of the afternoon was spent catching her parents up on what had happened over the past year.
They were really interested in why Mom and Dad had moved to the local area. My story of how I would
up as Samantha lasted through dinner. I was surprised at how much they already knew. Anne must have
a lot more contacts in the community than I thought.

"So, are you planning to remain as Samantha after you finish high school?" The question caught me by
surprise. I looked at Tabitha, who looked scared.

"The special psychiatrist that Mr. and Mrs. Adkins found said that I have always been a girl up here." I
tapped my head. "And the local psychiatrist who is helping me work though this agrees. They say I
should never try to return to being Samuel, that all I would do is be unhappy." I hugged Tabitha for
support. "But aside from the clothes, and the way I dress and do my hair, I haven't changed. Yet I have
more friends, wonderful people like your daughter" Tabitha blushed "who don't seem to care that I'm
physically a boy under my dress."

They were staring intensely at me. This was a question I had been asking myself, and that was being
hinted at by Dr. Allen. "Tabitha and I haven't really discussed what will happen in the long term. There is
so much I have to learn about myself before I can decide what I want to be. So I am taking things one
day at a time." I paused. "And being the best friend I can to Tabitha."

That caused her to tear up, and sniffle on my shoulder. I could not decipher the expressions on her
parent's faces. "Samantha, I will love you whatever you decide." Now it was my turn to sniffle. Her
parents excused themselves, and headed upstairs. I wondered what was running through their heads.

"I've been afraid to ask you that question." I looked at Tabitha, who was watching me carefully. "The
stuff I read about people like you on the Internet, they say that, well, a lot want to become real girls
and..." she seemed to shiver "they have surgery to make them into women, but then we couldn't
ever..." She took a deep breath. "We couldn't get married or have children, and..." She jumped up and
ran up the stairs.

I was stunned. Married? Children? Those things were for adults. The idea of having someone get
anywhere near my privates with a knife made me shudder. I'd read about men who wanted to have
surgery so they could make love like they were born female, but I was happy with my body. And I liked
girls. The corset let it's presence be known, and I shifted positions. And absentmindedly rubbed my
chest, which had gotten really sensitive and tender over the last few weeks.

Having real breasts didn't sound that bad. I grinned. Especially if they were as sensitive as Tabitha's. The
glue-on breast forms that Celia gave me looked good, but I always felt like there was something missing
in my bra.

My psychiatrist had asked me whether I felt like I should be able to have and nurse children. Neither
made any great bells to ring, or caused great revelations to sound. I sort of liked the idea of having kids,
after I was much older, but I figured that my future wife would do the honors. Now the bells went off.
Tabitha was thinking that... But... I started to get a headache. No wonder she pouted when I refused to
do anything in bed that might get her pregnant. She wanted me to be her... Her what? Husband? Wife?
We needed to talk. I pried myself up, wiggled till the corset quit sticking me, and headed upstairs.
Tabitha was sitting on the bed, supported by lots of pillows, and slowly emptying a box of tissues. The
tear streaks and red eyes caused me to feel bad. She motioned to me to join her.

"I told you, and now you are mad and won't want to stay with me and..." The flood looked ready to
begin again.

I pulled her into my arms, and kissed her. She plastered herself to me, and we would have stayed that
way except that the corsets objected. As we tried to get comfortable, she paused, and softly smiled at
me. "You wouldn't, maybe, want to try and start that family tonight?" My expression of shock made her
giggle. "Okay, then how about something almost as much fun?" She started licking her lips, and the
corset interfered with my response. I hoped her parents were sound sleepers.

The ball was at Hanover, in the main gym. There must have been almost three hundred people,
including about sixty kids from our school, trying to be formal and proper. Neither Tabitha or I had to
worry about being selected as anything special. Some of the senior girls, and their tuxedo-clad escorts,
looked like they had stepped off the pages of New Yorker magazine.

And even the debutantes were overshadowed by many of the adults. Including Tabitha's parents. Her
father was at ease in his formal tux and tails. But her mother... WOW. Her gown was silk, and was cut so
low it almost embarrassed Tabitha. There was no question she was wearing a corset. He waist was the
same as Tabitha's. but she was much more, well, endowed. And with a tiara of multi-colored gems
setting off her hair, almost every eye in the room was following her.

I was surprised how good Dad looked in his tuxedo. Mom looked great, and was making sure that Dad
could not escape. Stacey looked really good, and seemed to be enjoying herself. And the attention of
several young men.

"We really have to stop meeting like this." A familiar rumble sounded right behind me. I spun around
and hugged Howard. Margie was at his side, wearing a gown almost as revealing as Tabitha's mom's. She
didn't blink when I kissed him.
I pulled back, and was replaced by Tabitha. "I thought you said your parents were not going to return
until spring."

"A little bird, or most likely several stool pigeons, informed them about Samantha and me, so they
decided to come back and make sure I was okay." I nodded, managing an exasperated look.

"I got my grades, and managed a B in both physics and math." He was almost glowing. "So you are
hereby officially congratulated by me, and will be fawned on by my parents." He gave me another hug,
and his tone changed "I really do appreciate all the help. For the tutoring. And for helping me pull my
head out and learn that different can be good too." He hugged Margie and gave her a kiss that raised
the temperature several degrees. Tabitha looked jealous.

We were discussing what had transpired during the first part of the holidays when dinner was

Wearing a corset was cruel. The food, which was catered, was incredible. I couldn't even finish the
"lady's" portion I was served. Tabitha made a comment that we should ask for seconds to go. Then they
brought out desert.

We wound up supporting each other as the festivities went through the transformation from dinner to
dancing. It was nice to see that others were in the same condition. When I saw the live band, I wanted to
run. The only experience I had with dancing was the little Tabitha has been trying to teach me.
"Samantha, let's go find a corner and snuggle. I'm so full if I move quickly I'll faint." She didn't need to
convince me.

We were able to sit out most of the dances. But Howard wouldn't take no for an answer. "Just follow my
lead." They were playing slow dances, and I found out that if I draped myself against him, he would keep
me off the floor. And he felt soo... good. Tabitha took his next dance, and as I sat there watching, I
decided I needed to learn slow dancing.

As the evening wore on, most of the younger people congregated in one area, and we joined them. We
both got complements on our gowns, and our corseted waists. We wound up chatting with people we
knew, and very lightly munching from the vast spread of goodies. Neither of us noticed Angeline until
she was upon us.

"Tabitha, Samantha, you look wonderful. Are you enjoying the ball?" We were, and carefully watched
our manners as we confirmed what was obvious. She looked at me. "Samantha, there is someone I want
you to meet. If your friend will let you go for a few moments, I want to take you to meet him."

I looked at Tabitha for an excuse, but she was obviously awed by Angeline, and I found myself being
escorted across the floor to one of the tables reserved for the sponsors and distinguished visitors. She
zeroed in on a tall, older gentleman who was watching us carefully. "Samantha, I want you to meet Dr.
Phineas Sheldon. Dr. Sheldon, meet Samantha McNeil." We shook hands, and he offered me a seat.
When we were all seated, he looked at me.

"Amazing." He smiled warmly. "Samantha, Angeline has told me about your rather unique situation." I
got scared, and tried to shrink into the chair. "Please, don't worry about me. Dr. Hardwick, a former
student of mine, said she had met a unique young person here, but provided no details. So when
Angeline contacted me, and asked if I would like to meet you, I jumped at the chance." He paused. "But
she refused to tell me which of the young ladies was the one she invited me to meet, and told me to
pick the three most likely candidates."

He shook his head. "And I missed by a country mile." I wondered what was going on. "Perhaps it may
help if I explain that I am a research psychiatrist specializing in young people with gender identity
concerns, as well as a professor of psychiatry." I wondered if I was going to get an award for being the
weirdo of the week. All I wanted was to be happy. And right now that meant getting away from Angeline
and him, and back with Tabitha.

He obviously could sense my reaction. "Please, I'm not here to declare you an endangered species, or
preserve you for future generations." I looked at him, and giggled as what he said filtered in. "So do you
rally mind sparing an old, decrepit psychiatrist a few minutes of your time?"

He was smooth. And succeeded in getting me to relax. So I figured I would humor him. I nodded, and he
shooed Angeline off. "You my have heard this before, but I am an expert in boys who want to, or need
to, be girls. And I can usually spot them even if they have been living full-time as girls for many years.
But there is absolutely nothing about you that would raise the question. And yet you have been living as
a girl for only ten weeks?"

"Howard thinks I'm a chameleon, I become whatever I need to be for the situation. My girlfriend,
Tabitha, agrees. But everyone believes that I have always been a girl, up here" I tapped my head "I don't
notice anything really different about me when I'm in a dress, except that now I've got friends, and
people don't make fun of me because of my size or the way I move or act."

"Is Howard the large boy who danced with you? He treated you just like any other pretty girl."

"Howard knows I'm a boy inside the clothes, but I still make him hot and bothered. And he's straight." I
smiled evilly, and wiggled my eyebrows. "And he's so nice to snuggle against. But we've come to an
understanding. He has trouble with the illusion when I'm naked, and I love him as a friend, so we're
staying out of each other's undies, and besides, we each have a very possessive girlfriend." I watched
the expressions on his face as he sorted out what I said.

"Dr. Hardwick's description was amazingly accurate. You seem to have accepted your psychological
differences without major problems. Have you decided if you want to have surgery to make you into a
complete female when you are old enough?"

"I like my private parts, and so does my girlfriend." I dropped the smile. "I really have not thought about
it. I don't have any craving to be able to sleep with a guy in that way, and I really like girls. So despite
what the stuff I read on the net says, I think I'll keep what I have." He nodded

"It's easiest if I just consider myself a lesbian, that takes care of stupid questions. And my staring at
other girls with bedroom eyes." I looked him in the eye. "But you didn't travel all this way to spend a few
minutes talking with me. I'm sure that Dr. Hardwick told you I'm too bright for my own good. So you
would not be here if there wasn't a more significant reason."

"Aside from my having grown up here, meeting old friends, and Angeline being an old and dear college
companion. Yes." He looked intently at me. "At Angeline's urging, your parents have given their approval
for me to do a complete evaluation of you over the next few days." I groaned, and looked at him in
annoyance. "But I need your willing cooperation, or it won't be effective."
He took a sip of something. "The psychiatric field desperately needs research information on young
people like you. People who appear so rarely that each one is almost unique. And I can help you learn
about yourself, far faster than you can with Dr. Allen. This is not just for me. If there are legal or medical
options that you may want to entertain, then my word, and that of my University's psychiatric program
carry a great deal of weight." There was a serious tone to his voice that made me shiver.

"What about Tabitha and Stacey and Howard? This is our vacation and..." He interrupted me with a
waive of his hand.

"They will be involved, just not as intensely as you. So will your parents. And I promise that my assistant
and I will not take up more than eight hours of any one day."


"She is not here, as this is a formal function by invitation only. But she will be working with me to help
provide a second viewpoint. You will find you two have a lot in common. She was sitting in a position
similar to yours, when I interviewed her almost fifteen years ago. Only her parents shunned her when
they learned about her problems." He got up, and gently helped me to my feet.

"So, are you game? And I figure it can't hurt to point out that Angeline really wants you to work with

"Convincing argument, supported by superior firepower?" He chuckled, and nodded. "Okay, but you
have to buy lunch." We shook hands, and he escorted me back to where my friends were sitting.

"Hey, what's with the older men?" Tabitha hugged me. "You're too young for him." I stuck my tongue
out at her, and pulled it back before she could get too close, and explained.

" it looks like the rest of my vacation will be spent having my brain analyzed. And the rest of you,
including Stacey, are going to get a similar treatment." She made a disgusted face.
"He also wants me to meet his research assistant, who he says is someone just like me, only older. I get
to meet her Tuesday." Several of the kids from school came off the dance floor, and conversations
turned to other topics. Like whether we would survive another semester of homework.

We were getting ready to depart after the final ceremonies when Angeline again cornered me.
"Samantha, I really appreciate you agreeing to meet with Phineas. His work means a great deal to many
people, including myself." I stared at her. Why she would have a special interest in people like me made
absolutely no sense. She gave me a hug, and a tiny kiss, and departed back into the crowd.

Monday was Christmas. Stacey and I had planned on a frugal event, with all our money tied up in the
move and the new house. I slept with Stacey, after finding that sleeping alone was lonely. Tabitha
wanted to stay with her parents. But she almost cried when we left in separate cars.

Mom and Dad woke us late. And wouldn't let us into the family room until we had eaten breakfast.

"We know you two were expecting little this year, but our finances are much better than we expected.
So we splurged a bit..." They opened the family room door. Tabitha was standing there, along with
Howard and Margie. I launched myself at Tabitha, as Stacey got the sandwich treatment. After being
pried loose from our hugs, everyone smiled at us.

"Your mom and dad wanted to give you both a special Christmas. So they asked if we had any ideas. But
the price of coal was too high..." Stacey and I managed raspberries. "So we found something just as

Mom cam over and handed Stacey a small, carefully wrapped box. "From all of us." She carefully took
the tiny package, and unwrapped it. When she looked inside, she screamed, and hugged mom and dad.
"Thank you, thank you..." I looked in the box. There was a set of car keys, and the title the little car we
had towed behind the motorhome.

"Hey, this means that Stacey can give me a lift when I need it!"
"Only if you are nice, and do my chores, and pay for the gas, and Yike!" Margie had tickled her. "What
she means is she would love to." She hugged Stacey. "Besides, if she's not home, you're still stuck."

We finally finished congratulating Stacey, and I felt everyone watching me. Howard pointed to a big pile
hidden by a blanket. "This is from all of us. And there is even a part donated by my father."

I gingerly lifted the blanket. And tried to tackle Howard while mumbling "Oh Boy Oh Boy Oh Boy...".
Tabitha did the unveiling. It was the computer I had dreamed about, but knew we couldn't possibly
afford. And the monitor was as big as our television. "My Dad's computer engineer set it up, tested it,
and loaded the software. He says it's state of the art."

I sat down and started to cry. "I don't even have presents for anyone, and you have been so nice to me,

"And having you as a friend is enough of a present." Tabitha held me as I sobbed all over her shoulder. It
was an incredibly wonderful morning.

Howard drove Tabitha back home, and Dad gave Stacey a final check-ride while I followed the
instructions on connecting the computer. By the time she returned, I was experimenting with my own
personal Internet connection, and trying out all the neat software they had loaded on the machine. Our
Christmas dinner was simple, Ham and baked apples. It was the company that made it Christmas.

Tuesday Stacey carefully drove me over to Angeline McWorter's, where she got to meet Phineas, as he
insisted on being called. She looked introspective when she finished an hour with him. Then it was my
turn. And I got my first chance to meet with his assistant, Ellen.

She was nearly as tall as Phineas, and stacked. When she saw me she smiled. "Doctor Frankenstien here"
she motioned at Phineas "Says we're a lot alike. At least up here" she tapped her head." Personally, I
think he's the one whose marbles are rattling." She sounded friendly, and helped me relax. I found I was
going to be videotaped, and recorded, and everything. But once they started in on me, I forgot all about
the cameras.
We started at the present and worked backwards. Then in the middle and went both ways. By dinner I
was in a different time zone. Phineas took us to a small restaurant, where we were met by Tabitha and
Stacey. I ate enough for two. Catching up after the corset, I figured. Stacey dropped Tabitha and me off,
saying she would pick us up at nine in the morning.

After saying hello her parents, who actually seemed happy to see me, we disappeared into her room for
some badly needed cuddles. And I found she was still wearing her corset. She made hour-glass motions,
and I nibbled her ear. Anne had trouble waking us for breakfast.

I crossed paths with Howard as we arrived at Angeline's. He gave me a hug, and wished me luck. He
should have wished me caffeine. I spent the day taking tests, and answering questions. Lunch was cold
sandwiches. Dinner was at Angeline's country club. I was surprised when Phineas announced that
tomorrow would be the last day of my inquisition. I really needed Tabitha's hugs when we curled up to

Thursday was awful. Instead of regular questions they took everything I had said and twisted it and
threw it at me. And told me to defend myself. Only when I lost it would they back off, and when I quit
crying, they piled it on. It was almost two when they stopped their barrage and rubbed mental salve in
the wounds. I finally got enough of my confidence back to challenge them.

"Why have you been torturing me?" It came out bitter, but they didn't seem upset.

"Because we had to know if you really believed what you have said, and were willing to stand up and
fight for who you are." I fell into a chair as Angeline came into the room, and hugged me.

"People like us have to be strong to survive. Right, Phineas?" He nodded as the room spun around.

I found myself lying on a couch, being held by Angeline, and watched by the others.

I stared at Angeline. "You said like us, but..." she put her finger to her lips.
"This must be forever our secret. Perhaps someday I will tell you all about how an unhappy boy named
Andrew became a debutante named Angeline. And married a wonderful man, a bit like Howard, who
didn't care what I was under my clothes." She stood up. "Phineas was the psychology student that finally
helped me accept who I really was, deep inside. We have been close friends ever since."

"And she has helped me help several others over the years. Ellen was the first." I looked at Ellen, who
was smiling. "And you are the most unusual." I nodded. So many things were now falling into place.

"What about Tabitha?" Angeline chuckled. "There are a few people in this town who know my secret.
Fred Schoolcroft and I grew up together. How do you think I learned so much about you so quickly?
Anne told Fred, and he told me. He says Tabitha can be trusted. So when you two have the private time,
let her know, and swear her to secrecy." I hugged Angeline.

"Now, since we have to get to the city in time to take a late flight, do you want to know what we learned
about you?" I nodded.

Mr. Schoolcroft and Tabitha picked me up at Angeline's. She held me as, shaking and sobbing, I let all the
stress and fears come out. He drove around for a while so I could get my composure before we went
inside to meet with her mother, and have dinner. I was still shaky, and my head hurt from all the
questions. So I managed to beg for peace and quiet. Tabitha and I went to bed early, and she massaged
my neck until I quit twitching from the built-up tension.

Friday I called a family meeting, with Howard, and Tabitha and her parents invited to attend. I was to be
the guest speaker. Or target. Phineas told me that I needed to bring everyone up to date, and make
some firm plans for my future. I still had not told Tabitha about Angeline. That news could wait till
another day.

After amenities, Tabitha hugged me, and I stood up. "You have all been wondering where all this is
leading," I tugged at my skirt, "and if I was loose in the head or just weird. Thanks to Phineas, correction,
Dr. Phineas Sheldon, with whom you've all talked, I think I know." Dad and Mom looked scared; the rest
seemed pensive.
"First, he wants Howard to go to medical school, saying anyone who could figure me out should study
psychiatry. Or needs psychiatric help." Howard gave me a raspberry. "But he thinks Howard is right. He
will be mailing us, meaning Mom and Dad, an official diagnosis, but he, Dr. Hardwick, and Dr. Allen all
came to the same conclusion." I let it hang for a moment.

"I suffer from a very unusual variation of what is classified as gender dysphoria, which means, in simple
terms, my gender, how I fit into the scheme of things, doesn't match my physical form, or biological sex.
In other words, I have what is essentially a female personality in a male body. And I am not gay, at least
biologically. I have a strong interest in the female sex." Tabitha gave me a thumbs up, which got a frown
from her parents. But in reality it manifests itself in a girl-girl type interaction. So I guess I can now
officially say I'm a lesbian." Tabitha gave me a big hug.

I looked at Howard, and smiled. "And I react to the presence of a big strong man and his pheromones
like any hormone-saturated teenage girl. But not so much for sex, but rather for the security and
companionship." Howard nodded.

"What makes my variation so unusual is that I don't have any separate need to be a girl, to dress like
one, or change my physical body." Mom and Dad looked relieved. "That's why no one noticed anything
different when I was younger, other than I didn't fit in with the other boys. Because I wasn't really a boy
inside. That's also why I said that I'm the same person, as Samuel or Samantha. Samuel never really
existed." I looked at my parents.

"Mom, Dad, I can wear a dress, or a pair of jeans, and nothing changes. In a pretty dress I feel like a
pretty girl. In jeans I feel like I'm comfortable. I don't think of myself as a boy, or as girl, which it the
unique part." I took a deep breath. This was going to be the hardest for them.

"As Dad already knows, because he gave the okay, and I found out yesterday, Dr. Hardwick placed me an
a very low dose of female hormones and androgen blockers to prevent any major changes in my
physical appearance due to going further through puberty as a boy, at least until I had a chance to learn
more about what I wanted to be." Mom stared at Dad. She looked hurt and angry.

"Which was the right choice." I hugged Tabitha for support. Despite everything that has happened, I
really do fit in much better as a girl. Socially and emotionally. Especially since my girlfriend is, in her own
way, as lesbian as me." That got a couple of raised eyebrows from Mr. And Mrs. Schoolcroft. "But since
she appreciates what makes me different from the other girls..." I had to pry Tabitha loose. "And as I
said, I have no driving desire to be able to be intimate with a boy in the same way a real girl would. So
I'm not interested in having a sex change."

Dad looked a bit green, and breathed a sigh of relief. Mr. and Mrs. Schoolcroft seemed to relax. "But I
am going to continue on very carefully monitored hormones, so I can have a more natural girl's figure,
while making sure that everything works in the event that I decide I want children of my own." Mom
looked much happier, as did Stacey and the Schoolcrofts.

"And I am going to take Dr. Sheldon's advice immediately on one subject." I looked at Mom and Dad.
"Unless you prevent me, I want to have my name legally changed to Samantha Michelle McNeil. A
female high school student, and your second daughter."

Mom burst into tears and hugged me. Dad, just added himself to the hug. Everyone joined in. When we
finally separated, and I looked at the acceptance in everyone's eyes, it was my turn to cry.

When all the tears dried up, and we were discussing the long and arduous path needed for those
changes, Mr. Schoolcroft spoke up. "Samantha, would you object to some outside help in getting things
accomplished? We all looked at him. "There are ways of making the system work faster. In the
diplomatic corps they are as essential as proper etiquette for our jobs." He hugged his wife, who was
smiling. "And my current assignment has some unique opportunities to let me make use of many such

He looked at Mom and Dad. "I can't tell you how I do things, or much more than I have. But with a
couple of pieces of paper signed by both of you, and the loan of Samantha for the next few months, I
suspect I can work a couple of minor miracles." He looked at his daughter. "Tabitha, would you and
your, if the McNeils agree, temporarily adopted sister Samantha like to spend the rest of the winter and
spring in Europe with us?"

Tabitha grabbed and hugged her father, and I faced my parents with a pleading look. Mr. Schoolcroft
continued. "We will have Samantha back by early summer, if you agree."
"I'm jealous!" We looked wide-eyed at Stacey, but she was giggling as she tried for an unhappy face. "I'm
the one that want's to go to Europe to study." I gave her a hug. "But little sisters always get treated
better." That got Mom to suggest she catch up on her chores.

Howard, who had been silent for a long time, pulled me to him. "Samantha, you're doing the right thing.
Wherever it leads. But whatever you do, stay in touch. Okay?" There was a tear in his eye, and a lot on
his shoulder by the time we separated.

All four parents adjourned to the living room, and the four of us raided the kitchen. Howard looked
perplexed. "Tabitha, how can your Dad adopt Samantha, especially as your sister? Didn't Dr. Sheldon say
that just changing her name could take a year?"

She hugged me. "As long as it doesn't involve cutting off anything important, he's got a plan." Howard
and I cringed. "And I've learned not to ask questions he can't answer." She looked at Stacey. "Bet when
you're ready to go to school overseas he can find a way to help you." Stacey perked up quickly. We
raided the refrigerator while Howard lamented the potential loss of his math and science tutor. I refused
to feel guilty .

The school was notified when the new year began that Tabitha and I were spending the semester in
Europe. Mr. Schoolcroft had Mom and Dad sign some weird papers that somehow transferred me to his
guardianship, and we left for Washington five days after New Years. I got photographed and
fingerprinted and poked and prodded and asked all sorts of weird questions, which Tabitha said were
part of a security check. But when we got on the place to head for Europe a week later, my diplomatic
passport read "Samantha Michelle Schoolcroft, female."


I wish I could tell people about that five months, but the first thing I learned about diplomatic stuff is
that it's private. I can say that in February I was checked into a clinic in Copenhagen, under a completely
different name, and when I was checked out nearly three weeks later there was no way anyone, short of
pulling my panties off and looking carefully, would ever know I was still a functional male. I hurt and
walked funny for a while, but Tabitha was a great help in gently massaging the healing areas.
My breasts were the best that money could buy, small and shapely. And they had repositioned things in
my crotch so I could pretty much tuck everything away inside. Which meant I had to keep my bikini line
trimmed, as Tabitha and I spent a lot of time swimming once I healed. They also did something to my
Adam's apple and eyebrow ridges that made them less prominent. I liked the new look. So did Tabitha.
And the hormones did their job in one area. My nipples were really feminine, and as sensitive as
Tabitha's. Which made our bedroom activities even more enjoyable.

When we all returned, Tabotha's parents took a year's leave of absence and stayed in the local area. So
we all got to attend Howard, Stacey, and Margie's graduation ceremonies. Howard and Margie are going
off together to the University of Chicago, Howard to study business, and Margie to study international
finance. And anatomy. Howard's.

Stacey somehow got a scholarship to study in Scotland. Mr. Schoolcroft denied any part in things, but
did a lot of smiling. Tabitha and I know what went on. And are not talking.

Only a few students at Hanover seem to remember me as the boy who wore a dress. And fewer seemed
to care. Too much real world happening, like applying for college and trying to get decent grades.

Tabitha and I are still as close as sisters. We were startled when Mom and Dad decided to let me stay as
Tabitha's official sister. And the Schoolcrofts didn't seem to mind a bit. Besides, for our senior year we
were going to stay at our house, as the Schoolcrofts were heading off to a new assignment overseas.
Anne retired from taking care of their house. She married an old friend from Maine and moved to the
coast. We threw her a huge party. And cried when she drove off that final time.

Because I am now legally female, I can't officially marry Tabitha. At least not in this country. But we
don't really mind. We are closer than most married couples will ever be, and have no plans on changing
that. Besides, it's a lot easier to get student housing as sisters.

I did finally meet that engineer Howard's father recommended. And followed her advice. So in the fall, I
start engineering school on a scholarship provided by Adkins Industries. Tabitha has decided to study
biophysics, and we will begin school at, well, I can't say. We had to change our last names again to make
her father's job easier. But the school is among the best in the world. And we have a dorm room all to
We are all planning to get together next Christmas for the Grand Ball. Tabitha still wears her corset, so
she' got an incredible figure. My figure is just fine, but Tabitha keeps saying she's going to squeeze me
down a couple of sizes. And I think I found where she ordered me a new corset or three. We have
permanent invitations to the Ball. And Angeline insists we be there. We will, since we all owe her, in one
way or another, for helping us find our path in life.


© 2001

The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must
contact the author for permission.

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Copyright Information : (c) 2001, by Sarah London. All rights reserved.

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Summer Cruise by: Sarah London

Chapter 1: A holiday about to begin

It was my first night in a new city. We had been travelling across the states for the last summer. We had
arrived at our final destination, an amazing port city off the cost of Florida. I was travelling with my
friends Tom, and David whom I had been a friend with since High School. As we drove along the
waterfront, past all the marinas, we marvelled at all the huge yachts anchored by the dock. Occasionally
we would wave at one of the glistening ladies sun bathing on top their boats. Every so often, much to
our enjoyment, the bikini-clad beauties returned the wave.

Eventually after a long winding drive we arrived at a decent looking hotel. Once we arrived inside we
realised how wrong we were. Inside the hotel wasn't great, in fact it was quite a dingy place with
cockroaches in every corner of the room. I hung up some of my shirts and trousers and since I didn't
have a lot of clean clothes left, I left the remainder in my bags. Just then Tom walked in.

"Unpacked?" he asked
"Yes" and ready for some sleep, I am exhausted" I replied

"We are going out later and tomorrow we have a busy day, we are going to meet my parents on the
boat. They are arriving at the West Marina early, so they can spend the day with us."

That night we all went to a nightclub. I picked up a really hot girl, called Talia, she was perfect, she was
beautiful, interesting and sexy. She had long blond hair, sparkly blue eyes and was really fun to chat to.

After making out in the club for a while, we decided to leave and go back to her place. As we were
leaving tom grabbed me and joked that I mustn't go falling in love as they needed me to drive back
tomorrow evening with them. Talia stayed in one of the main apartments on the waterfront, near the
marina. It had an absolutely amazing view, from the balcony you could see out for miles across the
ocean all the way to the twinkling lights of the huge ocean liners that sailed in and out of the city every
day. She had a soft white couch on her balcony where we made out for ages, occasionally stopping to
gaze out over the sea; it was impossible to be in a more romantic place We left the club and went back
to her room where we made out on the couch for ages" I really like you a lot, " I said to Talia "its a pity
that I have to go home tomorrow night"

"I am going home tomorrow afternoon with my friend on her yacht" she said" She has the whole yacht
to herself, so it will be just us and the crew

"The crew," I said astounded "How big is the yacht?"

"3 decks" she said "Her father once had about 20 people staying on board when he had his birthday

"Wow, that sounds amazing," I said, "Why can't that sort of thing ever happen to me?"

"Why don't you come with?" she said, "there's plenty of room"
"I can't Tom's sister is getting married and we all have to be back home for the wedding," I said "Even
though I am not crazy about her, Tom and David won't speak to me if I make them miss for her

"Pity, I would really love you to come with me," said Talia as she stroked my face.

We kissed for ages more before Talia led me into her bedroom where we made love and cuddled the
whole night

In the morning after waking up and having breakfast, the conversation turned back to me leaving later
on that day.

" I have been thinking about your offer last night, and I have decided that I would really like to come
with you. Tom and David could probably manage without me, they will probably have to stop over an
extra night without another driver in the car but they can manager. I am still not sure but to tell you the
truth I am not crazy about going to this wedding.

"I would love you to stay with me" Talia said, "I am going to the yacht in a few hours, so you must make
your choice quickly." She told me that her. I was stuck, I couldn't pass up such an amazing opportunity
just to go to a wedding of a person I didn't like. How could I stay I thought to myself, Tom's parents were
at the dock at the moment waiting to take me out on their boat and the way I thank them is to abandon
their son and snub their daughter's wedding. Yet on the other hand, I looked at Talia who was wheeling
her bags into the entrance hall, I could spend an extra few weeks with a gorgeous girl going around the

Just then Talia's mobile rang, she picked it up and said "Where are you?" She suddenly grabbed my hand
and dragged me over to the balcony. She started waving frantically down to the marina. I looked down
and saw a gorgeous bikini-clad girl in sunglasses waving back. She was standing on the front of one of
the largest yachts in the marina. I thought to myself, for a few weeks on that yacht, I could miss a
wedding. My eyes suddenly diverted to the boat moored next to it and I was horrified to realise that
Tom's parents were sitting in the boat next to them. I pulled back from the balcony and run inside the
"What's wrong" said Talia

"The boat next door is owned by my friends parents" I replied, " I hope they didn't see me. How am I
going to get on the boat? It would be such an affront if they were to see me get on another boat and
deliberately snub them and the wedding, they wouldn't speak to me again." If I was to get on the boat, I
could call them tomorrow and tell them that I was mugged or something and they took everything,
anyway I can think up an excuse"

"Well we are due to leave in 15 minutes so make up your mind now are you coming or staying?"

"I am coming", but how am I going to get past Tom's parents, maybe if I wore sunglasses and a cap they
wouldn't recognise me " Tania looked down at the boat and said" I think your friends have arrived, they
are sitting down at the table next to Tom's parents"

I froze, there was no way that I could fool Tom or David, they could recognise me straight away.

"Well I am going to take my stuff down to the boat, she said as she wheeled her bags to the elevator."
you think about how you are going to get onto the boat There was no way that they could see me, if
they did I would miss out on this amazing opportunity to go on holiday with Talia. As for my clothes back
at the hotel left and the Caribbean was so cheap anyway, that I could buy some clothes and toiletries
tomorrow at one of the stores. I had my wallet in my pocket so it would be easy to stay with Talia,
anything I needed I would buy.

Just then Talia walked back into the room. She was wearing a short white skirt, white flip-flops and a
tight pink bikini top she had her glasses and hat on.

"I don't know what to do" I said, "How am I going to get to the boat without my friends seeing me? They
are sitting opposite us right next to your friend's yacht".
That's not a problem" Talia said, "All you have to do is go in disguise!"

"What disguise?, I can't exactly go out and buy a monkey costume and anyway, if I walk outside this
building I could be seen."

"I have a few ideas," Talia said with a grin on her face!

She pulled me into her room and opened up her cupboard. "We have to work quickly the yacht will be
leaving soon," She opened up her cupboard and to my surprise pulled out a matching set made up of a
black bra and panties.

"You can go as my girlfriend!" Talia said with a huge smile, "Your Friends are waiting for a guy in shorts
to arrive not a girl in a skirt and high heels!"

I looked at the clothes and shook my head and said "but I don't look like a girl"

"Hurry up, otherwise I will have to leave without you, come and try this on and we will see how you
look". I got undressed down to my boxer shorts. . Talia pulled out a pink skirt and a small backless top. I
reluctantly stepped into the skirt. It was a strange sensation as the cold elastic material slid up my leg. I
was trying to adjust it so that it would stay up when Talia came up behind me. She put her hand on my
exposed shoulder just next to the top's strap and quickly pulled up the zip on my skirt.

I felt the skirt tighten. I adjusted the tight top while Talia fastened it behind me. While I was
straightening out the top, Talia took my hand and started moving her manicured hands up and down my
arms as we kissed.

As she moved her hands down to my chest, I began to feel really hot as the silky material rubbed on my
"We need to do something about that chest of yours," said Talia "Come into the bathroom for a second"
said Talia. I followed her in. She pulled out her razor and gently shaved all the exposed hair on my body,
it wasn't a perfect job but from a distance my legs and body looked hairless. She turned me towards the
mirror. I was shocked as I stood next to Talia and couldn't help posing. My body looked extremely
feminine with the skirt on. From the waist down I looked almost like a girl.

By the time, I had finished posing, Talia had pulled out a pair of black high heeled sandals and had
placed them on the floor in front of me. I stepped into the shoes and Talia helped me to fasten the
straps. The feeling of standing in high heels was really awkward. It felt as though I was about to fall over
forwards, when I walked forward my feet felt off balance, I had to steady myself, however the heels
weren't that high so I soon regained my composure and was able to walk relatively normally. I stood
next to Talia. From the neck down, I looked completely feminine, and quite attractive. Talia took my
hand and started moving her manicured hands up and down my arms as we kissed.

"I can't wait, its going to be amazing, she said, "Let me do your makeup so we can get you onto that

"We don't have a lot of time," she said "I am going to give you my sunglasses to wear so all we will have
to do is put some lipstick on you. She pulled out a tube of dark red lipstick and applied it to my lips, Its
important that you look like you are wearing lipstick if they look at you."

"How do I look" I said as I posed in front of her. Just then she looked at her watch, "We're late, quickly"
she said grabbing my hand. I was concentrating hard on not falling over as I ran in my heels. As we were
going down in the elevator, Talia told me that I should walk next to her and try not to look at the boat
with my friends on it. When we got down to the ground floor, I quickly began to cross the street and
hurried on to the yacht

Chapter 2: The Journey Begins

As the boat gradually left dock, I was sitting downstairs. Talia came downstairs and said that it was clear.
I went upstairs to see Candy standing there with an angry look on her face. "You strange pervert, I can't
believe you came onto my boat dressed like that."

She turned to Talia and said "You know my father would freak out if he knew we had a boy on the boat
with us. We don't have time to turn around otherwise we will be late for our docking place at the next
port. We will leave you there. In the meantime you will have to stay like that and hope that the crew
don't catch on. To them you must just be one of my girlfriends. Lets see we'll call you, Arabella, that's a
nice girl name. "Talia giggled

Candy looked sternly at Talia and said" Talia, SHE's your responsibility"

"Don't call me "she"" I said irritated "there is no one else here, we don't have to pretend" Candy was
shocked for a second, she grabbed my arm and said "listen honey while you are on my boat you will do
as I say and be what I say otherwise one word and you will be dealt with by the crew who I am sure will
be very angry that a bloke snuck on to the boat and besides you don't deserve to be a he. Real men
don't go around in pink skirts and heels so come on Arabella dear, go make yourself look pretty. Talia
help HER fix HERself up."

I felt terrible I ran out the room as fast as I could go. I ran into one of the bedrooms and began to rip the
tight top off my body. I grabbed the hem of my skirt and tore it off my waist. I was tugging at my heels
when Talia came into the room.

"What are you doing?"

I stood up and said that I was leaving. I just wanted my clothes back. Talia said that she didn't have
them. She asked whether I had brought them back from the flat. I was stunned. Here I was stuck on a
boat in the middle of nowhere without any male clothes. Talia said that I was too big for Candy's clothes
to lend me something. Until she unpacked some more clothes, I would have to stay like that. I looked in
the cupboard in the room to see if there were any clothes to wear. As I opened the cupboard, I saw that
all there was hanging was a lilac one-piece woman's bathing suit. Talia pulled it out of the cupboard and
held it up to my body. "You must be kidding"
"What else are you going to wear? You can't parade around the boat in boxer shorts. Come on James,
since you are going to be one of the girls for the rest of the trip, you might as well stop fighting it. Try it
on, you might like it. I know I do. " I snatched the costume away from her and stepped one leg into the
lycra swimsuit. I put my leg into the swimsuit.

"It feels really tight on my one leg I think it's too small" I said with a sigh of relief. " No its not" Talia said
as she took the costume and stretched the other leg hole open for me to step into. She then slowly
raised it up my body until it fitted tightly below my waste. The soft material clung to my skin as I pulled it
up my body. I put my arms into the straps and turned around to face Talia. The swimsuit felt tight as it
clung to my body. The tight lilac costume also had the effect of feminising my curves. After Talia had
convinced me to remove the remaining hair from my legs, and chest, Talia handed me a light pink wrap
around skirt, which she wrapped around my waist. We sat down at the mirror.

She opened up her bag and said, "I am going to apply a little makeup to your eyes to feminize your
looks". She applied some mascara to my eyelashes and a light shade of eye shadow to my lids. She
finished off by making me apply a light pink shade of lipstick to my lips. Afterwards we both admired the
look in the mirror. Both of us had bare shoulders except for the thin straps. Talia's swimsuit top was
sticking out a lot more than mine due to the size of her chest and her smooth legs looked amazingly
sexy. It suddenly struck me that when I looked down at my own legs, that to Talia I must have looked
identical to her. Talia must have noticed that I was staring at my legs and she said "Don't worry sweetie,
your legs look great, Candy and I would kill to have legs as sexy as yours,"

I looked at Talia who returned my gaze, we embraced for several minutes, when suddenly Candy
knocked on the door and opened it. She looked a bit shocked, by what must have seemed to be two girls
kissing, but she regained her composure and said "Quit playing around girls, lets go sun bathe on the
front of the boat. We all picked up some towels on the way to the deck and after setting out our things;
we all lay down and started sunbathing. As I was lying there, all thoughts and discomfort with what I was
wearing seemed to fade away as I looked aroung and realised how beautiful the view was with the open
sea and the blue sky. Suddenly my attention was drawn to the boat's front window. My eyes caught
sight of one of the crew staring out of the window. I immediately sat up and pulled a towel on to cover

"What's wrong?" said Candy

"One of the crew was staring at us"

Talia and Candy looked around but didn't see anyone. Candy said that if I felt disturbed by this then we
would sunbathe on the upper deck. We all lay down again and continued sun bathing, I could see that
Talia was getting turned on by my humiliation as occasionally she would gently move her fingers up and
down my lycra swimsuit, and gently touch herself at the same time.

We spent the whole day out in the sun; eventually we decided to take a break to get something to eat.
Candy said to us that there was a restaurant on a nearby island which the captain was stopping at.

Chapter 3: Out to dinner in a new dress

I protested but Candy said that I could easily pass for a girl; they will just have to help me get my
mannerisms girly enough. We all went downstairs; into candy's room it was a large double bedroom
with extremely ostentatious decor. She walked across to her cupboard and pulled out a shortish black
dress. She then pulled out a pastel pink bra and pantyset. She started rustling the bottom of her
cupboard and pulled out a pair of white sandals. I was hoping that I was going to see Candy getting
changed; she was after all a really sexy looking girl. My hopes were dashed when she suddenly handed
them to me and told me go get changed. She could see that I was about to protest but she put her finger
over my lips and told me to keep quiet and pushed me towards the bathroom. I shut the door to the
bathroom. I was really upset; I sat down and looked at myself. I was stunned when I looked down to see
myself in a wrap skirt and a women's swimsuit. I then looked down and saw the heels, and dress and the
effeminate underwear and thought to myself that if I would have left Talia, I could be at home now. I
heard a knock on the door and a voice said hurry up Arabella, we all need t get changed. I quickly took
off my clothes. I pulled on the panties and pulled on the halter neck bra and fastened the straps. I
slipped on the dress, it was really short and only went down to just above my knees, and it felt a bit
loose. I slid into the heels and fastened the straps, after admiring myself in the mirror; I opened the door
and walked outside. Both girls were sitting on the bed with their legs crossed chatting. They both turned
their heads when I walked in. Candy smiled and Talia said welcome to the girl club, with a grin on her

"Why don't you give us a twirl Arabella?" said Candy

I immediately gave a quick spin around which wasn't easy in my heels. Talia suddenly stood up and
walked over to me and turned me around and said, "You haven't zipped yourself up2 She immediately
grabbed the zip and zipped me up on my back. I hadn't even realised that there was a zip.

"I am still new at this" I said almost with a girlish giggle.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it" said Candy as she started going through her cupboard. The dress I
was wearing had suddenly become much tighter, I looked in the mirror and Saw that my curves were
now looking much more feminine, in fact I looked a lot like a girl except that I wasn't wearing any
makeup, that I could see. Talia grabbed my hand and sat .me down on the bed next to her.

"Cross your legs like this" she said and I did my best to copy her. "I want to do your nails and makeup so
we can go get something to eat.

Candy walked into the bathroom to get changed while Talia opened up a bottle of purple nail polish and
began to apply it to my nails. After a few minutes Candy emerged from the bathroom just as Talia had
finished helping me with my makeup. Candy looked quite hot she was wearing a pair of blue denim
shorts and a white strappy vest with a pink heart on it. She was wearing an identical pair of sandals to

"Hurry up Talia, get changed so we can eat"

Talia walked out the room, leaving just Candy and me alone. Candy sat down next me and looked me in
the eyes.

"James, you look just like a real girl"

Chapter 4: Girlfriends
She said that she had always fantasised about sleeping with a femboy as she called me. Just then I felt
her hand touch my knee, I responded by immediately crossing my legs so that her hand was knocked off
my knee. I immediately pulled the hem of my dress, in a vain attempt to cover more of my legs. Instead
of being put off she moved closer to me so that she was sitting right next to me. She gently put her hand
on the inside of my leg and started moving it up my leg.

"You see Arabella, you are already acting like a girl, here you are sitting with your legs crossed, and the
way you adjusted your dress, almost was like you have been wearing dresses your whole life. Have you
ever worn feminine attire before?

I shook my head, but suddenly caught my breath as I realised that Candy had put her hand all the way
under my skirt. Just then we heard footsteps coming down the corridor and Candy pulled away and
crossed her legs.The door suddenly opened up and Talia walked into the room. She was wearing a pair
of cropped black trousers and a blue strappy vest, and sandals. Talia smiled and exclaimed wow that's
what I didn't expect to see, two girls sitting cross-legged on the bed. Just think, James, this morning, did
you think that you would be one of those girls?" Said Talia

"And did you think that of all the girls in the room, you would be the only one in a dress?" I just blushed
as we all left the boat and took a launch down to the restaurant. We sat in the corner of the restaurant
and had a great meal. I was convinced that we were getting looks from the boys sitting at the other
tables. I must admit when I gazed at girls at the other table, they returned back frowns. As though they
were jealous at the attention we were getting. Candy, Talia and I spent the time chatting; occasionally
Talia would giggle when she looked at me. Eventually the subject turned to suntans. We were all
comparing suntans when candy took the strap of my dress and pulled it off my shoulder. "You have
really bad strap marks, maybe tomorrow you should wear a bikini so that you get a better sun tan,"
Candy laughed.

After lunch we went back to the boat and went back down to the room. Talia said "look at the time, we
can still catch some sun before the sun goes down. Lets get into bikinis and go and sun bathe on the
upper deck. So no one will look at us. I was just about to go with Talia when candy said stay with me.
Talia said ok and that she would meet us on the upper deck.

Just as she left the room candy closed and locked the door.
"I am shutting the door for some privacy, I am going to get changed why don't you pick yourself out a
bikini and a skirt to wear with it"

Just as she went in, I stood up and went over to her telephone. I called Tom's parents just to say that I
was ok. Little did they know I was sitting on the bed, legs crossed in a dress and makeup and shortly I
would be putting on a bikini to go sunbathing? Just then Candy walked in

"What are you doing?" I immediately hung up the phone. "Since I can't trust you will get changed here,
in front of me" She walked over her cupboard and pulled out a pink bikini. She turned around and said
"strip, I want you

wearing nothing except your nail polish, you don't have to be shy, we are all girls here. " She said with a
glint in her eye. After I had finished getting undressed. Candy held out the bikini bottoms for me to step
into. A shiver went down my spine as the soft Lycra bikini briefs slid up my shaved legs. Candy took the
bikini top, and put it onto my chest she put her arms around me and fastened the straps behind my
back. As she did this she rubbed her semi naked body up and down on mine. She turned me around and
fastened the halter neck behind my neck. As she walked around me admiring her work, she said "wow
you look really great in that bikini Arabella, I think I will give it to you, Let me look at you in your little

Candy suddenly couldn't resist and started to embrace me, we kissed for what seemed like ages.

"Talia will probably be getting suspicious, we had better go up to the deck" Candy said as she threw me a
pair of tiny denim shorts. I slipped them on and pulled on the tight white shirt that Candy handed me.
Even though these could be called unisex, when I looked in the mirror and saw an image that looked
more feminine. I don't know what made it look so feminine, whether it was the long shaved legs or the
fact that you could see my pink bikini top through the shirt, or even my makeup and painted nails.

I put on a pair of sunglasses that Candi gave me. We walked up to the main deck and sun bathed until
the sun went down. Candi and Talia were whispering to each other the whole time while we were
sunbathing. I couldn't hear what they were saying but I was so relaxed that I didn't care much.
Eventually as the sun went down, we all got up and went down to eat. Candy disappeared for a while,
but when she came back she said that we would be stopping at an island nearby where there was a
really great bar, with a great atmosphere. Talia said that she was staying on the boat. I thought that she
was upset with me kissing Candy.

I went down to Candy's room to find that Candy already had a dress laid out on the bed for me. I was
just slipping it on when Candy walked in. She and I fixed up our makeup, slipped on a pair of heels and
took the small boat out to the bar.

We laughed, drunk and flirted with each other for the whole night. It was really embarrassing because
Candy was taking the lead all the time. It was her who bought the drinks, it was her who gently held my
side and it was her who was paying me all the complements

"You look really cute in that dress Arabella"

"Thanks, Candy" I said almost automatically responding to the name Arabella.

The next thing that happened was we were kissing again, more passionately than before. "You are so
hot," said Candy in between kisses "I would love to take you back to my boat and make love to you. Do
you want to come back?"

"Yes" I said almost shuddering with excitement.

"Great you can dress up all sexily, for me"

Chapter 5: A sexy surprise

Eventually we arrived back at the room, I opened the door to the bedroom to see Talia lying on the bed
in lingerie, stockings and heels. She sat up and smiled when we walked in she walked over to Candy and
kissed her on the lips and then walked up to me she held my hand and stated kissing me on the lips. I
could feel her nylons rubbing on my shaven legs I could taste our lipsticks intertwining.

Talia pulled back, and looked at Candy. Candy nodded to Talia and said to me that I had experienced a
lot as a girl but now I was going to take it to the next level.

I stared in disbelief as Talia dangled a sexy pastel purple bustier in front of me and said that it was for

"I am going dress you up so sexily for Candy and me. In lingerie, heels and makeup like me. " said Talia.

I looked at Talia and immediately thought to myself that I had always dreamt of having a girl in lingerie
undress me, but I never though that I would be the one to be adjusting the stockings on my leg and
wondering if my mascara was running.

Talia looked at me and said" hurry up and get undressed, and don't give me any of that stuff about you
being a boy; you don't look like a boy standing on those high heels and in that dress."

I dropped my head almost embarrassed and started to unzip my dress. The dress fell to the floor leaving
me in my bikini. I took it off and stepped into the g-string that Talia was holding out for me. I slipped on
the bustier and then sat down and pulled the nylon stockings up my legs. And attached the straps. I
slipped on the high heels that were waiting next tot the bed. I looked at Talia and smiled at me and said,
"You look so feminine that you could be one of the girls"

We sat down at the mirror and we did our makeup. Talia made sure that my makeup looked as sexy as
they way I was dressed. She used lots of pinks and purples and blended them all in so I looked really
sexy. I was feeling and I looked really sexy, I picked up a bottle of Candy's perfume and sprayed it onto
my chest. We both stood up and looked at each other. We hugged, I looked down and saw two sexily
clad bodies and found it hard to believe that one of them was mine.

Talia suddenly pulled back and exclaimed,"You are completely feminine now, James, you are wearing
nothing that a male would wear. You even smell feminine."

Just then Candy walked in, dressed in trousers and a collared shirt. Candy was pretending to be a guy!
She still looked like a girl, but Talia and I played along. We both looked at each other and walked daintily
up to Candy who grabbed us both around the waists; she even put her hand onto my bum, which was
now exposed thanks to the g-string. I wrapped my leg around Candi's as Talia had done to me. Talia
eventually pulled back. I sat on Candi's lap on the sofa and let her run her hands up and down my nylon-
clad legs. The night carried on like this eventually we were exhausted Talia handed me a sexy silk
nightdress to sleep in.

When I woke up in the morning the girls had left and had left me a note saying thanks for last night. We
will always remember Arabella, I hope you will too. Next to the note I saw my clothes and wallet that
had been left in Miami. The clothes had been washed and folded. Next to them were a fresh bra and
panties as well as the dress I had worn last night. It was as though they had left me a choice whether to
go dressed as a boy or girl. I was unsure for a moment, when I thought how I felt so comfortable in the
dress yesterday and how sexy I felt in the lingerie. I though to myself that instead of choosing one, I
could have the best of both worlds so I slipped on the bra and panties and then pulled on my clothes,
stood up and walked off the boat, to find my way home.

(c) 2000/2001 Sarah London

Interactive Versian available on

© 2001
The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must
contact the author for permission.


Copyright 2000 by Samantha Michelle. Permission given to post on FictionMania and C.Sprite's StorySite.

Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror.
Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are your reading this?
Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech
and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to
understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn they from bad experiences.

Constructive comments appreciated. I have a delete button and I'm not afraid to use it! Please send
comments to


Paula by: Samantha Michelle

I was chatting with Jeremy as we headed towards the pool doors for today's meet. Because we had to
use the University pool for competition, in our district swimming was the first spring sport of the year.
This was also the first intramural competition of the year. We got to the locker room early, as we both
wanted some extra warm-up time.

Chuck saw me come in, and whistled "Hey Paula, nice outfit." I smiled and waved at him. Mom had
found this wonderful Gunny-Sax dress at a resale shop, and it made the best of my thin, muscular figure.

I had to get Jeremy to help unzip me, and I carefully changed into my new custom-made Speedo
spandex and silicone competition suit. It was a present from my Dad. It felt weird, especially on my
nipples, which were annoyingly erect, as usual. But it cut half a second off my time. For another half-
second I think I would have painted myself like a frog, and croaked my naked way across the pool.

Coach Thomas's "Okay, quit staring at Paula's tits and get into the pool," made me glare at him, and
everyone else laugh. He still was not completely comfortable about having me on the team. But he was
less comfortable without me.

Besides, I was a not-so-secret weapon for this most important meet. We only swam against each school
in the district once each season, and Centennial High was our stiffest competition.

Like everyone else, I had all my hair carefully tucked into a slick cap, and soon was doing warm-up laps
and testing the pool walls to make sure I was ready for a fast turnaround. When it was time to begin,
each team member had to be announced and walk to their side from the blocks at the shallow end. The
order was captains first, and the rest by height. I guess it looked better to the photographers.

The girls ' teams went first, and I smiled as my sister Wanda took her position as the assistant captain of
their team. She was only a sophomore, but she still was one of the best swimmers in the district.

When the boys' teams were announced I was, as always, the last person in line. They called out "Paula
Wilson" and I joined my teammates. The sudden silence was amazing. The guys on the other team
looked like cartoon characters, bug eyed and staring. I could hear their coach across the pool sputtering
like a sick lawnmower.

He immediately confronted the meet officials. "What are they doing with a girl on their team?" Coach
Thomas's innocent "What girl?" almost got a fight started. The officials checked our roster, and the
medical certifications for me, then told him to shut up and sit down, or forfeit.

I guess this is as good a place as any to explain that my legal name is Paula Marie Wilson, and I'm a
sixteen-year-old high school junior. And yes, I'm a boy, even though I wear nothing but girls' clothes, and
look, act (mostly), and sound like a girl. I've almost forgiven my Mom and Dad for getting me get me into
this situation. But back to the meet.
I'm not the fastest swimmer on the team, but I'm reliable, and excel in the relays. By then end of the
meet, I was also the star for the day. The guys on the other team were either so freaked by my
appearance that they made big mistakes, or underestimated my wiry strength and did not start out at
maximum. We took first and second in all the relay events, and I managed a bronze in the backstroke. It
was close overall, but we out-pointed them.

Chuck and I almost fell into the pool laughing when their captain, and best swimmer, got heaved out of
competition for the rest of the meet when he called me a pervert and a fag.

Our girls team turned their Centennial counterparts into guacamole. Wanda almost squeezed me out of
my suit after the competition. She had placed first in the 100 and 400 freestyle, and managed a second
in the 100 butterfly, her least-favorite race.

In the locker room we happily pummeled each other. A bit later I had just finished showering when I
slipped and got my hair tangled in the shower knobs. I wound up sitting on the shower floor, fuming, as
two of the guys spent the better part of five minutes making jokes about my breasts while they carefully
worked my hair free. What was worse, they both had hard-ons. At eye level. Disgusting.

When I was finally redressed, Stephen, the only other guy on the team with really long hair, brushed
mine out and braided it for me. For swimming he was lucky. His hair was as curly as a poodle's, and yet
refused to tangle when left to air-dry. But he looked like a fuzzy red basketball until he brushed it out.

I pulled out a pair of four-inch blocky heels from my gym bag, and strapped them on. That, plus the walk
they enhanced, got me a lot of friendly cat-calls and whistles. I had to put up with it, and knew most of it
was meant in fun.

Chuck and I had carpooled to the University so we would not be stuck forever waiting for the school's
busses. He was a careful driver, and managed to get me home without incident. Meet or not, we had
homework. Until it was done, I was stuck at home. And Ginny wasn't even in town. When Wanda
returned, we decided to relax and get started on out homework.

Mom and Dad were not due back till late, so I changed into my nightgown and clean panties, and soon
was sprawled on the family room floor next to my sister, surrounded by school books and listening to
oldies on the stereo. She got up to answer the door, and we were quickly joined by Amy and Chuck. I
groaned, as Amy was both a good friend and one of my main tormentors.

But she went off to change, and returned dressed almost like me, wearing one of Wanda's castoffs. It
was obvious, however, she had neglected the panties. Since it was warm, Chuck stripped to his cutoffs,
and he was soon engaging Wanda in an insult competition in German. At least it sounded like insults.

Amy and I spent almost three hours on Physics, and were down to our last brain cells when she finished
typing up the final experiment and report on our computer. Chuck and Wanda were playing with each
other under a blanket, and giggling. Which would have bothered me, except I knew Chuck was gay.

Amy announced that the paper was finished, and so was she. Wanda stuck her head out, and reminded
me it was my turn to make snacks. I hissed, but Amy said she would help. We returned from the kitchen
with a tray of sandwiches, and two six-packs of soda.

Much later Mom and Dad came home and found us quietly munching and listening to music. It was a
good thing they had finally adopted an unwritten rule that as long as there were four of us, they had a
don’t ask, don’t tell policy. I think it kept them from having as many headaches. After they headed to
bed, we closed the door. Soon Chuck had on plastic gloves, and was giving Wanda, who was face down
and almost completely naked, a neck-to-toes back-rub. She was quietly purring. He had learned
therapeutic massage from his Mom, who was a licensed masseur, and tattoo artist. Surprisingly, he had
only a small Celtic knot on one shoulder, and four earrings.

Amy and I were simply curled up together. She was behind me, and held me like a big stuffed animal.
Since she was also a head taller than me, it was really comfortable.

I asked Amy if she needed to be home soon, and she sighed unhappily. "My Dad got paid today, so he
was already half-pickled when I left. I'm not going home till Sunday. By then he'll be too hung over to hit
me." Her Mom and Dad were alcoholics, and sometimes she came to school with bruises. When I asked
her where she would stay, she shrugged. "It's warm, probably up on the roof, or somewhere."

By now Chuck had flipped Wanda. Amy and I watched as he poured massage oil over her, and started at
her feet. Her nipples were the most erect I had ever seen them, and her pubes, which she shaved for
racing, looked huge. Amy was fascinated. By the time Chuck reached her upper thighs, Wanda was
whimpering and had spread her legs far enough we could see everything. She was dripping. Amy was
breathing fast, and had begun to rub herself against me. So now I was getting really horny.

Amy and I giggled as Chuck carefully massaged everything except what Wanda really was desperate to
have touched, and moved slowly up. He spent several minutes on her breasts, and I swore the only parts
of Wanda touching the floor were her shoulders and heels. She was lying limp and quivering as he slowly
did her face and scalp. Her eyes were closed, and she was making funny mewing noises. So was Amy,
and I knew that she was almost as hot as Wanda. Chuck motioned to us, and mouthed the word
"watch". We nodded.

He firmly kneaded her breasts and nipples, and when she arched, he buried at least three large, well
oiled fingers deep in her vagina, and squeezed. I had never seen a girl orgasm like that before. Wanda
bounced and shook and whimpered and wailed and made all sorts of other noises as he continued to
massage her breasts and vagina. I think she lasted ten minutes, and was sort of foaming at the mouth
when she finally stopped moving.

Amy had started to chew on my earlobes, and was massaging my nipples, causing me to make a tent out
of the panties. Chuck was smiling. He asked Amy if she wanted a massage. It took her about three
seconds to be completely naked. I loved her body. She was much softer than Wanda, and not as athletic.
And she had a soft, furry bush. Which was off-limits to what was making a tent in my panties. It was
partly my interest in her, and her underwear, that got me in trouble. But now I had Ginny, or I should
say we had each other. I got myself comfortable, and absent-mindedly watched the festivities as I
thought back over the last two years.

From as early as I can remember, I was fascinated with girls. And their clothes. My kid sister got to wear
all kinds of soft, silky things. I got Jockey shorts. I watched as she played with her budding breasts and
moaned with pleasure. Mine simply got irritated.

By the time I was out of middle school she was taller and heavier than me, with a curvy figure she kept
trim by swimming. She was already getting dates. Girls wouldn't even give me a first look. Mostly
because I looked like a fourth grader.
Mom said I looked just like my grandfather on her side. When she told me he never reached five feet, I
almost died. I had seen his picture. At first I thought he was mom's much younger brother. Even in his
fifties he was a baby-faced little guy with long blonde hair tied back in a pony tail. He was wearing a
badge and carrying pistol as big as he was. The legend read "County Sheriff, 1947-1961" Maybe there
was some hope for me.

But I was still interested in girls and their clothes. And I wanted a closer look. I had tried on some of my
sister's things when I was younger, and loved the feeling, but quit when she almost caught me one day.
It was just after school ended that my sister decided to clean out her room. Or Mom decided it for her.
They stored everything in the basement awaiting the community rummage sale in August.

It was a smorgasbord for me. Her rapid growth meant that everything was almost new. And she liked
really soft, girlie stuff. So I soon had several storage boxes under my bed filled with the best items. She
had outgrown her shoes, and I found several pairs of really high heels that fit. Mom and Dad both
worked, and Wanda spent all day practicing at the pool. So I spent many days wearing satin and lace and
skirts and dresses. And jerking off into a towel. Soon I was as comfortable prancing around in the heels
and a long, tight skirt as I was in my shorts and tenny runners. Wanda had complained loudly about
being flat until Mom bought her some expensive silicone breast forms. Then she grew her own. They
were a perfect fit in the many bras I collected.

I already had really long hair, and was able to convince Mom and Dad that guys these days wore
earrings, so I got my ears pierced. I never knew why, but I carefully stole some of Wanda's and Mom's
makeup, and Wanda's Seventeen magazines. I was a quick study, and by August I had mastered makeup
better than Wanda.

This is not to say that all I did was wear her clothes. I also swam a lot, climbed trees, played tennis and
ran around with some of my friends. But they were always being asked if they were baby-sitting me. It
was embarrassing. I was fourteen, and could not even get into anything but a "G" movie without my ID.
My voice finally dropped. From soprano to alto. Mom's saying her father used to sing tenor made me
feel even worse. And my desperately hoped-for facial hair showed up. As three flimsy whiskers. Arghhh!

In late August Amy moved in down the street. She was the same age as me, and was better built than
my sister. I hurt myself the first time I saw her in a thong bikini. She was in her back yard tanning herself.
I wound up limping back home and jerking off in the shower. Twice.
After the start of high school, it got worse. The fashion was either long feminine skirts and dresses, or
tiny flip skirts and skin-tight tank tops. I suffered as much as my grades. I wanted to get into their
clothes. Both ways. But so far the closest I had been to a naked girl was accidentally walking in on my
sister when she was changing.

All the guys in gym made fun of my hairless body and tiny size. Yeah, I was small all over. Including there.
I had actually managed to reach four feet eleven. And 95 pounds. No, not down there. They were
bragging about feeling up their dates. I couldn't even get a girl to hold my hand.

I made the JV tennis and swim teams. But still no dates. I think there were a few girls in school shorter
than me. But they dated tall guys. At least five-six. Grrr.

One Tuesday someone must have slipped something into my milk at school. A bunch of guys were joking
about reading where a guy dressed like a girl, and snuck into the girl's locker room. My brain went into
overdrive. I think I attended classes that afternoon. Which ones are another story.

On that fateful Friday, I claimed to be ill, and Mom let me stay home. Within an hour I was dressed in a
long, pretty dress, complete with jewelry, makeup, and heels. I put my hair up, and in the mirror I looked
really cute. And I was sure not a bit like little Paul.

I carefully skipped into school, and nervously made it into the girls' lockers. I was glad my sister used to
wear a panty-girdle; it kept me from bulging. I spent the time between showers in the library, actually
doing homework. I got a lot of attention from the guys, which scared me.

By the last period I was becoming an expert in girl's anatomy. And which girls were wearing more
padding in their bras than me. The way I stared, I think they figured I was a lesbian. It was when I tried to
head home early to change that things fell apart. I ran into both Wanda and Amy in the locker room. I
thought I had fooled them as I tried to sneak out, but a strong hand grabbed my throat, and I found
myself staring at Wanda. I quietly begged her not to say anything, and she got this evil smile. She
whispered that if I wanted to live, I was to go home and stay dressed just like I was until she got there. I
gasped out my agreement, and she and Amy walked away giggling.
By the time I got home, I was shaking like a leaf, and wondering if I should just run away. Both Amy and
Wanda were stronger than me, and I had a sickening feeling I was going to get pulverized. Later I wished
that had been all they planned to do to me.

I was waiting in my room, still shaking, when I heard the door open. I was soon facing Amy and Wanda,
who were standing there with a camera. I tried to run, but Wanda blocked the door.

They threatened to drag me back into the girls' locker room after giving out copies of their pictures. Amy
joked that if they didn't neuter me immediately, the school would do it for them. All I could do was
break down and cry.

When Wanda searched my room, she found my stash of her clothes and magazines. I thought I was as
miserable as I could get.

After they wiped my eyes and touched up my makeup, they made me go downstairs and sit at the dining
room table with them. I knew Mom and Dad were due home soon. I tried to beg for mercy. Something
unknown to pissed-off teenage girls.

"Well, Paula," Wanda emphasized the 'a'. What does my new sister have to say for herself?" I put my
head down and whimpered. "Let's see. Suspended or expelled for sneaking into the girls showers,
beaten to a pulp by every guy who finds out you were looking at their girlfriends naked, called a sissy by
everyone in the school, and grounded until you are forty by Mom and Dad…" I knew I was dead.

"Or you can tell us everything, and maybe we'll let you live."

I spilled out my life story in all its pitiful details. Soon they were laughing so hard they had to sit on the
floor. I even had to laugh at some of my escapades. I froze when I heard the front door open. Mom's,
"Hello?" was followed by Wanda's, "We're in the dining room." It's not true that you watch your life
flash before your eyes. What you see are all the possible ways you can die horribly.
Mom said "Hi", and she and Dad headed upstairs. I was shaking too hard to say anything, and Wanda
and Amy were giggling. Amy's, "Bet it takes them at least a minute," was accepted by Wanda for a
dollar. It was an eternally long five minutes before we heard an "Oh MY GOD!" from upstairs, and Mom
came dashing madly to the dining room.

She stared at me for at least fifteen seconds before she screamed for Dad. Wanda and Amy were now
giggling uncontrollably. When he came running downstairs, Dad's expression went from near panic to
total confusion.

Wanda broke the silence. "Guess who we met in the locker room at school today?" They stared at me.
"My older sister Paula dropped in for a visit…." Amy added "and, well, we're a little worried, because she
seemed awfully interested in watching the other girls shower…" I tried to curl up into a ball, but the two
of them made me sit up and face my parents.

Mom looked at me like I had just crept out from under a log. Dad was gurgling. Mom gabbled "Young
man, or whatever you are, what in God's name are you dressed like that for, or what made you do
something like this? " She paused. "Oh my god, you're gay…" Her voice faded out as she stared me in
horror. Dad put his hand on her shoulder. "Mary, think for a moment. If he were gay, what would he be
doing staring at naked girls?" She nodded shakily.

He looked at me. "Does anyone else know he was in there?" We all shook our heads. He pulled me to
my feet, and made me stand there while he examined my face and clothes. Mom joined him. Her, "Who
helped you get dressed like this?" was accusatory. She refused to believe me when I told her I did it

"No chance. Your makeup is too good, and the clothes match. You couldn't possibly…." Wanda
interrupted, and dragged Mom upstairs. She was shaking her head a few minutes later when they
carried my boxes of girls stuff downstairs and set them on the floor. Dad's, "I think you have a lot of
explaining to do," was the last straw. I collapsed on the floor, sobbing. Wanda picked me up like a little
kid, and gave me a hug. "Do you want to tell them, or should I?"

I finally managed to ask for some tissues, and carefully wiped off the streaked makeup. With Amy and
Wanda making sure I left out no gory details, I started back through my story. Mom did a lot of blushing
when I described my masturbating while wearing Wanda's stuff, and Dad seemed less worried about
what I did than my getting caught doing it. It was almost seven-thirty when I finished. When Dad asked
Wanda and Amy what they thought should happen to me, I envisioned a guillotine. When they said,
"Let's think about it over dinner," I cringed.

Mom made me fix my makeup as she watched, amazed. I wound up sandwiched between Amy and
Wanda in the back seat of Dad's car. And to make matters worse, they were teasing me by quietly
rubbing my upper thighs through the dress, making me painfully aroused. Dad parked as far from the
restaurant as possible. Everyone gawked at me, as the heels made me sway gracefully as I walked.

I blushed when they ordered me a Shirley Temple. And addressed me as Paula. I carefully watched my
manners, and with the help of a napkin managed to keep food off the dress. I almost sprayed dessert
across the table when Amy suggested we go dancing, saying I would have no problem getting partners. I
wondered if I could claim political asylum in Canada.

When we got home, Amy said she needed to check in, and we could hear her being yelled at through the
phone. She was crying when she hung up. For some reason I gave her a hug. I looked at Mom and Dad.
''Can she spend the night? Her parents are drunk again…" I let it trail off. Wanda looked at me strangely,
but seconded the request, saying Amy could sleep in her room.

I think by this time my parent's brains were saturated. They nodded, and told Wanda to find Amy a
nightgown. Almost as an afterthought, Mom looked at me, and told her to get me one too, and some
panties. That made Amy laugh.

I almost freaked when my parents left me in charge of closing up, saying regardless of how I was
dressed, I was the oldest. "Remember Paula, make sure the doors are locked and the lights are out."

I was not sure who was more startled, Wanda or me.

So we all decided to sit around the TV and watch a movie. Wanda made popcorn, and soon we were
laughing ourselves silly. I had secretly worn a nightgown to bed many times, and quickly forgot about
how I was dressed. After the movie, I made sure everything was secure, and headed upstairs. I blushed
all the way to my toes when Wanda quipped "Remember, no stains on my nightgown…"
The next morning I awoke thinking it had been an awful dream. But the nightgown, and the dress
hanging on my closet door, convinced me it was real. I grabbed some of my clothes, and saw a note
stuck to my mirror. "Paula. Wear a nice dress or skirt and blouse today. Mom" Visions of my being
hauled to jail crossed my mind.

I was ready in a few minutes, and decided I'd better do it up right. So I braided my hair and put on a little
makeup. It made me look younger, sort of "girl next door". I shuddered when I realized I might wind up
that way.

I was also the first one up. So I went into my sister's room to wake them. And stopped in my tracks.
There was a pile of nightclothes, including panties, at the foot of the bed. And my sister and Amy were
tightly snuggled face to face. I carefully closed the door, and pulled down the covers. I was not the only
one caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Amy woke first, and tried to jump up. Wanda, still asleep,
dragged her back and kissed her. Amy's bouncing woke her, and she grabbed for the covers, which I
generously returned.

They were both brightly lit up, and when Wanda tried to make excuses, I grabbed her hand and sniffed.
She almost gave birth to a lizard. My, "Now who's going to blackmail whom?" made Amy start to cry.

"If my parents find out they will kill me." I understood her fear, Wanda was shaking like I had last night.

'Okay, I wont tell if you won’t." That caused them to grab and hug each other, then look really guilty. "So
get dressed and let's get some breakfast." I paused. "You can give me a demonstration later…" Then I
watched them turn red. Again.

When they asked why I was wearing a skirt, I mentioned Mom's note. Wanda's, "Oh oh," didn’t help. I
refused to leave the room while they were dressing. It was quite a show. Wanda was shaved smooth for
swimming, and Amy's furry bush was sticky and matted. I indicated I wanted a closer look, and soon was
given a guided tour of their anatomy. I had been through sex ed, but I was amazed at the delicate soft
pink parts, and their clitorises. Wanda's looked like a little covered bump, until she pushed back the
covering, and it quickly grew to a small pink post. When I reached out and tapped it, she almost jumped
straight up. "Hey, that's sensitive…" she complained.
Amy was really puffy, and I realized she was aroused. Hers was much larger, and looked like she had a
tiny hard-on. When I lightly stroked her soft fur, she trembled. I played with her bush for several
seconds, then pulled away. I was blushing as brightly as she was. When I licked my fingers, she gasped. It
tasted a good sort of strange. I licked my lips, and Wanda broke out with an attack of the giggles.

Soon we were eating breakfast, fixed by Wanda and Amy. Mom and Dad made their way slowly into the
kitchen. It looked like they hadn't gotten much sleep. When I told them that Wanda, Amy, and I had
agreed to keep what happened Friday a secret, Dad looked relieved. Mom seemed better, but told me I
was going to have to pay for my behavior.

I was told to spend the rest of the weekend as Paula. Amy stayed over again on Saturday night, and I
wheedled them into showing how two girls made love. It was interesting. Then they asked me to show
them how I played with myself. . And I was so nervous I couldn't get it up. I felt awful. Instead of
laughing, Amy gave me a big hug. Wanda suggested something to her, and pulled a silk camisole from
her drawer. They had me lay on my back, naked, and slowly used the silk to give me a soft massage.

In minutes I was playing tent-pole. Amy took the silk, wrapped it tightly around my balls and penis, and
began rhythmically kneading me. I lasted for about thirty seconds before I wailed quietly and tried to fill
the silk. When I recovered, I was shocked to find they were each licking the silk clean, and grinning. "The
other girls were right, it does taste salty."

I had weird dreams all night. Sunday Mom took us shopping. I wound up having to buy new panties and
makeup out of my allowance. Ouch. No wonder my sister got more money.

I was terrified that Mom was going to make me go to school as Paula on Monday, but a note on my
mirror said to dress as Paul. They said nothing for the next week, but I found my stash of girls clothes
had been returned. Another week passed, and I was beginning to hope it was all over.

On Sunday, Mom announced I had several doctor's appointments, and would miss school for the first
part of the week. I could get no more information, and Wanda seemed as in the dark as I was.
Monday, the note on the mirror said I was Paula for the next two days. I was wondering if she was
planning on having me neutered. But that wasn't legal. I hoped. Our first appointment was with a doctor
who gave me a skin-out examination, and had his nurse take a lot of blood and get a sperm sample. I
was still blushing when we arrived at the next stop. Here I had to spend almost two hours talking with a
psychiatrist about my dressing as a girl. I was told I would have another appointment with him that

After lunch, we stopped by the first doctor's office, where mom picked up some paperwork. I spent most
of the afternoon talking to three different psychiatrists. When we got home I was too exhausted to do
more than grab a snack and head for bed. Wanda came in and gave me a hug, and asked what had
happened. She laughed at the sperm sample. Her, "It can't be any worse than a pelvic exam," did not
make me feel better. She wished me luck, and headed to her room. I had nightmares.

Tuesday, it was back to the psychiatrist. I was asked a few new questions, and it seemed he was
checking on some of my previous answers. I was surprised when, after lunch, we met with all of them,
including the doctor.

They told Mom to explain why she and Dad had me evaluated. Mom said she wanted them to do
something to get me to stop dressing like a girl. She was afraid I was crazy and might hurt someone. Or
myself. They asked me what I thought. I said I was afraid it was sick, but I really liked how I felt when
dressed. And I told them I was really interested in girls. They nodded.

It was a long discussion. Mom was surprised when they said I was not mentally disturbed, but
apparently suffered from a variation of a fairly uncommon, and untreatable, psychological condition
called gender dysphoria. The rest of the discussion got fuzzy, and they had me leave and sit in the
waiting area.

When I returned, I was told by Mom that she and Dad had decided I was going to spend my Junior year
living as a girl, to see if it was what I really needed. I tried to talk her out of it, but she was adamant. But
that was almost a year away. I wound up going home with two shots in my bottom, and a bottle of pills
with lots of strange instructions and cautions. They told me the shots and pills would make it a lot easier
for me to be a girl by next fall. They just didn’t tell me I wouldn't have a choice by then.
Wanda didn’t seem all that worried, and she and Amy said it would be fun having another girl to play

That was the last I heard about the subject from Mom and Dad until I started to complain that my chest
was sore and itching, and I was having trouble masturbating. I had earlier noticed that my face had
cleared up within days of the shots, and I seemed to be on an emotional roller-coaster. That got me a
trip back to the doctor, who gave me another shot, and changed my pills to every other day. I was soon
getting erections more often, just not like the old days, and was told the itching and soreness would
continue on and off for a while. It was in November that I realized my nipples had gotten much bigger,
and far more sensitive. They looked like my sister's when she was eleven. So rather than bug Mom, I
asked Wanda to look at them.

She carefully examined me, and then softly massaged them. The feelings were incredible. She sucked
lightly on them, and I thought I was going to cream my shorts. When she stood up, she had a funny look
on her face. "Paula, my dear sister, it looks like you are growing boobs." I fainted.

When I woke up, she and Amy were sitting there, smiling. "Hey sis, relax. I bet they hurt and itch, too." I
nodded, ashamed. Amy handed me a jar of ointment. "This will help a lot. Especially if you use it
regularly. And wear only really soft clothes against your boobs. Regular T shirts will rub them raw. That I
understood. She suggested I get several plain girl's tank tops, and wear them under my regular clothes.
When I said they'd show, they pointed out they looked just like a basketball shirt. Amy ran home and got
one of hers. I tried it, and refused to give it back. I will never laugh at a girl with tender tits again.

By my checkup in Mid-December, I had nipples as large as Wanda's, and had started to put on quite a bit
of weight. The doctor changed my dose again, and confirmed that I was being given female hormones at
my parent's direction. I was also given an excuse from gym, which I was supposed to take next semester.
That made me mad. I loved sports, and spring was intramural and competition swimming and tennis, my
two favorites. He told me to stay out of gym until my next checkup, and canceled my sports physical.
The next scheduled checkup was only days before swimming started.

I was angry and depressed, and my boobs hurt. And my butt was beginning to feel like a balloon.
Over the Christmas vacation, Mom and Dad had to fly out west to visit his aunt, who was seriously ill. I
was surprised when they left me in charge again, with a credit card, checkbook, and emergency
instructions. For two weeks Wanda and I were on our own.

Amy moved in with Wanda that evening, and they told me Paula was going to join them for the holidays.
I had been dressing up very rarely, and I figured it was going to be fun not worrying about who was
watching. It was a great vacation.

After making me strip and taking measurements, they soon presented me with an pair of incredibly soft,
padded underwire bras that supported my small breasts, and gave them a warm, secure feeling. Mostly
we stayed home and did what most kids were doing. Staying out of the cold and goofing off. After the
first night, they invited me to sleep with them. "Just like three girls" They weren't kidding. It was a lot of
cuddling and some soft petting. No sex. Period. But I felt warm and loved.

Amy never went home. Since I was the only one old enough to drive, but was scared of the slippery
roads, we walked to the grocery store, and took a cab back with the groceries. Christmas was a
wonderful time. We made ourselves a small turkey, and pigged out. On New Year's, there was a big fight
at the end of the block, and Amy's parents got arrested. She didn't seem upset.

Over that two weeks I went from fried eggs to teenybopper. And when they jiggled, I hurt. Wanda
bought me two sports bras. But they showed through my shirts. So I had to wear a thick sweatshirt
when I went back to school after the break. And my pants wouldn’t fit. My butt was too big. I wound up
looking like a real dweeb in sweats.

Mom and Dad were sympathetic. We all attended the next checkup. The doctor gave me a complete
exam, and seemed happy. The fight began when I said I wanted to get back in shape, and that swimming
was starting next week. He argued that I looked much too feminine to use the boys locker room, and
would have to wear girl's gym clothes. I told him there were fat guys with lots bigger boobs than mine.
Mom argued that I could not use the girls' lockers because their parents would throw a fit.

Dad was afraid all the guys would think I was gay, and I'd get beat up. When I told him that my best
friend Chuck, who was also the captain of the swim team was gay, he shut up.
I finally screamed loud enough to get everyone's attention.

"Look, you chose to make this happen. Not me." I made a stylized hourglass with my hands. Wanda
giggled. "So let me make my own decisions. I looked at the doctor. "At the rate I'm growing will I be able
to hide everything by the end of the semester?"

He shrugged. "Maybe, but you are growing faster than we expected."

"And next fall, what will be the difference when I come to school wearing skirt. People will know who I
am. Will it be any easier?"

"Over the summer you will be getting a lot of psychological counseling, and we will work with the school
to smooth your transition."

I looked at them. "You've turned me into a half-boy, half-girl, and now you are worried about what
someone else will think?" I bitterly spat out the words. "If you don’t give me the physical, I'll go to school
naked tomorrow, and really freak everyone out. And unless you lock me up, you can’t stop me. I can
always strip at school."

Mom started to cry, and Dad growled at me as he held her. Wanda gave me a hug, and said she'd go
along with whatever I chose. So we continued to argue.

Mom was still crying when the doctor handed me a signed physical form. Under special comments was a
statement saying I was undergoing treatments for a medical condition that were having the side effect
of causing enlarged breasts and other aspects of a female appearance. It said that I was to be treated as
a regular male gym student, except for contact sports, where I would have to wear additional chest
protection. He also required that I wear a woman's swimsuit to protect my breasts from abrasion when

I smiled at him. My, "Thank you," got my parents' attention. I showed them the form. Mom hugged me,
and Dad just shook his head. Wanda read it, and gave me a thumbs-up.
The doctor then wrote up a letter to the school giving the same information, and stated that I might
have to wear traditionally female clothes to provide proper fit and support for my changing body.

That weekend I got together with Wanda and Amy, and they were surprised when I also invited Chuck. I
had arranged to have Mom and Dad gone all day. I figured it would be easier on all of us.

I told them to wait, and headed to my room. They were sitting around when I returned. Chuck almost
fell off his chair. I was wearing a very thin tube top, no bra, and a tiny wrap skirt with gartered stockings.
I had put on makeup, jewelry, and heels.

When he stopped sputtering, he looked at me in shock. I sat down between Wanda and Amy, and told
him the whole story. He was shaking his head, and chuckling.. "This will cause more of a stir than when I
came out of the closet two years ago." He looked at me. "They're real?"

I popped off the top. His eyeballs looked like Ping-Pong balls. He reached up and carefully felt them,
which caused the usual reaction. I quivered and blushed, and got a big tent in my panties. He looked at
me, shaking his head. "That's the first time I've ever touched someone's boobs and gotten horny."

We all laughed. I put the skirt back on, but it tented too. Suddenly Amy giggled. "Hey Paula, remember
when Wanda and I showed you how two girls do it?" I made a mistake and nodded. "Well, turnabout's
fair play…"

I suddenly realized what she was saying. And Chuck was my best friend. He was looking at me with
puppy-dog eyes. He spoke up. "It'll be a lot of fun, and I won't ever expect a repeat performance. Unless
you ask for it."

Ten minutes later I was naked on my bed. Chuck was tenderly playing with my formerly private parts,
and I was moaning with pleasure. He knew exactly what to do, and was doing it to perfection. Wanda
and Amy were watching, and, I learned later, memorizing every move. Every time I got too close, he
would press at the base of my erection, and I would deflate a bit. When he took me in this mouth, and
slowly massaged me with his tongue, I started to see fireworks. It was the most incredible orgasm I had
ever experienced.

When I returned to the world of the living, Chuck was grinning, and the two girls had a hand in each
other's panties.

I slowly got up, and pushed him lightly towards the bed . He guided me slowly and gently, and soon he
was lost in his own pleasure. I don't now why, but I took him in my mouth, and massaged him until he
could hold out no longer. I managed to swallow everything, Amy was right. It was salty. I got up smiling.
It took a while before he got up. When I checked the girls again, they were lying quietly against each
other, eyes closed. With silly grins on their faces.

I looked in fright at Chuck. "Does this mean I'm gay?"

He shook his head sadly. "You're not. But damn, you have a lot of talent."

When Mom and Dad came home, they found us playing scrabble. I was wearing the same mini and
stockings, but had switched to a bra under a sheer blouse. Dad gave me a big hug, and Mom cried on my
shoulder. I told them I was going to have a lot of clothes to donate to charity.

Monday, Mom took me to school, and delivered the official copies of the paperwork to the office. I was
dressed in a long skirt and conservative blouse, and my heels. Most of the attention I received was from
guys trying to hit on me. When Jeremy, another of my old friends and a football lineman, saw me, he did
a double take and ran over a freshman. "Paul?" I shook my head, and smiled.

"Paula. And don’t ask any questions. Just give me a hug and your support." He gave me a hug that
threatened to be more than friendly.

"Wow." The first bell rang and I told him I'd see him at lunch. He walked off with his mouth open.
When I swayed my way into my first class, and sat down in my usual seat, there was silence and then
minor pandemonium. The teacher was ready to go ballistic, and I handed her one of many copies of the
doctor's letter I was carrying. And a small note Chuck had helped me write. She slowly walked back to
the front, and got things under control.

She looked stressed. "Everyone, I want to welcome… Paula Wilson, formerly Paul Wilson, to our class.
Paula is a boy with a medical problem that, well, makes him look like a girl." She shook her head. "I don't
understand what's happening, but this says she is to use the boy's washroom. So let's get on with class."

It was the most disorganized mess I had ever seen. She released us early, claiming she was ill. Between
classes I was expecting harassment. Instead I was surrounded by girls who were checking me over like I
was competition.

My second class was almost a repeat of the first.

I found that if someone did not know who I was, they treated me just like any new girl. Fresh meat. At
lunch, Jeremy and Chuck commandeered a table by the wall, and Wanda made the run through the line
for me. I started getting stupid comments near the end of lunch, probably because of Chuck's being gay.
I let them pass. He and Jeremy let them live.

English went better. I guess the school quickly realized they had a problem, and my afternoon teachers
were ready. But I was forced to go to the front of the class, introduce myself, and give a short biography,
just like any other new student.

I was shaking like a leaf when, my skirts swirling around me, I shyly made my way into the pool locker
room. Several of the guys there tried desperately to cover themselves with towels, and I felt a bit better.
I found my old locker was empty, set down my gym bag, and started to strip. I had never heard the place
so quiet.

I was down bra and panty-girdle when the new swimming coach came charging out of his office, and
threw a blanket over me. I fought him, but I was quickly wrapped up and carried out. He hollered for the
girl's coach, and I felt myself being carried into the girls' locker room. There she unwrapped me, and
started reading me the riot act in front of all the half-naked girls there. And my paperwork was in my
bag in the other locker room.

Finally one of the girls who had been in my English class managed to get her attention, and explained
what was supposed to be going on. She refused to believe that I was a boy, and removed my bra,
pointing to my tiny boobs as proof. I finally got my composure, and told her I was a boy, and that I was
supposed to be in the boys' locker room. Her derisive "right, missy" was followed by her pulling down
my girdle. And then yanking it painfully back up. I didn't think anything that tight could give me a
wedgie. OWWW!

A few girls screamed and covered themselves. But most came over and stared at my boobs. The coach
handed me my bra, wrapped me back up, and carried me back to the boys' locker room door. I wound
up standing there, almost naked under the blanket, watching the two coaches arguing about what to do
with me. And feeling utterly ridiculous.

One of the guys from the locker room brought out my stuff, and I almost lost the blanket squatting down
to pull out my paperwork. I screamed as loudly as I could, which got their attention, and handed each of
them copies. And then did lose the blanket, which made me turn beet red. I quickly pulled it back
around me.

But I wound up standing there until someone from the main office came down and confirmed that the
paperwork was legitimate, and that they had to comply. That was also when I got confirmation that the
coaches had not been briefed.

I was escorted back into the boys locker room, and the coach cringed as everyone stood around and
watched me, mini-boobs jiggling, strip and head for the showers. He tried to get the others to head for
the pool, but I was providing a free show, and they conveniently ignored him. I was red to my toes, and
trembling, but I managed to get showered, and jiggle my way back to the locker, where I donned a
slightly modified girl's Speedo suit, stuffed my hair under my swim cap just like I used to, and headed for
the pool. The suit made my butt wiggle, and I got a lot of whistles. I wondered if I could hide on the
The entire girls' class seemed to be waiting to check me out. The coaches finally got everyone's attention
by turning the washdown hose on cold, and soaking us. When I looked down, the cold water had turned
my nipples into giant, protruding goose-bumps. I was glad to see the other girls had the same problem.

I had a better figure, even as tiny as I was, than many of the other girls. And when I caught the "other
girls'" thought, I knew I wouldn't to be able to go back to being Paul. I wound up sitting on the edge of
the pool, crying, and being consoled by several of the older female swimmers. But when I started
swimming I forgot all about what I was wearing. I now floated higher in the water, and seemed to move
a tiny bit slower. But as before, I was part pollywog. They almost had to drag me out of the pool. Along
with several others.

It was a lot easier getting dressed. The coach threatened mayhem to anyone staring at me. Then he
stared. It took me longer than I expected to dress, so I was the center of attraction.

Wanda and Amy met me outside the gym complex. They looked really worried. When I told them about
being gift-wrapped and shuttled between locker rooms, they laughed themselves silly.

Mom and Dad brought home Chinese, but when I finally started to relax, I broke down and bawled my
eyes out until I was spent and shaking. Dad carried me up to my room, and Mom undressed me and
tucked me in under the covers. I was still awake and shaking when Wanda and Amy climbed in, and
made a snuggle sandwich out of me. That was how Mom found us the next morning, when she came to
wake me for school. There were tears in her eyes, but she didn’t say anything.

Tuesday was a lot easier. I got a lot of ribbing. And offers for dates. What surprised me were the number
of girls trying to hit on me. The locker room was much quieter. I was startled when the girls' coach told
me that if I ever felt uncomfortable, or needed to get away from the guys, I was welcome on her side. I
cried happy tears on her shoulder.

It was mid-March when I met Ginny. She was a transfer student from the deep south, incredibly shy,
with a wonderful, soft accent. And she was as little as me. She attached herself to me like glue, saying
she had always gone to a private girls' school, and was afraid of all the huge boys who were staring at
her. When I said I was one of the boys, she refused to believe me. When she saw me use the boys'
restroom, she freaked. I finally dug a copy of my paperwork out of my locker, and had her read it.
That got me a flood of tears and another "you poor soul" outburst. But she stayed glued to me. She was
so different from Amy and Wanda. She was like a squirrel, chatty yet shy. Soon we were getting together
almost every day to study. Her mom was so happy to have her find another little person to talk to. We
neglected to mention I was a boy under the skirts.

During the spring break in April, Wanda and Amy caught the two of us, half-naked, snuggling together
under the covers in my room. I was afraid Amy would go ballistic. Ginny started to tremble and cry. They
looked at us, kissed each other, and asked if they could join in.

Ginny was a virgin. In all aspects. But she watched in fascination as my sister and Amy spent almost an
hour making love to each other. When she snuggled back up against me, she was sopping wet, and
quivering. I asked the other two to leave, and they wobbled out.

I had learned well from the two of them. By the time I slid my hand into her panties, I was nibbling on
her breasts, and she was begging for me to do more. I brought her to several crashing orgasms, and took
care of my own needs by hand as she slept soundly next to me.

When she told me it was her first time, I asked if she had ever played with herself, and she shook her
head, saying she was too shy. The next day I asked my sister and Amy to give her lessons. She was a
quick study. They also, without my expecting it, taught her all they could remember from my afternoon
with Chuck. On Friday she started on me early, and I was too exhausted to move after her third
experiment with oral sex. Her mouth and throat were small, which meant I was a tight fit. God, it felt

In late April her mom found out I was a boy when she came in while we were sharing a shower. That
caused a lot of trouble, and she was banned from seeing me. My mom finally got her mom to sit down
and talk, and I wound up, again, giving an anatomy class. Ginny threatened to run away, and I guess her
mom finally realized I was not some sort of perverted sex fiend, and relented.

So our moms bundled the two of us off to Ginny's gynecologist for a lecture and demonstration on birth
control techniques. We insisted we had not done anything, and her doctor said she was definitely still a
virgin. Which did absolutely no good. Plus, I got told to start doing self-examinations of my breasts. In
June we decided it was time, and made use of the birth-control lecture. And discovered boy-girl sex was
good, but not better than what we had been doing. So we added it to our repertoire. I was now almost a
"B" cup, which was more than plenty on my small frame. Ginny and I could exchange almost everything
that wasn't fitted. She had a natural 20-inch waist. Mine was a rock-solid 24.

We spent the fall confusing people who didn't know us, and ruining the grading curve in class. It was
funny to hear comments about "those two little lesbians". We had to beat the real lesbians off with a
stick. Ginny remained shy about being naked even among friends. Regardless of gender. We made it
through to Christmas without any further disasters. One of my best Christmas presents was unexpected.
It was the official paperwork making me Paula instead of Paul. I even got a new driver's license.

And except for a few intolerant idiots, I've been accepted by most of the students. I had to change
teachers once. And almost got suspended for trying to neuter some joker who pinched my nipples "to
see if they were real." That was a month ago and he still walks funny.

--- --- ---

So now I'm sitting here, watching my gay best friend give an erotic massage to my sister's mostly lesbian
girlfriend/lover. And getting a tingle knowing that I'm next in turn for the massage oil.

Ginny's been taking lessons from Chuck's mom. Chuck really has a way with me, though. But I'm not gay.
Well, maybe a little.

© 2000

The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must
contact the author for permission.

Copyright 2000 by Samantha Michelle. Permission given to post on FictionMania and C.Sprite's StorySite.

Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror.
Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are your reading this?
Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech
and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to
understand and accept different lifestyles. Before they learn they from bad experiences.

Constructive comments appreciated. I have a delete button and I’m not afraid to use it! Please send
comments to

Teddy Bear by: Samantha Michelle

When I was growing up, I was the bane of all the kids’ sporting groups. Not because of anything I did. It
was because of my father. He was the most obnoxious, demanding, and insistent "Sports Parent" in
town. I, on the other hand, was the most meek, docile kid in our area. Teddy Bear Williams, they called
me. Which made my life even worse than it should have been.

My daddy was a minor league ball player who was injured before he made it to the majors. I was the
third and last child, and the only boy, so Dad named me after the great athlete, Ted Williams. I was to
grow up and be what he had been, according to him, unfairly denied. A professional athlete.

So as I grew up it was baseball, sports, baseball, sports, and more baseball. Dad threw fits when he
would find me playing house or dolls with my older sisters. By ten I was a decent infielder, fairly fast and
accurate, but lacking the body strength to hit or throw well. I didn’t like hardball at all, but the coaches
loved me because I was really a "team" player. It was "every kid for the glory of their fathers" baseball,
with the parents fighting like grandstand drunks over every close call. It was this non-aggressive, kind-
and-gentle attitude that got me stuck with the nickname "Teddy Bear".

So when I had a chance I played with my sister’s friends, even though they were older. I really fit in
better with them.
Even among baseball players, long hair was in, so Dad finally gave up and let me grow mine. By the time
I was thirteen, and Dad got a decent new job with a construction company, (which kept him on the road
a lot), I had hair longer than my sisters’. And, despite his objections, pierced ears.

I still loved playing girl games with my sisters and their friends, which usually got me yelled at by Dad.
But as long as I was on a team he didn’t ground me. Just after I turned fifteen, my sisters snuck me out
of the house to join them at a slumber party. I was really afraid I would get caught. My older sister,
Mary, just smiled. "Their parents won’t be back for at least two hours, so…" She and Julie, one of her
friends, grabbed me and hauled me into a bathroom, and told me to be quiet.

"Strip" was their next command, but since they were as strong as me, and had sharp fingernails, I
decided not to argue. When I was down to my briefs, they tossed all my clothes out the door.
"Everything" caused me to turn beet red, and turning around, I dropped my drawers. Julie’s "cute ass"
made me want to run, but streaking did not seem a good idea. "Hey, he’s got too much hair on his legs"
didn’t make sense. Then I found myself having my long hair forced up under a tight plastic bathing cap,
and then being shoved into the shower. Mary handed in a pink bottle. "Follow the instructions,
including, if you can find any, your beard." That was a sore point with me. I had about five decent chin
whiskers. I looked at the bottle.

"Hey, this is hair remover. Only girls shave their legs…"

Julie stuck her head into the shower, and I tried to cover myself up. "Do it, or we’ll do it for you…" she
paused "And maybe take pictures…" As I started to drop my guard, she stuck her head back in and
added "When you have done the front, back up to the curtain, and we’ll do your back." The stuff stank.
But having a girl rub even gooey smelly stuff all over your back, and backside, was a strangely wonderful
feeling. I was glad I was facing away.

Twenty-five minutes later I was hairless, and rinsed off. They then handed in some shampoo, and finally
a scented conditioner. This I was used to, but the conditioner was the expensive stuff that really made
my hair softer. I toweled off in the shower, and they informed me I needed to rub lotion all over my
body. As before, I did the front, and they did the back. I had never felt my skin so smooth. I really
wanted some privacy after they finished my back, and they chuckled and said I had five minutes. As soon
as they left I tried, but everything just shrank back down. Even with the lotion all over my hands. Drat.
When I got out of the shower, I wrapped myself in the towel. They returned and dragged me back to
Julie’s huge bedroom, where the other four girls were waiting. I tried to turn and run, but they tackled
me and quickly tied my hands and feet with pantyhose. I had also lost the towel, and being tied up got
me really aroused, so I wound up pinned there, face up, with my penis trying to pretend it was a flag
pole. Each of the girls took turns examining me.

Sharon, a tiny, really cute redhead with a rather wild (and as I was to find out later, well deserved)
reputation, told them to cover my eyes with a piece of cloth. I heard giggling, and when they pulled off
the cloth, she was standing, naked, over my midsection. I found myself staring at her privates, which
were competing with her bare, hard-pointed breasts for my attention. She started to massage herself
over me, and when she started to close her eyes and moan, I shot everything I had all over myself.

When I regained my composure I was so embarrassed I started to cry. But Sharon was starting to shake
and croon and was actually burying most of her hand in her privates. I was so fascinated I forgot to be
embarrassed as, for the first time, I watched a girl reach orgasm. And what an orgasm. Mary and
another girl caught her just before she collapsed on top of me. Julie’s "enjoy the show?" brought me out
of my trance. I tried to roll over, but a "Hey, not till you’re cleaned up" made me stop. She went and got
a washcloth, and scrubbed me like I was a little kid. When she began on my privates, I tried to object,
but she gave me a squeeze that made me freeze. "Not a good idea…" I got the message.

My younger sister, Beth, announced that Julie’s parents should be here in about half an hour, so they’d
better get finished. So they untied my feet, and hauled me up. I was quickly advised that the two who
were going to work on my hair would paddle me with the hairbrushes if I cause any ruckus. A painful
test swat that left a large red mark told me they meant business.

Julie brought out a pair of white satin elastic control briefs, and after working the very tight garment on,
reached around and pulled my now shrunken privates back and up between my legs. Another tug on the
briefs, and I looked like I was a girl from the waist down. I stood there in shock as they dressed me in
panty-hose, a slip, and a very short, shirt-waisted dress. One girl’s "too flat" caused Julie to stop, and go
looking for something. Shortly she returned, and pulled off the slip. I felt her smear something on my
chest. When I tried to look down, she pulled on my hair, making me look up. "Don’t even think of it". I
was quickly blindfolded by someone.

The two with the hairbrushes returned to their tasks. A couple of minutes later she very careful pushed
a cool, squishy, heavy object onto one side of my chest, and a second onto the other. They stuck firmly,
and as she smoothed them into place, I realized what she had done. I felt something firm and silky being
pulled over my arms, and wrapped around me, and whimpered as a bra was fastened behind my back.

When she tried to button up the dress, it wouldn’t fit my waist. Again she departed, and when she
returned I could hear giggling. A moment later I felt something stiff with heavy elastic and what seemed
to be metal rods being wrapped around me, and moments later I was trying to breathe as two of them
stretched it into place, and fastened all the hooks. It fit from my hips to the bra. The dress now buttoned

I felt the familiar tugging and pulling as they braided my hair, something my sisters often did that I really
liked, and my Dad hated. They told me to sit down on a stool, and I found out I had to sit fairly straight,
or be jabbed by whatever I was wearing under the dress. One of them warned me not to move, and I felt
someone pulling hairs out of my eyebrows. My "Hey, just a minute" got me swatted hard on the butt. I
sat still, and soon they were putting makeup on me. When they put lipstick on me I knew my life was
over. I wasn’t quite accurate. They had more planned.

"Needs shoes" sent someone scurrying out of the room. I felt a pair of really curved short boots being
forced on my feet. They were tight in the toes, and forced my feet downward. Someone’s "Hey, they fit
great" didn’t help as they buckled them on. When they let my feet down I realized the boots had really
high heels.

I was pulled to my feet, and I tottered on the heels, which seemed to be way too high. They helped me
stagger out of the room and down the hall. The feeling of the hose on my bare legs, and the light swish
of the skirt on my thighs was entrancing. I started to swivel and roll my hips like I had seem a model on
TV do, and suddenly I was walking fairly well. The jiggling on my chest was distracting.

Their yanking off the blindfold had me blinking at the light. They were all staring at me. Most with a
surprised expression. Julie’s "Awesome" made me turn around to see what she meant. I was facing a big
triple wall mirror. Looking at a pretty auburn-haired girl in a very short dress, with long braided hair and
great legs.

Mesmerized, I slowly pivoted to see every part of her. The big, wide eyes, pouting lips, high cheekbones,
and swelling chest made my heart pound. I ran my hands over my body, caressing myself. It was like I
had always wanted to feel, but had never known what I wanted. I turned to look at them. They were
staring at me with concern. Mary came over and hugged me. "Hey, you okay, little brother?" I nodded,
and started crying. It took her a moment to realize these were happy tears.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you…" was all that would come out. Julie looked at me like I was crazy. We
slowly went back to Julie’s room. I automatically added the proper hip swing, and got a "God, I wish I
looked as good in heels and a mini as she does" from Sharon. After cleaning up my tears, they had just
repaired my makeup, and Sharon had put her clothes back on when we heard a car pull up. I started to
panic, but Mary laughed and said "No one here but us girls’ right?" I looked around, and at myself.
"Yeah, like, just us girls, like right…." It came out sounding valley girl, and got me some more strange

They helped me down the stairs, which was really hard in the heels. I was so nervous I was afraid I would
pee myself as Julie made the obligatory introductions. When she got to me, the tallest and obviously
shyest of the group, she stuttered. Beth kicked her. "This is my cousin Teddy, who’s visiting us on and off
this summer." I nodded and very gently shook hands with Julie’s parents, whom I knew had both seen
and met me several times as Ted.

"Well, I can see the family resemblance" was their only comment. It was like I had morphed into
someone else. They told us to have fun and keep the noise down. We quickly headed down to the
basement recreation room. Because I was not yet moving well in the heels, the others made several
runs up to get mattresses and linens. It wasn’t long before we were all sitting around, having fun. I had
forgotten how I was dressed. When Beth mentioned that she wanted to get comfortable, as this was
supposed to be a slumber party, clothes started flying.

I just sat there and stared. Sharon’s "well, girl, get with the program" caused me to fumble with the
wrong-sided buttons. A moment later Sharon realized what was wrong, and helped me loosen the dress.
Julie stopped her, and dashed upstairs. Five minutes later I was free of the heels, confining corselet, at
least that’s what they called it, and was swirling around in a long, soft flannel nightgown. I kept hugging
it to myself, and letting the fabric swing coolly across my hose-covered legs. I barely noticed the others
staring intently at me.

Mary’s "Earth to Teddy Bear, this is mission control" finally broke through, and I blushed crimson
realizing what I had been doing. But it felt so, well, wonderful. When I said that out loud, Julie moved
back, but Sharon came over and gave me a big hug. "Welcome aboard, cutie." Her tongue-sharing kiss
tried to make things rise, but not the way I was tucked in. Soon we were back to sitting around and
chatting like any group of teen-age girls. Just as we always did.

I couldn’t help but stare at the others, especially Tina. She had stripped to her panties, and I was
enthralled by the size of her breasts, and her huge, firm nipples. She was by far the best endowed girl in
the group. She looked back at me. "Jealous?" and cupped them softly, making her nipples instantly stand
up into hard points. I nodded. She looked at my bra. "Yours are just right."

I looked down, and shook my head sadly. "I wish I had real ones like you." There was a sudden silence. I
found everyone staring at me, and then realized what I had said. Tina came over and hugged me. "You
really mean it, don’t you?" I nodded through a new set of tears. Then shook my head, then nodded, then
buried my face in my hands as I felt the whole world turn black and collapse around me.

I woke up with my head on Tina’s lap, a cool wet cloth on my forehead. Everyone else was sitting there
watching me. They had pulled off the too-tight briefs and replaced them with a pair of cotton panties.
Mary was the first one to say anything. "Teddy, are you going to be all right? I mean, like we did it for
fun, and well, didn’t think you’d be this upset…"

Julie added "It was my idea to dress you all the way as a girl. I never thought you’d like go ballistic and…
well, come out of the closet…"

That made me start. "Julie, what the heck do you mean by out of the closet"

She looked at me. "Well only gay guys like to wear girls clothes and grow their own boobs and…"

"And get off just looking at a naked girl playing with herself?" This from Sharon. "Unh Unh. I know some
gay guys. To them I’m as much of a turn-on as a baloney sandwich" She looked thoughtful, then grinned
and wiggled seductively "Maybe you’re a lesbian…" Beth nailed her with a pillow. From much experience
I knew that girl’s pillow fights could be hazardous to my existence.
So I grabbed the first thing I could to cover myself. Which happened to be Tina, who seemed similarly
inclined to avoid battle. I wound up with her bent over me, hiding under a large comforter. This also
meant that she had a nipple jammed into my mouth. I don’t know why, probably fond memories of my
infant days, but I slowly started to suck on the nipple. She gave a little gasp, pulled back a bit, but I was
firmly attached, and she started to quiver. She quickly repositioned herself, and placed one of my hands
in her panties. And one of hers in mine. We soon forgot about the pillow fight. She was incredibly warm
and wet. When, fascinated, I started working my fingers in and out, she started massaging my penis.

We were lost in wonderful feelings when someone yanked off the comforter. Angie, one of the quieter
girls, pointed at us. "I told you they were playing doctor."

I tried to retrieve my hand, but Tina’s moaning "Don’t’ stop, Please… please please…," as well as her firm
grip on another part of me, convinced me to ignore Angie. So we continued until Tina started to buck
and moan and stuffed a pillow in her mouth and screamed as she clamped her thighs together and
forced herself against me time and time again. Her sporadic gripping and pulling on me, combined with
all the body contact resulted in my coming midway through her gymnastics, and when I bit hard on her
nipple she slammed against me like it was the best thing I had done.

We lay there exhausted, and looked at each other with almost glazed eyes. I managed to retrieve my
hand, which was covered with thick, sticky liquid. Fascinated, I licked it off. I could hear someone
mumbling "oh my god…" It tasted, well, different. But good. Tina grinned and did the same with hers.
Her eyes got wide, then feisty, and she reached down and scraped up every bit she could find, licking it
off like candy. I think Julie and Mary sprained their eyebrows.

When we decided to untwine, there were five pairs of eyes staring intently at us. Most looked jealous.
Sharon had a dreamy look. Tina stretched, which separated her now very swollen nipple from my
mouth. She smiled "Definitely not gay." I just snuggled up to her, and softly rubbed her other breast. I
think she purred. Soon there was a general suggestion that we get some sleep.

Angie asked if she could borrow Julie’s room for little while, and almost everyone made crotch-rubbing
motions. "Damn right…" was her only comment as she sped up the stairs. Beth muttered "It’s a big
bed…" and followed her.
Julie and Mary looked at each other, grinned, and disappeared under a pile of covers. I soon noticed that
their feet were sticking out of opposite ends, and the covers were moving rhythmically. Tina got up,
collected more covers, and suggested I pull up the panties and straighten the nightgown. I looked down
and agreed.

She went to her bag, pulled out a super-soft satin gown, and slid it over her head. Sharon had pulled out
a long flannel gown like they had given me. Next to Tina ,she looked like a little kid. Instead of her usual
bravado, she said in a small voice "Hey, it’s like really lonely sleeping by myself…" Tina and I looked at
each other, and nodded. We three were soon snuggled together, and chuckled softly when the sounds
from under the other covers got really loud.

I woke up the next morning feeling like a different person. And a sandwich. I was curled against Sharon,
and Tina was sort of wrapped around me. It was wonderful. The sudden realization that I needed to go
to the bathroom, NOW, hurt. I managed to extract myself, and made it just in time. When I opened the
door t leave, Mary dashed in. I guess I started something. Shortly everyone had made their mad dash,
and were back under the covers where it was warm. A clumping on the stairs caused us to look up, and
an oversized, blanket-wrapped "something" sort of oozed down the stairs and over to an empty
mattress. Angie’s head popped out.

Mary’s "Hey, where’s Beth?" caused Angie’s head to disappear and be replaced by Beth’s.

Through bleary eyes she mumbled "Sleep. Need sleep." What looked like Angie’s arm came up and
pulled her back into the cocoon. Mary’s "Must have been quite a night" got no intelligible response.

Half an hour later the downstairs crew were all sitting around in our nightgowns, munching on toast and
drinking diet Pepsi. The cocoon was emitting assorted snoring noises. Sharon’s "I wish I had been a fly on
the wall in Julie’s room, ‘cause it must have been some show" got a lot of agreement. A quiet tapping on
the door was followed by Julie’s parents. I hurriedly glanced at myself. With the bra and nightgown on, I
looked just like the others.

"We have a golf and tennis date with some friends at the club, so behave yourselves." They looked at us.
"We should be back by six, so please make sure everything is cleaned up and put away." Julie got up and
gave her parents kisses, promising that we’d be good. When the front door slammed shut, we all started
to laugh. The cocoon still had not moved.
Julie and Mary walked over, grabbed the edge of the covers, and yanked. Beth and Angie rolled out onto
the cold floor, still intertwined, completely naked. It took a moment for Beth to notice the cold floor.
"Aieee!" She shrieked and rolled Angie under her. It took Angie a bit longer. Several screams later as
they each tried to stay off the floor, they realized we were all watching. That got their undivided
attention. They tried their best to cover themselves as they dove for separate blankets. Sharon grinned
and ran up the stairs, returning with their night-clothes and underwear.

She looked at the labels. "Thirty-two almost A, that must be Beth". She handed her a pair of panties and
the bra. Beth was hissing at her. "Thirty four, um, really padded B. That’s got to be Angie." She dangled it
just out of Angie’s reach, who was blushing, then handed to her. A moment later the two exchanged
panties, and slithered out of the covers to claim their nightgowns.

They tackled Sharon, and peeled off her bra. "Thirty B, damn." Was their final pronouncement. Sharon
put it back on. They looked at Julie, Mary and Tina and me. And pounced on Julie. The "thirty-six B" was
followed by an attack on Mary, who didn’t resist. "thirty-six C" then they approached Tina and mr.

Tina pulled off her nightgown, and then her bra. She was smiling. They read the label. "Thirty-four full D!
Unfair!" She just laughed. Which made her jiggle. I reached over and lightly tweaked her nipples. That
made her stiffen in several ways, and blush.

They looked at me. I shrugged, and tried to get the bra off. That caused a great deal of amusement.
Finally Julie too pity and unhooked it. I stood there with two pink blobs swaying on my chest, feeling
ridiculous. "Thirty-six B" seemed to mean something.

Julie suggested that we all get dressed, and told me to peel off the blobs. I was still trying to get an edge
loose when she returned with my clothes. It was like they had become one with my skin. "Um, Julie,
they won’t come off…" She gave me a funny look. "Mom wore them for a year after her surgery, and she
took them off all the time…" her eyes got really wide, and she gasped, causing everyone to stare at her
"until she sot some kind of special glue so she could go swimming…" She ran upstairs. I stared at her.

"Shit shit shit…" was all we heard as she dashed back down the stairs, carrying a small bottle. Mary
grabbed it, and read the label out loud.
"Millicent’s Magical Mastectomy and Surgical Prosthesis Adhesive. Guaranteed never to let you down.
Flexible adhesive that is stronger than your skin! Impervious to water, salt, and alcohol. Ideal for
swimming. Cautions: May cause irritation of fresh scar tissue. Not to be used within three months after
surgery. Contains small amounts of cyranolate and neoprene adhesives. Warning: Cannot be removed
after one hour without major surgery. Typical release occurs with natural shedding of outer skin in six to
eight weeks. Note: For longer, stronger adhesion, apply to slightly moist skin after deep dermal
cleansing, such as provided by most depilatories. Typical release time applied in this manner is in excess
of three months."

I looked at Mary, who was staring at me, stricken. "Oh my God…" Everyone was staring at me. It started
to sink in. I pulled at them, and felt them pulling on me. Tina grabbed the bottle, and scanned the label.
Feeling dizzy, I sat down hard on a chair, which made them bounce painfully and I grabbed them. Sharon
looked sympathetic. Tina grabbed a phone and started dialing. Mary came over and hugged me, crying. I
could hear Tina speaking to someone.

She slammed the telephone down. "Damn!" and came over to me. "That was the company’s hot-line.
They discontinued this stuff last year, because there is no solvent…"

I tugged at the blobs. "That means…, I’m…, they’re…"

She nodded. "Yeah, welcome to boob city, Sis." I started to cry.

Beth’s "Dad is gonna blow a fuse," didn’t help at all.

It took the better part of an hour before I started to think logically. I tried on my clothes, and stared at
the jiggling mounds. Even with the bra, I looked like a cheerleader wannabe. Mary went home and
brought back an old, really tight sports bra. It made them seem smaller. But now I looked like a girl
wearing a sports bra. Julie tried an elastic bandage, which hurt and didn’t make them disappear. Sharon
was the one who finally stopped and screamed. It caused everyone to shut up and look at her.
"Hey, like they’re not gonna fall off any time soon. So it looks like she’d better plan on being one of us
for a while. And I still say I wish I had her legs." That made me feel good. Not. Her "Julie, you have a tape
measure?" started things rolling. Soon, much to my protestations, they were measuring me and writing
stuff down.

After conferring between themselves, the three oldest, Tina, Mary and Julie, all dressed. Pointing at me,
Mary said, "don’t go anywhere…" Sharon laughed. I stuck my tongue out. Tina’s "When?" made me
blush. I wound up in the elastic briefs, someone’s short wrap skirt, the bra, and one of Julie’s stretch
blouses. I felt that same peaceful yet exhilarating feeling, but looked weird, at least to me. When Sharon
brought me a pair of frilly socks, I cringed, but she and the others soon had me back in the heeled boots.
I loved the way I stood and walked in them. Even if my toes hurt.

I quickly learned not to bend at the waist to pick up something, as Sharon was really accurate with a
rubber band. Even through the elastic shorts it HURT. It was not long before they were coaching my
moves. I must have been a fast learner, because they had quit griping by the time everything was
cleaned up and put away. When I automatically swept my skirt under me as I sat down for some
refreshments, they were staring at me. "Quick study" quipped Angie, and everyone giggled.

The three shoppers returned with several bags of clothes from a local thrift store, and one big bag from
an up-scale women’s place my mom liked. They stared at my outfit, and me, and shook their heads. I
think it was Mary that was muttering "She looks too damn good…" We all headed to Julie’s room. Mary
was the first to speak. "Well, since we did this to you, we figured it’s going to be up to us to help you
make it through the couple of months…" I sat on the bed. Something clicked.

"I’m dead. School starts in two weeks… If Dad doesn’t finish the job, they will. I’ll be tarred and
feathered and…" I started to panic.

They looked sadly at me. Sharon’s "Yeah, we know. So it’s either Ted and his boobs in the boys locker
room or Teddy and her skirts chatting with us over lunch" didn’t help a bit.

I slumped back onto the bed. A very painful rubber band in the crotch made me slam my thighs together
and pull down the skirt. I glared at Sharon. "Nice view, bad move." I hissed at her.
I had never been to a fashion show. Now I was the model. They started with a tight, short-legged, high-
waisted panty-girdle that zipped on, and squeezed my male parts out of sight. They added stockings that
felt so good when they pulled them on I almost hurt myself. It didn’t help when Tina patted my crotch. I
moaned, and they all giggled. A new, soft bra with wider straps was next. I spent the next hour parading
around in various combinations of skirts, blouses and dresses. They even had several pairs of shoes, all
with at least three inch heels. I thought I would hate it, but by the end I was vamping, and strutting with
a hip-swing that turned me on.

I then realized there were no normal clothes. Well, normal for me.

Like shorts and T shirts. "Ahem, how about things like pants…"

Julie looked at me. "Not until you’ve learned to move and act like a lady." Tina goosed her, and she
almost jumped across the room. Rubbing her bottom, she added "Or at least like one of us." She glared
at Tina, who was making a clown faces.

Beth, our self-appointed timekeeper, noted that we were supposed to be home in an hour. Mary gave
Tina a hug, and looked at me. "So do you want to go to your execution in style, or like a slug?" I looked
at her helplessly.

Tina made the decision for me. "If she’s gonna do it, then let’s do it right." They all nodded. I wondered
if this was the way Louis the XIV felt. But I looked more like Marie Antoinette. They descended on me.

The seven of us walked slowly to our house. We were all wearing skirts or dresses, and heels. In hers,
Tina was almost as tall as me. I had on a long, tightly-belted cotton shirt-dress, which brushed the tops
of the heeled boots. My hair was in a French braid, and they had added lipstick and a bit of makeup and
perfume. For a finishing touch they loaned me a locket necklace and long, dangly silver earrings.

When she opened the door, Mary announced that we were home, with friends. I could hear her being
asked if she had seen her brother today. Mary giggled, looked at me, and smiling shouted "not a sign of
him!" I wanted to run, but Tina and Julie anchored me in place.
Soon we were nervously sitting around our living room, snacking on what Beth had snitched out of the
fridge, waiting for Mom and Dad to come downstairs. Dad was first, mumbling that he was going to
strangle his missing son when he got home. Mom smiled and waived at us, and they headed into the
kitchen. I could hear Sharon start counting in a whisper. "five, four, three, two…"

Sharon had reached one when Mom walked slowly back into the room, her eyes wide. Mom slowly
looked at Beth, Mary and Me, who were sitting together on the couch. "Oh. Oh my…." Angie jumped up
and helped her into a chair. She managed to keep from screaming. She finally got out a strangled "D, Da,
Darrin, come here!".

Dad came back in, and, concerned by her frightened look, asked what was wrong. All Mom could do was
point at the three of us. He looked around, saw us, and shrugged. "Sylvia, are you okay?" She was
shaking her head and still pointing. He looked back at us. "Okay, what’s going on?"

Beth’s "I think Mom knows where our brother went," caused several of us to giggle. Personally,I was in
dire danger of wetting myself.

He turned back to Mom and started to yell at her when he stopped like he had been hit with a bean-ball.
He held onto her chair as he turned and counted daughters. When he reached three for the second time
he started looking like a fish out of water, and quietly fainted right into Mom’s lap. It was probably the
first time in his life he couldn’t come up with something unpleasant to say.

It took several of us to pick him up and lay him on the couch. Mom went for a wet cloth, and stared at us
as she wiped his forehead. He woke with a start after a couple of minutes. He looked at Mom, then at
the three of us, and back at Mom. She nodded, and he held his head in his hands. Beth brought him
something to drink, and two aspirin. Mom made "me too" gestures. Soon they were both sitting
opposite us, pointing and making croaking noises.

I guess that finally got to Sharon. She bounced up, mimicked having a microphone, and started. "For
those who haven’t met them, here are the fabulous and beautiful Williams sisters. She grabbed Mary.
"Here is the oldest, Mary. Mary, take a bow." She complied. She grabbed Beth. "Beth here is the middle
child." She pushed Beth back to her seat. "And here for the first time on wide screen living room camera
is their youngest daughter, Teddy." She pulled me to my feet. She was giggling too hard to speak loudly.
"Teddy, welcome to This is your Life…" Angie and Julie fell out of their chairs laughing. Bright red, and
shaking like a leaf, I curtsied, and tried to make a break for the door. And ran into Tina, who was waiting
for me.

She pushed me back into my chair, shaking her head. I looked at Mom and Dad. Mom got up and came
over to me. "T, Te, Teddy?…" there were tears in her eyes.

I got up, and in heels had to lean down to give her a hug. "Mom, I love you…" I paused "It’s not what you
think…" Then the tears started and we both began to bawl. I didn’t notice when Dad got up, but soon he
had his arms around us both. When we finally separated, Beth and Mary were the only others
remaining. They were watching us, smiling.

Beth’s "I’m hungry, what’s for dinner?" broke the silence, and got her a nasty look from Dad. Soon we
were all sitting at the kitchen table, as Mom silently made dinner. I got to my feet, grabbed an apron,
and helped her. Just like I usually did. Except now I wasn’t wearing shorts and a T shirt.

Mom and I sat back down while things cooked in the oven, and I realized that someone had better break
the silence before there was an implosion. My "Does someone want me to explain what is going on?"
got emphatic nods from Mom and Dad. So I started at the beginning, asking them to let me finish before
asking questions. They both nodded agreement. Dad almost exploded when I described how the girls
had forced me into a dress, but Mom elbowed him in the ribs, and told him to shut up and listen.

When I got to the part of finding out that the artificial breasts were glued on for the duration, Mom
started to laugh, and Dad was giving her a strange look. "Welcome to one of the inconveniences of being
a girl…" She looked at me. "At least you won’t have to put up with having periods…" That got a groan
from Dad and loud assent from my sisters.

Dad was frowning when I describing the decision I had made to go back to school as a girl until the glue
let go. "And what about your mother and me. Don’t we get a say in this? And don’t you feel like a sissy,
and a complete fool, in that, that dress…?"

I looked at him. It was true confessions time. "No. To both." His jaw almost hit the table. I walked over
by the stove and pirouetted. "It’s me, not you, that will have to put up with the harassment, and,
although you won’t understand it," I paused and looked at them, "I feel better, dressed like this, than I
ever did wearing a stupid baseball uniform." He looked insulted. I pirouetted again, relishing the swirl of
the skirt and the tightness around my waist. The next statement came out spontaneously "and I don’t
think I ever want to go back to being Ted again." Mom jumped up and hugged me. Dad was just starting
to say something when the timer bleeped.

He knew better than interfere with the cooking staff, and in a few minutes dinner was on the table. Dad
took the opportunity to launch his tirade. "So, Teddy," he made the name sound icky, and continued like
I was an affront to his existence "How do I explain to the guys at work, and to other parents that my son
is a sissy and a fag? Ow!" Mom had kicked him, hard. He stopped and rubbed his leg. He tried to start in
again. "Ow!" She kicked him again, this time in the other shin.

"Dad, what makes you think I’m gay?" I paused, and gave him an "I’ve eaten the canary" smile. "I have it
on good authority that I’m definitely not." Mary choked, and Beth had to help her cough up a lima bean.
Mom’s eyebrows went up fast, but Dad seemed to miss my statement and kept on going.

"Men don’t wear makeup, dresses and heels, and walk around swishing like a hooker." Mom suddenly
sat up straight. When he opened his mouth to continue, she shoved in a Brussels’s sprout.

"Darrin, do you remember Willow Thompson?" Dad looked like the Brussels sprout had just turned into
a hand grenade. He finally managed to chew and swallow it, and nodded slowly.

"Um, do you really think you should…." He sounded suddenly meek.

She threatened him with another one, and he shut up.

"Willie Thompson, who went by the name Willow, was one of Darrin’s and my classmates back in high
school." She looked at Dad, who was staring at his plate. "If I remember correctly, you took her to the
junior prom, when I came down with the flu…" Dad was turning red, and my sisters were looking at him
with blackmail in their eyes. "Willow had been forced to dress like a girl by his mom since he was seven
or eight, when she got tired of finding him wearing his sister’s clothes and playing their games. -Almost-
everyone in town knew her story. She was a tall, really pretty girl. It caused a big scandal when ‘she’ was
seen by a visitor using the boy’s washroom." I stared at Dad, who looked like he had just swallowed a
toad. Alive.
"Willow’s mom had also been either letting him or forcing him to take birth control pills for years, which
back then were really strong, and, well, she grew…" Mom looked embarrassed. "Really big on top and
had this wonderful, round tush that made all the girls envious." Dad was starting to gurgle. "So when I
got sick, she asked Darrin to take ‘her’ to the dance. Somewhere I’ve got pictures they took of them in
the back seat of his old car after too many beers …"

"Sylvia, please?" Dad whined. She smiled.

"Anyway, it was just after we graduated and your father went to the Minors that I heard Willow had
married one of the cheerleaders." She chuckled. "Rumor had it that the one she married was the only
girl in school with a bigger chest…" She paused again, chuckling "I had forgotten about it completely for
so many years."

Mary looked sharply at Dad. "And for years Teddy has been playing girl games with Beth and our friends,
and you’ve been forcing him to do boy stuff…" He didn’t look well at all.

When I started to cry, everyone looked at me. "Does this mean that I’ve always wanted to be a girl? I
mean, I like girls…" Beth cut me off. "Don’t worry about it, Sis." Mom gave me a hug. Dad got up and
hugged us both.

His "Get ready for bed, I’ll go find us some dessert," surprised us all.

I had showered and put on panties, a clean bra, and one of the nightgowns they had bought me when I
heard Dad’s car return. Beth and Mary were wearing PJs. When we all came downstairs, Dad’s eyes
bulged out. Mom’s "I had always wondered what it would have been like if they were all girls," almost
got her ice cream in the ear. We were chatting like nothing had happened when Mom pointed out that
she and Dad had to be at work in the morning. Soon I was snuggled up in bed. Beth brought me one of
her big stuffed animals. "I don’t think Dad is going to complain about you sleeping with Fuzzy any more."
I smiled, and tucked Fuzzy the Frog in with me.
By the middle of the week Tina and I had cleaned out my drawers and closet. I kept my sweats and
exercise stuff. Everything else went to the attic. We seemed to find each other’s company, well,
energizing. Especially with the parents at work… On Thursday evening Mom told me she had made an
appointment for me early in the morning, and to make sure I was showered and dressed nicely. She and
Dad refused any questions, which made me really nervous. I called Tina, and at seven AM she and
Sharon arrived to help. I wore the same outfit as on Sunday.

The appointment was in a medical business park, and I started to get antsy. Mom told me that I had no
choice in this appointment, so I had to get moving. Soon I found myself being given a very complete
physical by a lady Doctor who seemed unfazed my appearance and glued-on breasts. She told Mom to
bring me back at three. I wound up giving way too much blood, and felt a bit queasy when we left.

There was another appointment; she just didn’t bother to mention it.

And it was across town. Here the sign said "Doctor of Psychiatry". She kept a firm grip on me, as I was
getting skittish. Soon I found myself chatting about my life and the way I was dressed with a kindly
looking older gentleman. This guy could talk a lawyer into revealing his misdeeds. When we finished I
was famished, and I realized I had been in there for almost three hours. He and Mom conferred for a
few minutes, and she left with a handful of papers.

Lunch was at a salad bar. I groaned when she mentioned that young ladies have to watch their figures. I
had a bad feeling that I would soon become well acquainted with rabbit food. We made it back to the
first Doctor just before three. This time there was no exam. We met in her office after she reviewed the
papers Mom was carrying.

"Theodore Burton Williams" I nodded, and she paused. "I assume you prefer to be called Teddy?" I
nodded again. "I wish all my patients were as healthy as you." I smiled "With the exception of your
hormone balance, which is just slightly out of the normal range, there is absolutely nothing physically
wrong with you. And although your estrogen level is slightly elevated, it is my opinion that there is no
medical cause for your interest in dressing or acting like a girl." I nodded again, confused. Mom’s "So
much for your father’s theory," made me giggle.

She picked up the papers from the psychiatrist’s office. "Dr. Winsloe has made a very strong case for a
provisional diagnosis of gender dysphoria, Harry Benjamin types Four or Five, and has made the unusual
recommendation of immediate medical intervention due to your plans for returning to school as a
female." Mom and I had identical blank looks.

"In layman’s terms, gender dysphoria is a condition in which the body and mind follow the
characteristics of opposite sexes. Thus the term dysphoria. In your case, you are a biological male with a
primarily female behavioral pattern." We both nodded. "It is, however, not something one ‘cures’; it is a
permanent part of who you are. And learning to live with this can be, well, challenging at best, and often
horribly traumatic."

I broke in. "Wait a minute. You said I behave like a female, but I’m not gay. I like girls." She nodded.

"By behavioral pattern it means that you respond to situations, not sexual attractions, in a manner that
is traditionally female. This is why you fit in so well with your female friends. They usually treat you like
one of them, don’t they?" I nodded, realizing that had always been true.

"And the guys don’t like me because I don’t want to fight or play their violent games…, so it makes them
think I’m weird…" This time she smiled.

Mom spoke up. "You said that there was no ‘cure’, but you also said that Dr. Winsloe recommended
some sort of medical intervention?"

"Normally, before we try medical treatment to help a person who is gender dysphoric to fit in better on
their chosen path, there is extensive psychological counseling, often lasting years. In Teddy’s case,
because she is due to start school in a week, and is making a very sudden transition among a group that
already knows her as a male, it may be appropriate." She looked at me. "Teddy, what medicine can do is
to change your hormonal balance to trick your body into finishing puberty and adolescence as would a

That means a lot of things. If we treat you, the most important, and quickest effect will be the profound
effect on your emotional makeup. After a few days, if that is the path you choose, you will begin to have
some rather dramatic mood swings, and may find yourself crying or being angry for no apparent reason.
I suspect your sisters have been, or are going through this." Mom and I both nodded vigorously. "And
these changes will make it easier for you to act like the other girls."
"The physical effects are, but not in order, that you will not grow more of a beard, your skin will get
softer, and your voice won’t keep getting deeper. You will lose weight and muscle around your waist,
and as well as upper-body strength, while putting on weight in your hips, thighs, and bottom. You will
start to grow breasts."

She looked at me. "The next thing is very dosage-dependent. If we increase the medication to a high
enough level, and give you other medicines to counter your production of testosterone, you will lose the
ability to have an erection, or to father children. This is not a step I would recommend for you, and Dr.
Winsloe recommends against it also."

Mom looked scared. I already knew my answer. "I want to keep what I’ve got. And someday I may want
children. But the other effects sound good." Mom gave me a wide-eyed look. The doctor was smiling.
"How soon will I start growing…" I pointed to my chest.

"You will probably find that the breast forms will be coming off at just about the right time. If you grow
too quickly, we will have to surgically remove the forms, but depending on the thickness of your new
skin underneath, it may not be too difficult by then. The reason we can’t just remove them now is that it
would leave scars." I nodded, and looked at Mom.

She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "It’s your decision. And you don’t have to decide now."

"I don’t need to think about it. I already know." I looked at the Doctor. "When do I start?" Two shots in
my rear later, we were headed home with paperwork for the school, several prescriptions, and a follow-
up appointment in a month.

The entire crew was waiting for me when we returned. Over Dad’s protestations, they dragged me over
to Julie’s house, and I spent the next hour describing the entire process. Sharon almost fainted when I
described the shots. I guessed she had a real fear of needles.
When my sisters and I got back, Mom and Dad were waiting. I guess Mom must have explained what
was happening, as he hugged me and told me he would try his best to treat me like he did my sisters.
That got him a ribbing from them.

The first few weeks of school were pure hell. Most of the guys that knew me as Ted wouldn’t even speak
to me, or made "fag", "homo", or "sissy" comments. The principal, after reading the paperwork supplied
by Dr. Winsloe, told me I would have to use the girl’s washrooms, and refused to let me in either locker
room. That didn’t bother me.

I had to change math teachers, as old Mr. Evans couldn’t take my wearing girl’s clothes. But soon the
comments wore thin, and I started to blend in as the semester went along. The doctor was right. I
started to act more like a girl within a week, including the crying jags and emotional roller coaster rides.

Tina and I were inseparable, and when Mom pinned me down about the birds and bees, I refused to
affirm or deny anything. That annoyed her and upset Tina’s mom. So they dragged the both of us to
Tina’s gynecologist for a detailed lesson in birth control. At first the doctor wondered why two girls who
were obviously lesbians needed this information. I finally settled the matter by stripping off my girdle. I
loved the expression on the doctor’s face. We left with enough supplies for the entire junior class.

We made good use of them when we made love boy-girl style for the first time that weekend.

It was mid-November when my breasts started to ache and itch. The doctor decided that the breast
forms had to come off, so I would up in the hospital over thanksgiving. When I woke up I was wearing a
thick, soft bra and quite a bit gauze. Mom, Dad, and Tina were there. I was still feeling the anesthetic,
but managed to point to the bra.

"‘at do I need this for? Din da the surgery work?"

Mom was smiling. "It worked fine. We just made sure that you wouldn’t need breast forms while you
grow your own." That didn’t make any sense to my foggy brain.
Tina translated. "Teddy, that means you’ve got breast implants. Your own boobs." That made sense. I
reach to softly touch the bra. It was all me inside. I started to cry happy tears, and Mom and Dad held
my hand while Tina kissed me. I was discharged on Saturday, and took a few more days off from school
until things were a bit better healed.

By March, I was a C cup and had grown full hips and a soft bottom. I was even starting to have guy
friends again. I guess the novelty had worn off, and there was little question that Tina and I were a pair
of mating love-birds. The fact that they treated me like a girl didn’t bug me a bit. Except for the pinches.
I was beginning to think I needed armor plated underwear.

The school was advised by my father’s lawyer, a character less socially acceptable than Dad, that they
had to let me be in sports, which meant having access to a locker room. So I was finally allowed into the
inner sanctum. The girl’s locker room. The hormones were keeping the number of unwanted erections
to a minimum, and besides, Tina had a better body than most of them. Heck, by now I had a better body
than most of them.

When Tina and I signed up for the prom, we got a shock. I knew the school had a "couples only"
requirement, but they would not let us go together, as I was now officially a "girl" according to the
school. Tina threw a fit, but Sharon was the one who came up with a solution. We were escorted to the
prom by two hunks, which got the rumor mill grinding overtime. But we danced with each other.

Tom and George were regulars on the football and wrestling teams. And according to Sharon were as
interested in girls as I was in them. We were skeptical, but Sharon got us all together, stripped, and did
her best to make them respond. They finally wrapped her up in a blanket and tied it firmly with some
belts, then went back to snuggling with each other. We were convinced. Tina noticed Sharon’s feet were
sticking out, and we tickled her until she begged for mercy. After they left, we unpackaged her, and,
well, made up for it over the next couple of hours. I think she had trouble walking home. But she was

Tina, Mary, Beth, Angie, and Julie all graduated in June. Tina decided to go to the local community
college, and got a job with the School District. Mary left for the university, and Beth moved in with Angie
and their boyfriends. Julie, who had been dating an older guy for several months, suddenly blossomed,
and no one was overly surprised when they announced their upcoming marriage and her pregnancy in
the same letter. They both work for her dad’s wholesale business, and I think they are really happy.
Tina’s Mom announced she was moving back east to be with her ailing sister, and Tina moved in with
me. I thought Mom and Dad would object. It turned out Mom missed having lots of kids around.
Something about an empty nest. Sharon’s parents got into a really messy divorce, and she wound up in
a foster home, because she was only seventeen. It took a bit of maneuvering, but our house was soon
back to three "sisters". And the state was paying her rent. I had the implants removed in the late
summer. My own were plenty big enough.

Mom and Dad studiously ignored the sleeping arrangements, claiming ignorance was better than
insanity. We each had our own bedrooms. Where we slept, however, varied. When we dressed Sharon
for Halloween as a French maid in a tiny, low-cut black satin frock and towering heels, Mom was afraid
to let her out in public. Tina went as a bikini-beach biker chick. And I dressed as a hot-to-trot 40's
women’s baseball league star. Sharon won the costume contest for most likely to cause accidents. I got
the most original. Tina didn’t win anything, but had the most stared-at cleavage.

That was over four years ago. Tina is due to graduate with her master’s in accounting this spring. She still
works for the School District, but is now an assistant comptroller. We’ve made the formal marriage
announcement. She’s six months pregnant. And pregnancy really agrees with her. Have you ever seen a
really firm H cup? Hers runneth over. Yum.

I am in my fourth year of a five-year program in social work. Dr. Winsloe suggested I become a
counselor, because I love working with people. He also hired me as his receptionist and assistant. He has
recommended that when I have some experience I go on to get a degree in psychology.

Beth and Angie, and their boyfriends, opened a construction business with the help of Angie’s dad.
Business boomed. Their company custom built the house Tina and I bought.

And then there’s Sharon. She had a rough breakdown after her parent’s divorce was final, and had to
drop out of her senior year. All the bravado was a shell for a really timid and vulnerable little girl.

She’s better now, and completed high school last year. She lives with us, and I think she plans to make
the arrangement permanent. The idea of a live-in baby-sitter who is a real friend sounds great.
Oh yes, forgot one thing. At Sharon’s suggestion, I saw my doctor and started on prolactin. She has been
"encouraging" me to start producing milk. So far it’s only a couple of ounces each day, but seems to be
increasing rapidly. So have my breasts. I have a bit more sympathy for Tina and her industrial strength
bras. She’s only a couple of sizes bigger than me. And it feels so good when she and Tina practice
nursing on me. With any luck I will be able to do the two AM feedings without waking Tina. And Sharon
has volunteered to take care of any extra. From either of us.


© 2000

I never wanted to be a girl - Copyright 2001 by Samantha Michelle

Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror.
Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this?
Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech
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Finally, this is a piece of adult fiction. If you are underage, or if you find it offensive, please go elsewhere.
I Never Wanted To Be A Girl by: Samantha Michelle

I never wanted to be a girl. Really. I was perfectly happy as an abnormal teenage boy. Trying to chase
perfectly adorable teenage girls. And fighting the usual hormone battles, the occasional pimple, too-
tight pants, and walking into stop signs while ogling some cute thing in a tight skirt.

I was looking forward to the summer before high school as a chance to get to know the local girls better.
And there was no better place than the park. Acres and acres of picnic spots, ball-fields, forest, and a
huge, wonderful, spring-fed outdoor swimming area. Any girls worth their bikinis would be found
sunning themselves on one of the benches or grassy spots. And since in our little town everyone knew
almost everyone else, the park was the summer meeting-place for all the kids.

So by the last day of junior high school, I was ready. Long before, knowing I would never be able to
compete on a level field with the muscle-bound moron contingent, I went for an eclectic look. Swimming
and aerobics (hey, like I was one of three guys in a class with twenty-six good looking girls, so don't
knock it) gave me a lean, if not particularly muscular appearance. My hair was down past the middle of
my back in a disarrayed , curly mop that seemed to attract girls like magnets. It was awesome to sit and
enjoy a conversation while having my hair softly braided by a cute chick. And I seemed to have more fun
around them. I hated the constant "I'm bigger and badder" competition that marked most of the guys
my age.

I did get a lot of "pretty boy" and "sissy" comments, but hey, the proof was in the pack of girls that were
my friends, or at least acquaintances, and messing with me meant messing with them. Which was
distinctly bad for someone's social life, not to mention their shins. And I was never without feminine

It was less than a week into the summer when disaster struck. A group of older high school girls had
decided to see how little they could wear before they got arrested, or created a riot. I had bicycled to
the park with Tia, who was, in my opinion, the best looking fifteen-year-old girl in town. She was also my
best friend, and sort-of look-alike. It was a standing bad joke that we were sisters, I was just the ugly
We were near the edge of the swimming area where I was ogling the bathing beauty crew, and Tia was
busy dissecting each of their flaws, when I heard people screaming. I looked behind me and saw a huge
mowing machine heading straight at us. I managed to shove Tia out of the way just before it hit me. I
felt an incredible pain across the back of my legs, and was thrown backwards onto the mower as it
plunged into the water. Using my arms, I managed to stay on the surface despite the pain, and moments
later Tia dragged me onto the beach.

When I looked down and saw blood everywhere, I fainted. I woke up briefly in the ambulance, and
found Tia holding my hand. Then everything got hazy again, and I guess I passed out. The next time I
awoke, I was lying on a hospital bed, with both legs suspended in the air, and a nurse holding my hand.

"Just relax and let the anesthetic wear off. My name is Mary, and I'll be here with you until Dr. Sutton
decides that you are ready to be taken to your room." I stared at her as what had happened percolated
through to my consciousness. As the fuzziness began to clear, I could feel a slight throbbing from my
feet, but otherwise I seemed to be okay.

"I was run over by a mower, and..." I had pause to think of a way to describe what I saw.

"And my colleagues and I just finished several hours sewing you back together." I saw an older man
come into my field of vision. "Samuel, I'm Dr. Sutton, chief orthopedic surgeon here. I need to ask you
some questions, then we will have time to discuss what happened to you." I nodded, and he proceeded
to ask me a whole bunch of questions about how I felt, and pulling back some of the bandages covering
my feet, he had me try and wiggle my toes, and stuck me in a bunch of places with something to make
sure I could feel what he was doing.

