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a Obstetrics

Hypertensive Disorder

Deadly Triad: Hemorrhage, Infection, Hypertension

Most dangerous: Preeclampsia syndrome


Diagnosis of hypertensive disorders
o >140/90 mmHG
o Incremental increase of 30/15 above BP at mid-pregnancy
o Sudden rise in MAP but still normal (delta hypertension) 
Signifies preeclampsia

Concept of “Delta Hypertension”

- Acute rise in blood pressure
-  Eclamptic seizures or HELLP while still normotensive

Gestational hypertension
- 140 mmHg or greater for the first time after midpregnancy but no
- Transient  preeclampsia is not developed, and BP normalizes by 12
weeks postpartum

Preeclampsia Syndrome Preeclampsia Superimposed on Chronic Hypertension

- Pregnancy-specific syndrome that can affect virtually every organ - Chronic underlying hypertension is diagnosed in women with
system documented blood pressures >140/90 mm Hg before pregnancy or
- Heralds a higher incidence of CD later in life before 20 weeks’ gestation, or both
- (+) Proteinuria  System-wide endothelial leak that characterizes the - “Pure” preeclampsia vs Superimposed Preeclampsia
syndrome (objective marker) o Superimposed – earlier, severe, fetal-growth restrictions
- Multiorgan Involvement 
- Young and Nulliparous  Preeclampsia
o Renal dysfunction
- Older women  Chronic hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia
o Hepatocellular necrosis
- Race and ethnicity/Genetic disposition (African-American Highest and
o Central nervous system perturbations
Lowest in white)
o Pulmonary edema - Black women greater morbidity
- Metabolic syndrome and hyperchomocysteinemia
- Male fetus – higher risk
- Smoking reduces risk for hypertension during pregnancy
- HIV and sleep-disordered breathing

Indicators of Preeclampsia Severity

- Non-severe vs Severe
- A caveat is that differentiation between non-severe and severe gestation
hypertension or preeclampsia can be misleading because what might be
apparently mild disease may progress rapidly to severe disease

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Abnormal trophoblastic invasion

