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It’s your turn. 1.

1 ( module 1 )

Part II Vision – Mission – Goals – Thrusts

 Vision
The school foresee to grow by preserving the culture and to attain universityhood.
 Mission
The school wants to produce good quality students to compete not only locally but globally
 Goals
The goals of the school intend to let the school grow or widen its zone in quality education, it
also intends to improve each and one that is related to the school.
 Thrusts
The HERITAGE is linked with the vision mission and goals of the school, It includes all part of
the school also like faculty and staffs to give and provide good quality services to the school as
for students to learn good quality education from them.
I. Essay
1. Where is the College going according to the VGMT?
The College is going towards university status as it was stated in the Vision of the school. The
College President and its Staff are doing their best to make the MPSPC as a
What is the college doing to achieve the plans it has outlined in the in the VGMT?
The college is building a more wide and comfortable school for all students who want to enroll in
the said school. And teachers and staffs of MPSPC are molding students to become a competitive
and just leaders in the future. And abiding from the VMGT of the school we will achieve the plans in
the future.

2. Can an education student enrolled in course audit relate to the VMGT? How?
Cite Specific instances where you can see the relationship of the VMGT to you
as an education student enrolled in Course Audit.
II. Infographics

Prepare an infographics on the VMGT of the college with the aim of making education
students understand the VMGT in your perspective as students.

It’s your turn 1.2

1. Who is a teacher according to RA 7836? Cite the appropriate provision of RA

Teachers refers to all persons engaged in teaching primarily with classroom instruction, at the
elementary and secondary levels in accordance with the curriculum prescribed by the
Department of Education, Culture and Sports, whether on part-time or full-time basis in the
private or public schools.

2. Board for professional teachers.

a. What is the composition of the Board?
The composition of the board is composed of five members who shall be appointed by the
President of the Philippines from among the recommendees chosen by the Commission.

b. What are the functions/duties of the Board?

The functions/duties of the Board are:
a. Promulgate, administer and enforce rules and regulations necessary for carrying out the
provisions of this act in accordance with the charter of the PRC.
b. Determine and fix the frequency, dates, and places of examination, appoint supervisors,
proctors, and other personnel as needed.
c. Issue, suspend, or revoke the certificate of registration for the practice of the teaching
d. Prescribe and collect examination and other fees as it may deem proper.
e. Administer oaths in connection with the administration of this act.
f. Supervise and regulate the registration, licensure and practice of professional teachers
in the Philippines.
g. Adopt an official seal of the Board.

c. What is the term of office of the members of the board?

The members of the Board shall hold office for a term of three years from date they assume
office. 1 member shall serve for 1 year; 1 member for 2 years; the chairman, vice-chairman,
and 1 member for 3 years. Vacancies shall be served for the unexpired term only. No
person who has served for two consecutive terms shall be eligible for reappointment.

d. What are the qualifications of the Board members?

The qualifications of the Board Members are;
a. Be a citizen and resident of the Philippines.
b. Be at least 35 years of age, of proven integrity, and possessed of high moral values in
his personal as well as professional conduct.
c. Be a holder of the degree of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Education.
d. Be a professional teacher with a valid certificate of registration and valid professional
e. Has been a professional and active teaching for at least 10 years in the elementary and
secondary level and,
f. Not be an official or member of the faculty of, nor have pecuniary interest in any
university, college, school or institution conferring a bachelor’s degree in education.

3. A valid certificate of registration and a valid license is required before can be

allowed to practice as a professional teacher. TRUE or FALSE. Cite the
appropriate provision to support your answer.
TRUE. This is a proof that you have taken all the requirements before taking your profession.

4. What is the scope of exam for;

The examination for teachers in the secondary levels consists of three parts namely;
professional education, general education and field of specialization.
BEED examination consists of two parts namely: professional education and general

5. What are the qualifications of an applicants?

a. A citizen of the Philippines or an alien whose country has reciprocity with the Philippines in
the practice of the teaching profession.
b. At least eighteen years of age.
c. In good health and of good reputation with high moral values.
d. Has not been convicted with final judgement by a court for an offense involving moral
e. A graduate of a school, college or university recognized by the government and possesses
the minimum educational qualifications.
6. How many days after exam will be the report on ratings be submitted by the
Board to PRC for approval and appropriate action? Cite the appropriate
Within 120 days after the examination, report of ratings obtained by each candidate to the PRC
will be approved and do appropriate action.

7. The license is valid for a period of?

The license is valid for the period of three consecutive years. This license shall serve as
evidence that the licensee can lawfully practice his profession until the expiration of its validity.

8. What date does the license expire?

The license will expire after three years.

9. Every registrant shall be required to take his professional oath before

practicing as a professional teacher. TRUE or FALSE. Cite appropriate
TRUE. This is to ensure that you will take your profession seriously with good manners and right
conduct towards students and fellow teachers.

10. Explain the registration by reciprocity and cite the appropriate

Registration by reciprocity is an act to ensure that no foreign nationalities shall take any
examination or be given a certificate of registration in the Philippines.

11. Present in a table the provisions of RA 7836 which are amended in RA 9293.
Cite appropriate provisions of both laws.
It’s your turn.

1. Create an infographic which will contain all the necessary information

an education student should know about LET.

It’s your turn.

I. How to prepare for the Board Exam.

1. Follow a proper schedule

Sleep early, get up early in the morning, have a proper breakfast and then study. Do not stay up late
and try avoiding to worry about counter-productive moments, you got this - keep preparing for the
important day. Take out an hour or two to relax and not think about the exams. Read, sleep, play or do
whatever you think diverts your attention away from exams. Munch on healthy food while you study.
Junk food are a big no-no!

2. Don’t have too much on your plate

Exercise your brain in a constructive way, and do not burden it with a lot of thoughts. Be clear in your
mind and do not pressure yourself to cover things that are beyond your reach.
Make realistic targets for a day. Even Rome was not built in a day. Do not overdo things.
Do not try and study everything in a single day. Try taking it slow and apportion your revision
Of the 5 or 6 subjects, pick up 2 or a maximum of 3 subjects and pick up a topic or two from each and
go into the depths of the topics, instead of skimming 8-10 topics.

3. Mix and match

Plan your day well. Like a good meal, it is important to have all the essential ingredients while studying
as well. Do not have all easy subjects/topics in a day or do not over burden yourself with topics that you
find difficult. To maximize your output, start your “study day” with a light subject for an hour or so, once
you get warmed up, take up a heavy subject or a topic.
Study that for 2 hours or so and gradually increase the level of preparation. For example, if you find
Mathematics tough and English easy, start your study day by reading a chapter or 2 from your NCERT
literature text book for English.
After you are done with English, solve a topic from Mathematics for 2 hours. Gradually increase the
level of difficulty of the questions you attempt. Once you are through with this exercise, take a break for
a while and resume with a topic you are relatively comfortable with.

4. Solve sample papers

It is often said that there is no better practice than match practice. Solve one CBSE sample question
paper each day, preferably from 10 AM to 1 PM, in an environment as close to the one you expect at
your examination center. After you have solved the paper, mark yourself as per the CBSE marking

Pick a different subject for each of the five/six days. Assess yourself at the end of the week, look at
your weak areas and try to rectify them in the weeks to follow. While solving sample papers, make a
point to solve the ones provided by the CBSE. The papers provided by the CBSE are the closest
possible papers to the real thing available to you.

