2011-031207 - Abdalla, Megahed, Younan - Shakedown Limit-Elbow - Pressure

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Shakedown Limit Loads for 90

Degree Scheduled Pipe Bends

Subjected to Steady Internal
Hany F. Abdalla
Assistant Professor of Mechanics and Design Pressure and Cyclic Bending
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
The American University in Cairo,
P.O. Box 74–11835 New Cairo,
New Cairo, Egypt
e-mail: hany_f@aucegypt.edu A simplified technique for determining the shakedown limit load for a long radius 90 deg
pipe bend was previously developed (Abdalla, H. F., et al., 2006, “Determination of
Mohammad M. Megahed Shakedown Limit Load for a 90 Degree Pipe Bend Using a Simplified Technique,” ASME
Professor of Solid Mechanics J. Pressure Vessel Technol., 128, pp. 618–624; Abdalla, H. F., et al., 2007, “Shakedown
Department of Mechanical Design and Limits of a 90-Degree Pipe Bend Using Small and Large Displacement Formulations,”
Production, ASME J. Pressure Vessel Technol., 129, pp. 287–295). The simplified technique utilizes
Faculty of Engineering, the finite element (FE) method and employs the small displacement formulation to deter-
Cairo University, mine the shakedown limit load (moment) without performing lengthy time consuming full
P.O. Box 12613, cyclic loading finite element simulations or utilizing conventional iterative elastic tech-
Giza, Egypt niques. The shakedown limit load is determined through the calculation of residual
e-mail: mmegahed47@yahoo.com stresses developed within the pipe bend structure. In the current paper, a parametric
study is conducted through applying the simplified technique on three scheduled pipe
Maher Y. A. Younan bends, namely, nominal pipe size (NPS) 10 in. Sch. 20, NPS 10 in. Sch. 40 STD, and NPS
Professor of Mechanics and Design 10 in. Sch. 80. Two material models are assigned, namely, an elastic perfectly plastic
Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering, (EPP) material and an idealized elastic-linear strain hardening material obeying Zie-
The American University in Cairo, gler’s linear kinematic hardening (KH) rule. This type of material model is termed in the
P.O. Box 74–11835 New Cairo, current study as the KH-material. The pipe bends are subjected to a spectrum of steady
New Cairo, Egypt internal pressure magnitudes and cyclic bending moments. The cyclic bending includes
e-mail: myounan@aucegypt.edu three different loading patterns, namely, in-plane closing, in-plane opening, and out-of-
plane bending moment loadings of the pipe bends. The shakedown limit moments output-
ted by the simplified technique are used to generate shakedown diagrams of the sched-
uled pipe bends for the spectrum of steady internal pressure magnitudes. A comparison
between the generated shakedown diagrams for the pipe bends employing the EPP- and
the KH-materials is presented. Relatively higher shakedown limit moments were recorded
for the pipe bends employing the KH-material at the medium to high internal pressure
magnitudes. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.4002055兴