As he wrapped my feet back up, he was smiling. "Everything looks great at this point. It appears there is
no significant nerve damage and no damage to the tendons in the front of the foot." He looked at the
tubes and machines connected to me, and pulled up a chair. "It will be a few minutes before you can be
disconnected and wheeled out of here, and into the waiting arms of your family and friends. Are you up
to knowing what happened, and what we have done, or would you rather wait until everyone is
My head was almost clear, and my feet were starting to hurt. "Now is fine, but is there something you
can do about the throbbing?" He smiled.

"I'll give you some pain medication just before we leave, okay?" I nodded. "Now as to what happened,
apparently the mower blades caught the back of your ankles just before the impact knocked you off
your feet. You received severe lacerations, and the blades mangled both of your Achilles tendons, which
we spent several hours splicing back together." I stared at him. There was no mistaking the sad
expression on his face. "There was so much damaged and missing tissue that we had to shorten the
tendons a great deal. It will take time and a lot of effort on your part, but I believe that with physical
therapy and additional surgery you will eventually be able to walk again."

It must have been the medications, but instead of panicking I slowly nodded. "You are telling me I am

"You will be unable to walk, even with crutches, for at least six months, and probably much longer. Once
the tendons are strong enough, we can begin the process of stretching them to allow your feet to return
to a more normal position. As they are now, your feet are held in casts to keep you from placing strain
on the tendons as they heal. When the casts come off, your feet and toes will be pointed down, almost
like a ballerinas. From there we will begin the process of stretching the tendons, and when your feet can
be flexed enough, you should be able to walk with crutches and special orthopedic shoes." He looked at
the tubes and machines again.

"You are ready to make your debut. The nurse will give you a shot, and wheel you up to your room. I will
be in to check on you tomorrow." He held my hand in his. "I gave you the straight story. You have a lot
of healing and hard work ahead of you. But my personal opinion is that by the time you graduate high
school you have a good chance of walking on your own to get your diploma." He left, and the first nurse,
Mary, came back in and gave me a shot.

By the time I was wheeled into what was to be my room, I was a bit woozy. I remember getting hugged
and cried on by Tia and my sister Anne, and held firmly by my dad as he promised they would do
everything possible to help me get back on my feet as soon as possible.

The next morning I got my first lesson in bedpans, and a thorough scrub-down by the nursing staff. And
the dubious honor of eating what was supposedly a nutritious breakfast. Yeech. Tia was my first visitor.
And she brought real food. A cheeseburger from the local golden starches. After listening to her run on
and on about my saving her and being hurt I finally told her to shut up. "Tia, I did what I did because I
love you, and you are my friend. So enough already." She looked at me, but managed to close her
mouth. "Did the doctors tell you and Dad about what they did, and what my future holds?"

She looked at her feet. "They said that it will be a long time before you will be able to walk again at all,
and that there will be more surgeries and lots of physical therapy before, if ever, you can walk
normally." She came over and held me. "Sam, it's not fair, I got away without a scratch, and you'll be in a
wheelchair and..."

She broke down and I held her till she was shooed out by the nurse who said it was time to change my

Dad and Anne came by early in the afternoon, and the conversations were very similar. Dr. Sutton
dropped in, and after examining me, spent some time discussing my upcoming care. I was surprised
when he told me that they would be starting my physical therapy the next day. "But you said I couldn't
put any strain on my tendons until they have healed, and..."

"And if you lie here in bed like a potato your other muscles will get soft and flabby, making the whole
recovery process longer. And staying in a hospital bed gets old fast. So for at least a couple of hours
every day you are going to be working out. By any chance do you like to swim?" I nodded. "Good. Once
the wounds have healed, swimming will be the best possible exercise for you and your legs." He checked
my chart, and told me that he was going to continue the pain medications for another couple of days,
after which I could expect to start expecting more discomfort. I lay there quietly thinking as he left.

I guess the medications they gave me kept me from getting as upset about what had happened, because
when they cut back the pain pills I started to get really depressed. Some of it was watching the summer
go by outside the window. And watching the other kids, including Tia, moving freely about while I was
limited to needing a crane to get from the bed to the wheelchair. The hospital sent a psychologist to talk
to me, but I didn't want to talk, which made Dad and Tia upset. They tried to convince me to accept
help, and I yelled at them. So it was with a lot of concern and emotion that, after three weeks in the
hospital, I was finally sent home to continue my recovery.
It was as I was settling into my new room, which was on the first floor where Dad's home office used to
be, that I learned the insurance company for the firm that was operating the mower was going to pay
for absolutely anything that related to my recovery while they were working to resolve Dad's claim
against them. I wondered how money would help me get my life back together. There didn't seem to be
much that could be done.

Tia had other ideas. She and Dad had already set up a contract with a taxi service to provide us
transportation wherever and whenever we needed to go. And once I was settled in, where turned out to
be a local health club with a big pool. I felt like a complete idiot when two lifeguards carefully extracted
me from the wheelchair and lowered me into the pool. After making me put on one of the floatation
vests they used for beginning swimmers. But when I was floating by myself, my crippled feet seemed
much less important. The special foam and Fiberglas casts the doctor had made so I could swim were
slightly buoyant, and allowed my ankles a tiny bit of motion. Tia floated next to me, making sure I was
going to be okay.

I was weak, and my muscles were unused to as much motion as they were getting, but I started to swim
laps, and soon Tia made me stop because she was afraid I was getting exhausted. "Sam, take it easy. We
will be coming here every almost day, all summer."

"I'm fine." I lied. My muscles were screaming, but being free of the dammed wheelchair, and able to
move on my own felt too good. "But I am getting a bit tired. So what say we call it a day, and go get
some real food?"

"Sounds good. We can do your physical therapy in the evening." I stared at her. "Dr. Sutton had me
certified as a special physical therapy assistant. That's why I was always spending so much time at the
hospital when you were being worked over. I'm going to get paid a ridiculous amount by the insurance
company to make sure you do your stretching exercises, safely, every day. Enough so I'll probably be
able to go to college. Now let me get the lifeguards to haul you out of the water."

Soon we were on our way to Papa Pepperoni's, the local pizza hangout, where I got mobbed by kids we
both knew. As I munched proper teenage food, a heartburn special with extra cheese, I was forced to
tell the story of what happened, and what my future held. "Geez, Sam, that sounds pretty rough. A
whole year on your butt." Bobby was not the brightest kid I knew, but he had a good heart, and cared
about people.
I nodded, between bites. "And then another year and more surgery, like how are you going to survive
that long?" Tia gave him a "Shut up" look. I shook my head and looked at the pizza.

"I haven't tried to face it. I don't know how I'll manage, but Tia here." I hugged her "Says I'll survive or
she'll kill me." She kissed me, and a bunch of the kids made disgusting noises. "Besides, it's not like I can
run away." That got me groans and raspberries.

When we got home all I wanted to do was drag myself into bed and sleep. Tia was not easily persuaded,
so I spent an hour doing my exercises under her very watchful eye, and was sound asleep before she
finished tucking me in. The next week was almost a copy of that day. But once I showed the lifeguards
that I could swim and float fine without the stupid life vest, swimming really became fun. The odd
position of my feet seemed to have little effect on my speed, and by the end of the week Tia was
complaining because she could not keep up with me. Except for the flip turns at the ends, and my having
to crawl or be lowered into the water, I felt I was swimming as well as any of the competition types
spending their summer practicing.

I was ecstatic when Dr. Sutton finally told me I was healed enough to swim at the outdoor pool, and Tia
made party plans. When we arrived at the park, almost the entire group of kids we hung around with at
school were waiting. I was glad they held off on the picnic until after swimming. I would have sunk like a
rock from all the food I ate. Tia still made me do my exercises that evening.

I was beginning to feel like I was going to survive being stuck in a wheelchair when the school district
told my father that I was being transferred across town to a different high school, because that was
where they could provide services for "special needs" students. Away from Tia and my friends. That
started a war. I told everyone I would not go anywhere except to the local school. The district said that I
would be truant if I didn't follow their instructions. I got really depressed. Tia organized our friends to
picket the school board meeting. The problem, as it was finally stated, was that our school was not
handicap accessible, and they were afraid of being sued because I could not safely exit the school in an
emergency. Or use most of the washrooms.

"If Samuel was on crutches, it would be different. But in a wheelchair he won't be able to get around.
And district rules are clear. East is a much newer facility, and was designed to be accessible. So he will
have to go there." It was exactly four weeks before school was due to start. Dad's lawyer, Jerry, filed
suit, but Jerry told us that it would be October before we would even get a hearing. I cried myself to
sleep that night. After refusing to do my exercises.

In the morning, Dad tried to get me up for breakfast. "Sam, Tia will be coming over at ten, and I have to
go to work. I'll talk with Jerry to see if there are any other options."

"I'm not getting up. And I'm not hungry." Dad shrugged and left. When Tia came up to my room later, I
was staring at the ceiling..

"Sam, time to get up." She looked at me, and I could see the worry.

"No. I'm not getting up. And I'm not hungry. To them I'm just a piece of defective furniture, and if I won't
get stacked with the other broken stuff, as far as they are concerned, I can be thrown away." I rolled
over and faced the wall. "You don't deserve to waste your time with me. Go out and find a boyfriend
that can take you out without needing help."

"Sam, come on, it's not like that. You're my friend, and I'm doing this because I want to, not because of

"Then be a friend and leave me alone to wither away in peace." I stuffed my head under the pillow. I
didn't hear her leave, and finally the tears came and I cried myself to sleep.

When I woke up Tia was sitting there, watching me. "Feeling better?" Her voice was strained, and there
were tear-streaks on her face. I shook my head. "You father wants me to take you to the hospital. We're
all scared that you are, well, going to hurt yourself." I looked away. I had been considering just that. "So
are you going to get up and get going, or do I call the nice men in the white coats to come and get you?"

"They wouldn't want me." She gave me a raspberry. "But I'm not cut out to go on a hunger strike. So for
the moment, you win. FEED ME!" She laughed and helped me get dressed. "Hey, I wanted food, not
"I'm taking you out for lunch. At a real restaurant. And then I'm taking you shopping. You can't go to
school looking like a beach-party reject."

"What's wrong with shorts and an old T shirt?"

"A lot if you don't want to freeze when it starts getting cooler. So quit complaining and lets go. I'm
starved." Lunch was at an Italian restaurant that we could never have afforded if it wasn't on the
insurance company. Tia made me stop before I burst, pointing out that she was planning on my trying on
clothes, and didn't want to be embarrassed when I detonated and sprayed processed lasagna all over. I
got the hint.

As we were leaving I heard someone shout "Hey T, long time, no hugs!" I spun my chair around to watch
Tia launch herself into the arms of, well, someone. She looked like a cross between a hard-core biker
and a tattoo parlor. But whoever she was, she was someone Tia knew well, and was very glad to see.

When they finally pried themselves apart, Tia introduced her big friend. "Sam, meet Jody, my former
best older adopted step-sister. Jody, meet Sam, my best friend and traveling companion. We shook
hands. I immediately decided that arm-wrestling her would be suicide.

"Sam and I are headed clothes shopping. Are you going to be in town for a while?" Jody nodded.

"Got a job, at least for a while, where they're building the new addition to Westfields Mall. Should keep
me here for a year or so." She looked skeptically at me. "Um, like that push-cart of hers is kinda skimpy
for the two of you. How are you getting where you are headed?"

Tia explained our contract with the cab company. "Heck, I'm headed that way, and she's small enough to
fit in my truck between us. I can put her chair in the back." We both stared at her.

"Um, Jody, I hate to break this to you. But Sam is short for Samuel. As in Boy." Jody looked at me, and
turned red beneath her over-decorated tan.
"Sorry 'bout that. Its just that, well..." Tia looked like she was about to run away. "See, last time I saw T
she, well, preferred girls, and since you look pretty damn good,..." I stared at Tia, who was a rather
strange shade of pink.

"Sam, I..."

It was so off-the-wall it hit a nerve, and I started to laugh. A real, honest, let-it-out-laugh. Something I
had not done in quite a while. By the time I got my composure back, Tia and Jody were stuffing me into
a huge pickup truck. With my chair bouncing around in the bed, we headed across town as Tia explained
what had happened to me. And that I often was made fun of because we looked so much alike. Instead
of the mall where I thought we were headed, we pulled off into a parking lot, and Jody turned off the

"Sam, you mean the only reason you are still in that chair is because your feet are stuck like that?" Tia
and I stared at her.

"Sam can't walk on his toes, and they can't fit him with even special shoes until his tendons are lot's

"Wanna bet?"

We stared at her. "T, really, sometimes you worry me. Let's detour and get Sammy here on her feet."
She refused to elaborate, and I wondered why she still used the feminine pronoun when addressing me.
When we were back on the road, I saw we headed off towards the seedier side of town.

"Hicky's is a really great place to shop, just don't go there after dark." Tia gasped, and I gave her a
puzzled look. I had never heard of the place. "And they've got the cutest leather outfits that T would just
die to wear." T turned bright red, and started squirming in her seat. And nibbling on my ear. Now I was
getting really curious.
There was a large thump as we drove over a curb, and up to a parking place in front of what looked like
an adult book store. "Don't mind the signs about under 18 not allowed. We're all eighteen, right?" As
they unloaded my chair, I pictured myself in handcuffs on the evening news. After gently seating me,
they rolled me inside.

On one side was an adult bookstore. The other looked like a boutique. If everything you wore was either
leather or rubber. When I spied the collection of chains and restraints, I added steel to the list. I was
getting nervous, but Tia seemed, well, almost entranced by the strange apparel. I tried to wheel myself
back towards the door when I saw her pick up a leather and metal collar and try it on. Jody quickly
grabbed the handles of my wheelchair, and calling to Tia, propelled me towards the back of the store.

Tia was still wearing the collar when we were approached by a big, muscular guy that looked like he
belonged running a dungeon. "Jody, T, long time no see!" He easily picked both of them up, one in each
arm, and gave them rib-crushing hugs.

He put Jody down but kept his grip on Tia. "I thought you had given up on the scene." He fondled the
collar. "But damn you look good like that." She smiled, and I almost swear she purred. He set Tia down
and grabbed Jody. "And you, I've missed your bad attitude for too long. And I owe you something from
our last get-together." Jody blanched and tried to break free, but in a blink he had her over his knee and
was giving her a sound paddling. The louder she wailed, the more he smiled. I wondered what was
happening to my peaceful existence. The spanking soon ended, and Jody started doing a war-dance
trying to soothe her sore bottom

Tia and I hugged while Jody recovered. The big guy took the interlude to do introductions. "Most of my
customers call me Sir, but my real name is Monty." He smiled a gold and silver-toothed smile. "Jody and
I go way back. And I've known Tia since Jody rescued her from a couple of street people when she was
ten." I perked up rapidly. Tia had steadfastly refused to discuss her history, and I knew she was living in a
foster home.

"So I know Tia and Jody, but you're a new girl around here. What brings you to my humble shop?"

I started to mumble an answer when Tia drowned me out, and gave him the whole ugly story. "So Jody
brought you to me." He looked at my chair. And my feet.
Jody quit dancing around and separated Tia and me. "Monty, do you still have those incredible high-heel
fetish boots that no one could walk in?" I stared at Jody as Monty's face broke into a grin, and he
hopped up and headed to the back of the shop.

"Shit, I should have thought about this place long ago!" I stared at Tia as Jody patted her on the head.

"Too much normal living, little one. That'll teach you to forget your old friends." She was smiling as Tia
jumped up and hugged her. I heard Monty returning. When I saw what he was carrying, I gasped out
loud. In his arms were several pairs of knee-high black leather boots, with towering heels.

"Hey, those are women's boots!" That got me a really strange look from Monty, then a canary-eating
grin. "Aha, so Sam is not short for Samantha. I should have figured Jody would be up to something."

"Cool it, Monty, and see if you have a pair that fits her."

"But those are for a woman."

"Do you care if they get you out of that wheelchair and back on your feet?" I stared at her.

"Sam, try them. Jody's right." While I was gaping at Tia, she pulled off the socks that were covering my
feet and mangled ankles. Monty handed her a pair of stockings, and a moment later the thin nylon
coverings were being tugged into place by both Tia and Jody. They were followed by a pair of the boots
that was quickly determined to be too large. The second set fit like they were made for me.

The insides were padded, and I watched in fascination as the boots were laced firmly onto my feet.
"Sam, forget what they look like, just support yourself on us and try to walk a little." Tia and Jody helped
me to stand, and I felt like I was on stilts. But I was, although shakily, standing. With great care I
managed to take tiny steps, finding I had to walk by swiveling and rolling my hips to keep from tripping. I
could feel some pain, but it was quickly forgotten as the rush from walking for the first time in months
took over.
I stumbled, and as I pitched forward they caught me and carried me to a nearby couch. When I started
to cry they were afraid I had hurt myself, until they realized they were tears of happiness. ""I can do it
Tia, I can walk and that means I can go to school with you and..."

She hugged me. "And you can quit thinking the world had come to an end." I looked at her and burst
back into tears.

When things finally dried out, I looked at my feet. "But these make me look like a, a prostitute, or..."

"So what?"

"But I'm a boy, and boys don't wear..." The expression of mirth on Monty's face made me fall silent.

"I hate to break this to you, but I have a lot of male customers that would give a years salary to be able
to wear boots like that. And only a couple of them are gay." My mouth fell open, and Tia started to
giggle. "And I bet that Jody has some plans on changing your wardrobe."

Tia snuggled next to me. "Sam, don't worry about what people will think. Monty's right, and well, I am
really more attracted to girls, and the idea of my boyfriend in girl's clothing turns me on." She
emphasized this by sticking her tongue in my ear and sliding my hand up under her shirt. I rapidly was
going into overload, and almost hurt myself when she quivered as my hand cupped one of her breasts.
We stayed like that for a bit, until I returned to the present and realized that we were being watched
with great amusement by Monty and Jody.

Tia seemed unflustered, but I tried to curl up in embarrassment. "Hey, don't let us interrupt your fun."

"But I don't want to wear girls clothes!" Tia plastered her self against me. And put my hand back on her
"Please?" Between her tongue licking my neck and my valiant attempt to rip my undies, I found myself
agreeing to let her do it "just this once."

Twenty minutes later I was regretting agreeing to anything. Tia and Jody decided to "give me the works"
straight out of Monty's collection. And at Jody's suggestion, Tia stripped naked and squeezed herself
into a similar outfit. Part of me was so horny I couldn't think. The other part was wondering if I had lost
my mind..

I was dressed in, or at least wearing, the boots, a long, soft leather skirt that was so tight I had about a
foot of knee room. Under that was a funny elastic and leather pair of underwear called a gaff that
squashed everything up and out of the way. Then they added some kind of leather corset that was laced
way too tight, and that had heavy, cool pads that gave me a girl's chest. Topping all this was a fitted
leather blouse that barely covered the corset.. Tia pulled my hair out of the pony-tail and brushed it so it
flowed around my face.

When they carried me to a mirror, I almost screamed. There was no indication that I was a boy. A
second glance said I was for sale, or at least rent. And I wanted to get to know me better. Which hurt in
the strange underwear.

Tia was wearing similar boots with a much lower heel, patterned stockings, and a tightly laced black
leather mini-dress that showed her leather panties and garters if she moved too quickly. Monty was
eyeing me hungrily. "Where have you been all my life, little girl?" I tried to jump back, and wound up
being caught by Jody as I fell over. She and Tia were laughing so hard it was infectious. Tia used my
credit card to pay for everything, and they set me in my chair and wheeled me out to Jody's truck. A
couple of hard-hats were headed out of the bookstore, and offered Jody five hundred dollars to rent the
pair of us for the day. I started to panic, but Jody stuffed me in the truck as Tia gave them a eyeful of
undies. Moments later Tia jumped into the truck, and we roared out of the parking lot.

'They thought I, I mean we, were..."

"Two hot pieces of ass." Jody was laughing. And they would have gotten one hell of a surprise when you
finally dropped your gaff." I cringed in horror. Tia got close and personal, and it felt so good I quit
worrying and concentrated on returning the favor. When we stopped, I saw we were parked in front of a
hospital supply place. "Time to get you some crutches."
The young guy at the counter nearly ruined himself trying to provide superior service, and get a date,
and an older woman, who was apparently the manager, eyed us like we were preparing to do business
out of her showroom. But I was on my own two feet, assisted by a very expensive set of custom-fitted
forearm crutches and Tia, as I left the showroom. Jody, pushing my now empty wheelchair, followed us

I still was unable to get into the truck without help, and my legs were aching, but I felt like shouting
"Look at me", despite the funny clothes. That changed when we stopped at a beauty salon. "Um, Tia,
like this is a one-time thing, and..." They set up my chair and rolled me inside. Tia's nibbling on my ear
was unfair tactics. Jody whispered something to the woman at the reception desk, and I was quickly
rolled to station where three women descended on me. Tia told me to be quite and take it like a
woman, which confused me enough that they were able to begin on my hair and nails as I gaped at her.
She got the station next to mine. Jody said she was going elsewhere to watch a movie.

I wanted to scream that I was a boy and this was some sort of plot, but looking the way I did I was afraid
I would get arrested. Or something. When one of the women started washing my hair and massaging my
scalp, it was so comforting that I quickly relaxed, and fell soundly asleep.

When Tia awoke me, she was smiling. "Well, sis, you came out a lot better than even I thought you
would." She turned the chair so I could look in the mirror. It was the clothes that finally convinced me
that I was the hot babe in the mirror. They had given my hair highlights, and it was a mass of soft,
shining curls. Tia's was done up the same way. We did look almost like sisters. After Tia finished trying to
give me mouth to mouth resuscitation, I mused more like kissing cousins. I guessed that she had already
paid, as she helped me into my wheelchair, and rolled me outside to where Jody was waiting.

"Wow!" She eyed the pair of us. "I better go hide in the woodwork with the two of you around." We
both gave her raspberries. "Well, get in, we've still got more shopping to do." Tia helped me into the
truck, and soon we were parked in front of the main entrance to Westfields. And I realized that I looked
like someone off Baywatch and most of our friends shopped here.

"Tia, I can't do this. If someone recognizes me I'm dead meat. I'll never be able to show my face at
school again." She and Jody gave me sympathetic looks.
"Sam, at school the boots are going to get you a lot of strange looks and comments. But without them
you won't be able to go to school with me, and you'll be stuck in that wheelchair for months. Besides,
you won't be wearing that leather outfit much longer anyway. We're here to get you some normal

"And if anyone asks, just tell them that when you dress up like that it makes Tia all hot and bothered.
That'll confuse 'em." I didn't like Jody's suggestion, but Tia nodded and licked her lips. And then licked
mine. Ouch. "Besides, I doubt greatly if anyone will have a clue it's you in that outfit." That I could agree
with. I didn't recognize myself. What everyone forgot about entirely was that in the wheelchair, and
accompanied by Tia, anyone with half a brain would recognize me. So, carrying my crutches and pushed
by Tia, we headed into the mall.

And ran smack into a group of kids our age who were on the way out. "Wow, Tia, hot outfit!" Andy was a
jock from our school that was always trying to get between me and Tia. "Glad to see you finally dumped
that wimp Sam and...oh... um...oh. Shit." He was staring at me as his voice faded away. I had nowhere to
hide, so I simply smiled at him.

He looked like he swallowed a bug. While he was recovering his voice, Jody and Tia wheeled me inside.
"If he does anything stupid I'll pound him into paste." Jody was smiling. Sort of. The whole group
followed us in.

Erica spoke up. "Er, Sam, like that's a killer outfit, but..." Tia took the lead.

"We found Sam a pair of boots that will let her walk with crutches, which means she can stay at West.
And since they looked so cool, we decided to get her a matching outfit." She helped me stand and
showed me off like a mannequin. "And like I couldn't let her look better than me, so I got a little black
dress myself." She did a vamp and I could hear a couple of the guys whistle, followed by their girlfriends
making "touch and you die" comments.

Tia gently helped me back into the wheelchair, then turned to her friend. "And this is my former best
older adopted step-sister Jody. So behave yourself or she'll give you a spanking you'll enjoy." Jody was
almost as tall as Andy, who was eyeing her warily.
I was trying to fathom why Tia was still referring to me as a girl. But so far I hadn't been creamed. And I
sure was in no position to run away.

"Anyway, we're here to get Sam a back-to-school wardrobe. Care to join us shopping?" Andy muttered
something about feeling ill, and headed back outside. All of the others except Erica begged off, saying
they were shopped out and heading for the park. She also said, as soon as the others left, that Andy was
sort of her date, and she was glad to dump him.

"So where are you headed? Stallones?"

"Would you believe the Lingerie Loft, then Gloria's Gear?"

"Wow. This I've gotta see." I felt like I was a complete fool for letting them do this to me. But I was no
longer glued to the damn wheelchair either.

It turned out that we needed to get some clothes so we could get some underwear so I could get some
clothes. Hunh? Erica and Tia told me not to worry. They just didn't specify what I was not supposed to
worry about.

So we spent about ten minutes in a department store getting me measured for a basic blouse and skirt.
Which made me look like a very flat girl, since the undies from Hicky's were way too radical. "Don't
worry love, you'll have your boobs back shortly." I stared at Tia, and cringed when I realized she knew
what I was thinking.

So back to the Lingerie Loft. I had often drooled over the displays in the window, and hinted to Tia that
she'd look awesome in some of their stuff. Now I was going to get to see the place from the inside. I had
a strange feeling I would be modeling some of the same silky things for Tia.

The first clerk refused to serve us when she found I was really a boy. The owner read her the riot act,
and was glad to help. Especially when Tia mentioned that I needed a complete wardrobe.
"Hey, I was just going along with you on this. I need some real clothes for school!" Tia wiggled her
eyebrows at me. "Samantha dear, now I've got you in skirts I'm not letting you go." She gave me a kiss
that left me twitching, and licked my ear. It was unfair tactics.

"We get quite few men in here buying lingerie for themselves. But you're the prettiest I've ever seen.
You're sure you're a boy?" She stroked my hair. This did not help my cause at all. Tia and Jody made
suggestions, and the lady played fetch.

The overly tight "shaper brief" that Jody and Tia squeezed me into squashed everything out of sight. And
made me hurt whenever I thought about squeezing Tia into some of their more daring outfits. At least
they didn't seem to be in a hurry to make a complete bimbo out of me. I wound up with lots of plain
cotton stuff that was really soft, and some comfortable sort-of sports bras that would stay in place while
holding a pair of silicone breast forms that gave me a figure only a bit less prominent than Tia's. The
more I tried to protest, the more racy stuff Tia tried on for herself, causing me serious moral problems.
Not to mention pain.

When I was wheeled out of the store, Jody had to take a load of packages out to her truck, and Erica was
making debutante comments. The manager gave us a twenty percent discount. Tia was carrying some of
her purchases, saying she was going to get something less slinky to wear. We met up with Jody at
Gloria's. Here we found several more kids from school catching up on the sales. Sue and her boyfriend
ogled us, and he made a bunch of snickering noises. I wanted to hide under the wheelchair.

Sue's "Hey Tommy, I wonder how you'd look in a mini?" caused him to shut up fast. Especially when she
made it sound so convincing. This was not a good sign. Jody commandeered a dressing room, and soon I
was up to my ears in skirts and sweaters and other things that belonged on Tia, not me. Every time I was
rolled out and helped to my feet, it seemed there were more of the kids from school watching. I figured
I was going to die of embarrassment before we were finished. I was not that lucky.

When we finally headed out to Jody's truck, it took Erica, Tia, and Karen and her boyfriend Scott to carry
everything. Very little of which was Tia's. I was now dressed in a long, soft skirt, incredibly soft cotton
turtleneck, and, of course, the boots. I wondered whether it would be Dad or Mom that had the first
heart attack. Then I almost had one when we headed for Papa Pepperoni's for dinner. But being able to
maneuver, even with help, to our regular spot up on one of the raised platforms made it seem almost
worthwhile. I got my favorite bench, with Tia on one side and Jody on the other. It took about ten
minutes till our whole crowd seemed to appear from nowhere to join us.
The girls all said I looked good, and one of the guys commented I had a better figure than his girlfriend,
which got him slugged. Even if it was true. A loud beeping made Jody curse. Two minutes later she had
transferred all our stuff inside, and was headed off to some emergency at work. She was replaced by
Jeremiah, who was eyeing me like I was dinner. Which was scary, because Jeremiah was both a football
lineman and openly gay.

"Hey, why didn't you tell me, like where have you been all my life?" I felt my world start to collapse just
before he lost his straight face and broke out laughing. "Okay, Okay, they put me up to this." He pointed
to a couple of Tia's and my friends, who were giggling. "But you are kinda cute..." I stuck out my tongue
at him, and barely got it back before he took up the offer. Tia was almost on the floor laughing.

When the pizzas arrived, the harassment stopped, and I was amazed that no one was being really mean.
The conversation moved from my clothes to what classes people were going to take, and loud laments
that it was unfair to waste our childhood attending school. Tia insisted in calling me Samantha, and by
the time everyone was stuffed, I was answering to that name as readily as to Sam.

The guys seemed a bit nervous around me, except for Jeremiah, who asked me for a date. Most of the
girls thought it was cool, especially when Tia demonstrated how much she liked the look by getting close
and personal. But they all helped us get our stuff outside to load into a cab.

Tia, and Erica, who accompanied us home, had barely managed to get everything into my room before
Mom and Dad got home. They were probably the only people in town that didn't know I was being
turned into a coed by my girlfriend. So when Tia and Erica announced to them that the "new and
improved" Sam was about to make a debut, they were sitting relaxed in the living room.

The girls had updated my makeup, making it look much more wholesome, and brushed out my hair. So
with one on each side to catch me if I stumbled, I slowly maneuvered on the crutches into the living

There was a moment of silence, followed by a scream as Mom jumped up to hold me "Sam, you're
walking..." I had to lean on her for support. Dad was still staring. Tia retrieved the wheelchair so I could
get off my feet. She helped Mom lower me back to a sitting position.
Mom seemed unable to say anything. Finally Dad managed to find his voice. "What are you doing in a
skirt?" He took a breath. "And why are you done up like Anne for a date?" He was starting to sputter,
and I was afraid he was going to blow his cool.

"What's this about me and a date?" Ann came into the living room. And stared at me. "Oh my God! Sam,
you've come out of the closet!?" I managed to gurgle, and Dad sat back in his chair with an "Oh Shit"

"He's not gay!" Tia was bright red. "Even when Jeremiah hit on her, she didn't do anything..." She turned
redder as she realized she was making things worse.

"THAT Jeremiah saw him like this? He's been out in public?"

"The whole gang had a late snack at Papa Pepperoni's, so relax." Erica added her two cents. "Besides, I
think she's cute."

"QUIET!" Mom screamed at all of us. "Everyone shut up and sit down." Dad started to say something,
and Mom made threatening gestures. She turned to me. "Samuel, what is going on, why are you dressed
like your sister, and why is your friend referring to you as a girl?" I made some attempt to shrug, but she
wasn't buying it. "No excuses, NOW!"

So I held tight to Tia, and started at the beginning. By the time I was finished, Dad looked like he wanted
to throw me out of the house, or throw up. Anne had laughed herself silly, and Mom was unable to do
more than shake her head and state "When your father and I were your age, no one did things like this."

Dad nodded violently. "And you don't care?" I held onto Tia for emotional support. And pulled myself
painfully up onto my feet.

"Two months ago the Doctors told me it would be years before I could walk again. Tia and Jody found
me these boots. They were right, I'd run around naked, wearing a propeller on my head if it would let
me walk on my own." I sank back down in pain. "It is, I think, a bit squirrely to dress up like a girl. But it's
comfortable, and my girlfriend says she likes me better like this." I paused. "And I'm going to look and
move like a girl in these boots anyway, so I guess it makes some sort of weird sense to complete the

Dad was shaking his head. "I think the accident has warped your thinking." Mom was shaking her head.

"If she was thinking, she'd realize how silly this is, I mean..." Mom just tapered off to silence. Anne
started to giggle.

"Um, Mom, Sam's my brother, not my sister."

"And there is no way I'm going to not wear these boots if they're the only way I can walk. So get used to
me looking strange." Tia hugged me.

"Well, I guess since almost the whole school knows by now Sam's gone totally whacko and decided to
change sex, I guess I'd better treat her as my sister, so I don't get totally confused." Anne joined Tia.
"And what's so bad about dressing like a girl? Mom, Tia, and I do it every day." Dad looked like he was
going start beating his head against the wall.

"Doesn't it matter that he's supposed to be our son, and your brother?" He pointed at Tia "Or her
BOYfriend." Tia smiled.

"I like her just the way she is."

"What are you, some sort of weird lesbian?" Tia's grinning nods caused Dad to get up and head out of
the house. Mom just shook her head, and managed to stand up.

"I'm going to go to bed. Anne, you're in charge. Sam, or whatever you are right now, make sure you eat
and do your exercises. And Tia, stay out of her bed. His bed. Never mind. Don't either of you do anything
to get pregnant. Goodnight." She staggered up the stairs and we heard a door slam. Followed by a
theatrically screamed "Why Me Lord, I've been a good mother..."

"Sam, remember, don't do anything to get pregnant..." Anne was trying to hold a straight face, but soon
she was having trouble breathing because she was laughing so hard.

"Um, Samantha, I think your mother just said we could sleep together if we don't..." She had a really
friendly look on her face, and I got some interesting twinges in my undies.

"I have to do my exercises."

"I can think of a lot of other fun exercises. So eat lightly, I don't want you to fall asleep too soon." Anne
made some gagging noises, and headed to the kitchen to make dinner.

After we ate, and Tia had finished her daily abuse of my feet, she propelled me towards my room. She
hollered to Anne "If you hear any passionate screaming, applaud." Anne gave her a thumbs up, and as
soon as Tia had rolled me inside, she closed and locked the door.

I woke the next morning feeling incredibly relaxed. Tia was snuggled against me, smiling, and felt so
warm and soft... She helped me get dressed in some of my new clothes, and borrowed some for herself.
When she wheeled me out the door, Mom, Dad, and Anne were waiting at the table for us. I guess there
was no mistaking the satisfied look on our faces.

"I'm jealous. Mom and Dad won't even let me stay out past midnight." Anne was giggling.

"Did you two...?" Mom looked worried.

"Don't worry, Samantha isn't going to get pregnant. And no, we didn't. At least not what you are
thinking, did we?" She bent down to give me a kiss, so I pulled her onto my lap and returned the favor.
"Samuel, we have a rule in this house about sleepovers." Dad looked peeved.

"Hey, you let me have girlfriends stay over, why not Samantha?" Dad gave Anne a strange look and
clamped his jaw shut.

"Well, breakfast is getting cold." Mom had the right idea. And I was hungry after all that exercise. When
we were finished, Mom asked us what our plans were for the day.

"We're going to meet the rest of the gang at the park, and go swimming, and there's supposed to be a
free concert later at the town square, so..."

"WAIT A MINUTE!" Anne and Tia jumped, and I spilled some of my milk. "Who said you were going out
dressed like that!" Dad was turning a bit purple. Before I could say anything, Tia was in his face.

"Samantha's spent too much time cooped up like a prisoner this summer. Everyone is expecting her. And
if anyone makes fun of her, there are a whole bunch of us that will make their lives really unpleasant.
Besides, it's looks like a perfect day to show off her new swimsuit." All Dad could manage to do was

"NO daughter of mine is going to show off a new suit until I have given it my approval." Mom made her
point really clear. Then looked terribly embarrassed. So she and Dad argued while Tia took me back to
my room and helped me change into the suit. It was a full coverage competition type, with an added
skirt that concealed the extra bulges in the crotch. Tia had her purchases with her, so she put on the
radical thong and string outfit that had caused me much discomfort in the store.

Anne said she was jealous of Tia's suit. Mom told Anne that if she tried one that skimpy she would be
locked in her room, and everyone, even Dad, agreed that my suit was conservative. When he pointed
out that I would have tan lines, I shrugged. "So will all the other girls." He looked ill.

"Don't I have some say in all this?" Dad finally whined at us. "I mean he's my...child, and..."
"So give her a hug and your support, and us a lift to the park." Tia didn't bat an eyelid. If she had, I was
afraid some of her suit might fall off.

Dad didn't say a word the entire trip. We wore our suits under our clothes, and I carried my crutches. He
stayed and watched as Tia wheeled me down to where everyone was gathered. It was a long time
before he drove away.

After being looked over by everyone, I wound up watching and drooling as Tia and the others played
several games of swimsuit volleyball. And hers was not the most daring suit. Owww.... I was surprised
when Jeremiah and Chuck, who I knew was not in the slightest gay, having tried to get my sister into bed
several times, came over and sat by me. I wondered if I was safe, but we were in public...

"Sam, you're sure you're not at least a little bit bi?" I shook my head at Jeremiah. "Darn, you'd make a
great date. So how did your parents react?" They both listened as I gave a blow-by-blow account,
making sure not to leave out Tia's spending the night.

"God, I wish my parents had been that understanding when I came out to them." I stared at Jeremiah. "I
got tossed out on my ear and it took three weeks before Dad would even talk to me on the telephone." I
didn't know he had been thrown out of his house. "It took six months of counseling for all of us before
he accepted that it wasn't something he or mom did, and that I wasn't some sort of pervert." He looked

"Dad's still not okay with what I am, but we've learned to communicate with each other. Mom's better
with it, but she still thinks it's something that can be cured." I gave him a hug, which surprised both of

Chuck looked me over again "Jeremiah asked me to meet you, after I made some comments that you
must be one sick puppy to be dressing like a girl and liking it. But if I didn't know you, I'd never guess,
and when he explained about the boots and your being able to walk, well, I guess I owe you an apology."
I eyed him warily. "Not all jocks are assholes. Just the fact that you are fighting so hard to get better
makes you a better person than a lot of the guys on the team. Most of them would have just given up.
Or been too afraid to be different."
He patted Jeremiah on the back. "Like when we pounded on Jeremiah because he was gay, and instead
of calling the cops, he came back to the team and proved that gay didn't mean anything about
sportsmanship. So some of us are not as bad as we seem."

He stared hungrily at me again. "Damn, you look a lot like Anne."

"She IS my sister."

"Oh, yeah..." He looked like he liked the taste of his own toenails. "Hey, looks like everyone's getting
ready to go swimming."

I turned to Jeremiah. "Care to help a girl get out of her clothes?" Both he and Chuck sputtered, and
turned several interesting shades of pink.

The two of them basket-carried me down to the pool. And one of them gently pinched my butt. What
worried me is I couldn't tell which one. But the water was really warm, and I liked the feel of the suit, so
I had better things to do.

It was early afternoon when everyone decided they were either waterlogged or done medium-well. So
most of them headed for the showers to change, and Jeremiah used the wash-down hose to rinse me
off before he carried me back to where I had left my chair and clothes. I tensed when he held me against
him, and he chuckled. "Still don't understand that being gay doesn't make me a psycho rapist? I turned
red, and managed to relax. And after all it didn't feel that bad to be held by him.

I think I air-dried faster than the others could towel off. So I was ready for Tia to put my boots back on
when she came out of the dressing rooms.

We caught a ride with one of the older kids, and the whole group wound up at the Peanut Gallery. Since
I couldn't stand up long enough to play the pinball games, I opted to munch caramel corn and feed some
to Tia, who seemed happy to sit on my lap and snuggle. When some older kids we didn't know made a
couple of nasty comments about lesbians, I got scared. They got the bums' rush from Chuck and
Jeremiah, who were making comments about playing miniature golf with their balls.

Everyone was full of popcorn and hot-dogs and empty on quarters when Erica said it was time for the
concert. So it was back on the road again, this time to the town square. The band, which turned out to
be from the city, was still setting up. When the music started it got crazy. I think every teenager in the
area that liked to dance was there. I felt bad that I couldn't dance with Tia, but she seemed content to
stay with me. There was also half the local police department present, which meant that there was very
little drinking, and few other problems.

The only attention I attracted was that I was a person in a wheelchair, which made me different. By the
time the concert was over at ten, I was thoroughly tired of sympathy. Real or plastic. Anne was there
with Dad's car, so she gave us a ride back to the house. She had danced herself into a frazzle, and was
too tired to drive and talk, so the only information we got was that Mom and Dad were certain I had lost
my marbles. They had thought that several times before, so I figured they'd get over it.

Tia spent the night with me, this time much more quietly. We were too bushed to do more than snuggle.
Mom woke us way too early, and made comments about protection when she realized how entwined
we were under the covers. "Sam, your father and I agree that you need some help." I cringed. "So we
have scheduled an appointment for you with a psychologist for this morning. She wants to meet Tia too,
so I will drive both of you to the appointment. We need to leave in a little over an hour, so you both
need to get showered and dressed."

Tia and I looked at each other after she left. "Care to have someone wash your back?" We almost ran
out of hot water. Mom gave us a "your mother knows what you were doing in there" look when Tia
rolled me into the kitchen for breakfast. So we smiled at her. "Guilty as charged." Mom turned red, and
muttered something about gray hairs.

At our destination, Mom helped Tia set up my wheelchair, and I was almost able to get out of the car
myself. So I was wheeled inside an office building, and we took the elevator to an upper floor. The sign
on the door read

"Nagle and Associates

Dr. Cynthia Nagle, MD, PhD."

"Mom, do I have to?"

"It's that or your father is going to wind up in a locked ward. With me following him." We got the hint.

The receptionist asked who we were there to see. "We have a ten o'clock appointment with Dr. Nagle."

The receptionist looked at her calendar. "Are you meeting your son here? The appointment is for your
son and his girlfriend."

Mom looked a bit green. "One of them." She motioned to us "is my son." The receptionist gave mom a
raised eyebrows look.

"Oh, sorry. Cynthia didn't say anything about your son being transgendered." She looked us over
carefully. "Wow. Which one of them is your son?" I didn't know if it was a compliment to me, or an
insult to Tia.

Mom walked over and patted me on the head. "This one." She shook her head. "Or he was until a few
days ago." The receptionist giggled, and handed Mom a clipboard and a sheaf of papers to fill out.

Mom was still filling out the paperwork when the receptionist told us that Dr. Nagle was ready to meet
us. So she escorted the three of us into a large office, where we met Dr. Nagle for the first time. She was
quite a bit older than Mom, with long gray hair and a winning smile. "Please, everyone have a seat." She
chuckled. "Well, unless you brought yours with you." I grimaced at the joke.

"From what you and your husband said on the telephone, all of a sudden your son's girlfriend has turned
him into your second daughter. And instead of objecting, he seems to be enjoying being a girl. Your
husband thinks he has lost his marbles, and you think he's snapped from the stress of his accident."
Mom nodded.

"So it's safe to assume that Samuel is the girl in the wheelchair, and his girlfriend is the one standing
next to him." We all nodded. "Well, Samuel, how do you prefer to be addressed? Your mother says you
call yourself Samantha..."

"I don't call myself anything. Tia's got everyone else calling me Samantha, but most of them stick with
Sam. Which is what everyone has always called me." She wrote something down.

"Do you object to being called Samantha?"

I shrugged. "It's sort of weird, but dressed like this it makes sense. I really don't care as long as people
treat me the same."

"The same?"

"The same as before my accident." She looked thoughtful.

"I think I need to talk to your mother for a couple of minutes. So if you two will wait outside, I'll call for
you when I'm ready." Tia wheeled me out of the office.

"Sam, what does transgendered mean?" I looked up at her.

"Haven't the foggiest, but the doctor didn't seem at all concerned about how I'm dressed." The
receptionist was obviously listening.

"It takes a lot to shock Dr. Nagel." Her voice was light and friendly. "And you are not the first boy to
come in wearing a skirt, accompanied by a parent who thought their child had lost his mind."
Tia and I looked at each other. "So relax. I have some candy here, and there is a soda machine in the
lobby." Tia got some change from my purse, and disappeared out the door.

She and I were busy doing a crossword puzzle when Mom, looking totally disconcerted , came out of Dr.
Nagle's office, and Dr. Nagel invited both Tia and me inside.

After a half a zillion questions to both of us, Dr. Nagel sent Tia out to wait with Mom, and commenced
dissecting me. It was nearly one when she wheeled my remains out of her office. Mom and Tia looked
worried, but I was sort-of smiling. She motioned to Mom to come in, and Tia gave me a long and soft

"Sam, what did she say?..." I gave Tia a kiss.

"Other than that Mom and Dad are going to need a lot of counseling?" I stretched. "She says there's
nothing seriously wrong with me, but I need to learn about myself and how I fit in with the world."

"But I thought she was saying that you suffered from some sort of disorder that caused a lot of kids to
hurt themselves..."

"The kids that hurt themselves are not okay with who they are, or their needs. She says I'm fine with
myself, and that my problems are going to be getting others, including my parents, to accept me." I
paused to think. "She said that there are a very, very few people like myself that don't really think of
themselves in terms of male and female. Which I guess drives most people up a wall, 'cause they can't
understand it. People like Mom and Dad."

"You don't look happy."

"She warned me that many parents never accept children like me, and unless they do, I'm going to have
a tough time for the next few years. She also said that your being a closet lesbian is part of why you and
I have gotten along so well." Tia gave me an inquisitive look. "You weren't looking for a macho type
boyfriend. You were looking for someone like yourself who was gentler and more interested in being
friends than rubbing hormones together." That got me a lap full of warm and snuggly girlfriend.

We stayed together for quite a while, until my legs started to go to sleep. Tia decided to have me do my
stretching exercises while we waited, so I was sitting on the floor while she pried on my feet when Mom
and the Doctor came out. I answered the Doctor's inquisitive look.

"Physical therapy. I have to do it every day, and well, we got bored." Tia grabbed my boots and started
to lace them on.

As we left, my mom told us, "Doctor Nagel says that you don't really need a lot of help except in learning
to live with yourself." She looked tired. "And she wants to see your father and me this afternoon. We
also have to stop at a pharmacy to get some prescriptions filled, and I need to take something for a
headache." She thanked the doctor, and as soon as I was ready, wheeled me out into the hall.

"Mom, are you going to be okay?" She looked at me, and shook her head, then nodded.

"She says you're both my son and my daughter, and that what you need is your father's and my support.
And that Tia is not responsible for your acting like this, even though she got you started." We got on the
elevator. "What scares me is that she said that you should go to school as Samantha, and that we are
going to have to get a lawyer and a bunch of paperwork together to keep you from getting tossed out
the first day."

"No one is going to bother Sam. Heck, like half the kids already know she's going to school as a girl. And
anyone that bothers her is going to find themselves as lunch-meat."

"She says the kids won't be the problem. It will be the parents and teachers." The elevator opened and
we headed for the car.

"So is there somewhere you two want to go?" The weather looked good.
"The park?" Mom stopped at a pharmacy on the way, and turned a bit red when she returned and
handed each of us a small bag. "Doctor's orders." She drove off before we could look inside. So we
waited until we were dropped off.

Tia looked first, blushed scarlet, then got a wicked grin. I tried to match her colors when I checked my
package. Inside each bag was a handbook on safe sex, and a box of condoms. Tia pulled out a
handwritten note. Mine had the same note. "Please don't need these. But the Doctor said that if you
two are going to do something, at least you need to understand what can happen, and be prepared." It
made for a really good laugh.

"Um, how about tonight..." Tia was licking my ear.

"I can wait till I'm a lot older and ready for that type of commitment. Can you?" She hugged me. "A girl
can ask, can't she? I love you." She was smiling. "Besides, lesbians like us have better ways, right?"

We got a lot of disapproving looks from adults as we played tongue-tag in the parking area until one of
our friends saw us, and told us we were missing all the fun. I wondered what could be more fun that

We should have brought swimsuits. But someone loaned us a blanket, so we were stretched out in the
sun, appropriately smeared with sun-block, while we watched the others try and drown themselves.
They woke us up when they were ready to head home. So we hitched a ride with someone, and found
Anne at home, preparing dinner.

"Mom and Dad are at an appointment, and won't be home till six-something. Tia's step-mom called, and
said she wants to confirm she's still alive and well. And I need some help with the spaghetti. Tia made a
telephone call while I tracked down a colander.

Tia looked worried. "My stepmon wants me to spend tonight at home. Something about my being a
missing person. And she said she's talked to one of your parents, so I hope they're not going to ground
me or something like that." I gave her a hug. "I'd better get into some of my own stuff, and hit the road."
We managed a couple more snuggles before she left. Anne looked at me. "Mom was really weirded out,
and kept talking to herself. But she said I'd better plan on having a younger sister for a while." She
stirred the sauce. "So how did your appointment go?"

We discussed what had happened while I set the table. "She bought you WHAT?" Anne was giggling.
"She'd better not complain now if I bring a boyfriend home for the night." She suddenly got a really
strange expression. "I think I'm going to put a box of those for me on the shopping list." I dropped a

"You wouldn't do that to..." She was nodding. She hugged me as we both snickered. It was nice to have a
sister I could count on. She headed for the shopping list with a pen.

Mom and Dad arrived just before seven, and Dad headed upstairs without saying a word. Mom looked
really beat, but managed to give each of us a hug before she sat down and asked for some water and
two aspirin. "Your father thinks the psychiatrist is as goofy as you." I rolled over and held her. "And he
wants you to have a complete physical as soon as possible, to see if something is physically wrong with
you." She downed the aspirin that Anne brought her.

"He won't agree to us getting a lawyer until he is satisfied that you are not some sort of psychopath."
Anne and I groaned. "But he has agreed to leave you alone, and not to interfere between you and Tia
until all the medical reports are finished." I hugged mom again.

"So please, don't rub his face in this. He really loves you, but the whole thing is so foreign to us, and it
hurts him..." She started to cry, and Anne and I held her until she was ready to continue. "So I'm going to
make you an appointment for a physical as soon as possible, and with another psychiatrist for a second
opinion." She and Anne quietly ate their dinners, and I nibbled at mine.

It felt strange and lonely to go to bed without Tia. I finally fell asleep later, thinking about school and
what could happen if Dad didn't accept me the way I was.

Tuesday Mom woke me, saying I had a call from Tia. "Sam, Mom talked to your father, who said all kinds
of weird stuff. Are you okay?" I gave her a quick rundown on what Mom had told me. "Shit, that explains
a lot. Mom is afraid that you will get violent or something, and doesn't want me spending time alone
with you until she knows more."

"Could your mom talk to mine, maybe that would help?" She said she'd check, and I called for Mom. Ten
minutes later it was agreed that I was not a danger to anyone, and all four parents were going to meet
on Wednesday to discuss Tia and me and what our relationship meant.

"Mom, what about Tia and I spending..." That caused another discussion. When Mom handed me the
telephone, she said Mrs. Allen wanted to talk to me. I managed to swallow my panic, and took the

When I hung up I managed to shout "YES". Mom gave me a funny look. "She was worried about Tia
getting in trouble, and I told her that we were not going to do anything that could get either of us
pregnant. That got her confused, and then Tia explained I was really a lesbian, which apparently she
understood, because she said Tia can stay with me, or I can stay with Tia till this gets straightened out." I
paused to catch my breath. "And she threatened that if Tia gets pregnant, she will take a dull knife and
turn me into a real girl." Mom looked shocked for a moment, then smiled.

"Well, that would solve a lot of problems..."

"MOM!" she gave me a hug. A long one.

Mom had to head off to work, so Anne helped me get dressed, and I took a taxi over to Tia's. Her mom
gave both of us the third degree, and then hugged us both, saying that I was going to need a lot of hugs
over the next few weeks. Tia rolled me into their living room, and we curled up under a blanket on the
couch to snuggle.

By late afternoon the weather, which had been great most of the summer, turned icky. There was a
severe storm warning for the whole state, and from the looks of the clouds, they weren't kidding. Tia's
mom suggested that we relocate to their basement, in case the weather got worse. I sort of slid down
the staircase, with Tia's help. I was surprised when Tia brought piles of blankets and several pillows
downstairs also, and set up a nest in a corner.
"Won't your mother object to..." She was smiling.

"Mom was the one that suggested it. She's not as much of a prude as she sounds. Besides, it's really
nasty outside, so she's planning on your staying the night." Tia went and got her portable radio, and a
flashlight "just in case", and found us a couple of books. We spent the afternoon camped out reading,
enjoying the sounds of the storm outside, and the security we felt being together.

Tia's mom served dinner to Tia and her stepbrother Rick, and Mr. Allen in the basement. Rick gave me
the once-over, and said everyone was talking about how cute I was. That made me want to hide, and Tia
to claim both responsibility and ownership. I was surprised when Mr. Allen didn't seem upset. It was
halfway through the meal when the lights went out.

Tia turned on her flashlight, and her dad told her to turn on the radio. Five minutes later her Mom had
set up a bunch of candles, and we were finishing dinner to storm reports and static. It was after Tia and
Rick had cleared the dishes, and taken everything upstairs that they announced a tornado warning for
our county. So out went the candles, and we all got into a room her dad said was almost a bomb shelter,
and listed to the wind. Tia was really scared, and clung to me. But there were no crashing sounds, and
about an hour later the radio gave our area an "all-clear."

There was still no electricity, but the rest of her family headed upstairs, telling us to behave ourselves,
and get a good night's sleep. So with Tia's help I joined her in and under the pile of blankets. She was still
wired from the storm, so we stuck to cuddling each other. She fell asleep before I did.

I had to get her help, and her flashlight, to make a midnight bathroom crawl. I was glad they had one in
the basement.

The next morning we woke up to Rick tugging at the blankets. "Hey, it's almost breakfast." He was
snickering as we tried to disentangle and return to the present at the same time.
Tia muttered something about her dad being an early riser. She went and got us some clean clothes, and
once we were dressed, had Rick carry me up the stairs. He mom and dad were sitting at the dining table,
and there was a mountain of pancakes and sausages waiting for us.

It turned out that the power outage was from a tree hitting a substation, and half the town still didn't
have any electricity. Mrs. Allen had called my parents in the morning to make sure they were okay, and
confirm I was fine. Since both Dad's and Mr. Allen's businesses were without power, and would be until
the evening, they were planning their get-together for later in the morning.

"Rick says that the roads are littered with trash and branches, so we want you two to stay put until the
city has finished clearing the roads." We looked at Mrs. Allen and nodded. "Rick can give you a lift to
meet your friends later. Leave a note saying where you are going." She and her husband got up and
headed out.

"You know that you are going to get hassled by the god squad at school." Rick was looking at me and
shaking his head. The god squad were the religious holier-than-thou group that made most everyone
else sick.

"And probably all the brainless bozos and bigots and whatever. But it's better than being stuck in this
damn wheelchair." He nodded. "You know there was another kid sort of like you in the school." Tia and I
stared at him is shock, shaking our heads.

"She graduated last year. Most of the kids have forgotten about her, or just got tired of all the fuss.
Maybe you've met her. Her name is Carla. Carla Weimer." I had never heard her name, but Tia sure had.

"Bob Weimer's older sister Carla?!" Her brother nodded.

"Oh my god, that's so weird..." We both seemed surprised at her reaction. "I mean, like I've known Bob
since fifth grade, and I've met Carla several times, and I never..." Suddenly she blushed. "But Carla is
always going out on dates with boys..." Rick smiled. "Oh My God..."
"I'm happy chasing girls. Especially you." I gave her a hug, and she snuggled close. Rick made disgusted
noises, and said he was going to rake the lawn. When he hinted that I was preventing Tia from helping
with the chores, I wound up on their porch watching them work. By noon they were finished, and I was
getting tired of sitting.

An hour later Rick dropped us off at the park, where everyone seemed to be having a community
cleanup. Tia tied a small garden cart to the back off my wheelchair, and I wound up playing garbage
collector for the afternoon. It was easy to pull, so I was only totally pooped when everyone declared the
place, and themselves, finished.

The pool was still closed, as the park people were still fishing leaves and bugs out by the basket-full. I
guess it was too close to the end of the month, but everyone decided they were too broke to go out for
food, and we wound up hitching a ride back to Tia's with Erica's mom. Mom's car was in the driveway,
and I almost screamed, but Tia managed to get me into my chair, saying that we'd have to face them
eventually. But I was really shaking when she wheeled me inside.

I was expecting a firing squad. But no one seemed angry, just upset. "Have fun at the park?" Tia
described my trash-hauling service, and everyone, even Dad, seemed amused.

"Sam, the four of us have been discussing you and Tia, and this weird choice of yours to switch to living
as a girl." Dad was the first to begin. So far I have been told by everyone I have complained to that I
should be happy you are healthy and happy and don't do drugs or get in trouble with the law." He
hugged Mom. "And they said I don't have to like or approve of what you are doing. Which I don't. I think
its warped and it goes against almost everything I feel is supposed to make a boy a boy. Except that you
at least like girls.

It is going to take a long time for me to be able to just ignore your becoming a girl, if I can ever reach
that point. But I'm going to try to remember that it's you who are my child, and I hope still my son,
inside. So if I yell at you, or berate what you have become, remember that it's because I love you that
what you are doing hurts me, deep inside." I rolled over to him and tried to hug him. At first he pulled
back, then he grabbed me and his tears started to flow.

"I don't want to hurt you, please..." I added my tears to his shoulder.
When we finally separated, Mom came over and held me. "We know you are not doing this" she waived
at my clothes "to hurt us. But you need to understand that we don't really understand this very well,
and we have our fears to face too." She seemed a lot calmer than yesterday, and blotted my tears. I was
surprised when she rolled me over to Tia.

She pulled me out of the chair and onto the couch beside her, and held me close.

"We love Tia very much. So we were really concerned when your father called us and told us what he
thought was happening." Mrs. Allen put an arm around her daughter. "But after talking with your
mother I realized that we really didn't know enough to make any decision, and Tia made it abundantly
clear that she was not going to stop being your friend. That's why we decided to let the two of you be
together under our watchful eyes. And found that Samantha was the same Sam that has been her friend
for years. A bit more intimate friend perhaps, but if we simply blocked out the clothes and wheelchair,
nothing changed."

"And that really surprised us." Her dad took over. "So when we all got together today, I made some calls,
and we had a long lunch with a psychologist friend of mine, who was also stuck without power." All the
adults nodded. "He confirmed what you had said, that you were the same person. And read us the riot
act for letting our own fears, rather than our love for our children, do our thinking for us."

"So whenever we say something that hurts, please, take the time to find out if it's coming from our fears
before you decide we hate you."

Tia and I cried all over our parents. Finally they managed to get us some tissues, and suggest that it was
getting late.

"Um, Mom, what about, I mean..." Tia was blushing.

"Oh, you mean can you and Sam, or Samantha, keep spending the nights together?" I tried to slide
closer to Tia, but Mom had her arm around me. "Well since the doctor prescribed certain items for you
two" Tia looked really embarrassed, and my Dad chuckled "and you claim to be lesbians" Her dad
snickered "I don't see why not."

Tia managed to get free and hug me. "But Tia is going to be seeing her gynecologist next week, because
we have no intentions on having grandchildren yet."

"MOM! We're not doing anything that..."

"Accidents happen. And I don't want one to require baby-sitting. I'm too young for that." Tia tried to
disappear into the couch. My mom was giggling.

Tia and I headed back to our house with Mom and Dad, after Tia collected some clean clothes. We went
to bed early, and were so stressed that it took us several hours just holding each other to finally get to

Friday I had a follow-up appointment with Dr. Sutton and the podiatrist. To say they were shocked is an
understatement. After examining my feet, and deciding that the way I was dressed was none of their
business, they said I was permitted to do all the walking my feet could tolerate. And changed the
physical therapy routine. They also sent us down to the physical therapy clinic for an intense lesson on
proper use of the crutches. So I left the hospital under my own power, with Tia pushing the now-empty

I wasn't going to be able to avoid the damn thing, but I was not glued to it anymore.

I spent the weekend at Tia's, and on Monday we began the strange process of getting registered for high
school. Once the battle over which school I would attend was won, by a combination of the Doctor's
notes and my demonstrating that I could, if needed, get out of the wheelchair and move on my own, the
gender battle began. Dr. Nagle was right. The problems were mostly bureaucratic. I thought about all
the problems, and came up with an idea.
Mom was amazed when I told her I needed to go clothes shopping again. "You've got enough for three

"I'm going to register as Samuel, and then let them fight about how I'm dressed." Dad, instead of getting
upset, said he liked the idea, and took Tia and me to Stallones.

Tia spent a lot of time with eye liner and a brush, but I looked almost like the old Samuel when she
finished. The designer bell bottoms were long enough to cover the boots, but I looked a little funny with
legs that belonged on a basketball player. So Dad accompanied us to the school, and registration went
without a hitch. Well, almost. Andy ran into us and started making nasty comments. Did you know that
six-plus inch heels make great weapons? I stomped on his tennis shoe. Then loudly complained that he
wouldn't move out of the way as he hopped around, howling, on one foot.

Dad managed to keep from laughing till we were outside. Tia and I had decided to take the same classes,
and used the excuse that she was my helper since I was stuck in a wheelchair or on crutches. It worked.
Dad seemed really happy when I wore the guy's stuff.

Wednesday I got the most complete physical of my life. Yeech. I preferred catheters and maybe even

On Thursday, Tia and I went shopping alone. Or we were alone till we hit the mall. And I got a small
number of teenage boys clothes. I looked really funny with big hair and makeup, but it felt good to be
wearing jeans again. And the "loose fit" style would slide over the boots.

Saturday was the summer blowout at the park. Tia and I dressed alike, and got a lot of complements.
And we both got hit on by the guys that hadn't heard about me. I chalked up having the manners of a
monkey as a good reason to not act like a boy. And I managed to stand and join in the communal hugs
our group had to commemorate the end of our vacation. I got a few scared looks from some of the guys
when they realized I was me. But I felt good about myself, and just smiled at them.

Once we were settled in to the school routine, and Jerry had completed the paperwork to force the
school to accept me as either Samuel or Samantha, I discovered that when I wore boy's clothes, people
still treated me like a girl. When I looked like a girl, I was treated like a girl. But if I mixed the
appearances, I got treated like I was contaminated. Dr. Nagel said that it just proved I was now more girl
than boy in my actions.

Jody had been dropping around from time to time, but was working twelve-hour shifts. When Tia asked
how to contact her, she said she was staying with Monty. That made both our eyebrows go up.

Tia wanted me to stay in skirts. Dad wanted me to wear nothing but the boy's stuff. The skirts were
more comfortable, and I felt more, well, whole in the skirts.

Which caused me a lot of stress, and occupied much of the next couple of sessions I had with Dr. Nagel.

The god squad turned out to be my biggest problem, and it finally took Jeremiah to put an end to their
overt harassment. Several of the worst tried to pull down my skirt and undies to "Show the world what
an abomination I was." Jeremiah put two of them in the hospital with broken ribs, and the other two
couldn't do much harassing with their jaws wired shut, and missing most of their teeth. There were
plenty of witnesses, so the police said he was just defending me from an assault. All he got was a
warning about unnecessary roughness.

Jerry sent several letters to the school, and soon the principal made it very clear that harassment of
anyone for any reason would result in immediate suspension or expulsion. He sounded really unhappy,
as he was one of the adults that had been trying their best to make my life miserable. So I got the
occasional "freak, fag, or sicko" comment, which was easy to ignore, and as time wore on I guess most
everyone forgot that I wasn't really a girl. No, make that I wasn't physically a girl. Even Dad had started
to treat me like his daughter, at least when he didn't think about it.

Christmas was great. I guess Mom and Dad had carefully briefed all the relatives, but I got hugs from my
aunt and uncle, and Grandpa gave me a beautiful silver necklace. My cousins said I was weird, and made
disgusted noises when Tia and I spent a lot of time kissing. But what do you expect from a couple of
tweeny-boppers anyway?

Tia and I celebrated our sixteenth birthdays in January. It was a great little party. We got only one
present. All four parents pooled their money and bought us a car. Which had the seat modified so I
could drive in my heels. And we both managed to pass our driving tests by the end of the month. Jody
brought Monty, and gave me a leather skirt. Jody was wearing a full-coverage leather dress, and Monty
his biker's leathers. Which got some funny looks from our parents.

There was a second present I was not expecting. My driver's license said Samantha. Anne turned
eighteen in March, and two days later she and Chuck rented a cabin for the weekend. I guess he finally
convinced her to spend the night with him. Mom fussed over her when she returned, with a contented
smile and a funny walk. And Chuck's class ring. I can guarantee she had plenty of protection. Tia and I
gave her a whole box just before she left.

Tia and I were pretty much treated like sisters by our friends. And I guess most of our relationship was
kinda like really close sisters. Except that we dated each other. There wasn't a lot happening in our lives,
school was easy, and I was rarely bothered about being a girl any more. I guess most people forgot. Or
just didn't care.

Anne announced just before graduation that she and Chuck were going to room together at college.
They both had academic scholarships to the state university. Mom and Dad were able to provide enough
money for her half of the apartment, and some expenses. Chuck's parents covered the rest.

At the same time the insurance company finally settled with us over the accident. Most of the money
went to a bonded medical fund that guaranteed I would never pay a cent for medical care the rest of my
life. And neither would any member of my future family, if any. There was enough left over to set up a
really nice college fund, and fill a bank account for me to use as I saw fit. I did some calculations, and
realized how much it really was worth. Wow. But it still didn't make up for what the doctors finally

Even with the stretching, a trip to the University's medical center came back with bad news. There was
no way I could grow enough new tendon to walk normally. They could somewhat extend what I had, but
the result would be weak. What I had now was super-strong, just short. Tia and I spent a lot of time
discussing this with both sets of parents, and Dr Nagel.

And I cried a lot. But Dad was the one that finally got me straightened out. He pointed out that if he
could learn to live with me as his daughter, I needed to quit throwing a pity party for myself, and be
happy that as a girl I now had an excuse to wear kinky heels. I munched crow for a couple of days, and
then visited Monty to order a couple of new pairs. And one for Tia.
She complained they were way too high, and I pointed out that her feet could be stretched the opposite
direction from mine. And since her feet were really ticklish...

We spent a lot of that summer with our friends at the park. I no longer needed the crutches, except
when it was slippery or I had to spend too long on my feet. And everyone agreed I had the most wicked
walk of any girl in the school. Tia was jealous. One reason she agreed to getting herself a set of super-
high heeled boots. Jody was due to finish off her work at the mall in September, which really bothered

I was really surprised when Dr. Nagel and our family physician, Dr. Morrison, set up a joint appointment
for Tia, me, and my parents just before school started. I was shocked to find the endocrinologist that
had done a lot of blood-work on me during that incredibly detailed physical was also present.

"Samantha, you have spent almost an entire year as a girl, and I think everyone here agrees that you
really have no desire to return to being Samuel."

"I'm happy as Samantha. Besides, I really do fit in better, and my girlfriend would be really unhappy if I
changed back." Tia gave me a hug.

"Do you remember the paperwork we did to get the school to allow you to attend as Samantha?" I
nodded. "Part of what we started back then was called a real life test. In official terms, that means that
you were going to test-drive being a full-time female for a year. A test you will, in a few weeks, have
successfully completed. And you are now sixteen, which makes several more options available to you."

Dr. Morrison took the lead. "During that special physical your parents requested last year, we measured
your hormone levels. And I have been tracking them during those quarterly physicals your parents have
been making you get. Have you ever wondered why you still don't have a noticeable beard? Tia and I
both nodded. "You have a slight hormone imbalance. No enough to cause you any major problems, but
enough to inhibit some of the effects of having a male puberty. The imbalance is definitely not enough
to have any noticeable effect on your psychological makeup.
But you are now old enough to consider whether want to begin the process of physically changing into a
girl." I could feel Tia tense. Dad looked really unhappy. "But only if you want to. Dr. Nagel says that she
does not recommend that you undergo a sex change, but does not rule out other options."

Tia was clinging to me. "I don't want to become a girl, at least not where it counts. That I'm sure of." Tia
tried to crush me with a hug. "Someday we may want to have children, and that's, well, kinda impossible
if things get cut off." The idea made me shiver. "Besides, we both like what I have." I hugged Tia back,
and watched as both mothers made disapproving faces.

"So what other options do I have?"

The endocrinologist took over. "Samantha, it is possible, by changing your hormone balance, to keep
you from ever maturing further as a male. And if carefully monitored, we can ensure you remain fertile.
The effects of hormone manipulation are very individual, but it may be possible for you to develop small,
feminine breasts and change your fat distribution so you have a more defined waist, and larger thighs,
hips, and bottom." Tia made some happy noises, and my father looked sad. "If you were ever to decide
to change back, the fat would re-distribute itself naturally, but the breast and nipple changes would
require surgical attention."

Dr. Nagel broke in. "Samantha, you don't need to decide immediately, but Dr. Morrison says you are
showing signs that a late male puberty is beginning. And things like beards and heavy body hair are
difficult and painful to permanently remove."

Tia whispered something in my ear. "Um..." I turned red "If I develop breasts will they be as sensitive as
a real girls?"

"Of course they will. It is even possible, in some cases, that you could lactate if additional hormones are
administered." Dad turned sort of green, but Mom was nodding. She'd said nursing my sister and me
was something she'd really enjoyed.

Tia commented aloud "You keep complaining that the breast forms are just excess baggage on your
chest, and that you wished they were all natural, and as sensitive as mine." Her mom snickered, and her
dad mumbled something that got her mom to whack him.
"How long would it take to, well, grow my own?" Tia hugged me tighter.

"Somewhere between a year and never. You would almost certainly grow feminine nipples, but breast
size is impossible to guess. Depending on your genetics, and responses to the hormones, probably a size
or two smaller than if you had been born a genetic female. I understand that your sister is rather well
endowed." I nodded. "But a lot hinges on your family history."

Mom suddenly giggled. "I'm bigger than Anne, and my sister and my mother, before she passed away,
were downright huge." I thought of Aunt Susie. Dad had made comments about her typing a paragraph
every time she bent over her keyboard. Which had got him slugged by Mom.

"Then Samantha could wind up with a rather, well, striking figure."

Tia whispered in my ear "Think about my doing to you what I like so much when you do it to me." Things
got awfully tight in my undies.

"What are the side effects?" Dad seemed to want to find an argument against the idea.

"At Samantha's age, very few. A somewhat diminished sex drive, some initial mood swings, and a
tendency to be more emotional. Thinner and more sensitive skin. Later an increased risk of breast
cancer. So she would need breast examinations just like any other woman. But this risk may be offset by
a significant reduction in her chance to develop prostate problems, including cancer, or heart trouble"
Mom and Dad looked at each other, then at me.

"Um, a reduction in sex drive?" Tia managed to get it out softly. "Like you mean she won't want to..."
The endochronologist chuckled.

"If she chooses to go on hormones, she will probably experience a lot fewer unwanted erections. But
with the proper stimulation, she will be able to achieve orgasm, it will probably just take a lot longer.
Which may or may not be a problem."
Tia wiggled her eyebrows at me. "You mean no more of her falling asleep too soon?"

I turned bright red, and there was a general gurgling sound from our parents.

I stood and pulled Tia to her feet. "Unless someone can give me a better reason than it would be hard
for me to return to being a boy, I want to take that option."

Tia kissed me, and all four parents went into conference. Dr. Nagel took me and Tia aside. "Samantha,
this is what I would have recommended, but I wanted you to make the decision entirely on your own. I
think you will be happy with the results, even if you only grow a little."

It was a few minutes, and a lot of questions from the parents to the different doctor's later, that Dad
finally decided it was really up to me. And I had already made my decision.

I had, however, forgotten to ask how they administered the hormones. It was hard to walk or sit for
quite a while.

I got a bunch of harassment, again, from the school when I tried to register. Dad called Jerry, and we all
went in the next day. The threat of a lawsuit, and other dire consequences won. I felt great when a
couple of other registering students, and their parents, told the school types to get a plunger and pull
their collective heads out.

And Jody didn't leave when the job was finished. She and Monty announced that they were going to get
married. And that their first was due in February. They were both glowing, and Tia cried herself silly.

Tia and I were now in straight honor's classes, which meant a lot more studying. I found I didn't mind
not being horny all the time. And Tia didn't seem to mind having to provide the proper stimulation when
appropriate. But I had to give blood every month, and a much more personal sample. Tia helped. But it
was still embarrassing.
By Thanksgiving, my nipples were so sensitive that I had to get different breast forms to keep from
getting irritated. We attended the Christmas prom together. And drew a lot of attention. See, Tia was
wearing her new boots, which gave her this incredible sway when she walked. Almost as good as mine.
We caused a lot of neck-wrenching among the participants as we wriggled our way across the floor.

Dad still couldn't accept what I had become, but he gave me his support and love, and we realized that
some things just would never be perfect.

By March I no longer needed the breast forms, opting for a smaller chest that was all mine. And I was
finally noticing I was growing a figure. When my skirts got a little loose in the waist and really tight in the
hips. Tia loved how I looked, and I started to enjoy being a pretty teenage girl. And we both got tapped
by Jody for baby-sitting. Tia loved it. And pointed out it was good training for me. Oh Joy and diapers.

Tia and I received our honor society memberships just before school let out. So we threw a party at the
park for all our friends. And that meant it was a big party. Oh, there were quite a few kids that refused
to associate with Tia or me, and the god squad was still a problem. But the more feminine I became, the
fewer people seemed to consider me weird.

For some reason, as soon as the summer hit, I hit a growth spurt. I was glad I hadn't yet bought many
new clothes. Before, Tia and I were almost the same height. And were working on the same
measurements. Over the summer I grew three inches, and put on fifteen pounds. Most of it muscle. The
endocrinologist said my hormone levels were fine, and it probably meant I was just catching up on my
growth. My chest was not getting bigger, but I was developing killer legs. Tia started to complain she was

This time registration was much easier. The old principal had retired, and the new one was big into what
he called diversity. The god squad started in early, and he gave them one lecture, and the next time they
caused trouble, he suspended the whole batch of them for a week. I was not the only one being
harassed, the gay kids were also being pestered, and it felt good to have some support from the school.
It was on a Friday night early in October when Tia and I were awakened by a loud pounding on our front
door. "Samantha, please, for God's sake let us in. Please, it's Jill, my brother and I are hurt and..." Dad
came running down the stairs, and stopped at my room.

"Do you know..?"

"She's one of the girls in our math class at school." He dashed out as Tia hurried to put my boots on so I
could maneuver. I heard the door open, and Dad hollered for Mom to help him and get the first aid kit.
When we reached the living room Dad was helping a small, weird looking girl to a chair. Jill was standing
there, holding her arm at a funny angle and whimpering.

"Close and lock the door, and get me the portable phone." I headed for the door, and Tia went to the
kitchen for the telephone. One the door was closed I went and held Jill, who was shaking uncontrollably.

"Jill, what happened, and who is..." I was looking at the other girl. And realized the girl was her younger
brother in a dress, with his hair hacked off and his face swollen and scraped.

"Mom and Dad came home and found Art dressed in my stuff, and started screaming and beating on
him, and cut off his hair with a knife, and when I tried to stop them Mom hit me with something and my
arm went snap and then Art kicked Dad in the face and managed to get the door open and we've been
trying to hide from them and they're looking all over for us and I remembered you were really a boy and
might not throw us out and..."

"And no one will hurt you here." Dad sounded really angry. "I'm calling the police right now. Are your
parents on foot or..."

"They're in Dad's minivan."

Five minutes later Dad was off the telephone, and helping Mom and Tia splint Jill's arm. I was holding
her brother, who was sobbing, and babbling that he should be dead because his dressing up got his
sister hurt. "Art, there's nothing wrong with wanting to look like a girl, or be a girl."
"Mom and Dad said I'm a freak and a pervert and should never have been born and..."

"And nothing. They can't hurt you now. Not everyone thinks we're sick or strange. Please, let someone
help you."

"No one can help me. I'm really a girl and I'm stuck in this awful boy's body and I hate my life and..."

"And you can become a real girl if you really want to, it just takes time." Tia came over and hugged us
both. "Sam is both a boy and a girl." Art looked strangely at me, and I nodded.

There were flashing lights outside, and a moment later a police officer was pounding on our door. Mom
let him in, and one look at Jill and her sort-of brother had him on the radio requesting an additional unit.
"They need to be taken to the hospital. Can you take them, or should I call an ambulance?" Dad agreed
to take them both, and Tia suggested I get dressed and go along.

"Your mother and I can follow in our car." I needed Tia's help, but was ready by the time Dad was
dressed. Just as we were heading out the door the policeman pulled back up and said he would escort
us to the hospital..

Dad took it fast but carefully as he drove to the emergency room. We were expected, but Art refused to
let go of me, and they doctors finally agreed to let me stay with him all the way through their
examinations. It turned out that he had nothing but a lot of nasty bruises. The orthopedic surgeon they
called in to set Jill's shattered arm was Dr. Sutton. Which made it easy for me to assure Jill that she was
going to me okay.

The police officer that came by to get Jill and Art's statements, and verify their condition turned out to
be Erica's father, who knew all about me from Erica. When Art found that the officer wasn't overtly
disgusted with his wearing a dress, Art broke down, then told a tale of abuse that made me sick to my
stomach. I wondered how he had managed to survive this long.
Tia wound up driving our car to the hospital, and we convinced Dad that we wanted to stay with Art and
Jill, and he should go home and get some rest. Erica's dad took Dad's statement, and Dad headed home.
The hospital put Art in a room, and said that Jill would be moved there after surgery. So we camped with
Art, and gave him what he needed most. Hugs.

Jill was really out of it when they wheeled her in, and I buttonholed Dr. Sutton in the hall. "Is she going
to be okay?" He nodded.

"She will have a couple of scars where we had to go in, and some permanent metal pins, but everything
went back together properly. As long as there is no infection, she shouldn't have any lasting problems or
disabilities." He looked inquiringly at me. "Is her brother like you?"

I shook my head. "He really wants to be a girl, way down deep inside. I like who I am, but I can be
Samuel or Samantha and be happy. But with my feet like they are, I prefer to be Samantha." He nodded,
and said he needed to get some sleep.

When the police and the person from the Social Services office came by late in the morning, I was
snuggled up to Art in his bed. I was holding him like a stuffed animal, and we were both sound asleep.
Tia was curled up in a corner, with a blanket and pillow. Jill was sleeping, and the nurse, before she left
around six in the morning, had said Jill was given a sleeping pill and would be out for at least five hours.

So it took a while for everyone to wake up and get coherent, and I called the nurse to get Jill some pain
medications. Soon the four of us were looking at the person from Social Services, who seemed, well,
disgusted and upset about something. Tia muttered in my ear "She's a first class holier-than-thou
asshole. Mom and Dad had to deal with her a few times before Dad threw her out of the house and
called the Governor's hot-line to get her off my case."

The officer, who I had never seen before, introduced himself as Detective Collins. "Mrs. Delong, from
Social Services" he motioned to the woman" has been assigned as the caseworker for the McGregor
children and is going to try and find them a temporary foster home, but she doesn't think anyone will
take the boy, Art, if he insists on dressing like a girl."
"It is difficult enough to find placements for older children, and when one is severely mentally ill it..." My
hackles rose fast.

"You idiot. She is NOT mentally ill!" I got right in her face. "Her problem is people like you, bigots and
bureaucrats who don't know any better." She backed off quickly and Detective Collins was watching me
warily. "All she needs is some love and understanding and she will be fine."

"Excuse me young lady, but according to the paperwork and doctors, Art McGregor is a ten-year old
boy." Detective Collins was giving me a "keep out of this" look. "And I find it difficult to believe that you
are qualified to make a diagnosis about his mental health."

"She is far more qualified that either of you, and perhaps most of the physicians here, to diagnose Art's
problems." They jumped when a voice came from the open door. It was Dr. Nagle, who came into the
room uninvited. "I am Dr. Cynthia Nagle, a board-certified children's Psychiatrist and a friend of
Samantha, the girl you were addressing." I went and gave her a hug. "It was by pure chance I was here
today, as I was visiting a friend who just had gallbladder surgery When I heard about what had
transpired, I decided to drop in and see if there was anything I could do to help."

Mrs. Delong looked really disgusted. "Do not butt in where you are not wanted, Doctor. These two
children are now wards of the state, and you are specifically invited not to participate in their care."

I had never seen Dr. Nagle mad, but she seemed to grow three inches and fangs. "Detective, this
miserable excuse for a waste of our tax money, who claims to be protecting their interests, is dangerous
to the mental health of these two children. She is incapable of being non-judgmental in dealing with the
younger child's problems and will psychologically abuse the child if given the chance." Mrs. Delong
started to say something and Tia kicked her in the shin. "And I will bring charges of child abuse against
you if you allow her to take these children from this hospital."

"Why you..." Mrs. Delong looked like she was about to punch Dr. Nagel when the officer got between

"Enough. Both of you. Mrs. Delong, is there any truth in what the Doctor is saying?
"Of course not. I treat all children the same. Mentally ill or perverted young people, homosexuals and
children like the younger McGregor child of course require a stronger hand, but that is my area of
expertise." Art started to cry and I went to hold him. When I looked back at the officer, I swore there
was smoke coming out of his ears. He turned to face the woman from Social Services. His voice was cold,
and extremely tense.

"Mrs. Delong, these children are still under the protective custody of the police department. Until such
time as that changes, I am officially directing you to avoid any contact with them or I will arrest you for
interfering with police activities." She stepped back like she had been slapped.

"Doctor, do you have sufficient evidence to substantiate your claims she is guilty of child abuse in this or
previous cases?"

"I am reasonably certain that if a detailed examination of case records is conducted, and the affected
children are interviewed by qualified children's psychologists or psychiatrists, it will be possible to
establish a pattern of overt and covert psychological abuse of children who are homosexual, or who
have other psychological variations that may be considered by the narrow-minded as abnormal."

"Are you willing to file a complaint in a professional capacity to that effect?" Dr. Nagle took a slow, deep


He turned back to the woman from Social Services. "You are hereby notified that you are being placed
under investigation for possible child abuse. I am issuing you a verbal police protective restraining order,
effective immediately, which will be followed by a full court restraining order within the required
seventy-two hour time period, barring you from contact with any juveniles, other than you own
children, if any, in an official or unofficial capacity, until such time as this matter has been investigated to
the satisfaction of the police and the Attorney General's office. Because this is a potential criminal
matter, I am advising you of your rights." He pulled a card from his wallet. "You have the right to remain
Mrs. Delong screamed, "I'll kill you for this, you fag-loving bitch!" as she launched herself at Doctor
Nagel. And slammed face-first into the floor when Tia tripped her. Detective Collins sat on her and
managed to handcuff her while she screamed obscenities. One of the nurses ran in to find out what all
the screaming was about, and pushed a panic alarm. And then pinned Mrs. Delong's legs so she couldn't
kick anyone.

One thing about hospitals, they have interesting ways of keeping people restrained. The doctor who
responded to the alarm went and got a big roll of tape, and soon Mrs. Delong was barely able to twitch.
Dr. Nagel was shaking, and Tia held her while the detective called back to his office. He got off the phone
and managed a weak smile. "I am charging her with felony assault. The chief wants her placed in the
psychiatric unit for evaluation, and if they say she is fit, we will transport her to the jail." He looked really
stressed. Two orderlies came in, put her on a gurney, and strapped her down. When she started to
scream louder, they did something with a roll of gauze and all that came out were muffled grunts as
they wheeled her down the hall.

Art was still shaking as Dr. Nagel thanked Tia, and came over to us. "I take it this is the young person that
wants to be a girl?" I nodded. "I haven't done much pro-bono work of late. So if the detective here
doesn't mind, I would like to provide a free evaluation and perhaps some counseling to both children."
That took a second call, and a consultation with the hospital's staff psychiatrist for approval. The
detective again apologized for the problems created by Mrs. Delong, and said the local Social Services
Director was in route.

"I have been assured that he is very willing to work with Dr. Nagel to help both children." Dr. Nagel

"I know of him, and he is said to be a good person." She gave the detective an inquisitive look. "That was
a rather fast decision on giving her the boot. Have you dealt with her before?" He shook his head, and
whispered something in her ear. She laughed quietly. "Just doing you civic duty to protect the
downtrodden, right?" He smiled and nodded.

Art was finally back in control when an older gentleman came in, and introduced himself as Mr. Ritlerki,
from Social Services. He and Dr. Nagel and the detective went outside and chatted for a while. When
they returned, no one was smiling. He addressed Jill and Art. "I wish to apologize personally, and for my
department, for the deplorable actions of Mrs. Delong. As an assist to the police investigation, I am
going to personally review all of her cases over the past few years, and do my best to resolve any
questions relating to her activities." He took a breath, and continued.

"Unfortunately, she was right in one aspect. Finding placements for children with special needs is very
difficult. Before I left my office I checked our listing of available placements, and there are none for Jill
and Art together. Or for that matter for Art alone. So I am authorizing the hospital to keep Art under
observation until Monday, which will give my office time to contact other offices, and the main office in
the capital, to try and locate a placement for you. I wish I had better news. We will try to place you
together, but I can make no promises." Art whimpered and Jill started to cry.

"There is one good piece of news." We looked at the detective. "I just received word that their parents
were caught retrieving things from their house, and are now in custody. There appears to be sufficient
evidence from what was found earlier with a search warrant that the judge is unlikely to let them free
on bail unsupervised. And I doubt they will have much luck finding someone willing to take that
responsibility when that person hears the charges against the two of them." He stretched. "So I have to
go back to my office and start the paperwork to charge Mrs. Delong with assault, and to request the
Attorney Ggeneral to convene a grand jury to investigate the child abuse charges." He handed each of us
one of his cards, and left.

"Does this mean I won't get beaten any more?" I hugged Art tighter, and nodded. He started to cry, but
there was a tiny smile behind his swollen face.

"I will come by tomorrow to talk with Art and Jill. Sam, you and Tia need to go home and let your
parents know what happened, and get some rest. Jill should be able to call and tell you want is
happening tomorrow." Jill managed to nod at Dr. Nagel, who departed.

As we were saying goodby, something clicked. "Art, when you are not trying to be a boy, what do you
call yourself?" He smiled a real smile.

"Ariel. Ariel Megan McGregor."

"Then we will look forward to seeing Jill and Ariel as soon as we know what is happening." Tia and I
made it out the door before she started to cry again. When we got home we briefed Mom and Dad, and
then went to Tia's to tell her parents what had happened. They were appalled that Mrs. Delong was still
a case worker, and wished her the worst of luck in jail. Tia and I were exhausted and upset, and decided
to spend the night at her house. We both cried a little as we came to grips with the reality that Art, no,
make that Ariel, was going to have a terrible time trying to cope without the support of her family. And
poignantly realized how important was the support we received from our parents.

Sunday was a quiet day for both of us. I drove home and collected our homework, and we mostly spent
the day writing and snuggling. Jill called us late in the day, and said she and Ariel were both feeling
better, but the state still had not found them a place to stay. She sounded really worried. "They have so
few approved foster parents that are willing to take on someone like Ariel, and those all have as many
children in their care as they can handle." We gave them both verbal hugs and told them to keep us

We discussed what we learned with her parents at dinner. Tia's mom had a strange, thoughtful look in
her eyes when she suddenly dragged Tia's dad off for a private conversation. When they returned there
was a tenseness that seemed to scare Tia.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

"We just finished talking to Samantha's parents." They never called me Samantha any more, which
scared me. "And they agree with us that this situation involves you both intimately." Tia grabbed me.
"So when I suggested that we should petition for Tia's emancipation so she could leave our care, they

"Mom, no, don't, I love you and Dad and..."

"And you can then move in with Samantha, at her house, with her parents blessings." Tia stopped in
mid-tear and stared at them. "Which means that we would then be eligible to take on a couple of new
foster children..."

Tia and I grabbed each other "Yes, Oh God Yes! Thank you, thank you." I had to silence her with a kiss,
and she pulled away and tried to hug both her parents as she cried.
I hugged then with her, and added my tears of happiness to the puddle.

They finally got us calmed down and made us sit quietly for a couple of minutes. "This assumes the state
will agree that we are suitable foster parents for your two friends. So don't go getting their hopes up
until we actually have the approval from Social Services."

We wanted to call Jill and Ariel immediately, but promised to wait. "And you two have school tomorrow.
So we will come by the school if there is any news. Now off to bed. And remember, no grandchildren.

Tia and I discussed the idea of yet for a few minutes, then fell into an exhausted sleep in each other's

Monday we got a lot of questions about Jill and her brother, because there were a lot of people who
knew a little about what had happened, and about her parents being tossed in jail. We didn't say much
other than that they had been pretty badly beaten up, and Jill's arm had to be put back together with
screws, which grossed out most of the kids.

We were both called to the office just before our last class, and found Tia's parents waiting for us. They
were smiling. "Mom, did they?"

"As of an hour ago you are the foster sister of Jill and Arthur McGregor." Tia jumped into her parents
arms, and started to cry. "And we didn't have to let you go. The Social Services people said that if you
and Jill share a bedroom, and Arthur has his own, they can approve three children. Although I highly
doubt that Jill will have a roommate very often." Tia let go of them and grabbed me. Her parents
reminded her that we were in a public place, and she reluctantly let go.

"We need to get back on the road. Your room needs bunk beds, and some empty dresser space, and
we're picking up Arthur at the hospital at five. So there will be a list for you two to get done before we
get back with him." A couple of more hugs and they left. We managed to mostly pay attention during
the last period.
When we got to Tia's house after school, the list said to prepare their guest room for Arthur, because Jill
was going to stay in the hospital until the next weekend. It took us only a couple of minutes. "Hey, I just
got an idea..." Tia looked at me strangely. "Don't you have all sorts of clothes that don't fit you any
more?" The light above her head flickered and them got really bright.

"You mean we should?" I nodded.

"Ariel is about the same size you were when you were ten, and I remember us finding boxes of your old
clothes in your crawlspace." We almost ran down the stairs.

We finished loading the dresser and closet just as her parents car pulled into the driveway. On the bed
was an old, soft flannel nightgown and one of Tia's many stuffed animals. We hurried downstairs to
meet them at the door. Ariel's face was a weird yellow and purple mix, but the swelling was going down.
She was wearing a pair of oversize jeans, a shirt, and a pair of new tennis shoes that looked silly. But she
was smiling and grabbed us and started babbling her thanks.

"Hey, everybody deserves a home and parents that love them." Tia grabbed her Mom and Dad and
snuggled against them. I was holding Ariel. "So are you ready to see your new room?" She nodded, and
we headed upstairs. I saw Tia whisper something in her parents ears, and they hung back a little. When
Ariel saw the nightgown on the bed she spun around and grabbed me and started to bawl like a little
kid. Tia's parents, make that Ariel's new parents nodded at me and smiled.

Tia and her Mom made dinner, and I helped Ariel with dressing as a girl. The pleated skirt and blouse fit,
as did the ankle socks and silly-looking little girl heels. She almost came apart when she realized how
awful her hair looked. I pulled out a scissors, and after seating her on a chair and wrapping her in a
towel, told her to close her eyes and trust me.

Tia and I had discussed Ariel's hair, and Tia suggested a radical short cut from one of her teen
magazines. So I got things reasonably even, and played with a comb and some styling gel until her hair
was all sorts of little spikes. I added some of Tia's old clip-on earrings and a necklace, and told her to
stand. I moved her to the mirror. "Remember, you've got a lot of bruises, so you'll look sort of weird
When she opened her eyes she stared at herself for at least a minute, and softly hugged me as tears
leaked out. "You mean I don't have to pretend I'm a girl any longer?"

"Not here, and not when you're dressed up and with us. You need to work with Dr. Nagel about how you
will go to school. Can you live with pretending to be a boy at school until you learn how to be a girl?"

"I think so, but I don't ever again want to be something I'm not." I wiped off her tears, and a couple of
mine that somehow had appeared, and escorted her down to dinner.

At Tia's suggestion, after we had managed out homework, I spent the night with Ariel. It was a good,
warm feeling to watch her as she put on her own panties and nightgown, and hugged herself. She was
asleep, holding on to the stuffed animal before I climbed in next to her.

By the Wednesday night she was fine sleeping alone, and her face was beginning to look a lot better.
Which meant that Tia and I could do some much-needed snuggling of our own. Tia's Mom took the week
off work, and kept an eye on her. When we got home Thursday, Ariel was bouncing and happy as she
showed us her newly pierced ears. Tia's Mom said that Dr. Nagel believed Ariel, which she was now
calling the little boy-girl, should probably go back to school as a girl, and was already setting the
paperwork mill in motion. "It's going to be hard for her, but if she survived the awful treatment she
received from her biological parents, the worst she will encounter at school will be easy." Tia and I

Mom and Dad seemed impressed with how I was handling things, but remarked that they were suffering
empty house syndrome. So we promised that we would be moving back into my room in the near

On Saturday morning Tia's dad picked up Jill at the hospital, and brought her home. She looked sad, but
seemed to perk up when she saw her and Tia's room. When we had some private time, we asked, and
she explained that even as mean as her parents had been to her, they were her parents and she felt
lonely. So I wound up spending the weekend sleeping with Ariel and Tia stayed with Jill, which seemed
to help her a lot.
Going back to school on Monday was traumatic for everyone. Jill's friends swamped her with sympathy,
and others with stupid questions. I took the day off and accompanied Ariel to her grade-school, where
Mr. Allen and Dr. Nagel paved the way for her returning as a girl. Her teacher seemed to be okay with
the change, and the kids that gave her a hard time had to survive both me and the principal. I think I was
scarier. But when the day was over Ariel said she was the happiest she had ever been, and would be
okay on her own. So it was back to high school for me.

Jill had some real problems with depression for a couple of months, and wound up on medication. But
she slowly got her life together, and soon was able to quit taking the happy pills and get on with her life.
She was really a good kid, much less, well, sharp than Tia. But Tia's Mom was really happy that she had a
new daughter, and Tia liked having a sister, even if she only saw her occasionally.

Ariel was another matter. She was all energy and happiness at being able to be herself. At school she got
beat up a couple of times, and was teased unmercifully, but always came home smiling though the
tears. She said that being a girl was worth any price. It sort of sounded like my being able to walk being
so important in my deciding to become a girl. So we shared some tears and hugs. And like any kid who
was different, as time went on she was less noticed as the boy who became a girl, and was accepted by a
lot of kids as Ariel.

Their parents never went to trial. They took a plea bargain that canceled all their parental rights, and
gave them a sentence of ten years each. All of their assets were sold, and the money put in a trust
account for Jill' and Ariel's future. I continued to grow. Tia now was my permanent roommate, which
made logistics a lot simpler. And really increased our together time.

At Christmas I was almost six feet tall without my new boots, and had what everyone called an "athletic"
figure. Which meant I was still a bit flat, and had too much muscle. But Tia had also done some growing,
and was now really soft and curvy. We spent Christmas eve at Tia's with her new siblings, along with her
brother and family. Jody, Monty, Anne, Chuck, and Jeremiah all joined us for Christmas dinner at our
house. Anne slugged Chuck when he almost tripped watching Tia.

I was no longer seeing Dr. Nagel. Tia and I were inseparable, and I was happy with myself. I guess it was
strange, but Dr. Nagel said I was really one of the lucky ones. My parents didn't throw me out, and were
trying to accept me for who I was, and I had found a place for myself in school, with friends that didn't
care what I was under my clothes. So I had a lot of things to be thankful for over the holidays.
In late January Dr. Nagel obtained permission from the court that oversees foster children to start Ariel
on her medical way to being a girl. As young as she was, the endocrinologist said she would develop fully
as a girl, with much of the proper bone structure and everything. Ariel was looking forward to when she
could start dating boys, which raised several eyebrows and became a major topic between her and Dr.
Nagel. I guess she wasn't really gay, since girls normally did want to go out with boys. And she was a girl,
regardless of her shell.

By the beginning of our senior year I had quit growing. Tia was a bombshell in a compact package. I was
the tall, dark and muscular type. I never did get big on top, but good God they were sensitive. And I
think Tia knew every nerve ending. Personally.

The biggest problem we had during our senior year was the way we now looked. Tia was attracting boys
like a magnet. She's really stacked, and looks a lot like the old pictures of Loni Anderson, if Loni was only
five-four with the same measurements. And had long brown hair. I looked like a female volleyball player
who was into weight lifting. But I felt like a tall guy with long hair and small breasts. The hormones,
according to the endocrinologist, did what they were supposed to do. Dad said his family were known as
late bloomers. But Dad was only five-ten and fairly thin. Mom's father's family apparently had some big,
tall women way back when. So that must be where I got the weird genes.

I would have liked staying a twin to Tia, although I was not sure I wanted to have to look around my
breasts to see my feet. But at six-one (measured at my heel) and almost one-sixty-five, much of it
muscle, I thought I no longer looked feminine. And I wanted to look feminine. Tia said she was perfectly
happy with my appearance, and started calling me her princess charming. Our friends said I had turned
out awesome. But it still bothered me.

The main reason I didn't get really depressed was I was too busy. Tia and I were both competing for
admission to a couple of really good universities. Which meant that our final grades and admission
testing were really important. And we were taking mostly advanced placement courses. Both sets of
parents made us take two days off during spring break, and party with our friends. We didn't argue
loudly. And took a third day to recover from the partying.

Dad finally helped me pull my head out. "Samantha, quit complaining that you no longer look like a girl.
Because you no longer are a girl." I almost dropped my soda on the carpet. "You look like a tall, happy
young woman who is in charge of her life." I gawked at him. Compliments on my appearance were not
something he provided. "And damnit, you are a young woman. I didn't want to admit it, but you're my
daughter now, and I'm proud of you." He held me when I started to cry.

"But you said you could never accept..."

"Never is a long time. I still get some pangs that I won't have a son to watch as he finishes growing to be
a man." He held me at arm's length. "But you sure make a pretty sight as you grow to be a woman." That
got us both crying.

I made quite a sight at graduation. Since my feet had grown as fast as me, I was now wearing over seven
inch heels. So I towered above my classmates as I, in my almost patented and most sensual strut, went
up the stairs and across the stage to collect my diploma. Tia was wearing her highest heels, so even in
the shapeless robes her bounce, jiggle, and wiggle got a lot of whistles. Including mine.

Afterwards, it was party time. I was now a really good dancer, and so was Tia. So we took a chunk of the
floor and almost got tossed out of the dance for excessive body contact. By the time we got home, we
were thoroughly mussed, and even more thoroughly exhausted. And I guess I looked plenty feminine to
the guys from our class. I had to fight them off in droves. Tia had a similar problem. We agreed it was

We are packing to leave for college. Mom is complaining about having empty nest syndrome. Dad says
he is really looking forward to the peace and quiet. Tia's parents have told Mom they are willing to loan
her Jill and Ariel for a few months. The university had some real problems with our rooming together,
since I am still legally male, but we solved that by getting an apartment off-campus. Having the
insurance money did help happiness along a bit.

It turned out that we both earned complete scholarships, so our accounts are in really good shape. Tia
finally decided to study engineering, and I'm working on a pre-med plan, with a specialty goal of
abnormal psychology. I want to learn about kids like me and Ariel. And how to help them.

© 2001

The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must
contact the author for permission

Sharing Wishes by: Rachel Ann Cooper © 1999 All rights reserved

This week began as any other, at least in MY life. Up before I needed to be because I had to share my
room and bath with my younger brother Sandy. He’s just 11 and I’m 13. I always wanted a couple more
siblings, even girls if necessary, but Mom said no. Actually I think it was because she had such a hard
time with Sandy although all I know is what I was told.

We live in a small town near Salem, Massachusetts. It’s an awfully quiet place, not much to do and our
high school barely has a football team, not even 500 students in the whole county. Still, my dad, Donald
Parsons, seems to make a decent living. We don’t really need anything we can’t afford except maybe a
piano. I really would like to take piano lessons.

Yes, I know that is a little odd for a boy but they tell me I’m "special" whatever that means. Sometimes I
think it has to do with my name, Daniel, which makes me think of the lion’s den, which is where I feel I
am when confronted with the normal sized kids in middle school. Maybe that’s why I spend time with
Kathy and Julie, a couple of my neighbors. They are nice to me and we’re about the same size, about
5'3", and girls don’t usually pick fights. Maybe that’s why I wouldn’t have minded a sister or two. Mind
you, Kathy and Julie were considered a bit unusual.

They both had candles and incense in their rooms just because they liked them I guess and there was
this neat star like design in their living room rug. It must have rubbed off in the five years I’ve known
them because I have a few candles now myself. They are calming somehow. I like to just lie in bed and
watch them flicker. It’s sort of hypnotic.
Kathy actually did try to hypnotize me once a couple months ago. I’m sure she didn’t succeed or I’d have
known it. You can’t hypnotize someone that easily. Well, that’s what I’ve been TOLD anyhow. Anyway
we all had a good laugh over it. After school today, we went over to Julie’s to play Scrabble. She usually
wins but we play anyway. I’m going to beat her someday.

It was funny, when I got home today, Mom was looking through an old photo album and when I came
in, she looked as though she had been crying. "Mom, is something wrong" I asked? "Oh, not really
honey. I was just looking at your baby pictures thinking of how sweet you looked in your Christening

"Sandy & I wore dresses?" "Yes, it’s the custom in our church. Actually, you both wore them all the time
until you were about a year old. Nobody thought anything of it back then. We let your hair grow and you
looked very sweet, don’t you think?"

"Yeah, I guess so. If it makes you sad, why do you look at them Mom?" "Sometimes I just wish I could
have given you a couple sisters is all. Don’t concern yourself honey." "Alright Mom. We’re playing at
Julie’s today. They’re kind of like sisters. See ya."

"Don’t be late for dinner."

We played in Julie’s family room. Mrs. Price was busy getting dinner ready. We were talking and I told
them about Mom today. "Your Mom was crying about not having any girls?" "Yeah, I guess so. I think it
would have been nice. Girls are a lot nicer to be around than boys anyway. I don’t like being bullied,
would you?"

"No Danny and I don’t know why you put up with it." "Like I have a choice?"

Kathy looked at Julie and "that look" I had come to dread flew between them. "Beetlejuce." "What" I
responded? I didn’t actually HEAR anything. It was more a feeling.

"Come on up to my room Danny," Julie said. "OK, let’s go." Sometimes we did play in her room.
"Danny, remember the wedding I was in a couple months ago?" "Yes, you looked very pretty and very
grown up with your hair in ringlets and with your high heeled sandals. Why?"

"We want to see how you’d look in my outfit. OK?" "Gee Julie. Me? The makeup and heels and
everything?" "Yes Danny. You WILL do it, right?" "Sure Julie. If that’s what you want." "Alright Danni, for
the next little while, you’re our sister."

"Go shave the fuzz off your legs and your arm pits. Just put my robe on from the back of the bathroom
door." "Alright. I’ll be back in a few." Now, somewhere in the back of my mind, I felt a bit strange about
what I was about to do and yet I felt like I really wanted to do it because Julie had told me to. So, I did it
and when I ran my hand over my now smooth legs, I liked it. Putting on her nylon robe, I returned to find
the bed laid out with that lovely dress, the strapless bra, hose, half slip and those sexy platform 4"
heeled sandals. I admit I was getting a bit exited.

"OK Danni, I think we are going to change your name to Dana for now. Is that OK?"

"Sure, I like it. I can be Dana Scully. My hair’s just right for it."

"Yes, it is Dana and almost long enough too. You’re going to love this. Here, put on your control panties
and then I’ll help you with your bra."

"These feel nice and snug."

"You will ignore the little bit of squishing Dana. We need to paint those toes now and put some dryer on
them so they’ll look nice in the sandals. They then took time to give me a pedicure complete with a
lovely berry shade polish.

" Now the bra. Do you like your new breasts?" "They look almost as nice as yours Julie. Thank you. Too
bad they’re fake." "Yes, it IS too bad, isn’t it Dana?"
"Alright sweetie, next the hose. You know how to do it." I shimmied the sheer stretch pantyhose up my
smooth legs. "Oh, these feel divine," I said.

"They DO don’t they. Too bad you’re not a real girl Dana." "Yes, it is, isn’t it? Mom would like to have a
daughter I’ll bet."

"Alright, over to my vanity and let’s set your hair in the hot rollers, then we’ll get your makeup done."
Julie and Kathy worked quickly and soon I had a head full of curlers. It felt strange but somehow, nice,
like we were having a pajama party or something.

"Alright Dana, now the makeup." They plucked my brows into beautiful arches and pierced my other ear
but I didn’t feel it for some reason. Julie put the prettiest pair of dangles on me! Then they did a full
makeup on me and got me into Julie’s brides maid dress. Then they undid the rollers and brushed out
my now wavy and slightly bouffant hair. The dress felt wonderful swishing around my nylon clad legs.

"Alright Dana, now your pretty shoes. They should fit fine. Oh, they DO. Let me slip the other on and
fasten the straps."

"There, now stand up sister Dana. Turn around and look in the mirror. Isn’t it wonderful to be a girl

"Oh, Julie. I feel so pretty. Thank you so much. This is too much. I love these sandals. They do make me
feel grown up." "But like a grown up GIRL Dana, not a boy, right?"

"Well, of course silly. Who’d want to be a boy when she could look like this?" "You will remember that
feeling Dana, even when you have put your other clothes on. Beetlejuce.:"

"Julie, just look at me. Oh, I feel so pretty. But why am I dressed like this?"
"We suggested you try on my dress. Don’t you remember?" "Oh, yes, I suppose so but heavens, I never
thought I would like something like this. I’m embarrassed [blushing] and listen to me talking just like you

"Dana honey you are among friends. We’ve been girlfriends for years. No need to be bashful. We know
your true heart."

"You mean you think I’d really like to be a girl?" "Well, wouldn’t it uncomplicate your life honey? No
more bullies. They’d be wanting dates instead. Sweet revenge, don’t you think?"

"That does sound delicious, doesn’t it? [twirling around] I’ll bet I’m as tall as my daddy in these heels!"
"You have very pretty legs Dana. Do you like the shoes?"

"They’re very sexy Julie, especially for a 13 year old. Does your mom let you wear them much?" "Sure, I
have a pair of patent pumps too. Want to try them?" "Could I?" "Of course little sister."

So, I tried on her 3" pumps. They were a little easier to walk in and made my feet look so dainty. I just
loved them but I couldn’t understand why.

"Julie, it’s almost time for dinner honey. Kathy and Danny need to run along now." "OK Mom. It’ll take
about ten minutes."

I felt saddened to part with all those pretty things and Kathy worked at getting the makeup off. We
didn’t have time to take off the polish but I liked it anyway. As Kathy and I left, Julie said, "see you girls
tomorrow." "Bye Julie." It never dawned on me I had been included in ‘girls’.

It never dawned until I got home that is. My mother took one look at me and KNEW something was UP.
She got a tissue and approached me and raised it to my mouth and wiped. "There, we don’t want lipstick
smudges on your drinking glass now do we? Honey, you have studs in BOTH ears and those EYEBROWS!
What have those girls been up to?"
"Oh, nothing Mom. Julie and Kathy just wanted to share Julie’s wedding thing with me." "I see. And just
how did they do that?"

"They put me in Julie’s outfit. It really IS beautiful."

"The dress, heels and everything?"

"Yes. Was that wrong?" "I don’t know dear. I think I’d better talk to Mrs. Price about this though."

"Please don’t get my friends in trouble Mom. I liked it."

"Yes, I can see that. Oh, very well but I hope they don’t turn you into a sissy."

"I’m ALREADY a sissy Mom and so is Sandy. Don’t you know that? We’re both little swishes." "Oh, my
dear, sweet child. I’m so sorry."

"It’s OK Mom. I have friends. I’m alright." "I wonder if your father will notice anything." "He’s a man
Mom. He won’t. <girlish giggle>"

So, I was wrong. Sue me! He noticed the other earring right away and the hair and eyebrows too. I
mean, I’d never worn it in a page boy with bangs before. "This a new look Danny?"

"Like it Dad?" "Well, I would on a girl." "Leave him alone Donald. He’s just going though a phase." "I
hope so Irene. You look awfully girlish Danny."

"I’m sorry Dad." "It’s OK son, just don’t overdo it alright?" "I’ll try not to Daddy?" Daddy? When did I
start calling him Daddy again?
That was pretty much the end of it until Mom saw my toes after my bath that night, not to mention my
now totally hairless body and underarms. "Don’t you want to take that off?" "Can’t I keep it Mom? It’s
pretty." "Oh, dear! Alright but don’t let your father see your toes if possible."

When Kathy and Julie came by for me the next morning, all we could talk about was yesterday afternoon
and I told them all about Mom and Daddy’s reactions. They seemed VERY interested.

"Beetlejuce." Dana, after school, we’re going to continue your feminine education so we’re all going to
the mall and get you some very pretty things of your own, alright?" "Sure Kathy. I love to shop."

After school we headed for the mall. I didn’t remember our planning the trip but we went together
pretty often and while I started out bored stiff last year, now I was very attentive, vocal and into it. We
shopped for lingerie and Julie bought a pretty shirtwaist dress with a full skirt that came just above her
knees. She also bought a pair of pretty matching flats and then we went back to Julie’s house.

"Beetlejuce." For some reason, this time it registered. "Isn’t that a title to a Michael Keaton movie?"
"Yes, and when you hear it, you will do as we tell you, won’t you Dana?"

"Of course Julie. Why wouldn’t I?" "That’s a good girl. Now, get dressed in your new clothes and let’s
play some ping pong. Kathy and I play first and you play the winner." "OK." I didn’t put on full makeup
today, just some blush and lipstick.

"Hi Mrs. Price." "Hi DANNY???!"

"He’s decided he likes to be called Dana better Mom."

"Yes, please call me Dana."

"Well, I must admit you make a very convincing young lady Dana but does your mother know about
this?" "Yes, Ma’am." "And your father?" "Sort of. He just hasn’t seen me all dressed up yet."

"What have you girls done now?" "Mrs. Price, you can see how happy she is. Please let her be herself. It
will all work out, we promise"said Kathy.

"Oh, with YOU two running the show, I’m SURE of it. I’m just worried about what you’ll tweak NEXT!"
"Trust us Mom. It’ll be fine soon."

"Alright girls but whatever you do, be thorough and don’t mess it up. Make sure everything is covered,
PLEASE. Last time was a disaster." "We’ve gotten better Mom. Trust us."

"I suppose you do have to practice. Just do it right this time."

Kathy said, "Dana, would you excuse us for a few minutes? We need to go to Julie’s room."

"Sure." I can sit here and read Cosmo. Go. Do whatever."

Kathy and Julie disappeared. I just sat there in my pretty dress and flats and read. I’m not quite sure but I
think they may have ACTUALLY disappeared but anyway, they were back in a short while. When I took
off my bra today, it seemed like my chest had grown some. It was only an A cup training bra but it
seemed I almost filled it. I was wearing a pair of Julie’s small dangles and light rose lipstick, blusher and a
little mascara. Just minimal makeup for a girl my age. My new girl sized 8 jeans felt the least bit tight
even over my new panties.

Well, I went home to dinner and Mom seemed pleased to see me. She hugged me and told me I looked
sweet. Daddy got home and also told me how nice I looked. Funny, I thought he was against my
girlishness. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek leaving a little imprint.
When Sandy saw me, he was jealous. "How come YOU get to wear makeup Dana?" "Because I’m 13 and
you’re not. You know my name?"

"Of course I know your name silly. And you’re getting your figure too. Darn, I wish I’d grow faster." "Oh,
you will Sandy. I have a feeling about that."

The next week proceeded as today. Nobody called me Danny any more. I didn’t wear my dangles or
makeup to school but some of the other girls were beginning to call me Dana too. It was so weird! And I
seemed to be walking and talking differently, more like my girlfriends. I had a wiggle in my walk and I
was more demonstrative the way I talked.

I continued to experiment with makeup at home and by the end of the week, I had to wear my new bra
under my blouses. I mean, I just HAD to! I was just too PERT and there was no more room in that bra! I
was beginning to feel sorry for Sandy and Daddy. Maybe Sandy would turn out to be a pretty girl but
poor Daddy didn’t have a chance.

The following week, more kids and even some faculty were calling me Dana and while I was still small, I
was really getting my figure just like Kathy and Julie. Mom had to take me out for a few new things for
school and play like jeans and blouses and some lingerie.

"Dana, I never knew how much I missed having a daughter until now. I don’t understand this but if you
are happy..." She bought me some pretty A cup bras and one B cup and matching panties. I’m very
happy Mom. It’s Sandy and Daddy I feel sorry for."

Mom let that one slide. Sandy apparently, was also getting a little ‘pert’ in the chest, something Mom
hadn’t noticed yet but Sandy was thrilled about it. Now, I KNEW I had a brother named Sandy and boys
weren’t supposed to develop breasts but I guess if that’s what he wants, who am I of all people to deny
him, or would it be HER? I was so naive that I thought maybe Sandy and I could just be whatever we
decided when we hit puberty even though I did understand I’d been happily influenced by my
girlfriends. Influence was ONE thing but we were CHANGING and rapidly!

I told Kathy and Julie about Sandy. They just smiled and said, "that’s nice. Now you’ll have company."
By this time of course I was borrowing things from Kathy and Julie and playing dress up and practicing in
their high heels and getting really good with my makeup and hair. A lot of the girls at school had
complimented my on my hair lately. Setting it every morning was a pain though.

I told them, "yes, I suppose Sandy will turn out to be a little sister now but I feel sorry for Daddy. It’s so
neat being allowed to be a girl. It’s too bad everyone can’t try it out at least."

That night at dinner, Daddy was very complimentary on our appearance. "You girls look nice tonight," he
remarked. I just had on average makeup for a 13 year old but I did have on my new dress that Mom
bought me and my new flats and a bracelet. He called us GIRLS and he didn’t bat an eye about my dress
or shoes or my makeup! Mom finally noticed Sandy’s bumps and got him a training bra. He was very
proud and Mom did let him get his ears pierced and some little studs put in. He did look kind of sweet
for a kid sister. Gee, I guess I’d better start calling him ‘she’ if this keeps up.

Then something really funny crossed my mind; an old Johnny Cash song called, "A boy Named Sue."

No sooner had the thought entered my head than I heard my Mom say, "Susan, please pass the
potatoes." "Sure Mom." Well, for heaven’s sake! And Daddy didn’t even raise an eyebrow. Speaking of
eyebrows, his looked rather nice. Not all bushy like they used to. His hair seemed a lot fuller and nice
and shiny too. My Daddy was a good looking man. At 5'7" I guess he could have been a rather attractive
woman. Poor Daddy!

It was perhaps a week later and Susan and I were settling in to being ever more girlish and loving it. She
wasn’t so jealous of me now but couldn’t wait to catch up. Her hair was getting longer by the day and
she was beginning to get her figure but Mom wouldn’t hear of her wearing lipstick yet. I’d never heard
of a girl maturing as quickly as Susan and I. It was very interesting.

It looked like Daddy was losing weight. I think he had only weighed about 145 but now he looked more
like Mom’s weight of about 130. gee, I’ll bet they could even share clothes now.
It wasn’t two days after that before all four of us came down to breakfast in our nighties and robes.
Daddy’s robe was open and I could see his large brown nipples. Oh, MY! Oh, lucky Daddy. He’s growing
breasts TOO! I’ll bet he has a cute figure.

Of course, I told the girls. Again, they smiled and said how lucky I was to have a Daddy who appreciated
his feminine side. "I think he could be almost as pretty as Mom, Kathy. I wish he’d try."

"Beetlejuce." "Dana, would you like your Daddy to be pretty, sweet and feminine?" "Well, gee Julie.
Who wouldn’t want that for someone they love? Susan and I are getting the chance to be girls, why not
Daddy?" I was SO naive. I never thought about Mom needing him to be a boy.

"Alright Dana, next week you and Susan will begin to change into females for real. You will become
round and pretty and you will change between your legs and nobody will remember you two as boys
forevermore. And your Daddy’s new name will be Rebecca or Becky and he will begin to change just like
you have, fairly quickly. He will have the opportunity to experience womanhood and keep it if he and
your mother wish it. Will that be alright little sister?"

"Oh, YES Julie. I’d love for Daddy to feel this wonderful."

"So be it Dana," they chimed in unison. "Beetlejuce."

"What just happened Julie?" "We just granted you a little request honey. Nothing major, " giggled Kathy.
"Oh, thanks; whatever it was. I had a dream that night and I remembered what I had wished for my
Daddy and wondered if it were possible." Would he enjoy being soft and pretty and feminine? Oh, surely
he would. Who wouldn’t?

It was Wednesday. By Sunday, Susan and I were both wearing our prettiest dresses to church and I wore
my mid heeled pumps. I felt wonderful and happy for Sue. She was going to be a little doll. Daddy didn’t
shave that day. At least, I didn’t hear his razor running and yet, his face looked very nice and smooth. His
breasts were very obvious in his new gown with the fitted bodice too. He was bouncy just like Mom.
With his long, wavy hair, smooth face and nicely plucked eyebrows, he looked very nice.
Monday Susan and I wore dresses for the first time to school and I did my best to make the most of my
femininity. I noticed my panties fit better this morning. That troublesome stump was shrinking thank
heaven and I noticed my thighs had filled in some and my knees too. I thought I looked rather cute.
Apparently Blaine Carlisle did too. He made a serious pass at me but I just told him Mom wasn’t letting
me date yet. Poor boy. He looked crestfallen. Now I was getting an appreciation for the power girls had.
This was NEAT!

That night, mom and Daddy got ready for bed and came back to watch the 10 o’clock news. None of us
had our robes on and Daddy’s figure was well, blossoming. And he was wearing the cutest mules too.

"Pretty slippers Daddy," I said. "Thanks honey. I think they need something though." "Oh, I do too. Let
me paint your toenails."

"Ok sweetheart. That sounds nice." Well, I took the task to heart and soon Daddy had pretty toes like
the rest of us. Nothing much else happened with Daddy for the balance of the week, except I noticed he
was wearing opaque knee highs to work and I could see his panty line under his man tailored slacks. The
blazer looked a bit nipped in at the waist too. Well, I suppose he can’t help it now, can he? He’s
obviously getting a cute figure just like Mom.

Friday he came home with a beautiful manicure from the salon. His nails looked lovely, clear but lovely
and for heaven’s sake, he’d had his ears pierced and with the tiniest little studs I’d even seen. You had to
look hard to notice. His hair was blunt cut in the back. It was what I’d call a long pixie style I guess and it
was fluffed up on top. It looked good on him. His brows had some more work done too.

Saturday morning I noticed something else had been added. Daddy was wearing a sleep bra under his
nightie and his hips were stretching the gown some too. He was getting a VERY cute figure. I think
Rebecca is going to be a stone fox I thought. Wow Dana. Your Daddy IS going to get to try being a girl
after all and her name is Rebecca!!!

When they got dressed, Rebecca put on a regular bra and I mean, golly! Nice milk supply if she’d been a
Mom! Had to be a very full B cup at least, maybe a C. And she put on a blouse and slacks and a pair of
basic thin Keds. She also had a little pale lipstick on.
"Daddy, I have to tell you I think you are looking very foxy lately." "Thank you sweetheart. I’ve been
feeling a little strange but whatever it is, I think I like it. Apparently, so does your mother."

"Yes, I think I heard you last night. Is your voice changing Daddy?"

"Maybe it is honey. Do I sound different?"

"Yes. I like it."

"Me too."

I couldn’t help sharing my good news with Kathy and Julie of course the following Monday. Mom was
letting daddy try being a girl too. Gee, where did I get the idea she had to have permission? Anyway, I
told them all about the changes and they seemed pleased. During that week, I could tell that Becky was
practicing her makeup and hair. I think it was Thursday evening that she came home and actually got
semi dolled up, put in some cute dangle earrings, did her makeup with base, eyeliner, shadow and
everything and actually wore a dress and low pumps to dinner.

When Becky came into the kitchen, Mom greeted her with a kiss and, "Becky, you look adorable. I think
that dress does things for your figure and the pumps are cute. Just buy those?" "Uh-huh. Bought a pair
of taupe spikes too. They’re really cute."

"Well, why didn’t you wear them? Taupe goes with everything." "Want me too?"

"Sure." "OK. I’ll put them on." "Oh Daddy, you look darling. How could you possibly want to be a boy as
cute as you are?"

"Honey, I don’t know anymore and I don’t understand any of this. I feel just divine like this." "You do
look pretty Becky," added Mom. I think we could take you anywhere. Would you like to try going out to
dinner tomorrow night a little dressy?"
"Oh, Irene, I’m a little nervous about how I look." "Your daughter said it best. You look adorable. No-one
will ever suspect you’re still a little bit boy. Trust me." "Honestly?"

"Yes," we three chimed at once. "Well, you girls are going to have to get over calling me Daddy then.
You all need to call me Rebecca or Becky or Aunt Becky, OK?" "Sure Da...Aunt Becky."

The die was caste. Mom and Aunt Becky looked very smart in their almost matching dresses, even down
to the pearl necklaces and drop earrings. I was a little surprised. "Aunt Becky, you’re SHOWING!" "Don’t
you like my figure sweetie?"

"Well, sure but..." "Now girls, your Aunt Becky is a big girl. She’s allowed to advertise a little. It’s half the
fun of being female after all."

"OK Mom. We’re just not used to seeing her this way I guess."

They both had their spikes on and I was surprised too at how well my former Daddy moved and
managed her heels. Of course I had my 3" heels on too and was feeling very grown up. She was very
feminine now. I mean she just oozed ‘feminine’ all over the place as did I. How was she getting away
with this at work, I wondered? Well, she was still wearing sort of masculine clothes to work but not by
much. Man tailored perhaps but to my eye, definitely feminine and how was she hiding that great
figure?. To me, everything about Aunt Becky, just like Mom, screamed ‘Pretty Woman’. Her voice had
definitely changed too. She had moved from tenor to decidedly alto, maybe even soprano.

Meanwhile, at Julie’s house:

"OK you two. I want a full report on what you’ve been doing with Dana and her family. You two little
witches have been too quiet lately. Out with it. All the details."

"Aw, Mom!"
"Just do it voluntarily please!"

"OK. Dana and her former brother, now Susan, are both complete females now in every way and thrilled
about it on every level. They can bear children. Dana’s Mom suggested that her Dad try sleeping in a
nightie and the next morning, his figure was obvious and was accepted as fact by his wife and daughters.
Dana’s Mom has begun to think of herself as a happily married lesbian and her Dad has begun thinking
of himself in similar terms and is quite pleased with what is happening to him although he doesn’t
understand why.

Rebecca and her wife are now the same dress and bra and shoe size so they can share and Rebecca has
shrunk two inches in height to 5'5". They went out last night to a fancy restaurant all dolled up and
Becky never had a better time and is thinking, although she doesn’t know it yet, of wishing she were
completely female.

If left unchecked, that will be a fact in two weeks and all the mechanics are in place for alteration of
brain waves to accept her as such in all relationships and the records are being altered now. I think
we’ve done a really adult job of it this time Mom."

"Well, finally! That girl that wanted to be a football player ended up a real geek. I was very unhappy with
you over her. However, this looks good. Once Rebecca is fully functional, I believe we can welcome you
both into full membership in the coven but you must promise to be just as thorough in every spell. Is
that clear?"

"Yes, ma’am."

It’s been almost a year now since Daddy decided he really loved being a girl and became one for real.
Aunt Rebecca and Mom still sleep in the same room although they have separate beds. I’m not quite
decided on how naive I want to be about that. <grin>

Mom seems really pleased to have daughters now. I think she spoils us something awful but I don’t care.
Mom and Becky have let me start dating in groups. I love to dance and I love to dress up and I just love
boys. I measure 32B/20/33 now and I’m 5'4" tall. I hope I stay there. They tell me I look great in my
bikini. Susan is a little doll and a lot more fun as a sister than she ever was as a brother. Rebecca is doing
even better at her job than Daddy did. I think it has something to do with sex appeal. She’s learned to
make the most of her assets I can tell you. She dresses very smart and sexy.

And my two best friends? Well, they finally confessed. They actually... this is hard to explain, but they
sort of played back the entire sequence of thoughts and events for me. It was very surreal and VERY
illuminating. Apparently it all began with me being such a sissy and then, with their mind reading
abilities, I was a dead duck along with everyone else in the family. Even my grandparents don’t
remember having a son named Donald nor grandsons.

"Julie?" "Yes Dana?" "Could I maybe come to a meeting sometime?" "How sweet! MOM! I think we have
a disciple!"

The end.

© 1997-2000 No work herein described may be reproduced or distributed in print or electronic media
without the author's express consent. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, to actual names that
may exist or to circumstances which may have occurred or to other stories in this genre is purely

At the request of the author, this story is presented in a 12 point, Times New Roman font.

The Stripper Janet L. Stickney

The drum beat of the music bounced off the walls, the laser lights flickered blue and white, the clink of
glasses muted but there as the audience waited for me to step on the stage. I looked over my shoulder
and saw the muscle standing there, to make sure I did as I was told and keep the riff raff off the stage. I
took one step, my heels shiny silver and glinting in the light. They matched the rhinestones on my outfit.
Carrie, the girl on stage finished, and with one last look, I slowly stepped up the stairs and out on the
stage. My breasts were heaving in fear, but I began to move to the sound of the music and the men
started clapping. I worked my way out to the peninsula, and saw the owner wagging his finger at me. I
knew what that meant. I ripped at the false seam of the hot pants and tore them away, leaving me
standing there in a tiny rhinestone covered G string. Next came the top, which left my breasts naked
except for the small rhinestone clip on each nipple. Money was raining on the stage, and just before I
left the stage I picked it all up. The owner of the club met me as I walked off the stage. Fat and greasy,
he is a fine example of a thug.

"Get dressed and take care of section 3."

Getting dressed meant that I had to put something on that exactly met the cities ordinances, which was
about three square inches of silver lame, the total amount he determined I needed to serve drinks. Of
course, almost every part of my body was exposed.

To make a few bucks I was running numbers for a guy, and had about $40K on me when I was stuck up.
If they had beat me to a pulp I would not be here right now, but all they did was put a gun in my ear and
take the money. My boss was not very happy when I told him what happened, and accused me of
stealing the money myself, and no matter what I said he and his friends did not believe me. Without so
much as a scratch, I had no way to prove what I said. One of his thugs whispered in his ear, and I saw a
grin break out on his face.

"Okay kid, we still don't believe you, and you'll have to pay back the money. You can get the money
from Fat Eddie."

"But…but…he's a shark! I would never be able to pay him back! Ever!"

"Sorry kid. That's the deal. Get the money from fat Eddie or work it off with me."
I was picked to run the bag money because I'm just a skinny kid. He thought that nobody would bother
me, and for an entire year he was right. Now this. I'm 18 now, and well aware that Benny is into a lot of
things, some of them even legal. If I said no I would have been at the bottom of the river trying to swim
with a chunk of concrete tied to my ankles, and I had no chance with Fat Eddie, so…

"Take him over to Helen's. She knows what to do with punks like him. "

Helen is a 300 hundred pound Madam. I met her once, and did not look forward to being sent to her
house. I had no idea what was in store for me, but Helen has a reputation for providing the best girls in
town, and her house is always spotless. I figured I would be cleaning the house forever. Two of his thugs
threw me into the back of the car and drove across town to the huge mansion that served as the house.
We were met at the door by a girl dressed as a maid, and shown into Helen's office. The thugs left me,
one of them patting me on the shoulder. Helen was grinning at me while motioning me to sit down.

"Benny told me why you are here, and frankly, I believe you. You aren't that stupid to try and steal forty
grand and hope to get away with it. I don't think that you belong here, but he does, so that's the end of
it. Now then. Here are the rules. No men in the house at any time, all money is paid to me in advance,
and any trip outside the house must be approved by me. Any questions?"

"If no men are allowed in here, except customers… Oh no!"

"I afraid that you will have to become one of the girls here, just like Cherrie, the maid that let you in."

"That is a man!?"

"Boy is more like it. He tried to force himself on the daughter of one of the men in Benny's organization.
He's almost 17 now, almost your age I think. He has been here a few months. Cherrie will take you to
your room and get you started. Do what she says, or I'll have to call Benny and tell him you are being
uncooperative. Just do what Cherrie says, and it will all be okay. Like I said, I don't think you did it, and
don't belong here, but for now, you'll have to do as I say."
Just then Cherrie showed up. There wasn't one thing about her that suggested that she was a male like
me. Her breasts were full, almost flowing out of her dress, she has a trim waist and was absolutely
gorgeous, and that scared me. Without a word she showed me my room, which was about the size of a
normal bedroom. It had a private bath and a moderately large closet.

"Take all of your clothes off please. You won't need them any more."

Cherrie stood there watching me as I slowly undressed. When I was down to my skivvies, she told me
those had to go as well, and to my great shame, I slipped them down, exposing a raging erection. I knew
she was a male like me, but, well, she didn't look like one. Without a word she began to slather on some
smelly cream that made my skin itch like the dickens and smelled like a dead cat. I felt her hands as she
slid them up my backside, then her hand as it surrounded my member, still fully erect. No words, just
her hands as they covered every inch of my skin from the chin down. I began to itch terribly, but she just
stood there waiting, watching me. After about thirty minutes or so I was thrust into the shower. As the
hot water hit me, I saw the small hairs collecting in the drain, and knew that what was in store for me
was more than I imagined. My skin was smooth and hairless as she rubbed in a lotion that removed the
itchy feeling and made me smell like a field of flowers.

Cherrie finally told me what was going to happen.

"I'll help you get dressed for the first few times, and show you how to do your makeup, take care of your
wig and so on, but you are never to be out of this room without being completely dressed as a female,
and by her standards, that means hair, nails and makeup perfect, nice fitting clothes that are clean and
pressed. She will assign you your duties, but there is no way to run away. I tried, and the next day I had
these babies sticking out of my chest. Now I serve as the house maid."

After that she helped me get dressed. From the skin out, starting with pink panties, a pink satin corset
which she laced up tight, then hose that were attached to the garter tabs, then small foam pads to fill
out the cups of the built in bra, which gave me a small but real cleavage. The dress was all pink with two
spaghetti straps, a square neckline, with the hem at mid thigh on me. The wig was auburn, and did not
hit my shoulders, but was wavy on top with curls across the back. Cherrie put a plastic towel around me
and led me through the mysteries of makeup, then did my nails for me. Three hours after I stepped into
the room I followed her out, no sign that I am a male. We went to the office where Helen was waiting
for us.

"You look very nice dear, very pretty in fact. Sit down and tell me about yourself."

Cherrie left as I sat down. "Well, my name is Mark, I'm 18, and I live with my mom. I graduated from high
school, in the upper half of the class I guess, and I have been working for Benny about three years. I'm
5'6" tall and weigh 135."

"Benny told me that he will take care of your mother, so don't worry about that. He told her that your
on an assignment for him. Are you a virgin?"


"Are you a virgin?"


"I thought so. For now you'll work in here, taking my calls and acting as my secretary. I'm sure that
Cherrie told you that running away is useless, so unless you want to see how angry I can get, just do as
you're told. Okay?"

"Yes Ma'am."

She started me off by answering the phone. I could hear the customers coming in and leaving, but I
stayed in the office doing as I was told. Helen, true to her word, made sure that nobody bothered me,
and during the next week Cherrie taught me how to do makeup, dress properly, and do a couple of hair
styles. Wearing a short skirt and heels was a pain at first, and I felt extremely self conscious about it, but
when nobody, even the girls, bothered me, I began to relax and simply do the work that was assigned to
me. Helen also dubbed me Mary since Mark didn't seem to work when I am dressed this way. On
Saturday however I was told that I would be the Hostess, and Brenda would help me get ready. Brenda
is about my age, but gorgeous. It took her and I two hours, but when I emerged from my room, even I
have to admit that I didn't look at all like a boy. With some clever padding, some strategically place tape,
and this dress, I have a 36-23-36 figure, cleavage that seems to swell against the top of the dress, and
long silky legs. The dress is all black, slit up the side even though it's above my knees, strapless, and form
fitting. Black patent leather heels and a blond wig with my makeup done more dramatically completed
the look. Helen was excited to see me look this good.

As the guests started to arrive, I showed them into the playroom, then waited until they were seated.
On the stage was a drape, like a curtain. Twenty men in all showed up, one of them Benny. He looked
right at me, but I didn't see any sign of recognition in his eyes. I was about to close the door when Helen
told me to stay and watch. One of the girls went to the stage and pulled the curtain aside, revealing
Cherrie standing there. Of course, she had no choice. Her hands were handcuffed behind her, around
the steel post that was in the middle of the stage. She was gagged and her feet were spread by a small

Helen walked to the stage. "This is Cherrie, and as you can see, she is here to receive her punishment. As
many of you know, she is a male, but not worthy of that title. She tried to force herself on the daughter
of a friend of ours, injuring the girl severely. Since that time she has been here with us as we tried to
readjust her thinking. To answer some of your questions ahead of time, yes, those are her own breasts,
and no, she cannot get an erection. Benny has been chosen to evaluate her punishment, and decide
what else must be done to cure her of the desire to rape a woman. Benny?"

Benny walked up on the stage, and without a word, clipped a weight to each of her nipples and set them
swinging. The pain was evident in Cherrie's eyes. His hands roamed over her body, even her crotch, then
he released her hands and pushed her to her knees. The resignation in her eyes said it all as she slowly
unzipped his pants and began to take care of him. I felt myself shaking as Cherrie performed in front of
all those people, because I knew it was her first time. When Benny was done he pushed her down, then
told one of his men to take her to a club he owned and put her to work. It was the last time I would see
Cherrie for almost two years. It was my duty to see that everyone had their drinks and so on, and I paid
close attention to the obviously big shooters. I got $500 in tips that night! The next day, Helen told me
how pleased she was with my work, and told me that it was time I saw the doctor, telling me that all of
the girls got a check up every six months, and it was my turn. What did I know? I merely said okay, and
that afternoon I found myself in a doctors office, getting a complete physical. He gave me a couple of
shots, then let me go with a prescription.
Helen stopped on the way back and filled the prescription, and I went back to my work. Every day I took
the pills, and every day I dressed as a woman my age. Always tasteful of course, and I got quite good at
makeup and doing my hair. I also got used to all the various buttons, snaps and fasteners women have in
their clothes. About three months after the physical, I started to feel funny inside, but didn't mention it
because it did not seem bad. Then one morning I woke up to find two small mounds on my chest! In the
shower I realized that I had lost almost all of my body hair, and my skin now felt smooth and silky. I
should have guessed what was happening to me, but didn't, and thought it was the effect of dressing as
a woman for so long. Within a month however, it was obvious that I was growing breasts! I had two very
nice breasts now, maybe a full A cup. Helen walked in on me and saw me naked, checking things out. I
was embarrassed by what she had seen, but all she did was tell me to wait, then left only to return with
a bra of the right size! As I tried it on, I filled the cups to capacity, creating a small cleavage in the

After that, it didn't take long for me to fill out as a woman, my breasts grew to a full C cup, my hips got
wider, and my skin was now silky smooth. From the moment Helen saw me with boobs, I had to endure
electrolysis as one of the girls slowly removed my beard. Now, I rarely shaved. I had become a woman in
every respect but one, and that was worthless meat now. Just an appendage that gets in the way. I was
called into Helen's office, and told to sit down.

"You owe Fat Eddie almost $250,000 Mary. I know it's all interest, but you know how that works. I have
a deal for you, and I want you to listen carefully. Fat Eddie has agreed to take whatever you can make,
for one special night and call it even with you."

"A special night?"

"He is going to auction you off to the highest bidder Mary. As a virgin you will command a very high

"But I'm not a girl! He knows that!"

"That's the beauty of it Mary, they all know. All that will be expected of you is to do whatever is
requested of you by the highest bidder, and you have to do it on the same stage you saw Cherrie on. No
violence, I won't allow that, but whatever else they want, you'll have to seem willing to do it. If your not,
then the bidder has the right to punish you. Maybe even sell you back to Fat Eddie."
"What if I say no?"

"That's not an issue Mary. The auction will be Friday night and the stage show on Saturday."

She dismissed me, and I went into my office with a sinking feeling in my heart. I not only looked like a
woman, now they were going to turn me into one! I knew that once I submitted to another man, no
matter what the reason, the macho men in charge would never let me return to my former status, if I
ever could. It was a very long two days, then, on Friday after dinner, Helen personally came to my room
to help me get ready. I wore black satin panties cut very high, a black garter belt with nude hose pulled
tight, a push up bra and a very sheer black peignoir that barely went past my pubes. My hair was teased
up and I wore dramatic makeup with black spike heels and the brightest red lipstick in the house. My
nails were done and I smelled of perfume when she led me to the stage. All I had to do was wait until I
was introduced, then walk out on the stage as sexily as I could, then stand there while the bidders made
their offers.




I was beginning to think I wasn't worth more than a pork chop!



The room went silent for a moment, then Helen ruled the bidding closed.
"The bid is $80,000, the deal is completed. Completion of the sale will be tomorrow night at eight."

A man handed Helen an envelope and the men all filed out. Curiosity was killing me, so I asked her who
the bidder was. The man that gave her the envelope at least looked nice.

"Oh! Those were the surrogates. The real bidder wasn't even here, but don't worry about it Mary. Come
into the office and we'll see what they want you to do."

Helen read the demands, then let me read them. As bad as it was, it could have been worse, but there
was no longer any way for me to deny that I had become a woman, and women, in the eyes of these
men, service men.

"After tomorrow night, I'll be free? Right?"

"Of course. Once the act is completed and the demand is satisfied, you are free to pack and leave if you

I went to my room and looked in the mirror. A 19 year old girl stood there. With a sigh I lay in bed, falling
asleep some time after that.

I wore the same outfit as the night before, nervous as I stood just off stage, waiting for the bidder to
reveal himself. The music changed to a drum beat, the lights went low except for the single bright light
that surrounded the stage. Helen asked the bidder to step up, and I saw that it was Fat Eddie himself. I
should have guessed. He ruined me with outrageous interest charges, turned me into a girl, and now, he
is merely paying himself the money to take away my pride. Helen looked at me, and I knew it was time.
Since I had to please him no matter what, I drew a deep breath, smiled as widely as possible, and
strutted onto the stage. Helen stepped down just as I reached out to unbutton his shirt, rip it away from
him, then unzip his pants. One by one I undressed him until he stood there naked, his pitiful member
barely hard. Hie hand found my breasts, and I stood still as he lifted the thin robe away from my
shoulders, then released my breasts and tossed the bra on the floor. His lips found a breast, and as he
suckled at the nipple, I grabbed his manhood, slowly massaging it until her became erect. I felt his hands
as he pushed me to my knees. The one eye started at me, ready and willing as I took it in my hand,
closed my eyes, and without any prelude, took him into my mouth. It wasn't as bad as I thought, and as
he held my head, I worked on him until he finally erupted. I knew I was not done, and bent over the
small bench, pulling my panties down as I did so. He took me slowly, and while it hurt a little, I managed
to bear it. When he was done, I stood up, grabbed my clothes, and walked off the stage.

I went straight to my room and shower, washing every square inch of my skin before I got dressed.
Helen was waiting for me when I returned to the office.

"Fat Eddie gave me this to give to you."

I opened the envelope and saw a stack of hundred dollar bills!

"He says that you and he are square, and may leave any time you wish. However, he has an opening in
one of his clubs, and told me to tell you that it's yours any time you want it."

"He only owns strip joints Helen."

"True, but they will no longer look after your mother now. That will be up to you again. But, he does pay
his girls quite well. The best in the city I hear, and he is very picky about the quality of his girls. By asking
you, he is telling you that he thinks you’re a class lady."

"Classy broads don't strip for a living Helen."

"The don't sell their bodies for money either? Please Mary, don't insult me. "

"Sorry, I didn't mean it that way. Can't I stay here, running the office like before?"