5. Practice the art of relaxation

Exercise and meditation help improve concentration. Many of the athletes and sports professionals
regularly employ meditation methods. Studies have found a direct correlation between concentration
exercises (meditation) and the performance level of sports professionals.
Meditation strengthens the mind, it comes under control and is able to provide effective guidance to the
physical body to effectively execute all its projects. Psychological Exercises are a powerful way of
improving concentration and improving mental strength.
II. Infographic. Prepare an infographic detailing the following
1. Why is it necessary that I would prepare before I take the LET?
It’s your turn
Compile 50 review questions in English from various sources. Research on the correct answer as well
as the rationalization or explanation why that is the correct answer.
2018 ENGLISH Reviewer
1. Corruption in far provinces is reported in the radio and TV. I don’t agree with the report, so I say:
a. No, it is not true.
b. Yes, it is true
c. Yes, it often is.
d. Yes, at times it is.
2. A platoon leader ordered his troop to proceed. Which reply shows full compliance?
a. Sir, yes, Sir!
b. Sir, we are about to go
c. Sir, Sir? Yes, Sir!
d. Sir, we are on leave.
3. The DepEd Secretary Admits that text messaging keeps parents aware of their children’s
whereabouts. He registered concern on the effects on:
a. Spelling of words
b. Connect communication
c. Structural distortions
d. Vocabulary limitation
4. After hearing the campaign commercial, a voter remarked, “I am used to the same tales.” This
a. This is very original
b. There is nothing new in the story
c. There is a miscommunication
d. Vocabulary limitation

5. What is the meaning of this statement. “History never cited a leaderless nation.”
a. Nations can survive without leaders
b. A leader can fade away, but another will come up
c. Leaders are always born
d. Leaders are matched with Historical events
6. Complete the statement using context clues. The flowers ________ in the spring.
a. Weaken
b. Die
c. Bloom
d. Wither
7. The Philippine Basketball Team lambasted the Lebanese Basketball Team. This sentence
a. The Philippine Team welcomed the Lebanese
b. The Philippine Team beat the Lebanese
c. The Lebanese beat the Philippine Team
d. The Philippine Team helped the Lebanese Team
8. Traffic was heavy. Evan was afraid of not catching his flight so he ___________ with a taxi cab and
jumped at the door.
a. Catch-up
b. Caught-up
c. Was watching
d. Has caught
9. Traffic enforcers wear brightly colored vests for them to be __________ as possible.
a. Courteous
b. Covert
c. Conspicuous
d. Conscious
10. In the _________, we could rely on our government officials.
a. Pass
b. Past
c. Fast
d. Passed
11. The renaissance_____________ when scientific discoveries started:
a. Cited
b. Flourished
c. Ended
d. Commenced
12. This theory of language learning and literacy views children capable of relating new information to
prior knowledge.
a. Constructivist
b. Sociolinguist
c. Interactive
d. Reader Response
13. The activists exclaimed, “Join the mass demonstration!” What was asked of the listeners?
a. Sympathy for a cause
b. Willingness to listen
c. Pathy for a cause
d. Avoidance of group action
14. When a president is succeeded by another president, the former is referred to as:
a. Replaced
b. Elected
c. Deposed
d. Dethroned
15. Venus is an exemplification of feminine pulchritude. Pulchritude means:
a. Plain
b. Beauty
c. Ugliness
d. Homeliness
16. To HERALD primary economic and social innovations brought about by Science, means to:
a. End
b. Proclaim
c. Respond to
d. Encourage
17. Nowadays, mobile phone manufacturers have begun to AUTOMATE their assembly lines by using
the concept of robotics.
Automates means:
a. Assemble machines
b. Operate through machines
c. Produce more efficient cars
d. Operate through human workers18. The President is a LOQUACIOUS speaker. Loquacious means:
a. Taciturn
b. Reserved
c. Reticent
d. Verbose
19. There was a HIATUS of four years before she returned home to her country. Hiatus means:
a. Length
b. Lapse
c. Continuation
d. Un- interruption
20. The pain of having a fractured bone is EXCRUCIATING. Excruciating means:
a. Mild
b. Slight
c. Unbearable
d. Endurable
21. Play directors use live music accompaniment to _________ the dramatic performances of the
actors on stage.
a. Compliment
b. Correct
c. Complement
d. Contemplate
22. The suspect on the witness stand seems CULPABLE. The word culpable means:
a. Guilty
b. Blameless
c. Innocent
d. Pliable
23. The National Heroes Day Celebration reminds us about historical personalities worth ________.
a. Emanating
b. Appreciating
c. Studying
d. Emulating24. He has a very erratic behavior. ERRATIC means:
a. Inconsistent
b. Stable
c. Normal
d. Predictable
25. If a thing doesn’t break that easy, it is:
a. Brittle
b. Ductile
c. Brilliant
d. Brisk
26. This one is made from ersatz coloring. ERSATZ means:
a. Real
b. Genuine
c. Authentic
d. Artificial
27. Upon seeing anxious and uneasy guests, the master of the house exclaimed, “What are all
these HUBHUB about? HUBHUB can be defined as:
a. Stillness
b. Hush
c. Commotion
d. Serenity
28. The president must be a HIGH- MINDED person. High-minded means:
a. Unprincipled
b. Mean
c. Corrupt
d. Honorable
29. The votes of the poor might seem FRIVOLOUS to you, but most of the time, they are the ones who
change election history.
a. Significant
b. Vital
c. Practical
d. Worthless
30. Government workers must deal with their clients ____________.
a. Covertly
b. Curtly
c. Rudely
d. Courteously
31. Her fondness of reading mystery novels and fairy tales made her __________.
a. Superstitious
b. Gullible
c. Easy-going
d. Trustworthy
32. The editor found the news story not so entertaining. He found it full of:
a. Adjectives
b. Verbs
c. Pronouns
d. Adverbs
33. Ebett and Evann were mischievous children. They ______ tricks of their teachers which always got
them into a lot of trouble.
a. Could have played
b. Used to play
c. Could play
d. May have played
34. Samantha’s eye are blurred and her hands cried. She _________ at the computer for 6 long hours.
Finally, she took a break.
a. was seated
b. has seated
c. would have seated
d. had been seated

35. “When will Mr. Padilla retire?” “Soon, I think he ______ for a long time. He will probably retire this
a. Have been working
b. Had been working
c. Has been working
d. Is working
36. There are great movies that are worth watching once, there are some that are worth watching twice,
_________ there are movies that are worth watching over and over again.
a. But
b. Still
c. And
d. Nevertheless
37. If I _________ rich, I would travel abroad every year.
a. Were
b. Am
c. Should be
d. Was
38. This seatwork is difficult for Paul and ____________.
a. Myself
b. I
c. Me
d. Himself
39. The candy cane smells ____________.
a. Sweet
b. Sweetly
c. Sweeter
d. More sweet
40. Whether or not a man likes what he ____________ is the measure of choosing well.
a. Choose
b. Has chosen
c. Chose
d. Is choosing
41. Which ED end sound is different?
a. Needed
b. Granted
c. Wanted
d. Signed

42. Which among these words has the ending [d] sound?
a. Joked
b. Laughed
c. Walked
d. Played
43. Which among these words has the [z] end sound?
a. Maps
b. Jokes
c. Laughs
d. Buys
44. Which among these words has the [id] end sound?
a. Praised
b. Mailed
c. Judged
d. Needed
45. Which among these words has the [zh] end sound?
a. She
b. Excursion
c. Chips
d. Fish
46. “My loyalty to my party ends where my loyalty to my country begins.” This quotation is from:
a. Manuel L. Quezon
b. Carlos P. Garcia
c. Manuel A. Roxas
d. Ferdinand E. Marcos
47. “The Filipino is worth dying for.” This quotation by:
a. Benigno Aquino
b. Carlos P. Garcia
c. Jose Rizal
d. Fidel V. Ramos
48. “You see things that are and you ask why but I dream that never were and ask why not.”
a. Clear thinking
b. Immortality
c. Curiosity
d. Rich Imagination