1 Introduction elastically calculated stresses, constitute a system of stresses

within the yield limit, then P is a lower bound shakedown load set
Structures are often subjected to the combined effect of simul-
and the structure will shakedown.” In common with Melan’s
taneous steady and cyclic load types. The combination of both the
lower bound shakedown theorem, current piping design codes uti-
steady and the cyclic loads often results in exceeding the material lize EPP-material models. This would show conservative struc-
initial yield strain 共␧0兲 within several parts or regions of the struc- tural behavior 共load carrying capacity兲 compared with real mate-
ture. Hence, the shakedown limit load of the structure, which is rials’ behaviors or responses, which reveal undeniable hardening.
the upper ceiling of the shakedown domain, should be determined. The KH rule is accounted for and incorporated within the simpli-
It is the objective of the designer to ensure that exceeding the fied technique 关3,4兴 rather than the isotropic hardening rule. The
initial yield strain 共␧0兲 would not lead to either development of isotropic hardening rule postulates uniform expansion of the yield
progressive damage due to low cycle fatigue 共reversed plasticity兲 surface about the origin of the stress space but its shape and center
and/or collapse due to incremental accumulation of plastic strain remain unchanged. Consequently, KH is considered more critical
共ratchetting兲 associated with every load cycle. The upper ceiling than isotropic hardening since the latter involves continuous and
of loads, which does not cause either reversed plasticity 共RP兲 indefinite increase in its yield surface size with increasing the
and/or ratcheting 共R兲, is the shakedown limit load. applied load thereby rendering unrealistic outcomes.
The term shakedown was initially introduced into the context of
solid mechanics in 1938 by Melan 关1,2兴 through the lower bound
shakedown theorem stated as follows: “For a given load set P, if 2 Literature Review
any distribution of self-equilibrating residual stresses can be found Despite the introduction of the shakedown theorem in 1938 by
共assuming perfect plasticity兲 which, when taken together with Melan 关1,2兴, active research efforts started in the mid-1960s. Most
of the work accomplished focused on determining shakedown do-
mains for pressure vessels 关5兴, nuclear reactor components 关6兴,
Contributed by the Pressure Vessel and Piping Division of ASME for publication
in the JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSEL TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received February 1,
and aeronautical applications 关7兴.
2010; final manuscript received June 9, 2010; published online April 6, 2011. Assoc. Iterative elastic techniques have been proposed to obtain rapid
Editor: Zhangzhi Cen. and approximate bounds for shakedown and limit loads 关8–10兴.

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology Copyright © 2011 by ASME JUNE 2011, Vol. 133 / 031207-1

