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STEAM TURBINE BLADE FAILURES, CAUSES AND CORRECTION by John S. Sohre Consultant Vernon, Connecticut Jn 8, Sobre graduated from the Siete nt Teel, Chem Germany in 1951. He is @ Professional Engine! in the sate of Peay Heise member of ASME ‘ins Sohres cxpertence Includes 9 years of hop work soon sembly me EE His neicering experience tater 8 Wee, Wechancl Dean and Engineer, ing Mechanic Section, Turbines and Compressors. He pent? trait he Tony Stam Turbine Conny os Che Eng eer being eqponseferdaxcopmento Try styelS neg turbines for high-speed, high-horsepower service. Since July 1570 he hs boenan independent conotan for Turbomacin. ory Design, instalation an problem covecton ABSTRACT ‘This paper is meant to help with failure investigation, presenting a review of the causes and effects involved when, blades fail. Included are descriptions of failure mechanisms (stress; resonance; environment) and ofthe conditions causing the failures (design; material; manufacturing: operation). Also Included are chapters on failure analysis, evaluation of circum- stantial evidence, faire history, and investigative procedures ‘A table coordinates causes and effect. ‘An appendix explains methods used to compare stress levels against allowable values. INTRODUCTION ‘The requirements of variable speed and of stating while under load impose much more severe conditions upon the blading of Mechanical-Drive (MD) turbines thas, those perienced with turbine generators. At this time, blade relia ity represents a limit of technology in the development of large turbines, and it thereby introduces limiting fators into the design of process plants Vertical hima: 1.0 Failure Mechanisms LI Excessive stress 1.2 Resonance 1.3 Environmental effects NOMENCLATURE © = Steam velocity see $= Blade foil with; chord or ail, at base C= Steam velocity, at norze exit S__ = Stimulus of excitation B_ = Diameter. Pitch (mean) diameter of blading SF = A stress-level factor, for comparative purposes unless otfecwise specified inches ou SF = Lo sol cosy © nor E = Modulus of elasticity; Hale, in Servative stess levels, 2.0 indicating posible hi A Soxaveaar eae ere stress conditions worth checking, Note that this f= multiple of a parts weight (1B weight at 10,000 a very crude indiator and conclusions should not pulls wth 10,000 Ibs). be based on it. All it ts meant to indieate eee ae Whether or not a detailed check appears advisable Seam How: u Pitch line speed: ftsec., = D x RPM/229 Heat drop acost stage, usualy entropies BTU YT ih tne pee Mee Mode response factor for resonant vibration ee Stage horsepower w Root width, axial; in. ook ee factory reatve to fil base: Kn = 1 fr wy, = Blade ext velocity, relative to arf fisec. est oye factor = 1.0 for top-quality, and pine. t-® Bladetoblade pitch, at pitch diameter oF root tree root, axl o¢ tangential entry (with restraining Z_—™ Number of pulses of excitation per revolution lips) @ = Load-dissipation doefficient for shroud and/or 2 = Blade length usually from tp to base of fn) lashing eres m= Mase bs sein, i, = Foil exit angle: degrees M_ = Mach number at blade exit = velocity/acoustie 7 = Specie weight sf in velocity 3 = Damping coeficient Rotor speed; RPM € Admission ratio [180° admission are 0 (e=.5)] n= Mode of resonant vibration; eps 1 = Eficieney P= Pressure; psi pi=nozde inlet pressure, pa=bucket_ ‘Resonant frequency of blade; cps ent pressure a= Stress. See Appendix for defntions RPM = Revolutions per minute 0 PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH TURROMACHINERY SYMPOSIUM Horizontal headings: 2.0 Engineering, Design, Service Conditions 2.1 Blade design 22 Material 2.3 Manufacturing elfects 24 Stage environment and operating conditions 2.5 Maintenance offects 3.0 Symproms anel Evidence 3.1 Failure location 3.2 Fracture analysis 3.8 Surrounding evidence 34 Fallure history 3S Operating symptoms 4.0 Investigative Procedures 5.0 Remedial Action ‘The tables attempt to show areas of possible interaction: 1= possible correlation 2= probable correlation 3=highly probable correlation ‘These indicators are not meant to reflect statistica prob- abilities, but rather t show us what areas 4 fook into, and the degree of likelihood thar 2 correlation exists. The indicators tlso show us in which areas we ean oxpect the most effective ieprovements. Only the most essential considerations are covered, in a simplified and condensed format, suitable for use during failure favestgation. The procedures are not meant to be used for design analysis, being too erude for this purpose GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS When a blade failure occurs, the fst reflex reaction is usually "Resonanco!”, and off we go, into a lengthy and costly exploration of all the possible (and sometimes impossible) ‘modes of resonant vibration. We are all aware ofthe exceeding- ly detrimental effects of resonance, but it may be # good idea to sit back a minute and to consider a few basic facts Operation on resonant frequencies, under load, and in telatvely poor steam, is a fect of life with most, mechanieal- drive turbines. This fs the reason wo have such difeultis building machines