49. The song “No man is an Island” mirrors:

a. Individualization
b. Solitude
c. Independence
d. Brotherhood
50. The space shuttle is as fast as the wind. This is an example of:
a. Simile
b. Metaphor
c. Personification
d. Antithesis
51. ____________ wrote “Without Seeing the Dawn”
a. Maximo Ramos
b. Steven Javellana
c. Paz M. Venitez
d. Magdalena Jalandoni
52. “She is the sun of my world.” This is an example of:
a. Simile
b. Metaphor
c. Hyperbole
d. Onomatopeia
53. Who is the author of this famous quote: “I die just when the dawn breaks to herald the day.”
a. Benigno Aquino
b. Manuel L. Quezon
c. Jose Rizal
d. Andres Bonifacio
54. This Filipino author wrote about the ill-fated love affair of Jose Rizal and Leonor Rivera.
a. Arturo Rotor
b. Francisco Icasiano
c. Zoilo Galang
d. Nick Joaquin
55. “I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.” Which word should retain its pitch to show
a. Am
b. Captain
c. Master
d. Fate

1. A- Clearly, option A is the answer since that the rest of the options started with “Yes” which
contradicts the statement “I don’t agree with the report”.
2. A- Option A is the correct answer because it expresses full conviction- as proven by the exclamation
3. B- At first glance one might think that the answer is A because the current issue against text
messaging is on spelling but if we look closely, the question is concerned about the children’s
whereabouts and totally not spelling.
4. B- The statement “I am used to the same tales” is a common idiomatic expression that connotes
discontent towards repeated actions or happenings. But if ever this is the first time you heard this
statement, you may use the phrase “used to” as a context clue.
5. D- Among the options given, A and C are the most unlikely, so we will just limit it to options B and D.
Option B talks about the never ending cycle of emerging leaders, while option D mentioned things like
“history”, “matched”, and “leaders”---thus, making D the correct answer.
6. C- This is an easy question to answer. We just have to think about the four seasons Summer, Fall,
Winter, and Spring. Normally, flowers start dying during fall, and would totally wither during winter.
Flowers bloom normally during spring.
7. C- This question does not call for much thinking. Logic would tell us that the answer is indeed option
C because all the other options contradict what the given sentence tells about.
8. B- This question could also be under the Grammar section because this concerns consistency or
tense. The answer is B “caught-up” because clearly, the sentence is in the past tense and not in the
past progressive (was catching)--- because the action is not a continuing action in the past, nor in the
present tense (catch-up)--- because the other verbs in the statement are in the past tense, and
definitely not in the present perfect tense (has caught)---because the action is no longer happening at
present and at the same time it ended not in the very recent past.
9. C- This question could also be under Vocabulary section because this concerns semantics. By using
context clues, we can clearly and surely say that the answer is C “conspicuously”. The phrase “brightly
colored” greatly helps us in determining the correct answer. Webster defined “conspicuously” as an
adjective meaning “visible”--- and we all know that brightly colored vests are used by those who want to
be seen visibly.
10. B- This question is almost a give-away. The obvious answer is B “past” because the other options
are clearly not in any way connected or related to the statement.
11. D- In this particular question, we can immediately eliminate options A and C. We just have to decide
if which among B and D is the correct answer B “flourished’ could also be the answer, but if we would
think carefully, we should consider the clause “when the scientific discoveries started”. We just have to
remember that scientific discoveries would have to be one of the reasons for the “rebirth” and without
those discoveries, the renaissance would not take place. Having said this, the word “flourished” is no
longer appropriate.
12. A- Constructivist is the answer because this theory is about constructing new knowledge based on
prior knowledge or schema.
9 | ENGLISH – LET REVIEWER September 24, 2017
13. A- In this particular question we can immediately eliminate options C and D. B which “willingness to
listen” is not the answer because the statement “join the mass demonstration!” does not only call for
passive listening, but for active participation, or at least sympathy.
14. A- Among the choices, option B “elected” is the most unlikely. Option C “deposed” means to be
ousted or deprived rom office or official rank; option D “dethroned’ is considered a synonym of
“deposed” which leaves us to option A “replaced”---the most appropriate since that the sentence states
that the former president is not ousted but succeeded.
15. B- The answer is B because the word “pulchritude” means physical beauty and grace. But if ever
you have no idea about the dictionary definition of this word, you can use your context clues abilities.
The word “Venus” is the most helpful clue. As we all know Venus is the Roman goddess of beauty---
this fact will help us in determining the right answer.
16. B- The answer is B because “herald’ means to usher in or to proclaim. But if ever you have no idea
about the dictionary definition of this word, just think about one famous Christmas song that goes like
“hark the HERALD angel sing… “At times our prior knowledge about words is useful in trying to derive
meaning from a given word.
17. B- The answer is B because the word “automate” means to install or to convert to automation
equipment. Thus “to operate through machines” is indeed the best answer.
18. D- The answer is D because “reticent” (C) means reserved, “taciturn” (A) means habitually silent,
“reserved” (B) mean self restrained. Options A, B and C are almost synonymous, while D “verbose”
means wordy. It is also unlikely for a president to be reserved, since that being the head of an
organizations/ state requires a lot of verbal skills.
19. B- “Hiatus” means gap, and clearly option B, “lapse” is the nearest definition. But if you have no
idea about the dictionary meaning of “hiatus”, you may use your text clues abilities. By just reading the
statement you would have an idea that there is a gap of four years before the persona was able to
return to her country.
20. C- The word “excruciating” has always been an adjective to describe extreme pain. Having said
this, options A (mild), B(slight), and D (endurable) are not appropriate to be used in the given statement
about fractured bones.
21. C- At first reading, we can already eliminate options B and D. We just have to decide whether
“compliment” or “complement” is the most suitable answer “Compliment” means an expression of
admiration and praise, while “complement” means a thing that would complete the whole. Clearly, the
answer is indeed option C- “Complement”.
22. A-“Culpable” means deserving of blame and censure. Given this definition, we can say that A“guilty”
is the best answer. But if ever you have no idea about the dictionary definition of the word, you may use
your context clues abilities and try to consider the word “suspect” as your clue.
23. D- In this particular question, we can immediately eliminate options C (studying) and A (emanating).
We can just limit our choice to either B (appreciating) or D (emulating). But since the statement is about
heroes plus the fact that the word “worth” is present, option D “emulating” which means to try to equal
or surpass is indeed the best answer.
24. A-The word “erratic” means not conforming to standards. It could also mean irregular, thus making
option A “Inconsistent” the best answer.
25. B-This is a give-away question, but you must read it carefully. The answer is B “ductile” because if a
material is ductile, it can be hammered into thin layers without being broken into pieces.
26. D- “Ersatz” means substitute. Given this definition, we can say that the closest word to “substitute”
is option D---“artificial” But if ever you don’t have any idea about the dictionary definition, you can easily
answer this question by choosing the word that doesn’t go along with the other options. In this particular
item all of the options are quite synonymous except option D.
27. C-Without even knowing what the word “hubhub” means, since that most of the dictionaries don’t
have this word on their list, we can use the classification method in determining the best answer.
Among the choices, option C-“commotion” is the only one not synonymous to the other options given,
making it the correct and best answer.
28. D- This question is again a give-away. Even without using the dictionary, we can easily answer this
particular item by just looking at the set of options. Option D “honorable” is the answer because among
the choices given, it is the only one that is positive.
29. D-The word “frivolous” means void of significance and reason. It could also mean trivial or
unimportant. That is why option D “worthless” is the best answer.
30. D-The answer is “courteously” because among the choices given, this is the only attribute that is
expected from a government employee. 31. B- “gullible” is the answer because normally, fairy tales and
mystery novels have plots that are too fancy to believe in---making readers believe in the impossible
and at times in the “illogical”
32. C-The answer is “pronoun” because all other given options are content words. Content words are
those that carry meaning-nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives are samples of this. On the other hand
functions words are those that don’t have any meaning if isolated with the content words---preposition,
conjunctions, and pronouns are samples of this. In addition, function words are just there to give
support to content word , and so, a sentence filled with function words would be normally dull.
33. B-“used to” is the answer because this phrase connotes an action that was done consistently in the
past while the other options that used modals such as could and may connotes ability and possibility.
34. B-This items concerns tense. The answer “has seated” is in the present perfect tense and it truly fits
the thought of the sentence. Remember that the present perfect tense connotes actions that started in
the past and would have two possible outcomes---(1) still happening, (2) recently ended. In the
sentence “She________ at the computer for 6 long hours”, we are not certain if the subject is still using
the computer. You might confuse this to be under the past perfect tense because of the sentence that
followed. “Finally, she took a break”, remember that if the two independent clauses are not separated
by a period like “She_______ at the computer for 6 long hours before she finally took a break” then we
must use the past perfect tense. But in this item there are three separate sentences.
35. C-The answer is “has been working” because the subject is singular, that is why we can’t use have.
We must not also use had because it is only used in sentences in the past perfect or past perfect
progressive tenses.
36. C-“and” is the answer because we are just merely enumerating things.
37. A-The sentence in this item is an “If clause” and so the tense must be consistent. It is also unlikely
for us to use “was” or “am” for it has always been “If I were…”
38. C-Remember that “I” is used as the subject or the doer of the action, while “me” is used as the
receiver of the action. In the sentence given in this item the pronoun is the receiver of the action and
that is why “me” is the answer.
39. A-Always remember that verbs of senses may take two forms, (1) as a linking verb, or as a (2)
action verb. If it functions as a linking verb, then it must be followed by an adjective. On the other hand,
if it functions as an action verb, then it must be followed by an adverb. In this sentence, since that
candy cane is not capable of moving, we can say that “smells” functions as a linking verb, so it must be
followed by the adjective “sweet”
40. B-The answer is “has chosen” because the sentence states a condition that’s started in the past
and still true at present
41. D-“signed” is the answer because it only has one syllable and that affected its ending /ed/ sound.
42. D-“played” is the answer because all other words are with /t/ end sounds.
43. D-“buys” is the answer because all other given words end with /s/ sounds “b u y s” ends with /z/
sound because the sound before the letter “s” is voiced
44. D-“needed” is the answer because among the given options it is the only one with more than one
syllable-that changed the ending /ed/ sound to /id/
45. B-“excursion” is the answer because all the other options have either /ch/ or /sh/ sounds
46. A-Is the answer because the quotation given is one Manuel L. Quezon’s most famous. 47. A-is the
answer because the quotation given is one of Benigno Aquino’s most famous quotes, plus the fact that
this quotation can be found on our 500 peso bill.
48. D-“curiosity” and “rich imagination” would be our two possible answers, but D is better than C
because asking “why” is being curious, while asking “why not” is being imaginative.
49. D-“Brotherhood” is the answer because all the other options are its antonyms.
50. A-The answer is simile because the statement compared two objects using the word “as”
51. B-Stevan Javellana
52. B-The statement given is a direct comparison, that is why the answer is metaphor
53. C-Jose Rizal
54. D-Nick Joaquin