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The iterative elastic techniques begin with an initial elastic solu-
tion, which is modified in an iterative manner, through a series of
linear elastic finite element 共FE兲 solutions, to redistribute stresses
within the structure by changing the elastic moduli of the ele-
ments. The iterations proceed until a stress distribution in equilib-
rium with the externally applied loads is reached. The iterative
elastic techniques include the elastic compensation method
共ECM兲 introduced by Marriott 关8兴, the Dhalla reduction procedure
proposed by Dhalla 关9兴 and the GLOSS R-node method proposed
by Seshadri 关10兴. Conversely, the simplified technique requires
performing only two FE analyses instead of performing iterative
series of FE simulations like the iterative elastic techniques. In
addition, the simplified technique accounts for plastic deforma-
tion, which occurs within the structure, in determining the shake-
down limit load unlike iterative elastic techniques, which deter-
mine the shakedown limit load based on linear elastic finite
element analyses. Detailed explanation of the simplified technique
is presented in Sec. 3.
The ECM is the most commonly used iterative elastic technique Fig. 1 Stress-strain curve of an elastic-linear strain hardening
for shakedown load applications. Mackenzie and Boyle 关11兴 uti- material
lized the ECM to determine the shakedown load for internally
pressurized thick-walled cylinders and compared the outcomes
with analytical solutions. They also evaluated the shakedown load hardening material model showed very good correlation with the
for internally pressurized thin-walled shells with flush nozzles and results of full elastic-plastic cyclic loading finite element simula-
compared the outcomes with Leckie and Penny 关5兴. Mohamed et tions 关6兴.
al. 关12兴 implemented the ECM in evaluating the shakedown pres- Chen et al. 关18兴 published interesting experimental and FE
sure for the radial nozzle of a thin-walled spherical pressure vessel simulation results on ratchetting of four low-carbon steel pressur-
under internal pressure and thrust load. Muscat and Mackenzie ized 90 deg pipe bend specimens subjected to cyclic reversed
关13兴 used a superposition method based on Melan’s shakedown in-plane bending forces. A shakedown boundary was proposed by
theorem and investigated the shakedown behavior of axisymmet- Chen et al. 关18兴 through employing a modified form of the Ohno–
ric nozzles under internal pressure. Wang nonlinear KH rule. Abdalla et al. 关19兴 applied the simplified
Abdalla et al. 关14兴 applied the simplified technique on two clas- technique on one of the pipe bend specimens of Chen et al. 关18兴
sical benchmark shakedown uni-axial stress problems, namely, the and generated both limit and shakedown domains for the steady
two-bar structure, analytically analyzed by Megahed 关15兴, and the internal pressure spectrum analyzed by Chen et al. 关18兴. The out-
Bree thin-cylinder problem 关6兴. The outcomes of the simplified comes of the simplified technique correlated very well with test
technique showed very good correlation with the analytical results results of Chen et al. 关18兴 regarding locations of maximum ratchet
of both problems. Later Abdalla et al. 关3兴 applied the simplified strains around the bend circumference. The simplified technique
technique on another classical benchmark shakedown problem, also showed very good correlation with Chen et al. 关18兴 predicted
namely, the problem of a large square plate with a small central shakedown boundary for the medium to high steady internal pres-
hole subjected to cyclic tensile stresses on the plate edges, thereby sure spectrum.
extending the application of the simplified technique to multi-
axial state of stress problems and accounting for KH-material. 3 The Simplified Technique
Abdalla et al. 关16兴 extended the application of the simplified
technique to a long radius 90 deg pipe bend subjected to a spec- The simplified technique utilizes the FE method and employs
trum of steady internal pressures and cyclic IPC 关17兴, IPO, and the small displacement formulation to determine the shakedown
OP bending moment loadings 关16兴 employing an EPP-material. limit moments of the scheduled 90 deg pipe bends analyzed. An
The shakedown limit moments outputted by the simplified tech- idealized elastic-linear strain hardening material stress-strain
nique were used to plot the shakedown domain of the pipe bend curve is employed, as shown in Fig. 1.
over the spectrum of steady internal pressure magnitudes. The Two finite element analyses are performed. The first is an elas-
outcomes of the simplified technique showed very good correla- tic analysis performed only once and its output is stored. In the
tion with the results of full elastic-plastic cyclic loading finite elastic analysis, no steady load 共internal pressure兲 is applied.
element simulations. However, the elastic analysis consists of a single analysis step
Abdalla et al. 关16兴 developed another technique for shakedown achieved in one solution increment where the bending moment
limit load determination named the “iterative large displacement load 共the cyclic load兲 is applied. The cyclic load 共moment兲,
technique,” which accounts for geometric nonlinearity owing to termed the reference moment 共M ref兲, is monotonically applied and
the considerable ovality experienced by pipe bends within the elastically deforms the pipe bend structure. The second analysis is
plastic domain. The iterative large displacement technique em- an elastic-plastic analysis, which involves the application of both
ploys an EPP-material and performs a successive series of full the steady and the cyclic load types in two consecutive analysis
elastic-plastic cyclic loading simulations with varying peak loads steps. The steady load 共internal pressure兲 is applied in the first
until the maximum residual stress achieved, at load removal, is analysis step and causes only elastic stresses within the pipe bend
slightly less than the material yield strength. A comparison be- structures. The cyclic load 共moment兲 is then applied monotoni-
tween the shakedown diagrams generated from both the simplified cally in the second analysis step in an increasing ramp pattern
technique and the iterative large displacement technique was pre- resulting in structural strains exceeding the material initial yield
sented for the 90 deg pipe bend under cyclic IPC, IPO, and OP strain 共␧0兲. Hence, the moment is incrementally applied and the
bending moment loadings. Abdalla et al. 关6兴 applied the modified elastic-plastic solution is obtained in several increments.
simplified technique employing the elastic-linear strain hardening The residual stress 共␴r兲, scaled to the applied moment incre-
material model following a linear KH rule to a 90 deg pipe under ment 共M i兲, is calculated according to Eq. 共1兲 by subtracting the
cyclic IPC, IPO, and OP bending moment loadings. The outcomes elastic stress components 共␴E兲 共representing unloading兲 from the
of the simplified technique employing the elastic-linear strain elastic-plastic stress 共␴ELPL兲 components 共representing loading兲 at