- Normal implantation  Extensive remodeling of the spiral arterioles
within the decidua basalis
o Endovascular trophoblasts replace the vascular endothelial and
muscular linings to enlarge the vessel diameter
o Veins are invaded only superficially
- Abnormal  Decidual vessels, not myometrial vessels, become lined
with endovascular trophoblasts
o Deeper myometrial arterioles thus do not lose their endothelial
lining and musculoelastic tissue, and their mean external diameter
is only half that of corresponding vessels in normal placenta
- Magnitude of defective trophoblastic invasion correlates with the
severity of the hypertensive disorder. More prevalent with early onset
o Lower levels of soluble antiangiogenic growth factor
- Early preeclamptic changes include:
o Endothelial damage,
o Insudation of plasma constituents into vessel walls,
o Proliferation of myointimal cells,
o Medial necrosis
- Atherosis  Lipid accumulation in the myointimal cell and
o Common in placentas from women dx with preeclampsia before 34
 Placental debris or microparticles
o Diminished perfusion and a hypoxic environment
 Stage 2 of preeclampsia
o Systemic inflammatory response
- Increase risk for:
ETIOPATHOGENSIS o Gestational hypertension
o Preeclampsia syndrome
Gestational hypertensive disorders are more likely to develop in women o Preterm delivery
with the following characteristics: o Growth-restricted fetus
o Are exposed to chorionic villi for the first time o Placental abruption
o Are exposed to a superabundance of choronic villi, as with twins
or hydatidiform mole Immunologic factors
o Have preexisting conditions associated with endothelial cell
- Maternal immune tolerance to paternally derived placenta and fetal
activation or inflammation, such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular
or renal disease, immunological disorders, or hereditary influences
o Loss of maternal immune tolerance
o Are genetically predisposed to hypertension developing during
- Suggest that preeclampsia is an immune-mediated disorder
o Formation of blocking antibodies to placental antigenic sites might
be impaired
- Regardless of precipitating etiology, the cascade of events leading to the
- Tolerance dysregulation
preeclampsia syndrome is characterized by abnormalities that result in
o Women with molar pregnancies
systemic vascular endothelial damage with resultant
o Elevated antiangiogenic factors (soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1)
o vasospasm,
- Women previously exposed to paternal antigens, such as a prior
o transudation of plasma,
pregnancy with the same partner, are ‘’immunized’’ against
o ischemic and thrombotic sequelae.
- Multiparas impregnated by a new consort have a greater risk of
Two-stage disorder theory - Immune maladaptation  Extravillous tropohoblasts early in pregnancy
- Stage 1  faulty endovascular trophoblastic remodeling that express reduced amounts of immunosuppressive non-classic HLA G
downstream causes the stage 2 clinical syndrome - Black women have the 1597 gene predisposes
o Stage 2 is modifiable by preexisting maternal conditions - TH2 promote humoral immunity
- “Isoforms” - TH1 stimulate inflammatory cytokine secretion
o Differences in maternal and fetal characteristic - Beginning in early second trimester  TH1 action is increased
o Placental findings
o Early versus late-onset disease Endothelial cell activation
- Continuation of stage 1 alterations
ETIOLOGY - Placental factors are released and begin a cascade
1. Placental implantation with abnormal trophoblastic invasion of - EXTREME Activated state of leukocytes
uterine vessels - Cytokines (TNF-a) and interleukines
2. Immunological maladaptive tolerance between maternal, paternal o characterized by reactive oxygen species and free radicals that lead
(placental), and fetal tissues to formation of self-propagating lipid peroxide
3. Maternal maladaptation to cardiovascular or inflammatory changes - Formation of self-propagating lipid peroxides
of normal pregnancy o  Injury systemic vascular endothelial cells
4. Genetic factors including inherited predisposing genes and o  Modify nitric oxide production
epigenetic influences
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o  Interfere with prostaglandin balance o The net result favors greater sensitivity to infused angiotensin II
- Consequence of oxidative stress and, ultimately, vasoconstriction
-  Production of lipid-laden macrophage foam cells (placental atherosis) o These changes are apparent as early as 22 weeks' gestation in
-  Activation of systemic macrovascular coagulation gravidas who later develop preeclampsia
-  Greater systemic capillary permeability (edema and proteinuria) - Nitric oxide is a potent vasodilator synthesized from I-arginine by
endothelial cells.
Genetic Factors o Inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis
- Daughter of preeclamptic mothers (20 to 40%)  Raises mean arterial pressure
- Sisters of preeclamptic mothers (11 to 37%)  lowers heart rate,
- Twins (22 to 47%)  reverses the pregnancy-induced refractoriness to vasopressors.
o In humans, nitric oxide likely is the compound that maintains the
PATHOGENESIS normal low-pressure vasodilated state characteristic of fetoplacental
o The effects of nitric oxide production in preeclampsia are unclear.
- Systemic endothelial activation causes vasospasm that elevates o It appears that the syndrome is associated with decreased
resistance to produce subsequent hypertension.
endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression, thus resulting in
- Concurrently, systemic endothelial cell injury promotes
lower nitric oxide activity
o Interstitial leakage, and blood constituents, including platelets and
