Kantian Ethics Comparative Analysis

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John Felix Juanson Ethics 1 PSYCH 2

Assignment #6 - Module 6

I. Answer the following questions as briefly as you can.

1. How is "good will"related to "duty" in Kantian ethics? (10 points)

• The good will, according to Kant, is to act from duty rather than acting in a
way that is consistent with duty. For example, uses the example of a
trader who determines not to cheat his customers. The merchant believes
that if he deceives his clients, they would ultimately discover his lies and
refuse to purchase at his business. In this case, the merchant isn't acting
from duty to not lie; rather, he's operating in a way that's compatible with
it. If the merchant thinks to himself, " Lying is wrong regardless of the
outcome, is, so I won't lie to my clients," he would act from duty. Acting on
the basis of duty requires acting on the basis of your duty rather than the
contingent rewards or conveniences that come with it.

II. Show the similarities and differences of Kant's "Categorical and

Hypothetical Imperatives through a Venn diagram (10 points)

Categoral Imperative Imperative
Unconditional command Conditional command
Through reasons
Basis of moralityDesires/Inclinations
If you want x, then you You ought to do x
must do y Laws
Virtue "The end justifies the
"Duty for duty's sake" means"
John Felix Juanson Ethics 1 PSYCH 2

III. What are the strengths and weaknesses of Kantian ethics? (10 points)

Kantian Ethics

Strength Weakness

Very clear in its rules and principles Does not account properly for the idea
and can usually be easily applied to of a wrongdoing by omission
any real-life situation

Recognizes importance of human If specifying a maxim too tightly then

autonomy almost anything can be universalized.

Is rational and universal, so not There is no moral value conferred on

relativistic friends and family (as moral value can
only come from ‘the good will’).

Not ends based, avoids criticisms of Can’t differentiate how you act towards
consequentialist theories someone on the basis of your
judgement of their moral character,
which is something most people do.

Not ends based, avoids criticisms of Can’t place moral value on those who
consequentialist theories want to, and enjoy, helping
others/devote their life to doing so,
because they are not acting out of

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