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every elastic-plastic solution increment 共i兲. It is important to men-
tion that the elastic 共␴E兲 and the elastic-plastic 共␴ELPL兲 stress com-
ponents are outputted at all the integration points within all the
elements meshing the pipe bend structure.
␴ri = ␴ELPLi − ␴E 共1兲
M ref
Consequently, a residual stress corresponding to every stress
component is calculated 共i.e., ␴rx , ␴ry , ␴rz , and ␶rxy 兲. Then, an
i i i i
equivalent residual stress 共␴req 兲 is calculated using the von Mises Fig. 2 Cyclic moment loading pattern employed in the full
yield criterion. Since KH involves translation of the yield surface elastic-plastic cyclic loading finite element simulations
preserving its initial size, the corresponding yield criterion should
be a function of both the state of stress and the coordinates of the
yield surface current center. Therefore, the equivalent residual limit moment of the pipe bend since its corresponding calculated
stress 共␴req 兲 is expressed as follows: equivalent residual stress 共␴req 兲 is either equal to or slightly less
i i
than the material initial yield strength 共Y 0兲.
␴req =
冑2 兵关共␴rx − ␣xi兲 − 共␴ry − ␣yi兲兴 + 关共␴ry − ␣yi兲 − 共␴rz − ␣zi兲兴2
2 The elastic limit moment is determined through the elastic-
i i i i i
plastic analysis only 共representing loading兲. The program searches
+ 关共␴rz − ␣zi兲 − 共␴rx − ␣xi兲兴2 + 6关共␶rxy − ␣xyi兲2 + 共␶ryz − ␣yzi兲2 for the minimum moment increment at which its corresponding
i i i i equivalent strain 共␧eqi兲 slightly exceeds the material initial yield
+ 共␶rzx − ␣zxi兲2兴其1/2 共2兲 strain 共␧0兲. Hence, the preceding moment increment is the elastic
limit moment of the pipe bend since its equivalent stress 共␴eqi兲,
The terms ␴rx , ␴ry , ␴rz , ␶rxy , ␶ryz , and ␶rzx are the residual during loading, is either equal to or slightly less than the material
i i i i i i
stress components calculated using Eq. 共1兲. The terms ␣xi, ␣yi, ␣zi, initial yield strength 共Y 0兲.
␣xyi, ␣yzi, and ␣zxi are the back stress components, determined In order to gain confidence in the simplified technique employ-
from the KH shift tensor, responsible for translation of the yield ing the KH rule, full elastic-plastic cyclic loading finite element
surface center obeying Ziegler’s linear KH rule. It is assumed simulations are performed using the output shakedown limit mo-
beforehand that the pipe bend analyzed is free from any induced ments 共M i−1兲 to check for shakedown response of the output criti-
residual stresses resulting from fabrication. Hence, the residual cal integration points within the pipe bend structure. The full
stresses calculated using Eqs. 共1兲 and 共2兲 are solely due to the elastic-plastic cyclic loading FE simulations employ the simple
applied cyclic loading conditions during service of the pipe bend. cyclic moment loading pattern shown in Fig. 2 for IPC, IPO, and
A computer program is developed to read the output of the OP bending of the pipe bends. Furthermore, full elastic-plastic
elastic and the elastic-plastic analyses and calculate the residual cyclic moment loading simulations are also performed but using
stress components using Eq. 共1兲 for all integration points within the moment increments 共M i兲 just exceeding the output shakedown
all the elements meshing the pipe bend 共including integration sec- limit moments to check for reversed plasticity or ratchetting re-
tion points through element thickness provided a shell element sponses of the pipe bends.
type is used兲 at all elastic-plastic solution increments. The pro-
gram then calculates equivalent residual stresses 共␴req 兲 at all the 4 Finite Element Modeling
integration points of all elements meshing the pipe bend structure Figure 3共a兲 shows a schematic of a long radius 90 deg pipe
using Eq. 共2兲 and searches for the minimum moment increment bend with two straight pipes connected at each end. Figure 3共b兲
共M i兲 at which its corresponding calculated equivalent residual shows half the geometric model of Fig. 3共a兲 used in analyzing IPC
stress 共␴req 兲 violates the applied von Mises yield criterion. There- and IPO bending loadings of the pipe bend due to the existence of
fore, the preceding moment increment 共M i−1兲 is the shakedown both geometric and loading symmetry about the xy-plane. Con-

Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of the connected pipe bend for „a… full geometric model
and „b… half geometric model

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Table 1 Geometric parameters of the 90 degree scheduled pipe bends and the connected
straight pipes

