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Vacuum 129 (2016) 79e85

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High strength metallurgical graphene for hydrogen storage

Piotr Kula, Witold Szymanski, Lukasz Kolodziejczyk*, Radomir Atraszkiewicz,
Jacek Grabarczyk, Marian Clapa, Lukasz Kaczmarek, Anna Jedrzejczak, Piotr Niedzielski
Institute of Materials Science and Engineering, Lodz University of Technology, Stefanowskiego 1/15, 90-924, Lodz, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This work presents the results of an investigation on the atomic hydrogen chemisorption of metallurgical
Received 23 March 2016 graphene enhanced by plasma discharge at low pressures in the range of 5e20 Pa. It was experimentally
Accepted 16 April 2016 revealed that hydrogenated graphene is not stable when in contact with humid oxygen or humid air.
Available online 19 April 2016
Moreover, thermal desorption experiments showed that hydrogen can be released from hydrogenated
graphene at relatively low temperatures. Additionally, a numerical simulations were performed of the
pressure changes inside the nanogaps of hydrogen storage nanocomposites under various durations of
Metallurgical graphene
the desorption cycle. Experimental fatigue resistance tests performed along with simultaneous electrical
Hydrogen storage
resistance measurements of the graphene sheets were also conducted. Metallurgical graphene shows
Tensile test tensile fatigue performances that might be sufficient to resist the pressure pulses and strain that arise in
Electrical resistance the gaps of graphene-based hydrogen storage systems.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the adsorption capacity of hydrogen strongly depends on the dis-

tances between the carbon planes within graphene. The theoretical
Graphene-based nanomaterials appear promising for hydrogen- physical adsorption of a monolayer of H2 on a single side of the
based fuel systems, as its theoretically estimated surface specific graphene surface can lead to approximately 3 wt% of H2 (H/
area (~2630 m2/g) is much higher than that of other carbon C ¼ 0.18) [10]. However, from a thermodynamic viewpoint, it is
structures providing a favorable platform for surface chemistry impossible for H2 molecules to penetrate between the graphene
[1,2]. Other structural features of graphene (e.g., its tunable layers of graphite. The best results in hydrogen storage are achieved
porosity, light weight and high thermal and chemical stability) by maintaining the distance between the graphene planes in the
could allow for the integration of a hydrogen-storage module into range of 4e6 Å. A maximum of ~3.3 wt% H2 is accomplished with
flexible and light graphene-based devices. one monolayer of adsorption between two graphene layers sepa-
Three mechanisms of hydrogen sorption in graphene-based rated by 6 Å, for which up to 16 kJ/mol binding energy is obtained
materials are considered: physisorption (interaction is caused by [11,12]. The binding energy decreases for larger interlayer spacing
van der Waals force), chemisorption (involving a chemical reaction due to the second graphene layer. Therefore, it is important to build
between the graphene and the hydrogen atom) and electro- pillared 3D constructions between graphene sheets to provide the
chemical sorption (an accumulation of ions or organic substances optimum interlayer spacing (e.g., Li dopants, in which interlayer
on the interface metal-solution as a result of electrostatic in- spacing of approximately 6 Å with Li:C ¼ 1:6 provides over 3 wt%
teractions and chemical adsorption). Recently, hydrogen storage in H2 adsorption). This interlayer spacing [9] or pore width [13] per-
carbon nanomaterials is mostly based on physisorption on the mits H2 molecules to interact with both sides of the monolayer
surfaces and depends mainly on the electrostatic and dispersion graphene. Therefore, the spatial distribution of molecular hydrogen
interactions [3e8]. Physisorption usually happens with hydrogen in adsorption on the graphene plane is delocalized. The H2 interaction
the molecular form. According to the work of Patchkovskii et al. [9], with graphene in bulk graphite is a localized phenomenon;
therefore, adsorption is generally restricted to the external gra-
phene sheet [14]. One of the main disadvantages of physisorption in
* Corresponding author. the process of hydrogen storage is the very weak interaction energy
E-mail address: lukasz.kolodziejczyk@p.lodz.pl (L. Kolodziejczyk). ~0.01e0.1 eV, and physisorption can only be observed for low

