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Learning Area TLE (Animal Production) Poultry Grade Level 7/8

Quarter Fourth Date
II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING LO 1. Describe team role and scope
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) LO 2. Set and meet work priorities
LO 3. Work as a team member
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT The students demonstrate an understanding of the underlying theories in working
in team environment
I. Introduction (Time Frame: 30 minutes)
A team environment is one in which brainstorming, collaboration and joint projects are the norms. This type of dynamic
can be beneficial and rewarding if everyone communicates well and pulls their weight. Working effectively in a team
environment requires tact, patience, and a willingness to work in concert with your colleagues
When you work independently, you typically set your schedule, tackle projects in a manner that suits your preferences,
and are solely responsible for outcomes. In a team environment, ideas are shared, workloads divided, and group
consensus is required to act effectively when determining project scope and direction. Understanding and committing to this
group dynamic puts you in the right frame of mind for a teamwork environment.

Learning Task 1: Turn Me Around!

Directions: Loop for the following words.

Answer Me!
1. Do you know those terms?
2. How would those terms help you
understand about the previous lesson?

Learning Task 2: Answer Me!

Direction: Examine the photo below. Answer the questions and write your answers briefly on your answer sheet.
1. Based from the pictures, what happened to the broilers/ poultry?
2. As a caretaker, how would you handle this situation?
D. Development (Time Frame: 60 minutes)
Read and Understand me!
A team role is a tendency to perform, contribute and interrelate with others in a particular way. Team role shows the different
types of contribution that makes a team.
Ways to Achieve Team Goals
Team leaders play important role in setting the stage for them to success. Each member of the team should be
acknowledged and encouraged to share ideas. When team members feel needed, they are more likely to feel personally
invested in achieving the goals of the group
1. Shared goals - Team strives to accomplish a set of common goals and objectives. Rather than focusing on the goals of
one or two individuals, teams reach a consensus on what needs to be done
2. Problem solving success - Because teams usually consist of employees with different skill sets, one of the objectives of
team work is thorough problem solving
3. Enhanced productivity - Team development goals often include a desire to increase productivity in the workplace
4. Relationship building - Effective teamwork requires that each member listens and participates
Team Member Role and Responsibilities
1. Executing all tasks assigned by the team leader or manager diligently, on schedule and to the highest standard.
2. Working with team members to achieve daily, weekly and monthly targets.
3. Expanding your skills by attending workshops and training sessions.
4. Effectively managing your time by prioritizing urgent tasks.
5. Answering or escalating concerns and queries from clients or other stakeholders.

Learning Task 3: Explain me!

Direction: Assess your personal knowledge:
1. In your own understanding, explain team roles and scope.
2. Is it important to have roles and responsibilities as team member? Why? Why not?
3. How do you manage your work priorities?


3 Types of Organizational Goals
1. Strategic goals - are goals set by the top management of the organization. Usually long term and from this goal, others
are made and set for different time - frames and areas.
2. Tactical goals- focus on how to operationalize actions necessary to achieve the strategic goals.
3. Operational goals- are usually made to tackle short- term issues associated with the tactical goals and lower managers
are responsible for their attainment.
Types of Team Objectives
Team objectives- are a list of goals for a team that are used for performance management
1. Cost 6. Data 12. Investments
2. Efficiency 7. Cycle Time 13. Employees
3. Labor productivity 8. Quality 14. Environment and communities
4. Revenue 9. Risk 15. Compliance
5. Marketing 11. Customer experience
Tips to Manage Work Priorities
1. Step back and look at the bigger picture. 5. Manage your emails
2. Establish your priorities. 6. Minimize distractions and interruptions
3. Allocate your time to the tasks that matter. 7. Don’t procrastinate
4. Plan your weeks and daily tasks lists.... 8. Keep your workspace clean and organized


Teamwork is defined as “a joint action by a group of people, in which each person shares his/her individual interests and
opinions to the unity and efficiency of the group”.
Here are few qualities that a successful team possesses.
1. They communicate well with each other.
1.1 Strategies for effective communication
a. Focus on the issue, not the person
b. Be genuine rather than manipulative
c. Be flexible towards others.
d. Value yourself and your own experiences
2. They focus on goals and result.
3. Everyone contributes their fair share.
4. They offer each other support.
5. Good leadership.
6. They have fun.

