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IDE 20 Photography, Media, and Society

Media Campaign Proposal

Campaign Title Make a creative and appealing title for your project

Social Media Goals & Objectives This section is all about managing your prospective client’s expectations,
showing that you understand their needs and how you can help them.

Analysis & Strategy Analyze the current efforts of your client’s social media (if they have any)
and give reasons why it’s not working for them.

Target Audience: Identify your target audience and make a brief overview or background

Type of Media Materials: Identify the type of media materials to be used (explainer video, poster,
brochure, etc)

Media Platform Identify the best media platform you will be using.

Project Overview: highlight what makes good social content

Logo: Explain thoroughly your campaign logo

Tagline/Call to Action: Make a creative, simple, and engaging tagline.

Name of Members: List all the contributors


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