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Role of celebrity endorsement in brand positioning; a study with personal care products special reference to PUTHANATHANI area




a) up to 20 b) 21-24 c) 25-28 d) 29& Above

Marital status

a) Married b) Unmarried

Educational qualification

a) Graduated b) Post graduated c) Professional d)



a) Private company b) Government services c) Own business

d) Student e) Others

Monthly income

a) Up to 10000 b) 15001 to 20000 c) Above 20001

1) Which is your favourite TV channel?

a) ASIANET b) Surya c) Sun TV d) Others

2) Please rank the following programmes according to your preference. (1-for Highest Preference)

a) News …………………

b) Serials………………..

c) Sports…………………

d ) Cinema ……………….

e) Music …………………..

f) Others (please specify) ………………………..

CPA College of Global Studies,PUTHANATHANI

Role of celebrity endorsement in brand positioning; a study with personal care products special reference to PUTHANATHANI area

3) Amount of time spent on watching the TV programmes per day hours/ minutes.

a) 1 to 2 hours b) 2 to 4 hours c) 4 to 15 hours

d) Above 15 hours

4) In what ways TV advertisements are important to you?

(Please put a tick mark in appropriate places)

Elements Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
For Gaining product Information
Just for fun and pastime

For enjoying the creativity

Due to compulsion

To watch the celebrities

5) Whenever there is an advertisement in TV, how frequently do you change the channels?

a) Very often b) Often c) Occasionally d) Rarely

e) Never

6) Please rank the following fields of celebrities according to your preference.

( for highest preference & 6 for lowest)

a) Cinema …………

b) Sports …………….

c) Doctors………….

d) Business people……………

e) Politicians ………………

f) Others (please specify)………….

7) Which gender of celebrities do you like the most?

a) Male b) Female c) Both

CPA College of Global Studies,PUTHANATHANI

Role of celebrity endorsement in brand positioning; a study with personal care products special reference to PUTHANATHANI area

8) Please rank the expected qualities of a celebrity according to your views

(1 for Highest preference & 5 for lowest)

a) Credibility ……………….
b) Likeability ……………....
c) Physical Attractiveness ……………..
d) Recognition/Popularity …………..
e) Others (please specify) ……………

9)) According to your opinion, how far celebrity advertisement superior to Non-celebrity

Elements Very high high Neutral low Very low

Reach of

Motivation to
buy the


Reliability of


10) Attitude towards celebrity advertisement

Elements Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

agree disagree
Celebrity advertisement will
easily attract the audience
Celebrity advertisement will
increase the awareness of

CPA College of Global Studies,PUTHANATHANI

Role of celebrity endorsement in brand positioning; a study with personal care products special reference to PUTHANATHANI area

When a celebrity endorses a

brand, the image of the
brand will increase
Celebrity ads are memorable
in nature
Celebrity increase my
positive attitude and
behaviour towards the ads

11) Rank the following factors that influence you while buying a personal care product.

(1 for Highest Preference)

a) Product Quality ……………….

b) Brand Name and Brand Image ……………..
c) Company Image ………………
d) Affordable price …………………
e) Easy availability ………………….

12) Please specify the level of importance given for the following sources of information while you buy
The personal care products. (Please put a tick mark in appropriate places)

Sources Very important neutral Not important Not very

important important


Show room

Friends &

CPA College of Global Studies,PUTHANATHANI

Role of celebrity endorsement in brand positioning; a study with personal care products special reference to PUTHANATHANI area

Magazine and



13) Always take utmost care while purchasing any personal care product because it reflects My

a) Strongly Agree b) Agree c) Neutral d) Disagree

e) Strongly Disagree

14) Rank the celebrities according to your order of liking (1 for highest Preference & 7 for lowest)


b) SHREYA……………

c) SHARUKHAN ………………

d) SURYA …………….

e) SAIF ALI KHAN…………….

f) ASIN…………...

g) SUSMITA SEN ……………

15) Are you using any Fairness cream? Yes / No If yes, Please name the brand……………

16) Reason for using that brand

a) Quality brand b) Due to TV advertisement

c) Friends are using d) To attract opposite sex

CPA College of Global Studies,PUTHANATHANI

Role of celebrity endorsement in brand positioning; a study with personal care products special reference to PUTHANATHANI area

17)If you are not using Fair and Handsome cream, how likely are you to buy the Fair and Handsome
Fairness cream in the future?

a) Very likely b) Somewhat likely

c) Not sure d) Somewhat unlikely

18) Please specify the level of satisfaction for Fair and Handsome Fairness cream TV advertisement

Elements Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly

satisfied dissatisfied
Product Message

Colourfulness of the

Celebrity – brand fit

19) Name the toothpaste brand you are using now ……………………….

20) Reason for using that brand

a) Quality b) Due to TV advertisement

c) My Family members are using brand d) Reasonable price

e) any other reasons please specify

21) If you are not using Colgate Max Fresh, How likely are you to buy the Colgate Max fresh in the

a) Very likely b) Somewhat likely c) Not sure

CPA College of Global Studies,PUTHANATHANI

Role of celebrity endorsement in brand positioning; a study with personal care products special reference to PUTHANATHANI area

d) Somewhat unlikely e) Very unlikely

22) Please specify the level of satisfaction for Colgate Max Fresh TV advertisement

Element Highly Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly

satisfied dissatisfied

Product Message

Colourfulness of
the Advertisement
Celebrity – brand

23) you believe that the celebrity is using the same brand for his/her use?

a) Yes

b) No

CPA College of Global Studies,PUTHANATHANI

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