0042-207X/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
80 P. Kula et al. / Vacuum 129 (2016) 79e85

temperature and high pressure conditions, thereby significantly measured with a 100 objective at 532 nm with use of an inVia
limiting the potential application range. Renishaw spectrometer. The laser power on the sample was kept
Due to the presence of free electrons in the carbon atom, significantly below 1 mW to avoid possible laser-induced heating.
reversible sorption of hydrogen could be more effective by chem-
isorption. A significant decrease of hydrogen volume and pressure 2.1. Sorption/desorption characteristics
occurs during its chemisorption as the result of the change in the
chemical bond from HeH toward CeH. The chemisorption of mo- The sorption and desorption of hydrogen on the surface of the
lecular hydrogen on graphene presents a quantum barrier of polycrystalline HSMG graphene was investigated in a vacuum/low
approximately ~1.5 eV [15] because it requires the dissociation of pressure chamber equipped with a vacuum pump and gas flow
H2. From a hydrogen storage point of view, the maximum achiev- system. The level of hydrogen chemisorption was assessed by the
able gravimetric density in graphene through chemisorption is measurement of the electrical resistance of the graphene sheet as a
8.3%, forming of a completely saturated graphene sheet, with 1:1 C result of its free electrons' (charge carriers) involvement in the CeH
vs. H stoichiometry. Hydrogenated graphene (graphane) contains bonds. A graphene sample was placed on an optical glass Schott
covalently bonded hydrogen atoms to carbon atoms; therefore, the B270 Superwite substrate with 25  25  1 mm dimensions (Fig. 1).
sp3 CeH bonds on the basal plane are essentially different from the Gold electrodes were deposited such that the active surface area of
physical H2 absorbed graphene structures. Furthermore, spectro- the graphene was approximately ~1 cm2.
scopic studies exhibit the appearance of sp3 CeH bonds, and the A sample of metallurgical graphene was placed in a vacuum
hydrogen can be released upon heating or UV/laser irradiation, chamber from which air was evacuated to a pressure of 8$103 Pa.
resulting in a sudden increase of gas volume during the hydrogen Then, argon was introduced to purge the chamber of residual air.
desorption step [16]. The atomic hydrogen chemisorption process was performed in a
Various synthesis methods, such as plasma, CVD and liquid and reactor filled with hydrogen at a pressure of 5e20 Pa. For the
gas phase reactions, have been developed to obtain hydrogenated dissociation of hydrogen, a glow discharge generated by a 50 Hz
graphene. Subrahmanyam et al. demonstrated that it could be used alternating voltage between the electrodes at a height of 10 cm
as a chemical H2 storage material [17] reaching experimental above the surface of the graphene was used. The desorption process
hydrogen concentrations of up to 7.4 wt% [18e20]. Goler et al. [21] took place in ambient air at a normal pressure or alternatively in the
showed that by controlling the curvature of corrugated graphene reactor chamber by introducing oxygen with a small amount of
sheets, an appropriate material for hydrogen storage applications water vapor. The measured resistance value has been normalized.
could be created. Taking the above references into consideration, a The entire procedure was then repeated five times to obtain the
state-of-the-art graphene nanocomposite structure GraphRoll has cyclic sorption/desorption characteristics. The hydrogenated gra-
been proposed [22]. GraphRoll and other nanocomposite structures phene specimens were also heated in a low-pressure hydrogen
based on graphene must provide good physical and mechanical environment to demonstrate the possibility of thermal hydrogen
properties (close to the theoretical ones) to be considered efficient desorption from hydrogenated graphene. For this purpose, the
and reliable materials for the chemical sorption/desorption of hydrogenated graphene samples after the chemisorption process
hydrogen. It should show sufficient fatigue resistance, as it must be were heated to a temperature of approximately 150  C. Both
resistant to the temperature and pressure pulsation. Therefore, new chemisorption and subsequent thermal desorption processes were
technology for the growth of graphene on a liquid metallic matrix carried out in the same hydrogen atmosphere at a pressure of 5 Pa.
was developed leading to the creation of high strength metallur- The resistance of the graphene was measured continuously during
gical graphene (HSMG) [23,24]. experiment.
This work presents the results of an investigation of the atomic
hydrogen chemisorption on metallurgical graphene enhanced by
2.2. Tensile tests
plasma discharge as well as a numerical simulation of the pressure
changes inside the nanogaps in hydrogen-storable nanocomposites
Cyclic tensile tests of the HSMG and CVD graphene
during the desorption cycles. Additionally, experimental fatigue
resistance tests combined with simultaneous resistance measure-
ments of graphene sheets were conducted to demonstrate the su-
perior mechanical properties of the metallurgical graphene
compared to graphene grown by CVD.