IT’S YOUR TURN – Physical Science

1. The height of an average person is probably?
A. 1.00 m
B. 1.60 m
C. 2.00 m
D. 2.60 m
2. What is the mass of one – half liter of water?
a. 0.5 g
b. 5 g
c. 50 g
d. 500 g
3. One cc water has a mass of about one _____ ( what unit )?
a. Ml
b. Kg
c. G
d. Cm
4. If you consider a very small portion of a material that is the same throughout, the density of the
small sample will be?
a. Less than the larger sample
b. The same as the larger sample
c. More than the larger sample
d. Dependent on the shape of the larger sample
5. Quantities, or measured properties that are capable of changing values are called?
a. Data
b. Variables
c. Constants
d. Impossible
6. A sample of one ml of water has a mass of about?
a. 1 cc
b. 2.2 kg
c. 1 g
d. 1.5 cm
7. Which of the following cannot be broken down to anything simpler?
a. Water
b. Table salt
c. Silver
d. Sugar
8. The first part of an atom to be discovered was the
a. Proton
b. Neutron
c. Electron
d. Nucleus

9. The electron was discovered through experiments with?

a. Electricity
b. Light
c. Radio waves
d. Radioactivity
10. The nucleus was discovered through experiments with?
a. Electricity
b. Light
c. Radio waves
d. Radioactivity
11. A quantity of 60 km/h describes a property of motion known as?
a. A vector
b. Acceleration
c. Velocity
d. Magnitude of velocity
12. A ratio of v/t is a measure of motion that is known as?
a. Speed
b. Velocity
c. Acceleration
d. Mass density
13. Ignoring air resistance, an object falling toward the surface of the earth has a velocity that is?
a. Constant
b. Increasing
c. Decreasing
d. Acquired instantaneously
14. Ignoring air resistance, an object falling toward the surface of the earth has an acceleration that
a. Constant
b. Increasing
c. Decreasing
d. Dependent on the weight of the object
15. A ball rolling across the floor slows to a stop because?
a. There are unbalanced forces acting on it
b. The force that started it moving wears out
c. All the forces are balanced
d. The net force equals zero
16. After leaving the rifle, a bullet fired horizontally has how many forces acting on it ( ignoring air
resistance ).
a. One, from the gunpowder explosion
b. One, from the pull of gravity
c. Two, one from the gunpowder explosion and one from gravity
d. Three, one from the gunpowder explosion, one from gravity, and one from the motion of the
17. A change in the state of motion is evidence of?
a. A force
b. An applied force that is unbalanced
c. A force that has been worn out after an early application
d. Any of this.
18. The extent of resistance to a change of motion is determined by an object’s?
a. Weight
b. Density
c. Mass
d. Any of this
19. With all other factors equal, if you double the unbalanced force on an object of a given mass the
acceleration will be?
a. Doubled
b. Increased fourfold
c. Increased by one – half
d. Increased by one – fourth
20. Which of the following is a unit that can be used for a measure of weight?
a. Kilogram
b. Newton
c. Kg x m/s
d. None of these
21. Which of the following is a unit for a measure of resistance to a change of motion?
a. Lb
b. Kg
c. N
d. None of the above
22. The immediate source of the force that accelerates a car over a road comes from?
a. The engine
b. The tires
c. The road
d. All of these
23. Doubling the distance between an orbiting satellite and the earth will result in what change in
the gravitational attraction between the two?
a. One – half as much
b. One – fourth as much
c. Twice as much
d. Four times as much
24. If a ball swinging in a circle on a string is moved twice as fast as the force on the string will be?
a. Twice as great
b. Four times as great
c. One – half as much
d. One – fourth as much
25. A Nm/s is a unit of?
a. Energy
b. Power
c. Force
d. Work