"You were a special case dear. Unless you're willing to be a working girl, no. I'm sorry dear, but I can't."
I used the phone to call my mother, and spoke to her for the first time in almost a year. I had to tell her
that I was now a woman, because she would not believe me if I just showed up. I had Helen confirm it
on the phone, then went to my room to pack. Mom did not sound as if she believed me, but told me she
would be waiting for me. I showered, changed into the pink suit with the straight skirt, fixed my face and
hair, then Helen drove me home. I only barely resembled her son now, and as I stood at the door I felt
my knees shaking in those white heels. Mom opened the door, her eyes went wide, then she let me in.
She was not smiling. I stepped into my home, looked around and smelled the familiar smells I grew up
with. After I sat my bags down, I motioned her to sit, then I explained what had happened to me and
why. I told her everything except that very last time when I was sold. I know she did not believe I was a
woman, and I wasn't, technically anyway, but I stood up, removed my jacket, then the blouse, and finally
my bra. My breasts poked out at her, the nipples hard in the chilly air, then I put the bra and blouse back
on. At last, she asked me one question.

"Who was Uncle Milton?"

"He wasn't really an Uncle, we just called him that. He was Dad's best friend growing up. They were in
the Navy together, and he married a woman named Sally that you worked with during the war. He died
of cancer about five years ago, and is buried at Olivet."

Mom took my face in her hands and stared at me for a long time before she finally accepted the fact
that I was her son. I told her that the money she had been getting would stop on Friday, but I had a job
offer. When she asked what, and I told her, she almost fainted. I had to remind her that I had no skills at
all, and the job would pay extremely well, and I could be a lady whenever I wasn't at work. I moved into
my old room, saw the faded posters of women that I now looked like, and put my things away, removing
all of my male clothes into boxes to make room for my girl stuff. Mom came in and watched me as I put
away some very sexy lingerie, then the dresses and skirts. I set my makeup on the dresser, then, while
she was there, changed into a pair of jeans and a top. Then she hugged me.

I wanted to cry I was so happy, but I had to go see Fat Eddie about a job. I gave Mom about $400 then
left for the club. Fat Eddie was at a far table, and I walked directly to his table. He knew why I was there
of course, and over coffee, he made me an offer. He and I set my schedule, then a bouncer showed me
to the changing rooms. There was a place with my name already on it. Scumbag had planned this all
along, but what could I do? I changed into the rhinestone cover G string put the hot pants on, then
added the nipple clips and the bra. I stepped into the white spike heels, and walked out of the room and
into the main bar. The bar tender handed me a tray, and I started to wait tables. Almost an hour went by
before one of the bouncers told me it was my turn, and led me to the stage.

Like I said, fat Eddie was waiting for me when I walked off the stage.

"You're pretty hot Mary, you have a real talent for this."

I felt his hand on my butt as I walked away to wait tables again. I made almost $500 just in tips that
night, and realized that if I saved my money, I could get out of here, get a job, have the operation to
make me a real woman, and get a real job. I got home at four in the morning, got up at almost noon,
then showed Mom the money. Her eyes went wide, took the money, and promised to put it in the bank
for me. Then I took her shopping with me so I could buy some real, everyday clothes. Cotton panties and
bras, skirts at knee length, a few dresses that didn't show my cleavage or were too short, and shoes that
weren't spike heels. Flats and gym shoes, low heels and normal heels. With my mother along, I knew
that I had a built in censor, and went along with her decisions. By the time we got home we were more
like mother and daughter rather than mother and odd son.

I worked for Fat Eddie at all of his clubs, and developed a following of sorts. Wide eyed overweight
middle aged men with a lust for me, but they never got close. Eddie never once demanded that I "take
care" of a customer, which is why he had the best girls working for him. If I wanted to, I could, he just
never demanded it. I quit after two years, and had the surgery within a month. I moved Mom and I into
a better apartment, then started college. It was hard being one of the oldest girls on the campus, but I
ignored most of the kids, especially the hormone driven boys, and piled on the work. I graduated in
three years, just in time to hit the hiring boom. I now work in an office as a manager, and I'm dating a
guy one floor down. I keep those rhinestone outfits as a reminder, and besides, I might have a need for
them when I get married. All in all, as much as I hated it at first, I like being a woman, and I'm not afraid
to use my femininity to get what I want, and right now, I want David, the guy one floor down. I know
that Mom is hoping I get married. She wants to make an "honest woman" out of me!
© 2000

The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must
contact the author for permission.

At the request of the author, this story is presented in a 12 point, Times New Roman font

This story was inspired by the fine graphic artistry of Jenny North. Her grasp of the conflicts and
impossible situations we sometimes find ourselves in, is without a doubt, some of the best I have seen,
as she brings a refreshing and sometimes funny peek into our secret lives. Jenny North's site is worth a
serious look. Laugh, cry, or snicker all you want, but please, hope you don't end up on one of her
magazine covers. This story inspired by her cover entitled "Boys will be Girls".

Jenny's site is, which is a link on Crystal Sprite's site.

Thanks, Janet

Boys will be Girls, or, A Cheerleading Challenge by: Janet L. Stickney

I was ready, nobody was at home. I had spent the better part of two hours getting ready, and I took one
last look in the mirror. The blue and white sweater hugged my body, accenting the perky boobs I had
created with birdseed, the short royal blue skirt barely hiding the white Lycra panties. The pantyhose
had turned my legs a tan color, then white gym shoes sparkled. My hair was pulled back with a
headband, the blue and white earrings dangled from my earlobes while the bright red lipstick outlined
my smile. I grabbed the black purse, made sure I had everything, then walked out of the house and
straight to my car. It wasn't a very long drive, and I was soon at the school. I was dressed exactly like a
cheerleader for a reason. There were tryouts today, and I trying out for the squad to be close to my
girlfriend Valerie. I didn't plan on being accepted, I just wanted to try out to impress Valerie , which is
why I am dressed this way. I parked the car and made my way to the gym, then stood in line to add my
name to the list. Almost every girl was dressed like I was, meaning a short skirt and sweater. I wore my
sisters old outfit. When it was my turn, I gave my name as Rachel and was assigned a number.

Since I'm only 5'6" tall and not that husky, I fit into my sisters outfit pretty good, and my long hair fell
into a flip without a lot of struggle. I heard my name called along with several others, and went through
a series of moves that I thought were quite easy, including doing a cartwheel. Smile a lot and do what
they wanted, that was my motto, then, when it was over, I sat in the stands with the girls to hear the
names of those chosen. There would be 12 in all. Since I did not want to be picked, I really didn't care
about that, all I wanted to do was impress my girlfriend Valerie with my devotion to her. This was all a
charade for me. Then I heard my name being called! The girls on each side of me hugged me, and I had
to walk down the aisle and stand there with the other girls that had been picked. I was now a
cheerleader, and unless I did something, I would be committed! I didn't know what to do, because I had
no plan for this happening, so I stood there as a pin was attached to my sweater by the coach. I did see
her wink at me. When all of the others had left, the twelve of us sat on the lowest bench while the coach
handed out papers that detailed our schedule for the next year. It included all games for Basketball and
Football, then, as I read through it, I saw that I would be required to attend three Balls, with escort,
hosted by the school just for the cheerleaders! This was going from bad to worse, and I was desperate to
get out of it. I almost jumped up and quit right on the spot, then the coach dismissed everyone except

"I selected you for the squad before I was sure, but now I am. You're a boy aren't you?"

"Yes Ma'am. But I only did it to be with Valerie when she goes to the cheerleading camp."

"You realize that some deserving girl has been cut because of this stunt?"

"Yes Ma'am, and I am ready to quit right now."

"I'm sure. But I don't like quitters, and I'm sure that you don't either, so where does that leave us?"
"One short?"

My attempt at levity was all wrong. I should have kept my mouth shut.

"I don't think so. You tried out as a cheerleader and were good enough to make the squad, so I think I'll
just keep you."

"But Ma'am! How can I attend school and be a cheerleader? There won't be enough time for me to
change, and then you have those Balls scheduled, and they require an escort! I can't do that!"

"You can if you become a full time girl."

"Oh no!"

"Oh yes. I'll make the arrangements with the office. The cheerleading camp, which starts a month before
school starts, is two weeks away, so you have that long to tell your parents, make whatever other
arrangements you need, then report to the office for enrollment as Rachel."

"I can't! My parents!"

"I'll be calling your mother tomorrow. I'm going to tell her that this stunt of yours has deprived a girl of a
chance to become a cheerleader, and it's only fair that since you won the spot, that you fulfill your
obligation. I'm sure she'll understand, don't you?"

By the time I left the gym I wanted to cry. 16 years old and dumber than a post. The guys will not
understand this at all, and I'll be lucky if I don't get my butt pounded into the sidewalk a few times.
About the only thing I have going for me is that I don't look very much like a boy right now, and it's the
middle of the summer. Maybe, everyone will forget about me if I simply appeared, as Rachel. If I'm real
lucky, I might be able to make it for a few days before everyone figures out that I'm not a girl. I can
hardly wait to see what my parents will do. Mom will agree with the coach, while dad will tell me that
I'm the one that stuck my neck out and I have to live with the consequences. Dad's real big on right and
wrong, honoring your word and commitments. Since this took longer than I planned, I did not make it
home before my folks, which means that they'll see me this way. Damn! All I wanted to do was be with

I opened the back door and walked in, but there was no way past the familyroom. All I could do was face
them, and with the threat from the coach, I might as well tell them myself. I drew myself up straight,
and walked right in on them, only to see our neighbors sitting there with them! We traded stares for
what seemed like an eternity, then…

"You look very nice dear, but why are you wearing Carol's cheerleading outfit?"

"I tried out for the cheerleading squad, and was accepted Mom."

My Dad choked on his drink while our neighbors smiled. Mom didn't miss a beat.

"That's very nice dear! Congratulations!"

"You don't understand. I did it so that I could be with Valerie while she was at the camp this summer. I
thought that she would be happy that I would go so far to be with her! I never planned on being
accepted, but I was. The coach told me she knew I wasn't a girl, but she insisted that I won the spot
fairly, and I now have to be there for the camp, then, when school starts, all the games and so on."

There was a sort of long pause, then the lady next door spoke up.

"I was a cheerleader at your school, and if they still do the same thing, there are a couple of huge dances
for the cheerleaders. Ball gowns and so on. Do they still do that?"

I nodded my head yes, and caught Dad smiling, but Mom spoke next.
"But that means that you'll have to become a girl all the time! All that travel, the games, this camp you
mentioned and so on, and with the number of games you'll have to be at, that can only mean that you'll
have to attend both the camp and attend school as a girl!"

"That's what the coach said, but I was hoping you would say no, then she can select the next girl to fill
my spot."

The baritone of my Father cut through my mind like a knife when I heard what he said.

"No. You agreed to try out, even though it was some kind of infatuation for Valerie, without one thought
that some girl might not make it because of you. Myself, I don't particularly like the thought of my son
dressing as a girl, but I like it less that you would do something like this without the slightest thought of
the impact it might have on someone else. No…you tried out for the spot and won it, and as much as I
might not like it, I'm going to insist that you do your best as a cheerleader, and if you have to attend
school as a girl, then you will just have to do your best. By the time this is over you will have learned a
valuable lesson. By the way, did Valerie make it?"

"No. She washed out, which makes this a…a…"

"This means that you did this for nothing, and now you're stuck with it. If we let you duck out on this,
what else would you try and duck out on? How many times have I told you to keep your word? And how
many times have I told you that we always have to face the result of our actions?"

"All the time Dad, all the time."

Not only were my parents backing up the coach, both of them as much as told me I would be attending
school as a girl if that was what I had to do to meet my obligations to the squad!

"I think you're very cute! What name did you use tonight?"
Our neighbor has a big mouth.

"Rachel. I signed the sheet Rachel Lynn."

"We'll just go home now. It looks like you have a lot to talk about."

I shut the door after the neighbors had left, then once again pleaded my case, and once again lost. My
Father was adamant about this, again telling me what I had done was wrong, and almost quoted the
coach when he told me I would learn a valuable lesson from this. I'm a Junior this year, which means
that if I do become a girl this year, what about the next? How could I just drop out of sight now, then
reappear as a girl, and reverse it next year? I went up to my room to change, but when I was down to
the bra and panties Mom came in and shut the door. She didn't say much, but she told me that in the
morning she and I would have an intensive talk, then she would turn me into a girl. She also mentioned
that we still have all of Carol's clothes, which I could use if they fit me. Carol ran off right after she
graduated, and we have not heard from her in almost two years. Using her clothes might be different if
she had died, but since she didn't, Mom thought it would be okay. She left the nightgown on the bed
when she left, and I just knew that I had screwed up big time.

Right after breakfast, true to her word, Mom and I were in Carol's room, the door shut.

"You can make this easy on yourself, or you can make your own life miserable. If you act like a boy in a
dress, everyone will know the truth, then what? You might be beaten up, or worse. But if you put
everything into becoming a girl, acting like one, talking and walking like one, then nobody will know, and
you'll just be another girl. It's up to you. I'll show you how to dress, teach you how to do makeup and
hair, but the rest is up to you. Where is this camp by the way?"

"At State. All schools participate in one huge training session. The coach told me we would stay in the
dorms, why?"

"Now then, just sit here and lets talk."

I sat on the bed while Mom perched on the chair at the vanity.

"I know that you think this is stupid, and maybe it is, but you heard your Father, and I can't find a reason
to disagree with him. He and I talked last night, and we want you to understand that this is not a
punishment. This is a way for you to learn what the term commitment means. You committed yourself
when you won the spot on the squad, and all we are doing is helping you honor that commitment. If you
decide to be just a boy in a dress, well, that's your decision. If you decide to make the best of it and act
like the girl you are supposed to be, we are certain you will learn a lot from the experience, but you have
a bigger problem don't you?"


"Think about it a moment. You'll be staying in a dorm with what? 200 hundred girls? Sharing a room?
Showers, changing clothes and so on all require nudity, and I'm sure that boys will not be allowed, and
when you were found out, then what? Would you be arrested? Tossed out of school or worse,
prosecuted for peeping or something like that? Then there is all that bouncing, jumping, and cartwheels
you'll be doing, I don't think it'll go over real well if one of those birdseed specials you have in your bra
falls out, do you?"

I had not thought of any of that! Maybe I could get out of it now! I mean, how do you hide maleness? As
small as I am, I still have the ultimate symbol of a male between my legs!

"When your Grandmother had that Cancer, she went to a clinic not far from here. I'm sure that they can
help you, so let's get you dressed and ready to go."

"Do I have to do this Mother?"

"You heard what you Father said, and you know how he feels about it, so the answer is yes."
I knew that I didn't have a choice. Dad removed that option last night, just as the coach had. With a sigh,
I pulled the nightgown off and stood there, waiting. Mom did not hesitate, and I was soon covered in a
hair cream that removed hair. After a bubblebath and a short shower, I stepped out of the bath, my now
silky smooth skin chilly in the air. With no body hair to keep me warm, and without the thin layer of fat
women have under their skin, I was cold enough to raise duck bumps. The shivering was from the
thought that when I emerged from this room, I would look like I was going to look, for whole year. Mom
handed me the panties, then something new Mom called a waist nipper, a bra which I filled with the
birdseed filled nylons, then she sat me at the vanity and I got my first lesson on makeup application. It
took me three tries before she was satisfied, but while I had been trying to do my makeup, she had been
busy putting my hair into rollers. By the time I was done, she was also done. With a head full of rollers,
my makeup on, and my small breasts poking out, I was almost afraid to see what the results would be.
Last night not one girl looked at me strangely, so I had managed to be good enough then, but today, it
would be better, and I knew it. Mom handed me a padded pantybrief that Carol had used before she
filled out, then I sat on the bed and pulled the pantyhose on. A short white slip was handed to me, and I
stepped into it, followed by a short, pink and white skirt followed by a white blouse. Mom pointed at the
white high heeled shoes, and after I stepped into them she moved me to the mirror. I had the right
curves in the right proportion, the hem of the skirt exposing a lot of leg while the round neckline of the
blouse did not show anything, it hugged me pretty tight, and left no doubt about my shape.

Pink and white earrings, a gold strap watch, a pair of rings, some perfume, then Mom took out the
rollers and brushed out my hair. As I watched she created a very feminine style that left me wondering
how she did it. A reddish pink lipstick, and Mom said she was done. I looked in the mirror again and
almost choked. The girl that she had turned me into was more than cute, and I have a knockout figure! I
knew that I looked pretty good last night, but this girl would have made me seem like a boy in a dress
last night, and it had taken less than two hours. If that amount of time held true, I would be getting up at
four just to be on time at school!

The doorbell rang, and Mom told me I could not stay in my room all day, and took my hand as she
walked into the foyer. There stood Valerie and two of her friends! They looked at me, not with eyes
wide in disbelief, but wide, as in "Who is this hot chick"? My Father walked out just then, and invited
them to join us in the familyroom. Once everyone was seated, I was afraid he was going to tell them
who I really was.

"Is Adam here? I need to tell him something."

"I'm sorry Valerie, but Adam made a serious mistake last night, and as a result of that mistake, and his
punishment, he will be gone for quite a while. By the way, this is Rachel. She'll be staying here with us
for a while."

I felt three pair of eyes on me. All I could do was smile and act demure, then hope they did not see
through this charade, but how stupid could they be? As a boy, I disappear, then a new girl named Rachel
shows up? In the same house? Even I could figure it out. But then, I'm the one in the dress.

"By the way, I'm sure that you know that Rachel made the cheerleading squad last night. Did you make

"No, I fell twice and washed out. But I saw Rachel last night, and she's really good."

"I'm sorry Adam isn't here to see you, but he might not be back for quite a while."

Valerie and her friends gave me one last look, then left. I walked them to the door, then shut it before I
heaved a heavy sigh of relief. I was pretty sure none of them saw through the make up and found a boy,
but that was a guess. They would not have said anything with my parents sitting there anyway, so all I
could do was hope for the best. As soon as they left, Mom told me to sit, then they faced me, a grim
look on their faces.

"Your Mother told you about the clinic Grandma went to, so you know what they do there. In case you
forgot, they do breast implants on women and girls that need them, for whatever reason. Now, we are
not going to make you do anything. If you decide to attend this camp, just as you are, we're going to let
you do just that. But, when, not if, you get caught, as a boy in a dorm full of girls, you'll just have to take
their punishment. You will attend this camp, and be a cheerleader, that much I can decide, the rest is up
to you."

"You mean I have to have breast implants?!"

"No, of course not. Like I said, you can go just as you are, however, since you will be going, and that
much is set, I'm sure that you don't want to face 2 or 3 hundred angry girls, their coaches and parents,
or the you?"

"But I don't want to have ti…boobs!"

"Then don't agree."

We were at a standoff. I didn't want boobs, and they weren't telling me I had to have them. All they told
me was I would be attending both the camp, and the school as a girl. Then they left it up to me! This is
terrible! If I say yes, then they can always say it was my decision, and if I say no, I would have to face the
music when I got caught. I had read in the paper and seen on television where they had thrown a few
guys in prison for peeping, and I didn't want to go there, that's for sure!"

"I met the doctor that does this, and I'm sure that she can help you in other ways as well Rachel."

More staring, then, when I knew I had no choice, I said yes, but I asked one very important question.

"Can she take them out, later?"

"Of course, if that's what you want."

Mom told me to get the white purse, and to put my wallet in it as well as my lipstick. As Dad watched,
she and I left the house.

I had a suspicion about what she meant when she said the doctor could help me in other ways, but all I
could do was ride along as she took us across town, then parked in front of a small building. As we
walked in I could smell the distinctive aroma of a doctors office, and began to worry, but Mom merely
patted my leg and told me not relax. About twenty minutes later a woman in a white coat walked out,
greeted us by name, and took us into a small examining room. I was told to undress. I did not take as
long to get out of everything, and I was handed one of those thin gowns doctors use. The woman
examined my chest and genitals carefully, then she stuck me with a needle.

"You'll be awake Rachel, this just relaxes your muscles so that I can get a good tone measurement."

She used a caliper of sorts on my male boobs, then I saw the scalpel in her hand! I tried to move, but
couldn't, and she made a very small slit on the right nipple, then used a tool to stretch my skin a bit. I
watched her as she opened a package, took out a clear blob, and I knew that I was getting breast
implants! She did one side, then the other, stitched the wound closed, then moved to my groin. Having
seen the scalpel, I was very worried, but she used a bag of ice and her hands instead of a knife, then a
packet of some sort of glue. She was done with the whole thing in two hours, then, when I was able to
sit up, the first thing I did was feel my groin. As I expected, I did not feel the familiar lump, but a thin slit.
A thin slit like a girl has. I was tender and sore as Mom helped me get dressed again, then we went
home where I lay on my bed just resting, tears in my eyes as I saw the twin mounds that now defined
the new me.

Wearing a dress, as hard as it might have been, might have been possible, and I did have a small chance
of pulling it off, but Mom did have a point about living in a dorm full of girls, and as I lay there, I
wondered if my parents had some ulterior motive to do this to me, then I realized that my parents
simply made it easier for me to pretend to be a girl. I could now shower with the girls, undress with
them and so on, all without being discovered. The big question was, what would happen when they took
the implants out? Mom came in and helped me take the bra off, then she cleaned and changed the

"I know that you think bad of me, but it's the only way to protect you Rachel. With your own boobs and
no male equipment, how could anyone consider that you are a male? This is the only way. Later, after
this is all over, if you want, we can have them taken out."

"What do you mean if I want to? Of course I do!"

"Right now that's true, but a year, maybe two as a girl? Maybe you'll get to like being a girl and want to
keep them."
"Now way Mom!"

"We'll see. But then you'll still have that round little bottom and narrow waist. Some girls like that in a

"My butt isn't round!"

"It is now Rachel. You just don't remember it because you fell asleep, but the doctor took a little fat from
your waist and added it to your hips so that you don't have to wear a padded girdle all the time. She
didn't do much, just enough. Now go to sleep. I'll check on you later."

Hips, boobs, and a vagina! Other than having to shave, my parents had turned me into a girl in one day,
told me it's for my own protection, then reminded me it was my decision! What a deal that is. Now
where would I run? Anywhere I went, I would still have the boobs and so on! I must have fell asleep,
because it was dark when Mom helped me get to the bathroom, and I discovered how girls do it. Then,
after that embarrassment, she wrapped a robe around me and walked me to the kitchen and I had a
light dinner. Dad was there, but he didn't say a word about my new boobs or anything. He just asked me
how I felt, and that's when I unloaded on them.

"Dammit! It was just a way for me to stay with Valerie! I don't want to be a girl and don't know a damn
thing about being one, yet you pay big bucks to have breast implants put in, my hips made bigger and I
no longer have any male equipment! Other than a beard, I look like a girl! This is so unfair that I can't
believe you did this to me!"

I started crying, and Mom put her arm around me.

"We know that you think that right now, but later, after you have gotten used to it, having breasts will
become normal and you'll forget all about them. Everything we did was to make it easier for you to fit in
as a cheerleader, and make no mistake about it Rachel, you were going to fill that slot for the entire year
whether you liked it or not. You were the one that came home and dressed up, then tried out for the
squad. Nobody made you do it. When we saw you that night we both knew that you were pretty
enough, and could do this if you felt safe enough, so we arranged for you to feel safe. Like I said before,
if you want to give it up later, you can, that's up to you. Enforcing our morals is our job, and we are
simply making you honor your word. Now quit crying, and sit up straight."

I did what Mom told me, ate a bit, then went back to bed. I let my hand find the slit, then I rubbed it a
bit. Nothing. I fell asleep, but didn't toss and turn because my boobs hurt. In the morning Mom once
again changed the bandages, then helped me put on a special bra, and watched as I pulled on clean
panties that now fit me perfectly, a pair of lemon yellow shorts, and a white pullover top. I slipped my
feet into my gym shoes, brushed out my messed up hair, then went to get a bite to eat.

"After breakfast I'll help you get your makeup on and brush out your hair. You'll feel a lot better then."


But she was right. I did my makeup, just foundation, powder, and lipstick, then she braided my hair into
a single tail that had a yellow ribbon woven in. I looked better, and did feel better. That bra took the
weight on my breasts, but was also soft on the few stitches. Mom and I went grocery shopping, then, at
the drugstore, she bought me a regular girls wallet and some makeup of my own. I knew that the shorts
I had on fit me tightly, and of course, no trace of a boy was evident. The gentle tapering from my waist
and thighs defined a girl as well as any I had ever seen, and the white shell I had on did nothing to hide
the way my breasts bounced or moved as the material hugged me closely, like many girls I had seen on
television. Even my navel was showing. It was just my luck to meet the women's coach, the woman that
had started all this, in the aisle where feminine products were shelved.

"Hello! You look very nice Rachel. Are you ready for camp?"

"Umm, yes, I think so."

"Good! I'm looking forward to getting the squad in shape. I think we have a good shot at making the
regional finals this year, which will give you girls a lot of exposure!"

Right then Mom walked up, and told me not to forget the sanitary pads. She had told me I would have
to wear one every day for a week, once a month. For the life of me I could not figure out why. Both the
coach and Mom watched as I grabbed the package and tossed it into the basket.

"I'm looking forward to having Rachel on the squad this year. She's very talented you know."

"Her Father and I have to figure out a way to get her enrolled first."

"Didn't she tell you? I made all of the arrangements. All she has to do is sign in at the office and she will
be given her class schedule."

"She must have forgotten in all of the excitement."

"I'm sure. Well, see you in school Rachel, Bye!"

All day long I kept bumping my boobs, and twice more I used the bath. I was beginning to hate being a
girl already. Every time I used the bath I almost had to undress! The next day I had the stitches taken out
and was able to wear a normal bra. I wore a size 36 A. Over the next few days Mom and I eased into a
sort of compromise. I quit complaining about dressing this way, having boobs and so on, and she quit
nagging me about being a lady. She did tell me that the way I sat down was like watching a sack of wet
cement hit the chair, and I had to endure an hour of rising, then sitting, until she said I had it right. I got
used to the heft of my breasts and the way they pulled at my skin when I walked, and I understood why
girls need to wear a bra. I started to be able to do my own makeup without help, and I hate to say this,
but I got used to sitting down to use the bathroom. Then, on Thursday morning Mom and I went
shopping, then she told me to pick out a swimsuit I liked. I had to try on several before she agreed on
one. She and I also bought several new bras and packages of panties. Then she took me to her salon and
my hair was styled, set on a soft perm and I had my nails done.

As I watched the woman work on my hair I realized that I did look good. Better in fact, than some of the
girls I knew at school. I think that's when I simply accepted the way things are. My hair was dyed blonde,
and a soft curl was set into it so it would almost always fall into place, yet I could brush it out in any of
several different styles. My eyebrows were plucked just a bit to thin them out, and at my request, I had
my ears pierced. I was still in the chair when I saw Valerie and her mother walk in. Of course, she saw
me and immediately walked over and asked me if she could come over to my house later. I said yes. I
had nothing to lose now, I was Rachel, and could prove it.

Mom and I left the salon, and as we walked along and I saw my reflection in the various windows and
mirrors, I was constantly amazed at the way I looked. Not bad at all! My back went straight, my boobs
stuck out, and I was smiling for the first time in a long time. I saw some boys from school watching me,
and to tease them, began to sway my backside a bit more, just to see what would happen. What
happened is that Mom asked me if I was a tramp, and when I said no, she told me to quit walking like
one. But I had tasted the thrill of having someone look at me with lust rather than distaste. It was an
entirely new experience, and I loved it. The minute we got home I went to my room and changed into
the new suit. The dark green bikini bottoms fit perfectly, and the top, while covering me completely, left
no doubt that I was a girl, from head to toe. That's when I began to wonder about my thin beard. I still
shaved, but only twice a week, which was still more than any girl I knew. But I didn't know how to get rid
of a beard.

I still had the suit on when Valerie stopped by, so when Mom called me, I slipped on my gym shoes and
walked down the stairs wearing it. For what ever reason, Valerie stared at me, then she and I walked out
on the patio.

"I thought sure that you were my boyfriend Adam! But I can see that you're not! He could never look
like you do!"

Boy did I ever want to tell her how wrong she was, but that was impossible, and how could I prove it?
No matter what I said, all she had to do was look at me and she would never believe me.

"Coach called me and told me that Heather fell and broke her arm in three places, and asked me to take
her place! Isn't that great? We'll be going to camp together!"

"That's nice Valerie."

Just then Dad walked out on the patio, and saw me in the bikini for the first time. Up to now, he had
never seen my breasts or any sign of my new groin, and I heard him suck in his breath, but he recovered
quickly, and told me to change, we were going out for dinner. I let Valerie out, then went to my room to
change. Hanging on the door was a brand new dress, a pair of shoes on the floor. I took the all into my
room, opened the bag, and saw the dress. It took me an hour to get ready, what with a shower, a close
shave, then makeup, and getting dressed. I looked in the mirror and while one part of me wanted to cry,
the rest was smiling. The light purple dress was what I now know as an Empire style. That means it had a
round neck, a fitted bodice to just under my boobs, then hung straight down to my knees. The shoes
were dyed to match, then earrings and necklace small pearls. Because of the perm, my hair popped right
into place. I did my lips in a plum color, then used the new perfume on my dresser.

By now I wasn't the least bit worried at home, only outside the house. As I walked into the familyroom, I
saw my parents, then neighbors, and Valerie sitting there!

"Since you and Valerie will be on the squad together, we thought it might be fun for you two girls to get
to know each other better, and invited her to join us for dinner, and you have met the Benson's."

So, there I was, all dressed up, and the girl I did this for was sitting right there, smiling at me. She didn't
seem to have a clue, but I could tell she was excited to make a new friend, me. I did my very best to
smile, then got in the car next to Valerie, dad drove with Mom beside him and our neighbors following
along. Valerie was fairly quiet on the way over to the country club, then, as we walked in, she became
excited, and pointed at a table.

"See those guys over there? I think the one with the blond hair is so cute! I've been trying to get his
attention for a long time! Maybe he'll notice me tonight!"

She smiled at me, then pointed out that there was a boy there for me as well. This is just swell. Now my
girlfriend is trying to set me up with a guy I've known all my life! My second thought was less friendly. If
she had been trying to get Ben to take her out, where did that leave me? And why did I ever try out for
the cheerleaders if she was going to dump me for him? I was dumber than I thought, but what could I do
about it? I had a whole year, maybe more as a girl, a cheerleader to go. If I were a girl, and Valerie was a
girl, what could we have except similar likes? If I wasn't around as Adam, there wasn't any reason for her
to stay true to me, and it didn't sound like she had planned to be true anyway. I was angry at her,
myself, and there wasn't a thing I could do about it, except…
Dinner was a pleasant affair, and both the Benson's and my parents always referred to me in a way that
made it seem as if I had always been a girl, which Valerie accepted. Later, after dinner when the music
started, Valerie went to the restroom, but she went via the table with the boys, and was swaying like an
old car as she walked by them. I know she was hoping to get their attention. I remained at the table, and
while she was gone, Ben, then guy she was after, walked over and asked me to dance! Not having ever
danced with a boy, I was reluctant, but Mom told me to go ahead and go, so I let him take my hand and
lead me to the dance floor. By the time Valerie returned, she had seen us dancing, and by the look on
her face, she was furious. That's when I knew how to get back at her for wanting to dump me. I made
the mistake that got me here, but I did it for her, and she was planning on dumping me, so, when Ben
pulled me closer to him, I let it happen. He smelled pretty good, and even in heels he's taller than I am,
and from my new vantage point, he was kind of cute. I felt his hand on my back pulling me into him, and
it made me feel very vulnerable.

Gary, the other guy, had asked Valerie to dance, and she was across the room from Ben and I. A bit later
he asked me if he could take me home, and I glanced over at Valerie.

"Gary drove his own car here. He lives in the wrong direction from me."

I was about to leap off a bridge, and I knew it, but it would drive Valerie crazy."

"I'll have to ask. You better come too."

"Well, I asked, and Ben got that look all boys get when they want to take a daughter away from her
parents, but Dad finally said yes, then told me to be home no later than midnight. That was an hour and
a half from then. That's a long time and everyone knew it. Ben and I danced a bit more, then I grabbed
my purse and we left. As expected, he stopped the car by the fourth hole, under a big tree, and pulled
me over, then kissed me. When that happened I felt a shiver go down my back. Was it fear or what? He
kissed me again, then again and again. By then I had simply given up and had laid back in the seat. That's
when his hand found my breast. It never felt like that when I touched myself, and I quickly pushed him
away and told him to take me home.
Neither mom or Dad asked me how I liked having a boy pay attention to me. I liked it. During that next
week, Mom and I went shopping several times so that I had everything I would need at the cheerleading
camp. Sweats, shorts, more panties and two more bras, three nice skirts and blouses to match, a dress
for church, and shoes. I also packed the sanitary pads as she instructed. Mom and Dad both came along
as I was assigned a room, and made sure I was settled in. I was rooming with three other girls from our
squad. I did not know them very well before that day. We had our own bathroom, but there was a
communal shower just down the hall. After we were all situated, we met in a large auditorium and
learned the rules. First, NO boys in the dorms at any time. The second was the same as the first. That
night two of my room mates stripped naked right in front of me, then grabbed a towel and sauntered to
the showers! I had always dreamed of seeing a bunch of naked girls in one place, but now it didn't
matter. I also stripped and walked naked to the shower. My eyes took in the variety of girls there. Boobs
big and small, butts big and small, some round and some flat, others had trimmed their groins into
shapes, like hearts or triangles. Twenty two of everything, not including my own. Not one girl gave me a
second look, including Valerie. She had an okay body I guess, but compared to some of the others, a
dud. I half expected the glue the doctor used on me to break away, but nothing happened at all.

We all wore shorts and tees the next day, as our training started. Our coach knew the truth about me,
and also knew that I was stronger than most of the girls, so I was the one to flip the girls as they took a
running jump. All day, every day, we practiced, and I began to see how snippy the girls really were. They
talked about the other girls in ways I never imagined, and the four of us began to shower together, eat
together, and once, more. I was in my bed, I shared a room with Beth, when she slipped into my bed! I
lay there wondering what she was up to when her hand fell on my breast. I lay perfectly still as her lips
fell on my nipple, then her tongue began to caress it. I was going crazy with all of the new sensations,
and I touched her breast. With almost no effort she pushed me down, then lowered her head between
my legs, and started to kiss me there. When I touched myself it was like nothing at all, but when Beth
kissed me, I felt my back arching, hoping to make her continue. Then it was my turn. I never knew girl
could do that! In the morning Beth got up and went to the shower as if nothing had happened at all! I
brushed my teeth really well that day, then dressed in a short skirt and a tee, ready to start the practice.

I grew to believe that Valerie suspected something, but I was taking showers and so on with the other
girls, and if I had been a male, they would have come and got me, so she had no basis for her suspicions.
Every Saturday night they took us all out to eat at some fancy place, and let us loose for a few hours. By
the time camp was over, my mannerisms had developed to the point that there was no way anyone
could ever say I was a boy. The coach said she was very pleased, and would see us all in school. Ben was
with my parents when they came to get me. I was delighted to see him, and kissed him, right in front of
my parents, and in broad daylight. That garnered a few catcalls from the other girls, but I held on to
Ben's hand to show everyone that he was mine.
My first day at school was easier, since every girl on the squad now knew me well, and they all knew
that I was had a boyfriend. I had thought about that after Ben had kissed me that first night at the club. I
look like a girl, feel like a girl, act like a girl, and to my great surprise, I liked being a girl. After two weeks
of seeing naked girls every day, it no longer bothered me, and I started to want to be able to be exactly
like them. I wanted to have periods and be able to have sex if I wanted to, with a boy, not a girl. That
thing with Beth was very nice, and I would do it again, but she's a girl, and well, I wanted to be a real girl,
with a real boy. As it always in a high school, we started pairing off right away, and of course, it was Ben
and I. Gary and Valerie were still going out, but he was second on her list. He just didn't know it. Dad
knew when I returned from camp that something had changed, and it had. I no longer felt awkward and
unable to compete with the other girls. He had thought of this as the honorable thing to do, but he was
wrong. It was exactly the right thing for me. After seven weeks as a girl I liked it more than I ever
imagined possible, and of course, having my own boobs, and what looked like a vagina, I was in effect a
girl. Even the other girls had no clue to my real identity, and they could attest to the fact that I am a girl.

The coach never said much about it, even when she saw me naked that one time, but I know that what
my parents had made me do was beyond what she thought would happen. She probably thought I might
try and fake it and get caught. Ben and I started going out after school, then he asked me out to the
show. Dad almost swallowed his tongue when Ben showed up, took my hand, and we left. Mom was
grinning. We went out every weekend for about two months, then, once, when I was dressed for a
game, he parked out by the lake. When his hand touched my breast I thought I would faint from the
pleasure. His hand on my leg was moving North, and I let it, then, he touched me and I exploded inside. I
quickly moved away and he took me to the game. Afterwards, he and I went for a burger and a drink,
then once again he took me to the lake. It was a passionate time as he managed to get his hand under
my sweater, then under my bra, and cupped my right breast in his hand. I had never felt this way, and as
he used his fingers on me, his other hand slipped between my legs.

I knew he was excited, and moved his hand out of the forbidden zone, then touched him. My feelings
had all come to a point, and I had touched another boy, in lust. Quicker than a wink, he had his tool out,
and my hand was wrapped around it. As he lay back, I stroked him, then, in a fit of need, I kissed it. My
lips just caressed the tip when my tongue flicked out. Ben was moaning, and I knew what I was going to
do. Velvet over hardness, so familiar, yet so different, I let my lips surround him. Now there was no
going back. I wouldn't even if I could anyway, and didn't feel bad that I had done that for Ben. Besides, I
know of three other girls on the squad that have done the same thing for their guys. By the time he took
me home, I was on cloud nine, and didn't care who knew it.

I told Mom the next day that I was not returning to my manhood. All she did was smile and tell me she
knew that already! She also told me that Dad had finally figured it out when he saw Ben and I kissing on
the front porch. That was it. I stayed on the squad until the end of the year, Ben and I attended all of the
fancy dinners they held, then, when the Prom came along, I got a new dress of my own. That was last
year. The coach invited me to stay on and I accepted. As a Senior, I have a lot more latitude, and I am
now the squad Captain. Ben and I still see each other, but he is going into the service when we graduate,
so I'm sure that will die. All I know is that I love everything about being a girl, and cannot imagine my life
any other way now. A prank? Maybe, but I love the punch line. Don't you?

© 2000

The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must
contact the author for permission.

At the request of the author, this story is presented in a 12 point, Times New Roman font

Copyright © 2000 by Constance Grant Manasquan, NJ all rights reserved

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is unintended.

With his permission, this story is based on characters and back plot created by I. R. Nixon, namely, Cathy
Greenbriar and the girls at the ‘Styles By The Group’ full service salon.

Any comments are welcome.

While PG-13, this story contains adult situations, describes sexual activities, and deals with cross-
dressing. If such material upsets you, or if it's illegal for you to read this - DON'T.
A Lesson For Cathy by: Constance Grant

Part 1 – Cathy’s Blue Monday

Cathy Greenbriar had a bad Monday, maybe the worst of her entire seventeen years of existence.

Oh it started off great, her mom had given her a pair of white, with baby blue and pink trim, elevated
sneakers as an "I Love You" surprise Sunday night. She had lusted for them, but they were very
expensive, dropped hints and everything; ‘mom could be pretty great sometimes,’ Cathy reflected.
Today would be her first day wearing them, and she was psyched.

Cathy was only five foot seven, but she worked out daily with heavy weights, with seventeen-inch
biceps, huge shoulders, and very little fat she was formidable. Until she started growing facial hair she
took a high dosage an herbal equivalent of steroids daily, and her weight coach thought they were
responsible for her bulky muscles.

She took pleasure in physically intimidating most everybody, but especially boys. Her one pet peeve
was, intimidated and quivering or not, she had to look up to most of them. After a while, high heels
were too damn uncomfortable, and besides, she didn’t want to be a sex object for any damn boy.

She didn’t want to wear ‘lifted’ Doc Martians, as she didn’t see herself as a heavy metal freak, that’s why
these sneakers were so great, they looked pretty normal, but added almost three inches to her height.
Her outfit today was a sleeveless white blouse with red trim, blue pleated skirt almost to her knees, and
white frilly ankle socks with her new white sneakers. She viewed herself as sort of a female Jack
Armstrong, and in her mind that’s exactly how she looked today. Most boys said behind her back,
seldom to her face, that she reminded them of ‘Hercules in drag.’
She received a warm feeling in her groin at the thought of how much more intimidating she would be
now. Halloween was this Friday, and she had yet to pick out her ‘boy toys,’ the living toys to accompany
her ‘trick or treating’ followed by the school dance. She grinned evilly at her elevated image, as the lucky
boy or boys’ hair appointments had already been made at the beauty salon. Cathy really loved to
feminize boys, and then to publicly embarrass the hell out of them.

Ralph, her morning chauffeur, was prompt; and she only kept him waiting ten minutes today. Well that
was much better than if he kept her waiting. Ralph was a nice boy, played soccer, and went out with
Jessie Kelly. Ever since Cathy cornered him outside the boys’ gym and almost broke one of his arms, he
brought her to school each morning. At first, it was a big problem for him, after all Jessie was his girl and
she liked it when he picked her up in the morning. Ann Black cued Jessie in on how Cathy intimidated
boys, and Jessie asked Ralph if that was so. He was almost in tears as he told her how he had been
tormented, admitting he was helpless against her brute strength – Jessie is a great girlfriend and kissed
him saying she understood. She really meant it, and he knew it, but in his heart of hearts, he still felt like
weak little sissy for knuckling under to Cathy.

Cathy had ruled out Ralph for a Halloween toy realizing it wasn’t smart to demand too much of any one
boy, she had found out the hard way even sissy wimps turned. She tried to be careful whom she picked
to dominate these days. The drive to school was uneventful, the day was pleasant – but she did toy with
Ralph hinting she might ask him to go trick or treating with her, just to pass the time.

The day started to go to go bad when she realized the sneakers changed her gate much like one-inch
platforms with three-inch heels would, which in effect was exactly what they were. She was walking fast,
and instead of turning gracefully into the hallway, she misjudged and slammed into a locker hard
enough to see stars and crack her sunglasses. A dozen or so boys saw it, laughed loudly, and she was
sure she made those bastards day. Her eyes hadn’t adjusted fully to the relatively dim hall locker area
from the bright sun, and by the time she removed her cracked sunglasses no one was in sight to take her
anger out on.

Her first period was history, Ms. Saxon had a real hard on for her. She was always calling on her to
answer stupid questions about the American Civil War or some damn thing - ‘like who cares, it was like
way before I was born.’ Cathy laughed when she thought of how she would correctly answer those same
stupid questions later in the day on the written quizzes. ‘So who cares if the old battleaxe wants to
waste her weekends marking drivel quizzes.’ She thought. Cathy had Mark Watson, just about the
smartest boy in the whole world sitting next to her, and he was well trained to pass her the answers. It
had taken two more heart to heart talks than Ralph, but Mark was meek as a lamb now. ‘The sissy
couldn’t stand a little pain.’ she gloated to herself.

Just as class let out, Ms. Saxon said sweetly, "Cathy, please come up here a moment."

Cathy sauntered up and stood in front of Ms. Saxon, while she busied herself with some papers, the
minutes dragged on.

Finally Cathy said, "Ms’ Saxon, like I have to get to French. What do you want?"

"Oh yes," as if she had just noticed Cathy, "Cathy you have been cheating, not once but several times.
Your mother has been called by Mr. Hudson at her agency, I expect she will stop by sometime today.
Don’t leave the school without checking with Mr. Hudson." She smiled and said, "You may go now."

Cathy just stood there, at first she wanted to run as panic seized her, but then she began thinking. ‘No
problem, I’m a creative copier, lots of experience – Ralph never gets less than one hundred percent, and
correct answers on his quizzes are correct answers on mine. Cathy locked eyes with Ms. Saxon and
flexing a bicep she slammed her fist on the desk, a clear threat.

Ms. Saxon didn’t give an inch, she smiled again and said, "and I’ll see you in Mr. Hudson’s office dear."

Cathy left the room and heard the warning bell, ‘Shit, that fucking bitch made me late for French, and I
can’t afford to piss off Mr. Guillemot any more.’ With that thought uppermost in her mind, Cathy raced
to her locker for her French book, running full tilt, forgetting that her new sneakers had betrayed her
once today. As she rounded the last corner wide, she crashed into Paul Thompson. Paul was knocked off
his feet by the impact, but despite the shock and surprise, he rolled and was standing in one smooth
motion. Cathy on the other hand lost her balance and slid ten feet on her belly into the bottom lockers
face first.

The invective out of her mouth would have done a longshoreman proud, and Paul’s rye smile infuriated
her further as he helped her up. She screamed at him, promising to take revenge for his clumsiness, but
she just didn’t have time for him now. She had been late for French too many times, and unlike history,
spoken French was the measure of success in that class. She was on the verge of a ‘D,’ or if she was real
lucky a ‘C,’ and that wouldn’t please her dad one little bit. So she fixed Paul’s smile in her mind, vowing
to wipe it off his face. By the end of her French class, she decided Paul would be her ‘Halloween boy

The meeting in Mr. Hudson’s office was close to the end of the world. If her mother hadn’t made all
sorts of unrealistic promises, Cathy would have been expelled then and there. As it was she was placed
on indefinite academic and disciplinary probation.

That worm Ralph had turned, Monday a week ago he had voluntarily come forward and confessed to
Ms. Saxon he was passing quiz answers to Cathy, he told Ms. Saxon about the repeated physical
intimidation and everything. Working with Ms. Saxon, he even supplied ridiculous answers to Cathy,
which she modified slightly, and used as her own in every written quiz last week. The smoking gun was
unquestionably in her hand.

The very worst part was that she had better not look cross-eyed at Ralph, it was clear he would rat her
out, and she would be summarily expelled. A further blow to her ego as a senior was that she had to ride
the school bus in the morning, and the punishment bus in the afternoon. All her teachers had been
warned about her propensity to browbeat a boy into providing answers, and that meant she better use
the punishment study halls to study. Not to mention being grounded forever by her mom, and god only
knows what her dad would do. When he returned from work that night, after hearing all the details from
her mother, he confiscated her driver’s license and car keys.

As she drifted off to sleep, the only bright spots on the horizon were that she was smart, just lazy, and
was capable of honors work. She smiled to herself, her mother and dad were away from home a lot at
their respective jobs, and being grounded was on her honor much of the time.

Halloween was coming, and as she saw it, she owed big time payback to Paul Thompson, ‘poor sissy Paul
Thompson,’ she chortled.
Part 2 – A Little About Paul

Paul rose early each morning and performed the exercises and meditations taught to him by his sensei
Master Quong. As he finished he faced the west and wished Master Quong good health, a full and
productive day, and as always, wished it were possible to attend his daily teachings again.

Paul showered, dressed for the day, and walked downstairs to prepare breakfast for his dad and he. In
the large kitchen Paul moved gracefully through the routine of making eggs, toast and greens, he
cleaned an assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables, and puréed them in the blender.

He just finished cleaning the blender and pans when his father sat down. Paul gave him a warm morning
kiss and noticed a taunt muscle on his father’s neck, he expertly rubbed and manipulated it for a few
moments saying, "Got to take it easy on that rowing machine dad."

His dad replied, "Tell me about it, thank god for those magic hands of yours." Master Quong had taught
Paul much of the healing arts, as well as healing his body and soul – incidentally making him a master of
the martial arts. "How did Megan enjoy our hike yesterday?"

"She loved it, I think there is a little witch in her, she’s learned most of what I know about plants and
stuff, at least those indigenous to this area. I think she really enjoyed our day together, and she really
likes you." The three had hiked all day, and had relaxed dinner together with Megan’s parents and three
brothers at their home.

While Paul carried on a light pleasant conversation with his dad, his mind turned to Megan. Megan
Hanson was a beautiful vivacious red haired girl, and for almost the year that he had lived in this city,
they were an item. It hadn’t been formalized yet, but all concerned expected they would marry in a few
years, probably in their senior year of college. They were both seniors in high school, and with SAT’s in
the high fifteen hundreds they were bound for Stanford next year, he for engineering and she for law.
Both families were wealthy, but you’d never know it by the way they acted with others.

Megan was pretty, very cute, at seventeen she was five six, one hundred ten pounds, and if you must
know, she had an all-natural 34 B bosoms, twenty-three inch waist, with thirty-two inch hips. Paul
thought her beautiful, intelligent, and caring – and he loved her with all his heart. For her part, Megan
adored every facet of Paul, from his formidable intellect to his strong gentle nature.

Paul was on the swimming and fencing teams, and played intramural soccer and baseball, he was a well-
rounded nineteen-year-old athlete. He had light brown hair, sea green eyes and was a slender five ten
one hundred sixty pounds, with the long strong muscles of a swimmer, rather than the bulk of a
weightlifter. Looking at him swim or play soccer you would never suspect he spent four years (age six
through ten) in an iron lung. The same accident that placed him in the lung killed his mother, it wasn’t
always this way, but now there was a strong bond of love and mutual respect between father and son.
Once the doctors cured him enough to exist without the lung, Master Quong made his body and soul

Paul moved with the fluid grace of a cat, or perhaps ballerina, and when he first attended school many
boys called him a fag behind his back, a few to his face. Paul never took the bait, and let his peers think
what they may. Megan had confessed to him that she wondered too, in the beginning, before they got
to know one another. What changed her mind?

Many things, but initially bravery – Megan was brushing her hair in the girls’ locker room early last
December when she heard a piercing scream, with fear in her heart she looked out into the darkened
hallway. Just in time to see Mike Jones punch Sally Peterson, while Sam West held her struggling body.
Megan was riveted in place fearing she was next.

Out of nowhere Paul appeared, and ordered, "Let her go."

He spoke softly, but Megan felt the power in his voice from forty feet away, and her fear left her

Mike was a six foot two inch, two hundred twenty pound line backer, dumb as a stone, but strong as an
ox. He was pissed at having his mating ritual interrupted up by a little fag. Megan wasn’t sure what
happened next, but one second Mike was attacking Paul and the next he was unconscious on the floor.
Seeing his friend down, Sam, who was even bigger than Mike, attacked Paul with exactly the same
Then Paul ripped his shirttail off, moistened it in the water fountain, and helped Sally to her feet dabbing
her bruised and cut eye with his moistened rag. Paul wanted her to report the matter, but she refused,
so respecting her wishes he helped her outside to her waiting ride. Megan decided then and there to get
to know Paul better.

They were in several honors classes together, and Megan asked Paul if he could help her with some
math problems after school. They went to her house, as chance would have it, it was a few houses from
his, and located in an upscale suburb. Megan’s mom, Mrs. Hanson, didn’t mind having boys visit, as long
as they sat in the breakfast nook or watched the large screen TV in the living area’s TV corner – both
places open and subject to frequent unannounced visits by Megan’s family on one mission or other.

"Gee thanks Paul, I never would have gotten that problem without your help."

Paul looked at her a moment, something clicked inside his head, and his eyes crinkled a little at the
corners in mirth, "That’s not true, you can teach me how to do these problems with your eyes closed."

She gave him a little smile, "Well if you must know, I wanted to get to know you better."

His face lit up, "Great, ever since I laid eves on you, I’ve wanted to get to know you better."

"Why didn’t you just ask?"

"I guess I was afraid you would say no, I don’t have a lot of experience dealing with girls."

Soon, they were spending a few hours a week outside of school together; they really did study together,
and found it enjoyable and productive. By summer they kissed and petted part of the time they were
together each day, they decided not to have vaginal sex, at least until they were at Stanford – when it
wouldn’t be as awkward if she got pregnant and they got married. They were frank and open with each
other on all subjects, unlike most of the boys she knew, Paul was open with his feelings, and could share
them with her.
During the early months of their relationship, when Paul was still new at the school, he had several one
sided fights. He was so fast, so skilled, literally, no one laid a hand on him – and once he fought five-
second string football jocks at once after they jumped him. Megan saw several of his fights, and he
always fought in self-defense, or for others in distress, choosing to let mean spirited comments
concerning him pass seemingly unnoticed. Word got around, especially among the male jocks that he
was no sissy, and definitely no one to fuck with. Paul was known to put the hurt on you. It would hurt
like hell until you went to him, apologized to whomever you intended to hurt, and only then would he
make the pain go away. Doctors and coaches said it was like some kind of spasm, but convention
treatments didn’t help, only Paul’s magic hands took the pain away.

One day after Mark Wilson and Tom Wilkes made nasty hurtful remarks to him, Megan asked, "Why do
you let those guys rag on you?"

"Master Quong taught me that my Ki is very strong, but it is best to expend it for others and to let slights
to myself pass unnoticed. If I don’t do this, I will begin to see slights everywhere and never stop fighting.
I believe him, he has never steered me wrong."

"I would like to meet your Master Quong."

"You will, he lives in San Francisco, and that isn’t far from Stanford. He likes you, I have written him
about you and he says our fates will mingle for the ages. That’s his way of saying he really likes you."

"How can he like me silly, he has never met me?"

"I don’t know, but he does, and he is never wrong."

Megan believed Paul as he never lied to her, and a warm feeling engulfed her being.

On the other hand, Cathy wasn’t friends with Megan, nor was she friends with the male jocks – she
didn’t know Paul’s reputation.
Part 3 – Cathy’s Clown

Most days Paul drove Megan to and from school, but the Thursday before trick or treat Friday her mom
picked her up early to do some clothes shopping, something the two enjoyed doing together immensely.
Megan said she would pick up their costumes for the Halloween dance too.

As he approached his car he noticed it was a bit low, like someone was in the back seat. Sure enough,
that dykeish girl Cathy was huddled on the floor behind his seat. As he pretended to fiddle with the door
lock, he made up his mind to play this hand out. After Monday’s confrontation, he had asked around and
now knew quite a bit of her reputation, and remembering her threats Monday, he thought it was best to
get her invective out in the open.

He got in the car as if he suspected nothing and turned on the ignition.

"I’ve got a gun, drive where I tell you bitch."

Paul felt something round against his neck, but he didn’t smell a gun, as he concentrated on exactly how
it felt he decided it was a lipstick tube. Paul did nothing, just sat there looking at Cathy’s eyes in the rear
view mirror.

"Get moving bitch."

"You haven’t told me where Cathy." Paul said mildly.

"The mall, you stupid bitch."

"Which mall Cathy, I can think of ten?"

"God damn, if you aren’t the stupidest bitch, the one on Jackson Street of course."

"You have but to ask." Paul said mildly.

Approaching the mall she directed him to the underground parking, as it was a nice day it was almost
empty, most patrons preferring the sunny parking lot. Cathy was really excited, she had stolen almost
five hundred dollars from he mother’s mad money tin for this, she hated to do it, but grounded as she
was she could hardly ask for it – besides mom had a lots more in there, and probably won’t even notice
the theft.

Cathy got out first and said, "Out bitch."

As soon as Paul was half out she twisted his right arm behind his back and slapped his ears with her free
hand. Paul had amazing flexibility in his arms and allowed her to force it to where a normal arm would
be excruciatingly painful.

The slaps on the ears did smart, so he wasn’t acting when he said, "Hey Cathy, cut that out, that hurts."

"That’s just a taste bitch, now move, remember I still have a gun in my pocket."

"Why are you doing this to me?"

"You made me fall and bang into the lockers, you stupid cow."

"As I remember it you slammed into me, my back was to you."

"You were in my way, now get moving bitch." For some reason, Cathy had transferred the blame for all
her troubles that horrible Monday to Paul.

Cathy guided Paul through the mall, really by a series of pushes. Their destination was the "Styles by The
Group" beauty salon. When Paul saw where they were headed, he debated taking Cathy out, but looking
at her, he figured he would have to slug her at least once in a pressure point to subdue her. There were
people around, he really didn’t want to hurt her at this point, and he thought, ‘Lets see just how far she
will take this.’

Once in the salon, Marsha the receptionist waved them to the back. Paul didn’t realize just how far
Cathy intended to go. On the other hand, Cathy didn’t know about the discussion Megan and Paul had
the other evening.

Anne and Julie told Cathy she was on her own for this part, if anyone asked they didn’t see her go into
the ‘mud’ room. Cathy was living a fantasy at this point, once in the rear area where the showers and
mud baths were done she pulled Paul’s hands behind her back, put handcuffs on him and hooked them
to the shower’s plumbing. Then she cut all of his clothes off.

Paul looked at her and said, "Cathy, I expect you to pay for those you know."

Cathy kneed him in the balls, Paul grunted with pain, thinking, ‘Just wait, just you wait.’

Cathy looked at Paul’s very substantial cock with disgust, such a waste on a sissy wimp. Why couldn’t
Charley, her bodybuilding idol, have one like this? Without further waste of time she donned rubber
gloves and smeared Nair lotion all over his body, from neck to toes, leaving only a little triangle on his
pubes. Then she left Paul handcuffed and alone to talk to Julie about what she wanted done. Anne and
Julie did peek in after Cathy left, and Paul made eye contact with them.

When she returned Paul was standing without the handcuffs and he asked, "Is it time yet, this stuff is
"Fuck, how did you get loose."

"I don’t know, I guess the cream melted the cuffs locks, they just came off."

Actually, he had expanded the muscles in his wrists when she put them on, then when she was gone he
relaxed his muscles, and slipped his hands out - the Nair cream did make it easier though.

"Yeah, take a shower and wash that crap off, you know what that is, don’t you?"

"No what?"

"Stupid bitch, well now you will be a hairless stupid bitch." She cracked up, "How do you like them

"Isn’t this illegal, I didn’t consent to any of this."

Cathy puffed he self up and flexed her muscles saying, "Fuck you bitch, you’re my sissy toy now, and I
will do exactly what I want with you."

Once he dried off, Cathy rubbed lotion all over him. She wouldn’t have done it except Julie said she
would call the cops if she didn’t, his skin could be permanently damaged otherwise, and the shop could
be sued. Cathy maliciously tried to make him hard to increase his embarrassment, but he concentrated
on remaining soft, and denied her that pleasure.

"What are you, some kind of fag?"

He couldn’t resist, "Only real women light my fire."

She tried to knee him several times, but somehow he moved a bit each time and she couldn’t quite
connect. Finally, she gave up in disgust, when he threatened to scream.

Then she gave him a pair of pantyhose, panties, and a camisole and had him put them on. Actually Paul
enjoyed this part, and it took much more willpower to remain soft. Cathy stood back and said, "You do
that pretty damn good, you ever done this before?"

"Christ no! And all that hair you removed took a lifetime to grow."

Cathy looked suspiciously at Paul, but gave him a short shop robe and led him outside.

Julie begged off giving Paul a perm, and Anna required a fifty-dollar tip in advance from Cathy.
Unnoticed by Cathy, Paul had left his wallet under the seat in the car and had no money, when Cathy
asked him where it was he told her he had left it home today. He was becoming a very expensive toy.
She hadn’t realized yet that he had shoved his keys (car and house) behind the dashboard of the car.

Anna washed his hair, and blow-dried it a little, then applied a solution; twenty minutes later she
washed it out. Then without letting him see the result she began wrapping his hair on short metal rollers
with cotton, applied the perming solution, and then placed a plastic cap over it all setting a timer.

Seeing Anna had no problems, Julie told Cathy she would do his facial and makeup. Paul was bored by
this time; the novelty of his stockings and undies was wearing off, even though he had to concentrate on
sitting up straight and keeping his legs together or crossed in a ladylike way. Cathy noticed his body
language was saying ‘I am a woman’ and wondered if she was being conned, but she ruled that out,
there was no way he could have known.

Paul’s cock was lying dormant now, so he decided to play with their heads.

"Julie, do you do this sort of thing often?"

"It’s my job, don’t worry, nothing I’ve done will do any permanent damage or change you."

"No, I mean work on men against their will. You know Cathy handcuffed me to apply the hair remover, I
saw you look in."

"She told me you wanted it that way, that you are weird."

"That’s a lie Julie, I overheard you three giggling about forcing me as a favor for help Cathy has given you
in the past. Just for the record I didn’t asked for any of this, in any way whatsoever, nor do I want it to
continue. I was kidnapped at gunpoint in the school parking lot and brought here against my will." He
apologized mentally to Master Quong for telling half-truths, thinking the lesion he was teaching was for
her own good.

With that Cathy brought her fist down intending smash Paul’s hand, but he moved it, she snarled,
"When we are finished with you, nobody will believe we did this against your will."

Paul looked at all three making eye contact, "You three will know it’s a lie, you will know you are lying – I
will know you are lying. I won’t fight you, but I’m asking you to stop."

Cathy snarled, "You two finish him or I’ll finish you!"

Cathy ordered Paul to remove his pantyhose, and while Anna gave him a facial, Julie gave him a
manicure and pedicure. Cathy picked a red lipstick to match his nails.

Before Anna started on Paul’s makeup, Cathy ordered him back into his pantyhose. So far Paul hadn’t
seen the results of their efforts, Cathy had one more indignity when his makeup was done, she had a
dress for him. Actually it looked like a little girl’s pink party dress with lots of lace and ruffles, and it came
with cute little pink ruffled panties. Paul put it on, as well as the Mary Jane’s with short lacy white socks
that Cathy provided. Cathy zipped him in with an evil grin when he pretended he couldn’t reach the
Julie and Anna looked at the whole package saying, "You got to see this Paul, you look sexy as hell."

With that the led him into the main shop area, and he saw himself in a full length mirror. He had to
admit he did look sexy in a kinky way. First off the dress was young and childish looking, but his nylon
covered legs were very long and sexy, even without heels. From where he was standing, while the lack
of real breasts was obvious, he just looked like a poorly endowed woman. His face, made up as it was,
was totally believable, almost pretty. The only thing he was really pissed about was that they had
bleached his light brown hair to golden blond; he didn’t realize it had been permed.

He looked a Julie and said, "Nothing permanent you say, the hair color won’t come out easily."

"Look Paul, I’m really sorry, I can’t do it for a few days with out damaging your hair, but come in toward
the end of next week and I’ll fix it for you. No charge."

Looking at Anna and Julie, Paul said in his quiet commanding voice, "I hope you two stop this nonsense
in the future, I haven’t decided what I’m going to do about this, but you can be sure it will be

Cathy snarled, saying, "You better talk more like the sissy you are, or everyone in the mall will know!"

She paid and they walked out into the mall proper. Paul decided to act as much like a girl as possible,
and walked beside Cathy mimicking women he saw as much as possible. He directed the conversation to
the dance tomorrow. Cathy was confused, in her experience, sissy boy toys didn’t act this way; he must
be a screaming fag or something. A plan was forming in Paul’s mind, but he would need Megan’s help.
He told Cathy he had to go to the john, and she steered him toward the ladies room – in Macy’s of

Internally he was reluctant to enter that sanctum, but he gave no outward indication of it. Once inside
he noticed another entrance to a stairway, he had to piss like a racehorse, but ignoring his need he
made his way quickly out to his car instead. He was out of the lot before Cathy realized he was gone –
she had been fantasizing about having his ears pierced as an added humiliation.
Paul drove home carefully; there was no way he wanted to be stopped in drag, tomorrow night maybe it
would be ok, but not tonight. He drove directly into his garage, and entered the house through the
internal door as the outside overhead door closed. There was a message on his answering machine from
his dad saying he would be in Santa Clara until late Friday night or early Saturday morning. With the
pantyhose on it was more complicated than usual, so he sat down to pee. Then he called Megan and
asked her to come over, it was now seven pm.

Part 4 – Some Plans

Minutes latter the door bell rung, Paul looked through the glass, and seeing it was Megan let her in,
stepping back he smiled.

"Hi, I’m Megan is Paul downstairs?" Megan asked.

Paul answered in a soft voice, "Like hi, I’m his cousin Candy. I think he is changing in his room, please be
seated, I’m sure he’ll be right down." Megan was looking at Candy’s dress, "Oh this, I was trying on my
costume for tomorrow, I don’t much like it either."

"It’s not bad, it’s pretty sexy though, how well do you know your date?"

"Quite well, please be seated."

Paul couldn’t believe it; they spent five minutes more chatting about their dates and Megan hadn’t
tumbled yet.

Finally he said in his normal voice, "I suppose in a few seconds you will want to know how this came

"The one and only, I guess you were right, I can pass…"

Paul spent the better part of a half hour detailing his transformation concluding with, "So when I saw
what she intended, I figured it fit right in with our plans for tomorrow night and went along with her –
however it turned out to be much further than I planned to go." Pointing to his hair, "Cathy must have
spent five or six hundred dollars on all this."

"So tell me, how does it feel to prance around in a short skirt? Heck, that one doesn’t even cover your
cute ruffled panties." Megan asked with a wide grin.

Paul thought for a minute, "Honestly I didn’t notice how I felt, too much had happened to me in a short
time – frankly I was more concerned with not being seen as a boy in drag, and not with how modest I
actually looked. I think after I’ve gotten used to the undies, the outfit we had discussed would be a
better test than this."

"I see your point, come over to my house and you can try on tomorrow night’s outfit. Mom and I picked
it up for you today."

They kidded each other on the way to Megan’s home. Paul was relieved that Megan’s dad was at a
Rotary meeting, and since her mom knew about their plans, he didn’t feel too strange walking into their
house in Cathy’s stupid dress. Megan’s three younger brothers were watching TV and hardly noticed
another girl enter with Megan, and disappear upstairs into Megan’s room.

Mrs. Hanson joined them, and Megan introduced, "Mom, this is Candy, Paul’s cousin from Santa Clara,
Paul will be over in a few minutes to try on his costume. This is the costume Candy intends to wear to
the dance."
Mrs. Hanson looked at it carefully and said diplomatically, "It might be a trifle chilly for that tomorrow,

Megan cracked up and cued her mother in, and gave her a short version of Paul’s transformation, and
the evolving plan for payback.

Soon Paul was looking at Megan’s choice for his outfit for the Halloween dance. It was a normal
conservative blue woman’s business suit, with a short straight skirt and a white blouse with blue
embroidery. However, the outfit’s undies were quite different, and fully in line with their bet.

When Paul said he thought he could get most of it on himself, they left him alone saying, "We’ll be back
in fifteen."

Paul quickly undressed completely, smiling with satisfaction that the dress’s zipper and training bra
presented no problems to his flexible arms, and then he put on his new undies. The panties were a
thong design, but much more silky and covered with lace. Next, he put on a merry widow, threading the
garters through the panties as shown on Megan’s sketch. He rolled the silky stockings on, attaching
them to the garters. There were two silicon breast forms, which he carefully inserted following the
diagram. He looked in the mirror, that was just the look he had told Megan he would like to see on her,
and just the look Megan had told him she thought was very uncomfortable to wear. Well he would find

His cock wanted to misbehave, but he willed it down. There was a sheet of paper from a site on the
Internet showing how to tuck his testicles up into his body, and bring his cock between his legs. It felt
very strange, but it didn’t hurt much, and with the panties back in place, he really did look like a woman
down there. Next he put on a camisole, it looked like one he had pointed out to Megan. After a few
minutes, his faux breasts felt warm and natural, as he felt them through the camisole, almost like
Megan’s. Next, he put on a very short half-slip, followed by a blouse and skirt. The skirt’s waist was a
little snug, but otherwise it fit and looked great. The three inch navy pumps were strange at first, but he
was exceptionally strong and blessed with a fine sense of balance from his martial arts training, so he
could walk with little problem.
The reflection in Megan’s full-length mirror showed a woman with a very nice figure, great shapely long
legs, and an acceptable face, at least he didn’t look like a boy in drag. Megan knocked, and she and her
mother came in.

The consensus was Paul would pass with little problem, Megan said with an evil grin, "Lets all go
downstairs and watch TV with my horny little brothers, that should be a good preliminary test." Megan
knew the little monsters would be trying to catch and unguarded moments of ‘leg,’ and ‘crotch,’ and
that might make Paul nervous and prove her point…

Paul put on his suit’s jacket, without its substantial shoulder pads it fit well; Mrs. Hanson put some
jewelry on him, including clip on earrings, a necklace, and some bracelets. Megan gave him a watch,
purse, and a small chic hat, which she pinned on. That little hat changed his whole appearance, seeming
to age him ten years.

Since Megan and Mrs. Hanson were wearing slacks, there was nothing to distract her brothers from
Paul’s great legs. When he was seated the skirt came to mid thigh, a fraction of an inch below the
stocking tops. Megan sat with her brothers and unabashedly looked for an unguarded moment with

It was only Paul’s training and control of his body that allowed him to survive the first half-hour
apparently at ease, and then he considered the mindset of a woman. He knew from experience they
liked to flirt. From then on he made many small movements, crossed and uncrossed his legs. At first
Megan thought she had him, if he was becoming very ill at ease the test could be called in her favor, but
then she realized he was deliberately flirting with her brothers, and he had Charles and Mark actually
sweating. When Paul saw the light go on behind Megan’s eyes he smiled at her, just a little smile.

Megan walked him home but their talk was cut short, Cathy was banging on Paul’s front door, Megan
said, "Hi Cathy, looking for Paul?"

"Yeah, he kind of told me he would meet me here latter."

"Well we haven’t seen him, and his car isn’t here. By the way this is Mrs. Ryan, his Aunt, she will be
staying a few days with him while his dad is away."
Paul held out his hand for Cathy to shake it saying, "Pleased to meet you, it’s getting late, otherwise I’d
let you wait inside." He pitched his voice up an octave and Cathy didn’t recognize him decked out in a
chic woman’s business suit.

Cathy looked Mrs. Ryan over, and walked away in disgust saying, "When you see him, tell him I’ll see
him tomorrow in school."

When they closed the door, Megan observed, "Mrs. Ryan, I do believe she was pissed."

"Megan my dear, not half as pissed as she will be tomorrow!"

They kissed, very passionately, but before something happened, Megan said goodnight and left. Paul
spent another two hours in his outfit practicing the basics. Then he gratefully undressed, and using the
cleaners Megan gave him, removed the nail polish on his hands and the make up on his face – finally
tumbling into bed and a dreamless sleep. Come five am he woke refreshed, did his exercises for two
hours, and showered.

Part 5 – Payback Begins

Paul’s first stop was Mr. Hudson’s office. Upon reflection during his meditation he didn’t want to be part
of vigilantly justice, he wanted Cathy’s lesson to be sanctioned. Mr. Glen Hudson didn’t know Paul very
well, he really only saw problem students on a regular basis, so he asked Mrs. Gwen Wells, his secretary,
to pull Paul’s file. Mrs. Wells’ son James was one of the students Paul rescued from bullies last semester,
and along with Paul’s file, she briefly reminded Charley of Paul’s bravery.

"Good morning Paul what can I do for you?"

"Good morning sir, I have a rather strange story and a request. I ask you hear me out, and then I will
abide by your wishes in the mater."

"Ok Paul, I’m yours for the next half hour." He had much to do, mainly with problem kids, but Paul was a
high honor student and a credit to his school, he owed him a half hour at least.

"It started Monday between first and second period, Cathy Greenbriar, one of the seniors, ran full tilt
into me. I was facing away from her and didn’t see her coming, she knocked me down, and I got right up
unhurt. However, she slid along the floor on her belly into the lockers. She wasn’t physically hurt, but for
some reason she blames me for the incident."

"I know Miss. Greenbriar quite well, did you know she is on academic and disciplinary probation?"

"No, I ordinarily don’t look at those postings. Anyhow, yesterday after swim team practice when I got in
my car to go home, Cathy…"

Paul concisely told the whole story concluding with, "So that’s how I am a curly haired blond today when
I had straight brown hair yesterday."

"That’s horrible, that girl is a beast, I will see she is expelled immediately!"

"Sir I don’t think that will help her in the long term, it will probably just embitter her without curbing her
domineering behavior. What I have in mind is a more focused lesson…"

When Paul concluded Mr. Hudson couldn’t stop grinning, "I like it, love it actually. However, while we
never had this conversation, someone will cue the monitors, parent chaperones and student hosts - no
one will officially ‘see’ Cathy at the dance."

"Thank you sir."

When Paul left the office Mr. Hudson called, "Gwen, come in here, you will love this…"

Megan’s mom called her out sick, the first time this semester, and the two of them re-planned the
evening’s costumes in the light of Cathy’s upcoming lesson – Megan grinned thinking of how Paul aced
her last night – but just maybe Paul’s lesson too. As soon as the malls opened they headed out for some
serious focused shopping.

Part 6 – Turnabout

Cathy was pissed; everyone was let out at noon except her and four other students on Mr. Hudson’s
deep shit list. She was stuck until three; true it was two hours earlier than her usual dismissal from the
hole – as she was beginning to think of the detention room. Her normally docile slaves showed signs of
revolt, and tempting even more of Mr. Hudson’s wrath, she disciplined two, then made them kneel and
kiss her biceps.

Arriving home, her mom told her that she had an appointment to show a client some houses, and then
that she was meeting her father for a movie and late dinner. Cathy figured that was her first great break
of the day.

As soon as her mother left the house, she grabbed the shopping bag with her costume and walked to
Paul’s house. Her excitement grew as she approached, it was so great, he would be a little girl and she
the Phantom of the Opera – between the cape and the mask no one would recognize her – and the little
whip was just what Paul needed – whether it really went with her costume or not.

She was making a bet with herself if he would greet her in costume, when they bumped into each other
in school she ordered him to – and he meekly nodded his head yes.
Cathy rang the bell impatiently and banged on the door loudly when it wasn’t answered immediately.
The door opened and that bitch of an aunt of Paul’s answered.

Calming down Cathy asked, "Is Paul home, I’m Cathy, he is expecting me."

"Come right in dear."

"Where’s Paul?"

"Right here dear." Paul said in his normal voice.

"You Bitch, that isn’t the costume I bought for you, change immediately."

"Sorry Cathy, but I’m the one giving the orders tonight."

Cathy lost it then, screaming she attacked Paul, but it was like attacking the wind. Even though he was in
heels and a snug skirt, he easily managed to avoid her every rush. Finally she simply stood close to him
and grabbed his wrist intending to twist his arm, but somehow it was her arm that ended up painfully
twisted. Seemingly, from nowhere, Paul was holding what looked like a wide leather dog collar.

"Cathy this is the latest electronic technology to safely control violent criminals and/or mentally
deranged persons. My dad’s company makes them, and this is the latest model. It’s designed to be worn
twenty four hours a day for as long as the patient is violent – sometimes for years." Paul went on singing
the praises of the Mark 9 Peacemaker like he was a salesman; Cathy’s eyes became large as saucers. In
fact, it was the largest male-slave-posture-collar the adult bookstore carried; Paul hoped it would fit her
heavily muscled neck.

"Now," he continued, "We can do this the very hard way, or the easy way, your choice."
Cathy was confused, the woman in front of her was dressed like her mom, but sounded like Paul, what if
this was some kind of alien trap? What if they were spies? What if…

In the end she said, "The easy way."

Paul stepped behind her, alert for a sudden move on her part when he released her arm, and placed the
wide collar around her neck, and fastened the three straps, fortunately it fit her well-muscled neck
rather well.

"Christ I can hardly move my head."

"That’s the least of your problems Cathy."

Moving over to the fireplace mantle he picked up a small black box with a glowing light and two buttons.

"This is the collar’s control box, it can give you pain and should you touch it or move too far from it, it
will paralyze you with agony. Let me demonstrate with the mildest pain setting."

Casually holding the box in front of her, he pressed one of the buttons, making the light blink.
Simultaneously he probed her spine with a fingernail and she convulsed with pain, she couldn’t scream,
it just hurt like hell, he released the button after a few seconds, and she didn’t even notice him touch
her back relieving the pain.

Cathy never felt anything like that pain, when it stopped she vowed to do anything to prevent it in the
future. Paul said, "Cathy I have to get this back to my dad early tomorrow morning, so if you are good
tonight you may never have to face that pain again. Since you will only be wearing it for a short while,
would you like me to demonstrate the high and debilitating settings?"

"Christ no, I’ll be good."

"Good let’s go over to Megan’s house, she has your costume, then we all can go Trick ‘n Treat, and then
to the school dance."

"I can’t go to the dance, I’m on disciplinary suspension."

"Sure you can, trust me nobody will recognize you in the costume we have for you. Let’s go."

Paul moved his finger on the box, a box Cathy couldn’t pull her eyes from. She followed him like a docile
little puppy.

Part 7 – The Costumes

Paul was not a cruel person, but with Megan’s help, he had set up one further demonstration of the
Mark 9 Peacemaker for Cathy. He wanted her so convinced of its power she wouldn’t refuse his orders
in public, and force him to hurt her publicly.

Megan was quite willing to help, as she was infuriated with Cathy. Megan was angry Cathy had tried to
do a hurtful thing to Paul, but in truth she agreed with Master Quong and Paul, that truly non-hurtful
slights should be ignored. Regardless of her motives, Cathy had not truly hurt Paul.

However, Megan had been on the phone talking to girls with boyfriend’s whose lives had been truly
damaged by Cathy. Then in talking to the boys, they referred her to other boys whose lives had been
made such a living hell by Cathy, that they hadn’t the heart to look, much less talk, to a potential
Mrs. Hanson (Megan’s mom) handled several of the calls to the girls, and was incensed. She had raised
her boys to be polite and gentle - except for Tommy, and Tommy was, well Tommy she reflected - she
realized they would be especially venerable to a dominating girl like Cathy. She had reluctantly helped
Megan shop, but now, after hearing how destructive and uncaring of others Cathy was, she was one
hundred percent behind Paul and Megan’s plan.

When Paul rang the front door with Cathy in tow, Megan and Mrs. Hanson were waiting for her.

Paul gave Megan the Mark 9 Peacemaker’s control. In reality, it was just a box with a battery, two
switches, and lights. Paul had it left over from a grade school science project.

Apparently, without thinking, Megan asked Paul and Cathy if they would like a Coke, they both said yes.
Still holding the ‘control’ box, she went to the kitchen for the Cokes. As soon as she left the room, Paul
put a different hurt on Cathy, his touch on her spine unnoticed by her. As he remembered from Master
Quong’s demonstration on him, it was very unpleasant causing ones legs to cramp up painfully, collapse,
and prevent further movement.

Pretending not to notice Cathy’s distress at first, after a moment he shouted for Megan to come right
back. With a little malice, Megan got the Cokes first, and then returned without the box.

Paul said urgently, "Megan, quick bring in the box, Cathy is in agony."

"I’m sorry, I couldn’t carry everything, so I left it on the counter for a second, I’ll get it now."

She unhurriedly handed Paul his Coke, Cathy couldn’t take hers so Megan gave it to her mom. Cathy
returned with the box, as soon as she entered the room Paul made the pain stop for Cathy. Cathy got to
her feet with help from Paul.

Paul lectured Megan, "Megan honey, as long as you hold Cathy’s Mark 9 Peacemaker’s control, please
think of it as a twenty foot leash. If you get further away than that, Cathy will become painfully
incapacitated. Right Cathy?"
Cathy was still too shaken to talk, but she nodded her head vigorously.

Megan said, "Well while she is in the house, I’ll just give it to her to hold…"

Megan went to hand the ‘control’ to Cathy, Paul shouted, "God no, don’t do that, the Mark 9 will think
she is trying to overpower you for the ‘control’ box and paralyze her with unspeakable agony. Just hold
it or place it on a surface near Cathy, she won’t be able to move twenty feet from it. Oh yes, don’t leave
it where you little brothers might play with it. Another thing, when you help her get dressed don’t touch
the Mark 9 Peacemaker’s buckles on her neck, trying to open them now that its activated will produce
the same agony as her touching the ‘control’ box. It needs a special off signal from a computer in my
dad’s company to be deactivated, it’s broadcast to the Mark 9 via satellite."

"Gee Cathy I’m sorry, I’ll be much more careful in the future. Paul what are these buttons for?" Megan
asked her fingers poised over them.

"I doubt you will need them, but the one near the status indicator paralyzes the subjects arms with
agony, the bottom button does the legs, press both and it’s a punishment mode. Don’t press both, Cathy
doesn’t deserve that under any conditions, that’s really designed for child molesters, rapists, and such."

"Ok Paul, I’ll remember," then Megan said brightly, "Come on now Cathy, let’s get into costume, we can
help each other. Mom please help Paul with his new costume, the one he is wearing isn’t all that
suitable for the ones Cathy and I will be wearing."

When Cathy and Megan went upstairs, Mrs. Hanson said to Paul, "Actually the outfit you have on is fine,
Megan is just trying to tilt the odds of your bet in her favor."

"She told you the terms of our bet then?" Paul knew she and her only daughter were very close.
"Yes, actually it is the same bet I made with my husband before we were married. He didn’t go through
with it, even as far as you have, so I won by default. Paul you look right at home dressed like that; are

Paul took a drink of soda and paused thoughtfully before saying, "It feels very strange, and there are a
dozen things I have to consciously think about doing or not doing, but I’m not ashamed or embarrassed
at all, in fact I think it’s a valuable lesson. I have never felt I was an object before, and I am beginning to
understand part of what girls must feel. Truthfully at this point I don’t know if that is bad thing, or just a
delightful difference between the sexes – or something in between."

"Well, you may find out tonight. Paul you’re one great guy, it’s too bad I’m married; I’d snap you up in a
minute. Come on, I’ll help you."

When Paul saw what Megan had selected this time, his first thought was she was pushing the envelope
too far, and he commented.

"I wonder if Megan has thought this through, what do you think, you know the terms of the bet."

"I’ve already told Megan what I think, and these are here regardless. And I have thought this through."

"Then you think I should stop this now?"

"I didn’t say that."

Paul thought for a minute or so, and Mrs. Hanson didn’t disturb him.

"Ok, will you help me, I don’t think I can get this on myself." He was holding a very firm looking merry
widow with back laces."
"First you better visit the bath room." Mrs. Hanson advised.

Dressing and the makeup took the better part of an hour, it that time Paul and Mrs. Hanson got to know
each other better than during the past year. At the end, he was calling her ‘mom’ she was calling him
‘son’ without the least strangeness, and she was pleased. She had no doubt that she would be gaining a
wonderful son, not loosing a daughter in the not so distant future.

Actually the outfit wasn’t as bad as he first thought. Looking in the mirror the main difference between
the other was that the tightly laced widow really gave his body a super sexy shape. The shiny black with
white circles of the satin dress clung to his faux curves, and the four-inch heels tilted his butt to a most
provocative angle. He didn’t dare let his mind wander as to how great it would make Megan look, for
fear of loosing control of his cock. The makeup Mrs. Hanson applied was dramatic, and the overall effect
was as very sexy woman on display, but it was way short of suggesting a whore.

At one point Paul mentioned, "My face is pretty awful for a girl."

"Don’t worry, the boys won’t be looking at you face, and the girls will hate you regardless."

He laughed realizing that was true. Finally, jewelry on, his seams straightened one last time Mrs. Hanson
said, "Well faux daughter mine - are you ready to be seen in public like this?"

"I guess so, it would help if I could breath more deeply though."

As they walked downstairs, the first reaction was from Tommy, Megan’s thirteen-year-old brother.

"Wow, where did you come from?"

Paul answered softly with a smile, "A playboy centerfold."

"Wait right there, I’ll get some paper and you can give me your autograph," he was back in a moment,
"Please?" He implored as he offered the pen and paper.

Megan just looked, Paul would have given a lot to read her mind just then, but he thought he saw a little
fear in her eyes though. Then he noticed her costume. She was dressed unconvincingly as a dapper bald
man with a monocle.

She bowed, "Good evening Traci, Daddy Warbucks at your service. This is our daughter Little Orphan
Mandy." Megan used as deep a voice as she could muster, but she wouldn’t pass as a man. Paul realized
she probably couldn’t without extensive Hollywood makeup and costume – plus a voice double.

Little Orphan Mandy was almost hidden by an overstuffed chair, but Megan crooked her finger and
Cathy moved into the open. She was wearing an identical dress to Paul’s, but with a much shorter skirt
and little girl panties designed to be seen. She was on her knees, which was made somewhat easier by
baseball catcher’s kneepads, which were painted to resemble Mary Janes from the front. Cathy’s face
was made up like a wide-eyed child, but with her broad shoulders and muscular arms, anyone who knew
her would have no trouble recognizing Cathy. Taken as a whole, she was a travesty, and Paul wondered
if Megan had gone too far with Cathy - too.

Paul said, "Oh Daddy Warbucks, how precious, mother and daughter outfits, now no one will ever doubt
Little Orphan Mandy is our adopted daughter."

"I thought so too dearest." Megan replied.

Part 8 - Trick ‘n Treat

Megan’s brothers were dressed up as devils, but they chose to canvas the immediate neighborhood and
didn’t ride with Megan, Paul, and Cathy. Paul drove with a list of seventeen homes to visit – all past or
present victims of Cathy.
But first, they stopped by the mall to visited the "Style by the Group" beauty salon. They walked in
slowly so Cathy could keep up; walking on her knees was slow work.

Paul announced in his female voice, "Hi Marsha, Trick ‘n Treat, we thought Mary, Anna and Julie would
like to see the results of their handiwork."

Marsha didn’t recognize Paul, but she did Cathy, and ran to the rear of the salon. Within seconds, the
three women walked around the privacy partition with Marsha not far behind.

Megan said, "I’m Daddy Warbucks, and this is my little daughter Little Orphan Mandy, my secretary and
new wife, and her loving stepmother Tracie. We wondered if you all would have any sweets for our dear
little girl. Something to brighten her otherwise dismal life, smile now for the nice ladies dear."

‘Mandy’ looked nervously at ‘Daddy’ and smiled at the women. They looked at her incredulously.

‘Tracie/Paul’ said, "If you have no candy, would you mind shaving her head, you would love that dearest,
wouldn’t you?"

‘Mandy’s’ blond hair was relatively short for a girl, but she was always careful with it, and did take pride
in her appearance. Nevertheless, she responded with a resigned sigh, "As you wish mother."

Anne looked at Jeanie; Jeanie nodded and said, "Paul?"

‘Tracie’ nodded but said in her soft feminine voice, "You girls were so helpful the other day, so we
considered no one else for the job. I’m sure after the magic of Halloween is forgotten ‘Mandy’ will
remember her friends. I’m also sure you can find some sort of hairpiece for those bad hairless days she
will experience."
In the window was a wig, part of a whimsical exhibit of before and after results the ‘Group’ provided.
The hairpiece’s hair was straw colored, with long tight curls, and only a little more attractive than a
straw wig might be.

‘Daddy’ pointed to it, "Is that beautiful hairpiece for sale?"

Mary was the shop owner, and realized she was between a rock and a hard place, mall security footage
would show Paul coming into her shop as a man, and leaving dressed as a woman. Thinking back she
realized at best she was in for bad publicity, at worst, Christ – accessory to kidnapping.

Finally, she said, "If I have your word this whole matter ends here, the wig and styling are free, is that

‘Mandy’ looked very ill, she was supposed to be home grounded, how could she explain no hair to her
mother. She might run – can’t run – that damn Peacemaker saw to that. Call for help, she would be
paralyzed before the first word was out of her mouth. Shit! She felt like one of those spineless boys, shit
just like how those spineless maggots felt.

‘Daddy/Megan’ asked, "Tell the nice lady if you want that wig dear, or perhaps you would prefer to have
your Daddy’s look. Speak up now dearest."

"G… g… give me the hairpiece after you shave my hair." ‘Mandy’ said in a low voice.

"Mind your manners dearest, say please to the ladies." ‘Tracie’ said sharply.

"Mary please give me the hairpiece after you shave my hair." ‘Mandy’ said in a clear voice.

"Isn’t she a darling?" ‘Daddy’ observed proudly.

Mary retrieved the wig from the window and they all went to the rear of the shop. ‘Tracie’ pulled Mary
aside and spoke a few words while ‘Little Orphan Mandy’ was being seated. Mary looked relieved,
nodded, and said, "I guess we better wash it first, it will make cutting it easier, and the shaving will go
easier too, don’t you find that ‘Daddy?’"

"Much easier." ‘Daddy’ replied seriously. The phony rubber bald dome ‘he’ sported was clearly
recognizable for what it was.

Anne washed ‘Mandy’s hair and escorted her back to the styling chair.

Mary said, "Are you sure this is what you want ‘Mandy’ dearest, you really want me to shave all your
hair off."

‘Mandy’ looked at ‘Daddy’ and saw his finger on the button, no both buttons, ‘Christ the bitch must be
real pissed at what I did to her boyfriend.’ Cathy’ realized for the first time. Then she thought, ‘If I were
in her place, would I push those damn buttons?’ Shit!’

"Yes Mary, please shave all the hair off my head."

Mary said, "Ok, as long as you are sure."

Julie snipped one lock and gave it to ‘Tracie’ who put it in an envelope Mary provided. Then Julie
combed ‘Mandy’s hair flat and in a swirl on top of her head, sprayed it heavily and waited a moment for
it to dry with the mechanical clipper buzzing. Then she put the awful blond curly wig on ‘Mandy’, and
pinned it in place.

‘Mandy’ looked up to see a smiling ‘mommy and daddy.’ "Doesn’t she look gorgeous?" They cooed as
‘Mandy’ let out a big sigh of relief. On the way out Paul made an appointment to have his hair set right a
week from then. After they left, Mary told the other girls, "That was close, no more of this stuff in my
shop. It’s a damn good thing that Paul is a decent guy, what the hell do you think he did to Cathy to
make her so docile?"

Julie said, "When I was working on him I could tell he was a powerful guy, he must have let us do him,
shit I’ll bet he and his girl planned to switch genders for a gag tonight and Cathy didn’t know it. He went
along, but decided to teach Cathy a lesson anyway."

Mary and Anne agreed and Julie said, "Works for me, she was becoming an overbearing bitch."

With ‘Mandy’ in the recognizable blond curls of her character, the trio started on their Trick ‘r Treat
rounds. The typical stop went something like this.

The three would walk up to the front door; Cathy would get on her knees to look like the little child. She
barely came to her ‘mommies’ hips, Tracie/Paul’s heels made him over six two, daddy came up to his

At every house, they were greeted as the cartoon characters that they were meant to represent. At
most houses, Cathy’s goodie bag was swelled, as she carried the only one. No one seemed to recognize
them until the end, just when they were leaving, the boy Cathy had wronged asked her to kiss his foot.

The first time that happened Megan had to move her finger to the first button, seeing that Cathy kissed
the shoe. The symbolism wasn’t lost on Cathy.

Nothing further was said to her.

Paul was having a tough time, but he was damned if he would let Megan know it.
First, the four-inch heels were truly an inch too high for him to start with. He had no difficulty with three
inch, as he could naturally stand on the balls of his feet with his heel three inches off the ground. With
his superb muscle tone, he could walk that way unsupported for a quite a long time. With the four-inch
heels, he had to rely on the shoe to lift his heel, which threw his balance off. Thus, he had to be very
careful walking, or he would end up on his butt.

Second, this merry widow was a euphemism for a corset, and in this case, one he wasn’t accustomed to,
and it was adjusted too tight for his first wearing. He wasn’t wearing a silk undergarment and the damn
thing pinched everywhere at one time or another. More seriously, it prevented his normally slow deep
breathing and after an hour of poor breathing, he doubted he could defend himself, at anything near his
normal level.

Third, the dress while longer and easier to keep modest than the suit’s skirt was very tight and restricted
his stride, making him take little steps that exaggerated the swinging of his butt. He realized he made a
pleasant sex object for the boys to stare at, and after a while, he amused himself toying with them as he
had Megan’s brothers.

Further the combination of very high heels, long legs, and tight skirt made getting in and out of a car
unaided nearly impossible, much less to do gracefully. He regretted his stick shift, as the clutch was
devilishly difficult to operate in heels with the restrictive skirt, without the skirt riding up over the
stocking tops.

Last, the ladies outer coat Megan had given him against the chill evening was too tight in his shoulders
and arms, he felt restricted in all his movements, thankfully his dress had ample shoulders without the
pads and short sleeves, once out of the cold he would be free of the damn thing.

Difficult as it was for him, the practice conquering these simple obstacles in the relative privacy of the
car, and in the dark of the streets, helped him immeasurably as the evening progressed.

Part 9 – The Dance

Until they won the prize for the best coordinated costumed group, Paul’s identity was not known.
Megan introduced him as her visiting cousin from California; Cathy was introduced as her cousin also.
Cathy was perplexed that nobody seemed to recognize her. She was violating her disciplinary probation
just by being here, but even Ms. Saxon or Mr. Hudson didn’t seem to recognize her when they visited
their table to chat.

But then Cathy’s heart almost stopped, she saw her mother and father. After Mr. Saxon called them,
they decided to be last minute chaperones. However, when they stopped by the table, ‘Daddy’ and
‘Tracie’ made her get to her knees and great them, and even her parents showed no sign of recognition.

At one time or another, everyone at the dance, students, teaches and parent chaperones stopped by
their table. Each time Cathy knelt and said, "Hello, I’m Little Orphan Mandy, this is my mommy and
daddy. Daddy is the world famous businessman Daddy Warbucks."

Paul and Megan were hardly having a ball themselves. They loved to dance with each other, but that
was difficult. Megan, not wearing heels, barely came up to Paul’s silicon breasts, and they poked her in
the eyes as they danced, as Paul couldn’t really feel them, so he was barely aware of the problem. The
next dance they attempted, Megan suggested he remove his heels – which he did gladly. But this time
his breasts kept hitting her in the chin and throat.

Then there was the matter of his being a sexual object, nobody bothered with Megan in her guise of
‘Daddy Warbucks" or Cathy because she was Cathy and invisible by unspoken edict. Better than a third
of the boys did not bring a girl, hoping to latch up with a greater number of likeminded unattached girls,
and most asked ‘Tracie’ to dance.

Paul could have murdered Megan, he had successfully avoided every request to dance, and learned the
hard way how to make his body language say ‘I’m not interested, find someone else." Paul watched the
girls at other tables and consciously learned more about that subject than the previous nineteen years
of his life.
But! For the last dance of the evening, Jake Carpenter asked him to dance. Jake was a guard on the
varsity basketball team, and at six eight, he was a match for Paul’s height. ‘Daddy’ said loudly, "Go ahead
Traci, it’s the last dance, enjoy yourself."

"But I’m going steady, I don’t feel right dancing with anybody else." ‘Tracie/Paul’ said clearly.

"He will never know, its not like you are on a date, it’s just one dance." ‘Daddy/Megan’ said maliciously.

"I’ll know." ‘Tracie almost pleaded.

But with that, Jake took Paul’s manicured hand and just about lifted him to his feet. Paul was lucky it
was a slow dance; he wouldn’t have survived being thrown around in his heels without a twisted ankle.
On the other hand, Jake pressed him tightly to his chest further restricting Paul’s air supply. Thankfully,
Jake didn’t try to kiss him on the lips; Paul wouldn’t have had the strength to resist – another disturbing

The prizes for best costume were announced and our heroes won one as previously mentioned. They
walked a short distance to receive their award – Cathy on her knees. In addition, Paul received an
individual award for most deceptive costume.

"Speech, Speech" came the cry.

The mike was thrust in Paul’s hand and he realized he had to say something.

"Thanks for the awards, trust me, it wasn’t easy for any of us. On a personal level I just want to thank
Jake for the last dance, but Jake, when a girl says no to an offer to dance, pay attention, you never know
what you might get!"
Part 10 – Aftermath

Mr. Hudson called Cathy into his office the Monday after the dance; both her parents were there. He
offered to remove her from probation if she would give her word to become a model student, if she did
he would overlook her past behavior, otherwise she would be expelled.

Her mom had noticed the theft, and insisted Cathy pay her back. The only part time job she could find
was working in a car wash, but she paid her mother back in full. The following year she went to college.

It would be nice to say Cathy learned her lesson fully, and ceased trying to dominate boys. She didn’t, in
fact, it’s her business now, and they pay her well for the privilege. However she did mostly stop
tormenting her fellow students, and by and large her acquaintances for a month or so. Strangely, Paul
and she became friends while at school, and Paul did what he could to prevent other students from
ragging on her too much immediately after Halloween.

Megan agreed that Paul won the bet, as winner he had the right to determine what she would wear.
Paul never has exercised that right against Megan’s desires, but Megan often dresses provocatively for
him, just for him. They have discussed the lesions he learned, but Megan admitted to her mom that she
had learned as much, if not more, than Paul. They were married shortly after graduation, and
considered their six years at Stanford a wonderful honeymoon spiced with occasional adventure. Master
Quong and Megan became friends, and he introduced her to Chinese healing arts – and martial arts.

The happy couple also found there was a new game they relished, of course in San Francisco no
eyebrows are raised. However, back in Megan’s hometown, occasionally Mrs. Hanson can be seen with
two daughters shopping, at least she says Paula is her daughter, and a veritable shopping animal at that.

© 2000

The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must
contact the author for permission.

The New Squad Member

by: Kelley Rigney

My name is Thomas Kelley Rigney. I live with my stepmother and her daughter in a little town in east TN.
My father passed away a year ago from cancer and left my stepmother for 10 years as guardian. She was
practically my mother since my biological mother ran out on my father when I was five and then he
remarried shortly afterwards. Presently, I am 17 years of age, live with my stepmother whom I call
mother, and my stepsister named Shelly. As for our relationship, we are a fairly close and loving family.
However, like most any family, we find ourselves in spats.

To get to the point of this story, Shelly and I were constantly at each other. It's not that we clashed so
vehemently with one another. It basically came down to the fact that we were of the opposite gender,
same age, and same house. Ironically, most of our spats helped us grow closer. Although they seemed
heated in the beginning, they usually ended for the best. About October of this past year Shelly and I got
into an argument. Shelly and her teammates on the cheerleading squad had discussed trying to get me
to join the basketball pep-squad. They really wanted me to be on the squad because of my gymnastic

I had been participating in gymnastics for over 10 years now. I was strong, limber and very talented for a
small-town gymnast. Since the high school didn't have a gymnastics team, they all figured I would jump
at the chance to showcase my talents. Shelly proposed the idea to me one fateful Friday afternoon.

"No way!" I shouted back and laughing at the whole idea. "There's no way you could get me to join the
cheerleading team!" When Shelly asked why, that's when I told her cheerleading was for girls, not for
guys. I know there are male cheerleaders, but not in small-town farming communities! A guy
cheerleader would most certainly be labeled a sissy and I had a hard enough time with being a gymnast
who had to shave his legs for competitions. I think the only reason I was not picked on as much was
because of my strength. Not many would want to tangle with me.

Going back to the argument: Shelly blew up, almost being in tears. She really wanted this bad. We
argued back and forth for almost 30 minutes and we finally calmed down before it was time for me to
leave for the football game. In the end, I hugged Shelly and told her that I would love to be on the team,
but I couldn't...because I was a guy. As I was leaving, Shelly said she was sorry for getting so angry and
that she would tell the others my decision tonight, which was, no, because I was a boy.
Shelly was having a few friends over for the night. Mother had agreed to let her have some friends over
during the weekend while she was gone to her mother's. She had left early Friday morning and wouldn't
be returning until Monday morning. I kind of liked the idea of being alone in the house for a weekend
with five beautiful girls, all of which are on the basketball pep-squad. Even if one of them were my
stepsister, it would still be great.

When I arrived at the stadium, it was pouring down rain. As much as I wanted to stay and watch some
football, I wasn't going to sit in the heavy rain and watch our football team loose miserably to the
number 1 team in the state. I decided to go home. At least there I could be in the house with Shelly's
friends. When pulling up to the house, I noticed that all the lights were off. I swear I saw the lights on
when I drove by on the road to pull into our neighborhood. All of Shelly's friends' cars were parked in
the drive so I knew that they were home.

Wondering what was going on, and partially thinking that the electricity had gone off, or that they were
playing a trick on me, I entered the darkened house slowly. I hollered for someone, but no one
answered. All of a sudden the door slammed shut and I was tackled by at least three people! Struggling,
I was no match to the three girls who were holding me down, and the two who were tying me up. Once
restrained on the floor of our den, the lights came on and my sister and a host of her cheerleading
friends smiling and laughing surrounded me. I was laid on my side in the middle of the den tightly hog-

Shelly walked over to me saying, "I tried to get you to join the Cheerleading team the easy way, but now
I guess you leave us no choice but to introduce you to the squad by our way."

"What do you mean, Shelly?" I asked with slight bit of anger. Shelly bent down next to me and said,
"Let's just say, I'm taking you up on your word...KELLEY." Next thing I know, my clothes were being cut
away. I couldn't fight back because I was tied up and when I tried to say something to make them stop,
Jan stuffed a pair of panties into my mouth and tied it with a black garter belt. In just a few minutes, I
was stripped down naked in front of 5 beautiful girls and the only thing covering me was a pink fluffy
towel that Nikki threw over me after stripping me of my boxer shorts. I was soon blindfolded with a
nylon scarf and pulled up on my knees. Somebody took the towel and wrapped it around my chest,
letting it hang down over my privates and buttocks.

They tied the blindfold so tight that I couldn't see anything. The rope holding my tied wrists to my tied
ankles was released and I was told to stand up. Not relenting to do so, Shelly told me that if I didn't do as
they said they would drive me down town and leave me tied to a street lamp naked. I knew Shelly
wouldn't seriously do that, but I finally gave in and stood up. Shelly began pacing around me explaining
the rules...

"All right, Kelley, tonight is your initiation to the cheerleading squad. If you choose not to do as we ask,
you will receive the punishment of being stranded naked tied to the street lamp in down town. If at
anytime during the process of this initiation, you refuse to obey, we will not remove any of the initiation
process, we will leave you tied to the street lamp as you are. In other words, if through the process we
get to the point of something like putting you in panties and bra and then you decide to disobey, you will
be left tied to the street-lamp wearing those articles. On the bright side, you will receive reward for
every step of the initiation by someone among us, but we will decide what and how. Kelley, this will be
as much fun for you as it will for us, so don't try and make this hard. And whatever occurs, don't say a
word! You have to remain silent, no matter what we do...understand?"

I agreed, Shelly said, "SMILE!" and I heard what sounded like my digital camera go off. As I was standing I
felt a hand tie a ribbon around my penis. Whoever it was, wrapped it patiently under the head and
around the neck of my penis. As the person was wrapping the ribbon, she began to fondle me bringing
quick attention to my penis. As much as I could tell, it must have been Jan or Candy. Either way, all of
the girls noticed my reaction. I was given a slight tug on the penis and I knew that I had to follow.
Somebody grabbed my arm to keep me from falling and walked beside me as we walked down the hall
and to the left.

It must be Shelly's room. Hers is on the left and I could tell by the smell when we entered the room. I
was made to sit on the bed while I felt wet brushes smooth over my toenails. The girls were painting my
toenails! But I didn't dare move or resist. While they were painting, someone grabbed my penis with a
tight hold and started to stroke it. I was getting pleasure from the handjob, which stimulated a response
to the subtle brush against my toenails.

"We'll let those dry for a minute or two" I heard Nikki say as she stopped brushing. I was still receiving
the hand job when finally I came to a climax and the girl quickly dropped to the ground and wrapped her
lips around my spitting cock! I unloaded an incredible amount of sperm and the heard the girl swallowed
it all! Who was this person? I wish I knew! But the person remained silent. After sitting for a few minutes
and being cleaned by the person who got me off, the rest of the girls entered the room. I heard the
digital camera go off a few times and then I was told to stand up and hold out my right foot. I felt a sock
and then a shoe being placed on my foot.
Next I was told to lift the left foot. A sock and shoe were placed on that foot as well. The shoes were
very comfortable and fit well. They had to be a pair of Cindy's shoes, because she was the only one who
had feet close to my size. I was wondering what they looked like. My only guess is that they were some
type of sneaker. I heard the camera go off again a few times. I was led by the ribbon penis-leash back
into the den where I was tied to a chair. Two of the girls untied my wrists and then retied them
separately to the arms of the chair in which I was now sitting. I began feeling the same motion and
feeling on the nails of my fingers as I experienced on my toes. They were painting my fingernails!

This time, my reaction was to want to jerk my hands away, but then I felt a hand wrap itself around my
penis again, but this time, there was a silky garment wrapped around my penis and enclosed by the
hand. Once more, while Nikki painted my nails I was getting a handjob by another and it was with a pair
of panties this time! The same thing happened again. When my nails were finished I climaxed and was
finished off with a blowjob. And again, after a few moments, a clean up, and pictures taken, I was made
to stand up.

My arms were released from the chair and two girls held them up above my head. The towel was moved
down away from my bare chest and I felt a tight stretching garment being placed over my head. When
they settled it around my chest I could only guess that it was a sports' bra. That was evidently what it
was because it was soon filled with what I assumed to be fake breasts. My wrists were tied together
behind my back again and Shelly requested that some more pictures be taken. I was then led by the
ribbon through the garage and into my mother's beauty shop where I was told to sit in the swivel chair.
My shoulder length hair was combed, teased, and then washed. After towel drying, I felt hot curlers
being placed in my hair and then sprayed. The camera started going off again.

I was escorted to a dryer and heard the girls leave except for one. I didn't know who this was, but I soon
heard her lay down in the floor in front of the dryer. She lifted her feet up under the towel and into my
crotch. She started fondling my penis with her feet, and caressing it with her toes. Rubbing my penis
between the soft arches of her feet I was brought to yet another climax. I shot my load this time on to
her feet. Afterwards she removed the panty-gag, lifted her feet up to my mouth and made me lick her
feet clean, making sure to suck on each toe and cleaning the space between them of my own juices.

When the dryer clicked off, the girls entered as I still sucking on the girl's toes. Somebody replaced the
gag, I was brought back over to the swivel chair and the curlers were removed from my hair. I felt my
hair being pulled back into a ponytail and tied by an assortment of ribbons. Pictures went off all around
me and I started hearing gushes of breath coming form some of the girls. I think I heard a silent, "Looks
cute," come from somebody. After a few shots of spritz, I was brought back into the den. My ankles
were untied and some panties were slid up my legs. They were different feeling than say a silk, satin, or
cotton panty, and they were more full than a normal panty.

Tucking my penis between my leg and yanking the ribbon up through my crack, the panties were pulled
up around my waist. As usual, pictures were being taken through the entire process. I was pulled over
what seemed to be another garment on the floor. With my legs together inside of it, it was pulled up
and around my legs and waist. It had to be a skirt, but not any skirt. It was made of a heavy polyester
material and contained many pleats. It was zipped up and buttoned from the back. My suspicions were
correct. The girls were dressing me up as a girl cheerleader! For some reason, my penis made an
immediate reaction, struggling against the panties, or probably what were bloomers. The camera shot
off some more pics. I was pulled to the floor where I laid on my back as someone straddled me placing
her soft mound of fleshly breasts in my face. The girl that was left with me this time had me suck on her
breasts as she evidently fingered herself.

She rocked and moaned. She dug her breast into my face, trying to make me swallow as much as
possible. She finally climaxed, and I desperately wanted to join her! When she finished the other girls
came back to where we were, lifted up my skirt and took some pictures. My penis had hardened so
much that it had released itself from between my legs and was straining against the bloomer fabric.

I heard Jan say, "I think someone is enjoying being initiated!" She got down close and rubbed my penis
through the fabric bringing me even closer to ejaculation. I heard her say, "That's nice, we needed just a
little wet spot for the picture and she stopped, leaving me with nothing but precum. I was completely
released from my bonds this time and warned not to remove my blindfold. A shirt-like substance was
placed on me and zipped from the back. It was made from the same material as the skirt and had to be
the matching shell. It fit kind of snug against my chest because of the breast that I was given. It was a
sleeveless shell, and was cut short. I could feel a slight breeze around my belly button area.

After pictures were taken, I was ordered to lick one of the girls until she orgasmed. All left except the
appointed girl. She pushed me to the ground and made me roll over on my back. She straddled me,
removed my gag, and rode my face until she was satisfied. I wish I could know who all was doing these
things to me. I knew it was one of the four girls Shelly had invited, but didn't know who did what and
when. I wish there was even a way I could brag about this to my friends, but there is no way I could tell
the entire story to them. The girl got off of me and washed my face.
When cleaned up, I was led back to the beauty shop. A drape was placed over my body. Shelly told me
that they were going to put makeup on me and that they didn't want me to see anything that they had
done when they removed the blind fold. I was warned that if I tried to talk, I would be wearing the gag
all night long, so I remained silent. When the blindfold was removed, it was like seeing light for the first
time. I squinted as I saw Candy and Cindy coming at me with brushes, sponges, lipstick and such. They
put on the whole makeup works and finished it off with clip on earrings, a necklace, and some bracelets.
I tried to look in the mirrors, but they had covered them with sheets.

Every step of putting on the make up, Jan was taking pictures. Shelly reached over, grabbed my hand
and said, "Well Kelley, I think we are finished with our newest member of the cheerleading team. Close
your eyes and we'll take you into mother's bedroom mirrors so you can meet you new alter ego." I was
walked into our mother's room and stood in front of her full-length mirror and told to open my eyes.
Even though I wasn't supposed to talk, I wouldn't have been able to say anything. I was staring at a
beautiful cheerleader. There I stood! A feminized boy now cheerleader girl.

I had red, white, and blue ribbons tied in my hair. My hair that was pulled up into a ponytail cascaded
down from the tied ribbons in flowing curls and I believe whoever did my hair put highlights in it as well.
Attached to my ears were dangling gold earrings. As I felt my hair, I could see the frost color of my
fingernails glisten in the light. Encasing my body was a navy blue cheerleading uniform with red and
white stripes. It was the new high school uniform. On the front was the name of the school. It was cut in
a 'v' at the neck and an upside down 'v' at the waist showing off my stomach.

The skirt from the uniform matched the shell. It was arrayed with an abundance of pleats and was cut to
about mid thigh. Shelly pulled my skirt up and I saw that I had on a pair of navy blue cheerleading
bloomers. I also looked inside the shell to see a sports bra supporting what Shelly said was probably a B
cup size. Panning down my body, my shaved legs never looked so sensuous being wrapped by a skirt and
finished off with cheerleading sock and shoes. Around my ankles were long white scrunched down tube
socks that had blue stripes around the top. Last of all, on my feet was a pair of Asics classic cheerleading
shoes. They had the National Cheerleaders' Association logo sewn on the tongue and on the sides were
the Asics logo making stripes that were blue in color.

I was a perfect vision of teenage idolatry and definitely felt that way when the girls started worshipping
the way I looked. Shelly came up to me and gave me a great big hug and told me, "What do you think
"I don't know what to say," I replied, "I look awesome!" The girls cheered and suggested that I pose for
some pictures. Shelly told me that the initiation would be all weekend long, and that I was supposed to
continue to obey to their wishes, which also meant posing for pictures. I asked to speak to Shelly alone.
When the other girls left I told her that she wouldn't have to force me anymore because I would resign
to be Kelley for the weekend. I told her that the initiation had actually been fun and that we might as
well enjoy the rest of it. Shelly interrupted and said, "Kelley, that's good that you want to remain `Kelley'
for the weekend, but the initiation is still on. You still have to obey us." I nodded my head in agreement
and then asked her if she would tell me with whom I had experienced all of the sexual encounters.
Shelly said, "I'll tell you some time, but not while the other girls are here." I also asked about the
pictures and Shelly told me not to worry because they were just for reminiscing after the weekend.

Shelly said she would tell the girls about me agreeing to be Kelley for the weekend and she took me by
the arm into the room where all the others were. "Girls," Shelly said, "Thomas has agreed to be Kelley all
weekend long and to continue to obey us through every step of the initiation." When they were told
this, they jumped, cheered, and hugged me. "Let's get some more pictures!" some urged. I was escorted
into the back yard where Shelly, Nikki, Cindy and Candy taught me some cheers and routines while Jan
took pictures of me dancing, tumbling, cheering, and posing as Ms. Kelley Rigney...CHEERLEADER.

During the "photoshoot" the girls couldn't get over all of the gymnastic moves I did. They ooed and
aawed over all of the tumbling that I was doing. They asked me if I could teach them. I told them that I
would some day, but we didn't have the right equipment here to train. Shelly responded, "Someday?
Does that mean that you will join the team?"

I looked up at Shelly and the very attentive girls and said, "Don't I LOOK like I belong on the team? Of
course I'll join, but on one condition. Thomas cheers, but Kelley must remain a weekend secret-
friend/cheerleader. If Kelley publicly cheers it will be when she is ready." They all agreed, and we went
inside to celebrate. I stayed in uniform most of the night relishing in my new status and ego...KELLEY

The weekend to be continued...

Any comments can be made and appreciated at:


© 2001 by Kelly Rigney. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles,
text, images, logos, compilation design) may printed for personal use only. No portion of these
documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without
express written consent of the copyright holder.

The Uniform Makes the Girl


Kelley Rigney

For the first time in EKHS history two young men tried out for the cheerleading squad. In other schools
this was not a unique situation because males have been cheerleaders for years. But EKHS was a smaller
school and had only eight female cheerleaders as it was. It certainly was going to be different for the
small town school. Guys played football and basketball and they dated cheerleaders.

Mrs. Rushing, the cheerleading sponsor, accepted the idea from the girls on the squad. They knew of
two boys in the 10th grade that grew up next to them taking gymnastics. Mrs. Rushing had concerns.
She didn’t know what the small conservative community would think of the idea, even if she agreed to
it. Yet, the girls were able to twist her arm into allowing the two boys to try out for the squad. It would
definitely have the town talking, but it could bring more support for the cheerleading program. If
anything, they would definitely receive more attention.

One of the young men was Allen Matthews. Allen was a brother to one of the present cheerleaders. He
was very skilled in gymnastics. He even held many titles year to year in competitions. He was a go-getter.
If anything needed to be done, Allen was often knocking at the door with the job accomplished.

The other young man was Thomas Rigney. Thomas was a star track athlete outside of being a
competitive gymnast. He often stood in the shadow of the stronger and more agile Allen, but was a
young man who accepted the odds and at many times became a clutch gymnast in team competitions.
He was Allen’s best friend.

The two young men were the only options for the cheerleading squad. For the first year, Mrs. Rushing
did not need for the new boys on the squad to flop. They had to be good. There could not be any
question as to why there were males on the cheerleading squad.

The day of the try-outs, word had gotten out about the squads daring new approach to cheerleading.
The students at EKHS gossiped the entire day about the try out. Some of the guys at the school poked
fun at Allen and Thomas. The comments roared, "You’ll look awfully cute in those green skirts!" Still,
some encouraged their peers, thinking that this would be an awesome opportunity for them to get
dates. Nonetheless, there was a large crowd for the try-outs. Not that many were actually trying out, but
they wanted to see what could become of the situation. Even the local newspaper was present to
interview Mrs. Rushing and take pictures of the potential boy cheerleaders.

Try-outs were routine. Mrs. Rushing lead the girls and boys through series of tumbling and cheering.
There was no mistake that the boys could handle the rigors of the gymnastic moves. And though there
was some question as to their "spirit" potential, the boys passed Mrs. Rushing’s approval.

The local news the following morning flashed, "Boys Pass With Colors; School Colors!" Some in the
community were in an uproar. The most conservative of the society rebuked the idea, thinking that this
would only lead to the worst of sins. These were the same ones who spoke outwardly against short
pleated skirts and wanted school uniforms, so the school actually dismissed their comments.
The following Saturday, Thomas met up with Allen at his home. "Man, can you believe we are going to
be cheerleaders?" "Actually no," said Thomas, "I really didn’t think it would pass. As a matter of fact I
didn’t even think that Mrs. Rushing would agree to it."

"So, Thomas, what does your family think about this?" "Well, you know, it was my sisters idea, and Mom
and Dad have actually been very supportive. What about you?" "Mom has been a great deal of help. My
Dad hasn’t really said anything about it. I think he knows it would be good for me, but is reluctant to say
so. However, my older brother thinks we’ll be the laughing stock of the school." "But you know, we’ll
have the last laugh!"

That afternoon both guys received invitations from the cheerleading squad to a welcoming supper at the
home of Brooke Davis. Brooke was the captain of the cheerleading team. The note read:

Dear Allen [Thomas],

As captain of the cheerleading squad I extend a CHEERful welcome. We are all very excited about having
you on the squad.

You are invited to my house, 1211 N. Maple, for a welcoming supper at 6:00. We must alert you to the
fact that tonight begins a week of initiation for all new cheerleaders. It has been a tradition at EKHS for
all new cheerleaders to be initiated during the first week of their acceptance. Refusal to agree to the
initiation is a refusal to accept your role on the squad.

Again, we are all excited about our new additions to the squad and look forward to CHEERing with you.

Brooke Anne Davis


It was 6:25 when Allen and Thomas both met up at Brooke Davis’s home. It seemed that the rest of the
girls were already present. Standing at the door Allen asks, "So what do you think this initiation stuff is?"
"I don’t know," said Thomas. "It’s probably the usual school club initiation crap, like serving the veterans
dinner and stuff like that. I’m sure it won’t be to bad."

Welcoming the two young men inside was Tonya, Allen’s sister. She was dressed in the school’s
cheerleading uniform. It was dark green with white stripes. On the middle of the chest was the
embroidered EKHS letters. She also wore a white turtleneck under the shell and had on a pair of ankle
socks with little green embroidered megaphones on the ankles. Her shoes were a typical cheerleader’s
tennis shoes with green accents.

The two young men walked inside to see all of the girls dressed in their uniforms. To say the least, they
felt a bit out of place. The house was predominantly dark being lit only by candles. In the den, all of the
girls surrounded the two boys with candles in hand. Brooke was the only one to speak up. "Allen
Matthews and Thomas Rigney, You have been selected to join the school’s elite cheerleading squad. As
has been tradition at EKHS every new cheerleader must go though a week of initiation, beginning this
evening. The two of you will be "spirit" mates for life. When one falls, the other falls. When one fails, the
other fails. When one rises to victor the other will be there. Before we begin with the initiation, you
both must take a pledge."

The two young men kneeled before the crowd of cheerleading pledging to each other as "spirit mates"
and vowing: 1. cheerleaders come first in all school activities, 2. cheerleaders never gossip about one
another, 3. cheerleaders are spirit filled at all times, 4. cheerleaders will never bring shame to the squad,
and 5. cheerleaders for life. The pledge seemed awfully foolish to both guys, but nevertheless, they
wanted to belong.
After pledging to each other and to the girls, Shelly took both boys into a back bedroom. Not a word
being said, the boys were left with two boxes with a note attached:

"In the box is your uniform for the night. Tradition says that your initiation must first begin while dressed
as a cheerleader. These uniforms will not be your regular uniforms, as they have not been ordered.
Make sure you follow the directions. You have one hour to get dressed."

Thomas was the first to open his box. "They’ve got to be kidding! This is a girl’s uniform." Allen looked in
his box to find the same. "Man, its only for one night. Besides it’s a part of the initiation." Each box
contained the exact uniform the girls had on, plus wigs, makeup, and a shaving kit. The instructions said
that they must be completely shaved, and dressed with makeup and wig in one hour.

Thomas was the most reluctant, but found that Allen quickly grabbed the shaving kit and went into the
adjoining shower. It didn’t seem that Allen was in the shower very long. When he walked out he was
wearing green bloomers and a sports bra. His legs were completely shaven. "Man, feel of my legs!" He
said. Thomas reached quickly to run his hand down Allen’s leg. The two shivered and Thomas proceeded
to do the same.

Within 30 minutes Thomas and Allen were shaved, and had put their uniforms on. Jokingly, Allen
jumped up and did a single toe kick. Both laughed and began to do each other’s makeup. Allen had
watched his sister apply her makeup many times before and was able to apply and teach Thomas a thing
or two. For their first time, both guys did fairly well. Last of all came the wigs. Allen’s was a kinky flaming
red wig and Thomas’ was a short straight blonde wig. When they had completed the ensemble, the two
young men stared at each in disbelief. "Wow, Thomas, you look cute!" "And I must say, Allen, you are a
sight for sore eyes." They embraced in a friendly hug and stepped out to the hallway to meet the girls.
Giggles went around the room as the two entered the den. Cameras went off all around the room as the
cheers continued for the two new squad members. Tonya leaned over to Allen and said, "Gee brother, I
mean sister, you look great!"

The girls chatted together about how the two looked and then prepared for supper. The evening was
spent talking about the cheerleading schedules and gawking over the boys in skirts.

Diane, the co-captain spoke up. "Ok girls, tonight is the beginning of initiation of our two new
cheerleaders. Thomas, Allen, your parents have been informed that you will be staying the night with us
and spending tomorrow grooming the fine arts of cheerleading. The two of you will share a room as
"spirit" mates. In the morning you will be expected to tell all of us three secrets of your mate. For the
night you will be tied together by the wrists of one arm. giggles. It does not matter how late you stay up
talking, but each of you must follow the demands by morning. You cannot change from your uniforms.
Now, the two of you must go to your provided bedroom.

As the two skirted boys were left in their designated room, Thomas’ right wrist was tied to Allen’s left
wrist. Breaking the bond would be unacceptable.

The two sat in the bedroom on the bed chatting away about the events of the evening. "So, Thomas,
what are your three secrets?" Blushing, Thomas replied, "Well, I’ve had a crush on Tonya, your sister.
I’ve been wanting to ask her out, but to no avail." "Really? What are your other two?" "Ummmm, One
time in a gymnastics competition I got my hands on a score sheet and altered the scores. But don’t
worry, it didn’t affect you. One more? When I visited my brother in college last fall I got stoned with his
buddies in the dorm room. What about you?" Allen responded, "I too have gotten stoned and this is not
the first time for me to wear a girl’s cheerleading uniform." "What?" "Yeah, two years ago my sister and
I went to a costume party and I wore her uniform. To say the least, it was fun."

Thomas jumped in, "OK, so that’s two. What is your third secret?" "Well, I have something in mind right
now, but it is too embarrassing." "C’mon Allen, you can tell your best friend." "I know I can trust you, but
I don’t want the girls to know the one I’m thinking of right now." Thomas replied, "Alright then, name
another one." "My third secret must be the weekend I went joy-riding in my dad’s Porsche."

Allen spilled his secrets, but Thomas intrigued to find out what that other secret was. "Now, back to that
other little embarrassing secret. Can you tell me?" "Well, this is kind of embarrassing, but being dressed
like a girl cheerleader has really turned me on." Thomas laughed, "You’ve got to be kidding me! You
really like the way you are dressed?" Allen responded, "To be truthful seeing you dressed as a girl
cheerleader has also turned me on." Thomas stood stunned, not knowing what to say. "Thomas? You
ok?" Thomas had a quizzical look on his face. In reality he was hiding from the truth that he too was
turned on to the fortune of their apparel. Trying to say something he could only look at Allen.

Allen nonchalantly placed his hand on Thomas’ bare knee. Thomas did not object and Allen slowly slid
his hand down Thomas’s shin and back up the inside of his thigh under the skirt. Slowly but surely, his
fingers rested outside of the bloomers. Feeling Thomas grow inside the bloomers he rubbed the taught
member inside. Allen had an agenda and Thomas was stuck in a confused state. Rubbing gently, the
sensation brought a response from the girlish boy. Thomas leaned in and planted his red lips against
Allen’s. Letting go after 4 or 5 seconds, Thomas replied, "Well, I guess we both have a fourth secret."

Allen didn’t say a word and proceeded to lean Thomas back on the bed. Kissing and locking their lips and
tongues, they rolled around caressing each other. With Allen on top, Thomas reached up under Allen’s
skirt and began to caress his butt with his free hand. The two rubbed their silky legs together and
grinded their hips into one another. Allen then reached under Thomas’ skirt again to insert his hand
inside of the bloomers. Grabbing a pulsating "megaphone" he began to stroke back and forth.

The two were in ecstasy, fondling and caressing each other in their newfound manners. Allen pulled
Thomas’ bloomers down and off of his legs and lowered himself to look at Thomas’ "megaphone" eyes
to eye. Licking his lips he then planted his lips around the head of Thomas’ shaft. Thomas moaned in
pleasure and grew limp to the moistened touch of Allen’s lips and tongue. Allen reached behind Thomas
to grab his bare ass. He squeezed and caressed while his mouth purred in lust. Allen continued to suck
Thomas’ cock until his lips were fully around the base of the shaft. With his tongue, he ran up and down
the base of Thomas’ cock. The joy became too much for the young Thomas and he erupted into Allen’s
mouth. Allen didn’t lose beat and swallowed the entire load that Thomas had to offer as it shot into the
back of his throat. The two then breathed a sigh of relief and Allen fell down on top of Thomas

"What did we just do?" Thomas asked, still breathing heavily. "I don’t know, exactly, but it was a
cheerful event." Allen rolled his bloomers off, replacing them with Thomas’. Thomas followed suit and
slid Allen’s bloomers back over his crotch. The two submitted to an evening kiss and fell asleep in each
other’s arms. They were truly "spirit" mates.
A new day began with a wakeup call by eight veteran cheerleaders, hot showers, and breakfast, which of
course was served by the two new recruits dressed in cheerleader practice wear (shorts and shirt).

For the rest of the week, Allen and Thomas were required to wear bloomers and sweatshirts with the
word "Cheerleader" across the chest. They had to serve as slaves to the girls, fetching drinks, carrying
books to classes, doing cheers together in the lunchroom cafeteria by themselves, etc. It was
embarrassing for them to participate in such ways, but the whole school new why, and the boys new it
would finally come to pass. They would soon be legitimate members of the cheerleading squad.

For the entire week, Allen and Thomas carried about their chores and duties, not speaking a word to
each other of the fateful night’s events. Allen tried to talk to Thomas about it, but Thomas refused to
talk. He was embarrassed by their actions and in scope, too nervous to talk about it.

The initiation week closed at Allen and Tonya’s house. All of the girls (and the boys) came together for
pizza and a movie. They were going to watch "Bring It On" together before the first Saturday practice.
Everybody was in casual wear; Thomas and Allen still wearing their bloomers and sweatshirts. The night
began with a Pizza supper while watching the movie. Allen and Thomas sat together on the couch.
Neither one could pay much attention to the movie dialogue. All they could think about was wearing the
glorious uniforms they saw on TV. As the movie cam to a close, Allen was about to turn off the tape
when Tonya interjected and said that she wanted to watch the credits. "It’s just scrolling names and
jargon," Allen said. "Not so fast," his sister responded. "I’m sure there is more. The credits began to roll
and then the screen went blue. The screen cam back on and Thomas and Allen about choked. On video
was a recording of the two of them getting dressed as cheerleaders. Minute by minute the small crowd
cheered and giggled over the two fumbling with makeup, wigs, and their uniforms. The screen went blue
again for a short moment to come back on showing the two skirted boys sitting on a bed talking to one
another. Thomas tried to turn the tape off, but was wrestled to the ground by Allen. Pinning him down
the girls watched and cheered as they saw two girly boys in compromising positions.

Thomas screamed at Allen, "ALLEN! Get off of me!" "Not so fast my dear." And Brooke placed ductape
over his mouth. Thomas’ ankles and wrists were bound together by ductape and then he was released
by his traitor of a friend. Bound and left on the floor, the girls left the room so Allen could talk to

"Well, I guess you realize now that you have been set up. Two years ago when Tonya became a
cheerleader, during her initiation, one of her secrets was how her brother, that’s me, liked to wear her
clothes, especially her uniforms. Because she revealed this secret to them, I was forced to dress for the
girls numerous nights. I was very angry with her, but came to like the little game. As a matter of fact, last
summer when I went to gymnastics camp, it was actually a cheerleading camp. And I attended as Ellen
Matthews. I flirted and dated with the boys the entire week. Nonetheless, when school started this year,
me and the girls had to get you in on my action. I’ve had a crush on you Thomas. Every time that I put on
my sister’s clothes I would fantasize about you being dressed with me and making out. Tonya had this
bright idea of getting the two of us on the cheerleading team, and over time, which it certainly didn’t
take long, turning you into a sissy cheerleader like myself. The tape that you just saw is a copy of the
original. You might not have noticed this, but I doctored the tape the blur out my face. Every girl on the
team has a copy, so unless you want the school to see you dressed in a cheerleading uniform and
enjoying those sexual pleasures you will not drop out of cheerleading, nor will you act as if anything is
wrong. In addition, you will dress as a girl upon our wishes, and that means anytime. But for now, Kelley
(Thomas’ middle name), you owe me some pleasure. Got it?" In tears, Thomas nodded his head

Ellen straddled over the bound friend and dropped his pants and bloomers. He placed the bloomers
over Thomas’ head and pulled the ductape off of his mouth. Ellen began to grope Kelley through his
pants and bloomers, bringing his "megaphone" to an accepting mouth. Kelley closed his (her) eyes and
began to reluctantly suck on her pacifier. Caressing and licking her friend’s shaft, it was only in a few
short minutes that Ellen erupted in full orgasm into her mouth.

Ellen called for the girls. With cum dripping from the side of his mouth, Ellen suggested that he get
dressed in his uniform. "After all, the uniform makes the girl!"

To be continued as Kelley learns to appreciate her role on the cheerleading team. She will continue to
cheer as a boy in public, but as the girl she is in her private teenage life with her "spirit" mate, Ellen.

Kelley Rigney

© 2001 by Kelly Rigney. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles,
text, images, logos, compilation design) may printed for personal use only. No portion of these
documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without
express written consent of the copyright holder.

A New Waitress by: Janet L. Stickney

"You girls have it made! All you have to do is look good and wait for some guy to ask you out! We pay
and you get all the benefits without doing anything."

"Listen you big ape. I work six days a week just to have any money at all. That means that when I go on a
date it costs me money, money I need just to have an allowance!"

"Right. Okay, you maybe, but not many girls have to do that, and I still say that you girls have it easy!"

Shelly, my sister Carol, and Michelle went into a huddle for a minute, then they stood facing me.

"Okay, since you seem to think we have it made, we'll make you a bet. We have a game this weekend,
right? If we win the game, we'll pay you $300. But, if we lose the game, then you have to work my job,
as a girl, wearing the same uniform I do, for a month, and I still get the money, tips and all!"

Nobody ever said I was the brightest in the school, and I proved it that day. Our team was the favorite
by everyone, including the other team. So far, they haven't won even one game. This would be a snap,
and both of those girls would pay for it. Just as I was about to say something, my buddy Greg walked up,
and I told him what the bet was. Like me, he knew we were a shoo in to win. With him standing right
next to me, I agreed to the terms of the bet. Carol very carefully said them again, and asked me if that
was right, and I said yes. There was no way we were going to lose this game. We're ranked third, and
they are in last place. Greg agreed with me, and we walked away knowing that the girls had made a
dumb bet. Of course, our bet was all over the school the next day, spread by the girls no doubt, and I
took a lot of teasing about it, but most people thought that I was in no danger. Only the girls were
gloating. Even my teachers had heard about it, and one of them even wanted me to extend the bet. If
our team won, I would get extra credit, which would put me in the top ten percent of the class, just, but
if we lost, she wanted me to come to school as a girl, for the same month I would be working as a
waitress. I was so sure of the outcome that I agreed to her bet right in class, which was also all over the
school in a hot minute.

I stand about 5'7" in my bare feet, weigh about 140 or so, and I have auburn hair streaked with dark
blond and green eyes. I'm 17 now, and just as cocky as any 17 year old boy. My buddy Greg was a
constant companion, and a good friend, but twice he told me that I would makeup as a real foxy chick! I
wanted to slap him. When mom found out what was going on, from my sister of course, I got no
sympathy at all. She merely told me that if I lose, she would be the one to help me become a girl, and
after all, a month isn't that long. Dad thought it was hilarious, because like me, he knew we weren't
going to lose the game. Then mom told me that I would be quite pretty as a girl!

"Face it honey, you look more like me than Carol does. We have the same nose, chin, eyes and coloring,
while Carol takes after your father a bit more. I think it's going to be easy to turn you into a girl!"

"We're not going to lose mom, no problem there!"

"We'll see won't we?"

There it was. The bet, the odds, and the possible outcomes. There was no way I was going to lose, and I
was going to enjoy watching those girls fork over a $100 apiece. I went to bed confident and sure of
myself. When I got to school the next day I found someone had painted my locker pink, and there was a
bra hanging from the lock, still in the package. I got a lot of laughs about that, but stuck it in my locker
and went to class. The guys on the team assured me they were going to win, which was very reassuring.
With two days to go before the game, still sure of myself, and now over confident about the outcome, I
guess I was a bit cocky about it, which is when I was confronted by several girls on the cheerleading
squad. They told me they wanted in on this bet. If we win the game they said, they would do my
homework for the rest of the year. If we lost the game, I would have to become a cheerleader for the
rest of the season! Why did everyone want to see me in a dress I asked myself, just before I agreed. How
could I not? I mean, the game is a lock isn't it?
I was in the stands, watching as we rolled over them. We were ahead by 6 going into the fourth, and I
almost left I was so sure we were going to win. But they intercepted a pass and ran to the 5. A short
lateral pass, a mad dash, and they scored! The game was now tied, and I had an ugly feeling in my gut.
They have the ball, and need only one point to win. The kicker hit it squarely and the ball soared high
and right, but drifted back and crossed over the cross bar. We were now down by one, and there were
only two minutes on the clock. I was on the edge of my seat as we accepted the ball at the 25, and our
man began to run. He was hit by three guys, the ball squirted free, bouncing into the air, end over end.
There was a scramble to catch it, and we tried, but their team ended up with the ball. In two plays they
scored again with a field goal and we were down by four with less than two minutes to play. As the clock
ticked down we moved the ball to the 40. A field goal would not win the game, only a touchdown. The
snap, a long pass, a rush to catch it, then our man dropped it just as the whistle blew. We had lost the
game! Lost! I looked around, and saw a lot of the girls pointing at me, laughing as they knew what was
coming. So did I. The benches were all metal, so I couldn't sink into them, but I wanted to.

By the time I got home my sister was there, grinning from ear to ear. My mother wasn't very
sympathetic, and told me that in the morning she would help me get ready, then turn me into a girl! Dad
was there at the game with me, and also knew what was about to happen to me, but there wasn't a
darn thing he could do about it. "A man sticks by his word" he always said, and I had made the bet all on
my own. By the terms of the bet, I would have to work as a waitress for a month while attending school
as a girl at the same time. But there are six more months of sports, and I had also agreed to become a
cheerleader for every game from now until then. Mom saw the implications at once, and dropped a
bombshell on me when she told me that I would probably have to remain as a girl until the end of the
year since it would be to hard for me to keep changing back and forth, and with some games in the
afternoon, there would not be enough time for me to change clothes! I protested, but the best I could
get out of her was a "Maybe. We'll see."

All three of the girls were at our house in the morning. Shelly had brought one of her uniforms for me to
try on, but I was with mom in her room, with very strict instructions that everyone was to stay away. I
had no idea how to go about this, except maybe to just put the clothes on, but mom asked me if I really
wanted to be such a clown while I was a waitress. I could do it that way of course, but I would be the
laughing stock of the town if I did. Mom had me strip down, then covered me with a cream she said
would removed all of my body hair, and she was right. After I washed my hair and shaved as close as I
could, I stepped back into her bedroom wearing nothing but a towel. In her right hand she had a pair of
panties. Pink panties. The idea of wearing them made me feel like a pervert, but, she insisted, so I
slipped them on. They didn't hide much by the way. Then she showed me how to put on pantyhose,
which much to my delight, gave me shivers as the slick nylon slid over my now smooth skin. Once I had
them to my waist, she gave me a pantybrief to wear, then pushed a folded washrag on each side, to give
me hips. My still damp hair hung limp as she had me sit at her vanity.
Mom didn't do anything but guide me through the mysteries of makeup. I had to do it all myself,
because, she told me, I might as well learn how. First, foundation that matched my skin tone and a
powder to make my face smooth and matte looking. Then eyeshadow in soft blue with gray over that,
and lilac highlights. The hardest was the eyeliner, but I managed to draw a reasonably straight line on
each eyelid, and outline each eye with a black pencil. It was starting to get scary as the face I knew so
well became that of a cute girl! Mom was smiling while I was in shocked silence. Then she began to use
her curling iron on my hair. Slowly but surely she made my mop of hair into a style that was not only
feminine, but enhanced my face! That done, she wrapped a bra around me and fastened it in the front,
drawing my fleshy chest up and into the cups, which she then padded with some small foam shoulder
pads from one of her dresses. Next came the waist nipper that took my pudgy waist and made it a trim
26 inches! The slip was short and white with lace trimming. The dress she had selected from Carol's
closet was dark green. The sheath dress was at mid thigh on me, maybe higher because I'm a bit taller
than my sister. The vee neck and no sleeves made me look thinner, and there was no doubt that I have a
feminine figure.

Without warning, mom used a pin to pierce my one ear, then slipped a large gold hoop into each lobe. A
thin gold necklace went around my neck, then she handed me the shoes. I stepped into the black heels
and let her move me to the mirror. My greatest fear had come true. I looked just like a girl. All traces of
the face I knew so well were gone.

"Shall we go?"

"Mom…do I have to do this? I mean, just look at me!"

"Yes, I know. You're quite lovely. You should be very happy."

"But they'll think that I…"

"They will think that you're very pretty, and that's all! But maybe we should find a name for you when
you're dressed this way. I'm certain that you won't want to use your own name. Do you have any
I gave it a minutes thought, then said "Janet", because I don't know any girls by that name. Mom merely
nodded her head, took my hand, and led me out of the room. With my heels clicking on the hardwood
floor I felt as if I were walking the last mile to my death. I was both ashamed, and inwardly happy, that I
looked this way. Happy because I didn't look like a clown, and ashamed because I look so damned good!
We walked into the familyroom together, and drew immediate gasps from the girls, a shocked "oh no"
from my father, and a grin from my mother.

"Everyone, this is Janet."

It was all I could do to stand there quietly and let them stare at me. Shelly, the waitress, stood up and
walked over to me. Her eyes looked me over from head to toe and back, then she smiled at me!

"The way you look? I'll have more tip money than I ever got! You look fantastic! I can hardly wait until
Jenny sees you! She'll probably not want you on as a cheerleader!"

It was all I could do to stand there like that. Every instinct in my body was telling me to haul ass and
change clothes as quickly as possible, but of course, no matter how much he might dislike it, my father
would make me stand by my word, so there I stood. Carol wasn't grinning quite as much now that she
has seen me, while both Michelle and Shelly looked at me carefully. The girls wanted me to go with
them, to some hamburger joint I guess, but mom said no. My tenure as a girl didn't officially start until
Monday, and "besides" she said, "She needs a few things of her own." All of the girls understood, but it
went right over my head. My parents told the girls to leave, then mom told me what she meant.

"We don't share underwear Janet. You and I are going shopping and get you a few things you'll need,
like panties of your own, probably two bras, and if we can find it, a padded pantybrief of your own. That
way you won't have to use washrags to have hips. I'll get you a handbag and we can go."

That was it. No discussion, no questions, nothing. I was going with her and that's all there was to it!
Mom returned with a small black shoulder bag, handed it to me, and headed for the door, only stopping
to make sure I was following her. I didn't like it, but I did it. That first step outside was terrible, and I
quickly got in the car, and saw mom laughing at me!
"Quit worrying so much about this! You look just delicious, and if someone didn't know, they never
would unless you tell them or give it away. Walk with me, take the same step I do, hold your elbows in
and use your hands more. Stand up straight and act like you belong there, and you'll be fine. This might
last a while Janet, so you might as well get used to it. Who knows? Maybe you'll end up liking it!"