2. Materials and methods

The HSMG sheets were synthesized in an industrially scaled

thermochemical facility based on the process described by Kula and
Kolodziejczyk [23,25]. The multilayer copper/nickel composite
substrate (in this case 72% Cu, 28% Ni), was heated to the temper-
ature of 1200e1250  C in argon protective atmosphere at the
constant pressure of 100 kPa. Then the chamber was evacuated to
the pressure of 2 Pa and the mixture of acetylene, hydrogen and
ethylene in the proportions of 2:1:2, at the partial pressure of 3 kPa,
has been simultaneously introduced with argon into the process
chamber for 1 min. Afterwards, the plate was cooled to the tem-
perature of 1050  C and then to the room temperature at the
cooling speed of 0.5  C/min and 5e10  C/min, respectively, in argon
Fig. 1. HSMG graphene sample on the glass substrate that was used in the hydrogen
atmosphere at the constant pressure of 100 kPa. Prior to the me- sorption/desorption test: 1 e gold electrodes; 2 e substrate; 3 e graphene. (For
chanical and electrical property investigations, all of the samples interpretation of the references to color in this figure caption, the reader is referred to
were subjected to structural analyses. The Raman spectra were the web version of this article.)
P. Kula et al. / Vacuum 129 (2016) 79e85 81

