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Good morning, it is nice to meet you Mr/Ms ……First of all, I would like to say Thank you for giving me

the opportunity to join this interview session. So let me introduce my-self, my name is Thomas Christian
and I am freshly graduated from President University Majoring in Industrial Engineering. I have the
experience doing my internship program in PT. Mattel Indonesia as a Lean Supply Chain Manufacturing
in a six months contract. During that Internship period I was required to use a lot of critical and logical
thinking, as well as detail-oriented observation. I’m used to work in a fast-paced environment as I had
been given the responsibility to handle several projects in a short period of time and of course I had
managed all of them with a good record and expected results. I have strength in a job that requires
concentration, good attention to detail and precision as I have been trained to monitor a large amount
of data like overall equipment effectiveness and machine performance.

During my campus life, I was actively joined several organizations which also give me many experiences
in team-work, leadership and problem solving. I became the Board of Directors in a Catholic
Organizations which gave me the opportunity to lead and control the organization performances. I had
joined President University Major Association or what we call HIMA in the academic division which in
the same time ensuring my competence in Industrial Engineering Study fields. In addition, I have the
certificate in Microsoft Office operation and good proficiency in English, proven by my TOEIC test score
of 870 points which was the highest score in Industrial Engineering Batch 2017.

I am a very motivated person and will surely have a strong commitment to the company I’m working
with and I hope that I can show it to you in this career opportunity. So, thank you very much.

Why I want to work here?

The reason of why I want to work with British American Tobacco is because I believe that BAT will have a
good prospect and a limitless growth potential in the future. Other than the fact that BAT itself is the
world-leading consumer goods business that specialize in cigarettes, this company is also already having
a good name here in Indonesia as the third country in the world with the most nicotine consumption. I
also honor BAT's mission to build a better tomorrow by providing less risky product with a non-
combustible cigarette. And with this movement I’m convinced that BAT will make a better global impact.
So that’s why I have a good desired to work in your company.

Why I want to join global graduate program?

Because as a fresh graduate I valued experience and learning over than money and thus this fast-track
development program is what I really need. I believe this global graduate program will open up my
potential as I will be placed into different kind of roles, various environment, international exposure and
mentorship from a world-class leader.

And also, it had been planted deep inside of me that I would like l to explore a new journey, faced with
tough yet interesting challenges, learn something new and I’m sure that this Opportunity will satisfy
those ambitions of mine.
Why we should hire you?

Because I have the experience working in a fast-paced and dynamic environment like in my previous
Internship Program as Lean Supply Chain that requires me to deal with different departments, different
kind of people and face various challenges including manufacturing, management, product development
and many more. I’m used to handle a large amount of data so it honed my analytical thinking and
attention to detail. You could say that I have a better ambition like no other as People in PT. Mattel used
to acknowledge me as a person who was having a great motivation and willing to learn everything
starting from the scratch.

If I could add more, my father was retired from bentoel groups and he had taught me many things about
bentoel and BAT, about the challenges he faced, the success he made and so on. So due to that, I have a
big desire and motivation to experience it on my own.


1. Fast Learner, Fast Adapting

I have been accustomed with fast-paced work environment in PT. Mattel Indonesia. During those 6
months internship program, I have joined more than 10 Kaizen Projects with different topics and
department (like HR, Management, Product Development, Quality, Production and even safety
regulation). Those Kaizen Projects have different issues and challenges that force me to learn every
aspect from the related departments and seeking for the root cause of the issues to finally generate a
proper solution.

2. Detail Oriented

I have strong attention to detail whenever I work or do something. Thus, I have been chosen to handle
OEE in one of department in PT Mattel Indonesia Which is Die Cast Department. The machine profile in
that department was being acknowledge as the most uncertainty and need a good accuracy and
observation to find the defect or issues.