over, say, 60,000 HIP, while the generator drives are far bisger, having 30 in lades inning 200020 tipspeed. The fist resonant mode ofa ixestage Dade will be about 2000 to 6000 eps, while an 15” laststage lade will come ‘out around 100 9 150 cps. The intermediate stages wil eover ‘he spectrum between these values, Considering the many ‘mores of direct, harmonic and subharmome excitation fr each of these resonant mods, there can hardly be any doubt that wwe will in on some resonances while — and this may be more important —we wil also have to pas through some of the most destructive modes during each start. accumulating. quite a few thousand highstressejeles each tine. For constant speed and no-load starting we can tune blades to avoid resonances, but not so with varlable-speed MD turbines. Evidently, certain blades mast be strong enough 10 op- erate under resonant conditions, and feof hese resonances Sl be sever. Ifa non-defective blade fs under hese com tons, was obviouny ton weak fr this Kn of sre, and stresses most be reduced to make i survive Getting vt of a fevere resonance assuming this foe the main prable) i Se i ai yn eh ny ay any & rule, 4 very Iegthy operation, involving many nce {alnteswhich can resul repeat falures and plant shutdowns ‘The weakness ofa blade — or its exposure to highly detimental \workingeeonditions is often quite obvious, and in most eases itispossible to reduce stress by sch means as making the bad ing Stonger, using beter design and quality, and by adding damping by means of caulking strips and lashing, if resonance ‘ssuspected, Excitation en be educed by smoothing the steam path. Load dissipation canbe improved by means of shrovding tnd lashing, to name a few possiblities, Other important ia provements may be obtained by using a different material, providing better, less eorroive steam: giving more attention to tmode of operation (led, back-pressire, ete.) Many more redatly applicable measures are svalable It is important to remember that blading must have a generous safety margin, 0 survive the nay abuses to which it will be exposed. I flues have occarred, it proves beyond argument that the actual margin was insufficient, for whatever reason. Itis mandatory that stress, strength, load, ov environ- ment be improved by a known factor ofa feast 9, expecaly 50 incase of repeat fsures. A minor improvement, sy 20% — such as may be obtained by better surlace finish, shot-peening, caulking ete: — fg not adequate to establish «definite mini ‘nom level of reliability. Such minor improvements may well work in some eases, and they ae, of course, aways desirable, ‘bu they should never be regarded as satisatory solutions by themselves ‘One curious situation can be observed more often than not: Money and time are spent generously ow the analysis of the failed blade, but when the time comes to make the hard- ware stronger, people settle for the skimpiest kind of improve- ment ~for cost reasons! Wauld it not be better the other way around? Homever, should always be kept firmly in mind that lade strength is, roughly, a linear function of cost, all things considered. This includes wheels and turbine length, critical speeds, ete., ete. There is no sense in asking for a stronger blade unless you are willing to foot the bill. Furthermore, in ‘any cases the problem originates with nozzles and flow irveg- tlarties. Good diaphragms are cery expensive! FAILURE INVESTIGATION 1.0 Failure Mechanisms 1.1.0 Excessive Stress ‘The total stress at any location of a blade consists of Cen- trifugal tension + centrifugal bending + steady’steam bending. + alternating bending. See appendix for stress criteria. Al- temating bending s the product of. steady bending x damping x stimulus of excitation x load dissipation (Shroud) x resonant response. LL Centrifugal Stress In steam carbines, contrifogal stress is never the principal ‘cause ofa lade failure, except inthe rare eases of turbine run- away (including reverse-rotation), or possibly with frequent start/stop service (low-oyele fatigue), Pare centrifugal stress failure would occur at 3 to 4 times normal design stress, or 15% to 100% overspeed. The failure appearance would be quite striking, being characterized by strong fracture elongation {about 20%) and area reduction in the critical areas, andlor by stripping of the rot serrations, the way threads are stripped ‘on overloaded bolts. However, centrifugal stress isan important contributing factor with fatigue failures, corrosion fatigue failures, and stress HART NO) Ore Ane FA Sx ae an Gc BATT |] amore a8) SIO axssmetng env a2ovs? a aloft Sapte. Pl] Il ml [| mal afol I alo] mo] [abl l ac lal ts | allt m)sdof | fal of | [ofl oll Tobe [l lols | at Hall = ras : a] afm i mt_[S m7 rstolroloa) 348 4 [half stata fe! |B a = Folland [REP |g ST Te =o) milo a4 fool] atta | fl col feal ralnfol _nlof all Fal _foot I feol nll ES) offs ole 5 ron aval TT t a im|ra| | a a IGS ralnlo ra Im ma] | SER ICSE ERCCEo N A al Tl Rall cs a alm a ial [ro alm 5 mal of af i coll saps a apal=bsalala || lal) [al sll ial = [al cofesfrol fl el fl ofa] vf fl] ml [ml gd dee . [ [ mm faim, _[m fa : ola) Gs He . 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