1. B. 1.60 m. – from the Conversion Factors table in your text, we see the 1 m = 3.281 ft., so 2 m =
6.562 ft. most people are between 3.2 and 6.5 ft. tall, and sure enough, 1.60 m turns out to be
about 5.2 ft.
2. D. 500 g. – by definition, a liter of water at a certain temperature has a mass of one kg. Thus
one – half liter would have a mass of one – half kilogram, which is 500 gram.
3. C. gram – by definition, one liter has a volume of one cubic decimeter and a mass of one
kilogram. Thus one cubic centimeter has a mass of one gram.
4. B. the same as the larger sample – density is defined as the ratio of mass to volume. So a large
volume would have a large mass and a small volume would have a small mass and the ratio
remains the same, no matter what the volume.
5. B. variables – this is the definition of a variable.
6. C. 1g – a liter of water has a volume of one kilogram, or 1,000 grams. Thus 1,000 mL of water
has a mass of 1,000 grams and 1 mL has a mass of 1 gram
7. C. silver – silver cannot be broken down to anything because it is an element, as are oxygen,
hydrogen, sodium, chlorine and carbon.
8. C. electron – the English physicist J. J. Thomson discovered the electron, a fundamental part of
an atom, in 1897.
9. A. electricity – Thomson was working with a high – voltage electrical source connected to two
metal plates in an evacuated glass tube when a greenish beam was observed to move from the
cathode to the anode.
10. D. radioactivity – Rutherford and his co – workers studied alpha particle scattering from a thin
gold foil. The alpha particles struck a detecting screen, producing a flash of visible light.
Measurements of the angles between the flashes, the foil, and the radioactive source of the
alpha particles.
11. D. magnitude of velocity – the velocity of a moving object tells you the speed and direction of a
moving object, sometimes referred to as the magnitude and direction of motion. Since a
direction was not specified, the quantity given is the magnitude of velocity alone.
12. C. acceleration – by definition, acceleration is a change of velocity per unit time, so delta v/delta
t describes an acceleration.
13. B. increasing – falling objects are uniformly accelerated by the force gravity and all objects in
free fall experiences a constant acceleration. Thus an object in free fall has a velocity that is
increasing during the fall.
14. A. constant – objects in free fall are uniformly accelerated by the force of gravity and experience
a constant acceleration of 9.8 m/s^2. Thus during each second of fall, an object experiences an
increase of speed of 9.8 m/s.
15. A. there are unbalanced forces acting on it – Galileo understood that matter persists in its state
of motion, and called the property inertia. Inertia describes the tendency of an object to remain
in unchanging motion in the absence of an unbalanced force.
16. B. one, from the pull of gravity – the force from the gunpowder explosion can act only while the
expanding gases can push on the bullet, that is, when it is still inside the rifle. Once it leaves the
rifle the only force acting on the bullet is gravity.
17. B. an applied force that is unbalanced – Newton’s second law of motion. F = ma, you can see
that an unbalanced force and acceleration are directly related. Then if the acceleration is zero
then the net force must also be zero. Thus any change that occurs in the state of motion must
mean that an unbalanced force was applied.
18. C. mass – by definition, inertia is a resistance to a change in motion. Also by definition, mass is
a measured inertia. Thus the extend of resistance to a change of motion is determined by the
mass of an object, which is measured in kilograms.
19. A. doubled – recall Newton’s second law of motion is F = ma. Thus a = F/m, and we can see
that the acceleration is directly proportional to the force. After all, is this not why a car with the
most powerful engine will always have a greater acceleration if the cars are otherwise alike.
20. B. Newton – weight is the force of gravity acting on a mass. The N is therefore the unit of
21. B. kg – the extend of resistance to a change of motion is determined by the mass of an object,
which is measured in kilograms.
22. C. the road – acceleration always occurs in the same direction as an applied unbalanced force.
So the car pushes on the road and the road pushes back on the car, which accelerates it over
the road.
23. B. one – fourth as much – Newton’s universal law of gravitation tells us the relationship between
the force or gravitational attraction, is inversely proportional to the square of the distance
between two objects.
24. B. four times as great – the force varies with the square of the velocity of a ball moving is a
circle. Thus if you move a ball twice as fast, two squared is four and the force will be four times
as great.
25. B. power – work is found from W =Fd and a newton of force times a meter of distance (Nm) is a
joule (J). power is P = W/t, or work per unit of time, so Nm/s is a J/s, a unit of power known as a
1. Alin sa mga sumusunod na layunin ang nasa afektib domeyn?
A. Nakakabuo ng isang daayogo oganho sa taludutd ng isang tula
B. Naibibigay ang sariling pananaw hingil sa isyong tinalakay
C. Nahahango ang mensahe ng texto at nailalapat ito sa aktwal na buhay
D. Natataya ang kaisiningan ng pagkakabuo ng pinapanood na pelikula
Ans: C. Nahahango ang mensahe ng texto at nailalapat ito sa aktwal na buhay
- Ang afekib domeyn o pandamdamin ay kinapapalooban ngmga layuning lumilinang ng
saloobin, emosyon, kawilihan at pagpapahalaga ng mga mag-aaral sa tinatalakay na
2. Alin sa mga sumusunod na set ng beheybyur ang nabibilang sa antas sintesis batay
sa taksonomiya ng layunin ayon kay Bloom?
A. ilarawn, isalin, ipakahulugan
B. Ilapat, idayagram, tugunan
C. Bumuo, balagkasin, pag-ugnayin
D. Suriin, pangatwiran, paghambingin
Ans: C. Bumuo, balagkasin, pag-ugnayin
- Ang layunin nasa antas sintesis ay naglalayong mag-uugnay ng iba’t ibang
impormasyon upang makalikha ng bagong kaalaman.
3. Alin sa mga sumusunod na layunin ang may pinakamataas na antas?
A. Nailalapat ang kahalagahan ng textong binasa sa sariling karanasan
B. Nasusuri ang kwento ayon sa mga element, dulog at alituntunin
C. Natutukoy ang pangunahing ideya sa mga detalyeng nasa texto
D. Nakabubuo ng lagon mula sa nakasaad na impormasyon
Ans: B. Nasusuri ang kwento ayon sa mga element, dulog at alituntunin
- Kung ihahanay ang mga sumusunod na layunin ayon sa taas ng antas nito, narito ang
pagkakasunod-sunod; (1) Nailalapat ang kahalagahan ng tekstong binasa sa sariling
karanasan (aplikasyon): (2) Natutukoy ang pangunahing ideya sa mga detalyeng nasa
teksto (analisis); at (3) Nakabubuo ng lagom mula sa nakasaad na impormasyon
(sintesis); at (4) Nasusuri ang ayon sa mga element, dulog at alituntunin na kaakibat
nito (ebalwasyon)
4. Anong lawak ng kasanayan ang tinutukoy sa sumusunod na implakasyong

“Sa pagpili, pagpaplano at pagtalakay ng guro sa mga aralin pag-aaralan, kailangang

palaging isasalang-alang a=ng guro kung paano at saan magagamit anf mga
impormasyon a kaalamang anatamo sa anumang pag-aaral.”
A. Receptive area
B. Reflective area
C. Expressive area
D. Intensive area
Ans: C. Expressive area
- Ang expressive area ay lawak ng kasanayang na tumutulogn sa aplikasyon o
paggamit ng konsepto sa iba’t ibang konteksto ng pag-aaral
5. Ano ang katotohanan sa likod ng konsepto ng pagkakatuto ng wika?
1. kapag ang isang tao ay may likas na kakayahan
2. kung ito ay nagmumla sa isnag bunga ng panggagaya o panggagad ng pagsasalita
3. kung ito ay mula sa proseso ng pakikihalubilo sa kapwa
4. kapag tinanggap o pinag-aralanito sa klase sa akademikong paraan.
A. 1 at 2
B. 3 to 4
C. 1, 2 at 3
D. 1, 2, 3 at 4
Ans: D. 1, 2, 3 at 4
- Ang lahat ng nabanggit ay mga pawing katotohan sa likod ng konsepto ng pagkatuto
wika. (1) Kapag ang isa tao ay may likas na kakayahan; (2) Kung ito ito ay nagmumula
sa bunga ng panggagawa o panggagad; (3) Kung ito ay mula sa propeso ng
pakikihabilo sa kapwa; (4) Kapag tinaggap o pinag-aralan ito sa klase sa akademikong
6. Tukuyin ang estrathiyang pangkatang pampagkatuto ng natatampok batay sa mga
sumusunod na hakbang ng ginagawa ng guro.
A. Think-Pair-Shair
B. Roundrobin
C. Reading Roulette
D. Jigsaw Reading
Ans: A. Think-Pair-Shair
- Ang estratihyang Think-Pair-Shoes ay isa sa mga pamamaraang pangkatang
pagkatuto na binubu ngmga nabanggit na hakbang (1) Paglalahad sa klase ng suliranin
o paksa (2) pag-iisip nang isahan ng mga mag-aaral tungkol sa suliranin o paksa; at (4)
Pagbabahagi sa klase ang napag-usapan.