fibrinogen, are deposited subendothelially. - Endothelins are 21-amino-acid peptides and potent vasoconstrictors.
o Endothelial junctional proteins are disrupted, and the o Endothelin-1 (ET- 1 ) is the primary isoform produced by human
subendothelial region of resistance arteries undergoes ultrastructural endothelium
change o Plasma ET-1 levels are elevated in normotensive pregnant women,
o The much larger venous circuit is similarly involved.
but women with preeclampsia have even higher level.
- With diminished blood low because of maldistribution from vasospasm o The placenta is not the source of increased ET - 1 concentrations,
and interstitial leakage, ischemia of the surrounding tissues can lead to
and they likely arise from systemic endothelial activation.
o necrosis,
o Treatment of preeclamptic women with magnesium sulfate lowers
o hemorrhage,
ET - 1 concentrations
o end-organ disturbances o In animal studies, sildenafil reduces ET- 1 concentrations
- One important clinical correlate to this is the markedly attenuated
blood volume seen in women with severe preeclampsia
Angiogenic and Antiangiogenic Proteins
Endothelial injury
- Placental vasculogenesis is evident by 21 days after conception.
- Centerpiece of preeclampsia pathogenesis - Angiogenic imbalance  excessive amounts of antiangiogenic factors,
- In this scheme, protein factor(s)-likely placental-are secreted into the which are thought to be stimulated by worsening hypoxia at the
maternal circulation and provoke activation and dysfunction of the uteroplacental interface.
systemic vascular endothelium. - Trophoblast of women destined to develop preeclampsia overproduces
at least two antiangiogenic peptides that enter the maternal circulation
PROTECTION - First, soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) is a receptor for
- Intact endothelium has anticoagulant properties. VEGF.
- Also, systemic endothelial cells, by releasing nitric oxide, blunt the o Elevated maternal sFlt-1 levels inactivate and reduce circulating
response of vascular smooth muscle to agonists.
free placental growth factor (PIGF) and VEGF concentrations,
leading to endothelial dysfunction
o Begin to rise in maternal serum months before preeclampsia is
- Injured or activated endothelial cells may produce less nitric oxide and
may secrete substances that promote coagulation and greater
o Associated with a doubling of the risk for preeclampsia (2nd
sensitivity to vasopressors.
o Develop even sooner with early-onset preeclampsia
- Evidence of endothelial activation includes the characteristic
o Changes in glomerular capillary endothelial morphology, o These factors are also operative in pregnancies complicated by fetal-
o Greater capillary permeability, growth restriction
o Elevated blood concentrations of substances associated with
endothelial activation. Likely, multiple factors in the plasma of
preeclamptic women combine to exert these vasoactive effects

Increased Pressor Responses

- Women with early preeclampsia, however, have enhanced vascular
reactivity to infused norepinephrine and angiotensin II
o Increased sensitivity to angiotensin II clearly precedes the onset of
gestational hypertension
o Paradoxically, women who develop preterm preeclampsia have
lower circulating levels of angiotensin II
- Blunted pressor response seen in normal pregnancy is at least partially
due to diminished vascular responsiveness mediated by endothelial
prostaglandin synthesis.
o For example, compared with normal pregnancy, endothelial
prostacyclin (PGI 2 ) production is lower in preeclampsia. This
action appears to be mediated by phospholipase A 2
o At the same time, thromboxane A 2 secretion by platelets is
increased, and the prostacyclin:thromboxane A 2 ratio declines.
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- In one systematic review, third-trimester elevation of sFlt-1 levels and
lower PIGF concentrations correlate with preeclampsia development
after 25 weeks' gestation

- Doubling of expressions of sFlt-1 and sEng increased the preeclampsia

risk by 39 and 74 percent, respectively.
- The cause of placental overproduction of anti-angiogenic proteins
remains an enigma
- Concentrations of the soluble forms are not higher in fetal circulation or
amnionic fluid of preeclamptic women, and their levels in maternal
blood dissipate after delivery (Staf, 2007).
- Clinical research aims to employ antiangiogenic proteins in the
prediction and diagnosis of preeclampsia. One preliminary report
described therapeutic apheresis to reduce sFlt-1 levels

Evidence for preeclampsia manifestation begins early in pregnancy with
covert pathophysiological changes that gain momentum across gestation
and eventually become clinically apparent. Unless delivery supervenes,
these changes ultimately lead to multiorgan involvement with a clinical
spectrum ranging from meager findings to one of cataclysmic

Cardiovascular system

Disturbances related
1. Greater cardiac afterload caused by hypertension
2. Reduced cardiac preload, caused by pathologically diminished
volume expansion during pregnancy and which is increased by
intravenous crystalloid or oncotic solution
3. Endothelial activation leading to interendothelial extravasation of
intravascular fluid into the extracellular space and, importantly,
into the lungs

Hemodynamic Changes and Cardiac Function

- Factors of aberrations:
o Preeclampsia severity
o Hypertension severity
o Presence of underlying chronic disease
- Factors to consider: Myocardial function and ventricular function
- Clinical onset of preeclampsia, cardiac output declines, due at least in
part to greater peripheral resistance.