NPS do di dm t R 关1.5 NPS兴 L 关5do兴

共1 in.⫽25.4 mm兲 Schedule 共mm兲 共mm兲 共mm兲 共mm兲 共mm兲 共mm兲

10 20 273.0 260.35 266.70 6.35 381.0 1365.25

10 40 STD 273.0 254.51 263.78 9.27 381.0 1365.25
10 80 273.0 242.87 257.96 15.09 381.0 1365.25

versely, the whole geometric model of Fig. 3共a兲 is used in analyz- bend OP bending is simulated by applying the moment load in a
ing the OP bending loading of the pipe bend due to the absence of clockwise sense about the y-axis on reference node 共E兲 shown in
bending loading symmetry. Table 1 lists the geometric parameters Fig. 3共a兲.
of the 90 deg scheduled pipe bends and the two straight pipes
connected at each end, as shown in Fig. 3. 4.3 Material Properties. The material assigned to the pipe
The general purpose nonlinear finite element code ABAQUS/ bend and the connected straight pipes is type 304 stainless steel. It
STANDARD 关20兴 is used in analyzing the pipe bends considered
is assumed that the assigned material is homogenous, isotropic,
within the present study. It is assumed that the analyzed long radii and follows the idealized stress-strain curve shown in Fig. 1. The
90 deg scheduled pipe bends initially acquire uniform thickness tangent modulus 共Et兲, shown in Fig. 1, is chosen to be 5.0% of the
distribution throughout their entire geometries. material elastic modulus 共E兲. Table 2 lists the material properties,
measured at room temperature, of the stainless steel 304 reported
4.1 Meshing. The geometric models of the 90 deg pipe bend by Sobel and Newman 关21兴.
and the connected straight pipes shown in Figs. 3共a兲 and 3共b兲 are
meshed using the four-noded reduced integration shell elements
共S4R兲. The S4R element has one integration point located at its 5 Results and Discussion
centroid with five integration section points through its thickness Figures 4–6 show the shakedown diagrams for the NPS 10 in.
关20兴. Since shell elements are used to mesh the 90 deg pipe bend Sch. 20 pipe bend employing both the EPP- and the KH-materials
and the connected straight pipes of Fig. 3, the ␴rz , ␶ryz , ␶rzx , ␣zi, for the IPC, IPO, and the OP bending loadings, respectively. The
i i i
␣yzi, and ␣zxi terms will vanish from Eq. 共2兲. Upon conducting reported moments are normalized by the fully plastic moment
several mesh convergence checks, it was found that meshing the 共M P兲 of a straight pipe, expressed by Eq. 共3兲, having the same
half pipe bend geometry of Fig. 3共b兲 with 1200 elements provided material properties and dimensions 共Dm and t兲 of the NPS 10 in.
satisfactory results where 30 elements mesh the pipe bend circum- Schedule 20 pipe bend. The internal pressure spectrum is normal-
ference, whereas 40 elements mesh the pipe bend radius along its ized by the internal pressure to cause yielding 共PY 兲, which is the
curved longitudinal direction. On the other hand, the full pipe collapse pressure of a straight pipe expressed by Eq. 共4兲.
bend geometry of Fig. 3共a兲, dedicated for OP bending loadings, is 2
M P = Y 0D m t 共3兲
meshed with 2400 elements, twice the number of elements mesh-
ing the half pipe bend geometry of Fig. 3共b兲. 2Y 0t
PY = 共4兲
4.2 Boundary Conditions. Displacement boundary condi- Dm
tions include fully constraining the nodes lying on edges 共A兲
The normalized limit moments and the normalized shakedown
shown in Figs. 3共a兲 and 3共b兲 in the six degrees of freedom. The
limit moments of the NPS 10 in. schedules 20, 40 STD, and 80
nodes lying on edges 共B兲 of pipe-2 follow the motion of a refer-
ence node 共E兲. This is achieved by invoking the “KINEMATIC pipe bends are determined for the 0 up to the 0.8PY steady internal
COUPLING” option in ABAQUS/STANDARD 关20兴, which relates the pressure spectrum in pressure increments of 0.2PY . Additionally,
degrees of freedom of all the nodes lying on edges 共B兲 to the the 0.3PY and the 0.5PY internal pressure cases are analyzed since
degrees of freedom of the reference node 共E兲 on which the mo- the transition from shakedown response to postshakedown re-
ment load is applied. The nodes lying on edges 共C兲 and 共F兲 in Fig. sponses 共i.e., either reversed plasticity or ratchetting responses兲
3共b兲 are restrained against translation in the z-direction and rota- expectedly occurs within the aforementioned low to medium in-
tion about both the x- and y-axes thereby imposing geometric ternal pressure range 共i.e., 0.3PY – 0.5PY 兲. Imposed on Figs. 4–6
symmetry about the xy-plane. are the respective normalized limit moments 共maximum moment
Load boundary conditions include applying pressure load on carrying capacity under monotonic moment loading conditions兲
the inner faces of all the shell elements meshing the pipe bend and determined using the twice-elastic-slope method adopted in Sec-
the connected pipes. An axial force is applied on reference node tion III Division I of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
关22兴. Additionally, the normalized elastic limit moments forming
共E兲, in the x-direction, to simulate capping or closed end condition
the elastic region are, respectively, imposed.
at end 共B兲. Due to the geometric symmetry about the xy-plane,
At a given internal pressure magnitude, the simplified technique
half the axial force magnitude is applied on the reference node 共E兲
outputs a list of elements with their corresponding integration sec-
of the half geometric model, shown Fig. 3共b兲, while the whole
tion points 共through element thickness兲 at which their calculated
axial force magnitude is applied on reference node 共E兲 of the full
equivalent residual stresses 共␴eqi兲, using Eq. 共2兲, are either equal
geometric model of Fig. 3共a兲. IPC bending of the pipe bend is
achieved by applying a clockwise moment about the z-axis on to or slightly less than the material initial yield strength 共Y 0兲.
reference node 共E兲 shown in Fig. 3共b兲. Conversely, a counter-
clockwise moment is applied about the z-axis on reference node
共E兲 to simulate pipe bend IPO. Due to loading symmetry, half the Table 2 Material properties of stainless steel 304
moment magnitude is applied on reference node 共E兲. Pipe bend E 共GPa兲 193.74
OP bending is simulated by applying the full moment magnitude Y 0 共MPa兲 271.93
either clockwise or counterclockwise about the y-axis on refer- ␯ 0.2642
ence node 共E兲 shown in Fig. 3共a兲. In the current analysis, pipe