7. Ayon sa mga teorya ng kakayahang komunikatibo, ito ay lawak ng kasanayang na

mapanatili ang komunikasyon o mabigyang lunas ang mga gap.
A. Gramatikal
B. Sosyo-kultural
C. Diskorsal
D. Istratedjik
Ans: D. Istratedjik
- Ayon kakayahang komunikatibo, may lawak na kasanayanat mga mga ito ay mga
sumusunod: (1) Gramatikal; (2) Diskorsal (3)Sosyo-kultural (4) ,istratedjik. Ang
istratedjik ay lawak ng kasanayan na mapanatili ang komunikasyon o mabigyang lunas
ang mga gap.

8. Uri ng role play na maaring gamitin sa pagtuturo ng wika na kung sann hinid
mahuhulaan ang sasambitin at itutugon ng mga kalahok hanggat hindi binibitawang ng
bawat isa ang kanilang kataga sa dayalogong sasabihn.
A. Role play na kontrolado sa pamamagitan ng dayalaogong may cues
B. Role play na kontrolado sa pamamagitan ng cues at impormasyon
C. Role play na kontrolado sa pamamagitan ng sitwasyon at layunin
D. Role play na kontrolado sa pamamagitan ng pagtatalo at talakayan
Ans: C. Role play na kontrolado sa pamamagitan ng sitwasyon at layunin
- Ang role play na kontrolado sa pamamagitan ng sitwasyon at layunin ay isang uri ng
role play. NA nagbibigay sa mga mag-aaral ng higit na reponsibilidad sa paglikha ng
interaksyon sa kanila sarili. Ang kontrol ay nakatuon hindi sa m g atiyak na kahulugan
ipinapahayag ng MGA mag-aaral kundi sa antas ng sitwasyon at mga layuning nais
nilang matamo.
9. Bahagi ng semantic web na kinapapalooban ng mga tunay na pangyayari,
konklusyon o paglalahat ng nakuha ng mga mag-aaral mula sa kwentong binasa upang
mabigyang kalinawan at katotohanan ang hibla at malaman ang kaibahan ng bawat isa/
A. Pamboud ng tanog ( core question)
B. Habeng panghiba ( web strand)
C. Hiblang panhusay (strand support)
D. Hiblang panatali (strands ties)
Ans: C. Hiblang panhusay (strand support)

- Ang habeng semtika ay isang mabisang estratehuya para sa pagbou at pagsasama-

sama sa mga kagamitan at konsepto para sa pagtuturo sa paggawa ng mga itinanghal
na kaurian ng kanilang pagkakaugnay. Ito ay binubuo ng iba’t ibang bahagi at ang
tinatawag na hiblang pansuhay (strand support) ay naglalaman ng mga tunay na
pangyayari , konklusyon at paglalahat na nakuha ng mga tunay na
pangyayari,,konklusyon at paglalahat na nakuha ng mga mag-aaral mua sa kwentong
binasa upang mabigyan ng kanilang at katotahanan ang hibla at malaman ang
kaibahan ng bawat isa.
10. Ang pangkat ng mag-aaral ng bahagi ng fishbowl teknik sa pagtuturo ng wika na
silang nagtalakay sa aralin kaya’t kadalasa’y binibigyan ng guro ng mga patnubay na
taong ang pangkat na ito.
A. Nucleus
B. Outergroup
C. Inner group
D. Outermost group
Ans: A. Nucleus
- Ang fishbow at counselor language learning ng pagdulog ay isang mabisang teknik sa
pagtuturo ng wika na binubuo ng tatlong pangkat. Ang unang pangkat ay ang nucleus
na tagapagtalakay sa paksa; ang ikalawa ay ang outergroup na tagapagmasid at
tagapuna kung paano isinasagawa ng pangkat nucleus ang pagtalakay ng nilalaman ng
aralin; at ang ikatlong pangkat ay ang outermost na tagapagsabi kung paano
isinasagawa ng ikalawang pangkat ang pagmamasid sa pangkat nucleus at
tagapagbigay puna o reakyon sa mga obserbasyon isinsagawa ng pangkat outermost.
11. Ang paggamit ng textong hango sa disiplinang Araling Panlipunan sa pagtuturo ng
Filipino para sa antas sekondari ay pagpapamalas ng dulong _____________ .
A. Content – Based Instruction (CBI)
B. Teaching Grammar Through Text Types (TGTT)
C. Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP)
D. Basic Interpersonal Communication SKILLS (BICS)
Ans: A. Content – Based Instruction (CBI)
- Ang Content – Based Instruction (CBI) ay pagliang sa kasanayang pangwika gamit
ang ibang displina o konteksto tulad ng pagtuturo ng wika gamit ang mga Araling
Panlipunan bilang hiblang lunsaran.

12. Bilang guro ng wika, madalas pinapahayag ng Gng. Austria ang kanyang mga mag-
aaral batay sa kanilang saloobin, persepsyon o pananaw. Sa tuwing makakarining siya