Mom was way off base there, but I said nothing. At the mall it was all I could do to get myself out of the
car, but as soon as we walked inside I started to freeze up, really. Mom gently took my arm, and started
walking, and I had no choice but to follow her. She was walking normally, and I had no trouble keeping
up with her. Only my pace was wrong. We went into lingerie, and mom picked up a couple of packages
of panties and two bra, without asking me if I liked them or not. Because we now had what she said I
needed, I expected to leave, but no. She went into the shoe department, pointing out that I would need
to have some very comfortable shoes to work in at the restaurant, plus shoes for school and pair of gym
shoes for cheerleading. The guy never batted an eye as I tried on the shoes for fit, although I'm pretty
sure he tried to look up my dress once. From there mom took me to one of those makeup shops where
they redid my makeup and mom bought what they used. As good as I looked when mom helped me do
my makeup, I looked twice as good now. There wasn't one trace of my beard at all. I also had the feeling
that my mother wasn't done yet, and I was right. She took me into the dress shop where I also bought
two dresses and two skirts with blouses to match, and later, at a specialty lingerie shop called Freddie's,
a padded pantybrief and a pair of breastforms! I was thoroughly embarrassed when mom dragged me
into the changing room to try on those breastforms, but she said they were perfect, and I left wearing

By the time we got home I had lost most of my fear of being in public, but quite not all. Dad wasn't
home when we got there and I assumed that I would be able to change, and I was right, but not into my
jeans. Mom wanted me to try on both dresses and skirts. She unzipped me and I went to my room, put
the first dress on, and went into shock. I had not realized how low the vee neck front was when we
bought it, and the twin mounds of my brand new breasts could clearly be seen swelling against the bra! I
zipped it up, and because mom demanded it, I went back to the familyroom, and there sat dad, my
sister, mom, and Shelly! After we all stared at each other for a moment, I walked and posed for
everyone, trying to camp it up a little.

Shelly held up a plastic bag that had uniforms like the ones she wore in it. Four of them, all in my size.

"I cleared it with my boss Janet. I told him you were filling in for me, but I didn't tell him you're a guy.
You look so good that he wouldn't have believed me anyway. He gave me these for you to wear. Here's
my schedule. Girl, you look hot! See you tomorrow in school."
I took the bag and watched her leave, that sinking feeling in my gut again. Mom told me that I might as
well stay dressed for the rest of the day, so I did, and that night she set out what I would wear to school
the next day. A skirt and blouse with pantyhose, ankle socks and flats. I was told to be up early so she
could help me do my hair and makeup. She also tossed me a nightgown, a nylon one. I had a hard night
filled with dreams of taunts, but also having some of the guys hitting on me!

Mom helped me get ready, which didn't take as long this time, since I knew what I had to do, but the
skirt was a lot shorter than I realized, and once again I had a lot of leg showing. Mom gave me the same
purse, this time it was filled with my wallet, a lipstick, a small bottle of perfume, and some tissue. She
also reminded me not to forget it. I drove to school with more than a little apprehension, but I was on
my way, and there was no return. Especially after I set one foot in the school. After that it would be
what it would be. As I walked in I was a bit surprised that nobody stared at me, and I went to my first
class. Nobody even bothered to look at me, until I sat down in my regular chair, which set off a few
gasps. Just then the teacher came in and took roll call. When she got to my name, I expected to hear my
male name, but she didn't miss a beat when she asked for Janet. "Here" I said, and she went on as if it
was the most normal thing in the world, but it wasn't! The fact that she knew what name I was using
told me that someone, probably my mother, had called and told her in advance of my appearance.

I got a lot of looks, but nobody said a word, because they wouldn't dare, not in class. On the way to my
next class however, it was an entirely different thing. My best friend, Greg, stood there looking at me
like I was an alien.

"Holy Cow! You look just like a…I mean you're beauti…what I mean to say is, you don't look like I
thought you would!"

"You should try it from my side of this Greg!"

"No thanks! Let me walk with you to your next class."

I thought he might take my hand for a minute, and so did he, but we both pulled away. It was like that
all day. Gaping stares from the guys, but the girls weren't giggling at me either. The boys always had
their eyes wide open when they saw me, but only Greg talked to me. By the time lunch came around I
was used to it, and simply sat at a table by myself. I was quickly joined by Shelly and my sister.

"This isn't working out the way we planned Janet. You simply look to damned good!"

"Does this mean you want me to stop?"

"No, but we never expected you to look so good either. What I'm saying is, you're very pretty, and I'm
glad that you decided to do this. Not many boys would do it."

There wasn't anything for me to say to that. Nobody but mom had told me I was pretty, unless you
count Greg, and he choked on it. It was easier somehow after that. I went home after school and
changed into the uniform Shelly gave me, and drove to the restaurant. The owner, Gladys, wasn't
expecting a boy in a dress, so she gave me a quick run through, assigned me some tables, and I went to
work. After just a few hours my legs were killing me, and I'm glad mom made me buy these shoes, or I
would have died I think. I made $20 in tips, which I stashed in my purse before I went home at 8. I
undressed, took a shower, then did my homework. I had no trouble sleeping that night.

It was like that every day for the next three days. Then it happened. One of the guys, an acquaintance,
asked me out! He actually asked me out to the show for Saturday! I was so shocked that I didn't answer
him, but ran to my next class. Greg, who sat next to me, asked me if Stan had asked me out. When I
looked at him, all he did was smile and shrug his shoulders.

"He thinks you're hot, and asked me if he should ask you. I told him you might say no."

"But why me? There are plenty of girls here Greg! I'm not a girl and everyone knows it!"

"True, but have you looked in the mirror lately? You look more like a girl than some of the girls do!
You're even starting to act like one lately, what with the hand waving and all that. For my money, I think
you should go, just to piss off Shelly and your sister. Especially Carol, since she's been after Stan for a
long time now."
That was true. And it would be a slap at my sister. The more I thought about it, the more I thought Greg
was right. After class I found Stan and told him I would be happy to go with him. He said he would be
over at seven. Now all I had to do was break the news to mom. There was no way I would tell dad, zero
chance. I'll let mom tell him. Friday was hectic at the restaurant, and I didn't get home until almost
midnight. In the morning I slipped on a bra, clean panties, then a tee shirt and my jeans before I went to
eat breakfast. Mom was there all alone. I had my coffee and was munching on a roll when she asked me
what I was going to wear that night.


"For your date. What did you plan on wearing?"

"A skirt and blouse, why? And how did you know about it?"

"Carol was very angry when she told me Janet. Apparently the boy that asked you out is the same one
she wanted to date."

"I had nothing to do with that mom. I didn't even know about it until Stan asked me out, and even then I
had to think about it before I said yes. Now I'm thinking I should call it off.

"You can do that of course, but if you do you'll spend a lot of time at home alone, and seven months is a
long time Janet. You have to face it honey. You're very pretty, and boys are going to be attracted to you
regardless, and some, like Stan will ask you out. Now, if you want to be with me and dad all the time
from now until the end of the year, that's fine, but I was thinking that you and I would go to the salon
and get our hair done today. You need your nails attended to, and a better cut will make it easier for you
to take care of. How about it? Are you Janet? Or are you just a boy in a dress?"

"I'm not a girl mother."

"True, but that wasn't the question. Are you Janet?"

I know it was weak, but mom was right. "Yes."

"Alright then. Go put some makeup on and we'll go."

I had never been in a salon before, so I had no idea what to expect, but my mom was her usual efficient
self, and I was soon in a chair, getting my hair washed, then styled. The girl cut it short I thought, but
after she stuck me under the dryer, another girl came over and did my nails, making them longer with
rounded ends, then painting them a soft red color that has some metalflake in it. When the stylist was
done I had a curly pageboy that accented my oval face just right, and those longer nails made my hands
look slimmer, more feminine. I really liked the way I looked with that haircut, then, all of a sudden, I felt
like a girl. On the way out of the salon mom told me that as long as we were out, we might as well take
the time to expand my wardrobe a bit more. My first buy was a red and white corselet with matching
panties, then two more dresses, a suit, and two more skirts with tops. I also bought heels in taupe and
navy. I found myself enjoying the fact that mom and were shopping together, and after a week in skirts,
I was aware of the hem length now. I still bought the shorter skirts or dresses, but now I knew what it
means. Around three mom and I went home, and I went right past dad without a word, up to my room,
and put things away. I did not hear mom telling him I had my hair and nails done, or the ensuing

I was ready to go within a few hours. I had a bubblebath, which I found I liked a lot, then a shower and a
close shave. I had redone my makeup, and changed into a pleated tan skirt with a brown pullover top
that fit well enough that my breasts were well defined. Earrings and a watch, a thin beaded necklace,
and my taupe heels. I did my lipstick in red to match my nails polish, then added a spritz of perfume. I
had never worn perfume before, but it seemed like the right thing to do. I walked into the familyroom
like always, and drew immediate stares from dad.

"Your hair!"

"Don't you like it? I think it makes me look a little better, and they told me it would be easier to take care

"You had your nails done as well. Just how long will it take to get those off?"
"Dad, this is going to last seven months! Even you agreed to that, so I had the acrylic nails put on! They
don't come off!"

"You look…like a girl now dammit!"

"That's the idea isn't it? You told me to honor my word, and I did. Then I found out that this was going to
last a lot longer than I thought, so, if I have to dress this way, why can't I look nice? I don't want to spend
the next seven months at home! Is that what you want me to do?"

Dad was in a corner now and he knew it. I had done nothing except honor my word, just like he told me.
The problem is that I turned out looking pretty good, then I found myself not minding wearing a skirt at
all. In fact, at the salon, when I saw myself for the first time, after my styling, I realized that I wouldn't
mind staying this way. I just wasn't going to say it out loud. I let the facts say it for me, which is of
course, why dad is so angry. There wasn't anything he could do about it. When he found out I had a
date, he actually growled, but bit his tongue when mom told him I shouldn't have to stay at home the
whole time. I had a few hours before Stan would be over to get me, so I simply sat on the couch to
watch television. A little later the doorbell rang, and when I opened the door, I saw Jenny standing

"Hi. I thought I would stop by so we could talk a bit."

I grabbed her hand and walked out on the patio, shutting the door behind us.

"Some of the girls on the squad, well, they're wondering if you were going to practice with us."

"I have to work for Shelly after school every day for a month Jenny, so I don't see how I can, and I still
have two weeks left on my bet with her."
"We understand Janet, and that's why we were thinking that we'll let you slide on being a cheerleader,
but you would have to continue dressing this way, just as if you were a cheerleader, which means it'll be
for the same length of time. Either way, the result is the same. You'll be in dresses."

In my mind, I knew that arrangement this would work out fine. Gladys had asked me to stay on, even
when Shelly returned, which meant that I would be making about $200 a week, that I could keep, so I
agreed without any further thought. Jenny is one of the best looking girls in the school, which is the
reason she is the head cheerleader. Smart and beautiful. That defines Jenny nicely.

"When Stan told me that he asked you out, I wasn't that surprised, were you?"

"You bet! Your brother never had any trouble getting a date before, so I wondered if it might be a setup
of some kind, but I couldn't figure out what more could happen to me. He knows I'm not a girl, and that
bothered me for a while, but rather than sit home all the time I decided to do it, and accepted."

"It's not a set up Janet, you're all he talks about. How pretty you are, your great legs, and he says you
have a smile that won't quit. No girl, he's in love. Can't you see that?"

"But I never…I'm not a girl! He can't be in…you must be mistaken Jenny!"

"Oh no I'm not. I know my own brother Janet, and believe me, he may know you're not a girl, but he has
pushed it so far down into that brain of his that he can't even see it! All of us kids have seen you every
day for over two weeks now, and whether you know it or not, you have started to act like a girl, walk like
a girl, and believe me, you look like a girl in every way. Especially with that soft perm and those acrylic
nails you have on. And if you try to tell me you don't like being dressed as a girl, I'll have to call you a liar.
You wouldn't have let those things be done if you didn't like being thought of as a girl."

I hate it when somebody can see right through you, and Jenny had done just that. According to her,
some, if not a lot of the other kids had figured it out as well. But so far, nobody has said a word to me
about it, not even those Neolithic fools every school has. But how had this happened in such a short
time? I mean, before this I was like every guy in school. I was hoping to get into some girls pants, I just
never expected to be in them at the time! Now, Jenny tells me it's obvious that I like being a girl. I
looked at her, trying to find a way to deny what she had told me, but the words would not rise to my
lips, which she noticed. When she smiled at me, I had to swallow hard and try not to smile back. That
would only confirm what she already knew.

"This should be an interesting school year Janet. Based on the changes we've seen so far, I'll bet that
within a month, darn few kids will even remember you were once a boy, including you. Just remember
this about the boys. They all have one thing on their minds when it comes to girls, and it isn't friendship.
That specifically includes Stan!"

"But I'm not going to do anything Jenny! How could I? I mean, well, you know what I mean!"

"There are a lot of things that you can do for a guy without going that far Janet, don't be so naïve."

"Not that either Jenny! No way!"

She dropped the subject, then asked me if I wanted to join her and a few of the other girls for a get
together on Sunday at 2. I said I would try to be there, and she went home, leaving me to wonder if it
was true. Had I become so much like a girl that I have begun to act like one? Would I become so much a
girl that everyone would forget the real me? Would I be able to return to the male I am? Or would I
simply remain as a girl? I went to my room, stood in front of the mirror, and tried to find the answer. My
oval face, now framed by the waves set in by the perm, the makeup that made me look so feminine, and
my figure, all combined to cast doubt in my mind. I didn't look like a boy in any way, unless I undressed.
Dad still doesn't like the fact that I look this way, but he has quit harping about it at least, while mom
has taken to thinking of me as her daughter. Right now my figure is all foam rubber with a bit of silicone
thrown in. What, I wondered to myself, if I could make it seem that it was all me? Would that make a
difference? Jenny and the squad had actually given me a break by not making me try to do those jumps
and baton twirling, but I still had to wear the clothes for the same amount of time, and seven months is
a very long time. Maybe she's right. By then, maybe nobody will remember that I am a boy. I looked in
the mirror again, then decided that I might as well try to do my best, and if they all think I'm a girl, well,
I'll decide what to do then. In the mean time, I decided to check out the Web, and see what was
available to help a boy like me look like a girl.

What I found astounded me! I found several fiction sites that had a lot of stories a bout boys just like
me! I downloaded a few, then in another search, I found a site that seemed to carry everything a girl like
me would need, from a very special panty to breastforms that would be custom made just for me! The
prices didn't seem that outlandish, but I didn't have a credit card, so that meant that I would have to use
snail mail and a money order. I downloaded the instructions, folded them and put them in my purse. I
made a note to stop at the art store in the morning. Then I read the stories. Some were pure trash, but a
few hit me right where I live. In more than one case the main character, like me, had found himself stuck
in the role of a female. Several very interesting hints mad me take notice, and I highlighted them for
later use, then I started to get ready for my very first date.

Dad was apoplectic when Stan arrived, but he tried to hide it and was polite. Stan led me out to hiss car,
then drove us to the show. I wanted to ask him what the hell was going on, but didn't. If what Jenny had
told me was true, he wouldn't be able to tell me anyway, so I let it drop. He and I saw the show, then
stopped at a burger place for drinks. He was polite all evening, and didn't do anything more than hold
my hand, so I wasn't ready when he took me home, and before I could get out of the car, I felt him
pulling me close, then the gentle touch of his lips on mine! I broke away and ran in the house. Stan had
kissed me, and I let him. I was afraid of what that meant. I went to bed with the taste of him on my lips,
a shiver in my spine, and a feeling that it could have gone further if I had not run in the house.

In the morning dad merely asked me if I had a good time, while mom asked me if I had any plans, since it
was my day off. I told them I was going to Jenny's at 2, but I had a few errands before that. I ate, then
went to change. Mom insisted that I don't wear any slacks, so I wore a skirt and blouse with my gym
shoes. Then I left for the art store. Finding the right color for my skin was a pain, but with the help of a
mirror, I managed, then wrote down the numbers. I had decided not to tell anyone what I was going to
do until I saw just how well the items looked. I arrived at Jenny's about fifteen minutes early, but she let
me in, and we went to her bedroom. About ten minutes later two other girls showed up. Rachel is a tall
dark haired girl with a wickedly wonderful smile and a very healthy body. Jill is about average in looks
and build, but her dad has a lot of money so she always tends to be on the best teams or in the best

"I told Janet what we decided, and she has agreed, which makes her a de facto member of the squad,
and I want to let her join us when we have our special outings. Anyone disagree?"

"Does that include the really special outings?"

"Of course Rachel! Why shouldn't she join us?"

"I don't care, I was just asking, that's all."

"She'll have to get a uniform Jenny."

"No Jill, she doesn't. Janet doesn't practice or perform with us, we're just making her part of the squad,
like a…an associate member."

They all looked at me, but I didn't have any idea what they were talking about. Jenny explained it to me.

"Once in a while we all get together, like a pajama party, or a girls night out. Once we managed to get
into that strip club downtown. You interested?"

If they were asking me to join them, that meant that I had been accepted as a girl! I nodded my head,
and they all hugged me. Then we all went to the mall for some therapeutic shopping. By the time I got
home I never felt as feminine as I did right then. Just the way the girls treated me, like I was one of
them, had made me realize that I didn't mind being a girl at all. I will admit that the thought of seeing 12
semi naked girls at a pajama party crossed my mind, but I knew in my heart that before I would ever do
that, I would have those items, and it wouldn't make any difference. I would be one of them, a girl. In
my room I filled out the form, and after using a measuring tape, wrote down the before measurements,
and the hoped for after sizes.

In school it was like any other day, except that I didn't feel like a pervert, and none of the kids were
staring at me now. My friend Greg however was staying away, and I didn't know why, because with his
big mouth, it could have easily been him that made the bet instead of me. The teachers all used the
name Janet when they referred to me now, and I had been exempted from gym classes for the obvious
reasons. The coach even told me that if he let me use the locker room most of the guys wouldn't be able
to do pushups without hurting themselves! I had to giggle at that. The class they put me in instead was
sewing! It was the only opening they had, and I was forced to take it for the credit. Mom thought it was
funny while dad thought it was stupid. After three classes however, I saw that I could buy clothes that
maybe fit well enough, needed to be shorter of taken in a bit, and I could do it!

My time filling in for Shelly was over on Friday night, and I wasn't scheduled to start working for myself
until Monday, so after school I withdrew the money I needed, and sent in my order for the special items.
According to the web site it would take about ten days. That night I tried on one of my own uniforms,
had mom help me, and made the hem shorter and took it in at the waist. Dad watched me sewing for a
bit, then stomped off. I was not his idea of a son any longer, but there wasn't one darned thing I could
do about it, and he knew it. That's what got him. Mom told me to ignore him, then, after he had left the
room, she sat down and asked me how I felt about dressing as a girl. What should I tell her?

"You like it Janet. That much is obvious. Now the question is how much?"

I decided to tell her exactly how much, and told her to wait while I went to get something. I went to my
room and took the full color pictures I had printed, out of my dresser, and the three stories with the
highlighted portions, then returned to her sewing room. Without a word I showed them to her, let her
read the text, and simply waited. Her eyes went first wide, then narrow, and wide again as she looked
up at me.

"And this means?"

"I ordered this, this, and this mom. They should be here sometime next week. But if the panty doesn't fit
I can send it back, and maybe you can do this for me."

I pointed to the highlighted text and she read it.

"I see. Well, alright, that answers the question of do you like it, but this says that you can have some sort
of sex with this panty! I don't want you to find out if it works Janet, understand?"

"Yes ma'am. But if that's the case, why not do the other for me?"

"No, I'll let you wear this panty, but no fooling around, and I mean it!"

Neither mom nor I told dad about the items. I went to school on Monday as usual, then went to work.
Shelly was a bit surprised to see me there, and asked me about it. I told her what Jenny had said about
my status as a cheerleader, and that Gladys had asked me to stay on. She also commented on my
uniform fitting so well. I simply told her I altered them myself for a better fit, and she dropped it. She
and I talked a bit, but it was clear that her bet wasn't turning out like she thought it would. I had turned
out looking okay, done her job well enough to get one of my own, I could sew and she couldn't, and Stan
had asked me out. Altogether, she knew I had come out on top.

On Thursday I went home right after school to see if the items had arrived. They had, so mom and I went
to my room so I could put them

on. It took both of us almost an hour to get me into them, but it was worth it. I now had two very pert
breasts on my chest that looked as if I grew them myself, and the panty, which had a built in vagina and
padding to make my hips in proportion. From any angle I was now a female, from the top of my head to
the ground! When I got dressed all of my lingerie fit better, and for the first time I felt the weight of a
breast as it pulled on my chest. The bra gave me a modest but definite cleavage, and I felt complete for
some reason. Mom watched me as I got dressed, and saw the way the bra fit now. With the low, well
padded cups, my boobs were almost straight out! Mom said that I would need new bras now, and for
me to get dressed. Then she and I went shopping. I bought four new bras, only one of them had any
padding in it, but with a normal bra, I had an impressive bustline now. My measurements were 36-25-
36, with a B cup bra. I loved it while mom merely gave me a smile. I also bought a nightgown that was
short, semi sheer, and had a robe. I had plans to shock dad that night.

After dinner, mom winked at me, so I went to my room and changed into the nightgown. It's black, so I
wore the black thong panties that came with it. Tonight was the night I let dad know just how much I
liked being a girl. Looking in the mirror I could just see the twin mounds of my breasts as they strained
against the thin material, and smiled to myself. I slipped into the padded slippers and left the room. I
walked right past mom and into the familyroom, past dad, who looked up, and almost made it to the


I turned to face him directly, and he could see for himself how I looked.

"What have you done to yourself! You…you…"

"I look like a girl now dad. It'll be easier on me, so I might as well, don't you think so?"

Tweaking him like that was dangerous, but he was so busy looking at my breasts that he wasn't thinking

"Fasten that robe up and sit down! You may have to dress as a girl, but why do you have to have those!
Your ever starting to talk like a girl now! I give up!"

Dad left the room and went into his office, leaving mom and I alone. I went to bed satisfied that I had
made my point.

School and work kept me busy, but Stan asked me out again, and I went with him. This time he parked
on a shady street, and when he kissed me, I didn't pull away. It got hot and heavy, but nothing
happened, and I knew that I would not return to my manhood when I went to bed that night. My days
as a girl blossomed as Jenny and the squad kept their word, and I was included in many of the special
outings, including a pajama party. I know what they thought, so I took the black babydoll. When we all
changed, I felt seven pair of eyes on me, and turned to face them, naked of course. Without a word I
slipped on the babydoll, leaving them to wonder how I did it.

Gladys went on vacation, and I was left in charge, so, as hostess, I was able to wear normal clothes, set
the schedules and so on. Shelly and I had become good friends by then, and I made sure she got the
times she wanted. Dad has finally accepted the obvious, but I had to help him one more time. The panty
comes with a small packet that lets me simulate a menstrual period, so I used one without wearing a
pad. Dad really freaked out when he saw the blood, but I cleaned up and returned wearing a pad. He
never said another word about it after that. Graduation is two months away, but my time from the bet is
over next week. I don't plan on changing back, but then again, I don't think anyone will care.

Stan is taking me to the Prom of course, and I intend to see if the panty will work as advertised. From a
wart of a boy to a woman, that bet was the best thing that ever happened to me, and being a waitress?
Well, I meet the nicest people that way.
© 2000

The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must
contact the author for permission.

Cover Girl

by Jennifer White

Like most boys of his age, Andy was fascinated by girls. But he was still young and awkward, so dating
was pretty much out of the question for him still. He stared longingly at the girls in school, but he was
too afraid to approach them.

But his yearnings and desires had grown steadily stronger as his hormones kicked in. So like countless
young men have done before, he would get ahold of a dirty magazine, with pictures of beautiful naked
women, and he would pleasure himself until he climaxed.

Soon, he was doing it nightly, sometimes twice a day. He had no real sex life, but in his imagination, he
scored with beautiful women all of the time.


Andy got ahold of a new copy of Hot Babes magazine, through a friend's brother, who bought it for him
at a convenience store. Andy gave him $4.95 for the magazine, and enough money to buy himself a
large bottle of beer as a way of saying thanks. Magazine in hand, Andy ran home to look at the pictures
of new and different girls, and to let his imagination run wild.

In this issue, there was a story with three hot blond babes at a beach. They were around a fire, wearing
only their bikinis. As he turned the pages, they wore progressively less and less clothes.

Andy laid on his back, worked himself with his right hand, and kept the magazine above him with his left
hand. He imagined that he was with them on the beach. He stared at the naked breasts of one of the
girls, covered with sweat, glistening in the firelight.

He moved the magazine closer and closer, so it looked like he was getting nearer and nearer to her. He
imagined that he could feel the warmth of the file, and hear the roar of the surf. He imagined that he
was about to touch her warm body.

Andy was very near climaxing, when something strange happened. He took a breath, and he could smell
something. Fire! He actually smelled burning wood. There was a rushing sound too. The ocean! He could
really hear the ocean.

He pushed the magazine back a bit, and the sensations faded. He pulled it nearer, and the reappeared.
Wow! What was going on? He must be dreaming, he decided. But if this was a dream, he was going to
take full advantage of it. He moved the magazine closer to him.

Now Andy could hear the giggles of the girls themselves! He could hear their sexy seductive voices
calling to him. This was so exciting! The magazine was now only millimeters away from him. He moved it
closer, and it touched him on his nose.

But instead of stopping, he magazine kept moving forward! Andy could feel himself going through it,
and into it! He was being sucked in. It was like watching a ball being dropped from atop a hill. At first, it
barely moved. But as gravity worked on it, the ball would pick up speed, until it was moving faster and
faster, unable to stop.
In the same way, once he got started into the magazine, he found himself unable to resist its pull. Faster
and faster, he was being sucked into it. Until he stood there, blinking, not believing what he was seeing.

He was with two of the naked babes, who were touching each other, giggling and laughing.

"What's the matter?" said the one on the left. "Don't you want to join in with us?"

"Yeah" said the one on the right. "Don't you want to touch me?"

Of course, this was too much temptation for Andy, who reached out and put his hands on the girls. He
was touching a girl! His left hand touched the breast of the one girl, while his right was on the butt of the
other one.

"That's better" said the girl on the left, who put her hand on Andy's butt. Andy was a little startled to feel
her skin on his skin. He was naked! How had that happened?

The other girl ran her fingernails down Andy's back, which caused a wave of shivers and pleasure.

The second girl reached over and kissed Andy. He was surprised at the warmth he felt from her lips, and
the wetness. He had never kissed a girl on the lips before, so the sensation was almost overwhelming.

"Oh, I want you" said the first girl. Andy could not believe the enormous amount of pleasure he was
feeling. And he hadn't even climaxed yet! This was *so* wonderful. It felt *so* good.

The second girl took her hand, and put it on Andy's face. Then she ran it down his chin, his neck, and his
chest. It came to rest on Andy's nipple, causing a sensation he had never felt before.
The girl lowered her head, and put her mouth around Andy's nipple, sucking on it hard, and biting it
lightly with her teeth. Wow! What a feeling! Andy looked down at her. And that's when he noticed


The girl was sucking on Andy's nipple, which was at the end of his huge breasts. How could he have
breasts? How could those large *things* be on his chest? Pleasure turned to fear, and the newness of
discovery turned to sheer panic. He felt a need to get away from here, to get away from these girls!

But before he could think to do something, the second girl got down on her knees in front of him. She
took her tongue, and licked Andy along his crotch. Where his erect manhood should have been, there
were only the 'lips' of his labia now. The girl's tongue penetrated him at the top, finding his clitoris.

A feeling swept over him, a magnitude higher than any wave of pleasure he had ever felt before. Any
thoughts of running away vanished. Andy had to keep going with this. It felt unbelievably good!

The girl sucking on his tit started pinching his other nipple, and the pleasures he felt seemed to increase.
The one with her tongue into the slit between his legs put her hands on his butt, and pulled herself
tighter to him.

All of a sudden, Andy felt a surge of warmth go throughout his entire body. His eyes rolled back up into
his head, and he found himself unable to even think, as his first female orgasm hit.

"Oohh!!!!" he shrieked.

The high pitch of his voice shocked him, but it didn't matter. Only this feeling did. He didn't want it to
stop. Ever.
Andy had three big orgasms in the next ten minutes, and what seemed like a million little ones, causing
him to shake all over.

"My turn" said the girl on her knees suddenly. She pointed to the ground. Andy kneeled down, and used
his tongue on her, like she had done to him. She made him go until she felt too raw and sore, then the
third girl had her turn.

When all three of them were done, they collapsed on the blanket by the fire. One of the girls was toying
with Andy's breasts, while the other one ran her hands through his long, sandy hair. Andy relaxed and
closed his eyes.

"Okay girls, that's a wrap" said a male voice.

Andy opened his eyes, and was horrified to see that it was a photographer talking. Oh no, he had done
all those sex acts, and had been caught on film!

That brought back all his memories of how he had got there in the first place. The pleasure was so
overwhelming that he had all but forgotten about his plight. But now he remembered. He was really a
boy, and now he was in a sexy woman's body!

The other girls were putting on their bikinis, so Andy did too. He watched to see what they did, and
imitated them. He was all in a panic. He had to get out of there, and get back home!

And that's when he saw it: something that didn't belong. Like a rip in space, there by the fire. That must
have been where he got into this. Andy ran over to it, and tried to get his head into the crack. He could
feel the crack starting to close, so he pushed harder. He had to get through, and get back home! He
didn't want to be stuck here forever, as a girl!
It had to be some kind of portal, leading back where he came from. That must have been how he got
here in the first place, through some kind of rip in the fabric of space-time. Through some portal that
brought him to this place. He had to get home.

Andy pushed with all his might, and got his head through! He could see his room! It was working, he was
getting home! He used all his strength to get a foothold, and push forward a few more inches. Now he
was in up to his shoulders. If only he could get his arms through, and grab on to the bed. He was
breathing hard now, covered with sweat. It took all his energy just to stay where he was, and not get
sucked back in.

Somehow, he got his arm through, and grabbed onto the bedpost. He yelled, and pulled with all his
might. He moved! Another pull, and he was through up to his waist! Then it became easy, and he slid
the rest of the way out of the hole, and onto a pile on his bed.

Andy was on his back, holding the magazine. He looked at the pictures of two naked girls. A shiver when
through him as he realized that he had just performed a sex act with them! He turned the page to see
how far the photo spread went.

But something was very wrong. Because in the picture on the next page, the two girls were performing a
sex act, but on a boy. Him! If the pictures in the magazine had him as a boy, instead of three girls, then
that meant....

Andy screamed as he looked down and saw his body. He was still a girl. He got up and looked in the
mirror. He had long sandy blond hair, a pretty face, and a gorgeous body. His big breasts were covered
with a skimpy bikini top, which seemed about to burst at any second. Down below, he wore only a G-
string bottom, showing off his beautiful legs, his curves, his soft feminine body.

Andy rushed back to the magazine. He had gone through the wrong portal, and was now in the wrong
reality. One where he was a girl! No! He had to get back where he belonged! He got on his back on the
bed, and took the magazine. He tried to get back into it, but nothing happened. After an hour of
frustration, he broke down and started to cry.
"Come on Emalee" said a voice at the door. "You're going to be late."

Andy's mother came into the room, and shook her head.

"Young lady, why are you wearing a bikini? Its December for goodness sakes. I've told you that you're
not going on spring break until you're 21. Now go put on your dress. Your Aunt Kara will be disappointed
if you don't show up for her anniversary party.

"But mom..." started Andy.

"I've had it with you Emalee!" said his mother. "You've been such a drama queen lately, and I'm not
going to put up with it today."

She went to the closet, and opened the door. Andy was shocked to see that it was full of skirts, dresses,
and pretty clothes, instead of his T-shirts and stuff. Instead of his collection of baseball cards, there were
dozens of pairs of girl's shoes.

"Now put this on, and lets get going" said his mother, who laid out a pretty skirt, blouse, and shoes. "Put
on your new bra too dear."

She turned and left, leaving Andy to put on these new foreign clothes. Why was she calling him Emalee?
Why did he have to wear clothes like these?

He put on the bra, panties, skirt and blouse. He looked in the mirror, and realized something: he needed
makeup. Somehow he knew where it was, and applied the mascara, lipstick and blush just perfectly.
"Young lady, I told you we don't have all day. Grab your purse, and lets get going!" demanded his

Andy slung his purse over his shoulder, gave himself one last glance in the mirror, and turned to go, in a
swish of skirts. His high heels clicked on the floor as he walked gracefully in them, as if he had worn
them his whole life.

"You are such a pretty girl Emalee" said his mother. "Your aunt will be very glad to see you at her party

She took Andy's hand, and they walked out the door to the car. Andy turned to look over his shoulder. It
was his house they were leaving. This was his mother, and her car. Everything was the same as it should
be, except one thing: he was a girl now.

He got in the car, knowing automatically to smooth out his skirt behind him as he sat down. As the car
pulled out of the driveway, he reached in his purse and pulled out a bottle of nail polish. He did his nails
as they drove, waving them to dry them faster.

"Don't do that" said his mother. "You need to let them dry evenly, on their own."

She was always telling him what to do! Like she knew everything, and he didn't. Mothers were so unfair
sometimes. Why couldn't she just let Emalee be who she was, and quit butting in?

Emalee put on a second coat, and stared out he window. Something seemed strange to her. Something
about a boy named Andy. A boy! When was she going to have a boyfriend of her own? If only her
mother wasn't so protective of her. She longed to break free, and be on her own. It wasn't fair. Her
mother treated her like a little child.

She would show her! She'd find a boy at school, and start dating him secretly. That would show her!
"I'm going to get a tattoo" said Emalee.

"Not while you live in my house you don't" said her mom. "When you move out on your own, you can
have your tattoos and piercings. But not when you live under my roof. Do you understand me?"

"Yes mom" said Emalee, exasperated. Her mom was so unfair! All the other girls were getting tattoos
and piercings. She was *so* unfair.

Suddenly, Andy's mind fought through the wall of feminine thoughts that had surrounded him. He had
tapped into the well of these thoughts inadvertently as he had thought about makeup, and they had
overwhelmed him completely. He had drowned in them, but now he had broken back to the surface.

"You're being awful quiet" said Andy's mother.

"I'm thinking" said Andy, in his still unfamiliar female voice. He was very confused. He was losing his
male identity quickly, and starting to think of himself as a 'she'. But he didn't want to go through what
he just did a moment before, being shut out from being able to even *think*. He had to find a way to
remain in control.

But he needed to be able to get at the girlish thoughts and memories inside his head. How could he
survive now if he didn't know how to be a girl? Until he was able to find a way to get back to being who
he really was, he had to know what a girl knew.

So he carefully searched his memory, as he looked down at his shoes. They sure were pretty. They made
his legs look so lovely. How soft and smooth his legs were. They were so pretty after he shaved them.
And he loved how the skirt hung down over his legs. It felt so comfortable. And it was her favorite color.
She preferred skirts to pants.

No! Thought Andy. He had almost slipped away again. Now he was very afraid. Just a little though could
lead him down the path again, and who knows if he'd have the strength to fight his way back again?
He felt like he was a man on a raft, adrift in the middle of the sea. Nothing in sight but water
everywhere, no hope of finding land. Trying his best to stay afloat, praying that no storms might push
him further out, making him more and more lost.

All around him was complete total femininity. There was no way to avoid it. He had become a very sexy
girl, and there was no getting past that. Everything he did, every movement, every word uttered...they
all were drenched in femininity. How could he possibly survive? How could he keep from drowning?

It would be so easy to let go now, and just to let it wash over him. It was oh so tempting! All his
problems would be gone, and the struggle would be over. It was a sweet siren song, which he tried his
best to ignore. He would fight it! He would resist.

But then Andy made a fatal mistake. His hand mindlessly opened his purse, and pulled out the lipstick
tube. He stared at it, and realized that his lips needed touching up. He looked in the lighted makeup
mirror under the car visor, and fixed his lips.

As he watched his small delicate hand put the tube back where it belonged in the purse, with its fine
thin fingers, the pretty ring, the finely manicured and painted nails...he saw something else that hit him
hard, like a hammer conking him over the head: tampons.

In his purse, there were tampons. Even though Andy was a boy, he knew what they were, and what they
were for. Seeing them in *his* purse made him realize something: "Those are for *me*".

They were for him, because he had a period every month. Memories of his monthly cycle flooded his
mind, clouding his thoughts. And the tampons themselves; they were inserted up into the slit between
his legs. The thing that defined him as a girl. The thing that made her who she was.
She was female. There was no doubt about it. She would have her period every month until she became
an older woman, and went through menopause. Hopefully by then she'd be a mother, like she had
always wished. She wanted two babies some day. Daughters like her, who she would raise.

When she was a mother, she would love and nurture her babies. She would teach them, and protect
them. She looked up at her own mother, and realized something: her mother didn't hate her. She wasn't
trying to keep her from being cool. She was just protecting her, trying to save her from herself, until she
became old enough to know better.

Waves of love filled Emalee's heart, as she looked at her mother in this new light. Her mother was her

"I love you mom" she said.

"I love you too Emalee" she replied.

Emalee squeezed her hand, and smiled. Her mother smiled back. Their rift had been healed, and today
would be a good day after all. The drove on to the party together, talking about everything and nothing.
Girl talk.


© 2004 by Jennifer White. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all
articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be printed for personal use only. No portion of
these documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available
without the express written consent of StorySite and the copyright holder.

Fear of Failure by: Janet L. Stickney

My parents are real big on not failing. They insist on success in everything we do, which is very difficult,
yet it seems that they have no remorse, sympathy, or even the slightest bit of understanding when
someone does not win, be the best, or come out on top. More than an obsession, it's a way of life for
them. My dad is also a huge sports guy, which is okay, but he always wanted me to be on every team,
which, on the face of it was ridiculous since I have zero physical talent, and I am way to small. My sister
Megan on the other hand, was on every one of the girls teams, always had straight A's, and was not only
gorgeous, but very popular. Of course, it goes without saying that she was the one my parents always
pointed at when I didn't, or couldn't, live up to their expectations. I grew up sullen and morose, hating
my miserable life, my perfect sister, and all the rules. I guess that's why I rebelled.

When I was fourteen it all came together in one explosive outburst of shouting, crying, flailing arms, and
clashing tempers. I could do the book work, get good grades, and all that, but when my dad insisted that
I try out for the football team I put my foot down, and said no. Even then I was smaller than my
classmates, a mere waif to their solidly built bodies. I'm not that much shorter, but my wrist was the size
of my sisters, while most of the guys I knew had wrists the size of my arms! When I said no, dad went
crazy. He had determined that I would play, and for him, that was the end of it, and since I had never
before said no, he couldn't handle it, and harsh words, ugly names, and tears populated our argument.
My sisters name was tossed freely about as if she were my idol, not theirs, which is when I blew up. It
was only when we both exhausted ourselves that I stomped off to my room rather than wait for round
two. Mom showed up about 15 minutes later.

"Your father doesn't understand" she said, then sat on the bed next to me. "He just assumes that you
want to be as macho as he is."

"Yeah" I said, "Like Megan the wonder girl. Can't he see that I wouldn't even be selected for any team?
Why would I even try? For him? Just so I could be humiliated in front of the whole school? So what if
Megan could do no wrong! Maybe, if I were a girl, I could at least try, since I'm the same size they are!
But I'm not a girl, I hate sports, and his constant nagging, even when I get an A in everything but gym is
to much mom!"

"I know honey, but you have to understand your father too. When he lost the chance to play in the big
leagues because of a heart problem, he was crushed. He has always been a hard driving sort of guy,
which he has extended to you. The fact that Megan did well has only reinforced the idea in his mind that
if a girl can do it, then a boy should also be able to do it. He just can't see past that Tim."

"Well, he better" I said with some anger attached. "or I'll just quit altogether! Maybe I'll join the girls
team! Then maybe he'll be happy!"
Well, dad and I had a truce, maybe you would call it a standoff, that lasted almost a week, then he was
right back at it again. I endured it for four days, then, that Saturday morning, when my folks were gone,
it came to me. Since Megan was in college, and her room was full of her stuff, I went in, and began to
pick out things, my collection growing as I envisioned the look on dad's face when he saw me, and
grinned to myself. No quite sure of what to do, I quickly stripped, and began to get dressed in my sisters
clothes. I managed the bra okay, stuffing it with socks, then I put on a pair of pantyhose, the skirt, and
slipped my feet into a pair of her old shoes. Teetering a bit, I went to her vanity and began to put on the
makeup. Actually it wasn't as hard as I imagined it would be. I covered my face in her foundation, the did
my eyes with blue eyeshadow, black eyeliner and used a red blusher on my cheeks. I knew that I looked
terrible, but that wasn't the point. I brushed my short hair into a sort of mop similar to those I had seen
some girls at school with, spritzed it with hairspray, then put the blouse on. Finally I used a bright red
lipstick and in a pique, her perfume. Standing back to look in the mirror I was shocked at the way I
looked. Not exactly pretty, but I certainly did not look like a boy any more. That's when I almost lost my

But, the more I looked at my reflection the more I knew that dad would go absolutely nuts, and that
drove my determination onward. I did try and fix the obvious mistakes before I left the room, then
waited in my own room until I heard them come into the house. The voices were muted through the
door, but I knew they were in the kitchen, so I slowly opened the door and stepped out, drawing a deep
breath to help bolster the aching fear I had inside. As man's man so to speak, dad might not react the
way I hoped he would, and that could lead to more than I could handle, which is why I was afraid. One
step after another, I followed the hallway to the stairs, then held the railing tightly as a descended to the
foyer, my heels making a soft click on the hardwood floor. Turning, I took just one step when mom
looked up and saw me. Her eyes wide, the discovery over, I held my back straight, drew another breath,
and walked into the kitchen, went right past my parents to the fridge, opened it, took out a bottle of
pop, stood up, then turned around. Mom had recovered a bit, but dad was frozen in place, his eyes
wide, his mouth a grim slash on his face.

"Didn't you tell me that you wanted me to be more like Megan daddy? Well, I'm trying!"

I said that, then walked past them and into the familyroom where I flicked on the television and sat
down, my knees together, my hands holding the pop in my lap. It didn't take them long to come into the
room, stand side by side, and ask me what the hell was going on.

"Tim, just what are you trying to prove? Get out of those clothes right this minute, and I mean it!"
Feeling myself shrink under dad's tirade, I almost did what he said, but managed to hold my ground.
"You have always held up miss perfect as an example, telling me what she could do and always telling
me to be more like her. Well, I finally figured out what the problem was dad! I have to dress like her if I'll
have any kind of support from you, which is what I did while you were gone! Like it?" That last remark
had dad almost at the brink of trashing my day.

"You get your little butt to your room and change this instant young man!"

Dad was closer to the brink than ever before, yet I was also stubborn. "No. I kind of like wearing a skirt
dad. You should try it." My bravado was really sheer anger and fear mixed in with a dash of
stubbornness, and as dad grew more and more angry, I became entrenched in my position, neither of us
willing to give an inch, although I didn't want to wear skirts, and he didn't want to trash me. I sat there
as we developed a stalemate, only my mother there to stop any mayhem that might erupt. She had
been silent, yet I saw in her eyes a sort of smile, a smile that I ignored while I focused on dad.

We were at a standstill, and while dad was turning a shade of purple and I was shaking under it all, I
stood up, and went back to my room. I did not change, I couldn't, but I couldn't face dad any more. I
looked in the mirror again and saw a different person yet again. Now I was a boy in a skirt wearing bad
makeup. Glum, and angry, I sat on the bed with no way to vent any more. I had struck out as hard as I
could, but I wasn't sure that I won anything. Almost half an hour later, mom knocked on my door, then
came in.

"That was some display" she said, "You shocked your father you know. Now he doesn't know what to

"Good" I said, "maybe he'll get off my back."

"Oh, he got the message alright, the big question is will he." Mom paused, then had me stand up.
"Would you like to see how you would look if you were fixed up right?"

"Fixed up right?" I asked, not getting it at first.

""Sure" mom said, "Let me help you with your hair and makeup, and we can see how you would look if
you were a girl."


"Because if we do this, then your father will see what a beautiful young girl you can be, which will also
show him that you aren't the same as the other boys."

"Mom, I only did this because he never lets up!"

"I know that Tim, but you started this, so why not let me help you? If you do this right, and act the part
of course, your father might give up on the sports. Neither of us will give up on the grades, but you know
that anyway, so why don't we try it? Just for fun."

With mom urging me on, and since I was already dressed in a skirt, I gave in, and allowed her to redo
almost everything. It took about an hour. Mom started by helping me undress, then she had me wash
off the makeup and wet my hair. Standing there in those low heels and pantyhose was strange, but I let
mom have her way, and soon I was at Megan's vanity once again, sitting there as mom used a blow
dryer and a curling iron on my hair, leaving it all curly and fluffy when she started in on my makeup. Like
me, she started with the foundation, but she used a lot less than I did, then she patted my face with
powder, only brushing it off when it started to look blotchy. I have to admit that if she stopped right
there, I would have looked just fine. She did my eyes in a soft plum with blue and gray over that, which
she blended with her finger, then handed me the eyeliner. Under each eye she had me use a black
pencil, then, on my lashes, black mascara. It was scary just how different I looked.

Mom finished doing my hair, making it higher and fuller, with bangs the curled down to my eyes. She
sprayed a lot of hairspray on it, then handed me a soft red lipstick that was almost pink in color. I drew it
on my lips, then watched as she clipped on a pair of pink and gold earrings. Next she padded the bra
with some shoulder pads of hers. I went to pick up the same skirt I had worn before, but mom said no,
and picked out the pink dress I had seen earlier, slipped it over my head, then zipped it up. As I looked in
the mirror, I saw that the hem of the dress was at least mid thigh on me, leaving an awful lot of my legs
showing! Mom merely smiled at me as she slipped the necklace around my neck, made the clasp, and
spritzed me with the perfume again, only this time on my wrists and neck. Stuck in front of the mirror, I
didn't see mom get another pair of shoes out of the closet, but when she nudged me, I slipped them on
and stood there. I truly didn't look anything like a boy in a dress! As I stood there staring, mom took my
hand in hers, and pulled me to her.

"We have always told you kids to do things right or don't do them. This is the right way Tim…if you want
to look like a girl that is."

"I never said that I wanted to be a girl mom, I only did it to get dad's attention."

"I know that honey, and it worked, but now is the time to make your point stick, and looking like you do
now, well, I think he'll get the picture."

"What about you mom? I mean, you were pushing me pretty hard too, so what happened?"

"Mom thought a moment, then said, "well, I was only pushing you kids to get good grades, but sports
are very important to your father, and I got sucked into it I guess. When I saw you downstairs, all
dressed up, I realized just how foolish we had been. Now, lets go make ourselves a quick lunch."

I followed mom, no longer teetering in the low heels, and with a smile, walked right past dad and into
the kitchen. Mom and I made a sandwich lunch, then she made a plate for dad, handed it to me, and
told me to take it to him. With a grin, I took the plate, walked into the familyroom, handed dad his plate,
then walked out, swaying my hips a little was I walked away from him. He never said a word, and neither
did I. Mom and I ate in the kitchen and were cleaning up when there was a knock at the back door. I
never once gave any thought about how I was dressed, reacting in a reflex when I opened the door. My
friend Emma stood there, a question written on her face.

"Ummmm…hi. Is Tim here?"

Mom walked over and stood behind me even as I realized that Emma had not recognized me, and the
weight of how I was dressed quickly sank in.
"Hi Emma, come in" mom said, "this is…Katherine. Kathy, this is Emma."

Emma stepped inside, and I stood there, frozen in place, afraid to say a word, but mom took me off the
hook right away.

"Emma, this is really Tim, but things happened today, and well, he ended up like this, so don't take it out
on him."

Emma looked at me, then smiled broadly. "Just how could I be mad at a guy I've know all my life, that
gets himself all dressed up as a girl, and turns out looking better than I do! Hell, he looks better than
most of my friends!" She turned to face me. "Kathy huh? Well, I came over to see if you wanted to go to
the mall and stroll around. Want to go?"

"I have to change first, but yeah, I'd like that."

"Change? Are you kidding or what!? You stay just like you are now! In fact, come to my house with me
and I change into something that matches you! This will be great Kathy! I'll finally have another girl to
walk around with!"

I had never wanted anyone to see me this way, and certainly no ambition to even leave the house,
especially dressed this way, and said so! Mom said it wouldn't matter since nobody would ever
recognize me, and Emma told me to think of it as the best adventure I had ever gone on. My mind was
screaming at me to say no way, but, if I stayed home, I would have to face dad again. I would rather
have had a root canal than let dad start ragging on me again, yet I was rooted to the spot, unable to find
the courage to leave with Emma, or stay home and face my dad. Either one would settle the matter once
and for all, but which one? Mom settled it when she left the room, only to return a few minutes later
with a white shoulder bag, telling me that she had put my wallet, some tissue, the lipstick, and $20 in my
purse, then handed it to me! As I slipped the strap on my shoulder, mom told me to be a "good girl" and
to "have fun". Then Emma took my hand, and I found myself outside where the whole world could see
me! I struggled with the urge to run back in the house, and almost did, but Emma held my arm, steering
me towards the street, then her house.
"Emma….I can't do this! What if someone recognizes me? I'll be dead meat forever!"

"Tell you what" she said, "if my mom recognizes you, then you go home and I'll never bring it up again.
But if she doesn't, will you admit that you look just fine? Then come with me, and try to act like a girl?"

"Your mom" I said smiling" has known me since birth Emma, she'll know who I am the minute I set foot
in your house, so yes, I agree. If your mom doesn't recognize me, then I will stroll the mall with you, and
act as much like a girl as I can. Is that good enough?"

"You bet!" she said as we walked up her driveway. I was certain her mother would see right through the
makeup and hair, and cry out my name, but she didn't, and I was introduced to her as Kathy as Emma
dragged me to her bedroom. Once in her room Emma quickly stripped off her top, slid of jeans to her
ankles, and stood there facing me, grinning. I had never seen a naked girl before, and seeing her naked
like that made my male hormones start to kick in. As she picked out a dress I began to see the
possibilities in being able to look like a girl, and none of them were bad at all! Naked girls? Of course I
was getting more and more interested in dressing as a girl! It took her about half an hour to change,
then we left her house, headed for the mall. On the way I got a lecture on how to walk, and how to hold
my arms, bent at the elbow mostly. It felt weird at first, but I got used to it, and by the time we reached
the mall, staying in step with Emma was easy.

The door opened, and I found myself inside the mall, on a Saturday night, with my friend Emma. We
both knew that a lot of kids hung out at the mall, and that's what scared me the most. But I had lost the
bet, and with visions of a half naked Emma searing my tiny brain, I followed her lead as she headed for
the dress department. Having no idea what to do, I simply followed along, watching as she looked at this
and that, then, all at once she held up a dress and almost shouted at me.

"Kathy! This dress is you! You have to try it on!"

Trying to hide in the racks of dresses did no good, and Emma swept me into a changing booth, helped
me unzip the dress, and soon, I was ensconced in a black sun dress that I had to admit, did look good on
me. I changed back, and held the dress in my arms while we looked around some more. The dress was
on sale, only $10.99, and carried away with the success I was having, and on an impulse, I bought the
dress. Smirking, Emma and I went to the lingerie shop, staring at items made for fuller women, sexy
bras, sheer teddies that hid nothing, yet looked great. Emma and I both had on an A cup bra, and
besides, those things were made for older women, not teen girls. From there we entered the mall at
large, and just wandered around. I have to say that after the incident with trying on the dress, and
seeing how I looked, just one more time, I became more confident, finding myself relaxing and being
more myself. Emma and I had a pop, then hit the stores again, seeing some kids we both knew, then we
passed one of those free ear piercing places. Emma knew I was wearing clips, and wanted me to get my
ears pierced, but when I wondered how I would hide them, when she told me that If I didn't use them,
the holes would heal up. That's when I picked out a pair of those dangly gold ones, and let the girl pierce
each ear. I couldn't even feel the earrings moving, yet I knew they were, and that's when I understood
why girls did it.

"You like being a girl".

"What?" I asked, pretending that I had not heard Emma.

"You heard me Kathy. You like being a girl, and I think that you found out today."


"I think it's great myself, so quit worrying about it."

Just then we saw four of the guys we go to school with walking towards us. Three of them were the
most popular in school and the fourth was close behind. Emma had a crush on Mike, and it showed
every time he was anywhere around her, and of course, he was one of the guys. They stopped, so of
course, we did too. I stood there with my hands tightly gripped in front of me, silent yet forcing a smile
so they wouldn't see my fear, hoping that they would not recognize me. Mike took Emma's hand, and I
thought she was going to faint.

"Hi!" He said, "you girls just shopping or are you open for something else?"

"Hi Mike" Emma managed to blurt out, this is Kathy. She's new around her."
Mike took my hand in his and gave me his best smile, then introduced the guys, who I already knew, but
couldn't admit. All of them smiled at me, but Steven, well, he turned it on full blast when I looked at
him. They wanted to go somewhere else, and I knew Emma wanted to go, but she glanced at me, then
said no. Mike then offered to walk around with us, which turned out to e what happened. Bill and Greg
slipped away, leaving just the four of us. Emma and mike were holding hands, talking to each other,
leaving me with Steven. I was afraid to even open my mouth. But as we walked along, I eventually felt
his hand take mine, which made me want to jerk it away, but I didn't. Emma and I went into another
lingerie shop, and of course the guys stayed outside, which gave me a chance to talk to Emma.

"Steve is holding my hand!" I said, half in fear.

"I know! Mike also thinks you're real cute! Don't worry about it so much!" I started to say something,
then…"Think of it this way Kathy, just how many people would ever guess the truth is you're holding
Steve's hand? It's the perfect cover! Besides, it's not like we're going to go necking or anything, it's just a
walk at the mall. He likes you, so go with it!"

Emma was right, and I did my best to calm down. In the lingerie shop Emma found a rack of padded
pantybriefs, then noticed they were on sale, $6.99. "Old stock" the sign said, and handed me one. The
use was clear, and I bought it, then, with Emma urging me on, I went into the changing booth and put it
on over the my pantyhose, and all at once, I had a better shape. The dress I had on looked better, and it
gave me a rounder shape. Steven said that I looked better, and whatever it was that I bought, I should
buy more of them! He didn't have a clue why I looked different, only that I did.

As the time to close drew near, the boys offered to walk us home, and Emma agreed, but I wasn't about
to let them walk me home, so we both went to her house. At the door, Mike kissed Emma, then Steven
spun me around and placed his lips on mine. I broke away and ran in the house, followed quickly by
Emma. Panting, I waited until they were out of sight, said goodnight to Emma, and left for the short walk
to my house, the bags containing my new dress and the remains of the packaging in my hand. I never
gave it a thought as I went in the house, only to see my dad standing there.

"Have a good time….KATHY?" He almost spit out the words, then he saw the names on the bags, and
asked me what I bought. "What did you buy in a dress shop and a lingerie store? Show me."
There wasn't any way I wanted to open either bag, my impulsively buying a dress and a padded
pantybrief would send him the wrong message, which I didn't need, but there wasn't anywhere for me
to go, and as his eyes bored into me, I would have swallowed a live frog right then rather than open the
bags, but, under his stern gaze, I slowly opened the bags. Dad dragged out the dress, held it up, then
pulled out the packaging.

"At least you're trying to do it right. I can see for myself that your hips are fuller. I always said do it right
or not at all, and this seems to be the right thing, if you're going to be a girl I guess, but the dress? Did
you pick it out yourself?" I nodded my head, wanting to say it was an impulse, just to fit in better, but
couldn't talk. "Looks nice. Show me tomorrow, and lets see what kind of girl you are."

With that, I went to my room. I never saw mom until I was almost in my room. She saw the bags, but
said nothing, and unzipped my dress and told me to clean up and go to bed. As I lay there I thought
about what had happened that day. My rebellion had led to me being in a skirt, then a dress, which led
to my trip to the mall, then Steven kissing me, and finally, the worst possible thing. Dad wanted to see
me wearing the sundress the next day! His words, "doing it right" hung out there, waiting for some
action on my part, but what? I was confused and scared, not of dad, he yells a lot but has never struck
either Megan or myself, but of what might happen in the morning. Since I had started this whole thing
by wearing a skirt, it was all my doing. My mind was clouded by all sorts of visions, then it hit me like a
brick on the noggin. Dad wanted me to do my very best, so I would! I would rock him back on his heels
so hard that he would get off my case! With a smile, I lay down and fell asleep.

I never felt better than the next day when I woke up, and right at breakfast, asked mom if she could help
me with something when we were done. She said yes, and within the hour I was out of my bath with
nothing but a towel on. Mom stood there, not saying a word, then…

"You father told me about the dress you bought, may I see it?" I took it out of my closet and held it up.
"Very nice! Now, what is it you want to do, exactly?"

Well, I told her, in great detail. It wasn't like I wanted to dress as a girl or anything, but I had to prove my
point, using dad's rules, or I would forever be on the short end of things. Mom sat on the bed, and for
the first time ever, I saw her cry! She quickly stopped, and wouldn't tell me why she started to cry, then,
with a grin, she stood up, and my transformation began, starting with a pair of brand new panties!
"They're new Kathy, but not new like I bought this stuff yesterday. I bought them for Megan, then she
outgrew them almost overnight, and I never threw them away. Why don't you turn around and do
something about that bulge? You'll look less like a boy that way."

Mom never mentioned the fact that there was no hair on my arms or legs. I tucked myself, then mom
took me to Megan's room again, then started in on my hair. When it came to makeup, mom told me
that I would have to do it myself, so drawing from memory, I began with the foundation followed by the
powder. The eyes were the tricky part, but with mom coaching me, and using different colors, I
managed pretty well. Instead of using blue, mom had me use a very pale green right on the edge of my
upper lid with a soft rose over that. Then I did the eyeliner, pencil and mascara bit before I used a coral
blusher on my cheeks. When mom said that was enough, I stood up to go back to my own room, but
mom told me to stay, and put out the padded pantybrief I had bought, a new bra, the pantyhose, then
something new. A wide elastic band that had hooks up the front.

"Like the panties" mom said, "this is brand new, but it never did fit Megan. Lets try it on, shall we?"

The bra fit me really good, and mom only had to make a few adjustments, like changing the straps from
shoulder style to one that circled my neck. I expected to stuff the cups with her shoulder pads again, but
she held out two quivering flesh colored blobs. I took one in my hand, almost dropping it because it felt
so much like skin. As I put one into each cup, mom explained that a lot of girls use them when the boob
fairy came late, or didn't stay long. I didn't ask why Megan needed them. Then came the padded
pantybrief, what I learned was a waist nipper, then the pantyhose. Standing up, mom slipped the
sundress over my head, pulled it down, then zipped it up. Since the dress was sleeveless, it had a single
band that was attached on one side, went around my neck, then down to attach to the other side of the
dress, which is why she adjusted the straps on the bra top match.

I stepped into the low black heels and looked in the mirror for a moment, then mom and I went to the
vanity again, and she finished doing my hair, but this time she made it fluffier on top, with my bangs
holding a bigger curl. On the sides, all she could do with it was brush it down and forward a little. Then
came the mega hold hairspray, which, mom said, would hold my hair in place, even in a high wind! I now
looked like a girl, and I couldn't help but smile. Dad would have the big one when he saw me. Mom
slipped some black and gold earrings into the new holes, made the fastener, then put the matching
necklace around my neck. I was sure that I was done, but mom suggested that I go a bit further, and do
my nails. How could I say no by then? She filed and shaped a couple of my nails, then told me to do the
others the same way, and she would show me how apply the polish. When we were done, all of my nails
were a soft reddish pink that glistened in the light. While I waited for the polish to dry, mom spritzed me
with perfume, dug out a black purse, and moved all my stuff into it.

At last, she told me to look in the mirror, and when I did, I was more shocked than I was the day before!
My legs were exposed almost to mid thigh, the skirt portion of the dress flared out over my new hips
while the material hugged my waist then swelled over my chest, the twin mounds of my new breasts
prominent in that dress. From my heels to my hair, there wasn't one thing to say I was a boy, and with
every movement of my hands, the flash of red reminded me just how feminine I looked. Even my thin
arms looked perfect on me, and the pantyhose had turned what I thought of as knobby legs into shapely
pillars wrapped in tan nylon. I glanced at mom who handed me the lipstick. I drew the red on my lips,
smacked my lips, and smiled at my reflection. Dad was going to have a cow, on that there wasn't any
doubt, and best of all, I was doing my very best, which was his rule. Grinning, I picked up my purse,
opened the door, and stepped out.

I had all sorts of emotions pushing me in different directions, but fear was no longer one of them. My
fear of failure had washed away as I became Katherine one more time. I knew I could do it, then dad
demanded to see me in this dress, and with mom's help, I had followed the rules of the house. I was
sure that dad would finally get the message that I wasn't much bigger than your average girl, and sports
meant nothing to me. With mom behind me, I walked down the stairs and into the familyroom. Dad
looked up, then jumped to his feet almost at once when he saw me.

"Damned!" he said, the moved closer. "You look very nice! I never expected that you would…I mean, I
saw you last night of course, and you looked nice then to, but now…" He saw my pierced ears, and his
eyes went wide. "Pierced ears? Isn't that going a bit far? Then he saw the gentle swell of the tops of my
breasts, and drew in a deep breathe. "Boobs too!? Just how did you manage to…never mind, I don't
think I want to know!" He stepped back, looked me over from head to toe, then said, "Okay, you win!
No more sports I guess. You can go change now."

"No" I said without thinking. "It takes a lot of work to do this, and I'm going to stay like this for a while.
Maybe I'll walk over and see Emma."

"I see" dad said, "then maybe, since you seem to want to remain as a girl, I want you home by four. We
are going out to dinner tonight, and I insist that you go, dressed just as you are, and since you seem to
be saying that you want to dress this way, that should not be to much to ask. Go to Emma's if you like,
but be home by four."
I had managed to provoke dad into finally seeing the truth, then I blew it. Before I said anything else and
he made it worse than it already was, I left, right out the front door, in broad daylight, with a bunch of
our neighbors all around me. Holding my head up, I walked down the street to Emma's house and rang
the bell. Her mother answered the door.

"Oh! Hi Kathy! Your mother just called and said you would be over, let me get Emma."

Mom called her? She knew who I really was? It was going from merely terrible to disastrous! I waited in
their familyroom for a minute, then Emma showed up, wearing almost the same dress I had on! Hers
was blue, but they were almost alike! Her hair was a mess, and she didn't have any makeup on, so she
waved me into her bedroom, then shut the door.

"I knew it! You just couldn't put that dress in your closet, I knew that you would wear it, which is why I
picked out this one to wear, it almost matches….like sisters!"

"It wasn't like that Emma."

"Right" she said as she sat at her vanity. "Now tell me…how good a kisser is Steven?"

I ignored her question, merely watching as she fixed her hair, then did her makeup. While I sat there I
wondered why, if her mother knew who I was, did she let me into Emma's room, with the door shut?
When Emma was done, we went to her familyroom just in time to hear the phone ring, and we both
stopped to listen. Hearing only one side of the conversation, we were not able to figure out what was

"Hi? Oh! Hi! Yes, she's here, yes, Emma is all dressed……why yes! I'm sure she would like that! What? Of
course! What a wonderful idea….yes…okay, we'll be here."

Turning to us, she told us that my mother would be over with the car in a few minutes, and we should
just wait there, then she went to get changed. Emma and I sat there for about twenty minutes,
wondering what was going on. Then my mom rang the bell and Emma's mother showed up just about
then. Mom told me that she had convinced my dad that the dress I had on was not proper for a dinner
out, and persuaded him to let her buy me another one, then they had invited Emma and her mother to
join us for dinner! With mom leading the way, we all got in the car, and she drove us to the really large
mall across town. On the way…

"You girls" mom said, "look so much alike that you could be sisters, did you know that?" We nodded our
heads yes, then, "Well, I was wondering if you would like to get matching dresses, in different colors,
with shoes to match? Maybe some earrings as well. I know that Kathy needs to get some more jewelry
anyway, and…well, we can decide when we get there."

I had no idea what was going on, but mom was talking as if I were a girl, buying me jewelry, new dresses,
shoes to match, a new bra and a package of panties! The tirade I went on to prove a point was
escalating out of control, and I didn't know how to stop it, or worse, if I did want to stop it. Just two days
in a dress, and I already liked the way I looked! I looked less a gangly, uncoordinated boy, and more a
nice looking girl with a nice figure. I didn't think I was that pretty, maybe cute in a way, but deep inside, I
knew that I had the feeling that I had found out something scary, and while I didn't want to admit it,
Emma had picked up on it right away. I sat back in the seat, wondering just how far this would go, and if
I could ever stop it. I had to go to school the next day, so I would be my wearing my usual uniform of
jeans and a tee, but in my closet, I would have some dresses hanging there.

Fear of failure. Sounds dismal doesn't it? My mother was the one that pushed us to get good grades,
and simply would not accept less than better than average from either my sister or myself. Somehow,
Maybe because of how I was dressed, I suddenly realized what she meant! Fear of failure means that
you never even try, which, for mom, was failure defined! I was beginning to feel that I was almost as
much a girl as Emma, and more, all at once, I was no longer afraid to admit it, even to myself! I grinned
to myself! When I looked over at Emma, she was smiling at me. She patted my hand, squeezed it, then
smiled with me. I'm sure that she knew what I had discovered.

Once inside the mall, mom and made a beeline for the jewelry store, where I picked out 12 pairs of
earrings, some necklaces, and a few bracelets. Mom, not saying a word, paid the bill, which was about
$15, then we joined Emma and her mother as we strolled into one of those lingerie stores Emma and I
had looked into the other day. Mom pulled me aside, then….

"Since you bought all those earrings, can I assume that we will be seeing more of Kathy after today?"
"I don't know mom. I guess I like it, but I don't know why. I just do, and if I can, then yes, you'll probably
see a lot of Kathy…unless dad says no."

Mom smiled at me, that sort I understand but don't get it smile she has, then said, "I'll take care of your
father Kathy, but right now we, you and I together, need to decide just how far we should go with this.
Myself, I was thinking a couple of nice bras, some more panties, and maybe another one of those
padded pantybriefs you have. We'll have to wash it sooner or later, so it makes sense to have two of
them. We should also see about some better breast forms, but we'll put that on hold for now. Lets get
you fitted for the bras and take care of the rest as we go along. After I talk to your father we can figure
out what to do, but lets plan ahead just a little and get the items I mentioned. Okay?"

"Sure mom, and thanks."

Well, I got the new bras, some more panties, another padded pantybrief, just like mom said, plus, two
new nightgowns and a robe. From there we went to a makeup shop where Emma and I were treated to
a complete makeover, which dramatically changed the way we looked. As strange as it sounds, even to
me, I never felt better in all my life! Once the emotional confusion had passed, that little fog of denial
and the inner torment I was suffering from lifted away, I was able to admit that I liked to dress as a girl.
My fathers incessant prodding, nagging and plain meanness had finally reached a peak, and I rebelled.
Dressing as a girl was the only way I had to make him stop, which had led to my being in the mall with
my mother, buying lingerie and so on, for me. Then, after they were done with me at the cosmetics
shop, where I was made to look just as pretty as any girl I knew, the reality settled in, and with one look
in the mirror, I knew that I could not give up being Kathy every single chance I would have.

Emma and were treated to a small package of the things they used on us, then we went to one of those
party dress stores, and began the hunt for the perfect dress. New to it, I let mom guide me through the
intricate sizing, styles, lengths and colors, until I found it, the perfect dress. It was royal blue, really a
cocktail dress. It had two straps to hold it up, a skirt that flared out at the hip, and seemed to be about
an inch above my knee. Emma saw the one I had picked out, and found another, identical to mine, but in
a plum color. She and I, with our mothers following, went in the back and tried on the dresses. As I
undressed I began to feel less and less like a girl, especially when Emma simply stripped her clothes off,
right down to her bra and pantyhose. I did the same, then both of tried on the dresses, our mothers
agreed on the fit, and we put our own clothes back on.
As mom paid for my dress, Emma and I waited by the front door.

"I wondered how you managed to get hips and a cute butt overnight…now I know!"

Smiling, I said, "Yeah, just don't let me fall down! With all that foam rubber back there I'll just bounce
right back up!"

Our mothers joined us, handing each of us our dress to carry. We bought shoes and clutch bags to
match the dresses, then, on the way out, mom stopped in the casual girls area of a department store,
and picked up a pair of girls jeans for me. Then we went home. Dad wasn't there, and I took everything
to my room, once again hanging the dress in my closet. I tried on the jeans, and saw the way they fit me,
which was so different than what I was used to. I left them on, then stayed in my room playing on the

Late in the afternoon mom came to my room and told me it was time to get ready, telling me to take a
bubblebath, handing me a small bottle just before she left the room. The water smelled like flowers, and
made my skin feel really slick and soft to the touch, the scent staying with me as I stepped out of the
tub. I really didn't want to redo my hair or makeup, so I was extra careful not to get it wet. In my room I
pulled on the panties, then pulled on one of the new bras, one with a front hook. It was a bit tight as I
pulled the fasteners together, but that same tightness pulled my chest together, and my own flesh
moved into the cups, creating a small but definite breast! I pushed the forms under my own skin and
was rewarded with a full cup that exposed at least a portion of my own skin, and made it look as if I had
breasts of my own! Grinning at my reflection, I sat on the bed to put on the pantyhose.

The padded pantybrief was next, then I slipped the new dress over my head, and for the first time,
managed to zip it up myself. My feet went into the shoes easily, then, at the mirror, I adjusted things so
that my newfound cleavage was modestly displayed. If dad was thinking that he was going to force me
into dresses, he was in for a big shock, because as an issue, it was over. I was gladly wearing the dress,
and I liked it, which made now the time to push him to the limit. I did everything I could in that direction
when I adjusted the dress. Just when I thought I was done mom came in, a small box in her hand.

"I was wondering if you would let me make a few alterations to the dress?"
"Sure" I said, not sure what she had in mind.

As I watched her, she folded the top edge of my bustline down, pinning it that way. When she was done
I was displaying more than just a modest amount of cleavage, it looked like I was falling out of the dress!
Mom and then picked out the right earrings, which she said were pearls, with a choker necklace to
match. Then the perfume again, and finally, I touched up my lipstick. I looked just like a girl in every way,
and I could not help but smile.

" I had a talk with dad. When he saw you in that black sundress he almost had a heart attack, because he
didn't think it was possible for you to look so much like a girl. He always saw you as some hulking young
boy, not the boy that couldn't care less about sports, and didn't want to play, until that moment. That's
why he is trying to embarrass you by making you wear a dress to dinner tonight, but, he also told me
that he will accept the obvious, depending on what happens tonight. If nobody figures out you're a boy,
then he will quit nagging you. Also, you cannot deny us as your parents. But if someone does figure out
that you are a boy, then you have to join at least one team. I told him he was going to lose, and I also
made him promise not to give you away by word or deed. He will refer to you as our daughter, by name,
if anyone asks. Is that okay with you?"

"You bet!" I said, knowing that I had it in the bag.

One dinner, and I would be home free! That's when I realized why mom had altered my dress. She
wanted me to be able to be myself! I hugged her tightly, then changed purses before she and I walked
down the stairs. Dad stood there waiting, and when he saw me he went very still. With my purse in my
right hand, I stood there, my knees locked together, smiling rather than showing fear. I felt like some
small bug pinned to a board the way he looked me over, but his eyes stopped when he got to my
bosom, lingered, then he motioned to the door, all without a word. Mom held me by the arm as we
walked out, and when I looked at her, she was smiling. We picked up Emma and her mother, then dad
took us to the restaurant.

Emma and I did look a lot like sisters, with our short hair and similar dresses, and that made dad stare at
both of us. We were seated, our meal served, then, after dinner, Emma and I were allowed to have a
small glass of wine. I had the glass to my lips when I saw Steven coming towards our table, with Mike
close behind him. I nudged Emma, then gulped hard. According to the agreement, I could not deny my
parents, which meant that the minute I introduced them, both Steven and Mike would assume that I
was a girl, which they did anyway, but with an introduction, any and all doubt would be removed!
Steven walked up and said hi to me, his smile wide, his eyes riveted on me.

"Hi Steven. This is my mom and dad, mom, dad, this is Steven."

Dad shook his hand, unable to miss the way Steven was looking at me, especially my chest. Neither did
mom. Emma introduced her parents, then the guys went back to the table, leaving me quaking inside.
Not scared, I wasn't afraid of being discovered, certainly not then, but the idea that Steven would find
out where I lived gave me the chills. How hard would it be for him to add up Tim with Kathy once he
knew where I lived, and thought that I was a girl? My life, which I had yanked back from my dad, looked
like it was in ruins. Mom put her hand over mine and gave it a pat, then dad took us home.

I undressed alone, wondering how I was going to get out of this mess. I had done what dad said, nobody
recognized me, and I had not denied them as my parents. All that meant was that dad would get off my
case about sports. Worse, and I was guessing, the way Steven looked at me, I would be hearing from
him, and it wouldn't be that far in the future. I removed my nail polish, making sure that all traces of the
polish were gone, then took a shower to wash away the perfume, makeup and the set in my hair.
Wearing one of my new nightgowns, I went to bed, and found a fitful sleep.

I went to school the next day, confident that nobody, especially mike or Steven would not recognize me,
yet I was on pins and needles every time I was around them. Emma said that I should relax. Easy for her
to say! Steven called me on Wednesday night. Dad answered the phone, then handed it to me with a
smirk on his face. I did my best to sound like a teen girl, all while my dad listened. Then Steven asked me
out for Friday night! He said it would be a double date, me and him, Emma and Mike. He said they
would take us to the show. I didn't know how to answer him! I was at a complete loss, so I told him to
call me the next day, since I would have to ask my parents. When I hung up I was soaking wet.

"He" dad said, "asked you out, didn't he?" I nodded my head yes, and dad sat back in his chair. "I agreed
to get off your back about joining a team" dad went on, "maybe I was wrong in that, but dressing as a
girl was all your idea, and I'll even admit that you are just a pretty as your sister, maybe even more. But I
will not help you out of the fix you've gotten yourself into. If this boy thinks that you're a girl, then you
have to tell him the truth or cope with the consequences. Your mother tells me that you like dressing as
a girl, so we have decided to give you the chance to work this out all on your own. How you do it is up to
you, but I'll remind you that no matter what you decide to do, you had better do it all the way or not at
all. If dressing as a girl is what you want to do, then do it right. If you plan to tell Steven the truth, don't
hold anything back, give him all of it. Anything less will be unacceptable in either case. Is that clear

"Yes sir" I said, and went to my room to hide.

Dad had made it crystal clear. If I wanted to be a girl, he would let me, in fact he insisted on it, but I had
to be the best girl I could be! Did that mean I would go to school as a girl? What about the rest of the
family? If I decided to quit, then I would have to tell Steven, which would mean everyone in school
would know! It was just about the worst thing that could happen to me, and dad left it all up to me! I
could be a loner, shut out of everything from then until I graduated, or become a girl! While I readily
admitted that I liked it, I never planned on being a girl full time, and wasn't sure that I wanted to do
that! Part time was just fine with me, but I couldn't see how that would work. I mean, if I went out with
Steven, then he would call more often, I would probably be asked out some more, and that meant
meeting kids that already knew me! My Fear of Failure index was just about ready to blast off the chart
when mom came in and sat on the bed next to me.

"Your dad told you didn't he?" I nodded my head yes, then burst into tears. "He's right you know. You
started this girl thing all on your own. I only bought you those clothes as a test, to see just how far you
were willing to go, and you went pretty far Tim. You even told me that you liked dressing as a girl. Did
you think that I wouldn't tell him what you told me? Just how did you think he would react when he
found out?"

"But the way dad put it" I cried, "means that I'll have to become a girl almost all of the time, or tell
everyone! Do you know what that would do to me? I'll be the laughing stock of the school if I don't have
the stuffing kicked out of me!"

"We understand that you're afraid honey, but look at it this way. Emma is a girl, I'm a girl, and half the
population are girls, and we get along just fine. Wearing a skirt is not the end of the world Tim, it might
be just the beginning of a great life for you."

"But I can't just disappear one day and come back the next as a girl mom! People aren't that stupid!
They would know!"
"Just what is it they would know?"

"That Kathy is Tim in a dress!"

"Maybe this year they would, but what about next year? Summer break is just a month away isn't it?"
Again, I nodded my head yes, knowing what she was going to say. "Well…you could, if that's what you
decide, become Kathy during the summer. That way everyone would get used to seeing you around, and
then, when school starts again in the fall, you could enroll as Kathy. Unless, that is, you decide to tell
Steven the truth, and face the consequences." Mom was no help at all. "Let me know what you decide.
By the way, are you going out with Steven on Friday night?"

"I…I don't know yet. I'm not sure mom. If I say yes, then I'm stuck…isn't that right?"

"It would seem like it. Now go to bed and think about it."

I had a restless night and worse three days as I struggled with my inability to make up my mind. My
mom and dad steadfastly refused to help me make the decision, and as the time drew closer that Steven
would call me, I walked over to see Emma. I poured out my problem, hoping she would help me.
Instead, all she said was that she was looking forward to having Kathy around all of the time, and
besides, she thought Steven was cute! At home I spent time staring at my few dresses, the jewelry, the
shoes, and finally, the two pictures I had taken of myself as Kathy. I wanted to dress as a girl all of the
time, only my fading masculinity kept me from admitting that. If I said I wanted to be a girl, how would
dad react? Would I become less than a person? Would he treat me like he did Megan? Or would he
completely ignore me? My questions were piling up, while I had no answers. On Thursday morning at
school I saw a bunch of girls standing together, just watching the boys. Steven walked by, and almost all
of them stared at him! "But he is mine" leapt out of the depths of my mind, and I realized that I was
jealous! That's when I made up my mind, or rather, my mind told me the answer.

When Steven called I was a sweet as I could be, bubbly and eager but not pushy, and accepted his date,
then with mom and dad watching, I went to my room to pick out what I would wear the next night. I did
not wait to see their reaction, and quite frankly, didn't care any more. I had made my decision, just like
they told me to, so they had to do what mom said they would do. I had to go into my sisters room to
find something I liked, since my supply of clothes wasn't that great. I picked out a black skirt, and found
a fuzzy pink top to wear. I didn't bother looking around, but took the clothes to my room and hung them
in my closet.

The next day I raced home, then took my time becoming Kathy once more. The short skirt that exposed
my legs to mid thigh, the fuzzy pink top that accepted my breasts, the makeup, perfume and nail polish
all combined to tell me that I had made the right decision. I let Steven kiss me when we got to my house,
then I went in, feeling as if I didn't want to wait until school was out. I wanted to be a girl right then. My
Fear of Failure index was none existent, because I no longer had any fear. I had proved to myself that I
had been right. I wanted to be a girl, and now I was.

The next day, when I got up, I did my hair, put on a little makeup, then my bra, my new jeans and that
same pink top before I went down for breakfast. Dad was there, and the very first thing out of his mouth
was that he wanted me to move into Megan's room!

"It's all set up for a girl, there are some clothes that you might be able to use, and it's bigger. Do it today

Right after we ate, I began to clean up Megan's room, then moved all my girls clothes back into the
closet along with some of my own clothes. I still had almost three weeks of school left, and no matter
how I felt, I would have to go as Tim. It took almost all day for me to straighten things out, and move
things the way I wanted them. Then I flopped on the bed. I was tired since nobody had helped me all
day. Then the door popped open and in walked Emma, with my sister! Megan and I stared at each other
for a minute, then she hugged me tightly.

"You look a little ragged Kathy! Cute, but ragged."

"I've been moving into your old room. Dad said it was made for a girl, and told me to."

"That's okay, I doubt if I'll be back, and if I am, I can sleep in your old room." Megan asked Emma and I if
we wanted to have a girls night out, and of course, we both said yes. "Okay! You girls get cleaned up.
Wear a skirt or something nice, and we'll go have dinner somewhere nice, then maybe cruise the mall.
We'll leave at 6…okay?" Emma and I both said yes, then Emma and Megan left.
Megan took us to dinner, then we hit the mall, just my best friend, my sister and I. I never had so much
fun. Megan was a lot more understanding than I thought she would be, and told us over dinner that she
also hated the sports thing that dad forced her into. She said that if she could have, she would have
forced his hand like I did. We didn't buy much, but we had a great time, and I found a way to talk to
Megan like never before. Megan stayed home for the weekend, and I went back to school as Tim,
enduring what I saw as torture, every day except the weekends, until school let out and I became Kathy
every day, full time. During the first month I learned how to make myself look like a girl, even in a
swimsuit, and from then on, I never looked back. That thing with Steven died a sudden death about
halfway through the summer, but by then, there wasn't any way I would give up on what I had
discovered about myself. I started school in the fall as Kathy, and never once looked back.

Fear of Failure is an ugly thing that will consume you if you don't face it. I did, and found a peace of
mind, a peace that made me feel like a whole person, and wearing a dress had nothing to do with that.
The dress only signifies what I am, not who I am.

© 2001

The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must
contact the author for permission.

Crystal's StorySite

Debt by: Janet L. Stickney

As my mouth opened to take him, I was literally eye to eye with it, yet my tongue flickered out, and for
the first time I touched a man in a way that not many men would do for another man. I felt his hand on
the back of my head, gently pushing, opened my mouth again, and with a single plunge, took him.

Reckless and carefree, I had gained a taste for betting, often gambling more than I could afford, winning
just enough to almost cover my debts and stay in the good graces of my bookie. My luck went sour, and
with a string of eight bad bets, all made on the same day, I found myself tens of thousands of dollars in
debt, debt I had no hope of paying off…ever. But I was sure that at the age of 15 I was safe. As a minor,
no bookie in town should have taken my bets. It was my only hope. Mom worked as a waitress at some
high class restaurant, dad was nowhere to be found, so we didn't have the kind of money it would take
to get me out of the jam I was in. When I mentioned it to my bookie, he was all smiles and sounded very
kind and understanding, then he told me, in very clear terms, that age didn't have anything to do with it.
I owed the money, and unless I could pay the tab, he would find a way for me to work it off. Assuming
he was going to have me run numbers of something, I said "okay" then left. But I knew that he was going
to make me pay the money, one way or another, and with the interest rates he charged, I would never
get out, no matter how hard I worked.

The minute I got home I stripped and jumped in the shower. What I had not told my bookie was that I
had an alternate, someone I could become, someone that he would never find. See, I had been dressing
up in my mom's clothes for as long as I can remember, and I thought I was good enough to go out, and
had actually tried it a few times. I quickly changed clothes, knowing that I would have no choice but to
tell mom what was going on, and the reason she was about to have a daughter rather than a son. I wore
the nice straight skirt, the green one, with a simple white blouse and low heels, my hair done in a
ponytail. My makeup was perfect, and just as I put on the earrings, I heard the door open, and mom call
out my name. Believe me, I didn't want mom to see me this way, but it was either this, or end up dead.
With a deep breath, I opened the bedroom door and walked out. Mom took one look and stopped dead
in her tracks.
"What's going on here Kevin? Why on earth are you dressed like that?"

"Mom…I had too…"

"I knew you were into my things a few times, but I never expected to see this! What does that mean,
you have to?"

I sat down, with mom staring at me, and told her the whole story, how much I owed, then, about the
times I had been out as a girl, which is why I didn't think my bookie could find me. If I remained a girl, he
would never know, and I would be safe! Mom listened without interrupting, then sat back. She did not
look happy. Her eyes changed from wide open to thin slits, her mouth became a mere slash of red, her
fists were balled up, and I knew she was more angry than I had ever seen her before. Finally…

"Just how stupid do you think these men are? They know everything about you, including where you
live! If they see you coming and going, do you think they can't figure it out? How could you be so

There wasn't anything to say, so I sat there silently hoping mom would know what to do, but by the look
on her face, I might have been better off with my bookie. Just then the doorbell rang, and mom opened
the front door, and there he was, my bookie! He could not miss me sitting there, all dressed up, and
there probably wasn't any doubt who I was. Mom let him in, then he sat without being asked. Facing us,
he didn't seem all that tough, but…

"The kid owes us a lot of money, and I'm here to see how he plans on paying it back."

"But he's only 15!" mom said, "How can he possibly pay you that much money? If he doesn't what'll you
do? Hurt him? Kill him?"

"Nah! I can't collect from a dead man, and if we break him up, all that does is bring the cops down on
me." He looked at me from head to toe, the grinned at me. "You know, I can use someone, a girl that
can work out front, serving drinks and so on, I'll pay $500 a week, with $300 coming back to me. She
could keep all the tips. I figure, if we cut the interest, she would be all paid up by the time she's…what?
23? Other wise, I have to demand payment, right now. Those are the terms kid, take it or leave it."

"But…but…" mom sputtered, "he has school! He's a minor! He can't serve drinks!"

"I checked Madam, the kid attends school in the morning, and I don't even open until two, so it works
out. As far as serving drinks…well, lets just say it won't be a problem." Turning to me…"What'll it be

I looked at mom, saw the sadness that filled her eyes, then back at the bookie. He knew what the
answer would be, it was the only answer. I nodded my head yes, as he stood up to go, mom asked him if
he was going to supply any kind of uniform for me to wear, or would casual clothes be enough. He
looked at me, then back at mom, opened his jacket, peeled off several hundred dollar bills and gave
them to mom, telling her that casual would be okay, but added that he wanted to see me in skirts, not
slacks, and the money was a small advance so she could get me what I would need, but the money
would be added to my debt. I had briefly considered going to the cops, but everyone knew that they
were on the payroll so to speak, and all that telling them would do is get me busted up. He left, mom
and I stared at each other, then she suddenly stood up.

"You've certainly done it now!" mom said angrily, "how could you bet so much money?! Do you have
any idea what this is going to mean? With school in the morning, you'll have to come home, change
clothes, and look perfect as a girl every time by the way, then work who knows how many hours! You'll
have to do this day after day, every day, until you graduate! Maybe then you could dress as a girl full
time, but for now, your life just hit the trashcan, and there isn't anything I can do except help you
become a girl! And just how do I explain this to the rest of the family? Your grandfather is going to have
a cow when he finds out, and what about your friends?"

Mom was right. My life went right in the can the minute I lost, and having my bookie see me dressed as
a girl was almost as bad. But, he did offer to let me pay off the debt, the only hitch was that I had to do it
as a girl, and like mom said, that was going to lead to some serious consequences.
"Since you're already dressed, we might as well get you some more clothes, you can get more as you get
paid, but for now you'll need some items that I don't think we can get at the mart. Grab your purse, and
lets go."

Since it wasn't a question, I did what mom told me, taking my empty purse in my hand and following her
out of the house and to the car. Most of the money was spent on breast forms, good ones that could be
glued on, for when I worked the weekends, a padded pantybrief, then a couple of bras, a few skirts and
blouses, pantyhose and shoes. With each purchase my anger at how stupid I had been grew, which was
not helped by the look on mom's face. I truly believe that if she had the chance, she would have killed
me. Between us, shopping was not a fun experience, but when we left the mall, mom said that I had
enough clothes to start with, then informed me that I would have to buy whatever else I needed with
the few bucks the bookie gave me. I saw a few of my friends at the mall, but didn't make any effort to let
them know about the predicament I was in. I was, in a word, ashamed.

When we got home, mom told me to put everything away, then left the house. I had plenty of time to
consider my options, which amounted to zip. No matter where I went, what I did, they would find me,
cause me great pain, and I would still owe the money. As I put the bras, pantyhose, slips and panties in
one drawer, the skirts, blouses and shoes in the closet, I glanced out the window and saw several girls
my age. Soft and pretty, they gave no sign that being a girl was something to avoid. I saw myself in the
mirror, my reflection that of a girl the same age as those outside, and sighed. I looked enough like a girl
to get by at the mall, but I knew that I didn't walk, act, or talk like a girl my age. I lacked the naturally
fluid grace girls have, I had no idea how to do my hair let alone makeup, and only a cursory knowledge
of what to wear and when. In short, I was a guy in a dress, wearing makeup and a padded bra. I sat on
my bed and cried tears that just would not stop.

My carefully crafted image of a somewhat tough guy that made his money betting had been shattered
to pieces, reducing me to next to nothing, while at the same time my secret, hidden so carefully for so
long, threatened to be exposed. Tough guy and soft girl, the two sides of my personality, had never
come in conflict before, because dressing up as a girl was, for me, a very private thing. I heard the door
open, then footsteps, but stayed in my room, unable to face my mother dressed this way once again.
Shut in my room I felt safe, the familiarity of it granting a sense of security that I craved right then. When
the door opened I expected my mother to walk in, but it wasn't. It was my Grandmother, closely
followed by my Grandfather. There wasn't any doubt about the way I looked, I still wore the skirt,
blouse, and the remains of my makeup, surely streaked. In other words, I looked like I felt.
My Grandmother sat on the bed next to me, and when I broke out crying again, she held me in her arms.

"I went" Grandpa said, "and talked to that bookie. He said he understands your problem, but he did the
best for you that he could. He said that he couldn't simply write it off as a bad debt, because, in his
words, there wasn't any such thing, only difficult to pay debts. I did manage to get you one day off,
Sunday, and he also agreed that graduating from school comes first, but he was adamant that you will
work in his shop, six days a week, and you'll do it as a girl. According to him, he has had some success
curing other boys with gambling addictions the same way. He said that if you had a big test, a special
dance or something like that, he would be flexible enough to make sure that you got the time you
needed. So, it looks like you'll be working as a waitress whether any of us like it or not!"

I looked up at him and saw the disappointment on his face, which crushed me. My dad had been a
drinker, and was killed when he ran off the road. I was about two at the time. Now my grandparents had
to face this. Yes, I liked to dress as a girl. Yes, I had gone out a few times dressed up, but never during
the day, and I had never been found out. Now all that didn't matter, I was going to work as a girl, and
everyone that meant anything to me knew why. There was nothing I could say, so I didn't. I just let
grandma hold me. Grandpa left, shutting the door behind him.

"He blames himself honey. He thinks that if he had been here for you more often…"

"Grandma, he was here! I just thought…I was doing so well that I…"

"What you did was bet more than you could afford, with a man that doesn't care about you. Now, lets
talk about this. Your mother says that when she came home you were all dressed up, and by her
accounts, didn't look to bad. Was that the first time you had ever dressed up as a girl? Or was it just
dumb luck that you got it right?"

"I…I…" Grandma has piercing blue eyes, the kind that drill holes in you, eyes that had never let me lie to
her before, but I tried. "I…maybe…"

"So" she said, "you have dressed as a girl in the past! Your mother just cannot handle all of the turmoil
caused by this. She doesn't think she is able make sure that you look like a girl every time you have to go
to that place. She hates the idea of you having to wear women's clothing, and that attitude is not going
to help you…is it?"

"No, I guess not" I said, wondering what she was trying to tell me. "Your mother thinks she is at fault.
She thinks that if she had spent more time with you that none of this would have happened, which is
nonsense of course, but, because she thinks she has failed you, she just can't bring herself to help you
"degrade yourself anymore" as she puts it. That's why we are taking you to live with us. I have the time
to help you become the girl you need to be, and your grandpa will make sure that nobody hurts you.
We'll drive you back and forth to school for the next week, until the winter break, then you can transfer
to a school closer to us. We will also take you back and forth to work, which will let us make sure your

"Grandma I…"

"You pack up" she said, "I'll be back later today to get you, and by the way, don't change."

I heard my grandparents leave the house, then a few minutes later, my mom walked into my room. We
traded looks, then she started crying. My mom doesn't cry…ever, yet the tears were very real.

"I didn't want this for you Kevin! I should have been here for you, I wasn't, and now look at you!"

I said the first thing that came to my mind, which turned out to be the right thing. "Mom, you're a girl,
right? You turned out alright, Grandma made sure of that. What happened is all my fault, and there
wasn't anything you could have done to change it. I admit that I like to dress up as a girl every now and
then, and maybe I even thought about being a girl full time, but the problem isn't me dressing as a girl,
it's the fact that I owe so much money! My dressing up as a girl was fun, only now I have to do it! Mom,
this is my chance to get even with the bookie, and dressing as a girl isn't going to be that bad, plus, with
Grandma watching how I do things, I should turn out just as nice a girl as you are! It was always about
me mom, not what you did or didn't do for me."

"It's just" mom said, "that I never expected my son to like being a girl! Your father was a drunken bum,
and I didn't want you to turn out like he did, so I guess I didn't pay attention to what else was going on
around here, and that's why I never realized what you were doing. Dressing as a girl is one thing, but
betting so much money is what brought this all on. I just hope that you don't ever go back to gambling
ever again."

"Don't worry mom, I won't have the time, and I certainly don't want to be killed! I'll try to be as good a
girl that I can be."

Mom and I packed up everything, and when Grandpa returned with the truck, I was ready to go. Mom
and I hugged, and I left, still wearing the same skirt and blouse. Once I was settled into my room,
grandma came in, and we talked some more, which is when she laid out what she had in mind.

"Your grandpa and I talked about this situation for a long time Kevin, and we have decided that after you
change schools, we think it would be best if you just kept dressing as a girl, full time. All that changing
back and forth is going to be very hard on everyone, especially you, and I'm convinced that with some
help, you'll be able to attend school as a girl easily, and since you only go half a day, you won't have as
much exposure as someone who went to school all day. That said, you and I are taking the whole day
tomorrow, and we will get you a wider wardrobe, some better makeup, then we'll see about finding the
things you'll need to present yourself as a girl without any problem. Dinner will be in a few minutes, so
you go get washed up."

Grandma left me speechless! That would mean that within a week I would be dressing as a girl full time!
I had serious doubts that I could do that, but she didn't sound like she was asking, in fact, it sounded like
she told me what was going to happen. Whether I thought I could do it or not, I knew from past
experience that all arguing with grandma got you was tired, because I never knew anyone to get her to
change her mind, including grandpa! Looking in the small mirror I saw that my makeup was starting to
give way, a bad sign of course, but I had had a rough day. I washed up, then helped set the table. Over
dinner, grandpa asked me what they should call me, since "Kevin seems a little to masculine when you
look like that" he said. I told them I liked to be called Diane. From that moment on, that's the only name
either of them used when they talked to, or about me. Just hearing it was strange, but my entire life had
just dropped into the twilight zone, leaving me only to wonder about my future.

Grandma was, if nothing else, thorough. She had me standing in her sewing room, naked except for the
thin white panties, taking measurements. Then she consulted a big catalogue, arriving at the proper size
for me, from bra size to shoes. She also figured out how big my hips and breasts had to be as well as
how small my waist needed to be for me to present myself as a normal girl. She did not talk much,
clearly focused on the task at hand instead. When her list was done, she told me to get dressed, which I
did, including a modest bit of makeup. Then it was off to the stores, starting at a shop that sold breast
forms. By the time we got home, I was wearing the new breast forms, and my hips were padded to give
me a better shape. I dragged all of the bags to my room, put things away, then sat on the bed wondering
how I could be so stupid to get myself into this mess.

I began to dress every day, getting better at it I guess, then I reported to the bookie, dressed as a girl. He
didn't bat an eye as he gave me an order book, a tray, and told me to get busy. The deal was that I could
keep the tips, and as the day went on I began to see that many of the guys there would tip well if they
did well, less or nothing, if they lost. At the end of the first day I had about $200 in tips! Grandpa picked
me up, we went home, and it went like that day after day, then, school started, and I was enrolled as a
girl. Surprisingly, nobody knew or cared what I looked like, and I kept working. As the days became
weeks I was able to adjust my thinking, and in many ways, became the girl I looked like. Because I was so
active at work, I lost weight, which made me look even more like a girl, and my mannerisms, the way I
talked, and how I related to the men that I served became almost natural. The bookie always kept track
of what I owed, always gave me the money I was due, and never let anyone touch me in any way
inappropriate. He broke one guys arm when he squeezed my butt!

About the time summer break started grandma pulled me aside for one of her "friendly" little chats,
which always meant that she talked and I listened. This time, what she suggested was no longer
unthinkable, but probably for the best, and I did not object when she told me what the consequences
would be. I didn't even ask what my mother said about it! Grandma simply told me she would take care
of it, and within a few days I was taking the pills that would give me the body of a girl my age. I kept
attending school and working for the bookie, while at the same time the pills were working on me. It
didn't seem to take that long, but my body was soon hairless, I had grown my own breasts, my hips had
filled out, and I had a little bubble butt. I had turned 17 with no sign that I had ever been a boy, unless I
undressed, and even that was useless by then. When it happened I was out front, serving drinks as
always. I heard the three shots, bang bang bang, and like everyone else, I hit the floor. Two men ran out,
followed by almost everyone else. Someone had stepped on my arm in their rush to get out, and broke
it. Laying there in pain I wasn't able to leave before the cops showed up, but after they found out I had a
broken arm, the gave me to the EMT's while they searched the place.

They found the bookie, still sitting at his desk, but he had three small holes in the middle of his forehead.
I was taken to the hospital, met by my grandparents and two husky cops. They knew that I had not shot
the bookie, so all they asked me was what I saw and when, then I was able to go home. Of course,
without the bookie there, I didn't go to work. It was almost a month before someone called me, and
asked to come over. Grandpa said it was okay, but he had his gun in his lap when grandma let the guy in.
"Hello" he said, my name is Mike, and I work for some people that the bookie dealt with. Going over his
books we saw that Diane was working off a debt she incurred by waiting tables."

"Is there a problem?" grandma asked, "Diane did everything she was told to do, and she did not shoot
that man!"

He held up his hands, then…"No Ma'am, there isn't any problem, we have written off the entire debt.
She was a minor, and that is against our house rules, but bookie took advantage of the situation, and
pocketed the money she was paying him. That has made my superiors very unhappy, but we do not hold
Diane responsible in any way. I am here to tell you that your debt is paid in full, and that you have no
obligation to out organization in any way. That said, I am also here to offer you a job. Since we are
completely aware of the circumstances you were in, and what bookie made you do, we have an opening
at one of our finer establishments that we would like you to consider. We'll pay you the same $500 a
week, plus a third of all of the tips."

"What kind of job, and where?" grandpa asked.

"She would work as a reservation clerk to start, and fill in for the Maitre' de when needed. It is the Chez
Riverfront, and I assure you, she will be in no danger. My own son works there, and one of his duties will
be to make sure that Diane is home safely every night, even if he has to follow you in his car."

Making $500 a week…plus a third of all the tips? I would be able to go to college! I immediately said
"yes", but grandpa told him we would let him know, and he handed grandpa a card. Then he left! I was,
for the first time in three years, debt free, plus I had a job offer that was better than fantastic! We talked
it over, but there wasn't much of a struggle when I said I wanted to do it. I would be able to wear nice
dresses for a change, rather than skirts and jeans, but I didn't say that. Grandma knew it though, and
after grandpa called Mike the next day and told him I could take the job, grandma and I went shopping

The work was easy, and I felt like a real Princess. All of the men and women that came there to eat wore
beautiful clothing, and were generous when they tipped. Only once did I have any trouble, some guy
made a grab for my breasts after he had to much to drink. He was hustled out, and I never saw him
again. James, the young man assigned to make sure I got home was a waiter. He was about my age, and
like his dad, very handsome with bright eyes that seemed to twinkle, and a smile that always seemed
better when he looked at me. But I had never once considered that a guy would find me attractive,
simply because I had always hoped that I could be a man again. But that changed when my body
changed. Once I was able to cup my own breasts in my hands, feel the softness of my skin and enjoy the
sensations my nipples gave me when I rubbed them, I quit worrying about being a boy again. James, for
the first time awakened in me the realization that as a girl, I was pretty enough to have a guy want me.

Over time, James began to pick me up and take me home, which lead to our stopping on the way home
one night. When his lips touched mine I felt the jolt only a man can give a woman. Wanting more, James
and I stopped every night, which made it hard for me to keep saying no, especially when he had his hand
in my bra. When I touched him for the first time it was over. I had to make him happy, and I had only
way to do that. I unzipped his pants, reached in, and felt it, throbbing and hard, yet soft to the touch. He
lay back, letting me caress him, then, all at once, it was out. I looked down, bent over, and found myself
eye to eye with it. As my mouth opened to take him, my tongue flickered out, and for the first time I
touched a man in a way that not many men would do for another man. I felt his hand on the back of my
head, gently pushing, opened my mouth again, and with a single plunge, took him.

He was very satisfied, and I was happy that I was able to do that for him. Even though I was a male in my
panties, I was a woman everywhere else, and I didn't even consider not making him happy. James and I
started dating, which neither of my grandparents said anything about. It was after Jim and I had been
dating for a month that I took him to see and meet my mother. Mom and I had seen each other about
once a month since this all started, and while she still held out hope that her son would return to her,
she knew that I had the body of a girl, and didn't want to be a boy any more. Having her meet Jim would
be my way of letting her know that I was a grown woman, not her son. Grandma talked to mom on the
phone before Jim and I went there, paving the way for us.

Mom took it well, smiling the whole time we were there. Jim held my hand and was the perfect
gentleman, which made mom feel a little better I think. Mom always referred to me as Diane, and never
once mentioned that I had been a boy at one time, and that eased my fears a little.

I'm now in college, a complete female, courtesy of Mikes contacts, who were able to help me. Jim and I
parted ways, but as the first guy that loved me, he holds a soft spot in my heart. I'm taking business
management courses because Mike has promised me a job in his organization when I graduate. Life is
good now

© 2001

The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must
contact the author for permission.

Bikini Beach - Swim Date by: Ellie Dauber (c) 2000

Author's Notes: I decided to write a Bikini Beach story after seeing how much fun Julie, Bashful, and JDR
were having with it. (Not to mention Elrod himself.) Turns out the thing's like eating peanuts. I got ideas
for about six other stories while I was plotting this one out. We'll see how soon they get to the top of my
mental queue and get written. (Part of it will depend on the comments this story gets, so let me know
what you think.)

This supposed to be a _short_ story, BTW, but getting Amy and Paula to behave and stop talking when I
wanted them to was as hard as getting any other two teens to do what a grown-up told them. Since the
point of the story was - well, you'll see what the point of the story was (I hope), I just stopped trying
after a while, and let the story go where they seemed to want it.

Much thanks to Steve Zink, who was kind enough to get out of a sickbed (only, it wasn't sick, he was)
and take a look at it. Steve tightened some stuff up, fixed a few errors, and added a couple of touches of
his own that helped polish the edges.

Also, thanks to Elrod for his brochure of Bikini Beach. For good or for ill, it let me have the girls wander
through the water park in much more detail (and a lot more words).

Bikini Beach - Swim Date by: Ellie Dauber © 2000

"Hey, look," Mack Reilly said, "Here comes that stuck-up Amy Bowlan." He pointed at a pretty blonde,
about 17, who had just come into the school cafeteria.

Paul Kauffman put down his coke and looked in the direction his friend was pointing. "Aw, I don't think
she's stuck-up, man."
"Then why won't she go out with anybody. She's either stuck-up or - hell, maybe she's a lesbie. You

"Nah. She's new here, just moved in the week school opened. I think she's shy."

"_You_ think she's sexy." He thought for a moment, then smiled. "Hey, you're in a couple classes with
her. Why don't you _show_ me how un-stuck-up she is? Go over and ask her for a date."


"A date. You know what they are. You've been on more than a few - or so you say."

"You know I date. We've doubled a half dozen times easy."

"Then go over and ask her for one. Or are you chicken?" Mack stuck his hands in his armpits and flapped
a pair of imaginary wings.

Paul sighed. He definitely wanted to, but he'd been waiting until the right moment, until he sensed that
Amy was beginning to feel more comfortable at her new school. No chance of that now. He stood up
and walked over to the table where Amy was sitting. Alone.

"Umm, hi," he said. She looked up. Lord, she was pretty.


"I'm Paul, Paul Kauffman. I'm in Mr. Roth's English class with you; Ms. Collier's Social History class, too."
She smiled. She was even prettier when she smiled. It just seemed to light up her whole face.
"Oh, yeah. Hi, Paul."

"I - I was wondering if you - if you might want to go out with me tomorrow night. Burgers and a movie,

"Gee, at night? I don't know."

"How about an afternoon movie, then burgers?"

"How about a swim?"

"What?" A voice in his head whispered 'skinny-dipping'. No, he couldn't be that lucky; besides, she
hardly seemed like _that_ sort of girl.

"There's this water park, Bikini Beach, I've been wanting to go to."

"Yeah, I've heard about it." He'd seen the ads, too. Lots of pretty girls in really skimpy swimsuits.

"The problem is that it's way over across town. I don't drive, and my folks are still too busy settling in."

He brightened. "I've got a car. My brother gave it to me when he went into the Navy."

"Great. Can you pick me up about 10:30? We can make a day of it - get to know each other better."

"Sounds good." She gave him her address, an apartment complex about two miles from his own house,
just as the bell ending lunch period rang. "See you later."
"Yeah." He watched her walking out towards her next class and found himself imagining what she was
going to look like tomorrow in a swim suit. The suit got skimpier as he fantasized.

"Hey, man." Mack slapped him on the back. "So, how'd you do?"

"I'm picking her up tomorrow morning. We're going swimming."

Mack flashed Paul a "thumbs up". "Cool. Let's just not get late for Trig thinking about her." Mack handed
Paul his backpack, and the pair ran toward the exit.


Paul arrived at Amy's place about 10:20. He wanted to make a good impression on her - and her parents,
so he parked and knocked on the apartment door. A tall man in his late 30s answered. He was dressed in
a sweatshirt and jeans, and his hair was pretty much the same color as Amy's. "Yes, may I help you?"

"Um, Mr. Bowlan? I'm Paul Kauffman. I go to school with Amy. She - umm - I'm taking her over to the
water park for the day."

"Oh, yes. She mentioned something about that." He frowned. "She didn't say that she was going with a
boy, though."

"Shot down before it even begins," Paul thought. Aloud he said, "is that a problem? Can Amy still go?"

"Oh. Let her go, Stan," a woman's voice said. An older, darker haired version of Amy joined Mr. Bowlan
at the door. "She dated back in Elmerton, you know."

"I guess." He opened the door wide enough to Paul to walk through. Paul went in, but he felt himself
getting a stern once over as he walked into the apartment. He must have passed inspection, though. Mr.
Bowlan smiled and shook his hand. "Hello, Paul. I'm Amy's father, as you probably guessed. That pretty
meddler is her mother. Have a seat while she goes to tell Amy that you're here."

"Thank you, sir." He sat down on an overstuffed blue couch and looked around. There were a couple of
chairs that matched the couch, all clustered around in one of those "conversation groupings". A large TV
with a VCR stood against the wall, positioned so it could be watched from the couch. There were some
paintings, landscapes mostly on the walls.

They _were_ still settling in. He could see some boxes near a cupboard in the corner. Another box,
crammed with papers, was on a large wooden dining room table next to a PC.

"Where are you two going?" Mr. Bowlan said as he sat down in a chair near the couch.

"Bikini Beach. It's a water park over on the other side of town, just across from those new condos that a
developer, put up a few months ago."

"Yes, I think I know where they are. So - you're going to spend the day looking at pretty girls and ignoring
my daughter. Sounds like quite the first date."

"Um - it was Amy's idea, Mr. Bowlan. I invited her to a movie, but she wanted to swim."

"She's always loved the water. She was on the swim team at her old school; won her share of medals,
too. Like to see them?"

"I guess."

"Daddy, stop it. You're embarrassing me." Amy and her mother came into the room. She was wearing a
pair of pale brown slacks and a matching sleeveless top that really showed off her figure. Her hair was
tied into some sort of ponytail. She was carrying a striped cotton bag with a towel sticking out the top.
"Hey, I'm your father. I'm _supposed_ to brag about you, honey."

"I know, but you abuse the privilege." She gave him a peck on the cheek and turned to Paul, giving him
another of those wonderful smiles. "Hi, Paul. Are you ready to go - or do you want to stay here and
listen to my father?"

"Tough choice. Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Bowlan. Bye." He grinned back and stood up.

Amy came over and took Paul's arm. "Bye, folks. We'll try to be back before midnight."

"You'll be back by eight, young lady," Mr. Bowlan said, sounding quite serious, then he softened _a
little_ and added, "Have a good time, honey."


It was about a twenty-minute ride to Bikini Beach. They made small talk, mostly about the two classes
they had together. It was a sunny day with the temperature expected to get into the mid-eighties, so the
parking lot across from the entrance was fairly full by the time they pulled in. Paul found a spot near a
marker pole and parked his car. He got his own swim bag out of the trunk, and they walked over to the

The line wasn't that long. A lot of people just showed a pass and walked through. Paul noticed that he
was the only male in the line. Well, they did call it _Bikini_ Beach, and a lot of the women in line with
him would look really great in bikinis. He looked at Amy, who stood next to him, holding his hand. She'd
look better than the rest.

They finally got to the ticket booth. An old woman, kind of chunky, in a flowered blue dress, was sitting
behind the counter. "Can I help you?"
"Um, hi," Paul said. "How much are tickets?"

"We don't sell tickets, young man. This is a private park. We do sell passes, though, one day or longer."
She looked at Paul for a minute as if studying him, then she turned and looked closely at Amy. "Right
now, we're having a special on weekend passes for two. If you're interested, the price is less than two
individual one-day passes." She named a figure. It was a bit more than Paul had expected, but he had
more than enough to cover it.

"Done," he said taking out his wallet. "Gee, Amy, I guess we'll have to come back here tomorrow to get
full value out of these passes." He said it with a smile, as if joking. He didn't want her to feel like he was
rushing her, but he hoped that she'd want to come back with him on Sunday.

"I guess," Amy said, smiling and looking down.

The old woman took the money and handed him the pass, a single ticket stamped "Weekend Pass: Good
for Two" and today's date. As they walked past, the woman called after them, "Be sure to shower after
you put on your suits. It's a health department regulation."

The locker rooms were near the entrance. The "Ladies'" was much larger, more proof that most of the
park's patrons were women. Paul went into the "Men's". He saw the expected: sets of lockers along the
walls, a few benches, and the showers. He picked out an empty locker and changed into his suit.

Considering all the pretty women that he was expecting to see, Paul had brought along a pair of green-
gray "baggies". He put them on, slipped on a pair of beach sandals, and looked in a mirror near the door.
He wasn't muscle-bound, but track and basketball, not to mention using his brother's weights, had left
him fairly buff. He thought he looked pretty good, and he hoped that Amy would agree.

Paul was just about to head out into the park when he remembered what the old woman had said about
the showers. Amy was a swimmer. She was used to showering before she went into the water, and
she'd expect him to do the same.
He turned on the water. It was nice and hot, tingly against his skin. He closed his eyes and just stood
there enjoying the sensation, turning slowly. He never noticed the slight pink mist that rose from the

He felt a little odd as he stepped out of the shower. Sometimes that happened when you stayed in too
long, but he'd only been in for a couple minutes. He shrugged and started walking towards the door. He
noticed that he was walking oddly, as if his center of gravity was shifting. He felt something on his chest,
too, and there was a wetness on the back of his neck.

He stopped when he got near the door. There was a girl, a very pretty girl about his own age, standing
there. She had a narrow waist and broad hips that were barely contained in the skimpy metallic green
bikini bottom that she was wearing. And she wore only the bottom. Her breasts, nice and round, a B-cup
at least, with big nipples were fully exposed. She had a kind of sexy smile on her face and thick, wet
black hair that was plastered to her head and down around her back.

Then he realized that he was looking in the mirror that he'd been doing "muscleman" poses in a few
minutes before. He looked down, and his hands shot to his chest - to his breasts. Holy Shit! He had
breasts. _He_ was the girl in the mirror.

"Young woman, I don't allow people to go topless here." It was the old woman from the gate. "Please
put this on." Suddenly, she had a bikini top in her hand. It was a perfect match for the piece that Paul
was wearing.

Paul took it, and without thinking, put it on with an ease that should not have been possible. "What -
how?" She was surprised all the more by the very feminine voice she heard.

"Magic. I created this park as an escape for young women who don't wish to be ogled. If a man chooses
to come into the park, he becomes a woman for the duration of his pass."

"You mean I'm going to be a girl...."

"Until tomorrow night. The magic wears off twelve hours after the expiration of your pass. You'll be
yourself in time for school on Monday."

"But my family, Amy, how do I explain it to them?"

"That's taken care of. You'll see how later. Right now, your friend is waiting for you."

Paul would have liked to stay hidden in the locker room, but one look at the old woman told him that he
didn't have that option. She took a gulp of air and walked through the door.

Amy was waiting for Paul outside. She was wearing a golden yellow lycra one-piece suit that glowed in
the sunshine, even without being wet. It had a lot more material in it than what she was wearing, but
nobody would ever doubt that there was a girl inside. It hugged her curves and was cut high to show a
lot of leg. It was cut a little low at the top, too. Nothing slutty, but you could see quite a bit of the
cleavage. Did bathing suits have built in Wonder Bras?

Amy smiled and ran over and hugged him. "Oh, Paula, you turned out so pretty. I was afraid that you'd
just look like Paul with long hair and a bit of a figure."

"You knew this was going to happen?"

"Yes, I - I knew. Please don't be mad."

"But why? I thought you liked me."

"I do. I like you a lot, but, well, I had a lot of trouble with my last boyfriend. There was a lot of arguing,
especially over sex. I didn't want to go through that again."

"What are you going to do, turn every guy who wants to date you into a girl?"
"No, please, no. I like you. I've been hoping you'd ask me out. Only, well, I don't know you."

"Know me? What's that got to do with anything?"

"Look, this is a fairly small town. You've grown up with most of the kids you know, most of the girls that
you've dated. You knew each other since you were all little. You know what they're like, the kinds of
persons they are."


"So, I don't have that advantage. I don't know you that way. And I can't get to know you that way in a
dating situation. To be blunt, sex always gets in the way. Do you understand?"

"I guess so." Paul wouldn't have minded sex with Amy getting in his way, but now she wasn't going to be
uncool enough to push her about it. Still, she resented the suggestion that he'd been thinking with his
"johnson". Even if he had.

"Well, this way, it can't. I can get to know you as Paula, and you can get to know me without sex being a
concern. You'll be Paul again on Monday. We'll be friends - I hope - by then, and we can see about
dating if you still want. Is that so crazy?"

"Yes, it is, but I don't seem to have a choice; do I? How'd you find out about this place?"

"I haven't made many friends, but I have gotten to know a few of the girls. Let's just say that you aren't
the first boy from our school to go swimming here."

"Some other guy got changed for a weekend? Boy, he must have been embarrassed if he didn't say
anything about it."
"Not really. In fact, _she's_ the one who told me."

"What! But how? I never heard of any guy at school getting permanently changed."

"You'll find out about _that_ later." She tugged at Paula's arm. "Right now, there's a water park here to
explore. Let's go, _girl friend_."


They headed down a trail past a sign that said "Wild River Fun? and were soon swimming in a large pool
called the "Swimming Hole". They raced across at the deep end of the pool, with Amy finishing well
ahead of Paula. Paula claimed that she just wasn't used to her new female body, but Amy just splashed
her and made a comment about how much better equipped she was now to do the breast stroke.

"I know how to stroke them," Paula leered at her. "I'm just not used to having two of my own." Amy
splashed her again, and both girls giggled.

They tried the rope swing a few times. Paula surprised Amy by climbing part way up the rope and doing
a very credible swan dive into the water. Then they just lay on the sand and talked.

It turned out that they had a few interests in common: folk music, mystery novels, and Abbott and
Costello comedies. Amy had seen BUCK PRIVATES enough times to be able to quote lines of dialog. They
giggled some more and broke into a two-part version of "Boogey Woogie Bugle Boy."

By this time, it was mid afternoon, and they were both hungry. They had burgers and cokes at Port
Landing, and both took a short nap right on the sand. Afterwards, they tried some of the raft rides.
Paula talked Amy into trying the Otter's Run Body Slide. She went first, squealing as she rode the water
down. Amy splashed down just after her. "I think you forgot something," she said. She giggled and
handed Paula her bikini top as it floated by. Paula blushed and put it back around her, accustomed now
to her feminine chest.

"That's why I wore a one piece," Amy said. "We had a water park back in Elmerton - non-magical,
though. Boys would always try to talk girls into going down the water slides just to see if their tops came
off or anything popped out."

Paula giggled. "Boys are like that, I guess." She realized what she had said. "Hey, wait a minute, I'm a

"Not today, you aren't. Want to go again?"

"Let me just re-tie this top." Paula didn't want to admit it, but she was having a great deal of fun. There
was none of the sexual tension you usually had on a date. She was reacting with Amy, the same way that
Paul would react on an afternoon hanging out with Mack, just two good friends out for a day of fun.

They went on Otter's Run a few more times, squealing as they slid. Paula found that she liked the rush of
air on her body, especially her breasts. She also learned when to grab onto her top, so there were no
more embarrassing moments. "Still," she thought, "it's just us girls, so who cares if anybody sees."

"Just us girls." Paula hadn't really thought about it, but it was true. She was thinking like a girl. When she
looked at some girl in a skimpy bikini, her only thoughts were how nice the bikini looked, how well it
went - or didn't go - with the girl's coloring. Nothing about how sexy the girl looked lounging on the sand
or splashing in the water.

She didn't even get interested when a tall curvy brunet splashed down into the pool at the end of Otter's
Run next to them, and _her_ top came off. The girl must have been at least a D-cup, but Paula just swam
over. She handed the girl her top and told her to hold on just before the last plunge to keep the top
from coming off again.
"Thinking like a girl, Paula?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, and it bothers me. Or maybe it bothers me that it doesn't bother me."

"Don't think about it. It's supposed to be that way." She smiled, a sexy little smile. "Besides, you'll still
have your memories on Monday when you're Paul again."

"I guess." Paula looked at the big clock over in the Landing Port. "Hey, it's after six. Maybe we should be
heading back to your place."

"Darn! I was enjoying myself."

"So was I, but your father did say he wanted you home by eight. We can eat here or stop off for some
pizza or something."

"Let's just swim some more. We can stop off and get some pizza to eat at my place later."

"Your place?"

"Sure. Paul and I had a date that was supposed to end around eight. Paula and I are having a sleep over
at my place tonight."

"A sleep over?"

"Sure. Just think, our first date and already we're sleeping together." She giggled, and so did Paula in
spite of herself.

They decided to look around at some of the other rides and wound up joining in a choose-up game of
water volleyball. Paula used a couple of basketball tricks and scored the final point, spiking the ball
down into the water. A couple of the other players went to Paul and Amy's school. Paul had even dated
one of them, Mina Scorby. Only now Mina remembered going on a double date with Paula and some
boy whose name Paula didn't recognize.

Paula was tempted to ask Mina some questions, but there wasn't time.

"We still have to be back at my house by eight," Amy said. "And it's past seven, now. We'd better go
change, Paula." She giggled and looked at Paula. "Or is that a bad choice of words?"

Paula tried to look angry, but she found herself giggling again. With a sigh and a shrug, she followed Amy
back to the locker rooms.

She went back to the locker that Paul had put his clothes in. Only, now, his jeans and T-shirt had
changed into a wrap around skirt and sleeveless blouse, and there were a pink bra and panties in there
on hooks with them.

Paula stepped into the panties and pulled them up around her hips, marveling at how different from a
pair of boy's cotton briefs they felt. Then she leaned forward as she wrapped the strapless bra over her
breasts. She hooked the bra behind her and adjusted her breasts within the cups. She did it naturally
without even noticing.

She put on the blouse and wrapped the dress around her waist, fastening it with a pin. She stood in
front of the mirror tucking in her blouse. The skirt was tight at the waist, showing off the curve of her
hips, and it was cut short enough to show quite a bit of leg. She turned this way and that, enjoying how
pretty she looked.
Then she frowned. Her hair was a mess from all that water. She looked in the locker again and found a
purse on the small shelf inside. There was a hairbrush and some make-up inside, along with her wallet
and car keys. She looked in the wallet. The driver's license still had the same information, except the
name was "Paula? now, and the picture showed the way she currently looked.

She ran the brush through her hair, wincing as she tugged at a couple of snarls. Then, without even
realizing that she was doing it, Paula applied lipstick and a little blush to her face. She smiled at her
reflection. 'Much better,' she thought. She grabbed the purse and headed out to meet Amy.

Her car, an old Chevy, was parked where she left it. It looked like it had just been washed and waxed,
though, something Paul didn't do very often. When Paula opened the trunk to put their swim bags away,
she found a rolled up sleeping bag and a small suitcase that hadn't been there before.

"Like I said," Amy told her, "Paula's spending the night."


It was still only about 7:40 when they got off the expressway near Amy's house. "How about that pizza
you mentioned," Amy asked. "There's a pretty good place called "Papa Gino's? on the way to my place."

"I know where it is," Paula said. "Good pizza, too." She drove to the restaurant, pulling into the lot.

There was a line, and the counterman said that there'd be about a fifteen minute wait. Amy used a pay
phone to call home. Her mother gave her permission to be late provided she brought back a medium,
extra cheese and mushrooms, for her parents. Amy agreed. The counterman added it to the medium,
onions and ground beef that the girls had already ordered.

There were six chairs along the wall near the "Take-Out? Window. The two girls sat down to wait. A
couple of boys from their school came in. Paula recognized them, Jack Stevens and Ted Fletcher,
members of the football team. They were lettermen and seniors and among the most popular kids in the
Paula watched them as Jack paid for the pizza they had ordered earlier. She found herself noticing what
a tight butt Jack had and how strong Ted looked in the "muscleman" shirt he was wearing. Then her eyes
trailed down to his pants, or, rather, to the bulge at his groin. Her nipples were suddenly tingling, and
she felt a pleasant warmness throughout her body.

Then she realized what she was thinking. She closed her eyes for a second. When she opened them, she
saw that Ted was looking at her. He smiled and walked over. "Hey, Paula, I thought that was you."

"Hi, Ted." She didn't know what else to say. "That was a great game that you and Jack had against
Westside last night."

"I didn't know you followed football that much. Say, are you and your pretty friend here doing anything
tonight. Jack and I were just driving around, and we'd _love_ to have some company."

'Oh, jeez,' Paula thought. 'He's actually hitting on me.' The worst part was that some little bit of Paula
wanted to go with the boys.

"Um, thanks but no, Ted," she said aloud, as much to herself as to him. It's very tempting, but Amy - this
is Amy Bowlan - she just moved to town a few weeks ago - Amy and I have other plans for tonight." She
found herself smiling and added. "Maybe another night."

"Maybe. Nice to meet you, Amy. Welcome to town." Jack had the pizza by now, and the pair walked out
of the place. Paula saw them both take a look at her legs as they went out the door.

She shuddered and turned to Amy and whispered. "What just happened? Ted - he knew me."

"Of course, he did," Amy whispered back. "Paula Kauffman grew up in this town. I told you, it's magic.
Everything's changed so everybody remembers Paula instead of Paul."
"Everybody? Even my folks?"

"Sure. And I noticed that _you_ even seem to remember being Paula."

"No. No I don't. I still remember growing up as a boy."

"You sure weren't acting like one a few minutes ago. I saw the way you were looking at those two guys."

"What! No, I wasn't."

"We'll talk about it later. I think our order's ready."

It was. Paula paid for the two pies and a bottle of diet coke. They left and quickly drove to Amy's house.
Amy carried the two pizzas into the apartment, while Paula got out her bags. Amy's father came out and
took the suitcase and sleeping bag, while Paula carried the two swim bags. Once they were inside, he
gave Paula $10 to pay for the second pizza, refusing the change she offered.


A few minutes later, Paula and Amy were alone in Amy's bedroom. Paula took a quick look around.
There was a white four-poster bed with a flowered cloth canopy against one wall. A matching high
dresser with doors, an "armoire" Amy called it, was nearby with a lighted make-up table next to it. A
desk cluttered with papers and a few rolled-up posters was against the wall next to a large curtained
window. There was a mirrored closet door set in one wall, with another, partly opened into a bathroom
on the opposite wall. It was the sort of room any girl would like. Paula felt herself feeling a little envious,
remembering Paul's room at home.

There was a cot set up by Amy's desk with the sleeping bag on top of it, and the suitcase leaning next to
it. The pizza, soda, and paper plates, napkins, and cups were on a small fold-up table next to Amy's bed.
Amy took the two bags into the bathroom, coming back a minute or so later. "I hung the suits up on the
shower curtain rod to dry. That way, we can wear them when we go back to the beach tomorrow."

"Back? Go back to Bikini Beach?"

"Sure, you said so this morning when you - or when Paul - bought the passes. They _are_ good for the
whole weekend, you know."

"Yeah, but if _this_ happened today," she ran her arm down her body as if to point out how she'd
changed. "What will happen to me tomorrow?"

"Not a thing. I asked. You'll be Paula, the Paula you are now, until you change back to Paul tomorrow

"You're sure I'll change back?"

Amy held up the pass, which she'd stuck into her purse after they went into the park. "It says it's only a
weekend pass." She looked clinically at Paula. "Or do you want to make it longer?"

"No, no. Two days is more than long enough."

"But you were enjoying it so much."

"I'll admit that I enjoyed this afternoon, our time at the park. You were right. I think I know you better
than most of the girls that I've dated, and I think that we're getting to be real friends."

"I think so, too. Now, tell me, what did you think about what happened at Papa Gino's?"
"It was weird, damned weird. I - I was actually attracted to Ted."

"Of course you were. He's a hunk."

"Yeah, but he's a _guy_!"

"And right now, you're a girl, a heterosexual girl. It's natural for you to be attracted to boys."

"No, no! I don't care what I look like. I'm a guy."

"No, you aren't, Paula. Not until midnight tomorrow." She paused for a moment, taking a bite of pizza.
"Look, try something for me."


"Close your eyes." Paula did. "Now, think of your - of Paul's - best friend. Picture him in your mind."

Paula closed her eyes. Her best friend was Mack Reilly. She pictured him standing before her.

"Okay, Paula. Now strip him down. All the way. Nude. _Naked_."

In for a penny, in for a pound. Mack stood naked in her mind. Paul had known Mack since they were
both about five. They were in the same gym class. The image was both detailed and authentic.

"Now imagine that he's looking at you. He likes you. He's smiling."
Paula saw the image of Mack smile as he turned towards her. He had a nice smile. She'd never really
noticed that before. He was cute, too, with that mop of brown hair and those puppy dog eyes. Her eyes
moved down to his body. It was slender, but muscled, a mat of brown curls on his chest. She liked that.

Paula found herself thinking about what it would be like to have those arms around her. Her nipples
began to tingle again, and she felt warm all over. She felt her hand rise up and lightly touch her breast.

She continued to look at the image of Mack, his flat stomach and narrow waist. His - oh, my goodness -
he was big, bigger than she remembered. She felt her breathing getting a little irregular. The warmth
seemed to be concentrating in her groin. She -

"No! I'm a guy, dammit, a guy!" She opened her eyes even as they began to fill with tears. "Why did you
do that to me?"

Amy came over and put her arms around her. Paula felt their breasts touching, but she felt comforted,
rather than aroused.

"Oh, Paula," Amy said. "I'm sorry, so sorry. You just seemed to be totally denying what had happened. I
thought if I forced you to see just how female you had become....I'm sorry."

Paula looked at Amy. Both girls were crying. "I guess...I guess I was denying it. Please don't do it again,
though. I'm having enough trouble keeping my mind off guys."

"They _are_ hard - oops - difficult - not to think about." She giggled at her Freudian pun. "Now do you
see why I wanted to get to know you as a girl first?"

"I guess. I'd never force myself on a girl, but I guess I can understand that the tension is always there."
"It is. I don't want a boy who respects me - well, I do, really, but what I really want is a boy who respects
me as a _friend_. One who wants to be with me because we're friends. If that friendship turns into
something deeper, great. If it doesn't, well, at least we're still friends."

"I think I'd like that, too. It'd be nice to know a girl who's there for me as a friend; not as a potential date
or a potential mate, just a friend."

"Then you forgive me?"

"I suppose." She giggled and took a bite of pizza. "I hadn't realized how cute Mack was, though."

They finished the pizza and talked on for several hours. Paula found out that Amy had been her state's
junior female champion in the 100 and 200 meter freestyle. She wanted to keep on swimming, maybe
even try out for the Olympics when she was older. She loved to travel and was thinking about majoring
in French when she was in college, just so she could go live and work over there.

Amy found out that Paula loved to tinker with machinery. (Paula was happy that she hadn't changed as
far as that was concerned.) She was already trying to decide what schools to apply to for a degree in
mechanical engineering.

Not all the talk was serious, though. They talked about their school. Paula still had Paul's male
memories, but she had a fairly good idea of what were the cliques among the girls. They compared
notes on a number of their female classmates, and both were surprised at some of the things the other

About midnight, Amy's mother came in and told them to get ready for bed. "I know you won't go to
sleep right away. Don't talk all night, though. You'll be too tired in the morning. Besides, it isn't really a
slumber party if you aren't in your nighties." She kissed Amy on the cheek, then came over and did the
same to Paula. "Goodnight, girls."
"Goodnight," they said in unison as Mrs. Bowlan closed the door behind them. Amy stood up and began
to unbutton her blouse.

"What are you doing?" Paula said in surprise.

"Getting ready for bed like Mom said." She looked at Paula. "Besides, we've already proved that you
think like a girl. Why shouldn't we change clothes in front of each other?" She took off the blouse,
tossing it into a hamper near the armoire. She was wearing a lacy yellow demi-bra - how the hell had
Paula known that - that lifted her breasts making them look bigger than they were.

"But - I don't know - it just seems wrong somehow." Paula didn't want to admit it, even to herself, but all
she could think of was how nice the bra looked and wondering where Amy had gotten it. The fact that
Amy was all but naked from the waist up didn't do anything to her emotionally. She did hope that she'd
remember the view on Monday when she was Paul again.

"It isn't wrong; it's natural for _girls_." She walked over and opened Paula's suitcase. "Oh, what a sweet
nightie." She held up a fluffy pink nightie with a long row of matching pearl buttons trailing down from
the neck. It was cut short, probably five or six inches above the knee.

"Am I supposed to wear _that_?"

"Sure, unless you want to sleep in your undies?" She giggled. "Or do you sleep in the nude?"

"Me - but - umm - no. I guess that thing'll be okay." She grabbed at the nightie.

"Fine, now take off that blouse and skirt. I've got some clothes here for you to try on."

"Clothes? Girl's clothes?"

"Sure, just like the girl's clothes you're wearing. You try on something of mine, and I'll try on this outfit in
your suitcase." She lifted the case so Paula could see inside. There was a blue T-shirt with embroidered
flowers on the sleeves and a matching pair of jeans folded up inside, a bra and panty set, also blue was
lying on top of them. "Just part of the magic."

Paula didn't know what else to do. She sighed, took off the blouse, and unpinned the skirt. She put them
over the back of the chair at Amy's desk, while Amy looked through the armoire. Amy pulled out a
hanger with a green and white dress. "I think this would look great on you, Paula."

She handed it to Paula and took the outfit from the suitcase. They spent the next few minutes dressing.
Paula knew somehow that she had to put her arms into the dress, then wriggle in down onto her body.
It was tight at the waist and bust and clung to her body, showing her feminine curves to their best
advantage. In spite of herself, Paula turned and posed for the mirror.

"You look great," Amy said. "How about me?" She had on the blue T-shirt from the suitcase, but she'd
put on the wrap around skirt that Paula had worn.

"Good, real, real good. That blouse really works with that skirt. I hadn't --?

Paula stopped. Hadn't what? She'd never see the clothes before.

"It's okay," Amy said. "The magic just fills things in, so you can see what it's like to be a girl. It'll all go
away tomorrow night."

"I hope so."

"It will. Now sit down and let me do your hair."

Paula sat in the chair, trying hard not to fidget while Amy combed out her hair. Amy spent a while
braiding it while they talked about what they'd done in the park that day. Both of them had noticed a
tall redhead with an intriguing hairstyle, a coiled braid that looked a little like the way Ensign Rand had
worn her hair in the original Start Trek. Paula's hair was long, halfway down her back, and Amy was
going to try to recreate the style. Finally, she finished and let Paula turn and look at herself in the mirror.

"Oh, my gosh," Paula said. "I look just like her."

"Well, "Beam me up, Scotty," and it looks good on you, too."

"Yeah, but it looks so - well, so high maintenance. I'll sleep in it, but you can undo it in the morning."

"Okay, but I think it looks good on you. I wish my hair was long enough to try it." Amy's hair was cut
short, just reaching to her shoulders.

There was a knock on the door. "It's after one? Are you two changed and ready for bed?" It was Mr.

"No, sir," the two girls answered.

"Well, get ready." It was Mrs. Bowlan. "I'm coming in there in ten minutes, and if you two aren't in your
nighties, I'll - Stan and I will change you ourselves. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Mom," Amy said. "She means it," she whispered to Paula.

"They wouldn't - I mean, your father wouldn't. Would he?"

"Probably not, but Mom's serious. We won't have to go straight to bed, but we'd better be in our
nighties when she comes back." She pulled the T-shirt over her head as she spoke.
Paula wriggled out of the dress and put it back on the hanger. It was a pretty dress, and she thought
about asking to borrow it some time. Then she remembered that she'd be Paul again in less than
twenty-four hours. With a sigh that surprised her, she hung it back in the closet.

Somehow she knew that she wouldn't need a bra with the nightie. She reached behind her and
unclasped it as if she'd been wearing a bra for years. She wriggled into the nightie the same way. The
buttons weren't easy, especially with a girl's longer fingernails, but she managed. Just as she was
finishing, she heard an "Ahem" and turned.

"What do you think?" Amy said. She was wearing the proverbial babydoll nightie, a mass of almost
transparent blue fluff that you could actually see her breasts through. It hung down just to her hips, the
material partly concealing the matching thong panty.

"Wow! Where did you get that?" It was - she was - beautiful, and Paula dearly hoped that she'd
remember _this_ sight on Monday. If _Paul_ did, he wouldn't have to buy _Penthouse_ again for the
next few months.

"Victoria's Secret, my last birthday. You're the first person except for my folks to see it."

"What do your parents think of it?" As far as _Paula_ was concerned, though, what she liked was how
pretty it looked and how envious she was that her friend owned something that nice.

"Daddy _hates_ it. Mom says that a girl my age needs something like this to help her think about the
woman she's becoming. It's a great moral booster, too, when I'm feeling clunky and unloved."

"Well, it's beautiful."

"Thanks, but I don't think you'll remember much about it on Monday."

"What? I thought you said I'd remember everything about today."

"Yeah, but how much would _Paul_ remember about the kind of PJs a male friend of his wore. Your
mind will be making the same sort of adjustment."

"It doesn't seem fair, somehow."

"I guess not, but, who knows, Paul may get to see me in it some day."

"Only if he's _really_ lucky."

"Thank you, _Paula_. That's really sweet. You're a good friend."

"So are you, Amy." They hugged.

They were still hugging when there was another knock at the door. Amy opened it, hoping to embarrass
her father. It was her mother. "Good girls. Amy, you're too big to have to change anyway."

"Thanks, Mom. Do we have to go to bed right now?"

"No, but remember what I said about being sleepy in the morning. Please remember to wear a robe
over that thing in the morning." She turned to leave, but as she walked out the door, she turned back.
"One other thing, Amy."

"Yes, Mom."

"Remind me to check at Victoria's Secret the next time I'm out at the mall." She winked. "I want to see if
they have that nightie of yours in _my_ size."
The two girls were giggling as Mrs. Bowlan walked out the door. They stayed up and talked for another
hour or so. Then they decided that they were both tired, too tired. Paula unrolled her sleeping bag.
There was a pillow tucked inside it. Amy turned on a nightlight in the bathroom. They got into their beds
and were both asleep within five minutes.


The sun was shining in Paul's eyes. He woke up and blinked. Where was he? This wasn't his room. What
was he wearing, and why did he feel some sort of weight on his chest. He looked down at his - no, at her
breasts and remembered. She was still Paula, still spending the night with her new best friend, Amy.

"Morning, sleepyhead." It was Amy. "I was wondering when you'd get up."

"What time is it?"

"After ten. Splash some water on your face, and we'll have some breakfast." She was still wearing the
nightie, but she had a heavy cotton robe over it. "You like French toast?"

"Sure, do."

"Good. You can help me make some. See you in five minutes." She knotted the robe shut and headed
out the door.

Paula joined her in the kitchen. Paul hadn't done much cooking, but the recipe was easy enough to
follow. In a few minutes, they were both enjoying the results of their work. And with cinnamon and
maple syrup, too.
They finished their breakfasts and washed the dishes. The Sunday paper was in the living room. They
grabbed a few sections and headed back to Amy's bedroom.

Amy went in her bathroom to wash up. When she came out, she found Paula frowning. "What's the
matter?" she asked.

"It's this damned spell. I started to read the Sports Section, but I found myself losing interest halfway
through the first article."

"I guess you're more of a girl than you need to be. Sorry."

"It's okay, I guess. I'll grab the paper at home tonight and put it in my room. I can read it tomorrow when
I'm Paul again."

"Okay, and by way of apology, you can have the Comics first."

"Thanks, what are you going to read?"

"The Sports Section." She stuck out her tongue at Paula. "They report on swimming, too, you know." She
picked it up then put it down again. "Too bad there is no swimming this time of year to report on. Hand
me the Home and Hearth Section, would you."

Paula handed it to her, or rather hit her lightly over the head with it. Amy took the section, opened it,
and began to read. "Hey, there's a bunch of sales at the Overbrook Mall. You want to go?"

"I thought we were going to go swimming."

"There'll be time for that. The mall opens at noon on Sundays, and it's on the way to Bikini Beach. What
do you say?"
"That you'll probably keep pestering me until I say "Yes"."


They finished with the paper and dressed. Paula brought out their swim suits when she went in to brush
her teeth. She packed her suitcase and rolled up the sleeping bag and pillow. They promised Amy's
mother that they'd both have some lunch at the mall, since they'd had such a late breakfast. It was
about 12:30 when Paula pulled into a parking space at the mall.

Amy lagged a little behind Paula as they walked to the mall entrance, pretending to be looking for
something in her purse. Yesterday, she'd noticed that Paula still had a male walk. Today, Paula's walk
was feminine, even a little sexy, her hips swaying back and forth as she walked. She caught up with
Paula just outside the entrance.

A couple of mallrats, boys in their teens, were standing outside taking a last smoke before they went in.
They'd watched the two girls approach. One of them, a skinny kid in a sweatshirt from their school
smiled and opened the door. "Helllooo, ladies," he said managing to get a leer into his voice.

"Gooodbyye, creep," Paula responded automatically, startling both herself and Amy.

"Well," Amy thought. "That was probably the best way to handle those two." She'd run into them at
school, a couple of sophomores who blamed an unappreciative world for their own lack of

"Gee, Paula," she said. "That was great. How'd you know how to handle those two guys?"

"Experience, I guess. I should feel sorry for them, but they way they looked at us while we were walking
up to the entrance - ugh! I felt kind of slimy."
"They'll learn in time."

"Maybe. I know them from when we were in Boy scouts together. Maybe, I'll just suggest that the best
place to pick up girls is Bikini Beach. A day on the other end of the pick-up might be just what they

"You wouldn't." She giggled at the thought, they both did. Only Amy had a feeling that Paula might
actually be considering it. "_Girl_, you are bad."

"You know it. Now, which stores had those sales?" Before Amy could answer, they saw a group of girls
looking through some racks of clothes outside an "Old Navy? outlet. "This must be the place," Paula
said, and they headed for the store.

They spent the next hour or so looking at clothes, trying them on, and trying to talk each other in buying
this or that item. Paula surprised herself with her eye for color, settling on a blue-violet tank top that she
switched for the blouse she was wearing. Amy bought a yellow scarf and a set of earrings in the shape of

They stopped at the food court for lunch, a salad for Amy and a burger and fries for Paula. "I won't have
this figure after tonight," she said. "So I don't have to be as careful about it as you do."

Their table was at the edge of the food court, and they watched shoppers go by while they ate. Paula
found herself noticing some of the older mallrats. A couple of them were kind of cute, and she smiled
back when one, a tall boy in a Westside varsity jacket, noticed her looking and smiled at her.

He took the smile as an invitation and came over to their table. "Hi, I'm Paul O'Donald. Do I know you

"I don't think so," Amy said. "We're both new in town."
"Welcome. We can always use more pretty girls hereabouts. Can I give you two the grand tour?"

