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Trace the development of science and technology from the pre-colonial

period times up to the present. What have you observed?

Post-colonial Period:
Pre-colonial Period: Colonization Period:
Freed by the colonizers,
Filipinos were able to Filipinos knew about Filipinos were guided by the
use certain plants and the means of different administrators in
herbs as medicines, constructing walls, the country in developing
agricultural systems roads and bridges, pure science and technology.
like raising animals engineering skills, were One of those was later
were already founded, educated, and have president Ferdinand Marcos
and transportation has already founded who enriched support for
been there. occupations. PAGASA, NAST, NSTA now

Through each passing time, I have observed that science and technology in the
Philippines continue to evolve for progress. In the pre-colonial period, it was very
evident that Filipinos were truly great in inventing something out from something. In the
colonization period, I can say that colonizers have helped the country in using its
resources in developing into a more modernized nation. Although colonizers came
robbing our country by many and many resources, I do think they have also shaped our
countrymen in terms of education because today, Filipinos are really inventive and
although we owe nothing from the colonizers, we should be thankful because education
became our social equalizer. In the present, science and technology is nothing but a
driver of human and social development towards a better nation.

2. What do you think are the major contributions of science and technology to
Philippine nation-building?

The development of science and technology in the Philippines underpins economic

progress, societal industrialization and vast modern civilization. Due to the fact that
science and technology exist to progress the nation, the country becomes open to
research and development, assistance to small-medium enterprises, and human
resource development. More to that, Philippines was settled to be very rich in
agricultural production and yet today, with the presence of science and technology, we
became industrialized in many aspects making our country richer in agricultural

Science and technology have also modernized our country from being the sick-man
of Asia to the bright spot of Asia. This is primarily because of our well and good
inventors funded by the government to continue their studies for a more developed and
advanced nation.

3. What specific government policy do you like the most in terms of

contributing to the development of science and technology in the

What I like about the Philippine government when it comes to the development and
inventions in the field of science and technology is their assistance as support for the
continuous research and deeper study. The Department of Science and Technology is
known for providing institutional grants for Higher Education Institutions for the purpose
of improving and welcoming more developments in science and technology.

The DOST has also a scholarship program for both undergraduate and graduate
schools taking courses in line with science and mathematics as a means of invitation to
be one in participating for the research and development of the country.

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