ng ilang pagkakamali hingil sa wastong pagamit ng balarila, hindi niya agad agad na
itinatama ang mga ito nag hayaan upang hinid mabalam ang pagkatuto ng wika ang
isinasaad nito?
A. Cognitivist
B. Innativist
C. Behaviorist
D. Humanist
Ans : A. Cognitivist
- Ayon sa pananaw ng teoryang Congitivist ang pagkatuto ng wika isang prosesong
dinamiko kung saan ang mag-aaral ng wika ay palagng nangangailangan mag-isip at
gawaing may sanaysay ang bagong tanggap na impormasyon. Dagdag pa rin ang
pagkakamali ay isang palatadaan ang pagkatuto at ekspirementasyon. Ang
pagkakamali ay tinatanaw ng mga cognitivist bilang isang integral na bahagi ng
13. Kapag tumungo ka sa isang lugar at natutuhan mo ang wikang gamitin doon nang
hindi mo namamalayan ito ay dahil sa prosesong ___________.
A. akwisisyon ng wika
B. adaptasyon ng wika
C. pagkatuto ng wika
D. language ego
Ans: A. akwisisyon ng wika
- Akwisisyon ng wika ay proseso na nagaganap nang hindi namamalayan at katulad it
halos kung paano.natutunan ang unang wika.
14. Ang kaibigan mo a dumating galling Amerika upang pansamantalang manirahan sa
iyong tahan. Bilang kaibigan, ipamamalas mo sa kanya ang iyong kinagisnang kultura
kaalinsabay ng wikang iyong ginagamit. Ito ay malinaw na pagpapakita ng prosesong
_____________ .
A. Enkulturasyon
B. Akuluturasyon
C. Kulturasyon
D. Kulturarisasyon
Ans: A. Enkulturasyon
- Ang Enkulturasyon ay isang proseso ng lipat o pagpasa ng kultura kaalinsabay ang
wika s iba s pamamagitan ng pagtuturo, pagsasanay, pagpapagamit nito sa mga
sitwasyon sa pang-araw araw na buhay, samantala ang angkulturasyon naman ay ang
pagtangga nito mula sa iba pamamaguita ng parehong paraan at proseso.
15. Si Minda ay tubong Ilokos ngunit lumaki sa Japan. Pagkaraang ng ilang taon ay
nagtungo ang pamilya niya sa Pilipinas upang dito manirahan at makapag-aral sa isang
kilala at mahusay na unibersidad. Samakatuwid, ang wikang Ingles na natutuhan niya
sa kanyang paaralan ay tinawag na ____________.
A. unang wika
B. ikalawang wika
C. iatlong wika
D. ikaapat na wika
Ans: B. ikalawang wika
- Anumang wika at maging pang-ialn man ito. Maliban sa kinagisnang wika sa lugar na
pinagsilangan at pinagkalakihan ay tinawatag na ikalawang wika. Samakatuwid, ang
isang polygot o yaong maraming alam , natutuhan o nagagamit na wika ay nagtataglay
lamang ng kanyang kaisa-isang unang wika at ang iba pang wika ay gaano man ito
karami pang-ialn man.
16.Kapag ang isang mag-aaral ay nag-asam na makatuntong ng kolehiyo at
pagkatapos ay magkakaroon ng isang matatag na trabahao na may mataas na sweldo
dahil sa alam at ginagamit na wika, malinaw na pagpapamalas ito ng anyo ng
A. Instrumental
B. Reinforcement
C. Kondisyunal
D. Integratibo
Ans: A. Instrumental
- Ang motibasyon instrumental ay panlabas na motibasyon na tumutukoy sa pagnanasa
o pagahahangad ng higit na pagkatutuo ng wika tungo sa isang binuong mithiin o
hangarin. Samakatuwid, ito ay paggamit ng natutuhang wika bilang daan sa pagtatamo
ng isang mithiin.
17. Pag-ugnayin ang estilo ng pagkatuto ng wika ng mga mag-aral sa angkop na
istratehiya sa pagtuturo ng guro.
Pagkatuto ng Wika Pagtuturo ng Guro
1. Concrete 1. pag-alam at pagsusuri sa kamalian sa wika
2. analitik 2. pagmamasid at pakinig sa mga tagapagsalita ng wika
3. komunikatibo 3. mga laro, larawan at panoorin
4. authority-oriented 4. pagpaliwanag ng guro sa aralin
A. 1 : 1
B. 2 : 3
C. 3 : 4
D. 4 : 4
Ans: - Ang mag-aaral na may authority-oriented na estio ng pagkatuto wika ay mas
ninanais na masugid na makinig lamang sa guro sa kanyang mga paliwanag sa aralin
sapagkat naniniwal siyang tanging ang guro ang tunay na pinakamatibay na saligan at
pinagmumulan ng kasanayang pampagkatutuo ng wika. Dito sa lubos na ginagawa ng
guro ang tungkuling magpaliwanag ng mga paksa/aralin sa mga mag-aaral.
18. Ito ay yugtong wika na kung saan ang mag magaaral ay nakapagpahalaga na ng
mga salita at parirala bagama’t may mga pagkakamali pa ring taglay dahil sa sariling
A. Pasumala
B. Otomatik
C. Kamalayang istruktural
D. Unitary
Ans: C. Kamalayang istruktural
-Ang kamalayang istruktural ay yugto ng pagkatuto ng wika na kung sila ay nakabubuo
ng mga paglalahat at natutuklasan nila ang hulwarang kaayusan sa pagasalita. At sa
patuloy na pagiging kumplikado ng ng kanilang pagsasalita magagaw nilang magkamali
dahil bumubuo sila sa paglalahat na kung minsan ay hindi napapansin ang eksepsyon
19. Ang unang yugto ng pagkatuto ng wika na nabubuo sa malikhaing tunog na bunga
ng vocalizing, cooing, guggling, at bubbling ng mga bata.
A. Unitary
B. Ekspansyon at Demilitasyon
C. Otomatik
D. Pasumala
Ans: D. Pasumala
- Ang pasumala ay yugto ng pagkatuto ng wika na kung saan ang mga bata ay lumilikha
ng mga tunog na kakailangan nial sa pagsasalita asa mga darating na araw na
bunga ng kanilang vocalizing na mula sa isa hanggang labing-isang buwan.
20. Ang mga sumusunod na pahayag ay mga panuntunan at pananaw ayon sa
simulating otomatisiti sa pagtuturo ng wika.
I. Natural o di namamalayang pagkatuto ng wikang sa pamamagitan ng makabuluhang
paggamit nito
II. Mabisa at mabilis na paglayo sa pagpukos sa anyo ng wika sa pamamagitan ng
makabuluhang paggamit ng wika ang sentro nito
III. Epiktibo at mabisang pagkontrol ng ilang aspekto ng wikang pagtungo sa walang
Limitasyon pagproseso ng anyo ng wika.
IV. Lubos na sinusuri ang maliliit na detalye ng anyo wika
A. I, II at III
B. II, III at IV
C. I, IV at III
D. I, II, II at IV
Ans: A. I, II at III
1. D. principled 26. B. loveliness
2. A. complicated 27. A. confidence
3. C. our lives are shaped by what we are 28. D. his life is determined by his honor
committed to 29. B. one’s life doesn’t need to be
4. C. dialogue controlled
5. D. he will be provided peace and 30. C. normally jeer
prosperity 31. C. over! Over!
6. B. he is flexible 32. B. Filipinos are at part with any country
7. A. deductive in IT
8. A. Kalidasa 33. A. based on false ideas
9. C. front page 34. B. the time when days are shorter than
10. B. Ajax the nights
11. B. metaphysical 35. C. the kidnap victims were safe
12. C. media law 36. C. tainted with malice
13. B. checks all branches of government 37. C. rescue them fast and early
14. D. reinforced 38. C. everyone will be questioning
15. B. free verse 39. C. motivated well and costly
16. C. medieval German epic 40. B. ignorant and evil
17. D. there is new hope in boosting the 41. D. personification
economy of the Philippines 42. A. its corresponding idea in the mind
18. B. none 43. B. Folk Literature
19. D. the Devil’s Island 44. A. Folktales
20. C. a ballad often uses learned language 45. B. Macbeth
21. A. metaphor 46. B. Franklin Roosevelt
22. A. abstract 47. A. Dream sequence
23. C. Revolves 48. B. Dactylic
24. A. Excellent 49. C. overwhelming ambition for power
25. C. Fondness 50. C. its object to which it refers
1. B. Parirala 27. B. pagbibigay impormasyon
2. B. kontemplatibo 28. B. pangatnig
3. A. direksyon 29. B. Kumintang
4. A. hugnayan 30. B. 28
5. D. transaksyonal 31. D. Kung mismong bilang ang susunod
6. B. paglalarawan na isusulat
7. C. opisyal 32. A. gramatikal
8. B. interpersonal 33. C. ginupit na larawan
9. A. cadaquilaan ng Diyos 34. D. kawalang utang na loob
10. D. Tama – Mali 35. A. alibata or baybayin
11. A. awdio – lingual 36. C. Ang Pilipino ay nanggaling sa
12. A. alamin ang mga tirahan ng mga malayang lahi
Filipino sa bayang iyon. 37. C. Saligang batas ng 1973
13. A. gusting magsuot ng toga isang araw 38. C. kasabwat
14. B. ikalawang pangungusap 39. D. pangako
15. A. bugtong 40. B. ang mga kabataan ay naglalaro at
16. A. ang bunga ng isang kahoy ay galling nagtatakbuhan sa lansangan kung
sa sariling lahi maliwanag ang gabi.
17. B. gawin ang paghihiwalay ng mga 41. B. pagtanggi
basura 42. C. pagsagot
18. C. quaran 43. A. duwag
19. B. napakaganda ng mga tanawin sa 44. C. pagtula
lalawigan 45. A. pagbabahagi ng damdamin
20. C. ang nanalo bilang Bb. Pilipinas 46. D. natutong lumabag sa batas at
Universe ay anak ng isang actor lumaban sa may kapangyarihan ang
21. A. babala mga Pilipino
22. A. Ang banal na Kasulatan 47. C. walang pandiwa
23. C. pagsagot 48. B. kolokyal
24. B. matipid 49. D. NG
25. D. tsismosa 50. C. informativ
26. C. mapagpatawad
1. B. to help give more momentum to the 26. B. noise above 140 dB cause pain in the
door eardrum
2. C. hold extra dust and small particles of 27. D. physical change
sand 28. A. condensation
3. B. revolving around the sun 29. A. dry chemicals
4. B. increases 30. C. it results in the evolution of exciting
5. B. diffusion new types of organisms
6. C. increasing scientific evidence 31. D. the tilting of the earth on its axis
supports the idea 32. D. weather forecaster
7. D. there are concentration of some heat 33. B. full moon
in some places of earth’s crust 34. D. thrust fault
8. A. cloud formation decreases 35. B. strata
9. A. air and volatile particles from 36. A. to give the precise location and
bagoong mix and get spoiled further extent of storms
10. C. there is no cloud over to prevent heat 37. B. limestones
from escaping 38. B. the water droplets makes up the fog
11. C. treating waste water before it is change to visible vapor as they wanted
discharged by the sun
12. B. Foucault 39. A. hydrocarbons like the gasoline
13. B. 40w 40. B. their orbits are circular
14. C. 4N 41. C. natural bridges
15. C. everywhere. It has the same speed 42. A. all atoms of the same atomic
everywhere on the record numbers are atoms of the same element
16. D. receives sun rays closer to vertical 43. C. newton’s theory
position 44. C. Precambrian, Mesozoic, Cenozoic,
17. B. lower it’s amplitude Paleozoic
18. D. tephra 45. A. chemical change
19. B. light travels faster than sound 46. D. pest control through chemicals are
20. B. evaporation destructive
21. D. the moon’s orbit is at angle to the 47. C. protons – neutrons – electrons – ions
earth’s orbit around the sun 48. D. melting and boiling
22. B. Joules 49. C. the balloon moves outwards as the
23. D. water blowing force is exerted on it
24. B. a salt 50. A. the accuracy of the compass would
25. A. calcium carbonate affected by the magnetic field by radio
1. B. fungi 23. B. Hemoscope
2. B. athletes would tend to have higher 24. B. biosphere
rates of cellular respiration than non- 25. D. methane
athletes 26. B. diastole arc
3. B. animals must obtain food from 27. D. vitamins
outside sources 28. D. sclerotic peal
4. A. excess of iodine in diet 29. D. physics
5. A. milk 30. C. eutrophication
6. D. the field of biological science was 31. C. it should be stored in the refrigeration
widened 32. B. they absorb the blue and yellow
7. C. babyhood object and yellow light
8. B. lacteals 33. D. there are more air particles
9. C. dogs and cats 34. D. chloroplast
10. B. lack of iron and other minerals in diet 35. D. when wounds have swollen
during pregnancy 36. A. human body activities are all in the
11. D. physical weakness nervous system
12. B. this can be converted to organic 37. C. prevention of hepatitis
fertilizer 38. C. plasma
13. B. encourage preservation of tomatoes 39. D. plasmodium
14. C. pollution of sea water 40. B. rainforest
15. A. 32 degrees F 41. D. lipids
16. C. PTB is caused by bad spirits in the 42. A. genotype
environment 43. D. seizure
17. C. minerals should be present in all food 44. A. Escherichia roll
18. A. cause milk to become cheese 45. B. primary consumers
19. C. give a glass of coca – cola or sprite 46. C. secondary ecological succession
20. B. clean the yards of breeding places for 47. B. environmental protection
mosquitoes like trees, cans, etc. 48. D. Rapid transpiration
21. C. reducing intake of chocolates, 49. C. parthenogenesis
candies and pastries 50. B. dehydration of the cells
22. A. bioremediation
Teacher Education Department
Midterm Exam
Course Audit 2

