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Date: - 08 March 2021

N. K. Orchid College of Engineering & Technology,


Parents Meet Report - S.E.

Parents meet was conducted for S.E. class on Microsoft Teams platform,
on 07th March (Sunday) 2021 at 06:30 PM. There were total 48 parents and 8
Faculty members were present for meeting. The parent meet was started with
welcoming the parents by Prof. V. P. Kulkarni after that, Mechanical
Engineering Department H.O.D. Dr. S. S. Metan had given brief presentation
about department achievements, co-curricular activities conducted by the
department, & Best practices in department. He also highlighted the activity
carried out by the Mechanical Engineering Department during lockdown period
for the completion of the syllabus for SEM-I, of this academic year (2020-21).
Prof. A. S. Dhobale (Dept T & P Coordinator) briefed about continuous
activities and Effort taken for overall development of the students right from
second year. There was at length discussion about training and placement
activity and planning for enhancing the student’s employability. He also
discussed about online Internship program for SE Students.
Parents appreciated about efforts taken by Mechanical Engineering
department about students online teaching and learning and Industrial
Training & Placement activity. Parents assured that in future the relation
between the college and parents will give productive result to the student’s
future. This parent meet (Zoom platform) was a great experience to parent and
At the end of the session vote of thanks was given by Prof. M. B. Awate

Prof. B. R. Birajdar
(Parents meet Coordinator)
Parents Meet Glimpse’s

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