(Supermarket, USA) sheets supported on a 100 mm thick low- assumed that within the predetermined total process duration all
density polyethylene (LDPE) substrate were carried out using a atoms desorb from the wall of the nanotube, recombine to H2
CETR UMT-2 universal test system (Bruker Corporation, USA) molecules and mix with the molecular hydrogen that fills the
equipped with a positioning system with a resolution of 0.5 mm and nanotube at a pressure of 101.3 kPa. Because the purpose of the
a 2-axis load sensor (0.2e25 N) with a resolution of 1 mN. The size analysis was to observe changes in velocity and pressure, no heat
of the LDPE substrate was 20  15 mm, whereas the size of the exchange in the domain and laminar flow model (a ratio of the
transferred graphene sheets was 12  7 mm. Simultaneously, the diameter to the length of the nanotube, 1:20000) were assumed.
graphene sheet resistance was measured during each test. The Other models that consider the exchange of heat can be found in
graphene samples were fixed with metal clamps and were elec- the literature; however, in those cases, chemical reactions were
trically isolated from the rest of the test system. The tensile test implemented into the models, and heat had to be taken into ac-
setup was described in our previous paper [24]. The initial length of count [26e29]. Under these assumptions, only two equations were
the sample was 4 mm (free part of the graphene inserted between solved: the conservation of momentum and the conservation of
the clamps). The course of the study was divided into stages, each of mass. It is assumed that the ends of the nanotube are completely
which was to strain the sample by 0.250 mm and then return to the open and allow for a free flow of hydrogen while the cylindrical
initial strain value. At each stage, 20 of such cycles were carried out. inner-surface is completely filled with hydrogen. The hydrogen
One stage of the fatigue study consisted of performing 20 cycles mass flow rate for the various total analysis times was set to
with the amplitude of 0.250 mm. After completing the stage, the 9.89$1017 g/s, 9.89$1018 g/s and 9.89$1019 g/s, respectively.
sample was strained by a further 0.250 mm, which was the
beginning of the next cycle (loaded to pre-strain the sample). The 3. Results and discussion
speed of linear movement during the stretching, 0.056 mm/s
remained constant for the whole test duration. During the study, 3.1. Hydrogen sorption-desorption characteristics of graphene
the change in the electrical resistance of the sample, caused by the
extension, was measured. The study was conducted until the The atomic hydrogen formed in the process of dissociation is
discontinuity of graphene was reached, which was equivalent to combined through a chemical bond with the carbon atoms,
the loss of its conductivity monitored by the gauge. reducing the quantity of charge carriers in the graphene. The
reduction of the carriers' number, inversely proportional to the
2.3. Computer simulation resistance, was confirmed by the Hall effect experiments [unpub-
lished results]. This chemisorption effect is stable even for 12 h if
The nanotube was used as the model for the pressure assess- the hydrogenated graphene sample can be kept in argon. After
ment in the graphene-based nanocomposite gaps resulting from filling the chamber with atmospheric air, the chemical desorption
molecular hydrogen recombination from hydrogenated graphene. of the hydrogen bonded to the surface of graphene begins. This can
For the purpose of this study, a computer simulation in the ANSYS be seen as a decrease in the resistance of graphene to the initial
CFX (Ansys Corporation, USA) environment was developed to level (Fig. 3a).
determine the flow rate and pressure gradient of hydrogen in the In Fig. 3b, each sorption-desorption cycle from Fig. 3a was
nanotube during desorption from its walls. The first step in the shifted in time so that the common point of the timeline was the
creation of the computational model was to build a discrete model starting point for the adsorption process. A sharp decrease in the
based on CAD geometry. The model consists of 32 million hex- resistance during exposure to air is mainly the result of the inter-
ahedral elements (Fig. 2). Additionally, at the walls of the nanotube, action between the hydrogenated graphene and the oxygen and
the number of elements has been compacted to form a boundary water vapor from the air, a phenomenon described in the next
layer with a large number of finite elements. section.
A discrete model was then imported into the ANSYS CFX pre- The full reversibility of the chemical sorption and desorption of
processor, assuming a transient analysis of total duration of 1, 10 hydrogen in HSMG graphene is evidenced by the same evolution of
and 100 s, at time steps of 0.01, 0.1 and 1 s, respectively. The model the resistance curves (except for the first cycle) and an almost
perfect compliance of the resistance values after each desorption
process. The resistance does not return to the initial value after the
first cycle because the hydrogen adsorbed on the grain boundaries
and defects does not desorb under ambient conditions (atmo-
spheric pressure and room temperature).

3.2. Mechanism of atmospheric desorption of hydrogen

After the hydrogenation process of graphene, exposure to air

causes a rapid decrease in the graphene resistance (Fig. 3), which
may indicate a decrease in chemically adsorbed atomic hydrogen.
Therefore, the following experiment was designed to determine the
effect of the atmospheric composition on the dehydrogenation of
the analyzed graphene flakes. For that purpose, the selected at-
mospheres (O2, Ar, CO2, O2 þ H2O and CO2 þ H2O) were indepen-
dently introduced in a controlled way into the vacuum chamber. It
has been proven that the most intense increase in carriers is
observed for the O2 þ H2O atmosphere mixture. Fig. 4 shows the
hydrogen sorption cycle of HSMG (marked as 1) followed by the
introduction of the O2 þ H2O mixture during the desorption step
with a clearly visible rapid decrease in the resistance (marked as 3).
Fig. 2. Carbon nanotube discrete model (nanotube length 100 mm, diameter 5 nm). Therefore, it was assumed that the dehydrogenation mechanism
82 P. Kula et al. / Vacuum 129 (2016) 79e85

Fig. 3. (a) The resistance changes of a HSMG graphene sample subjected to five sorption/desorption cycles. (b) The cycles are shifted on the time axis to overlap each sorption/
desorption cycle at the beginning of the desorption process.

electron orbital s of a hydrogen atom.