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Fig. 4 Normalized limit, shakedown limit, and elastic limit moments of the NPS 10 in.
Sch. 20 pipe bend subjected to IPC bending loading employing the EPP- and the

Fig. 5 Normalized limit, shakedown limit, and elastic limit moments of the NPS 10 in.
Sch. 20 pipe bend subjected to IPO bending loading employing the EPP- and the

Fig. 6 Normalized limit, shakedown limit, and elastic limit moments of the NPS 10 in.
Sch. 20 pipe bend subjected to OP bending loading employing the EPP- and the

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Fig. 7 Normalized limit, shakedown limit, and elastic limit moments of the NPS 10 in.
Sch. 40 STD pipe bend subjected to IPC bending loading employing the EPP- and the

Fig. 8 Normalized limit, shakedown limit, and elastic limit moments of the NPS 10 in.
Sch. 40 STD pipe bend subjected to IPO bending loading employing the EPP- and the
KH- materials

Fig. 9 Normalized limit, shakedown limit, and elastic limit moments of the NPS 10 in.
Sch. 40 STD pipe bend subjected to OP bending loading employing the EPP- and the
KH- materials

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Fig. 10 Normalized limit, shakedown limit, and elastic limit moments of the NPS 10
in. Sch. 80 pipe bend subjected to IPC bending loading employing the EPP- and the
KH- materials

Fig. 11 Normalized limit, shakedown limit, and elastic limit moments of the NPS 10
in. Sch. 80 pipe bend subjected to IPO bending loading employing the EPP- and the
KH- materials

Fig. 12 Normalized limit, shakedown limit, and elastic limit moments of the NPS 10
in. Sch. 80 pipe bend subjected to OP bending loading employing the EPP- and the
KH- materials

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology JUNE 2011, Vol. 133 / 031207-7

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Fig. 13 Loading-unloading path of the output critical integration section point of the
0.2PY case of the NPS 10 in. Sch. 40 STD pipe bend employing the KH-material show-
ing translation of the yield surface preserving its initial size „cyclic IPO bending mo-
ment loading…

Fig. 14 Loading-unloading path of the output critical integration section point of the
0.2PY case of the NPS 10 in. Sch. 40 STD pipe bend employing the EPP-material
showing fixed yield surface preserving its initial size „cyclic IPO bending moment

