Mechanical Behavior of Nickel + Aluminum Powder-Reinforced Epoxy Composites

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Materials Science and Engineering A 443 (2007) 209–218

Mechanical behavior of nickel + aluminum powder-reinforced

epoxy composites
M. Martin a , S. Hanagud b , N.N. Thadhani a,∗
a School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, United States
b School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, United States

Received 18 May 2006; received in revised form 9 August 2006; accepted 30 August 2006

The mechanical behavior of composites containing micro-sized Ni particles and micro- or nano-sized Al particles, fabricated by casting/curing
with epoxy, were studied to investigate their mechanical behavior for potential application as structural energetic materials. Reverse Taylor anvil-
on-rod impact tests combined with high-speed digital photography provided information about the high-strain-rate transient deformation and failure
response. The nano Al-containing composite exhibited a higher elastic modulus and static and dynamic compressive strengths than pure epoxy and
micro Al-containing composite due to increased cross-link density, as revealed by dynamic mechanical analysis. Microstructural characterization
of the cast composites revealed that micro-sized Ni and Al remained homogeneously and intimately mixed within the epoxy matrix. In contrast, the
composites containing micro Ni and nano Al showed separation of the nano Al particles, effectively forming a nano Al + epoxy matrix surrounding
the Ni particles and consequently altering the physical response and enhancing the mechanical properties of the composite.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Nanocomposite; Cross-link density; Dynamic mechanical properties; Strain hardening

1. Introduction mixture (Hf < −2.0 MJ/kg) [3] reinforcements in an epoxy

matrix which can provide the combination of properties of struc-
Composite materials provide the opportunity to combine con- tural and energetic materials.
flicting properties and design materials for applications requir- Understanding the mechanical properties of reinforced com-
ing multiple functionalities. A combination of structural and posites under static and dynamic loading conditions is an
energetic functions can be attained through use of reactive rein- essential element in the design of MESMs. Static mechanical
forcements in polymer-matrix composites, but the conflicting properties can be obtained by conventional mechanical testing
requirements for reactivity and strength make design of such approaches. Dynamic mechanical properties at strain rates of
materials a challenging task. Composites with polymeric matri- 102 to 105 s−1 can be measured using the Taylor rod-on-anvil
ces and hard, non-dissipative fillers can possess high stiffness impact experiment [4] or its reverse configuration [5], in which a
and high damping, which is ideal for structural properties. Addi- rigid anvil mounted on a sabot is accelerated to impact a station-
tion of polymers to Ni + Al intermetallic-forming mixtures [1] ary rod-shaped sample. With either configuration, a measure
and Al + Fe2 O3 thermite powder mixtures [2] has been shown of average dynamic yield strength can be obtained by corre-
to significantly affect the energetics of the reaction between lating the areal expansion of the impact face [4], or length
the powders. Combination of these attributes can potentially change [6] of the specimen, with the impact velocity and density.
result in a material with desirable structural and energetic prop- The Taylor impact test, which is more traditionally employed
erties. The work presented in this paper is part of an effort for metallic samples, has also been applied to polymeric sys-
focused on design of multifunctional energetic structural materi- tems [7–9]. The dynamic mechanical behavior of composite
als (MESMs) based on use of highly exothermic Ni + Al powder systems containing reactive powder mixtures has only recently
been investigated [1,10], although Taylor anvil impact tests have
been used to establish the deformation characteristics of plastic
∗ Corresponding author. bonded explosives (PBX) [1,11,12]. In these studies it has been
E-mail address: (N.N. Thadhani). shown that there is a critical velocity below which no permanent