Hydrogenated graphene contains the sp3 hybridization of the
carbon atom, which forms three s bonds with three electron of the
sp2 orbitals of three adjacent carbon atoms and one s bond with
the electron of the s hydrogen atom orbital (Fig. 5). This arrange-
ment of hydrogen bonding and the formation of sp3 hybridized
carbon in the graphene structure leads to a binding energy Cgra-
phene-H ¼ 145 kJ/mol [30]. In the case of the interaction of hydrogen
with edge defects, a strong tendency to form chemical bonds Cgra-
phene-edge-H is observed; the binding energy that corresponds to the
CeH bonds energy in the aromatic compounds ranges from 300 to
460 kJ/mol.
This phenomenon explains why, in hydrogen sorption-
desorption cycles on the graphene flakes, the system practically
returns to the initial value of resistance. The small difference in the
initial graphene sheet resistance values between the first and
subsequent cycles (Fig. 3b) is related to the permanent interaction
of hydrogen with defects in the graphene (holes, grain boundaries
Fig. 4. Changes in the HSMG graphene sample resistance during the sorption in
hydrogen and desorption in the O2 þ H2O gas mixture: 1 e chemisorption during a low of polycrystalline graphene [24] and edges). In this case, the energy
discharge; 2 e graphene saturation with hydrogen; 3 e desorption in a humid oxygen of the hydrogen-carbon bonds of the graphene system is 145 kJ/
environment. mol, in contrast to the hydrogen-carbon bond energies in aromatic
structures, which are at least two times higher [31e33]. Conse-
quently, in these conditions the hydrogen bonded to defects is not
is as follows. First, the water vapor condenses on the surface of the
graphene, and the formation of hydrogen bonds between donor
Therefore, it is important to eliminate even trace amounts of
(hydrogen bonded to the surface of the graphene) and acceptor
water vapor from tanks intended for the storage of graphene flakes
(oxygen in a molecule of water) are observed. Then, the dissolved
capable of reversible hydrogen bonding. This is a key issue in
oxygen molecules in the condensed water vapor environment on
eliminating the uncontrolled reduction of the hydrogenated gra-
the surface of graphene dissociate according to the equation (1) to
phene structures and the formation of water molecules according
form OH ions:

O2 þ H2 O þ 4e /4OH : (1)

In the presence of ions, an intense graphene dehydrogenation
occurs, according to the equation (2), whereby the reaction is
exponential and cyclic due to the formation of water molecules,
which are the reaction medium capable of dissolving molecular
oxygen and regenerating OH ions.

OH þ H  CHSMG /H2 O þ CHSMG (2)

It is worth emphasizing, that this reaction occurs only in the
case of hydrogen linked to the sp3 hybridized carbon of graphene
structure. This is because on its edge, carbon is sp2 hybridized, in
which the carbon forms two s bonds with two electrons of the sp2
orbitals of two adjacent carbon atoms and one s bond with the Fig. 5. A model of two possible types of hydrogen chemisorption.
P. Kula et al. / Vacuum 129 (2016) 79e85 83

to the above-described mechanism.

3.3. Thermal desorption

Although the previously mentioned experiments show the

applicability of HSMG graphene for multi-cyclic chemical sorption/
desorption, the dehydrogenation of hydrogenated graphene by
oxidation does not have any practical importance for reversible
hydrogen storage systems. However, the simple test of heating
hydrogenated graphene in a hydrogen environment demonstrated
the thermal desorption of hydrogen, which was illustrated by a
decrease in the electrical resistance when the temperature
increased up to 150  C (Fig. 6).
This finding is fundamental for further consideration of low-
pressure graphene-based nanomaterials as reversible hydrogen
storage systems using the concept of hydrogen chemisorption.
Additionally, the relatively low temperature of thermal hydrogen
desorption is promising for future engineering applications.
Fig. 7. Changes in Raman spectra of HSMG graphene due to its hydrogenation: a)
3.4. Raman spectroscopy graphene on glass; b) graphene after the desorption process; c) graphene after the
chemisorption of hydrogen.