Fig. 15 Normalized shakedown limit moments of Sch. 20, Sch. 40 STD, and Sch. 80
pipe bends determined using the simplified technique employing the EPP-material
under IPC bending moment loading

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Fig. 16 Normalized shakedown limit moments of Sch. 20, Sch. 40 STD, and Sch. 80
pipe bends determined using the simplified technique employing the EPP-material
under IPO bending moment loading

Fig. 17 Normalized shakedown limit moments of Sch. 20, Sch. 40 STD, and Sch. 80
pipe bends determined using the simplified technique employing the EPP-material
model under OP bending moment loading

Fig. 18 Normalized shakedown limit moments of Sch. 20, Sch. 40 STD, and Sch. 80
pipe bends determined using the simplified technique employing the KH-material
under IPC bending moment loading

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Fig. 19 Normalized shakedown limit moments of Sch. 20, Sch. 40 STD, and Sch. 80
pipe bends determined using the simplified technique employing the KH-material
under IPO bending moment loading

Fig. 20 Normalized shakedown limit moments of Sch. 20, Sch. 40 STD, and Sch. 80
pipe bends determined using the simplified technique employing the KH-material
under OP bending moment loading

Table 3 The NPS 10 in. Sch. 20 pipe bend postshakedown responses upon exceeding the
shakedown limit moments outputted by the simplified technique for both the EPP- and KH-
assigned materials under the three bending loading patterns

EPP-material KH-material
Internal pressure spectrum 共P / PY 兲 IPC IPO OP IPC IPO OP

0.5 R R R R RP R
0.6 R R R R R R
0.8 R R R R R R

031207-10 / Vol. 133, JUNE 2011 Transactions of the ASME

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Table 4 The NPS 10 in. Sch. 40 STD pipe bend postshakedown responses upon exceeding the
shakedown limit moments outputted by the simplified technique for both the EPP- and KH-
assigned materials under the three bending loading patterns

EPP-material KH-material
Internal pressure spectrum 共P / PY 兲 IPC IPO OP IPC IPO OP