0921-5093/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
210 M. Martin et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 443 (2007) 209–218

macroscopic deformation occurs. Above the critical velocity, mixing in a V-blender for 24 h. Particle size distributions for
radial cracks originate on the outer edges and propagate toward both micro-sized Ni and Al particles are presented in Fig. 1(a)
the center resulting in complete fracture of the material. Studies and (b); the average Ni particle size is 21 ␮m and the average
of the dynamic properties of an epoxy matrix filled with Al or Al particle size is 17 ␮m. Fig. 2(a) and (b) shows SEM images
Fe particles have revealed that the matrix becomes the principal revealing the morphology of the as-mixed particles. It can be
load-carrying element and metal powder filler provides a rein- seen that while the micro-sized Ni and Al powders appear as
forcing effect due to restraint of the matrix [13]. This concept a homogeneous mixture of discrete particles (Fig. 2(a)), the
can be exploited by using reactive powder filler to provide the mixture of micro Ni with nano Al shows the obvious disparity
restraint on the matrix, thus achieving structural strength and in respective particle sizes (Fig. 2(b)). Furthermore, the nano Al
reactive capability. particles form a dusting on the larger micro Ni powder particles,
In this paper, we report on the static and dynamic struc- which can be seen more clearly in the insert in Fig. 2(b).
tural/mechanical properties of Ni + Al-reinforced epoxy com- Cylindrical samples of Ni + Al powder-reinforced compos-
posites (20 wt.% epoxy) containing micro-sized Ni particles and ites were fabricated by casting/curing with epoxy (92.3 wt.%
micro- or nano-sized Al. Pure epoxy is also examined for com- Epon® Resin 826, Miller-Stephenson; 7.7 wt.% diethanolamine
parison. hardener, Sigma–Aldrich). The composites were composed of
61.33% Ni, 18.67% Al and 20% epoxy by weight, or 22.15% Ni,
2. Experimental setup 22.15% Al, and 55.7% epoxy by volume. Pure epoxy specimens
were also cast under similar conditions for use as a reference
Equivolumetric (76.6 wt.% Ni, 23.4 wt.% Al) dry powder material. To prepare these samples, the Ni + Al powder mix-
mixtures of micro Ni (−325 mesh, Cerac) with micro Al tures were first heated in an oven at 120 ◦ C for 2 h to eliminate
(−325 mesh, Cerac) or nano Al (average diameter 56.3 nm any moisture. Simultaneously, Epon® Resin 826 (92.3 wt.% of
with 2.1 nm oxide coating, Technanogy) were prepared by epoxy) was heated at 120 ◦ C to decrease its viscosity. The desired

Fig. 1. Particle size distributions for the micro-sized Ni and Al particles. The average Ni particle size is 21 ␮m and the average Al particle size is 17 ␮m. (a) Ni
particle size distribution and (b) Al particle size distribution.

Fig. 2. SEM images revealing the morphology of as-mixed Ni and Al powder particles. (a) The mixture of micro Ni and micro Al powders shows discrete particles,
whereas (b) the mixture of micro Ni and nano Al shows obvious disparity in respective particle sizes resulting in the nano Al actually forming a dusting on the larger
micro Ni powder particles. The inset shows a closer view of the nano Al particle dusting on the surface of the larger Ni particles.
M. Martin et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 443 (2007) 209–218 211

Fig. 3. SEM micrographs showing the microstructure of the cast materials. (a) Micrograph of polished Ni + micro Al + epoxy section showing the geometry of the
particles, a homogeneous distribution with no clustering and evidence of three distinct phases: white Ni, dark Al and gray epoxy matrix. (b)–(d) Micrographs of static
fracture surfaces of the Ni + nano Al + epoxy composite. (b) A low magnification view of the composite with the light contrast being Ni particles and the remainder
a mixture of nano Al and epoxy. (c) A higher magnification view of the nano-containing composite which shows the nano Al has become dispersed in the epoxy. (d)
The surfaces of several Ni particles which are completely clean and free of the nano Al dusting observed before casting (Fig. 2(b)).