Paula felt the same sort of warm feeling that she'd had the night before. Damn, now she was coming on
to guys, and a Westsider, no less.

"Maybe another time. We, umm, we go to Central. Maybe you know my cousin, Ted Fletcher?"

The boy grimaced. Paula had noticed the football pin on his jacket and she remembered what Ted and
Jack and the rest of the team had done to Westside two nights before. The rivalry between the two
schools went back to her grandparents' days. "Fletcher! Yeah, I guess I know him. Nice to meet you
girls." He turned and strode away as dislike for the school replaced attraction to the students.

"That was short," Amy said, "and not too sweet."

"I'm sorry. I can cope in my mind with the idea that I'm interested in guys. I just can't, well, put the
theory into practice."

"No? Well, Paula, as soon as we finish with lunch, you and I are going to undergo the most intense
experience known to womenkind."

"I refuse to go trolling for boys."

"Who said anything about boys? Honey, we're going shopping for lingerie."

"I think I'd rather go trolling for boys."

Ten minutes later, despite her protests, Paula was being dragged into the mall's Victoria's Secrets. An
attractive salesgirl in her mid-twenties came over to them. "May I help you girls?"
"Yes," Amy said. "My friend here just had spurt. On top, I mean. She needs to have her
bra size re-measured."

"Certainly. Come with me dear." She took Paula by the arm and led her into one of the dressing rooms.
Once they were inside, she picked up a cloth measuring tape. "Take your blouse and bra off please."

Out of curiosity, Paula did what she was told. She'd never heard of measuring bra size. For the next
twenty minutes, she discovered just what was involved in the process. "I never imagined being probed
and measured like that," she told Amy when they were finished.

"I thought you might like to know what it's like," Amy giggled. "My mother says that, next to a gynie
exam, it's about the most intimate thing that can happen to a woman."

Before she could say anything else, the salesgirl came over to them. "You're a 32-B, dear, but the way
you seem to be growing, I'd guess that you'll be a C-cup before next spring." She held up a couple of
bras, flimsy almost transparent things. "Here are a couple that should fit. Would you like to try them

"Yes, let's," Amy chimed in. "I've picked a couple myself." She grabbed Paula's arm and pulled her back
towards the dressing rooms.

Once they were inside, both girls stripped to the waist. Again, Paula felt no emotion over seeing Amy's
breasts, and, by now, it no longer bothered here. She _was_ interested in the bras Amy had picked out.
One was a lycra sportsbra in their school's colors. "It'll help me when I start jogging to strengthen my
legs for swimming; so I don't jiggle when I jog-gle." The other was a rather naughty number, underwire
with sheer red lace. There were a few small lace flowers in each cup about where the nipple would be.

Paula put on one of the two the salesclerk had handed her, a silk and lace confection in pale lilac. It
didn't seem like much, but her breasts felt secure and supported once she had it on. She liked the way it
looked against her skin, too. The other was a bit naughty itself, a black lace "wonder bra? that made it
look like she had C- or maybe even D-cups. She posed, hands on hips and chest thrust out in front of the

"Thinking of Mack?" Amy asked.

She hadn't been, but now the image from last night came back into Paula's mind. He was smiling,
looking at her. He seemed to reach out and touch her. Yes, she felt his hand on her breast. She began to
tingle again, the warmth concentrating in her breasts and her groin. And his fingers! She suddenly
realized that those were _her_ fingers at her breast; touching them, rubbing a fingernail against the
stiffening nipple. NO!

She looked over to see Amy, hand in front of her mouth, stifling a laugh. "I guess you're _really_ a girl
now, Paula. Welcome to the club."

"Thanks, but it's not a club that I really wanted to join."

"Well, after today, you'll just be an honorary member. I'm taking the sportsbra. Are you buying either of

"Yes, the lilac one, though I don't know why."

"Because you like it. Cheer up, though, after tonight, it'll probably be back in the store, and you'll get
your money back."

"I guess so." She looked at her watch. "It's almost three. Can we go swimming, now?"

"Sure, unless you want to buy another swim suit."

"No, the one I've got will be fine."

The girls paid for their new bras and walked back to the car. Paula noticed that a number of mallrats
were watching them as they walked. She also noticed that she liked the way they were looking at her.
Without realizing it, she put a little extra wiggle into her walk. 'It's a good thing she's changing back,'
Amy thought. 'Little Paula is getting to be a bit of a tease.' She giggled to herself at the thought.


Fifteen minutes later, they were back at Bikini Beach. The old woman was at the entrance gate and
smiled when she saw them approaching. "Welcome back, Paula. Are you having a nice weekend?"

"Well, I'm certainly having an _interesting_ one," Paula said.

They went inside and changed; this time both using the Ladies? Locker Room. They headed back for the
Wild River area to try out some of the rides they had seen but not gone on the day before. They tried
the raft rides, squealing as the rafts bounced and turned their way down the waterways. They decided
that it was a good thing that they'd worn their swimsuits, since they tended to leave each ride sopping
wet from all the splashing.

After a short rest and diet cokes on the veranda, they tried the Gold Rush Slide. It was a great deal of
fun, even if Paula did lose her top on the way down. She re-tied it as if she'd been doing so forever, and
they got back in line for another try.

Finally, they headed back to the Swimming Hole. They swam for a while, then had a couple sandwiches
and just lay on the sand talking. Much too soon, they heard the announcement over the loudspeaker
that it was "6 PM, and the park will be closing in a half hour."

Paula stood up, brushing the dry sand off her body. "I hate to say it, and I don't know _how_ I know, but
my folks are expecting me home by seven."
Amy stood up. "We'd better go, then." They were dry, so they tossed the borrowed towels that they'd
been lying on into one of the hampers that were scattered around the park. There was a bit of line
waiting to go into the Locker Room, but they made it in and changed.

Paula noticed one girl was looking around oddly at the others. When the girl, a petite blonde maybe all
of thirteen, saw Paula looking at her, she turned her head and began fumbling at her suit. 'Another
changee,' she thought.

After she finished dressing, she went over to the girl, who seemed to be trying to figure out why the
buttons on her blouse were wrong. "Don't worry," she whispered to the girl. "You'll get the hang of it by
the time you change back."

The girl began to sob. "I'm...I'm not changing back. My wife decided she'd rather have a demure
daughter than a lecherous husband. She...she bought me a lifetime pass." The girl looked down at her
body for a moment, then back up at Paula. "The worst of it is, that I'm finding that I enjoy this new body.
I'm even starting to forget what it was like being a man."

Paula shuddered. That sobbing girl could have been her. She put a hand on the girl's shoulder. "I -- I
didn't know. I'm sorry."

The girl looked up at her. "Thanks. I guess I'll have to get used to it. Kathy, that's my wife, says the pass
isn't returnable or refundable. I can't ever change back. I'm even starting to think to think of her as my
mother instead of my wife." She shrugged. "I guess I'm feeling a little better. Or maybe it doesn't bother
me as much as it did."

Paula shuddered again and left. Amy met her outside. The old woman was with her. "I heard you talking
to Sally," the old woman said. "It was very kind of you to try to comfort her."

"Thanks, I guess."
"In a day or so, she won't even remember having been an adult male. Her original identity is now her
father - her late father actually; in this new reality, he died some time back."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because you were kind to her when you didn't have to be, and because you needed to know that things
could have been a lot worse." She looked at her watch. "But it's getting late, and you have to go. I hope
you enjoyed the park."

"I did - and I have to admit that I enjoyed the weekend, too."

"Goodbye then. Oh, and if you'd like, you can tell those two boys at the mall to try the park. Just don't
warn them."

"I wouldn't -- warn them, that is. I think they could use the park." She giggled at the thought of those
two pests changing into lovely young women. "Bye." It wasn't until after she'd turned away that Paula
wondered how the old woman knew about the two mall rats.

The girls headed back to the car. Paula drove most of the way back to Amy's in silence. Both of them
were thinking about the weekend.

"There's the complex," Amy said as they neared the driveway. "I'm...I'm glad you enjoyed the weekend."

"So am I. I think I even made a friend."

Amy smiled. "Can I call you later?"

"I guess. Just do it before nine. My folks don't like calls after that time."
"Okay. Oh, here's my building. Thanks for everything."

Paula parked the car. She got Amy's packages out of the trunk and watched her go into her apartment.
Amy stood just inside the doorway and waved as Paula drove away.

Ten minutes later, Paula pulled up in the driveway of her own house. Her father, a balding man in his
forties was sitting on the patio next to the driveway, reading a magazine. Paula realized that she hadn't
given any thought to explaining her transformation.

Her father stood up and walked over to the car. "Hi, honey," he said. "Did you have a good time with
your new friend - what was her name - Amy." Evidently, his memory was changed to reflect Paula's new

"Oh, yes, I did. Thanks, umm, Daddy." Paula got out of the car and opened the trunk again.

"Here, let me help you with that," her father said. He took the suitcase and sleeping bag, while Paula
grabbed her swim bag and the two packages from the mall.

"Shopping again, eh," her father said with a mock sigh. "You'll be the best dressed girl in the

Paula smiled and went inside. Her mother was watching TV. "Hi, honey," she said, as oblivious to the
transformation as her husband had been. "Did you have dinner, or do you need me to fix you

"No, Mom. We ate in the park."

"What park was that?" he father said coming out of her room.
"Bikini Beach. We bought a couple of weekend passes."

"I've heard about that place. Maybe we should all go next weekend."

Her mother scowled. "Frank Kauffman, if you think I want to spend a day watching you looking at pretty
girls in bikinis, you've got another think coming."

"Aw, Joan. You know that when I'm with you, there _are_ no other girls." He leaned over and kissed his
wife on the forehead.

"Stuff and nonsense, but thank you for saying so." She smiled. "Still, I don't think I'll take any chances.
Paula can be the one who goes to Bikini Beach. Only now, the only place she's going is in to finish
whatever homework she has this weekend. Scoot, girl. I'll hang up your suit."

"Thanks, Mom." Paula headed for her room. She'd had a fright when her father had suggested going to
the beach, and she was very relieved that her mother had shot down the idea.

She was even more relieved to discover that Paula had finished most of her homework in the study hall,
just as Paul had done. She hadn't been sure if that would change. All that was left was to review her
Social History notes for the scheduled quiz on Monday and go through her French vocabulary one more
time. She was wrestling with French verb tenses when she heard the phone ring. A moment later, her
mother yelled, "Paula, it's for you."

Her room had been transformed, as well. She was stretched across a bed with a pale pink spread
covered with tiny roses. The Brittany Spears poster on the wall next to the bed was replaced with one of
Ben Affleck. She jumped from the bed and headed out the door. One of the few things that hadn't
changed was the JarJar Binks dartboard hanging from the door. She heard it slam as she hurriedly shut
the door behind her and ran downstairs to the phone, wondering who was calling. "Hello?"

"Hi, Paula. It's me, Amy. I just wanted to talk a little more about the weekend."
"Hi, Amy. I had a hunch you might call. It was a - well, a strange weekend, but I enjoyed it, I think."

"You forgive me, then?"

"Yes. Yes, I do. I understand why you did it, at least."

"Then we're still friends?"

"Sure. Good friends, too, I hope."

"What about the, um, other thing, the, ah, date we talked about."

"I don't know. I - I can't talk for Paul. Can we talk about it tomorrow at school tomorrow?"

"Okay, I understand. To quote an old joke, "aside from that one problem, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you
enjoy the play?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Aside from, well, from what happened in the locker room when we first got to the park, what did you
think about the weekend?"

Paula realized that Amy wasn't being obvious because her parents might be listening. She thought about
the weekend. It _had_ been fun, she admitted to herself. The two girls spent a good forty-five minutes
talking about the water park, volleyball, and the problems of bikinis on waterslides. They giggled at the
way Ted and Jack had tried to pick them up at the Papa Gino's, and how they had chased off that guy
from Westside at the mall.
They'd have talked longer, but it was getting late. Both sets of parents eventually chased them off the
phone. Paula promised to talk to Amy in school the next day at lunch. She headed back upstairs and
stripped for bed. It was a warm night, so she decided to sleep in her bra and panties. She crawled under
the bed and fell asleep in a few minutes.


The alarm woke Paul at 7:30. He smiled looking at his hairy arm and at the undershirt and shorts he was
wearing. The bulge in his shorts said that _everything_ was back to normal. He showered, dressed, and
headed down for breakfast.


Lunch period took forever to arrive. As usual, he was eating with Mack. As far as his friend was
concerned, as far as the world was concerned, he'd had a date with Amy on Saturday, then spent the
rest of the weekend hanging out with Mack doing nothing in particular. Even Mack was vague about
what they'd done.

Mack saw Amy first. "Hey, here comes your new girlfriend. Gonna go over and talk to her for a bit?"

"Yeah. I'll see you later." Paul walked over to where Amy was sitting with Jennie Haller and Lucy Potts.
"Hi, Amy. Can I - um - can I talk to you?" He looked at the two other girls. "In private."

"Well, I can tell when we're not wanted," Jennie said with a smile. "If you're going to talk to Amy, I think
I'll go talk to Mack. You coming, Lucy?" The two girls stood and walked over to where Mack was sitting.
Paul watched them, wondering if either were the transformed boy Amy had mentioned on Saturday.

When Paul sat down, he noticed that Amy was wearing the blouse that Paula had bought the day
before. "Nice blouse."
"Thanks. It was in my closet this morning. So was that bra you bought."

"It looks good on you." He paused. "Look, about the weekend."

"Yes." She looked like she was bracing herself for bad news.

"I can think of a lot of other ways I'd have wanted to spend the weekend, but in a way it was worth it."

"It was?"

"Yep. I made a new, very good friend." He took her hand in his. "And a girlfriend, too, I hope. Would you
like to go to a movie with me this Friday?"

Amy brightened. "Oh, yes. I'd love to."

"Great, I'll call you up later and we can talk about it some more."

"I'd love to." She stood up. "Right now, I guess we'd better go to class."

"I guess."

"Paul, can I tell you something, something confidential?"

"Sure, that's what friends are for."

"I like you. I like you a lot, and I'm glad that you still want to date me. But to tell the truth, I think I'll miss
Paula just a little."

"No, you won't."

"Yes, I will. Wait a minute, what do you mean?"

"I like being Paul. I'm used to him in ways that I'll never get used to Paula, but I did enjoy the time we
spent together this weekend. I figure that if I'm careful with my money - if I take that part-time job at his
store that my Dad offered me last week.... Anyway, I figure that I can afford a one-day pass about once a
month or so, maybe even a weekend pass once in a while. You quoted a movie or two at me, so let me
quote one at you: "_She'll_ be back!"?

The End

© 2000

The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must
contact the author for permission.

Now listen good and listen tough, Pilgrim. If y’all are under 18 or still livin’ at home with momma, or if
y’all are offended by transgender themes, then someone oughtta tell ya to get your sorry butt outta
hear, but ah’m not gonna do it; no, ah’m not gonna do it; the hell ah’m not! Get your sorry butt over to
the Disney site. NOW! (Ah hear that Duck fella doesn’t wear any pants.)
Bikini Beach: What’s Good for the Gander... by: Jezzi Belle Stewart © 2000

As he neared the ticket booth, Carl Desmond’s mind was filled with evil glee as he thought of what he
had done to that little bimbo office girl temp. She had been eighteen, fresh out of high school with a
virginal beauty oh so rare these days. Carl had played nice boss, drawing her out over several lunches,
finding that she was a genuinely nice girl, a virgin saving herself for marriage to her college sweetheart.
Carl hated nice.

Then had come the "work" dinner. The innocent glass of wine, then a second, and a third, and so on till
Carl took his pleasure with the unresisting girl. The next day he had made sure to be gone when she
arose, ashamed and humiliated by what she had done. At work, he’d been cold and aloof, ignoring her.
Somehow pictures of their night of passion had found their way to her fianc e; "I wonder how ever that
could have happened?" he chuckled inwardly. Soon it was apparent she was pregnant. Of course he had
fired the little slut.

Carl thought back over the many other girls in his past who he had consigned to a similar fate. Now the
thrill of the chase was on him again, a new young girl from a "nice" family that had recently moved into
his apartment complex. He had learned that she would be at this water park, Bikini Beach, today. His
reverie was broken when he heard, "How may I help you, sir?" He looked up and saw an attractive
young blonde behind the ticket window. As his mind shifted into present time, a quick feeling of
wrongness flickered, but vanished quickly.

"I’d like a ticket." he said as he leered at her.

Annya had been expecting this man. Special arrangements had been made for him, so special that they
had awaited this face-to-face encounter for implementation. Annya didn’t like what was about to
happen, but a quick read of his mind convinced her that this man deserved it, and she mentally flicked
the switch that activated the special modifications to the Park’s magic. She, too, had felt the momentary
flicker of wrongness, but such loathing filled her for this man over what she had seen in his mind that
the wrong feeling quickly vanished from her consciousness. "This is a private park," she said, "so we
don’t sell tickets. We do, however, have some special guest passes from time to time. All I have right
now is a lifetime pass. It’s quite expensive."

Carl was quite wealthy; price was unimportant when he sensed his quarry in reach. "I’ll take it.," he said,
passing!over his platinum Mastercard. Having completed the transaction, he signed the pass on the back
and proceeded toward the men’s locker room. "Be sure to take a shower before entering the park; it’s a
city health regulation!" Annya called after him, watching his retreating back. Carl was thirty years old, six
feet tall, chiseled Roman features, dark curly hair, and a body kept trim and in shape. She wondered
how such a handsome man could be so evil. There was no one else in line, so she decided to follow Carl,
giving him time to enter the shower before she entered the locker room. She wanted to see this one
getting what was coming to him!

She had taken about three steps into the locker room when she was struck be a mental tidal wave.
Something was terribly, terribly wrong! She rushed toward the showers....

Carol Gold stood by a large boulder about twenty feet from the exit from the men’s’ shower room.
Although she tried to hide it with a prim hairstyle, no makeup, and a conservative one-piece bathing
suit, it was impossible for anyone to see her as anything but drop dead gorgeous - Centerfold material,
she would call herself, bitterly. A grim smile played across her lips as she thought of the girl about to
emerge. And there she was! Carol was a bit surprised. The girl was cute and young, about fourteen with
widening hips, a narrow waist, budding breasts - almost a "B" cup, she thought - and long straight
blonde hair; Carl had midnight black hair and she had expected the girl’s hair to be that color also.
Everything else seemed right, though. The girl looked thoroughly confused and frightened, staring down
at her bare breasts above a red bikini bottom.

With an evil expression on her face, Carol walked toward the girl. "Why, hello, Carley, you naughty little
girl; don’t you know you can’t go topless in the park? she said with mock concern. "People will think
you’re a slut." She pulled a skimpy red bikini top from the pocket of her wrap and held it out to her.
When the girl made no move to take it, Carol simply wrapped it around her chest and fastened the
straps behind her back and neck with neat bows. "There, now you look presentable - so cute and
young ... and feminine!" Now her voice took on a cruel edge. "How do you feel, CARL?!"

At the sound of the male name, the girl seemed to come out of her trance. "Carol? You know me? What
are you doing here? What’s happened to me? I’m a... a... a...
"...girl?" Carol prompted, again with mock concern. "Why yes you are, dear, and it’s permanent, you
know. You bought a lifetime pass. yes, you’re going to be a cute little girlie-o for the rest of your life,
CARLEY. That’s who you are now, you know ... Carley ... the name’s my gift to you, and, oh, yes, a
reminder of who you used to be. No last name, though, you’ll have to come up with that by yourself.
Certainly not Desmond, there’s no more Carl Desmond...EVER!

"What...? Carol, Why? How...? Carley started to cry and double over in emotion caused pain.

Carol put her arms around the sobbing girl and led her over to a table and seated her in a chair. Carley
slumped, put her head in her ams on the table and cried. Carol took a chair on the opposite side so she
could look at him - oops, her; when Carley’s crying reached the sniffling stage, she said sharply, "Sit up!
Look at me! Now here’s the way it is..."

This is Bikini Beach, a magic place. You’ve been changed into a girl by magic. A fairly young, but pretty
girl; I planned it that way. You’ll find that you’re not as intelligent as you used to be, about average, I’d
say. You’ll find that your sex drive is quite a bit higher than Carl’s was, but not uncontrollable. you’re
finished with puberty and should develop rapidly from now on; by the end of two years, you should be
drop dead Playboy, Barbie doll gorgeous, every male’s wet dream. But mentally, in everything except IQ,
and sex drive, you will still be all Carl!" Now the bitterness in her voice was full blown. "Prissy, morally
upright, holier-than-thou "I can’t do that; it wouldn’t be right." Carl - and, of course, straight as an arrow
heterosexual Carl."

"Ordinarily, the Bikini Beach magic places a man in a new reality where he has always been a she; only a
very few know otherwise. Also the magic usually softens the blow of transition, providing "training
wheels" so to speak. The new girl automatically knows how to put on makeup, for example, and is
unthinkingly female heterosexually oriented; she LIKES men. In your case, I was able to make it so that
these default settings have been overridden. Carley is in the same reality as Carl; she will be a Jane Doe,
and Carl’s disappearance will be a scandal. Her sexual orientation and moral values will be Carl’s, but not
his intelligence. You will mourn the loss of your intelligence, Carl - and this is the last time I’ll call you
that - but you’re going to HATE your looks and sex drive. With your looks, no man will ever take you
seriously as anything but a sex object," (here the triumph in her voice was evident), "and you won’t have
the brains to overcome that! More, your body will WANT to be a sex object for men, while your Carl-
mind will HATE it. You’ll have to fight to earn a living. You’ll have to fight to maintain those high-and-
mighty moral standards of yours. And you’re starting out with NOTHING and only fourteen years old!"
Here she threw up her hands and shouted. "I LOVE IT! And I’ll be watching you, love." Her voice was now
intense. She was gripping the edges of the table now, head thrust forward staring straight into the eyes
of the horrified Carley. "You won’t be able to detect me, but I’ll be watching every moment of your
struggle to maintain your Carl-self, and struggle you will; I know you!" Now she sat back, visibly relaxing.
"Maybe you’ll be able to do it; I gave you the ability, just barely. But I’m betting you won’t." Mock
sweetness now. "I’m not a total bitch, honey. There’s some girl clothes, although you may find them a
tad confusing without the "training wheels" and just a bit risqu , and a purse with a twenty dollar bill, a
lipstick, and some tampons in it in your locker; your period should start within a day!" Now all charades
were dropped and the anger and bitterness was full-blown. "Have a miserable life, CARLEY!" And Carol
forcefully pushed back her chair and got up to leave. Carley’s voice, soft, neutral, unexpectedly calm,
stopped her.


A little curious about "her" calm control, Carol sat back down. "Maybe I should tell you. It will be good
therapy for me, and give a frustrating edge to your "life sentence" when you hear how I’ve duped you,
as well as these nicey-nice powers that be here at Bikini Beach."

"I’ve been on the receiving end of men’s shit for as long as I can remember." Carol began. "When I was
fourteen, I already had this body, the kind of body you’ll have, in a few years, Carley. Mom had died and
it was just Dad and me, and he began to sexually abuse me. Every guy in school tried to get into my
panties. I’m smart, but none of my teachers recognized that. The men teachers were just as horney as
the boys - I had to have sex with the dean to avoid being expelled on trumped up charges - and the
women teachers were envious; in their minds I became nothing but "that little tramp."

"I should have graduated with honors from high school, but instead just barely made it. I couldn’t get
into college. I couldn’t get a decent job. Even the fast food places fired me because the boys hung
around too long and scared away the family trade. I had lots of offers for prostitution and porno films,
but I couldn’t bring myself to be an object for the sex that had abused me. The lesbian porn trade wasn’t
any better, and when I tried getting a job at women owned businesses, I found the owners no better
than my female teachers had been. I even thought about plastic surgery to make myself plain looking,
but couldn’t bring myself to do it - no money, either." Her control broke for a moment, and she
slammed her fist down on the table. "DAMN! It just wasn’t fair; beauty shouldn’t be a curse!"

Seemingly switching gears, Carol asked conversationally, "Do you remember what Carl was thinking as
he entered the Bikini Beach parking lot, Carley? Of course you do. Thoughts he had right up till he was in
the shower and it was too late. Were those true thoughts, true memories, Carley, dear?" Dripping
sarcasm here "Of course they weren’t! Carl was a genuinely nice man. I remember when I first met him.

I was thirty years old; years of living hand to mouth, struggling to remain a "good girl" when I saw an ad
for a secretarial job. I was going to do my usual tricks; mousy brown wig, binding my breasts, thick
glasses, but I decided what the hell and wore my sexiest outfit - If nothing else, Carl was going to be my
first trick! I had sunk that low. But it wasn’t like that at all. Your - Carl’s - look on meeting me
acknowledged my beauty, and then ignored it! I had my first normal job interview from a man, and I got
the job! On my ability! At first I thought he was gay, but then I met his wife, a lovely person in her own
right. It was easy to tell they were very much in love. When your top sales rep, the man who was
bringing in the most money for the company, hit on me, tried to threaten me with losing my job if I
didn’t FUCK" - her voice rose - "him right away, you (the switch to second person was natural. Carol was
lost in the moment.) fired him! You promoted me, made me your personal secretary. I was a guest in
your home several times. At first I couldn’t believe my luck after all those years. But gradually I began to
hate you. HATE YOU!" Again the fist on the table. I had carefully built my whole personality structure
around the fact that all men were scum. I don’t mean the silly joking that women normally indulge in.
The belief that ALL men are scum had become the essential core of what made me, me. And now you
were tearing down that core, destroying me just by being you. How dare you be a good man! There
weren’t any! I vowed there would not be any. In order for my belief structure to stay in tact, you HAD to
be destroyed, and not just destroyed, humiliated, degraded, made to experience what your kind had
made of me. You see that don’t you?" A note of pleading entered her voice. Carley just continued to
gaze calmly at her, though, which restored her anger. "I knew about Bikini Beach before I met you." she
continued grimly. "A girlfriend of mine had a pretty little submissive lesbian lover. One girls’ night out,
when we were both more than a bit drunk and I was doing my usual bitching about men, all of a sudden
she started giggling and said, ‘You need Bikini Beach!’ and she went on to tell me the story of her lazy
no-account husband. In an attempt to revitalize the relationship, Sheila - that’s my friend - suggested
they go to this new water park she had seen the ads for, Bikini Beach, and he agreed. When they arrived
and she saw the stream of gorgeous girls going into the park, she began to reconsider, but her husband,
with a leer on his face, had already gotten in line. The young girl at the ticket window explained that
Bikini Beach was a private park, but they did have a few guest passes. It just so happened they had two
lifetime passes, specially discounted that day."

Carol momentarily snapped out of her reverie. "Sound familiar, sweetie?", she snapped at Carley. Then
she returned to her story. Well, when Sheila realized that the cute little thing that had emerged from the
men’s locker room was really her husband, she almost rolled on the ground laughing. At that point, the
young lady from the ticket window appeared and handed her husband a bikini top." She glanced at
Carley for a reaction. There was none, just that calm stare. When Sheila commented that "she" had put
it on as if she had been doing it all her life, The young lady took them aside and explained the normal -
not your case, dear - workings of Bikini Beach. No one would her would remember her husband. All
would remember "her" as always being a girl and being Sheila’s lesbian lover. The submissive traits were
programmed in as part of the "training wheels". Sheila commented that she and "Judy" were now quite
happy. Having met Judy, I just knew there was no way she could ever have been a man. When I
expressed that to Shelia, she asked me to come with her to Bikini Beach, and I agreed. While this
seemed pretty stupid in the morning when I was sober, I agreed to go anyway. All we did was sit in the
parking lot, but at the end of the day, I believed her. About 20 men had entered the park; none left. I
pushed Bikini Beach into the back of my mind. I couldn’t very well lure every man who had "done me
wrong" to The Park, could I? Bikini Beach became another bit of interesting but useless information ... till
I met you and decided I hated you."

The sun was getting hot, and carol was becoming frustrated over getting no reaction from Carley, so she
decided to cut to the chase. I decided a Bikini Beach lifetime pass would be your punishment for
destroying my sense of self, but not the normal Bikini Beach treatment. Realizing from Sheila’s
experience that there must be some mental filtering process to induce a female change right for the
man involved, and knowing what a nice guy are ...were" - She flicked a half smile - "I believed you would
land on your feet, maybe even better off than before. I had to find some way around that. Remember, I
wanted you PUNISHED! So I learned hypno therapy. You know that. Remember that day your back was
bothering you and I asked if I could practice on you, maybe help you out?" Aha! finally there was a
flicker of emotion from Carley, as she began to see where carol was leading. "You were so easy! And
your back felt so much better that you never thought to inquire whether I’d done only that. Well, CARL-
LY, I had Carl sign over to me full power of attorney to run the company, at a much higher salary, and
also write letters to the Board of directors and his wife saying that he was going to take a long trip to
‘find himself." If he didn’t return within a year, I was to assume full power and the company would
belong to me. You don’t remember your conference with your lawyer where he drew everything up nice
and legal, all the while trying to talk you out of it, do you? Oh, I cried with your wife when she came in to
see you and I had to tell her you were already gone! Gone here, to Bikini beach! I planted those false
memories in his brain along with the command to come here today. I told the Bikini Beach lady I spoke
with to set this up all about the fake you. She was so doubtful that anyone could be so evil as you that
she wanted to meet you before triggering the changes in The Beach’s magic. I believed/hoped that
whatever mental filters were in place would pick up the false memories and not search for the buried
real ones. AND IT WORKED! The memories were triggered when you entered the parking lot, everything
has gone according to plan, AND YOU’RE STUCK!

With absolutely no trace of emotion, Carley reached across the table and slapped Carol in the face.
Hard! And then began to cry. Carol leaped up, her hand to her throbbing cheek. "Enjoy what little
satisfaction that gave you, you little bitch! There’s precious little satisfaction you’ll get from your new
life. Why I bet you’re multiple fucked and pregnant before the week’s out!" She turned and stormed
out, turning back only once briefly to throw "Goodbye, CARLEY!" at the young girl sitting crying at the
table. She didn’t see the faint glow beginning to surround her.

When Carol arrived back at Carl’s, now her, office, she found a message about an emergency at the
Seattle plant that required her personal attention. She estimated she would be gone three days. Any
monitoring of that bitch Carley would have to wait till she returned. "No hurry." she thought, smiling.
"All the time in the world."

When Carol returned from Seattle, she found a message from Bikini Beach on her answering machine.
Could she come to the park ASAP, please? There was a problem with her niece, Carley.

Carol grabbed her purse and headed out the door. "Niece?" she thought. "Nice try, Carl, but you’ll find
out I’ll disown you so fast it’ll make your head spin. Maybe I can arrange it so Carley spends some time
in juvie lockup." And smiling and thinking pleasant thoughts like that, she drove to Bikini Beach. When
she reached the ticket booth, the same attractive blond girl as before was working; she looked vaguely
familiar. "Hi, I’m Ms. Gold. I was told there’s a problem here with a young girl claiming to be my niece.
I’d like to get this cleared up; you see, I have no niece."

"Oh, yes, Ms. Gold;" said Annya. "My grandmother, the owner of Bikini Beach, is expecting you. Just go
through that door over there.

As she moved toward the door indicated by Annya, Carol noted that the office was actually outside the
park. Pushing open the door, she observed a rather sparse office, with a plain wooden desk with three
straight-backed chairs facing it. On the desk was a pitcher with what looked like ice tea in it along with
several glasses. Behind the desk sat an elderly woman who looked like she had at one time been quite
attractive but who had let herself go as old age approached. carol also noted that the room was
extremely warm, even hot; she was beginning to sweat already.

The old woman indicated a chair. "Ah, Ms. Gold. I’m so glad you could make it today. I’m sorry, but the
air conditioning is on the blink. May I offer you a cold drink?"

Carol was really sweating by this time and gratefully accepted. "You drink of your own free will." the old
woman stated formally. Little alarm bells began to go off in Carol’s brain, but it was too late; she had
already taken a drink. All her energy seemed to drain out of her and she slumped in the chair. "What...?"
she managed to get out before she lost consciousness. She opened her eyes to see the old woman,
seated in exactly the same spot, looking over some papers on her desk. At Carol’s croaked "What...?",
she looked up.

"Ah, I see you have returned to us." she said. "You have been "out", as they say, for almost an hour.
Carol heard the door opened behind her but didn’t seem to be able to turn her head to look. The blonde
girl from the ticket booth moved into her view and stood beside the old woman. "This is my
granddaughter, Annya." she said conversationally; "You’ve met before." "At the ticket...?"

"Yes." continued the old woman. "But I’m not talking about there." Seeing Carol’s puzzled look, she
waved a hand at her granddaughter. Annya made a sign, and a shimmering golden wave seemed to pass
across her body. When it was gone, there stood...

"CARLEY!" gasped Carol, as a flood of panic began to engulf her. "Don’t ry to move, dear; you can’t."
advised the old woman. Without taking her eyes off Carol, she addressed her granddaughter. "I believe
you can leave now, dear; you’ve created the desired effect, and there ARE customers at the ticket
window. On your way out, would you show the final pl ayer in our little drama in, please." With a little
smile and a wave at Carol, the girl turned to go. Out of the corner of her eye, carol saw the beginning of
the golden shimmer, but when she tried to turn and watch the girl exit, she found the old woman had
been right, she couldn’t.

"What...?" asked Carol.

Shaking her head, the old woman smiled at Carol. "Tut tut, my dear; you do seem to have a limited
vocabulary. Ah, here she is now. An extremely attractive woman with body language that stated
unequivocally "professional lady" moved into Carol’s view. She was in her mid twenties and was wearing
a tastefully feminine white silk blouse under a blue pinstripe suit; her skirt ended at mid knee. She was
wearing pumps with a two-inch heel, and her makeup and jewelry were perfect for the boardroom. Her
hair was mid length and styled in a French role ... and it was jet black!

Recognition and denial warred within carol so her "CARL" came out half statement and half question.
"No." said the woman, gazing calmly at Carol; "Carley. Carl is around though; you’ll meet him in a
moment." She and the old woman exchanged slight smiles. "You see, you’ve partially succeeded, Carol. I
am a woman, just not the kind you intended. I’m Carley, and will be for the rest of my life. And I’m OK
with that. Would you care to explain, ma’am?

The old woman fixed her penetrating gaze on Carol. I am extremely disappointed in you. And I am
extremely angry. You set out to ruin a good man (Privately, she somewhat agreed with carol that there
were few of those, but there were some.) whose only "crime" was to treat you well, with respect and
dignity. And you almost succeeded. My security system has now been modified to detect non-magical
mental interference in the first stage perimeter, the parking lot. Fortunately for Carley, the first step in
the showering process wipes away all outside mental interference in order to create a blank slate for
whatever mental changes have been magically programmed to take place. As soon as that took place,
my granddaughter received the true mental picture of Carl Desmond and immediately recognized that a
grievous wrong was about to take place. It’s a good thing she had decided to follow Carl, as she was able
to drag him out of the shower before all but the basic changes had been programmed."

When she paused, Carley continued. "As you can see, she was not able to stop everything. I am a
woman, and I am younger, and I am what I would have been had I been born a woman. And "training
wheels. But minimum ones so that I can find out about womanhood mostly on my own; I rather like
that, actually. Also, my reality has been altered; yours too, as you’ll see. However, as Annya explained it,
she was able to revert the system to it’s defaults for me in several important respects regarding the, as
she put it, "fine tuning" you wanted.

"No reduction in intelligence, no extreme age reduction, and no unnatural sex drive enhancement."
continued the old woman. "She’s not dumb, she’s not a slut, and she’s not too young to live on her own
and enjoy life. In this reality, she still owns the company, and her wife is her lesbian lover." At that she
tried to stifle a guilty look.

"Don’t feel bad, ma’am." Carley stepped to the old woman’s side and put her arm around her shoulders.
"I figured out that that will gradually fade and that I will eventually become a fully heterosexual female.
The "training wheels" you know; that had to be the default setting. I’m just glad the change will be
gradual, and I’m sure my wife and I will at least end up as best girlfriends.

The old woman looked at Carley with approval and just a hint of thanks. "Carl was one of the better
men, and you, Carley, are showing yourself to be one of the better woman. Certainly as compared to
you, Carol." She turned her attention on Carol. "But then, you’re not Carol anymore are you? What’s
your name? she snapped out.

"Car..., Car..., Carl! No!" her voice rising in, panic, but a different voice, only slightly deeper "I’m not a
man; I’m a woman, and my name is... is... Car... Car... Carl!" and HE broke down crying.

"Look at yourself." commanded the old woman. "Look at what you’ve gained and what you’ve lost!"

"And what you haven’t lost." added Carley

Carl’s hands immediately went to his crotch; a bulge there, Then to his chest; no bulges there. He noted
in passing that his fingernails were no longer long or painted but that his fingers and hands appeared
rather small and dainty, unchanged from Carol’s. Finding he could now move, he jumped up and whirled
to face the mirror. A flat-chested Carol with a bulge below the waistline stood there. Still five foot five,
still one hundred twenty pounds, still long below the shoulders hair, just enough changes to the face to
give it a slightly male cast; the totality was a very femme looking male. He turned to face the old
woman. "How could you do this." he half asked and half accused. "By your own rules, Bikini Beach magic
only works one way. Sheila told me. You aren’t supposed to be able to turn women into men!" "And
Sheila was right, young man." said the old woman, standing now, confronting the new man. "Bikini
Beach magic can’t change women to men. But I know a wizard who can. It was his "tea" you drank, of
your own free will. I owe him big time now, and, knowing him, he’ll collect in spades. It was worth it,
though, to turn the tables on you. You ARE now a man, though, by design, not much of one. You still
work for the company, and Carley is your boss. Carley, what’s the verdict on the new Carl?"

"Well, Carl, I think the way you look, you’ll have problems enough without me adding to them." said
Carley, circling him, looking him up and down. "I bear you no ill will; I did some background checks these
past two days into the pre-change files - don’t ask me how." She held up her well manicured hand to
stop the question forming on Carl’s lips. "She" He indicated the old woman. "has ways. And I found what
a hard life Carol led that drove her to do this to me. When I walk out the door, I will forget that you were
ever Carol. When you walk out, you will forget I was ever Carl. Goodby Carol, if it’s any consolation, you
were the best secretary I ever had." He turned to leave, and Carl turned back toward the old woman.
Each momentarily froze. "Carley," she said, "If you like, please come back into my office in ten minutes."
She waved her hand and Carley continued out the door. She turned her attention on the new Carl and
waved her hand in the same manner. he continued his turn till he faced her. "Carl," she said leaning back
and speaking in a conversational tone, as I said, Carl, the old Carl, was a good man. Carley will be an
even better woman, but she’s still too near her vanished manhood. Both were and are too good. Have
you ever read Kipling, Carl?" He nodded his head no, wondering where this was leading. "A shame." s he
sighed. "Let me quote you a verse from one of his poems:

‘When the early Jesuit fathers preached to Hurons and Choctaws, They prayed to be delivered from the
vengeance of the squaws. ‘Twas the women, not the warriors, turned those stark enthusiasts pale.

For the female of the species is more deadly than the male.’ Well, you’ve just been delivered from the
vengeance of the male, but not..." here she leaned across the desk at him and her voice turned mean
"...from the ‘vengeance of the squaw’ - this squaw, you putrid piece of excrement! How DARE you try to
pull a vicious fast one like this on ME! And how DARE you do what you tried to do to a fine person like
Carl Desmond! There are few enough good men in the world; we can’t afford to lose the few we’ve got.
Now we have one less good one, and one more rotten one; you." Carl was cringing now. "Well, here’s
the score, femmy boy. Because that’s what you are now, you know; that’s the way I and the wizard
designed you - not a woman, not a real man." Except for the deletion of breasts and the addition of a
penis, and a few other little changes to let every one know your not a real woman, your body has been
left exactly the way it was when you were Carol except that It gives off special pheromones that attract
only homosexual males. Your body language default will be female. If you want to act like a male, you
will have to work at it very hard, because the minute you let your guard down, the defaults will take
over. Your weak little body will be the plaything of any big gay male that gets you alone. and you will like
it; we added that little twist to your mental makeup. Not enjoy it, though; you won’t be able to resist,
you’ll do anything your lover tells you, but you’ll feel violated and humiliated every time he ravishes you,
even while your body is loving it." "Now she returned to the conversational tone, while Carl just sat
there with a horrified deer-in-the-headlights look on his face. And do you know where the highest
concentration of sex-starved males is, Carl, made homosexual almost to a man by the absence of
females, Carl? Prison, Carl. And that’s where you’ll be going very soon. When Carley returns to her office
later today, she will be saddened to learn that her long-term employee, Carl gold, has been bilking the
company of employee retirement funds for years. The police will be called in, such a shame. No magic
was necessary, just a few phone calls to some friends of mine in Chicago. By day after tomorrow, you’ll
be a wanted man, Carl. They’ll love you in Prison, Carl, all those big sex starved men and a cute little
femmy thing like you. And that’s your fate, carl, unless you start running now, and keep running. ‘I’m not
a total bitch, honey’ " she mockingly quoted carol from three days earlier. "You have a two-day head
start. There’s a ten-year-old Hyundai in the parking lot, unlocked, with a set of men’s clothes, the keys,
and a hundred dollar bill on the seat - if they’re still there, of course. Go!" She stood up. Go! The longer
you wait, the closer you’ll be to wearing lipstick and pink panties with a forced smile on your face while
some 350 pound convict reams your backside. Go!
Wait! she held up her hand. "Here’s an alternative. Buy a lifetime pass here. Exactly one hundred
dollars. You’ll become a female again." A look of hope appeared on Carl’s face. "Of course," she said
maliciously, "I’LL be setting the parameters of your change, determining what kind of girl you’ll be. In the
words of one of my favorite screen personages, ‘Do you feel lucky?’ " "Carl, formerly Carol, looked up to
plead, but the words died on his lips as he saw the evil grin on the face of the woman he had tried to
trick. He could almost hear the other words of that screen personage, "Make my day!" The former Carol
Gold, looking ridiculous in female clothes now that there were no female curves to shape them formed
her last female thought, "FUCKED!" Head down, Carl Gold hurriedly left the office of Bikini Beach.

The old woman leaned back in her chair and allowed herself a satisfied smile.

"You’ve still got it, honey!" She thought. "Not bad acting for an old broad." Carl Gold would eventually
become more masculine and his pheromone production would return to normal male, although there
would always be something sissyish about him that would attract strong dominant females. after a
number of months, the charges against him would prove to be all a big mistake, and he would be given a
job again in Carley’s company - office boy, perhaps. One thing the old woman knew for sure. he would
never be anything but deferential and subservient to women, and he would never, ever come near bikini
beach again!

There was a knock on the door. "Come in," the old woman called pleasantly. Carley entered. All she
remembered was a pleasant day at a fantastic water park.

Hello, ma’am." she said, greeting the old woman with a handshake. I just stopped in to tell you how glad
I am that I bought a lifetime pass to Bikini Beach today. I have seldom enjoyed myself so much. The rides
are fantastic fun, the food is delicious and reasonably priced, the park is super clean, and all your
employees are most pleasant and helpful; one can tell they really enjoy their jobs. ("OH?" thought the
old woman, remembering how some of her employees came to be her employees.) And, while I like
men, well, some of them, anyway, it’s nice to be away from them for a time. I’d like to make you a
proposition. I am the sole owner of The Company. Almost ninety percent of my employees are women,
and I would like to make arrangements for them to all become members if we could hammer out a
discount. I would also be willing to provide you with the services of The Company at a discount." The old
woman stood and, smiling, came around her desk. "My, I have seldom received such a glowing
testimonial for my park; we certainly must be doing something right. I know we can work something
out" She put her arm around Carley’s shoulders and began to lead her out. "Let’s go do lunch and
discuss it further. We might EVEN be able to make arrangements for some of your male employees."
As they exited Annya heard her grandmother say, sounding amazingly like Humphrey Bogart, "Carley, I
believe this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." And then, "You can call me...". But then they were
around the corner and Annya couldn’t hear what her grandmother was saying.

The End

© 2000

The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must
contact the author for permission.

Just a Little Experiment by: C. Black

I couldn’t believe it - I had to read the letter again to fully comprehend the situation. They fired me! For
two months I had performed every menial task at this piss-ant warehouse because the pay was good
and I was going to quit as soon as I had saved a couple thousand, but they fired me before I had earned
as much money as I needed. My four closest friends and I had been planning our Spring Break trip to
Daytona since last fall, and this job was supposed to get me there and back with one hell of a party in
between. Now all I had was a round trip plane ticket, but nothing in the way of pocket money. My
parents weren’t loaded, and I was too busy with school to keep a long-term job, so this had seemed like
the perfect solution until it was pulled out from under me when I was so close to getting what I wanted.
I practically wept at the thought of my friends partying 24-7 with hundreds of knock-out babes for a
whole week…without ME! You see, I never got a chance to party nearly as much as my friends because
of my job. Unlike them, I had to pay for most of my own way through school which left me little time for
partying. But now, I needed cash, and I needed it fast. Spring Break was only a couple of weeks away,
and that wouldn’t allow me to even find another job, let alone work enough hours to make it worth the

I tossed aside the letter with the rest of the junk mail and rubbed the stubble on my chin as I sauntered
over to the fridge. I rummaged around and came out with a leftover pizza box and one of the last two
beers. Hell, I thought, I deserve them both. Balancing both cans on the box, I walked over to the sofa
and kicked my roommate’s feet off one end so I could sit.
"What the hell, Nate. I’m sleeping here."

"Go sleep somewhere else - you snore so damn loud I can’t hear the TV," I replied, switching channels
until I found some mildly annoying comedy flick. Saturday afternoons were meant for bad TV.

"Don’t you have to go to work or something?" Randy asked.

"Shut up. I’m watching TV." He snorted and went back to sleep curled up on his end of the sofa. I
polished off the pizza and one beer. As I bent down to pick up the other one, I noticed today’s paper
lying at my feet. Knowing it was hopeless, I fished for the classifieds and turned to the job ads just to see
if anyone wanted to pay good money to a 21-year-old grunge fan and self-proclaimed movie critic
whose strengths were his ability to turn off chicks in 20 seconds despite his mediocre looks and his
prowess at sports trivia.

Just as I thought. With the exception of one fabulous opportunity of interrupting customers’ dinners to
sell them electric dog-polishers over the phone for minimum wage, there was nothing there. I tossed the
classifieds back down on the floor and the back page of another section caught my eye. I picked it up
and looked closer. "No way" I thought "this is just too easy."

Earn up to $5000!

Healthy males 18-25 needed for a clinical study

For a leading pharmaceutical company.

Two weekend stays required, further study

Could earn you extra cash!

I tore the ad out of the paper and began searching for the phone. I dialed the number and was
pleasantly surprised when a sultry voice answered.

"Good afternoon, Tragen Pharmaceuticals. How may I direct your call?" I mentioned the add and was
beeped over to another sexy voice who proceeded to ask basic information of me: name, age, height,
weight, things you would expect them to ask. "How many sexual partners have you had in the past
year?" Not wanting to sound like a complete loser, and not being able to count myself, I exaggerated

"Three," I said.

"Sexual orientation?"

"Straight as a ."

"Any preferences for women’s clothing or tendencies toward cross-dressing?"

"Absolutely NOT!"

"Have you ever fantasized about having sexual relations with men?"

"I’m not fucking queer! What kind of drugs are you testing anyway?"

"Not to worry, Mr. James. We just have to collect baseline information that may affect the psychological
outcomes of the research. We ask these questions of everyone, regardless of the nature of the study."
She purred through a few more questions, gave me an identification code number, and instructed me
where and when to arrive for the study. I hung up the phone with a question mark hanging over me, but
seeing the $5000 in print on paper and downing the second beer reassured me that this spring break
would be one for the history books.


The following Friday evening I arrived at the location given to me to find a rather nondescript building
located at the far end of a cul-de-sac in an upscale industrial office complex. At the door I was prompted
by a terminal to enter the identification code which was scribbled on the crumpled piece of paper I had
dug out of my pocket. The door slid open and I was immediately greeted by a gush of sterilized air
conditioning. I entered a cool marble lobby with a desk in the center surrounded by potted palms. A
buxom brunette seated behind the desk was taking calls. The first voice on the phone must have
belonged to her. Her ample breasts strained to be released from the confines of a dark blue wrap top
that revealed an excellent cleavage. I felt heat rushing to my groin as I contemplated what lay beneath
her top, but my reverie was interrupted when she looked up and spoke to me.

I told her why I was here and she motioned me to a door which she opened with the press of a button. A
short corridor led to an office with "Research and Development" printed on a brass plaque. As I was
about to reach for the knob, the door opened and a woman in a lab coat greeted me and asked me to
come in. The tag on her lapel identified her as Dr. Laura Sitwell.

She sat down in the chair behind her desk and crossed her black-stockinged legs, revealing a glimpse of
bare thigh under her short black skirt as she did so. I began rethinking my choice of college major,
wondering how I could find a job and spend my whole career surrounded by the gorgeous women who
seemed to populate the drug research field. I was ready to spend as many weekends as necessary here,
and briefly fantasized about various experiments I would be willing to let them perform on me, most of
them involving my dick being licked, sucked, and stroked to exhaustion. I could hear their wondrous
amazement at my imagined endowment and my incredible stamina.

My fantasies were much more interesting than the legal and medical jargon she was droning on about.
Ten minutes later I had signed several papers in all the places she indicated, absently nodding
occasionally, and filled out a couple of forms with mundane information.

"Now that the business is taken care of, we’re ready to get you started." She rose from the desk.
"When do I get paid?"

A gleam arose in her eyes, and she grinned. "Oh, you’ll get your money Sunday when you are

Dr. Sitwell led me through another door in the back of the office which opened onto what looked like
any other doctor’s exam room. She handed me a hospital gown, told me to strip naked and put it on,
then left the room. A few minutes later, a soft knock heralded the arrival of a nurse. She took my temp,
checked my blood pressure, listened to my breathing, took a blood sample and without missing a beat
raised my gown and examined the boys. I was mortified when my dick sprang to life in her latex gloved
hand, but she seemed not to notice anything unusual as she went about her examination.

"Normal sexual response," she stated, matter-of-factly, and made a note on my chart. I was definitely
going to like being their guinea pig. She finished a few other minor tasks, giving the tent pole in my gown
time to deflate, and then led me through another door down another corridor that was lined with doors
on both sides. Each door had a letter designation, and she led me to room F.

I opened the door to what could only be a dream come true. Inside was no less than an upscale hotel
room, complete with waterbed, cable TV, jacuzzi tub, a computer, a stereo, and a table and chair. On
the table was a menu, a TV program guide, a list of CDs available. On the bed was a pair of boxers and a
t-shirt, and the bathroom was complete with toiletries. Everything for a weekend stay in comfort was
provided. I wanted to bounce on the bed with glee over my incredible luck, but the breeze on my ass
reminded me that I would look pretty foolish doing it in this hospital gown.

"You will be receiving the medications at regular intervals and periodically given routine vitals checks.
Unless you are escorted to participate in an experiment, you will be kept in your room. We would like
you to record your experiences during your stay on the computer provided, and if you need anything
just pick up the phone. It’s an internal line only, so no long-distance calls to your girlfriend allowed." She
winked and walked out, closing the door behind her. I let out a whoop and fell back on the bed.

"Daytona, here I come!"

I spent Friday night indulging in gourmet meals and surfing channels in between doses of pills and
nurses that came every four hours. It was a little rough on my usual pattern of sleeping in until noon, but
the vision of those lovely nurses and the thought of the $5000 made it all worthwhile.

Saturday afternoon rolled around, and I began to feel a bit sluggish. I even began to feel as if my body
was shifting its center of gravity, like I was putting on extra padding. I’m no stud, but I’m in good shape,
and I didn’t want to lose what little muscle tone I had before hitting the beach. I decided to get a little
exercise in my room. I rearranged the furniture so I had a decent path and I began to run around the
room on my improvised track. As I trotted around the room, I felt a strange sensation. I attributed it to
the abuse the boys were getting flouncing around down there without the proper support, but after a
while I realized it came from a higher place on my body. I continued to run and mentally sought out
what was different about my body, and I realized that my nipples protruded a little more than normally
because my breasts were beginning to fill out. They were definitely bigger than they had been
yesterday, and they were definitely jiggling. I stopped running and lifted up my shirt, rubbing my hands
over my chest. On a whim, I squeezed them slightly and felt soft flesh molded under my fingers. My
nipples hardened, and a warm rush passed through me straight down to my shorts. I felt Mr. Happy
twitch, and was relieved to know he was still there, because I wasn’t sure what was going on. I looked
down at my chest again, convinced myself that maybe I just hadn’t been taking as good care of myself as
I thought, and resumed my jogging.

Later that night, after a relaxing turn in the jacuzzi, I couldn’t shake this weird feeling that something
was not quite right with me. I picked up the remote and began surfing through syndicated sitcoms, talk
shows, bad movies, all the usual late night TV fare, with little interest. Eventually I found what I was
looking for. Two oily female bodies tangled in sheets moaned and writhed on the screen before me and I
put down the remote. Close ups of extended tongues flicking pink nipples were interspersed with shots
of the ubiquitous repair guy stripped down to his tool belt, all accompanied by fourth-rate guitar jazz.
The hand that had held the remote slid down my belly into my shorts as I lay back on the bed to take in
the pleasures before me. Mr. Happy sprung into my hand as I began to stroke leisurely. Only something
was again not quite right. I had performed this routine so often that I knew every inch of my dick, but
there seemed to be an inch or two less than usual. I stopped stroking and lifted up the waistband of my
shorts just to see what was going on.


My mouth gaped open as I noticed my shaft had definitely shrunk! I checked it’s length against the palm
of my hand just to be sure, and it was decidedly smaller.
"What the fuck is going on here?" I yelled to the ceiling, half expecting an answer of some kind. Since
the ceiling had no answers for me, I considered signaling the night nurse on duty, but quickly thought
better of it. After all, what red-blooded American male would admit to a gorgeous nurse that his dick
was shrinking? Not this boy, damn it! Besides, what if all this was nothing more than a temporary side
effect of the drugs I was testing? No need to get alarmed and come off looking like a shmuck. They
would have told me about any serious repercussions from the drugs, so I convinced myself. I’d just
casually get the doctor’s opinion in the morning when she came in for my daily once-over.

Rechecking the contents of my shorts, I noticed that Mr. Happy wasn’t very happy anymore, obviously
due to my momentary lack of focus on the task at hand. Returning my attention to the TV, I had Mr.
Happy saluting again and we spent a quality five minutes together before I habitually nodded off for the


When morning came, I noticed that nothing had changed…I was still a little flabby around the tits and
my usual good morning salute was flying at a sorry half mast. I decided to clean up before the doctor’s
morning visit and stumbled into the bathroom for a quick shit, shower and shave. Checking myself in the
mirror, I realized that the last of these three was unnecessary since my face looked unusually clean-
shaven. At this point I attributed it to the drugs like all the other changes I’d noticed and didn’t let it
rattle me too much. In fact, the thought of saving time and money on shaving my mug was mildly
appealing. One thing that hadn’t changed was my voracious appetite, so I ordered a large breakfast and
waited for the doctor to arrive.

She appeared right on schedule to find me in my underwear finishing off a stack of pancakes. After a
vitals check, she got down to business with routine questions.

"Noticing any side effects, such as headache, nausea, fatigue, or anything else?"

"Yeah, fatigue somewhat. And, um, well, I seem to be…swelling in the chest."
"I see. Anything else you’ve noticed?"

"This morning I noticed that my beard hadn’t grown since yesterday and I didn’t need to shave."

"Right. Well, sounds exactly like what we would expect. What you are experiencing is perfectly normal
at this phase of the trial. These minor side effects will be resolved in the second phase of the trial next
weekend. Everything will work itself out at that time."

"You mean this is supposed to be happening?" I said indicating my protruding nipples.

"Yes," she said, laughing softly. "Everything seems to be going along smoothly. You are an excellent
subject, and I look forward to the completion of our trial with you."

She handed me some pamphlets detailing diet restrictions and a small prescription bottle.

"What’s this?"

"We need you to maintain the drug in your system, but at a lower dosage. So you will need to take one
of these every day until you come back next Friday. It’s very important that you do not miss a dose, and
if you do, do not take more than one per day or it will throw off the data. Don’t be alarmed if these side
effects continue or increase slightly in intensity during the week. Like I said, it will all be resolved when
you come back next weekend. Your afternoon nurse will dismiss you after you’ve completed your doses
for today. Anything else?" I could swear she was looking at my shorts, but that was probably just wishful
thinking on my part.

"No. That about covers it. Guess I’ll see you on Friday, Doc."

When I returned to the lab the next Friday afternoon, I was definitely not the same man who had
walked in there the week before. The side effects had undeniably increased, and not just "slightly" as
the Doc had said. There was more of me in some places and less of me in others, if you know what I
mean. My friends had also noticed and gone out of their way to point it out to me and anyone else in
earshot whenever they had the chance. Yeah, they were those kind of friends. I had taken to wearing my
thinner roommate Randy’s t-shirts under my own just to control the jiggling bulge in my upper torso. I
had also spent a lot less quality time with Mr. Happy during the week. He just wasn’t up to our usual
encounters. I had also noticed more than just physical changes during the week. I found myself watching
a lot of Oprah and getting all worked up over the littlest things. I practically had a hissy fit on Wednesday
when I found that Randy had used the last of the conditioner…on the dog! To top it all off, I not only
found myself watching "Steel Magnolias," but I actually teared up during the funeral scene.

Needless to say, my presentation of symptoms was met with annoying reassurances from Dr. Sitwell
who persisted in telling me that everything was going according to plan. I was again ushered to my suite
to spend the weekend vegging with my drug cocktails. The rest of that evening and Saturday were spent
much as they had been the week before. However, the side effects didn’t diminish as I had hoped they
would. As a matter of fact, they continued to increase along with the reassurances from the good doctor
that everything would turn out just fine by Sunday. I fully expected to be returned to my normal self
overnight, and that Mr. Happy would be greeting me with his old gusto once again.

Sunday morning arrived to find me tangled in my sheets. I had spent the night tossing and turning and
obviously sweating since my sheets were drenched. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear I had the
mother of all hangovers…my head was throbbing to the drum solo of "Inna Gadda Da Vida", someone
had replaced my tongue with an old sweat sock, and it felt like Steve Martin was making balloon animals
with my intestines. Sitting up slowly and swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, I carefully rested my
aching head in my hands. It took my dulled senses a few moments to recognize that something was
drastically different about my body, but I couldn’t quite narrow it down to specifics. I just felt…goofy.
Thinking that a cold splash of water would help, I rose from the bed and stumbled to the bathroom,
almost falling on my face in the process. I grabbed the bathroom door to steady myself, and that’s when
I saw my reflection. But it wasn’t my reflection at all! It couldn’t be! Where there should have been my
ruggedly handsome mug, there was a heart-shaped face with soft green eyes and pouty lips staring back
at me in shock. Soft waves of blonde hair fell about the shoulders of the reflection. I raised my hand to
my forehead, and watched as the reflection did the same.


"No fucking way this is real. I’m still in bed and this is just a nightmare. See…" and I slapped my face
several times, resulting in nothing more than red marks on the face in the mirror and a stinging
sensation on my cheeks. I started to panic and noticed that a pair of perfectly shaped tits began to heave
as my breathing became erratic. My fear couldn’t keep my fascination with this vision of feminine
delight completely in check, though. I placed my hands solidly on the protruding mounds and watched in
the mirror as a smile slowly appeared on the face in the mirror. I still couldn’t look down, however, and
face the full reality of what was happening. Whatever was happening, though, was beginning to feel
pretty damn good. I watched as the nipples I was teasing grew taut and dark, and what was left of my
male sex drive desperately wanted to latch on to those babies and suck with all my might. Then a
thought occurred to me. If the tits were this good, what was the rest of it like? So I stepped all the way
into the bathroom in front of the mirror and took a good long look at the apparition before me.

Those delectable tits gave way to a gently sloping waist as I let my hands wander downward, and then
continued as the waist flared out into a pair of lusciously curved hips. Turning slightly I caught a glimpse
of what had to be the ripest peach of an ass this side of the Mason-Dixon Line. I gave in to temptation
and let my hands feel what my eyes were seeing. Skin as soft as silk tingled under my inquisitive fingers.
I was really beginning to get into this, my initial shock having given way to sheer curiosity.

I decided it was time to face reality, so I turned from the mirror and looked down on my new body.
Although it looked different from this viewpoint, it was obviously the same one that appeared before
me in the mirror. I wouldn’t have to worry about Mr. Happy getting any smaller, since he had been
replaced by a soft mound of light brown fuzz concealing what I assumed could only be called…Ms.
Happy. Deciding to find out for sure I let my hands wander southward until they parted the coarse
thatch and came upon soft, warm flesh that tingled at my lightest touch. It felt so good that I wanted to
linger, but the need for discovery drew me onward until I found a moist, velvety place between my
thighs and ventured cautiously inside. The tinglings I felt before were nothing compared to the
sensations emanating outward from this new private playground of mine. Recess was ended abruptly
when the door to my suite opened and the morning nurse entered.


Although she hadn’t seen me yet since I was still in the bathroom, I knew that any further "explorations"
would have to wait for another time. (Goddamn it!!) I stepped out into the main room of my suite,
letting the nurse get a good long look at me, and was totally blown away by her reaction.

"Well," she stated matter-of-factly, "don’t we look lovely this morning? " Lovely?! That was it? One of us
was losing it, and I wasn’t quite sure which of us it was.
"Excuse me?!" I practically yelled. "Is that all you have to say?"

"Now, honey," she replied in a typically nurse-like condescending tone that I was really getting sick and
tired of. "We shouldn’t get ourself all excited this early. The doctor will be in shortly and you two can
have a nice long chat."

I was really starting to get pissed now.

"A chat?!" I yelled. "I think "we" need a little more than just a stinking chat! Don’t you think?" Even
though my tone dripped with sarcasm, it was tough to sound pissed with the sexy, feminine voice that
now oozed out of my mouth.

"Oh, dear," she muttered as if a dim bulb finally went off in her head. "I see what you mean."

Finally, I though to myself, a little sanity to grasp on to.

"You poor thing," she sighed (again with her goddamn nurse voice), "We don’t have a thing to wear, do
we? Well, I’ll get right on that, and I promise that by the time you’re done with the doctor we’ll have
that taken care of, okay?"

I wanted to scream, but thought better of it. Obviously, I wasn’t going to get anywhere with Nurse Ditzy,
so I just bit my lip as she scooted out and decided to wait for the doctor to get the answers I wanted. I
briefly considered going back to the unfinished business I had started before being so rudely interrupted
by Nurse Duh, but now I was just too damn pissed and frustrated to really get into it.

Fortunately, I didn’t have to fume too long because the doctor showed up almost immediately. I had
always looked forward to seeing those sexy legs walk into my room, but now I was even more anxious to
see the doc.

"What the hell have you done to me?" I asked as she came in.
"Well, I see the treatments haven’t affected your gentlemanly mannerisms," she retorted.

"The last thing I need right now is attitude. What I need are some answers, dammit! Now, I’ll ask you
again - what the hell have you done to me? What was in those pills anyway? Massive doses of estrogen,
or what?"

"Estrogen?!" she laughed. "Estrogen isn’t nearly as effective as my new process at producing such
marvelous results."

"You call this marvelous?!?" I said, indicating my nubile body.

The doctor walked toward me, turned me gently around by the shoulders so I could again see myself in
the mirror, and purred in my ear, "You tell me."

Confronted again with my new mirror image, I couldn’t help but agree with her. I mean, there was the
Doc, a woman who had been the center of my sexual fantasies for days. Up until that morning, I would
have given anything for even a brief sexual fling with that cool seductress. But now, I wasn’t even
looking at her. The vision in front of her in the mirror filled my eyes…and my lust. She was right…she was
absolutely, positively, friggin’ right! She had created an incredibly luscious work of feminine art…and it
was me! Although I didn’t say a word, she must have sensed that I had yielded to her claim because a
wide, satisfied, but always sexy smile spread slowly across her face.

"See," she whispered again in my ear, "you can’t argue with perfection."

Hours later, I was finally left sitting in my room taking stock of my situation, trying to assimilate and
make sense of all that happened to me…and what was to become of me. True, I was now $5,000 richer,
but the Nate that had entered this facility a couple of days ago was nowhere to be seen. I had, of course,
insisted that the Doc immediately change me back to my former self, but she informed me that my body
would have to remain in its present, female state for at least 2 weeks…something about waiting for my
genetic code to stabilize before they could even attempt a reversal. I wasn’t sure if I believed her or not,
but it didn’t really matter. She had me by the… well, she had me where she wanted me. That was for

One thing I knew for sure… Daytona was off for me. I mean, I could barely believe what had happened to
me and there was no way that my buds would have bought into any of it. Oh, they would have let me go
with them all right, but they wouldn’t have believed for a second that I was their pal Nate. They would
have taken one look at the gorgeous babe sitting in their friend’s seat on the plane, totally ignored the
crazy story she was telling them, and been on me like ugly on an ape as soon as we had gotten to the
hotel in Daytona. They really could be assholes sometimes. At my request, Doc Sitwell had allowed me
to e-mail my roommate and friends explaining why I would be unable to make the trip to Daytona. I
made up a story about taking a high paying temporary out-of-town job for a couple of weeks to help
finance the rest of the school year. It was the best I could come up with under the circumstances. I had
hoped to get some kind of reply from at least one of them, but nothing ever came back.

The weird part of my story, however, was that it was basically true. Oh, I’m not talking about the last
few days "work" that netted me my current $5,000, I’m talking about the follow-up offer that Doc
Sitwell had made me earlier that day. After explaining that I would be "stuck" as a female for the next
couple of weeks, she mentioned what a shame it was letting another golden opportunity for research
pass through our fingers. Her offer…spend my next 2 weeks not only in a female body, but actually living
as a woman. At first I thought she was nuts, but as I listened to her proposal I began to get a little
interested. They would create a temporary cover identity for me and set me up in a small apartment or
hotel, allow me access to a given amount of money, and do my best to experience life as a woman. All
they required from me was a sincere effort and daily logs of my activities, experiences and general
feelings. (Hell, I knew they’d be watching me every possible second just to make sure I didn’t take off.
Like that would accomplish anything!) Besides, the alternative was staying locked up in that room for 2
weeks being prodded and probed and analyzed. No thank you! I don’t know who was more surprised
when I accepted…me or the Doc.

After another day of getting used to the new bod and more debriefing, the doctors decided I was ready
to head out for "Phase II." They loaded three suitcases into a sporty little rental car, gave me directions
to the hotel and sent me on my way. As the late spring sun warmed my face while I cruised down the
road, I knew I had made the right decision. For a brief moment, I considered bolting, but then thought
better of it. These people weren’t idiots and they’d be sure to cut my joyride short at the first sign I
might make a run for it. I relaxed behind the wheel, enjoying the breeze blowing through my hair,
thinking that maybe this would actually turn out to be the most interesting spring break I’d ever had.
It wasn’t long before I found myself pulling up a short drive to a high-rise hotel, complete with eager
valets. One thing I had to admit, the doc had good taste in accommodations, or at least it seemed so
from the exterior. I pulled the car under the canopy by the front door and a valet quickly stepped up to
my door. This would be my first chance to try out my feminine wiles on a member of the opposite sex. I
wasn’t quite sure what feminine wiles were, but I was going to try them out anyway. I briefly rummaged
through my brain to remember what might have turned me on in a situation like this, then I realized that
any kind of acknowledgement from a woman like I was now would have turned me into a slobbering
idiot incapable of coherent speech and rational thought.


Deciding to start small, I flashed the valet my best "you handsome fella" smile and peered at him
invitingly over the rim of my sunglasses as he opened the door for me. He must have been made of the
same male material I was because his demeanor switched from professional to adolescent as his gaze
lapped up every curve of my body from slender ankle over rounded hips to a brief glimpse down my top
at my tempting bosom as I stepped from the car. I didn’t know what to expect when I put this outfit on
this morning, but it definitely seemed to be accenting my positive attributes. Feeling a boost of
confidence from his response, I made sure to roll my hips as I walked away from him, and the backward
glance over my shoulder told me that this was something I would have to employ often over the next
couple of weeks.

When I got to my room, I was still buzzing from the response I got from the valet. I wasted little time
unpacking the suitcases and immediately began to look for something I could wear to turn a few heads
with downstairs in the hotel bar. I found a little black number with spaghetti straps and matching patent
leather pumps. The 4" heels were a little challenging for the first time, so I wobbled around the room,
checking myself from every angle when I walked by the mirror.


The dress had a built in push-up bra that accentuated my cleavage, and the stretchy fabric hugged my
luscious curves. When I felt confident enough that I wouldn’t fall flat on my face, I let my hair fall freely
around my shoulders and refreshed the deep red lipstick I was wearing. As I headed down the hall
toward the elevator, the black lace thong panties I had slipped on began to ride higher up into my
crotch, which was creating an unusual sensation. Checking that no one was around, I reached my hand
up my skirt and tugged at them in true male fashion, but was acutely aware of the decidedly female
package they barely contained.
The bar was typical of most hotel bars, and a thick haze enveloped the whole room. There must have
been a convention because the bar was packed at 4:30 in the afternoon, mostly with men. Where to
begin? I wiggled my way over to the bar, noting the heads that turned and followed my sinuous path. I
started to order myself the usual, a beer, but caught myself and changed it to a white wine. I knew that I
was a prime target so I avoided making any immediate eye contact. I didn’t want to get in over my head
with some rutting sailor, so I scoped out the room for the least likely lothario for the maiden voyage of
this new vessel of mine. After a few minutes, I spotted a likely prospect huddled in a corner booth
nursing a beer over what looked like sales brochures.

"Excuse me," I said, trying to draw his attention from the brochures by using my sexy voice and leaning
over enough to offer a spectacular view of my enhanced cleavage, "I couldn’t help but notice that no
one is sharing this booth with you. It’s awfully crowded at the bar and I can’t seem to get away from
men who won’t leave me alone. You look like a guy who appreciates a little peace and quiet, so I was
wondering if I could share a little of that with you."

Looking up from his brochures, his eyes dilated as he did a double take of the vision standing before

"Well," he replied, almost stammering, "I don’t know about the quiet, but I’d be more than happy to
share this booth with you, Miss…"

"Natalie," I said, sliding into the booth next to him. After a few minutes of small talk, and a few more
drinks, we were laughing and chatting like old college buddies. However, I noticed his gaze strayed
repeatedly from my face deep into my cleavage while his arm was slowly working its way around my
shoulders. You’d have thought I would have pushed him away at that point, but I was actually enjoying
the attention. After all, this was what I had set out to accomplish.

On our next round of drinks, we went to clink glasses and wound up splashing half of my drink down the
front of my dress. He immediately picked up a napkin and began dabbing at my breasts, obviously
lingering over them longer than necessary. I slapped his hand playfully.

"You are so naughty," I said teasingly, trying to ignore that the cold wine and his hands had caused my
nipples to harden with arousal.
"Naughty seems to work for you," he smirked, lightly pinching one of my aroused nipples through my

Before I could respond, he pulled me in closer and thrust his hand into the hair at the base of my neck,
drawing my face upward to receive his hungry kiss. He parted my lips with his tongue and I drew in a
sharp breath as he ventured deeper into the kiss. Still under the command of his embrace, I could only
press my torso closer as his other hand slowly worked its way up my thigh. He grabbed my hip and
pulled me even closer to him as his free hand roamed inquisitively up my inner thigh toward that
unexplored region which I noticed had suddenly become rather warm and moist. I was thoroughly
enjoying the sensations which rushed through my body, making me feel languid and at the same time
giving me a heightened sensitivity to touch. But nothing compared to the pleasurable jolt that shot
through me the moment that his hand breached my panties and began stroking my wet pussy. Part of
me was suddenly concerned that someone would see what was going on, but then the danger of being
fondled in public added to the thrill of what he was doing under my dress. I moaned lightly when he let
me come up for air, which spurred him to increase the intensity of his actions in my panties. At this
point, I didn’t give a damn if anyone saw us, just as long as he kept doing what he was doing. The
excitement of the situation and my heightened arousal quickly pushed me over the edge and he had to
kiss me hard to keep me from crying out as I came.

As my orgasmic shudders subsided, he cast a suggestive smile at me and said, "Why don’t we finish what
we started here up in my room?"

Still under the spell of my first real female orgasm, I dreamily followed him out of the bar and up to his

In my own defense, let me say right here that when I started out that evening I had no intention of
letting things get that far. Even though I did wiggle into that bar wearing the sexiest dress I had, and I did
initiate the first contact with the guy, I really thought that I could remain in control of the situation. How
completely wrong I was. From the second his skilled fingers found their way past my panties, I not only
lost control of the situation… I enthusiastically relinquished all control to him. As he pinned me into the
corner of the elevator, his hands caressing my body while our tongues danced within each others’
mouths, all I could think of was "more." I wanted more of what I had just experienced, more of that
incredible feeling of penetration. Hell, I wanted more of him inside me! I don’t know if it was the wine or
not, but I didn’t give a damn. I just wanted him to haul me upstairs and fuck the hell out of me! I don’t
think I had ever wanted anything so much before. It was so overwhelming I couldn’t think straight.
As we stumbled off the elevator my newly awakened desire was barely held in check on our way to his
suite. However, while he fumbled in one pocket for his room key, I couldn’t resist fumbling in his other
pocket for something a little more interesting. His solid shaft strained against my palm as I caressed it
through the silk lining of his pockets. Needless to say, my fumbling didn’t make his quest any easier.
When he finally found the key and opened the door, we practically fell into the room and barely got the
door closed before we started ripping each other’s clothes off. Within seconds, my need for penetration
was so overwhelming that I easily succumbed to his guidance and found myself on my back, my legs
spread wide, aching with the need to feel him thrusting deep within me. All my reservations and
previously male sexual penchants had been tossed aside like my little lace panties.

The look on his face, not to mention his robust love salute, confirmed that I was more than just an
average woman, that I was in fact an extremely desirable and sensuous woman. This realization turned
me on even more. I unconsciously arched my back and gave him an even better view of what awaited
him, and my hands reached up to pull him down into me. He made me wait, though, by shifting his
position and clamping his lips over one of my rock-hard nipples. A moan escaped me as he sucked,
gently at first, then harder as his hand reached up to cup my breast. Another moan escaped me and I
thrust my hands around his ass, pulling his hips toward mine. He resisted even more, and somehow this
was working to drive me into a frenzy. I could feel the heat from his staff hovering between my inner
thighs, making me squirm beneath him. I wanted him inside me so badly it almost hurt. I had never
wanted it this much in my whole life. I was almost to the point of actually begging for it. Just when I
thought I couldn’t take any more, he raised himself up and gave me a look that told me that my waiting
was over. I gasped as he drove himself deep into my wet, willing pussy. I thrust my hips up to take him in
even further, as an overwhelming sensation of wanting to engulf him completely ran through me.
Everything that was happening to me seemed to be controlled by the phenomenal new consciousness
emanating from my loins. It was as if my body knew exactly what to do without me having to tell it.
Every thrust, every arch of my back, every breath, every movement was naturally in tune to his lusty
gyrations. We began moving faster and faster until we reached an explosive climax that was sure to
rouse a few of the neighboring patrons who weren’t too drunk or too involved in their own trysts to
notice our primal howls of satisfaction.


We spent the rest of the night taking turns ravaging each other and he helped me discover sexual
pleasures I had never even dreamed of before. It made me realize how inadequate a lover I had been as
a male, but I was quickly and eagerly remedying that situation as a female. I’m sure my partner would
have agreed with me, if he hadn’t finally collapsed in exhaustion in the wee hours of the morning. I
followed shortly thereafter.
In the morning, I learned that his convention would last a few more days. It didn’t take much prodding
on my part to convince him to spend his off-hours helping me perfect my techniques. I even surprised
him during one business luncheon, barely dressed in a catering uniform, and persuaded him to join me
in a little room service. I discovered that he was an excellent tipper!

As the convention drew to a close and his imminent departure drew nearer, I began to feel reluctance at
having to put aside my newly developed talents until I could find a new playmate. With the
conventioneers leaving, where was I going to find another plentiful source of willing male
companionship so easily? And then it struck me…Spring Break! I still had a plane reservation for the next
day, I just might be able to take that dream vacation after all. Excited about my new idea, I immediately
called up the Doc and sprung it on her. I was thrilled when she said she was pleased with my progress
and agreed that this would be the perfect opportunity to take the research to a new level. She said she’d
send someone over with clothing suitable for Daytona, additional ID and a large chunk of my payment
for spending money.

My last night with my personal (and sexual) development guru was the most passionate yet. We were
confident that by now the rooms adjacent to his were long vacated so we were able to indulge our
wildest desires. As we said our goodbyes the next morning, he gave me his business card so that I might
contact him should I ever get up his way. I didn’t know what the future held for me, so I decided to keep
his card in a safe place, just in case.

Since my flight to Daytona was later that morning, Doc arranged for a car to take me to the airport. I was
more than a little surprised to find her waiting for me in the back seat, along with my new clothes,
money and ID.

"I can’t tell you how much your progress means to us," she said, smiling, on the way to the airport. "We
expected some degree of adaptation on your part, but you’ve exceeded our wildest expectations."

"It’s hard to explain, Doc," I replied. "Last week, I never would have dreamed that I’d be willingly doing
the things I’ve been doing." A sly, knowing smile appeared on both our faces. "It’s just that the sex is so
incredible! Once I got a taste of it, I wanted more." I stretched luxuriantly and sensually in the large back
seat as I continued, casting a sexy smile at the not-so-subtle leer in the rear-view mirror from the driver.
"And you’ve given me the package that insures that I can get all I want. I don’t know what that makes
me. It worries me a little, but obviously not very much."

"You shouldn’t worry about that at all," the Doc interjected. "It’s perfectly natural for you to want to
experience all the new sensations inherent in your new body. In fact, I’d be more concerned of you
weren’t enjoying it. We’ve had a few subjects that fought us tooth and nail throughout the whole
experiment. On further study, it turned out that those individuals had always been incredibly unhappy,
repressed and generally messed up. So, as a professional, from a physical and psychological point of
view, all I can say is ‘Go for it, sweetie!’"

I continued to fill the Doc in on the details of my activities over the past few days and found that the
more I talked openly to her about my sexual escapades, the more my remaining reservations and
worries diminished. Bit by bit, I slowly came to terms with that small, nagging remnant of "Nate" that
had been kvetching in the background of my consciousness for days. By the time we reached the airport
and I was settled comfortably into my seat, "Natalie" was primed for the most incredible spring break

I spent the first half of the flight pondering how to go about "researching" my spring break experiences
(while taking in the view of the several extra-attentive male stewards). I was having trouble coming up
with a general game plan when I made a discovery that threw a new light on my upcoming week. There,
about eight rows in front of me, were my three buddies. I had initially booked my flight separately from
them because I didn’t have the money at the time, so we had originally just planned to rendezvous in
Daytona. I instinctively started to raise my arm and shout to them across the plane, but the sight of my
delicate fingers in the air reminded me that there was no possible way that they would recognize me as
their old pal Nate. My initial disappointment at not being able to hang with my buds slowly began to
change into mischievous speculation as my game plan for the week suddenly became clear. I began to
reflect on the times I had been able to go out partying with my friends, usually as the odd man out.
Being the only one with a job made me "the responsible one" and therefore low man on their party
animal "food chain." I was most often the butt of their ribbing. Although it was generally good natured
(usually), it was still annoying as hell! I also recalled many a night of alcohol-induced boasting of sexual
prowess from all three of them. More times than I could remember, we had spent hours collectively
fantasizing over our dream sexual encounters. Each of these guys had a definite preference in their
sexual appetites, and I now had the tools and the know-how to call their masculine bluffs. A soft laugh
bubbled from my lips as I imagined what lay in store for them. For the remainder of the flight, I kept a
low profile and watched them make fools of themselves making awkward passes at the stewardesses
and just being general jerks. By the time we landed in Daytona, I was primed for a week that none of us
would never forget.

Although I wasn’t booked into the same hotel as my friends, I was staying only a short walk down the
beach from them. Checking into my room, the first order of business was to unpack and head out to the
beach. I slipped out of the shorts and crop top I had been wearing and popped open my suitcase. Since I
had no idea what had been packed for me, I eagerly dumped my suitcase onto the bed and gave my new
wardrobe a quick once-over. I wasn’t at all surprised to find a wide variety of some of the sexiest and
slinkiest clothes I had ever seen. The bikinis ranged in size from "nothing" to "barely there." Some of the
lingerie would take me some time to learn to get into. Getting out of it was another thing altogether…I
planned on having some assistance when the time came for that. Nevertheless, I was more than pleased
with the goodies Doc had packed for me. I also had plenty of money to buy anything else I might need to
make the most out of my week.

I wanted some fresh air and rays while I planned my strategies, so I slipped into a skimpy (but not the
skimpiest) bikini and strolled out to the beach. I swear, I never tired of the effect my new, incredibly sexy
body had on the guys. I tried to keep an aloof and distant demeanor, but I couldn’t help but flash a
quick, sexy smile to the guys who did the best "double-take" as I slowly trolled through the sand. I made
some periodic ventures into the waves whenever I got a little warm. This of course gave me several
opportunities to practice my sultry "babe-from-the-ocean" maneuver. You know the one. The classic
shot, usually in slow motion, of a gorgeous woman emerging from the foam while the waves crash
behind her. Her drenched swimsuit, not quite as opaque as it was when dry, clings even tighter to what
little skin it covers. Water droplets roll slowly down over every inch of her tanned, nubile body…straining
to hold on to those luscious curves before they’re drawn back into the ocean. From the looks on the
faces of the guys who watched me "emerge from the foam", I seemed to be getting quite good at it. (Of
course, I’m sure the effects of the cool water on my nipples had absolutely nothing to do with their


I decided to spend the rest of the afternoon sipping Pina Coladas by the hotel pool. A quick shower to
wash off the sea salts gave me another opportunity to work on some of my more sensual poses. Since a
small audience seemed to form nearby, I lingered a little longer than absolutely necessary in the shower.
Who was I to disappoint my new fans? Eventually, I found an available poolside lounger, flagged down a
waiter (who was by my side in seconds…go figure), and settled in to take in the sights and finalize my
plans for my vacationing buddies. Since I knew that each had his own particular version of his fantasy
woman, I decided that I would try and fulfill each guys fantasy and see which ones lived up to their
boasts. The tricky part of my plan would be initiating my seduction on each guy when he was apart from
the others. That would take some serious scheming. The rest of the plan, however, actually becoming
each guys fantasy woman, would be a piece of cake, not to mention erotic as hell!

Jake would be the easiest of the three. He liked his women fast and flashy. Whenever we all went out,
he was always enraptured by the one woman that all the guys were after…she had the bod, the face, the
clothes, and she loved to party. We had all tried to convince him to set his sights a little lower, but he
could never get his "mind" off the most unattainable woman around. He always claimed that if he ever
got a chance, he’d show her the time of her life. Hell, I could play that part with my eyes closed.

Mark was the kinkiest of the three. He had fantasies of domination and submission, leather and latex.
He claimed to have had several D/s encounters at school, but, unbeknownst to him, I knew one of those
girls and she told me the real story on that. It seems that he had gotten a little pushy in his requests and
she had told him where to get off. Once, he had even attempted to slip a little "Spanish Fly" derivative
into one girl’s drink to make her more "compliant". Fortunately for her (and him), it failed when I
"accidentally" knocked the drink over. He may have been a friend, but a still wasn’t going to let him get
away with a jackass stunt like that. And that was the extent of his excursion into the world of D/s. I was
looking forward to giving him a look at both sides of that coin.

But, without a doubt, the most intriguing fantasy had to go to Doug. In all the bars and all the parties we
went to, he would always be attracted to the more demure, quiet, and sometimes even downright
dowdy girls. We always figured he was just playing it safe…going after the girls he thought he had a
better chance with. Well, one drunken night, he finally came clean on why he favored the girls he did. It
turned out that Doug actually had the same tastes in women that Jake did. He liked them hot, sexy and
wild. But he had a much more subtle way of scoring with them. It seemed that Doug had a kind of
Svengali-like fantasy. He wanted to find a nice, quiet, and plain girl who would allow him to make her
over into his lusty fantasy girl. He figured that his new creation would be totally devoted to him since he
had befriended her when she was still an "ugly duckling," as he put it. As far as any of us knew, though,
Doug had never succeeded in recruiting anyone to act as his "Pygmalion." My imagination was running
wild with ideas on how to "fulfill" Doug’s fantasy, so I decided I had to start with him. It was probably
going to be the juiciest of the three roles I would play, not to mention the most fun.

A few hours later, when I knew the guys would be coming in from the beach to get ready for the night’s
festivities, I just "happened" to literally bump into Doug near the pop machines in the lobby of their
motel. I had spent the remainder of the afternoon getting ready for this encounter. I had scrubbed off
every last bit of makeup and pulled my hair back into a frizzy ponytail. A trip to a thrift shop produced
the baggy, knee-length shorts, oversized sport-shirt, and flip-flops I was wearing. To top off my
ensemble, I was lucky enough to find a pair of non-prescription horn-rimmed glasses to park on my

"Oh, excuse me!" I exclaimed as I "accidentally" stumbled against him as we arrived at the pop machine
at the same time.

"Umm, no problem," he muttered without looking at me real closely. I could smell the beer on his
breath as he cast a longer second look at me. I had stepped back from him, pushing my glasses back up
the bridge of my nose as his eyes roved up and down my plain-looking form. When the sly smile slipped
onto his face, I knew I had cleared the first hurdle.

"So, you down here for spring break?" he asked, leaning against the machine with his arms crossed.

"Yes," I answered sweetly. "We just got in this afternoon. We were all supposed to meet here before
heading out to the bars, but I don’t see any of them yet." I bit my lip and fidgeted against the wall,
looking around for "friends" that I knew wouldn’t show.

"Well hell," he shot back, " my buddies and me were just getting ready to head out ourselves. Why don’t
you all join us?"

"Oh, I don’t know," I hesitated, "I’d have to ask my friends, if they ever show up."

"Well, what time were you supposed to meet them?" he asked.

"6 o’clock," I answered, looking impatiently at my watch that I had deliberately reset earlier.

"Six?" He snorted. "Hell, darlin’, it’s after 7 already. I think your friends got tired of waiting."
"Seven?" I whined. "Oh, damn! I forgot about the time change! I should have set my watch forward an
hour! Now what am I going to do?" I couldn’t have given him a better opening. Fortunately for me, he
wasn’t too drunk to take it.

"Well, my offer to join me and my buddies still stands," he said. "Why don’t you just hang with us. Who
knows, maybe we’ll run into your friends along the way."

"Oh, I don’t know," I said, shrinking slightly from him. "All of you? And only me? I don’t know about that.
Anyway, I wouldn’t want to impose."

"Tell you what then," he replied eagerly. "How about if I ditch my friends and we just make it you and I
taking on the town tonight? I have a rental car so we can check out the action all over town. How does
that sound to you?"

Bingo! Exactly what I was hoping for! And it was so much easier than I thought!

"Just the two of us?" I squeaked, looking up at him with puppy-dog eyes. "Well, I guess that would be
okay." A sweet smile spread across my face on the outside, but on the inside I was leering sexily at him.
If he only knew what I had in store for him.

As we drove out of the motel, we passed a group of guys going gaga over a couple of bimbos parked in a
convertible. Their painted on dresses displayed eye-popping cleavage as well as spectacular views of
their long, tanned legs. Doug tried, but failed, to hide his own lustful stares while I feigned a long,
envious look.

"It must be nice to get that much attention," I sighed. The sound of my voice snapped him out of it and it
took a second for him to register what I had said.

"Are you kidding?" He said. "Why you’re just as gorgeous as they are! They’re just a little flashier than
you, that’s all."
"You can’t be serious," I replied somewhat sarcastically. "I am so far from being that drop-dead
gorgeous that its not even funny."

"I’m totally serious!" He exclaimed. "All they’ve got that you don’t is the clothes and the attitude. And
both of those are easy to change, if you really wanted to."

"My God, I think you are serious!" I said with a look of disbelief. "You must be either very drunk or very
blind, because there’s no way I could ever look like that."

"I’ll tell you what," he started with a sly grin, "let’s put it to a test. I know that you can look just as
incredibly sexy as those two girls over there, if not sexier."

"Oh, really?" I cast him a disbelieving glance over the tops of my glasses. "Do you always feed a girl this
much manure on the first date?"

"I’ll even go you one better," he continued without missing a beat, ignoring my comment. "I’ll bet that
once you see how incredibly sexy you can look, you’ll actually jump at the chance to adapt an attitude to
match your new sexy image."

That was it! I had him hook, line and sinker! Now all I had to do was reel him in…but slowly. I had to give
him a little line and play with him a little.

"Stop it!" I cried, stamping my foot. "Now you’re just being mean! You know very well that there’s no
possible way that I could ever pass for one of those sexy, popular girls. Look at me! I’m just a simple
nobody that no guy would even think of looking twice at."

"Look," he said calmly," I’m a guy. I know what guys like in women. And trust me when I tell you that
you’ve got everything it takes to become one of those sexy, popular girls. If you’ll just trust me a little, I’ll
prove it to you." He actually sounded sincere. If I had really been the sweet, innocent girl I pretended to
be, I truly might have fallen for his spiel. I had to hand to ol’ Doug…he was good. Obviously, I couldn’t let
all of his effort go unrewarded. I toned down my faux hysterics and let a small, sad smile creep onto my

"How would you prove it?" I asked. I don’t know if it was the question itself, the hopeful way in which I
asked it, or the look I was giving him with my teary eyes, but I could tell at that instant that he knew that
he "had" me.

"There are still plenty of places open where we could find you some new clothes to wear, he replied.
"We’ll go find you a new look, hit the clubs, and then you’ll see how men react to the new you. What do
you say?"

"That’s crazy!" I exclaimed. "I’d look ridiculous and feel foolish if I appeared in public like that."

"But, except for your friends who are who-knows-where, no one knows you here. If, by some
infinitesimal chance, you don’t turn out sexier-than-wanna-be, then you can change back and no one
will be any wiser. It’s a can’t lose situation!"

I hesitated for a moment, letting him sweat it out for another minute or two. I’m sure that he didn’t
think that I noticed that we were within a couple blocks of one of the local malls. I waited until we were
just about to pass the main entrance to the mall before I gave him my answer.

"Okay, I guess," I said hesitantly. "What have I got to lose anyway?"

Without even slowing down, he immediately turned into the mall, the tires squealing as we rounded the
corner into the parking lot. Within minutes we were roaming the still crowded mall in search of my "new
look." Since I had "agreed" to this "transformation," Doug had "convinced" me to put my self completely
into his hands. Our first stop was the cosmetics counter of the department store. Except for a couple of
times the Doc had helped me put on my face, I had been doing my own make-up for the last week, and
pretty well, too. But this was the first professional job done on my face, so when I finally got a look at
the finished product I had to let out an actual gasp. I looked great! Halfway hidden behind my fake
spectacles was the face of a goddess. I had never looked so good! I could tell that Doug thought so too.
He couldn’t take his eyes off my face and I could also detect a slight increase in the bulge in his pants.
When he asked if I really needed the glasses I told him I was slightly nearsighted and wanted to keep
them on until it was really necessary. He agreed grudgingly as we headed back out into the mall.

After hitting several stores, where I "balked" at almost every sexy item Doug would pick out for me, we
finally narrowed it down to one outfit. Although I hadn’t tried it on yet, he assured me it was the perfect
thing for the "new me." After paying for the clothes, Doug surprised me with an offer that I hadn’t
expected from him.

"Look Natalie," he said sincerely, "I know you’re not completely comfortable with this yet, so I’ll give you
the opportunity for an out. Right around the corner from this store is a nightclub. I’m going to go over
there and wait for you to join me. You can either show up in the clothes you’re wearing now, or the new
ones we bought. I know we’ll have a great time whichever you choose. Either way, it’s up to you." And
he walked out of the store toward the club, leaving me standing there with several bags in my hands
and I dumbfounded look on my face. I had really caught me off guard! It may have just been another
part of his act, or it may not have been. Either way, I was impressed, whether it was with his sincerity or
with his smoothness. It didn’t matter, anyway. After quickly purchasing a few extra items, I gathered up
everything and headed into the changing room.

About twenty minutes later, Doug looked up from the bar and almost lost his drink as I stepped into the
room. My hair was now free falling about my shoulders and my glasses were nowhere in sight. The tail
of my nearly transparent blouse was tied just below my breasts which were dangerously close to being
fully exposed by the combination of the low cut of the blouse and the pushup demi-bra I was wearing
beneath it. The skirt followed the curve of my ass and then dangled loosely well above my knees just
barely hiding the tops of the lacy, white stockings and the garters that held them there. My feet were
adorned in a pair of white, patent leather, 5-inch heeled pumps. Noticing the looks I was getting from
every male eye in the place, I allowed myself to at least partially fall back into true character as I slowly
made my way across the room toward Doug, my hips swiveling as I walked. As I got closer to Doug, I
could see the look of amazement on his face. I don’t think he ever really expected to get such incredible
results. His mouth was agape as I stepped before him and did a slow, sensual turn.

"Well," I asked, smiling at him, "What do you think?" Of course, his expression, and those of the other
male patrons, had already given me my answer. I slid into the seat next to him at the bar and crossed my
legs, causing my already short skirt to get even shorter and reveal my garters to any roving eyes.
"You look incredible!" He barely managed to stammer. His eyes scanned over every inch of me, again
and again. I don’t think he was totally convinced that I was the same girl he had left minutes before. "I
mean, I knew you’d be gorgeous. But I had no idea just how incredibly drop-dead gorgeous you were!"

"I had no idea either," I replied enthusiastically. "But when I saw myself in the mirror for the first time
like this, I was shocked! I couldn’t believe that I was really looking at me in the mirror."

"I know exactly how you must have felt," Doug interjected, the surprise gone from his voice, leaving only
a leering tone.

"But the strange part is what happened almost immediately after that," I continued. "After seeing myself
like this for a few seconds, something inside me clicked and suddenly the shock was gone. It was kind of
like I had completely accepted that the person in the mirror was me…and had been all along. Does that
make any sense?"

"Sure," he murmured. I hadn’t expected much of an answer from him. It was obvious that most of his
blood was currently rushing from unneeded organs (like the brain) to more urgent areas.

"In other words," I cooed softly as I licked my lips, smiled and pulled closer to him, "You were absolutely
right. I do have a new attitude. One that fits perfectly with this sexy new look of mine, and I like it. I like
it a lot! And I have you to thank for it." I leaned in the rest of the way and pressed my full, moist lips
against his in a soft, passionate kiss.

I wasn’t bullshitting Doug. I was speaking the truth from experience. I had adopted a new attitude…hell,
a whole new personality suitable for the intoxicatingly luscious female body I had been given. If Doug
thought he was responsible for it, more power to him. Whatever the case, it was time to introduce Doug
to his new "creation" and all the things she could do.

"I want to dance," I whispered as I broke from the kiss. "Dance with me."
I stood up and pulled him off the stool toward me. A slow song was playing, so only a few couples were
dancing. I walked slowly in front of him, pulling him along by the hand. I could feel his eyes caressing my
ass as it swiveled slowly and sexily before him. Reaching the center of the dance floor, I stopped, turned
and pulled our bodies tight against each other. My breasts strained against my blouse as they pressed
against his chest. I could feel his breath quicken and heart begin to race as we moved slowly,
rhythmically, and sensually with the music. Something large and warm had come to life beneath his
shorts, so I pressed myself even tighter against him and accentuated my gyrations there. A soft moan
escaped his lips and I knew I’d better get him out of there soon or he’d be no good to me at all.

"Let’s get out of here," I whispered, nibbling on his ear. Within seconds it seemed, we were back in his
car racing back to his hotel. Along the way, I allowed my hand to "accidentally" slip off his thigh and
come to rest on his crotch, where my ministrations kept him rock hard and dying to get into my panties.
And that was just how I wanted him…ready, willing, and able. After all, it had been a few days since my
last sexual encounter, so I wanted to make damn sure I got what I needed out of Doug before I sucked
the sexual life out of him, so to speak.

After several near misses, we reached his hotel. I didn’t want him groping me all the way to his room,
there’d be enough of that soon enough, so I kept his hands busy by asking him to carry the packages I
had tossed in the car before we left the mall. Meanwhile, I strolled in front of him, wiggling my sweet
little ass just out of his reach.

When we finally entered his room, he kicked the door shut, tossed the packages into the corner, and
came at me with a lust-filled look that was almost feral. Our lips locked together as our bodies crushed
against each other. His hands immediately found their way beneath my skirt and began groping my ass. I
was almost lifted off the ground as he pulled me inward and upward toward him. My hands were all
over his buns as well while our tongues dodged and parried in each others mouth. He was about to
throw me onto the bed when I broke free and took a step back from him, one hand pressed firmly
against his heaving chest.

"Wait," I gasped, "I want to do this right." He gave me a frustrated but quizzical look as I walked around
the bed into the middle of the room. He reminded me a lot of a dog patiently waiting to retrieve his
favorite chew toy. I shook the image from my mind and proceeded with the task at hand.

As he watched from a distance, I placed my hands on my thighs just below my skirt and slowly, sensually
began caressing my own body. I lifted my skirt just enough to tease him with a glance at my garters and
thong panties. Casting him a seductive grin, I slowly moved my hands over my hips, gently massaged my
taut stomach, and then began to leisurely untie my blouse. When it was free, I let it slide off my
shoulders to the floor, exposing my breasts aching to be released from their push-up prison. He started
to move toward me, but I motioned for him to stay where he was. The show wasn’t over yet. I slid my
hands down to my skirt, unfastened them and let them fall to the floor. As I stood there before him in
my luscious lingerie ensemble, I could see he was about to burst. Who could blame him? I crawled onto
the bed, struck an innocent yet incredibly seductive pose, licked my lips with a smile and said, "Your

Needless to say, his striptease was nowhere near as seductive as mine. But I hadn’t expected it to.
Within about 4 seconds, he was standing there in nothing but his boxers. Noticing the definite bulge in
his shorts, I looked up at him and said coyly, "You know, it’s not polite to point."

And that was all it took. In one deft motion, he had removed his shorts and jumped onto the bed with
me. His hands were all over me, clawing at my remaining lingerie trying to remove it any way he could.
The bra came off first and he eagerly began suckling on one of my nipples as soon as it was exposed.
God, it felt incredible! One hand was cupping and massaging my other breast while the other was
frantically grabbing at my thong trying to figure out how to remove it from beneath the garters. I gently
guided his hand to the snaps that released my panties and before I knew it, they were nowhere to be

Since I was his "creation," I decided to let him take control for the first round. Actually, I didn’t have
much of a choice in the matter. His actions, his whole demeanor, were so primal! I don’t think I could
have controlled him then even if I had wanted to. With my panties gone, and with them his last barrier,
he nearly went into a frenzy. He picked me up and practically flung me to the other side of the bed
where I landed face up. I barely had time to react before he was suddenly astride me, looking down
hungrily. His wild, dilated eyes scanned over my semi-nude body while he positioned himself. It wasn’t
until that moment that I realized how incredibly well-hung Doug was. I caught a brief glimpse of his
huge, throbbing mass before he thrust it inside me, penetrating deeper than I thought possible!

I let out a cry as he withdrew and plunged again. My legs almost instinctively wrapped themselves
around his torso, my stockings and heels intertwined behind him. His thrusts increased in both speed
and intensity, and I responded in kind, pulling him harder and deeper into me with each plunge. He was
going to cum soon and I knew it, but there was nothing I could do about it except enjoy the ride.
Suddenly I could feel the intensity of our actions begin to trigger my own orgasm. I wrapped my legs
even tighter around him, impaling myself against him faster and faster. I could feel the precipice
nearing. Suddenly his body tensed up and his eyes glazed over as he gave one final, tremendous push
and he exploded within me. The feel of his hot, throbbing cock releasing itself inside my body was
enough to push me over the edge. I almost screamed as I was enveloped in a shudder of ecstasy, my
back arched completely off the bed and my 5-inch heels pointed straight at the ceiling.

It seemed like an eternity before Doug finally collapsed on top of me and rolled off to lay beside me,
face up to the ceiling, trying to catch his breath. Although still impressive in size, his cock no longer
strained upwards but instead lay passively across his stomach, its urgent need for attention satiated.

"That was the most incredible sex I’ve ever had," he exclaimed, still looking up at the ceiling. "I don’t
think I’ll be able to walk for a week!"

I rolled onto my side, facing him, and began stroking my fingers lightly over his chest and stomach.

"That’s good," I said, smiling wickedly, "because I don’t want you leaving before I’m done with you."

He let out a small chuckle, as if he knew I was joking. But when he turned toward me, he could see from
the look on my face that I wasn’t kidding, and the smile slid from his face.

"No, really! I don’t think I can…" he started, but before he could finish his sentence, I had surrounded his
slippery shaft with my fingers and begun stroking firmly. A slight whimper escaped from his lips.

"Oh, poor baby!" I cooed softly. "Let’s see if this is a little more to your liking." Without letting go of him,
I repositioned myself kneeling between his legs, bent forward, and flicked my tongue across his tip. He
squirmed a little and let out a gasp as his cock twitched in my hand.

"Hmm, there’s still a pulse," I teased. "Let’s see if I can breath a little life back into it."
I placed my lips over the tip of his cock and let them slide open as I began to take him inside my mouth.
His squirming stopped as his cock almost immediately began to respond to my "treatment." Within
minutes he was rock hard again. I ceased the blow job, (much to his chagrin), and began to slowly work
my way up his body. As my tits reached his cock, I took a moment to press them tightly around his stiff,
slippery shaft and massage it with them. His increasing moans put an end to my titty-fuck and I moved
on upwards, positioning myself over him. Looking down at him, he seemed to be in a daze as his eyes
were only about half open and he didn’t seem completely aware of what I was about to do. His eyes
blasted open, though, when I suddenly impaled myself on his throbbing, but still tender, cock.

I thrust myself onto him again and again. His moans were much louder and more intense than before,
whether from pleasure or pain, I didn’t know, nor did I care. It was my turn in the driver’s seat and I was
going to ride him until his tank was bone dry. I pumped him for what seemed like an hour… quickening
and reducing my pace as needed to keep him on the brink of ecstasy (or maybe agony.) Finally, I decided
he’d had enough, so I kicked it into gear and began thrusting against him furiously until I could stand it
no longer. When I came, my cries drowned out his as his body produced several quick, but violent
shudders and then went limp.


At first I was afraid I might have killed him, but a muted, incoherent mumble from his semi-conscious
form assured me that I was spared a trip to the gas chamber. He grunted and stirred slightly as I crawled
tenderly off him and gave him a kiss on the forehead. I slipped out of my stockings, garters and heels
and picked up my packages from the corner. Plodding quietly to the bathroom for a quick shower, I
mentally checked Doug off my list, who lay snoring on the bed, naked and dead to the world.

After showering, I started slipping into one of the new outfits I had bought at the mall. A form-fitting,
strapless bustier and matching thong was the centerpiece. I was applying the finishing touches to my
makeup wearing just the bustier and thong when I heard voices in the hall. After several seconds of key-
fumbling, I heard the door kick open and Jake’s slurred voice filled the room. He must have spotted
Doug on the bed.

"What the hell!?" he yelled. "Oh man, that’s nasty! Cover that shit up, man! None of us want to see
that!" I heard no response from Doug who must have still been comatose. After a few more slurred
profanities at no one in particular I realized where he must be headed next, so I prepared myself. A few
seconds later, the door to the bathroom swung open and his eyes grew wide as they focused on the
vision standing before him.
"Hi there," I said sweetly and matter-of-factly, "I’m almost done in here if you can wait another minute
or two." He didn’t say a word. He just stood there in awe, staring me up and down.

"Thanks," I said smiling sexily, "you’re a real sweetheart." And I closed the door.

I couple of minutes later I stepped out of the bathroom, still in nothing but my bustier and thong. I
smiled as I casually walked past him to where the rest of my clothes lay. I stepped into a pair of 3-inch
heeled sandals and wrapped a thin, short, and translucent sarong around my waist. Picking up my
packages, I walked over toward Jake, who was still just standing there with a dumbfounded look on his
face. I stroked a finger lightly under his chin as I walked past him toward the door.

"Thanks sweetie," I cooed sweetly. "Maybe I’ll see you around." With that, I walked through the door
and down the hall. I never heard the door close behind me, so I knew exactly what he was looking at and
what he was thinking. Just to make sure, I put a little extra oomph in my wiggle as it sashayed beneath
my nearly transparent sarong. Without even trying, I had already hooked the second prospect in my
little trilogy. I knew that Jake would be the easiest of the three to land, so I hadn’t given him much
thought yet. But I didn’t realize exactly how easy he would be! The situation had given rise to an
interesting new scenario. Jake was the asshole of the bunch. I had seen him hit on other guys girlfriends
or dates on numerous occasions, but usually behind the guys back. Now I had the opportunity to see just
how much of an asshole he really was. I could tell from the look he gave me that he wanted me…he
wanted me bad! But he also knew that Doug had found me first. It was going to be interesting to see
how he was going to work this.

I put my new plan into motion the next morning. Using a slightly altered voice, I called Doug and Jake’s
room asking for Doug, identified myself as the front desk manager, and said there was a young lady at
the desk who wished to speak with Doug in the coffee shop next door. I waited about 5 minutes, long
enough for him to get dressed and leave, and then called back, but this time as myself. Of course, it was
Jake that answered.

"Hi, is Doug up yet?" I asked in a sly and sexy voice.

"Umm, yeah!" Jake answered. "He’s up and outta here already. Said he was going to meet someone
special." What an asshole, I thought to myself.

"Oh," I replied in a surprised tone. Switching quickly back to my sly voice, I continued, "I figured he’d
probably be sleeping in today. He had kind of a long night last night."

"Well, I don’t know what to tell you," the weasel continued. "I can’t believe he’d bolt out of here to
meet with someone that wasn’t you, beautiful." Time for the hip waders, I thought.

"Hmm," I returned sexily, "This must be the cute guy who I met in the bathroom last night."

"That’s me, darlin’", he exclaimed proudly. "And may I say that you are without a doubt the sexiest thing
I’ve ever seen in a bathroom." Well, gee…wasn’t that sweet.

"Why, you are a sweetie, aren’t you?" I bubbled. "I don’t suppose a smooth talker like you would know
where all the parties are tonight, would you? I was kind of hoping Doug would help me out there, but
since he seems to be preoccupied…"

"As a matter of fact, I know where the best party in Daytona will be," he interrupted. "How about if I
escort you to the soire?"

"Hmm," I hesitated briefly. "How about if I meet you there instead? It’s so much less complicated that
way, don’t you think?"

"Hey, anything you want, babe!" He replied excitedly. "I’ll tell you the place and you tell me the time."

It turned out that the party in question was in the hotel next door to mine, but he didn’t know that. At
this point, neither Doug nor Jake had any idea where I was staying. We agreed to meet there around 9
PM. I figured I could spend the time until then doing a little needed shopping, soaking up some rays, and
doing a whole lot of flirting.

Even though I knew Jake would be at the party well before 9, I waited until almost 10 to make my
appearance. I wanted him anxious, a little drunk, and very, very horny. When I finally stepped into the
room, the roar of the crowd dimmed noticeably and almost every eye in the place turned toward me.
Considering what I was wearing, who could blame them? I was poured into a shiny, metallic blue
minidress that was so skintight it looked painted on. The devastatingly short cut of the dress highlighted
my long, tanned legs, which were further enhanced by the 5-inch heels I was perched on. The catty, not
to mention downright hateful, looks from the women were overshadowed by the dumbfounded and
lusty looks from every man in the place.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Doug nearby, just as dumbfounded as the rest, maybe even
more so. I also spotted Jake across the room, but pretended not to see him as he struggled to climb
through the sea of people toward me. I was busy flirting with a group of guys near the door when I
heard Doug’s voice behind me.

"My God, Natalie!" he exclaimed. "Is that really you?"

I turned nonchalantly toward him and gave him one of my sly smiles. "Why of course its me silly," I said
in a bimbo-esque tone. "You should know that better than anyone else." I emphasized the last
statement by tickling him under his chin.

"But yesterday you were just…and last night you were so…and we…" he was so off balance, he couldn’t
finish a sentence, so I decided to finish it for him.

"Oh, Dougie," I bubbled, "I can’t thank you enough for what you did for me yesterday. You made it
possible for me to become the woman I always wanted to be…beautiful, sexy, and in demand! I can’t
even believe that you were really attracted to that mousy little person I used to be."

"But I wasn’t…" he started again.

"Oh, you don’t have to say it," I interrupted. "There’s no way I’ll ever go back to being anything at all like
the person you met yesterday. I’m enjoying the new me way too much!" I demonstrated by running my
fingers down my dress and giving my butt an extra wiggle, much to the delight of every male in the

"Besides," I continued, "I heard all about your new special friend. I’m sure she’s very sweet, just like I
used to be. Your roommate told me all about her. Oh, there he is now! Bye Dougie! See you around!" I
slipped into the crowd which seemed to part before me and headed in the general direction of Jake,
leaving poor Doug to wonder what the hell had happened. He was a bright boy. I’m sure he would figure
it out soon enough.

Now, don’t go feeling sorry for poor Doug. For years, he and the other guys had pulled so much shit on
me, it wasn’t even funny. True, they were all fairly minor stunts in comparison, but the sheer number of
them justified what I was doing to them in Daytona. And let’s face it, there were definitely parts of the
experience that they would remember for the rest of their lives.

I set my sights on Jake across the room and continued moving slowly in his direction, stopping every so
often to flirt with any guy who was bold enough to approach me. (And it’s amazing how many bold guys
there are at parties… during spring break… in Daytona.) So needless to say, with all the distractions, it
was taking quite a while to get across the room. Jake was still locked in position by a sea of people and
could do nothing but watch and whimper as I flitted from guy to guy like a butterfly. I would, however,
occasionally cast him a sexy smile and a wink to let him know that I was on my way…eventually.

When I finally made my way to Jake, his breath and speech told me that he was three sheets to the wind
while his hands told me he was also extremely horny. He was just how I wanted him, so I cozied up to
him, pressing my body tight against his as the crowd milled around us. After a few minutes of nuzzling
and letting him grope at my ass, I took him aside and told him what I knew he wanted to hear.

"I want you," I whispered in his ear seductively. "I want you so bad, I can already taste you!" I thought he
was going to cum in his shorts right there. He made a not so quick lunge at me, which I easily dodged.

"Not here!" I scolded him teasingly. "I have a room in the hotel next door. Give me a twenty minute
head start so I can change into something a little more suitable, okay?"

"Okay!" he managed to blurt out excitedly. As I wiggled my way back through the crowd, I looked back
and saw him already bragging to anybody that would listen about what he was going to be doing soon.
Before I left, I had a brief chat with a couple of people I had met earlier and arranged the rest of my
rendezvous with Jake.

I hurried back to my hotel to get ready. I wasn’t sure how much time I had since I wasn’t sure if Jake
could still tell time in his present condition. I peeled off my mini-dress and redressed myself in a
shocking blue lacy lingerie ensemble I had purchased that afternoon. After redoing my face and hair, I
stepped in front of the mirror to see exactly what I was hoping for…the high-priced hooker look. The
lace-edged bra barely contained my heaving breasts while the matching thong panties covered only the
bare minimum. The lacy garters held up a pair of sheer black nylons that ended in a pair of black, ankle-
strapped, three-inch heeled pumps. It was the perfect combination of classy and slutty. I left the door
unlocked, struck a pose by the bed and waited for Jake to arrive. I didn’t have to wait very long. Within
minutes, he was standing in the doorway, drooling.

"I hope you like to party," I said, casting him a seductive, yet steely glance. "Because this room is about
to become a sexual party central. Think you can handle it, stud?"

"I can handle anything you want to give me, darlin," he replied, an overconfident smirk on his face. He
began clumsily peeling off his clothes as he continued toward me. "You just wait, and I’ll show you the
meaning of the word ‘party’!"

"Well then, don’t forget the drinks," I said, motioning to the wetbar. His eyes lit up and he made a
beeline for the bar, fixed a couple of who-knows-what, and handed mine to me on the bed where I was
patiently waiting. He started to take a drink, but I stopped him.

"That’s no way to enjoy your drink, honey," I oozed sexily. "Here’s the proper way to really enjoy your
drink." And with that, I took his drink from his hand and leaned back against the headboard and poured
a small amount of it down over my breasts where it dribbled between them. "There you go, honey.
Don’t you think they’re more fun than a boring old glass."
I wasn’t surprised to see that it actually took him a minute to catch on, but when he finally did, his eyes
went wide and he practically dove into my cleavage, his tongue working overtime. After a few minutes I
was able to settle him down a little. After all, I didn’t want him to hurt himself. Fortunately, he learned
quickly and I soon had him attending to whatever part of my body I wanted just by pouring a little booze
on it. I let him spend a good deal of time getting his jollies off immersed in my tits. Oh, I was definitely
enjoying it too, but I needed a little more than just secondary stimulation at this point. Gently pushing
him away from me, I cast him a devilish grin, pulled the top of my panties out a little, and poured a little
hooch down into my bush. I was already very wet down there, so I only felt a mild tingling from the
diluted alcohol. Within seconds, though, he had my panties off and was eagerly running his tongue over
my warm, moist pussy. What Jake lacked in technique, he more than made up for in effort, as a soft, but
sincere, moan escaped my lips.

A noise from the bathroom caught my attention, but Jake was too preoccupied to notice much of
anything. If he had, he would have seen the first of my little surprises tiptoe into the room. I had been
toying with Jake’s balls with my toes while he tended to me, and in his inebriated state he didn’t
immediately notice when the toes tickling his balls suddenly became fingers. Only after the movements
of the hands became more aggressive did he notice the change. But when he finally realized that the
hands weren’t mine, he almost hit the ceiling. He let out a yelp and spun around, preparing to yell at the
intruder, but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Sally standing there before him with a devilishly
sexy look in her eyes. I had met her at the party and talked her into joining us for a little group fun. She
was a sexy, petite brunette who seemed to share my appetites for sexual shenanigans. When I told her
what I was planning for Jake, she was more than eager to help out.

Jake still stood there totally dumbfounded between the two of us. I gave Sally the go ahead look, and
she stepped up to Jake and pushed him back onto the bed where she joined us. Jake looked like he was
in total shock as I knelt behind him and cradled his head between my tits. Sally then crawled across the
bed toward us, a predatory look on her face. She spread Jake’s legs apart, exposing his straining cock to
the sky, took it in her mouth, and began some of the most artful fellatio I had ever witnessed. Of course,
my experiences were limited to the few times Nate had had it done to him and the even fewer times I
had performed it myself. Even so, just watching her performing on Jake was making me very hot and
very wet.

I was so caught up in watching those two that I almost jumped myself when a hand on my shoulder told
me that the second half of my surprise had entered the party. Lance was Sally’s partner who I had also
invited up to our little soire. He stood behind me, totally naked, with his long staff reaching out toward
me. I gave him my "come-hither" look and he crawled onto the bed and knelt behind me. I could feel his
cock pressing up against my lower back, small droplets of moisture leaking out the tip and lubricating my
back. I raised myself up higher on my knees behind Jake, giving Lance the opportunity I hoped he would
take… and he did. He lifted me up slightly off the bed, positioned his cock in just the right place, and
lowered me back down onto him. The feeling of him sliding into me from behind like that was like
nothing I had ever experienced. A deep, involuntary moan escaped my lips as he thrust himself deeper
into me. Unaware of what was going on behind him, Jake took my moans as a cue to begin fondling my
breasts that rested just behind his head. The feeling of being tended to by two different men
simultaneously was incredible! Although obviously distracted by Sally, Jake was still doing a wonderful
job with my tits. He had always claimed to be a "tit man", now he was certainly validating that claim. By
himself, he might have had me close to orgasm. Jake, on the other hand, was undistracted by anything
and was putting everything into fucking me from behind. As his thrusts became harder and deeper, I was
being lifted of the bed with each stroke. My own body weight was helping to push him deeper inside me
with each thrust. Before too long, I was near the precipice, and Sally noticed. I could tell from Jake’s
reactions that she wanted us to cum together. A few seconds later, I felt Jake’s body begin to quiver and
his back arched, but before I could see the rest of it, my own body erupted in a violent spasm of pure
pleasure. I don’t know if Jake could hear my cries, because I never heard his. Jake had slid down the
front of my now sweaty body and lay totally prone on the bed, semiconsciously gasping for air. I would
have collapsed on top of him had it not been for Lance holding me tight against him, one arm wrapped
around my middle, the other continuing to caress my breasts now that Jake was slowly losing

I felt Lance’s hands gently lift me off him as I heard snores begin to emanate from Jake. I thought he
would be through with me and move on to Sally, who was waiting patiently at the foot of the bed, a
knowingly wicked grin on her face. But instead, he slowly began to slide between my legs until his face
was directly beneath my sopping wet pussy. He had never cum inside me, so his cock was still massively
erect in front of me. I began to reach for it, but Sally beat me to it. She positioned herself directly over
his staff and lowered herself onto him, her wicked grin changing into a satisfied smile. A brief, but
intense shudder told me that Lance’s tongue had started up where Jake’s had left off long ago, but now
my pussy was even more sensitive and Lance was much more skilled than Jake could have hoped to be.
So as Sally rode up and down on his cock, Lance continued to work his magic on me with his tongue.
Before long, we all somehow simultaneously erupted in a joint orgasm that had to have shaken the
building to its foundation.

I crawled slowly from the bed, sweaty, tired, but extremely satisfied. Lance and Sally still seemed to be
quite restless and were eyeing the sleeping Jake rather hungrily. After a quick shower, I dressed, packed
and arranged to have my things moved to another room in the hotel. I thought it best that I be
somewhere else when Jake awoke to find himself in the middle of a manage-a-tois. Especially when he
realized that the blowjob he woke up to was being performed by Lance. Looking back at them as I left,
Lance and Sally smiled as they settled in for the night, with Jake nestled soundly between them.

Lounging around the pool the next morning, I heard the buzz about some poor schnook who got drunk
and ended up in bed with a bisexual couple. I giggled inwardly thinking of poor Jake, sitting on the end of
his bed, his throbbing head in his hands, and reevaluating his appetite for party girls. I also heard
through the grapevine that his buddy was looking to get even with the "bitch" that set up his friend.
That told me that Mark was on the warpath. I had to be a little more careful from that point on, because
I knew what he was capable of. I figured that he’d be looking for me and Jake would tell him which hotel
I was in, so I made it easy for him by staying highly visible poolside. Face it, no matter where I was or
what I was wearing, my new body couldn’t help but be highly visible. The slinkiest of bikinis I was almost
wearing just drove home that fact to anyone who might not have believed it. To make extra sure Mark
would spot me, I kept myself moving around the pool…short but enticing backstrokes across the pool,
slow, sensual exits from the pool, and many strolls past the crowds to and from the bar, shaking my
groove thing all the way.

Mid-afternoon, I spotted him. Actually, he spotted me first. I caught him out of the corner of my eye,
sitting across the pool from me, taking in the view. I’m sure he was enjoying it, too, considering I was
tanning my back at the time with my top untied, so except for the tiniest bit of fabric stretched between
my bronzed cheeks, I was for all practical purposes naked. After a while, I heard the person in the next
lounger get up and I caught a glimpse of Mark moving in for the kill. A few seconds later, I heard his
voice from the next lounger.

"You should be careful. I’d hate to see such beautiful skin get roasted."

I raised myself up and turned toward him just enough to give him a glimpse of everything but my
nipples. I threw him a smile and said, "Well, I guess it is about time for another coat back there. Could
you give a girl a hand?" I motioned to the bottle of lotion beneath my lounger. As he slathered lotion on
my back, I complemented him on his technique and he complemented me on my remarkable physical
attributes. He wasn’t wasting any time, and I told him so.

"You seem to enjoy stating what you like and what you want," I said, casting him a coy grin.

"I don’t like wasting time," he replied sternly. "Precious minutes or hours are wasted on sexual games
and banter that could be spent so much more productively." His hand motions on my backside became
much more forceful and sexual when he said that.
"Well, normally, I’d agree with you," I said lazily, without looking up at him. "But I set today aside as a
day of rest, so to speak. I plan on just kicking back, catching rays, having a few drinks and reenergizing
for the rest of my vacation. I’m sure you understand." His hands stopped moving and I could feel them
tense up on my back before he replied.

"Of course I understand," he muttered through clenched teeth. "In fact, do you mind if I buy your next
drink for you before I leave you to yourself?"

"Well, I guess my glass is a little empty," I replied. "I’d love another marguirita on the rocks with salt, if
you don’t mind."

"Not at all," he smiled, and motioned to a waiter. Just before the drinks arrived, I excused myself to go
powder my nose.

Of course I knew what he was up to. And I knew exactly what I was doing, too…I was making it easy for
him to spike my drink. Sally and Lance were sitting nearby keeping an eye on Mark. When I returned,
Sally’s look told me that Mark had indeed spiked my drink. Smiling at Mark, I put the drink to my lips
when suddenly he was paged over the loudspeaker. I pulled the drink away and promised I’d be there
when he got back. As soon as he left to answer the bogus page that Lance had requested for him, Sally
handed me an identical drink and I dumped the spiked one into the nearest planter. When Mark
returned, the annoyed look on his face turned into one of smug delight when he saw that I was
cheerfully sipping away at my half empty marguirita. . Confident that I would soon succumb to his
‘potion’, he settled back in the lounger, initiated some small talk, and waited.

Fortunately for me, however, I had taken precautions. I had enticed Lance and some of his friends to
keep an eye on Mark all day. They had and with a little extra digging found out exactly what drug he had
purchased. It was very similar to the drug I had kept him from using before on a coed. Not only did it
increase the users sex drive exponentially, but it also decreased their force of will, making them
extremely susceptible to suggestion. All in all, a very nasty little pill.

Since I knew what the pill was supposed to do, I also knew what kind of reaction Mark was looking for
from me. I figured I’d give him just what he was expecting until the time was right.
"Whew," I said, squirming in my seat, "is it getting a lot hotter out here today, or is it just me?"

"Personally, I think everything about you is hot, sweet thing," he replied with a lecherous grin.

"Well then, I better cool off a little," I cooed in a sexy lilt. I got to my feet slowly and bent toward him,
making sure my tits were right in his face. I placed my hands softly on his shoulders to steady myself as I
rose. "Now, don’t you go anywhere, okay?" I wiggled enticingly toward the edge of the pool and
disappeared below the surface. When I emerged from the cool water, my nipples were hard as a rock. It
wasn’t difficult to achieve since turning men on always made me extra horny. I sauntered back to my
lounger, giving him a sexy grin the whole way. I stretched out luxuriantly but continued to squirm a little
in my seat.

"I don’t know what it is," I complained in a coy tone, "but I just can’t seem to sit still. I feel all tingly for
some reason. Like there were tiny little feathers all over my body tickling me." I raised the pitch of my
voice a little, giving it a little more "bimbo-esque" quality. "Do you know what I mean?"

"I have no idea what you’re talking about," Mark replied in a stern and impatient tone. "Maybe if you go
and get me a drink, it’ll go away."

"I didn’t say I didn’t like it," I giggled, "but I’ll get you that drink anyway."

When I returned with his drink a few minutes later, I handed it to him cheerfully and slid into the
lounger with him.

"You know," I cooed into his ear, "if that offer of yours is still good, I think I’m all rested now and ready
to have some fun." I stroked my hand down his sweaty, tan chest, over his stomach and let my fingers
brush the growing bulge in his swim suit. Obviously, he was getting aroused, but he was hiding it well.

"To tell you the truth, doll, I don’t think I’m really in the mood anymore," he lied nonchalantly. "Your
idea of taking a day off sounded so good, I think I’ll go for it myself."
"Are you sure?" I whispered urgently as my hand returned to his shorts and began caressing his still
growing lump. I was more than a little surprised when he then forcefully moved my hand away.

"Yes, sweetheart, I’m sure," he said scoldingly. "In fact, I’m actually a little turned off by pushy girls like
you. So if you don’t mind…?"

It was time to earn my Oscar, so I put a surprised and hurt look on my face and began whimpering.

"I’m sorry," I pouted. "I’m not always so pushy. Really!"

"I find that hard to believe," he said coldly. "You seem like a very strong willed little girl who’s used to
getting what she wants, no matter what. Well, that isn’t going to happen here."

"I’m really not like that at all," I continued to whine. "It’s just a front I put on because of the way I look.
People expect me to act that way." Oo, this was getting good! I almost had myself convinced, but he still
acted unimpressed.

"How do I know this isn’t the act?" He insisted. "How could you possibly prove to me that you aren’t the
cock teasing bitch you so convincingly play?"

Normally, I would have gone upside his head for a crack like that, but he was obviously testing me to see
if the drug was working yet. The next few minutes would really test my acting skills.

"It’s the truth, I swear it is," I pleaded. "I’ve been acting like a cock teaser for so long that it got too easy
and I forgot how to act like myself. If you’d just give me a chance, I’m sure I could show you another side
of myself."
"Really? Well, what other sides of you are there?" he asked in a sincerely interested tone. "What kind of
girl are you, really?"

"Well," I paused and gave him a kittenish look, "that depends on you. What kind of girl would you like
me to be?" When I said that, I could see the flash go off in his eyes. The stern, disinterested look he had
been wearing on his face gave way to a cold smile that was almost a little spooky.

"Oh, I have a very definite idea of the kind of girl I’d like you to be, sweetheart," he said in an almost
Machiavellian tone, stroking my hair gently, "but I don’t think you’re quite up to it."

"Of course I am," I squealed. "If I can act like a cock teaser so easily, then I can just as easily be any kind
of girl you have in mind. Just give me a chance! Please?" The ‘please’ was a spur of the moment touch
that I almost regretted as soon as I said it. I was afraid I might have been pushing it. But the triumphant
leer on his face that he was trying so hard to hide told me that my subservient little plea had convinced
him that I was indeed under the drugs influence. He was now free to put his plan into motion…or so he
thought. He turned in his seat, facing me directly, took my chin firmly in his hand and looked me square
in the eyes.

"Well princess," he cooed, tickling me under my chin, "Ever since I first laid eyes on you, I’ve envisioned
you as my sexy, but sweet, plaything all dressed in white lace…eager to do whatever it took to please
me. Instead of playing the part of a cock teasing bitch, you’re a sweet, pure nymphet who loves nothing
more than honing her sexual skills on her benefactor…me." He paused for a moment, waiting to see
what kind of reaction he’d get from me. I just continued smiling back at him with a vapid, but happy look
on my face.

"So princess," he leered, "Is that who you really are, or am I wasting my time here?"

I waited a moment before responding, as if everything he had just said was slowly being absorbed into
me. Then, as if a light bulb had gone off above my head, a large but empty smile spread across my face.

"Yes!" I exclaimed. "That is who I really am! At least, that’s who I really want to be…if you’ll let me!" At
this point, I was sitting upright in the chair, looking not unlike a puppy waiting to please her master.
"Are you sure, princess?" he teased. "I’d love to give you the opportunity to show me, but you don’t
sound very convincing." He was going to milk this for all it was worth, I could tell.

"Oh, yes! I’m definitely sure!" I begged. "Please let me show you! Tell me what I can do to convince
you." Enough of this already, I thought to myself. Let’s get on with it!

"Well then, sweetheart," he finally said, "here’s what I want you to do. I want you to go up to your room
and dress yourself up in something very sexy for me. But it has to be something white and very lacy. If
you don’t have something like that, I want you to go out and buy it. But whatever you do, be in your
room, dressed and ready for me in half an hour. Do you understand?"

"Oh yes, of course!" I squealed. "I promise I’ll be up there and ready for you in 30 minutes. Is that it?"

"Oh no, of course not," he grinned. "But that’s all you need to know for now. You can rest assured I’ll
give you more instructions when I get there. Now, off with you!" He spanked my bottom as I rose and
turned, a giggle bubbling from my mouth as I scampered off.


Once on the elevator, I shook my head to clear the cobwebs. Playing the docile bimbette wasn’t as easy
as I thought it would be. It was tough being so damned acquiescent to that asshole, but I had to do it if
everything was to work out the way I planned. Fortunately, I did have a little something along the lines
of what he described. It was a frilly white penoir that left nothing to the imagination. After a quick
shower to wash away the chlorine and suntan oil, I quickly redid my hair and face, using softer colors
than usual to give myself a more ‘innocent’ look. The penoir itself took no time at all to put on, since
there was practically nothing there to start with. The white, translucent material hung from spaghetti
straps over my shoulders and just barely down to my crotch. The edges were lined with soft, white faux
feathers which tickled me in just the right places. I topped off the ensemble with a pair of transparent 7-
inch spiked heel pumps. I stepped back to check myself out in the mirror to see if Mark would approve.
White? Check. Lacy? Check. Sexy? You bet my sweet ass!
Exactly 30 minutes after he had sent me on my little errand, Mark showed up at my hotel room and
entered with the key I had ‘cheerfully’ given him on request. When he saw me, his eyes grew wide and
he let out a long, low whistle.

"Is this what you had in mind?" I asked coquettishly, my hardened nipples raising the penoir even higher
allowing him a now unobstructed view of my soft, moistened bush. It took him a moment to respond.
When he finally returned to his "dominant" façade, it was obvious how much trouble he was having
retaining his composure. I couldn’t imagine what could possibly be distracting him so!

"You look like an angel, sweetheart!" He exclaimed, almost stuttering still trying to maintain. "In fact,
that’s what I’m going to call you from now on…Angel. Because you’re my own personal means to
heavenly delights. You like that idea, don’t you Angel?"

"Oh yes!" I gushed. "Of course I love that idea! I’ll be your own little guardian angel of delight, and you
will be my…"

"Master," he interjected forcefully and with finality. "And when we’re alone like this, I expect you to call
me Master. Do you understand, Angel?"

"Of course, Master," I replied cheerfully. "Now, how can I ‘delight’ you?"

"Come to me, Angel," he ordered. "Kneel before me."

Blindly, I minced over to him and knelt before him, smiling up at him with a vacuous smile.

"Now, suck my dick, Angel," he demanded. "And I want it to be the best blowjob I’ve ever had in my life,
do you understand?"

"Of course, Master," I smiled hungrily as I pulled his swim trunks down to the floor where he kicked
them across the room. Now, "Nate" had known Mark for years and knew damn well that the very few
blowjobs he had experienced were of pretty low caliber, so anything I did to him now would be the best
he had ever had. But I was never one to do anything half-assed. If Mark wanted the best, who was I to
deprive him of that not so little pleasure. Besides, it would also be the best way to keep him off guard.

I wrapped my fingers around the base of his cock and it immediately shot even higher into the air. I
moved in closer, extended my tongue and lightly licked the tip, resulting in a definite shudder and moan
from above. Wrapping my lips around the tip, I began to suck lightly and continue flicking my tongue
over it. The intensity of his moans told me that he was already getting the best he had ever had, but I
was far from finishing with him. Sliding my lips down the side of his shaft, I took almost the whole of him
into my mouth. His moans turned into a groan as I slowly sucked and slid my way back to the tip. I
repeated the maneuver over and over again, each time increasing the intensity and the speed.

"Oh God, yes!" He stammered. "You are a good little cock sucker, aren’t you Angel?"

I answered him with an extra intense thrust and suck which caused his whole body to jerk.

"Oh yes, that’s it, Angel!" He moaned. "Make me cum! And don’t you dare spill one drop!"

His command was totally unnecessary since that’s exactly what I had planned to do anyway. Although I
had given several blowjobs during the previous week, I hadn’t yet tasted the results of my efforts. I
didn’t know why, but for some reason I really wanted to this time. It may have been nothing more than
curiosity. Whatever the reason, I picked up the pace and decided to finish Mark off before I changed my
mind. I continued sucking and bobbing, faster and faster, until I felt him tense up and a low moan
escaped from his throat. At that moment I felt a warm, salty stream splash against the back of my throat
as his cock involuntarily spasmed within my mouth. It seemed to go on forever…he just kept cumming
and I just kept swallowing until he finally stopped and began to go a little limp. Considering that it was
my first real complete blowjob, you’d have thought I’d have been a little taken aback by the experience.
On the contrary…I was amazed by it! The whole encounter of actually bringing him completely to
orgasm orally and then to swallow it all was overwhelming to say the least. Although he was no longer
hard, I still had him in my mouth, licking and sucking to make sure every drop was taken care of. I really
liked what had just happened…and I wanted more!
Unfortunately, my immediate needs would have to wait since Mark was shrinking fast. I removed him
from my mouth and he fell back into the chair with a resounding grunt. I looked at his now flaccid dick
and pouted.

"We’re not done yet, are we Master?" I whined in a little girl voice. "Because my pussy is very hot and
very wet and aching for you! Please say we’re not done yet!" I wasn’t lying to him. I was incredibly horny
at that point and just wanted to jump him and make him fuck me right there whether he wanted to or
not. But that would have been just a tad out of character. That particular character, at least.

"Don’t get pushy with me!" He warned. "Just for that, I’m not going to go anywhere near your precious
little pussy until I’m good and ready. Instead, why don’t you go to the wetbar over there and make me a

I stood up, pouting, and wiggled over to the bar. A few moments later I returned to him with a
margarita, which I knew was his favorite drink. I stood dutifully by while he snatched it from my hand,
guzzled the whole thing, and demanded another. I cheerfully obliged. Especially since each drink was
laced with the same exact drug that he had intended for me. As he finished the second drink, I sat down
in one of the chairs across from him, a wicked smile spreading across my face.

"What are you doing?" He demanded in a less domineering tone. "I didn’t give you permission to sit

"Well, I was tired of standing," I replied nonchalantly, looking at my nails. "I knew you wouldn’t mind if I
got comfortable."

He gave me a stern look and started to say something, but a confused and uncomfortable look crossed
face and he backed down.

"Um, no," he mumbled. "Of course I don’t mind."

The smile on my face broadened as I saw the first effects of the drug take hold. His combative nature
was being eroded away. Actions, and even thoughts, that created a conflict with anything or anyone
near him were causing feelings of anxiety and discomfort. Before long, he’d find himself in the same
condition he had planned for me…extremely compliant, totally subservient, and very, very horny. I was
really, really going to enjoy this!

I relaxed further into the chair, my legs crossed with my pump dangling precariously from one foot,
wondering what to do with him next. Mark looked worried, confused and nervous. It was just as if he
was slowly becoming aware of what was happening to him, but at the same time the drug was taking
away his ability to do anything about it. More than that, it was actually removing his desire to want to
do anything about it. I decided to run a few tests.

"My, that drink looked awfully inviting," I daydreamed aloud. "I’d sure like one of my own." Without
missing a beat, Mark was on his feet and headed to the bar.

"Please, let me get one for you," he said eagerly. Even though I had used up all the drug in his drinks, I
still kept a close eye on him while he dutifully made my drink. As he crossed the room back to me, I
could see more of the drug’s effects in action. What was once flaccid only a mere moment ago was now
at full salute, waving back and forth hypnotically like a metronome as he walked toward me. I came very
close to swooping down and sucking him off, but decided to control myself. After all, no matter how
much I would have enjoyed it, he would have enjoyed it even more. And this was no longer about his
enjoyment…not in the least little bit!

"Are you pointing at me, Markie?" I scolded as I took the drink from him, glancing at his outstretched
member. "You know, it’s not polite to point!"

He started to smile, but when he saw the serious look on my face he actually cowered a bit.

"I’m sorry, Angel," he whined. "I can’t help it! Being around you has made me hornier than I’ve ever
been in my entire life!" I had no doubt about that.

"Well then," I mused, "we should do something about that." I unhooked my shoulder straps, letting my
penoir fall to the floor and resumed a luxuriant pose in the lounger. "Since you’ve already had your fun
and I haven’t, why don’t you bring that thing over here and put it to good use." I spread my legs apart
and gave him a stern but inviting look.

He was over me in a flash and ready to plunge inside me when I put a hand to his chest, stopping him.

"But remember," I warned, "this is for my pleasure only. I don’t want you cumming at all. Do you
understand, Markie!?" His expression of joy was quickly replaced by a pained one, but that one was
almost as quickly replaced by the same vapid smile I had given him earlier.

"Of course I understand," he echoed. "I want to bring you as much pleasure as possible."

"Then, you may resume," I allowed, pulling my arm away from his chest and draping it over the back of
the chair.

A surprising gasp escaped my lips almost immediately as he eagerly thrust his incredibly long and stiff
cock deep within me, sending a shudder throughout my body. He repeated the action, over and over
again, each time penetrating deeper into me. In almost no time he had me near the brink. I wanted to
slow him down, make it last longer, but I couldn’t articulate through my own increasing moans. I had
almost managed to utter the words when I erupted in a violent spasm of pleasure. As I lay there in that
chair, crying out in ecstasy, he kept pumping away at me, bringing me to yet another climax. And still, he
kept going! Through the fog, I could make out the look on his face that signaled an impending climax
and I managed to force one brief phrase.


Immediately, his thrusting slowed and eventually stopped. I could feel him withdraw from me, but what
he was doing after that, I didn’t know. I was still trembling from the incredible experience and was
unable to focus on much of anything for several moments. When I finally opened my eyes, I couldn’t
believe what I was seeing: Mark, placidly kneeling on the floor in front of me, his dick still straining
straight upwards, seemingly unaffected by the previous activity.
It was all just too perfect! He had become the exact thing he had tried to make me…a literal sex slave!
He had just performed an incredible sexual act on me, and was now willing, eager, and best of all,
capable to do it all again if I so desired. I knew the drug had a staying power of at least a couple of hours,
and I planned to make good use of every second. Before that however, I needed a shower to rejuvenate
me. Standing up before him, my legs still a little wobbly, I ordered him to stay where he was in the
kneeling position and I would return in a few minutes. I also warned him not to touch himself or move
from where he was or he would suffer the consequences. I picked up my bag and headed for the
shower. As I closed the bathroom door, I could see that he was still kneeling in the same spot on the
floor…not moving a muscle.


I emerged from the bathroom about 20 minutes later and he was still kneeling in the exact same
position, motionless. Motionless, that is, until he looked up and saw what I had changed into. Gone was
Mark’s sweet little plaything in the frilly white penoir. In her place was a leatherclad vixen, who had her
mind set on total domination of him. My legs were encased in thigh-high black leather boots with 7-inch
spiked heels. I was also (barely) wearing a matching studded leather bustier that supported my tits but
left them totally exposed. My ensemble was topped off with a handy leather riding crop. I slowly,
deliberately strode across the room toward him, slapping the riding crop against my palms as I did. As I
stood before him, he couldn’t bring himself to look up directly at me, although his cock was still
engorged, purple and stiff as an iron rod.

"Do you still want to pleasure me?" I asked in a demanding tone.

"Of course I do, Angel," he whimpered without looking up.

"Look at me, worm!" I snarled. "Do I look like an angel to you?" He cringed a little as he slowly forced
himself to look slowly up my body, eventually looking me in the eyes, but only very briefly before he
returned to looking at my boots. "Then I don’t ever want you to call me that again. From now on, you
may only address me as Mistress, do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress," he muttered.

I lay the end of the riding crop along his back and slowly dragged it up and over his hunched over
shoulders. I then lightly stroked the sides of his cock with it.

"Do you know what I want, Markie, hmm?" I asked as I brought the crop up beneath his chin, forcing
him to look up at me. "I want my pussy licked." His face brightened up at the prospect. "But," I
continued menacingly, "you have to do it my way!" The light in his face diminished a little as I could see
the worry lines on his face.