Changes in the structure of graphene resulting from the hy-

drogenation process were analyzed by Raman spectroscopy. The the wall results locally in a tenfold increase in pressure from the
obtained spectra are presented in Fig. 7. reference level of 101.3 kPae1063.6 kPa (Fig. 8).
The first spectrum (Fig. 7a) is an example of the Raman spec- This is directly caused by the mobility of the molecules of des-
trum of graphene before hydrogenation. Bands typical for graphene orbed hydrogen and the hydrogen initially filling the nanotube, in
are observed: D (~1350 cm1), G (~1580 cm1) and 2D which the nanotube diameter/length ratio is equal to 1:20000. The
(~2690 cm1). In Fig. 7b, the spectrum of graphene after desorption system of equations of both conservation of mass and momentum
process is shown prior to re-hydrogenation. In addition to the solved during the analysis is based on the gas properties, including,
characteristic graphene bands, new peaks are visible: Dʹ i.e., a dynamic viscosity of 8.8,103 g/m,s and a molar mass of
(~1620 cm1) and D þ Dʹ (~2950 cm1) [34]. They demonstrate the 2.016 g/mol. The values of other parameters were adopted in
presence of residual hydrogen (after the desorption process) at the accordance with the NASA format [36]. Comparing the results for 10
grain boundaries and defect areas of graphene. Fig. 7c presents the and 100 s of total hydrogen desorption time, an increase in pressure
spectrum of graphene obtained directly after the process of of 130.2 kPa (128% increase, compared to reference level) and
hydrogen chemisorption. In addition to the basic bands typical for 18.9 kPa (19% increase), respectively, are observed. Referring to the
hydrogenated graphene, D0 and D þ D0 peaks are visible with a result of the desorption within 1 s, time mostly influences the
distinctly sharp shape [34,35]. The hydrogen chemisorption process analysis of the flow phenomena for this geometry, which directly
also exhibits a slight broadening of the 2D band and a decrease of translates into the behavior of wall nanotubes during the hydrogen
its height relative to the G peak, which is consistent with the release process.
literature [34]. The results of the flow analysis were used as the boundary
conditions for the analysis carried out in the ANSYS Mechanical
3.5. Simulation of hydrogen desorption inside the carbon nanotube software, in which the nanotube is defined as a shell material with a
thickness of 0.14 nm, Young's modulus E2D equal to 340 N/m
During hydrogen desorption completed at various times, the (E ¼ 1.05 TPa) [37e39] and the Poisson ratio n ¼ 0.22 [40e42].
viscosity of the gas and its density at predetermined pressures The calculated relative strain for a nanotube with a diameter of
result in a significant increase in pressure, particularly at the mid- 5 nm at pressure of 1063 kPa reached 1474.7%, which
point of the nanotube length. This effect, for 1-s desorption from

Fig. 8. The changes of the maximum absolute pressure inside the carbon nanotube
Fig. 6. Resistivity changes during thermal hydrogen desorption process. model calculated for various times of the complete hydrogen desorption process.
84 P. Kula et al. / Vacuum 129 (2016) 79e85