amounts of the powder mixtures and the resin were then mixed longer form a dusting on the Ni particles as was observed after
for about 3 min using a mixing blade mounted on a drill, and powder mixing Fig. 2(b). It appears from these images that the
placed back into the 120 ◦ C oven for another 15 min to aid the composite containing nano Al effectively has only two compo-
mixing by further decreasing the viscosity of epoxy. After the nents: the Ni particles in a matrix of nano Al-containing epoxy.
resin and powders were fully mixed, the diethanolamine hard- The densities of the cast rods were measured via ASTM Stan-
ener (7.7 wt.% of epoxy) was added to the mixture and blended dard C 914-95: standard test method for bulk density and volume
using the home-made mixing device. The mixture was again of solid refractories by wax immersion. The densities of all three
placed in the oven for about 15 min. Next, the mixture was materials are reported in Table 1 and are based on an average of
degassed in a desiccator under vacuum for about 5 min (until multiple measurements performed on multiple specimens. The
a pressure of ∼1–2 Torr was achieved) to remove air bubbles, two composites have the same composition and vary only by par-
followed by reheating for an additional 30 min. Casting was ticle size, but the composite containing nano Al has a slightly
performed by pouring into Al molds (coated with grease on lower density. No obvious porosity was observed in the nano
the inside) of 0.6 in. diameter and 6 in. length, which were then Al-containing composites to account for the lower density of
placed in a 70–80 ◦ C oven for 48 h to allow complete curing. The this composite, which was consistently measured.
cured samples were removed from the molds and machined into Mechanical properties of the processed materials were eval-
various sized rods for testing. Microstructures of the cast com- uated using static compression tests and dynamic reverse
posite materials are shown in Fig. 3(a)–(d). Fig. 3(a) shows the
Ni + micro Al + epoxy composite, which has a relatively homo-
geneous and uniform distribution of both particle types. This Table 1
material clearly shows three distinct components; Ni is the light Experimentally measured mechanical properties of pure epoxy and Ni + Al
contrast phase, Al the dark contrast phase, and epoxy is the gray- powder-reinforced composites
ish contrast matrix. Fig. 3(b) shows the nano Al-containing com- Material Density Measured Measured
posite, which also exhibits homogeneous and uniform distribu- (g/cm3 ) E (GPa) σ y (MPa)
tion of the Ni particles in the epoxy matrix (the nano Al particles Epoxy 1.19 ± 0.00 3.0 ± 0.5 100.0 ± 4.1
cannot be discerned at that magnification). Higher magnification Micro Ni + micro Ni + epoxy 3.50 ± 0.13 7.5 ± 0.8 103.8 ± 12.2
images of the fracture surfaces of the Ni + nano Al + epoxy com- Micro Ni + nano Al + epoxy 3.26 ± 0.01 11.4 ± 1.3 156.8 ± 4.4
posite shown in Fig. 3(c) and (d) reveal that the nano Al particles Density was measured via Archimedes method and modulus and yield strength
have been dispersed in the epoxy matrix during casting and no were determined from the compressive stress–strain curves.
212 M. Martin et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 443 (2007) 209–218

Fig. 4. (a) Schematic illustrating the reverse Taylor impact test setup showing the anvil-on-rod impact configuration, imaging with high-speed camera, and catch
tank for soft recovery of impacted sample. (b) Schematic illustrating the view down the impact axis of the rod-shaped sample epoxy mounted in an opening (with a
diameter greater than twice that of the specimen) in an acrylic ring.