Five minutes later I was kneeling on the bed with a wicked but contented smile, the snaps beneath my
bustier undone, and Mark lying beneath me, his hands bound behind him as he eagerly tongued my
already wet pussy. I was in heaven! Not only had I reduced the little shithead to little more than my sex
toy, but he was a damn good sex toy! He had obviously done this before, and with my ‘guidance’, he was
nearing perfection. As I knelt there, reveling in the pleasures he was administering to me, I reflected on
the last 10 days. In just a little over a week, I had evolved from an unsure, inexperienced girl who almost
couldn’t pick up a man in a single’s bar to a cool seductress who could dominate practically any man she
pleased. I had honed my feminine wiles to near perfection, which I’m sure would delight the Doc no end.
That in itself had been incredible and left me with a profound sense of pride. But what topped it all off
was how I had given Nate’s buddies a taste of their own medicine. Of course, I’m sure the ‘sugar’ I
offered with the ‘medicine’ took a lot of the bitterness out of it. Case in point, since Mark was doing
such a marvelous job on my pussy, I was seriously considering rewarding him with one of my best
blowjobs when I allowed him to finish. Looking down, I could see that his cock was still reaching high
into the air, aching for any kind of contact, and the thought of his huge rod exploding in my mouth was
definitely making me ‘hungry’.

A sudden twinge rippled through my psyche as it dawned on me what I had just admitted to myself. I
enjoyed giving blowjobs?! I loved having my pussy licked?! And to top it all off, I had been referring to
"Nate" in the third person, as if he were someone else! That "he" that I had so casually been thinking of
as a completely separate person, was me until about 10 days ago! Yet there I was, dressed in an exotic
leather outfit while one of my best friends lapped eagerly at my pussy! My God, how completely my
new female persona had taken over. What had started out as an experiment in sexual curiosity had
gotten way out of hand. It wasn’t supposed to go this far. Sure these guys could be total assholes
sometimes, but they were still my friends. Did they deserve what "Natalie" had put them through? I had
to put a stop to this!

In that instant, I teetered near an epiphany as my original male persona made a break for the surface. I
could feel it rising up from where it had been laying dormant these past few days, gaining strength and
resolution as it rose, trying to push "Natalie" out of the way…and succeeding. Everything around me
seemed different as my perceptions and attitudes began to shift back to where they were two weeks
earlier. How could I have done all this to my best friends? How could I possibly make it up to them? I had
to end this, have the Doc change me back and somehow repair all the damage "Natalie" had done. I
could still sense a battle of wills being fought in my soul, but enough of the old me was back to tell me
what I knew I had to do. I looked down at my poor friend, in a drug-induced sexual frenzy, lapping
happily between my thighs. Although it did feel incredible, I knew I still had to stop him and sober him
up. I was a millisecond from pulling away from Mark and putting an end to my charade when he
suddenly thrust his long, stiff tongue deep into my pussy…

…and two voices cried out. One, a high-pitched moan of ecstasy, could be heard by everyone in a three
room radius; the other, a frantic inner cry of desperation and frustration, could only be heard by me, but
as wave upon wave of sheer feminine pleasure coursed through me, the voice grew more distant and
muffled. Finally, the troubled inner voice went silent as I hungrily eyed Mark’s staff, threw myself
forward, and eagerly took it into my waiting mouth. I sucked voraciously on his huge cock while he
continued to service me through his own stifled moans. I had never told him to stop and I hadn’t as yet
given him permission to cum, a fact I hadn’t realized until too late. There was no way I was going to stop
and give him the permission he so yearned for. I couldn’t have if I had wanted to. I was too far gone for
that. I had attached myself to him and I wasn’t about to release my hold until I felt the warm spray
against the back of my throat. I can only imagine what he must have been going through…aroused
beyond any level he had ever experienced, yet deathly afraid of disobeying me by allowing himself to
release within me. Finally, he could hold back no longer and with a cry of both relief and fear a massive
eruption of sticky, warm, wonderful fluid flowed down my throat. I felt his dick lose some of its strength
as I finished the last drop, so I withdrew from him, spun around on the bed and glared down at him like
a possessed she-devil.

"How dare you cum without my permission!" I snarled at him. "And now you want to grow flaccid after
the gift I have just given you?" A panicked look froze on his face as his cock ceased to shrink and began
to spring erect once more. "The only way you can save yourself now is to fuck me! Fuck me harder than
you’ve ever fucked anything or anyone in your entire miserable life! And if you cum before me, you’ll
never use that thing again, do you understand?!"

He obviously did as he threw himself on top of me, knocking me onto my back on the bed, and mounted
me like an animal in heat. His long, thick, slippery cock slid easily into my dripping pussy as I matched his
thrusts with my own. There was no technique, no passion…just raw, unbridled fucking. I kept screaming
at him to fuck me, over and over again which worked him up into an even more intense frenzy. Finally, I
could stand no more and I screamed to whatever gods might have been paying attention as my final
orgasm of the night shook me to my core, almost rendering me unconscious. I was barely aware of him
finally exploding inside me shortly thereafter.

I sent Mark on his way almost immediately. I didn’t need him anymore, anyway. He obediently scurried
off, to where I didn’t know or care, leaving me alone to regroup. As I lay there amongst the sweat-
soaked sheets trying to focus, I could scarcely remember my own name, much less the ramblings of the
strange disillusioned and disembodied daydream that had bothered me earlier. What had it been
about? I barely remembered a vague feeling of concern…but over what? Whatever it was, it didn’t
matter now. It was gone and I didn’t have a care in the world. Although satiated for the night, I knew
that I had the physical attributes, the skills, and the power to have my sexual appetites fulfilled
whenever I pleased. The last few nights had proven that to me. I had seduced and abandoned three
different men over the last three nights by becoming three totally different women…each one unique in
her appetites. The thought of being able to do that filled me with a sense of awe and pride.

I pulled myself from the bed, peeled the leather from my body, and stood before the mirror to take
stock of myself. I beheld the image of a woman basking in the glow of her sexuality. She was still
breathing heavily from the night’s exertions. Her breasts glistened with the perspiration that covered
most of her magnificent body as they rose and fell in time with her breathing. But what was most
striking about her was the look on her face. It was a look of pure contentment, total confidence, and
complete acceptance of who and what she was. She was me.

I don’t know how long I stood before that mirror drinking in the view. It might have been for hours, I’m
still not sure. For the first time, I was really seeing myself. It wasn’t like the first time I stood before a
mirror and gaped at my new body for the first time. Then, I was just marveling at the physical change my
body had gone through. This time was very different though. I could see beyond just the physical and
recognize the entirely new person I had become. I recognized her and I embraced her. I smiled as I
imagined the look on Doc’s face when I contacted her the next morning.

But that was all over two months ago, and a lot has happened since then. Despite all the red tape, it was
surprisingly easy to resume and finish all my classes. Because of the size of most of my classes, no one
has really noticed the absence of Nate, although the addition of Natalie to the rosters has definitely
raised some eyebrows…especially the male ones. My folks weren’t quite so easy to convince, but after
meeting with Dr. Sitwell and viewing some of the (edited) videotapes, they finally accepted that I was
really their offspring. It will take some getting used to on their part, but that’s okay.


My ex-buddies? I don’t know if they’ve ever found out who I really am or not. I’ve spotted them on
campus a few times, but they always seem to keep their distance from me. I don’t know if they’re just
uncomfortable around me, or scared to hell of me. Whichever, it doesn’t really matter. Between school
work and new ‘friends’, I’ve been way too busy to worry about them, especially now that finals are over
and the partying can really begin before graduation this weekend. I’ve been putting a lot of thought into
how I want to dress for graduation and I have a pretty good idea of what I’ll end up wearing. Hey, a girl
likes to stand out in a crowd, especially at special events in her life.

I’ve already got plenty of job offers waiting for me. It’s funny how the same companies that passed on
Nate have been chomping at the bit to hire me. I’m sure the miniskirt I wore to the interviews had
absolutely nothing to do with it. I haven’t made any decisions yet about my future, though. Next week,
I’m planning on visiting an old friend in New York who told me to look him up whenever I was in town.
We’ll see what happens after that.

© 2000

The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must
contact the author for permission.

Wrestling with Femininity

by Bolter

As a cheerleader in high school, I was always most interested in the wrestling matches.
The other cheerleaders, of course, were into the more popular sports like football or baseball. After all,
those brought the biggest crowds, and the football players had the best bodies and threw the best

But something about wrestling got to me. The uniforms they had to wear. The intense, passionate
struggling. The desperation.

It was such a ritualistic, intimate sport to watch. Sometimes ruthless.

I guess that was when I was starting to really understand my desires to dominate men -- just to see them
squirming and helpless.

And that's when I discovered Lucas.


Lucas was a freshman and came from a different city, so he didn't know anyone. He was terribly shy and
kept to himself, but was an undefeated wrestler in his weight class.

He had a lithe, feminine frame and probably did not weigh more than 130 pounds. But he was strong.

I enjoyed watching his matches most of all. Because of the look on his face, and how hard he would
breathe. He would keep his eyes shut sometimes, and I could swear he was in another world.

Sometimes I would notice him hard, too. And that was a huge turn-on for me. The other cheerleaders
wondered why I had so much interest in wrestling matches; after all, we weren't even required to go.

I wasn't about to tell them that I was attracted to the younger, feminine little wrestler with the cute
blonde hair and big blue eyes.
I also wasn't about to tell them what I would do to such a boy if I had him alone with me for just a few


It was right before the nationals, and of course our wrestling team had gone all the way. The
cheerleaders were all sitting together at Peg's house, and we were trying to come up with ideas for the
spirit rally and other activities.

Mostly related to football, of course.

Peg came up with the idea of a kidnapping, and somehow I managed to take over the entire
conversation. And somehow, I got them all excited about my idea. About a real kidnapping, something
that would rock the entire school.

And more amazing was that I was able to talk them out of abducting the quarterback of the football

"He's too big. You think the seven of us can take him down?" I asked.

Lisa Johnson stuck out her chest. "Just show him our tits and when his mouth drops open, hit him on the
head with a pan."

"Seriously, the wrestling team is about to go all the way. They never get any attention. Let's take one of
them. A smaller guy."

They looked unimpressed.

"Then we can dress him up like a girl," I smiled. "And drag him out to the pep rally."

The others visibly brightened. "We can dress him up at a cheerleader!"

And from there, it was easy. Only one weight class would fit into one of our outfits.

"Lucas Daniels," I said.

They didn't care at that point. They were ravenous, they just wanted to dress up someone -- anyone.

And I got my wish.


When we kidnapped Lucas, he was terrified.

Of course, he had every right to be. It is not every day a freshman in high school -- a shy, reserved
freshman at that -- is kidnapped by the most beautiful, popular girls in the school. There were five of us
at his abduction.

We had prepared during a slumber party the night before, giggling and staying up all night, talking about
kissing, orgasms, blow jobs. Then we took a van and went to the school at around 5am, when we knew
the wrestlers would be running before practice.

After clearing it with the coach ahead of time, who was thrilled to be getting some attention from the
spirit team for a change, we diverted Lucas off his track and behind several trees by saying we needed
help loading some equipment into the van to go to a cheerleading competition.
He was blushing already. I could see him from my lookout point, perched behind the van. He looked
simply adorable - his hair wet from sweat after the morning run, wearing nothing more than tight sweat
pants and a white t-shirt.

Walking behind the Asian beauty, Trina, he was wiping the sweat from his forehead with his arm. I could
hear his voice. He was asking her something.

At that point, he had no idea.


Inside the van, it became clear to him that something sinister was about to happen. Three of the others
grabbed him by the arms to pin him, and I slammed the doors shut from the inside. Trina started the van
from the cab, and we were already leaving.

We were lucky he was a gentleman, because it was obvious he could have easily taken us all down. Just
by helping hold down his arms I realized how strong he was. And that turned me on even more.

First, we tied him up. I enjoyed that a lot.

He kept asking, "What are you doing to me?? Is this a joke??"

Peg tried to duct tape his mouth shut, but he kept turning away. When I leaned over to help hold his
head still, I felt the erection in his sweats.

It was clear he was enjoying it. Maybe a little too much.

Peg had put a dog collar on him that we'd bought from the grocery store the previous night. This made
us all giggle, and we found ourselves walking him up the drive way to Trina's house.

Trina's parents were gone for the weekend, so we had free reign of the house. This is where Lucas
would experience his "transformation".

All of the tools were on the table in the main room. Trina led him by the leash into the house, careful
not to trip him as he was blindfolded.

Soon Lucas found himself tied to a chair, looking around at all of us. Surrounded by a handful of
beautiful women, women he had probably dreamed about. Women he had prayed would one day just
say "hello" to him in the hall.

It was apparent that he saw himself as somewhat of an introverted geek. And the other girls treated him
that way. Cruelly, enough to make me cringe. But somehow it turned me on.

"I think we need to give him a girlie name," Andrea said as she picked through the make up. Lucas was
watching, and by the look on his face I think he knew what was about to happen.

Soon Becky was commenting on his erection, and that mortified him. He turned so red that I thought he
was going to pass out. But it got worse.

It got worse because Danielle, the more sexual of the team, actually pulled down his sweats and took it
out. And they all started giggling. His cock sprung out at once. He was fully hard.

"Look! He's turned on that we are going to dress him up like a girl!" Danielle observed. She got right in
his face and said, "You like dressing up like a girl, Lucas?"
"Maybe we should call him 'Lucky' since this is his lucky day!" Trina observed.

"I like the name Lucy."

Lucas looked at everyone, trying to find someone to give him mercy, trying to ignore Danielle's poking
and prodding at his throbbing erection. She was making noises, pushing it to watch it bob up and down.

Still, even in this completely humiliating situation, I found him very arousing. When his eyes fell on me, I
had to look away. I felt guilty; after all, this was all my idea.

"Let's get pussy-boy dressed," Danielle said, having tired of playing with his erection. She pushed it back
into his briefs, under the sweats, and then said "Where are those panties?"


We realized, of course, that he might not cooperate during the dressing stage of the ritual. That's why
we brought the polaroid.

We took pictures of him after we had done his make up. This was while he was still tied up and couldn't
resist, although it took three people to apply it -- two to hold his head, and one to put it on him.

Then we took the pictures, and showed him.

Then Peg, editor of yearbook, dropped the hint that those, and even more incriminating photos, might
end up in the annual.

"I'll cooperate," he said.

"Say, 'my name is lucky lucy, and I am ready to be dressed up in a cheerleading skirt for all my friends!' "
Danielle ordered.

She was leaning over, purposely, teasing poor Lucas with her tits. She actually pulled her shirt down,
when he turned, and revealed her nipple to him. She was known around school for being an

Lucas turned bright red once more, turned away, and had his eyes shut.

"What's the matter, never seen a tit before?" she asked.

Trina was bringing over the outfit. "Not since his mama."

Perhaps their sheer cruelty would have bothered me more if he seemed upset by it. Sure, he struggled,
and blushed, and sighed. But he was hard the entire time, and when he caught my glances, he almost
seem to look toward me longingly.

Or maybe that was my imagination.


Dressed as a cheerleader, Lucas, or I should say "Lucy", actually looked quite hot.

We had him in the short version of the pleated skirt, with a tight sweater. The bra had been tricky, but
we stuffed it with socks and he was sufficiently busty. So busty, in fact, Danielle reached down his
sweater to remove some of the padding, stating, "No one on the squad can have bigger tits than me, not
even you, Lucy."
Next, we taught Lucy a few cheers. His coordination left a lot to be desired, but he actually seemed to be
somewhat amused at that point. I think after being flashed a few tits, having his cock out and exposed to
all of us, then dressed up and covered in make up, he was comfortable around us.

When we felt Lucy was sufficiently trained, we decided to make our move. The other's left to prepare
the van, and I was left alone with him for the first time. To "keep an eye on him."

I had planned it that way.


The first thing I did when we were alone was kiss him.

I kissed him hard, without warning, and he stood there, frozen. He let out a little muffled squeak.

His lips felt soft, and the feel of lipstick-against-lipstick was strange. I could tell at once that he had little,
if any, experience with kissing. He definitely was a virgin.

That turned me on.

I was getting wet myself, and I could feel the bulge, under his skirt and in his panties, pressing into my
crotch. The kisses became deeper, and finally he reached up and held me carefully by the arms. It was as
if he did not want to offend me.

When we broke the kiss, I whispered, "You look good dressed as a girl. I just have to tell you that. Not
many men can pull that off."

"Thanks," he said, looking at me strangely. "I think."

His eyelashes fluttered a little. The dark mascara made them stand out even more. This was probably
when it all started for me -- the total lust for a man completely dressed up as a woman. Because he
looked so hot, I wanted to have sex with him right there.

"I want to go out on a date," I said. I was always straight forward, and I knew there was no way in hell a
freshman would have the guts to ask out a senior cheerleader.

He raised his eyebrows, shocked, flattered. "Do I have to dress like this??" he laughed.

I chuckled, looking him up and down. "Maybe. I do like it."

He twirled around for me.

"You like it, too."

"No comment," he said.

And then we were interrupted.


The rest of the story is history, as they say. We took "lucy" to the pep rally and made him come out on
stage in front of the entire school. He received a standing ovation, especially from the wrestling team.
Then we had him perform a cheer with us.
For most guys -- especially the football team -- it never would have worked. They would have been way
too afraid to go along with it. Perhaps it helped a little that Lucas was shy and into being guided, and had
always fostered a fantasy about being kidnapped by the entire cheerleading squad.

I found that out from him, actually, on our third date. We ended up being together for the entire rest of
my senior year, and through the summer until I left for college.

And he used to dress up for me, on demand, and we'd have sex that way. I always called him, "Lucy",
and he was as good in bed as he was on the wrestling mat.


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Bringing Good Cheer

by Angela Rasch

Chapter One

Necessity is the mother of invention.

"Maybe you didn't do it right," Sandra said. The knowing looks that passed from cheerleader to
cheerleader confirmed Lee Anne's long-held status as the unquestionable best.

"I believe I still hold the Benfield Academy record, don't I?" Lee Anne demanded affirmation, although
none was needed. Everyone knew that she had brought two boys to climax quicker than anyone else
ever had during the annual double-header contest. Her prize, other than immeasurable fame and glory,
had been a chrome trailer-hitch mounted on mahogany. Those who had fortunate enough to come to
appreciate her talents were widely envied.

Benfield based its social acceptance on the ability to pay steep tuitions, not on bourgeois moralities.
Depravity was considered a slight character flaw that needed to be concealed for propriety's sake, but
not corrected; especially if that correction meant revamping oneself to a non-satisfactory existence.

In a room filled with the kind of beauty that can only occur when good breeding meets unlimited
financial resources, Lee Ann was without equal in her "gorgeous-osity". The vast majority of her
classmates, of either sex, yearned to be subjected to her lingual genius.

"Then he must be a twinkie," Sandra said, with the finality of the grossly indulged. Her word was law in
her household. Just like every other young Benfield royalty, she had but to breathe her desire and
"Daddy" made it so.

"Not that there's anything wrong with that." Megan quickly stated to cover Sandra's homophobic
epithet and safeguard her liberal-and-probably-bi reputation.

"Of course not," Tammy gushed. Tammy was thought to have a crush on Megan, although she hadn't
done anything more overt than lean against Megan's superb breasts a bit too often during cheerleader
sleepovers, advances Megan more than welcomed.

"But, we have to make Cameron come … Stephanie pleaded with the other girls, "or the whole season
could go down the tubes. The team will suck -- if we don't."
There -- that was it -- Stephanie, the senior captain of the squad, had encapsulated their problem.
Benfield was a football powerhouse. They had taken part in the state playoffs in seven of the past ten
years. Ten years ago, the team had been predicted to be gosh-awful in a pre-season poll of prep-sports
reporters. The cheerleaders had decided to take things into their own mouths. To boost the players'
confidence, every senior player had been fellated by a member of the cheerleading squad. That season
resulted in Benfield's first trip to the state playoffs championship game.

Every year during which all of the senior footballers had been blown by a cheerleader, the team had
done well. Every year the girls fell down on going down, the team fell apart. The rules had evolved. Each
cheerleader had to do at least two guys, so no one could talk without revealing more than she wanted.
No girl could do her own boyfriend under their sex-pact, as that would just be FUN - for sure - and had
nothing to do with winning football games. The more times each boy was done by different girls, the
better the results, but - for sure - every boy had to be done at least once.

A trip to the playoffs provided the cheerleaders the public stage they could find no place else … actual
TV exposure! It was considered imperative that they have that opportunity.

Cameron Rice was the starting quarterback. He was the only senior who hadn't been properly serviced.
The team was facing impending disaster going into the last week of August. If someone didn't
successfully suck him off before the first game, there would be dire consequences.

"Maybe someone else should try?" If Sandra hadn't sounded like enough of an idiot after her first
suggestion of Lee Anne's inadequacy, she certainly did by suggesting a replacement cocksucker. Sandra
was becoming a pain, and had to be stopped before Lee Anne most justifiably lost it.

Much to everyone's surprise who had been verbally bitch-slapped by Lee Anne, she patiently explained
the situation to Sandra. After all, just everything depended on the success of their sucking … which was
ironic. "Jen and Sarah gave it a try before I was brought in. He's not doable." Lee Anne's diagnosis had a
conclusiveness to it that cast the girls into a major funk.

Normally the girls did their nails or read magazines during the cheerleading meetings, to keep from
getting bored, but this meeting was all business. Everyone wanted to take a trip to the Metrodome in
November. Not just for the sectional … they wanted to go all the way to the State Championship game
where they would be introduced on Channel Nine by Skip Perkins. They all thirsted for their moment on
camera to wave and say, "Hi, Mom!" Besides "going all the way" was their nature.

"What if he prefers boys?" Greta asked. Greta was known as the brains of the cheerleading squad. She
was actually picking her college based on its academic qualifications, rather than its proximity to the
slopes. "Does anyone know if he's declared himself gay?"

"No way," Stephanie said. "He's as straight as Brad Pitt." Each girl took a moment to have a mini-orgasm
thinking about Brad's latest "People" cover photo.

"Methinks he doth protest too much, or might it be he doesn't realize what he is," Greta said. There
were nods all around the room. Shocking sexuality self-identification was an everyday occurrence.
People were hanging at the closet door waiting to come out. "I was reading a book the other day about
abnormal psychology that mentioned the popularity of female impersonators as hookers."

"Did your book have a brown paper cover?" Stephanie asked. All the girls laughed to relieve their
personal anxiety. It was prickly talking about gays and blowing guys, unless their babble was going to
lead to sex.

"It was a real textbook -- for a class I'm taking for college credit." Sometimes Greta felt like she was
surrounded by mindless aliens. She needed non-curricular activities to bulk-up her college applications,
even if it was cheerleading. "The book said that some men prefer sex with other men but can't admit it,
even to themselves. They hire transvestite hookers and have their cake and eat it too … sort of."

"Ewwwwww," groaned almost every girl in the room except Stephanie, who was a pragmatist, even
though she couldn't spell it and had no idea what it meant.

"We'll just have to add a guy to the cheerleading squad, dress him as a girl, and he'll have to hum
Cameron to paradise by the dashboard lights." Stephanie stared into every divine face in the room (and
they all were), demanding that they try to devise a better plan to extract Cameron's come. Not even the
aforementioned, cerebral Greta had an inkling, so they moved forward. (They didn't even stop to
wonder if an inkling is a baby ink. Moreover, Stephanie's obscure reference to musical lyrics wasn't lost
on them as they weren't ones to allow their boyfriends' meat to loaf.)

"What will Mrs. Ward say?" Tammy asked, returning everyone to the subject de jour by questioning the
reaction of their staff advisor to a male expansion of their numbers.

"Mrs. back-Ward won't know a thing about it," Lee Anne said, "Unless one of you nymphs rats us out."
Lee Anne pointed her loaded boobs at her cheermates; insisting upon their fidelity.

"I'm not telling," everyone quickly chorused.

"We need to work fast," Stephanie said. "We need a selection committee that in thirty minutes will tell
us who our new cheerleader will be."

"The guy can't be known as gay," Greta cautioned. "If he is, Cameron won't have anything to do with

"He should be on the smaller side," Tammy asserted. "We should look for some guy that weighs less
than 140 pounds, and someone that's shorter than me." Tammy was 5'8" in her heels, which were
rumored to be rounded.

"We need a beautification committee to change our guy to a gal." Stephanie knew she would have all
the volunteers she needed for that committee, because all of them thought they were loveliness

"Is making a boy look like us even possible?" Sherry asked. Sherry was neglecting to take into account
the thousands of dollars her parents spent annually to transform her from a Plain Jane into a Wet-

"For sure."
"No prob."

"We'll take him to Sidney … Sidney's a saint."

"Ohhh, I love Sidney. Too bad he's gay; I could love him to death."

"Duh! Think about it! All hairdressers are gay."

"Not Benny."

"Hardly … Benny's so gay he makes gay guys look --- ahhh ---straight."

"Can we get back on topic?" Stephanie asked. Stephanie had sounded too much like a teacher when she
had said that, so she grinned to let everyone know she was kidding; somewhat. "Everything has to be
done quickly so that Cameron is taken care of by next week. And --- we need an education committee to
teach 'whoever' to do 'whatever' to Cameron's weenie."

"It's not really a weenie," Lee Anne stated with authority. "He's not teenie and actually he has a very
nicely-shaped … . He's well-equipped; if only 'it' had paid attention when 'it' should've." The wistful tone
of Lee Anne's voice told everyone that Cameron hadn't been a disappointment until he was a

"We need a slush fund for expenses," Stephanie said, "Everyone will need to throw in $200 for makeup
and clothes." Money was no object for the ten girls in the room. Each princess's purse was stuffed with
limitless credit cards.

Thirty minutes later, after the various committees had convened in separate corners of Sarah's
basement family room, they regrouped to share their results.
"Unless he's a Shrek," Tammy said, "we're ready to make him into Lady Go-Dive-A. We don't see a
problem in retro-fitting the typical guy to be a passable babe. Give us a better than average piece of
meat to work with, and we will make him smooch-abililicious." Tammy was the best there was on the
team with cosmetics.

"Find me a willing male to deliver for us, and I'll make his tongue dance," Lee Anne promised.

"You can't just teach him how to unwrap a sausage," Sandra sneered. She had obviously been miffed
when Lee Anne had screwed William, even though Sandra had said she was "so over William" --- when
she wasn't "so over William."

"Get real, Sandra," Lee Anne said, "We all have a good idea what our lady-faker will need to know to be
a pseudo-she. Cameron will be able to fantasize himself to comedom."

"My mom can help," Billie said. Billie hardly ever spoke. She had been put on the selection committee,
but no one expected that she would add much, if anything. Her talent was rhythmic clapping – her on-
field talent. Her rhythm was put to much better use when the boys of Benfield had her laid out on the
folded down backseats of their SUVs doing the horizontal mambo. "Mom has been working on a special
medallion project at Chemco. You wear it on a chain around your neck. It's made to discharge a small
amount of whatever is in it, every hour or so. Mom said that her company is intending to sell the
medallion with pheromones to women who are having marital problems. She swears the pheromones
will make limp dicks swell." Her face turned red. Not from embarrassment, as public shame wasn't
something that a Benfield cheerleader easily acknowledged, unless it was for wearing last season's
fashions. Her flush was because of the exertion involved in making coherent sentences. She would be
attending the University of Montana at Missoula the next fall; majoring in snow bunny.

"That doesn't seem ethical," Tammy said. The idea of using pheromones to gain an unfair advantage
wasn't troubling her as much as knowing that the allure she had spent years honing was available in
liquid form at your local lab.

"Ethical?" Lee Anne asked. "Was it ethical when Daddy left Mom for Cindy?" Lee Anne didn't have much
use for a trophy stepmother who was only four years older than her.
"I can get a medallion and all that stuff we need," Billie said. No one objected to what sounded like a
good addition to the master plan. Tammy suggested that they mix in a little Heavenly from Victoria's
Secret; just to be sure. Pheromones might work … Heavenly ALWAYS worked.

"So all we need is a guy," Stephanie said, "and I think we have the perfect candidate to check the ex-
dates on Cameron's sperm." Stephanie had put herself in charge of the selection committee. They had
argued over nearly a dozen prospects; using a yearbook to make sure they didn't miss considering
anyone. "We're sure … absolutely, positively sure. The newest member of our cheer squad will be ---
Carter Braun."

Chapter Two

Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.

Benfield's long and storied history carried with it the frustration of bygone battles. Carter Braun's twin
sister, Rachel, was paying a stiff price for her mother's wearisome past. Twenty-four years ago, Mrs.
Braun had been wrongfully left off the cheerleading squad.

"There's still a chance for you to be a varsity alternate this year," Mrs. Braun chirped. Carter and Rachel
had just finished their daily session of cheerleading practice. They had averaged two hours a day for the
past five years sharpening their herkies, other jumps, yells, and gymnastics. Carter cheered with his
sister solely to spare her the isolation of grueling, solitary workouts. There were no boy cheerleaders at
Benfield. Carter was Holy Grail-less, at least in that regard.
Rachel warmed down after every exercise with Kegels to tone and strengthen the pubococcygeus or
"PC" muscles, which form the floor of the pelvis, and arm exercises to "grow" her bust. Carter often
laughingly did them with her.

Having finished her pelvic squeezes, Rachel looked at her mother with sorrowful eyes. Rachel had kept
the dream of cheerleading alive to please her parent. The odds were pitifully stacked against her. At
least fifty other girls coveted exactly what her mother wanted for her.

While Rachel enjoyed the physical part of the routines, she would have much rather spent her
afternoons on the soccer pitch, where she made a strikingly pretty striker. "We did okay today. Carter,
once again, forced me to work hard to be as good as him."

Rachel and Carter had similar lithe bodies, stunning cobalt-blue eyes, and shoulder-length, honey-
colored hair. Rachel's was styled to emphasize her pert nose. Carter's nose was on its own. In a month
they would be fourteen. Judging by his lack of muscles and still high-pitched voice, Carter hadn't been
visited by the puberty fairy.

"You need to drop a pound or two," Mrs. Braun said, casting a critical eye over her daughter's physique.
Freshmen didn't often become varsity alternates, but if they did, they normally were shoe-ins for a
varsity positions the next year, as sophomores. "An ounce in the wrong place could ruin everything."

"Mom," Rachel answered, "I'm almost a poster child for anorexia as it is." She was thin by nature and
since Mrs. Braun had them on a diet only a rabbit could love, neither Rachel nor Carter would easily gain
in the wrong or even the right places.

"Have you heard anything about Marilyn trying out for varsity alternate," Mrs. Braun asked. Marilyn's
father had paid an unscrupulous surgeon handsomely that past summer for breasts augmentation for
his fourteen year-old daughter. She now had at least a one-cup advantage on the other cheerleader

"Don't you want to know how Carter and I did on our biology test?"
"You two always do well. The last time one of you got lower than an A- was in the fourth grade."

"Mom," asked Carter, "would it be okay if I stayed overnight at Wesley's tomorrow?" Carter and Rachel
hadn't been allowed to spend an overnight with anyone, something their classmates had been doing
with regularity for five or six years. Mrs. Braun had been a single parent for nearly ten years since her
husband went out for cigarettes and never came back to her and the twins. He had walked away from
millions in trust accounts that had been in her family for years. Mrs. Braun still suffered from separation

"We'll see." She always said that, but then never relented. Neither Carter nor Rachel had been allowed
to date. They were to wait until they were sixteen. Carter was friendly with several girl classmates, but
he couldn't ask them out. Living in a house with two females, Carter had grown sensitive to their
peculiar notions and had learned not to fight an upstream battle.

The phone rang and Mrs. Braun answered. "Yes, he's here. May I tell him who's calling?" The look on her
face went from surprise to annoyance than registered utter shock. "Oh … oh! Hi Stephanie! I must tell
you Stephanie; I saw you cheer last year for football and basketball and was positively inspired by your
efforts. I told my Rachel to watch how you do it and copy your every move. She's learned a lot by
observing a real pro like you. Rachel is going to be trying out for varsity alternate next week? Uh huh. Uh
huh. Fifty-seven girls. Sure, you can talk to Carter. What mother wouldn't want a wonderful girl like you
talking to her son? He's right here. Carter, it's Stephanie Wilson, and she wants a word with you."

She mouthed the words "cheerleading captain" and pointed to the phone so that Carter would be sure
to watch his manners and treat Stephanie with the respect due someone of her distinction.

She didn't need to tell Carter who Stephanie Wilson was. She was the girl that he dreamt of every night;
the one who caused him to have nocturnal emissions. There was nothing about Stephanie Wilson that
Carter didn't know, except how to talk to her. Why would a senior be calling a freshman?

"Hi, Stephanie." Despite taking care not to, his voice cracked. He pushed aside his long hair to make sure
none of it would prevent him from hearing everything she had to say. He inadvertently did several
emission-less Kegels in response to her voice. "You want me to be an auxiliary cheerleader? --- Not
official but a helper, sort of? All of my body hair? Initiation? Mandatory? I see. I'll have to think about
that. You want me to come to your house for an all night, planning meeting with the cheerleaders?
Wow! But … I'm sorry." His mother was a consenting adult; indicating so with violent nods of her head –
but it didn't register on Carter. "I don't think I can do that."

Mrs. Braun grabbed the phone from him. "Stephanie – Carter can be quite a cut-up at times. He'd be
delighted to help out the cheerleading squad. When are you having your little meeting? Tomorrow
night? Okay. He'll be there at seven sharp. --- Don't worry. This family supports the cheerleaders one
hundred percent. He'll do whatever it is you want of him. I'll tell him. Would you like to talk to Rachel? I
understand. Okay then – Good night, Stephanie. It's been a … .

Mrs. Braun looked silly for a second peering into the phone searching for the hastily departed Stephanie.
Then she turned to Rachel with a huge grin on her face. "She said that once Carter is an auxiliary
cheerleader you were almost guaranteed a spot as a varsity alternate. She said that because you're the
favored candidate, it wouldn't be right for her to talk to you … until after the tryouts. You're in!!!!"

The two danced in each other's arms celebrating their impending reward for years of effort. Carter's glee
was less enthusiastic. "Mom, Stephanie said that I had to shave off all the hair below my neck. What's
that all about? She said it was part of my initiation. She said that if I didn't do everything they told me to
do for the next week, I couldn't be the auxiliary cheerleader."

"Then you simply must, Carter," Mrs. Braun cautioned, "this is important. More important than anything
you've ever done. Your sister's happiness depends on it. I don't care what foolish nonsense they have
planned for you. If you have to paint yourself purple and go to the grocery store shopping for Gilbert
Grape, you do it. Go upstairs and run a tub of water; we'll shave you bald as a cucumber, from the neck
down. Your sister is going to be a varsity cheerleader next year!! Unless you screw it up … ."

Chapter Three
Learn to obey, before you command.

The first hour of the planning session had gone by in a blur. Carter had been introduced to all the girls,
which was needless as he knew all of their names from watching them on video in never-ending sessions
with his mother and sister. Mrs. Braun had recorded their routines at games and played them for hours,
to help Rachel perfect her cheering.

The girls were much prettier in normal makeup than in what they wore to cheer. The all smelled great
and were really friendly. There was no such thing as personal space with them. In a way, Carter was glad
he had taken a bath just prior to coming to the meeting, even though he hated being told he needed to
bathe. Stephanie had sent over additional instructions, along with a skin softener for his bath water,
which had left him smelling like flowers. At least he didn't have offensive body odor. With the girls
standing inches away from him that was a relief. Carter and his mom had argued about his aqua
acquiescing, but he had quickly realized it was a small price to pay for his mother's and Rachel's

Carter suspected they had something in mind for him later in the evening, although the only strange
thing he had noticed was that all the mirrors had been covered with sheets. He didn't let his curiosity get
the best of him by asking what that was all about. He would find out soon enough.

Every time they asked for Carter's opinion about a certain cheer or move, he shyly replied; barely able to
raise his voice above a whisper. Dreaming about Stephanie had been taxing on Carter, but actually being
close to her in person was overwhelming.

The girls were awestruck by his knowledge of cheerleading terms and the depth of his understanding of
their skill. He nearly burst with pride in response to their passionate praise. It was apparent that he was
under scrutiny. He could tell by the way the girls constantly kept their eyes on him that he couldn't
afford even the slightest social blunder. He had seen the Seinfeld episode when Jerry had rubbed his
nose at a stoplight and had been observed in the act by his girlfriend. She dumped him, claiming he had
been nose-picking; never believing his assertion that there had been no penetration.
"Are we ever going to get comfortable?" Tammy whined. "We're going to be here all night. Why don't
we get into our nighties? You don't mind -- do you, Carter?"

The idea of ten of the most beautiful girls in the world spending the night with him in nighties was
enough to send him into mental overload. He had all he could do to nod his head in affirmative

"I've got yours in a bag in my bedroom," Stephanie said.

"My what?" Carter asked.

Stephanie leaned in to whisper in his ear. Her perfume was intoxicating. Her hoop earring brushed
against his cheek, while her left hand accidentally brushed against the bulge his penis was making in his
Levis. "I bought a nightie for you -- so you could feel like one of us."

He pulled back in shock and stared at her.

"Carter," she said, so low only he could hear her, "let's go to my bedroom before anyone else notices
that you're reluctant to do what I say." She grabbed his hand and pulled him along with her down the
hall. As they were leaving the spacious living room girls were in various stage of undress. Most were in
panties and bras. Carter's eyes spun, taking it all in.

Carter was glad Stephanie's parents were out of town. They wouldn't appreciate her having a boy in her
bedroom, no matter what her intentions might be. Once they were in her bedroom, she closed the door
and turned on him.

"Don't make me look bad." Stephanie's eyes flashed anger. "I went to bat for you. Most of the girls
wanted Barry Jansen to be our auxiliary member." Barry was the most gifted athlete in the freshmen
class. There was some talk Barry might start on the football team. "I wanted you because I think you're
much cuter than Barry and you're such a nice guy."
Stephanie's eyes went from throwing off sparks to melting when she touched his arm. "Carter, you're
about the nicest boy I know." She ran her fingertips up and down the full length of his arm - twice, while
moving in so their mouths were inches apart. Carter thought about taking her into his arms, but was
unable to move before she spoke again. "The girls made me promise that I would change my vote and
take Barry, if you didn't do everything we asked without fail during your initiation. You're not going to let
me down, are you?"

First his mother, now this! Mrs. Braun had spent a full hour before he left for the overnight stressing his
need to be fully cooperative. But … a nightie? What if he was the victim of a cruel hoax.

"Your things are in that bag," Stephanie said, pointing to the bag on the bed. "If you need any help, I'll
be right outside the door." She left smiling over her shoulder at Carter. "Show them I was right. Do
whatever we say and we'll be best friends." She blew a kiss at him, which found its mark just below his

After she shut the door, Carter reached for the bag. When in Rome, and their hands are roamin', do as
the … . He had a faint hope that the nightie would be one of those flannel things his mother wore -- but
it wasn't. It was a tiny, pink, silk thing – saturated with lace and ribbons. When he had pulled the nightie
out of the bag, a pair of matching panties and a bra had fellen out. There were also two things that could
only be falsies that he imagined he had to stick in the bra.

An image of his mother telling him to do whatever the girls told him to do flickered through his head. Of
more importance to Carter, was the fact that his position as an auxiliary cheerleader was cementing his
sister's future on the squad.

He sighed and removed all of his clothing. He slid the panties up his freshly shaved legs and tucked-in his
still raging hard-on. His arms could feel where Stephanie's fingernails had traced their affection. Her
perfume lingered in his nostrils and mixed with the feminine scent coming from his own body. Carter
wasn't unfamiliar with masturbation, and he longed for the relief it offered. He dared not, not knowing
how long Stephanie would wait patiently in the hall.

"Do you need me in there?" Obviously she wouldn't wait long.

"I'm trying to figure out how to work this --- this ---."

"It's a bra, Carter. Pull it around you - right-side up - and then hook it in front. Then pull it around to the
locked and upright position, and put your arms through the straps. The inserts go in the cups. Once you
have your nightie on, I'll come in and help your adjust everything."

Carter struggled to do what she had commanded. After a few moments of self-humiliation he called out
to her. He should have been thankful, he thought. They could have made him strip and dress in front
everyone. They had spared him at least that embarrassment. "I'm ready."

The door opened. Stephanie had changed into a nightie that barely covered her. She obviously was
wearing nothing else. Her breasts were spilling out of its top.

"You look fabulous," Stephanie said. "You'll fit right in. Everyone's going to just love you." Stephanie
reached inside his babydoll top and pulled at the bra here and there, until it seemed to fit him like a
glove. A glove filled with his faux tits. Tits that Stephanie had to reverse, as he had put them in the
wrong cups. In the process, Stephanie's hands ran across his erect nipples causing Carter's knees to
slightly buckle. "You're lucky to be so well-endowed."

Then she took him by the hand, "Let's show them what a wonderful little friend you can be. For tonight
you're to be as much like a Benfield cheerleader as possible. Do you understand?" He nodded. "Sit like a
girl, walk like a girl, talk like a girl, etc., etc. Got it?' Again he nodded. "Good, you'll love being one of us!"

She squeezed his hand and walked him out the door and down the hall. When they arrived in the living
room Carter was greeted by a harem. All the girls were dressed in revealing nighties. There were erect
nipples everywhere he looked.

Stephanie plopped down on a large floor pillow and patted the floor next to her. As Carter eased himself
to the floor his penis sprung free. Red-faced, he pushed it back into his panties. "Unhhh." He had caused
himself pain trying to protect his modesty.
"Carter needs a role-model to show him what we mean by cheerleader obedience," Stephanie said, her
mild rebuke sounded like a death sentence to him. "Lee Anne, help Carter become more comfortable."

Lee Anne immediately rose from her pillow ten feet from them and came toward Carter. "Right here in
front of everyone?" Lee Anne asked quietly. There was no hint of objection in her voice. She was asking
only for clarification.

"Take him into my bedroom," Stephanie said. "We won't re-start the meeting again until you come out."
Stephanie had placed unnatural emphasis on the word "come".

As soon as they were in Stephanie's bedroom, Lee Anne gently shoved Carter so that he was sitting on
the bed facing her. She fell to her knees in front of him and freed his penis from its silken prison. Before
he knew it, she was licking him as if his joystick had been covered with the finest chocolate. Nothing in
his life had prepared him for what she was doing. Suddenly her head was bobbing and his lower body
was on fire. Within what seemed like seconds, he was exploding into her mouth. She continued to milk
him until he was totally spent. He fell back onto the bed utterly and completely flabbergasted by his
good fortune. Lee Anne swallowed, licked her lips, wiped him with a tissue, and tucked his now shriveled
penis into his panties.

Chapter Four

Transformation Station, what's your function?

"I want to kiss you," Lee Anne said, "You're a real doll and I'd love to make out with you, but we aren't
supposed to." She smiled at him, as if giving him head was the greatest privilege she had ever
experienced. Then she reached with both hands and pulled him up off the bed and into her arms.
"Nothing says I can't hug you. You're going to make all of us very happy, you know." Their hug lasted for
several seconds. Then she took his hands and gently led him back to the living room.

He was getting used to having beautiful girls holding his hands, which was good, because the girls had
decided they should do each others' nails. Jen teamed-up with him. They were soon giggling together at
his amateurish attempt. She had him work on her toenails first. He had to start over several times before
he got the hang of the tiny brush. He was able to work on her fingernails without mishap. After he did
her last nail, Jen had everyone admire what he had done. Lee Anne, who had re-applied deep red
lipstick to her marvelous mouth, winked, and then told him he could do her anytime.

"What color do you want yours?" Jen asked.


"Do you prefer Passion Blush?" She held up a small bottle containing a brilliant-pink liquid. "Or, is my
lady seeing herself in Really, Really Red." That bottle was the color of a fire truck.

"My nails aren't long enough to be painted." Carter had just about had enough. In a way he wanted to
please the girls who were being so nice to him, but enough was enough. There was a matter of dignity to
be considered, even if he was dressed in panties, a bra, and a nightie.

"Of course, your nails aren't long enough," Jen said. "That's why I brought these." She pulled out a set of
acrylic nails. "Which color?"

At that moment Stephanie appeared beside Carter and whispered in his ear, "Think of Rachel."

"My sister normally uses pink, if she uses any polish at all," he said, having taken only a second to place
Rachel's goals above his need to validate his masculinity.
"Passion pink it is. Give me your foot."

Jen's soft hands tickled as she settled his foot in front of her and started preparing his toes. She worked
on his cuticle explaining to him what she was doing and how he needed to take better care of his feet
and nails. Carter had to look over and around the mounds on his chest, which seemed larger than those
on the girls. As she finished his first foot Carter noticed how feminine it looked. It was as if Rachel's feet
had suddenly been attached to his body. Actually his feet seemed quite at home at the end of his shaven
and feminine legs.

Stephanie hovered nearby, constantly giving him helpful hints about appropriate posture, voice, and

Jen moved from his finished toes to his hands, attaching the nail extensions with special glue. Before
long, Rachel's hands were at the end of Carter's arms. The smells of the polish and the other lotions Jen
had used were so completely feminine that he was awash with sexual delight. Once again, his penis
bulged within his panties.

Stephanie noticed. "Tammy, our little Carter needs to be made comfy, again." Tammy sprang to his side
and pulled him to the bedroom.

Her technique was much different than Lee Anne's, but the results were the same. Fantastic. She also
declared her sorrow at not being able to kiss him. Instead, she spent a few minutes rubbing a sweet-
smelling body lotion into his arms and legs.

When they returned to the living room, the bottles of polish had been replaced by hairbrushes, curling
irons, and various hair clips. The girls were trying out new looks on each other.

"I finally get to have fun with you," Sandra said. Sandra's breasts were as big as Carters. Her voice was so
low and required so much breath that her chest heaved with every word. It was fun talking to her -- no
matter what she said. "You can start by brushing my hair one hundred strokes. Take your time; pull the
brush through completely from my scalp to the end."
Carter had never imagined that brushing a girl's hair could be so sensual. He purposely miscounted so
that he could give her hair an additional twenty caresses with his brush.

"Now yours," she said. Carter's shoulder-length hair was tied low at the back. Sandra released the
scrunchie that had held it in a male ponytail. "Your hair's lovely. It's so full and has nice, natural body."
She took at least ten minutes brushing his hair. The girls weren't in any hurry, as they had all night. Every
few seconds she found a need to breathe in his ears while positioning her quite visible breasts inches
from his eyes. She let her hands glide over his body. "Your hair has been cut to one length."

"My mom cuts it when the ends get split."

"It's so wavy. Let's try putting it half up." Using a comb and hair spray she teased his hair and piled a
portion of it on his head while letting the rest hang down. The spray made his hair smell like jasmine.
"You look darling."

All the girls crowded around proclaiming their heartfelt jealousy. They all wished their hair could look so
good in such a simple style.

"You could go to the prom with your hair like that," Stephanie whispered in his ear. "All you need is a
white lily to pin amongst your curls."

Carter didn't know what to say. He hadn't seen himself and was sure that they were making fun of him.
He remembered what Stephanie said about acting like a girl at all times and did his best to comply. He
gushed his thanks to Sandra, who hugged him for several seconds.

"Have you ever had a makeover, Carleen?" Megan asked.

"Carleen?" That was it. They had pushed the envelope too far.
Chapter Five

The reason there are so few female politicians is that it's so much trouble to put makeup on two faces.

"Oh! Carleen's such a lovely name," Stephanie said. "Did you just think of it, Megan? Carleen is the
perfect name for Rachel's twin." Carter's head snapped at the sound of his sister's name. He knew his
duty, and would pose no further objections.

"Doesn't she look like a Carleen?" Megan asked. All the girls cooed their agreement. She was now
Carleen; Carter was a thing of the past.

"She'll look more like a Carleen after you're done fixing her makeup," Lee Anne said. "I think you need to
use blusher here and here." Lee Anne pointed to two spots on Carleen's now scarlet face.

Megan stuck out her tongue at Lee Anne. "You know about as much about makeup as I do about shining
a man's knob. We all have our special talents. You girls leave Carleen to me and I'll have her pretty as
can be in no time." The girls had gathered around and gave no indication whatsoever of leaving
"Carleen" to Megan. "Carleen, let's go back into Steph's bedroom. I can't do your face properly in front
of a crowd."

Carter was led by his femme hands down the hall and then made to sit on a small bench in Stephanie's
bedroom. Carter, who was now officially Carleen, was covered with a white cloth to protect "her"
Megan had decided to go with full nighttime, formal makeup. It wasn't a look Carleen would use to go to
school, but it was meant to give her the confidence she would soon need.

Carleen had few facial flaws, if any. Megan thought she needed to expose Carleen's eyes and downplay
her nose. She had great cheekbones and a well-shaped mouth. Her pores weren't a problem – overall
she had a complexion that didn't need a whole lot of makeup. She was remarkably lovely just the way
she was.

"The idea of makeup is to make every girl look as young as possible. You and I don't really need to look
any younger than we are," Megan said. "Makeup is only used to add interest to our faces. Older girls,
like our moms aren't so young as they are painted." Carleen listened intently, seemingly memorizing
every word.

Megan used a sheer foundation. Carleen had almost no facial hair, just a little fuzz on her upper lip that
they would attend to at another time. Megan used a darker shade around Carleen's nose to make it look

Carleen's eyes called out to Megan. They were enchanting and begged to be even more expressive. Eyes
were kind of Megan's thing. Carleen's eyes were a little small for Megan's tastes. They had heavy
contour and small lid areas.

Megan's focus would be on keeping the eye open – not too much makeup and lighter colors. She
deepened the socket line with a darker brown shadow, then lined the outer corner of the top lid and
smudged it away to nothing beyond the center of the eye. The next step was to soften the contour with
a mushroom shadow – using a slight shimmer to open the eye further. A light ochre shadow on the inner
corner of the eye as a highlight also helped. She used the same dark brown liner on the lower rim's
outer edge, smudging it toward the inner corner; and a cream shadow to highlight the brow bone.

To deepen her eyes, she used a pink-based, mid-brown shadow on the outer corner of the eye and light
ochre to frame the lower rim colors. She worked with her face almost pressing into Carleen's. The
warmth from Megan's breath worked its way through Carleen's body to settle in her loins. The soft
strokes from Megan's brushes and cotton swabs, combined with the delicate aromas from the makeup
further led Carleen into the sensuous wonders of her new life.

Megan put loads of mascara on the top lashes. Carleen held her face at a sweet angle as she brushed it
on. Megan could see that Carleen was fearful that she would be poked in her eye, or maybe she was
afraid that she wouldn't look just right. Megan put just a light coating on her bottom lashes for

She finished by plucking a few errant eyebrows and those closest to the eye – maybe a dozen or so on
each - and darkening what was left to a dark-blonde. Megan filled in above her natural brow with a
pencil to give her a look of awareness. Carleen looked mildly upset, so Megan assured her she was
taking so few no one would ever notice. At that moment, Carleen couldn't have cared less.

Megan had her pucker her lips. Judging by how Carleen held her head and her closed eyes, Megan
suspected she thought she was going to be kissed. Instead, Megan outlined her lips with her deepest red
pencil. Using a trick she had learned from watching MTV, she put a tiny amount of gloss on her lips and
then brushed them with a dark blue eye shadow and a brick blush. It had created a deep, deep red
luster, which Megan accentuated by applying a clear balm to her upper lip. From experience, she knew it
would be exceptionally long-lasting. Parts of Carleen were taking on semi-permanency.

She used two different-sized brushes to get her blush just so, and then feathered everything with a
setting powder.

Next came the jewelry. It wasn't high quality, nothing Megan would ever wear, but serviceable.
Carleen's hands were tiny enough to make putting on solid bracelets easy - three on the right and one
on the left. Megan chose dangly, freshwater pearl, clip-on earrings to match her pink nightie.

As she was finishing, Stephanie came in. She didn't knock, nor did she show any surprise at how Carleen

"Carleen, I found this old cosmetic case in my closet. I don't use it any more. You'll need something so all
your things don't get spoiled. All the cosmetics you see are yours to keep. Megan, you've done a
fabulous job with her face, she looks divine."
Carleen's felt feminine elation when Stephanie said "divine", having fully embraced her new gender.

"I also found a few slacks and blouses that you might feel comfortable wearing. I haven't worn them in
years - I'm sure they'll fit you. You and I are almost exactly the same size.

Stephanie held them up for inspection. The pants were navy and black and were stretch - made of
rayon, polyester, and spandex. There were six blouses in a variety of colors. They all were form-fitting
and a little daring, but very Ann Taylor.

One was a blue-striped, wrap silhouette blouse that had been very sexy on Stephanie, or so Carleen had
thought when she had seen her wear it. There were two square neck sweaters ... that would certainly
emphasize Carleen's bust. Stephanie had brought them in, in a box along with belts and scarves to
match. At the bottom of the box was a dark teal A-line dress. It was a slightly stretchy blend of acetate. It
would float around Carleen as she walked. Like most of Stephanie's clothes, it was simple and elegant.

Steph kept up a stream of womanly advice. Carleen respectfully listened to her, not asking any questions
or betraying what she was thinking other than to do some restless fidgeting. She slid back and forth on
the bench feeling the silkiness of her panties. Obviously the hazing was to go beyond one night; a
prospect Carleen was finding more and more exhilarating.

Carleen had developed another very unladylike tent below her waist. Stephanie pointed it out to Megan,
"Take care of that," Steph ordered.

"Stephanie, we'll be done in about fifteen minutes. I'll bring Carleen out, once I get her feeling cozy,
again." Carleen had become more and more appealing to Megan as they had gone through the process
of feminization. At the moment Megan thought Carleen was HOT. After Stephanie left the room, Megan
showed Carleen a third, but very effective method, for bringing a boy to a climax.

Megan had been modest in the self-evaluation of her "knob shining" skills.
Before they left the bedroom, Megan placed a gold medallion around Carleen's graceful neck. The
medallion reacted to Carleen's body heat and made a clicking sound that activated a short misting. The
new aroma was not only romantic, but also made her very, very attractive to any male who would come
within ten feet.

Chapter Six

The reward of one duty is the power to fulfill another.

"Girls," Lee Anne said, "I have bad news." They were all snug again sitting in a circle on the floor pillows.
Carleen was doing her best to sit with her legs under her, like all the rest of the girls. "As you all know,
Stephanie asked me to make Cameron 'comfy'. I was the third one of us that tried. I'm sorry to report
that I failed as miserably as Megan and Tammy had." The girls all groaned, as if they were hearing about
it for the first time.

Comfy? Carleen wondered if Lee Anne could possibly be talking about what Carleen thought she was
talking about?

Lee Anne was sitting right next to Carleen and reached over inviting Carleen to rest her head on her
breasts as she went on with her report. "As you girls know, Cameron is the only senior football player
that we've failed to make comfortable. If we don't figure out a way to help Cameron, the football season
will be a disaster."
Leaning back into Lee Anne's ample bosom, Carleen could see the sad faces of every other cheerleader.
It was indeed a situation of some enormity.

"I'm new at this," Carleen said, stating the obvious in an effort to bond, "but isn't Cameron good-
looking?" Cameron was by far Carter's favorite senior. Cameron would actually stop and talk to him in
the halls.

"He's a stud-muffin," Tammy sighed, "but he's also an enigma," Tammy used a word that proved that
not all cheerleaders have empty heads.

"A puzzle," Megan echoed.

"A conundrum," Greta added, seeing Tammy's 'enigma' and raising it a thesaurus or two.

"A riddle," Stephanie said, speaking for the rest of the girls. "Carleen -- girls don't say 'good-looking'.
They say 'cute'. Try saying, 'Cameron's cute.' "

"Cameron Rice is cute," Carleen said. "Cameron Rice is cute," she said again with more feminine timbre.
"Cameron Rice is cute," she said, as if her panties were damp just thinking about him. In fact, thinking
about Cameron from her new perspective had caused a stirring in her panties. Carleen blushed in
realization of how she felt.

For the next ten minutes, Stephanie and the other cheerleaders explained the long-standing Benfield
tradition of spreading good cheer throughout the football teams' seniors. As their story proceeded, the
frustration in their voices and their longing for the opportunity to cheer on television in November made
Carleen's heart ache.

"If only there was something I could do," Carleen said, with just the proper degree of heartfelt longing in
her sweet, high-pitched, and breathy voice. Her medallion released another small puff of Heavenly and
pheromone. Her mind was clouded with images of raw sex. She was unable to summon a clear mental
picture of a sexual target, but lusted nonetheless.
"If only," Lee Anne said and kissed the top of Carleen's coiffed head. Lee Anne slid her hand inside
Carleen's bra and played with an erect nipple. Carleen was squirming inside her silky nightie and panties;
feeling exquisite pleasure. If only her ersatz breasts were real so that Lee Anne could fully enjoy them.

"I heard a rumor just yesterday," Greta said. Greta told her squadmates of her theories about Cameron's
sexuality, as if she hadn't already been through it all before. "It's possible that Cameron has a latent
homosexuality that is preventing us from bringing him satisfaction. If only we knew of a boy who was in
his heart, really a girl. Someone everyone in school doesn't know as being gay. Someone who would be
willing to help us."

Carleen tried to picture someone at Benfield who fit that description. Everyone he imagined was as gay
as a yuletide log. Where would they ever find a sweet transvestite who would take a jump to the left for
Benfield? Where would they find someone who would make the blond, tanned, luscious Cameron

Carleen stood and looked each and every cheerleader in the eye, "I pledge to you, my sisters, that I will
not rest until I find such a boy." All the cheerleaders sprang to their tiny feet and gathered for a group
hug, to thank Carleen for the fervor and sentiment of her vow.

Stephanie stepped to the floor-to-ceiling mirror that was still covered and pulled the sheet aside. There,
facing Carleen was the object of Cameron's dreams. Carleen gasped and then accepted her captivating
future. "I'll do him!" The ban was lifted on kissing, as the girls swept Carleen into their arms.

Chapter Seven

Change is inevitable. In a progressive country, change is constant.

"Hi Mom!" Mrs. Braun's heart leapt to her mouth as her eyes were mesmerized by the image of her two
daughters beaming and waving their pon-poms to her via the magic of television. The cameras loved the
identical beauties. The twins, who had always been close, had grown to become one almost
indistinguishable person. Could a mother be more proud? She had dreamt for years of having one
daughter become a varsity cheerleader. Could anyone imagine having two daughters become full varsity
cheerleaders during their freshmen year? Omigoodness! They would be cheerleaders every day for the
next three and a half years. It would be the happiest time of their lives.

That morning, before the girls had gone to the game in Stephanie's car, she had helped Rachel and
Carleen with their hair and makeup. They had left their home the picture of cheerleading excellence.
Their minuscule, pleated skirts framed their long, stockinged legs like masterpieces hanging in the

There were times Mrs. Braun thought Carleen attracted too much admiration. She used a little too much
Heavenly; the boys seemed to be flocking to her like bees to honey. Once Mrs. Braun had finally cut the
umbilicals, and allowed them to date, they hardly had a night to themselves. Mrs. Braun had even gone
into the bedroom Carleen shared with Rachel to find Carleen's Heavenly. Her purpose was to hide it, but
she couldn't find the bottle.

The clothes Stephanie had first given to Carleen had been especially selected to appeal to Cameron's
taste. Once the deed had been done with him, the girls took Carleen shopping and bought her a more
age-specific wardrobe, starting with short skirts to take advantage of her delicious legs. Carleen and
Rachel soon were shopping every weekend.

It had all happened so fast. Carleen had come home from her first cheerleader overnight a new person.
She was so directed -- so determined to be true to herself. Her skin had a shine to it that morning that
spoke of a new maturity.

And the news that she had brought that day!

The cheerleading squad had voted unanimously to expand their membership to twelve, immediately
adding Rachel and Carleen as full-fledged, varsity cheerleaders. Awesome! What a day for the Braun
household! What a coup!

The administration at Benfield had yielded to the size of the donation she had made to their endowment
fund. The staff was called in and directed to make sure Carleen was given every opportunity to
experience a side of herself that had long been denied.

Carleen's modified life took some doing, but what's money for? A sympathetic psychiatrist teamed with
a surgeon, to work miracles -- practically overnight. In addition to helping Carleen's psyche re-form, they
augmented her chest development, allowing her to match her twin.

It hadn't all been roses. At first, there had been some hostility from the boys at school. Carleen won
them over one-by-one as they came forward to challenge her right to express her true gender. It was as
if she had a supernatural ability to change minds with her dazzling smile. They only had to get close to
her - for their anger to be redirected toward much more positive tones of lasting friendship. Many
became ardent admires, especially those seniors that played football.

Carleen had told her mother that she had made it her goal to make every boy in school "comfortable".
The grin on her face when she had told Mrs. Braun of her ambition spoke of an inner confidence that
would not be denied.

At first, it had seemed that Carleen was destined to exclusively date the quarterback. For a while, they
had gone everywhere together, but in a strange twist a fate, he had openly declared himself to be a
homosexual. Strangely, his announcement had not upset Carleen. It was if she had known all along and
was there to help Cameron down the road he had chosen.

Carleen had received as good as she gave to Cameron. He had introduced her to different ways to enjoy
one another. Cameron was Greek and analytical. His prior disappointment to the other cheerleaders was
no disappointment for Carleen.

Stephanie and Carleen spent many nights having sleepovers at each other's houses, although sleep was
hardly part of their nights. They did everything imaginable with each other; and they enjoyed active and
bountiful imaginations. Stephanie's parents knew about Carleen's past and were pleased that their
daughter had such a unique and interesting friend.

Billie's mother's company marketed their pheromone medallion to wives with straying husbands. The
called it the Cana Solidifier and sold two million units in the U.S. alone, to very satisfied customers. Men
were amazed that so many women would want to wear the same kind of jewelry. They were also
astounded at how appealing it made their wives look.

Mrs. Braun's TV blared after Benfield ran for a field goal or some such thing; winning the game. The song
that poured from the TV flooded Mrs. Braun's heart.

Sing a song of Benfield High!

Sing 'til the rafters ring.

Stand and make a cheer once again,

Let all her loyal fans now sing.

U – Rah - Rah.

With her dream fulfilled, Mrs. Braun's mind opened to allowing Rachel to play soccer instead of
cheering. There was always Carleen to carry on.

There must have been some magic in the air around Benfield Academy. Everything was as it should be.
Would Mrs. Braun's son ever return? Probably not --- his father hadn't.

The End

Thank you to Geoff for your wonderful editing, again.


© 2004 by Angela Rasch. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all
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A CD Cheerleader Experience

by GirlyCheerBoy~Kitten

I didn't know what it would feel like, but I had to find out. So, eagerly, on the morning my mother and
father left for the trip I went for my stash. Secretly, for nearly a month, I had begun to collect clothing of
various types, including panties and a cheerleading outfit. These were the favored items in the old dryer.
I locked all the doors and pulled the shades down, to ensure no one could see inside the house. I snuck
quietly to the basement, as if someone was around to hear me.

I opened the dryer and pulled out a collection of old curtains and sheets stored in there. Underneath
was my stash. Lying there looking so innocent and tempting was the pink dress I had managed to buy at
a yard sale just the week before. I pulled it out and sat it on a nearby coffee table. Looking back into the
dryer I could see the cheerleading uniform, a simple black and white uniform of standard design (multi-
panel pleated skirt (mostly black), sleeveless top with a diagonal white stripe, white leotard with long
sleeves, and the sweater (a thick wool sweater that otherwise looked just like the top with the leotard
on). I pulled the items out and sat them on top of the pink dress. Next I pulled out the several pairs of
panties, most of them simple colors, but one was lace-covered and pink. It had trim on the waistband
and leg holes, and had a red bow on the front. Small floral patterns were made faintly in the white
fabric, a silk-like material. Just seeing them made me long to wear them.

I ripped my pants off, and blazed out of my underwear. In only a matter of a minute or two I was naked,
and pulling on these lovely panties. They fit snuggly, but stretched just enough to be comfortable. I
looked over at the table and saw the cheerleading uniform beckoning me. I grabbed the bloomers, the
panty-like garment designed to hide girls' panties from showing. At the last second I stopped, and
leaned into the dryer. I pulled out a pair of nude-tone pantyhose. I sat on the table's edge and carefully
slipped them on, as I had seen in movies. These had once belonged to a woman I had babysat for.

I got curious late one night at the house after their son was asleep and snuck into her bedroom. She had
so many pairs of these that I thought it harmless to take a few. In the end I only had the courage to steal
one nude colored pair; though the opaque white ones appealed to me more. I grabbed the bloomers
again and pulled them on. I felt their tightness before they were even pulled up all the way. I swished
my legs back and forth, rubbing the soft nylon against the other leg. It felt amazing, so soft and yet
somehow so containing and supporting. I grabbed the skirt and unhooked the clasp on the waist and
unzipped the zipper. I stepped into it gently and pulled it up to m waist, then hooked the clasp back and
zipped it up. It was snug on my waist, but loose everywhere else. I grabbed the shell and pulled it over
my head. It fit like a glove, just barely overtaking the waist of the skirt. I raised my arms and bent to the
sides and back, the top had just enough length to not expose my belly more than an inch, just like it did
on the girls at school - with their much more refined and complicated uniform styles even!

I walked over to the mirror and looked in wonder at myself. I was standing there in a girl's cheerleading
outfit, and I loved it. I turned left and right quickly watching, and feeling, the skirt dance back and forth
across my legs, slowly lifting slightly higher revealing a little more of my thighs. I kicked my leg up high in
the air and watched the skirt fly up to reveal my bare legs all they way to my bloomers. I turned
sideways and looked at my long hair cascading down my back and smiled timidly, trying to look like a shy
girl. I was ecstatic, something inside felt right - even though I was feeling apprehension like something
was wrong too. I looked back at the pink dress on the table, the other panties, and the leotard. The
leotard! I had forgotten to put it on too!

I walked to the table and looked over the leotard. It was long-sleeved and had a turtleneck. It had a
zipper on the back that ran from the center of the back all the way up the collar (when it was folded
down, which it was made to be and still be a turtleneck), it had three snaps in the center of the crotch. I
unfastened the snaps and unzipped the back. Next I removed my shell and pulled the leotard over my
head like a shirt. I stopped and reached up under the short skirt and pulled the bloomers down to my
knees. They were still tight and pulled at my legs, so I let them buckle inward until my knees touched. I
pulled slipped the leotard between the waist of the skirt and my body. Flipping the front panel of the
skirt up with one hand I grabbed the leotard with the other.

I looked up at myself in the mirror. Here I was in a cheerleader's leotard, no shell, a skirt pulled up in
front so my panties were exposed, and with my hands nearly fondling myself. My legs were pulled in at
the knees, almost in a force girlishly shy position and I was wearing pantyhose. I imagined seeing the
prettiest girls in the school cheerleading team just like this and suddenly my face went warm. I looked
up and saw I was blushing. Without thinking I slammed the front of the skirt back down to cover my
panties. I side-stepped out of the mirror into the hidden dryer's area of coverage (from the entire room)
and finished. I pulled the front and back of the leotard together and had to fight with the snaps to get
them to clasp, it's hard to snap something I couldn't see. I pulled my bloomers back up and then zipped
up the leotard in back. Thankfully I was flexible enough to do this without much trouble. I pulled the
shell top back over my head and adjusted it for comfort and then finally looked in the mirror. There
looking back at me was a lovely vision of a cheerleader.

I felt a breeze from the cool room shoot up my legs and shivered. It was a rush of emotion and intense
satisfaction, but also of cold air. I figured I'd need to wear something warmer, but I really didn't want to
change. Then it dawned on me, exercise pants. Cheerleaders at my school always wore black (or
complimenting) colors with their uniforms when it was cold. I ran upstairs and into my mother's closet.
She had some stretch pants that should work. Sure enough I found some. I pulled them on and adjusted
the foot strap to rest on the ball of my foot and stretched them up to my waist. They fit nicely, and
showed off the slender shape of my legs. I was standing there admiring my legs and noticing how I
almost had a female shape when the thought occurred to me to put on my shoes.

I walked to my mother's dresser and looked through her socks. I found what I was looking for, a pair of
white socks with a thin black piping on the top, but each had a cute pair of black fuzz-balls hanging on
the back. I slid the ankle socks on and looked in the mirror. They hid the footstraps of the stretch pants
and seemed as if they were made for the outfit. I went into my room and grabbed my sneakers and sat
on the bed. Crossing one leg I bent and put that shoe on. Watching in my closet door mirror as I finished,
I playfully uncrossed my legs and swung my other leg up and over. I dropped my arms down on my knee
at the elbow and let my chin fall to my palm and looked at the pose, so girlish it seemed natural... I
giggled at my silly pose and fluid improv into it, and then tied my other shoe on.

I went to my dresser and dug out a hair clip I kept hidden. I had bought this one shortly after I had
obtained this cheerleading uniform. It had a metal flat clip that would hold a ponytail, covering the small
hair rubberband that kept the hair together. It was adorned with a large white ribbon. I pulled my hair
up into a ponytail, much higher than I usually wore it, like a girl would. I attached the hair clip with the
ribbon on the ponytail after I had it tightened and placed well. I could see the bow hanging out from
either side of my head in the mirror, even without turning! It was so cute, I felt so pretty and free. I
pulled my arms back behind me and leaned forward slightly, swaying side to side as I saw shy girls do in
school. I felt like someone else, someone I always wanted to be.

I wandered back into my parent's room again, this time I headed toward the bathroom. I pulled out
some of my mother's makeup out of the drawer. I applied a blue eye shadow faintly on my eyes,
eyeliner, mascara, blush (after a base and cover-up), and even lipstick. I had watched mom do this so
many times, but it took me nearly an hour. I looked at myself in the mirror, I wasn't a girl I could tell and
I was sure others would. But I didn't care. I was happy to be free to be like one, even if just for a short


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Girlie Cheer Camp


"Girls, we have an emergency." These were the first words spoken by Mrs. Kathleen Lender, the head
cheerleading coach for our team. Mrs. L was also the lead dance teacher at McNamara Dance Academy.
"Thank you all for coming to this meeting at the dance studio. As you know, summer cheerleading camp
is only one day away. I was just notified that three of our team members can't attend the camp. It also
looks like those three may not be able to be on the team for most of next year. The Loaiza twins, Lauren
and Lindsay, will be attending school in their father's hometown in South America. One of our flyers,
Kasey will remain with her mother in England and won't be back until after winter break. We need to
find replacements for them quickly. All the camp fees are paid, but our camp will be most successful if
we can bring our squad up to full strength. We are now down to 9 members and we need to add three
more girls. I came to you first to see if you have any suggestions for replacements. We would have to
hold a special clinic and tryouts for the team during the school year but these three would have a good
chance of joining the team on a regular basis."

Katie was the first to speak up, "As some of you know, as part of their behavior training my two
brothers, Larry and Karl, are now learning how to be my new sisters, Lauren and Kristin. They have spent
several months learning the ways of girlie lifestyle, fashion, and makeup. They have had some practice
with the cheerleaders and have learned some of the basic cheer moves. We know that the uniforms of
Lauren and Lindsay do fit them very well. My mom supports their training and would definitely want
them to be part of the camp experience. "

"That's very unusual, but with such a short time to choose, we might have to go with it. How about it
girls, would you be willing to help our new girls at the camp?"

Most of the girls responded that this would be a great experience for all of them.

Erica raised her hand and spoke. "I think I have the third alternate." She reached into her purse and took
out a handful of snapshots and passed them around to the team.
"The first ones are from Halloween, seven years ago." They showed a cute little girl in a Barbie
cheerleader outfit complete with a cheerleading top and skirt, shoes and socks and hair up in two poufy
side ponytails. The next few were Christmas pictures of the girl in a pretty outfit standing near the tree.
The last ones were of the same girl, but three or four years older. She was dressed in a real cheerleader
outfit and was cheering on the sidelines at a game. From her size, it looked like she was the team's

One of the girls asked if that was her little sister. Erica responded, "I don't have a younger sister and,
believe it or not, that is my younger brother, Michael."

There was a reaction from the team and they asked her to tell them more.

It seems that in the town they used to live, there were very few boys in their neighborhood. As a young
boy, most of her brother's friends were female. He played some of the usual boys' games but he also
learned many girls' activities. Two frequent ones were playing with Barbies and playing dressup. "I got
tired of him borrowing my Barbie dolls and searching through my clothes until one day, mom came
home with several packages. In one was a Barbie doll dressed in a cute cheerleader's outfit. The other
contained girl's clothes, including several sundresses, petticoats and used flower girl dresses, all in his
size. He was surprised, but knew the other girls would be pleased to include the new outfits in their
dressup play time wardrobe. It was that Halloween when he begged mom for the life sized Barbie
cheerleading outfit. My aunt Kathie found out about it and was amused, so she bought the complete
outfit and found some pink pompons. She also began to drop off some of the more pretty outfits that
her daughter Sarah had outgrown. He built up quite a wardrobe."

"This was how things went for many years, but about three years ago, some more boys moved into the
neighborhood and it appeared that he gave up the clothes and playing with girls. He hasn't stopped
completely because over the last few years we caught him twice in dresses and makeup. He thinks that
all the clothes were thrown out and all the pictures were destroyed. What he didn't know was my aunt
had kept some of the clothes and had copies of photos and also some video tapes. There was one video
taken two years ago at Easter, where he was in the prettiest of party dress with white gloves, tights, and
heels. You can see traces of makeup and her hair was in a very feminine updo. I also noticed a few times
lingerie had been moved around in my drawer and that several of the clothes in my closet have been
moved around. I still have the Cheerleader Barbie and want you to help me write a note that I will leave
on his dresser."
Some of the girls weren't sure if he would be willing to do it. . Mrs. Lender said that she thought he
might help. "I have some photographs and a story to tell also."

The girls looked at some photos taken maybe fifteen years ago. One was of Mrs. L. in her cheerleading
outfit standing next to another slightly younger and pretty cheerleader. "We had a similar situation
when I was captain of the cheerleading squad. One of our members broke her leg in a tumble and we
needed a replacement quickly for a regional competition. We didn't think that we could find anyone that
knew all the routines and we definitely couldn't train any one in a short time. But then it hit me, my
brother Bob knew all of the routines. He had to attend most of our practices and games and sat on the
sidelines because our Mom was at work at the dance academy and he couldn't be left alone. He was a
dancer at the academy and there were several times he had to wear a girl's costume and dance as a
replacement at recital time when a girl became sick at the last minute. Mom bribed him with video
games and extra favors but he secretly liked the dressing up part. It took a little convincing, but with
some extra bribes thrown in he agreed to cheer. We didn't win the competition, but we finished high
among the other teams. Most of the girls were grateful for his help and over the next few years he was
included in some of our sleepovers and dressup games. Even today he is quite pretty when he is dressed
and made up."

Some of the girls squealed "You don't mean Mr. Jenkins, your brother, the English teacher. I always
wondered why he gave such nice complements about the clothes that we wore. It looks like it was
because he was jealous and would have liked to wear them himself."

The girls all promised that this would be their secret and now were convinced that Michael would go
along with their plan. Michael's mother was also a former cheerleader and Erica said her mom would
convince Michael to help the girls now.

Later, when Michael got home, a note, the Cheerleading Barbie and some pink underwear were on his
dresser. He was startled, but read the note. It described the situation the girls were in and asked him
sweetly for his help by complementing him on his dancing skills and his good looks. The note used his
female name, Michelle. It concluded with the promise that they would be very grateful and would like to
include him in some of their further girlie activities. It was signed by the Bears cheerleaders. The note
concluded with the fact that a certain videotape that showed a cute little girl in her finest party clothes
might be shown to some of their brothers and friends if a quick decision wasn't made. Michael was
instructed to put on this silky pink camisole and panty set under his regular clothes and meet at the
dance academy at 7:00.
The coach, Erica, Michael's mom, and two cheerleaders were all at the academy. At 7:05, Michael, they
hoped would be Michelle, came in. The girls rushed and hugged her. "Thanks for helping us out. We're
very excited and want to help you become re-aquainted with the ways of a female. Erin and Brittany
have decided to adopt you as their little cheerleader in training and will be spending a lot of time with
you. Erin, as you know, is Coach Lender's daughter."

Michael answered, "I wasn't sure I wanted to do this, but meeting you all and knowing how much it
means to you, I am willing to give it a try. I know that I'll need your help, but I think its going to be fun

Michael's mom, Mrs. North, was handed a list of items for camp. The coach said that the academy store
stocked several cheer items and they could purchase them now. There was a large selection of
bloomers. Most of the girls called them briefs, but sometimes called them spankies or lollipops. They
selected a pair of boy cut briefs and a pair of high cut briefs. "These will fit tightly and will help to hold
you in and give you some shape under your clothes and uniform." They were in maroon, the team's
primary color. They bought a Danskin cotton Lycra bra top X back also in maroon. Most of the team liked
this style. A white racer back sports bra from Teenform was also purchased. Their teams name was the
Bears and they bought several pairs of low rise cheer socks that featured a paw print on the socks. The
final purchases were a t shirt, a pair of shorts, and a pair of skorts in the official school designs.

"We have the team uniform here, so I 'm going to let Brittany and Erin help you try it on."

They all went into the changing room. Brittany was tall with long black hair. Erin was a petite but very
strong with long blond hair. The boy was embarrassed, but the girls told him not to worry, they were all
part of the same team. As he removed his clothes, the girls commented on how cute he looked in his
pink camisole and panties and he blushed.

They helped him into his maroon briefs and the X back sports bra. The uniform shell was 100% polyester
with a custom cropped V neck with one inch braid. The upper front was gold and the lower front and
back were maroon. The team name Bears was embroidered across the chest in script letters. The skirt
had eight pleats in maroon with contrasting color inserts of gold. The skirt flared out as they made him
twirl about. They helped him into the cheer socks and lent him a pair of cheer shoes.
"You look just like one of us, but we must do something with your hair and give you a touch of makeup."
They brushed his hair back and tied it into a ponytail with a single white ribbon. They put some very light
blush on his cheeks and some pale lipgloss on his lips. When he looked into the mirror he was quite
surprised at the cutie that looked back at him. They came out of the dressing room and the coach and
his mom just marveled at the sight of their new cheerleader. They went back into the dressing room and
took off the uniform, but left on the bra and briefs. He was told to put on his jeans and own shoes and
socks. The girls produced a capped sleeve t shirt for him to wear. The words "Cheerleading is life" were
written on it and they told him to wear this on their shopping trip to the mall. The other girls had already
bought all their clothes for camp, but were happy to help their newest squad member shop. They left his
hair in the ponytail and also left the makeup on.

Mrs. North and the three girls drove to the mall. Coach stayed behind with Erica to complete some final
preparations for camp. Coach L. would also be going to camp to participate in a separate coaching clinic.
The girls went over the list of items needed for camp. On the first day, the camp supplied a T shirt and a
pair of shorts so that each girl would be dressed the same. In fact these were delivered to the dance
studio and they would have Erica bring them home with her. The second day the squad would wear Tees
and shorts in their own schools colors. The third day they would wear their uniforms. On the shortened
fourth day, they would wear tie dye tanks that they had made the last week and would wear gray shorts.
There was a swimming pool available at camp so they would need to purchase a swimsuit.

"We'll need to get you an outfit for the trip there and also a dressy outfit for the awards dinner." They
went into one of their favorite stores, Delias. After looking through the racks, they decided on a cute
outfit and all three went to the dressing room to see how it looked. They chose a Denalia halter top with
a swirl print in poly-spandex. It tied at the neck and had a banded bottom. "With that halter top, you'll
need a strapless bra" and the girls suggested the strapless bandeau bra from Teenform. They chose a
pair of stone color Assia French twill capris in cotton. The capris had slit openings at the legs, ditsy print
facing the inside legs, belt loops with a side sash and a hidden side zipper. For shoes they decided on
Roxy retro sneakers with two toned striping in navy. When Michelle looked in the mirror she saw a
young woman now dressed in stylish clothes. They helped her change back and Mrs. North agreed to
purchase the outfit. She was very pleased to help her daughter go clothes shopping. She had often
wished for this and now she could share with both her daughters. They stopped at Old Navy to find
some sleepwear. They found a cheerleader cotton sleep tee with glittery insignias on the left side of the
chest, including a '94', 'Honor Roll' and 'Go Team!' on a megaphone next to pompons. It had a no run
knit trim along the neck. They included the coordinated cotton floral boxers with pretty flowers front
and back and legs mid thigh with side vents for added comfort.

For the dressy outfit they stopped in the Gap. They decided on something simple that would be easy to
pack. They found a striped halter dress in basic navy. It was stretch cotton pique knit, knee length, 95%
cotton, 5% Spandex with a tie halter neckline. There was a major sale going on so mother brought a cute
matching pastel polo and stretch knit shorts with a drawstring waist in heather gray. She couldn't resist
a flowered cami in high quality stretch cotton with brush elastic straps and a cotton flower brief with
soft elastic waist and leg openings in a pattern called pink cloud .The cami had pretty lace detailing and a
satin bow attached. A pair of Hanes Silk Reflections pantyhose in gentle Black was included. With the
purchase of all these items it was clear that the girl experience would last after cheer camp had ended.

The next stop was the sporting goods store. There found a nice Navy Speedo racer back one piece
swimsuit. The straps slid easily over the shoulders and wouldn't slip. It was made from chlorine resistant
nylon blended with Lycra spandex and fully lined in front. It had sensibly cut leg openings for tug free
comfort. A tie dyed palm pull on skirt with Speedo logo on the right front hip was selected to be worn
with the suit. Another tank top had the sayings "Fly high, tumble hard cheer loud." on it. A pair of gray
shorts were added. A cheap rain poncho was found in the camping section.

The last stop was the drug store. They first looked in Cosmetics. Mrs. North had agreed to buy all the
girls some makeup items for helping them shop. They all bought some pale lip gloss, clear nail polish,
some blush, and eye shadow. Michele had seen some advertisements in a magazine and decided to try
the cosmetics in the Jane line. She selected Megabytes Glossy Gloss in Ballerina, which came in a
squeeze tube with an angled tip to sweep gloss and flavor over your lips. Next was Blushing Cheek Blush
in Blushing Blossom. This was powder blush in a soft color to give the face a natural flush. She bought a
set of cosmetic brushes. For see through color loaded with glitter to apply on her eyelids, she picked
Glimmeratzi Eye Gloss in Eye Candy. A pretty pink shade called Best Friends was chosen form the Hot
Tips Nail Polish collection. "I also noticed that you need to take care of your underarms. You'll need to
buy a shaver like the Schick Intuition for women. Your sister can help you with this when you get home."
The Schick Intuition was an all in one triple blade razor that lathers and shaves in one step with just
water. A unique skin conditioning solid surrounds the blades. Some sunscreen, small sized Pantene
shampoo and conditioner, a notebook and some pens were added to the purchases. Michelle bought
Wild Berry Body Spray, at the Bath and Beyond store next door. Wild Berry was a body splash to spray
on between sessions to leave the skin feeling cool and conditioned.

They left the mall and Mrs. North thanked the girls as she dropped them off. The mother and her new
daughter reached their driveway and were carrying their purchases into the house. Erica greeted them
and said how cute Michelle's ponytail and cheer shirt were. She also said she detected a bit of makeup
on her sisters face. Standing next to Erica was their cousin, Sarah. "On my way home, I stopped at Aunt
Kathie's to tell them the good news and Sarah decided to bring a few things over for Michelle." Sarah
said "Hi, Michelle. When you were younger, you couldn't wait to run up to my room and try on my
clothes when you came for a visit. Well now we'll run up to your room and help you change." Sarah had
brought two outfits that Michelle modeled for them. The first was a blue ribbed-knit top with a woven
collar and cuffs with a matching scooter skirt in a flowered print. The next was a woven knit shirt with an
integrated knit vest and a pleated plaid skirt. All the clothes were from the Cherokee line. She also had
Michelle try on a stylish red hair wig. Later up in her room, Erica and Sarah explained how to use the
Intuition razor. They advised Michelle to use it while under the shower. She said to raise her arms so the
skin was taut, not to press with the blades and to shave in the direction of the hair growth. After
Michelle's shower they noticed her underarms were now very smooth and hairless. They also helped her
out of the makeup and into her new pajamas. Sarah said goodnight and headed home to talk about her
mom's new niece.

Before they went to bed, they took out the check list and started to fill up a cheer bag. Packed on top for
easy access were the shell, skirt, briefs, shorts (3), t shirts (3), sports bras, cheer socks, shoes, poms, a
notebook and pen. In the second bag were the swimsuit with skirt, shower flip flops, bed linens, towels,
alarm clock, buddy squad gifts and room poster design supplies. In a small backpack were sunscreen,
toiletries, makeup, extra hair elastics, Tylenol, and about $35 in spending money. They went over what
not to bring such as jewelry, earrings, necklaces, ankle bracelets, navel rings or cell phones.

The next morning they awoke early and got dressed. Michelle put on fresh undies and her strapless bra
and finished with the halter top and capris bought yesterday. Erica helped with light makeup and fixed
Michelle's hair in two side ponytails secured by butterfly barrettes. They ate a light breakfast and mom
drove her two daughters down to the bus. She kissed both of them goodbye and wished them a
successful camp.

As was expected the girls lined up for the bag check. The team members were Katie and her sisters
Lauren and Kristin, Erica and Michelle, Erin, Brittany, Vicki, Rebecca, Courtney, and the captains Autumn
and Julianne. Coach Lender checked them all in. No one was late because they were all were excited to
go. Coach would drive the minibus. It held 20 people, so there was extra room inside for all the bags
.The drive took about 2 hours and most of the girls wanted to talk to their new members. Autumn gave
each of the new girls copies of the magazines American Cheerleader and American Cheerleader Junior
to read on the bus.

When they arrived they left their bags on the bus and were first directed to the field house where the
camp leaders were to welcome them. The main director complemented them on their dedication not
only in attending summer camp and for their hard work throughout the entire year. She stressed that
cheerleaders are special people who must be strong in body, mind, and heart. Cheerleaders must be
very competitive but also know how to be a team. They spend a lot of time together and like a family
may have a few rough times but they work together and have fun. They may know a lot about hair,
makeup, and fashion but that is part of representing their schools in the best way possible.

"Camp is not about competition, but rather about learning, cooperating, and becoming better
cheerleaders. You will learn fundamentals skills and techniques, work on strength and conditioning with
safety as a priority. You will learn about trust, teamwork, concern for others and sportsmanship." She
ended it with a slogan well known to them, "Life is simple…Eat, Sleep, Cheer."

They were given room assignments and they went back to the bus and took their gear and carried it to
the dorm rooms. Maps of the campus, directions, and hours for the cafeteria, pool and camp store and
the day to day schedules were given out.

Erin, Brittany, and Michelle would all share the same room. The room was rather large and designed for
four people but they would only need 3 beds. There was a storage cabinet along one wall. Each room
had its own bath. The other nine squad members were also in groups of 3. The coach had her own room
near other coaches at the end of the hall.

They unpacked and stored their gear and changed into the camp outfits. The clothes were from
Spiritwear. The tops had cap sleeves with a white knit body and the camp logo across the chest and the
shorts were navy blue with trim stripes with the word cheer on the left leg.

The introductions were in the large field house. There was a sense of unity when all the cheerleaders
were dressed alike as they entered the field house. There was a sense of unity as all the cheerleaders
were dressed alike when they entered the field house. The squads sat on mats and there were some
aerobic warm-ups and a general review of techniques with the entire group. Later, they would be in
smaller groups with individual instructors and an assistant for each squad. One on one lessons would
also be available during the camp.

The first session was on one of cheerleading's fundamental skills, the motions. Motions are the
movements that are part of all cheers, sidelines, dances, and stunts. The instructor stressed the
importance of sharp, strong, clean, and precise movements and transitions. Each squad began with the
ready, a position hit before all cheers. They worked on a nice strong stance, shoulders apart, squared
forward keeping the motions in front with flat wrists and fists placed at their sides. They next practiced
the clasp, which is used to create a sharp sounding clap with hands tightly squeezed around each other,
elbows in and held slightly below the chin. It seems like a lot of details just to clap your hands, but the
purpose was to break down every individual action to improve sharpness and increase speed. Next were
basic hand movements, blades where hands are held out flat with fingers and thumbs together and
buckets where fists are down as if carrying buckets. They practiced L, T and K hand combinations as well
as basic leg positions. They finished with the diagonal where one arm is placed in a high V and the
opposite arm is placed in a half low V. They practiced the motions with and without pompons. Along the
way they discussed facials, the expressions of enthusiasm made during a routine. The squads were told
the importance of smiling and showing excitement and being optimistic because cheerleaders are not
mere spectators but are giving a performance. They were told to react naturally to the current situation
and not to overreact it. This way the performances will be real and immediate.

Next we took a dinner break, the food was surprisingly good.

After dinner, there was some free time and later, squad and individual pictures taken. The evening
activities included jumps and tumbling. As with most of the activities at camp, each part was broken
down and demonstrated first. The focus was always on safety, proper form, and technical correctness.
This type of practice made the moves faster and easier to learn.

Jumps usually consist of four parts, the approach, the lift, the landing, and the trick. The trick is what you
do in the air. They practiced four tricks, the toe touch, the pike, herkie, and around the world. In the
prep for the toe touch, the feet and legs were together, knees bent and backs straight. Concentration
was on using the muscles in their legs to lift off the ground. In the toe touch, the hands and chest are up
and the legs are pulled to the arms. The toes are pointed and the jumper actually reaches for the arches
of the feet, not the toes. On landing they were instructed to smile and make sure their feet were
together. In the pike, both of the legs were extended straight out in front parallel to the floor. The arms
were outstretched in front with fists closed and the chest slightly forward. In a herkie, one leg is
extended to the side of the body and the other leg is bent to the other side and facing the crowd. The
arms hit a punch motion. The around the world is a pike jump that rotates into a toe touch in midair. A
scorpion is a jump performed on the floor where the cheerleader stands on one leg and pulls the foot of
her unsupported leg behind her head using both hands. One technique is to practice the positions on
the ground to get a feel for the jump without being in the air. All these jumps require flexibility, balance,
and strength. The girls all picked a partner and practiced these jumps facing each other. Michelle was
paired with Lauren. They also worked on some exercises on the ground to add height to their jumps by
increasing their flexibility and strength.
Tumbling practice involved flips and movements on the floor. A back handspring or flip flop, is a
backwards jump onto the hands with both legs following as a pair, until the feet reach the floor. A back
tuck is a backwards flip in which the knee and hips are bent and drawn ito the chest and the body is
tucked or folded at the waist. A roundoff is similar to a cartwheel but the feet come together at the
height of the jump and snap down on the floor. Repeating these on a tumbling run or pass can be
described as a double or a triple. The Bears best tumblers were Vicki and Rebecca. They qualified for the
state gymnastics finals last year. A brief discussion on team building and goal setting ended the workout.

When practice ended the squad returned to the commons area of the dorm where they relaxed, met
and talked with other squads. One of the topics of conversation was the movie "Bring It On" starring
Kirstin Dunst and Eliza Duskin. Some girls liked the movie, others thought it was not realistic.

"I thought it was clever and funny and really showed the energy needed to be a competitive cheerleader
at the regional and national levels."

"It was an interesting look into the effort and time it takes to develop and practice the cheers, dances,
and stunts."

"You've got to look at it as a spoof of the cheerleading stereotype that we hear about all the time."

"It does have some scenes that we can all can relate to, but remember it is a movie, a teen summer
comedy and not a documentary."

One of the girls suggested they do some of the "I'm" chants from the movie. Most of them knew the
words and it was amazing to hear and watch about twenty cheerleaders shout out and imitate some of
the moves right there in the dorm.

"I'm sexy, I'm cute, and popular to boot."

"I'm pretty, I'm cool, I dominate the school."

"I'm strong, I'm loud, I'm gonna make you proud."

"I'm bitchin', great hair, the boys all love to stare."

Many of the girls were tired and they returned to their rooms, showered, got into their pjs and were
asleep before lights out.

Michelle's evening was not finished as she found a surprise waiting in their room. Hanging on hooks
were three pink and frilly party dresses along with matching petticoats. On the beds were frilly anklets,
panties with rows of lace, black Mary Janes and some matching lacy gloves and hair bows. Erin spoke."
My mom has access to just about any costumes she wants because of the large amount of rental
business that she sends the costume supplier during the recital season. We know that in the past you
liked the frilly girlie look so we arranged to play some dressup with you tonight." They all changed into
their new outfits and with the help of a curling iron, they became silly little curly tops. The dresses were
very short and when they bent down, there was quite a lacy sight to see. A little tea set was brought out
and they played tea party. Michelle took out her Cheerleading Barbie doll and the other girls had also
brought Barbies. Brittany took out her portable DVD player and called the girls over. They watched Erin
and Brittany in a dance recital routine from when they were much younger. The song was I Won't Grow
Up. The dresses that they wore now were very similar to those they wore at the recital. Just for fun, they
decided to teach Michelle some of the dance steps. It was surprising but they were able to remember
most of the routine. After this they had a little photo session and posed in their cute outfits. A few of the
other girls from across the hall, Autumn, Julianne and Courtney just had to take a sneak peek and they
all said they never saw such precious little dancers. It had been quite a first day at cheer camp.

The second day they selected their shirts and a pair of skorts all in their team's colors.. The shirt was
jersey knit in white with a maroon colored collar. There was an embroidered cheer logo on the chest.
The skorts were maroon with gold stripes around the skirts bottom. Since they were focusing on dance
that morning, the little swinging skirts on the skorts added a nice visual touch to the dance moves. They
would be outside today on the fields. The morning was devoted to choreography and how to
incorporate dance moves into the routines. In competitions, dance routines are two minutes and fifteen
seconds long. The routines cannot include tumbling, stunting, or pyramids and only poms can be the
only props used. Most dance routines are based on an eight beat count, usually called an 8 count. In a
way, dance is opposite from the motions. Dance focuses on smooth flowing routines but motions are
precision movements. The squads worked on some of the basics and saw how to look for variations best
suited to their team's style. Some teams used music from Cheer Dance CDs while others had music that
was currently popular on MTV. They also worked on learning new cheers and chants.

Lunch and free time followed with time for optional practice with individual instructors. Michelle went
over a few dance moves with one of them.

The first part of the afternoon was used to learn discuss and complete some strength, conditioning, and
flexibility exercises. They changed into their shorts. The shorts were maroon with an elastic waist with a
3 inch inseam. There was matching white and gold braid they were also V notched on the legs. Two
stunts were presented and practiced, the chair and a liberty. All the stunts were first broken down and
demonstrated step by step. The importance of safety and team work was also stressed. The squad was
divided into three groups of four. Michelle was going to be a flyer or climber. These are the members
that are lifted and tossed into the air. Brittany and Vicki were bases. The bases are in direct contact with
the floor and support the flyer. Autumn was a backspot. A backspot is the person who supports the flyer
from the back and assists in the safety of loading and the in the dismount. In the chair, the bases hold
the flyer by placing one hand under the seat and the other hand around the flyer's ankle for support. As
Michelle was lifted, she held one leg up near the base's elbow and the other leg was straight out as if
sitting on a chair. The second stunt the liberty is a classic but difficult to perform. The bases, Brittany and
Vicki, start in an elevator stance but much closer together. The spotter, Autumn, began with one hand
on the Michelle's ankle and the other hand under her seat. On a designated count, the spotter presses
the flyer into the standing position. The main base, Brittany, held the heel and middle of Michelle's foot.
Vicki grabbed the middle of Michelle's foot with her right hand and grabs Brittany's wrists with her left.
The bases now lifted using their legs, not their arms or backs. Michelle counted one, two, down, up. On
down, every one dipped. On up, the bases followed through lifting Michelle to a standing position where
she was keeping one leg straight and placed her free foot against the knee of the straight leg. The
supporting leg must be straight and locked. The bent leg was braced against the knee of the other leg to
keep the body from twisting. Michelle extended both arms into the air and held the move. On another
count, the stunt ended in a basket toss and cradle, which was demonstrated and would be practiced

It was time for the dinner break.

The evening session also focused on stunt techniques. The first was the shoulder sit. This is a basic stunt
used for learning proper stunting techniques. Only one base, Brittany was needed for this stunt. Brittany
lunged with her legs bent and out to the side. Michelle placed her right foot into the pocket behind
Brittany's knee. Michelle placed her hands on Brittany's shoulders and with Autumn's help, she stood up
behind her base with her legs locked and on top of Brittany's lunged leg. Michelle then swung her left
leg onto Brittany's shoulders and sat down on the shoulders.. She then wrapped her legs and feet under
Brittany's arms. Brittany placed her hands on Michelle's knees, pulling down for added security. In this
position, the flyer could easily and comfortably lead cheers and do motions. In the dismount, Michelle
unlocked her feet and extended them forward. Brittany reached under and between Michelle's legs and
grabbed onto her hands. On a count down, up, Brittany dipped down and up and allowed Michelle to
dismount. As she was popped up Michelle brought her legs behind her body and then brought them
together to land on her feet behind Brittany. Autumn was watching and spotting at all times in case of a
fall. Next was the basket toss. Vicki would be a secondary base. There were discussions on how all
members must work together in climbing, elevating, and transferring movements. The stunt was
practiced several times as a walk through and then performed full out under the watch of the
instructors. In this stunt, the flyer Michelle was tossed into the air with the help of the bases Brittany
and Vicki, under the watch of the backspot, Autumn. In loading the basket, the bases stayed low and the
backspot was in position to support. The bases locked wrists and the flyer placed her hands on their
shoulders, jumped, and landed lightly on her feet in the center of the basket, keeping her hips above her
knees. The bases dipped their hands below their knees and exploded through their legs and lifted
through their shoulders to initiate the lift. They follow through straight up and released Michelle with a
flip at the top. The flyer lifted up and at the highest point, moved into a pike position getting ready for
the cradle descent keeping her head and shoulders from going backwards. Sometimes a toe touch
replaces the pike at the top. Autumn, the spotter, sometimes called the scoop in this stunt, was behind
the bases and assisted in protecting Michelle's head and shoulders during the cradle catch. She and the
bases tried to catch Michelle at the highest point. Brittany and Vicki caught Michelle under her lower
back and her thighs. Michelle caught around their shoulders coming down and kept a strong pike
position with her toes up as she landed in the cradle. Autumn assisted by using the middle of her
forearms to catch Michelle, as she reached under Michelle's shoulders. .

Before lights the girls took advantage of the free time available. Michelle, Erin, and Erica headed for the
swimming pool. Autumn, Julianne, and Courtney stopped for late night pizza at the cafeteria and
checked out the souvenirs and clothes at the camp store. Lauren and Kristin completed their dorm room
door decorations with all kinds of cheer slogans and themes. Katie, Vicki, Brittany, and Rebecca met in
the commons area with the team's buddy squads and exchanged small gifts of glitter and hair ribbons
and then had some major girltalk. One of these gab fests covered the different ways they got ready in
the morning. Some of the comments heard
"I usually spend a lot of time brushing my long silky hair, apply a little makeup and search my closets and
put on my cutest clothes."

"I don't really bother. I get quickly dressed in whatever. My hairstyle is a messy one so it doesn't matter
what I do."

"As you can see, I have a very fit body and like to wear skimpy tops and tight pants. I only require a little
bit of makeup and a little styling because you can see I'm a knockout."

"I usually brush my hair, put on a little lipgloss and get dressed in comfy clothes. I'm not high

"I like to think of myself as a perfect princess. I prefer expensive lotions, expensive makeup and designer
clothes. I take my time and then I 'm ready to take in all the complements."

There was an informal session that described various hairstyles that different teams used for

"With all the stress that we have during competitions, the last thing we need is to worry about choosing
a hairstyle. What we have found is choosing the same style for everyone helps with team bonding."

"We have worn pigtails, curly or straight or high or low. Last year we had French braids that were very
neat and tidy."

"One of our favorites is a high ponytail half up, half down with ringlets."

"We have seen a lot of teams doing cornrows or just cornrows on the top of the head and the rest
curled or straight."
"We like to finish our hair with fat silky bows that we first hair spray and blow dry. We cut notches at the
ends. They are very stiff and stay in place."

"I've seen some squads use very thin ribbons in a variety of bold colors to make a visual effect."

"We've tried some cheerleader hair pieces or extensions, but when you try anything new, be sure to
check the rules of the competition."

During the day, bare midriffs were not allowed, but the rules were relaxed during the free time and
many girls were walking around in their sports bras and shorts. Others were in their swimsuits, wrapped
in towels. Michelle noted that all of her roommates felt at ease changing in front of each other. You
become close to others when you learn to trust others with your safety as they learned to perform the
stunts during camp.

Later as they were lying in their beds, Erin's voice could be heard in the darkened room. "Can you guys
keep a secret?" She didn't wait for an answer. "Well, this may sound a little strange, but it's true because
I saw it and have some pictures to prove it. You remember the story my mom told you about her
brother, Bob, or as you know him, Mr. Jenkins, the English teacher? About a year ago, Bob's wife, my
Aunt Marilyn, had told my mom that Bob was neglecting her and many of his responsibilities at home
and at work. He was spending several nights a week out with his buddies and coming home late without
explanations. My mom told my aunt about Bob's history of dressing up and she proposed a plan to help
improve Bob's behavior. My mom ordered an extra large girlie style party dress costume, similar to the
ones we wore last night. She had my Aunt Marilyn threaten Bob that if wouldn't become KellyAnn, the
name of his girl personality, for the entire weekend, she would reveal in detail to Bob's friends, the
secrets of Bob's clothing preferences. My Uncle Bob had no choice but to agree to the arrangement. She
made him dress, act, talk, and play like a sweet polite girl. The next day he was dressed as a school girl in
a crisp white blouse with a peter pan collar, a plaid school jumper, white knee highs and a pair of black
patent leather shoes with straps across the ankles He also had a girlish curly blond hair wig and subtle
makeup. After that weekend, he became a loving, obedient husband again. My aunt kept the school girl
clothes in case he needed to be taught another lesson, but now it seems she uses it as a reward when he
does something that she likes."

"Wow, that's some story. I wonder what it's like to wear a girl's school uniform." said Michelle.
"You did miss a lot of girl experiences when you were growing up, Michele. I think we may be able to
arrange some classroom time to help you catch up on your girlie lessons when we get home after
camp." said Brittany.

All the squads would be wearing their uniforms on the third day. The official maroon and gold Bears
shells and pleated skirts were put on over their briefs and sports bras. Some of the girls put on light
lipgloss and clear nail polish. They wore the cute paw print cheer socks and matching cheerleader shoes.
One of the girls had lent Michelle a pair of shoes. The team decided all of them should have the same
hair style that day so they met in Autumn's room and helped each other put their hair in a single braid
down their backs and tied them with maroon ribbons.

That evening, they would be able to dress and allowed to wear more makeup so some of girls took out
their dressy clothes and put them on hangers and unpacked their makeup bags.

Morning began with breakfast, followed by warm-ups and stretching to improve the range of motions
and to lower the risk of injuries. The squads worked on cheers, sidelines poms and pyramids. As a
pyramid is built, it must be coordinated to accentuate parts of the cheers. Pyramids can be a dramatic
finish to a routine. They spent some time assembling and disassembling their pyramids and studying
others squads techniques.

Early afternoon meant lunch, free time and individual coaching by the instructors. Later in the
afternoon, the squads practiced with their coaches and finally presented their routines for the
performance evaluations.

After the evaluations, the teams returned to their rooms to prepare for the evening's activities. Awards
were to be handed out to teams and individuals at the dinner. Before the dinner, the three girls all
helped each other into makeup and nail polish. They also fixed their hair into more formal styles.
Michelle wore the halter dress that they had chosen at the mall. She put on her new pair of pantyhose
and managed to borrow a pair of low heels. They all looked like attractive young ladies.
Dinner was not to be in the cafeteria but in a separate hall with fancy tables and waiters serving the
meal. The girls gave complimented each other on their appearances and fashion sense. In particular, the
three new members, Michelle, Lauren, and Kristin received many of the complements.

After the meal, each team was privately given the results of their performance evaluations. The Bears
did very well. At the ceremony, the team was awarded the spirit stick, a traditional award given to teams
that exhibit outstanding enthusiasm and sportsmanship during the cheer camp. All 12 team members
received a ribbon. 8 superior ribbons were given in stunting, pom routine, sideline, and cheer. 4 ribbons
were given for excellence of performance. 3 of the senior team members Autumn, Julianne, and
Rebecca members were especially honored to be named on the All star squad.

After the ceremony, they all returned to their dorm rooms and many shouts and loud voices could be
heard even passed lights out. Brittany and Erin were watching the screen of Brittany's DVD player when
they called Michelle over. "Here is a DVD of me in another dance recital when I was dressed as a 1950's
girl, performing to Rock Around the Clock. Guess what song Erin has cued up on her CD player?" asked
Brittany. "Now if we only had a costume, someone could learn these new dance steps." They walked
Michelle over to the storage closet and had her open the door. Both Brittany and Erin had a prepared
look of surprise on their faces when they shouted out, "Well, look at this!"

Hanging in the closet was a black felt circle skirt with a pink poodle appliqué and a matching pink
petticoat. Also included were a striped knit top and a pink scarf. On the bed, were a pair of bobby socks,
saddle shoes and a pink hair ribbon. There also was a lacy bra and panty set from Victoria's Secret. The
bra looked like it had some additional uplift and padding. They quickly helped Michelle change and had
her working on the dance moves to the 50's classic song. They laughed and laughed as Michelle's pink
petticoat flew out from under her skirt as she twirled to the music. They took some pictures before the
dance lesson ended and finally they changed for bed.

The next morning was the final day at camp. This was a fun day. The team dressed in their tye dyed tank
tops and gray cheer shorts. The shorts had an elastic waist, a 3 inch inseam and were V notched at the
legs. Morning warm-ups, with the entire group, followed breakfast. Autumn and Rebecca were selected
to lead the group warm-ups.

The early session was used to practice the routines that they would be performing non competitively
that afternoon at the spirit spectacular that would be the final activity for the camp. These routines
consisted of a three minute cheer chant, stunt, or skit to be performed in front of the whole camp.
After lunch, all returned to their rooms for final packing and room cleanup, then they headed for the
spectacular. The camp director greeted the cheerleaders and thanked them for all their hard work and
cooperation during the camp. The whole camp also thanked their instructors and gave them a standing
ovation. Each squad then performed their cheer or routine. Many were very creative and humorous. It
was easy to see that they had spent the last few days with some very thoughtful, caring, and special
girls. The Bears first did two traditional cheers

"The power, the might, you CAN believe the hype!

Go, Bears, Go. Fight, fight, fight"


"Maroon and Gold, Let's be bold!

Maroon and Gold, Let's be bold!

We don't mess around. Hey!

We don't mess around!"

They then performed a routine to demonstrate the simple steps in a Hawaiian hula. They had performed
this for the Homecoming show during the year and they still had the costumes. They wore grass skirts
over their shorts and wore navy crushed velvet tank tops with a purple flower design and a racer back. .
In the background Hawaiian music played as they used their hands to tell the story. Their hips swayed
from side to side. Their favorite moment was at the end when they really had the chance to shake their
hips to the music. Their performance was given a big round of applause.
Once all the skits were done, it was time to change back into clothes for the trip home, to say goodbyes,
and prepare to leave. There was a final room inspection and checkout. Many of the girls exchanged
emails and addresses and a lot of tearful words were spoken. It was time to get back on the bus for the
drive back home. The new cheer members had been accepted by the group. There was no doubt that
they all had learned and shared a lot. It would be hard not to think of them as their cheerleader girl
friends and they made plans to continue to share their girly experiences together. It was quite a week
for everyone at Cheer Camp.


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Come Here Jim by: Amanda Walker

"Come here Jim!"

"And what’s the magic word?" He replied.


Ah! Sisters just what any 13 year old lad wants is two bossy sisters. He got along OK with Kelly and
Donna but they always let him know who was boss.
"We, err, need you to do something for us." Kelly asked cautiously.

"Just ask, saying no is easy." He replied cockily.

"See, I said he’d be difficult." Donna looked upset and frustrated.

"Let’s not beat about the bush. We have a problem, our friend Jane was going to join us doing the Spice
Girls tribute at the youth club concert next week."

"Yes, I’ve seen you practising. She was Baby wasn’t she?"

"Yes, well she only gone and got glandular fever and can’t do it."

"That’s a real shame, can’t you get a replacement? How can I help?"

The girls paused and smiled at him.

"Ooh hang on you don’t think, I mean you don’t mean..."

"Yes you! You’re the same size as Jane, you’ve seen us practising, and you would be perfect. Well apart
from being a boy but we can dress you up so no one would know."

"You want me to parade around a stage dressed as Baby Spice."

"No. Definitely not."

"Please Jim it would mean a lot to us." Pleaded Donna.


"You see I told you we were wasting our time. Mum said he’d never agree." Kelly shrugged her
shoulders and turned away.

"Mum said! You’ve already asked her?"

"Well we could hardly produce her little boy as a girl without her permission could we?" Replied Donna

He hesitated, they were pushing all the right buttons. He could see they were disappointed about their
concert appearance being spoilt, they had put a lot of effort into it. But of course his mother suggesting
he wouldn’t do something positively incited him to prove her wrong.

"OK Jim thanks for listening we’ll have to see if we can find anyone else, but I doubt it a this stage."
Donna looked sad.

"On one condition." He replied.

"What, what are you saying?"

"On condition that I don’t look foolish in front of people I know. Show me what I would look like dressed
up like you are now and I decide then."
The girls were wearing Lycra bodies, short skirts and calf length boots. Jim was proud of his attractive
sisters and appreciated the care they took with their appearance.

"Right, err, we could get some of Kelly’s clothes ready for you, you’re not very far out sizewise. Just a

Kelly went through her lingerie drawer and produced a pair of black panties.

"Go and have a shower and wash your hair so we can style it. These are my gym briefs, tuck Mr. Happy
away and they’ll smooth everything."

He dutifully left the room, returned to his own bedroom and stripped off and dressed in his bathrobe
and went and had the shower as requested.

"I never thought he’d go for it." Said Kelly.

"I know, I think it was that bit we said about mum saying he wouldn’t do it that worked."

"Yes she said that would clinch it, are all men so easily manipulated?"

"Not all but it’s nice to know female tactics can overcome sometimes!"

Jim completed his shower and didn’t really consider the implications of his actions until he was towelling
himself off and saw the panties he was to wear. The realisation caused stirrings down below and
knowing he would never hide this from his sisters caused him to seek relief. The thought of what was to
come seemed to arouse him, not what he had expected.
When he was ready he ‘tucked’ his equipment away in the panties and they did indeed hide away his
maleness. He wrapped his long blonde hair in a towel and put his robe back on and went back to his
sisters in Kelly’s room.

"Excellent. We do appreciate this Jim. Now sit here and I’ll do your hair while Kelly shows you what we
have for you to wear. You’re not too hairy and we’re only practising so we won’t do any de-fuzzing"

Jim sat and Donna handed him some Chocolate Brown opaque tights and showed him how to ease them
up his legs. They covered the little hair he had and had a lovely silky feel to them and glimmered in the

He sat properly and Donna began to comb out his hair, they had been confused for three girls when
walking together but Donna planned to put in bit of body with her curling tongues. Now Kelly fitted him
into a black and lacy bra and filled the cups with tights, it was a modest cup size but felt very unusual to
Jim. He was particularly aware to the mounds on his chest when Kelly pulled the Brown Cotton Lycra
body over his head. He could feel the elastic fabric following every form of his body and the poppers
sealed him in. The neck had two buttons at the rear and once these were done up it felt like a second
skin. Kelly had craftily placed a bead in each of the bra cups and the clinging fabric appeared to reveal a
pair of pert nipples.

Donna had dried and put a wave in his hair and now put a towel around his neck, he noticed they had
covered the mirror to prevent him seeing the finished result. Donna now moved around to face him.

"I’m going to put on a little makeup just like we’re wearing, nothing too jazzy don’t worry."

She started with a light foundation and then a minimal application of brown eye shadow and some
eyebrow pencil to emphasis his eyes. She finished off with a pink lipstick.

Kelly added pendant earrings, and a matching necklace.

"OK can you stand up now." Donna handed him a very short suede skirt exactly the same as the two girls
were wearing.

He felt very exposed now, so this is what it’s like for girls he though, although the clothes did feel very
comfortable. He sat again and they handed him a pair of boots again similar to the ones they were
wearing. They had to use a shoehorn to get them on but once his feet were in and the zip pulled up they
felt amazing. The heel was only two inches so he soon found his balance.

"Come over here Ji... no we can’t call you that now can we, how about Jemma." Said Donna

"Jemma sounds good to me." Said Kelly.

"Jemma it is then." Said the transformed Jim and he walked carefully across to Donna.

"Now close your eyes young lady."

He did so and Kelly removed the cover from the mirror and joined them.

"Right you can open them now!"

The first thing he said as he opened his eyes was "Three Sisters".

"I don’t recognise me! You win."

"Kelly, get your camera, I want to capture this moment." Said Donna

Kelly quickly set the timer and set it to take five photos, they soon had them on the computer screen.
Jemma was even more surprised by how naturally she fitted together with her sisters once she saw the

"Well after all that excitement I need a coffee. I’ll put the kettle on follow me down."

Jemma hesitated and Kelly came and hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I’d just like to say
thank-you it can’t be easy for you to do this and we do appreciate what you are doing for us."

"Thanks Kelly", she replied, "It feels so different, boys clothes just hang on, girls clothes particularly
these are very fitted and yet so light. Come on I need that coffee too."

Once they were downstairs Donna had prepared the coffee and they went into the living room to drink
it, Jemma was advised how to sit like a lady, smooth your skirt keep your knees together.

They chatted about how Jemma looked, when they next had to practice the routine and importantly
how they should introduce their new band member to June who was taking the Scary Spice role. In no
time at all a car drew into the drive and Kelly exclaimed "Mum’s home!"

"Don’t worry let’s test her out." Said Donna. "Kelly go to the kitchen and be reading a magazine at the
table, Jemma stay here in the lounge here’s Cosmo to read and I’ll be coming down the stairs as she

Jemma was left on her own for the first time and her mother would see her. Would she be cross? Would
she wonder what had happened to her son? She buried her face in the magazine and wondered what
she’d got herself into.
Mum breezed into the house carrying some shopping bags. "Help me with the rest girls, I need the
bathroom." she called. Kelly rose beckoning Jemma to come with her and they went to mum’s Metro
and brought in the rest of the bags. Mum of course then passed Donna on the stairs, said hello and only
once she’d finished did the penny drop. When she came down again she called out with a smile on her
face. "Now I’m sure when I went out I only had two daughters."

The ‘girls’ were lined up in the living room. "Well what do you think?" asked Donna.

"Jim, how do you feel? Are you alright about this."

"This is Jemma, mum," said Kelly.

"Of course yes Jim’s not an appropriate name now, how are your darling? They’ve done a marvellous job
on you, you could be three sisters."

"I’m OK mum, it feels unusual but I’m fine."

"And will you help them with their show?"

"I’ll try, I know the routine and when I saw how much it meant to them I couldn’t refuse."

"Well I think it takes a strong man to do what you’re doing, if you are at all unhappy come to me and I
will help you or we’ll call it off OK?"

"Thanks mum, this is just the start, I haven’t seen anyone I don’t know yet. I was outside before I knew
what was happening, it was alright though."
"Good, remember what I said, you are not to suffer from doing this. Now you have your next test in a
few minutes. Dad will be home at 5 o’clock, he rang earlier and sounded excited, I think he may have
something to tell us when he gets home."

"Come on Jemma," said Kelly. "Let’s go for a walk and get you some practice walking in those boots. It’s
turning dusky outside so no one will see you."

"Go on then, I have to try this."

"Good girl, let’s get some coats and you’ll need a bag."


"Now come on, we ladies don’t have wallets in our breast pockets, think how uncomfortable that would
be. You can borrow one of mine."

Soon after Jemma and Kelly were walking down the road arm in arm. (Why do girls do that? thought
Jim). This was most unusual, he had to balance in the unfamiliar boots, even though they were a modest
heel. Keep the shoulder bag in place, with the extra body bits he now possessed and cope with the
feeling of vulnerability as the cool breeze played around his thighs. He had already found the clothes to
be comfortable and as they walked chatting aimlessly he forgot about Jim and settled into Jemma. Kelly
too relaxed and treated her new younger sister as if she had always existed.

"We’ll just go around the block, if you are up to it, we’ll get an evening paper at the Spar. I assure you,
you are totally convincing, I keep forgetting who you really are."

"OK, but stay close." Jemma replied.

The young boy serving in the shop stared at them as Jemma worried he would, but she noticed how his
gaze shifted about their bodies first before alighting on their faces. Kelly smiled as she watched Jemma
nervous at the attention she was receiving. There was no hint of discovery, and he smiled as the girls left
the shop no doubt hoping they would return.

As they started back towards home a Renault Scenic passed and the driver sounded his horn and waved,
the car didn’t stop and they exchanged puzzled glances. Neither knew anyone who drove such a vehicle.

"Friend of yours?" asked Kelly laughing.

"Not yet." Replied Jemma with a smile.

When they returned home the car was on their drive, and they approached intrigued who the owner
was. As they walked past the car their father opened the front door.

"Well Kelly how do you like my new company car?" he asked. "Three individual seats in the back, you
can push that brother of yours out of the way, come on I’ll show you."

He’s not recognised me at all thought Jemma.

"Yes it’s lovely dad, oh by the way, this is my friend Jemma."

"I’m so sorry, forgot my manners, welcome Jemma, Donna has just been telling me you were out with
Kelly. Would you like to hop in too? I’d like to see how much space there is with every seat filled, that
son of mine chooses tonight to stay over at his mates, honestly!"

"Thank-you Mr. Woods it’s a lovely looking car, such a nice colour." Let’s play the girly card for all it’s
worth she thought.
Donna and their mother came out as father still excited unlocked the doors with the remote. This was so
exciting for him he had taken a chance with this new firm and they had promised a good new car if he
passed a probationary period. He left his old Maestro at the scrap yard when he went to pick this car up.

"Watch how Donna and I get into the car." Whispered Kelly. "Remember to smooth your skirt as you sit
and keep your legs together. That’s a very short skirt you’re wearing."

Jemma followed Donna and Kelly’s example. As soon as all were installed dad started the engine and off
they went, ‘Just a quick ride around town’ he was so excited and Jemma was so pleased for her father,
she wanted to give him a hug but couldn’t.

The quick tour was soon over after they had been shown every gadget and feature. Jemma again
watched her sisters and followed how they dismounted from the vehicle.

"I believe you are stopping over tonight Jemma and that’s great as we are all going out for tea. It’s a
special do paid for by my company and I’d said I was taking my wife and three kids. If anyone asks you’re
my third daughter for tonight if that’s OK with you."

I’m not sure I’m ready for this thought Jemma.

"That’s very kind Mr. Woods but I’m not sure if I should be imposing..."

"Nonsense my dear, it’s our pleasure, anyway you know Donna and Kelly well and you are with us
tonight we couldn’t leave you behind, could we? OK ladies we are going at 6-30, there’s no need to
change, you all look lovely as you are."

"Well I’m not going out in my office uniform." Said mother.

"And we’ve got to freshen our makeup." Said Donna.

"Definitely!" added Kelly

"Oh all right then, soon as you can then ladies."

A house full of women, he thought, where’s your son when you need him. Wearing a skirt! He hadn’t
recognised Jim when he drove past Jemma and Kelly but Donna and his wife had thought it best to tell
him, it was his decision to string Jim along and pretend he didn’t know. To be honest unless he’d been
told he wouldn’t have realised. He felt it would help Jim to develop his feminine side by going out
tonight, he just wished his dad had been as kind with him…

Donna and Kelly took Jemma upstairs and showed her how to cleanse her face and remove her makeup.
"There’s no time to change but we’ll freshen our looks," they said. They applied a more dynamic and
sexy look for the evening. The colours were darker and mascara and eyeliner were used, a little blusher
and then a rich red lipstick completed their work, they also painted her nails a matching red and left her
to watch as they applied similar ‘warpaint’.

Jemma was quite surprised at the difference a little new makeup made to her appearance. Jim had
completely disappeared and she was fascinated with her glowing nails.

Soon the girls were ready and made their way down to the lounge, their father had already changed,
their mother was soon down to join them.

"Right ladies off we go!" Their father was still excited as he led his family to his new toy and off to the
country club hotel. It was growing dark now but they laughed as they saw five other Scenic’s lined up in
the car park as they arrived. "Yes I wasn’t the only one to get a car today." He laughed.

Jemma again followed her sister’s lead in getting into and out of the car. It was relatively easy in this
mini people carrier as long as she remembered what she was wearing.
There were several family groups standing in the bar area and Frank Woods made for his closest
colleague Jim Forrest. Jim was also very pleased with his new motor as he had three strapping teenage
sons, Kevin, James and Nigel, to transport. They of course weren’t thinking about cars when they saw
Frank’s family.

Jemma hadn’t realised the situation until she saw the boy’s obvious delight.

"Don’t worry they’re only silly boys." Whispered Donna.

"Yes but remember I know what ‘silly boys’ are like and they think I’m like you and Kelly."

"And what do you think we are going to let them do?"

"Well I don’t know but…"

"What do you think of us little sister?" Kelly feigned a shocked expression.

"I’m sorry, but events are coming at me thick and fast."

"Alright Jemma only teasing, we’ll look after you. They do look quite tasty though." Kelly hid her smile at
her brother’s discomfort.

The three boys soon manoeuvred themselves to be with the girls and engaged them in small talk, Kelly
and Donna soon interrupted when Jemma was lost for words and they enjoyed the company, Jemma
felt a glow from the alcohol in the glass of wine she was given. She appeared much older than her 13
years when dressed like this and was not used to drinking apart from some small beers with her father
at home. James, the youngest of the boys, was paying her particular attention, his brothers had moved
in on Kelly and Donna.
The firm had hired a separate room and the party moved from the bar and sat at large circular tables.
There were enough seats for both families and the boys managed to place themselves between the girls.
The fathers smiled remembering their own teenage years and the mothers kept a close eye on

James was 14 and while obviously keen on Jemma was inexperienced with girls and quite nervous so she
did not feel under any pressure. She kept up small talk with James through the meal and occasionally
with the other brothers and their parents. The coffee was served and it looked like the MD was going to
make a speech soon.

It was a complete surprise for Jemma when she felt Kevin’s hand on her thigh.

She was shocked, he wasn’t even looking in her direction. Her sisters didn’t notice her distress and she
sat frozen not knowing what to do. She began to blush.

James noticed. He knew his brother well and saw the position of his arm.

"Just push his hand away." He whispered. Then more loudly, "Come on Jemma, let’s get a bit of air
before the hot air starts."

Kelly and Donna looked up their eyes now showing concern, but Jemma smiled back to indicate that she
was OK with this. Kevin looked a little sheepish then returned his attention to Donna. James escorted
Jemma from the room with his arm around her waist. Kelly and Donna were slightly concerned they
were not looking after their new ‘sister’ and Donna decided she would check up in a few minutes.

As James and Jemma left the room they noticed a conservatory with the doors open onto a patio and he
steered her in that direction. There was a wooden bench and they sat down.

"I’m sorry about my brother, he can’t help himself."

"It was nothing really I’m just not used to that sort of attention." Replied Jemma. ‘Not used to it at all!’
thought the boy within.

"Well I think you’re really nice, but I wouldn’t dream of being so forward. You don’t mind being out here
with me, my intentions are honourable I assure you."

Jemma smiled at James he was trying so hard to be a perfect gentleman.

"I don’t mind being out here with you, I am enjoying your company very much."

It was a lovely night but the air was cool and a sudden breath of wind made Jemma shiver, it was easy to
forget what she was wearing didn’t cover much. James ever the Gentleman took off his sports jacket and
placed it around Jemma’s shoulders. His touch made her forget completely the boy within and as she
turned to face him the kiss followed automatically. A gentle, soft caress of the lips, the feeling was quite
unlike any other she’d had. He was taller than she was, she felt so vulnerable and feminine as he bent
down to kiss her.

"I’m sorry I took advantage, please forgive me." James surprised at his own forwardness recoiled and sat

"I’ll forgive you if you kiss me again." Jemma surprised herself with her reaction.

James, surprised and yet delighted by this turn of events obliged, there was more passion and less
hesitation this time and Jemma felt her lips parted by his probing tongue.

Looking out of the patio toward the couple Donna and Kelly stood open mouthed with astonishment.

"We’ve created a monster!" whispered Kelly. "What will we do?"

"Well they look happy enough to me." Replied Donna.

"Don’t be silly, what if Mum or Dad see? We’ll have to politely interrupt." And with that she coughed

James and Jemma pulled back instinctively and tried to look like they had just been sitting talking.
Fooling no one of course.

"Come on you two, the speeches are about to start." Called Kelly

James and Jemma came back into the building, she handed him his jacket as her sisters smiled wickedly.
James smiled weakly as they led Jemma to the ladies room.

"Why have we come in here?" asked Jemma.

"To repair your lipstick you brazen hussy."

"But why?"

"We saw you eating poor James alive."


"Did he force you?"

"Well no, it just happened."

"I don’t know. You put him in a skirt and five hours later he’s snogging the boy’s." commented Donna.

The reference to Jemma’s real persona broke the spell she was under and she suddenly realised who she
was where she was and how she was dressed.

She immediately burst into tears.

"Now look what you’ve done Donna." Kelly was furious with her sister.

Jemma wept, she had become one with her feminine character and the rude awakening after the
beautiful moment with James had been a shock.

"Take me home. I can’t do this." Cried Jemma.

"Now steady, you know dad can’t leave now he’s about to get an award you know." Kelly was kind and
sympathetic. "Donna, you go back, we’ll catch up with you in a minute."

"Sorry Jemma, I didn’t mean to be cruel." Donna kissed Jemma and left.

A lady came in to the washroom and seeing Jemma asked, "What’s wrong?"

"It’s Ok." Replied Kelly. "Just time of the month troubles."

"Oh it can be hell at first dear, but don’t worry it gets better."

"Oh my look at your makeup what a state. Now sit here and I’ll fix you up."
"No it’s OK I’ll manage." Replied Jemma.

"I insist! We ladies must stick together, now what’s your name? I’m Alison


"I thought that maybe that boy you left the room with had upset you?"

"No, no he’s a real gentleman."

"Good I’m pleased he looks like a real catch!"

Jemma smiled for the first time.

"That’s better now let’s clean you up." Alison wiped her face with some cleansing tissue whilst Kelly
looked on. Then she re-applied the makeup and showed Jemma her work in the mirror. Some how
Jemma felt her tension released and she hugged Alison. She did really like being a girl.

"Thank you, I feel a lot better now."

"Good, go and get that boy!" replied Alison

"Thanks from me too, I couldn’t have done the make-up that well." Said Kelly.

"Look after your little sister, they’re so much better than brothers. Now come on the speeches start
Jemma smiled at Kelly who was resisting laughing out loud and they returned to the function room.

James smiled broadly as they returned and Donna looked very relieved. They took their seats as the
lights went down. Kelly noticed how James manoeuvred his chair to be alongside Jemma and his arm
was soon around her waist and hers around his.

Fortunately the Forrest’s lived some way away so there wasn’t a problem with James being able to find
out the truth. Jemma’s father had to tell James’s dad that she was in fact his niece as he had talked of
having a son and two daughters in the past.

James and his brothers came to see the ‘Spice Girls’ in their concert and he accompanied his ‘girl’ at the
disco afterwards. The girls stayed in the Spice costumes so Jemma was flouncing about in all white with
stack-soled shoes, a short dress and a blond wig in bunches. She felt ridiculous but had a good time.
James thought it very amusing as the shoes raised her up to his height.

Now the concerts were over there were decisions to be made where would Jemma go? Would she
return? Donna and Kelly were sure she would. James certainly wanted her to be around.

© 2001

The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must
contact the author for permission.

The Mole by: Alyssa Davis & Caitlin Rose

Police work is a paramilitary occupation. Uniforms, rank, weapons, discipline…It can be exciting and
interesting for some and boring for others. Some officers seem to find lots of action during their career
(or maybe it finds them) while others never use their sidearm except for target practice and hardly do
much more than help children cross streets. This seems to describe my position. I have become
completely unimpressed with my job and hardly felt cut out for this line of work. I’m a very peaceable

My name is Tim delGado. I’ve been in public safety for seven years…too long…and feel locked in since
this is the only job I’ve had since finishing college. And I now question my career selection. Trouble is, I
am good at this job. I am good with people, and I excelled in the department’s expectations such as
marksmanship, physical endurance, police tactics, and many others. On the record, I am considered a
good cop with potential. So why do I feel I want to give it all up?

It was the beginning of my next shift, this time working days. I had just finished the graveyard shift and
was coming off a three day rest. I was in the squad room changing into my uniform, followed by the
routine inspection of my personal equipment. My badge, name tag, service pin, a utility belt loaded with
all the required police paraphernalia…baton, handcuffs, keys, pepper spray, flashlight, rubber glove case,
radio clip, spare magazine case, and sidearm. Nine pounds of junk around my waist. All in order…Well, it
helped keep me slender hauling it around everyday. But it did little to enhance my arms or shoulder

I had safety checked my 9mm automatic for proper operation and was loading a full ammo clip into it
when I heard my name being called on the paging system.

"Tim delGado…Officer Timothy delGado…please report to Captain Tom Cook’s office."

Captain Cook was the officer in charge of the Patrol Division’s day watch. My first day shift and already
I’m being paged. I wondered what he wanted.

I knocked twice, and entered the captain’s office to observe two men sitting there chatting like old
friends. They halted their conversation and shifted their attention to me.
Upon greeting the Captain, I was introduced to Captain Bruce Person of the Criminal Division. There
followed the usual round of handshakes, wisecracks, and male cordiality after which we settled down to
business. Already I sensed an air of intrigue. Why was Captain Person here…and why did they want to
see me?

"Tim, Bruce has requested your assignment, on a temporary basis, to his division for a special detail. It
may last several months. It’s strictly voluntary on your part, so you aren’t being pressured into the
transfer. But it might be a good opportunity for you to cross train in another area. Are you interested?"
asked the Captain.

Sure I was interested. Interested in anything that was a change from this boring, dead-ended street
patrol duty. Many times, I wondered why I ever chose police work as a career. High risk, low pay,
unappreciated work…dealing with the public in less than favorable situations. Sometimes being spat
upon. Very few times being complimented. Well, lets see what they have in mind.

"May I ask for more specifics of what the detail entails, sir?" I responded.

Lt. Person replied, "Confidentially, it’s a sting we’re setting up to shut down a major fencing operation.
Their whole thing is rather unusual so it calls for unusual methods. I can’t go into more detail at this time
unless and until you accept and are reassigned. But, after reviewing the entire department personnel
files, we really think you’re the best man for this."

"And may I add, Tim, that this would look very good for you in your file and could lead to a
commendation and promotion," the Captain interjected to further enhance the offer.

I had been in the department long enough to know that you don’t do well by declining such requests,
voluntary or otherwise. Whatever it entails had to be better than mundane street patrol duty, but I
wished I knew more about what I was being asked to accept , and my Captain was of little help here,
too. I was entering a fog bank and flying blind. Oh well…

"Okay, sir…I accept the assignment and I’ll give it my best," I responded to Lt. Person. Well, I had to say
something, and judging from the looks I was getting, this is the response they expected to hear.
Handshakes finalized the offer and arrangements for the transfer were started.

I proceeded back to my routine duties and finished an uneventful day. I had a feeling the boredom was
to end.

The following day, Lt. Person and I met for a briefing of the new assignment in a very secure office in the
street crimes and narcotics section of the Criminal Division. We quickly dispensed with formalities of
rank and titles so it was just Bruce and Tim thereafter, a liberty not usually allowed during working hours
according to department policy but this was a special operations group and they were allowed a wide
latitude. After a commitment of total confidentially, Bruce began the briefing.

"Tim, what we’re going to do is shut down a large upscale fencing operation dealing in stolen art objects.
We know where it is occurring and what they’re doing, but we don’t know is exactly how and by whom.
We need to put someone on the inside, a Mole. What’s unique here is that they’re running it from a
nightclub. We need someone to work there."

"So why don’t you use a female officer to work as a barmaid or waitress? She could cozy up to everyone
and become privy to all kinds of information. Sounds simple." That was my contribution to solve all their
problems. Like I was an instant expert without any background information.

"Ah well, you see, it’s not your typical club. Actually, it’s a gay and transgender bar. *Straight* females
aren’t exactly favored there. So it’s not that simple."

I saw it coming and interrupted, "Hey Bruce! Wait a minute…I’m not gay nor transgendered. Why was I
selected for this assignment?"

"Oh, I’m not saying you are, but that wouldn’t matter anyway.

You’re an experienced police officer. You’re young and unattached so there’s no wife or significant other
to distract you, you’re not very tall, yet you are very slender and well proportioned, and forgive me, but
you don’t appear overly *macho* so we feel you’d make a plausible and attractive transvestite, one who
wouldn’t appear out of place in such an establishment.

Bottom line, you fit the profile of what we’re looking for. Working there, you’d be able to glean lots of
information as would any waitress in a more traditional establishment as you mentioned earlier. Even a
female officer posing as a lesbian wouldn’t get the reaction we need. You see, it seems that the owner
of this place has a thing for transvestites…pretty ones. We want to attract who we think is the leader of
the operation and we’re reasonably sure he’s the owner. Now, unless you know of any genuine
transvestites in the department, someone we may have missed, we’re asking you to perform the task."

At age 28, I’m only 5’8" tall, I keep trim and am slender at 137 lb., my hair is jet black, straight, and very
long. It’s worn in a bun as regulations permit, which these days of EEO rules, is allowable for minorities.
I’m of Hispanic heritage and have always have long hair. It is my culture, my parents said. And I’ve been
told by many that my facial features and hands appear soft and almost feminine. That comes from my
mother’s side, I guess. Often, my effeminate features are an asset to help defuse a situation. I don’t give
the illusion of a macho hard-ass looking to kick butt. For that same reason, female cops have an
advantage. At times, I’ve even been mistaken for a lady cop.

Honey is always more effective than vinegar in catching flies, my Grandma said.

I learned that Bruce had searched the entire department’s files for a suitable candidate and he felt I was
the best choice to pose as an attractive transvestite, one who could function in the position they hoped
would extract the information they sought yet be able to take care of himself in case of problems. It only
remained to convince me to attempt the gender bending role.

"But why must I appear as a woman? Why couldn’t I just portray a gay man working as a waiter?" I was
still trying to evade what I felt was a socially revolting task, dressing as a woman. Somehow, it violated
everything in my upbringing.

"Because they will have an opening to hire a bar waitress, and we know they will specifically look to hire
a very pretty transvestite for the position. We’re already working on it. And believe me, you’d be much
safer as a woman there rather than a gay guy. Trust me on this. Most of their clientele aren’t attracted
to women."
All I could say was, "WOW!" as I shook my head in futility.

Now I wondered what I’d volunteered for.

"So I’m to become a woman and work the lounge in a gay and lesbian bar, right?"

Bruce nodded. "And transgender. There will likely be other crossdressers there as well. No…Appearing
as a guy wearing women’s clothes and ENJOYING it. You don’t need to be a totally passable woman, in
fact, we don’t want you to be too good. You’re just a guy who enjoys crossdressing. The owner prefers
that kind…guys in drag…Shemales"

"And exactly how do I accomplish this bit of magic? I’ve never done anything even close to this before.
How do I start?"

"Not a problem, Tim…remember, you don’t have to be a perfect female impersonator. You’re still a guy,
but a guy in a dress, a cross dresser. They accept cross dressers there. Your goal is to convincingly enjoy
yourself in that persona, get to know people, and get them to take you into their confidence…That’s
where the police work comes in. Work it like you need money to support your expensive *hobby* of
cross dressing and are looking for some easy cash. Do whatever it takes to win them over. Hopefully
they’ll draw you into their operation. Somehow, they’re buying and selling stolen property, specifically
art work That we know. We must find their sources of goods and their buyers. I’m sure we can manage
to get you employed there. Still interested?"

Yeah interested…that was a rhetorical question. I knew I had little choice, now.

"Well, when do I get started?" I said, sounding dejected.

Bruce picked up the phone on his desk and called someone, speaking in hushed tones. Almost
immediately, a gorgeous, young lady burst into the room. She appeared to be a college girl of about 20
years of age, perhaps an intern working over the summer. Petite in stature, perky in nature, wearing
jeans and T-shirt, straight, long blond hair, shapely well developed figure. Eyes like pools of blue that I
could swim in. I noticed all this with a trained eye and was instantly attracted to her. Attracted? I was in

"Debbie Blake, This is Tim delGado. Tim, she’s on our street crimes team. Deb’s been assigned as your
partner and will help you and work with you on your transformation," Bruce said, introducing us.

Debbie smiled at me and I started to melt. I was floored! This *child* was a cop!

"As you can see, we’re a bit unorthodox here. Debbie is dressed to fit in with the younger crowd. Makes
things much easier to blend in instead of wearing an intimidating uniform. And, by the way, she’s older
than she looks," Bruce added with a smile and wink. Was my thinking that obvious?

"Hi Tim…what division are you from?" she asked in a perky voice.

"Hello Debbie…nice to meet you. I’ve been assigned here from the patrol division for temporary duty," I
said after I recovered.

"Well, I already know the details of your new duty, so we might as well get started. Yes, I think he’ll do
just fine!" she commented to Bruce, as she looked me over from head to toe. I felt as though she was
undressing me with her eyes!

Bruce explained that they have budgeted for the necessary female attire and accessories to accomplish
the "disguise." It remained for Debbie and me to go shopping, which we did for the remainder of the
day. With her direction, we purchased a basic wardrobe and cosmetics while having a very enjoyable
time in the process. The shopping spree gave us the opportunity to get better acquainted since we
would be working together as a team. Deb was to be my official "girlfriend" as well as my mentor in the
coming charade. She tried to make light of everything to help relieve my tension of being transformed
into a woman.
We were to have three days to rehearse my female role before I was to apply for the bar waitress
position which I learned had been created by some nefarious police work. During that time, Deb
proposed that I spend the time fully crossdressed and practice some skills in feminine demeanor and
application of cosmetics. She reasoned that most crossdressers have been doing so for a long time and
many have gotten very well accomplished. I was to portray a very experienced transvestite to convince
the club owner to hire me.

We set up a dressing room in my apartment. My first "official" act was to take a hot, soaking bubble
bath, remove any extraneous body hair, and relax to get into the "mood" before my transition begins.
While doing that, Debbie arranged my daily wardrobe for the three days, and created a makeup station
in my bedroom.

I actually had very little body hair to shave off…mainly my underarms arms and legs. The luxuriating soak
in the delightfully fragrant bath did it’s intended purpose and I emerged feeling relaxed and smelling as
effeminate as ever due to the perfumed bath oils…Lavender, I think it was. Especially after covering my
skin with an after-bath lotion, applied with Deb’s delightful assist. I stepped into a panty girdle,
arranging and tucking myself in for concealment, followed by a half slip she had previously readied for
me. Trying to be cool, as much as possible in this attire, I shyly walked out of the bathroom into my
bedroom where she was waiting. I didn’t dare let my mind wander at this point. I kept reminding myself
to remain professional. Over and over again. My thoughts turned to police tactics, city ordinances
...anything to prevent getting aroused in the presence of this beautiful young lady while I’m wearing
nothing but lace trimmed, female’s undies. I was more than a little embarrassed, I was totally
uncomfortable with the process but not with the garments.