Table 1 noted. This regularity occurs with relative deformations of up to

Simulation results of the strain of nanotube (in %) for different diameters and 100%. Above this value, within the same range of strain, a pro-
gressive increase in the sample resistance is visible until the loss of
Pressure, kPa Diameter of the analyzed nanotube its continuity at a resistance of approximately 55 MOhm. In this
∅ ¼ 5 nm ∅ ¼ 10 nm ∅ ¼ 20 nm case, CVD graphene behaves with less stability. From the initial
stage of the test there is a large inhomogeneity of the resistance
1 1.5 1.5 1.4
10 14.8 14.5 14.4 changes and the obtained values are significantly higher than for
100 135.0 131.0 123.0 HSMG graphene. Hence, the lower resistance value (approx.
1063 1474.7 1450.6 1439.1 4 MOhm) was measured for the CVD graphene at its fracture point.
In earlier work [24] in the static tensile test conducted until the
graphene structure fractured, the CVD graphene lost electrical
unquestionably would lead to the destruction of the nanotube contact at approximately ~16% elongation. In the literature, the
structures (Table 1). Moreover, also for nanotubes with diameters of maximum elongation values are in the range from 1 to >10%
10 and 20 nm, calculated relative strains exceeded 1400% (at the [43e45], while the metallurgical graphene maintains electrical
same pressure), which excludes the possibility of increasing the conductivity dependent upon the crystal structure defects, even at
nanotube diameter to prevent its rupture. an elongation of approximately ~33% [24]. In the case of fatigue
The most viable solution seems to be controlling the hydrogen tests, obtained strains are approximately three times higher for
desorption duration, as it was presented based on the ANSYS CFX both the CVD and the HSMG graphene. Similar studies were con-
calculations, in which extending the desorption time to 10 s yielded ducted by Xiao Li's group [43]. In that experiment, poly-
relative pressures in the nanotube equal to 130.2 kPa with a relative dimethylsiloxane (PDMS) was used as a substrate for the graphene
strain of 135%. These maximum hydrogen desorption rates may be grids, which were subjected to varying loads over time. They
expected in future reversible hydrogen storage systems; therefore, received an increase in resistance with increasing deformation,
that level of necessary safety strain has been taken as the bench- which is consistent with the results presented in this paper. In the
mark for experimental fatigue tensile tests for various types of case of a PDMS-graphene system the critical elongation was
graphene. The results are presented in the next section. 15e20%. In the present study, CVD graphene loses continuity at a
relative deformation of approximately 40%, while HSMG graphene
3.6. Fatigue resistance tensile tests can reach deformation of more than 100% before a loss in continuity
occurs. The discrepancy between the results of the cited work and
For tensile test measurements, the relationship between the the presented experimental data may result from different sub-
relative elongation of the sample and its tensile strength was strates and form of graphene (grid, plane), the quality of the
determined by measuring changes in conductivity. Typical char- transfer and the fatigue test conditions.
acteristics of these relationships for CVD graphene (black line) and It can be concluded that the HSMG graphene retains its high
HSMG graphene (blue line) are shown in Fig. 9. In addition, the strength at high strains, reaching 100% elongation, and in this
course of the curve showing a relative deformation of the sample range, it is resistant to cyclic strain changes of fatigue nature.
during the test is marked with a red line. The deformation values Comparing this experimental result to the benchmark levels of
are shown on the right axis of the graph. strain taken in the previous section, further research on high
The study showed significant differences in the tensile strengths strength metallurgical graphene as a promising material for
for both materials. The CVD graphene lost conductivity at a relative graphene-based hydrogen storage systems is relevant.
elongation of approx. 40%, while the value for the HSMG graphene
was as high as 140%. For both materials, increased elongation 4. Conclusions
caused a gradual increase of resistance. This increase was propor-
tional to the elongation. More regular behavior was observed for Sorption-desorption experiments confirmed significant chemi-
the HSMG graphene, in which extension led to a proportional in- sorption of hydrogen on HSMG graphene during exposure to glow
crease in the resistance; however, after reducing the strain it discharge hydrogen plasma at low pressures in the range of
returned to its previous value. Hence, on the chart regular cycles of 5e20 Pa. Hydrogenated graphene was shown to be unstable in
resistance changes corresponding to the amplitude distortion are contact with humid oxygen or humid air. Thermal desorption

Fig. 9. (a) Changes in the resistances of the HSMG and CVD graphene samples as a function of cyclic loading; (b) zoomed area that shows the loss of conductivity for the CVD
P. Kula et al. / Vacuum 129 (2016) 79e85 85

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