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Functional Requirements

The product will display an available status for unreserved conference rooms.

The website will allow customers to search for movies by title actor or director.

viewing a movie details the website will display the movies description actor and director entered in by the administrator.

Website shall request and authorize credit card payment before allowing a user to stream a movie.

shall be able to stream purchased movie via Windows Media Player for up to 2 days aftere purchase date

Website shall allow customers to browse movies by categories entered in by izogn administrator.

Website shall allow customers to view reviews of selected movies by other customers.

Website shall allow customers to add their own movie review for a selected movie.

Website shall allow the Izogn administrator to approve a review posted by a customer.

System will allow customers to pay for a streaming movie with a pre-paid card.

Website shall allow customers to purchase pre-paid cards of $5 $10 or $20 value either by credit card or mail-in payment opti

System shall automatically update the main page of the website every Friday and show the 4 latest movies that have been ad
to the website.

System shall allow users to update their billing and contact information via the �My Account � section of the website.

Pre-paid cards shall be distributed via email or via a printed paper card.

Only registered customers can purchase streaming movies.

Movies can only be streamed if the customer has purchased a movie and is within the 2-day time period to stream the movie
Website must be able to support free trial periods with various parameters set by the Izogn Manager.

All streaming movie sales will be logged in the database and accessible by the administrator.

All registered customer information shall be stored and maintained in the database even after the customer cancels their

Daily usage statistics should be logged and accessible by the administrator.

The owner shall have free access to all of the streaming movies.

The vendor will verify the invalid lead.

Vendor will submit a credit validation record to be applied to the enterprise billing system.

If a lead is scored to the high range the system will supply the lead data and score to the enterprise system.

The leads washing functionality will validate all leads received by the web service for valid data
The leads washing functionality will insert all leads captured by the web service.

If the leads score falls within the high average score then it will be process by the ARA functionality.

If the leads score falls within the medium average then it will be set for manual verification by an Enrollment Coordinator thro
the eleads system.
If the leads score falls within the low average then it will be returned to the supplying vendor.

The leads washing functionality will compile both contact and academic scoring information for a total score.

The leads washing functionality will use the parameters supplied by corporate and schools to score part of the lead.

The leads washing functionality will return the lead data supplied to the vendor along with the reason of rejection.

The leads washing functionality will have an interface in which lead data parameters can be maintained.

The leads washing functionality will verify the users authentication and rights to make parameter updates.

The leads washing functionality will store any potential lead duplicates returned by the enterprise system.

Prior to submitting the lead to the enterprise system the leads washing functionality will assign the lead to an admissions rep.

The leads washing functionality shall receive a period list of available reps from the enterprise system.
The product shall maintain a list of players.

The product shall allow a user to identify himself or herself as a player.

Once a game has been initiated the product shall make the players assigned to the game unavailable for selection from the lis

The product shall allow a user to remove himself or herself from the list of players at any time.

The product shall make inactive players unavailable for selection from the list of players.

The product shall remove players who have been inactive for 24 hours from the list of players.
The product shall allow a player to initiate a game by selecting another available player from the list of players.

Once a game is initiated the product shall display a defensive grid to each player
Once a game is initiated the product shall display an offensive grid to each player.

The product shall prevent a player from viewing the offensive or defensive grids of the other player.

Once a game is initiated the product shall allow each player to position their 5 ships on their respective defensive grids.

The product shall allow a player to position ships horizontally on their grid.

The product shall allow the player to position ships vertically on their grid.

The product shall allow the player to position ships diagonally on their grid

The product shall prevent the player from overlapping ships on their grid.

When both players have positioned their 5 ships on their defensive grids the product shall define the status of each player for
first turn.

For each turn the product shall identify one player as offensive status and one player as defensive status.

The product shall maintain the status of each player for a turn either offensive or defensive.

At the start of each turn the product shall notify each player of his or her status.

For each turn the product shall allow the offensive player to define a shot.

For each shot the product shall examine the defensive grid of the defensive player to determine whether the shot was a hit o

For each shot the product shall notify the players whether the shot was a hit or miss.
For each shot the product shall mark the shot as a hit or miss on the defensive grid of the defensive player.

For each shot the product shall mark the shot as a hit or miss on the offensive grid of the offensive player.

When the hit results in sinking a ship the product shall notify the players that the ship was sunk.

When the hit results in sinking a ship the product shall mark the ship as sunk on the defensive grid of the defensive player.
When the hit results in sinking a ship the product shall indicate the type of ship sunk on the defensive grid of the defensive pl
When the hit results in sinking a ship the product shall mark the ship as sunk on the offensive grid of the offensive player.
If the shot was marked as a hit the product shall allow the offensive player to define a shot.

If the shot was marked as a miss the product shall change the status of the offensive player to defensive

If the shot was marked as a miss the product shall change the status of the defensive player to offensive

The product shall continue to assign turns until the game is ended.

The product shall end a game when a hit by the offensive player results in sinking the last of the defensive player �s ships wh
had not been previously marked as sunk.
The product shall allow a player to end a game at any time during the game.