Myocardial Function
- Diastolic dysfunction stemming from ventricular remodeling
o Ventricles do not properly relax and cannot fill properly
o May persist up to 4 years after delivery
o High levels of antiangiogenic proteins
- If healthy pregnancy, then no problem but if combined with underlying
ventricular function 
-  Cardiogenic pulmonary edema

Ventricular function
- Cardiac troponin levels are slightly elevated and NT pro-BNP (Severe
- Filling pressures are dependent on the volume of intravenous fluid
- A second antiangiogenic peptide, soluble endoglin (sEng), inhibits
- Aggressive hydration  Hyperdynamic ventricular function
various transforming growth factor beta (TGF-3) isoforms from binding
o Accompanied by Inc. Pulmo Wedge pressure and Edema
to endothelial receptors
o Due to:
- Decreased binding to endoglin diminishes endothelial nitric oxide-
dependent vasodilatation.  Alveolar endothelial-epithelial leak,
- Serum levels of sEng also begin to rise months before clinical  Compounded by decreased oncotic pressure from a low
preeclampsia develops serum albumin concentration
- Interestingly, metformin reduces antiangiogenic secretion from
human tissues - In sum, aggressive fluid administration to otherwise normal women with
severe preeclampsia substantially elevates normal left sided filling
pressures and raises a physiologically normal cardiac output to
hyperdynamic levels
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- Sodium-containing crystalloid infusion raises left ventricular filling
BLOOD VOLUME pressure, and although oliguria temporarily improves, rapid infusions
- Hallmark of eclampsia: Hemoconcentration may cause clinically apparent pulmonary edema.
- Eclamptic women that the normally expected pregnancy blood volume - Intensive intravenous fluid therapy is not indicated as "treatment" for
expansion is severely curtailed preeclamptic women with oliguria unless
o With eclampsia, however, much or all of the anticipated 1500 mL  urine output is diminished from hemorrhage or fluid loss from
excess is lost. vomiting or fever.
- Due to: - Plasma uric acid concentration is typically elevated in preeclampsia
o Generalized vasospasm that follows endothelial activation o The elevation exceeds that attributable to the reduction in
o Leakage of plasma into the interstitial space persist after delivery glomerular filtration rate and likely is also due to enhanced tubular
- Become sensitive to blood loss reabsorption
- As endothelium is restored, vasoconstriction reverses and as the blood - At the same time, preeclampsia is associated with diminished urinary
volume re-expands, hematocrit usually falls excretion of calcium, perhaps because of greater tubular reabsorption.
- Importantly, a substantive cause of this fall in hematocrit, however, is
usually the blood loss incurred at delivery Proteinuria
- Anemia - Abnormal protein excretion is empirically defined by
o 24-hour urinary excretion exceeding 300 mg;
MATERNAL THROMBOCYTOPENIA o urine protein:creatinine ratio equal or greater than 0.3;
- Platelet count routinely measure with any form of GH
o persistent protein values of 30 mg/ dL (1+ dipstick) in random urine
- Overt thrombocytopenia  defined by a platelet count < 100,000
-indicates severe disease
- Problematically, the optimal method of establishing abnormal levels of
- In most cases, delivery is advisable because worsening
either urine protein or albumin remains to be defined.
thrombocytopenia usually ensues.
- For a 24-hour quantitative specimen, the "consensus" threshold value
o After delivery, continue to decline for the first day or so.
used is equal or greater than 300 mg/24 h
o Rises progressively to reach a normal level within 3 to 5 days.
- Using a urinary protein excretion threshold of 165 mg in a 12-hour
o If these do not reach a nadir until 48 to 72 hours, then preeclampsia sample shows equivalent efficacy
syndrome may be incorrectly attributed - Determination of urinary protein:creatine ratio may supplant the
- In sum, maternal thrombocytopenia in a hypertensive woman is not a cumbersome 24-hour quantiication
fetal indication for cesarean delivery - Clean-catch and catheterized urine specimens correlate well
- Random urine protein:creatinine ratios
HEMOLYSIS o Below 130 to 150 mg/g, that is, 0. 13 to 0. 1 5, indicate a low
- Manifested as: likelihood of proteinuria exceeding 300 mg/ d).
o Elevated serum lactate dehydrogenase levels o Ratios <0.08 or > 1.19 have negative- or positive-predictive values
o Reduced haptoglobin levels of 86 and 96 percent, respectively
- Other evidence: Shizocytosis, Spherocytosis, and Reticulocytosis o However, midrange ratios, that is, 300 mg/g or 0.3, have poor
- Result from: Microangiopathic hemolysis caused by endothelial sensitivity and specificity.
disruption with platelet adherence and fibrin deposition o Thus, many recommend that with midrange ratio values, 24-hour
- Serum lipid alteration
protein excretion should be quantified.
- Decreased long-chain fatty acid content
- HELLP syndrome
- With urine dipstick assessment, determinations depend on urine
concentration and are notorious for false-positive and -negative results.
o Thus, assessment may show a dipstick value of 1 + to 2+ from
- Elevated factor VIIG consumption,
concentrated urine specimens from women who excrete < 300 mg/
- Increased levels of ibrinopeptides A and B and of D-dimers, and reduced
levels of regulatory proteins – antithrombin GGI and proteins C and S
- Importantly, proteinuria may develop late, and some women may
- Pt and PTT not required
already be delivered or have had an eclamptic convulsion before it
appears. For example, 10 to 15 percent of women with HELLP
syndrome do not have proteinuria at presentation.
- Levels of Serum ANP and proatrial natriuretic peptide are enhanced
- In one report, 17 percent of eclamptic women did not have proteinuria
- Vasopressin similar
by the time of seizures
- Increase volume of extracellular fluid  Edema
- Reduced plasma oncotic pressure  Filtration imbalance Anatomical changes
- Electrolyte concentrations do not differ - Glomeruli
- Eclamptic convulsion  Serum pH and bicarbonate are lowered due to o Enlarged by approximately 20 percent, they are "bloodless," and
lactic acidosis and compensatory respiratory loss of CO2 capillary loops variably are dilated and contracted.
- Intensity: metabolic acidosis and respiratory acidosis - Endothelial cells
o Swollen-termed glomerular capillary endotheliosis
KIDNEY - Homogeneous subendothelial deposits of proteins and fibrin-like
- Reversible anatomical and pathophysiological changes ensue material are seen.
- Renal perfusion and glomerular filtration are reduced - Endothelial swelling may result from angiogenic protein "withdrawal"
- Morphological changes are characterized by: Glomerular endotheliosis caused by the complexing of free angiogenic proteins with a compatible
o Diminished filtration  Serum creatine rise circulating antiangiogenic protein receptor
o Normalize 10 days or later after delivery - The angiogenic proteins are crucial for podocyte health, and their
- Urine sodium concentration is elevated inactivation leads to podocyte dysfunction and endothelial swelling
o Urine osmolality rises, - Eclampsia
o Urine:plasma creatinine ratio is elevated o characterized by greater excretion of these epithelial podocytes
o Fractional excretion of sodium is low (prerenal mechanism
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Acute Kidney Injury o Leak leads to perivascular edema characteristic of the
- Clinically apparent acute tubular necrosis is almost invariably induced preeclampsia syndrome.
by comorbid hemorrhage with hypovolemia and hypotension
- Usually caused by severe obstetrical bleeding-especially placental
abruption-coupled with inadequate blood replacement. Neurologic Manifestations
- Mostly due to postpartum hemorrhage - First, headache and scotomata are thought to arise from cerebrovascular
- Last, irreversible renal cortical necrosis develops rarely hyperperfusion that has a predilection for the occipital lobes
o Up to 75 percent of women have headaches,
LIVER o Up to 20 to 30 percent have visual changes preceding eclamptic
- The characteristic hepatic lesions with eclampsia are regions of
periportal hemorrhage in the liver periphery
- Unique in that they do not usually respond to traditional analgesia, but
- Three manifestation
they frequently improve after magnesium sulfate infusion.
1. Pain (severe disease)  Moderate-to-severe right upper quadrant
- Convulsions are diagnostic for eclampsia.
or midepigastric pain and tenderness
- These are caused by excessive release of excitatory neurotransmitters-
a. Elevate ALT/AST
especially glutamate; massive depolarization of network neurons;
b. Shock liver
- Blindness is rare with preeclampsia alone, but it complicates eclamptic
2. Elevations of AST and ALT (severe disease)
convulsions in up to 15 percent of women
a. Values seldom exceed 500 U/L, but levels reaching
- Blindness may develop up to a week or more following delivery
more than 2000 U/L have been reported
- Generalized cerebral edema may develop and is usually manifest by
b. Serum concentrations inversely follow platelet levels,
mental status changes that vary from confusion to coma. This situation is
and they both usually normalize within 3 days
particularly dangerous because fatal transtentorial herniation can result.
following delivery.
- Last, women with eclampsia have been shown to have some cognitive
3. Hepatic hematoma
decline when studied 5 to 1 0 years following an eclamptic pregnancy.
a. Infarction extends and forms a subcapsular hematoma
that may rupture
b. CT/MRI Neuroimaging studies