Saying nothing to further my embarrassment, Deb proceeded to wipe my hairless chest with alcohol
soaked pads in preparation for the next step. She pressed a pair of very real looking silicon breast forms
into their respective positions over my nipples. They conformed to my chest perfectly. She held them
there for several minutes until their adhesive set. Of course, at that time, I didn’t know they had
adhesive on them on nor how long they were to remain and she remained silent as she went about the
business of my transformation. She then placed a 36C brassiere around me, hooked the back, and
adjusted the straps. I hesitated to look down at this newly acquired form in more fear of arousal. But
they did feel strangely very nice. There was a noticeable weight pulling on my chest and a fluid motion
as I moved and they jiggled. And the bra was actually comfortable. It made me feel more "dressed."

Deb had me sit at a small table which she had improvised into a makeup station and began the process
of metamorphosis from male to female. She plucked and trimmed my eyebrows to thin and arch them,
she worked a foundation cream into my facial skin followed by various colored compounds explaining
her technique as she progressed. I watched in fascination, refraining from stealing a kiss as she placed
her face in close proximity to mine while detailing. I didn’t want to break her concentration, but I sure
wanted to taste her lovely lips.

Beard concealer, eye shadow, eyeliner, blush, lip liner, and finally a bright red lip color to fill, completed
the operation.

The last items were earrings. She pierced my ears with a needle and ice cube and installed a pair of gold
rings, one in each ear. This I didn’t mind since I’d often thought of wearing an earring but that was
against regulations.

When finished, admittedly, I was strikingly…well… beautiful! All her effort with the cosmetics had
enhanced my facial features…like colorizing a monochrome photograph to bring it to life! I couldn’t
believe what I was seeing…what she had done to me. Amazing!

She brushed out my long hair to it’s fullness. I had forgotten how much hair I actually had! She parted it
in the center to clear my face and clipped it back over my ears. All very casual yet feminine. No more
tight bun.

Debbie had me finish dressing with a pair of tan thigh-high hose under a form fitting, medium length
green knit dress which she assisted me in zipping up in the back. My shoes were inch and a half high
wide-heeled pumps. She added a necklace and stood back to admire her work.

"Tammy, you are stunning!" Deb exclaimed.

"Thank you, Deb…So now its Tammy, huh?"

"Well you’re certainly no longer a Tim! Look at you! What do you think?"
"Hmmm…It’s different!" I understated as I viewed myself from different angles in a full length door
mirror. Yes, I guess I was indeed attractive! Definitely dating material, I figured. This was an entirely new
experience for me and not altogether a bad one, I was thinking. Never having dressed like this before, I
was focusing on the tactile sensations of all these new garments while trying to get familiar with
movement in the confines of a dress and slip and bra. Yes, different was the best description. But
different in a nice way. I knew I had some slightly feminine features, but they had never been exploited
to this extreme. I was getting aroused at my image!

"You know, a person could get used to this," I half whispered as I continued to admire myself.

"Okay, so now you must constantly remain in this mode for the next few days. I’ll coach you as much as
possible. This will be a crash coarse in femininity," Deb added. "You’ve got to give the illusion that
you’ve done this many times and enjoy it very much. That’s what they’re looking for."

"But only as much as a transvestite needs to know, remember. I’m not going for a sex change."

"Oh sure, but you must remember, tv’s enjoy what they’re doing. They derive great pleasure in
presenting as women. So you gotta start to enjoy this. And I mean, openly. So far, you’ve been very
reserved. Like it’s an obligation."

"Well, you know, it is an obligation! This isn’t my choice of lifestyle. It’s only a job, even if it is rather

So now tell me, Deb, what’s your impression in seeing a guy like this? You’ve been quiet too."

"Since you asked, frankly, some guys look absolutely pathetic in drag…they’re a parody of women and a
disgrace. But in your case, I must say, you are extremely passable and very pretty as a woman. No, I’m
not offended, in fact, I’m flattered that you look so good and are actually willing to do this."

"So, does this make me less of a man to you?"

"Oh, so that’s what you’re worried about? Well, I obviously don’t see a man here now. But remember, I
do know what’s under that dress. Manly? no….sexy? You bet!

Looking beyond all this, I see you as a gentle person, and a darn good sport. Even if you really enjoy this,
I see a man in tune with his feminine side. That makes him a better person in my mind. Is that what you
wanted to know?"

I was relieved with that disclosure and indicated as much. I may resemble a female at this point, but I
still have my male ego, and it is fragile. And I wanted to be attractive to Deb as much as that would be
possible in this role. I want her to like me more than just in a professional way.

Debbie and I began the training session in womanly mannerisms which continued into the evening,
breaking only for a Pizza dinner, which was delivered. She taught me to sit in a skirt, stand, walk, all
under various conditions. She coached me in speech…patterns, vocabulary, gestures, and eye
movements while talking, female body language, all very subtle, avoiding showing too much
exaggeration like a theatrical drag queen. All the while, she had me practice feminine vocal intonations…
trying to cram a lifetime of a girl’s training into a few short days…an impossible feat. We worked till it
grew late and we were fatigued. She then left for the night. That night, at her insistence, I slept in a frilly
nightgown which subsequently became my regular sleep wear of choice. Normally I slept in my
underwear anyway, but I obviously never knew how comfortable a ladies nightgown was.

The next day, Deb returned to again instruct me in re-application of makeup, this time allowing me do it.
She helped me dress, and casually drilled me in what I’d learned. Being a quick study, I was now even
more motivated by a new found pleasure of this strangely different wardrobe and Deb’s revelation that I
was still sexy, but in a special way. I had also discovered that my new breasts were not removable
without a special solvent which I didn’t have. Deb informed me that they would stay attached for at
least a month, when they needed to be removed with solvent for cleaning and fresh adhesive. So I was
destined to remain appearing as a woman full time for a while since I couldn’t easily conceal C cup
breasts. She showed me how to blend in the edges with cosmetics to make them invisible in the event of
my wearing revealing tops or even open collars. With that technique, you couldn’t tell they were fake.

Day two, I was wearing a long full skirt and knit top which exaggerated my newly acquired bosom. I had
to constantly adjust to these new appendages which I quickly grew very fond of. I always had been a
breast man and now they were on me! But these kept getting in my way, another learning experience.
Whatever I did, I seemed to brush against them which was a constant reminder of their presence…
delightful! They felt so wonderfully real!

Deb took the dominant male position in role playing. I had to learn to handle myself in a bar-lounge
environment. I had been in bars, but never as a woman. I never had to confront aggressive or unruly
men while in a short skirt and mesh pantyhose. I had never been a sex object!

The training went well. We broke for dinner and actually went out in public to a restaurant to help
develop my confidence. Deb even forced me to order my own meal. Scary at first, but I noticed nobody
seemed to care about this lady with the low pitched voice. Of course, I was speaking softly and smiling a
lot with lots of eye contact. Deb complimented me on my feminine mannerisms. I was trying hard.

Day three, I wore a short skirt and a blouse with a low, revealing neckline and a lace trimmed bra which
showed. Again, the playacting centered around the gay bar scenario. Deb did whatever she could to
tease and harass me as a drunken patron might do. She also tried to portray a "hands -all-over"
manager. I did well to thwart the advances in a non-hostile manner, but I also really enjoyed the physical
interaction with Debbie with whom I had become deeply attracted. We engaged in a lot of horseplay
and I stole more than a few kisses which forced me to refresh my lipstick frequently. By this short time, I
had adjusted to applying and wearing makeup and rather enjoyed the appearance of it on me.

It was a real challenge to maneuver in the short skirt yet maintain feminine modesty but I quickly
learned. By the end of this last session, I was exhausted and Deb was convinced I’d do well in my new
identity. She contacted Bruce and was given the okay to proceed with the plan for me to seek
employment. Deb was to be the liaison for Bruce and I and cover me in case of trouble. I would be
unable to carry a weapon, for obvious reasons, but she was armed. She was to pose as my "roommate
and best friend. But while I was at work, I was on my own."

I was still very apprehensive about this whole matter, but then, I was only pretending to be a
transvestite, not a real woman. So why worry? I figured I might as well enjoy the experience.

I entered the sleazy looking lounge, oddly named "The 19th Hole," and asked to see the manager. These
places all appear dank and sleazy in the daylight, smelling of stale beer, I noticed. It’s like opening a dark
A man approached me and I introduced myself, speaking in a slightly effeminate but unmistakably male
voice, as a "special girl" in need of a job. I was to find out he was Jerry Johnson, the owner-manager. He
escorted me to his office.

I wore a form fitting but short green knit dress, dark hose, and three inch heels. My makeup was perfect
and I had dangling earrings under my black hair. I knew I looked sexy. That was the intent. I sat with my
skirt hitched up a bit, showing lots of leg and a bit of lace slip.

He paused, looked me over, literally undressing me with his eyes. Then, with an impressed and pleased
expression on his face, he offered me a job application. Of course, he read me immediately as I had
intended that he would.

Jerry was a tall, handsome guy, attractive to any lady, but from my briefings, I knew he preferred males…
perhaps shemales. I know I appeared as a small person compared to him, almost petite, but very
attractive as a woman, and he was obviously taken with me immediately.

"Just a formality," he said, handing me the paperwork. "I doubt if much of the information you’ll give me
will be truthful. Do you have any experience?"

"Very little, but I learn fast." I winked seductively.

"As it so happens, we do have an opening for a server in the piano lounge and I think you’ll do nicely,
pretty lady. When can you start?" His eyes said it all as he practically drooled over this vision of
femininity. It was working!

"Thank you sir. I can start immediately. I live this way full time, and I need full time employment. This is
a very expensive lifestyle for a *gender bender*...very high maintenance."
"Excellent," Jerry replied. "We can use you right away to start training, and you can work flexible time
and get extra hours doing other things besides serving drinks. Seems our other girl had a brush with the
law…traffic tickets or something… and left suddenly so we’re short a server."

So that’s how they knew this place was hiring. I completed the application form, we settled the salary
arrangements, and Jerry proceeded to show me around the establishment, with introductions to the day
staff. I was pleasant to all, being careful not to ask many questions. I overheard one person comment to
Jerry that they had assumed he wanted to hire a transvestite for the job, not a real female to which Jerry
laughed. He could hardly contain his excitement.

My first day, before business hours, I was shown how to serve drinks and keep orders straight, how to
handle the money and make change without getting confused, how to keep track of the tables. All this in
a semi-darkened lounge! Also, I was advised how to handle unruly patrons. I was reminded that being
somewhat permissive would impact my tips favorably. (All the things Debbie had mentioned. Made me
wonder how she knew so much!)

I awaited the regular bar opening with mixed emotions. I had the feeling that this was going to be a very
long assignment. Especially wearing the short skirted, low-cut V-neck uniform, fishnet pantyhose, and
high heels they provided to the servers. That, itself, would be a major adjustment.

Time passed quickly and I was learning the tricks of the trade. Both as a lounge waitress and as a
woman! Debbie was there for me to dump on after hours. We chatted like two women as I debriefed
her of the daily activities. And at the end of each shift, I was beat! But she kept up the encouragement
and positive reinforcement.

We were now roommates and were sharing a bed. Without her, I don’t know what I would’ve done.
With this total immersion of full time living as a woman, it was all becoming second nature to me to
dress, "do" my hair, apply makeup, and conduct myself as a lady. It was like I always had been a
woman…and it got to where I actually didn’t mind it at all, except for the daily very close shaving and
beard cover application. I quickly learned that it’s a lot of work to be beautiful. I had always taken it for
granted when seeing pretty girls.

After the fourth week, some lounge "lizards" were getting to know me and taking some liberties. Jerry
was at my side a lot, perhaps a bit too much, being protective. At first as a concerned advisor, but later
he was just being friendly, in fact he was obviously attracted to me. It was my duty to encourage him, to
be friendly to him, and I was doing exactly that. He seemed to be a genuinely nice guy.

Time passed quickly and I was learning the tricks of the trade. Both as a lounge waitress and as a
woman! Debbie was there for me to dump on after hours. We chatted like two women as I debriefed
her of the daily activities. And at the end of each shift, I was beat!

One Thursday night, actually very early Friday morning, I got back to the apartment so tired and
disgusted, that I was ready to go back to Bruce and chuck the whole assignment. I was considering
resigning from the force if necessary. Deb was waiting up for me, reading in bed.

"Deb, it was horrible tonight."

"What happened?"

"There were four new guys in the club. I never saw them before. What a bunch of assholes. I think they
were important to Jerry’s operation, but what sleaze!"

"Gave you a hard time, huh?"

"Yeah, it was like they were love starved puppies. You could almost see them drooling."

"Hey, that sounds like fun. Weren’t you flattered?"

"Deb, I know this sounds like a cliché, but I felt like a piece of meat."

"Come here sweetheart, sit next to me and let me tell you some of the secrets of womanhood."
I joined Deb on the bed. She began to massage my back, between the shoulder blades.

"Oh, that feels fantastic."

"You have to learn what it really means when guys look at you that way. It means that you are


"Sure, those jerks were ready to grovel at your feet. True, they didn’t care about your feelings, and that
sucks. But they were under your power. You were the goddess. Let me show you to use it, how to
control the power."

Deb got up and walked across the room. Her hips swung seductively. Even in her loose robe, she looked
incredibly sexy. I could feel myself responding.

"That was the ‘high voltage’ walk. Now watch this."

Deb repeated the walk. This time she actually looked like a no-nonsense lady cop.

"Now you try it. Try it in three stages, cold, medium and hot.

I walked the room, trying to keep it "cold"

"That’s pretty good. Now try it on ‘medium.’ Think shy, demure, girl. Like walking to Mass."
I walked the length of the room again. I tried to imitate, even to feel like, a teenage girl on her best

"Oh, that was perfect. Ok, now turn up the heat."

I gave it my best shot.

"Wow, sexeee. Ooo, do that again, you’re getting me excited, and I usually go for guys!"

I strutted by once more. Deb grabbed me and pulled me back onto the bed.

"The next lesson will cover smiles and winks, but first…"

We spent an incredible hour, and then fell asleep in each other’s arms.

By the end of eight weeks, which seemed like eight months, Jerry asked me out to dinner…a date! Of
course, I accepted. Debbie assisted me in dressing for the occasion. We were like two young girls getting
ready for a date.

Something sexy, almost trashy, destined to turn Jerry on. A knee length full skirt over a lacy slip, thigh-
high, lace topped hose, sheer panties with no girdle, a silk see-through blouse and a lacy bra. I wanted to
give him easy access in case his hands started to wander. After all, it was what he desired. We did my
makeup to perfection with a double coat of lipstick with a powder coat in between for permanence. We
brushed and fluffed my hair to enhance it’s body. The final touch was a pair of dangling earrings. Deb
gave me her approval at my ploy to seduce Jerry. All was fine but it made me wonder how I was to react
alone with him. How far do I go? How far did I want to go?
Jerry arrived at our apartment, and after introductions to Deb, escorted me to his car, being the perfect
gentleman. All the little courtesies women are shown were rather nice. I was very careful to maintain my
ladylike mannerisms even though they had already become very natural to me. Off to a good start.

We had an enjoyable dinner and friendly conversation. Just get-acquainted small talk and lot’s of flirting.
No need to conceal my true gender. Jerry knew I was a male under all this finery but he found that
especially exotic and was very complimentary of my feminine presentation. I had to make up a story of
my history of crossdressing…when I started, how it came about, and how much I enjoyed it. Well, I’ll
admit, the last part wasn’t fiction. He asked many questions and I made up many lies from what I had
been briefed about crossdressers.

I refrained from asking him anything detailed yet. Had to play it cool.

Jerry invited me back to his place for drinks. He lived in a very nice, upscale apartment. Expensively
furnished, but obviously a bachelor pad. Everything in chrome, earth tones, and lots of leather. Certainly
not a lady’s touch in decorating. Odd that I would think that.

While he poured drinks, I used his bathroom to freshen my makeup. Strange, I really felt the need to do
that. Feminine vanity…me?

I checked my appearance…lips, eye shadow, blush, overall skin tone…all in order, I joined him on the
huge, leather sofa where I gracefully sat down next to him while demurely crossing my legs, arranged
my skirt, and kicked off my shoes. He leaned over, held me firmly and impulsively planted a passionate
kiss on my lips. I had to submit to that. In fact, I returned his kiss to keep the momentum going.

It wasn’t like kissing Deb. It was inexplicably different. He had taken the initiative and I had submitted as
expected. And that factor felt rather nice. Feeling like a woman, I didn’t mind the kiss as I thought I
might. Kissed by a man? Tim would have been disgusted but Tim wasn’t here.

His hands gently roamed my body and slid inside my blouse cupping my breast outside the bra…I was
enjoying this as much as he was.
"Oh…very nice…are they real?" he asked as he kneaded the lifelike plastic forms filling the nylon bra.

"Um…no….but I wish they were," I replied, softly.

"Be careful what you wish for, my dear lady," he whispered into my ear.

I let him fondle them for a while as our kissing continued. Why not….I felt nothing from the prosthetics
but I liked the attention and I knew what it was doing to him. His next move was under my skirt where
he went for my crotch as if he was investigating. I relaxed my legs and allowed him his pleasure. His
fingers roamed up my nylons, past the lace covered tops supporting them and encased my genitals. He
could feel my now erect male organ through the flimsy panties knowing it was for him. That really
turned him on. His hand was soft and warm, his gentleness felt so nice. He began to moan a little as he
stroked me to an even larger erection, all the while our lips remained engaged. I was having a problem
remaining objective. After all, I was here to do a job…I was on a mission to gain this man’s confidence so
I was duty bound to do what it takes, and yet I was enjoying this homosexual encounter! But was it
homosexual? After all, am I not a woman now? 28 years of male socialization, everything I was taught
and believed in was discarded in an instant and now, I suddenly felt like a genuine female about to have
sex with a man and, in the heat of passion, I had no misgivings about it. He was bringing out the woman
in me.

To reciprocate, I deftly unzipped his slacks and reached for his massive organ and massaged him as he
was doing to me. This was all new to me, yet not unpleasant. I had never touched another man’s
genitals. But then, I had never felt so feminine before, either.

His hand, fully inside my panties now, and wet from my fluid, was stroking me gently while kissing my
neck and chest, complimenting me on my beauty and how feminine I was. The words were a real turn-
on for me. I actually enjoyed hearing those things. He whispered for me to finish him. Somehow, the
idea of it appealed to me…Tammy… his woman. He was very handsome, very gentle, and I suddenly felt
the desire to satisfy him…orally? Not yet, though it did occur to me. I would masturbate him for now.

What I was doing felt good. My objective was to satisfy my man. MY MAN! That sounded so strange yet
not so distasteful anymore.
And he was groaning in pleasure along with me as his body undulated with my strokes. I had been
ordered to do whatever it took to accomplish my mission, and that’s what I was doing. Just following
orders, and enjoying doing so. Caught up in the moment, I suppose.

In the relatively short time I had transitioned to living as a woman, I had become permanently
transformed psychologically. It all had become so natural for me. Could I ever go back to being a guy?
Would I? I’m not so sure.

My gentle, pleasurable rubbing of his hot shaft continued until his body stiffened and he shot his seed
into my hand in multiple spurts.

I carefully cleansed him with a tissue and acted grateful for the pleasure of satisfying him. We kissed
again, a long, wet, emotional kiss, after which he slowly went down on me, lifting my skirt and slip and
took me fully into his mouth and repaid the pleasure! With him on his knees in front of me, I placed my
shapely, nylon clad legs on his shoulders and let him rub his face on the smooth, silky, lace tops of my
hose. I had had the foresight to dab some perfume on my legs. This seemed to further enhance his
desire. This is exactly what he desired.

I withheld my orgasm as long as I could but watching his head joyfully bobbing between my legs, hearing
him suck and moan his pleasure, savoring every second, and the tactile sensation of what he was doing
to me, I finally had to let go, with Jerry devouring all my love juice. My fantasies were of me being a real
woman and him ravishing my clit, and how much we both enjoyed it. It was sheer heaven! Oh, at this
moment, I truly enjoyed being the woman I had become!

We recovered and sat silently in each other’s embrace. Nothing needed to be said…we enjoyed the
afterglow of our lovemaking.

I took my time repairing my makeup, viewing myself in a different light now, seeing the image of a
genuine woman in the mirror. I did feel differently now. Jerry took me home where I found Debbie
waiting up for me. She wanted all the details of our date. I didn’t want to tell her everything, but she
sensed something different about me.
"Tammy….somehow you seem more feminine. I sense a change in you. You have a glow! Oh girl! Did you
do IT?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did you have sex with him?"

"Well sort of…I didn’t do much to him, but he sure took me! I’m sure he’s bisexual."

I was ashamed to disclose all the details…my thoughts… so I was very evasive. I couldn’t make eye
contact with Deb.

"You DID! Way to go, girl! Now you’re a real woman!"

"Oh Debbie…I don’t know what came over me! I’ve never touched a man before nor have I been
touched like that!" I was almost in tears.

"Tammy, honey…this doesn’t change a thing between us. You just experienced the feeling of a woman
with her man. All this feminine training and grooming has affected you. Relax and enjoy it. It’s

I finally did explain to her what we had done and not done, lest she get the wrong impression. But I kept
my fantasies to myself.

We embraced, kissed, and went to bed, snuggling together beneath the blankets. I now felt different
about everything as my thoughts reflected on what happened… and the future. I couldn’t see myself as
a "normal" man anymore or even much of a man at all. If Jerry was considered bisexual, then what was
Two weeks passed when Jerry called me to his office as I arrived for work. He closed the door, deep
kissed me, and fondled a bit. Again I responded warmly, this time with more feeling as we tongue
wrestled while I touched him on his growing member. I knew this is what he wanted and it gave me
power over him. We pulled apart and sat down as he began to discuss business before he lost control of
his desires.. Ah, the power a woman has over a man.

"Tammy, I want you to be my administrative assistant. I don’t want to share you with the patrons. I want
you near me. I’ll pay you your current salary plus whatever you made in tips. And you don’t have to wear
those heels and silly outfits!"

"You need an assistant for this small place?" I had to ask.

"This isn’t my only business. I own others too, and I really could use your help. You’re an educated and
intelligent woman."

I knew he wanted more than my help and I was ready to give it to him.

I accepted the offer, both for the reprieve from the high heels and the ability to worm into his business
operations. I hadn’t minded the short skirts. It was a real challenge to wear them and keep my panties
concealed, an almost impossible feat, but they were meant to be seen in that outfit. And an occasional
pat on the behind under the skirt wasn’t that bad, either.

Debbie was excited about the turn of events too. Better than we had expected. That evening, we had
dinner to celebrate my promotion and to plan more strategy. After dinner, we did a little shopping for
more suitable business attire and returned to our apartment for some post-dinner lovemaking. Starting
with a simple kiss, we both progressively stripped to our lingerie, kissing and fondling each other into
our bed where we finally finished undressing each other layer by layer while kissing each body part as it
was exposed. I especially loved to suckle her breasts and make her nipples erect. She was beautiful. Pity
she couldn’t reciprocate the pleasure for me.

I eventually reached Deb’s love canal where I kissed and licked her sensitive spot to the first of many
orgasms. She turned and took me into her mouth where she remained for a long time. This became our
preferred method of lovemaking, satisfactory for both of us ladies with no worries of pregnancy.
It was a nice change of pace being a clerical worker rather than a waitress. It necessitated a whole new
wardrobe of business attire. Jerry even purchased some items for me as he deemed appropriate. I
became quite adept at selecting my own outfits and accessories. I knew how I wanted to look and how
to get it. Always in dresses to show off my sensuous legs. Jerry liked that.

I had never been so fastidious as a man, but a woman has so much more to choose from…so many
variations and I loved all of them.

In time, perhaps several months, I learned of Jerry’s other enterprise. The bar and lounge was indeed
just a front. The fact that it catered to gays and transgendered made it even less obvious and provided
deeper cover. Jerry actually was acting as a broker for hot merchandise. But I needed the identity of his
sellers and buyers and who was bankrolling him. This was going to take time. The man was very crafty in
his business dealings. And time meant many more love sessions. We became very intimate friends and
he treated me like a princess. We spent so much time in bed together that he wanted me to live with
him, but I told him I would not leave my roommate, a friend since childhood. He accepted that. I never
denied him the pleasure of my body. He loved oral sex with me…it’s all he wanted… and I really enjoyed
him doing it. He couldn’t seem to get enough of the penis of a shemale.

He was especially intrigued with my stick-on breasts. Their realism. But he preferred the real things. He
was bisexual…he loved women, but preferred sex with males. With Shemales he had both. I was his
personal shemale and I accepted that with pleasure. It almost seemed Debbie enjoyed me for the same
reason. So what did that make me?

Jerry was called to make a trip to Las Vegas and invited me to go along. It was a business trip and I could
not miss it. Maybe close to a source.

I packed, with Deb’s assist, and left on the trip. It was to be a two week event, I was told. I was on my
own. My partner could not go with, nor could she be seen there anywhere near me. By this time, Jerry
had met her many times and might recognize her. At Jerry’s insistence, we traveled as husband and wife
ostensibly for his convenience, although I didn’t know why. Now I was a married woman! So I dressed
and conducted myself as one as much as possible. I wanted to make him proud of his wife. He even gave
me an appropriate ring to wear.
We checked into our hotel as Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson. We freshened up and hit the casino’s for a few
hours. Then we returned to our room and went to bed. By this time, I was content sleeping with him.
And I wore my prettiest nightgown and undies to keep him interested. I had to maintain influence over

I learned that as his wife, his clients wouldn’t hit on me to sleep with them, hence the disguise.

I attended a few meetings with Jerry, where I met some of the clients. We met in various hotel rooms,
very casual, very private. Of course, I played the role of the loving and attentive wife as well as his
business assistant. I couldn’t associate anybody with anything suspicious, but I remembered names and
faces for the future. They all seemed to come from South America. Although they’d often speak Spanish
to each other, their conversations even in English with Jerry were very cryptic. I felt they didn’t trust me,
but then, why should they?

I figured I’d get Jerry in a mellow mood, in private, and pump him for information. That night, in bed, I
began the foreplay, leading to some heavy lovemaking (My male inhibitions totally gone, I had come to
enjoy it as much as he did). During the course of our activity, while he was nibbling on my phony nipples,
I casually threw out some random questions about this excursion to Vegas, and his clients. He disclosed
that these were sellers of some merchandise he was acquiring. He told me he was a broker for imported
artwork. A sideline he was into.

Okay….the first step. Now what was their source? We didn’t need the sellers as much as the origin of the
goods. The Mother Lode, so to speak.

All in time.

Jerry scheduled me for a facial and makeover one morning while he was to be gambling with his friends.
I graciously accepted and he drove me to a spa where it was to be performed. I was instructed to
disrobe and given a white lab coat type gown to wear. It was to take a full day…a steam bath, massage,
facial…the works. They tried to make me very comfortable. I was offered a reclining chair, told to relax
and given a beverage to enjoy. I started to read a magazine. That’s the last thing I remember till I awoke
the next morning in a what appeared to be a clinic of some sort. Certainly not the spa where I started. I
was a little sore under my arms, and my face felt the effects of a bad sunburn. I was still very groggy
from some type of medication or drug. A nurse entered to check on me. I asked her where I was and
what happened. She gave me a vague answer, something about pain medicine, and left to summon a

"Hello Ms. Johnson. I’m Doctor "Bob." You’ve been given some special treatments. You’ll be fine. Your
husband is coming to get you in an hour so you may get dressed whenever you feel ready."

"Doctor, what treatment? Why am I here? Did I have an accident? Where is this place? What

It appeared like a side street clinic where no one uses their last names nor asks many questions. Often
times, abortions or other illegal procedures are conducted in these places

"Oh, your husband sent you here. A surprise gift to you, he said. You’ve had breast implants and laser
treatment on your face. We also applied tattooed makeup on you for permanence. He said they were
things you always wanted. What a thoughtful man you have," the doctor said, all smiles. "A bit
unorthodox maybe, but thoughtful. You’ll be sore for a few days, but otherwise fine. Just don’t use your
arms too much. We inserted saline implants through your underarms so you’ll find some dressings there
but you’ll have minimal scarring. I suggest you wear the surgical bra we’ve provided day and night for a
couple of weeks until your skin adjusts to the new dimensions. And I’ll give you some pain pills to take as

"Doctor, what exactly is tattooed makeup?"

I’d never heard of that.

"Ah yes…Your lips are now dyed permanently red, your cheeks are tinted with a permanent blush, your
eyelids are permanently lined, and your eyebrows are permanently contoured and darkened. You’ll save
a lot of time and money not having to apply makeup each day. And in a short time, it will all look very
natural. Of course, you may want to add a touch of lipstick to alter the color a bit. We’ve had a great
deal of success with this treatment. Professional models do this."
I cringed every time he said the word *permanent.* Was I to be a *permanent* woman now? Yes, I
guess so…that, or a very pretty guy from now on!

And the breasts…I was shocked! The weight I now felt on my chest was really me! And no more beard!
No more shaving! Well, I could certainly live without the shaving, but these breasts and the makeup are
PERMANENT! I was now truly a shemale!

I gently caressed them and felt the twinge of pain when the nipples were pinched. They were indeed my
own flesh. I really had mixed emotions about this whole thing. Obviously, there was no turning back, but
then, I don’t think I could’ve been much of a man anymore anyway. I had become too adjusted to living
and behaving as a woman…too effeminate.

Jerry arrived as I finished getting dressed, still a bit groggy. Somehow, my clothes had been transported
with me. He sure had this all planned, the crafty fox!

He kissed me passionately before I could say anything and of course, I returned the kiss. He then went
on to explain what he had done. He knew if he had told me in advance, I’d have refused, but having
several times wished for my own breasts, he figured it’s what I really wanted, so he granted my wish
adding a few bonuses. How could I hate him? I jokingly commented about hormones, but he said he
didn’t want to lose my erections. How could I deny him? Good thing I hadn’t wished for a vagina!

I was sore for several days from the surgery and the facial treatments. I wore the sturdy surgical bra to
support my new bosom, and moved very slowly. Also, looking like I lost a fight, I felt self-conscious about
the swelling in my face, but it went down rapidly. During this time Jerry did some gambling at our hotel
and left me to convalesce. I relied upon room service for meals and spent my time watching television. I
also re-arranged my wardrobe for my new figure. I packed the breastforms away as well as most of my
makeup. They were history.

This time alone gave me time to plan my strategy for gleaning more information. I needed to know
when Jerry’s shipment would arrive and from where. How to get that info….???

Three days in a hotel room and I was going crazy. Television and room service….enough!
I felt much better and begged Jerry to take me somewhere, so he rented a car and we toured Hoover
Dam. In the course of our conversations, he mentioned that we had to get home to receive his
shipment. He wanted me to help with the inventory of it’s contents. This was my opportunity. I acted as
though it was a routine request and let it pass.

We completed our tour, had a lovely day driving around the area of Las Vegas and nearby Henderson
and returned to our hotel where Jerry arranged our return trip home. I have to admit, it was a nice
vacation, my first, traveling as a woman. Being pampered and cared for is a nice change from the male
role of being responsible for everything.

It was good to be home and to see Debbie again. I really missed her. She almost fainted when she saw
the new ME! The real bosom with real cleavage, the colors on my face…so natural looking
complementing my long black hair. I now had the appearance of a professional model. I filled her in on
all the details, both of our meeting with Jerry’s clients and my personal experiences with the makeover
and how it wasn’t my choice but one I’d have to live with. Deb was very understanding and, appeared to
be delighted with my latest transformation. The whole thing further enhanced our lovemaking as we
made up for lost time. There was a feeling of genuine passion between us…I truly loved this woman. If
she once mentioned she didn’t see me as a man in a dress, what is she seeing now? I’m hardly even a
male anymore!

Back at the club, everything seemed as though we had never left. The shipment of art arrived the day
after we did. I carefully inventoried each item both for Jerry and, surreptitiously, for the police. The
source was indeed South America. I gave Deb a list of the contents which she forwarded to Bruce.

From that information, and with international cooperation, they were able to trace the origin of the
goods. It was artwork confiscated by the Nazis during WW2 and again, stolen by the Allies after the war
and hidden in Argentina. With military efficiency, the stuff had been well documented, complete with
the original sources and estimated value at the time they were acquired. This was all very useful in
tracing the origin. Jerry was just a middle man to handle the transactions in the US and The 19th Hole
lounge was used to launder the money. He was bankrolled by the people in South America and was their
With the cooperation of Interpol, and US government agencies, the operation was terminated at the
source and the majority of the artwork was recovered and returned to Europe. Working from that
direction and from tips, the authorities ostensibly tracked down Jerry’s operation and arrested everyone
involved, including me in a massive raid of the bar. With the other ladies, I was sent to a woman’s lockup
and held until my *girlfriend* Debbie came to bail me out. It was made to look like I was just a
bystander in the situation…a bar hostess who happened to be there at the time of the raid, along with
the other low level employees, for the purpose of media coverage. All not uncommon. I was to silently
fade into obscurity after the raid.

Jerry and his other more prominent helpers were initially charged with possession of stolen property
and held for trial. More charges were to follow, I’m sure. There was no one left to bail him out. I felt bad,
but I had to vanish.

After a short vacation, Debbie and I reported to Bruce in his office where she had to re-introduce me to
Bruce in a different form. He obviously didn’t recognize me. In fact he’d never seen me crossdressed so
he didn’t know what to expect. And now, I’d become a well dressed, well endowed, stunning woman in
every aspect. This whole detail had taken over a year and a half and was a total success for him. Debbie
explained in her report everything that had happened, especially to me, the sacrifices I’d made, the non-
reversible bodily changes, the danger I had been placed into…not to mention the psychological
transformation that had affected me, which Bruce then reported to his superiors with embellishment. I
had undergone everything but a total sex change.

There was no doubt that I could no longer be a street cop….nor did I want to be one. I wasn’t sure I even
wished to remain in police work of any nature.

Without the usual fanfare, I received a commendation for my successful effort and personal sacrifice,
along with a promotion to Inspector, working in the sex crimes division. That’s an unusually big step for
a patrolman, but it so "happened" that there was an opening for a female Inspector because it was felt
that a woman could oversee the staff and victims better and I was qualified to fill the position both for
my gender and background. Yes, I was considered a female employee now. And it satisfied the EEOC

Of course, I accepted the position with gratitude, along with the substantial salary increase. After all that
I had been through, it was the least they could do and they knew it. (Actually, I now felt the gender
bending was the best thing that ever happened to me, but I’d never admit it to my superiors.)
I was well received within the division where I was introduced as a transfer from another city. I think my
physical appearance went a long way to assure my acceptance. The power of a pretty woman.

Deb was promoted to Sergeant within her own group. The department decided to keep the whole
matter quiet, especially my gender swap, to avoid any embarrassment to all parties involved, namely
me. In return, I signed a waiver of any litigation resulting from my involuntary gender transformation or
physical alterations occurring in the line of duty.

Debbie and I were married by a judge shortly after our promotions. We had a simple wedding with two
brides in attendance…of course, one was legally a male.

I was to spend the rest of my life in contentment as a woman living with my *girlfriend* and, secretly,
my wife. And the job was a perfect fit for me since it indeed needed an experienced "woman’s touch."
At last, I had found happiness. Oh, and I didn’t further pursue any male sexual attention.

Š 2000

The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must
contact the author for permission.


by Annalise Barker

PC Marcus Bell had been a policeman for a little over three years, serving in a rather nice area in the
Metropolitan Police area in West London. It was his first posting and was starting to really get to know
his area, and a lot of the people that lived and worked in it. Most of the colleagues he had joined with
had ended up in very different areas to himself, places such as Brixton, Croydon, Romford as well as
locations including the famous West End Central in the heart of the capital. To be honest, Marcus had
enjoyed his time so far, but occasionally felt he missed out on some of the action. Yes they had their fair
share of busy moments, but it was altogether a different ball game to many other places.

Tuesday started like any other day when he was on an early shift. Tea making was no longer his job, so
the new boy Jack had to get the kettle on for the coffees and teas first thing. Half an hour later Marcus
had his head buried in paperwork as usual, when the inspector walked in. "PC Bell, can I see you in my

Marcus was scratching his head thinking what he had done wrong as he headed into the office. "Sit
down. And relax, you are not in trouble." Marcus inwardly sighed with relief. "Do you know Highland
Grove; it is on your beat?"

"Yes I know it. We don’t get too many jobs down there to be honest, but I do know it. It’s a rather
exclusive private residential street just off Bywaters Road," replied Marcus. "Correct. Undoubtedly the
vast majority of people who live there are perfectly law-abiding, decent folk, but we have two houses
down there that our people have been watching for some time. Have you noticed anything odd in
passing in that neck of the woods?" asked the inspector. Marcus shook his head. "No Sir, I haven’t."

"Right then, listen, Marcus. It is Marcus isn’t it?" Marcus nodded, so the inspector continued. "There are
two women who live next door to each other at numbers 24 and 26. Outwardly they are perfectly
respectable. Both are divorcees, in their late thirties, and it seems that they jointly run some kind of mail
order business from there. Again, nothing wrong with that, other than some discrepancies with the odd
tax return. The Inland Revenue have sent an investigator to talk to these women over the past six
months, but he has since gone missing. The problem is that we have had no grounds to go and search
the houses. Of course the women have been spoken to, but claim they have never seen the man. This
time we want to put in our own officer, someone reasonably young, but this time we shall say he is from
Trading Standards – something official again, with power to go into the premises. What we don’t want
to do is charge in with all guns blazing, so-to-speak, and blow the whole investigation. The crux of this is
that I have consulted the powers that be, plus your own superiors, and you have been selected for this
challenging role. What do you say?"
Marcus has listened intently while the inspector had talked, but when the final question came, it took
him by surprise and he was a little stuck for words. "Why me? Do you think I would be up to it? I don’t
know about this…" he stuttered. The inspector began to reassure him and explained that up to ten other
officers had been considered and then rejected. They had studied various attributes of each officer, and
the conclusion was that Marcus Bell would be the man for the job. "Need I say that this will be looked on
favourably in the future, when you move on to bigger and better things. I’ll leave it with you for a few
days, just to think it over, but get back to me as soon as you come to a decision."

He did think about it long and hard, but he realised that much thinking had gone into this by officers far
more experienced than him, and that in the end he was just doing his job. By the Thursday he was back
in the inspector’s office and was given the details of his new role. They were joined by a sergeant from a
covert undercover team who briefed him on the finer arts of the type of work he was to start. It was a
long day, and by 4 o’clock Marcus was exhausted, both physically and mentally. The following day was
much the same, and he was glad to finish and get the weekend off.

Monday came and there was Marcus standing back in the same office, this time with no police uniform,
but instead a normal suit, not too expensive, not too cheap. He had to look the part, and was given
much of the same paperwork as a Trading Standards officer would carry. The last words came from the
inspector. "Remember to leave your warrant card behind. It would be a bit of a giveaway if that were to
drop out at a crucial moment."

An hour later he was being dropped off at the top of Highland Grove and walked down to the front of
Number 24. He had walked down here before, but this time he stood and looked straight at the front of
this magnificent house. Goodness knows how many bedrooms the place had, but it was huge from what
he could see of it, and seemed to stretch back a long way too. There was a long driveway that led up to
the house. It was quite sheltered by maturing trees, and the ground floor of the house was pretty much
hidden from the road.

Marcus walked up to the front door and pressed the bell. It took several seconds before he finally heard
footsteps coming to the door, and then it opened in front of him. What stood before him was a
glamorous woman, possibly around 38 years old, with long, flowing blond hair, swept back off her
neckline and held with just a single butterfly hair clip on one side. Her face was beautifully made up,
with a deep red lipstick, brown eye shadow and eyes carefully defined with eyeliner and mascara. She
seemed to have a flawless complexion from where he was standing, enhanced by a delicate touch of
blusher. On her top she wore a cream-coloured blouse through which Marcus could see a pretty white
lacy bra and with his experienced eye he could see she had lovely breasts. When he tore his eyes off
them he saw she was wearing a long black pencil skirt that came down to just above her ankles. She
wore black tights or stockings and had some high heels on, accentuating her feminine style and grace.

The woman could hardly fail to see the way Marcus looked at her. He wished he could say that it was a
purely professional appraisal, but that would be denying his manhood, and the natural urges that went
with it. "Can I help you young man?" she asked. Marcus was almost twenty-five, and it was rare that
anyone other than old ladies called him ‘young man’. He was not offended, but felt strangely
apprehensive. There was no logical reason to feel like that; the woman was charming, beautiful, and
clearly not short of a few quid. "Eh, yes," he mumbled, before regaining his confidence. "I’m Marc
Bellow from Trading Standards. I understand you have been running a business from this house for a
few months. If that is the case, I am required to inspect your premises and the products you are selling
to make sure you are falling within our standards for this type of business."

"I’m honoured. I never realised there were so many rules and regulations for running a little business
like mine. Come in, come in." She closed the door behind them and led the way through the grand
hallway out to the rear of the house through into a conservatory where he was astonished to see a 25-
metre swimming pool covered with glass walls and ceiling. There was a wide surround to the pool, with
a table and chairs on the right. Then he noticed another woman swimming towards him in the pool. She
looked a similar age to the first woman, but had long, dark brown hair, flowing behind her in the water.
He could see she had a swimming costume on, but it was difficult to make out under the water. "Is that
a visitor I see before me? Why didn’t you tell me Carolyn? I would have dressed," said the woman in the
pool with a mock scolding tone to her voice.

"Now Amanda! I don’t have to tell you everything, and anyway I wasn’t expecting him either. This lovely
man has come to speak to us about the business. He is from Trading Standards," the first woman

"Why don’t you come in for a dip?" asked the woman he now knew as Amanda, still swimming towards
him. "What a brilliant idea," said Carolyn. "In fact I insist. I won’t answer any of you questions until you

Marcus knew this was far from normal practice for any type of officer, but what was he to do. If he
turned around now, it would all be for nothing. ‘What harm could it do?’ he thought. "I haven’t got
anything to wear." Before he had gone any further, Carolyn handed him a pair of swimming shorts and
pointed him towards a screen that he could change behind. Three minutes later he was changed and
swimming alongside Amanda. She was a graceful swimmer, and close up, was every bit as attractive as
her friend.

Meanwhile Carolyn was moving Marcus’ clothes out to the front, in order that she too could get
changed behind the screen. A few moments later she emerged wearing a miniscule bright pink swimsuit.
The top part only just held up her breasts, whilst the bottom was just a connecting thong. When she
turned around to lay her skirt over one of the chairs, he saw a great big bow at the top of the thong –
very flirty. She slipped into the pool and the three swam alongside each other for a few lengths of the

Afterwards they stood and talked for a while. The conversation was not about anything much. It seemed
as if neither he, nor they, wanted to pry too much. When they finally climbed out, Marcus saw that
Amanda had the same style of swimsuit, but in a bright red colour, and had an equally great body. He
was really struggling to keep his eyes averted from both girls’ suits. "Are you okay Marc?" asked Carolyn.
"Yes, fine thanks," he replied. Carolyn continued, "Are you hungry? Of course you are. I have been so
rude. I’ll fix a bite of lunch for us all."

With that she disappeared, leaving Marcus with the gorgeous Amanda. They looked rather similar in
many ways, and he began to wonder aloud if they were sisters. "Yes we are," she answered. "You are
very observant… and do you know you have a great body too?" Marcus went a little red at this remark,
which seemed to please Amanda. He did not consider himself to have much of a body and it normally
embarrassed him at the gym. He had tried to build himself up, partly for the job he did, but he had quite
a small frame, and could never see much of a difference for all the effort he put in. "Thank you," he
replied. The conversation moved back onto boring day-to-day topics, until Carolyn reappeared with
lunch on a large tray. She had not bothered getting changed and just looked great in her pink swimsuit.
"Would you like to be Mum?" Carolyn asked. "Of course," said Marcus. "Oh, before you do that, let me
just give you this." Marcus turned towards her and was suddenly enveloped in a cloud of some sweet-
smelling spray. Before he had the chance to react, his head started to spin, and he lost consciousness.

Marcus awoke, not knowing how long he had been out of it. He was alone in a large bedroom, lying in a
huge four-poster bed, but his arms were held with two wide leather straps. The swimming shorts were
gone, and he was naked as the day he was born. He started to feel a tide of rising panic, thinking of what
had happened to the other man. "Help, help," he shouted. No answer, nothing. He estimated another
ten minutes had gone by when he heard the sound of approaching footsteps. "Help," he called again.
The door swung open and Carolyn stood there in the outfit that he had seen her in on his arrival. "Hello
Marcus Bell, how are you feeling? Before you ask, I found your police warrant card in your trouser
pocket. My, my, don’t they get younger every day. You are far too lovely to be a policeman. What are
we going to do with you now?"

Marcus stayed silent now. He had been discovered by exactly the thing the inspector had told him to
leave behind. Now he was really nervous. At that moment Amanda walked in and stood next to her
sister. She too had changed out of her swimsuit, but was wearing a skin-tight black PVC outfit. She
already had an amazing body and this suit just made all the good bits look better. She had a tiny skirt on,
from under which he could see four suspender straps poking out, to hold up a pair of fantastically sheer
black stockings with beautiful lacy tops. She had thigh-high shiny patent leather boots. On her top was a
sleeveless and backless crop-top that squeezed her breasts together and upwards. Her hair was tied up
on the top of her head and her make up was perfect; bright red lipstick, strong blusher and pink eye
shadow. She had a studded black leather choker around her neck with matching studded leather
bracelets. Then he noticed a small whip in her right hand, and his heart began to pound faster.
"Amanda, have some patience my girl. Let’s give the boy a chance. We shall do it my way first, and if
that fails, well then let’s look at other ways."

"Gosh you are so boring sometimes," joked Amanda. Clearly she had more of an urge to get on with
whatever it was they had planned for the helpless boy laying on the bed. "What are you going to do to
me?" quaked Marcus.

"We’d like you to stay with us," said Carolyn, in a very matter-of-fact manner. "We want you to share in
some of the things that we experience. Things you may have only dreamt of in the past. Or maybe things
you have never in a million years dreamt of. Possibly both, who knows? Am I confusing you yet?"

Marcus was more than a little confused. "Why am I tied up like this? I’m no threat to you." Carolyn’s
expression said it all. "Excuse me! You come in here as an undercover cop, clearly with some secret
mission, and you say you are no threat! I don’t know what you people think we do here, but we are not

"Okay, so where did the other man go? The inspector from the Inland Revenue?" asked Marcus. "Ah so
that’s what this is all about," said Amanda. "I had a horrible feeling that might come back and bite us on
the bum."
Carolyn began to talk again. "That man is no longer. But it’s not what you think. No harm came to him.
He’s fine. In fact he has never felt better in his life, loves life like never before. That is because we
opened up a whole new world to him, a world he had lived alongside for his whole life, but wasn’t really
aware of until he met us, came to our house."

"What are you on about?" whispered Marcus. "Are you two completely mad? Don’t you think my
colleagues will come looking for me?"

"Marcus my sweet, of course they will come looking for you, and I will tell them that you came and
went. It will be days before they come back again, and by then the problem will be sorted. As for your
first question, it will be answered in due course," said Carolyn. With that she stepped forward and
sprayed again.

He woke up again and felt different. His chest felt a little sore and his member was feeling numb.
Amanda walked in holding a tiny pair of black silky panties. She told him to relax or else, and slipped the
panties up his legs. Marcus had only ever worn cotton boxers before, and even in his restricted state,
these felt wonderful as they slid up his legs. When he looked down, he saw that the blond hair that had
previously covered his chest and legs was gone. His mind started to race, racking his brain to think what
was going on. Amanda stayed quiet as she began to rub his cock through the shiny material and Marcus
quickly lost his train of thought. He lasted all of about thirty seconds before he erupted into the panties
and collapsed back onto the bed. Amanda removed the panties and cleaned him up with tissues. "Did
you enjoy that my pretty little girlfriend?" Before Marcus had chance to realise the significance of what
was said, she was gone.

This happened twice more that morning, but the second time Amanda had brought in a silky black bra
and laid it across his sensitised chest. As she brought him to climax, she began to caress his nipples
through the bra material. After the third time, Carolyn returned and sprayed him again.

When Marcus awoke this time, Carolyn was standing at the end of the bed, dressed in beautiful lingerie.
She had high heels that complimented her long legs clad in cream stockings. At the top of the fantastic
legs, the stockings were clipped to four suspender straps hanging from an extremely feminine delicate
white lacy Basque with a classic under-wired bra. She wore a white four-strand pearl choker around her
neck, with her hair tied up in two ponytails and make up that was as flawless as earlier. Marcus could
barely contain himself. "Like what you see?" she asked. He didn’t answer that before she walked slowly
around the side of the bed and climbed gently onto the bed, kneeling astride the helpless policeman.
She reached down and took hold of his cock and began to stroke it playfully until it was rock-hard. With
her other hand she reached down and began rub his balls, around the sides and behind near to his other
hole. The feeling was mind-blowing, but just when Marc thought it could not get any better, Carolyn
forward and carefully slipped his now fully erect cock inside her and began to move, up and down,
backwards and forwards, riding him until he was screaming. He could feel her squeezing him inside.
Never in all his life had he been fucked like this. This woman had control over him like no other; Marcus
did not consider himself unadventurous, but he did prefer to be on top and in charge. This was about as
far from being in charge as he could get; this gorgeous woman, 13 years his senior, had him tied up and
was screwing him like he was the girl, totally defenceless and under her control. "How was that my
pretty one?" when Marcus finally came inside her. His head was swimming as he pumped his juices into
her and before he could answer, Carolyn reached behind her before spraying him again.

This time when he woke, the straps had gone. When he checked the door, it was locked tight. He began
to explore the room and discovered the wardrobe was stuffed full of clothes, but they were all women’s
clothing. Then he looked in the drawers. They too were full, but only with delicate, feminine lingerie, the
type he had seen Carolyn wearing earlier. Apart from these there was nothing at all to wear. He was still
naked and felt very vulnerable. He noticed that both of his upper arms ached, and when he checked, he
saw several tiny injection marks in each one. He was still very tired and wasn’t sure what was going on.
The frightened feeling he had felt earlier had gone, and he felt himself starting to wonder about what all
these clothes felt like. Why was he having these new feelings? He wasn’t a girl, he was a boy; he had a
job, but Marcus couldn’t remember what it was. He could not recall why he was at this strange house,
but he could definitely remember Amanda and Carolyn. He was getting cold by this time, and decided to
try on some of the clothing that was there in the room. Although still not sure what he was doing or
why, he reached for the drawer that contained the lingerie and pulled out a silky black thong. It took
him a minute to work out which way round the garment was supposed to face, but then he took each
leg in turn, and put it into the opening. The smooth material slipped up his hairless legs and the panties
were a remarkably good fit. He wasn’t sure, but it seemed as if he had hips that the thong sat on,
womanly hips, broad, leading up to a neat, girlish waist. He thought his mind was playing tricks on him,
until he found himself drawn to the selection of sexy bras in the next drawer. Why would he need one of
these? When he glanced down to his chest, he knew why. He had breasts. They weren’t huge, but they
were certainly women’s breasts needing support. In his dazed state, Marcus failed miserably in trying to
fasten the bra behind his back and started to get upset. What was going on? And why was he getting so
emotional about it? Maybe he could find something to keep his legs warm instead. The next drawer had
more tights and stockings than he had ever seen before. There were all the colours in the rainbow, some
soft thick material, and others were the sheerest fine nylons in existence. Despite his cold, Marcus
picked out a pair of sheer black Lycra tights, perhaps only a 7 denier. He sat down on the side of the bed
and began to pull up the first leg. In a moment, the tights were ruined, laddered to hell. Now a few tears
began to roll down his cheeks. He lay back onto the bed and cried himself back into a deep sleep.
"Chantelle, wake up, Chantelle," cooed Carolyn in her ear. "She’s still out of it Caro; perhaps we should
leave it another hour. She will have a lot of adjusting to do, getting used to her new body, and her new
mind too," whispered Amanda. "I can’t believe how well it has worked this time. This is the one we’ve
been waiting for. What did you do with that last batch?"

"Shush, I think she’s coming round," said Carolyn. "Where am I? What happened? Carolyn, Amanda,
help me," cried the newly awoken Chantelle. "Don’t worry we’re here for you now my pretty. We’ll give
you all the help you need. You’re safe now," comforted Carolyn. She took the girl before her into her
arms and held her tight against her bosom, rocking gently backwards and forwards on the side of the
four-poster bed. "There, there. Everything’s going to be alright. There’s nothing to be scared of; you’re
with friends. We are here for you now," she whispered.

The two sisters had triumphed. For several years now, they had been running a successful business for
women across Europe. They had been selling a drug that enabled strong-minded women to turn over-
bearing partners and husbands into simpering little she-males. Most of the work was done through
specific mind techniques, cultivated over many years of trial, and the occasional error. When they
started, demand had been small, but with the right advertising, business had boomed. Never in their
wildest dreams did they realise there were so many women out there who would happily trade a strong
successful man for a beautiful maid, willing to do anything at her beck and call. Where the drug had
come in was the next stage beyond simply dressing up their partner and humiliating them in their own
home. Queries had started to arrive asking about changing their men for good, both physically and
mentally. Results had been mixed, but had improved over the years. The final transformation had
seemed impossible back then, but now they had finally perfected it. A combination of a hypnotic spray
and specially doctored female hormones, administered by subcutaneous injection. Here in front of them
was a girl for all to see. She was pretty, feminine, and 100% female both in body and mind. Of course
she had a lot to learn about the finer arts of femininity, but the raw materials were there, and now when
the police arrive, which they were certain to, they would only find three beautiful women at the house.

Over the next few days, the two women slowly helped Chantelle come to terms with her womanhood.
They had to tread gently; a natural born girl has years to perfect her femininity, watching her body
change before her eyes in puberty, then dressing in grown up clothes. From the plain clothes of
girlhood, she learns the wonders of soft materials against her body, the seductive allure that clothing
can have. She slowly begins appreciating the power that women hold over men; a subtle power, that
even men do not always realise they have over them. All this was to be taught to Chantelle in just a few
By the start of day three, Amanda entered her bedroom to help her dress. "You’re up!" she exclaimed.
Chantelle was standing before her dressed. When she had awoken 45 minutes earlier, Chantelle had
decided to impress her tutors and mentors. She had quickly showered, and dried her hair with the blow
drier and diffuser, before carefully putting her smooth brunette locks into a French plait on the back of
her head. She reached to the lingerie drawers, selected a pair of lacy panties in a delicate lilac colour and
slid them up her shapely legs. Of course they now sat just right on her wide hips, and her full bottom
filled them beautifully. A matching lacy bra and short silk slip completed the underwear look. The bra
had taken some mastering, or should she say ‘mistressing’, but she had got there in the end. It seemed
so much easier doing it the way Carolyn had showed her; clip it together at the front, turn it around and
gently ease each cup in turn over her pert breasts, before slipping the straps over her shoulders. Once
on, she could feel the weight of her breast gently pulling on the straps, and it made her feel all grown
up. Chantelle was not even sure how old she was, but it didn’t seem to matter. Everything was new and
exciting, even if she still had some apprehensions, but Amanda and Carolyn were there for her to keep
her safe, and Chantelle loved them for it.

She had tried on many different pairs of tights and stockings over her first few days of womanhood, and
although she loved the allure and sexiness of stockings and suspenders, tights were just so much more
comfortable. Okay, not for going out with a boy, but she was spending the day around the house, so she
would wear what she felt happy in. Amanda had been visiting more often lately, and would often just
come and talk. They would talk about all things girly – clothes, make-up, perfume, hair, and lately, about
boys. Amanda had occasionally brought magazines into the bedroom and they had sat together looking
at pictures of boy-bands, body builders, footballers… There were fantasy magazines too, with gorgeous
men dressed up in builders’ outfits, businessmen, firemen, policemen, doctors, lifeguards etc. Chantelle
confided in Amanda one day, that uniforms made her feel all funny inside. She wasn’t sure why, but it
was a nice feeling. Amanda smiled to herself.

The girls had been so nice in providing such a lovely choice of clothes for her wardrobe, that Chantelle
had great difficulty in picking out her outfit. There were skirts, dresses, blouses, skirt suits, sarongs,
swimsuits and bikinis, lovely tennis outfits, and even some fabulous lycra leotards for her aerobics and
ballet sessions, as well as other items for special occasions such as ball-gowns and cocktails dresses. In
the end she decided on something simple; a plain short black skirt with a cream blouse, both of which
accentuated all her feminine curves. In such a short time she had learned to adore the feel of wearing
skirts; all types of skirt. A long skirt is just so classy. It’s warm, but also feels so free; nothing trapping
your legs. If it’s a tight one, your feet have to take small, delicate steps, so feminine-like. Chantelle
particularly loved wearing short flared, pleated skirts. They are so flirty, and you feel as free as a bird
underneath. It is almost like you aren’t wearing anything at all, with the feeling of the breeze going up
your skirt. The one time she had been allowed out into the rear garden, she had been wearing a skirt like
this one, and it was a feeling like she had never experienced. The garden was bounded by high trees and
thick bushes, with no chance of anyone overlooking it. Something had come over Chantelle and she had
just felt the desire to run and skip across the extensive lawns. No tights today, so the warm breeze had
been gently playing on her silky-smooth thighs as she had played. Amanda and Carolyn had watched
Chantelle from the terrace and had laughed together, enjoying her pleasure almost as much as

One time, the previous afternoon, Chantelle had been a bit naughty. Amanda had told her exactly what
to wear, which included a short, flared, black pleated skirt, with a pair of full knickers underneath.
Amanda had said to meet her downstairs in two minutes, but before Chantelle had joined her, she had
slipped off her knickers and pulled on one of her sheer thongs. The feeling of the soft material going up
her thighs, before nestling between her cheeks, was heavenly. Of course neither Carolyn or Amanda
would notice, and she had felt a surge of excitement at being a very bad girl as she smoothed out her

Chantelle finished off applying her luscious red lipstick and lip gloss, and headed down to meet her
teachers. As she descended the long staircase, the door chime sounded. She froze on the stairs. She
wasn’t sure what she was nervous about, but she had never met anyone other than her two mentors.
Her memory of events before coming to the house was gone and she did not know what to expect from
the outside world. In what seemed like an eternity, she waited, before Carolyn finally emerged from the
dining room and headed towards the front door. As she glided across the hallway, Carolyn noticed
Chantelle standing on the staircase. "Don’t worry darling. You stay there, and I’ll see who is calling. Just
remember – we are always going to be here to protect you."

Carolyn opened the large door and began to talk to the callers. After a minute, Carolyn said, "Of course.
Come right in gentlemen."

Chantelle watched from her high position on the stairs as two be-suited men walk into the hallway.
"Amanda, Chantelle! Could you come to the hall please," called Carolyn. After a few seconds, Amanda
walked out from the conservatory area. She must have been swimming when the door chime had rung,
and was just pulling on a long silk flimsy cream-coloured dressing gown as she entered the hall.
Chantelle could see she was wearing a sleek purple Lycra swimming costume, that didn’t leave much to
the imagination. The high cut legs accentuated her womanhood, and highlighted her rounded hips at
the top of her smooth, trim thighs. Amanda’s breasts were as good as any of the top models, and
Chantelle could see that this was clearly not lost on the two men watching her entry. She was clearly
teasing them as she pulled the slinky material tight against her, outlining her breasts through the fabric.
"Good afternoon gentlemen," asked Amanda. "What do we owe the pleasure?"

"These fine fellows want to ask us some questions," Carolyn answered for them. "They are policemen
doing house to house enquiries."

"Yes ladies; we are investigating a missing person and…" the taller of the two started to say."

"Chantelle! Chantelle! Could you come down here," Carolyn called. "There are two policemen here that
would like to ask us some questions." Chantelle slowly walked down the long staircase, and she could
see the eyes of both men were locked on her as she took each delicate step. She looked down, shyly,
but glanced up to see they were not just looking at her beautifully made-up face, but checking her out
all over her body. As far as she could remember, she had not actually met any real men before, so this
was a new experience for her. She reached the bottom of the stairs and it took Carolyn to break the
silence. "Well what can we help you with officers?"

"Eh, yes," the man started again, struggling to avert his gaze at the 25 year old babe standing in front of
them. "As I said, we are looking into the disappearance of a man in this area. He was believed to have
been last seen on this road last Monday, and according to his friends and relatives, there is no obvious
reason why he would have not returned, or at the very least contact them." The man then described the
‘missing’ person to the women in front of him, before Amanda asked him what the missing person was
doing in their road. "Eh, well, he, eh, he was working for Trading Standards." Amanda and Carolyn both
expressed their concern for his welfare, but said they had no knowledge of seeing anyone matching that
description. The same officer turned to Chantelle. "And you madam? I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name…
have you seen anyone like this in the area?"

Chantelle hesitated. Something about what he had been saying sounded familiar, but she had no idea
what. In her delicate feminine voice she answered, "No, I’m sorry, I haven’t really been out this week. I
haven’t seen anyone. I hope his family are coping alright. Oh, and my name is Chantelle." The two men
were almost drooling when she had finished replying to their question. Carolyn interrupted their stares,
"Is there anything else we can do for you officers? Would you like a drink or something to eat while you
are here? You must be exhausted asking all these questions. I have always admired the police force. You
have such a hard job to do. Please let us make something for you."
The men clearly knew they should be getting on, but were fighting with their natural urges to stay in the
presence of three such beautiful women. "Well I’m sure that a cup of tea would not hurt. I am rather
thirsty," said the smaller of the two officers as he spoke for the first time.

They all went through to the swimming area and sat down on the chairs at the side. "Perhaps you might
feel more refreshed after a dip in our pool? We have some shorts you can borrow," Amanda teased
them. Before they could answer, she had slipped off her gown, revealing her slender body in all its glory.
"Chantelle. Go and take off that skirt and get some swimwear on." Amanda reached behind the screen
and pulled out the shorts, handing them to the two men before they could say a word. "The screen is
there should you wish to preserve your modesty!" She winked seductively at them. Even though they
were both seasoned detectives, both men blushed profusely and Amanda laughed to herself. After a
minute or so, the men came out from the screen, just in time to watch Amanda sliding into the water.
She turned to them and flipped her hair back. "Come on then boys. What are you waiting for?" They
looked at each other before jumping in beside her. Several minutes of laughing and splashing went by,
during which Carolyn came in and carefully folded the clothing left by the men behind the screen. With
all the fun they were having, this went unnoticed, and Carolyn smiled to herself as she walked out.

Moments later, the men stopped what they were doing, in an almost involuntary reaction. A vision of
feminine beauty was room, as Chantelle walked in wearing a similar outfit that Carolyn had worn on that
first day. The bright pink bikini thong was clearly having a devastating affect on the two men in the pool.
It rose up between her legs, dividing her womanhood in two halves. The strings wound horizontally
across her high hips, and when she turned, they could see this continued across her back above her
fantastic round bottom to the centre where it was finished off with the large pink bow. There wasn’t
much more to the bikini bra top; fine pink string connecting the two small triangles of silky fabric
covering Chantelle’s beautiful pert breasts. Faintly outlined in the fabric were clearly female nipples.
"Chantelle, you look a vision," called out Amanda. "What do you think boys?" Neither of the men even
heard the question, and in a moment, were at the edge of the pool, and helping Chantelle into the pool.
She slid down into the water, and in doing so could not help but be touched by the men standing so
close by her side. The feeling of their skin against hers was electric and sent shivers up her spine. The
smaller, and younger of the two accidentally brushed his hand across her left breast, and quickly
apologised, blushing in doing so. "That’s okay. It felt quite nice actually," she flirted for the first time in
her new life. She moved a little closer and could feel his breath on the side of her face and across her
ear. More shivers. She turned to say something to him, but instead met his lips against hers. It was a
shock, but a pleasant one, and the two began to kiss, slowly at first. Chantelle had forgotten where she
was and was getting carried away with the moment. The kissing became heavier, and the policeman
gently pushed his tongue between her lips and into her mouth. He began probing around her mouth,
caressing her own tongue with his, her teeth, the roof of her mouth, until he teased enough to start the
same game inside his mouth. The feeling was unreal but seemed the most natural thing in the world.
Whilst this passion continued, Amanda had coaxed the first officer out of the pool and had left Chantelle
and her first boyfriend to themselves.

Chantelle was thinking that she would not wish anything to change for the rest of her life, when she felt
the officer’s hand gently playing at the string of her thong. He began to trace the outline of her female
mound, teasing it with his fingertip. Slowly, his fingers teased the delicate fabric away from her skin and
pushed his hand down towards her most sensitive area, caressing as he went. His other hand had
worked across to her breasts and were now moving from one to the other, rubbing the soft material
against her skin, and taking her nipples between his finger and thumb, gently playing with the tip. With
her moans building, the officers took her to new heights until she was screaming out loud, her ecstasy
knowing no bounds. Eventually she collapsed into him, and he had to hold her out of the water.

Carolyn walked into the room. "Now what is all that noise going on in here?" she asked jokingly. The pair
looked at each other and giggled. "Come on, out you get you two. I have made some lunch." Chantelle
asked where the other two had gone, and Carolyn smiled. "Best not to ask I think!" The pair climbed out
of the pool and Carolyn handed then a warm fluffy towel each. "Chantelle, I think you should go and
make yourself decent before lunch. I have laid out a pretty flowery summer dress on your bed for you.
Feel free to pick out some pretty lingerie to wear, but I think that cream, rather than white, would be
more appropriate after this afternoon’s games!" Chantelle blushed again. "You can borrow my camisole
and French knickers if you like. They would go well with that dress as they feel so soft against your skin.
If you look in my wardrobe, there is a lovely short satin slip you can wear underneath. Put your hair up
with that butterfly clip and don’t forget to put your face on!" Chantelle asked her whether she could
wear the champagne coloured tights with the outfit. "I think that stockings would be more appropriate if
you have to have some nylons against your legs. In fact there are some lovely lacy suspenders in my
drawer that will match the French knickers really well. Put them on; they will look great on you." With a
big smile on her face, Chantelle let out a little cry of joy under her breath, and skipped out of the room.

"Take a seat," said Carolyn as she offered a seat to the officer. No sooner had he reached behind him to
pull the chair in, than he was suddenly enveloped in a spray mist.

Ten minutes later Chantelle returned. "Where has he gone?" she enquired with Carolyn. "He said he felt
a little unwell, so he’s gone for a lie down. I’m sure he will feel much better in a few days…

© 2002 by Annalise Barker. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all
articles, text, images, logos, compilation design) may printed for personal use only. No portion of these
documents may be stored electronically, distributed electronically, or otherwise made available without
express written consent of the copyright holder.

DISCLAIMER: If you are under 18 years of age you shouldn't read this story. It contains unnatural sexual
situations and warped gender identities which could corrupt your mind. Copyright © 1998 Fret Pearson.
The author retains the right to translate it into the Spanish language. Direct comments to

Bikini Beach House Carwash: The Revenge

by Fret Pearson

It was another boring night in the city.

Jasmin and I were watching one of those stupid bikini beach house movies on late night cable, trying to
stay awake for the good scenes. Luckily there were many. Though it had been advertised as a late-night
bikini beach flick, it was actually a soft-core porno film, or seemed to be, anyway. Jasmin liked the cute
guys, while I of course enjoyed all the girls in their tight swimsuits. Even though Jasmin is a died-in-the-
wool feminist and made plenty of snide remarks about all the topless girls running around the movie,
she liked watching the hunks and was curiously silent when the men were flexing onscreen. I annoyed
her by making cracks about them. We were both a little buzzed, otherwise we wouldn't have been
watching such crap in the first place. I think it was one of those cases where we both wanted to watch,
but had to pretend to the other that we weren't interested.
I guess you could say Jasmin was my best friend. Nothing had ever developed between us because we
had known each other for so long. And Jasmin isn't really my type - her feminist ideas didn't bother me
at all, but occasionally they popped to the surface and got in the way of the cool conversations we could
have had. I regularly changed the subject when politics and economics came up, because it was always
sexist this, or sexist that. It's too bad, because Jasmin was a looker - short dark hair and a nice figure. A
bit on the flat side, but her cuteness negated any complaints in that department. Oh yes, she was cute.
What she thought of me I have no idea - I'm certainly not what you'd call a hunk, but I'm not bad if I do
say so myself.

"Mike, why are we watching this?" she said for the millionth time. "You find something better," I
mumbled. Just then another stud walked into the beach house and began massaging one of the main
characters. I think she was the one who had inherited the house, but I couldn't keep all the bimbos
straight. The main characters were all air-headed sluts with gigantic chests. I swear a few of them
changed actors during the movie.

We would have been outside at one of the neighborhood parties but there were storm warnings in
effect, and the air was charged with static electricity. The weatherman had said something about
tonight's meteor storm being the cause, and had played it up enough that the rowdy bunch down the
street were afraid of ruining their new sound system if a storm did hit - so no party for the first weekend
in months. The only good side effect I suppose was that something in the air was causing my shitty little
television to display a clear picture for once.

"I wish I had a sandwich," Jasmin said. Lightning flashed outside, and I wondered if I should close the
upstairs windows. "Go make me one." She was staring at the body-builder's biceps. This movie was
ridiculous. Everywhere the girls went, some body-builder or male model type popped up to sex them up.
Reel life. I was hoping the camera would get back to those huge tits that had been dangling in his face a
moment before. "Hot damn!" I said in appreciation as the film cut to a scene in another part of the
house. Three of the girls were comparing their breasts and looking like they were going to start into a
little lesbian action. The main girl's uncle, who had only pretended to die in the waterskiing accident,
had spiked the house's water-softener with an experimental aphrodisiac. It was having an effect. The
Asian girl bent and began sucking another's nipple. Now this was entertainment! "I wish we were in that
house!" I said.

Jasmin punched me on the arm, and as I went to push her away I noticed something between us on the
couch. What the fuck? I thought. There wasn't anything here a moment ago. It was a thin china plate
with what looked like a ham sandwich on it. With a garnish and everything. And what was with all the
lightning? It was like a laser show outside. I began to get a very ominous feeling in my gut. "Hey, my
sandwich!" Jasmin said. "I don't believe it! I wished for this just a minute ago!" She picked up the
sandwich and sniffed it. This was really weird. And I wished we were in the movie, I thought.

Suddenly the television picture began to get fuzzy. What the hell? But I realized it wasn't the television -
my eyes were blurring. I was getting tired. Or was I? I felt dizzy - something definitely wasn't right. The
lightning was making weird patterns in the windows behind the television. "So sleepy..." Jasmin
murmured, and I felt her head hit my shoulder. She gave out a soft little snore and a piece of deli-sliced
ham fell from her lips and slid down my shirt. Then I was out like a light.

The sensation of warmth on my face woke me up. Sunlight. I was still on the couch, but instead of sitting
on it I was stretched along its length, on my back. There was a strange weight on my chest; I found it
slightly difficult to breathe. I raised my head slowly only to see Jasmin's head resting a few inches from
my chin. Her hair smelled nice. She was still asleep, partially on me. The light from the room-long framed
deck window was brighter than hell. "Oh my god!" I said, and sat up further. My house didn't have a
framed deck window, and this wasn't the couch I bought a year ago from the guy across the alley. It was
much larger. And newer. Jasmin started as she slid off of me, catching herself before she hit the floor,
which was now carpeted. What the hell? I looked around as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. It only
took me a second to remember my wish. There was no doubt about it - we were definitely in the beach
house from the movie! This room was huge, as were the rooms adjoining it.

"Mike, it can't be!" she said. "I don't believe it!"

"I don't either, but look at this place! Your wish came true, and then mine!" She groaned. "Dammit if I
had known I would have wished for a million dollars instead of a sandwich. I wish I had a million dollars!"
she shouted. Of course nothing happened.

We started looking around. To my surprise we were still on my old block - only it seemed my house had
been replaced by the gigantic beach-front estate from the movie. It was easily four times the size of my
old house. It appeared that my neighbors' houses had just been pushed outwards to make room. Next
door was still the old doctor, and down the street was the beginning of party hardy central. And in the
middle of it all a house straight out of Malibu. With no beach for hundreds of miles. Talk about out of
place. Jasmin and I immediately began to explore. No one else seemed to be home. There were eight
bedrooms and three bathrooms. Four of the bedrooms had a lived-in look, with closets full of female
clothes, and other personal items. The other bedrooms were guest quarters, I suppose, and were mostly
empty. The house had a large kitchen, an indoor pool, a steam room, and each bathroom had a large
jacuuzi. And of course it had large living rooms and dining rooms and even a ballroom upstairs. All in all
it was about fifty rooms covering five stories (two of which were below ground). It was easily worth
several million dollars, unfurnished. As it was, furnished with what was obviously designer furniture,
expensive works of art, and home theater systems, who knows how much it was worth? Every room had
something to make my eyes pop out. I hoped it had fucking locks on the doors in this neighborhood.

I looked at a clock and was surprised to see that it was already late in the afternoon - Jasmin and I had
slept for about 16 hours! I remembered why I had made the wish. "Where are the girls?" I wondered
aloud. As if on cue, the front door opened and two giggling young women walked into the foyer with
shopping bags. They threw their purses onto a mantle set into the wall and began separating their
purchases. One girl was the Asian from the movie, the other a blonde that looked familiar but could
have been half the girls who had frolicked through the film. Their bodies, especially their chests, were
even more striking in person, though perhaps because each was showing generous amounts of cleavage
and wearing short, tight skirts which accentuated their almost bowling-ball sized tits.

"Brrrr!" said the blonde, rubbing her arms under her breasts, "the A/C is cold." Both girls' nipples stood
out against the thin fabric of their T-shirts. The indentations were as thick as thimbles. I could make out
the blonde's areola. I realized I was staring.

"So what were you two up to last night?" giggled the Asian girl. "We saw you fell asleep on the couch
together. But this morning you still had your clothes on..." She looked disappointed, and gave Jasmin a
pouty look. I glanced at Jasmin and she was just blinking dumbly. Obviously this was not her fantasy
come to life. I on the other hand... well I was still staring. The two bimbos shrugged and took their
purchases (which mostly seemed to be clothes) upstairs. I noted their great asses, too.

Jasmin went home to take a shower and clean up, but said she'd be back to help me sort out what was
going on in a few hours. She only lived a few blocks away. To tell the truth, I was actually glad to see her
go because I REALLY wanted to investigate the two girls upstairs, and I knew she wouldn't appreciate my
motives. Hey, I wanted to see if these really were the girls from the movie. If they were, my life was in
for quite a radical change! To my surprise each girl's name was burned into the wood framework above
her door. Had those been there earlier when we had explored the house? "Suzy" read the moniker
above the Asian's door. She had all her new clothes - lingerie and swimsuits and skimpy tops - laid out
on her bedspread and was seemingly organizing them in some way. Her closet door stood open behind
her - how she was going to get any additional items in it was beyond me. I knocked on the door and she
looked up.

"Come in!" she said happily. She was Chinese, about 5 foot 2 inches tall, with an hourglass figure. Her
huge breasts were probably an EE cup or larger. I doubted they were real, but you never know. Her T-
shirt was untucked and her high heels had been kicked into a corner next to the dresser. As I entered the
room she looked at me curiously. "You know, it's really funny but I can't remember your name!" She
giggled and sucked on the tip of a finger. "Like, I recognize you sort of, but it's funny..." She trailed off.
She held a bra up to her chest and twisted back and forth in front of a mirror mounted on the wall. "So
why didn't you fuck Jasmin?" she whispered, laughing. "How come you know her name and not mine?" I
said. She looked at me, confused.

"She doesn't even live here," I continued, even louder. "Yes she does!" the girl squeaked. She frowned
and gave me a stern look, as if she might be mad at me. Try as I might, I couldn't take her seriously and
swallowed a grin. In a few seconds her anger had vanished and she was looking me over.

"You know, you're a weird looking guy. How come you don't have more muscles? Are you sick maybe?"

Before I could respond she gave me a "shooing" motion with her long-nailed hands. "Now please leave. I
have to see if this makes my boobs look good," she said, waving the lacy bra from the bed. She pulled off
her shirt, exposing another bra - a very full one. Despite the support, her beautiful, dark golden tits
bounced slightly from the motion of her arms. All I could do was stammer. I couldn't believe she was
practically undressing in front of me, and took my time backing out of her bedroom. She continued to
shoo me away with one hand as she clawed for her bra hooks with the other.

"My name is Mike!" I said as her door closed.

One down, one to go, I thought. I walked to the other girl's room but she wasn't in. Her shopping bags
were on her bed and I sneakily rummaged through them for a quick second. These bras had to be
specialty items, the cups were so big. Baby, I thought. I left to go look for her. She was an American
bombshell - much more my style. "Christie" read the name above her door. At the end of the hall was a
set of stairs that twisted back down to the living room in the back of the house. This place was a maze of
comfortable-looking furniture. The bathroom up here was empty, but maybe Christie had wandered
down to the one off of that living room. Presumably she was trying on her clothes as well. Hell, maybe
she was in the pool.

I was about to go check when I noticed the name "Jasmin" above the rear bedroom.

She was crying because the strangers living in her apartment had threatened to call the police. We were
sitting on the queen-sized bed in the bedroom labeled "Jasmin." Presumably the wish intended Jasmin
to live in this house from now on, with me and the girls. I was always bad about comforting women, and
in this case it was especially odd, because Jasmin is usually a rock of feminine strength. Accepting
support from a man was against her feminist creed. But this ordeal had clearly upset her, and she was
being unusually emotional about it. I put my arm around her and let her talk. I felt terrible because this
was essentially my fault.

"I thought it was a joke at first, but I could see through the door that all my stuff was gone," she said.
"It's like I never even lived there. All my stuff, my books and CDs and clothes... I can't believe it. This is
like some nightmare!" She burst into tears again.

"Did you try calling your parents?"

"Yeah, but I just got the machine." She twisted uncomfortably, pulling away from me and picking at her
shirt. "Do I look different to you?" she asked. "My hair feels longer and I swear these clothes have
shrunk." I looked at her and couldn't see any changes. If anything the skin on her face had cleared up a
little, but otherwise she looked like the same old Jasmin, except of course for the tears drying under her
eyes. On second thought maybe her hair was a bit longer, but if so it was still an even length so it was
hard to tell.

She walked to the closet and fingered some of the outfits. "Look at the size of these bras - this is some
sleazy male fantasy all right. There's no way I'm going to wear any of these outfits, even if I could fit into
them. Good thing this house has a washer and dryer - I can wear these again tomorrow." "I'm with you
on that," I said, suddenly realizing that she wasn't the only one who had lost all her personal belongings.
But it didn't bother me much. I now had a big-screen TV, so who cares if I had lost some clothes and
books I was never going to read anyway?

Around 8:00 that evening we were in the rear living room trying to figure out what we could do to
change reality back to normal. I admit I wasn't in as big of a hurry as Jasmin to set things right, but she
was my friend and I hated to see her so upset. Still part of me kept thinking, somewhere in this house
are two beautiful girls who would sleep with you in a hot second, Mikey boy. Speak of the devil. Suzy
and Christie entered and sat across from us on the adjoining sofa. Jasmin groaned, but I wanted to thank
God right there on the spot. Both were wearing only tight slacks and bras - probably not even panties.
Their flat tummies and round tits (even partially hidden by fresh- from-the-store bras) were more flesh
than I had seen on some completely naked women. And their form-fitting slacks accentuated their
flaring hips. They looked delicious. Naturally I had to adjust my seating position to keep my appreciation

"Jeez, are you two comfortable?" Jasmin said sarcastically.

"You bet!" said Suzy happily.

Despite their beauty, they quickly became annoying as they picked up fashion magazines from the
coffee table and began chatting loudly to each other about who was cute in what, which guys they
wanted to fuck, who would look better with bigger boobs, etc. They were shameless, and a few times I
almost laughed outloud at their comments. If sailors had been present, they would have been blushing.
What am I saying? If sailors had been present they would have been getting busy.

Several times the bimbos mentioned an upcoming carwash - I remembered from the movie that the girls
were planning to use it to raise money to try and keep the house away from the clutches of the bank.
This was something I would have to check out later, for if I lost this house this wish would get old real
fast. Of course now wasn't a good time to bring it up.
I pretended to pay closer attention to Jasmin, who was really talking about weird stuff - different
dimensions and science fiction stories she had read. She hypothesized, and I agreed, that the strange
weather and meteor storm were probably the reasons our wishes had come true. The weatherman had
made quite a big deal about the storm's meteorological importance. But even knowing the cause didn't
help us reverse what had happened. Unfortunately I was distracted and quite unhelpful to Jasmin as she
tried to get to the bottom of it. At 9:00 Christie and Suzy invited us to go to some place called Maxwell's
for drinks, but of course we declined. They were going to meet with a Mr. Johnson about the house,
whatever that meant. It sounded familiar, like I should have known what they were talking about, but I
just didn't. I was pretty tired, and Jasmin was clearly uncomfortable being away from home all day. She
was acting really fidgety, unlike her usual self. I really did hope things would fix themselves by morning,
and suggested that we sleep on the problem and start fresh the next day.

"Yeah, I don't know why I'm so beat," she said, rubbing her eyes. "I'm exhausted. And this bra is killing
me." She adjusted it, frowned, then shook her head. Now I thought I must have been seeing things, for
her hair was past her shoulders, at least three inches longer than I remembered it being last night. "All
this thinking is giving me a headache." She put her hands behind her back and pushed, cracking her
upper back. As she did so, she frowned at her jutting breasts. "Mike, look at my boobs! They're bigger!
That's why my bra feels so tight." She peeked into her shirt, and then looked at me, a very frightened
grimace on her face.

"They look the same to me,' I said. She was still pretty flat in the chest department, to be honest.
Especially compared to our new roommates. "Your hair does seem a bit longer, though."

"My hair!" She felt it with her hands, then cupped her breasts. "Those airheads! I've got to get out of
this house! I'll call you tomorrow!" She ran out of the room.

Where was she going to stay? She was really acting weird. Still, as I sat there I wondered what she would
look like with huge tits like Suzy or Christie had. That would be something else, to see a died-in-the-wool
feminist like Jasmin sporting FF knockers. Not something you see every day, I chuckled to myself. I let
the image stick in my mind as I walked upstairs to one of the empty bedrooms and fell asleep.
I awoke to the sounds of moaning from the room next door. Checking the clock next to my bed I saw it
was 2:25 am. Through the wall I could hear Christie groaning and calling out.

"Oooh, fuck me! Yes! Yes! Ooooooh, yes..."

These and other guttural comments coming from her were punctuated by what were obviously male
grunts. Christie was having sex only a few feet away from me! Either that or she had a porno going at full
blast. Try as I might, I couldn't ignore the sounds and even felt myself getting a hard-on from the high-
volume sex session next door. I guess Christie had gotten lucky last night - or more to the point, some
fellow had gotten lucky, and was getting the fuck of his life. "Yes, there! There! There... Oh fuck yes!"

I put my hand on the wall and to my surprise it was vibrating with the force of someone's thrusts. Damn!
They were right on the other side! All this did was turn me on further, and I gently squeezed my dick in
my hand as I eavesdropped. Actually it sounded more like Christie was getting the fuck of her life. She
was obviously a screamer. I thought back to the movie and all the body- builders the girls had
encountered everywhere they went - did that apply now? It made me wonder how much of the movie's
actual "plot" (using the term loosely) had carried over because of the wish - the inheritance, the bank
foreclosure, the aphrodisiac, etc.

"Oh oh oh oh oh OH OH OH! OH mmmmmmm!" Christie's voice subsided, and the vibrations stopped.
All I could hear was a soft panting. Suddenly I was aware of the presence of my nipples. That's odd, I
thought. Usually I didn't think about them at all. But tonight I could tell they were hard just from the
"tight" sensation coming from them. I tapped one and noticed that it was definitely more sensitive than
normal. What's going on now? I thought. This has never happened before. As I began to ponder this new
development I felt my eyes drifting shut. The silence next door was lulling me back to sleep.

Slowly I nodded off, my dick softening in my hand.

"Wake up sleepy-head," someone said. I rolled over onto my stomach and tried to bury my face in my
pillow, but someone kept shaking my shoulder. "What time is it," I groaned, pushing myself up away
from the bed. As I did so I felt the strangest sensation on my chest, like it was dangling beneath me. It
barely registered in my mind, the sensation was so slight. But as the sleep began to clear from my head I
wondered what the hell I was feeling. It was 10:05 am. I turned to see Jasmin leaning over me.

"Surprise!" she said, smiling down at me. What's the surprise? I thought, and then I got a good look at

All she was wearing was a black bra, panties, and high heels. But that's not what caught my attention
and slammed the last bit of sleepiness from my brain. This wasn't the same Jasmin I had been with
yesterday - her breasts were gigantic, her waist was thin, her hips were voluptuous, and her legs were
longer and smoother. She had the same classic hourglass shape that Suzy and Christie did. Her long dark
hair curled down past her full chest to just above her bellybutton. If it weren't for her face I would have
taken her for a complete stranger. She wiggled her chest and her new boobs wobbled in a way that
defied description. My best friend had become a goddess! It was a few seconds before I could speak.

"I uh... I thought you were going to stay at a friend's house or something," I stammered.

"I took a nap on the front deck. Just for a few minutes to rest my eyes but then I woke up and my boobs
were so big." She reached up and lifted them in her hands, pushing them together. I noticed that her
bright pink nails were about an inch and a half long and perfectly filed. She sighed. "They feel so good,
like, everything about me feels sooo much better than yesterday. And I fit into my clothes now." She ran
her fingers under her bra straps, smiling at me. "Are... are you okay?" I asked. She sounded like an
airhead! Her voice was higher and she was almost talking like a little girl. I quickly realized what was
going on - my wish had turned her into a babe straight out of the movie. What had I done? I had to find
a way to change her back! Jasmin sat down next to me and pulled the covers away from me. "All I want
for you to do is give my boobs a nice massage," she giggled. Before I could react she smoothly unhooked
her bra and slid out of it, exposing her firm tits, then grabbed my hands and placed them on her chest.
Her areolae were about three inches wide, her nipples fat and puffy. She sighed at my touch. Her globes
were so warm and soft, and really big in my hands. Too big. Something was funny... I let out a high-
pitched scream.

My finger nails were about half an inch long, and also perfectly manicured.
I ran to the bathroom, stripping out of my jockey shorts in the hall. Painfully I took inventory in the full-
length mirror. I was an idiot for not realizing what was happening sooner.

My now blonde hair was down to my shoulders, I was at least five inches shorter, my hips were wider,
my hands and arms were gracefully feminine, my legs and chest devoid of hair. The worst changes were
my breasts and genitals. Yes, I now had small, yet definite, breasts. Maybe an A cup, I don't know.
Enough to jiggle when I ran. My nipples were very large, and damned sensitive. And most shocking of all,
my penis was half its former size and try as I might I couldn't get it erect. My balls were also tiny. My
face was more feminine, the angles softer. My nose was almost "cute." I looked more like a masculine
girl then a feminine guy!

The damn wish was turning me into a bimbo, too!

I had to find a way to change Jasmin back to normal, and reverse the changes in myself! If this kept up
soon I would be an airhead, too, surely incapable of doing anything to fix this mess, assuming I could
now. I put on my clothes from yesterday, not giving a damn if they were a bit smelly. There was no time
to lose. I found Jasmin in the kitchen, taking some frozen waffles from the freezer. Her forehead was
wrinkled in concentration. She was still topless, and my eyes were drawn to her tits. At least I still found
her attractive, I mused. If I started getting turned on by guys I'd have to kill myself or something.
"Jasmin, look at me! I'm turning into a girl! We have to find a way to get back home! You were right last
night, we have to get out of here or we'll be stuck forever!"

She shook her head, not even glancing at me. There was a stack of frozen waffle packages on the
counter behind her. "Look," she said excitedly. "I take the last box of waffles out and then when I close
the refrigerator and open it back up..." She did so, adding another package to the stack. "More waffles!
We have unlimited waffles!" she giggled happily. "I'm hungry for waffles," she added a few seconds

"Jasmin, you remember my wish, don't you?" I asked, exasperated.

"Sure," she said. "You wished we could be in this house, so now we live here. And I have big boobs!" As
if suddenly realizing they were there, she rubbed one of the packages across the top slopes of her
breasts. "Oooh! Chilly!" While she toasted the frozen waffles, I tried to carry on a normal conversation
with her, but the friend I remembered was gone. The new Jasmin was an air- headed bimbo who could
barely read the directions for toasting frozen waffles. The only thing I could think of was to get the hell
out of the house. I had no where to go, but I could figure something out. I decided to leave as soon as I
had had breakfast. I would have left sooner, but when I smelled the waffles I just had to have some. I
guess I was really hungry from the changes my body had already undergone.

Reluctantly I sat down with Jasmin at the kitchen table to eat. She was telling me how much she couldn't
wait to go outside and work on her tan when Suzy and Christie came into the kitchen, their hair messed
up and last night's makeup smeared. Both were wearing flimsy nighties. They obviously had just
awoken. "Yum, waffles!" Christie said.

Something struck me odd about Suzy but I forgot it as a man entered wearing only pajama bottoms - the
fellow Christie had picked up at Maxwell's last night, I assumed. He could have been a professional
body-builder; he had muscles chiseled from solid rock. Great, just what I need, I thought. His eyes
popped out of his head when he saw Jasmin sitting at the table nude from the waist up, her large tits
swaying gently as she buttered a waffle. Immediately he walked over to her.

"Baby, you are beautiful."

Jasmin smiled up at him and blushed. She put down her knife and wiped her mouth on the back of her
hand, then let her gaze roam over the body- builder's muscled frame. I realized I was staring at his
muscles, too, and turned away in disgust. I looked at Christie and Suzy. I suddenly realized what had
struck me odd about Suzy - she was a different person! I mean she was still Suzy, but now she was
Japanese instead of Chinese!

"Suzy what is going on?" I blurted out. "Today you're Japanese!" She looked at me in confusion.

"I'm Asian," she said, matter-of-factly.

"Suzy we need a shower bad!" Christie giggled. Suzy nodded, sweeping back her messed hair.
"Alan, you don't mind," she said as they left hand in hand. I just sat there. I knew I should have left, but
something was keeping me in the room. Slowly it dawned on me that I was feeling a flutter of
excitement from Alan's presence. He clearly didn't care about the girls' exit - he was still staring at
Jasmin, and she him. I followed her gaze down to the stiff tent-like bulge in his pajamas, and felt myself
repulsed and attracted at the same time. Jasmin was licking her lips. Alan walked over behind her chair
and bent to kiss her neck. His hands slipped beneath her breasts and began squeezing and caressing
them. Her hands slid over his and began directing his fondling. I couldn't believe it - she was like an
animal in heat. I had never seen anything like this outside of television. They acted like I wasn't even
there. She purred with pleasure, her eyes closed and her mouth open as she was manhandled. I
watched frozen for a few seconds until Alan winked at me, then I started to get up. That's fucking
enough of this, I thought.

But I was pushed back into my chair by a pair of strong hands on my shoulders. Someone was standing
behind me. "Hey, what-" I said but was cut off by the sensation of one of the hands slipping down into
my shirt collar to smother my new right breast. Even though they were small, my junior high tits were
sensitive and the rough warmth of the hand made me gasp. I turned and looked into the face of another
handsome guy, who looked like a surfer on steroids. I wanted to pull away from him but my body had
other ideas, and instead twisted closer to him, until my cheek was pressed against his hard chest. His
other hand grasped my left breast through my T-shirt and both began gently pinching and rolling my
nipples. In spite of myself I moaned. What startled me was the shockingly female sound of my voice.

The surfer lifted me up slowly and turned me around to face him. Still caressing my chest with one hand,
he pulled me against him with the other. My small hands with their long nails didn't look so out of place
on his warm hairy chest, and I didn't pull away. Then he was lifting my chin upwards and suddenly we
were kissing. My mind screamed at me to stop, but the sensations from my chest and now my lips were
so wonderful... The occasional squeal from Jasmin behind me only excited me further. I found myself
sucking on his tongue, making out with a fervor I hadn't experienced since high school. He was rubbing
his cock against my leg, and before I knew what I was doing my hand was in his pants and I was gently
squeezing it. I've never felt anything so warm and hard and long. And wide! My hand couldn't get
enough of it. Out of the corner of one eye I could see Jasmin kneeling before Alan, bobbing as she
sucked on his erect shaft. I closed my eyes, not wanting to be reminded of what I was doing, only
wanting the sensations to continue . Then suddenly my breasts were being rubbed even harder, my ass
was being squeezed, and I felt his member twitching, and a warm stickiness coated my hand and the
inside of his pajamas. "Oh yeah, baby!" he said, pulling away from my lips. I wanted him to keep rubbing
my boobs but he fell into the chair I had occupied, breathing heavily, a tired smile on his face. The full
realization of what I had just done dawned on me and I held up my cum-spattered hand in disgust. The
warm milky fluid was dripping from it in long strings. I looked around the kitchen. Alan was in the chair
across from the surfer, naked, his limp, glistening member lolling against one thigh. Before I could wipe
my hand off, Jasmin took it and began lapping the cum from it. There was already some on her lips and
at the corners of her mouth. "Mmmm..." she said. "I never knew cum was this tasty..." I could only stare
at her as she held my hand to her lips. She sucked hard on my fingers, trying to get every last drop.
"Thanks Michelle, that was yummy." Michelle? I ran to my bedroom.

Though the room I had slept in had been mostly empty the night before - now it was filled with clothes
and feminine furnishings. I sat on the bed and cried, whether due to my new feminine hormones or the
extremity of my situation, I don't know. Yes, a quick check of the paneling above my door revealed the
engraving "Michelle." For some reason I forgot about trying to leave the house. I don't know why - it just
didn't seem like a good idea anymore. I didn't want to go outside looking like a girl/boy hybrid. How long
before I was a mindless bimbo like Christie, Suzy, and Jasmin? I tried to remember the multiplication
tables drilled into me during grade school, and found myself unable to. This caused me to burst into
tears again.

By noon I had gathered up enough courage to check my body in the bathroom again. As I knew it would
be, it was even more feminine. I was really short now - everything seemed so big. Though I was still
technically a male, my penis was just a bump and my balls were a single minuscule lump below it. There
was no way anyone would mistake me for a male - I had full, pouty lips and a gorgeous face, framed by
thick blonde hair. The hair on my arms was smooth and white. I now had a neat blonde triangle of pubic
hair, a flat tummy, and bigger boobs. I estimated them to be a C cup, but what the hell experience did I
have with measuring breasts when they were on me? They wiggled like jelly with every step. Still thank
god there was no way I could wear one of the FF cup bras in my closet.

I hefted them in my small hands and bit my puffy lower lip at the amazing sensations radiating from
them. God, this feels good, I thought. Before I could stop I was gently smoothing and rubbing them
around my chest, pinching the nipples and even moaning. They felt so good, it was incredible! I
wondered if all women had boobs that felt this good. If so how could they get anything done all day?
Somehow I knew that this was part of the new reality created by my wish. I fell against the bathroom
sink as I fondled them in earnest. Soon I was breathing heavily, my heart racing.

Suddenly the image of the surfer at breakfast popped into my head, and I was fantasizing about him as I
touched myself. I couldn't control my mind. If only he were here, I thought, I would wrap my boobs
around his thick cock... Or better yet my lips.... Soon I was carried away in the fantasy, and was even
rubbing the tiny nub between my legs. It felt sooo good to rub, too. I licked at my hand, trying to catch a
taste of the surfer's seed. I imagined him spurting great wads of ooey-gooey cum into my mouth as I
licked the cracks between my fingers. Then I felt the sensations coming from my crotch increasing and
all of a sudden I was cumming, my body jerking with little explosions of pleasure. It was fantastic. "Oh
yessssssss..." I moaned. A great release came over me, and I fell to the bathroom floor, my tits bouncing
softly, a sheen of sweat covering my chest. I saw a few drops of fluid on my crotch and thigh, and didn't
know if it was sperm or something else.

God, what have I become? I thought. I really am attracted to men now. After a few minutes I started the
shower. I had to clean myself off. The warm spray on my breasts felt like heaven and I had to use all my
willpower to keep my hands from wandering. My skin was so soft and supple, so smooth and shiny in
the water. Soon I was washing my tits and it felt so good and I was so horny and I dropped to the floor of
the stall, the water stinging my face as I moaned. My mouth gasped for air as I continued to squeeze and
fondle myself. Through it all I knew my body was still changing, that soon I would be a complete woman.

Jasmin was reading one of the fashion magazines in the living room when I gathered up enough courage
to come downstairs. She had at least put her bra back on. Strangely enough I couldn't remember what I
had done with my old clothes, so I had improvised from the closet in my room. I was now wearing
panties, shorts, and a large T-shirt. None of the bras would fit, not that I was about to put one on

"Ooh, you look much prettier now," Jasmin said. "Suze and Chris went to the beach to pick up some
guys," she giggled. "Since you were upset I decided to stick around to cheer you up." I was relieved that
the men from this morning were apparently gone. One nights stands.

She looked at me wickedly. "So how did you like breakfast?"

I ignored the question. I had to get through to her. "Jasmin, look at you. You're reading a stupid fashion
magazine - don't you remember you used to hate those? And this morning you blew that guy who you'd
never even met before! Remember once you said oral sex was the most degrading thing possible for a
woman to do to a man?"
"Yeah, but now I'm so horny. Since we moved in all I can think about is sex and getting fucked. And
blowjobs are fun!" She shrugged her shoulders. Then she cupped her breasts and pulled them up to her
cheek. She nuzzled them for a few seconds.

"Besides, it'd be, like, a crime for me not to use this body for what it was intended. Don't you just want
to get fucked right now..." I crossed my arms under my breasts and just stared at her. She put the
magazine back on the coffee table and slowly traced circles around her tits, sliding her fingers into the
cups of her bra to touch her nipples. Just watching her was making me hot, and my own chest was
demanding attention. I tried to ignore it, but it was a losing battle. To my horror, I felt a warm and "wet"
sensation between my legs.

"Can't you see you're acting like some bimbo slut?" I said, almost in tears. "You used to be smart,
smarter than me. Now you're an airhead! You're everything you used to hate!"

Her hands were both inside her bra cups now, gently cupping and caressing. I could see the indentation
of her knuckles through the inner silk padding. She only stared at me, her mouth open in a silent gasp of
pleasure, her eyes devoid of any intellect.

Thankfully Suzy and Christie returned just then, wearing incredibly skimpy bikinis. It was a wonder their
tops didn't snap. The two had smirks on their faces, and were staring at me for some reason. "What?" I

"What what?" said Christie.

"You have such cute little boobs," said Suzy. Against my will, I blushed at the compliment. Suzy is so nice,
I thought. I looked down at the twin points pushing out from my tan "Beach Baby" T-shirt. With a start I
realized I was daydreaming, and the girls had been talking.

"I thought you were going to pick up some guys?" pouted Jasmin. She had stopped feeling herself up.
Suzy nodded, and winked at the brunette. "We couldn't find the beach. We walked around forever but I
guess we missed it. A lot of guys honked at us, though. We told them all about the carwash tomorrow
and they sure were interested!"
"Yeah, like totally interested," said Christie. "You know what," Jasmin said, "I bet you guys are really
thirsty. How about a glass of water?"

"Yeah, a glass of water would hit the spot right now."

"I sure am thirsty for some water."

What the hell were they talking about? Then as they left for the kitchen I remembered the experimental
aphrodisiac from the movie. I ran after them as they stood around the sink, Jasmin filling glasses. 'Don't
drink that!" I cried. "Remember the ap... aphr..." I couldn't seem to remember the word all of a sudden,
it had too many syllables. 'Remember in the movie the uncle drugged the house's water!" I shook Jasmin
and she spilled water on the floor. "Stop it Michelle! Aren't you thirsty for a glass of water?" I realized
my throat was dry, but I ignored it. I tried in vain to stop them but they each downed a large glass of

"Medicine-y" said Suzy.

Then Jasmin handed me a glass and without thinking I started drinking it. I don't know why I did it - it
was like I forgot for a second that I was trying to stop them from drinking the water and all I wanted was
a nice big glass for myself. It tasted funny, bitter. Despite myself I drained it completely and coughed at
the aftertaste.

There was a knock at the front door. "Why don't you see who that is, Michelle?"

Suzy giggled. She and Christie started whispering excitedly to Jasmin.

I opened the front door to see a totally amazing bodybuilder. My mind went blank as he flexed his
biceps before me, leaning against one of the deck posts. What a stud-muffin, I thought.

"Someone called for an escort?" he said. His voice was deep and dark, like his tan. He was wearing only a
pair of khaki pants - my eyes roamed over his muscled frame, and a small trickle of drool escaped from
the corner of my mouth as I continued to stare. Why was I acting this way? There was a tingly warmth in
my head, a fuzziness that felt really nice. I realized it was the drugged water, but that didn't make it go

"C-come in..." I said.

Trying to ignore the desires overwhelming me was pointless. As he entered the house I stepped into the
doorway, rubbing my pointy boobs against him. He grinned at me and pulled down on my oversized T-
shirt, exposing my right shoulder as the neck hole stretched past my collarbone. I was surprised to see
some freckles on my shoulder. I slid that arm out of my shirt, then traced the muscles on his chest with a
fingernail, sliding my hand along him, cupping the hard indentations. He was so much taller than me, so
much more powerful - I found that really exciting. A wonderful delirious desire was washing over me - I
was wet and ready and I wanted to be fucked by this stud! I wanted to feel him inside me. A small part
of my mind tried to rebel at these desires, but as the fuzziness increased it began harder and harder to
remember why I was so opposed to something that my body wanted so badly.

One of his hands was on my ass. The other pulled harder on my shirt and it slid down over my slim
frame. First one boob popped out, then another. He grasped them one at a time, squeezing roughly. It
hurt but it also felt better than anything I could have ever imagined. It made me moan hungrily. My
nipples were on fire. I rubbed my crotch against his growing hardness, begging him to fuck me. I could
tell he was huge. I freed my left arm and finally got my hands down to his tight pants; I began squeezing
him like he had me. He was so big! I unzipped him and fell to my knees. I wanted him inside me badly,
but I wanted to taste him, too. I was like a little girl in a candy store, I didn't know what to try next.

Before I knew it I was slurping on his rock-hard cock. It was long and slightly curved, a massive specimen.
I sucked hard, taking him as far into my mouth as I could, sliding my tongue along his smooth shaft. In
the back of my mind I wondered why I had never tried this before. It felt so good to be pleasuring a man,
to feel his fingers in my hair as he fucked my full lips. He was groaning and I could tell I was doing a good
job. It made me happy. The sounds of my sucking and slurping were loud in my head. And then suddenly
it was over, and my cheeks were stretched as my mouth filled with cum. I savoured the taste,
swallowing slowly to make room for more warmness. I remembered experimentally tasting my own
sperm when I was a man - this was different. This was heaven. I knew I was addicted.

He collapsed on the foyer floor. My cheek was on his stomach, I swallowed the last gulp of cum and
gasped for air. Some had come out of my nose. I started licking and cleaning his softening cock. I had to
have more. Better yet, I had to get fucked. I craved his hardness - I wanted it inside me so badly. After a
few seconds he stood and, clasping my wrist in his hand, dragged me gently across the tiles to the carpet
of the main living room. I giggled at his strength. The fuzz in my head was stronger now, but all I could
concentrate on was what I knew to be my new wet pussy. I was hot with desire, my shorts damp. He
was hard again. He rolled on top of me, flattening me with his weight. Then he gently unsnapped my
shorts and pulled them off, tossing them against the far wall of the room. From where I lay I could see
the sun setting over the doctor's house next door. The bodybuilder pulled roughly at my soaked panties,
leaving a tingly trail of wetness on my thighs as he removed them, sliding them down my legs and over
my ankles. My beautiful pussy was exposed to him, and with some shock I realized I could smell myself. I
knew I was a fully-formed woman. "Please please fuck me!" I said.

He slid into me. My T-shirt was still around my stomach, and I could see my abdominal muscles straining
as I arched my back at the penetration. It was a delicious pain, but slowly the pain disappeared and it
was simply delicious. Words can not describe what I felt as he slowly began bucking his hips, thrusting in
and out of me, his hands smothering my boobs, his face inches away but never touching mine. The
pleasure was so intense - I called out again and again, my feminine voice shrieking at the sensations I
felt. In an attempt to somehow gather more pleasure, my hands slid to our pelvises, feeling the hot slick
skin of our union - him entering me again and again. There was so much pleasure there that it almost
felt like my hands were poking and rubbing at a great white hot ball of numbness. This, I realized
somewhere in the back of my mind, was my new clitoris being stroked with each pump. My body was
soon building toward a peak, and my voice was getting higher and higher. I opened my eyes to see my
tits standing out like cones - he was pulling on my engorged nipples, stretching my breasts out. Oh I'm
going to cum, I'm going to cum, I thought. Then waves of satisfaction crashed over me, drowning me in
their volume. Hours seemed to pass as I reveled in my body. I realized I had passed out for a few
seconds, my mind unable to deal with the stimuli. Then more waves hit. The famous female multiple
orgasm. When I was able to sense my surroundings, I realized I was still being fucked. He was still
pounding into me, and I pulled his face to mine, trying to kiss him. But he jerked away, increasing the
power of his thrusts. Then I felt him pushing even harder, actually moving me against the carpet, and
suddenly I was being filled with the warmth of his seed. He slowed his pace, gasping. I pulled him to me
and felt his full weight as his sweaty chest crushed my tits. My lips closed over a salty ear. My last
thoughts before I passed out were: more, more, more...
When I woke up I was lying by myself on the living room floor. Everything came back to me. The memory
of what I had done didn't seem to bother me, which I realized was odd. It was dark outside - I couldn't
tell how long I had slept. Then I sat up and noticed my huge tits. They seemed as big and round as
volleyballs. My nipples were bigger, too. And my hips were almost freakishly wide compared to my
waist, especially when I looked down at myself naked. My hair was long and silky blonde. For a long time
I just stared at myself, my tits rising and falling softly as I breathed. All I was wearing was the stretched
out T-shirt around my waist. I pulled it down into a makeshift skirt and stood. I felt sticky, but it felt
good, too. My mind started to wander as I thought about how I had been fucked.

Am I really a dumb slut now, like Christie and Suzy? I thought. I felt pretty slutty, I guess. But it felt nice. I
tried to think of something smart but it's too hard to think when you actually try. Then I tried to do some
elementary math, adding simple numbers like 2 + 3. I knew I could get it if I tried, but I just didn't feel
like school. As I walked into the kitchen I groped my bigger boobs. Wow! They felt even better than
before. They were so heavy, I wanted to lean forward and just swing them around. I liked having big
titties, and nice pink girl nipples. I knew I didn't want to be a girl before, but that was before I got fucked.
I giggled, noting how sexy my voice was. Now being female didn't seem that bad at all! Hey, where was
everyone? I searched the house.

Suzy, Christie, and Jasmin were all in Suzy's bedroom. It smelled like girl sex! They were naked, but I
didn't get excited when I looked at their bods now. They were just girls, like me. What I wanted was a
nice long cock. But then I wondered, why had they been fucking? It was confusing. I took some
lubrication from Suzy's desk and rubbed it all over myself, then slid onto Jasmin. She groaned in her
sleep, pushing me away. I got all stuck to the sheets, which was fun. I was horny, not tired. "Wake up," I
said, but they were fast asleep. I put her hands on my boobs and made her rub me. I wanted to be
touched so bad. She even woke up a little and felt my big tits, and I started fingering myself. If only I had
longer fingers! It was hard with my pretty fingernails. Then Jasmin woke up all the way and rolled away
from me.

"Go to bed Michelle!' she said. "We have to get some sleep for the carwash tomorrow."

Oh yeah, I thought. I forgot about the carwash. What carwash? I couldn't remember but I was sure it
would come back to me. I saw it was 3:46 in the morning. Before I went to bed, I took one of the long
dildoes from my closet into the bathroom. In the jacuuzi, with my eyes closed, it was almost like a real
cock. As I pumped myself I realized I didn't really know the difference yet. That would have to be fixed
pronto! Mmmm, I came again and again. Hours later, I went to bed.
Suzy explained it to me. Jasmin helped - she's so smart. The carwash was so we wouldn't lose the house.
Uncle had lost a lot of money gambling and even though I had inherited the beach house, I had to pay
the bank or else we were out on the street. Banks are so stupid. But they have money, which is good.
Mr. Walters from the bank was kind of geeky when he stopped by to threaten us. His dad was bank

He called before he came, so we got all ready with a fun little plan. I painted my fingernails a pretty pink
like Jasmin's, and dressed in a sexy business woman suit. I left the top two buttons undone. And I used a
special push-up bra so my cleavage stuck out real far. I was so happy my bras fit. I felt like a real woman
with my tits supported. I looked so professional! "I'm sorry girls but I need the money by 4:00 pm today,
or else we're going to foreclose this house. There have even been some zoning violations - frankly I'm
amazed your uncle ever got this place built in this area." I remembered wishing to live in the house with
Jasmin when I was a guy, but I also remembered crying at my uncle's funeral. It was so confusing. And
there was also something about the water in the house... I couldn't keep it all straight. Thinking was so
hard as a girl.

Christie and I separated Mr. Walters from his assistant and started rubbing against him in the kitchen. I
tried to say bank things to him but that got me confused so I decided to use my body to my advantage.
He kept looking at my boobs, which made me so happy. Guys can't ignore big boobs, I knew from
experience. Suddenly I knew what would make him forget about taking the house! I unzipped his pants
and pulled out his chubby. It was small but he had big balls which meant lots of cum. I needed it. God, I
am really a horny cocksucker now, I thought. It made me giggle.

"Hey, what are you doing?" he squeaked, but didn't try to stop me. Christie rubbed her cleavage in his
face as I hungrily sucked him, mewing excitedly. I could get his whole cock in my mouth. It was great. I
sucked harder and harder. It's funny to hear a nerd like Mr. Walters groan. Soon I was rewarded with
spurt after spurt of thick salty cum. Christie couldn't resist and joined me in licking his little cock clean.
She even licked the cum from my lips and I forgot she was a girl and we started making out. But after the
cum taste was all gone we realized what had happened. We were blondes after all so it was okay to do
something like that once in a while. The only problem was that Mr. Walters was gone.
Jasmin and Suzy said his assistant was gone too, even though they had fucked him. It was hard to think
with the aftertaste in my mouth. I wished I had more cum, but I knew the carwash was only a few hours
away. Just thinking about it started me drooling. Everyone was talking around me but all I could do was
think about the taste in the back of my throat.

At 10:00 the carwash was already lined up with guys. Mr. Johnson was the owner or something and he
said we could keep all the profits from now until closing. He had advertised at the beach or somewhere
for our special $20 "blowjob" car washes, so we were indebted to him. I knew he was a nice man the
first time I saw him because he looked just like my poor uncle, except with a mustache and glasses.

I looked at the long line of tanned, muscled guys and their jeeps and Corvettes and Mustangs and other
fancy cars. They looked so cute! I was wet with anticipation - it was a good thing Jasmin, Suzy, Christie
and I were all wearing our bikinis. I sensed we would have to be hosed down a few times. I looked at
Jasmin. She was rubbing her legs together like a cricket. She was so slutty now. I was so glad she was my
good friend and we were happy. I remembered her being unhappy after we got the house; now I knew
she would cry even more if it was taken away from us.

Mr. Johnson rang the bell at 10:15 and the first car pulled onto the carwash's automatic track. Suzy
jumped into the passenger seat with the driver and together they rode into the carwash. Several
minutes later they exited and the next car rolled in with Jasmin. When it was my turn I was so jittery, like
a schoolgirl. As soon as the rubber flaps closed behind us the hunky guy pulled down his shorts and I
took his floppy fat cock in my hands and gently caressed it. As it hardened I stuck it in my mouth and
began blowing him. I pulled firmly on his furry balls as I sucked him off. I was careful not to poke him
with my nails. He was young and came soon, and I swallowed his juice with delight. I just had to get
every last drop. Just before we were due to exit the wash, he groped at my boobs and I let him feel my
big titties. "That was fan-fucking-tastic!" he said, and happily paid Mr. Johnson the $20 after he came
out. I was so proud of myself!

By noon my tummy was so full of cum, but I still wanted more. The craving became stronger the more I
tasted. I had fucked a few guys just because I couldn't help it. All of us had. Mr. Johnson charged more
for that. Suddenly their hands would be on my tits and I would be pushing their huge cocks into my
ever-ready pussy. It was just natural. Each time, we rolled out of their car or jeep onto one of the
mattresses laid out just next to the wash exit and Mr. Johnson would park the guy's car out of the way
for him to get later. I was insatiable. Being a girl is all about sensation. You just soak it up until you don't
have to think anymore - just be touched, rubbed, fondled, squeezed, and best of all, fucked. I loved to
cum as a girl and feel the repeating fireworks in my pussy. Soon we had several customers who were
going around again and again. They were almost as horny as me! I had to keep remembering to put my
bikini back on each time I got fucked on the mattress. Jasmin and I doubled up to give some customers a
threesome - even once we all went in to service one guy and Mr. Johnson stood outside and pretended
there was something wrong with the carwash motor. When the guy limped out everyone cheered! Mr.
Johnson said he paid a lot.

Once I looked down and saw there was a big spurt of cum on the inside of my left tit. Oops! I tapped
Jasmin on the shoulder and before she could react I pushed her face into my cleavage, and she licked it
clean. As the afternoon pushed on, I kept feeling the cum leaking out of my pussy and I wanted to get it
with my fingers but to do so I had to keep standing behind one of the other girls so no one would see.
But it was worth it to lick my fingers between turns. I thought I would get sore but I only did a little bit. It
was a wonderful way to break in my new body.

At 3:30 we had $53,425 and 35 cents! I was so happy! Mr. Johnson said that it was exactly what we
needed to keep the house. Isn't that cool? The moral of the story is that friends can accomplish anything
if they work together. We all went down to the bank and turned in the money before closing time, and
Mr. Walters got real mad. I think he wanted to tear down the house. His dad was mad too; I guess he
wanted to build an apartment building there. But I couldn't concentrate on what he and Mr. Johnson
were saying because all I could think about was how I sucked his son's cock after breakfast that morning.
Plus I wanted to rub my boobs. I figured I would need a shower and make-up if I wanted to go out and
get laid tonight. I tried to plan a nice outfit for Maxwell's but I couldn't remember what I owned. God,
am I ever going to stop being horny? That made me giggle. I was glad I could be horny in public as a girl
and no one would know.

On the way home I thought about my new life. My titties kept bouncing in the car ride and I kind of
leaned them against Christie to keep them still. It felt so weird when we hit the bumps and they
bounced anyway. I always sort of wondered what a girl's life was like and now I knew. It wasn't easy.
Concentration took extra effort because my body always seemed to be calling out, "touch me Michelle,
pretty please!" Now my attitudes were different - in my mind the male penis and testicles were very
cute and sexy, in all shapes and sizes. Of course the bigger the better. Like my tits,they were toys
designed for pleasure and should be enjoyed as much as possible. Funny I never thought about them
that way as a man. If I had a cock now I would never stop touching it! Of course the best thing is making
a man cum and be happy so he'll want to fuck you again and again. They're so cute when they squirt.

I thought about the days ahead living in the beach house with Jasmin, Suzy, and Christie. I knew we
would have so much fun - admiring our bodies, trying on lingerie and other sexy clothes, masturbating,
maintaining our light tans (I thought I had better be careful or I might burn), sharing fantasies, soaking in
the jacuuzi or swimming in the pool, reading cool magazines, painting our fingernails and toenails,
watching adult thriller movies on cable, fucking cute guys, and giving each other makeovers. I couldn't
wait to talk to Jasmin now that we were both girls. We had so much in common now, so much to catch
up on: how great it is to have big boobs, how great cum tastes, and how much we want to get fucked! I
just knew we were going to share lots of men. Back at the house we all started kissing Mr. Johnson. He's
cute for an old guy, and kind of hairy, which I like. Then to my surprise he took off his mustache and
glasses and turned into my uncle! I was so happy. It was a miracle like on TV.

"Michelle, your uncle is alive!" Jasmin squealed. "Oh, I love you so much Uncle!" I shouted, hugging him.
My boobs squeezed against his chest. They were mashed tight - it felt so good. I think my bikini was
coming off. I could see the light pink bumpy area around my nipple that felt so good to trace. Suddenly I
felt Uncle's hand grab my ass. It felt so good when anyone did that.

"Oooh!" I said, my eyes widening. Then I winked into the camera.



© 1998 by Fret Pearson. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles,
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The Dressmaker’s Model by: Alyssa Davis

At last! Summer vacation...At 16 years old, I'm finally working on my first real job earning my own
money. OK, so I'm only working for my aunt who owns a small dressmaker shop. But, it is a full time job,
for the summer, and I'll probably continue part-time after that. I had spent a lot of time here playing
when I was younger; now she's given me the opportunity of earning some spending money. Being a
close family friend, rather like a real aunt to me, she's taken care of me since I was born...she said I was
so tiny I could fit into a shoe box. I've always been small and kind of frail, guess I always will be.

I had just finished sweeping the floor of her workroom and, using a magnet, picked the pins out of the
debris. Sitting at her kitchen table, (she lives behind the work area) I was loading pin cushions with the
pins I had salvaged when I heard Aunt Evie’s voice talking angrily in the workroom.

"This darn old thing! Of all times..."

I peeked around the corner and saw her standing over the dress form. The center pole was broken off
from the weighted base, and there was no way to keep it upright.

"Oh, Al dear, I’m sorry if you heard my outburst, but I'm having a terrible problem with this dress form.
It broke on me again, and I don’t think it can be repaired. On top of that, I have four bridesmaids dresses
to hem before Saturday, and even if I order a new form it’ll take a month to come. I'll never get these
dresses finished in time."

She looked over at me standing in the doorway with my hand on one hip. A smile came over her face as
the idea struck her,

" Could I talk you into being my dress model for a while? All you’d have to do is stand here, and with you
turning, I wouldn't have to move around and I could be finished in no time."
She stood smiling expectantly, the broken dress form lying like a corpse between us. Me? In a dress?
The mere thought of it sent a shiver down my spine. How could she know? For as long as I can
remember I’d had thoughts of what it would be like to be a girl, to dress in these garments of wondrous
fabrics and styles. Shame at such thoughts that had come to me as I’d run my fingers over the sleek satin
and lace revisited me now. Goose bumps raised the hackles of my neck as I tried to be casual about this
wondrous opportunity.

"I'd like to help you Auntie, but what if someone comes in and sees me, a boy in a dress?"

She stood in thought for a moment and then brightened,

"Oh, I don't think that's much of a problem, with your long curly hair, in a dress, you'll look like a real
girl. Nobody will recognize you or pay attention to you. They’ll just think you’re a girl that works here."

She forged ahead rather than give me a chance to back out.

" It sure would be a big help for me if I'm going to meet my deadline. The form is broken there’s little
time to get it repaired."

My answer came slowly, as if she had convinced me,

"OK," I said in a hesitant voice, "let's do it, this should be a laugh!"

I dutifully followed Evie back into the back area of her shop where the dresses were neatly hung on
hangers. Four beautiful gowns in a dusty rose color. She had me strip to my jockey shorts. It felt strange
as we pulled the first one down over my head, my uplifted arms inserted into the sleeves. It slid down
my body easily and fit perfectly. It was odd, but I knew that I liked it already. She zipped up the back of
the dress and we both looked at it in the mirror. The bust area of the dress was empty and looked silly,
even to me.
She brushed my naturally curly hair up and back into a reasonably feminine hairstyle, bringing a few
strands down over my forehead....Amazing, I thought, as she had completely changed my appearance
with a few strokes of a hairbrush. Watching in the mirror, I realized that I looked exactly like my sister! In
fact, Aunt Evie said the same thing as if reading my mind.

"Al, you look like you're a twin to your sister in that dress and hairstyle."

My sister is older but we're the same physical size, both small.

In the fitting room, Evie had me stand on a box-like dais in the center of the room, the mirrored walls
reflecting my new image while she sat on the floor and began to take measurements, setting the hem
line, and placing pins as I turned. I could see this girl in the long dress looking back at me from every
angle, the re-styled hair and feminine dress creating a fetching creature that called out to me. I felt
something happen within me...a change... a exciting sensation.. The feel of the dress brushing
against my bare legs was new and different, the tightness of the gown’s bodice on my chest reminding
me that I was under her control.

"Aren't the ladies going to be wearing high heels?" I asked.

"Yes, of course, why?"

"Won’t that affect the length of the skirt? I know that that’s a question they ask when I get my pants
tailored...what kind of shoes will I be wearing? I noticed that you're measuring from the floor with me in
my socks. When they wear heels, the skirt could be too short, right?"

Her face lit up in amazement.

"That's an excellent point. How clever of you to notice. I'd better call and ask what size heels they’ll be
While Evie was making the call, I twirled and danced around in the pretty gown, admiring myself in the
mirrors, striking various poses as I had seen models do on TV. I was unaware that she was watching me
from another room while talking on the phone. She returned with several boxes of shoes.

"You were right. They want the skirt shortened to take into account the heels they will be wearing. They
also reminded me that I have the shoes here…they had me send them out to be dyed to match the
dresses. I hope we can find a pair that fits you."

With an outward casualness that didn’t match my feeling inside, I began to try them on. A flash of fear
spread through me as I worried that they may all be the wrong size for me. For some reason now I
desperately wanted to see how high heeled shoes would feel and look on me. Fortunately the last pair
just barely fit once I had taken off my heavy socks. Evie handed me a pair of nylon stockings.

"Here, you need these. We can’t have you wearing their shoes in your bare feet."

Without thinking, I easily rolled the hose into a little donut and hooked it over my toes, working it over
my foot and unrolled it up my leg. At the top I folded it over so it would stay in place. I had seen my
mother do this very often, and never thought about what I was doing. After the second stocking was in
place Evie smiled at me. She was impressed.

Thoughts ran through her head, ‘You never cease to amaze me, Al....Your awareness of women's
fashions caught my mistake with the hem measurements, and you put on stockings like an experienced
woman. I wonder what other surprises you have for me? Have you ever done this before? You haven't
been wearing your sister's clothes have you?’...But she remained silent, keeping it all inside her ...she
was beginning to surmise....

I finished with the stockings and slipped the shoes on. I had to be careful with the added height of the
heels, lifting the front of the long gown up so I wouldn’t trip. I took several turns around the shop but
within minutes I seemed to have gotten the hang of it and moved back up onto the pinning area. As I
looked at her we both smiled, but said nothing. I was happy, and she wasn’t surprised.

We returned to the measurements, this time with me looking more regal in my bridesmaid gown. The
stockings and high heeled shoes gave me a feeling I can’t describe; all I know is that I felt more
comfortable this way, my excitement internal, a buzz that wouldn’t go was neat!. I couldn’t tell
Evie, but in helping her I was really enjoying myself; secretly, I think she knew.

When the first dress was complete, Evie unzipped the back and I tried to remove it, but in the warmth of
the rear of the shop I had gotten a bit sweaty, and my damp skin made it very difficult to slide off. With
extreme care, and the effort of both of us, we got it off. She hung it up on it’s hanger again, shaking her

"It’s kind of warm today, I'd like you to wear a slip so we don’t ruin these dresses with perspiration. We
almost tore that dress."

Evie went into her apartment and came back with a full cotton slip with wide lace straps and lace trim.

"Here..." she said, handing it to me.

I put it on without objection, actually delighted at this addition. But this too, had a noticeably empty
bodice. I almost said something but then Evie approached with the second dress and it was back up the
stand again for me. I stood in my feminine finery, holding my posture and poses as I knew a young girl
would do. The girl in the glass looked back at me and smiled. I smiled back at her all afternoon. We
finished all four gowns by the end of the day. All marked and pinned, ready for sewing.

"Al dear, I cant tell you how much I appreciated your help. And you've been such a good sport about
it...not many boys would have been so helpful and agreeable to do what you did."

Having lost my shyness, I stood there in the slip, stockings, and high heels as if it were the most normal
thing in the world for me. Deep down I knew I was comfortable this way.

"That's OK, Auntie. It was actually kind of fun. I’d always wondered how I'd look if I was a girl, and now I
I twirled on my toes before her,

"and I’m not half bad. Do you want me to model any more dresses? It seems to make your work easier
and I kinda enjoy doing it." There! I finally admitted it.

Confirmation of her suspicions echoed in her head, ‘Yes, I really think you do, my little girl.’ Her smile
gave nothing of her thoughts away,

"As a matter of fact, there are several outfits you can help me with. If you don’t mind, I’d prefer to use
you rather than a dressmaker's form, and " she paused, "Maybe I can even ask you to model some
finished outfits from time to time. The clothes show off better if someone is wearing them, and I
certainly can’t get into these styles anymore."

She looked me over, the form fitting slip displaying my slim build, hiding nothing.

"You, however, have a slender, model’s figure and will look great. Would you mind?"

My heart was in my throat, the thought of wearing these exotic women’s garments again was something
I would kill for. Yet, I'm not sure why. A shoulder shrug for casualness, then:

"Sure...anything to help you, Auntie."

The next day, I approached the shop with rapt anticipation. What would happen? Would Evie dress me
up as she had yesterday? The feeling came back to me as strong as if I were still wearing them. I needed
their touch, the feeling of constraint, the gentle swish of skirts about my legs, the regal height of the
high heeled shoes. I opened the door and started in.

"Al...? Come on back. I’ve got those outfits ready for us to work on."
As promised, Evie had it all ready for me. I had to hide my excitement as I quickly changed out of my
clothes and into another slip, but one with even more lace, a garter belt, stockings, and a pair of her
high heeled shoes. I put them all on without hesitation or her direction. She smiled approvingly when
she came back and I was all dressed...dressed as a girl, that is. Most of the day, between phone calls and
customers, I put on skirts which she marked and fitted for alterations. The silky blouse she had me wear
as a top was soft and slippery against my skin. I remained that way all day long. Even people popping in
to drop off things and such didn’t bother me. They seemed to accept me as a female employee of the
shop. In fact, people seeing me in the skirt and blouse gave no indication of anything unusual, and some
actually complimented me. I appeared to be just another girl being fitted for a new outfit...a girl being
fitted. I liked the idea.

We seemed to fall into a routine, each day dressing me in my now familiar working outfit of full slip,
stockings, and heels, and then progressing through the almost never ending pile of garments to be
hemmed and fitted. Even after we had finished , sometimes early in the day, I would continue to effect
my role of a girl. I was in no hurry to change. After a week of modeling skirts and dresses, I was pretty
well adjusted to putting them on and taking them off without assistance from Evie. She noticed how at
ease I was while wearing them. I could tell she was impressed while watching my feminine mannerisms
as I would smooth my skirt when sitting down, knees together, and cross my legs. I found myself doing it
almost instinctively. Wearing these clothes in such a feminine environment made me want to act like a
lady...I felt like I belonged in them. I was all mixed up...why did I, a boy, enjoy wearing girl's clothes? I
probably should have been embarrassed, but instead, I felt so natural, so content.

Monday morning of the third week, entering her apartment as usual, I found a surprise. Along with the
usual lace trimmed slip, there was a new pair of panties, a garter belt, and a matching bra with padded
inserts. Next to them was a shoe box with a cellophane package on top containing a new pair of white
stockings. I opened the shoe box and held my breath. Black patent leather pumps with two inch heels
glistened in the morning light.

Evie said nothing, but I felt for sure she was testing me. I stood there for a while, and finally the voice
inside me broke through. This is what I really wanted. I wanted to feel the silky fabrics against my skin
and the precarious tilt of the high heels. I couldn’t disappoint her (or myself), so I eagerly exchanged my
cotton jockey shorts for the panties and hose, bra, (I had no problem putting on the bra, either) slip, and
shoes and with a confidence born of my weeks in them, joined Evie in the workroom, ready for duty.

She watched me come in and pause to proudly show off for her. Now the bodice of my slip was full with
the simulated breasts of the padded bra. The form fitting slip showed my narrow shoulders, slim waist,
and broad hips. It’s shortness also showed off the shapeliness of my stocking clad and curvy legs, and
pantylines! A girl's figure was reflected back at me from the mirror! No wonder I felt so confident
wearing women's clothes.

"I see you found my gift, dear. Just a token of my appreciation. I thought you'd enjoy having some of
your own things. I felt it's what you wanted."

Tears came to my eyes as I realized how well Evie knew me, perhaps better than I knew myself. I had
hidden nothing from her, and instead of being upset with me she was actually validating this new

"Oh thank you, Auntie. Yes, this is wonderful." I paused and looked into her eyes, " you knew that I was
enjoying myself, didn’t you? That I like wearing this stuff."

Her smile brightened the room as she came close and gave me a motherly hug,

"Yes, I've noticed for a while that you've taken to really makes you happy and I actually like seeing
you dressed that way. I’ve always thought that you’d make a better looking girl than a boy. You have
such feminine features, you should have been a girl. You're too pretty to be boy. In fact, your mother
always said she wanted another girl. Oh, and there's something else."

She reached behind her to bring out a dress on a hanger.

"I made you a dress in my spare time. Here, try this on. It's all yours, along with the lingerie you're
wearing. You've earned it."

She handed me a floral printed dress with short sleeves, a straight skirt, and back zipper. She helped me
to immediately put it on, and naturally found it to be a perfect fit. When Evie zipped it up, the front
formed around my padded breasts proudly. I loved my new look and I now especially loved the feel of
wearing my own girl’s clothes. While Evie was taking a phone call, I sat at her dressing table and looked
over the array of cosmetics that covered the surface. I contemplated applying some of her lipstick to my
lips and a little blush to my cheeks, but hesitated. I brushed my hair a bit for a little touch up. When Evie
returned and saw me, she was still smiling and pleased with my look.

"Might I suggest a little makeup for you? We can make you into a lovely young lady if you want, OK?"

My hesitation was nonexistent as I turned to the mirror and smiled. Sitting beside me she walked me
through each item, explaining its purpose and the best way to apply it. Within minutes she had
darkened my lashes with mascara, accented my eyes with eyeliner, made my cheeks glow with blusher,
and arched my eyebrows into more of a thin arch. The lipstick she let me put on by myself.

I loved the smell and taste of it and kept licking it with the tip of my tongue.

"Better watch that in public, " she admonished, "it looks kind of sexy and you might start attracting boys.
Let's close up and go have lunch, my treat. I want to show you off to some friends."

"Outside? You mean go out? Auntie, no! I don’t think I can do that. I can’t go out on the street like this!
What if someone finds out I'm a boy. I'll die of embarrassment."

She looked at me sternly,

"Hush! Has anyone noticed in the last couple weeks? NO! Besides, no one will ever know because you're
not really a boy, you're a girl! You're beautiful and you've gotten so feminine, you could fool anybody.
Be confident, be the person you want to be!"

She gave me the moral boost I needed. I did feel good about how I looked as I primped in front of the
mirror, and I did want to be seen. I was very aware of how I moved and acted when I wore a dress and
makeup. As if I was rehearsing for the big performance. I don't know what's come over me, but I liked it.

So, after checking myself in the mirror one final time, we closed the shop for the day, and went
downtown to lunch and visit a few of Evie's friends, mostly suppliers, at their stores. I was introduced as
her niece, Allisa, and nobody even guessed I was anything but the young lady I presented. I was so
relaxed, I felt I was a born-again female, and secretly wished I could be.

From that day on, every morning I routinely changed into my lingerie, applied some makeup, something
I got better at doing as I improved my skill, touched up my hair, which I was letting grow longer, and
worked in the shop wearing a short dressing gown until Evie called for Allisa to model something for a
client, which I did skillfully. The rest of the day I would wear the dress she had made for me, and even
occasionally borrowed a finished dress for a special treat. I especially enjoyed modeling bridal gowns. In
my mind they were the epitome of femininity. Trying some on definitely gave me some dreams at night
about being a bride. It set me to thinking about men in a new and different way. Some time I’ll tell you
about that.

Most all the garments fit me reasonably well, except for the few things that were special ordered for
large women! And with the aid of my padded bra, I now have a wonderfully girlish figure. Narrow
shoulders, small waist, larger hips and very smooth skin. My arms aren’t very muscular either, which
helps with my female image. I now spend all my working time at Aunt Evie's dressed and behaving as a
girl, (it's our secret from the family) with her's my job. I even run errands as Allisa
to Evie's friend's stores to pick up supplies. They enjoy seeing Evie's niece and often engage her in small
talk. Sometimes they tease her about boyfriends. Allisa has to be clever about her answers.

One summer afternoon, business was slow so we took a break for some ice tea. Aunt Evie felt like

"So tell me dear, now that you've experienced what it's like to be a girl for a while, what do you think? Is
it what you expected?" she asked.

"Yes and no, Auntie."

An interesting question, I thought. I might as well be open and honest with her. She was my ally. She
made it happen.

"I love the way I look and feel...I mean, I like the freedom of a skirt bouncing around my legs and my legs
touching each other without rough trouser legs between them...I enjoy the extra attention I get and the
little courtesies people show me as a girl that never happens to a boy, but on the down side, it's a lot of
work to be a girl! I must remember all the ladylike gestures such as keeping a good posture, keeping my
skirt down, and my legs together. And, as a girl, I find people often don't take what I have to say very
seriously. They seem to treat me like a child altho' a pretty one. I don't sense that as a boy. When Al
talks, they'd at least pay me the courtesy of letting me finish. As Allisa, they talk right over me and
usually ignore what I have to say anyway. I get so frustrated I want to yell, but I remember I'm a lady and
ladies don't do that."

Evie laughed. She reached out and touched my hand warmly.

"My love, good for you. You're beginning to learn the differences between genders. I know you've
worked hard to create and maintain your feminine appearance, but I also know it's been the labor of
love. If you didn't want to do it, you would stop. That's why I've given you the opportunity to dress and
act like a girl...I think it's something you really want to do. As for how you're treated, you've discovered
one of the difficulties of being a woman in a man's world. Men always seem to treat us as objects to look
at and desire, but not to be taken seriously. You must work that much harder to prove yourself. And,
when necessary, to use your feminine wiles which you'll develop in time because I know you want to.
Men don't have that problem...they're given the benefit of doubt. I'm sure you find it especially difficult
because now you've seen it both ways. You know what? Next summer, let's you and I take a vacation
trip together with you as a young lady. I want you to spend some continuous time that way to really see
what it's like instead of this on again-off again dressing. How does that sound?"

"Oh Auntie, I can hardly wait, ....thank you!"

She was both understanding and consoling. Sometimes I felt closer to her than to my own mother. I
wondered how mother would react if she saw me dressed as a girl…another daughter. Would she be so
understanding? She wanted me to be a girl, anyway, but I'm not so sure how she would react? What
about my older sister? They've got to find out eventually.

Allisa is really looking forward to going on the vacation trip with Aunt Evie. She's wearing her hair as long
as she dare without it being too obvious. With curly hair, it’s not too noticeable. She now regularly
shaves her legs and underarms like all the other girls in her age group and is flirting with boys when out
doing errands, just for the sport of it.
We’re coming closer to the school year, and Allisa will only be working and dressing weekends. But
that’s OK, I can go out as Allisa on evenings when my parents and sister are away. I’m really enjoying all
this. Who knows where this will go?

It had to happen. Entering the fitting area late one afternoon from an errand to pick up some thread, I

"Here's the thread you ordered, Auntie."

My sister was there talking to Evie!

"Al, is that you?" Sis asked, surprised.

Evie smiled, but said nothing.

"I would never have guessed, but I recognized the voice and I thought I was seeing my double. Why are
you dressed like that? How long have you been doing this?"

Turning to Evie, Sis said, "You knew about this and you never said anything?"

"It was our little secret, dear. I figured he would tell you when he was ready."

I could only stand there blushing like a teenage girl, which is what I looked like anyway.

"Well, I have to say, you make a very convincing girl, even if you do look like my twin. I wish I would have
known....we could have had a lot of fun," Sis said, turning back to me.
Trying to explain, I said, "it started innocently enough, Aunt Evie asked me to model a dress as a favor to
help her out of a bind, and it just sort of grew. I got caught up into dressing as a girl more and more."

"You don't have to explain it to long as you're happy doing it, I don't care. I think you always
wanted to wear girl's things. I noticed you watching me dress whenever you could, and asked a lot of
questions boys don't usually ask. Isn't that so?"

"Yes, I suppose I did" I muttered, blushing again.

"Oh, don't make him blush anymore," Evie interceded. "Now that you know, will you keep our secret?"
she asked.

I didn't know what to do or say. I wanted to cry. If my sister told our parents or friends, I'd die of shame.

"Sure I will, Evie. In fact, I'll even help him dress whenever he wants. I'd love to have a little sister. When
we were little, I wanted to dress him in my things at play and he always refused. Now I find out he does
it behind my back. Anyway, it's only fair, I wear his things whenever I want. He never complains."

Turning to me, Sis said, "I'll keep your secret, little brother, but you owe me one, OK?"

"Yes, Sis"

"By the way, what name do you use as a girl?" she asked.

"Allisa," I responded, waiting for the laugh.

Sis took my hands into hers and said, "Allisa, I like that. Hello, Allisa. We're going to be good friends, I
Evie and I smiled and breathed a sigh of relief. A big hurdle overcome.

From that time on, my sister's attitude towards me was entirely different. We became very close instead
of the sibling rivals we had always been. She discussed things with me that were never mentioned
before. Girl things. She asked me when I decided to wear girl's things since I never did when we were
little. I replied that I had nothing more than a curiosity about dressing in girl's clothes until Aunt Evie
asked me to model for her, and then it escalated. It was then that I began to enjoy things
was a real turn-on for me. I found myself enjoying being a girl more and more. In the privacy of our
bedrooms, Sis let me try on many of her outfits to model for her. She admired the lingerie Evie had given
me and offered me some of hers. We even exchanged makeup and hair tips.

I turned 17 that summer, and, in the Fall, started my sophomore year in high school. Sis had graduated
and started full time employment. I was working part-time for Evie, cross dressing whenever possible. It
became very difficult to think like a boy.


One day, late in the Fall, Sis came to me with a problem.

"Alissa, I need a very big favor from you. (We had become like sisters) There's this cute guy at work I'm
interested in. I finally got him to ask me out on date, but he's hesitant and wants to double date with his
boyfriend if I could get his friend a date."

"So?," I asked.

"So I promised to fix up his friend with Connie for Saturday night."
"So is there a problem? She's your best friend...she'll help you."

"Yes! At first, Connie agreed, and everything was set. Now Connie is sick and cant make it. I really want
to go out with Bill. I worked hard to set this up and without a date for his friend, it's off. I don't know if
he'll ask me least I don't want to risk it."

"So what can I do to help?" I asked.

"Will you take Connie's place as Allisa? Please? You owe me one, remember?"

Sis was calling in her mark in a way I never expected.

"You're asking me to date a boy? Come on! I'd never get away with it. I'm not a real girl. He'd kill me if
he found out. Be reasonable!" I responded frantically.

I had mixed emotions...scared, yet intrigued. Might be kind of fun. A real challenge. But she has to
convince me.

"Allisa is a beautiful girl and very feminine. You have no problem passing as a girl anywhere. This will be
easy. We'll just go to a movie. All you have to do is be there and act natural as a young've had
plenty of practice. C'mon, give it a try...please?"

"What if he tries to make a move on me...what do I do?"

"Whatever you want him to do. Consider yourself as the woman you want to be, as the woman you feel
you are. That should be easy for you. Please?" Sis continued to plead.

I was least, I felt she thought I was. Actually, I wanted to try it. The supreme test.
"OK, I'll do it for you...I owe you, I know. But consider the debt paid."

I was killing two birds with one stone.