When a game is ended the product shall notify the players that the game is ended.
The notification of the game ending will include the reason the game is ended (i.e. a player has won the game or a player has
ended the game).

When a game is ended the product shall allow each player to identify himself or herself as an available player in the list of pla

When a game is ended the product shall allow each player to remove himself or herself from the list of players.

A cohort shall be associated to one Program of Study offered by the department.

Program Administrators and Nursing Staff Members shall be able to add a listing of students to a cohort.

Program Administrators and Nursing Staff Members shall be able to add a single student to a cohort

Students added to a cohort shall be eligible for the cohort �s Program of Study.
Program Administrators and Nursing Staff Members shall be able to specify the preferred sequence of classes for a given coho

For each class within a sequence for a cohort Program Administrators and Nursing Staff Members shall be able to specify whic
quarter that class will be offered.

For each class within a sequence for a cohort Program Administrators and Nursing Staff Members shall be able to specify whic
quarter that class will be offered.

Program Administrators and Nursing Staff Members shall be able to add new classes to a sequence of classes

The system shall display data from the Sync Matrix 1.0 and Exercise Management Tool 1.0 applications

The system shall link Events back to either the Sync Matrix 1.0 or the Exercise Managment Tool 1.0 applications for modificatio

The system shall allow modification of the display.

The system shall offer a display of all the Events in the exercise.

The system shall filter data by: Venues and Key Events.

The system shall allow a user to define the time segments

The system shall display the local and exercise time in separate clocks

The system shall offer the ability to pause and resume the refresh of data.

The system shall provide charts for the Activity or Event actual versus assumed time.

The system will use the stored e-mail addresses as a primary means of communicating information to affected parties.
The system will notify affected parties for routine communication purposes including but not limited to informing students of
upcoming offered classes (timeline) and what their schedule will be/shall be.

The system will notify affected parties when changes occur affecting clinicals including but not limited to clinical section capac
changes and clinical section cancellations.

The system will notify affected parties when changes occur affecting classes including but not limited to class cancellations cl
section detail changes and changes to class offerings for a given quarter.
Actors Usecases

Display available status for unreserved conference rooms

Search for movies, Search by title,Search by actor, Search by


Administrator Enter movie details

Website(secondary Stream movie, request and authorize credit card payment

User Stream purchased movie

Customer, Izogn
Browse movies by category, Enter Categories

Customer View Reviews of selected movie

Customer Add review of selected movie

Administrator Approve review

Customer Pay for streaming movie with pre-paid card

Customer Purchase pre-paid card, pay with credit card, pay with mail-in

Update the main page, Show latest 4 movies

User Update billing and contact information

Distribute pre-paid card, Distribute by email, Distribute by

printed paper card

Customer Purchase stream movie, Registeration

Customer Stream movie, Purchase movie

Allot free trial period

Store Customer information, Cancel Account

Owner Access streaming movies

Vendor Submit credit validation record

supply the lead data

Verify manually

Return lead data, send reason of rejection

Verify users authentication and rights

Submit lead to enterprise system, Assign lead to admission rep

receive period list

Identify as player

Assign Players to game

User Remove from player list

Make players Inactive

Remove player
Player Initiate game, Select Players

display defensive grid

display offensive grid

Make grids invisible to other players

Player Position 5 ships on defensive grid, initiate game

Player position ship horizontally

Player Position ship vertically

Player Position ship diagonally

Prevent ship from overlapping

Position 5 ships on defensive grid, Display status for each


Take Turn,Display Player, Display player as offensive status,

Display player as defensive player

Notify Status

Offensive Player Define a shot, Take Turn

examine shot

Notify shot miss , Notify shot hit

Mark shot miss on defensive grid, Mark shot hit on defensive

Mark shot miss on offensive grid, Mark shot hit on offensive


Notify Ship was sunk

Mark ship as sunk on defensive grid

Indicate type of ship on defensive grid
Mark ship as sunk on offensive grid
Offensive Player Define a shot

Change status of player

Change status of player

Assign turns

End game

Player End game

Notify Game is ended

Make player available in player list

Player Remove from Player list

Administrator, Add listing of students
Nursing Staff

Nursing Staff Add single student

Add Students
Specify sequence of classes
Nursing Staff

Specify quarter
Nursing Staff

Specify quarter
Nursing Staff

Administrator, Add new class
Nursing Staff

Display data from applications

Sync Matrix 1.0,

Modify Events
Management Tool

Modify the display

Display the events in exercise

Filter data

User Define time segments

Display time

pause refresh of data, resume refresh of data

Provide chart

Communicate information
Notify routine communication purposes, notify upcoming
offered classes, notify schedule

Notify clinical changes

Notify Class changes

Usecase Relationship Classes

Conference room

Association(Customer----Search for movies)

Generalization(Search for movie<----Search by title)
Customer, Movie
Generalization(Search for movie<---Search by actor)
Generalization(Search for movie<---Search by director)