(anvil-on-rod) Taylor [4] impact tests. Static compression tests kept consistent for all experiments. The rod-shaped sample was
were performed using a SATECTM Universal Materials Test- secured into an opening (with a diameter greater than twice that
ing Machine at a loading rate of 0.248 mm/s. These tests were of the specimen) in the center of a 3 mm thick acrylic target
performed on five cylindrical samples (15 mm diameter, 30 mm ring (Fig. 4(b)) using a brittle epoxy, such that about 1/4 of the
length) of each type of cast material according to ASTM Stan- sample length was on the back side of the target ring, and the
dard D 695-02a: standard test method for compressive properties remaining 3/4 was on the impact side. This sample mounting
of rigid plastics. configuration insured that the sample was almost free stand-
Dynamic reverse Taylor anvil-on-rod impact tests were ing with no obvious interference of the acrylic mounting ring
performed using a helium-driven 80 mm barrel gas gun. A or epoxy with the deformation of the specimen, at least within
schematic of the reverse Taylor impact test setup is shown in the time interval before fracture, as revealed by digital imaging
Fig. 4(a). For each experiment, the projectile (80 mm diameter of the impact-induced deformation process. The mounting ring
6061 Al sabot with a ∼7 mm thick maraging steel rigid anvil flyer also does not interfere with specimen recovery since the open-
plate secured to the front surface) was accelerated at a velocity ing is much larger than the diameter of the specimen, allowing
ranging from 88 to 152 m/s to impact a cylindrical rod (12.5 mm even the deformed specimen to pass through without impacting
diameter, 50 mm length) of cast material. It should be noted the mounting ring; specimens that do not fracture during impact
that whereas the traditional Taylor test employs a rigid anvil of are recovered from the rag-packed catch tank. Prior to impact,
infinite thickness, the reverse impact configuration used in this the sample assembly was aligned using a laser beam to ensure
study employed an anvil of finite thickness (∼7 mm), which was a planar-parallel impact.
M. Martin et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 443 (2007) 209–218 213

Fig. 5. Example of 6 of 16 high-speed digital camera images revealing transient deformation profiles for experiment performed on pure epoxy sample at 152 m/s.
Images are backlit and show a side view of the specimen held by an acrylic mounting ring as the Al sabot and rigid steel plate are accelerated toward it (from the
left). The time in each frame is referenced to the time of impact, where t = 0 ␮s at impact.