HELLP SYNDROME Visual Changes and Blindness

- Complications included
o eclampsia in 6 percent Cerebral Edema
o placental abruption-10 percent
o acute kidney injury- 5 percent UTEROPLACENTAL PERFUSION
o pulmonary edema-10 percent.
- Other serious complications: Stroke, hepatic hematoma, coagulopathy,
acute respiratory distress syndrome, and sepsis PREDICTION

- Headaches, visual symptoms, convulsions

Neuroanatomic lesions
- Most deaths were from pulmonary edema,
- Gross intracerebral hemorrhage was seen in up to 60 percent of
eclamptic women, it was fatal in only half of these
- Cortical and subcortical petechial hemorrhages.
- Classic microscopic vascular lesions consist:
o Fibrinoid necrosis of the arterial wall
o Perivascular micro infarcts
o Hemorrhages.

- Other frequently described major lesions include

o Subcortical edema,
o Multiple nonhemorrhagic areas of "softening" throughout the brain, Vascular Resistance Testing and Placental Perfusion
o Hemorrhagic areas in the white matter. - To evaluate blood pressure changes, three tests assess the blood pressure
- There also may be hemorrhage in the basal ganglia or pons, sometimes rise in response to a stimulus.
with rupture into the ventricles. o In one, women at 28 to 32 weeks' gestation rest in the left lateral
decubitus position and then roll to the supine position.
Cerebrovascular Pathophysiology o Roll-over test, increased blood pressure with this maneuver
signifies a positive test.
o Isometric exercise test employs the same principle by squeezing a
Cerebral blood flow handball.
- Autoregulation is the mechanism by which cerebral blood flow remains o Angiotensin infusion test is performed by giving incrementally
relatively constant despite alterations in cerebral perfusion pressure increasing doses intravenously, and the hypertensive response is
- Impaired autoregulation in women with preeclampsia quantified.
- During the last trimester, flow significantly drops by 20 percent.  In an updated metaanalysis, sensitivities of all three tests were
- Greater cerebral blood low in this trimester in women with severe reported to range from 55 to 70 percent, and specificities
preeclampsia approximated 85 percent
- Eclampsia occurs when cerebral hyperperfusion forces capillary fluid
interstitially because of endothelial damage - Uterine artery Doppler velocimetry is posited to reflect faulty
trophoblastic invasion of the spiral arteries.
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o This failure results in diminished placental perfusion and upstream o Determination of the sFlt-lIPIGF ratio in women admitted near 37
greater uterine artery resistance. weeks' gestation to exclude preeclampsia was useful as a predictive
o Increased uterine artery velocimetry determined by Doppler o These results suggest a clinical role for preeclampsia prediction,
ultrasound in the first two trimesters might provide indirect especially later in pregnancy
evidence of this process and thus serve as a predictive test for o They may also predict adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with
preeclampsia lupus and comorbid anti phospholipid antibodies
o Elevated low resistance results in an abnormal vessel waveform
represented by an exaggerated diastolic notch. Other Markers
o These findings have value for prediction of fetal-growth restriction
- Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) can be detected in maternal plasma.
but not preeclampsia - It is hypothesized that cDNA is released in preeclampsia by accelerated
o Several low velocity waveforms have been investigated for apoptosis of cytotrophoblasts
preeclampsia prediction; however, none is suitable for clinical use. - One MFMU Network study found no correlation between total cfDNA
levels and preeclampsia.
Fetal-Placental Unit Endocrine Function
- In general, none of these tests are clinically beneficial for hypertension - Proteomic, metabolomic, and transcriptomic technologies can be
prediction. employed to study serum and urinary proteins and cellular metabolites.
These have opened new vistas for preeclampsia prediction, and
Renal Function Tests preliminary studies indicate that these may become useful
- Hyperuricemia likely results
o Reduced uric acid clearance from diminished glomerular filtration
o Increased tubular reabsorption
o Decreased secretion PREVENTION
- Sensitivity to detect preeclampsia
o Ranged from 0 to 55 percent,
o Specificity was 77 to 95 percent.

- Isolated gestational proteinuria is a risk factor for preeclampsia

- As a predictive test for preeclampsia, microalbuminuria has sensitivities
that range
o from 7 to 90 percent and specificities that span 29 to 97 percent

Endothelial Dysfunction and Oxidant Stress

- Endothelial activation and inflammation are major participants in the
pathophysiology of the preeclampsia syndrome.

- First, ibronectins are high-molecular-weight glycoproteins released

from endothelial cells and extracellular matrix following endothelial
injury. However, in one systematic review, neither cellular nor total
ibronectin levels were clinically useful to predict preeclampsia
- Low salt, diet – earliest efforts to prevent preeclampsia
- Thrombocytopenia and platelet dysfunction are integral features of - Regular exercise
preeclampsia. Platelet activation causes augmented destruction and - Bed rest (4-6 hours daily)
lower concentrations. - Does not work: Calcium supplementation, Fat Supplementation and
- Mean platelet volume rises because of platelet immaturity Antihypertensive agents
- Although markers of coagulation activation,are elevated, the substantive
overlap with levels in normotensive pregnant women stultifies their Antioxidants
predictive value. - Statins may prevent hypertensive disorders of pregnancy

- Markers of oxidative stress were also hoped to predict preeclampsia. Antithrombotic Agents
Namely, associated higher levels of lipid peroxides coupled with
decreased antioxidant activity raised this possibility. - Antiplatelet agents  Decreased by 10 percent
- Aspirin prophylaxis initiated before 16 weeks' gestation was associated
- Other markers include iron, transferrin, and ferritin; resistin; with a significant risk reduction about 60 percent-for preeclampsia and
hyperhomocysteinemia; blood lipids, including triglycerides, free fatty fetal-growth restriction.
acids, and lipoproteins; and antioxidants such as ascorbic acid and o Recommends low-dose aspirin be given between 12- and 28-
vitamin E. However, these have not been found to be predictive. weeks’ gestation to help prevent preeclampsia in high-risk women.
- Reported better pregnancy outcomes in women with prior severe
- Last, an imbalance in antiangiogenic factors is linked to preeclampsia preeclampsia given low-molecular weight heparin plus low-dose aspirin
etiopathogenesis. compared with those given low-dose aspirin alone.

o Serum levels of VEGF and PIGF begin to drop before clinical PREECLAMPSIA
preeclampsia develops. - Increases in systolic and diastolic blood pressure can be either normal
o Levels of some antiangiogenic factors, such as sFlt-1 and sEng, physiological changes or signs of developing pathology
- The basic management objectives for any pregnancy complicated by
begin to rise
preeclampsia are:
o With some of these factors, sensitivities for all cases of
o (1) Termination of pregnancy with the least possible trauma to
preeclampsia ranged from 30 to 50 percent, and specificity
mother and fetus,
approximated 90 percent.
o (2) Birth of a healthy newborn that subsequently thrives, and
o Their predictive accuracy is higher for early-onset preeclampsia