Association(Administrator--- Enter movie details) Administrator,Movie

Association(User---Stream Movie), Include(Request and

authorize credit card Payment<---Stream movie), User, Movie, Payment
Association(Website---Authorize credit card payment)

Association(User---Stream purchased movie) User, Movie, Payment

Association(Customer---Browse movies by category), Customer, Movie,

Association (Izogn Administrator---Enter categories) Administrator, Category

Association(Customer--- View Reviews of selected movie ) Customer, Movie,Review

Association(Customer--- Add review of selected movie) Customer, Movie,Review

Association(Administrator--- Approve review) Administrator,Review

Association(Customer--- Pay for streaming movie with pre-paid Customer,Movie,

card) Payment, pre-paid card

Association(Customer--- purchase pre-paid card)

Customer, Payment, pre-
Extend(purchase pre-paid card---> pay with credit card)
paid card
Extend(purchase pre-paid card---> pay with mail-in)



Generalization(Distribute pre-paid card<----Distribute by

email) , Generalization(Distribute pre-paid card<----Distribute
by printed paper card)

Association(Customer--- purchase stream

movie),Include(Rgistration<----purchase stream movie)
Association(Customer--- Stream movie) , Include(Purchase
movie<---Stream movie)
Manager, Trial

Administrator, Sales

Customer, Account

Administrator, Usage

Association(Owner--- Access streaming movies)

Vendor, Lead

Association(Vendor----Submit credit validation record) Vendor,Enterprise Bill

Enterprise, Lead

Leads, Web service

Leads, Web service


Vendor, Lead


Corporate, School, Lead

Include(Return lead data-----> send reason of rejection) Vendor, Lead

Interface, Lead


Lead, Enterprise

Lead, Enterprise,


User, Player

Game, Player

Association(User----Remove from player list) User, Player

Association(Player, Initiate game) , Include(Select Player<----

Game, Player
Initiate game)
Game, Player
Game, Player

Grid, Defensive Grid,

Offensive Grid

Association(Player, Position ships on defensive grid), Defensive Grid,

Include(Initiate game<--- Position ships on defensive grid) Ship,Player,Game

Association(Player, position ship horizontally) Grid, Ship,Player

Association(Player, position ship vertically) Grid, Ship,Player

Assoication (Player, position ship diagonally) Grid, Ship,Player


Generalization(Display Player<---Display Player as offensive Player, Offensive Player,

status), Generalization(Display Player<---Display Player as
Defensive Player
deffensive status)

Player, Offensive Player,

Defensive Player


Association(Offensice Player--- define a shot)Include(Take

turn<---Define a shot)
Association(Offensive Player--- define a shot)




Association(Player---End game)

Game, Notification

Association(Player--- Remove from Player list)

Cohort, Program,

Cohort, Program
Association (Program Administrator/ Nursing Staff Member -- Administrator, Nursing
add listing of students)
Staff Member,Student

Association (Program Administrator/ Nursing Staff Member -- Cohort, Program

add single student) Administrator, Nursing
Staff Member,Student

Cohort, Program,Student
Cohort, Administrator,
Association (Program Administrator/ Nursing Staff Member -- Nursing Staff
Specify sequence of classes) Member,classes,

Cohort, Administrator,
Association (Program Administrator/ Nursing Staff Member -- Nursing Staff
Specify quarter ) Member,classes,

Cohort, Administrator,
Association (Program Administrator/ Nursing Staff Member -- Nursing Staff
Specify quarter ) Member,classes,

Cohort, Administrator,
Association (Program Administrator/ Nursing Staff Member -- Nursing Staff
add new class ) Member,classes,

Sync Matrix 1.0, Exercise

Management Tool 1.1

Association(Sync Matrix 1.0/ Exercise Management Tool 1.0, Event,Sync Matrix 1.0,
Exercise Management
Modify links)
Tool 1.0

Venue, Events

Association (User---Define time segments) User,Time Segment

Generalization(Display time segment---- local time)

Time Segment
Generalization(Display time segment---exercise time)

Activity, Event, Time,


Affected party
Affected party,Student,

Affected party,

Affected party,
class,section, quarter
Class relationships Class attributes

Movie(title, actor,

Actor, Director)






Pre-paid Card(value)





Association(Administrator--- Usage

Association(Vendor--- Lead)

Association(Vendor--- Enterprise Bill)




Lead(Contact score,
Academic score, total


Lead(Reason of




Dependency(Lead<---Enterprise) Enterprise(reps)
Player(List of players)




Generalization(Grid<---Defensive Grid),
Generalization(Grid<----Offensive Grid)




Player), Generalization(Player<--- Player(Status)
Offensive Player)

Player), Generalization(Player<--- Player(Status)
Offensive Player)




Association(Game----Notification) Notification(Reason)


Association(Cohort--- Student)

Association(Cohort--- Student)


Association(class--- quarter)

Association(class--- quarter)

Association(Sync Matrix 1.0---Event),

Association(Exercise Management Tool

Association(User---Time Segment)

Time Segment(Local
time, exercise time)

Affected parties(email
Association(Affected party---Student)

Association(Affected party---

Association(Affected party---

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