An Imacon-200 high-speed digital camera was used to cap- epoxy to determine the storage modulus of the various sam-
ture images of the transient deformation of the specimen upon ples. The tests were performed at a frequency of 1 Hz on
impact with the projectile. The camera recorded 16 frames at a 15 mm × 3 mm × 1 mm samples using a three-point bend clamp
maximum rate of 200 million frames per second with each frame with a span of 10 mm. Load application was parallel to the 1 mm
having a resolution of 1280 × 1024 pixels. The timing between thickness direction of the sample. After equilibrating at −25 ◦ C
the 16 frames was adjusted such that the images were captured as and holding isothermally for 1 min, tests were performed from
follows—one immediately before impact, one at impact, and the −25 to 150 ◦ C at a heating rate of 5 ◦ C/min in a nitrogen atmo-
remaining 14 images separated by 5–10 ␮s intervals to capture sphere. Multiple tests were performed on multiple specimens of
the transient profiles as the sample plastically deformed and sep- each type of composite to insure repeatability and that the results
arated from the acrylic holding ring. Fig. 5 shows an example of were representative of the bulk.
the images revealing the transient deformation profiles captured
with the use of the high-speed digital camera for an experiment 3. Results and discussion
performed on a pure epoxy specimen. The high-speed images
of the transient deformation allow for analysis throughout the 3.1. Static mechanical properties
deformation path and also for analysis to be made in cases when
the specimen is not recovered due to fracture upon impact, as Static compression tests were performed on five samples of
was the case in this study. each type of composite as well as on plain epoxy. Examples
For analysis of areal (diameter) and axial (length) strain vari- of typical engineering stress–strain curves are shown in Fig. 6.
ations throughout the deformation event, the specimen profile These curves illustrate evidence of plastic deformation prior
was isolated from each individual frame using Adobe Photo- to failure, which occurred in the case of all the samples. The
shop software (Adobe; San Jose, CA). A filter was applied in composites exhibited higher elastic moduli and yield strengths
Photoshop to find the edges of the specimen; the edges could than the pure epoxy samples, and only the nano Al-containing
then be measured to within three pixels of uncertainty. The tran- composite exhibited significant strain hardening. Table 1 sum-
sient areal expansion at the impact face and decrease in length marizes the elastic modulus and yield strength values obtained
were then calculated by measuring these dimensions in pixels from the stress–strain curves for the composites and pure epoxy.
and then calibrating pixels with a known dimension in the image. The results illustrate that the illustrate that the 20 wt.% epoxy
Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) (TA Instruments; composite containing micro Ni + nano Al powders exhibits a
New Castle, DE) was performed on the composites and pure yield strength (156.80 ± 4.44 MPa) that is ∼157% higher than
214 M. Martin et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 443 (2007) 209–218
ε long
= ln (2)
Incremental strains of both types were calculated according to
Eqs. (1) and (2) by using the areal expansion at the impact face
and the length change of the specimen for each transient frame
captured in which the entire specimen was present and fracture
had not begun.
The reverse Taylor anvil-on-rod experiments were performed
on the various types of composite samples of different density
(ρ) and impact velocity (U). Hence, to eliminate any variabil-
ity in strain caused by effects of specimen density or impact
velocity, the values of areal engineering strain and longitudinal
true strain measured for each frame were normalized by ρU2 .
The normalized areal and longitudinal strain values plotted as
Fig. 6. Engineering stress–strain curves generated from static compression tests. a function of the time after impact (time when each frame was
captured) are shown in Figs. 8 and 9, respectively. Both plots
demonstrate increasing strain with time after impact. The pure
that of the pure epoxy sample (99.96 ± 4.11 MPa), whereas the epoxy sample and the composite containing micro Ni and micro
yield strength of composite containing micro Ni and micro Al Al exhibit greater areal and longitudinal strains than the com-
powders (103.80 ± 12.15 MPa) is only slightly higher than that posite containing micro Ni and nano Al. Since dynamic yield
of pure epoxy. The nano Al-containing composites also exhib- strength has been shown to be proportional to sample density and
ited an elastic modulus almost four times higher than that of pure the square of impact velocity, according to the definitions by both
epoxy, whereas the micro Ni + micro Al-containing composite Taylor [4] and Wilkins and Guinan [6], the strains normalized
exhibited a modulus slightly more than twice that of the pure by density and impact velocity provide a qualitative inference of
epoxy. the strength of the various samples. Hence, based on the plots in
Figs. 8 and 9, it can be inferred from the lower overall strain of
3.1.1. Dynamic mechanical properties the nano Al-containing composite that its dynamic flow strength
Dynamic mechanical properties of the cast composites were is higher than the pure epoxy and the Ni + micro Al-containing
measured by conducting reverse Taylor anvil-on-rod impact tests powder composite. This is in agreement with the higher static
as previously described. Experiments were performed on pure strength exhibited by the nano Al-containing composite as com-
epoxy samples at impact velocities of 85 and 152 m/s. Experi- pared to the pure epoxy and the micro Al-containing composite.
ments on the composite samples were performed at 89 m/s on It should be noted that the pure epoxy sample impacted at 85 m/s
the micro Ni + micro Al + epoxy composite and at 100 m/s on the showed no plastic deformation and it is therefore believed that
micro Ni + nano Al + epoxy composite. Whereas the pure epoxy this impact took place below the aforementioned critical veloc-
cast rod impacted at 85 m/s survived without any observable ity for this material [11,12], so this experiment was not included
plastic deformation, all other samples fractured following defor- in Figs. 8 and 9. While lack of plastic deformation of the pure
mation. Hence, the classical Taylor [4] or Wilkins and Guinan epoxy rod impacted at a similar velocity to those of the com-
[6] analyses for determining the dynamic yield strength based posite rods may imply higher yield strength of the pure epoxy
on area or length change, respectively, of the recovered impacted sample, its perfectly plastic behavior leads to significant plastic
specimen in comparison with the initial specimen could not deformation upon impact at 152 m/s and lower overall dynamic
be applied. However, incremental areal and axial strain varia- flow strength than the nano Al-containing composite.
tions could be obtained using high-speed digital images obtained
during the experiments (Fig. 5). The profiles of the deformed 3.1.2. Analysis of mechanical behavior
specimen were isolated from each image; Fig. 7(a)–(c) shows As revealed by the above-mentioned experiments, the
representative profiles obtained following image processing for addition of Ni and Al particles to epoxy produces a powder-
the samples (two composites and pure epoxy) that exhibited clear reinforced composite and increases both its static and dynamic
evidence of plastic deformation during impact. These transient strengths, particularly in the case of the composite reinforced
deformation profiles were then used to measure radial and length with micro Ni and nano Al powders. The results suggest
changes using pixel calibration obtained from a known dimen- inherent strengthening of the epoxy matrix caused by the
sion in the images. Two strain definitions commonly used in addition of nano-sized Al powders. It is unknown whether this
analysis of Taylor impact test specimens are areal engineering difference in behavior is due to the presence of an oxide coating
strain [4] and longitudinal true strain [6], which are given in Eqs. on the nanoparticles, the interaction of the nanoparticles with
(1) and (2), respectively. epoxy, or solely a particle size effect. The dissimilar composite
responses observed as a function of the variations in Al particle
A0 size (micro versus nano) were therefore further investigated
εareal = 1 − (1)
A by characterizing the fracture surfaces of samples recovered
M. Martin et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 443 (2007) 209–218 215