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o (3) Complete restoration of health to the mother. - Progression to overt preeclampsia and labor inductions were
- In many women with preeclampsia, especially those at or near term, all significantly greater in the routine outpatient management group
three objectives are served equally well by induction of labor. - In sum, either inpatient or close outpatient management is appropriate
- One of the most important clinical question for successful management for a woman with mild de novo hypertension, including those with nons
is precise knowledge of fetal age evere preeclampsia
- That said, the key to success is close surveillance and a conscientious
Early Diagnosis of Preeclampsia patient with good home support.
o with new-onset diastolic blood pressures >80 mm Hg but <90 mm
Antihypertensive Therapy for Mild to Moderate Hypertension
o Sudden abnormal weight gain of more than 2 pounds per week - The frequency of growth restricted neonates was doubled in women
have, at minimum, returned for visits at 7 -day intervals. given labetalol
- Women with overt new-onset hypertension-either diastolic pressures
>90 mm Hg or systolic pressures >140 mm Hg-are admitted determining Delayed delivery
if the increase is due to preeclampsia, and if so, to evaluate its severity.
Expectant Management of Preterm Eclampsia
Evaluation - Conclusion: women with partial HELLP syndrome and those with
severe preeclampsia alone could be managed expectantly
- Fetal-growth restriction was common

Expectant management of Midtrimester Severe Preeclampsia

- Pregnancy termination because no neonates survived when delivered
before 23 weeks
- For women with pregnancies at 24 to 26 weeks, perinatal survival
approached 60 percent, and it averaged almost 90 percent for those at 26
- We do not recommend such management.

- In sum, goals of evaluation:

o Early identification of preeclampsia or worsening of the syndrome
o Development of a management plan for timely delivery
- Complete abatement of all signs and symptoms, however, is uncommon
until after delivery

Consideration for delivery

- Termination of pregnancy  only cure for preeclampsia
- Headache, visual disturbances, or epigastric pain are indicative that
convulsions may be imminent, and oliguria is another ominous sign.
- Severe preeclampsia demands anticonvulsant and often antihypertensive
therapy, followed by delivery.
- The prime objectives:
o Forestall convulsions,
o Prevent intracranial hemorrhage and serious damage to other vital
o Deliver a healthy newborn.
 True even when the cervix is unfavorable
 Labor induction is carried out, usually with preinduction
cervical ripening with a prostaglandin or osmotic dilator
- Most recommend frequent performance of nonstress testing or
biophysical profiles to assess fetal well-being
- An sFlt-l IPlGF ratio <38 is predictive of the short-term absence of

Hospitalization versus Outpatient Management

- Outpatient management may continue as long as preeclampsia syndrome
does not worsen, and fetal jeopardy is not suspected
- Women in the home care group developed severe preeclampsia
significantly more frequently than hospitalized women

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Glucocorticoids for Lung Maturation


- Women with preeclampsia-eclampsia usually are given magnesium
sulfate during labor and for 24 hours postpartum.
- Magnesian sulfate is not given to treat hypertension
- Midazolam or lorazepam prolonged use -> Aspiration pneumonia
- Typically, the mother stops convulsing after the initial 4-g loading dose.
By an hour or two, she regains consciousness sufficiently to be oriented
to place and time.

- Treatment does not seem to worsen maternal hypertension, and a lower

incidence of respiratory distress and improved fetal survival rates have
been cited
- Rates of neonatal complications that were reduced when betamethasone
was given
o Respiratory distress,
o Intraventricular hemorrhage,
o Death

Expectant Management Recommendations

- Studies do not show overwhelming benefits compared with maternal
risks for expectant management of severe preeclampsia in women with
gestations from 24 to 32 weeks.
- Reasonable alternative in selected women with severe preeclampsia ECLAMPSIA
before 34 weeks - Preeclampsia complicated by generalized tonic-clonic convulsion
- Major maternal complications included
Corticosteroid to Ameliorate HELLP Syndrome o placental abruption- 10 %,
- No benefits were gained from corticosteroid therapy o neurological deficits- 7 %,
- NOT recommend corticosteroid treatment for thrombocytopenia with o aspiration pneumonia- 7 %,
HELLP syndrome. o pulmonary edema- 5 %,
o cardiopulmonary arrest- 4 %,
Experimental Therapies o acute renal failure- 4%
- Eclampsia is most common in the last trimester and becomes
- Therapies have attempted to lower serum levels or mitigate the action of
increasingly frequent as term approaches.
antiangiogenic factors.
- Other diagnoses should be considered in
- Some of these include
o women with convulsions more than 48 hours postpartum
o Therapeutic apheresis  lower sFlt-1 levels
o women with focal neurological deficits, prolonged coma, or atypical
o Pravastatin  preeclampsia prevention
o Sildenafil citrate, a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, has been provided
to promote vasodilation
- As with severe preeclampsia, urinary output rises after delivery and is Clinical Finings with Eclampsia
usually an early sign of improvement. - After seizure  Postictal
- With renal dysfunction, serum creatinine levels are serially monitored. - Status epilepticus
Proteinuria and edema ordinarily disappear within a week postpartum. In - The respiratory rate after an eclamptic convulsion is usually increased
most cases, blood pressure returns to normal within a few days to 2 and may reach 50 or more per minute in response to hypercarbia, lactic
weeks after delivery acidemia, and transient hypoxia. Cyanosis may be observed in severe
MANAGEMENT OF ECLAMPSIA - High fever is a grave sign  it likely emanates from cerebrovascular
- Magnesium sulfate is highly effective to prevent convulsions in women hemorrhage
with preeclampsia and to stop them in those with eclampsia. - Proteinuria is usually, but not always present
- Urine output may be diminished appreciably
- Maintenance magnesium sulfate therapy has traditionally been continued
for 24 hours after delivery.
- For eclampsia that develops postpartum,