Saturday night, I dressed for my date at Evie's apartment with her help so my parents wouldn't see me. I
wore the pretty dress she had made for me, she had done my hair up and back into a curly bob, and
with extra time spent on my evening makeup, earrings, pantyhose, and high heels, I looked older than
my 17 years. And, oh yes, she advised me to wear a panty girdle I borrowed from Sis just in case. (I had
the ability to make myself very flat in front to resemble a real female). Sis and her friends picked me up
at Evie's and I was introduced to my date as he got out of the car and opened the door to the rear seat.

"Jerry, this is Allisa," Sis said as he gently took my hand and helped me enter the car.

"Hello Jerry," I responded cheerfully. I could even sound feminine.

He was a big guy and very handsome...this was going to be fun as long as he didn't read me as a boy,
and after a final checkout in the mirror, I didn't think that was going to be a problem. I never felt so
much like a woman. He had a pleased and admiring look on his face as his eyes checked me up and
down. I liked that. My coat was open and the curves of my breasts were noticeable under the thin dress.
I was aware of his eyes stopping there. OK, I thought. I would have done the same. Sis introduced me to
Bill, her date, as we started out to the theater. We made small talk en route, and upon arrival, Jerry
opened the door on my side of the car and, taking my hand, helped me out, a real gentleman. I noticed
him looking at my legs as I swung them out of the car, knees together, and stood up in a ladylike fashion.
This pleased me too. My dark shaded nylons and the high heels enhanced the shape of my legs, as
intended. During the movie, Jerry made no moves except to put his arm around me which seemed
harmless enough. I snuggled against him as he would have expected a girl to do, and he held me tighter.
It was actually quite comfortable. I was enjoying my first date, and it was as a girl with a boy!...all I had
to do was look pretty and act natural. Naturally what? I still was mixed up. Am I a boy in girl's clothes, or
am I really feeling like a girl?

After the movie, we went for some pizza. I was careful to take the smallest pieces and take very tiny
bites. I had to be a lady at all times. I felt both boys looking at me....were they admiring me or did they
suspect something? I'm sure it was the former. Sis kept the conversation going, talking about work with
Bill, her co-worker, and just trivia in general. Jerry was very quiet, just a good listener, but he couldn't
keep his eyes off me. I was confident of my appearance, so that didn't bother me; in fact, I was flattered.
I tried to be warm and friendly to him, without leading him on too far. He reached for and held my hand
under the table, of which I offered no resistance. He would expect that too. Finishing eating, Sis and I
excused ourselves to go to the lady's room. As I refreshed my lipstick, we talked about our dates and
how it was progressing. Sis was pleased with Bill, and happy to see the Jerry and I were getting along so
well. She noticed us holding hands and asked if I was going to let him kiss me, suggesting that I should. I
reminded her that I was not a real girl, to which she smiled and winked. She treated me like a real
girlfriend on a date, not as a brother helping her out of a bind. I was surprised by that

As we stood up to leave, Jerry helped me with my coat, opened doors for me, and continued these little
gestures of courtesy. It pleased me and made me feel even more of a woman. Of course, he probably
shamed Bill into doing the same for his date. Arriving back at Evie's, where I planned on spending the
night, Jerry walked me to the door.

"Thank you for a lovely evening," I said to him, looking up into his eyes.

He was tall, burly, and handsome, and very gentle. I had never looked at a man like this before, nor had I
ever felt so vulnerable, but the combination of his behavior towards me and the way I felt with my
transformation had a strange effect on me. I felt more feminine than ever before, a feeling I did not
dislike 'tho I knew it was irregular.

"Will you go out with me again?" he asked, holding my relatively small hands gently in his large hands.

"Yes, that would be fun," I immediately responded, without thinking.

Then it hit me....What did I just say? What did I do! I'm a boy...I'm not supposed to be dating a man in
the first place! And a second date? But I said yes, and now I'm committed.

With that, Jerry pulled me close, put his arms around me, and softly kissed me on the lips. I was totally
surprised by the move, but, I submitted to his kiss. I relaxed my body and lips and returned his kiss until
he released his hold on me. I cant say I didn't enjoy it, but I'd never admit it. It was a man kissing a
woman. The only words spoken were, "I'll call you, Allisa" as he returned to the car and departed into
the night. I could like Jerry as a boy, but I liked him more as a girl. He's such a gentleman. I was swept off
my feet on my first date. Really my first date...I had never even dated a girl and now I was dating a boy!
Wait till I tell Sis. Dare I tell Evie? I let myself in, changed into a nightgown, removed my makeup, and
slept soundly that night in the guest room, completely confused by the events of the evening. 'If I'm a
boy, why did I enjoy myself so much as a girl dating a boy? If I'm a girl, why shouldn't I enjoy myself with
a boy? If I'm a boy, why do I want to be a girl? If I'm a girl, why am I being raised as a boy? What will we
do on the next date? Why did I enjoy his kiss? What if he wants more than a kiss? I envisioned more
than a kiss.’ On and On, my thoughts whirled...................Sleep came slowly.

The next day, I disclosed little to Evie except that we went to a movie and pizza and it was fun dating as
a girl. She was pleased that I enjoyed myself. But, Sis and I did a total recall of the date. I told her I was
kissed and I confided that I really liked it, which pleased but didn't surprise her. She really considered me
to be her sister. When I said I had accepted another date with Jerry, she was in awe. I admitted it slipped
out without thinking, but what's done is done. I have to follow thru. She was delighted and agreed to
help me any way she could. My friendship with Jerry would enhance her relationship with Bill. All I could
ask for was her panty girdle again. She offered to buy me my own.

Jerry called and set the date up for the following Saturday night. He took me bowling and out to eat
afterwards. On the way home, we parked and talked for a while. I now completely relaxed and put my
being a boy out of my mind. It was a typical boy-girl conversation. We eventually embraced and I
snuggled into his arms where I felt most comfortable, even as his hand gently caressed my breast. After
a while, he kissed me softly, followed by more passionate kisses. I enjoyed his kisses but somehow I felt
it was wrong...I should not be enjoying them as much as I did! I was completely submissive, allowing his
advances up to the point of heavy petting. His hands were on my legs under my skirt, sliding on the
smooth nylon of my hose. His touch was slow and gentle but, I couldn't let his hands wander too far
what with my foam filled breasts and hidden treasure within my panty girdle, namely my hard,
throbbing penis, straining to be released from it's nylon containment. How I wished my bra was filled
with my own flesh. If I now had any feelings of guilt about my gender, they were diminished by my
feelings toward Jerry. When we kissed, it felt so right. I just relaxed and enjoyed the moment....I could
fall in love with this man…maybe I was! Later, when talking to Sis, I felt ashamed of my reaction to
Jerry's advances, but she told me not be. What I did was perfectly natural for a girl and that's what I had
considered myself to be. I told her the jury was still out on that subject, altho at times, I did agree with
her. Jerry and I dated a few more times until I felt it was going too far. I was enjoying his advances too
much and felt it had to end before we got too close and we both would be hurt badly. It's what I would
have wanted if I were in his position.. I was having thoughts and feelings about him that worried me. In
my dreams, we were constantly having sex together; I wanted him to take me as a woman, and I wanted
to please him, and I was enjoying it! This could not be. I wasn’t ready yet although it was close…. We had
to break up so I told him I was leaving town for a job in New York. Sis reluctantly agreed. I think she
would have preferred I stay with Jerry and be his girl but, I think she was being selfish.

I continued to work for Evie through my senior year of high school as Allisa as much as possible. No
more dates, not even with girls. As a boy, I wasn't too popular with the girls socially as I was very quiet,
shy, and small, but those qualities were probably useful in attracting girls to associate with me for help
with schoolwork being I was a good student and always got good grades. I was never a sports jock, so
socially, I blended in with the wallflowers. I had no boyfriends either, for the same reasons. They
avoided me completely. But I enjoyed being Allisa, because she made friends easily. She wasn't shy but
instead, playful and outgoing. She brought out a different side of my personality. She allowed me to be
the person I wanted to be. Through Sis, I met new friends as Allisa and was accepted by them as Sis's
younger sister. Allisa was developing her own social life.

Eventually, my parents discovered my cross dressing. Mother spotted me wearing Sis's dress one day
while I was helping her hem it. Strange, that's how this all got started. Anyway, Mom exclaimed that I
could be a twin to Sis, we looked so much alike. One thing led to another, and I wound up modeling
some other of Sis's dresses for Mom. She was impressed at my appearance, my long hair, and how
effeminate I acted while cross dressed. I finally admitted what I had been doing. That explained why I
had let my hair grow so long, had pierced ears, and shaved my legs and underarms. She also had seen a
gradual change in my personality. I hadn't noticed until she mentioned it but I had become more passive
and less argumentative than a normal teenage boy. In retrospect, I was becoming more
womanly....probably due to all the time I spent as Allisa. I had figured it was just maturity, but she knew
better, having raised two other boys, my older brothers who were considerably older and were already
living away from home. She agreed that as long as I was happy with my cross dressing, that's all that
mattered. She would love me no matter what I did. She had no problem selling Dad on what I was
doing....he wasn't too disturbed either. My parents originally preferred to have two boys and two girls
anyway, so it was fine if I wanted to be a girl. As mentioned earlier, they had hoped for a girl when I was
born. Maybe I should fulfill their wish.


The time came for Aunt Evie to fulfill her promise of a vacation trip. We settled for a trip to New Orleans,
traveling as two women. I was to spend two weeks totally as a woman. I packed only women's
clothing...the only male article was my shaver, and I hardly needed that since I mostly used hair remover
on my face. We flew to our destination and rented a car with Evie as the designated driver. Al's license
wouldn't work for Allisa. Checking in at the hotel, Evie had reserved a single room for us to share. That
seemed harmless enough for two ladies, but we discovered the room had only a single king size bed.
And no other rooms were available. Not unusual for two women to share a bed, but our case was a little
different. I think it bothered me more than Evie because I'd never shared a bed with anyone.

I was excited about staying en-femme for two full weeks, wearing makeup on a regular basis, keeping
my hair looking nice, not having to change back to boy's things every day. I seemed to be in a constant
state of arousal, something Evie noticed the first night in bed. Dressed in our silky nightgowns, we took
our places in the large bed on opposite edges of the huge bed. I fell asleep easily and must have
dreamed of being in Jerry's arms, because suddenly I woke up in Evie's arms, tightly pressed against her
body and my hands caressing her breasts under her gown which had drifted up to her waist. My
manhood was hard and poised between her legs. She did not move me away, but instead held me
tightly and comforted me. She said I was moaning and kissing her. She rather enjoyed it. Being a
relatively young widow, she hadn't been with a man for a long time. I apologized for disturbing her and
gave her a long tender kiss on the lips and fell asleep in her arms since she didn't want to release me.

This woman was only about 16 yrs older than me, and very attractive for her age. I had never considered
her anything but a close family friend, a surrogate guardian, but my attitude was changing.

In the morning, we showered and dressed for a day of sightseeing. I chose a bright, flowery, summer
dress with a half slip and a lace camisole, white pantyhose, and low heeled shoes, good for walking. I
applied my makeup and brushed my long curly hair into place. Evie, likewise put on her makeup, and I
helped her with her hair, putting it into a bun. She said nothing about last night and I didn't mention it
either. We set off to see the town. Most of the day was spent in the French Quarter, dining in famous
restaurants and visiting museums. Evie not only referred to me as Allisa...she treated me totally as a
woman. Once, when I thanked her for that, she replied,

"No need for that,. this is what you wanted and I'm only trying to make you happy. When we return
home in two weeks, you can thank me then, if you still want to."

I knew I would.
Another day of sightseeing, as we joined a group and toured some of the ante-bellum mansions. I felt so
naturally female, I was chattering like a teenage girl, talking to our tour companions. Everyone was so
nice and treated me like the young lady I appeared to be, and I loved it. I was the youngest girl on the
bus, and the driver made sure to look after me. Of course, the tight, low neck, jersey Tee shirt and the
short skirt I was wearing with nude pantyhose may have helped. Evie enjoyed the attention I got and my

Going to bed, the second night, I turned off the light and rolled over to kiss Evie goodnight. I kissed her
on the cheek and thanked her for a lovely day. She pulled me to her and our lips met in a long wet kiss. I
sensed the passion of a lonely woman. I reached down and touched her warm, soft breasts through her
gown. She retained my hand on her breast and fondled my soft stem with her other hand until it got
hard and hot. Saying nothing, she turned onto her back and pulled up her gown as an invitation. I lifted
my nightgown up to my waist and assumed the dominant male position, and my rigid shaft easily slid
into her waiting, wet opening. It was heaven. She brought her legs tightly together and clamped my
center inside her, consuming me. So soft, so warm, so wet. She had exchanged my virginity with the
ultimate gift of love. I was having sex with my aunt....but then, she's not my real aunt. She's the woman
who has nurtured me since I was born and now I was repaying her in her time of need. I was the young,
innocent...she, older, experienced. The fulfillment of every young boy's dream. I alternately kissed and
sucked the nipples of her supple breasts until they became erect, while fondling them with both hands. I
was fixated by those beautiful mammary's. Oh, how I wanted my own. I then worked my way to her lips
where our tongues met and tasted each other's lipstick. Being my first, this whole experience was new
to me and I climaxed too quickly. She accepted my charge graciously, with a low pleasureful moan of
ecstasy, and didn't wait for her own climax but rather, relaxed and let me withdraw. Her only comment
to me was,

"forgive me, my's been so long since I've been with a man."

I hugged her and kissed her again. We embraced and went to sleep. I was thinking, 'Ah, those beautiful I wished they were mine. But, I must settle for foam rubber.'

The third night was another new experience. This time, in the dark, Evie delicately lifted up my gown,
rolled me onto my back, gently fondled my genitals to get me hard and, straddling my body, mounted
me in the traditional male dominant position, guiding my throbbing, hot shaft into her receptive, wet
She said, "tonight, I'll be the man and you're the woman you want to be....see how you enjoy it, my

She worked her body slowly up and down, kissing my lips, my nipples, my neck, holding me tightly,
touching me all over, definitely dominating me. I was completely submissive to her and enjoyed it
immensely. I knew this was my place, where I truly belonged. I fantasized that she was Jerry and he was
making love to me. I was his woman. His body was on mine, his manhood was inside of me! She picked
up the pace until I could wait no longer and climaxed, shooting my generous wad into her. Shortly
thereafter, she reached orgasm with a loud moan and a sigh....the first time I'd felt her climax, the walls
of her love canal undulating, milking my organ of it’s seed.. I'm sure she preferred to be on top where
she could be in control for the best sensation. She rolled over and we both fell asleep. This time, I had no
guilt feelings about my fantasy. I had been taken by my lover.

While taking my morning shower, the curtain opened and Evie joined me!

"Let's pretend I'm your husband and you're my wife?" she asked, soaping my back.

"How did you like sex from the woman's position?"

"It was heaven....I think that's where I belong," I answered. "and I think you enjoyed being the man."

I didn't want to tell her of my fantasy, but I couldn't stop thinking about Jerry either.

"Well, I certainly do enjoy the dominant position, that's why I want to be your pretend husband. Is that

"Oh Yes, dear," I responded, girlishly.

She turned me around to soap my front and noticing my erect penis, she washed that first, making it
harder. I wanted her to finish it, but she stopped rubbing. I took some soap and lathered her chest and
delicious breasts. She willingly let me touch all of her body which confused me even this
moment, am I a man enjoying a woman, or am I a lesbian with another woman? In my feminine frame of
mind, I feel like a lesbian, but I have no remorse.

"You're going to need a panty girdle for that thing if you cant control it," rinsing the soap off my still rigid

I could only smile, but by now, I wasn't the least bit shy. She looked at my boy's chest with only a little
flab for a bosom and shook her head.

"I wish I had your breasts," I offered.

"I wish I could help you there, my love, but until you decide what you want to do, we'll leave that alone.
A padded bra will have to do."

She rubbed soap on my nipples, saying "my poor dear, if only these would grow."

Her rubbing made my nipples hard.

I asked her what my options were to get female breasts. She said I could get breast implants or try
hormones, but I had to very sure I wanted enlarged breasts because they would be difficult to conceal as
a man so I would have to commit to being a woman and I was not ready for that. Maybe she was wrong.
I left her alone in the shower and went to get dressed. The first thing I put on was my bra with well
formed foam inserts and looked at myself in the mirror, wishing they were real. I loved the look they
imparted to my body.

Every day was a new experience with new things to see and do. I was completely happy being Allisa full
time. Evie began to play the role of my husband and treated me as if I was the wife, escorting me around
during the day and dominating me at night. I was completely submissive to my "husband" and enjoyed
every minute. The sex on this trip was certainly an unexpected treat. Thank goodness for the error with
the hotel room. I lost my virginity and found happiness as a woman. This vacation was turning into my
honeymoon and I was the bride!

The two weeks went by too quickly, and soon, we headed home. Evie asked the question:

"Well, Allisa, you've lived as a woman for two full weeks. Do you think you'd like to make it permanent?"

To which I enthusiastically replied, "Absolutely yes! And I especially liked being a wife."

"Oh Allisa, you're hopeless," Evie said, with a wink and a kiss, "I thought you would tire of this activity
and I could perhaps change your mind."

"Well Evie, after all, you did start the whole cross dressing thing," I said, giving her a big hug and
whispering "Thank you".


After graduation, I left Aunt Evie's employ for a full time job, but I still helped her out occasionally,
especially at night. She continued to help me cross dress, and I helped her with her nocturnal "needs" as
a good wife would do for her husband. Yes, the game continued. I secretly hoped to find employment as
Allisa, perhaps as a secretary, but I knew that was going too far. That was not to be; I wasn't ready to
commit. Allisa continued to be only a part-time but very frequent visitor. I joined my sister's group of
friends as Allisa, Sis's younger sister, and was easily accepted. It was the only social life I had. As Al, I was
a dud, besides, I had become too effeminate for a boy. I preferred to be Allisa. Allisa was pretty, and
popular. She was invited to party's and shopping sprees with the girls. I was happy as Allisa, but I knew I
had to make a living as a male. As a compromise, I found a job as a photographer's assistant gaining on-
the-job training. I was able to keep my hair long, and my effeminate appearance, earrings and slight
makeup, did not draw unusual attention in the world of art directors, hairdressers, and cosmetologists.
My cross dressing skills came in useful when helping models dress, applying their makeup, and arranging
their outfits for the photograph. My employer was extremely impressed with my talent and found it very
useful, and the girls were comfortable working with me. If he only knew how I learned those skills. On
occasions such as Halloween parties, I'd appear in woman's costumes and blow everybody's minds. They
couldn't believe how feminine I looked, yet it was so natural for me. Many of the clients thought I was a
real girl and wanted to date me until they learned my true gender. My boss loved it.

Delores, a long time friend of Sis’s and mine, was to be married. We all got involved with the plans of
the large wedding. I was asked to take candid photos of everything, which I willingly agreed to do as my
gift to them. I built up a series, starting with gift selections by the bride and groom, gown selection and
their fitting (yes, I could attend the fittings), reception hall, etc. I attended the rehearsals with my trusty
camera, and shot many pictures. Two days before the wedding, a minor disaster struck. One of the
bridesmaids fell and fractured her leg, requiring a large cast and the use of a wheelchair. She couldn't be
in the ceremony as planned, upsetting the balance of attendants. This caused a financial ripple effect all
the way down to the respective groomsman's tux rental. Delores needed a replacement fast to avoid a
lot of embarrassment and ill feelings. Sis suggested to Dee that maybe Allisa, our "cousin" who was
visiting, could fill in as a replacement. Dee did not know Allisa and that I was she. In desperation, she
begged Sis to ask Allisa. Sis then asked me if I'd do it, to which I replied that I'd be happy to, but that
meant the end of the candid photos since Al would suddenly vanish. Sis said she'd cover for me with
some excuse that I was called away by my boss for a location shoot. Allisa was introduced to Dee and
was immediately invited to join the wedding party at the pre-nuptial dinner on the eve of the wedding.
Sis, also a bridesmaid, and I, assisting each other, proceeded to dress in outfits befitting the occasion and
attended the dinner where we were introduced to the out of town guests and other members of the
bridal party. I tried to make myself look slightly different than my sister so we didn't appear as twins.
Her hair was down, I wore mine up. She wore a skirt, blouse, and matching jacket, while I put on a pretty
dress and my highest heels to make me taller. My large hoop earrings finished the look. I was introduced
to my escort for the ceremony, a handsome young man who couldn't take his eyes off of me. He tried to
hit on me all evening, but I kept my wits this time. I was now an experienced woman and didn't want to
date another man, although he was tempting and it was very difficult to decline his invitations. So
confident was I as a woman that I no longer had guilt feelings about dating a man. But, I was attracted to
another bridesmaid, a petite and very pretty girl named Elaine. She was even smaller than me. We
became friends, instantly, and got better acquainted as the evening progressed. We both attracted the
young men, but we stood our ground and hung out together, as girls do.

Early the next morning, the wedding day, Dee sent over the bridesmaid's gown I was to wear. Sis and I
went to the church to get dressed for the ceremony, getting an early start. We knew it was going to take
time to transform ourselves. We met the other girls there...a total of four bridesmaids and the bride. We
all helped each other dress in our gowns and do our hair and makeup. I wore a black bustier with
attached garters and blue stockings to match the gown.. The garment cinched in my waist and enhanced
my figure to a very feminine shape. My bra was filled with expensive silicone breast forms glued to my
skin, which I had recently purchased on the advice of a professional makeup artist. With proper makeup,
you couldn't see where they attached to the skin. They looked and felt very natural and formed a
noticeable cleavage. This was my supreme moment. Presenting myself to a crowd of people in a gown
similar to what I wore the first time I cross dressed. Only, I was now very experienced at appearing and
acting as a woman and no one doubted otherwise. My experience with the photographer's models and
their professional makeup artists came in handy. I did my makeup with extreme care, and helped the
other girls, especially Elaine to whom I paid extra attention. Although all the girls were running around in
various stages of undress in the dressing room, seeing Elaine in her bra and panties was a real turn on
for me...I considered her special. Somehow, with her, I felt like a man.. The bridesmaid's gowns were a
light blue with an off the shoulder décolletage, and it fit my small body perfectly, and displayed a little of
my breast and cleavage as intended. The hem, just above the knees and worn with three petticoats for
fullness, showed off our legs. The shoes, colored to match the gowns, had 3" heels and were a perfect
fit. With my past experience, I had no problem walking in the heels. I wore dangling earrings matching
those of the other girls. We were all stunning. The ceremony was beautiful. I felt wonderful walking
down the aisle with my tall, handsome, escort and all eyes upon me, and standing at the alter with the
other girls. As usual, I was confident of my appearance. I kept thinking to myself, 'I look like a woman, I
feel like a woman, I am a woman.' The thought gave me comfort.

At the reception following the ceremony, I sat next to Elaine. We had searched for each other. We
chatted throughout the dinner, and stayed together all evening, even going to the ladies room together
multiple times. I really liked her. We even danced together, not unusual for girls to do, until the boys cut
in and we had to dance with them. I didn't mind dancing with the boys, but I preferred to dance with
Elaine. This night, I wasn't in the mood to flirt with the thoughts were only about her. Late in
the evening, when I could be alone with her, I asked Elaine if she'd like to go out with me sometime.

"You mean go to lunch and shop together? Yes, I'd love to, Allisa," she responded with interest.

"Ah…Well, not exactly. This may sound strange, but I mean like on a date," I offered cautiously. Now I
was committed...I must follow thru. In my mind, with her I was Al, overlooking the fact that I presented
myself as Allisa.

"Allisa, I don't DATE GIRLS!" she admonished.

"What if I told you I'm not really a girl...would that make a difference?" I asked, risking everything. I
really wanted to date her but I hoped I wasn't chasing her away. I had to try. I had very little experience
asking a girl for a date, and here I was, doing it dressed as a girl.

"Oh yeah, right! I don't believe this some sort of joke? Are we on Candid Camera or something?
What do you mean you're not a're as female as I am...why, we've been in the ladies' room
together..I..I've seen you in your undies when we were dressing....your voice, your figure, you've got
breasts! If you're not a girl, then neither am I," she retorted in disbelief. "You're teasing me...Why are
saying this? I was starting to like you as a this cruel humor. Why?" she asked, her eyes filling
with tears.

She started to walk away.

"How can I prove to you that I'm really a male?" I asked, pleading, searching in desperation.

I couldn't very well ask her to feel my manhood under my dress, nor could I lift my skirt and expose my
genitals to her. What could I do but try to explain.

"It's just that I've been cross dressing for a long time and I've developed a feminine appearance. I fool
everybody. My breasts are silicon rubber glued to my skin. The rest of what you see is real but a result of
training. I'm here like this as a favor to Dee because Gail broke her leg and Dee needed a last minute

"Then if you are a man, who are you, really? I only know a girl named Allisa."

Now Elaine, regaining her composure, was curiously interested.

"I'm Sis's brother Al, I'm not really her cousin from out of town as everyone was told. That was just a
cover story. I live and work here. I'm a genuine male, Elaine, and I've gotten to know you, I find you
attractive, and I want to date you, as a male. Does it offend you that I'm a cross dresser?"
Elaine was almost speechless. She knew Sis through their friendship with Delores, but she didn't know
Sis had a brother. When she thought about the situation, she said,

"No, I'm not offended that you're a cross dresser, but I'm a little embarrassed that I believed you are a
woman. You're very convincing, to the point that you make me jealous of your appearance. I know, it
was your intention to make everyone think you're a woman, and it wasn't meant to be a malicious
deception....I understand you're only trying to be helpful. I think you make a very beautiful and talented
woman even if you are a male. I'd love to go out with Allisa; I think having lunch and going shopping with
her would be fun, but I don't know this Al person. I'd like to meet him, so, yes, I accept his offer of a
date. It would be like a blind date....even tho I'm talking to him, I don't know what he looks like. But, I've
met Allisa and I like her and I don't want to lose her friendship either."

"I can guarantee you, you wont lose Allisa....we're a package deal." I replied cheerfully.

"Why didn't Dee find a real girl to substitute for Gail?" Elaine asked.

"For several reasons, I guess. I had attended the rehearsals and knew the procedures, I was available on
short notice, and my sister knew I'd fit the gown and would be willing to wear it. That's a tall order to
find anyone else so quickly," I responded.

Elaine nodded in acceptance of my reasons.

"You're was nice of you to pitch in like that. I don't know of any other boy who would sub as a
bridesmaid for a friend," she said, winking at me, with a big smile.

We continued to talk on a more calm basis. A big hurdle had been overcome for me....I could finally

"Tell me, Al, why do you like wearing women's clothes?" Elaine asked with a genuine curiosity.
"I guess it's a long story, Elaine. As a boy, I've always been sort of a dud. I'm a little guy, and I always felt
inferior. Seems like nobody ever paid any attention to me. But, I had an opportunity to cross dress and
experience being a woman in public. I found that I was noticed more and treated far better as a woman
than as a man. I enjoy the little courtesies I'm shown. I sense a personality change a woman, I
can climb out of my male shell I created as a defense mechanism and be who I want to be. I
can laugh and cry without shame, I can be cheerful and funny, things girls can get away with that boys
can't. I don't have to compete with the macho guys, and do "guy" things...something I never have been
good at. I've always preferred the softer, gentler, more "womanly" things, I guess you'd say. So, that's
why I enjoy posing as a woman....besides, I like the way I look and feel as a woman, I've been told I'm
better looking than in men's attire."

"Wow, that's some explanation," Elaine responded. "You've got me worried, I've not seen you as a man.
Well, I've never tried to be a boy to see how the other side behaves, but I think I can appreciate how you
feel. Of course, if I behaved in a masculine manner, I'd be considered a Tom Boy, and that's not
unacceptable. It's too bad that in our society, you, as a male, have to resort to impersonating the
opposite sex to behave the way you would like. As a man, you'd be considered a sissy, or as they say
now, a "sensitive" or "new age" man. But, as a woman, of course, you fit right in. If you enjoy that, I say
go for it! You do a great job. I can see you've had a lot of practice and obviously do enjoy it. I'm not at all
offended. I think it makes you a better person, more sensitive to a woman's needs, what with first hand
experience. In fact, I think it would be fun to get together. I certainly enjoy Allisa's company, and I'm
sure you enjoy being her."

Elaine and I did start to date and continued to see each other regularly. She was actually my first real
girlfriend. Strange, I had dated a boy before I dated a girl!...and tho I was comfortable as a girl being
with the boy, I preferred being a boy with a girl. Often, I would go as Allisa which Elaine enjoyed
because, as girls, we could do different things than we would as boy-girl such as shop for and try on
clothes in the fitting rooms together. We could clown around, flirt with men, and generally have a good
time. Al's personality was different and the dates were more of a serious nature. As a boy, I wasn't
comfortable being so outgoing. I think Elaine got a kick out of the contrast. I filled her in with all the
details about Allisa, how I started and my experiences as a girl, especially my date with a boy, which
intrigued her, especially the part about the kisses and how I enjoyed them. She was fascinated by my
ability to easily transform myself into a woman, with a corresponding personality, a nicer, warmer one
than Al's. I sometimes thought she liked Allisa more than Al, but then, why not, I did.

Elaine and I were married (yes, she was the bride), and although I continue a normal daily routine of
living as a male, Allisa is with us every night and weekends. Elaine prefers my feminine side. After all, she
met Allisa first. We do most everything together as women, even vacation.. Our sex life is more of a
lesbian relationship with both of us alternating the dominant position. I keep my body as feminine as
possible with shaving and body lotions. I maintain my hair long, tied back into a pony tail, as a male, and
styled as Allisa, and I wear only lingerie under my male clothes and change to all female attire at home.
As a professional photographer, it doesn't raise suspicion, and Elaine prefers it because she knows it
makes me happy. Because of my petite size and feminine complexion (I've had electrolysis to remove
my beard), I'm often mistaken for a woman. I'm flattered. Elaine even thinks I should wear a little
makeup on a daily basis. I'm working up to that. Maybe a light lipstick wouldn't hurt. What will she
suggest next, a dress? If I were to do business as a woman, I'll have to lower my rates. Actually, I think it
would be an asset being a lady photographer. I'm halfway there now, anyway.

Through support groups, I joined the transgender community. When they learned I was a photographer,
I gained a lot of new business photographing transgendered people and same sex weddings. They felt
comfortable with me.

Delores was eventually told the truth about Allisa. She was both surprised and flattered that I would do
that for her. Her wedding photos are a permanent record of Allisa as a bridesmaid and she sent me a


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Girlie School Uniforms

by KaraLynn
Dr. Martha A. Miller, PHD. ,Behavior and Family Therapist, read the sign on the office door. Mrs. Helen
Roberts was returning to this office after a visit last week. Today her son Sam was also with her. Helen
had been recommended to Dr. Miller by Helen's neighbor, Mrs. Andrea Harris. Several weeks ago, Helen
and Andrea met for their semi weekly chat at the coffee shop

"So, how are your kids, Sam and Sarah, doing? Are you still having a problem with Sam?" asked Andrea.

"Yes, it's the same old story. Sam is having trouble at school. I met with his teachers last week and they
told me of his problems with most of the subjects he is taking and they described his continual behavior
problems with both boys and girls in his class. I've once again heard that he is a very bright student, but
doesn't apply himself. I know that's true and I think both his academic and social problems are caused
by a lack of effort. He acts out sometimes to avoid having to focus his attention on his school work. The
minute he comes home from school, he changes out of his uniform shirt and slacks and heads outside
with his friends. If only we could find a way to keep him on track. I'm sure that once he develops some
better habits he'll be more successful in school. His sister Sarah comes home and immediately sits down
and spends several hours on her assignments. She doesn't even stop to change out of her uniform. Sam
is a year older than Sarah, but they are about the same height and have similar features. They have been
mistaken for twins, but they are not alike in many other ways. Since the divorce, I am raising them by
myself. I've tried to get Sam to follow her example, but we end up constantly battling and this
aggravates everyone."

"I've been through similar situations with my two older kids and I sympathize with you. It took some
time for them to realize that time spent on study and homework would help improve their grades and
when their grades improved, our sense of a healthy family improved. I ran into Mary Lawlor last week
and she told me about a psychologist that has helped her son focus on his school work and improve his
grades. In fact, Mary says she also has benefited and improved her own self image by scheduling some
sessions with Dr. Miller herself. "

"Wow, this doctor sounds, like a miracle worker. What's her secret and did your get her phone
"Yes, I wrote down the number for you. You can call to set up an initial appointment where you can
come in and discuss if this type of program could be of benefit to you and you son. From what I
understand you talk through the problems and she uses relaxation techniques to help the person focus
on the problem and to become more open to the suggestion to change their behavior. Mary says that
on the first visit you meet with the doctor yourself and if both of you agree to it, you set up another
appointment with your son. "

"I'm definitely going to call tomorrow. We've got to find something to help Sam change his behavior and
I've run out of ideas."

"Sounds, like a good idea. Let's finish our coffee. I know there is a major sale going on at the Beckets
Dept. store. I know that you love sales."

Two days later, Helen was in Dr. Miller's office for their initial conference. Dr. Miller was personable and
appeared to have a natural ability to make people comfortable. This is a very useful trait for someone in
the therapy business. Helen explained her problem and told the doctor about Sam's behavior. Dr. Miller
stated that she had done a lot of work with students in helping them become more focused and
responsible for their own actions. She described several cases that were somewhat similar to Sam's. No
names were mentioned of course, but one case seemed similar to what Mary Lawlor's son had gone
through. Dr Miller would meet with Helen and her son and they would discuss what is his current
behavior, how it is not productive and beneficial, and then they would together develop a plan to
improve his life by deciding on what can be changed at home and at school. Dr. Miller also discussed
how she uses relaxation and focusing techniques as an aid to strengthening the changes in behavior.
Helen was very impressed with Dr. Miller's explanations and agreed to bring Sam in for an appointment
the following week.

Dr. Miller welcomed Mrs. Roberts and her son Sam into her inner office. "It's nice to meet you again,
Mrs. Roberts, and welcome Sam. Sit down and let's see how we three can come up with a plan that will
make you, your mom and your teachers very pleased."

They discussed what Sam's current difficulties were and why he continued to run into trouble. Dr. Miller
made everyone relax through her calming manner and pleasant, but powerful personality. They
eventually agreed that Sam knew he was not doing well at school and at home and although he wanted
to do better, he didn't see how he could do anything to change it. His only response was to increase his
poor behavior but by doing so, he prevented anyone from getting close enough to help him with his real
problems. He was tired of being the troublemaker and would really like to improve his grades and
improve his relationships with his teachers, other students and his family.

"I really would like to change and I'm willing to listen and do what I can to change starting today."

This was a breakthrough and they got to work on some suggestions that may help Sam at school.

"Now Sam, I'd like to show you some techniques of relaxation and focusing that will help you strengthen
your positive thoughts and hopefully help you accomplish your goals better."

They moved over to two comfortable chairs in the corner of the office. Mrs. Roberts remained at the

"The techniques I'm going to show you are similar to the techniques used in meditation. Your mind has a
conscious part that processes your thoughts and deals with what it sees in front of you. There is another
part called the subconscious that takes care of actions and reactions that you do automatically. It also
works in the background with your conscious mind and it can access large amounts of information and
memories and help you to process, plan and solve problems. The subconscious controls your
imagination and creativity. It regulates your senses and your emotional feelings."

"You mean you're going to hypnotize me and make me go to sleep? I saw someone do that on TV and he
made the person do some silly things. I don't want that to happen to me."

"Believe me, that is not going to happen. Actually you will not be sleeping. In fact, you will be alert at all
times. But in this relaxed state, similar to when you are between sleeping and waking up, you'll be able
to tune out most everything else and focus strongly on what you want to accomplish. You will be open
to suggestions and with such increased concentration, your suggestions can become reality."

"But I'm the one with the need to change. I want to make my own decisions and not be controlled by
"You are exactly right. You can't be made to do anything you don't want to do. You are in complete
control. I am just a facilitator, a helper, to assist you. You will tune out your doubts and fears and you
will focus on how you would like your life to change. In fact, if I did try to take control, your own mind
would take over and you would come out of the relaxed state. If at any time, you are not comfortable
with the process, we will stop and try to deal with it. Let's begin."

The doctor dimmed the lights and turned on some soft background music. She began to talk in a soft
calming voice and asked him to listen to her words and to become as comfortable and relaxed as
possible. In some ways she said this was like an intense game of "pretend". She went through relaxation
exercises to relax his arms and his upper body. She asked him to pretend he was so relaxed that he was
weightless. After sometime, he began to feel a sense of calm and started to focus on the doctor's words.

"What you need to do is to replace negative behavior and habits with positive behavior and productive
patterns. You know that you will be more successful in school by improving your concentration and by
improved interactions with your teachers and fellow students. You know that spending more time with
your homework and taking advantage of time for additional study will be rewarded by an improvement
in your grades. Once your grades improve, you know that your mom will be pleased and you yourself
will have a great sense of accomplishment."

"One of the difficulties we discussed was your lack of time spent on assignments at home. I know that
you have a study area set up at home and you wish to change your behavior so that you begin studying
soon after you arrive home and stay with it for at least an hour. You need to get an image of what it will
be like and to lock this idea in your mind. I want you to see yourself coming home and studying. You
need to get a clear picture in your mind. Visualize what is in the room. Describe to me what you see. This
image can be used as a focus point and keep you on track."

"Well, I see my sister sitting across from me at her desk. She is wearing her uniform blouse and skirt. She
is very organized and very intense when she studies. I would like to be like her because she is very
committed and disciplined. She does very well in school and is well liked by everyone. I know I need to
get more involved in school activities and I need to participate in class and to do the best I can."

"Is there something else that you see that could be used as a centering thought?"
"Like I said, Sarah is very intense. She does have a little habit that I see when she is really involved in her
work. She crosses her one leg over the other knee and with her heel of her foot out of her shoe, she
rocks the shoe back and forth on the toes inside. I can see her knee high socks and I can see the shoe

This always seemed to be a signal that she was really concentrating. Seeing my sister working across
from me would be a strong image that I could focus on and I would like to study like she does because I
see how successful she is at home and at school."

They went on to review some other points that needed Sam's attention and after about45 minutes, Dr
Miller and Sam had completed the session.

"I think we had a good start today. Remember that you are in charge, you can make it happen. You
know what you have to do and you know that you will be rewarded in many ways by being successful"

Sam and his mother were very encouraged by what they had started today. Mrs. Roberts made an
appointment to meet in two months but she placed a call to Dr. Miller three weeks later.

"The first week I really noticed a change in Sam's attitude. Every day he would sit down and spend a
large amount of time studying with his sister Sarah sitting across from him. I also noticed he had a more
cheerful attitude toward others. The second week, Sarah had to go to dance lessons and stay for
cheerleading practice after school. The first day she was not home, Sam fell into his old habits and was
out the door skipped his homework and hung out with his friends. I talked with him that night and he
agreed that he should have stayed working but he said without Sarah there he lost his concentration.
Knowing that she would not be there again the next day, we came up with a plan. I would place Sarah's
extra uniform skirt and blouse on hangers and place them at her desk across form Sam. We hoped that
this might be a substitute for the focusing behavior that we had set up at your office. Well, when I
returned after picking up Sarah the next afternoon, Sam was sitting working at the table but, to our
surprise, he was wearing the skirt and blouse. I did not know what to say so I kept quiet. When he was
finished, he changed back into his after school clothes and neatly hung up the skirt and blouse. I finally
decided to talk with him later that evening and I asked if he had an explanation for wearing the clothes"

Sam answered, "When I got home, I went to my work area and saw the uniform. I know that I need to
spend time studying and I just felt that I could concentrate better and be more relaxed wearing it so I
took off my shirt and pants and put on the uniform. I left on my own shoes and socks. I know that I
would not to try to leave and go outside dressed like that. It seemed to work, I felt good about staying
on task and when I finished, I carefully hung up the uniform."

"I see. I have to ask if this means that you want to dress all the time and if this means you would like to
be treated as a girl when you do this?"

"Oh no, there was something in the back of my mind that kept telling me that this was what I needed to
do to stay focused. It was just something that I thought would help. It appears that it did, but I don't
want to dress as a girl all the time and I don't want to become a girl. I am happy with who I am."

"I thought that this made sense. I wanted to try something the next time Sarah was not going to be
there. I left the skirt and blouse and this time I included a pair of socks and a pair of Sarah's school
shoes. When we arrived home, there was Sam, hard at work and he even had adopted Sarah's shoe
balancing habit as a means of concentration. Tell me doctor, should we continue with this or should we
stop it?"

"I think that Sam has transferred his focusing mechanism from seeing Sarah to seeing Sarah's uniform. It
appears that in his mind, the most effective way to realize this focus was to wear the uniform. From his
remarks, it looks like this is not a case of him wanting to actually become a girl but only his mind
adapting to a new situation. Let's give this some time. If you and Sam think this is not appropriate, then
we'll meet and use the relaxation and suggestion techniques to alter his responses as necessary. In any
case, our appointment is still on for next month and feel free to call again if there are other issues."

A month has passed and Mrs. Roberts and Sam met in Dr. Miller's office. Sam had shown improvement
in all areas. His grades had all gone up. His behavior towards other students and teachers had drastically
changed. He now had a sense of accomplishment and saw that the extra time he spent is study and
review was paying off. He didn't need to hide behind a negative attitude. He was becoming more
confident every day. Mrs. Roberts and the doctor discussed Sam's dressing situation. He continued to
wear the uniform when his sister Sarah wasn't there and it seemed to have a calming influence on him.
Sam's sister Sarah was at first angry that he was wearing her things, but when she saw what it did for
Sam's confidence and concentration, she agreed to go along. Mrs. Roberts suggested that Sam get a set
of uniform clothes of his own so he wouldn't have to borrow them any more. She had a shopping trip
planned soon. Sam and the doctor talked for a while and Sam reported on his success. The doctor
mentioned that if the wearing of the clothing was a problem, they could find another way to help Sam
stay motivated. Sam said things seemed to be working out fine this way and they agreed to continue
with this program and to meet in two months to check on his progress. The only problem was when the
weekend or a holiday occurred. Sam knew that he should be doing extra work to catch up but he
seemed unwilling to spend his free time in study. Sarah had a suggestion that Mrs. Roberts told the
doctor about that might help Sam to do some weekend study. She told her she would discuss it with
Sam later that day. They all agreed that things had definitely turned toward the better and all were sure
with a little extra effort this would continue.

Later that evening Sam, Sarah and their mom were in the living room. Sarah explained her plan.

"As you know I've had dance lessons every Saturday at The McNamara School of Dance. Several of the
girls have been coming early several hours before the lesson to meet as a study group. We help each
other out with problems and we do some common research on various topics that we could all use in
some way in our various classes. The girls were from various schools in the community, some public and
some private. The size of the group has been increasing because many other girls saw that it was helping
everyone and it was fun. Mrs. Lender, the head dance teacher also approved of this. She purchased
some used tables, chairs and desks from the local library when the library was remodeled to add some
computer internet stations. She set aside room in one of the auxiliary dance studios. One benefit for
Mrs. Lender was that when she was deciding on costumes for the recitals, she would bring in the
costume supplier and we would be willing models. The costume representative was so pleased with this
that she set up arrangements with the local hair stylists and makeup consultants and they would help to
coordinate hairstyles, makeup and the costumes. One of the girl's mothers is an executive at Beckets
Dept. Store and she suggested that our group might be interested in doing some modeling of the newest
girls' fashions or act as consultants for their buyers. We would get to try on clothes as well as get
discounts at the store and have access to the stores cosmeticians and beauty shop. A few months ago,
Katie's mother thought it would be a good idea if her two sons Justin and Donald were to be part of the
study group. Katie told her that the group was for girls only, but Katie's mom spoke to Mrs. Lender and
the dance teacher said that the boys should be allowed in. We girls were upset about it but we had a
plan that we kept to ourselves. As long as they were joining the girls group we would treat them like
girls and expect them to act like girls. Originally the boys were against this but we know how to use our
powers of charm and persuasion to get them to see it our way. Since they did benefit from the study
and research projects that we did together their grades were improving and their mother and teachers
were pleased. They didn't participate in the costumes or fashion consultations, but some of the girls
think it would be interesting if they were involved in this in the future. After all, they are a part of the
group. Another boy, Kyle, was added since then. The girls know this might be an embarrassing situation
for the boys so we promised not to tell anyone about this, unless the guys gave us their permission.
They said it was all right to tell you. So, I'm suggesting that Sam become a member of the Saturday
morning McNamara Girls Study Group. What do you think about that?"
After some discussion, Sam agreed to give it a try starting the next week. Sam was familiar with most of
the girls in the group and there were a couple that he had small crushes on. He would never tell them
this to their faces, but he saw this as a chance to meet them, to talk with them and generally to be
around them. He asked Sarah to tell him what topics they were currently researching. One of them
involved the differences in behavior from a gender perspective and another was the benefits or
disadvantages of uniforms in schools. They also planned to review how to balance chemical reaction
equations for chemistry class. She told them that to put some fun in their studying days, they sometimes
had a theme for the day. It might involve dressing or acting in a certain way. It might involve performing
a skit or bringing some refreshments.

"I asked mom to go down stairs so I could fill you in on the study group. The new members are known as
the new kids and the full members are known as the regular girls, or regulars. The new kids have to earn
their way to the regular group. You must come early on Saturday and set up the tables and chairs. You
must be willing to follow our directions. We will not be mean to you or ask you to do anything wrong,
but we need to see that you are sincere in your willingness to be part of the group. You earn points for
carrying out some tasks and for successfully completing some quizzes. You need 150 points to become a
regular. This should be fun for everyone. By the way, you needed a regular to sponsor you. Claire has
agreed to be your sponsor. Even though you never said it, I could tell that you like her by the way you
act when she is around. Now one of the requirements if that you may be asked to wear an item of
clothing each week. Claire gave me a pair of anklet socks for you to wear Saturday. Be sure to put them
on before you go. There will be an inspection first thing in the morning. Also I thought I'd let you know
that the school uniform discussion was set for Saturday."

Sam thought to himself that this might be the beginning of an interesting experience. He arrived early
on Saturday morning. The other three new kids were there. He was familiar with all three of them, but
they were not part of his regular circle of friends. They set up the chairs and tables in the auxiliary dance
studio. The girls started to come in. Some of them were carrying large garment bags. They could not see
what was inside of them. Claire immediately came up to Sam and asked to see the socks. Sam rolled up
his pants legs and showed them. Claire smiled at him and said that he passed inspection. This was to be
only the first of several inspections that day. The other boys were wearing tee shirts from their
sponsors. With the common styles that both males and females wore only a close observer would notice
the difference.

Janice was the leader of the group this month. They took turns sharing the role. She began to explain
what as planned.
"Welcome to the study group and welcome to our newest new kid, Sam. As you know, we are working
on a social studies project that is also part of a report for some of our student council's committee work.
The issue involves the purposes and reasoning for having school uniforms. Members of our group come
from four local schools. Jessica, Krystal, Mandi, and Lisa F. attend the public school, William Henry
Harrison. Janice, Claire, Stephanie, Melissa, Tabitha and Rachel attend St. Marys, an all girl parochial
school. Students at Bishop Lydon, a coed school are Julie, Lisa P, Kyle and Donald. The Barrington
Academy, a private prep school was only for females but last year became coed. Sam, Sarah, Justin, Erin
and Sommer attend there. We all have to wear uniforms so you see that this is an issue for all of us. To
start it off, we decided it would be a good idea if we saw and discussed the style and type of uniforms
that are worn during the year. We also decided that the new kids would each wear the uniforms for
each of the schools. We brought two changes for each of the uniforms worn. Your sponsors will take you
to the changing rooms and assist you as necessary. "

Donald and Justin followed their sponsors, Julie and Mandi. Kyle came in with Rachael. Claire was
smiling at Sam as they entered the dressing room. She was to speak for the other girls.

"You'll notice that there is a set of white cotton camisoles and panties for each of you still in their

Most of the schools require a simple white T shirt or camisole under your blouses or shirts. This is how
you will be dressed for your first change. Donald will be wearing the Barrington uniform supplied by
Erin. Justin will be dressed in The Harrison uniform provided by Mandi. Kyle will be in the St. Mary's skirt
and top brought by Rachael. Sam will be dressed in the Lydon uniform that Julie supplied. The uniforms
are in the marked garment bags. We'll step outside while you ladies get yourselves ready. In a few
minutes we'll return to help you with your hair and makeup and to help you select your shoes. By the
way, this activity can earn you 15 points towards meeting your goal to become a regular. "

Sam's Lydon uniform was a blue green plaid pleated skirt with a pair of navy bike shorts underneath. The
shirt was a white polo shirt purchased from the Lands End catalogue. There was a pair of forest green
cable knit knee high socks.
The St. Marys outfit was a khaki box pleated skirt and a short sleeved white buttoned down collared
oxford cloth shirt that was to be tucked in. There was a pair of white crew style socks that came well
above Kyle's ankles.

Justin put on the basic Harrison girls uniform. The skirt for Harrison was a Campbell plaid, blue green
and black. The top was a forest green collared polo shirt. White tights were worn covering the legs.

Donald's uniform from Barrington included a maroon gray plaid skirt in a classic pleated style with back
elastic and a side zipper and button. The socks were burgundy flat knit knee high socks. The shirt was a
plain white pullover turtle neck.

After they had finished, the girls checked back in. Sam's shoes were a cool klunky heeled Mary Jane
shoe. Donald had a pair of brown loafers with a one inch heel. A pair of laced up plain toe black school
shoes were selected for Kyle. Justin was given a pair of Bass Suede/Navy Saddle shoes.

They girls sat each of them down and brushed and combed their hair into girlish styles. Those with
longer hair were given a scrunchie and those with shorter hair were given a hair band that matched
their uniforms. Translucent powder was brushed on their faces with a big fluffy brush and a touch of
clear lip gloss was applied to their lips. Their nails were coated with a clear polish. Each was given a
spritz of Ralph fragrance from Ralph Lauren before they were brought out. This last bit of girly fragrance
added to their embarrassment, but at this stage they clearly were in no position to argue. Claire had
them walk back and forth across the room in their new outfits. They had to admit that there was
something different about thee way their skirts freely brushed against their legs. Claire reminded them
to take smaller steps, to use their hips more and to swing their arms slightly outward as they walked.
The knees and feet are straight ahead but the feet are turned in the tiniest bit. Boys walk from their legs,
girls walk from their hips.

The other girls applauded as the new models made their way into the room. The four were inspected
and the girls agreed that they all passed.
Claire spoke, "I'm glad that you passed. Now we're going to go back and make a few changes to your
wardrobe. When we return, you're going to be checked for dress code violations. This time we get to be
the dress code police."

The four were lead back into the next room. Sam was told to remove his skirt and top. Waiting for him
was a long sleeved blouse with a pretty peter pan collar. He also put on a short half slip with lace at the
hem. Claire took her younger sister's plaid uniform jumper out of the garment bag. It was lined front and
back with taffeta and it slid on smoothly. The extra long zipper in the back also made it easy to put on. It
was a polyester/ rayon blend and had two sewn in pleats. It was very short and most of his legs were
showing. A cotton candy pink polish was applied to Sam's nails. A large white hair bow was placed on
top of his head and two teddy bear barrettes were slid on the sides of his hair. Short lacy anklets and a
pair of Mary Janes were added.

Julie helped Donald out of the turtle neck and had him put on a black t shirt with a rock band logo on it.
Over this he wore a white polo shirt with the Barrington school logo on it. The top three buttons were
opened, showing the black tee underneath. She helped him let his skirt slide down away from his waist
and more towards where his hips would be. His socks were replaced with a pair of short sport socks.

Mandi rolled up the waistband of Justin's skirt. It was now quite short. His polo short was no longer
tucked in. She sprayed several streaks of washable purple highlights in his hair. A coat of really red
lipstick was applied.

Kyle's skirt was also rolled up. The white cotton oxford shirt was replaced by a pink top with spaghetti
straps. His crew socks were removed and he was now wearing a pair of fashionable athletic flip flops.

They were again brought out for inspection, but before they were brought out Sam spoke to the other
new kids. "I guess I got my wish of getting to be close to the other girls, but I never thought this would
be the way. I really am embarrassed, but knowing that you three are also in it with me is some help."

Donald spoke. "Justin and I have been doing this the longest. The extra practice and tutoring we get has
helped us with our school work. We have made a lot of friends with many of the girls. I don't think that
any of them even knew that we existed before all this. Most of them treat us fairly. But we have had
many strange discussions and tasks to do, but this is the first time we had to be completely dressed up. I
hope it doesn't happen too many times. Well, I guess its show time again"
The girls all giggled as they noticed there were going to be a lot of dress code violations. Kyle was first.
Melissa from St. Mary's was the inspector." Well, Kyle, this will never do. Skirts may not be rolled up at
the waist. The standard is that the skirt length is to be no shorter than three inches above the top of the
knee. Clearly you are in violation. The spaghetti strap top is definitely inappropriate for the educational
setting. Appropriate tops are the oxford shirt, a polo shirt or a turtle neck, all in white from the school
uniform supplier. While we're at it, let me list some of the other inappropriate tops. They make up most
of my outside school wardrobe but are not allowed in school. They are spaghetti tops, pajama tops, crop
tops, tank tops, halter tops, tube tops, midriff tops, or one shoulder tops. Also, no sundresses allowed.
Flip flops? You've got to be kidding. You need a pair of sensible leather school shoes and proper socks or
tights. This is not the beach, missy. "

Lisa F. from Harrison was now ready for Justin. "Would you look at the length of that skirt? That is
unacceptable. The length must be no more than four inches above a bent knee. The shirt must be
always tucked in because when it is not, your midriff might be exposed when you raise your hand or you
bend or reach for something like a book in your locker. We used to get the smaller size shirts from Gap
for Kids, because they fit tighter and shorter. This year they are not on the approved list. By the way,
although I didn't see any, no other body piercings are allowed other than one small hole on each ear
lobe. Now for your hair, no unnatural hair coloring or highlights, the purple must go. Young lady, you will
remove the red lipstick, only clear lip gloss is allowed. Here are some tissues and makeup remover."

Erin was ready for Donald. "That's a nice Barrington polo with the school logo, but only the top button
may be opened. Even with it buttoned, you can clearly see the black t shirt underneath it, definitely not
part of the dress code. Skirts are to be worn at the waist and not at the hips. It is inappropriate for your
underwear to be showing when you are sitting down, raising a hand or bending, even if your shirt is
tucked in. Although the uniform is made of washable polyester/ cotton, you may want to occasionally
take it to the dry cleaners because it helps to sharpen the pleats. Socks must be clearly visible above the
ankle. Those are too short. Cotton/nylon/spandex cable knit tights are an option in white or burgundy.

Sam was last to be inspected by Lisa P. "Well Sam, you look very precious as the little school girl. We all
remember when we had to wear jumpers when we were younger. I can't forget that as I moved up in
grades, I couldn't wait to wear cute skirts like the older girls did. I guess you wanted to do the opposite.
Again, the length of the jumper is not acceptable. There is a rule about the length being the width of a
dollar bill ( about 2 ½ inches) above the knee. It is recommended for modesty and comfort and because
of the running, jumping, and twirling you will be doing, you should be wearing your navy gym shorts or
cotton/Lycra bike shorts under your jumper. Very girly lacy anklets you have on, but this is not some
fancy birthday party, you're in school. I do like the shiny Mary Janes. Pink polish on those nails? You
know that only clear polish is accepted. The hair bow is nice but you can't have the bear barrettes in
your hair."

"We are done with the inspections. Let's return to the study area. Before we summarize the pros and
cons of mandatory school uniforms", said Janice, "I'd like to mention some of the consequences of
uniform violations. In some cases you are allowed to make necessary adjustments to meet the dress
code. Some of our schools have extra skirts, blouses and socks that you can rent for the rest of the day
for a small donation to charity. This is only allowed for the first offense. Repeated violations lead to
parent's notes and phone calls, dean's discipline referrals, detentions, meetings with parents and
possible suspensions. Don't worry, since this was just a demonstration, you won't have any detention
time to serve. Now let's hear the summaries. Tabitha will speak first in favor of mandatory school
uniforms. "

"Thank you. When I get up in the morning, the clothes that I will wear are already picked out for me. I
don't have to waste time deciding what to wear and how the others might react to it. There is less
distractions when I don't have to focus on fashion. The focus is on learning and responsibility. The
students don't have to worry if they cannot afford the latest trends in clothes and sometimes being
teased about being different in what the might be wearing. The uniform can be used to promote an
image of pride both in school and as we travel back and forth from home. Outside of school, I have the
opportunity to wear whatever I want, That is, unless my parents want to complain, but I think you
express your individuality by what you say and do and not by how you are dressed. As a minor point, the
uniforms are relatively inexpensive and fairly easy to maintain and keep clean. Now, Jessica will speak
for those against school uniforms."

"Thanks, Tabitha. Once again, they are trying to tell us what to do. How can I express my individual
personality I must be dressed like everyone else? How come I am not given the opportunity to show off
all the awesome clothes that I have? I spend I lot of time researching the fashion magazines and watch
all the fashion shows on cable. Just because my parents have money, does that mean I can't spend it on
fashion? Everybody has there own style and your appearance is one way you can show the kind of
person you are. We should be celebrating the differences and not trying to be like everyone else. They
also want to control our shoes, hair and makeup. If we do have to wear uniforms, can't we come up with
something that is more stylish?"

"Thank you Jessica and Tabitha. Thanks you Sam, Justin, Kyle and Donald. All four of you have earned
the fifteen points for this activity. You may chose to stay in uniform for the rest of the day or you may
change into the clothes you wore this morning. In any case, the camisole and panties are yours to keep.
Before you four leave, pickup a copy of each of these magazines that the girls have left on the table,
Seventeen, GirlsLife, and Teen. Read them carefully and write a two page summary of the fashion,
makeup, hair and advice tips given in that issue. This assignment is worth 5 points and is due next week.
Our dance lessons will be starting in about twenty minutes so our discussion on the differences between
genders will continue next week. Those of you that need help with your chemistry can make
arrangements for the special Wednesday after school tutoring session at Tabitha's house. Since you
looked so cute in skirts today, we decided that everyone will wear skirts next week. You may bring the
clothes with you and change here, but it is worth an extra five points if you wear it to the studio next
week. No school uniform skirts allowed and you may not borrow a skirt from one of us. It is probably
best if you buy a new skirt this week.

Finally, you know that St. Marys has a program called Shadow Day. A girl from another school is paired
up with a current student and she follows her schedule throughout the whole school day. It gives her a
chance to see what the school is like from the inside. I have the signed permission form for Sarah to
shadow Claire. We have decided to substitute Sam for Sarah. Your mom has OKed it. Take good notes
because you will give us all a report next week. It looks like your going to get a chance to wear your
uniform again. You'll be attending gym class and changing clothes, and we suggest you wear the gym
shorts under your skirt. We also bought you a TeenForm sports bra since we know you'll want to
participate in the activities. My sister is a hairdresser so stop by my house tonight and she'll work her
magic to create a style that you can brush out that will be very girly but also brush back to look like your
other boyish self. "

The four changed out of their uniforms and placed everything into the proper garment bags. Sam
wondered what other kinds of assignments they had.

Kyle answered, "Two weeks ago I had to give a report on how to plan a perfect sleepover party."

"I was given a Victoria's Secret shopping bag filled with girly bras. I had to identify them by name and
explain how they were used in a girls wardrobe." said Justin.

"I had something similar but the bag was full of all kinds of panties." answered Donald.

Sam spoke, "Now they want us to buy some girls clothes. I don't know if I can handle this. What do you
Donald replied, "Hey, I'm going to do it. I need to get those 150 points. My mom says that if I get them
she may get me out of the group. In any case, if you do earn the points, you gain back the control and
you are not forced to follow their instructions, it would then be voluntary on your part. We have
discussed this before you joined and we realize that this might be our only way out, unless you can see
another way."

"I don't, but I'll think about it. I'm not sure how I'm going to get that skirt though. Well we've got a week.
See you next time."

Sam finally told his mother about the need for a skirt for the next session. She said that they may have
to make a trip to the Teen/Junior store at the mall and see what they have. "You'll have to be with me
because I have no idea what sizes to get or what styles would be best. I'll think of something to tell the
salesgirls. We'll try to go at a time when there are not too many people around. I know that this is
embarrassing to you. Late tomorrow afternoon is usually a slow time."

Sam and his mother were standing in front of Lerner's Teen and Junior Shop. She had him wear the
camisole and panty set he received from the girls. She said it would help the clothes fit better with them
underneath. The store was rather empty as she approached the young salesgirl. "Excuse me, but I really
need your help with a last minute purchase. My niece is having a birthday and I usually buy her several
outfits as a present. She usually comes with me to your shop and we spend some time trying on the
latest fashions and making our selections. This year she can't be with me so I would like to surprise her
with some skirts and other outfits. I don't know her sizes or what she would think would be good choices
so here is my request. You are very well dressed and I can tell that you have a sense of fashion. I would
really like your recommendations. I don't know her sizes. Now for the unusual part, My son has
volunteered to assist us and try some of the clothes on because he is about the same size as his cousin. I
am very grateful that he would do this, but he is a little embarrassed. Would you help us?"

The salesgirl, Mindy, smiled and answered "Thank you for the complements. I do consider myself very
knowledgeable on the current fashion trends. I think that it is very brave and thoughtful that your son
would care enough to help you. If you tell me what you might be looking for, I will put together some
possible outfits. Let's check some of the sales racks also."
Sam's mother thanked her and they all walked over to the skirts section." I see four very current looks
right here. This is a mini skirt with 4 pleats in front. It has a zippered back and belt loops. It is made of
rayon and nylon spandex. The color is black. Here is a cord skirt with a zip fly and button closure. It has a
satin tie at the waist and is cotton and spandex. It hits just above the knee and has an A-line shape. We'll
try this one in white. Here's a Paris blue denim cheerleading skirt. It would be perfect for an outdoor
activity. It has swingy cheerleader type pleats. It sits at the waist and has two front pockets. Now this is
really lovely and perfect for a dressy occasion. A Rebecca Taylor pale pink silk miniskirt with a sketchy
floral pattern and a flattering hemline. It has a slim elasticized waistband. Here's a knee length tweed
skirt in dark brown. It is a straight fit with a banded waist and a side zipper closure. It is a wool/ nylon
polyester blend. It is a perfect look for a business or formal type event. Let's find a few tops to go with
them and we'll go back to the dressing rooms. I know of a pink long sleeve top with a lace appliqué on
the front that would be perfect with the pink skirt. I also see a top that would go nicely with the denim
skirt. "

They gathered the clothes and moved to the changing rooms at the back of the store. Sam changed out
of his clothes and his mother selected the outfits for him to try on. Mindy smiled as she caught a glimpse
of Sam in his cotton lingerie. Since Sam had only his gym shoes, they borrowed a pair of girl's flats to
wear. With each change Sam had to come out of the changing room and face the bank of mirrors as the
two females kept a running commentary on the fashions. They settled on the pink outfit, the denim skirt
and top and the wool tweed skirt. They found a nice silk blouse to go with the skirt. The silk blouse was
very tightly fitted and was somewhat transparent. Mindy suggested they might want to see if the
lingerie underneath showed through. She brought in a TeenForm slightly padded Satin Bra to be worn
underneath. They both agreed that the blouse would go well with that skirt. Sam's mother ended up
purchasing the shoes as well as a pair of Hanes silk Reflections hosiery and the bra.

Sam changed into his clothes as Mindy and his mother completed the purchases. Mindy commented on
how nice it was of Sam to assist his mother. She also said jokingly that Sam's mom might want to buy
another set of the clothes for her son because he did make a cute girl. Sam blushed and Mindy said that
she was only kidding.

They left the store and returned home. Sam thought that he was only going to get one skirt and was
quite surprised that his wardrobe was getting larger. His mother agreed that she got a little carried away
but really liked to shop. When his sister Sarah got home and saw the cute items, Sam's mother knew
that she would have to make another shopping trip and purchase a few more outfits for Sarah.
The next week Sam arrived with a garment bag that held his newly purchased clothes. He didn't want to
be seen coming to the studio with them on so he changed clothes there. His mother and sister had
decided that the pink top and skirt would look so darling. The other three had worn their skirts to the
study group. Sam had the cutest outfit of them all. The other girls all came in wearing various types of
skirts and tops. Justin had a long black mid calf length skirt and a plaid sweater top. Kyle had on a long
sleeved sweater and a skirt from Target. Donald was dressed in a striped top and a denim skirt from Old

Sam's Shadow Day report was the first item on the agenda. "Sarah and my mom helped me into the
uniform and worked on my hair and applied some light makeup that morning. Claire's mother stopped
by and picked me up in her car to drive me to the school. My mom had a strange smile on her face as
she watched me from the front window. As I got into the car, Claire and her mom made me get out
again. They said I needed to practice the art of sitting down in a short skirt. After several attempts, they
were satisfied and we were on our way.

When we got to the school, Claire and I went to the main office. We signed in and presented the
permission slip. I was given a name tag, a folder and a tee shirt with the St Marys logo on front and the
words 'Girls Rule!' on the back. As we walked out of the office, I noticed a lot of friends greeting each
other and the sound of laughing and the slamming of locker doors filling the halls. With our little talk last
week, I was able to spot several violations of the dress code that day. We rushed into the homeroom as
the bell rang. Homeroom started with the pledge of allegiance and the morning announcements. The
first class was English and they were in the middle of a discussion on Shakespeare. I noticed the girls
were not afraid to raise their hands and voice their opinions.

Math class was next. We spent the time working on solving equations.

Science was interesting. This was a lab day and it seemed strange to see all the girls wearing safety
goggles as they were busy mixing chemicals and recording the reactions.

A test was scheduled that day in U.S. History. A few minutes were given at the start to review notes but I
saw most of the girls giggling and sharing conversations rather than studying.

By this time we were ready for lunch. I was supplied with a pass for a free lunch. There were also a lot of
vending machines and many girls brought their own lunches. I sat at the lunch table with Claire and her
lunch group. It was interesting observing the social situation. Each of the different years had a different
color skirt and it was obvious that most of the girls sat with those in their same class.

Study Hall followed Lunch. We checked out to the computer lab and I watched Claire check her emails.

In the French class it was fun trying to pronounce the French words that were on the board. We all
responded after the teacher said a phrase. In this class, I noticed some of the girls were not listening and
there was lot of note passing and off the subject conversations.

The last class of the day was P.E. Yes, Gym class. Claire had told me that since all the girls had to wear
the same style uniforms, one way that some of them showed their individuality was by wearing
something unique underneath. She told me not to stare, and while we were changing, I caught a few
glimpses of a lot of lace, a lot of color and a lot of different styles. We started out with some aerobic
exercises and then we went outside for some soccer drills. I got to be in goal for a while and blocked
most of the shots. Claire did get a goal against me. I guess you wouldn't believe me if I told you I blocked

In all, it seemed that this all girl's school was positive in helping to focus on learning. Most of the girls
seemed very confident and I saw that most were concerned about learning and not as concerned about
their appearance. I noticed a lot of group work where the girls all helped each other."

It was now time to move on to the next topic, differences between the genders. The new kids were
asked to describe what boys think of the behavior of girls.

Kyle spoke. "Having been around you the last few months, I would definitely say my opinions are
changed, but this is what most boys would say. Girls' main concerns are about appearances and how
others see them. This is obvious by the amount of time they spend in discussing clothes, hair, makeup,
nails and jewelry. They are worried about their popularity and status in their groups. They become much
too involved in maintaining friendships, setting up alliances and dealing with gossip. They are constantly
talking, whether face to face, over the phone or through instant messaging. They are way too sensitive
and emotional. Their voices can range from giggling sounds to high pitch whining and they like to
manipulate others by causing a scene or crying. They spend a lot of time doodling on paper, writing their
names one thousand times and filling the paper with stars, swirls, and smiley faces. Although they are
not very good at sports, they are good at art, music and dance. "
Melissa was the leader this week. She answered, "It looks like you have described most of the
stereotypes that apply to girls. I agree that some of us do act like that, but that is not typical of most of
us. I could throw the male stereotypes back at you. You are loud, destructive and stubborn. You lack
most social skills and value large groups over individuals. You would rather compete than cooperate. We
have some research that hopefully will set you straight."

Julie continued. "I guess it is a combination of biology or genetics as well as how you are raised and what
society expects of you. Girls are expected to be good students, very verbal and social and with caring
emotions. Girls can be aggressive but they do it more with words than physical actions. They use the
power of exclusion to show power in controlling their social status. Girls do put importance on what
others think of them and some have low self perceptions. We want to be liked and can be very
supportive and cooperative also. Tabitha will describe some of the basic personality types that often
occur in a group of girls as well as some suggestions to bring out the best in each of us."

"All teams need captains and players. Teams also have a supporting cast around them. Close friends also
have roles to play. It is hoped that our differences can compliment each other. Most of us have some of
each of these traits at some time. Here are a few of the personalities.

First, the Boss or Controller. This girl is usually the most popular, She is charming, good looking, and
forceful. She may also come from a wealthy family. In a bad way she can use her power to control and
may weaken friendships to stay in control. What she needs to realize is that friendships also thrive on
compromise and shared ideas. She may need to let others lead occasionally and learn to listen
sometimes instead of giving advice.

Next is the Best friend or best bud. She models herself after the Boss and tries to be like her. This helps
to make her feel popular. She holds back and you never get to see the real person inside. She needs to
see that friends still like you if you express your own mind. The old motto, be yourself, would apply to

Another type is the Flexible floater. This girl moves easily from group to group. She has many friends and
has some influence and is looked to for cool ideas and advice. She needs to use this influence in positive
ways and to bring out the best in others and by helping them increase their confidence in dealing with
The Bystander is someone who wants to do what the group wants to do, but also has her own ideas of
what is right. She is often caught in the middle because she can't makeup her mind. She has to see that
everyone has something to offer and that friends share ideas together and can help each other.

Watch out for this one, Cute but Dangerous. This girl is very friendly and seems innocent. She gains your
trust but uses this to collect information about others. She is the one that will pass on the gossip to
those inside and outside the group. Be careful with what you say around her. At times, we all share
information about our friends with others, but if this information can become harmful to anyone's
reputation, think before you speak.

Occasionally, a group may become mean spirited and lose its purpose. You don't want anyone to
become the Victim. This person is often setup to be teased and humiliated. She may remain part of the
group but still feels isolated and alone. The friendship that a group can offer breaks down for this
person. You need to seriously look at what has happened to your group that would allow this to occur.

I don't want this to sound like all girls are either controlling or under control. Most girls want to be
caring, sympathetic and concerned about others. Remember, don't continue to deal in putdowns or to
spread gossip. Building relationships is more important than tearing them down."

"Dance class will be starting soon. We'll pass out your assignments for next week. Sam, you'll need to
pick up the Victoria Secret bag. You'll find your assignment inside."

Several months later, Sam's mother, Mrs. Roberts, ran into Mrs. Harris.

Mrs. Harris spoke. "So were you happy with Dr. Miller's work with you son? I hope it helped."

"Yes, it sure did. His grades are really improving and he gets along with everyone now much better. He's
in a weekend study group that has helped him too. It's a little unusual approach but I can't complain if it
is successful."
"Glad to hear that. Dr. Miller is wonderful. I have gone to her myself and through the relaxation and
suggestion techniques I am working on improving my self confidence. I am really happy with it. My
husband has also seen her based on my recommendation. He's a good man, but the way he was raised,
the man is the powerful influence in the family. The woman is secondary. He has this attitude with the
women at work also. The male is superior. Women are only there to assist him. They could never be in
charge. He realizes that he might need to modify these beliefs so he has been going for a few sessions
with Dr. Miller."

"Have you noticed any changes?"

"Oh, yes. It's really dramatic. In fact, I even got him to go fashion shopping with me several times. He
would never do that in the past. Believe it or not, he has a good sense of what looks good on me. He
actually helped me pick out this skirt and blouse. I playfully suggested that now he was into fashion,
perhaps he would like to model some of my clothes. He did not think this was very funny and of course
refused. I would like him to explore this side some more. His company has a big masquerade party every
year and this year the theme is Turn About is Fair Play. The costume is to be the opposite of what you
wear every day. I know that the women at his office would get a real kick out of seeing him as an
efficient secretary in a cute skirt and silky blouse with heels and hose. I think, I'll call Dr. Miller and
mention that he wants to explore his softer side. Perhaps she can make some suggestions that might
move this along. Maybe she could suggest he go back in time. I wonder what he would look like dressed
in a school uniform?"

"That sounds like a lot of fun. If you ever pull it off be sure to take some pictures. Next time I see you I've
got quite a story about school uniforms. See you later and thanks again"

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Girlie Cheer Camp


"Girls, we have an emergency." These were the first words spoken by Mrs. Kathleen Lender, the head
cheerleading coach for our team. Mrs. L was also the lead dance teacher at McNamara Dance Academy.
"Thank you all for coming to this meeting at the dance studio. As you know, summer cheerleading camp
is only one day away. I was just notified that three of our team members can't attend the camp. It also
looks like those three may not be able to be on the team for most of next year. The Loaiza twins, Lauren
and Lindsay, will be attending school in their father's hometown in South America. One of our flyers,
Kasey will remain with her mother in England and won't be back until after winter break. We need to
find replacements for them quickly. All the camp fees are paid, but our camp will be most successful if
we can bring our squad up to full strength. We are now down to 9 members and we need to add three
more girls. I came to you first to see if you have any suggestions for replacements. We would have to
hold a special clinic and tryouts for the team during the school year but these three would have a good
chance of joining the team on a regular basis."

Katie was the first to speak up, "As some of you know, as part of their behavior training my two
brothers, Larry and Karl, are now learning how to be my new sisters, Lauren and Kristin. They have spent
several months learning the ways of girlie lifestyle, fashion, and makeup. They have had some practice
with the cheerleaders and have learned some of the basic cheer moves. We know that the uniforms of
Lauren and Lindsay do fit them very well. My mom supports their training and would definitely want
them to be part of the camp experience. "
"That's very unusual, but with such a short time to choose, we might have to go with it. How about it
girls, would you be willing to help our new girls at the camp?"

Most of the girls responded that this would be a great experience for all of them.

Erica raised her hand and spoke. "I think I have the third alternate." She reached into her purse and took
out a handful of snapshots and passed them around to the team.

"The first ones are from Halloween, seven years ago." They showed a cute little girl in a Barbie
cheerleader outfit complete with a cheerleading top and skirt, shoes and socks and hair up in two poufy
side ponytails. The next few were Christmas pictures of the girl in a pretty outfit standing near the tree.
The last ones were of the same girl, but three or four years older. She was dressed in a real cheerleader
outfit and was cheering on the sidelines at a game. From her size, it looked like she was the team's

One of the girls asked if that was her little sister. Erica responded, "I don't have a younger sister and,
believe it or not, that is my younger brother, Michael."

There was a reaction from the team and they asked her to tell them more.

It seems that in the town they used to live, there were very few boys in their neighborhood. As a young
boy, most of her brother's friends were female. He played some of the usual boys' games but he also
learned many girls' activities. Two frequent ones were playing with Barbies and playing dressup. "I got
tired of him borrowing my Barbie dolls and searching through my clothes until one day, mom came
home with several packages. In one was a Barbie doll dressed in a cute cheerleader's outfit. The other
contained girl's clothes, including several sundresses, petticoats and used flower girl dresses, all in his
size. He was surprised, but knew the other girls would be pleased to include the new outfits in their
dressup play time wardrobe. It was that Halloween when he begged mom for the life sized Barbie
cheerleading outfit. My aunt Kathie found out about it and was amused, so she bought the complete
outfit and found some pink pompons. She also began to drop off some of the more pretty outfits that
her daughter Sarah had outgrown. He built up quite a wardrobe."
"This was how things went for many years, but about three years ago, some more boys moved into the
neighborhood and it appeared that he gave up the clothes and playing with girls. He hasn't stopped
completely because over the last few years we caught him twice in dresses and makeup. He thinks that
all the clothes were thrown out and all the pictures were destroyed. What he didn't know was my aunt
had kept some of the clothes and had copies of photos and also some video tapes. There was one video
taken two years ago at Easter, where he was in the prettiest of party dress with white gloves, tights, and
heels. You can see traces of makeup and her hair was in a very feminine updo. I also noticed a few times
lingerie had been moved around in my drawer and that several of the clothes in my closet have been
moved around. I still have the Cheerleader Barbie and want you to help me write a note that I will leave
on his dresser."

Some of the girls weren't sure if he would be willing to do it. . Mrs. Lender said that she thought he
might help. "I have some photographs and a story to tell also."

The girls looked at some photos taken maybe fifteen years ago. One was of Mrs. L. in her cheerleading
outfit standing next to another slightly younger and pretty cheerleader. "We had a similar situation
when I was captain of the cheerleading squad. One of our members broke her leg in a tumble and we
needed a replacement quickly for a regional competition. We didn't think that we could find anyone that
knew all the routines and we definitely couldn't train any one in a short time. But then it hit me, my
brother Bob knew all of the routines. He had to attend most of our practices and games and sat on the
sidelines because our Mom was at work at the dance academy and he couldn't be left alone. He was a
dancer at the academy and there were several times he had to wear a girl's costume and dance as a
replacement at recital time when a girl became sick at the last minute. Mom bribed him with video
games and extra favors but he secretly liked the dressing up part. It took a little convincing, but with
some extra bribes thrown in he agreed to cheer. We didn't win the competition, but we finished high
among the other teams. Most of the girls were grateful for his help and over the next few years he was
included in some of our sleepovers and dressup games. Even today he is quite pretty when he is dressed
and made up."

Some of the girls squealed "You don't mean Mr. Jenkins, your brother, the English teacher. I always
wondered why he gave such nice complements about the clothes that we wore. It looks like it was
because he was jealous and would have liked to wear them himself."

The girls all promised that this would be their secret and now were convinced that Michael would go
along with their plan. Michael's mother was also a former cheerleader and Erica said her mom would
convince Michael to help the girls now.
Later, when Michael got home, a note, the Cheerleading Barbie and some pink underwear were on his
dresser. He was startled, but read the note. It described the situation the girls were in and asked him
sweetly for his help by complementing him on his dancing skills and his good looks. The note used his
female name, Michelle. It concluded with the promise that they would be very grateful and would like to
include him in some of their further girlie activities. It was signed by the Bears cheerleaders. The note
concluded with the fact that a certain videotape that showed a cute little girl in her finest party clothes
might be shown to some of their brothers and friends if a quick decision wasn't made. Michael was
instructed to put on this silky pink camisole and panty set under his regular clothes and meet at the
dance academy at 7:00.

The coach, Erica, Michael's mom, and two cheerleaders were all at the academy. At 7:05, Michael, they
hoped would be Michelle, came in. The girls rushed and hugged her. "Thanks for helping us out. We're
very excited and want to help you become re-aquainted with the ways of a female. Erin and Brittany
have decided to adopt you as their little cheerleader in training and will be spending a lot of time with
you. Erin, as you know, is Coach Lender's daughter."

Michael answered, "I wasn't sure I wanted to do this, but meeting you all and knowing how much it
means to you, I am willing to give it a try. I know that I'll need your help, but I think its going to be fun

Michael's mom, Mrs. North, was handed a list of items for camp. The coach said that the academy store
stocked several cheer items and they could purchase them now. There was a large selection of
bloomers. Most of the girls called them briefs, but sometimes called them spankies or lollipops. They
selected a pair of boy cut briefs and a pair of high cut briefs. "These will fit tightly and will help to hold
you in and give you some shape under your clothes and uniform." They were in maroon, the team's
primary color. They bought a Danskin cotton Lycra bra top X back also in maroon. Most of the team liked
this style. A white racer back sports bra from Teenform was also purchased. Their teams name was the
Bears and they bought several pairs of low rise cheer socks that featured a paw print on the socks. The
final purchases were a t shirt, a pair of shorts, and a pair of skorts in the official school designs.

"We have the team uniform here, so I 'm going to let Brittany and Erin help you try it on."
They all went into the changing room. Brittany was tall with long black hair. Erin was a petite but very
strong with long blond hair. The boy was embarrassed, but the girls told him not to worry, they were all
part of the same team. As he removed his clothes, the girls commented on how cute he looked in his
pink camisole and panties and he blushed.

They helped him into his maroon briefs and the X back sports bra. The uniform shell was 100% polyester
with a custom cropped V neck with one inch braid. The upper front was gold and the lower front and
back were maroon. The team name Bears was embroidered across the chest in script letters. The skirt
had eight pleats in maroon with contrasting color inserts of gold. The skirt flared out as they made him
twirl about. They helped him into the cheer socks and lent him a pair of cheer shoes.

"You look just like one of us, but we must do something with your hair and give you a touch of makeup."
They brushed his hair back and tied it into a ponytail with a single white ribbon. They put some very light
blush on his cheeks and some pale lipgloss on his lips. When he looked into the mirror he was quite
surprised at the cutie that looked back at him. They came out of the dressing room and the coach and
his mom just marveled at the sight of their new cheerleader. They went back into the dressing room and
took off the uniform, but left on the bra and briefs. He was told to put on his jeans and own shoes and
socks. The girls produced a capped sleeve t shirt for him to wear. The words "Cheerleading is life" were
written on it and they told him to wear this on their shopping trip to the mall. The other girls had already
bought all their clothes for camp, but were happy to help their newest squad member shop. They left his
hair in the ponytail and also left the makeup on.

Mrs. North and the three girls drove to the mall. Coach stayed behind with Erica to complete some final
preparations for camp. Coach L. would also be going to camp to participate in a separate coaching clinic.
The girls went over the list of items needed for camp. On the first day, the camp supplied a T shirt and a
pair of shorts so that each girl would be dressed the same. In fact these were delivered to the dance
studio and they would have Erica bring them home with her. The second day the squad would wear Tees
and shorts in their own schools colors. The third day they would wear their uniforms. On the shortened
fourth day, they would wear tie dye tanks that they had made the last week and would wear gray shorts.
There was a swimming pool available at camp so they would need to purchase a swimsuit.

"We'll need to get you an outfit for the trip there and also a dressy outfit for the awards dinner." They
went into one of their favorite stores, Delias. After looking through the racks, they decided on a cute
outfit and all three went to the dressing room to see how it looked. They chose a Denalia halter top with
a swirl print in poly-spandex. It tied at the neck and had a banded bottom. "With that halter top, you'll
need a strapless bra" and the girls suggested the strapless bandeau bra from Teenform. They chose a
pair of stone color Assia French twill capris in cotton. The capris had slit openings at the legs, ditsy print
facing the inside legs, belt loops with a side sash and a hidden side zipper. For shoes they decided on
Roxy retro sneakers with two toned striping in navy. When Michelle looked in the mirror she saw a
young woman now dressed in stylish clothes. They helped her change back and Mrs. North agreed to
purchase the outfit. She was very pleased to help her daughter go clothes shopping. She had often
wished for this and now she could share with both her daughters. They stopped at Old Navy to find
some sleepwear. They found a cheerleader cotton sleep tee with glittery insignias on the left side of the
chest, including a '94', 'Honor Roll' and 'Go Team!' on a megaphone next to pompons. It had a no run
knit trim along the neck. They included the coordinated cotton floral boxers with pretty flowers front
and back and legs mid thigh with side vents for added comfort.

For the dressy outfit they stopped in the Gap. They decided on something simple that would be easy to
pack. They found a striped halter dress in basic navy. It was stretch cotton pique knit, knee length, 95%
cotton, 5% Spandex with a tie halter neckline. There was a major sale going on so mother brought a cute
matching pastel polo and stretch knit shorts with a drawstring waist in heather gray. She couldn't resist
a flowered cami in high quality stretch cotton with brush elastic straps and a cotton flower brief with
soft elastic waist and leg openings in a pattern called pink cloud .The cami had pretty lace detailing and a
satin bow attached. A pair of Hanes Silk Reflections pantyhose in gentle Black was included. With the
purchase of all these items it was clear that the girl experience would last after cheer camp had ended.

The next stop was the sporting goods store. There found a nice Navy Speedo racer back one piece
swimsuit. The straps slid easily over the shoulders and wouldn't slip. It was made from chlorine resistant
nylon blended with Lycra spandex and fully lined in front. It had sensibly cut leg openings for tug free
comfort. A tie dyed palm pull on skirt with Speedo logo on the right front hip was selected to be worn
with the suit. Another tank top had the sayings "Fly high, tumble hard cheer loud." on it. A pair of gray
shorts were added. A cheap rain poncho was found in the camping section.

The last stop was the drug store. They first looked in Cosmetics. Mrs. North had agreed to buy all the
girls some makeup items for helping them shop. They all bought some pale lip gloss, clear nail polish,
some blush, and eye shadow. Michele had seen some advertisements in a magazine and decided to try
the cosmetics in the Jane line. She selected Megabytes Glossy Gloss in Ballerina, which came in a
squeeze tube with an angled tip to sweep gloss and flavor over your lips. Next was Blushing Cheek Blush
in Blushing Blossom. This was powder blush in a soft color to give the face a natural flush. She bought a
set of cosmetic brushes. For see through color loaded with glitter to apply on her eyelids, she picked
Glimmeratzi Eye Gloss in Eye Candy. A pretty pink shade called Best Friends was chosen form the Hot
Tips Nail Polish collection. "I also noticed that you need to take care of your underarms. You'll need to
buy a shaver like the Schick Intuition for women. Your sister can help you with this when you get home."
The Schick Intuition was an all in one triple blade razor that lathers and shaves in one step with just
water. A unique skin conditioning solid surrounds the blades. Some sunscreen, small sized Pantene
shampoo and conditioner, a notebook and some pens were added to the purchases. Michelle bought
Wild Berry Body Spray, at the Bath and Beyond store next door. Wild Berry was a body splash to spray
on between sessions to leave the skin feeling cool and conditioned.

They left the mall and Mrs. North thanked the girls as she dropped them off. The mother and her new
daughter reached their driveway and were carrying their purchases into the house. Erica greeted them
and said how cute Michelle's ponytail and cheer shirt were. She also said she detected a bit of makeup
on her sisters face. Standing next to Erica was their cousin, Sarah. "On my way home, I stopped at Aunt
Kathie's to tell them the good news and Sarah decided to bring a few things over for Michelle." Sarah
said "Hi, Michelle. When you were younger, you couldn't wait to run up to my room and try on my
clothes when you came for a visit. Well now we'll run up to your room and help you change." Sarah had
brought two outfits that Michelle modeled for them. The first was a blue ribbed-knit top with a woven
collar and cuffs with a matching scooter skirt in a flowered print. The next was a woven knit shirt with an
integrated knit vest and a pleated plaid skirt. All the clothes were from the Cherokee line. She also had
Michelle try on a stylish red hair wig. Later up in her room, Erica and Sarah explained how to use the
Intuition razor. They advised Michelle to use it while under the shower. She said to raise her arms so the
skin was taut, not to press with the blades and to shave in the direction of the hair growth. After
Michelle's shower they noticed her underarms were now very smooth and hairless. They also helped her
out of the makeup and into her new pajamas. Sarah said goodnight and headed home to talk about her
mom's new niece.

Before they went to bed, they took out the check list and started to fill up a cheer bag. Packed on top for
easy access were the shell, skirt, briefs, shorts (3), t shirts (3), sports bras, cheer socks, shoes, poms, a
notebook and pen. In the second bag were the swimsuit with skirt, shower flip flops, bed linens, towels,
alarm clock, buddy squad gifts and room poster design supplies. In a small backpack were sunscreen,
toiletries, makeup, extra hair elastics, Tylenol, and about $35 in spending money. They went over what
not to bring such as jewelry, earrings, necklaces, ankle bracelets, navel rings or cell phones.

The next morning they awoke early and got dressed. Michelle put on fresh undies and her strapless bra
and finished with the halter top and capris bought yesterday. Erica helped with light makeup and fixed
Michelle's hair in two side ponytails secured by butterfly barrettes. They ate a light breakfast and mom
drove her two daughters down to the bus. She kissed both of them goodbye and wished them a
successful camp.
As was expected the girls lined up for the bag check. The team members were Katie and her sisters
Lauren and Kristin, Erica and Michelle, Erin, Brittany, Vicki, Rebecca, Courtney, and the captains Autumn
and Julianne. Coach Lender checked them all in. No one was late because they were all were excited to
go. Coach would drive the minibus. It held 20 people, so there was extra room inside for all the bags
.The drive took about 2 hours and most of the girls wanted to talk to their new members. Autumn gave
each of the new girls copies of the magazines American Cheerleader and American Cheerleader Junior
to read on the bus.

When they arrived they left their bags on the bus and were first directed to the field house where the
camp leaders were to welcome them. The main director complemented them on their dedication not
only in attending summer camp and for their hard work throughout the entire year. She stressed that
cheerleaders are special people who must be strong in body, mind, and heart. Cheerleaders must be
very competitive but also know how to be a team. They spend a lot of time together and like a family
may have a few rough times but they work together and have fun. They may know a lot about hair,
makeup, and fashion but that is part of representing their schools in the best way possible.

"Camp is not about competition, but rather about learning, cooperating, and becoming better
cheerleaders. You will learn fundamentals skills and techniques, work on strength and conditioning with
safety as a priority. You will learn about trust, teamwork, concern for others and sportsmanship." She
ended it with a slogan well known to them, "Life is simple…Eat, Sleep, Cheer."

They were given room assignments and they went back to the bus and took their gear and carried it to
the dorm rooms. Maps of the campus, directions, and hours for the cafeteria, pool and camp store and
the day to day schedules were given out.

Erin, Brittany, and Michelle would all share the same room. The room was rather large and designed for
four people but they would only need 3 beds. There was a storage cabinet along one wall. Each room
had its own bath. The other nine squad members were also in groups of 3. The coach had her own room
near other coaches at the end of the hall.
They unpacked and stored their gear and changed into the camp outfits. The clothes were from
Spiritwear. The tops had cap sleeves with a white knit body and the camp logo across the chest and the
shorts were navy blue with trim stripes with the word cheer on the left leg.

The introductions were in the large field house. There was a sense of unity when all the cheerleaders
were dressed alike as they entered the field house. There was a sense of unity as all the cheerleaders
were dressed alike when they entered the field house. The squads sat on mats and there were some
aerobic warm-ups and a general review of techniques with the entire group. Later, they would be in
smaller groups with individual instructors and an assistant for each squad. One on one lessons would
also be available during the camp.

The first session was on one of cheerleading's fundamental skills, the motions. Motions are the
movements that are part of all cheers, sidelines, dances, and stunts. The instructor stressed the
importance of sharp, strong, clean, and precise movements and transitions. Each squad began with the
ready, a position hit before all cheers. They worked on a nice strong stance, shoulders apart, squared
forward keeping the motions in front with flat wrists and fists placed at their sides. They next practiced
the clasp, which is used to create a sharp sounding clap with hands tightly squeezed around each other,
elbows in and held slightly below the chin. It seems like a lot of details just to clap your hands, but the
purpose was to break down every individual action to improve sharpness and increase speed. Next were
basic hand movements, blades where hands are held out flat with fingers and thumbs together and
buckets where fists are down as if carrying buckets. They practiced L, T and K hand combinations as well
as basic leg positions. They finished with the diagonal where one arm is placed in a high V and the
opposite arm is placed in a half low V. They practiced the motions with and without pompons. Along the
way they discussed facials, the expressions of enthusiasm made during a routine. The squads were told
the importance of smiling and showing excitement and being optimistic because cheerleaders are not
mere spectators but are giving a performance. They were told to react naturally to the current situation
and not to overreact it. This way the performances will be real and immediate.

Next we took a dinner break, the food was surprisingly good.

After dinner, there was some free time and later, squad and individual pictures taken. The evening
activities included jumps and tumbling. As with most of the activities at camp, each part was broken
down and demonstrated first. The focus was always on safety, proper form, and technical correctness.
This type of practice made the moves faster and easier to learn.
Jumps usually consist of four parts, the approach, the lift, the landing, and the trick. The trick is what you
do in the air. They practiced four tricks, the toe touch, the pike, herkie, and around the world. In the
prep for the toe touch, the feet and legs were together, knees bent and backs straight. Concentration
was on using the muscles in their legs to lift off the ground. In the toe touch, the hands and chest are up
and the legs are pulled to the arms. The toes are pointed and the jumper actually reaches for the arches
of the feet, not the toes. On landing they were instructed to smile and make sure their feet were
together. In the pike, both of the legs were extended straight out in front parallel to the floor. The arms
were outstretched in front with fists closed and the chest slightly forward. In a herkie, one leg is
extended to the side of the body and the other leg is bent to the other side and facing the crowd. The
arms hit a punch motion. The around the world is a pike jump that rotates into a toe touch in midair. A
scorpion is a jump performed on the floor where the cheerleader stands on one leg and pulls the foot of
her unsupported leg behind her head using both hands. One technique is to practice the positions on
the ground to get a feel for the jump without being in the air. All these jumps require flexibility, balance,
and strength. The girls all picked a partner and practiced these jumps facing each other. Michelle was
paired with Lauren. They also worked on some exercises on the ground to add height to their jumps by
increasing their flexibility and strength.

Tumbling practice involved flips and movements on the floor. A back handspring or flip flop, is a
backwards jump onto the hands with both legs following as a pair, until the feet reach the floor. A back
tuck is a backwards flip in which the knee and hips are bent and drawn ito the chest and the body is
tucked or folded at the waist. A roundoff is similar to a cartwheel but the feet come together at the
height of the jump and snap down on the floor. Repeating these on a tumbling run or pass can be
described as a double or a triple. The Bears best tumblers were Vicki and Rebecca. They qualified for the
state gymnastics finals last year. A brief discussion on team building and goal setting ended the workout.

When practice ended the squad returned to the commons area of the dorm where they relaxed, met
and talked with other squads. One of the topics of conversation was the movie "Bring It On" starring
Kirstin Dunst and Eliza Duskin. Some girls liked the movie, others thought it was not realistic.

"I thought it was clever and funny and really showed the energy needed to be a competitive cheerleader
at the regional and national levels."
"It was an interesting look into the effort and time it takes to develop and practice the cheers, dances,
and stunts."

"You've got to look at it as a spoof of the cheerleading stereotype that we hear about all the time."

"It does have some scenes that we can all can relate to, but remember it is a movie, a teen summer
comedy and not a documentary."

One of the girls suggested they do some of the "I'm" chants from the movie. Most of them knew the
words and it was amazing to hear and watch about twenty cheerleaders shout out and imitate some of
the moves right there in the dorm.

"I'm sexy, I'm cute, and popular to boot."

"I'm pretty, I'm cool, I dominate the school."

"I'm strong, I'm loud, I'm gonna make you proud."

"I'm bitchin', great hair, the boys all love to stare."

Many of the girls were tired and they returned to their rooms, showered, got into their pjs and were
asleep before lights out.

Michelle's evening was not finished as she found a surprise waiting in their room. Hanging on hooks
were three pink and frilly party dresses along with matching petticoats. On the beds were frilly anklets,
panties with rows of lace, black Mary Janes and some matching lacy gloves and hair bows. Erin spoke."
My mom has access to just about any costumes she wants because of the large amount of rental
business that she sends the costume supplier during the recital season. We know that in the past you
liked the frilly girlie look so we arranged to play some dressup with you tonight." They all changed into
their new outfits and with the help of a curling iron, they became silly little curly tops. The dresses were
very short and when they bent down, there was quite a lacy sight to see. A little tea set was brought out
and they played tea party. Michelle took out her Cheerleading Barbie doll and the other girls had also
brought Barbies. Brittany took out her portable DVD player and called the girls over. They watched Erin
and Brittany in a dance recital routine from when they were much younger. The song was I Won't Grow
Up. The dresses that they wore now were very similar to those they wore at the recital. Just for fun, they
decided to teach Michelle some of the dance steps. It was surprising but they were able to remember
most of the routine. After this they had a little photo session and posed in their cute outfits. A few of the
other girls from across the hall, Autumn, Julianne and Courtney just had to take a sneak peek and they
all said they never saw such precious little dancers. It had been quite a first day at cheer camp.

The second day they selected their shirts and a pair of skorts all in their team's colors.. The shirt was
jersey knit in white with a maroon colored collar. There was an embroidered cheer logo on the chest.
The skorts were maroon with gold stripes around the skirts bottom. Since they were focusing on dance
that morning, the little swinging skirts on the skorts added a nice visual touch to the dance moves. They
would be outside today on the fields. The morning was devoted to choreography and how to
incorporate dance moves into the routines. In competitions, dance routines are two minutes and fifteen
seconds long. The routines cannot include tumbling, stunting, or pyramids and only poms can be the
only props used. Most dance routines are based on an eight beat count, usually called an 8 count. In a
way, dance is opposite from the motions. Dance focuses on smooth flowing routines but motions are
precision movements. The squads worked on some of the basics and saw how to look for variations best
suited to their team's style. Some teams used music from Cheer Dance CDs while others had music that
was currently popular on MTV. They also worked on learning new cheers and chants.

Lunch and free time followed with time for optional practice with individual instructors. Michelle went
over a few dance moves with one of them.

The first part of the afternoon was used to learn discuss and complete some strength, conditioning, and
flexibility exercises. They changed into their shorts. The shorts were maroon with an elastic waist with a
3 inch inseam. There was matching white and gold braid they were also V notched on the legs. Two
stunts were presented and practiced, the chair and a liberty. All the stunts were first broken down and
demonstrated step by step. The importance of safety and team work was also stressed. The squad was
divided into three groups of four. Michelle was going to be a flyer or climber. These are the members
that are lifted and tossed into the air. Brittany and Vicki were bases. The bases are in direct contact with
the floor and support the flyer. Autumn was a backspot. A backspot is the person who supports the flyer
from the back and assists in the safety of loading and the in the dismount. In the chair, the bases hold
the flyer by placing one hand under the seat and the other hand around the flyer's ankle for support. As
Michelle was lifted, she held one leg up near the base's elbow and the other leg was straight out as if
sitting on a chair. The second stunt the liberty is a classic but difficult to perform. The bases, Brittany and
Vicki, start in an elevator stance but much closer together. The spotter, Autumn, began with one hand
on the Michelle's ankle and the other hand under her seat. On a designated count, the spotter presses
the flyer into the standing position. The main base, Brittany, held the heel and middle of Michelle's foot.
Vicki grabbed the middle of Michelle's foot with her right hand and grabs Brittany's wrists with her left.
The bases now lifted using their legs, not their arms or backs. Michelle counted one, two, down, up. On
down, every one dipped. On up, the bases followed through lifting Michelle to a standing position where
she was keeping one leg straight and placed her free foot against the knee of the straight leg. The
supporting leg must be straight and locked. The bent leg was braced against the knee of the other leg to
keep the body from twisting. Michelle extended both arms into the air and held the move. On another
count, the stunt ended in a basket toss and cradle, which was demonstrated and would be practiced

It was time for the dinner break.

The evening session also focused on stunt techniques. The first was the shoulder sit. This is a basic stunt
used for learning proper stunting techniques. Only one base, Brittany was needed for this stunt. Brittany
lunged with her legs bent and out to the side. Michelle placed her right foot into the pocket behind
Brittany's knee. Michelle placed her hands on Brittany's shoulders and with Autumn's help, she stood up
behind her base with her legs locked and on top of Brittany's lunged leg. Michelle then swung her left
leg onto Brittany's shoulders and sat down on the shoulders.. She then wrapped her legs and feet under
Brittany's arms. Brittany placed her hands on Michelle's knees, pulling down for added security. In this
position, the flyer could easily and comfortably lead cheers and do motions. In the dismount, Michelle
unlocked her feet and extended them forward. Brittany reached under and between Michelle's legs and
grabbed onto her hands. On a count down, up, Brittany dipped down and up and allowed Michelle to
dismount. As she was popped up Michelle brought her legs behind her body and then brought them
together to land on her feet behind Brittany. Autumn was watching and spotting at all times in case of a
fall. Next was the basket toss. Vicki would be a secondary base. There were discussions on how all
members must work together in climbing, elevating, and transferring movements. The stunt was
practiced several times as a walk through and then performed full out under the watch of the
instructors. In this stunt, the flyer Michelle was tossed into the air with the help of the bases Brittany
and Vicki, under the watch of the backspot, Autumn. In loading the basket, the bases stayed low and the
backspot was in position to support. The bases locked wrists and the flyer placed her hands on their
shoulders, jumped, and landed lightly on her feet in the center of the basket, keeping her hips above her
knees. The bases dipped their hands below their knees and exploded through their legs and lifted
through their shoulders to initiate the lift. They follow through straight up and released Michelle with a
flip at the top. The flyer lifted up and at the highest point, moved into a pike position getting ready for
the cradle descent keeping her head and shoulders from going backwards. Sometimes a toe touch
replaces the pike at the top. Autumn, the spotter, sometimes called the scoop in this stunt, was behind
the bases and assisted in protecting Michelle's head and shoulders during the cradle catch. She and the
bases tried to catch Michelle at the highest point. Brittany and Vicki caught Michelle under her lower
back and her thighs. Michelle caught around their shoulders coming down and kept a strong pike
position with her toes up as she landed in the cradle. Autumn assisted by using the middle of her
forearms to catch Michelle, as she reached under Michelle's shoulders. .

Before lights the girls took advantage of the free time available. Michelle, Erin, and Erica headed for the
swimming pool. Autumn, Julianne, and Courtney stopped for late night pizza at the cafeteria and
checked out the souvenirs and clothes at the camp store. Lauren and Kristin completed their dorm room
door decorations with all kinds of cheer slogans and themes. Katie, Vicki, Brittany, and Rebecca met in
the commons area with the team's buddy squads and exchanged small gifts of glitter and hair ribbons
and then had some major girltalk. One of these gab fests covered the different ways they got ready in
the morning. Some of the comments heard

"I usually spend a lot of time brushing my long silky hair, apply a little makeup and search my closets and
put on my cutest clothes."

"I don't really bother. I get quickly dressed in whatever. My hairstyle is a messy one so it doesn't matter
what I do."

"As you can see, I have a very fit body and like to wear skimpy tops and tight pants. I only require a little
bit of makeup and a little styling because you can see I'm a knockout."

"I usually brush my hair, put on a little lipgloss and get dressed in comfy clothes. I'm not high

"I like to think of myself as a perfect princess. I prefer expensive lotions, expensive makeup and designer
clothes. I take my time and then I 'm ready to take in all the complements."
There was an informal session that described various hairstyles that different teams used for

"With all the stress that we have during competitions, the last thing we need is to worry about choosing
a hairstyle. What we have found is choosing the same style for everyone helps with team bonding."

"We have worn pigtails, curly or straight or high or low. Last year we had French braids that were very
neat and tidy."

"One of our favorites is a high ponytail half up, half down with ringlets."

"We have seen a lot of teams doing cornrows or just cornrows on the top of the head and the rest
curled or straight."

"We like to finish our hair with fat silky bows that we first hair spray and blow dry. We cut notches at the
ends. They are very stiff and stay in place."

"I've seen some squads use very thin ribbons in a variety of bold colors to make a visual effect."

"We've tried some cheerleader hair pieces or extensions, but when you try anything new, be sure to
check the rules of the competition."

During the day, bare midriffs were not allowed, but the rules were relaxed during the free time and
many girls were walking around in their sports bras and shorts. Others were in their swimsuits, wrapped
in towels. Michelle noted that all of her roommates felt at ease changing in front of each other. You
become close to others when you learn to trust others with your safety as they learned to perform the
stunts during camp.

Later as they were lying in their beds, Erin's voice could be heard in the darkened room. "Can you guys
keep a secret?" She didn't wait for an answer. "Well, this may sound a little strange, but it's true because
I saw it and have some pictures to prove it. You remember the story my mom told you about her
brother, Bob, or as you know him, Mr. Jenkins, the English teacher? About a year ago, Bob's wife, my
Aunt Marilyn, had told my mom that Bob was neglecting her and many of his responsibilities at home
and at work. He was spending several nights a week out with his buddies and coming home late without
explanations. My mom told my aunt about Bob's history of dressing up and she proposed a plan to help
improve Bob's behavior. My mom ordered an extra large girlie style party dress costume, similar to the
ones we wore last night. She had my Aunt Marilyn threaten Bob that if wouldn't become KellyAnn, the
name of his girl personality, for the entire weekend, she would reveal in detail to Bob's friends, the
secrets of Bob's clothing preferences. My Uncle Bob had no choice but to agree to the arrangement. She
made him dress, act, talk, and play like a sweet polite girl. The next day he was dressed as a school girl in
a crisp white blouse with a peter pan collar, a plaid school jumper, white knee highs and a pair of black
patent leather shoes with straps across the ankles He also had a girlish curly blond hair wig and subtle
makeup. After that weekend, he became a loving, obedient husband again. My aunt kept the school girl
clothes in case he needed to be taught another lesson, but now it seems she uses it as a reward when he
does something that she likes."

"Wow, that's some story. I wonder what it's like to wear a girl's school uniform." said Michelle.

"You did miss a lot of girl experiences when you were growing up, Michele. I think we may be able to
arrange some classroom time to help you catch up on your girlie lessons when we get home after
camp." said Brittany.

All the squads would be wearing their uniforms on the third day. The official maroon and gold Bears
shells and pleated skirts were put on over their briefs and sports bras. Some of the girls put on light
lipgloss and clear nail polish. They wore the cute paw print cheer socks and matching cheerleader shoes.
One of the girls had lent Michelle a pair of shoes. The team decided all of them should have the same
hair style that day so they met in Autumn's room and helped each other put their hair in a single braid
down their backs and tied them with maroon ribbons.

That evening, they would be able to dress and allowed to wear more makeup so some of girls took out
their dressy clothes and put them on hangers and unpacked their makeup bags.
Morning began with breakfast, followed by warm-ups and stretching to improve the range of motions
and to lower the risk of injuries. The squads worked on cheers, sidelines poms and pyramids. As a
pyramid is built, it must be coordinated to accentuate parts of the cheers. Pyramids can be a dramatic
finish to a routine. They spent some time assembling and disassembling their pyramids and studying
others squads techniques.

Early afternoon meant lunch, free time and individual coaching by the instructors. Later in the
afternoon, the squads practiced with their coaches and finally presented their routines for the
performance evaluations.

After the evaluations, the teams returned to their rooms to prepare for the evening's activities. Awards
were to be handed out to teams and individuals at the dinner. Before the dinner, the three girls all
helped each other into makeup and nail polish. They also fixed their hair into more formal styles.
Michelle wore the halter dress that they had chosen at the mall. She put on her new pair of pantyhose
and managed to borrow a pair of low heels. They all looked like attractive young ladies.

Dinner was not to be in the cafeteria but in a separate hall with fancy tables and waiters serving the
meal. The girls gave complimented each other on their appearances and fashion sense. In particular, the
three new members, Michelle, Lauren, and Kristin received many of the complements.

After the meal, each team was privately given the results of their performance evaluations. The Bears
did very well. At the ceremony, the team was awarded the spirit stick, a traditional award given to teams
that exhibit outstanding enthusiasm and sportsmanship during the cheer camp. All 12 team members
received a ribbon. 8 superior ribbons were given in stunting, pom routine, sideline, and cheer. 4 ribbons
were given for excellence of performance. 3 of the senior team members Autumn, Julianne, and
Rebecca members were especially honored to be named on the All star squad.

After the ceremony, they all returned to their dorm rooms and many shouts and loud voices could be
heard even passed lights out. Brittany and Erin were watching the screen of Brittany's DVD player when
they called Michelle over. "Here is a DVD of me in another dance recital when I was dressed as a 1950's
girl, performing to Rock Around the Clock. Guess what song Erin has cued up on her CD player?" asked
Brittany. "Now if we only had a costume, someone could learn these new dance steps." They walked
Michelle over to the storage closet and had her open the door. Both Brittany and Erin had a prepared
look of surprise on their faces when they shouted out, "Well, look at this!"
Hanging in the closet was a black felt circle skirt with a pink poodle appliqué and a matching pink
petticoat. Also included were a striped knit top and a pink scarf. On the bed, were a pair of bobby socks,
saddle shoes and a pink hair ribbon. There also was a lacy bra and panty set from Victoria's Secret. The
bra looked like it had some additional uplift and padding. They quickly helped Michelle change and had
her working on the dance moves to the 50's classic song. They laughed and laughed as Michelle's pink
petticoat flew out from under her skirt as she twirled to the music. They took some pictures before the
dance lesson ended and finally they changed for bed.

The next morning was the final day at camp. This was a fun day. The team dressed in their tye dyed tank
tops and gray cheer shorts. The shorts had an elastic waist, a 3 inch inseam and were V notched at the
legs. Morning warm-ups, with the entire group, followed breakfast. Autumn and Rebecca were selected
to lead the group warm-ups.

The early session was used to practice the routines that they would be performing non competitively
that afternoon at the spirit spectacular that would be the final activity for the camp. These routines
consisted of a three minute cheer chant, stunt, or skit to be performed in front of the whole camp.

After lunch, all returned to their rooms for final packing and room cleanup, then they headed for the
spectacular. The camp director greeted the cheerleaders and thanked them for all their hard work and
cooperation during the camp. The whole camp also thanked their instructors and gave them a standing
ovation. Each squad then performed their cheer or routine. Many were very creative and humorous. It
was easy to see that they had spent the last few days with some very thoughtful, caring, and special
girls. The Bears first did two traditional cheers

"The power, the might, you CAN believe the hype!

Go, Bears, Go. Fight, fight, fight"


"Maroon and Gold, Let's be bold!

Maroon and Gold, Let's be bold!

We don't mess around. Hey!

We don't mess around!"

They then performed a routine to demonstrate the simple steps in a Hawaiian hula. They had performed
this for the Homecoming show during the year and they still had the costumes. They wore grass skirts
over their shorts and wore navy crushed velvet tank tops with a purple flower design and a racer back. .
In the background Hawaiian music played as they used their hands to tell the story. Their hips swayed
from side to side. Their favorite moment was at the end when they really had the chance to shake their
hips to the music. Their performance was given a big round of applause.

Once all the skits were done, it was time to change back into clothes for the trip home, to say goodbyes,
and prepare to leave. There was a final room inspection and checkout. Many of the girls exchanged
emails and addresses and a lot of tearful words were spoken. It was time to get back on the bus for the
drive back home. The new cheer members had been accepted by the group. There was no doubt that
they all had learned and shared a lot. It would be hard not to think of them as their cheerleader girl
friends and they made plans to continue to share their girly experiences together. It was quite a week
for everyone at Cheer Camp.

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Girlie Dance Academy

by KaraLynn

I can't believe this. I am wearing a lyrical ballet dress. I have on a white cotton spaghetti strap leotard
with a white chiffon dropped waist skirt. The skirt is short in front and drops to knee length in the back.
The leotard has a chiffon overlay at the chest with white sequin detailing. Underneath I am wearing a
Capezio dance belt and a pair of pink Capezio dance briefs with a wide elastic band that hugs my waist.
On top, I am wearing a slightly fiber filled natural cotton/spandex girls strapless bra. Covering my legs
are a pair of nylon/spandex Danskin convertible tights in light toast. On my feet is a pair of Leo's lyric
sandals in soft suede leather with an elastic top and heel straps holding my feet snugly. I'm about to
perform a three minute routine to Mendelson's scherzo, A Midsummer's Night Dream. As I look at the
reflection in the studio's mirrors, I see a pretty dancer looking back. Hey, that's me, Allan O'Malley.

"Well it's all up to you, Allie", said my sister Janet. I have two older sisters, Janet and Sarah. I was born
somewhat as a surprise to my mother and father. Janet was almost twenty years old and Sarah was 15
when I was born. Our father was a banker and he died when I was quite young. My mother raised the
three of us on her own and also ran the Dance Academy. About five years ago she became very ill and,
sad to say, she passed away. It was decided that my older sister Janet would be responsible for raising
me. Janet along with Sarah would also take charge of the Academy. Janet would run the day to day
operations of the school. Sarah was an accountant for a large downtown firm so she would handle the
business end. On occasion, she would also fill in as a dance instructor. I took a few lessons when I was
younger but didn't have much to do with studio for the past few years.
The O'Malley Dance Academy was founded by my grandmother. Originally Irish step dancing was taught.
Over the years it became more of a general dance school and Irish dancing had been dropped. It now
focused on classical ballet, tap, jazz, and lyrical ballet. The students' ages ranged from three year olds to
adults. 98 % of the students are female.

"I would hope that you would continue in the tradition of the O'Malley's. You are about the age when
both Sarah and I became a big part of the operations of the dance school. We could really use another
assistant in the day to day running of the place. We have many excellent instructors and all would like to
see you join in helping to keep the Academy going."

"Let me make it clear again what you will be expected to do if you decide to join us. You will need to
become familiar with all aspects of the business, including dance instruction, costuming, stocking the
dance store, music, makeup, finances, promotion and recitals. You would do everything, including
sweeping the dance studios. We will all help you with this if that is your decision. Remember all of our
employees and instructors must participate in our classes as a student, help with the costumes and
makeup at recital time and demonstrate a sense of choreography and music selection for several dance
routines. Before an employee is accepted, they must perform several routines, as a female, in front of
our group as well as answer a series of questions related to dance and the school"

"I have a set of books, magazines, videocassettes and DVDs that will help give you some background on
dance. I will also give you some dance related internet websites that I want you to explore."

It had been a week since this was first proposed to me. I thought about it a lot all week. I knew that my
family was having some difficulty with the Academy. I felt that I was obligated in some way to help
continue the traditions of the school. Besides, I thought that I could get closer to some of the girls that
took lessons at the studio.

My decision was yes.

"That's great. Thank you for choosing to join us. We hoped that you would. In fact, we set a few things in
motion already so that we could get you started right away."
"Since you missed the experiences of being a young dancer, Mrs. Anderson has decided to help recreate
some of them and take a few photos and videos. You will change into some dance outfits and she will
take photographs for your dance scrapbook."

Mrs. Anderson taught at the school and was the school's unofficial photographer. She had two
daughters that took dance lessons here. Hailee was a dark short haired beauty a year older than I was.
Shannon was a long blond haired dancer a year younger.

I put on an oversized leotard and a pair of oversized tights. They were quite baggy at the knees and
ankles, quite like the look I saw on the youngest dancers. I also had to put on a pair of large black tap
shoes with extra large pink ribbon ties. She had me put on a pair of pink bunny ears and attached a fluffy
bunny tail. Next, I changed into a black leotard. My face was made up with a cat's nose and whiskers. I
had to wear a pair of cat's ears and she attached a cat's tail.

I was really excited about the next change. It was my first ballet outfit. I put on a pair of Capezio ballet
pink nylon tights with back seams. Over them I slid into a baby pink leotard with cap sleeves and rose
and ribbon appliqués. The tulle skirt was trimmed with sequins and a rose. On my feet was my first pair
of ballet slippers, pink of course. I posed in this for the longest time and really didn't want to take it off.

The last change was into a costume called Pretty Lil' Miss. First I was handed a pair of Danskin Girls Ultra
Shimmer tights in theatrical pink. The tights felt very silky as my legs brushed against each other. I next
stepped in to a hot pink and white velour Lycra halter leotard and pulled it up over my shoulders and
put my arms through the openings. The attached white tricot skirt was covered in hologram glitter. I
pushed the matching pink mitts up my arms and over my elbows. Mrs. Anderson put a blond curly
haired wig on my head and attached a white bow headdress. On my feet was a pair of Blochs Tap shoes
in Tan with pink elastic ties. Just as I was about to come out on the floor, two identically dressed dancers
also appeared. I recognized them as the Hailee and Shannon. Both girls were assistant dance teachers.
They had to take four weekly dance classes and did assist the teachers and student teachers on a regular
basis over the last year. Later in the dressing room, they explained that they thought it would be fun to
help me with my dance tasks.

The music started and they began to do some dance steps. Their mom took some photographs that
would make it appear that I was also doing the steps. She also had a videotape camera that she was
using along with a still camera. I now had a history and a scrapbook of when I was a little dancer.
I would begin my dance lessons over the next few weeks. First I started ballet lessons. Kelly Bowman
would be my instructor. She had taught at the school fulltime for three years and had a B.A. in dance
from the university. "Ballet is our bodies' way of responding to music in a very specific and formalized
way. Ballet is a combination of conventional poses and steps that are combined with light flowing
figures. The art of ballet requires technique, grace, style, dedication and strength."

I wore the appropriate attire for ballet practice, a black leotard, pink tights and pink ballet slippers with
pink elastic across the instep. I also brought along a short chiffon character skirt to be worn as a cover
up or as part of my outfit worn during certain movements.

"There are many terms in ballet and a good student should become familiar with them. The language of
ballet is French, originally developed in the court of Louis XIV. Ballet has a history since the 1600's,
inspired by the graceful movements of fencers and is considered the classical form of dance. There are
five basic positions of the feet and four basic positions of the arms. By mixing and matching positions of
the feet and the arms, the aim is to produce graceful flowing motions with no visible joints between the

"The basic principle of classic ballet is the turn out. To achieve maximum mobility, the dancer should be
able to make a 90 degree turn out of the leg from the hip socket without any strain. In the first position
(premiere), a dancer stands with heels together and feet extending sideways in a straight line. Let your
feet melt into the floor giving you a secure base. You do not look down at your feet. You should feel
yourself standing tall."

She worked with me on this but it seemed to be quite difficult. I don't know if I ever would be able to do
a full turn out. She held my hips and said to turn through the hips and lock my bottom and not just turn
out the ankles and knees.

"In the second, your heels are about one foot apart with your toes pointed out keeping the turnout of
the first position. The transition from first to second position should be smooth and graceful."

"In the third position you cross one foot in front of the other. The heel should be touching the middle of
the other foot. Check that your hips are centered equally over your feet."
"In the fourth, your feet are crossed, as in the third, but they are separated about one foot length. Your
hips must be centered between your feet."

"The fifth position (cinquieme), allows for greater flexibility and a beautiful long line of the body. The
toes should be lined up and touching the heels of the other foot."

"There are four basic positions for the hands. The preparatory position starts with your arms hanging
down in front of your body, slightly forward, forming a softly curved oval shape with your hands. Your
fingers are curved, but your hands do not touch. In the first position your raise your arms below your
shoulders keeping the oval shape in front of you. On the second position you reach your arms out to the
sides in an open line, slightly sloped down from your shoulders. Your hands are curved as if embracing
the audience. In the third position, lift your arms up above your head keeping the oval shape and
framing your face. Your third fingers softly follow the oval up and your thumbs point toward them."

"If your posture and turn out are correct, you should flow smoothly from position to position."

For warm-ups, we practiced plies. We were bending our legs in demi plies and grand plies to loosen and
promote elasticity in the muscles. We also used the barre, a wooden pole fastened horizontally on the
wall to help with the stretching exercises. The main studio had one wall that was lined with mirrors. The
opposite wall had windows to let the daylight shine in. The floor had been redone with a special flexible
base underneath, designed to let the dancers safely feel their jumps.

We did some center work and practiced jumps called sautés and jetes. The turns were called piourettes
and tour en l'airs. Our hand movements had to be precise as we practiced spheres and arc movements
called pot de bras. We finished with some traveling steps known as demipointe. This was like walking on
tiptoes. Full pointe techniques would be for more experienced ballerinas.

"You need clear movements from the heart, that is, from the center of your torso, through your body
and out to the tips of your fingers. Keep your head high, like you were trying to lengthen your neck."
I was really worn out and this was only from the warm-ups. I can see that ballet does require strength,
focus, concentration and dedication.

Sue Lane was my tap teacher. She was working on a Masters of Art program majoring in dance. She has
taught at the school for five years and has some performance experience in national dance companies

"In tap dancing the movement is concentrated in the feet. The body is an instrument of rhythm. Tap is a
step dance tapped audibly to the music through your shoes. For younger dancers, tap is where you get
to dance and make noise at the same time. There is a lot of fancy footwork and sound is a way to
express the dance".

I was wearing the typical uniform for tap class, a leotard and tights with black tap shoes. This leotard
was from Mirella and had cap sleeves and a scooped neckline. Some students also wore black bike
shorts over their leotards. Like most dance classes, the hair was tied and pulled away from the face and
no jewelry was allowed. No sweatshirts or sweatpants were allowed either. The tap shoes had hard
soles and heels with taps added to them.

For warm-ups, we did some basic stretches first. Tap requires great leg strength and overall dance
dexterity. At this level we also practiced some tap turns, progressions and time steps. A time step is a
rhythmic combination repeated like a drummer to keep time. The basic time step is a six beat phrase
with the accent on the fifth beat. A phrase we learned was "Thanks for the bug-gy ride" with the accent
on the -gy. From this basic time step, other steps can be added like the brush, flap or shuffle. Advanced
classes would focus on speed steps advanced time steps, pull backs, and wings. We were asked to clap,
beat and walk to some basic rhythms.

The Lyrical instructor was a younger girl, Nikki Martin, a student at the academy who had performed
with other companies. She has been dancing since the age of three. She attends master classes and
special choreography sessions.
"In lyrical ballet the emphasis is on interpreting the music. The dance reflects the lyrics and the rhythm.
The focus is on soft flowing movements similar to ballet but not necessarily following the exact forms.
By using contemporary music, the dancer has an avenue for self expression through grace and control."

The attire for lyrical class was a pink leotard with tights. The leotard had princess seams down the front
and was made of cotton and Lycra. It stretched to fit tightly across the chest. The shoes were tan half
sole lyrical shoes. Sometimes the dances are done barefoot. A short skirt and a long flowing skirt of
Lycra and chiffon were included. The skirts help to convey the effect of the dancer floating through
space. Hair is tied back and held with clips or barrettes. A song chosen was from the movie Titanic, "My
Heart will Go On" by Celine Dion.

Stretching began the warm-ups. We practiced performing the skills while moving to the music. There
was a lot of floor work and combinations. There are graceful jumps ands splits and soft flowing
movements with the arms.

"The dancer becomes an actor to tell a story through dance techniques. The emotion and feelings of the
song are demonstrated through balance, flexibility and the creative movements of the body. Pace and
tone are important. The expressions on the dancer's faces can add to the moment. In lyrical, there is
some partnering of the dances and some group interactions."

My next class was Jazz. My instructor was Deborah Smith. As a teenager, Deborah had taken classes at
the Academy. After college, she choreographed and performed with the resident company of the Main
Street School of Dance.

"Jazz is a fusion of kicks, leaps and turns, put to the beat of the music. There are a large number of
styles, techniques, rhythms and variations. There is room for improvisation. The dress for class can
include a colored leotard and tights. Sometimes a crop top or a dance top is worn over a sports bra.
Lycra shorts or jazz pants are also worn. For practice black half sole jazz shoes are needed. In
competitions Black Bloch Jazz shoes are recommended."

Warm ups would be isolations, bending and stretching. Combinations of turns, kicks, leaps and jumps
would be practiced. There are some traditional jazz techniques but there is also room for creative
variations. We practiced with two songs, All That Jazz from Chicago and Material Girl by Madonna.
While the dance lessons were going on, I was also being instructed in costuming and makeup. Mrs.
Douglas was our part time costumer. For years she was the assistant costumer for a large dance
company in New York. Three years ago she moved here to live with her daughter. She is an excellent
seamstress and had designed many original costumes for major companies. She had many connections
in the costume world and was able to get a nice price for the large orders that our school placed at
recital time.

"Costumes are an important part of the dance performance. Much like makeup, they can inspire the
dancer to become a character that she is portraying. The cut, fabric and texture of the costume can help
to accentuate the performance. The eyes of the audience are on the dancer but they also see the

"I'm going to select some costumes and ask you to take them home. You will write up a description of
each costume and you will determine what type of dance it is best suited for. The costumes are all in
your size, but you do not necessarily have to wear them. I have also included the accessories that you
might need such as tights and shoes. You will take one bag each day and return it the next. Also to show
you one of the tasks of a costumer , I have two headbands for you. On one, you will hand sew each of
these sequins, on the other you will use this theatrical glue to do the job. You will learn that even the
smallest detail is important in costuming. "

Not wear each costume? Who was she kidding? I couldn't wait to get home and rush upstairs to try on
the first one. After putting on my dance belt, I slid on a pair of Danskin pink run resistant tights. The first
costume was a pink Lycra camisole leotard with a type dye ribbon overlay. I stepped into it and pulled
up the top. It had thin straps that I slipped over my shoulders. . Attached to the leotard was a tricot skirt
in pink that was quite long. It is described as a romantic length skirt. There were three tiny rosettes
attached at the neck. Crystal sequins were also part of the trim. I enjoyed how the skirt brushed against
my legs as I moved. In the bag was a pair of ballet slippers and a pink headpiece. This was definitely for a
lyrical ballet. There was a tape with two songs, Somewhere Out There by Celine Dion and Time of Your
Life by Green Day.

The next day, I put on a fluorescent lime velour flapper dress. It had a row of fringe across the chest and
three rows of fringe at the bottom of the dropped waist. The third row fell just across the knees. There
were two sequin bands, one across the chest and one above the bottom fringe. With this dress there
were matching briefs. I was thrilled to see a pair of black fishnet stockings was included. They had a
different feeling as I put them on. A feathery headpiece completed the 20's look. A pair of Capezio jazz
shoes definitely told me this would be a jazz costume. There were lyrics to the song "Teach Me How to
Shimmy". As a moved I could feel the fringe shifting back and forth across the fishnets at my knees.

The next garment bag was quite full. As I opened it I saw it contained a pink and white leotard and a full
tutu, definitely for ballet. I put on a pair of Danskin pink tights and later ballet slippers. Included were a
headband with pink fur attached and some matching pink fur bracelets.

The next day, there was a note to meet at the Anderson's house on my way home. As I came in, Mrs.
Anderson greeted me and told me that the girls were waiting upstairs.

"Hi, Allie. We arranged for you to try on today's costumes here."

Hailee was wearing a dress over a pair of jeans. Shannon had a light blue velour hoodie on with
matching pants. She also was wearing a striped tie back halter from Wet Seal.

"You caught us doing our nails. We'll help you do your now before we change"

They were using Wet 'n Wild Precious Metals Nail Enamel in Red Graphite. I was a little embarrassed but
I let the put the shiny colors on my nails. They also shared with me some Smackers lipgloss. I had Sweet
Cotton Candy Cane with a taste of mint. Allie put on Shine On Strawberry and Shannon applied Berry
Sweet that she said tasted like tropical fruit punch. They showed me how to put on an extra layer on my
lower lips for a pouty look.

Their rooms were very feminine with lace curtains, pillows, comforters and stuffed animals. On the walls
were dance and cheer posters. Each room reflected the girl's different personalities. Hailees room had
the lived in look. The wicker laundry basket in the corner was overflowing with clothes needed to be
cleaned. The top of the dresser was covered with stacks of clean clothes, various types of makeup,
several sports trophies, a jewelry box and a large globe. An empty two liter Pepsi bottle sat on the floor.
The mirror over the dresser had photographs and clippings taped to the edges. The nightstand held a TV
DVD player with stacks of DVDs. The computer table held a pile of books and fashion magazines. The
bed was made up with a soft comforter and held several large pillows.
Shannon's room would be the "after" photo in an interior decorator's project. The chest underneath the
window held several stuffed animals neatly arranged. A CD player and an organized stack of CDs sat on
the nightstand. In a small bookcase were school books and a set of photo albums and scrapbooks.
Neatly displayed on a shelf were a collection of Barbies. The closet was arranged in a logical manner.
There were separate groups of jeans, shirts, skirts, dresses and school uniforms. Her shoes were neatly
organized on the floor. The ruffles and lace on her bed's comforter matched the lace curtains at the

As we were talking, a young girl that that called Kelly, came in. I assumed this was their sister. She was
wearing a pair of cheer shorts and a cheerleader summer camp T shirt. On her feet was a pair of ankle
socks. She had a small white ribbon tied to a short ponytail. She asked if she could play with the Barbies,
so Shannon took down several from the shelf and took out a travel case of Barbie clothes from the shelf
in the closet. Kelly thanked them and left for her room.

After she left, the girls giggled and said, "How did you like our brother Kelly?" I was quite surprised.

"When he was very young we used to dress him up as our baby doll sister. Mom didn't seem to mind so
as the years went on, he got to wear our hand me downs. He especially liked wearing our dance
costumes and our cheerleading outfits. We have taken him out several times dressed as our sister, but
he would never go out on his own and doesn't wear our clothes outside the house, although he
becomes the sweetest little girl in a frilly party dress for Halloween. So as you can see we had a lot of
practice and it will be easy for us to help you with your clothes, makeup and hair."

We went back to Hailees room and they brought out my first costume. My first guess was that it would
be a tap dance outfit. It was a snake print Lycra top and mini sequin disc skirt trimmed in marabou. They
showed me how to first stretch the tights across my body so that they would be easier to put on. I wore
the matching trunks and mitts that were like gloves, without the fingers, that slid up my arms towards
my elbows. A marabou trimmed hat topped it off. A pair of one inch heel tap shoes completed this one.

I had a CD with the songs Sing, Sing, Sing and In the Mood.

The last outfit could be described as a ballet pink nylon camisole leotard with a keyhole back. Mini
sequins were attached at the top and there was an attached peach chiffon romantic skirt and there were
matching shoulder drapes which was like an attached shawl that you slid your arms through. They gave
me a pair of white tights and said they would make my legs seem longer. As a moved around the room I
could feel the swaying effect of the skirt as I moved along. I kept a written description to bring back to
class. The girls took some pictures of me in various outfits.

They next brought me into Shannon's room. There neatly hanging in the closet were three cheerleading

"Hailee and I are both on the cheerleading team. We switched uniforms this year and they let us keep
last years uniforms. We want you to try it on with us and do a few cheers. We are going to try to arrange
it so that you could join us for cheer camp this summer. That would be cool."

I took the uniform and changed in the other room. The uniform had a sleeveless top and a short cheer
skirt, both in maroon. When I was ready I came back. Hailee handed me some maroon cheer briefs that I
quickly slid on under the cheer skirt and we practiced some cheers with pompons. It was embarrassing
but fun.

Mrs. Anderson and the girls told me that there was an upcoming dance performance competition held
at a downtown hotel. I wouldn't be a performer but I could go as an alternate. It was customary that the
dancers be dressed as young ladies on their way to and from the competitions. So we were off to the
mall for some shopping. They had met with my sister Sarah and she had arranged for some cash to cover
the clothing expenses. Before we went, they decided I could wear my jeans and gym shoes but they had
me switch sweaters. Also one of them decided that I should get a more girlish shape and they handed
me a bra to put on. It was padded just enough to give a hint of shape.

They decided to show me some techniques for everyday makeup. They talked about the three basics,
eyes, cheeks and lips and how to highlight a feature and reach a beautiful balance. They put on a very
light Cover Girl Pink Blush on my cheeks and added a dash of Ice Princess Lip Slicks. Shannon swept a
light shadow over my eyes. They ran a quick brush of Maybelline Full n Soft mascara on my lashes. They
brushed out my hair, added a short fall and tied in a pink ribbon.

At the mall we first stopped at a store called Delias.They seemed to know most of the salesgirls
throughout the mall. Shannon and Hailee helped me into a striped knit dress with cap sleeves and a
square neck. There was detailing at the waist and the pleats dropped top just below the knee.
"You have great legs so we'll get you a pair of Donna Karon pantyhose to show them off."

There would be an awards presentation at the end and they suggested a black rayon/ spandex full A line
skirt with a tulle peeking out from the hem. They told me tulle is the mesh that is often used for an
effect and is used in bridal veils. A simple white ribbed tank would be worn on top and they selected
some bracelets for my wrists.

Our next stop was at American Eagles Outfitters(AE). They helped me find a slightly crinkled silk cami
with adjustable shoulder straps and a side zipper. It was gathered at the bodice with some lace edging. I
was given a gray herringbone wool pleated miniskirt that reached mid thigh. It was quite short. It had a
buckle at the waist that secured with Velcro. The girls suggested a pair of black tights. Before we left
they found a cotton/wool soft cardigan that added to the layered look. It had sequins and shiny beads
ribbing the hem and the cuffs.

"Since will be staying over night you'll need some PJs."

We look for a cute pair with a top and pants with clouds and teddy bears. We also browsed for clothes
at a store called Wet Seal and looked at some fancy jewelry, hair items and bracelets at Claire's

On our way back we stopped at the dance store at the Academy. I purchased some practice leotards,
some tights and some legwarmers. My sister Sarah had surprised us and brought each of us short
matching soft cotton dance robes with the word dancer and a design of pointe shoes embroidered on
the front.

They also gave me a garment bag to take home. It contained my last outfit that I would later try on later.
It contained a Lycra lyrical dress with an empire waist and a skirt that was calf length. The chiffon skirt
had high slits on both sides and attached trunks. As I pulled up into the dress, I found that I liked the feel
of the lyrical outfits the best.

I was worn out after a busy day of modeling dance costumes and shopping at the mall. .
On Saturdays I spent my time studying makeup with Annie Wortell. She had been the head makeup
consultant for several dance companies and teaches a class at the college in stage performance makeup.
She often helped out at our recitals. Two students from her course, Greta and Danielle were also there
to assist. Hailee and Shannon had agreed to be models as I was learning the makeup techniques.

"Makeup application is one of the basic tools used by all theater performers. Stage makeup techniques
are much different from those used in every day non performance makeup. When seen up close, stage
makeup appears overdone and exaggerated. Some dancers feel self-conscious when they first see
themselves made up. Without the makeup, the bright stage lights and the distance from the audience
would both combine to washout the dancer's faces. If you don't accentuate the contours of the face or
highlight the mouth and eyes, they almost disappear on stage. A faceless dancer can't hold the audience
as well as one with a clearly visible smile and eyes that sparkle. We use makeup just as we use costumes
to change into character. Younger girls may not use makeup in their everyday lives, but putting on
makeup before a performance can be a reminder to call up the emotions and energy that are needed on
stage. The process itself can also be used as a calming ritual that helps the dancer transform herself into
someone who can command the attention and admiration of the audience."

"We recommend a light moisturizer be applied and allowed to set before any other makeup is added.
We use oil free Neutrogena Moisturizer. This is followed by the foundation. A theatrical supply house,
Ben Nye is where we purchase the foundation. We use the Natural Series Matte foundation in Crème.
Watch and follow me. I'll makeup Hailee and you will makeup Shannon. Use cosmetic sponges as we dab
it on and blend it into the hair line, under the chin, down into the neck and up to the ears. Cover the
eyelids and lips because this helps to provide maximum staying power for the makeup that will later be
applied over it. We will set the foundation by applying makeup powder in the same shade as the
foundation. Use as fluffy makeup brush. For the younger girls like Shannon, we often substitute baby
powder to set the foundation. Next we'll lightly apply a pink blush to the cheekbones being sure to
blend it up into the hairline. You can use a brush or a cotton ball to do this. Be sure to add a little blush
on the chin and forehead. The blush we use is Love My Face in Luscious Pink."

On the lips of the younger girls we lightly apply a pink lipstick, Love My Lips Crème Sheer Delight. For the
older girls we first line the lips with Love My Lips Pencil in Pink. We fill the lips in with pencil by
stretching the lips and starting at the center of the top or bottom and color out to the corners then blot
and reapply again. Try it on Hailee. Finally we apply the same lipstick we use on the younger dancers
lips. A lip brush gives you much more precision than applying it from the tube."
"Next, we will work on the eyes. For Shannon we apply a light brown eye shadow to the eyelids and
then apply black mascara to the upper lashes. For Hailee, we use two shades of brown eye shadow.
Greta will help you with Hailee's eyes. Apply the lighter shadow over the top section of the eyelid and
blend it into the eye brow. Next cover the bottom half of the lid with the darker shade. From about
1/3rd of the way from the inner eye you sweep the darker shade up and over the upper lid past the
corners of the eye. Finally apply the lighter shade just under the eyebrow. We like the Maybelline eye
products. Using Maybelline Expert Eyes Pure Black eyeliner, apply a thin line just above the upper lashes
and slightly extend past the corner of the eyes. Starting in the middle of the lower lid, apply a thin line
underneath the bottom lashes and slightly extend past the corner but don't connect the top and
bottom. Liner should be applied in short strokes and gone over again, keeping the skin pulled taut to
achieve a straight line."

"Using Maybelline's Volume Express Waterproof Mascara in Very Black, apply the mascara to both the
top and bottom lashes. If the eyebrows are very blond, like Shannon's, you will need to use brown
powder to highlight the brows. An eyebrow pencil makes the brows appear unreal. To add some sparkle
and shine to certain performers, we highlight key light catching spots with sparkle or glitter. We'll
highlight the cheekbones, under the brow bone and on the lids."

"When we are done with the makeup, I'll also show you some dance hair styling tips. In most dances, the
hair is up and out of the face. Bangs are pulled back and secured with barrettes. Wispies need to be
gelled back smoothly off the face. With Hailee's shorter hair we will tease it a bit to give it some body.
We use clips and headbands to put hair into a bun or a tight ponytail. Watch me as I show you how to
make the ballet bun for Hailee and then you can try it on Shannon. You gather the hair and pull it back
and brush it up from the jaw line. Gather it to form a ponytail and use elastic hair bands to draw it back
snugly. Now, this is key, twist the ponytail and coil it into a tight circle. Use hair pins to secure it. Now
wrap a fine hair net around the bun and keep twisting and wrapping and then flatten the bun. When
completed, finish with extra hold hair spray and pin it into place as needed.

I talked with the 2 students from the college. They were taking a course in theatrical makeup
applications. They mentioned that I might want to take a two hour workshop with them. I know I
couldn't have done any of this without their help. They also offered to do a makeover on me, but I had
to attend a dance class. During the session they were taking pictures and videos as the girls were being
made up. When we finished, they showed me how to gently remove the makeup.

After several months, I was ready for the interview. On a Saturday morning the panel was ready to meet
with me at the studio. The panel included my two sisters, two of the dance instructors, the costumer
and Shannon and Hailee. Shannon was dressed in a skirt and a long sleeved stretch cotton white shirt.
Hailee was wearing a lace skirt and an asymmetrical striped top. I noticed both were wearing footless
Capezio tights. I was amazed how much I had learned about fashion over the last few months.

I was in my practice leotard and was wearing my dance robe. I was asked several questions about dance.
I described dance as a mix of physical and emotional qualities that required effort and discipline of the
body and the mind. My dance instructors gave reports on my progress in their classes. The costumer,
Mrs. Douglas, commented on the notes I took on the various costumes I had worn. When asked about
the future of the dance academy, I suggested that we look into offering classes in Irish dance again. After
all, it was a part of the history of the Academy. I also suggested possibly offering courses in gymnastics
and cheer classes. Shannon and Hailee smiled at this remark.

After my presentation, the panel met and made their decision. I had passed this initial phase and they
welcomed me as an assistant to the studio.

There was a small party afterwards where I was given some presents. First, I received a Danskin
backpack/tote to carry my dance clothes. Inside the backpack were several falls and hair extensions and
a makeup set from Bonne Bell. As I looked further inside I saw a Ballerina Barbie with some additional
clothes. The girls had also given me the cheerleading uniform that I wore at their house and Shannon
included a short dark blue plaid school skirt, Junior size 9. There was also a dark blue Old Navy lambs
wool long sleeved V necked sweater and a pair of white knee highs. In a Victoria's Secret bag I noticed
some lace boy shorts and a lacy matching camisole. Greta and Danielle had brought me a Dancer's
Makeup Kit with professional quality makeup and brushes created by the American Ballet Theater.

Later that year, the Academy held their recital, Somewhere in Time. I helped out a lot backstage with
costumes and makeup. I also performed with one of the Lyrical classes. My training continues and I'm
especially interested in choreography and costume design. I know I still have a lot to learn, but I was
enjoying myself and the time I spent with the girls.

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