0.5 R R R R R R
0.6 R R R R R R
0.8 R R R R R R

These integration section points are the most critical points within point inscribed within its normalized translated yield surface. De-
a pipe bend structure since they control its shakedown response. spite translation of the initial yield surface shown in Fig. 13, the
Exceeding the shakedown limit moment, these critical points ex- maximum change in stresses along the unloading path is almost
perience reversed plasticity or ratchetting responses 共under cyclic equal to the maximum change in stresses along the unloading path
moment loading兲 depending on the magnitude of the applied in- of the same output critical integration section point inscribed
ternal pressure 共steady load兲. within its fixed yield surface shown in Fig. 14 for the same 0.2PY
Figures 7–9 show the shakedown diagrams for the NPS 10 in. case employing the EPP-material. This explains the almost equal
Sch. 40 STD pipe bend employing both EPP- and KH-materials shakedown limit moments resulting from the KH- and the EPP-
for IPC, IPO, and OP bending loadings, respectively. assigned materials for the 共0 – 0.3PY 兲 low internal pressure range
Figures 10–12 show the shakedown diagrams for the NPS 10 共Figs. 4–12兲. The 0.2PY case of the NPS 10 in. Sch. 40 STD pipe
in. Sch. 80 pipe bend employing both EPP- and KH-materials for bend under full elastic-plastic cyclic IPO moment loading is used
IPC, IPO, and OP bending loadings, respectively.
a representative sample for the low internal pressure range
The limit moments of the pipe bends employing the KH-
共0 – 0.3PY 兲 for which the KH- and the EPP-materials result in
material are higher than their corresponding limit loads obtained
employing the EPP-material by an average of 18.5% for Sch. 20 almost equal normalized shakedown limit moments concerning all
pipe bend, an average of 19.2% for Sch. 40 STD pipe bend, and the 90 deg scheduled pipe bends analyzed in the current study.
an average of 20.2% for Sch. 80 pipe bend approximately Figures 15–17 show a comparison between the normalized
throughout the 0 up to the 0.8PY steady internal pressure spectrum shakedown limit moments of Sch. 20, Sch. 40 STD, and Sch. 80
for the IPC, IPO, and OP monotonic bending moment loadings. pipe bends determined using the simplified technique employing
As a general trend, it could be noticed from Figs. 4–12 that the the EPP-material under IPC, IPO, and OP bending moment load-
KH- and the EPP-materials result in almost equal shakedown limit ings, respectively.
moments of the pipe bends for the 共0 – 0.3PY 兲 low internal pres- Figures 18–20 show a comparison between the normalized
sure range. On the other hand, the medium to high internal pres- shakedown limit moments of Sch. 20, Sch. 40 STD, and Sch. 80
sure range is characterized by relatively higher shakedown limit pipe bends determined using the simplified technique employing
moments for the KH-material. Upon performing additional simu- the KH-material under IPC, IPO, and OP bending moment load-
lations, it was found that increasing the tangent modulus 共Et兲 from ings, respectively.
0 共EPP behavior兲 up to the employed Et = 5.0%, E or more has no It could be noticed from the normalized shakedown limit mo-
effect on the shakedown limit moments of the pipe bends for the ment diagrams generated by the simplified technique employing
共0 – 0.3PY 兲 low internal pressure range for the three loading pat- the EPP-material shown in Figs. 15–17 and the ones generated
employing the KH-material shown in Figs. 18–20 that the Sch. 80
terns 共IPC, IPO, and OP bending兲. Also, upon performing addi-
tional simulations utilizing tangent moduli less than the employed pipe bend has the largest shakedown domain followed by the Sch.
Et = 5.0%, E resulted in shakedown limit moments lying within the 40 STD pipe bend and finally the Sch. 20 pipe bend recording the
KH and the EPP shakedown limit boundaries of Figs. 4–12. smallest shakedown domain. For the three pipe bend schedules
Figure 13 shows the loading-unloading path of the output criti- analyzed, despite equity of their pipe bend radii 共R = 381.0 mm兲
cal integration section point of the 0.2PY case of the NPS 10 in. and relative closeness in their mean diameters 共dm兲, the wall thick-
Sch. 40 STD pipe bend under full elastic-plastic cyclic IPO mo- ness 共t兲 is the major geometric parameter responsible for increas-
ment loading by plotting the normalized principal stresses of the ing the pipe bend factor 共h, where h = 4Rt / dm 2
兲. Therefore, as the

Table 5 The NPS 10 in, Sch. 80 pipe bend postshakedown responses upon exceeding the
shakedown limit moments outputted by the simplified technique for both the EPP- and KH-
assigned materials under the three bending loading patterns

EPP-material KH-material
Internal pressure spectrum 共P / PY 兲 IPC IPO OP IPC IPO OP

0.5 R R R RP R R
0.6 R R R R R R
0.8 R R R R R R

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology JUNE 2011, Vol. 133 / 031207-11

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pipe bend wall thickness 共t兲 increases, both its limit load and its Y0⫽ material initial yield strength
shakedown limit load increase as well since more material is ⫽
i elastic-plastic solution increment
available within the pipe bend geometry providing it with the ⫽
t pipe bend wall thickness
ability to bear higher applied bending loads whether monotonic or ⫽
di pipe bend inner diameter
cyclic. Tables 3–5 list the postshakedown responses 共RP and R兲 dm⫽ pipe bend mean diameter
experienced by the NPS 10 in. Sch. 20, NPS 10 in. Sch. 40 STD, do⫽ pipe bend outer diameter
and NPS 10 in. Sch. 80 pipe bends, respectively, upon exceeding ␣⫽ kinematic hardening back stress
the shakedown limit moments outputted by the simplified tech- ␯⫽ Poisson’s ratio
nique for the 0 – 0.8PY steady internal pressure spectrum employ- ␴E⫽ elastic stress components
ing both the EPP- and the KH-materials under IPC, IPO, and OP ␴ELPL ⫽ elastic-plastic stress components
bending moment loadings. ␴r ⫽ residual stress components
␧0 ⫽ material initial yield strain
6 Conclusion
Subsequent to analyzing the output results of Sec. 5, the fol-
lowing concluding remarks could be pinpointed: References
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031207-12 / Vol. 133, JUNE 2011 Transactions of the ASME

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