Fig. 7. Representative deformation profiles obtained following image processing for the samples that exhibited clear evidence of plastic deformation during impact.
(a) Pure epoxy impacted at 152 m/s, (b) micro Ni + micro Al + 20 wt.% epoxy composite impacted at 89 m/s, and (c) micro Ni + nano Al + 20 wt.% epoxy composite
impacted at 100 m/s.

following the anvil-on-rod impact experiments. The micro Ni of the micro Ni particles with no dusting of nano Al (Fig. 10(d)),
and micro Al-containing composite revealed a glassy fracture of and again there is no obvious deformation of the Ni particles. It
the epoxy matrix surrounding the particles, as seen in Fig. 10(a) is possible that the dispersion of nano Al in the epoxy is creating
and (b). Also noticeable in these figures is particle pullout from a structurally different matrix phase, and therefore providing
the epoxy matrix and the practically undeformed Ni and Al a new strengthening mechanism and altering its mechanical
particles, which indicates that the epoxy matrix was the primary response.
load bearer. The micro Ni and nano Al-containing composite Several explanations were explored for the difference in
(Fig. 10(c) and (d)) showed very different fracture behavior with behavior caused by use of nano Al particles. Use of nano Al
a rougher fracture surface due to the nano Al particles providing particles led to strain hardening, as evidenced by the static
sufficient reinforcement to increase the cohesive strength of the stress–strain curves (Fig. 6), whereas the pure epoxy and the
epoxy, which consequently reduced the glassy or brittle fracture. composite containing micro Ni and micro Al exhibited a typi-
Additionally, the nano Al particles may provide obstacles to cal perfectly plastic response, suggesting a particle size effect.
cracks formed in the epoxy matrix, resulting in less convenient One explanation for this behavior is that the epoxy matrix of
crack path and therefore more difficult fracture. The nano Al the Ni + micro Al composite absorbs the load and dominates
particles which were observed to form a dusting on the micro Ni the deformation response, whereas the load is transferred from
particles during powder mixing (as revealed in Fig. 2(b)) appear the nano Al-dispersed epoxy to the micro Ni particles in the
to have detached from the Ni particles and dispersed in the epoxy nano Al-containing composite. According to this explanation,
matrix during casting. Fracture surfaces reveal the clean surfaces the deformation response of the micro Ni particles would then
216 M. Martin et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 443 (2007) 209–218