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Obstetrics | Hypertensive Disorder
o magnesium sulfate is administered for 12-24 hours after the onset of
Maternal safety and Efficacy
Pharmacology and Toxicology - magnesium sulfate therapy was associated with a significantly lower
incidence of recurrent seizures (9.7 percent) compared with women
- Serum creatinine levels must be measured to detect a decreased
given phenytoin (28 percent) or diazepam (17 percent)
glomerular filtration rate
- aggregate maternal death rate of 3.2 percent with magnesium sulfate was
- Eclamptic convulsions are almost always prevented or arrested by
significantly lower
plasma magnesium levels maintained at
 4 to 7 mEq/L,
 4.8 to 8.4 mg/dL,
 2.0 to 3.5 mmol/L.
- Obese women would require 3 gl hr to maintain effective plasma levels.
That said, most currently do not recommend routine magnesium level Severe hypertension Management
measurements - Recommend treatment to lower
o systolic pressures to or below 160 mm Hg
- Plasma magnesium level o diastolic pressure to or below 110 mm HG
o 10 mEq/L - Long-standing hypertension  Charcot-Bouchard aneurysms
 Patellar reflexes disappear when the - presumably because of a - The three most commonly employed are recommended as first-line
curariform action. agents
 Sign serves to warn of impending magnesium toxicity o Hydralazine
o above 10 mEq/L o Labetalol
 breathing becomes weakened. o Nifedipine
o 12 mEq/L or higher levels,
 respiratory paralysis and respiratory arrest follow HYDRALAZINE
- Most commonly used antihypertensive agent
Treatment with calcium gluconate or calcium chloride, 1 g IV, along with
- Hydralazine is administered intravenously
discontinuation of further magnesium sulfate, usually reverses mild to
o 5- to 10-mg initial dose,
moderate respiratory depression
o followed by 10-mg doses at 15- to 20-minute intervals until a
- For severe respiratory depression and arrest, prompt tracheal intubation satisfactory response is achieved.
and mechanical ventilation are lifesaving - Recommends labetalol therapy if severe hypertension persists after the
- The initial 4-g loading dose of magnesium sulfate can be safely second dose.
administered regardless of renal function. - Antepartum or intrapartum, the target response is a decline in
o Loading dose achieves the desired therapeutic level o Systolic pressure to < 160 mm Hg
o infusion maintains the steady-state level o Diastolic blood pressure to 90 to 1 10 mm Hg.
- Thus, only the maintenance infusion rate should be altered with - Hydralazine has proven remarkably effective to prevent cerebral
diminished glomerular filtration rate hemorrhage
- Whenever plasma creatinine levels are >1.0 mg/mL, - Its onset of action can be as rapid as 10 minutes. Although repeated
o Serum magnesium levels are determined to guide the infusion rate. administration every 15 to 20 minutes may theoretically lead to
undesirable hypotension
- Magnesium lowers systemic vascular resistance and mean arterial
- Protocol: Always administer 5 mg as the initial dose
pressure. At the same time, cardiac output is increased
o A/E: FHR decelerations characteristic of uteroplacental
- Findings are coincidental with transient nausea and flushing, and the
cardiovascular effects persist for only 15 minutes despite continued insufficiency
magnesium infusion.

Other Effects LABETALOL

- a- and non-selective beta block
- Magnesium has anticonvulsant and neuroprotective effects
- Fewer side effects (not given to asthmatics)
- Some proposed mechanisms of action include:
o 10 mg intravenously initially.
o (1) Reduced presynaptic release of the neurotransmitter glutamate,
o If the blood pressure has not decreased to the desirable level in 10
o (2) Blockade of glutamatergic N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)
minutes, then 20 mg is given.
o The next 10-minute incremental dose is 40 mg and is followed by
o (3) Potentiation of adenosine action,
another 40 mg if needed
o (4) Improved calcium buffering by mitochondria
o If a salutary response is not achieved, then an 80-mg dose is given.
o (5) Blockage of calcium entry via voltage-gated channels
- Sibai (2003) recommends 20 to 40 mg every 10 to 1 5 minutes as needed
- Inhibition of uterine contractility is magnesium dose dependent, and and a maximum dose of 220 mg per treatment cycle
serum levels of at least 8 to 1 0 mEq/L are necessary to inhibit uterine - ACOG recommends starting with a 20-mg intravenous bolus.
contractions o If not effective within 1 0 minutes, this is followed by 40 mg, then
80 mg every 1 0 minutes.
Fetal and Neonatal Effects o If hypertension persists, hydralazine is then given.
- Appears safe for perinates - Comparative studies
- Neonatal depression occurs only if hypermagnesemia at delivery is o Labetalol lowered blood pressure more rapidly, and associated
severe. tachycardia was minimal. But, hydralazine lowered mean arterial
- Protective effect of magnesium against the development of cerebral pressures to safe levels more effectively
palsy in very-Iow birthweight newborns o Hydralazine causes significantly more maternal tachycardia and
- In cases of preterm labor, magnesium has been given for several days for palpitations, whereas labetalol more frequently leads to maternal
tocolysis hypotension and bradycardia.
- Administration in these instances has been associated with neonatal o Both drugs have been associated with a reduced frequency of fetal
osteopenia heart rate accelerations

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Obstetrics | Hypertensive Disorder
- Recommend: women with “mild” preeclampsia do not need
NIFEDIPINE magnesium sulfate neuro-prophylaxis
- orally administered calcium-channel blocking agent (Sublingually -- no
longer recommended)
- recommend a 10-mg initial immediate-release oral dose to be followed Selective Versus Universal Prophylaxis
in 20 to 30 minutes with 1 0 to 20 mg if necessary
- If not satisfactory, this is followed by labetalol.
- Does not potentiate magnesium related effects

Other Antihypertensive agents

- verapamil, nitroglycerin, nitroprusside, ketanserin, nicardipine, and

- Further compromise placental perfusion
- Redistribution of the intravascular volume
- Antepartum furosemide or similar drugs solely to treat pulmonary