3. Strong Commitment and Focus

During my experience in PT. Mattel Indonesia, I have a good punctuality record and always utilize all the
working hour at the fullest. I have strong belief that what ever I did for the company will also give good
impact or benefit to myself. I have a principle that while Im still young, I will give my full effort to
develop the company Im working with and build my career.


1. Lack of Confidence

In one of the Project, I have been working on, I was asked to be a facilitator or the leader of a group
discussion that involving several managers and directors. In that time, I was unconfident because of the
knowledge and experience gap between me and the audience. Due to that, some points are left unsaid
and I don’t have the courage to intervene an out of topic discussion. For the future I will try to give
maximum effort in preparation so that at least I will be able to keep up with their conversation level.

2. Giving too much focus on detail

I usually ditched out tasks that I thought was less important and gather all of my focus only on one
project. This thing makes me weak in over loaded multitasking and left me with unrelieved feeling
whenever I have to do a task outside my main job. For this I would prepare a To-Do-List to work more
structured and according to the work priority.

Kaizen Rapid Granulator Machine

So, in PT. Mattel Indonesia I had handled several projects, but the biggest one is this Kaizen project
called Rapid Granulator machines. To explain it briefly, rapid machines is a grinding machine to regrind a
plastic resin produced by injection molding process. What makes it a challenging project was because
rapid machines has never been observed and its operational process is not included in the production
flow chart which mean machines data like standard hour, standard output, machine performance and
autonomous has never been existed before this project. The flow process of this Kaizen was, we invited
a group of 10 people from related departments to collaborate and conduct a meeting in a couple of full
work days to discuss this matter. The invited people are mainly manager from production and
manufacturing with two directors as the project supervisor. The goal of this kaizen is to increase
machine utilization and the issues found are low machines utilization and low Overall Equipment
Effectiveness score. This Kaizen later turns out to give a much more valuable results including machine
mapping, material handling workflow, standard operating procedures, fixed matrix of rapid granulators
machine capacity, and a projected improvement result to increase utilization, OEE, and cost saving as
mentioned in the slides.

Challenges in the Project

As a facilitator, or the moderator who leads the group discussion, I have encountered several challenges.
The first is the knowledge gap between kaizen member and different point of view. Because the
member was selected from various departments and different job levels, the individual knowledge and
opinion regarding rapid machines are different and contradicted with the actual condition. To handle
this, we did a direct observation to collect information from the real workers who operates rapid
machines. From this observation alone, the real machines condition can be found, which also eliminates
miss-leading opinions and supposition. The second challenge for this project is we have no written data
about processing time, material handling time and standard operating procedures because this research
has never been conducted before. For this, I have to conduct real time study, DILO observation method
and reviewing other business partner flowchart as a reference. By selecting 16 machines with the
highest First Hour Output as the subject sample, all the data can be gathered and analyzed for further
use. The third challenge which in my opinion is the hardest challenge is the flow process of this machine
are different from other machine with many uncertainty factors, and unscheduled material input
causing low machine performance, if it is being calculated with the standard metrics. So, I and my
supervisor have to conduct a separate private meeting with the process owner manager to modify the
OEE calculation metrics and recalculate it to get the correct machine performance score. The fourth
challenge I faced during the middle of kaizen is an Ineffective group discussion with some members
were just passively sit without giving their opinion. This habit happened when we deep dive into specific
matter and apparently not all the member understands or have the needs to understand the specific
topics. To overcome this problem, I divided all team member into two groups with different purpose
accordingly with each member’s capability and expertise. With this method, more creative ideas and
solutions were generated and at the same time it fastens the time needed to discuss a lot of different
things. The last challenges found is after we simulate and project the improvement result. The projected
material handling time is too long, causing delay, and bottle neck, because of the machines are located
randomly with long distances which will increase transportation cost. From this challenge, a couple of
option were generated which are creating a staging area to reduce bottle neck and machine
centralization into one destinated place which will change the whole layout of injection molding area.
These options are still planned and will be further discussed in the next kaizen.

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