Fig. 8. Areal strain normalized by specimen density and the square of impact Fig. 9. Longitudinal (axial) strain normalized by specimen density and the
velocity plotted as a function of time after impact for dynamic reverse Taylor square of impact velocity, plotted as a function of time after impact for
impact tests performed on pure epoxy, micro Ni + micro Al + 20 wt.% epoxy dynamic reverse Taylor impact tests performed on pure epoxy, micro Ni + micro
composite and micro Ni + nano Al + 20 wt.% epoxy composite. The plot shows Al + 20 wt.% epoxy composite and micro Ni + nano Al + 20 wt.% epoxy com-
that the nano Al-containing composite exhibits the least amount of total areal posite. The plot shows that the nano Al-containing composite exhibits the least
strain throughout the deformation process. Error bars correspond to a three-pixel amount of total axial (longitudinal) strain throughout the deformation process.
uncertainty on each edge of the specimen when measuring incremental strain Error bars correspond to a three-pixel uncertainty on each edge of the specimen
from the images. when measuring incremental strain from the images.

be expected to dominate the stress–strain behavior of the nano mary fracture mechanisms (Fig. 10(c)), with no deformation of
Al-containing composite, and hence, give rise to strain harden- the micro Ni particles (Fig. 10(d)). Hence, the strain hardening
ing, as seen in Fig. 6. However, SEM images of the fracture observed in this sample is not believed to be due to the micro
surfaces of these specimens showed brittle fracture of the nano Ni particles dominating the response, but rather due to the nano
Al-containing epoxy and pullout of the Ni particles to be the pri- Al-containing epoxy matrix.

Fig. 10. SEM micrographs of fracture surfaces of micro Ni + micro/nano Al + epoxy composites after reverse Taylor dynamic impact. (a) and (b) Ni + micro Al + epoxy
fracture surfaces showing brittle, glassy fracture in the epoxy matrix and little deformation in both the Ni and Al particles. There are also signs of pullout of the
particles from the epoxy. (c) and (d) Ni + nano Al + epoxy fracture surfaces showing a very different fracture behavior due to the dispersion of the nano Al particles
in the epoxy matrix. This nano-scale reinforcement appears to have changed the fracture mechanism and a more flaky fracture surface can be seen in addition to
particle pullout. The Ni particles remain undeformed, as with the previous case, and most deformation is absorbed by the nano Al + epoxy matrix.
M. Martin et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 443 (2007) 209–218 217

Table 2
DMA data including storage modulus, E , at 140 ◦ C and cross-link density, N, calculated based on Fig. 11 and Eq. (3)
Material E at 140 ◦ C (MPa) Cross-link density, N (nm−3 ) Cross-link spacing (nm)

Epoxy 11.69 ± 1.69 0.68 ± 0.10 1.14 ± 0.06

Ni + Al + 20% epoxy 146.13 ± 20.75 8.54 ± 1.21 0.49 ± 0.02
Ni + nano Al + 20% epoxy 233.25 ± 93.22 13.64 ± 5.45 0.43 ± 0.05

This data shows a ∼100% increase in cross-link density resulting from a reduction in Al particle size from micro to nano-scale.