Five Elements of Successful Teamwork

1. Communication
2. Delegation
3. Efficiency
4. Ideas
5. Support

Learning Task 4: Check Me in a Box True False

1. Teamwork has become an important part of the working
2. Team strives to focus on the goals of one or two individuals,
on what needs to be done rather than to accomplish a set of
common goals and objectives.
3. Team development goals often include a desire to increase
productivity in the workplace.
4. Rotating team roles is a good way to keep all members
5. Improving the quality of products, services, processes or
communications is one of the objectives.
6. Keep your work space clean and organized.
7. You prefer to work on your own.
8. You think you are always right.
9. Successful problem solvers immediately look for solutions at
the first sign of the problem.
10. People who like to control others are the most effective team
E. Engagement (Time Frame:60 minutes
Learning Task 5
Direction: Choose at least one of the ways to achieve team goals and explain it. Write your answer in your answer sheet.
Learning Task 6

Directions: Complete the following statements by providing 3-5 sentences of what you already know and what you have
learned from the lesson.
After I study this lesson
I already know something about the scope and rules of a team leader…

I have learned that teamwork is …


A. Assimilation (Time Frame: 45 minutes)

Learning Task 7: What I Can Do
Contact a nearest poultry farm in your place. Conduct an interview thru cellphone to poultry farm manager. Use the
questions below as your guide in your interview.
Guide Questions:
1. What critical component of this position as poultry farm manager makes the work challenging?
2. Please share me about a problem or disagreement you have had with your previous supervisor.
3. What is the most annoying thing you’ve experienced about your co-workers?
4. Do you work well within a team?
5. What was the most difficult employee situation you found yourself as poultry farm manager? How did you overcome the
6. What is your greatest strength? How does it help you as poultry farm manager?
7. Please share to me your management style.
8. How do you manage stress among your team members?
9. How do you handle conflict between team members?
10. How do you delegate tasks to your team?
V. ASSESSMENT (Time Frame: 45 minutes)
(Learning Activity Sheets for Enrichment, Remediation, or Assessment to be given on Weeks 3 and 6)
Learning Task 8 Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in your test
1. As a team leader, which is the first action you will do to solve a problem?
A. Identify and analyze the problem B. Observe evaluate and adjust
C. Consider possible solutions D. Collect and analyze data
2. The team leader made an impassioned plea to improve the level of cooperation among and within the group. As the
discussion develops you note that:
A. The majority of a team members are in favor of improving teamwork.
B. The majority of the team members want to continue to operate independently.
C. All team members really seem concerned with helping each other, and working as a team.
D. The team members are split-half are in favor of improving teamwork; half would rather operate independently.
3. Which pair are methods of making team decisions?
A. Feedback and unanimity B. All votes are equal recruitment
C. Lack of response and unanimity D. Lack of response and minor role
4. A _____________ consists of people who interact with each other, usually face to- face, over time in order to reach goals.
A. group B. pattern
C. feedback D. collection
5. You are thrilled about the idea of working on a culturally diverse team at work, but you realized it will involve special skills
and effort. Experts offer the following advice for making the most of multicultural teams:
A. When preparing an interaction, don’t focus on what is different about the cultures; focus on what is the same.
B. Select one culture as the model and ask everyone to follow its customs.
C. If possible, include an even distribution of people from various cultures.
D. Meet in smaller time increments than usual
6. Which of the following is true of group problem solving?
A. Most breakthrough are made by “lone geniuses” rather than by groups
B. Groups usually have fewer resources than individuals do.
C. Diverse cultural expectations usually don’t affect groups.
D. Group work increases the likelihood of catching errors.
7. Members of a _____________ have been cross-trained so each person is able to perform the duties of all the other team
A. cross-functional B. multifunctional C. self-directed D. functional
8. The process of making an expectation a reality.
A. goal B. criteria C. Brainstorming D. Problem solving
9. When addressing someone involved in a conflict, __________.
A. Use “you” messages B. Try to embarrass them.
C. Talk to him or her in front of other people. D. Treat the person as you would want to be treated.
10. The degree to which members feel connected with and committed to a group is known as:
A. efficiency B. productivity C. cohesiveness D. team
VI. REFLECTION (Time Frame: 10 minutes)

• Communicate your personal assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.

Personal Assessment on Learner’s Level of Performance
Using the symbols below, choose one which best describes your experience in working on each given task. Draw it in the column
for Level of Performance (LP). Be guided by the descriptions below:
 - I was able to do/perform the task without any difficulty. The task helped me in understanding the target content/ lesson.
 - I was able to do/perform the task. It was quite challenging, but it still helped me in understanding the target content/lesson.
? – I was not able to do/perform the task. It was extremely difficult. I need additional enrichment activities to be able to do/perform this
Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP Learning Task LP
Number 1 Number 3 Number 5 Number 7
Number 2 Number 4 Number 6 Number 8
VII. REFERENCES TLE – Technology and Livelihood Education- Grade 7/8
Alternative Delivery Mode page 1-15
Department of Education – MIMAROPA Region – Division of Palawan
Prepared by: JOSEPHINE R. BELISON Checked by: SDO Reviewer
Jenna Joy Dela Rosa
Florendo S. Galang
August M. Jamora
RO Reviewer
Arnel C. Anonical

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