- Lactated Ringer solution is administered routinely at a rate between 60
and 125 mL per hour, unless fluid loss is unusual from vomiting,
diarrhea, or diaphoresis, or, more likely, excessive blood loss with
- Oliguria is common with severe preeclampsia.
- Conservative fluid administration is preferred for the typical
woman with severe preeclampsia who already has excessive
extracellular fluid that is inappropriately distributed between
intravascular and extravascular spaces.
- Infusion of large fluid volumes enhances the maldistribution and thereby - Give magnesium neuroprohylaxis to women with severe criteria
appreciably elevates the risk of pulmonary and cerebral edema
- For preeclamptic women with anuria, ANALGESIA AND ANESTHESIA
o Small incremental boluses can be given to maintain urine output - Initial problems with this method included hypotension and diminished
above 30 mL per hour. uterine perfusion caused by sympathetic blockade in preeclamptic
- For labor analgesia with neuraxial analgesia women, with already attenuated hypervolemia.
o Crystalloid solutions are infused slowly in graded amounts - It was concluded that all three are acceptable for use in women with
pregnancies complicated by severe preeclampsia if steps are taken to
Pulmonary edema ensure a careful approach to the selected method.
- With suspected pulmonary edema in the eclamptic woman, aspiration of - Importantly, epidural analgesia is not considered treatment²of
gastric contents, which may be the result of convulsions, anesthesia, or preeclampsia
oversedation, should be excluded. - Judicious fluid administration is essential in severely preeclamptic
- Three common causes of pulmonary edema in women with severe women who receive regional analgesia
preeclampsia syndrome - Vigorous crystalloid infusion with epidural blockade in women with
o Pulmonary capillary permeability edema, severe preeclampsia elevates pulmonary capillary wedge pressures
- Aggressive volume replacement in preeclamptic women raises their risk
o Cardiogenic edema
for pulmonary edema, especially in the first 72 hours postpartum
o Combination of the two.
- Finally, most cases of pharyngolaryngeal edema are related to
- Moreover, both increased extravascular fluid oncotic pressure and aggressive volume therapy
increased capillary permeability are found in women with preeclampsia
Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring - Hemoconcentration or lack of normal pregnancy-induced hypervolemia
- The Task Force (2013) recommends against routine invasive monitoring is an almost predictable feature of severe preeclampsia-eclampsia
- Monitoring is best reserved for severely preeclamptic women with - When oliguria follows delivery, the hematocrit should be evaluated
accompanying cardiac disease, renal disease, or both or with refractory frequently to help detect excessive blood loss.
hypertension, oliguria, and pulmonary edema. - If identified, hemorrhage should be treated appropriately by crystalloid
and blood transfusion.
- May predispose to serious complications  Pulmonary edema.. PERSISTENT SEVERE POSTPARTUM HYPERTENSION
- No significant difference - Although severe postpartum hypertension usually follows labor and
delivery complicated by hypertension, 8 percent of women develop de
NEUROPHYLAXIS – PREVENTION OF SEIZURES novo hypertension postpartum
- In all studies, magnesium sulfate was reported to be superior to the - In either case, if difficulty arises in controlling severe hypertension or if
comparator agent to prevent eclampsia intravenous hydralazine or labetalol are being used repeatedly, then oral
regimens can be given
Who Should Be Given Magnesium Sulfate? - Chronic, but not sporadic, administration of some nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs, namely ibuprofen, may aggravate postpartum
- Recommend that women with either eclampsia or severe preeclampsia
hypertension in those with preeclampsia
should be given magnesium folate prophylaxis

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Obstetrics | Hypertensive Disorder
- Women with severe preeclampsia often have an immediate postpartum RENAL SEQUELAE
weight in excess of their last prenatal weight - Preeclampsia was associated with a fourfold greater risk
- If the weight increase is associated with severe persistent postpartum - Almost 15 percent of previously preeclamptic women have renal
hypertension, then diuresis with intravenous furosemide is usually dysfunction
helpful in controlling blood pressure
o After 2 days, women with severe preeclampsia who were treated, - Brain white-matter lesions that followed eclamptic convulsions persist
compared with those receiving placebo, had a lower mean systolic - a cause versus an effect of these white-matter lesions remains unknown.
blood pressure
o less frequently required supplemental antihypertensive therapy
during the remainder of hospitalization
o Prophylactic therapy (nifedipine + furosemide / nifedipine alone)
significantly lowered the need for an additional antihypertensive
- Women have an atypical syndrome in which severe preeclampsia-
eclampsia persists despite delivery  advocate single or multiple
plasma exchange for these women
- Rapid diagnostic test for ADAMTS-1 3 enzyme activity might be
helpful to differentiate most of these syndromes.

Reversible Cerebral Vasoconstriction

- Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome is characterized by
diffuse segmental constriction of cerebral arteries and may be associated
with ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes.
- " thunderclap" headaches, seizures, and central nervous system Findings.
- Form of postpartum angiopathy.


- Evidence has accrued that the preeclampsia syndrome is a marker for
subsequent long-term cardiovascular and related morbidity and mortality
- The working group of the NHBPEP (2000) concluded that hypertension
attributable to pregnancy should resolve within 12 weeks of delivery.
- Hypertension persisting beyond this time is considered chronic
- Even if hypertension does not persist in the short term, convincing
evidence suggests a higher risk for long-term cardiovascular morbidity.

- Prevalence of IHD and stroke, were significantly increased in women
who had gestational hypertension compared with normotensive controls
- Diastolic dysfunction is also more common
- Risk for coronary artery calcification and idiopathic cardiomyopathy
- Incidence of chronic hypertension was fivefold higher in those who had
gestational hypertension, 3.5-fold greater after mild preeclampsia, and
sixfold higher after severe preeclampsia.
- pregnancy-associated hypertension is at increased risk for type 2
- Other factors: Metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia and
- Individuals who are born pre-term have greater ventricular mass later in
- Have an increased ventricular mass index before they become
- Hypertensive cardiovascular pathologies appear to have begun near the
time of their own births
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