The dispersion of nano Al particles in epoxy can also alter following relationship [21]:
the molecular structure of epoxy and thus change its deforma-
tion and strain hardening response. Van Melick et al. [14] have E
N= (3)
found that strain hardening in polymers is proportional to net- 3kT
work density, regardless of whether the density is caused by where N is the cross-link density, E the value of the elastic
chemical cross-links or physical entanglements. The dispersion modulus in the rubbery plateau, K Boltzmann’s constant, and
of the nano Al particles throughout the epoxy matrix can provide T is the temperature (well above Tg ) at which E is measured.
physical entanglements since nanoparticle/matrix interactions Values of cross-link density at 140 ◦ C are reported in Table 2.
lead to a loss in mobility of the chain segments [15]. Nanopar- Also reported are values of the average cross-link spacing, which
ticles have a very large surface area, and due to their increased is calculated by assuming a uniform three-dimensional cross-
contacts with the epoxy, the cohesive strength of the epoxy can link distribution [21]; cross-link spacing is the inverse cube root
increase and lead to a higher mechanical strength of the inter- of the cross-link density and merely provides a more intuitive
faces [16]. This is partially due to the mechanical interlocking means for comparison of cross-link density. The results illustrate
resulting from the extensive contact between the epoxy and the that the nano Al-containing composite indeed has a much higher
nano-sized filler particles [16,17]. Increases in strength have also cross-link density, or smaller distance between cross-links, than
been seen with increasing cross-linking density in many studies both the micro Al-containing composite and the pure epoxy sam-
[18–20]. The increase in strength and strain hardening seen in ple. Although this increase in cross-link density is physical and
the nano Al-containing composite in this study seems likely to not chemical in nature, it nevertheless explains the reason for
be induced by the entanglements and interlocking caused by the higher strength and different hardening response of the nano
dispersion of nano Al particles in the epoxy matrix. Al-containing composite as compared to the other samples. It
Dynamic mechanical analysis was utilized to further inves- should be noted that the increase in cross-link density is not the
tigate the effects of the Ni and Al particles on the behavior of only factor affecting the strengthening of the composites since
the epoxy and to verify the mechanism by which the particles the micro-scale composite also shows a significant (but lesser)
are altering the mechanical response of the epoxy. Fig. 11 is a increase in cross-link density. Other factors causing a greater
plot of storage modulus measured as a function of temperature degree of inhibition of chain mobility in the nano-containing
for the pure epoxy and the two composite samples. These traces composite than in the micro-containing composite are also pos-
show the storage modulus in the glassy region, during the glass sible and need to be explored. The observed results provide the
transition, and in the rubbery region. The storage modulus in the rationale for further exploiting this effect to alter the mechanical
rubbery region is related to cross-link density according to the behavior of epoxies via use of nano-sized particles by influenc-
ing their inherent physical structure.

4. Summary and conclusions

The structural behavior of Ni + Al + epoxy composites was

evaluated using static compression tests and dynamic reverse
Taylor anvil-on-rod impact tests performed using a gas gun
with high-speed digital photography. The material with 20 wt.%
epoxy and nano-sized Al powder showed the most superior
mechanical properties with an elastic modulus of 11.4 GPa, a
static compressive yield strength of 156 MPa and the highest
dynamic compressive strength based on comparison of incre-
mental areal and longitudinal strain values. Composites contain-
ing nano Al powder also exhibit strain hardening in addition to
increased strength. The superior mechanical properties and the
strain hardening exhibited by the nano Al-containing compos-
Fig. 11. Typical curves of storage modulus plotted as a function of temperature
based on measurements performed using DMA. The modulus in the rubbery
ite can be explained by the increased polymer network density
region, i.e., following the glass transition, is related to the cross-link density of caused by physical entanglements from the dispersion of nano
the material. Al particles in the epoxy matrix.
218 M. Martin et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 443 (2007) 209–218

Acknowledgements (Eds.), The Taylor Impact Response of PTFE (Teflon), 2004, pp. 671–
[10] L. Ferranti, N.N. Thadhani, Dynamic impact characterization of
Funding for this research was provided by AFOSR/MURI
Al + Fe2 O3 + 30% epoxy composites using time-synchronized high-speed
Grant no. F49620-02-1-0382 and a Boeing Graduate Fellowship. camera and VISAR measurements, in: N.N. Thadhani, R.W. Armstrong,
The authors would like to thank Harpreet Singh for help with A.E. Gash, W.H. Wilson (Eds.), Multifunctional Energetic Materials, MRS
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