English Exam
1. Who among the following is known as the Indian Shakespeare?
Kalidasa – was acclaimed as “Indian Shakespeare’ because if his masterpieces of plays, poems, epics,
etc. in Sanskrit. Kalidasa was linked and was supposed to be linked to the reign of one Vikramaditya.
2. The Nibelungenleid is a?
Medieval German Epic – Nibelungenleid, translated as The Song the Nibelungs, is an epic poem
written around 1200 in Middle High German. Its anonymous poet was likely from the region of Passau.
3. “He is the black sheep of the family”. Which figure of speech is used?
Metaphor – using one thing to represent something different. Often used to describe an odd or
disreputable member of a group.
4. She wrote a “first – rate” report. What does it say about the report?
Excellent – synonym for “first – rate” which means that it is extremely good and of the highest quality.
5. She has a penchant for red accessories. This indicates?
Fondness – a synonym for penchant which means a strong or habitual liking for something or tendency
to do something. Affection or liking for someone or something
Filipino Exam
1. Ano ang paraan ng diskurso kung ipinahahayag mo ang ibig sabihin ng salitang kahulugan?
Paglalahad – mabisang ginagamit para ilahad o ipahayag ang alituntunin ng salitang kahulugan sa mga
2. Alin ang tawag sa wikang nararapat na gamiting panturo sa paaralan at mga tanggapan ng
Opisyal – Filipino at Ingles ang opisyal na lingwahe ang malimit na ginagamit para mgakaintindihan ang
isa’t-isa lalo na ang mga taong galling ibang bansa.
3. Sabihin ang gawa ng pagsasalitang ito. “ iwasan ang imburnal, may nagtratrabaho”.
Babala – ginagamit ito para ipahiwatig sa mga tao na may mapanganib na pangyayari kaya dapat
iwasan itong daanan.
4. Ang taong may Krus sa dibdib ay pinagpala ng Diyos. Ano ang ibig sabihin ng mga salitang
Mapagpatawad – idyomatikong pahayag ng “taong may krus sa dibdib” na ibig sabihin ay
mapagpatawad, mabait, sa kapwa tao.
5. Ang yosi, boylet, jologs ay mga halimbawa ng anong kategorya ng wikw?
Kolokyal – mga salitang ginagamit ng mga tao sa pang-araw-araw na pananalita. Ginagamit ito para
hindi maintindihan ng ibang tao ang iyong sinasabi.

Physical Science Exam

1. When a molecule of ink turns glassful of water into blue, what process has occurred?
Diffusion – because the particles of matter are very small and have spaces between them so the whole
water turns blue.
2. Who was the first scientist who measured the speed of light in the water?
Foucault – modified an existing speed – of – light apparatus to measure the speed of light in the water.
3. Rock fragments thrown into the air during a volcanic eruption are called?
Tephra – rock fragments and particles ejected by a volcanic eruption regardless of composition,
fragment size, or emplacement mechanism.
4. Why do we hear thunder some seconds after seeing lightning?
Light travels faster than sound – this is because the speed of sound is 330 m/s and the speed of the
light is 300,000,000 m/s.
5. Which of the following causes the season?
The tilting of the earth on its axis – the change in seasons is caused by the rotational tilt of the earth on
its axis when it revolves around the sun.

Biological Science Exam

1. In which kingdom should mold be classified?
Fungi – it is classified as kingdom fungi because they are vital to the environment and can only survive
in a shaded and cool places such as the forest, mountains, jungles, ets.
2. The skull of a person increases in size rapidly during?
Babyhood - this is to accommodate the growing of the brain.
3. Which is the method that uses organisms to clean up toxic wastes?
Bioremediation – this uses micro – organisms to reduce pollution through the biological degradation of
pollutants into non – toxic substances.
4. What nutrients can be absorbed in our body without undergoing digestion?
Vitamins – because vitamins are small enough to be absorbed by the body without being broken down,
so they are not digested.
5. What protist causes malaria?
Plasmodium – the parasite can be spread to humans through the bites of infected mosquitoes causing

References :
In Partial Fulfilment on the Subject
Course Audit 2

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The Teacher Education Department

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